Gay Men VS Bisexual Men PART 2. What I Dont Understand About Bisexual Men.


Комментарии • 34

  • @TheAlfredPlatform
    @TheAlfredPlatform  18 дней назад +1

    PART 1️⃣👉🏾👉🏾видео.htmlsi=UhUYcb-poqBqj77M

  • @mattdemo6387
    @mattdemo6387 18 дней назад +1

    This video just reminds me of that Robot Chicken scene
    Where in a "nightclub of dishes" they're having guys as Forks and girls has spoons,
    Then we see a guy that is a "spork" that is hitting on people of both sides of the silverware😂

  • @guilhermesavoya2366
    @guilhermesavoya2366 17 дней назад +1

    They may have an easier relationship with another man, but they surely would have an easier life with a woman. At the end of the day, the pressure from society to be with the opposite sex (something that leads even gay men to marry women) or the pressure against gay relationships can just be overwhelming to people. If you are a man, you will never be looked differently for being with a woman, you will never have any legal hurdles for having children, you will never face hostility from family and neighbors, never have to hear offensive jokes or see people looking at you with disgust, you will never have your masculinity denied or diminished, you will never be beaten up on the street for holding hands to your beautiful wife. A bisexual man with a woman for a girlfriend or a wife will never feel pressure from family and society to be with a man instead. But a bisexual man with another man, well, that is just what happens.
    Now, that pressure does exist for gay men as well (hence the "gay men married to women" example), but bisexual men actually like women, so it is the "path of least resistance" for them compared to us. And that also affects the gay men who date bisexual men. Now, there is nothing wrong with bisexual people, but I would bet that, if there is data on this, bisexual men are more likely to end up married to a woman than another man. How many gay men have not been left for a woman by a bisexual guy? And I don't even blame the bisexual guy, the pressure must be overwhelming more often than not. It is like the "Muslim guy who dates you for two years then dumps you to marry a proper Muslim girl" trope.

  • @studiosixtyfive-rn6bm
    @studiosixtyfive-rn6bm 17 дней назад

    You went in - respectfully

  • @pault9544
    @pault9544 16 дней назад

    In a lot of cases, I think it comes down to societal expectations, meaning it’s more acceptable socially to be with a woman than the man, especially in cultures that hold strongly onto traditional values.
    I’ve spent some time abroad and have sexual encounters with bisexual men. While romantically and sexually they were interested, they absolutely refused to actually date me as homosexual relations are widely frowned upon in their culture. While being with gay men may be easier in some ways, societal wise and depending on the family you’re raised in (are they accepting, not accepting etc) and how much you value your family and societies opinions there’s just a lot less pressure when you’re with a woman. So that’s what they do. They have sex with men, but only show their female relations to the public eye to escape the stigma of being gay. Sad but I think this is the case a lot of times.

    • @TheAlfredPlatform
      @TheAlfredPlatform  16 дней назад

      But these mem clearly enjoy the sex with men to the point where I feel like these women are getting cheated out of an authentic marriage or relationship. As gay men, we must demand more regardless of how bisexual men feel about societal expectations etc. This is why I tell gay men to be extremely careful with bisexual men.

    • @pault9544
      @pault9544 16 дней назад

      @@TheAlfredPlatform I agree. It’s actually why I’ve not chosen to date any bisexual men so far. Also, I’ve never bought into being able to have sex detached of emotions. I feel like bisexual men are in denial of a part of themselves by taking the stance of I have sex with men but no relations (not saying all are like this but the ones who are). Furthermore, I know some bisexual men who think all gay men are promiscuous/slutty because all they go on is hook up apps and don’t take the time to seek out more authentic gay men and it’s their ideas of gay men that keeps them from dating us.

  • @ryanlovings6013
    @ryanlovings6013 18 дней назад

    One of the hardest working men on youtube; handsome as well.

    • @jasonfallel8829
      @jasonfallel8829 18 дней назад

      no you cannot eat his @ss , now you cannot suck him off.

  • @andrew20146
    @andrew20146 11 дней назад

    You don't 'choose' bisexuality. You just are. Why do most bi men choose to be with women? Some reasons include that there are far more women open to relationships with men than men (more straight/bi women than bi/gay men), an easier path to having a family (possible with another man but more difficult), social pressure/heteronormativity, some bi men are more 'straight leaning'.

  • @limelightactright
    @limelightactright 18 дней назад +1

    Have you seen that SSTv channel is gone?

    • @TheAlfredPlatform
      @TheAlfredPlatform  18 дней назад

      👀👀 that's crazy. I wonder why.

    • @TuscanWonder
      @TuscanWonder 17 дней назад

      @@TheAlfredPlatform I saw his last video and then it just stopped on me, in the middle of the video. His thumbnail was of a snicker wrapper with a bbc coming out of it in the mouth of some dude. It def looked like a vein instead of snicker bar line 😅

    • @limelightactright
      @limelightactright 17 дней назад

      @@TheAlfredPlatform either he pulled it down himself or youtube snatched it. I lurked on his IG and he has not released a statement

    • @TheAlfredPlatform
      @TheAlfredPlatform  17 дней назад

      @@limelightactright Sayso and I have each other contacts. I've spoken to him and he is doing okay. We are working on getting it back.

  • @sheesh161
    @sheesh161 17 дней назад


  • @randychampion184
    @randychampion184 16 дней назад

    "Better sex" what do you mean by that?

    • @TheAlfredPlatform
      @TheAlfredPlatform  16 дней назад

      Whatever you think it means. Our s*x is good and I'll leave it at that.

