How to cook chilli crab | Life In Food By Violet Oon EP1

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 27

  • @straitstimesonline
    @straitstimesonline  3 года назад +2

    For the full chilli crab recipe, go to:

  • @davidh9844
    @davidh9844 11 месяцев назад

    I've been making Singapore chili crab for almost 20 years now, since I first had it in Singapore. I keep learning something new with every recipe. I wish I knew what kind of fresh, red chilies go into the paste, and I've never used taucheu, and I love the idea of flouring the crab first. (I'll use corn starch and flour next time.) My son's best friend has been begging me to make it again - he had it about 10 years ago. All we need to do is set a date. Ms Oon, it was an absolute pleasure listening to you and watching you prepare this dish. It was almost as good as actually being in Singapore. Best wishes from the States.

  • @angxiang3186
    @angxiang3186 2 года назад

    Thank you, Violet, for championing Chilli Crab as a Singapore Iconic dish. Bless you

  • @MrBoliao98
    @MrBoliao98 3 года назад +1

    She's quite hardworking to flashfry the Crab, it didn't occur to me we can add such a step, I would have just simmered.

  • @mohmeegaik6686
    @mohmeegaik6686 3 года назад

    Best recipe & method for chillie crab, Madame Violet Oon. You are looking great.

  • @vijaymenon9568
    @vijaymenon9568 2 года назад

    The amazingly beautiful and talented Violet Oon.

  • @kyky2239
    @kyky2239 3 года назад

    Thank you. Looking forward to more great stuff in this Series!

  • @MatthewKanwisher
    @MatthewKanwisher 3 года назад +1

    Looks amazing ! Do more cooking episodes

  • @somestreetsoul
    @somestreetsoul 2 года назад

    Wonderful editing

  • @kimaholland3423
    @kimaholland3423 10 месяцев назад

    This is a great recipe thank you Violet Oon ! Where to get those ceramic crab dish please ?

  • @ivanheng6852
    @ivanheng6852 3 года назад +1

    Well done and congratulations dear Violet and The Straits Times. Thank you for championing Singapore food and "spicing up our lives" through the decades. Much looking forward to the rest of the season!

  • @merika206
    @merika206 Год назад

    I like your side comments and story. I had to laugh when you said people can be so “fussy” about pounding the ingredients. I would’ve used the word nitpicking. 😆

  • @lindacheng307
    @lindacheng307 2 года назад

    Hi Violet I have not been able to get a recipe for the BBQ chicken wings (Newton Circus type) can you help?

  • @alexpoke1107
    @alexpoke1107 3 года назад

    Looks yummy!! I am going to try it. Thanks Violet 😋

  • @mayloon9565
    @mayloon9565 3 года назад

    You made it simple and nice.

  • @williamlim3567
    @williamlim3567 3 года назад

    well presented

  • @azharidris7092
    @azharidris7092 3 года назад +1

    you look very young and trendy for your age.. woww cool..

  • @mayteo7864
    @mayteo7864 3 года назад

    The crab sauce plate is cute, where to get?

  • @niu745
    @niu745 3 года назад

    How to prevent crab meat from mushy? I think putting the crab to sleep in freezer before killing it causes meat to mushy because of freezer burn. Better to just kill it alive with all the adrenaline, makes meat spongy.

  • @meichin7535
    @meichin7535 3 года назад


  • @artj
    @artj 2 года назад

    i can tell why she was an ambassador

  • @awsaws7965
    @awsaws7965 3 года назад

    Bo jio

  • @MsRwong
    @MsRwong Год назад

    I always thought we were not supposed to buy or eat female crabs to preserve future generation of crabs. Only male crabs are sold in USA

  • @yvettemag-bake8303
    @yvettemag-bake8303 2 года назад

    Eggs why 🙄

  • @gavincheng0394
    @gavincheng0394 3 года назад

    She is a well to do woman,who own restaurants that serve expensive food and it is always full house. That means she will only get richer. Her karma.