Classics will always be classics, especially when they still do things most modern games can't be bothered to include. Your experience was similar to mine with Goldeneye, it was all about the single player, although I still did play a bunch of the multiplayer, but yes, the additional single player content doesn't get enough priase. Fantastic and fun review!
Hey man, you good? I love this channel, your reviews are both hilarious and spot on information-wise. I’ve binged them more times than I can count. Hopefully there’s more to come. I was eagerly awaiting a Doom 64 review. Lol All the best, dude. 👍
Remind me to never make you angry, by hiding your flashlight but leaving a towel handy, while your driving. Great review, as a game based on a film I do wonder if GoldenEye is the most faithful to its film counter part, of any game ever? What would make a top five, I can barely think of any.
😂🤣😂 Most faithful? Damn! That's a good one. Here's my Top 5 Most Faithful Film to Game Translations.... 01. GoldenEye 007 (N64) 02. The World is Not Enough (N64) - Just started playing this one, and it does a damn fine job thus far. 03. Demolition Man (Genesis/SEGA CD) - There's three levels that deviate from the film, but they fit the narrative and tone quite nicely, much like those early levels in GoldenEye. However, how they didn't have one fucking stage in which you beat ass outside Taco Bell is beyond me. 04. Batman: The Video Game (Genesis) - This one's pretty solid. Like the games mentioned above, a few levels don't represent a particular set piece from the movie, but still fit the theme well. 05. The Terminator (SMS/Genesis/SEGA CD) - With the exception of the Sega CD version, they're in lockstep with the film, minus the car and motorcycle chases. The Sega CD version is more in line with the titles mentioned above. Adds to the experience without betraying what it represents. Now there may be games that are even more faithful to their respective license, but these titles - in my opinion - are the most entertaining. Honorable mention to Batman Returns on SMS. Takes some liberties in that it has *way* more action than the movie itself, but it's a lot of fun.
Great review. Goldeneye was also my first Bond movie I watched at the Cinema it is still among my favorite movies. I would consider Goldeneye also as the best Brosnan Bond . The game is also among my favourites. One the best FPS of all time. It covers the Bond atmosphere pretty well and the love for details in the game is still great up to this day. The different hitting points the enemies have still looks great. It always covers the feeling pretty well to be caught in gun fit with the shattering of glass and exploding computers. The fact that shelves are explosive as well in the goldeneye word is a bit weird but I did not care about it back then and I still do not care about even today.
The exploding shelves were to appease Michael Bay who had visited Rare around that time, because he was in talks to direct Tomorrow Never Dies. 😂🤣 I kid, I kid. That was almost a Jane Whittaker-level whopper. No, I've always found that strange myself. Kinda' like the trees in Godzilla Generations on Dreamcast. You'll trees with your tail and - boom! They go up in flame. It's pretty funny in retrospect. You ever play Tomorrow Never Dies on PSX? There was an ad for it on my GoldenEye tape. I never played it because, well, I saw that it wasn't like GoldenEye on N64 and promptly passed. Was that a mistake?
@@MasterCastTV yes i triee tomorow never dies out and it was decent. Not a masterpiece like Goldeneye. The music in that game was nice using the Bond Theme. The controls are horrible though even for the ps1 times. Syphon Filter had way better controls. The gameplay especially the short car segments are still fun. You can try it out just do not expect anything big.
Definitely got that Syphon Filter vibe from it, based solely on footage. I'm betting this is still a cheap date on PlayStation, so I'll look into it. Maybe I can do Tomorrow Never Dies, then follow it up with The World is Not Enough on N64. The Bond trilogy will be complete.... Yes, I'm ignoring Die Another Die. LOL!
🤣 Yeah, I can't listen to these people anymore. Just - what's so fucking hard to understand? My God, you even see people holding the damn thing in commercials, adverts, etc. If ya' can't figure it, there's plenty of visuals references to aid you, yet.... I swear, folks ain't got no game. Hahaha!
I never like it the N64 so much but Rare games were some of the reasons for why i bought the console in 2000 and Golden Eye is one of my favorite n64 games, it has one of the best single player campaing on FPS imo and i never touch the multiplayer hahaha. Awesome video as always, man.
It was the first time any of Nintendo's major properties like Mario and Zelda had any appeal to me. I tried the NES and Super NES games, but none of 'em held me for very long. For whatever oddball reason, Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time got me hooked. Rare's output, along with the Star Wars titles, the Castlevania (I know, I'm kind of in the minority there) kept me coming back.
So many things to say about this one. Nights and nights playing and replaying. I like how the gadgets in this one are more like the design came from the other eras even if you see those ones who are in the movie. This game is so cool i cant get how anyone can complain about the graphics or anything else, its like those dont matter anymore. Oh, the multiplayer is nice too.
-"piece of shit, come around that corner so I can shoot you!" -"you shit come around so I can shoot you!" This is how this shit was played multiplayer since you can see where the other players were at the same time , on the same screen and, on the same batchannel .....
That opening; I sometimes gotta explain to people how to use the controller in my live-streams, of trying to be every N64 game. What's so hard to understand? The buttons are on the right, so have your right hand always on the right prong. That leaves 2 other prongs: one in the middle with an analog stick, the other with a D-Pad..."ohh, I get it now! Put you left hand on the middle prong with the analog stick to play 3D games. If you are playing a 2D game, put the left hand on the left prong. I IS SMRT!" 🤪 2:32 I also mostly played it in single player. 2:53 "RARE" ha ,ha, ha. 3:50 Those people are phonies who barely play video games, if at all; they are in it for that youtube/review money. The game hasn't changed; it's the same game today, as it was back in 1997. If anything it's better. I played this with RF back then, now I have S-Video cables with a CRT TV(the way it was meant to be played), so it better now, to me.
Right? What's so hard to understand? I don't remember kids then struggling with it then as adults do now. Whenever I saw kids playing it at Toys "R" Us, back when they had like a bank of monitors and systems playing Mario and Pilotwings, they held the controller correctly. Did I just miss the tutorial held in the morning before they were allowed to touch 'em? Hahaha! That was a totally unintentional pun. Didn't even think of it. You played with RF? Shit! At that time, the only time I ever broke out an RF cable was for Atari 2600, ColecoVision, and the Genesis (we still had the old Model 1 that came packed with Altered Beast then).
