DRUID in Classic WoW: Is It What You Expected?

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024

Комментарии • 625

  • @mikehicks8236
    @mikehicks8236 4 года назад +99

    I wish you would have talked more about your personal experiences with playing a druid and not just gone down the checklist of druid guide to raiding. As soon as you said you had not raided as a druid I instantly took everything you said about druid raiding with a gargantuan grain of salt, because you have no experience and are just reading off what you have heard druids in raid are like. The only thing in this video I completely agreed with you on is the lack of feeling of power as you progressed, because it is less dramatic than other classes.

    • @WillEmmo
      @WillEmmo  4 года назад +15

      will do in the future for sure

    • @antoineweb1
      @antoineweb1 4 года назад +14

      @@WillEmmo Don't want to be rude but at that point just delete this video, it makes you look like a clown, and you are just straight pissing on Druids by saying only healing spec is viable

    • @Mooseplatoon
      @Mooseplatoon 4 года назад +49

      You absolutely wanted to be rude; the least you could've done was be honest about it.

    • @StCreed
      @StCreed 4 года назад +9

      @kb4life100 you're uninformed, and condescending without justification, which just makes you look stupid.
      Bear tanks are fully viable now (only some encounters are slightly harder, but nothing serious), it just takes a bit more time to get your gear. Big deal.
      Oh, and once AQ really hits, expect druid tanks to be better and more survivable than equivalent warrior tanks, as our gearing suddenly improves a lot more than warrior gear.
      When Naxx hits, I expect druid tanks to be the prime tanking choice for numerous encounters.

    • @thenever2957
      @thenever2957 4 года назад

      @@StCreed so true. Another thing about bears in Naxx is that they go in fully geared in Bis. Warriors do not

  • @kenny42069
    @kenny42069 4 года назад +3

    I levelled as Resto and I still play my main regularly in raids and now in Silithus. It's about what I expected coming from retail, but I didn't expect it to be so perfect for me. Yes, your heals are not as beefy as a priest's, but you more than make up for it with the extra versatility in PvP and in raids.
    It's not the most efficient, but I'm currently levelling another druid as balance because disintegrating gnomes with Starfire crits is just too much fun.

    • @nexya26
      @nexya26 Год назад

      Did you manage to get to 60 as balance? In going to try it

    • @kenny42069
      @kenny42069 Год назад

      @@nexya26 can be a bit tough but I'm sure it's doable. You might want to stock up on a lot of water and mana pots though, you'll he going oom very often. The most optimal way to level is in cat form ofc and keep in mind that as a caster you don't have a lot of spells.

    • @nexya26
      @nexya26 Год назад +1

      @@kenny42069 I have got a balance druid to level 22, it's fine at lower levels but can see it getting harder

  • @TheAftermath0
    @TheAftermath0 4 года назад +5

    Our guild has two druids in our main raid group: myself (fully geared resto druid minus one ring - I need a cauterizing band to compliment my elementium band) and our feral offtank (fully geared with accuria, DFT, world-dragon leggings, etc.) and we've thrived. I think the main thing is ensuring that the raid group is maximizing the best components of the druid kits to their abilities. It's not so much about the jack of all trades, master of none belief but more along "how do we ensure their strengths shine through?"
    The subject of HOT usage is valid, but I do feel like the buff cap culture being a concern isn't completely true. The other driving force in the validity of HOTs in raid comes down to mana efficiency. If you're a guild still trying to progress properly, or streamlining your clears you're not going to want to cast hots purely out of mana cost. Healing Touch (rank four) still is the top healing spell from pure healing output to mana efficiency for druids. You can downrank further at the 1098 +healing break point, but most druids aren't touching that until deep into P5 with AQ40 gear.
    If you're speed clearing and have a druid then using Regrowth is the optimal means. Otherwise it comes down to raid comp too; with our guild we carry five shamans and a few priests to round out our healing core. Shamans' chain healing does subdue a lot of HOT value too and that needs to be factored in (especially for late P4 guilds with success). When it comes to AQ40 progression, I suspect the more average or slightly above-average guilds see more optimal HOT usage especially on Huhu where raid damage in enrage phase becomes a concern.
    Circling back on our druid tank: He's arguably one of the best on Bigglesworth in my opinion and we rewarded because of it. The threat output when compared to our two thunderfury tanks is obviously night and day in favor of the warriors. We still let him do two major BWL fights (Broodlord and Firemaw) and he uses a pummeler on those. He's also done Chrommagus using three full pummeler charges and his threat lead on the other tanks AND DPS was astonishing. However that's just it: gearing + pummeler farming are required to be at his level of performance.
    All of that is to say that if you're becoming a feral tank or you have one that wants to exceed perceived expectations/capability then you have to have to funnel some gear as well as farm and be buffed. If you get that point and have the solid mechanics down, along with synergy with your raid members you're poised to succeed. This isn't even mentioning AQ40 loot for feral druids which helps them ascend to another level. We're actively looking at data and excited at the possibilities of our feral tank in this because we think he can be extremely viable on a few high-damage fights.

  • @D3fl3x
    @D3fl3x 4 года назад

    I joined a guild with the intention to play shadow. Got benched from raids quite a bit early on so I did some PvP. Didn't quite enjoy shadow in BGs due to the amount of undead warriors around so I started leveling a druid.
    One of the officers asked me what specc I intended to play at 60, balance I told him. Been raiding with my shadow priest ever since ;).
    Spoiler: Druid is 60 now and I've been ranking a bit on it. Double druid/druide+rogue in AV is quite a bit of fun :D.

  • @nathansachs5401
    @nathansachs5401 4 года назад +1

    I love druids in my guild. We've got a boomkin who might be the most obsessive gear grinder I've ever seen. My guild found him in org dancing next to the AH already had full BIS including the cap of the scarlet savant, toep, and world boss gear. His faster to the taunt then almost any dps warrior in the group and got a hand of rag made within days purely for the transmog. Next brings our third tank great gear saved us from a ton of wipes and one of the most dedicated raiders we have, just a flawless raider. I choose to main a lok in classic, but my alt has been way more fun. I've got full resto and tank sets had a blast killing heal charts then swaping to MT 20 mains groups and im ready to go for that AQ 20 loot. We aren't the top class but come TBC and dual speccing in WOTLK. F jack of all trades I'm going to keep building towards that three way threat we once were.

    @ALC0LITE 4 года назад +3

    Hey mate, I think you should do a comprehensive series on classes in tbc as a guide for people who are unsure what they will be playing and need someone to sway the decision making (i.e. me).

  • @azzido
    @azzido 4 года назад

    Will E. Did you forget bears could use MCP? They are close to armor cap buffed, have 10k+ health (without a flask) and pumping as much threat as a fury prot (even those with tf).. there are drawbacks (ie last stand, no proper shieldwall etc), but for the most part it's not an issue or managable. But overall, they are very very strong.

  • @Gegi1992
    @Gegi1992 4 года назад +2

    11:16, you know you played far too many night elf characters when, even tho you last played at the end of Wotlk, remember exactly that along that river is a rare mob spawn, one of those fungal dudes but IIRC its a dark green /teal-ish one.

  • @jonerikgreene1175
    @jonerikgreene1175 4 года назад

    Leveled Druid, forced to go heals for high end raiding, hated it, re rolled to rogue; now I’m happy raiding.

  • @DawnCrusader4213
    @DawnCrusader4213 4 года назад

    Played Classic for a month and a half (Start until mid October), got to lvl 35+ ish and quit because i didn't see myself farming Crowd Pummlers just to be able to raid. I will probably come back before TBC comes to level him up to 60.

  • @simonandersen7942
    @simonandersen7942 4 года назад

    I love playing my druid. I'm bear specced. I've tanked ZG, AQ20, MC and Ony as MT, and AQ40 and BWL as OT (also tanking some bosses). That paired with bringing a CR and innervate, and having an int-set for certain fights (dispelling etc.), I really feel like druid is a very viable option.

    • @simonandersen7942
      @simonandersen7942 4 года назад

      Also, bear model is awesome. And bears do very good tps.

  • @Penguonen
    @Penguonen 4 года назад

    I'm super happy going the extra mile for cat dps. Just for everyones reaction when a feral tops the DPS chart on bosses.
    It was rough the first months when people didnt beleive druids could tank or dps. But i feel a lot of people have become accustomed to druids being pretty good at most things. I'd say healing is where druid struggle the most in raids atm. You output less healing per second and go oom faster than paladins and priests in my experience.

  • @simoncodrington
    @simoncodrington 4 года назад

    Great video format mate!

