@@EdTowel-ww7yh but overall he's right. It doesn't take a genius to see the humans aren't made to have just one partner. In fact, I've seen more relationships turn abusive because of the belief in life long partners. Humans would be a lot better if if we dropped our moral postering and were honest about what we are.
@@toddhowardforreal3912 you mention the relationships which turn bad but fail to mention the ones which are good...lol whatever pushes your bs agenda mate
@@namisami6761 I don't know if you've been living under a rock or if you were born yesterday but there's this thing called a protection. You should try using it. It helps dumb people from multiplying as well.
My ex wanted polyamory. She wanted to include her ex. When I considered it. I brought up another girl as an option and she shot me down and got super jealous and mad for suggesting it. Be careful for those double standards
feels_dude Ace it short for Asexual. Specifically I'm Aro Ace which stands for Aromantic Asexual. To understand what an Aromantic Asexual is first you need to know that their is a difference between romantic attraction and sexual attraction. An Aromantic is a person who experiences little or no romantic attraction but may experience sexual attraction. An Asexual however is the opposite. An Asexual is a person that experiences little or no sexual attraction but may experience romantic attraction. (In a way it's the opposite of being Pan) An Aromantic Asexual however experiences little or no romantic and sexual attraction like me. I have never had even a crush on anyone and I'm in my 20's.
you were probably the only person I've seen that was like "personally I can't function that way" rather than saying "because I can't function this way, means that I am correct and everyone else is wrong." also I can't function with more than 1 person too lol
How does that work when you have more than one child. You can't love both? I get why people see monogamy as preferable, but the idea that ANYONE can only love ONE person is just a crazy argument IMO. Especially since most of those people have been in love with more than one person, just one after the other. I think a monogamous person having only ever loved ONE person in their entire life is very rare.
Maybe it is rare but my parents married 25-30 years ago and never had anyone else. They are also from a relatively conservative culture since they're Indian but as far as I can tell my parents are pretty okay with each other - no, they don't hide much from me because they're quite honest with me, my mom never hesitates to tell me when she has issues with my dad and vice versa, they just don't see issues as a dealbreaker. But again, this is a sample size of just one. One of my relatives is currently in a happy monogamous relationship but he has had issues with having way too many partners before.
Interesting information. I don't think using college students is the best place to be asking about monogamous relationships. Perhaps investigating long term benefits of monogamous vs polygamous relationships may be insightful too. - fixed a typo
There's a push to stigmatize monogamy among the youth. The very beginning of the video depicts a group of animals calling the two monogamous humans freaks. It's pretty clear what their stance is on the subject.
@@atashiroy8935 it is a woman's right to choose what to do what she wants with her body and her reproductive life. If she wants to carry her brother's child, that's her choice and her expression of bodily autonomy.
@@crubs83 I do agree to that but isn't it kind of cruel to bring a life into this world that might have high chances of being genetically deformed/ disabled. Of course It's not my life I have no say in that, I'm just asking.
I can't too. I'm selfish and overly territorial with objects. People are still not objects, I don't care who else you're seeing. So not an excuse. zzzzzzzzzz
Exactly! i cant even get 1 & it seems like everyone meets online nowadays but that sounds weird and desperate to me so i still try to meet ppl in real life
Based on the comments, it looks like people are confused between polyamorous vs polygamy: Polyamorous -means dating different people at the same time, via romantic/sexual aspects. But there's honest and open communication by all parties; consent. Polygamy- is more of a religious/cult thing of usually a man having many wives.
YoAntoNeo why you gotta shit on polygamy? MONOgamy POLYgamy The only difference is from singular to plural. Polygamy isn't necessarily cultist or anything. Polyamory is just a made up, composite word that only started to see common usage in the 90s because people who were polygamous didn't want to associate themselves with the manipulative, abusing, culty relationships you described. BOTH the definitions you gave are polygamy, just different forms.
Can you describe polygamy without using *tends* and respect other religions traditions you may not understand? Is like if a describe polyamorous tends to be a whorish/slutty thing of usually a woman sleeping around many guys and a lot of emotional abuse involved.