Rough years. Funny though, because the TV in my Dreamcast kiosk only accepts RF. It's the most high-res console I have in my office, and it's hooked up to a 13" crap-box via RF.
@@MasterCastTV What were they thinking? Should have had a VGA monitor to really show off the Dreamcast's true visual quality. Looks like they went cheap on the TV.
Doesn't surprise me. Sega was struggling at that time. Don't get me wrong though, it still looks pretty fuckin' good via RF. Then again, it's only 13". You wouldn't see *that* much fine detail on such a small screen. Kills me though, because the Saturn and Jaguar cabinets I've seen looked way bigger with something closer to 20" displays. It's just sad.
I enjoyed playing with friends when I was a kid, but I had more fun trying to unlock the cheats by doing the single player levels over and over. It was always fun comparing stories with people about glitches or silly stuff that happens during the single player.
Very cool. The one thing that made me laugh, glitch-wise, is when soldiers start appearing *through* doors. They try to shoot just as the door closes. I hear muffled gunfire, I see muzzle flare, yet bullets aren't coming out. Then the door opens and they actually act as if they're frustrated. Hahaha!
I think the people who shit on this game are crazy. I recently went back to play this the worst way possible, via fucking composite cables on an HDTV, and at no point was I saying to myself “Wow, this sucks.” People also bitch about the controls, and yeah, it’s not dual analog sticks but are people THAT unable to adjust? The controls stop being an issue after like 10 mins of just getting reacclimated. After that I was mowing down Janus henchmen with ease thanks to the overly generous aim assist. The single player campaign is deep with plenty of replay value thanks to the additional objectives added in the difficulty levels, and the multiplayer is still fun as ever with three other friends.
Fuckin' A right, sir! I especially love that album. I'd listen to that shit while playing Twisted Metal 2. It just heightened the experience, like listening to Tool while playing Doom. Sheer perfection.
Goldeneye007 was my main party game in terms of multiplayer it was so much fun and the campaign was really good as well and the n64 controller isn't bad but the thumbstick was known for wear and tear and the visuals aren't bad.
I've never had issues with faulty thumb-sticks, and it's not like I wasn't playing the shit outta' these things. Honestly, I'm starting to wonder if people just treated their hardware like garbage back then. I mean, if more kids were playing this console, I kinda' get it. Kids aren't known for being gentle with plastic. Hahaha! Still, a lot of folks nowadays like to shit on them graphics.... Not gonna' lie, they look rough on an HD display via composite. When I'm unable to use a CRT, I may breakdown and buy those fancy cables. Until then, it just doesn't bother me.
DUDE! Yeah, imagine if games then kept track of that information. I forget which GTA it was, but when I looked up my stats and saw how many miles I had driven, walked, and so on, I was like, "Fuck! I can't even imagine doing that in real life!" Hahaha!
The bit at the beginning had my sides splitting. I think anyone who bitches that GoldenEye hasn't aged well is missing the point. It was extremely innovative for the time and I'd argue that few, if any shooters have come close to reaching the same level of gameplay for a single player experience since.
Nature of every generation to bury the past and declare theirs as Year Zero. Maybe more strident with this current crop, but the best they can muster is refinement of what came before. Ain't no revolution happening here.
Hahaha! Glad you dug it, bro. Yeah, I've seen plenty of games surpass it in regards to depth, but my taste hasn't really evolved with the times. Games then, I feel, kinda' struck the right balance of elements. Now, I'm not so sure. I think modern gaming is a bit to broad as far as AAA titles are concerned. Too big and bloated. Then again, to be fair, I've always been more of an arcade guy. I'm not the right audience perhaps.
@@MasterCastTV I do agree with a lot of games seeming too big and bloated, but, then again, I play classic doom, doom 64 and Wolfenstein 3d and other classic shooters most of the time, preferring them to their sequels and reboots, so you and I are probably similar in regards to tastes in games
@@MasterCastTV But yeah then again... it's pretty popular on social media to shit on old media such as like old video games, anime, comics, manga, movies and such just to go along with the growing trends and memes.... and for attention as well.
Fuck! I just joined that one. Wow! Yeah, I feel like folks were just kinda' wanting to have more sexy opinions. You know, like shock appeal. "Oh, he's a movie guy that hates The Godfather: Part II? Tell me more!" I'm like, nope. I don't mind liking popular shit. There's plenty of weird things I like, I don't need to be that extreme.
I still think it's a great game, it's only held back by the controller and hardware. Dang Nintendo prevented us from getting that HD Remaster like Perfect Dark got. I mean officially through legal purchase as someone did leak the Goldeneye Remaster online earlier this year. Really wish an indie or AA dev would take a crack at a spiritual successor. They haven't made an FPS game designed like Goldeneye/Perfect Dark since the Timesplitters Trilogy. Loved how changing the difficulty actually affected the gameplay more than just lowering the player's health or turning enemies into damage sponges.
I can't say it was held back by either. I mean, sure, it would have looked sleeker on GameCube, but I think the control's perfect. Honestly, I know I'm in the minority on this, but I think that Perfect Dark HD remaster is hideous. Again, that's just me. I can say objectively it looks cleaner, more colorful, sharper, whatever. Still, I can't bare to look at it. To me, it looks like ReBboot: The Next Generation. Did you try the GoldenEye 007 remake with Daniel Craig? Now *that* was fuckin' - weird. The difficulty was definitely cool, though I wish the enemies weren't bullet sponges. If anything, go ahead and lower Bond's resilience, but keep the enemies where they were initially. They can have the improved aim and such, though have the challenge come from players having to evade more; not pray they have enough ammo to kill a single soldier. Some of those bastards on the Secret Agent setting border on indestructible sometimes. I hesitate to play 00 Agent.