  • @Nurofaen
    @Nurofaen 4 года назад +4

    I rolled my first alt as a feral for being guild dungeon bitch. I know what I signed up for :P
    Also, he's a god at tagging silithids, so that's a plus...

  • @Noobtaco
    @Noobtaco 4 года назад +1

    @3:41 "No spell pushback mitigation" Uh. . barkskin. . ;-)

  • @Stompinwind
    @Stompinwind 3 года назад

    I don't know about aq40 but all prior druids were preferred tanks for speed runs

  • @Angkarpadevat
    @Angkarpadevat 4 года назад

    As a shadow priest since day one I'd love to see the priest next

  • @peggle09
    @peggle09 Год назад

    Druid while fun, it's just not as good as other classes at anything the others can do. It is good if you're not sure what role you want.

  • @gishathosaurus6828
    @gishathosaurus6828 4 года назад

    I miss the mangle from TBC but overall feral and druid in general has been really fun for me, although I quitted WoW Classic almost a month ago. Also Qhrillex/Fatcow

  • @lovepirate14
    @lovepirate14 4 года назад

    Feral Druid tank was my first 60/main. Honestly I just lost interest because it was super boring to play. I started leveling a warrior tank, and even at like level 25 it felt like I had to many more interesting options for things I could do while playing. Now my warrior is 60 and my main. Having two tanks as my only 60s is horrific for making gold -_-

  • @Dreadnor92
    @Dreadnor92 4 года назад

    Started to lvl my druid on classic especially for the arena in BC. =)

  • @Kavou
    @Kavou 4 года назад

    Druid = Win

  • @Kushina-43
    @Kushina-43 4 года назад +23

    I'm pretty sure Druid Tanks have the best Threat Per Second if they also use MCP (and possibly powershifting? Don't recall) and can main tank a lot more fights than you think, with only magic damage and sometimes general mitigation (the latter less often due to their sheer HP) as their weaknesses.

    • @CottidaeSEA
      @CottidaeSEA 4 года назад

      Grinding a bunch of MCP is pretty shit though. If the item didn't have charges it'd be amazing.

    • @ChairmanMeow1
      @ChairmanMeow1 4 года назад

      I mean Skarm said they can tank everything except C'Thun and KT so yea

    • @Wiskerftw
      @Wiskerftw 4 года назад

      @@ChairmanMeow1 He's tanked KT on his druid though ^^

  • @nalyd008
    @nalyd008 4 года назад +32

    "Feral can't keep up with Fury threat?"... You're usually pretty spot on in your videos but that statement is SOOO wrong...lol #manualcrowdpummeler

    • @Daniel-so4fl
      @Daniel-so4fl 4 года назад +3

      Like, honestly. The reason I'm the MT in my guild is that I crush our dual wielding Fury Prot tanks on threat. The "main Warrior tank" in my guild needs to go full threat gear, dual wield (obviously) and DW + Reck to beat me on threat.

    • @nalyd008
      @nalyd008 4 года назад +1

      @@Daniel-so4fl 100% man... The dps request bear tank for most of the fights because they can actually go ham full time. When people see the TPS of a Bear with 16k armor and 12k up they become believers... Keep representing for the bears man!

    • @julien5053
      @julien5053 4 года назад

      Bears struggle to find top end (bwl) gear whereas war tanks don't.
      Bears full gear bwl use up more mana for the healer than a deep prot warrior full gear bwl.
      Bears cannot compete with Thunder Fury threat generation. Nobody can, not for long.
      Bears cannot compete with fury/prot warriors threat when fighting Vaelastrasz.
      Other than that, Bears are very good tanks.

    • @nalyd008
      @nalyd008 4 года назад +3

      @@julien5053 look at a TPS curve on Vael... If you have a manual crowd pummeler going... You absolutely can keep up with threat my good sir. With world buffs especially I'm at 38% crit right now... It's not an issue and I MT Vael every week

    • @julien5053
      @julien5053 4 года назад

      @@nalyd008 Maybe because you're focused on offense and not defense. A bit like fury/prot warrior.
      Still I'm not sure that a fury/prot with an equivalent gear could not generate more threat on Vael. Anyway I would need to test it. And since I can't, because there is no bear focused on offense in our guild, I give you the benefit of the doubt.

  • @SixDeadMice
    @SixDeadMice 4 года назад +20

    I remember my best friend growing up mained a druid in vanilla. God I miss those days just playing wow and wc3 all day.

    • @snyper105
      @snyper105 4 года назад

      Same bro, same

    • @kwitchercrynandgame9527
      @kwitchercrynandgame9527 4 года назад +4

      Fuck Yes. Classic and Wrath were the best times in wow for me. I'd give anything to have to same feeling of danger and excitement that I would feel playing through Vanilla.

    • @snyper105
      @snyper105 4 года назад +2

      @@kwitchercrynandgame9527 you kno you can jus play classic again right? I’m playing a warrior which I’ve never played before and almost lvl 40, can’t wait for that whirlwind ability. Servers are packed right now and I even had to wait in que before I logged on the other day

    • @kwitchercrynandgame9527
      @kwitchercrynandgame9527 4 года назад +1

      @@snyper105 yeah bro, I'm playing classic and I love it. Having said that, it will never be the same as the first time around. Exploring the unknown. That's what I meant.

  • @flumpstick
    @flumpstick 4 года назад +7

    As a full bis Moonkin I am upset with this video. Bear tanks Are incredible and have many places where they beat warriors in raids also generate tons of threat for MCP usages. warriors compete better at the 0.3% of top players because of high threat high dps and huge cooldowns for speedy content. Feral cats are not rogues but compete highly in the dps Charts with power shift MCP Also being able to mix into bear talents to ensure you have a 4/5/6th off tank for some trash / boss fights. Healers have insane utility and clearly top tier for many buffs / utility tools they bring (which is a healers job, Heal and utility) Also Imagine a priests being nice and not asking for innvervate after max rank spamming. They also are the reason you got rank 14 in bgs when spamming Wsg. Moonkins might not be the best dps but bring extra dps to your bis casters (fire mages op x4 with 3% crit and a rebirth for your top warrior who over aggro-ed YET again) math works out as 400dps non buffed. 50+ more dps per mage (not including fire) FF increases to ALL melee raid memebers and a rebirth to your 600 dps warrior. Math works out to huge numbers with WBuffs included. ALSO GOOD MOONKINS DONT OOM. Having almost infinite mana supply with rank 1 starfire having a 100% spell power scale to it for 80 odd mana small regen but when you include worldbuffs and consumes you should almost NEVER oom. The dance is bis for all content, You wipe /Dance and you boost your raids moral back to 99% and it'll get the boss down. Also It still competes in dance competitions today being top 3 dances for 15 years straight. Plus in theory we can get 20k armour as moonkin in naxx bis whilst still popping barkskin 79% physical reduction + another 20% more reduction to that. you want mitigation. We are literal gods to physical mitigation.I Did enjoyed the video, keep up the content -Flumpstick Out

  • @mookieblaelocker6504
    @mookieblaelocker6504 4 года назад +52

    The gnome head takes me out every intro, I dunno how you keep it fresh but my god it’s good. Also enjoy your content very much!

    • @alexanderburton2142
      @alexanderburton2142 4 года назад +3

      Lol it's funny, isn't it 😂

    • @mikale27
      @mikale27 4 года назад +1

      I agree the gnome head cracks me up. When it rolls in I die.

    • @Shervin86
      @Shervin86 4 года назад +2

      Hahaha ya that's what I look for every time 😄😄

    • @octapusxft
      @octapusxft 4 года назад +1

      It helps that the name is also an innuendo,especially with the lack of hair

    • @garrosh9215
      @garrosh9215 4 года назад

      that shit pisses me off

  • @GCMS
    @GCMS 4 года назад +13

    As a Boomkin it is exactly what I expected. I have killed every raid boss many many times. And am very excited to go clear both AQ’s . I have never played feral or resto and don’t plan on it.
    I just recently went into an MC pug just for poops and giggles and I was the 3rd - 4th top DPS in there lol

    • @tomauvodic
      @tomauvodic 4 года назад +1

      Good for you m8! Next time join ZF and I am sure you will manage to be in top 3

    • @AhMyGawd777
      @AhMyGawd777 4 года назад

      @Brant Hall do you have a problem with happiness?

