All I’m gonna say is that it was never about productivity, or better worker health, reduced commute, more independence. None of it matters. It was always and will always be about control and that’s why they want you in the office
For the employee, the reduced or lack of commute is a MASSIVE factor. It's like getting a $15k/year raise, when you factor in gas, vehicle miles, and lost time.
Employers: We treat people like they’re disposable and have no desires beyond working for us….why is everyone only doing just above the bare minimum???
Problem is, "bare minimum" in many cases is not very far from absolute maximum. And sometimes beyond. Let's just say some managers expectations are not rooted in reality.
Returning to toxic coworkers, dumpy office, beige/gray walls, bad air circulation, shared restrooms where you hear people grunt while they go to the bathroom, 1hr+ commute only to sit in a cube is not productive and destroys moral.
It just illustrates how pointless being in the office really is. People don't want to be micromanaged or forced sit through terrible commutes twice a day. Extroverted bosses just like to demand people be around them to get their social fix.
It is ok. AI will replace all these jobs and then we all have to do real work. It is so frustrating watching my coworkers sit on their phones in office for 8 hours and go home while I bust my a**
Exactly. My job pulled our work from home days and the next day one of our enrollment specialists turned in his two weeks notice. He’d gone home, talked to his wife, and decided it would be best if he just quit and became a stay at home dad. His wife made more than him already (she was paying for most things) and his paycheck was being used as the daycare fund. With us being fully back in the office, he was going to be bringing home negative money because they were going to be spending more on childcare.
Middle management needs to show upper management that they're middle-managing in a way that upper-management (which is all done with face-to-face meetings) understands.
Lets make up a term and then get a bunch of authors and experts to yap about it for hours on end. People are trying to retain the privileges they were used to before they were taken away. In other news, water is still wet. More at 11.
If you aren't getting the productivity you need, just fire them for not meeting your expectations. Or be clearer about the expected output. How does forcing commutes address your productivity problems? The same thing will just happen in the office where people will stand around the water cooler chatting all day. If productivity is a problem, it means there's something wrong about your process.
I've raised this concern several times in my office. I'm much more productive at home, in a quiet environment I can control, than in a workplace full of distractions and people more comfortable taking up your time because they can do so in person.
CEO is still getting their big bonus but HR is here talking about how much they love to lay off the average working American. Bragging about it even. Nothing wrong about that. Yeah it's obvious why corporate America is going to hell 😡
My team still works full time remote in Supply Management for a small company. There is no plans of ever returning to office to keep the overhead low. Unfortunately we still have young folks who eventually quit because the job is not fulfilling to them and growth isn't there. Such a shame because the job is fairly easy and flexible and pays a decent $65k a year.
Yeah this is a really stupid piece. Just rich people worried that they might not make a few more pennies because people are taking back the brakes that are rightfully theirs. These companies can go to hell.
Considering that the average employee always feels they're being screwed because their corporate bosses are eating up 50% of the profit while they can't afford a roof over their head. I can only imagine why employees wouldn't trust their employers to have their best interest in mind. It's almost like employers don't show that they care about their employees.
Yeah the reason there's mixed evidence is because a bunch of employers are generating their own set of facts. Everyone knows that a worker is going to be more productive and on their game if they're not having to commute 2 hours into City.
It really depends on your mindset tbh. I used to have to commute 5 to 6 hours a day, 5 days a week and acclimated just fine. I listened to so much music and podcast. It was a very therapeutic experience. The only problem was I wasn't paid well. If that job offered a good salary, I still wouldn't mind doing that commute.
The problem is this is not the 1990s. And I don't mean technology has improved. I mean that employees are smarter now and know that the employer is always trying to screw them. And so it's even more lame to go into office and have more of our time wasted.
I do this all the time. We have to be in 3 days a week. The trick is to do it on Friday when no one else is in the office. I technically get my third day in office (for swipe tracking) and get to wfh for basically 3 days instead of 2
You are not forced to like it. Leave with your opinion and hope you never need a job reference, because you will get a really good one so that you will never do more than scrub toilets
The biggest struggle is the sharp increase in traffic in recent years. Before Covid, only 1-2 times a week would it take anywhere close to an hour to drive one way. Now, I look for the days that are under an hour. Only have to do it two days a week, but it's an additional 4+ hours on the road.