@Master-Cast TV, The best aspect of the Perfect Dark Remaster is it fixed the frame rate issues of the original. The game pushed the N64 to the breaking point. Quite similar to the original Killzone on PS2. I have played the Activision remake. And, it's okay, but definitely not a good remake like say RE1 2002 GC Remake. It's pretty much a bad CoD campaign with a 007 skin. Enemies can be cheap, but I did like how upping the difficulty in these style of games added additional objectives to acomplish and areas to explore. Most FPS games now are either giant boring open world time wasters with RPG elements, online only focused corporate crap, and tons of Indies copying the old school Doom/Quake labyrinth key finding style. We are finally getting some Indies trying to recapture the style of FEAR, but I haven't seen any yet doing what Goldeneye and Perfect Dark did. We are going to get a new Perfect Dark from a new dev on Xbox Series X. But it remains to be seen if it'll be any good given how bad most Xbox exclusives have been and in particular how bad Perfect Dark Zero was...
I never got to play Killzone on PS2; just its sequels, which I do enjoy. Really dug Killzone's 2 and 3. That may explain why I didn't like it. I'm not the biggest Call of Duty fan. War themes don't generally excite me unless they're futuristic in some wild way, or having strong horror themes. Like the Medal of Honor series? I couldn't get into it. Oh, I agree, those elements are awesome. That, and having those objectives tied to bonus content adds greater incentive to try 'em out. The whole bullet sponge thing I could've done without. It's like, when trying to escape Severnaya with Natalya, with how many rounds those bastards took I felt like I was going into a firefight with an army of Robocops. Hahaha! We definitely park our cars in the same garage there. I've tried playing some more modern first-person shooters and they just go on forever, or introduce elements that don't really jive with what I'm wanting. I'll accept that I'm the problem there. Whenever I think of first-person shooters, I think Doom, Quake, Duke Nukem 3D, GoldenEye 007. The shit we see now? It's one of the reasons I can't get into Turok 2, I think. It's trying to do so much, levels are enormous, and I just lose that moment? It's hard to explain for me. I'll have to explore that one more thoroughly. I never tried FEAR, but I've heard good things. I didn't get a PS3 until 2007 and it just got past me. I didn't pick up Zero. Was it that bad? Why didn't you like it? I've yet to watch a video on it.
@Master-Cast TV, You can play an HD Remaster for Killzone 1 on PS3. But it still isn't as good as 2 or 3. Futuristic eh? Titanfall 2 and CoD Infinite Warfare's campaigns got ya covered there. If ya want a more "realistic" horror of war game there's the upcoming Six Days In Fallujah. Natalya was one of the worst examples of escort missions. Unfortunately, Perfect Dark had a few escort missions too ugh. Turok 2 does have better weapons, AI, and death animations but man were the levels too big and cluttered. I do not recommend the PS3 port of FEAR 1. They did a much better job with the Xbox 360 port. PC is probably the best way to play them, but ya can play the entire franchise on Xbox 360 too. Perfect Dark Zero is not the worse FPS game ever made, but as a follow up to the N64 original? It's not a good sequel or I should say prequel as it is one. They completely changed the art style and tone from the original and it just did not work. It's a very rough game too that was likely rushed to launch with the Xbox 360 in 2005. The AI is pretty bad and the animations are jank. You can get Perfect Dark Zero pretty cheap now on most Xbox consoles as it is backwards compatible on Xbox One X and Xbox Series X as well as being included in the Rare Replay Collection.
No shit? Hmmm. I may look for it, because I *am* curious. Still, I'll keep my expectations in check. Tiitanfall? Haven't heard much about that one. I'll look it up later. Six Days in Fallujah sounds interesting based solely on the title. Natalya didn't bother me too much once I decided to start getting all the other objectives out of the way before escorting her. That being said, it's still a bit of a pain. The only other missions I hate are those in Driver where I have to follow a car. Same thing in GTA. Just - ugh! Frustrating as all fuck! I'm not into 360 (I've owned two in my day and they both suffered the RROD, which was odd to me because I didn't put in serious game time on either machine. First one was brand new, the second was a refurbished), and I don't really game on PC. I think the last PC game I played was The House of the Dead back in '99. Hahaha! Maybe I'll invest in a gaming PC some day. Not like a *serious* rig, but good enough to play some older titles.... In that vein, I would like to have something that can play the old Doom, Quake, Rise of the Triad, and maybe emulate some old arcade titles. There's a bunch I'd like to play again that never received a port or conversion, and it's not like I have a lot of arcades to visit these days. Jank animations? Fuck! I need to see some video on this now.
Bought an N64 at the time, just to play this and i had never been a Nintendo Fan. Sadly now all I can associate it with, is the serial bullshitter, Jane Whittaker 😭
Hear ya'. I wasn't a Nintendo fan either, but Nintendo 64 brought me 'round in a big way. Everything they've done since has yet to pull me back, yet their 64-bit "mistake" still gives me joy. As for Whittaker, he can't touch this. I mean, I've even managed to disconnect him from Alien vs. Predator. I think it's because of my love for their respective franchises being so deep rooted, and - in GoldenEye's case - having been such a big part of my childhood, Whittaker's like an unnecessary add-on.... He's a peripheral I can ignore, like the Jaguar CD. 😂🤣
@@MasterCastTV 😂 love it. A very apt anology, only a handful of big titles to eithers name, not the driving force, just a later edition. Once the N64 clicked for me, Starfox 64, Perfect Dark, Golden Eye, it became an essential system
Perfect Dark improved on every aspect of Goldeneye 007, but nobody bought that game except me. 😔 The N64 controller does suck, though. Kick ass video as well. 👍🏻
I wouldn't say every aspect, personally. Even in low-resolution, the frame-rate isn't as good as Bond. I know, because I'm the other guy that bought the game. LOL! I'll never agree with ya' there. Seriously, it fits comfortably in my hand whether I'm using the D-pad or the stick, and the buttons are responsive. Admittedly, if it had more fighting games, I'd take greater issue with the D-pad, though I'm okay with it otherwise. Controllers that suck, for me, will always be Intellivision and ColecoVision. Finally, thank you! 😁
It still looks great though. My favorite change is seeing blood from exit wounds hit the wall behind. Guess they didn't have to stick with that 'T' so hard with Perfect Dark. Also love the shift in tone with the music. Is it just me, or does it not have some Brad Fiedel (Terminator, Terminator 2: Judgement Day) vibes? Ugh! You fuck. Now I wanna' play Perfect Dark. I decided to re-play it a couple months ago and I got irritated with the level in which I disguise myself as a scientist.