  • @zipzzo
    @zipzzo 4 года назад +18

    Oooh man I've never been this early to a Will E video.
    Druid has been pretty fun for me. Basically what I expected...but I'm in a nice guild where I am the official off-tank which is really cool. I can see how some druids who aren't resto might struggle to have fun if they can't find a niche in a guild who will use them.
    PvP was really fun prior to AB coming out, as we were really desirable and to a degree my DMs still explode on WSG weekends. I hit my rank though so I pretty much rarely PvP unless begged anymore.
    The pummeler farm is absolutely as bad as advertised though, that's for sure. I do it because I have to but I'm sick of it, and I'll be glad to be done with it in TBC. It's not that it's hard, I just hate the nagging obligation to do it constantly.

    • @laner.845
      @laner.845 4 года назад

      The MCP farm is the single reason I'm not attempting to raid on my druid. She's expressly for farming and to fill a tank/heal spot on guild dungeons as needed. So I'm a very hodge-podge spec (not any official one for sure) so that I can can have a little booted heals and a little boosted armor. I swap the gear and I'm good to go for either.

      @FIASCOGAMING 4 года назад

      You don't even need a niche guild. You can be in a top tier guild using a feral OT.

    • @The0nlyy
      @The0nlyy 4 года назад

      Lol.. Crowd Pummler doesn’t go away in TBC, it’s still BIS hahah. Have fun m8!

    • @zipzzo
      @zipzzo 4 года назад

      @@The0nlyy False. In TBC the MCP effect is changed from 3 charges to a permanent clickable proc with a 1 hour cooldown. That being the case, the MCP farm is effectively over once TBC item changes occur.

    • @zipzzo
      @zipzzo 4 года назад

      @@FIASCOGAMING I didn't say you needed a "niche guild". I said you have to find a nice guild that lets you play in your niche due to Resto being the most common expectation, and Wars being the defacto go-to.

  • @surrenderfleet
    @surrenderfleet 4 года назад +22

    Liked druid, loved game, hated what community turned game into.

    • @ricardoCODlandivar
      @ricardoCODlandivar 4 года назад

      What do you mean?

    • @tomsawyerisme
      @tomsawyerisme 4 года назад +8

      @@ricardoCODlandivar I think hes refering to people "optimizing the fun out of classic wow"

    • @Jupexy
      @Jupexy 4 года назад +2

      having the same feels - but I hate what blizz has done (layers and server pops) and hasn't done (late response to bots, automation, multiboxers, etc).

  • @mmoxei5854
    @mmoxei5854 4 года назад +85

    really undersold how good feral is to be honest.

    • @colinhobbs7265
      @colinhobbs7265 4 года назад +14

      The problem is that feral is hard. When compared to other dps, it is really fuckin hard, and the reward is being a somewhat worse rogue.

    • @silverflint7212
      @silverflint7212 4 года назад +8

      @@colinhobbs7265 to be fair, feral dps has this issue even in BfA

    • @JonasStarklint
      @JonasStarklint 4 года назад +4

      Atleast it’ll be incredibly strong in cataclysm

    • @MrEverisforever
      @MrEverisforever 4 года назад +7

      @@colinhobbs7265 I'm the highest dps feral on my server, it's not really that hard.. You just spam shared into ferocious bites and make sure you have mana pots.

    • @anasameer
      @anasameer 4 года назад

      Yup feral dps is one of the top 3 dps classes in classic when everyone plays at a good level, above all casters and hunters. Come aq, we may fall behind fire mages but at least we finally have some good gear to look forward to

  • @deadmg3746
    @deadmg3746 4 года назад +80

    Will E, I feel that you're a lot down on bear tanks compared to reality. It's true that they can do well with hitpoints and armour... but also true that they can beat out the vast majority of warriors for aggro when geared properly. Thunderfury fury prots are the only ones you can't beat and even then, I've beaten a few of them in aggro competitions. MCP is just insane for bear tanks as you don't get rage limited when Broodlord is whaling on you. I feel like the biggest issue for bear tanks is that the itemisation is weird and people don't always prioritise them properly so it can be hard to get well geared, and there are a couple of mechanics which just really punish Druids specifically for no reason like the Nefarian class call.

    • @_capybarista_
      @_capybarista_ 4 года назад +2

      Can totally agree and confirm, played both cat and bear. Easily outagrro any warrior w/o TF and can be on the same lvl as a warrior with TF if MCP is used. Also you can spend much less money on consumables every raid and feeling ok

    • @Olvedn
      @Olvedn 4 года назад +1

      Problem is 90% of tanks who would be dedicated enough to constantly use MCP, did instead roll Warrior sadly.

    • @WhoPlaysMc
      @WhoPlaysMc 4 года назад +1

      Can confirm that I outaggro all warriors who don't have thunderfury without even using MCP. I can very much complete with thunderfury tanks while using a manual crowd pummeler, and I feel like people knock really hard on what the haste does. Attack power increases your raw damage based on your base attack speed so haste is pretty insane all things considered, same with crit chance.
      An ungeared bear tank can still be very strong so they will be useful in AQ as well. Being able to be crit is a downside but most warriors don't stack all that defense so bear tanks with greater hp pools are much less likely to die to major crit or spell damage as long as your healers have mana.
      It's pretty much free real estate if you aren't using a bear tank since their loot is going to be hyper specific from now on, their only real downsides are some consumes are more annoying to use since if you use them you lose all your rage, etc. They also lack an easy way to get consistent threat generation off the bat, warriors just have much more, not to say warriors can't have trouble with resists but it's much more common for a feral to be parried twice and be screwed, and there's no easy indicator like two sunders.

    • @Ghislain82
      @Ghislain82 4 года назад

      I use MCP and I out threat every TF/FuryProt tank I've come across.

    • @jongaskell3438
      @jongaskell3438 4 года назад +1

      yea don't think really understands druid tank its a really solid endgame raider.
      -They can out threat fury warriors while using a MCP without dropping armor and health. in "equal mitigation" even without MCP they beat warriors on threat, as warriors need dps gear to match.
      then the other bonus's;
      -not rage starved offtanking,
      -3% crit,
      -Farie Fire debuff is a big deal about 10% raid dps,
      -a ranged pull,
      -a mobility tool with bear charge, warriors dump rage to use intercept,
      -better access to resist gear without gimping stats,
      -other utility like combat rez, innervate, they can jump out and heal, or heal/dispel certain fights with 20% bonus int.
      The main weakness is they don't have shield wall and last stand. so they will struggle on a few fights in naxx where healing is stopped.
      play a druid at "endgame" before making a video about them!

  • @op4000exe
    @op4000exe 4 года назад +11

    Playing a feral tank druid has been a lot more than I expected, I figured it'd work a lot worse than it did.

    • @yogsulate9384
      @yogsulate9384 4 года назад +3

      They can definitely compete with warrior threat by using MCP.

    • @PsDani
      @PsDani 4 года назад +2

      @Breetai Zentraedi manual crowd pummeler, the gnomeregan mace

    • @PsDani
      @PsDani 4 года назад +1

      @Breetai Zentraedi in tbc it only gives haste rating, so it wont scale as well for a lvl 70 as for a lvl 60

    • @virgill2452
      @virgill2452 3 года назад

      @Breetai Zentraedi In TBC you have "normal" tank gear on druid.

  • @RM-nf5eq
    @RM-nf5eq 4 года назад +5

    Quick issue, the "Insane 1200 mana" for GOTW is a blessing. We can almost buff an entire raid on our own without drinking. Priests have 2 buffs to provide that cost half the mana bar lol. Save the pity for them ;)

  • @Apparentt
    @Apparentt 4 года назад +48

    I think you covered some good points, just wish you’d have pointed out more how cat dps far exceeded most people’s expectations as it’s been holding the #3 dps spot up until AQ.

    • @murphyy3238
      @murphyy3238 4 года назад +1

      Apparent sure if there arent fury warriors, rogues, mages, warlocks in raid they are top 3 dps after a tank and wanding healers🤣

    • @Apparentt
      @Apparentt 4 года назад +16

      Murphy classic.warcraftlogs.com/zone/statistics/1002/#region=2&aggregate=amount&dataset=90 last two weeks, 90th percentile onwards (to give a more accurate representation of players who are at least trying)
      Please research next time and don’t embarrass yourself

    • @murphyy3238
      @murphyy3238 4 года назад

      Apparent yea, very funny

    • @SomeOne1121
      @SomeOne1121 4 года назад +1

      @@marsh5954 farming pummeler all day. Yay.