HR is there to brag about layoffs. And how much they saved the company while the average American goes hungry. But that CEO is getting a bigger house and a bigger boat. The gotta love for him.
me too. I literally told my boss that I was going to quit. I did it because I knew she thought of me as the best employee and would do anything to keep me, so I told her I would need to work fully remote (in our office we have 2 days working from home) and she agreed... It's not even about the money... I rather earn less and work from home in my space, comfortably, hanging out with my pets (I have Asperger's, so even though people at the office are nice, is too uncomfortable for me: too many people, too many sensory distractions.. I get anxious and stressed) I'm way more productive at home, by myself
6:30 This is such a bogus policy. You could have somebody clock in for ten hours and just sit on their thumbs to log time that will impress the bosses. Or you could have someone who "only" clocks in for six hours and seals new deals that bring in revenue. Productivity has nothing to do with clock hours, it is about growing profits.
Even IF remote work was 10% less productive, the savings in office space alone should more than make up for it. I bet many CEOs are just having a sunk cost fallacy with all their empty offices.
Maybe corporate America needs to stop running their businesses like a daycare. And grow the hell up. Because their employees are adults and they can do their job like adults they don't need a babysitter.
It's not hard to measure productivity. Employers have no problem doing that every time my yearly evaluation comes up and they want to tell me it's time to fire me. And then I explained what I've been doing and then miraculously I'm not fired. Yes my employer does this every single year. To try and avoid giving me a raise. It is not hard to calculate productivity that's a lie.
Yes. I recently moved < 30 min away from my job. I literally use that 30 min as my “lunch” and head home. Log back on and eat lunch while working. My life and work is so much better than the 1-1.5 hour commute I used to have to do just to feel trapped and spacing out from 1-5pm. Also, I rarely see my colleagues because 1) we still attend most meeting via teams and 2) everyone including the bosses are too busy getting their work done while balancing their life in between (a thing they are also taking advantage of post pandemic)
Layoffs > RTO for collaboration! > more layoffs! > offshoring laid off roles. The ironic cycle of bs which is why nobody is loyal to their job anymore. Being dedicated to your job and rewarded for it is no longer the way the world works. It's important to find meaningfulness in your work to make the grind and working 80% of your life worth it. But the cut throat behavior of companies leads to a lack of investment into our jobs for our own mental safety and that generates depression and a feeling of coasting through life rather than living since its not safe to be attached to your job or role. Work has so much control over us.
Work is about productivity, why do you need to micro manage how that happens? I work better from home, there are fewer distractions (believe it or not) and I like my home office setup than anything available to me at the office. Why does work and suffering need to go hand in hand? Being miserable, tired (from waking up earlier to make the commute), etc. doesn't need to be involved. Work means production of value, making it miserable is actually hurting your bottom line as tired and weary employees that hate the office will work worse when in an environment they hate. It was always weird to me how college didn't even care if you showed up to class as long as you took and passed the tests, but then you get to the professional world and it's almost like kindergarten again with the way they track you and micromanage when and where you do things. Give me my assignments, tell me when you need them, and leave me alone until I have a question or need input/approval. If I don't produce, flunk me.
The problem is employers care more about having an employee in an office to abuse than whether that employee can afford to go home to a roof over their head.
Work from is great and the best option because its absolutely meaningless to unnecessarily travel to an office to do the same work which can be done from our homes. Lots of time is saved daily by avoiding traffic and people can get to spend much required time with their real family, coworkers are just temporary family. Also governments and corporates haven't factored in the daily travel duration to office and back home which is approximately an hour up and down daily for most of the people, hence for the ideal work life balance, the number of working days must be reduced to 4 days per week and 6 hours work/day instead of the current 8 hours per day, often this 8 hours ends up becoming 10-12 hours. If every government and company implements these steps, world will become more productive.😎😎😎
Yeah the work from home option is the only reason that salaries have been able to not go up. They would need to double and corporate would need to give up some of its bonuses if they want people to be in the office. And I don't see that happening.
It’s only in white collar office jobs. Can’t do that in blue collar jobs like construction, maintenance, repair, energy, agriculture etc. Actual jobs that keep civilization running.
HR couldn't do their interview without talking about how much they love layoffs. But I bet the CEO is still getting their big bonus. Corporate America can go to hell 😡
Company has to justify their real estate and corporate leadership needs to justify their existing of making six figures doing nothing all day. Cause with work from home, they is no need for them. Make it a choice. Pay people more who come in for gas, and then offer home options.
The problem is that employers don't have any respect for their employees. Nor do they have any bit of trust whatsoever. Which is hilarious because it's always the employee that they are screwing. So why are they the ones who are the most insecure.
During the pandemic my girlfriend was able to keep up her “numbers” working from home when pretty much everyone else did not. She did this by starting early and working late (because the system runs slower at home vs the office). In February her company announced that within 3 years they would be asked to relocate to another state or be laid off. In March they asked my girlfriend to move, but not to tell anyone in her group. She accepted and we have until May 2025 to move. The rest of her group (manager, supervisors, co-workers, etc…) were all laid-off en masse at the end of July.