@@MasterCastTV The choir in the soundtrack gives off mellotron vibes. Btw, I think the GameCube controller is MUCH worse than the N64’s. At least conventional gaming was possible with the N64 controller, but good luck with that on the GameCube!
Hahaha! I never did. Then again, I never had a problem with 'tank controls' or inverted handling. I'm an odd one. The only games I've really had a tough time with in regards to control are Turok, Seeds of Evil, and Nightmare Creatures. However, I think that has more to do with how they're programmed.
Two subjects I can't stand - N64 and James Bond. But damn if you can't make an entertaining video out of things I compare to a turd. Keep up the great videos. I love this channel.
😂🤣 Oh, c'mon. Turds? Dude, I get not everybody likes the same shit, but turds? Have you played CD-i? Have you tried Fight for Life on Jaguar? *Those* are turds.
@@MasterCastTV there's a lot of turds out there. But yeah, I am not fond at all of N64 and I just can't get into James Bond. But you be you and keep making great content. You could shadow a plumber from roto-rooter for a day and I'd watch it. You could make a colonoscopy look exciting. We may not agree on certain things all the time but I'll tune into whatever you make a video on because you, my friend, can definitely polish a turd and make it a diamond by the end. Again, this is one of my favorite channels and I always look forward to your videos. You da man!!!! 👍
Oh, I know, bro. Totally get it, and that's cool. I know folks that love on their Xbox, but it does nothing for me. You give me way too much credit, man. I mean, sure, I may be able to have fun with the Roto-Rooter guy. Is it sad I kinda' wanna' see how they work? As for the colonoscopy, that's a bit harder. Oddly enough, a part of me wants to say "challenge accepted". I know my wife would be pleased. She finds my refusal to go in for annual checkups most irritating, and I'm steadily approaching that dreaded age in which I'll probably have to. Ugh! Still, I can't polish every damn thing. Tried reviewing Slaughter Sport once and I just threw that shit away. Even I looked at it and thought, "When did I become The Irate Gamer." Yeah, it wasn't even worthy of an AVGN comparison. I was the discount mart version. I may try again. I really fuckin' hate that game though.
I played through this game last year and the first half of the game was pretty good, but then the second half.... didn't age well. The game design back then was quite different and a lot of sections were just plain cheap or came down to dumb luck if you could get past it. The game is still a lot of fun and I recommend it and yeah, it's kinda surprising how many people I run into today who crap on the N64 controller because they somehow never knew how to hold it, trying to grip the outside and reach all the way over with their thumb to the analog stick and then try to slide under to the Z button when every piece of media and game manual showed you how to hold the damn thing.
I can't say that. Admittedly, the Secret Agent (normal) setting feels a bit cheap. As another commenter put it, the enemies become bullet sponges and it gets rather irritating. The only area I hate is when you're trying to escape from the Severnaya instillation with Natalya. It's the first time in which stealth is sort of a requirement in order to survive. However, that's how I found the knives in the hole next to my cell and used the watch magnet to retrieve them. Also, it took me awhile to figure out that if I run far enough away from guards and hide, they'll give up their pursuit. Tough nut to crack here and there, but totally doable. Glad I'm not the only one that *got* how to use the damned controller. Hahaha!
Like what? Just looking at the list of more popular titles of that time (Quake II, Hexen II, Dark Forces II, Outlaws, Blood, etc) nothing's really screaming "more advanced". A couple had features later seen in GoldenEye, though we're talking months between 'em. Are you talking from a more subjective point, like by the time you personally got around to GoldenEye, or were there just games I missed?
@@MasterCastTV The examples that come to me off the top of my head are Terminator Future Shock and its semi-sequel Skynet, while utilizing 2D assets for the on screen player weapons(everything else was polygonal), had open-world exploration of the future war setting, complete with flying and driving levels. Even some of the sprite-based FPSes like Strife and CyberMage: Darklight Awakening had much deeper gameplay mechanics than what was usually being offered at the time. So when Goldeneye showed up with its flash and spectacle, I was like "I mean its really great for a movie game...but, what's the big deal?"
That's not unusual, really. Virtua Cop, Alien vs. Predator, Tempest 2000, the numerous movie licensed games I've covered on Genesis, not to mention a bulk of Resident Evil titles, I dive into more common titles here and there.
Aw shucks! Guess I'll run right out and buy me some RF cables.... Fuck! I can't even joke about that. Tried doing the RF thing with Atari 2600 and I couldn't look at it. Way too much snow.
Classics will always be classics, especially when they still do things most modern games can't be bothered to include. Your experience was similar to mine with Goldeneye, it was all about the single player, although I still did play a bunch of the multiplayer, but yes, the additional single player content doesn't get enough priase.
Fantastic and fun review!
Thanks, man. I appreciate it. Since playing this I've been on a Bond kick. However, I refuse to go anywhere near Die Another Day. 😂
Yah new MasterCast!
Yep! Five episodes in a month. I must be dying. 😛🤣
Hey man, you good? I love this channel, your reviews are both hilarious and spot on information-wise. I’ve binged them more times than I can count. Hopefully there’s more to come. I was eagerly awaiting a Doom 64 review. Lol All the best, dude. 👍
I used to have my n64 hooked up to my stereo, you play this game through your hifi and it is life changing. The music and explosions are unreal.
Damn! I don't have a hi-fi setup in my office/game room. Now, I'm thinking I need one.
My dad played Quake 64 like that. Vores haunt my waking nightmares
@@MasterCastTV you gotta do it, you won't regret it.
Remind me to never make you angry, by hiding your flashlight but leaving a towel handy, while your driving.
Great review, as a game based on a film I do wonder if GoldenEye is the most faithful to its film counter part, of any game ever? What would make a top five, I can barely think of any.
Most faithful? Damn! That's a good one. Here's my Top 5 Most Faithful Film to Game Translations....