    • @Apparentt
      @Apparentt 4 года назад +2

      Murphy I mean I’m not even saying third is that important, because feral at #3 in terms of DPS is the same distance from balance which is absolutely at the bottom as they are to warriors at #1.
      Warriors and rogues are in a league of their own for the entire game. Feral is the top of the rest of the plebs though, for now

  • @MrRiodiamond
    @MrRiodiamond 4 года назад +5

    Tank druid def over preforming from what i was expecting going into classic. I'd say they are pretty well equal to warriors on fights that don't rely on cheese mechanics (Fear, Popping sand on Chrom)

  • @chaoticneutral1090
    @chaoticneutral1090 4 года назад +12

    My gf picked hunter and druid for her first ever characters.. I told her about the glory days that will be her tbc experience, she's pretty hyped :D

    • @chaoticneutral1090
      @chaoticneutral1090 4 года назад

      @Use DuckDuckGo as long as you're having fun stick with retail

    • @ajaakola2
      @ajaakola2 4 года назад

      @Use DuckDuckGo Na it won't die, but it can be hard getting into it now

    • @Jonsse
      @Jonsse 4 года назад +1

      @Use DuckDuckGo Classic is a completely different game than Retail. I would definitely suggest you try it, you're already paying a subscription. Though, as a newer player, it might be something very unfamiliar to you and not at all fun.

    • @robertAnthonyColon
      @robertAnthonyColon 4 года назад

      Use DuckDuckGo stick to retail. Classics difficulty is piss easy. There’s about to be a lot of scarab lords coming like Tuesday. Over hyped dog shit.

    • @chocolategoose7350
      @chocolategoose7350 4 года назад +1

      @Use DuckDuckGo Depends on what you're looking for in an MMO. Each version of the game has its own many different flaws and different strengths. They are also both very alien games from each other. I can definitely recommend classic (As I have played it almost every day since it released), but if you are having fun with retail then you'll do fine sticking with it and a new expansion is coming soon.

  • @MrLolguy93
    @MrLolguy93 4 года назад +12

    Oh boy. I still remember the aquatic form questline. It was such a humongous pain in the ass. I lost count on how many times I died. But when I finally got it, even if it wasn't that useful on land, the completion of it felt great. This is what retail is missing imo. A sense of completion and the sense of accomplishment.
    P.S. :Do either Shammy or Pally. Also say
    "Windfury weapon proc lol"

    • @joe3140
      @joe3140 4 года назад +4

      I did the aquatic quest as soon as I got it and man I can't tell you how many times that thing saved my bacon, especially while in stranglethorn vale getting ganked by 2 or 3 people.

    • @mikkelprugel4096
      @mikkelprugel4096 4 года назад

      1 year of classic . And no Aqua form LOL

  • @xxedelbrockxx
    @xxedelbrockxx 4 года назад +7

    As being a Druid main and main tank for my guild, I can say that I’m in love with the class and after BWL feel more confident taking on large challenges. I can and do MT every boss with exception of Nef due to Druid call, and I got pummeler farming down to less that 5 minutes back and forth. I also out-threat any warrior tank (prot/fury prot included).

    • @Wiskerftw
      @Wiskerftw 4 года назад +2

      I think you should try tanking Nef too, as long as healers are ready for it when it happens and mages are ready to be the new decursers it's really not that much of an issue when the druid call comes. I've maintanked Nef plenty of times as a druid and I think we've had the druid call 3 or for 4 times during that but I have never died from it. The only time that I've died on Nef is when a priest went full retard during priest call and game me a huge stack of debuffs.

    • @xxedelbrockxx
      @xxedelbrockxx 4 года назад +1

      Wiskerftw right on man. Yeah I usually dps and if the warrior dies I’ll take over, but that rarely happens. I’ll talk to them about it and see if I can do it and record.

    • @GROC1101
      @GROC1101 4 года назад

      Let me ask you man is it worth the ride to 60 are druids fun at 60 in pvp....I’m asking cause I like Druid flavor more than my shaman but everyone speaks so badly of them

  • @Jaymzmiller
    @Jaymzmiller 4 года назад +47

    I didn't think I'd main a Druid, I didn't think I'd go Boomkin, I definitely didn't think I'd be a raiding BiS Boomkin. But I was wrong, and I bloody love it.

    • @Harvey2Tall
      @Harvey2Tall 4 года назад

      Totally agree!!

    • @Cipher8721
      @Cipher8721 4 года назад

      me too

    • @Mindflayer911
      @Mindflayer911 4 года назад +5

      Jaymzmiller My GM is a Boomkin. My 3 YO dubbed them “naughty chickens”. My main is cat for raiding but I occasionally will OT in bear. Love it :)

    • @andrewa6607
      @andrewa6607 4 года назад +9

      Gaius Julius Caesar the vegans of wow

    • @Jaymzmiller
      @Jaymzmiller 4 года назад

      @Blue .Barrymore As in, I'm very close to having the Best in Slot items for every bit of gear available to my character, such as Nelfarions Tear and Mish'undare helm. Mages hate me.

  • @the_one_gio
    @the_one_gio 4 года назад +2

    One point you forgot to mention is how much easier it is to get into groups as a druid. With 0/30/21 you can easily switch between being a healer or a tank in any dungeon, which was a huge plus when I was first trying to get gear.

    • @dafire9634
      @dafire9634 4 года назад

      From my own experience being specced mostly into feral dps/tank hybrid(for leveling) with some points in resto,i found you can still heal the dungeon even if you have very little points in resto!

  • @kennethlarsen7308
    @kennethlarsen7308 4 года назад +18

    I main tank for my guild. (Including Nef) I like druid because I can heal, resurrect, innervate, go invisible, tank all content in the game with our fury dps parsing 99 and easily holding aggro, I get an instant cast medium range pull (better than warrior's bows by a LOT), I can turn into a seal, or a cheetah, or pop a rogue sprint depending on what I'm doing. I can do massive AoE damage to huge groups of weak mobs. What makes druid great isn't self handi-capping myself lol, I can do everything. I'm a rogue, warrior, priest, and mage all at the same time. Sure I may not have every tool the pure classes has to offer at what they do, but I'm all of them. And, I have 10k hp and 10k armor while still out-threating a thunderfury fury prot warrior with no shield. Would never consider maining anything else.

    • @HWHY
      @HWHY Год назад

      Nail, head, etc.
      And once I tried Bird form in later expansions, rolling another class became nearly impossible.

  • @tonystanley8186
    @tonystanley8186 4 года назад +4

    I loved my Druid. It has everything you need to do anything you want to. I eventually got bored though. Druid shines when you’re constantly adapting to a situation. However, those situations lessen as you hit the 60 mark and get into solid groups and raids. Then you fill one role, and a Druid performing one role gets dull quick. Each role a Druid fills isn’t terribly deep or hard, so when stuck on a singular focus the fun quickly diminishes. They remain amazingly fun in PVP though.

  • @trevormorey4518
    @trevormorey4518 4 года назад +1

    I main as the main-tank for my guild as a feral bear. Not something I anticipated doing from the start, but hell it's a blast, I've never had more fun in an MMO. My guild is super supportive, and I wish more guilds were of bear tanks, as I can easy out-threat warrior tanks and can hold my own mitigation-wise even without the ability to block of parry. I feel a lot of guilds are afraid or overly cautious to bringing along bear tanks, which I don't get. I also 100% agree with the power dropoff as your leveling, the 55-60 grind is real as a druid, even feral.

  • @Wiskerftw
    @Wiskerftw 4 года назад +21

    "Cannot compete with the amount of threat that fury tanks can put out"? Well excuuuse me but the only time a "fury tank" can compete with my threat is when he is using both Death Wish and Recklessness. Druid tanks have the same base multiplier as Warriors which is 1.495 when talented but druids also get that combined with another multiplier (1.75) on Maul and Swipe which makes them actually generate threat at 2.61 times the amount of damage they put out. This is of course to compensate for having less damage than a warrior but combine that with a Manual Crowd Pummeler and virtually no warrior can get close to your threat in similar gear without using their 30 minute cooldown.

    • @thenever2957
      @thenever2957 4 года назад

      Yeah skarm puts out great tank videos. Fury prot and bear put out the same threat

    • @StCreed
      @StCreed 4 года назад

      Who compares fury spec to feral tanks... really. Its mainly prot specced tanks you compete against and i can outthreat them every day of the week without even trying.