I recently changed jobs because my previous employer wanted me to relocate out of state as part of the Return to Office mandate. I specifically sought out a local job so I could work on-site and I am happy how things worked out for me. However, I empathize with those whose lifestyles were upended during the pandemic. Many were told remote work was here to stay, made major life decisions based on those promises, and now are being asked to upend everything again. What’s frustrating is the lack of accountability. If companies admitted they miscalculated and apologized, it would go a long way. Instead, employees feel like pawns, with policies like tracking badge-ins and monitoring activity reducing trust. Treat people like children, and they’ll respond accordingly. If you want grown-up results, treat people like adults.
I think it’s time for citizens to work for changes in the law because these companies will only do what makes our lives more miserable, if they sense that something helps us in the slightest, they will be against it. Maybe a 4 day work week by law ?
Imagine working a 3rd shift, forced back in office just to spin in your seat and sing songs with your co-workers. We don't get to participate in most office activities, they closed the open air vending and trust me there is no team building activities being done! Currently working to pivot to a career that has long been remote, even prior to the pandemic. I like my job, but nothing I do requires me to be in office from 1030pm-7am.
I used to this back in 17. My manager didn't care coz he was 5 states away doing the same thing lol. The reason folks get away with it is because their team doesn't all work in the same location. Im 100% remote now but on my yall there's 6 of us. Not ONE of us are in the same city. We are spread out over 4 different states. But the CEO has stated if you live near an office you must go in, so 1/2 the team has to go into the office to sit alone and hold meetings with people in different states and countries via WebEx.
Remote work saves all that madness of commuting and the time and $$ spent in it could be used for something else. Perhaps they could work out a win win deal for everyone.
Curious where you pulled this number from. I've seen the reverse where productivity drops 10-20% from working at home. The only time working from home was higher was at the start of covid when people were working from home and afraid to lose their jobs.
yeah i do this big time. If I got meetings or people I need to interact with in person I am happy to stay. But no I am not gonna stay at my cubicle to take meetings that are online anyways.
this seems like a great schedule! everyone checks in with one another, stays connected, keeps to a schedule, but has added flexibility and control over creating an environment that's good for their productivity
Yeah employers have done a really good job at making employees not trust them in the past few years because they seem to only want to screw them. Out of wages out of time off. Doesn't matter they're always on the lower peg. Why would an employee care about their employer that clearly does not care about their employees at all.
While the working from home thing is new, the employee just showing face at the office and sipping coffee has been a thing for a long time and inspired Wally from the Dilbert comics. Just being at the office doesn't mean the employee is productive.
Insisting on WFH due to disability has been the best thing about getting a disability and that's not a long list. But it's longer than the list of "benefits of working in the office."
What’s funny about these reports on remote work is how all the people weighing in are doing so… remotely. If you want to sell the idea that we should all return to the office, then get all your contributors to meet and have a discussion around an actual table so we can see what a meeting looks like.
I work successfully from home, I get a lot of work done. If I commute to work, I would lose 2 to 3 hours in commute and another 30 to 1 hr loss in lunch time. These hours that I save in commute and lunch, I can exercise, pickup my kids from school, and attend my kids baseball game. 9 am to 9 pm Monday thru Friday for me, it allows me to be a caring dad and a super worker.
The sheep are waking up. 40 years of your life wasted doing a whole song and dance for employers who don't actually care about you. The genie is out of the bottle. You can't put it back in.
Employers that said remote work was going to be permanent and the company would operate this way going forward allowing employees to move to out of state/long distance really screwed their workers when they now want to walk back the change and have everyone report back to the office.
I don't get the point of this. The reason I and a lot of other ppl dont like the return to office 5 days a week mandate is because it costs us afortune in fares , sustenance and other expenses. If i'm going to pay to go into the office, I may as well stay the whole day. It's going to cost the same as if I leave early.
Hey Amazon did you know your employees are adults. Did you know we can work from home on the computer. You know that thing that's really important to your business model. Yeah we can use that 100% for collaboration and still deliver productivity. Because we're not babies. No we're not 😂😂😂
It makes sense to go to an office if at least one person in your team or an extended team is physically located at the same office building or the same location. If none of this is true then you are pretty much sitting alone in an office or your home or anywhere! I suppose “coffee badging” is good to meet people who work at your office buildings or possibly people you know from previous work experience or have attended some activities!
Unless there is an absolute need for someone to be hands on in the office, workers should be allowed to work remotely. This will also reduce commutes, traffic, and pollution, making the roads less stressful to drive on. Less stress means more productive people. This is s free country. You are free to pursue a career that requires you to be onsite or a career that allows you to work remotely. The people who need to work onsite don't really care if others get to work from home. They're just happy to have a less stressful commute to and from work. If everyone has to go back to the office five days per week, companies will have more aggravated and stressed workers at their cubicles and in their meetings.