01. GoldenEye 007 (N64)
02. The World is Not Enough (N64) - Just started playing this one, and it does a damn fine job thus far.
03. Demolition Man (Genesis/SEGA CD) - There's three levels that deviate from the film, but they fit the narrative and tone quite nicely, much like those early levels in GoldenEye. However, how they didn't have one fucking stage in which you beat ass outside Taco Bell is beyond me.
04. Batman: The Video Game (Genesis) - This one's pretty solid. Like the games mentioned above, a few levels don't represent a particular set piece from the movie, but still fit the theme well.
05. The Terminator (SMS/Genesis/SEGA CD) - With the exception of the Sega CD version, they're in lockstep with the film, minus the car and motorcycle chases. The Sega CD version is more in line with the titles mentioned above. Adds to the experience without betraying what it represents.
Now there may be games that are even more faithful to their respective license, but these titles - in my opinion - are the most entertaining.
Honorable mention to Batman Returns on SMS. Takes some liberties in that it has *way* more action than the movie itself, but it's a lot of fun.
Great review. Goldeneye was also my first Bond movie I watched at the Cinema it is still among my favorite movies. I would consider Goldeneye also as the best Brosnan Bond . The game is also among my favourites. One the best FPS of all time. It covers the Bond atmosphere pretty well and the love for details in the game is still great up to this day. The different hitting points the enemies have still looks great. It always covers the feeling pretty well to be caught in gun fit with the shattering of glass and exploding computers. The fact that shelves are explosive as well in the goldeneye word is a bit weird but I did not care about it back then and I still do not care about even today.
The exploding shelves were to appease Michael Bay who had visited Rare around that time, because he was in talks to direct Tomorrow Never Dies. 😂🤣 I kid, I kid. That was almost a Jane Whittaker-level whopper. No, I've always found that strange myself. Kinda' like the trees in Godzilla Generations on Dreamcast. You'll trees with your tail and - boom! They go up in flame. It's pretty funny in retrospect.
You ever play Tomorrow Never Dies on PSX? There was an ad for it on my GoldenEye tape. I never played it because, well, I saw that it wasn't like GoldenEye on N64 and promptly passed. Was that a mistake?
@@MasterCastTV yes i triee tomorow never dies out and it was decent. Not a masterpiece like Goldeneye. The music in that game was nice using the Bond Theme. The controls are horrible though even for the ps1 times. Syphon Filter had way better controls. The gameplay especially the short car segments are still fun. You can try it out just do not expect anything big.
Definitely got that Syphon Filter vibe from it, based solely on footage. I'm betting this is still a cheap date on PlayStation, so I'll look into it. Maybe I can do Tomorrow Never Dies, then follow it up with The World is Not Enough on N64. The Bond trilogy will be complete....
Yes, I'm ignoring Die Another Die. LOL!
@@MasterCastTV The world is not enough on N64 is a nice game. No match to Goldeneye but still a good game I would recommend.
That makes me feel a bit better. Wasn't the biggest EA fan then, so it kinda' put me off.
Awesome way to start it off, haha. Good stuff man. As usual.
🤣 Yeah, I can't listen to these people anymore. Just - what's so fucking hard to understand? My God, you even see people holding the damn thing in commercials, adverts, etc. If ya' can't figure it, there's plenty of visuals references to aid you, yet....
I swear, folks ain't got no game. Hahaha!
I never like it the N64 so much but Rare games were some of the reasons for why i bought the console in 2000 and Golden Eye is one of my favorite n64 games, it has one of the best single player campaing on FPS imo and i never touch the multiplayer hahaha. Awesome video as always, man.
It was the first time any of Nintendo's major properties like Mario and Zelda had any appeal to me. I tried the NES and Super NES games, but none of 'em held me for very long. For whatever oddball reason, Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time got me hooked. Rare's output, along with the Star Wars titles, the Castlevania (I know, I'm kind of in the minority there) kept me coming back.
So many things to say about this one. Nights and nights playing and replaying. I like how the gadgets in this one are more like the design came from the other eras even if you see those ones who are in the movie. This game is so cool i cant get how anyone can complain about the graphics or anything else, its like those dont matter anymore. Oh, the multiplayer is nice too.
-"piece of shit, come around that corner so I can shoot you!"
-"you shit come around so I can shoot you!"
This is how this shit was played multiplayer since you can see where the other players were at the same time , on the same screen and, on the same batchannel .....
That opening; I sometimes gotta explain to people how to use the controller in my live-streams, of trying to be every N64 game. What's so hard to understand? The buttons are on the right, so have your right hand always on the right prong. That leaves 2 other prongs: one in the middle with an analog stick, the other with a D-Pad..."ohh, I get it now! Put you left hand on the middle prong with the analog stick to play 3D games. If you are playing a 2D game, put the left hand on the left prong. I IS SMRT!" 🤪
2:32 I also mostly played it in single player.
2:53 "RARE" ha ,ha, ha.
3:50 Those people are phonies who barely play video games, if at all; they are in it for that youtube/review money. The game hasn't changed; it's the same game today, as it was back in 1997. If anything it's better. I played this with RF back then, now I have S-Video cables with a CRT TV(the way it was meant to be played), so it better now, to me.
Right? What's so hard to understand? I don't remember kids then struggling with it then as adults do now. Whenever I saw kids playing it at Toys "R" Us, back when they had like a bank of monitors and systems playing Mario and Pilotwings, they held the controller correctly. Did I just miss the tutorial held in the morning before they were allowed to touch 'em? Hahaha!
That was a totally unintentional pun. Didn't even think of it.
You played with RF? Shit! At that time, the only time I ever broke out an RF cable was for Atari 2600, ColecoVision, and the Genesis (we still had the old Model 1 that came packed with Altered Beast then).
@@MasterCastTV The TV I had was from the 80's and only had an RF input. Didn't start using composite until the Dreamcast.
Rough years. Funny though, because the TV in my Dreamcast kiosk only accepts RF. It's the most high-res console I have in my office, and it's hooked up to a 13" crap-box via RF.
@@MasterCastTV What were they thinking? Should have had a VGA monitor to really show off the Dreamcast's true visual quality. Looks like they went cheap on the TV.