They're also confused between polyamory, which is mostly a romantic attraction with 3 or more people involved, and cuckolding which is an actual fetish...
no this is just inventing words to make things more specific. No different from all the sexuals and genders. It all comes down to 2 words; monogamy and polygamy. Singular or plural. One, or multiple. That's all that matters and has nothing to do with any biased assumption you or others put on it.
it’s only not an issue if both people are alright with it AND it doesn’t hurt them/the relationship. I’m worried that it might be forced on heavily monogamous people (which I’ve seen before, I’ve dated poly people and trust me it’s hell, they continued to try and force it).
connor garver yes!!!!!! my bf of years kept trying to pressure me and force it. i grew to hate him. he still has hopes i will change my mind and verbalizes that.. which makes me feel like shit and make me feel like the relationship isn’t even worth bothering anymore.
Jessica Porter if that happened to me, I’d leave tbh. I wouldn’t be able to trust him knowing that he wants that. I would feel like at some point he would just cheat to get what he actually wants. Not worth it
It's pretty civil looking to me, mostly. The only people worse than the debaters and arguers are the people that think they are above it and make asinine comments jerking themselves off.
Well they do have more people to pay attention to them, which is quite important for a childs development. It does obviously depend on the specific dynamic of the relationship, but the same goes for monogamous couples.
@@Dorkeydaze They have whole damn books about this subject stop being lazy. Meanwhile parents who destroy their family with hidden homosexuality fucks kids up , and their are "plenty" of books on that yet most people are silent. But your asking for receipts on children that have many parents??? Do your homework
Props to anyone that has a non-monogamous relationship. I’ve read about it in the past and considered it before, but the thought of someone else getting intimate and all close and personal with my boo makes me uncomfortable.
I believe that love is far more likely in a monogamous relationship than a non-monogamous relationship. Non-monogamous relationships seem to be more about lust.
Get me actual scientific evidence to back that claim and get back to me with an informed opinion, or maybe you'll be disproven, because you base your opinion on nothing but bias...
It's actually a little bit confusing though. Lust itself actually takes part in all relationships, but when you think about multiple partners (female partners on this case) in eastern cultures, they are based on compassion and protection. At least, these were the main reasons when it was came up. Both cases have the essential instinctive causes for a relationship. I think it's mostly based on what suits you best. I prefer monogamy but I saw examples that people being happier after deciding non-monogamy. If you prefer having a family, looks like monogamy is the best option for several reasons. Otherwise, non-monogamy can also provide the love and trust people seek since love and trust have a large scale on society.
The problem with trust in non-monogamous relationships, is that you have to trust more people, which opens you up to even more risk of being cheated on.
Sounds like heresay and pure belief than any substantial evidence. Funnily enough, this is exactly what was mentioned in the latter part of the video. Peoples innate bias towards monogamy.
Intoxicatious there is no logical assertion that can be made about why incest is wrong, other than “eww” which is an argument a two year old would use.
I'd like to see some studies that contrast happiness between monogamous couples and non-monogamous relationships in the longer term, and also see how long do both tyopes of relationships last and how many of them become real lifelong commitements.
Daniel Diaz I'm honestly amazed there are so many guys in the comment section who want monogamy, I thought it'd mainly be chicks. Makes me happy because it means even as polyamory becomes more popular there will still be men that just want one girl.
I do not agree with 1:20. How can two monogamous people give each other STDs? That doesn’t make sense at all. When one spouse gives another spouse an STD, it is only because the transmitting spouse had with someone else. I feel sorry for anyone who bases their ideals on things that don’t make sense.
+Steven Baumann When someone realises he/she is a person, and that "everybody does that" is not a rule, a guide or an excuse, because *I'm not "everybody"!* Besides "everybody does that" statement is not true.
I’m not religious at all, but something about non-monogamy just feels wrong. It feels like betrayal. Monogamy means stronger love for your partner. Commitment is deep
How can it be betrayal when it is consensual? As long as everyone involved knows about it and agrees, there is no problem. For example, think about a threesome. Who is betrayed in that case? Everyone is in the same room and know what they are doing. Also, in my personal experience, love can be just as deep in a non-monogamous relationship as in a monogamous one. Love is not a limited resource. You don't love your mother less just because you also love your father.
In my experience it doesn't make a difference. The only thing giving those feelings of betrayal is possessiveness. It's not right for you maybe. That's fine. But don't assume others are betraying their partners by being in consensual non-monogamous relationships
I'm in the same boat as Ethan, I mean sure it works for others but not me and people like me. It just feels like a betrayal, like I'm not good enough. And I want to fully commit myself to just one person, it feels like I'm spilting myself up emotionally by having multiple people.
Anyone with a brain will know that a true polyamorous relationship is impossible as there will be conflicts and feelings of jealousy as we are all only human. Remember the Tonch Weldon case?