I just need 5 more years till the kid finishes school; the ability to pick up the kid in the afternoon and work the rest of the day from home is super important to me.
This has nothing to do with "culture" or "collaboration." To quote James Carville, "It's the economy, stupid!" Large swaths of the economy collapsed when COVID hit and people started 100% work at home. Cities lost tax revenue, real estate values plummeted. In addition, companies are taking advantage of this to trim the workforce.
Hilariously before covid, we had a co-worker that would be the Last one in, First one out. Way before these execs came up with this new "Coffee badge" label. Long story short, his manager started catching onto his pattern and they eventually fired him.
This “trend” makes zero sense. Why make the effort to get all the way to the office and not stay? It’s been my understanding that the effort and cost of that effort is what remote workers were arguing. If you’re there, just stay there for the duration of your workday. The origins of all of this data popping up related to all things RTO should be taken with a grain of salt. The commercial real estate industry is suffering. Brick and mortar businesses know one of their biggest expenses are their leases. Their overhead. If you work for a company that cannot bill your hours to a client and you must commute/RTO, your job is in jeopardy.
"Coffee badging" is a fantastic practice that prioritizes employee happiness and engagement over shareholder interests, much like the lesson from *Dodge v. Ford Motor Co.* (1919). While the court emphasized a corporation's duty to maximize shareholder profits, Henry Ford's vision to reinvest in worker wages highlighted the long-term value of satisfied employees. Happy, motivated workers lead to better productivity and innovation, which ultimately benefits the company and its shareholders. By fostering a workplace culture that values employee well-being-whether through flexible work practices like coffee badging or fair compensation-companies ensure sustainable success.
All I’m gonna say is that it was never about productivity, or better worker health, reduced commute, more independence. None of it matters.
It was always and will always be about control and that’s why they want you in the office
Be careful you'll share their secrets.
And real estate losing rents
For the employee, the reduced or lack of commute is a MASSIVE factor. It's like getting a $15k/year raise, when you factor in gas, vehicle miles, and lost time.
@@yienmaster04 it really is. For me, if I had to take a train, that's 20 bucks a day right there, WTF
Employers have done a really good job at making people not trust them in the past few years
Especially with the layoffs right before Christmas
its ok, we'll be replaced by ai anyways :)
Get another job ,or start a business
@@HansSchickor learn to code. Or a trade. Or invest in bitcoin
I just sit at my desk and space out, but it looks like I’m working.
I'd say in a given week I probably only do about fifteen minutes of real actual work.
Wow I've never had a job that didn't take my full attention constantly.
Yeah, you are a thief. Period.
I have 8 bosses Bob. 8!
Literally get my job done the last 2 hours of work. I’m chilling the first 6 hours.
Employers: We treat people like they’re disposable and have no desires beyond working for us….why is everyone only doing just above the bare minimum???
Problem is, "bare minimum" in many cases is not very far from absolute maximum. And sometimes beyond. Let's just say some managers expectations are not rooted in reality.
@@geeeee8268not really
Exactly this, it's like if you don't look after your car for example it will break down causing you trouble - same thing.
Returning to toxic coworkers, dumpy office, beige/gray walls, bad air circulation, shared restrooms where you hear people grunt while they go to the bathroom, 1hr+ commute only to sit in a cube is not productive and destroys moral.
Get another job
Welcome to life, find another job if that one don't suit you
It just illustrates how pointless being in the office really is. People don't want to be micromanaged or forced sit through terrible commutes twice a day. Extroverted bosses just like to demand people be around them to get their social fix.
The laziness…
@@thehonesttruth8808If you need to see people to get your work done go to McDonalds
It is ok. AI will replace all these jobs and then we all have to do real work. It is so frustrating watching my coworkers sit on their phones in office for 8 hours and go home while I bust my a**
Employers can stop running corporate America like a daycare and grow up. Their employees are adults and they need to start treating them like such.
Apparently you have never met too many employees in corporate America.
"Why aren't people having kids"?
"I don't know. Lets make them be in a place where they can't be around or raise kids 5 out of 7 days a week"
"Let's also make childcare insanely expensive while raising housing costs and keeping wages stagnant"
"let's also make them drive 2 hours to work everyday, because they can't afford to live near work"
Exactly. My job pulled our work from home days and the next day one of our enrollment specialists turned in his two weeks notice. He’d gone home, talked to his wife, and decided it would be best if he just quit and became a stay at home dad. His wife made more than him already (she was paying for most things) and his paycheck was being used as the daycare fund. With us being fully back in the office, he was going to be bringing home negative money because they were going to be spending more on childcare.