Doesn't surprise me. Sega was struggling at that time. Don't get me wrong though, it still looks pretty fuckin' good via RF. Then again, it's only 13". You wouldn't see *that* much fine detail on such a small screen. Kills me though, because the Saturn and Jaguar cabinets I've seen looked way bigger with something closer to 20" displays. It's just sad.
Yeah, the game still looks great on a crt! It's in my n64 right now actually
NICE! I was taping game play of Nightmare Creatures, but got fed up and threw GoldenEye back in to get my blood up. Hahaha!
I enjoyed playing with friends when I was a kid, but I had more fun trying to unlock the cheats by doing the single player levels over and over. It was always fun comparing stories with people about glitches or silly stuff that happens during the single player.
Very cool. The one thing that made me laugh, glitch-wise, is when soldiers start appearing *through* doors. They try to shoot just as the door closes. I hear muffled gunfire, I see muzzle flare, yet bullets aren't coming out. Then the door opens and they actually act as if they're frustrated. Hahaha!
I think the people who shit on this game are crazy. I recently went back to play this the worst way possible, via fucking composite cables on an HDTV, and at no point was I saying to myself “Wow, this sucks.” People also bitch about the controls, and yeah, it’s not dual analog sticks but are people THAT unable to adjust? The controls stop being an issue after like 10 mins of just getting reacclimated. After that I was mowing down Janus henchmen with ease thanks to the overly generous aim assist. The single player campaign is deep with plenty of replay value thanks to the additional objectives added in the difficulty levels, and the multiplayer is still fun as ever with three other friends.
Awesome content again.. fan of the Offspring?
Fuckin' A right, sir! I especially love that album. I'd listen to that shit while playing Twisted Metal 2. It just heightened the experience, like listening to Tool while playing Doom. Sheer perfection.
I grew up with golden eye I love that game and the intro lol
Thanks, bro! I appreciate it. I won't lie though, there are days in which I'd like to enjoy a good death-match.
@@MasterCastTV yep
Goldeneye007 was my main party game in terms of multiplayer it was so much fun and the campaign was really good as well and the n64 controller isn't bad but the thumbstick was known for wear and tear and the visuals aren't bad.
I've never had issues with faulty thumb-sticks, and it's not like I wasn't playing the shit outta' these things. Honestly, I'm starting to wonder if people just treated their hardware like garbage back then. I mean, if more kids were playing this console, I kinda' get it. Kids aren't known for being gentle with plastic. Hahaha! Still, a lot of folks nowadays like to shit on them graphics....
Not gonna' lie, they look rough on an HD display via composite. When I'm unable to use a CRT, I may breakdown and buy those fancy cables. Until then, it just doesn't bother me.
lol the hot take voice 😂 so true
Right? 🤣
Played this game for years with friends......wish I knew how many hours I put into playing multiplayer.
DUDE! Yeah, imagine if games then kept track of that information. I forget which GTA it was, but when I looked up my stats and saw how many miles I had driven, walked, and so on, I was like, "Fuck! I can't even imagine doing that in real life!" Hahaha!
The bit at the beginning had my sides splitting. I think anyone who bitches that GoldenEye hasn't aged well is missing the point. It was extremely innovative for the time and I'd argue that few, if any shooters have come close to reaching the same level of gameplay for a single player experience since.
Nature of every generation to bury the past and declare theirs as Year Zero.
Maybe more strident with this current crop, but the best they can muster is refinement of what came before.
Ain't no revolution happening here.
Hahaha! Glad you dug it, bro.
Yeah, I've seen plenty of games surpass it in regards to depth, but my taste hasn't really evolved with the times. Games then, I feel, kinda' struck the right balance of elements. Now, I'm not so sure. I think modern gaming is a bit to broad as far as AAA titles are concerned. Too big and bloated. Then again, to be fair, I've always been more of an arcade guy. I'm not the right audience perhaps.
@@MasterCastTV I do agree with a lot of games seeming too big and bloated, but, then again, I play classic doom, doom 64 and Wolfenstein 3d and other classic shooters most of the time, preferring them to their sequels and reboots, so you and I are probably similar in regards to tastes in games
3:51 Oh yeah dude i've seen people shit on Goldeneye on facebook including an N64 Group that i'm apart of and i'm like "Wow really?".
Ha! I think I may be in that same group. 🤣😂
@@MasterCastTV Yeah it's called the Nintendo 64 (N64) Super Group.
@@MasterCastTV But yeah then again... it's pretty popular on social media to shit on old media such as like old video games, anime, comics, manga, movies and such just to go along with the growing trends and memes.... and for attention as well.
Fuck! I just joined that one. Wow!
Yeah, I feel like folks were just kinda' wanting to have more sexy opinions. You know, like shock appeal. "Oh, he's a movie guy that hates The Godfather: Part II? Tell me more!" I'm like, nope. I don't mind liking popular shit. There's plenty of weird things I like, I don't need to be that extreme.
Everyone I know loves Golden eye on n64. It's in the top 5 at the very least
This game was incredible, what anyone says that is bad is bs
I swear, the folks whose hatred is that intense for this game, I'm fairly certain it's for attention.
I still think it's a great game, it's only held back by the controller and hardware.
Dang Nintendo prevented us from getting that HD Remaster like Perfect Dark got. I mean officially through legal purchase as someone did leak the Goldeneye Remaster online earlier this year.
Really wish an indie or AA dev would take a crack at a spiritual successor. They haven't made an FPS game designed like Goldeneye/Perfect Dark since the Timesplitters Trilogy.
Loved how changing the difficulty actually affected the gameplay more than just lowering the player's health or turning enemies into damage sponges.
I can't say it was held back by either. I mean, sure, it would have looked sleeker on GameCube, but I think the control's perfect. Honestly, I know I'm in the minority on this, but I think that Perfect Dark HD remaster is hideous. Again, that's just me. I can say objectively it looks cleaner, more colorful, sharper, whatever. Still, I can't bare to look at it. To me, it looks like ReBboot: The Next Generation.
Did you try the GoldenEye 007 remake with Daniel Craig? Now *that* was fuckin' - weird.