@D No they're not. It never said it Monogamous killed more people, just that studies showed their was less protection. That's a trust issue, not evidence for whether monogamy is good or not. Plus if you are in a monogamous relationship there is a reason you shouldn't have a STI. Because you aren't having s** with every person you meet. If you already have an STI your partner should already know, and understand. Sorry but ima stick with the bible and not preform polygamy. And this video is incredible biased towards Monogamy only showing it's positives. You may reference that study I'm about to mention, That study is extremely with biased/unbiased views is messed up. Polygamy is wrong so of course I'm gonna say any evidence saying something that is wrong is actually good for you. That's like saying murders live happier lives than normal people, like what?!?!? And as for it being Ideal. no. Polygamous relationships have often in the past caused jealousy. If a man had multiple wives, the first wife usually wasn't happy. Sorry but no, Polygamy is completely wrong and I ain't supporting it and ain't letting it happen.
@@ninnikins4768 While I don't see myself in a polyamorous relationship, I certainly don't think it should be illegal. As long as it doesn't have any significant externalities, I think it should be perfectly fine.
@D Completely untrue. Polygamous societies are in constant states of war whereas women end up being hoarded by an elite group of men. We're seeing the same thing in modern times.
@crubs is it consensual or forced is it a relationship or a brothel? is it kidnapping?! Cuz from what im hearing it kinda makes me think the woman have no choice and that is not how poly relationships work consent is one of the number one things that a poly relationships need constantly including if there is a problem they will come together and work it out or at least try too from my relationships that were mono there wasnt much talking it out but with the poly ones i had, there was a lot cuz we all wanted the same thing to make there partner(s) happy, and if there was a problem guess what... We were talking and asking for consent constantly. Please i would love for you to answer my questions at the top or put more details in that comment that makes peoples relationships look like a brothel or rape. Thank you 🙏🐝
I'm monogamous. But I realize my choice to be monogamous is because of negative feelings of jealousy, insecurity, and mistrust. I do hope to one day find a partner that I will trust to such a level that we could explore being sexually open without having it effecting the balance of our relationship. I don't think polyamory is for me though. I am very introverted, and sharing feelings with one person is enough for me.
Oh, look. The paper tiger insult. No real teeth, and no true power, once you realize the simple truth that you don't own your partner. In an egalitarian society, the word means nothing as an insult.
"A cuckold is the husband of an adulterous wife." "Adultery refers to sexual relations which are not officially legitimized; for example it does not refer to having sexual intercourse with multiple partners in the case of polygamy (when a man is married to more than one wife at a time, called polygyny; or when a woman is married to more than one husband at a time, called polyandry)." Just going to leave these here from the wiki don't mind me at all just passing by.
Cuckoldry to me has always been associated with a kind of self-humiliation. As a guy whose had a lot of non-monogamous relationships and bangs, I can assure you there's nothing self-humiliating about the life style. For the most part, I just don't really attach my self-worth to if someone is only banging me or not. Just don't care.
Okay heres the thing I'm gonna be monagomus and I prefer that type of relationship because I would get be insecure and I wouldn't want to do that to someone else.
eduard karpoev thats because monogamy works for you, and it mostly does for people with anxiety like that, but people with more confidence that their partners will love them equally and vice versa are more likely to be poly.
Why do we get wrecked when our spouse cheats? Because there is a bond between 2 people that we all inherently crave. Those emotions are as strong as the feelings of attraction.We want monogamy. This is part of being human.
My significant other are in a non-monogamous relationship, but we are deeply emotionally connected and rarely got involved with others even though we had the freedom to do so. She has passed away now, but since our relationship was never based on the physical our love lives on.
Carameleia you weren’t in a non-monogamous relationship. It was a subconscious test on to see how faithful you both were. I bet if your significant other were to bring home a man or a woman, your relationship would fall.
@Ludwig Van Beethoven Hi, just to be clear I said 'rarely' got involved with others. It's not same as never. Both of us had openly been with others. It didn't affect our relationship one bit and our feelings for each other were just as strong as ever. Having the freedom to be others showed us how secure we were in our relationship.
I feel like polygamy makes the relationship not special anymore. If you're out there getting weird with someone else, what are we even "together" for? In my eyes a relationship is supposed to be a true bond, emotionally, sensually, and everywhere in between.