Allll of thee above!!!
People stopped having kids way before 2020. This is not the reason be fr 😂
Who cares HOW you go about getting the work done. As long as you get your work done, it should matter. Period.
Middle management needs to show upper management that they're middle-managing in a way that upper-management (which is all done with face-to-face meetings) understands.
1000% agree, results are what counts
The employer does
@@rkr9861They are just afraid that upper managmenet finds out they aren’t needed as much as they think.
Lets make up a term and then get a bunch of authors and experts to yap about it for hours on end. People are trying to retain the privileges they were used to before they were taken away. In other news, water is still wet. More at 11.
Yeah the only reason this practice exists is because of corporate greed taking away what used to be normal breaks
If you aren't getting the productivity you need, just fire them for not meeting your expectations. Or be clearer about the expected output. How does forcing commutes address your productivity problems? The same thing will just happen in the office where people will stand around the water cooler chatting all day. If productivity is a problem, it means there's something wrong about your process.
I've raised this concern several times in my office. I'm much more productive at home, in a quiet environment I can control, than in a workplace full of distractions and people more comfortable taking up your time because they can do so in person.
Almost every person interviewed in this video was working from home....
We should move to 4 day work day
yeah humans weren't biologically made for +40 hour work week. 32 hours is plenty.
Doubt will happen in US.
12 hours days for 4 days?!?! No! 🙅♀️
when i moved to 4/10 it was a life changer
3 day weekend every week, yes please
@@Pheebe.Dee. No, 8 hour days for 4 days
I do not want to move into an office with an employer that constantly abuses me and doesn't pay.
CEO is still getting their big bonus but HR is here talking about how much they love to lay off the average working American. Bragging about it even. Nothing wrong about that. Yeah it's obvious why corporate America is going to hell 😡
Going?? when was it ever not hell lol
My team still works full time remote in Supply Management for a small company. There is no plans of ever returning to office to keep the overhead low. Unfortunately we still have young folks who eventually quit because the job is not fulfilling to them and growth isn't there. Such a shame because the job is fairly easy and flexible and pays a decent $65k a year.
Yeah this is a really stupid piece. Just rich people worried that they might not make a few more pennies because people are taking back the brakes that are rightfully theirs. These companies can go to hell.
Considering that the average employee always feels they're being screwed because their corporate bosses are eating up 50% of the profit while they can't afford a roof over their head. I can only imagine why employees wouldn't trust their employers to have their best interest in mind. It's almost like employers don't show that they care about their employees.
Yeah the reason there's mixed evidence is because a bunch of employers are generating their own set of facts. Everyone knows that a worker is going to be more productive and on their game if they're not having to commute 2 hours into City.
No one wants to dive into work right after a stressful commute
It really depends on your mindset tbh. I used to have to commute 5 to 6 hours a day, 5 days a week and acclimated just fine. I listened to so much music and podcast. It was a very therapeutic experience. The only problem was I wasn't paid well. If that job offered a good salary, I still wouldn't mind doing that commute.
The problem is this is not the 1990s. And I don't mean technology has improved. I mean that employees are smarter now and know that the employer is always trying to screw them. And so it's even more lame to go into office and have more of our time wasted.
Yes give me my coffee and my work life balance
Ha! Even we do this. After spending around 3 hours in office, we head back home and continue work from there!
I do this all the time. We have to be in 3 days a week. The trick is to do it on Friday when no one else is in the office. I technically get my third day in office (for swipe tracking) and get to wfh for basically 3 days instead of 2
are you me?
Employees were forced to work from home and told they weren't ever going back. Whats with these people trying to rewrite history lol
You are not forced to like it. Leave with your opinion and hope you never need a job reference, because you will get a really good one so that you will never do more than scrub toilets
The biggest struggle is the sharp increase in traffic in recent years. Before Covid, only 1-2 times a week would it take anywhere close to an hour to drive one way. Now, I look for the days that are under an hour. Only have to do it two days a week, but it's an additional 4+ hours on the road.
Very true. Remote work is good for the global environment and there is no doubting that. Way less traffic on the roads…
HR is there to brag about layoffs. And how much they saved the company while the average American goes hungry. But that CEO is getting a bigger house and a bigger boat. The gotta love for him.
I work 99% remote. I would need double the salary to work 100% in office.
me too. I literally told my boss that I was going to quit. I did it because I knew she thought of me as the best employee and would do anything to keep me, so I told her I would need to work fully remote (in our office we have 2 days working from home) and she agreed... It's not even about the money... I rather earn less and work from home in my space, comfortably, hanging out with my pets (I have Asperger's, so even though people at the office are nice, is too uncomfortable for me: too many people, too many sensory distractions.. I get anxious and stressed) I'm way more productive at home, by myself
Depends on your market value, whether you survive or not. You could!!!