    • @edwinrivas4541
      @edwinrivas4541 4 года назад

      M 8 I I 7888778 82k 730iish 7 I 8lb

    • @edwinrivas4541
      @edwinrivas4541 4 года назад +1

      Yeah i dont like videos that are bias or uninformative. Videos like this are the reason people have a misconception that some classes are terrible. I havent had on fury tank keep up with bear threat unless they pop cooldowns and when they do they risk dying and sometimes get one shotted. And to be honest, with so much armor and health, i have never needed to pot or was close to dying unless my healers werent paying attention. The only true bs is farming pummelers. Cat form is ass and situational and healing and battel rez has its place. 99% of guilds arent speed running or requiring buff cap so stop making it seems as though buff cap is an issue. This video already had an agenda before it even started. And for you pvpers, if you come across a good druid they are hard to kill and will kite the fk out of you. So if youre looking to play druid you always have a place anywhere you go. You just have to felxible which is why you picked druid in the first place.

    • @thenever2957
      @thenever2957 4 года назад

      @@edwinrivas4541 cat form is not ass. They have really good single target dps. Some of my first naxx raids Cat is #1. They could be quite possibly the best dps for first week naxx because all their BIS gear is AQ

  • @Shuntaec
    @Shuntaec 4 года назад +1

    I simply cannot believe that you've only ever healed a bear once. They are in most guilds, some as offspec tanks and some as main tanks. They do both roles well. And they bring a lot to the table. Also that "druids are only healers in raids" thing completely flipped on its head in classic. No guild I come across thinks like that. Certainly boomkins and cats are phased out as being suboptimal in raids, but I don't hear that about bear tanks.

  • @ChairmanMeow1
    @ChairmanMeow1 4 года назад +1

    No and now I've quit playing because I don't have it in me to re roll and I hate resto healing compared to paladins and priests. Sadness.

  • @eventyr8350
    @eventyr8350 4 года назад +4

    Was lucky enough to get into a guild that let me go full feral DPS
    and with a bit of effort put into it i can keep up with the rouges and warriors on most boss fights
    its also very easy to swap some gear around and go bearform and become a offtank
    there's only a few bosses i have issues with when it comes to tanking due to being a bit squishy
    all in all feral DPS is a very good spec if you put a lot of work and effort into it

    • @Mekose
      @Mekose 4 года назад +1

      This is quite under-rated; because a good druid off-tank is basically like having an extra DPS for fights where you don't need an off-tank. They can pull so much weight for a raid comp and there's nothing quite like a bear tank with DR cap and a disgusting amount of HP.

  • @jacobma385
    @jacobma385 4 года назад +3

    I watched ur awesome videos and started my classic wow journey as a druid, intended to be a solo casual player, not join in any guild.
    The leveling and early max lv dungeon experience was amazing, it's so easy to find a group since u can fulfill any role. it's also kind of painful since u need to compete against everyone else for all kinds of gear.
    Then i met this only Chinese guild on my server, as a Chinese playing on a NA server, that means something. i joined them and became the first lv60 druid in the guild. everyone was so happy that they finally got a druid.
    As the guild grows, we started our own MC raid. I did some MC pugs as a healer, but having only 2 warriors, my guild needs me to become a tank. Although i've been playing wow for 10 years, i never raided as a tank. It was really fun. Since druid tanks are easy to gear up, i performed really well, even better than the 2 warrior tanks. And it's easy for a bear to hit FR cap, so i solo tanked Rag easily with 315 FR and a huge health pull while the warrior tanks kept getting oneshot. the whole guild cheered me when we kill Rag the first time, it felt so good. And after our guild's first ony kill, the GM decided to give the first head to me as a thank for the Rag tanking, plus i'm a LW so i can make ony cloak after i get the head, and everyone agreed.
    Then it came the finical problem, i don't really like any of the druid gold making methods. so when dire maul released, i played a warlock to do dme solo jump runs.
    After farming MC for ages, raiding as a druid became more and more boring for me. because bear tanks don't have much gear to chase in MC, so u don't improve much compared with the warrior tanks, and u lose the motivation to do raid real fast cause u don't have anything to chase for. So when i gradually becoming the core member of the guild, i switched my main to a warrior, who has loads of items to chase for and scales way better.
    Nowadays, my druid still maintains the tank-healer hybrid spec, i rarely play her, mainly using her to fulfill the missing roles in the alt raids. it's still fun, but the logs are so bad since my gear is still at MC stage and my spec is hybrid.
    Overall, i love my druid, the gaming experience she brought to me is amazing.
    Thank u for the awesome guides, they helped me a lot.

  • @anasameer
    @anasameer 4 года назад +14

    I main a feral dps druid in classic. Everyone has been underestimating me and my class from the beginning. It has been fun being in the top 3 dps classes and managing to beat a few rogues and some not so good warriors.
    PS: If you want to play a feral kitty in raids, do it. It has the most fun and interactive rotation in the game, your dps is actually really good if you know what you are doing and you will prove many people wrong. You don't have to spam frostbolt to be viable in this 15 year old game. Just play what you like and prove the doubters wrong.

    • @patrickstaak501
      @patrickstaak501 4 года назад

      Hell yeah. Did my first cat raid (bwl) couple days ago and always did 2/3rds or more dps of my guilds best dpsers (almost fully geared rogues missing an item or two)
      Go for it for sure!

    • @Immagonko
      @Immagonko 4 года назад

      Other dps in your guild must be really bad

    • @anasameer
      @anasameer 4 года назад

      @@Immagonko look guys, we spotted the ignorant one :)
      If only he knew the true power of a well played feral druid. Kinda sad that there will only be 1 spot per raid though

    • @Immagonko
      @Immagonko 4 года назад

      @@anasameer classic is unbalanced

    • @Widowmakerdamien
      @Widowmakerdamien 4 года назад

      Logs don't lie Sameer. Druid is ATLEAST 500 dps behind the top dps'rs and not even in the top 500 of all class logs for every boss in BWL.
      Razorgore: Warrior: 2225. Top druid: 1387
      Vael: Warrior 3031. Top druid : 1935
      Broodlord: Warrior 1664. Top druid: 1004
      Firemaw: Warrior: 1780. Top druid: 958
      Ebon: Warrior: 1627. Top druid: 1055
      Flamegor: Warrior: 1781. Top druid: 1145
      Chrom: Mage: 2270. Top druid: 987
      Nefarian: Warrior: 1563 - Top druid: 976
      Might be very enjoyable but don't go around saying well played feral druids compete with the big boys. Your guilds warriors and rogues are poor and if they put in the effort you did, you wouldn't be in the top 10.

  • @ddc2343d
    @ddc2343d 4 года назад +3

    I have both a Druid and a Priest. Buffing on the Druid is SO much easier than buffing on a Priest. You can cast mark on 3 groups before you go out of mana. On my priest I have to drink after every group I fully buff. Mark itself is also super low to cast, you can single buff 5 or 6 players without going out of mana.

  • @laszlomeszaros247
    @laszlomeszaros247 4 года назад +1

    1200 mana? Priest party-wide fortitude is 3100 mana :(

  • @zyyzzbrah
    @zyyzzbrah 4 года назад +4

    I'm casually leveling my druid atm solely for TBC. They are literal gods during the entirety of TBC, can't wait!

    • @plasticbudgie
      @plasticbudgie 4 года назад

      They're gods if you're good and are capable of using 50 different macros. They're still broken if you're bad player also.

    • @zyyzzbrah
      @zyyzzbrah 4 года назад

      @@plasticbudgie I'm not sure about how it was 13 years ago, but I've been playing TBC private servers for years and you don't need druid specific macros (cancelform etc) anymore. It's built-in the game. Ofc you still need regular macros, but so does any other class.

    • @plasticbudgie
      @plasticbudgie 4 года назад

      @@zyyzzbrah When i refer to Druids being gods, It's generally accept they're gods within Arena, and Gods at Flag Running in WSG.
      Generaly the tier list.
      S-Tier: Resto Druid - Rogue
      A TIer: Warlock, Mage, Disc Priest ( Hunter with the right Comp I.E Disc Hunter Drain 2's )
      Just an example really, where as Druids in 3's have to have an insane amount of Macros. but Resto is still pretty much smash your face against the keyboard and pretend you're actually good at the game in BGs in TBC.
      I'd argue with Feral is Near beyond OP like ShS rogues. Their weakness being restealthing and Mana Issues and not resseting a fight is fixed with. open up with GREAT burst and bleeds, Cyclone Heal to full Restealth Repeat. I'd argue a Top rated Feral should beat most classes 1v1 in TBC. Other than Disc Priest which is easily the best 1v1 class in the game in duel scenarios.
      oh yeah Warrior and Healer is just Derp... Charge Smash free kills just faceroll.
      Warrior without healer is sooo bad its funny, worse than Vanilla.
      That's my experience with Private servers and Past knowledge of the days.