The difficulty was definitely cool, though I wish the enemies weren't bullet sponges. If anything, go ahead and lower Bond's resilience, but keep the enemies where they were initially. They can have the improved aim and such, though have the challenge come from players having to evade more; not pray they have enough ammo to kill a single soldier. Some of those bastards on the Secret Agent setting border on indestructible sometimes. I hesitate to play 00 Agent.
@Master-Cast TV, The best aspect of the Perfect Dark Remaster is it fixed the frame rate issues of the original. The game pushed the N64 to the breaking point. Quite similar to the original Killzone on PS2.
I have played the Activision remake. And, it's okay, but definitely not a good remake like say RE1 2002 GC Remake. It's pretty much a bad CoD campaign with a 007 skin.
Enemies can be cheap, but I did like how upping the difficulty in these style of games added additional objectives to acomplish and areas to explore.
Most FPS games now are either giant boring open world time wasters with RPG elements, online only focused corporate crap, and tons of Indies copying the old school Doom/Quake labyrinth key finding style.
We are finally getting some Indies trying to recapture the style of FEAR, but I haven't seen any yet doing what Goldeneye and Perfect Dark did.
We are going to get a new Perfect Dark from a new dev on Xbox Series X. But it remains to be seen if it'll be any good given how bad most Xbox exclusives have been and in particular how bad Perfect Dark Zero was...
I never got to play Killzone on PS2; just its sequels, which I do enjoy. Really dug Killzone's 2 and 3.
That may explain why I didn't like it. I'm not the biggest Call of Duty fan. War themes don't generally excite me unless they're futuristic in some wild way, or having strong horror themes. Like the Medal of Honor series? I couldn't get into it.
Oh, I agree, those elements are awesome. That, and having those objectives tied to bonus content adds greater incentive to try 'em out. The whole bullet sponge thing I could've done without. It's like, when trying to escape Severnaya with Natalya, with how many rounds those bastards took I felt like I was going into a firefight with an army of Robocops. Hahaha!
We definitely park our cars in the same garage there. I've tried playing some more modern first-person shooters and they just go on forever, or introduce elements that don't really jive with what I'm wanting. I'll accept that I'm the problem there. Whenever I think of first-person shooters, I think Doom, Quake, Duke Nukem 3D, GoldenEye 007. The shit we see now? It's one of the reasons I can't get into Turok 2, I think. It's trying to do so much, levels are enormous, and I just lose that moment? It's hard to explain for me. I'll have to explore that one more thoroughly.
I never tried FEAR, but I've heard good things. I didn't get a PS3 until 2007 and it just got past me.
I didn't pick up Zero. Was it that bad? Why didn't you like it? I've yet to watch a video on it.
@Master-Cast TV, You can play an HD Remaster for Killzone 1 on PS3. But it still isn't as good as 2 or 3.
Futuristic eh? Titanfall 2 and CoD Infinite Warfare's campaigns got ya covered there. If ya want a more "realistic" horror of war game there's the upcoming Six Days In Fallujah.
Natalya was one of the worst examples of escort missions. Unfortunately, Perfect Dark had a few escort missions too ugh.
Turok 2 does have better weapons, AI, and death animations but man were the levels too big and cluttered.
I do not recommend the PS3 port of FEAR 1. They did a much better job with the Xbox 360 port. PC is probably the best way to play them, but ya can play the entire franchise on Xbox 360 too.
Perfect Dark Zero is not the worse FPS game ever made, but as a follow up to the N64 original? It's not a good sequel or I should say prequel as it is one.
They completely changed the art style and tone from the original and it just did not work. It's a very rough game too that was likely rushed to launch with the Xbox 360 in 2005. The AI is pretty bad and the animations are jank.
You can get Perfect Dark Zero pretty cheap now on most Xbox consoles as it is backwards compatible on Xbox One X and Xbox Series X as well as being included in the Rare Replay Collection.
No shit? Hmmm. I may look for it, because I *am* curious. Still, I'll keep my expectations in check.
Tiitanfall? Haven't heard much about that one. I'll look it up later. Six Days in Fallujah sounds interesting based solely on the title.
Natalya didn't bother me too much once I decided to start getting all the other objectives out of the way before escorting her. That being said, it's still a bit of a pain. The only other missions I hate are those in Driver where I have to follow a car. Same thing in GTA. Just - ugh! Frustrating as all fuck!
I'm not into 360 (I've owned two in my day and they both suffered the RROD, which was odd to me because I didn't put in serious game time on either machine. First one was brand new, the second was a refurbished), and I don't really game on PC. I think the last PC game I played was The House of the Dead back in '99. Hahaha! Maybe I'll invest in a gaming PC some day. Not like a *serious* rig, but good enough to play some older titles....
In that vein, I would like to have something that can play the old Doom, Quake, Rise of the Triad, and maybe emulate some old arcade titles. There's a bunch I'd like to play again that never received a port or conversion, and it's not like I have a lot of arcades to visit these days.
Jank animations? Fuck! I need to see some video on this now.
What up Andrew?? 🤙🏼
Dude! Other than my blood pressure, not much. 😁
How 'bout you? You're slipping, bro. I haven't seen a 'first' in ages. You're making me sad. Hahaha!
@@MasterCastTV Haha those were the days. 😆
Keep the videos coming bro!
Bought an N64 at the time, just to play this and i had never been a Nintendo Fan.
Sadly now all I can associate it with, is the serial bullshitter, Jane Whittaker 😭
Hear ya'. I wasn't a Nintendo fan either, but Nintendo 64 brought me 'round in a big way. Everything they've done since has yet to pull me back, yet their 64-bit "mistake" still gives me joy.
As for Whittaker, he can't touch this. I mean, I've even managed to disconnect him from Alien vs. Predator. I think it's because of my love for their respective franchises being so deep rooted, and - in GoldenEye's case - having been such a big part of my childhood, Whittaker's like an unnecessary add-on....
He's a peripheral I can ignore, like the Jaguar CD. 😂🤣
@@MasterCastTV 😂 love it. A very apt anology, only a handful of big titles to eithers name, not the driving force, just a later edition.