6:30 This is such a bogus policy. You could have somebody clock in for ten hours and just sit on their thumbs to log time that will impress the bosses. Or you could have someone who "only" clocks in for six hours and seals new deals that bring in revenue. Productivity has nothing to do with clock hours, it is about growing profits.
its not to make money, its to make the middle manager look good
*net profit
You can make billions in revenue and still lose money.
Even IF remote work was 10% less productive, the savings in office space alone should more than make up for it. I bet many CEOs are just having a sunk cost fallacy with all their empty offices.
Maybe corporate America needs to stop running their businesses like a daycare. And grow the hell up. Because their employees are adults and they can do their job like adults they don't need a babysitter.
It's not hard to measure productivity. Employers have no problem doing that every time my yearly evaluation comes up and they want to tell me it's time to fire me. And then I explained what I've been doing and then miraculously I'm not fired. Yes my employer does this every single year. To try and avoid giving me a raise. It is not hard to calculate productivity that's a lie.
This only applies to the population that doesn't have to clock in/out onsite
"Enthusiasm" to go to the office....hahahaha
Yes. I recently moved < 30 min away from my job. I literally use that 30 min as my “lunch” and head home. Log back on and eat lunch while working. My life and work is so much better than the 1-1.5 hour commute I used to have to do just to feel trapped and spacing out from 1-5pm. Also, I rarely see my colleagues because 1) we still attend most meeting via teams and 2) everyone including the bosses are too busy getting their work done while balancing their life in between (a thing they are also taking advantage of post pandemic)
Layoffs > RTO for collaboration! > more layoffs! > offshoring laid off roles. The ironic cycle of bs which is why nobody is loyal to their job anymore. Being dedicated to your job and rewarded for it is no longer the way the world works. It's important to find meaningfulness in your work to make the grind and working 80% of your life worth it. But the cut throat behavior of companies leads to a lack of investment into our jobs for our own mental safety and that generates depression and a feeling of coasting through life rather than living since its not safe to be attached to your job or role. Work has so much control over us.
Is coffee badging the same as tea bagging?
You’re getting screwed both ways
Hours worked =/ productivity. This is just about control.
Work is about productivity, why do you need to micro manage how that happens? I work better from home, there are fewer distractions (believe it or not) and I like my home office setup than anything available to me at the office.
Why does work and suffering need to go hand in hand? Being miserable, tired (from waking up earlier to make the commute), etc. doesn't need to be involved. Work means production of value, making it miserable is actually hurting your bottom line as tired and weary employees that hate the office will work worse when in an environment they hate.
It was always weird to me how college didn't even care if you showed up to class as long as you took and passed the tests, but then you get to the professional world and it's almost like kindergarten again with the way they track you and micromanage when and where you do things. Give me my assignments, tell me when you need them, and leave me alone until I have a question or need input/approval. If I don't produce, flunk me.
The problem is employers care more about having an employee in an office to abuse than whether that employee can afford to go home to a roof over their head.
That is why they pay you a salary, no?
Work from is great and the best option because its absolutely meaningless to unnecessarily travel to an office to do the same work which can be done from our homes. Lots of time is saved daily by avoiding traffic and people can get to spend much required time with their real family, coworkers are just temporary family. Also governments and corporates haven't factored in the daily travel duration to office and back home which is approximately an hour up and down daily for most of the people, hence for the ideal work life balance, the number of working days must be reduced to 4 days per week and 6 hours work/day instead of the current 8 hours per day, often this 8 hours ends up becoming 10-12 hours. If every government and company implements these steps, world will become more productive.😎😎😎
Oh no! They’re on to us 🙈
Yeah the work from home option is the only reason that salaries have been able to not go up. They would need to double and corporate would need to give up some of its bonuses if they want people to be in the office. And I don't see that happening.
There are people with actually important jobs that are confused at all of this. Just leave work whenever? Clock out at home?
Well we can't all have important jobs like you
It’s only in white collar office jobs. Can’t do that in blue collar jobs like construction, maintenance, repair, energy, agriculture etc. Actual jobs that keep civilization running.
Here we go again with the buzz words to get employers fired up.
The greatest irony of being required to come into the office full time now, is that all my meetings are still held virtually.
6:45 so if I'm done with my work earlier I have to lay around and pretend? that's terrible logic for big companies
Not to defend big business but they are paying you for a set number of hours each day sooo during that time they can ask you to be there.
HR couldn't do their interview without talking about how much they love layoffs. But I bet the CEO is still getting their big bonus. Corporate America can go to hell 😡
Company has to justify their real estate and corporate leadership needs to justify their existing of making six figures doing nothing all day. Cause with work from home, they is no need for them.