  • @WadeAllen001
    @WadeAllen001 4 года назад +5

    Druid is basically exactly what I expected, and I'm a big fan. I've played Druid since TBC. Resto until late wrath, then feral ever since. In classic I've been playing feral dps and I enjoy it a lot. I just hate the player psychology around it; how everyone shits on it and doesn't take you seriously. What people don't seem to understand is this game isn't so hard that we all need to be min-maxing rogues to clear raids. You can take "meme" specs and do just fine.

  • @probablyilliterate
    @probablyilliterate 4 года назад +11

    "Halfway point."
    Me who still hasn't even started- :'(

    • @MrEverisforever
      @MrEverisforever 4 года назад +1

      It's not too late, it's actually a good time to start since there are so many raids open

    • @probablyilliterate
      @probablyilliterate 4 года назад

      @@MrEverisforever Thanks for the positive reinforcement.

    • @skywillfindyou
      @skywillfindyou 4 года назад +1

      How it could be late as the point of classic servers is to be there "forever"? Before we had pirate servers, was it too late?

  • @qwerty3161
    @qwerty3161 3 года назад +2

    Please continue this series! If you are concerned about the viewership this video got then try a popular class like Warrior or Mage before you cancel this series... I have been waiting for this series to continue!

  • @taylorwilliams6137
    @taylorwilliams6137 4 года назад +2

    I think you accurately covered the initial feeling of druids in classic, but as you said the fun is in mastering the class. There is so much utility built into the class for both PVE and PVP that make it the most interesting class to consistently play with in my opinion. The ability to melee DPS, tank, heal, ranged DPS, or just play as a full utility/mobility character make finding the best use of your GCD's a challenge that i don't think another class can rival.
    I think the draw for playing druids in classic is finding the holes in your groups' playstyle and filling your role within it with one class, rather than filling a predetermined slot. Securing the last 10% performance difference between the best mage and a good mage doesn't have the same satisfaction as the best druid and an good druid, at least to me.

  • @pvcpipe
    @pvcpipe 4 года назад +5

    So, seems like you were only healing an offtank druid, who doesn't need to pump threat. Druids generally produce way more threat than warriors, when they pop mcp, and only start doing less when the warrior gets thunderfury.

  • @sara-hc7wb
    @sara-hc7wb 4 года назад +12

    I feel like you did feral druids dirty here
    I'm one of the main tanks in my guild (we have multiple raid groups) and when I pop pummeler, a warrior needs to pop reck/death wish with thunderfury to have a chance at keeping up, and they'll be taking a lot more damage. I also hit armor cap and over 10k HP even without flask while doing so
    I think one of the strongest parts about druid tanks is that in order for warriors to build a ton of threat, they must drop a ton of their mitigation. druids lose no mitigation, even in max threat gear, apart from maybe a few percent dodge or a hundred HP. some fights are harder for druids than warriors, though I've successfully tanked nefarian multiple times (I'm even the main nefarian tank in our raid group). I've also main tanked chromaggus (I don't know what you mean by consume macros being unreliable, I have never ever died while popping sand or stoneshields)
    now with phase 5, we're getting a 300 attack power weapon (for reference, this is literally equivalent to a warrior having *two crusader buffs* on *permanently*, and we're getting an idol that lets us swipe/maul spam without ever going out of rage ever. while it's true we lack some utility in certain fights compared to warriors, especially huge cooldowns like shield wall or engineering, druids are absolute beasts who can handle any boss you throw at them, and do a better job than 90% of warriors
    we also have a cat DPS in the raid group who consistently sits in the top DPS. rarely absolute #1, though it happens sometimes on some fights, and they are always beating several of the warriors/rogues
    the video felt a lot like it was based more on truisms and what "everyone knows" about ferals in raids than it was about actual experience with the class

    • @antoineweb1
      @antoineweb1 4 года назад

      I can relate to your comment, Feral tanks are really strong at the moment. The author clearly has no idea about what he is saying.

    • @crocopde
      @crocopde 4 года назад

      -and we're getting an idol that lets us swipe/maul
      this in phase 6
      I dont disagree with you BWL give bear the push they need to be more than viable.
      I got my biss all phase last night the vanguard boots from aq 20
      I play feral dps. I twinked lv 59 for a all phase 1 2 and 3 and i was overpowering rogue very easily. I was killing most healer in 2 global. The only twink that felt stronger was the warrior with the lionheart helm. Now in AQ i cannot wait to see how powerful i will be. I 2 shot a rogue with Windseeker sword last night. Let me tell you: It felt pretty good.
      I blame gear from phase and 2 and 3 for the meta-narrative being feral do not scale. Remove the rogue tier set and remove core hound toots now were is the meta

    • @sara-hc7wb
      @sara-hc7wb 4 года назад

      @@crocopde I literally have both feral idols in my inventory, they were released early

    • @crocopde
      @crocopde 4 года назад

      @@sara-hc7wb your right 2% drop chance this is dedication right here .

  • @BrionStone
    @BrionStone 4 года назад +1

    As a Resto Druid while looking for a dungeon group I was told more than once that Druids aren't real healers as they don't have a res without a cool down. Not what I was expecting to ever hear as a healer.

    • @StCreed
      @StCreed 4 года назад +1

      That's... rather stupid of them.

  • @Erosknight
    @Erosknight 4 года назад +4

    This is a perfect video! I literally just made a druid yesterday and been thinking what spec and if its worth it. Haha thanks for this vid

    • @MRkriegs
      @MRkriegs 4 года назад +2

      Ehhh it is not exactly perfect. He has such a low understanding of the druid somehow... feral tanks are fucking amazing first off. Feral dps when power shifting is very viable, fun, engaging and has a melee crit buff which every warrior wants. And ignite mages want a boomie in their group always. Druid is a good pick though! Play what ever roll you want! You can make it work

  • @mr1337viking
    @mr1337viking 4 года назад +9

    Once you get used to the mobility and versatility druids have in Classic it's really hard to stick with anything else. Other classes always seem to be lacking in some aspect, but my druid can do anything!

  • @bebl
    @bebl 4 года назад +1

    Excellent video!

  • @MrZoupsoup
    @MrZoupsoup 4 года назад +1

    Great idea for content. Do paladin next please :D. I play ret and against all the memes and in game hate I love the class. There is something so satisfying about getting your 5 hit combo in

    • @dafire9634
      @dafire9634 4 года назад

      You mean *autoattack simulator: the class*

    • @MrZoupsoup
      @MrZoupsoup 4 года назад

      ​@@dafire9634 Your point being? If people didn't have fun with the class no one would play it.

  • @jeffr6062
    @jeffr6062 4 года назад +2

    Great video. Would like to see something like this for each class. "What we were expecting vs what we got"

  • @spooky_zen
    @spooky_zen 4 года назад +1

    Blizzards intention for drood was a herb farmer alt and flag runner. do shaman sham has the game on hard mode

  • @Mason_Smash
    @Mason_Smash 4 года назад +1

    I love the outro

  • @Dualities
    @Dualities 4 года назад

    combine best of bear and monkin form and you can do anything tank, dps or heal. and you just wear raid gear. I was feral until 60 tho. classic.wowhead.com/talent-calc/druid/0140502302551021-0500501-54 with pvp talents and booth buffs maxed. your AoE combo is heal over time, bear form (more max hp), charge, demoralizing roar ( - enemy power), moonkin form, bark for no knockback, hurricane ( - enemy attack speed)

  • @Pesthuf
    @Pesthuf 4 года назад +1

    If only MCP didn't have this stupid charge mechanic. Then MAYBE I'd consider it.

  • @antonkhofdos9329
    @antonkhofdos9329 4 года назад +1

    Just wanted to correct you regarding drinking pots in bear form:
    you CAN drink pots with macro and go back to bear via macro and cause of batching there is zero risk to get hit in the meanwhile.

    • @StCreed
      @StCreed 4 года назад

      Yup. I macro'd healthstones, all potions and whipper root tubers, as well as innervate and battle res. While I don't do the battle res while tanking, I can even innervate when the boss isn't hitting me with a flurry.

