Star Wars: Rogue Squadron (N64) Review - Master-Cast TV
- Опубликовано: 8 фев 2025
- #StarWars #Nintendo64 #retrogaming
Cut the chatter, folks. Andrew Rosa's gonna' hop in an X-wing and blow something up in his review for Star Wars: Rogue Squadron on Nintendo 64...
You know what? I have a good feeling about this.
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Dude I'm loving your videos, your editing and clips used are right up my street. Factor Five were Crom tier on Nintendo platforms and this is indeed a freaking great game, awesome review, ending was hilarious too.
There really were a lot of great Star wars games in the mid 90s to early 00's. We really could use another flight based game
This game brings back some great memories
That's nice to read. Someone in a group felt I was way too generous and kept pressing it. Ya' know, "It's so one-note and ugly. Really hasn't aged well." Once the guy likened it to GoldenEye 007 in how overrated it is, I just tuned out. 😝😆
5:47 I can't believe people actually use the controller like that; I don't understand why a lot of people have a hard time with the N64 controller, I never had a problem, even when I 1st played it when I was 9 years old.
6:43 The variety is why Shadows Of The Empire is my favorite Star Wars game. As for the ranking of best to least of the 4 Star Wars games on the N64, it would go by release order: SOTE best, RS 2nd, Pod Racer 3rd, and BFN in last. I did a video where I play one level of each of the 4 games.
I still gotta get all the gold medals in this game; I hate how you have to do more than just get a fast time, it's too much to worry about and remember.
5:47 - THANK YOU! I'm not alone. So strange too, because I remember folks singing its praises back in the day. Not ideal for fighting games, no, but there weren't many to begin with. Really didn't hear from detractors until a few years back. To me, it's kinda' like how many players will say GoldenEye 007 is a shitty game now. I'm like, "Where the fuck did that come from?"
6:43 - The variety is nice, for sure, though it loses points with me for the floaty control and heavily compressed score.
@@MasterCastTV Goldeneye is one my all time favorite games, I also noticed a lot of people now say it's shitty game because of the controls. Well, I have no problem with the controls, so the problem isn't the game, the problem is themselves.
I totally agree, man. It remains one of my favorite games to this day. I think it may still be my favorite movie-licensed game, along with Die Hard Arcade.
This is probably one of the few non anime titles that I would like to play. I remember watching my friends play this title all the time back in university and I was enthralled with how wonderful the gameplay was and how a lot of the levels had a nice challenge factor to them.
Hey, if you're ever interested, it's still cheap as fuck. Unless, of course, you just wanna' emulate it. There is a PC version available.
Are you gonna review Battle for Naboo? Factor 5 even improved Squadron engine for that late N64 release.
oh man the nostalgia bomb did hit me hart with this one!
thanks for the vid! i did sub u for this :)
for me the best star wars games on the good old ps1 and n64 are:
- episode1 a phatom menace
- rogue squadron
- shadows of the empire
- battle for naboo
- jedi power battles
these games almost make me hallucinating my childhood again and bring me on a full nostaltrip :D
good times!!
Also of note, is the PC port. It came out around the time that games were really embracing 3D acceleration. So imagine the N64 game, but in 1078x768, running at a buttery smooth frame rate. Thankfully, like most other classic Star Wars games, that one can be bought on or Steam and runs on modern OSes.
so darn amazingly cool, isn't it?
You beautiful bastard...
LMAO! That's a new one.
I played shadow of the empire more than Rouge squadron but i can see why it's a good game.
"Shadows" is still a damn good game. I love the variety it offers, as well as the length. Rogue Squadron scores higher for me mostly because it has more polish in control, visuals and audio. My one major strike against it is hit-detection in certain areas. That shit's incredibly annoying when you're going for a gold medal.
Thanks a lot for the review. I never played this one yet. The only Star Wars game I played on the n64 was Shadows of the Empire. But as a big fan of the gamecube rogue squadron games the N64 rogue squadron is on my to play list . Watching your video just confirmed my initial impression that Rogue Squadron seems to be a good Star Wars Game. Will get a copy soon and play it myself.
I don't care all that much for Star Wars and even less for the N64, but as long as YOU do the video, I'll watch it.👍
One Hell of a compliment, sir. Thank you. 😊
As i said in the other video. Actually i forgot but probably said i love this game and stuff. And lack some speed sometimes. But its very good.
The Playstation may have had more Star Wars games, but the N64 had better ones.
I'm inclined to agree. Jedi Power Battles is incredibly tedious and The Phantom Menace is just... Whoof! I did not like that game. I've yet to go back since it first came out. The only Star Wars game's on the platform I enjoyed were Dark Forces and Tara Kasi. That's it.
Though none of the Star Wars games on any platform beats Tie Figther, in my opinion. The MS-DOS collector's CD Rom edition was a masterstroke.