Make it a choice. Pay people more who come in for gas, and then offer home options.
What's that Amazon you need to babysit your employees. That sounds like a you problem. Because your employees are adults 😂
The problem is that employers don't have any respect for their employees. Nor do they have any bit of trust whatsoever. Which is hilarious because it's always the employee that they are screwing. So why are they the ones who are the most insecure.
So no one is going to mention the 1% and their vested interests in reviving commercial real estate via these policies!??!?!?! C’mon CNBC, do better!
Yeah like I want to go and move to be close to a company that lays people off every year. Because they care so much 😂
Yeah there's no such thing as balance when you're constantly screwing your employees please shut up
Tired of these stupid employers treating their employees like babies. Have some respect for your employees.
During the pandemic my girlfriend was able to keep up her “numbers” working from home when pretty much everyone else did not. She did this by starting early and working late (because the system runs slower at home vs the office). In February her company announced that within 3 years they would be asked to relocate to another state or be laid off. In March they asked my girlfriend to move, but not to tell anyone in her group. She accepted and we have until May 2025 to move. The rest of her group (manager, supervisors, co-workers, etc…) were all laid-off en masse at the end of July.
I recently changed jobs because my previous employer wanted me to relocate out of state as part of the Return to Office mandate. I specifically sought out a local job so I could work on-site and I am happy how things worked out for me. However, I empathize with those whose lifestyles were upended during the pandemic. Many were told remote work was here to stay, made major life decisions based on those promises, and now are being asked to upend everything again.
What’s frustrating is the lack of accountability. If companies admitted they miscalculated and apologized, it would go a long way. Instead, employees feel like pawns, with policies like tracking badge-ins and monitoring activity reducing trust. Treat people like children, and they’ll respond accordingly. If you want grown-up results, treat people like adults.
work is an activity. not a place.
Employers need their control back because they are insecure
I think it’s time for citizens to work for changes in the law because these companies will only do what makes our lives more miserable, if they sense that something helps us in the slightest, they will be against it.
Maybe a 4 day work week by law ?
Yeah anytime an employer comes to me with their own data and tries to use that against me. Red flags.
This country needs more people like Luigi
Imagine working a 3rd shift, forced back in office just to spin in your seat and sing songs with your co-workers. We don't get to participate in most office activities, they closed the open air vending and trust me there is no team building activities being done! Currently working to pivot to a career that has long been remote, even prior to the pandemic. I like my job, but nothing I do requires me to be in office from 1030pm-7am.
I used to this back in 17. My manager didn't care coz he was 5 states away doing the same thing lol. The reason folks get away with it is because their team doesn't all work in the same location.
Im 100% remote now but on my yall there's 6 of us. Not ONE of us are in the same city. We are spread out over 4 different states. But the CEO has stated if you live near an office you must go in, so 1/2 the team has to go into the office to sit alone and hold meetings with people in different states and countries via WebEx.
Remote work saves all that madness of commuting and the time and $$ spent in it could be used for something else. Perhaps they could work out a win win deal for everyone.
We know that work productivity from home is 30% higher than going to the office. Please stop the lies!
Curious where you pulled this number from. I've seen the reverse where productivity drops 10-20% from working at home. The only time working from home was higher was at the start of covid when people were working from home and afraid to lose their jobs.
yeah i do this big time. If I got meetings or people I need to interact with in person I am happy to stay. But no I am not gonna stay at my cubicle to take meetings that are online anyways.
this seems like a great schedule! everyone checks in with one another, stays connected, keeps to a schedule, but has added flexibility and control over creating an environment that's good for their productivity
Higher ups are mad cuz they cant power trip
Yeah employers have done a really good job at making employees not trust them in the past few years because they seem to only want to screw them. Out of wages out of time off. Doesn't matter they're always on the lower peg. Why would an employee care about their employer that clearly does not care about their employees at all.
While the working from home thing is new, the employee just showing face at the office and sipping coffee has been a thing for a long time and inspired Wally from the Dilbert comics. Just being at the office doesn't mean the employee is productive.
Insisting on WFH due to disability has been the best thing about getting a disability and that's not a long list. But it's longer than the list of "benefits of working in the office."
This checks out. 11:23am...yep literally doing this right now 😊
Of course HR couldn't keep their mouth shut they had to start talking about layoffs.
Amazon here trying to treat their employees like little babies. Treat people like adults. And then maybe they will treat you with respect.
What’s funny about these reports on remote work is how all the people weighing in are doing so… remotely. If you want to sell the idea that we should all return to the office, then get all your contributors to meet and have a discussion around an actual table so we can see what a meeting looks like.