Okay I think people are misunderstanding what this video is about. LITERALLY NOBODY IS SAYING YOU HAVE TO BE IN A POLYAMOROUS RELATIONSHIP. By saying that polyamorous people are just as happy and fulfilled in their relationships as monogamous people are, they are NOT saying one is better than the other. They are only stating that polyamory, although heavy stigmatized, is NOT worse than monogamy. Nobody asked if you want to be in a polyamorous relationship, nobody asked wether or not you could be happy in one. You don’t need to say that. If you are monogamous, that is VALID. So is being polyamorous. One is not better than the other. Once again, you do not need to stand up for your monogamy, because this video is NOT saying anything against it.
Why do you say that? How many kids do you know that come from non monogamous parents? There is no reason to believe that monogamy is better for kids based on current (non biased) research
@@cat.8825 Well a child can have issues with only one parent and issues if two parents are flawed and issues if one of the two parents are unfaithful or two lustful to commit to a single individual there will always be issues depending on the situation but if we didn't consider that than the average ideal to not have issues would be two parents.
ca t. There’s PLENTY of research here in Muslim polyamorous family structures. These mfs have like 20 different wives and children in different countries. Also there’s lots of normalized polygamy in African countries. Let me just say it didn’t go great for a buddy of mine who’s dad had multiple families in different countries. Yes this is an antidote but god damn was that shit sad
Bob Bytes when you see a comment with an option to see responses but see none. more often than not it means someone deleted some comments. It could be anyone: the original commentor, the video creator or youtube itself
@Gemmariah Beadle The fact that I wrote that 3 years ago and I dont even identify as hetero anymore lol. I don't have an issue with poly people. Yall are valid.
Alyssa Alcantara not all non-monogamous relationships are polyamorous. There are also open relationships or swingers for example (sayin that as a polyamorous guy)
"A coin is examined, and only after careful deliberation, given to a beggar, whereas a child is flung out into the cosmic brutality without hesitation." - Peter Wessel Zapfe
SUM1 these are based off FACTS. Now, if you think its biased, I'm left to assume you are the biased one most likely due to the fact that you yourself have been cheated on.
Tiffany Johnson you can present facts but still withhold information they didn’t even go on to when you’re older people or settle down to start family’s and have someone to be co dependent with and I’m not saying you can’t have that in a poly relationship but let me know when you find someone who has 2 wife’s in this day and age and also they went over how people who participate in poly relationships use kore protection but the didn’t take into account the mean of people they sleep with if you sleep with a lot more people then me no matter how often you use protection if you slip up once it could all go to hell where as if you’re in a mono relationship and you’ve only ever been with that partner you’re whole life you have 0 risks of stds
Tiffany Johnson you know that something can be based on some facts but not include other and therefore its not objective. Just think about this for a moment. People live in monogamy for so long and in almost every society. You seriosly think that only reason for that is less std. Yes maybe thats partly true but there are much more reasons for monogamy or else it wouldn't have exxisted for so long. This video looks to me like excuse for people to sleep around and have meaningless one night stands which can only make them unhappy.
Aaaand you completely left out the part of taking care of a child in a marriage. It's also a fact that a child being raised up by a happy and committed couple would do way better socially and mentally.
Just to name a few: - Growing Up with a Single Parent from Sara McLanahan. - The Role of the Father from Michael Lamb & Catherine Lemonda. - Effects of stress and social supports on mother-child interactions in single-and two-parent families from M Weinraub & BM Wolf. - Maternal Psychological Functioning, Family Processes, and Child Adjustment in Rural, Single-Parent, African American Families from Gene H. Brody & Douglas L. Flor. - Children Raised in Fatherless Families from Infancy: Family Relationships and the Socioemotional Development of Children of Lesbian and Single Heterosexual Mothers from Susan Golombok et al. - Single Parents, Extended Households, and the Control of Adolescents from Sanford M. Dornbusch et al.
I couldn't even thunk about sharing my fiancee with anyone else. I think relationships should be between 2 people. No more than that. Some people can make it work with more than one person. But I don't think you can truly be happy that way. Knowing that the person you're with is also with someone else. Maybe it's just me, but I don't like to share who I'm with. Not because it's the right thing to do. But because it's the selfish thing. I'm the kind of guy who doesn't even look at other girls my fiancee is beautiful to me and I will only have eyes for her.
but there are those like me who would actually like to be monogamous but in reality have no choice but to remain nihilgamous for our entire life... forever alone
MrShaiya96 it likely means that they are an "incel" (involuntarily celibate), i.e. a self-pitying fool who likely blames feminism for their misfortune. Talk about playing the victim.