  • @HavelMom
    @HavelMom 4 года назад

    honestly druid is most fun i ever had in wow i first rolled rogue but dropped it on lvl50 when my friends stopped playing and rolled druid i played boomkin from start to finish and enjoyed it 100% right after getting past lvl 10 i still havent stepped in any raids tho just all pvp since i hit 60 but damn its just so much fun to pvp on druid im thinking of getting my ass in raids soon to get some juicy gear but its been 100% enjoyable so far

  • @nikosgiginth
    @nikosgiginth 4 года назад

    I have try to level up a druid and god it have been horrible for me but maybe i have been going something bad xD
    Seen them in raids as we got 1 resto druid and 1 feral druid dps . And let me tell you the battle res saved up a clear wipe a couple of times!
    which class you will do next??? I wound like to see rogues and maybe hunter in the next ones

  • @gamingshowerthoughts9723
    @gamingshowerthoughts9723 Год назад

    I felt kind of left-out of certain parts of the culture of classic, mega parsing, etc. But everything else about druid was fantastic. Raiding was low-pressure but fun, and when things got scuffed, and the handful of classic bosses that have a long kill times even when not scuffed, I felt incredibly powerful. Warsong Gulch was fun, I felt like a VIP as just a casual with Rank8 speed suit and some FAPs. But my #1 favorite thing to do was outdoor herbalism and killing people, mostly mages. Almost no matchup as one-sided as resto druid vs mage, and definitely no class more fun and profitable and available to kill than mages. Having stealth was so much fun too for various outdoor shenanigans; scouting, etc
    I played as moonglow-resto almost the entire time. I'm normally prone to stressing myself out about sub-optimal talent builds, but I was satisfied that moonglow was simultaneously the best pve spec and also the best gank spec.

  • @d.j.mcbride4622
    @d.j.mcbride4622 4 года назад +1

    I've been playing a feral tank, and there are a few nice perks. Firstly, I've tanked every boss in the game through BWL. There are a number of nice perks the class has, one of which is the buff cap. Druids have less innate buffs than warriors. Warriors have to stop getting buffs at around 22 to 24 buffs, where druids can get 26. We don't have those innate buffs that warriors get. This means we can get more consumes. I subtle, but nice perk.

  • @kalandonor
    @kalandonor 3 года назад

    I have a druid main. I'm on heart of the wild / ns talent. And I can main tank like 90% of bosses in all raids. I'm really sad that WillE undersold druids. Have you tried the raiding with druids finally WillE? Feral tanks can generate more or equal single target threat than warriors with MCP until phase 6. After that, warriors will take over the threat game. Also druids can perform extremely good as a rejuvenation or regrowth healer! I know I know...32 buff slots. I use rejuvenation and regrowth if raid suffers huge aoe damage (certain trash and boss fights like Prophet Skeram, Battleguard Sartura). And I usually top those fights as a druid. Check out Necerium Cloudes's videos for more about druid healing!

  • @selalewow
    @selalewow 4 года назад +1

    My main has been a druid since I started near the end if BC. I revived her in Classic and did not regret it. Was Boomkin in retail but went feral dps with my hubby trying the class as healer. We had a blast.

  • @nyq4217
    @nyq4217 4 года назад

    So, here’s my controversial opinion as a raiding feral tank; the most effective spec for a druid to be endgame is the feral tank specialization. Restoration druids are alright at what they do, but if you play hordeside (which I do), their AoE healing gets blown out by shamans and priests. Feral tanks have these three major things to offer: 1. Spectacular base mitigation, some of the highest in the game due to bear form. 2. The most competitive (consistent) single target TPS. Sure, a dual-wielding fury tank popping recklessness and diamond flask might be able to beat me, but I can use a crowd pummeler every raid fight; reck has a 30 min cd. 3. Having an additional tanking spec is incredibly valuable to the health of a raid, especially when they don’t fight for warrior gear. I was able to gear out in under 3 weeks with how much “garbage” dropped in raid. Pieces like Taut Dragonhide provide significant power spikes to feral cat/bear, even though they’re considered garbage to other classes. Some warr tanks spend entire phases fighting with warr DPS (one of the highest picked raid specialization) on gear, so competition is stiff. Anyway, that’s my take on druid, and I hope that this helps someone out there!

  • @josi4749
    @josi4749 3 года назад

    Absolutely dislike mine. I wish I had leveled my priest instead.
    Resto from MC through to Naxx. They are much more difficult to play than priest, paladin, and shaman. You really only ever want 2 resto druids in raids because rejuvenate does not stack. What moron thought that was a good idea? Bres is good for raids but make druid less desired for dungeons. Healing touch heals for less than other class heals, uses more mana, and takes longer. Our only useful idols are locked behind a ludicrous quest chain and a raid boss that rarely any raid does. T3 tokens is shared with 3 other more important classes.... They are terribly unfun to play.
    Our positives: gift of the wild, bres, poison cleaning, and innervate. Except for gotw, these are very situational tools.
    Will disagree about bear tanks - they are brilliant. You likely do not want many feral druids in raids, but highly suggest at least one bear. They are great at aoe tanking. Very obligatory in Aq40 and much of Naxx.

  • @mahtan2685
    @mahtan2685 4 года назад

    Druids have around 140 AP less baseline at 60 in Bear and Cat Form than on private servers. After playing the shit out of The Rebirth and Nostalrius, this has been my biggest disappointment. Druids didn't even feel that strong on these servers in other roles than healing, but Classic WoW has just been a pathetic performance at 60 (similar to what you describe).
    I still play it and enjoy it, but I miss the overtuned power of private servers xD
    For reference: www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/c2trh9/private_server_damage_range_for_feral_forms_was/

  • @Jestemkioskiem
    @Jestemkioskiem 4 года назад

    Sorry, but you just have no clue what you're talking about. You spent 80% of the video talking about endgame while having no experience or even knowledge about that endgame.
    Feral Cats were 3rd best DPS in BWL. Feral Bears have higher TPS than fury prots with equally good gear.

  • @lennonmueller598
    @lennonmueller598 4 года назад

    HARD disagree about Bear threat compared to Fury tanks. We recently had one of our tanks go DW Fury/Prot and he's a good player. We always get world buffs together before raid nights, so we're equally buffed going in. And while I have to use Pummelers to beat him in threat, I do beat him. And I don't have to give up a significant chunk of my mitigation like he does. The only upside for him is that he does significantly more DPS than I do. That is the real reason to bring a Fury/Prot. Their threat gen is still lower than Bears, but their DPS is much higher.

  • @Oekofutziwow
    @Oekofutziwow 4 года назад

    In my opinion feral Druids are way better DPS than people expect them to be - atleast If youre going the extra mile when it comes to Raid preparation! Currently I‘m in a decent Guild and still competing with Rouges or Warriors for top DPS peaking at 1,1k dps on multiple 1min+ fights in BWL .. cats are no joke whatsoever and way beyond my expectations 😎

  • @kindredlebel9175
    @kindredlebel9175 Год назад

    Vanilla Druid was remembered as the jack of all trades master of none. But I think we all underestimated the min max potential on a Druid specifically. I’ve seen druids topping overall dps in raids over and over again. Feral tanks, easily keeping agro on some of the hardest hitting bosses with greens on…. When a TF tank warrior would die repeatedly.. and needed to be replaced. And don’t even get me started on the resto druids. Clearly a master of all, lacking in none.

  • @JabroneyMod
    @JabroneyMod 4 года назад +2

    Im upset that I was told to go druid as a first time wow player to try tanking,healing,and dps. I expected that my abilities would be more important than my class, but I was wrong. As a high parsing druid I am one of the lower healing people in my raid.