Rogue Squadron was definitely a very good game. I disagree with you on one thing and it's very minor. The voice acting in this title was not strange for its time. You have to consider this was the 32-bit age. We were very surprised at the beginning of the 16-bit era with clear speech being in games. That all really changed when the advent of the Turbo CD and Sega CD. We had games...that would not shut up. Further the beginning of Super Metroid literally blew our minds at the time. The entire story intro was spoken and it was damn clear. Before that I was under the impression that you needed a Neo Geo AES to get that kind of voice work in the home (que Samurai Shodown) or at the time, the mighty 3DO. I mean even the Jaguar had some phenomenal speech in their games.
We can all thank the year 1993 as a literal arms race started and it was unlike anything we have ever seen. By the close of 1992 Sega and Nintendo were the industry standard. The Neo Geo was a cut above and everyone wanted one. At the dawn of 1993 the industry was flipped onto its head. The 3DO launched and graphics leaped foward a generation. Even the then cutting edge Sega CD looked like a toy in comparison. The Jaguar followed in 1994 that forced Sega of America to jump the shark with the 32X. This too me was a learning tool for Nintendo and Sony as they sat back in the shadows watching these companies battle it out while burning capital. Unfortunately, Sega missed the memo...the 3D games were coming and both Nintendo and Sony chose their hardware setups very wisely.
Once the Saturn and PlayStation launched Nintendo knew they better be able to present CD quality audio or they would fall just like Sega was doing at the time (makes me sad). Nintendo was a year late to the party but (I'm loath to say it) they actually brought impressive hardware to the scene. The N64 was capable of delivering Red Book audio through a cartridge (that was crazy at the time). Even though it was painfully stupid for them to stick with the old cart formula (it's why Sony destroyed them) they did do it with style.
I actually attempted to skip the N64 all together in 1996. My roommate bought one the day it released and I made fun of him up until I saw him playing Mario 64 in our living room. I pretended to go get "snacks" and paused the game I was playing just to try and find one at launch (not happening). I got one during the second batch in 1996. Man...did I eat my fucking words that night. So in summation the N64 had excellent audio on par with both the Saturn and PlayStation. Hell, play Perfect Dark and you will here loads of speech that is crystal clear. Actually, I don't see a review for Perfect Dark, go play it will thank me later. Just make sure you have an "expansion" pack installed. Even though they're fake and don't do anything the game won't run correctly without one.
Thanks, man. I do appreciate it. However, a cartridge-based game relying solely on voice acting to convey it's narrative - 32-bit age or not - was uncommon. Super Metroid's intro used voice; not the *entire* game. Sure, we had voice samples in tournament fighters and racing games, but not consistently throughout. We expected it with CD-based media because it was a selling point of the format, aside from greater audio clarity. I can't speak for the Neo Geo AES for I will probably never, ever afford one, but the Jaguar really doesn't have anymore speech than what's been heard on a 32X title. It's much cleaner, yes, though I haven't found a game that relies on digitized speech.
Also, Nintendo 64 is not capable of producing Red Book audio for it's not a CD-based format. Red Book is a standard for compact disc; not audio in general. From what I've read, in the Nintendo 64, the main processor controlled the audio and was capable of producing 16-bit stereo sound a slightly higher sample rate than CD (48MHz), but it's not Red Book.
Not to debate you here, but Nintendo 64's speech - particularly in Perfect Dark - is not that clear. It's certainly not on par with Saturn or PlayStation. Not in regard to voice especially. The digitized speech in Perfect Dark is "noisy" and thin, much like an old audio cassette. The voice samples in Super Mario 64 were much sharper. Seriously, listen to them back-to-back and you'll hear a marked difference. Of course, Perfect Dark uses speech *throughout* the game, where Super Mario 64 just uses repeated phrases that don't consume as much memory and aren't as compressed....
And while you may not see a review for Perfect Dark, I bought it when it came out. I've beaten a few times since reacquiring it (my old collection went up in a fire). In addition, the expansion pak isn't so much fake, in that it really just adds 4MB of memory. That's not fake; it's real, and it is necessary for games like Perfect Dark in order to access more features. It chugs enough *with* 4MB or added RAM. Now, was it necessary for Donkey Kong 64? Not for performance, no. It was just a workaround for a bug RARE's team wouldn't correct.
I never implied that Super Metroid had voice work beyond the intro. You should look into the MSU-1 chip for the N64. It was basically a memory mapper and for bank switching. It enabled the N64 carts to have much more space than it was designed for. The N64 has true 16-bit CD quality sound and can produce 100 PCM audio channels. It runs at 44.1kHz and 48kHz that can be selected by the developer for whatever the game needs. What that equtes to is the N64 most assuredly has CD quality sound.