Once the N64 clicked for me, Starfox 64, Perfect Dark, Golden Eye, it became an essential system
Perfect Dark improved on every aspect of Goldeneye 007, but nobody bought that game except me. 😔
The N64 controller does suck, though.
Kick ass video as well. 👍🏻
I wouldn't say every aspect, personally. Even in low-resolution, the frame-rate isn't as good as Bond. I know, because I'm the other guy that bought the game. LOL!
I'll never agree with ya' there. Seriously, it fits comfortably in my hand whether I'm using the D-pad or the stick, and the buttons are responsive. Admittedly, if it had more fighting games, I'd take greater issue with the D-pad, though I'm okay with it otherwise. Controllers that suck, for me, will always be Intellivision and ColecoVision.
Finally, thank you! 😁
@@MasterCastTV I stand corrected. Almost every aspect. lol
It still looks great though. My favorite change is seeing blood from exit wounds hit the wall behind. Guess they didn't have to stick with that 'T' so hard with Perfect Dark. Also love the shift in tone with the music. Is it just me, or does it not have some Brad Fiedel (Terminator, Terminator 2: Judgement Day) vibes?
Ugh! You fuck. Now I wanna' play Perfect Dark. I decided to re-play it a couple months ago and I got irritated with the level in which I disguise myself as a scientist.
@@MasterCastTV The choir in the soundtrack gives off mellotron vibes.
Btw, I think the GameCube controller is MUCH worse than the N64’s. At least conventional gaming was possible with the N64 controller, but good luck with that on the GameCube!
I had a real hard time aiming with that analogue butt plug back in the day...
Hahaha! I never did. Then again, I never had a problem with 'tank controls' or inverted handling. I'm an odd one.
The only games I've really had a tough time with in regards to control are Turok, Seeds of Evil, and Nightmare Creatures. However, I think that has more to do with how they're programmed.
You must have a real limber sphincter...
Tight as a drum. 😉😘
Two subjects I can't stand - N64 and James Bond. But damn if you can't make an entertaining video out of things I compare to a turd. Keep up the great videos. I love this channel.
😂🤣 Oh, c'mon. Turds? Dude, I get not everybody likes the same shit, but turds? Have you played CD-i? Have you tried Fight for Life on Jaguar? *Those* are turds.
@@MasterCastTV there's a lot of turds out there. But yeah, I am not fond at all of N64 and I just can't get into James Bond. But you be you and keep making great content. You could shadow a plumber from roto-rooter for a day and I'd watch it. You could make a colonoscopy look exciting. We may not agree on certain things all the time but I'll tune into whatever you make a video on because you, my friend, can definitely polish a turd and make it a diamond by the end. Again, this is one of my favorite channels and I always look forward to your videos. You da man!!!! 👍
Oh, I know, bro. Totally get it, and that's cool. I know folks that love on their Xbox, but it does nothing for me.
You give me way too much credit, man. I mean, sure, I may be able to have fun with the Roto-Rooter guy. Is it sad I kinda' wanna' see how they work? As for the colonoscopy, that's a bit harder. Oddly enough, a part of me wants to say "challenge accepted". I know my wife would be pleased. She finds my refusal to go in for annual checkups most irritating, and I'm steadily approaching that dreaded age in which I'll probably have to. Ugh! Still, I can't polish every damn thing. Tried reviewing Slaughter Sport once and I just threw that shit away. Even I looked at it and thought, "When did I become The Irate Gamer." Yeah, it wasn't even worthy of an AVGN comparison. I was the discount mart version.
I may try again. I really fuckin' hate that game though.
I played through this game last year and the first half of the game was pretty good, but then the second half.... didn't age well. The game design back then was quite different and a lot of sections were just plain cheap or came down to dumb luck if you could get past it. The game is still a lot of fun and I recommend it and yeah, it's kinda surprising how many people I run into today who crap on the N64 controller because they somehow never knew how to hold it, trying to grip the outside and reach all the way over with their thumb to the analog stick and then try to slide under to the Z button when every piece of media and game manual showed you how to hold the damn thing.
I can't say that. Admittedly, the Secret Agent (normal) setting feels a bit cheap. As another commenter put it, the enemies become bullet sponges and it gets rather irritating. The only area I hate is when you're trying to escape from the Severnaya instillation with Natalya. It's the first time in which stealth is sort of a requirement in order to survive. However, that's how I found the knives in the hole next to my cell and used the watch magnet to retrieve them. Also, it took me awhile to figure out that if I run far enough away from guards and hide, they'll give up their pursuit. Tough nut to crack here and there, but totally doable.
Glad I'm not the only one that *got* how to use the damned controller. Hahaha!
Goldeneye didn't do a damned thing for me, but then again, I was used to playing much more advanced FPS games on the PC.
Like what? Just looking at the list of more popular titles of that time (Quake II, Hexen II, Dark Forces II, Outlaws, Blood, etc) nothing's really screaming "more advanced". A couple had features later seen in GoldenEye, though we're talking months between 'em. Are you talking from a more subjective point, like by the time you personally got around to GoldenEye, or were there just games I missed?
@@MasterCastTV The examples that come to me off the top of my head are Terminator Future Shock and its semi-sequel Skynet, while utilizing 2D assets for the on screen player weapons(everything else was polygonal), had open-world exploration of the future war setting, complete with flying and driving levels. Even some of the sprite-based FPSes like Strife and CyberMage: Darklight Awakening had much deeper gameplay mechanics than what was usually being offered at the time. So when Goldeneye showed up with its flash and spectacle, I was like "I mean its really great for a movie game...but, what's the big deal?"
Goldeneye? How mainstream of you!
That's not unusual, really. Virtua Cop, Alien vs. Predator, Tempest 2000, the numerous movie licensed games I've covered on Genesis, not to mention a bulk of Resident Evil titles, I dive into more common titles here and there.
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Aw shucks! Guess I'll run right out and buy me some RF cables....
Fuck! I can't even joke about that. Tried doing the RF thing with Atari 2600 and I couldn't look at it. Way too much snow.
@@MasterCastTV I turned the quality down to 144p and that was acceptable