    • @fatalalchemy602
      @fatalalchemy602 4 года назад

      Then you're probably not healing correctly, I always parse extremely high and am usually one of the top healers in every encounter bar the 2 drakes after firemaw but even then a few times I've parsed 99s and topped the meters with well placed rejuvenatons which is a way underrated spell you should try out using more

    • @JabroneyMod
      @JabroneyMod 4 года назад

      @@fatalalchemy602 as i said , im a very high parsing druid. Its just that im in a good team. Other healing classes are objectively better by a long shot

  • @90sbabymilitaryman
    @90sbabymilitaryman 3 года назад

    As a feral Druid(I have some pretty good gear) I’m the only tank in our whole guild who can be told to main tank a boss (except for Nefarian or chromag) and go be top 10 dmg by changing my stance>:) with MCP I our threat my rank 14 fury tank while having way more defensive stats than he does. Druid may not be master of anything, but we also have no weakness

  • @garyforeman4314
    @garyforeman4314 4 года назад

    I main a Bear tank, in a semi HC guild. Bears are not better or worse than warriors, just different. We have pros and cons vs warriors. Bears can balance threat and mitigation well. We don't have to gimp our mitigation to pump threat just throw on a MCP. Our guild warriors are quite good and pump quite hard, and I keep up reasonably comfortably. Our armor and health pool help smooth out the spikey damage a lot but a triple flurry crit is still sketchy. Gear wise AQ has helped HUGELY and keeps me competitive while tanking and OS dpsing. The biggest con is not being able to pot in form. This has left me vulnerable on more than one occasion. So in summery. We bring a different tank style to the table (big ol' lump of HP and armor and decent threat) we run 2 warrior and 1 bear and that feels right and gives us the option to put the best meat shield in front of the boss

  • @emmeno1
    @emmeno1 4 года назад

    I raid as a druid in a guild that does BWL in under 50mins. Not world class but not terrible either.
    This is not a great take on druids as far as raiding. I don't want to be too harsh but willE How can you main a mage and say that gift is expensive at 1200 mana compared to something like arcane brilliance at a whopping 3400mp? Like our group buff is cheaper than some classes single target buffs.
    The take on bear druids is also not great. With MCP a druid tank can put out ludicrous levels of threat only surpassed by a TF wielding fury prot war and even then that warrior is not wearing a shield and occasionally taking more dmg from deathwish (20%!) while a bear is sitting at a comfy 10k+ armor and probably has equal or more HP since they get a flat HP boost in addition to 20% extra stam.
    Bears biggest weakness, and it is a large one, is that they have no good "oh no" cooldowns and if horde no way to get around fear. Frenzied regen pales in comparison to last stand/shield wall and barkskin is not usable in form.
    Also while a cat feral ultimately does not close the gap between having another war even with LoTP factored in that fury warrior is not going to be anywhere near as good as a feral after swapping to tank gear.
    Even the resto take while kinda correct about some things isn't completely on point. Buff slots are a thing and while you probably don't want to be using rejuv/thorns you should absolutely be able to use regrowth unless you are in some world class speed run guild. because a regrowth spec druid has some of the most insane raid HPS in the game.

  • @oomaka3560
    @oomaka3560 4 года назад

    Hell yes it was. I played a warrior and a druid. I treated the druid the same as my warrior in a personal experiment. Most would go feral cat for leveling and they stack agility... (Wrong!)... Instead try stacking strength, enchant everything you can with strength. Yes it takes away your crit chance, BUT the same as a warrior or rogue, you operate on rage and energy which makes some of your attacks idle with white hits... those white hits make up 50% of your idle damage. Strength makes your white hits BIGGER!

  • @TorrentKatten
    @TorrentKatten 4 года назад +1

    Leveled both a Tauren and a Night Elf, playing the Tauren most of the time. Still playing my druid that I mained back in vanilla in BFA to this day. Druids ftw!

  • @Laserred01
    @Laserred01 4 года назад

    Back in original wow, I mained a resto-feral druid. I was fortunate enough to be in a top raiding guild that generally let players spec how they wanted if you could prove your worth! We even did world bosses which gave us access to some additional loot most players didn't have. We did PvP as well and I made Marshal but stopped there to keep my sanity. I had a set for every occasion. Bear, cat, healing, balance, pvp, fire, nature. Bags were always full and having engineering didn't help. It was definitely a challenge but having the ability to switch between a healer, tank, and dps was useful on many fights. I also had *a lot* more time back then! My alt was hunter but I made hunter my main this time around! I only have time to raid 2 nights/wk. now. Just wait until TBC. Then again, hunter was really solid in tbc too, much better than vanilla.

  • @dkeith45
    @dkeith45 4 года назад

    I come at it from the perspective of a two boxer. I run two accounts and play on a PC and a Laptop. I've tried different combos. My first two 60's are a Hunter/Priest team. Now I'm working on another team and Druid/Priest seem good. At first, I loved Cat Druid, but with no taunt, and no way to strike more than one mob at a time, it got too tedious by level 48, plus, very few dungeon groups will accept a cat druid as dps. However, I have seen a lot of Bear Druid Tanks in dungeon groups so I finally respected and went Bear. Loving it so far. Bear has a good taunt, has talents that give it more agro, and it can strike three mobs at once. Running the bear now, the healer priest rarely gets any agro at all.

  • @Jonsse
    @Jonsse 4 года назад

    I started Classic as a Druid, got to lvl 38 and quit completely. Mind you, not because of the druid, I love druids. Was going to try to squeeze in somewhere as a bear tank. I just don't like Vanilla. I played it enough in retail, TBCC/Wrath are much more fun.

  • @sknuttel
    @sknuttel 4 года назад

    You are selling Bear tanks short, I am currently playing one and raiding with Thunderfury fury prots, and even when Bears are at their worst point relatively gear wise in pre AQ (LITERALLY WORST) I can generate nearly identical threat while being tankier. The only downside is the lack of utility. And our thunderfury tank has warlord gear on so he is no slouch either.

  • @voodoo1069
    @voodoo1069 4 года назад

    I mained a druid this time around because I wanted to main a druid in tbc again. Leveling starting out just didn't feel great but in the like 30-45 area it felt great as long as you never pulled 2 casters at once because that had a 100% chance to fail and you had basically zero ways to cc handle that pull. I did some raiding but felt pretty useless outside of val. I wasn't expecting much but was expecting more. With this bad impression I'm likely not playing tbc even know it was my main reason to playing druid. I think my memory is to clouded looking back on my favorite expansion.

  • @Otaconsps
    @Otaconsps 4 года назад

    A feral druid with MCP should have no problem keeping up threat against the raid. Edit: don't feel too bad about MOTW costing 1200 mana or w/e.....mage's costs 3400.

  • @VirusVanquisher
    @VirusVanquisher 4 года назад

    Spot on, was resto druid for hardcore raid guild got all T1 and was a powerhouse in MC topping charts. Did well in BWL to start and was in full T3 with rejuv gem in just 3 weeks/raids of its open and then it went downhill. Was not allowed to cast HoT due to buff limit and ended up middle of pact at best.
    It became quite clear that a priest or shaman would be better to bring and allow the solo feral off tank to buff MoTW.
    I love druids and for the most part consider them my favorite class for all of WoW but in classic...any other class just scales far better beyond MC.

  • @JD-ub5ic
    @JD-ub5ic 4 года назад

    I think you're wrong about bear druids. While I think you're right about them having much more mitigation with less gear, you stated that only casual guilds will take them, and they're threat does not compare to a fury prot tank, and I think both these things are untrue. If you look at logs and talk to top guilds you surprisingly see feral tanks pop up quite a bit as OT's - the trick is that you play your hybrid class as a hybrid class and on fights where you aren't needed you have to be willing to decurse or go cat or w/e else is necessary.
    As far as threat goes I think feral druid out threats fury prot in most boss fights, assuming the bear is willing to pop 1-2 MCP charges a boss fight and the warrior doesn't have TF. If the fury prot is in full threat gear with no mitigation whatsoever then in my experience the threat feels pretty even, but as soon as the fury prot has to wear a bit of FR, or a shield for a small portion of the fight, then the druid runs away with it. Especially FR and mitigation fights feral threat is huge. Of course this is assuming you have MCP's, but if I chain pop MCP's I haven't found a tank or dps that can out threat me yet (this is almost never necessary, I typically pop 1-2 charges a fight and have a significant enough threat lead to go back to my main weapon). I've even been able to out threat my warrior tanks enough to single tank broodlord which is a boss with a serious threat drop mechanic who hits HARD.
    The threat thing makes sense once you realize maul is the highest threat scaling move in the game, and consider that MCP allows you to literally double your threat output whenever you so choose.

  • @BuckingFeast
    @BuckingFeast 4 года назад +1

    Main a mage, it's fun got my epic tiger mount on him. Now have my druid to lvl 37 and having a blast. Class is just fun because you can do everything and I enjoy healing

  • @julien5053
    @julien5053 3 года назад

    If you play it right, you can play feral dps/tank or restauration, and you will compete ok in raids. Anything but balance druid.
    I'm in a top10 guild of my server (pve server) and there are feral tank, restauration druids, and feral dps but less than the others.

  • @solidusraiden2502
    @solidusraiden2502 4 года назад

    1-60 feral, quick leveling, great for wpvp and can tank, healing pre bis and raids, dungeons more fun than raids imo so raiding as resto is kinda boring. 1v1 masterrace from release until around bwl as balance/resto spec. S tier flag runner in WSG and great defending in AV and AB. farming is complete ass unless you want to play as feral so if youre bad at making money non combat ways you'll prob hate it. overall a 10/10 experience and will continue this into tbc. didnt even make an alt so far