I tea ☕️ badge.
I work successfully from home, I get a lot of work done.
If I commute to work, I would lose 2 to 3 hours in commute and another 30 to 1 hr loss in lunch time.
These hours that I save in commute and lunch, I can exercise, pickup my kids from school, and attend my kids baseball game.
9 am to 9 pm Monday thru Friday for me, it allows me to be a caring dad and a super worker.
The sheep are waking up. 40 years of your life wasted doing a whole song and dance for employers who don't actually care about you. The genie is out of the bottle. You can't put it back in.
I get more done if I am working from home. The in office days are for meeting and talking with coworkers. If I need to focus, I'm much faster at home.
I'm sorry, did that Frank guy just say 'traditional 8-5 work day'? What happened to 9-5?
“Promotions” 5% pay raise with 50% more responsibilities. No gracias.
Oh. I got a "dry promotion" and was expected to start traveling on the weekends.
It always seems like the pro return to office people are the ones zooming into CNBC from their comfy home offices. Interesting
Employers that said remote work was going to be permanent and the company would operate this way going forward allowing employees to move to out of state/long distance really screwed their workers when they now want to walk back the change and have everyone report back to the office.
Just let employees work remote, the freeways are easier to navigate with less traffic which also means less car accidents and more human lives saved.
y'all need to delete this lol
Just clocked out for lunch. Clocked back in and I’m finish my work at home. I didn’t know this was a “thing”.
I don't get the point of this. The reason I and a lot of other ppl dont like the return to office 5 days a week mandate is because it costs us afortune in fares , sustenance and other expenses. If i'm going to pay to go into the office, I may as well stay the whole day. It's going to cost the same as if I leave early.
Hey Amazon did you know your employees are adults. Did you know we can work from home on the computer. You know that thing that's really important to your business model. Yeah we can use that 100% for collaboration and still deliver productivity. Because we're not babies. No we're not 😂😂😂
It makes sense to go to an office if at least one person in your team or an extended team is physically located at the same office building or the same location. If none of this is true then you are pretty much sitting alone in an office or your home or anywhere! I suppose “coffee badging” is good to meet people who work at your office buildings or possibly people you know from previous work experience or have attended some activities!
The risk to the company is not that people will leave. It’s that they will stay
Unless there is an absolute need for someone to be hands on in the office, workers should be allowed to work remotely. This will also reduce commutes, traffic, and pollution, making the roads less stressful to drive on. Less stress means more productive people. This is s free country. You are free to pursue a career that requires you to be onsite or a career that allows you to work remotely. The people who need to work onsite don't really care if others get to work from home. They're just happy to have a less stressful commute to and from work. If everyone has to go back to the office five days per week, companies will have more aggravated and stressed workers at their cubicles and in their meetings.
I just need 5 more years till the kid finishes school; the ability to pick up the kid in the afternoon and work the rest of the day from home is super important to me.
Why does CNBC never cover the compensation disparity between workers and executives?
This has nothing to do with "culture" or "collaboration." To quote James Carville, "It's the economy, stupid!"
Large swaths of the economy collapsed when COVID hit and people started 100% work at home. Cities lost tax revenue, real estate values plummeted. In addition, companies are taking advantage of this to trim the workforce.
Hilariously before covid, we had a co-worker that would be the Last one in, First one out. Way before these execs came up with this new "Coffee badge" label. Long story short, his manager started catching onto his pattern and they eventually fired him.
This “trend” makes zero sense. Why make the effort to get all the way to the office and not stay? It’s been my understanding that the effort and cost of that effort is what remote workers were arguing. If you’re there, just stay there for the duration of your workday. The origins of all of this data popping up related to all things RTO should be taken with a grain of salt. The commercial real estate industry is suffering. Brick and mortar businesses know one of their biggest expenses are their leases. Their overhead. If you work for a company that cannot bill your hours to a client and you must commute/RTO, your job is in jeopardy.
Whatever happened to the push for 4 day workweek? I would go in everyday.
Imagine the amount of companies who don’t need to spend money on brick and motor when they can just coffee badge
There goes HR to brag about layoffs. And how much they screwed the average American. I can only imagine why employees don't want to be around you
"Coffee badging" is a fantastic practice that prioritizes employee happiness and engagement over shareholder interests, much like the lesson from *Dodge v. Ford Motor Co.* (1919). While the court emphasized a corporation's duty to maximize shareholder profits, Henry Ford's vision to reinvest in worker wages highlighted the long-term value of satisfied employees. Happy, motivated workers lead to better productivity and innovation, which ultimately benefits the company and its shareholders. By fostering a workplace culture that values employee well-being-whether through flexible work practices like coffee badging or fair compensation-companies ensure sustainable success.