I am well aware that both the Sega Saturn and PlayStation have better audio. The N64 utilized carts and therefore had less space. Most audio files had to be compressed on the N64. That is why the PSX and Saturn sounded better. What I was trying to say was by then voices in game were pretty normal. What was really rare was good voice acting. ;)
I brought up the Neo Geo for a couple of reasons. I figured that you must have visited the arcades like I did as we both are close in age. I remember the Samurai Shodown intro like it was yesterday. It was two freaking paragraphs long! The Neo Geo AES/MVS/CDZ all have the same 24-bit audio chip that is quite amazing. All three can pump out CD quality sound like there's no tomorrow. That also has a lot to do with their carts/CD's data storage capabilities. The carts themselves have two boards in them and are just...ginormahuge.
I know collecting for the Neo Geo can seem daunting. I wanted one for so long and I never thought I would actually get one. I ended up getting one for under $250.00 with one game. I remember being so down that I simply could not afford to buy the games I wanted for it. I did end up picking up a few games but I had to stop as it was just too much. I never thought to look at the pricing for MVS games which arw essentially the same as the AES minus some differences in the carts casing to prevent arcade owners from using the home carts in their arcade cabs. The games for the MVS are much, much cheaper. Even the most sought after games are obtainable. I got my copy of Metal Slug for $75.00. Now, I know that is still not cheap but compared to the $2500-$3,000 AES cart, it's a steal. Hell, most of the earlier titles can be had for under $50.00. I got Magician Lord, The Super Spy, Samurai Shodown 2, Fatal Fury, Baseball Stars, Nam 1975 and King of the Monsters for $30.00 each. What's really awesome about buying for the Neo Geo is that it is very import friendly. That made getting the games I wanted even cheaper as i simply chose the cheapest region to buy from. I got a pass through cart that enables me to play all MVS games (at least I think it does) on my AES. I wound up getting a 4-slot MVS cab for dirt cheap as well. I'm telling you man, I used to think it was out of reach until I got into MVS collecting. The games are the same in every way that counts. The only downside is that they don't generally come in nice plastic shock boxes nor do they have labels. Other than that my friend, they are perfect! What's even sweeter, you can get a consolized MVS fairly easy and I have seen some nice ones that are complete for $150.00.
At any rate, I love your channel and the work you do. I would truly enjoy watching your take on some of my favorite Neo Geo games. You're one of the fairest reviewers here on RUclips. Sorry for the length of this post. It was a lot to unpack.
I didn't say that you did, nor was it intentionally implied. Merely highlighting the difference between a game that uses voice work sparingly (Super Metroid) and one that relies on it almost entirely to convey plot, mission details, and so on (Rogue Squadron). As I said in the video, for the format it was *not* common at that time. It was common for games on CD-based platforms, certainly, but I wasn't talking about those consoles then. Forgive me if I wasn't clear on that.
Yes, I've read the tech specs for Nintendo 64. I had already acknowledged its ability to produce 16-bit stereo sound in my previous response. However, I was debating the clarity of the voice samples heard in Perfect Dark for they really don't sound *that* clear. It may be technically CD-quality performance by the system itself, though it doesn't mean much when the source is so compressed. Ya' feel me? It's like someone transferring a VHS recording to DVD, expecting the image and sound quality to be just as good as a direct transfer from a better source....
So, really, I'm bitching about the compression hindering audio clarity. Sorry for whatever confusion I may have created.
I agree, good voice acting is very rare indeed. My God, man. Have you played Deep Fear? It's atrocious.
I've researched the New Geo platforms at length, hoping I'd luck out one day and snag either an AES or CDZ even, but I just don't see that happening. It's way too difficult for me to justify that kind of expense. Not to say I don't think they're worth it, because I see the value and appreciate the rarity. Also, I enjoy a lot of SNK titles. Metal Slug's one of my favorite arcade games ever. It's just - damn! So much money. Another thing that hinders me now is space. Even with all the crap I have now it's a chore making room for it all. LOL!
Maybe, if my income improves and I move into a larger place, I'll consider tracking down some Neo Geo hardware. Until then, I just gotta' make do with what I have.
Don't apologize for long comments. You dig deep enough on some of my videos you'll find fucking novels. 😂🤣😂
Star wars rogue squadron series,in a nutshell easy to be overwhelmed.Given you have so many task to do in each mission with little room for error.Still it's a shame it's developer factor 5 is no more,these days it's a struggle for any one to make a good star wars game.By the way i find you're lack of faith disturbing.
Said no one ever 👇🏻
Ouch! 🤣😂🤣
Playing PC version. Stuck on Fest myself.
Ferris Beuller reference? Man you guys are old.
Too old, huh?
How about this one? "I crap bigger than you." 😉😎😂
@@MasterCastTV Ferris Beuller older than City Slickers
You're very astute. 🤣