  • @hoottasshell
    @hoottasshell 18 дней назад

    Bi guy here, I was curious about how gay guys feel about crossdressing and having fun sessions with a bi guy? Is it something most gays would be willing to do, or do ya'll prefer to be "masculine" in bed also? Spmething I've always wanted to ask, but not many LGBTQ people in my area.

    • @AlfredBrown-mb7th
      @AlfredBrown-mb7th 18 дней назад

      Many gay dudes would do whatever you want them to do in the bedroom.

    • @baluttery
      @baluttery 17 дней назад

      i don't think gay ppl share the same opinion on this so just ask each person ig

  • @killakemical
    @killakemical 18 дней назад +1

    You sort of answered half the question. There is sexual attraction and romantic attraction. Some men and women are attracted to both sexes but emotionally gravitate toward one sex stronger than the other. In the case of bisexual men, they can have sex with both sexes. But their emotional attraction and needs are more in line with women. There are a lot of bisexuals who say I love both sexes but I'm strictly di#%ly and vice versa.

    • @TheAlfredPlatform
      @TheAlfredPlatform  18 дней назад +3

      This is why I made the video. Why do these bisexual men feel like they can't be romantically involved with gay men? It's hurtful for many gay men which results in us being "biphobic" and not wanting to deal with bisexual men.

    • @janx8695
      @janx8695 17 дней назад +2

      @@TheAlfredPlatform I'm a woman and I'm not offended by your opinion, even if I don''t fully agree that most women are like that. I can see why you have many of you opinions on women. Some women really are as awful as you say and can be much more difficult, but so sometimes can men. I also think that a bisexual man should choose to be with whoever they prefer or want to be with and not because it's easier to be with a woman because of society. I actually feel sorry for any woman being chosen for that reason.
      But if a bisexual man chooses a women because that's who he prefers to have a relationship with, you telling him how he should feel or what he should prefer is like a lesbian or straight man saying to you that you should like women better because they are better than men. None of us can dictate what others should or shouldn't like because we are all different and like different things. Being bisexual doesn't always mean you have have equal attraction to men and women romantically and sexually. If some bisexual men are more romantically attracted to women and feel they have a deeper connection to them then that's how they feel and you can't dictate to them how they should feel or expect them to have the same feelings as yourself. I'm sure some bisexual men prefer men romantically too. You can't force someone to change their feelings because it may offend someone. Gay men can also choose whether they want to have sex with a bisexual man who says they're not interested in a romantic relationship with them. I personally would not choose to have a relationship with a bisexual man for my own reasons that I don't need to explain to anyone. Whatever my preferences is my business and if someone doesn't like it that's their problem as far as i'm concerned. I'm not going to be shamed or guilted into anything I don't want to do.
      You're also assuming that all bisexual men share your opinion and feelings on women and they believe that all women are more difficult than men, when some might find gay men more difficult than women. Some men may have had mostly bad experiences with women and some mostly bad experiences with men.
      Some bisexual men may also enjoy sex more with women. If a gay man has had sex with women in his past before he was fully out the closet, then he is likely going to say sex is better with men because that's who he is more sexually attracted to you. Sex can be much better and feel much better the more you are attracted to a person. I'm sure if women were for some reason better in bed than men, you being gay and attracted to men would still prefer and enjoy sex better with men.
      The divorce rate of same-sex and opposite-sex couples are about the same with about 1-2% divorce rate in both, so you can't really base your opinion on 1-2% when 98% stay married each year. Maybe lesbian divorce rate is higher because they commit early on instead of having a long courtship. My sister is a lesbian and she's been with her partner for 17 years since she came out at about 17. They are both very laid back and chill and have a great loving relationship and have two sons that they each gave birth to using the same sperm donor.
      In 2021, 63.1% of opposite-sex divorces were petitioned by females, but again you can't assume that's because females are more difficult. For all we know the rates of abuse being perpetrated is higher among men or men might be more likely to cheat or a whole host of different reasons. Unless you are a fly on the wall there is no way for you to know what actually goes on between couples behind closed doors. Most narcissistic abusers claim to outsiders that they are the victim of abuse and smear their victims and because of their mindset and psychological defense mechanisms some abusers can even genuinely believe they are the victim. So someone saying they are the victim isn't always the case.

    • @killakemical
      @killakemical 17 дней назад

      @janx8695 Thanks for this post. This video is giving all bisexual men just be gay drop women. You know men are better, so stop suffering/pretending you like women for society, and come be with us. Dude, they're bisexual they love women and men 😒

    • @guilhermesavoya2366
      @guilhermesavoya2366 17 дней назад +1

      I think it is more simple than that. Like, yeah, romantic attraction is separated from sexual attraction, but many people may be forgetting the heteronormative societal pressure. Hell, even gay men often end up married to women in order to conform, I'd think this pressure is even more powerful in bisexual people. It is simply easier to live a mxw relationship open and freely, as there will be less pushback from family and society.
      I think of this as the bisexual version of the Arab, Indian, or other ethnic person who will date outside their race/culture/religion, but will never actually marry/end up with anyone that is not from the in-group. It doesn't mean they don't like you or even that they don't want to be with you, but this pressure puts sort of a "best-by" date one any relationship outside of the norm.
      And this creates a kinda fear in gay people dating bisexual people or, say, a Latina dating an Arab Muslim guy. Some of it is prejudice, but some of it is the knowledge that, yes, there is a pressure from society for your guy to leave you for "someone who is right", and that makes your relationship more likely to be only temporary. I don't know if there is data on this, but I'd bet that bisexual people are statistically more likely to marry the opposite sex.

    • @itsonlythairu
      @itsonlythairu 16 дней назад

      Being gay,i’ve been with bisexual guys and a lot of them actually gravitate more towards men sexually and emotionally but a lot of them marry women for the sake of conformity and reputation.