MrShaiya96 If you want a real answer, nihilgamy (which definitely isn’t a real word) would mean having no partners. Nihil means nothing. For example, annihilation is the destruction (ation) of the opposite (an) of nothing (nihil)
First point - we evolved for a reason. And we developed to control our basic 'animal-like' instincts for a reason. There are practically ONLY two things that make us different than animals. And these are the capability of emotions and the ability to spend our life in a relationship with one person. In fact, these things are closely related and dependent on each other. If we take away emotions and the whole wide spectrum of human reactions caused by them: love, guilt, trust, sacrifice, regret, sadness, relief, devotion, commitment, disappointment.. we are nothing but animals, limited in their decision making, led by simple instincts of surviving and reproducing (here we have a link to polyamory). Emotions are in fact what makes us a more advanced form of living than animals. And it is the emotions that allow us to make that conscious choice to stay with one person for our entire life and be faithful to them The fact that people in 'polyamorous relationships have more trust and less jealousy' doesn't say anything positive about it - it just outlines the definition of what these relations are. Logically speaking, how can you actually be jealous when you fully consciously are allowing your partner to sleep with someone else while you are also doing the same thing? The definition of polyamory is that you are not faithful to one person so to me, this is mutually exclusive with jealously. One of the top if not THE TOP reason for couples having the biggest arguments in their lifetimes is exactly that - jealousy and suspicion of cheating, whereas in polyamorous relations this reason doesn't exist. The whole 'positivity' of polyamorous relationships probably comes from the fact that partners don't argue as much therefore theoretically their 'relationship outcome' is more positive than for monogamous. It's like saying that apple tree is better than cherry tree because it doesn't grow cherries. It doesn't grow cherries from definition - because it is a freaking apple tree so there is no reason for it to grow cherries! In short, I feel like the idea of this research that was mentioned is just flawed..
john smith I believe she was saying “only two things” in this context. If we’re talking about physiology instead of a certain part of the human psychology, then yes there are a lot of other differences. It’s pretty obvious if you took the time to think a little before trying to make fun of them because it makes you feel like a smarter person on the internet.
Back in the day we had to make more humans. Now we have plenty so 1 partner is plenty. I'm not going anymore in depth on this because I feel like I could write a commentary.
Alex The Shadow so a closed group of lets say three people is unloyal? You dont have to be in a poly relationship so why do you care? You sound just like a homophobe trying to defend themselves. You should focus more on abusive men and unhealthy traditional relationships, which are definitely harming people.
Non-monogamy is not safer than monogamy like this video implied, if somebody cheats then it isn't monogamy anymore. Safe non-monogamy is safer than unsafe non-monogamy is the only truth you can extrapolate
I think you should be monogamous... if that's what you and your partner can agree upon. If you and your partner wanna be polygamous, then go for it. Not one type of relationship is better than the other, as there are so many variables in relationships and need to consider each human involved. I've been in a monogamous relationship for 10 years. We've thought about 'open' but it doesn't fit with us and would cause complications in our everyday life.
I'm sadly not surprised at how low people think of polyamory, I am in fact in love with my husband, I cherish him and would be so devastated if anything bad happened to him, HOWEVER I've never been monogamous, not a natural reaction for me, and I love being honest and open with my partner/s so that we're not limiting/keeping secrets to each other in any way, I don't get how the fact that I'm polyamorous means that I'm not capable of loving someone... Jealousy/possesive love it's just definetly not something I crave and look forward to in a relationship
I dont hear a lot of polygamous women, and i think men rarely accept that, they either would cheat or be the only ones practicing polygamy while the other partners stay monogamous. Shtty.
Polygamy is wrong and can never work. Jealously is natural and even if your husband doesn't say it he does feel it. You have some kind of childhood trauma or you haven't matured yet. Grow up teenager
The shift happened because males who couldn't compete in the dominance hierarchy would give gifts to the females as an attempt to get reproductive access. We switched to pair bonding that carried this trade of resources for reproductive access because of the increase in population along with increased safety, meaning being less dominant was less of a practical issue.
im pretty sure the switch happened when society formed because it is literally just less chaotic to be monogamus. humans are naturally jealous animals and the promiscuity overall caused too many problems.
Only with consenting adults If you're not going to be faithful then don't get into a relationship, unless your partner is cool with it, still weird but still, a relationship is not a true relationship if there's infidelity and no trust
I’m from a polygamous culture where all wives and children lives in the same house, and let me tell you it’s like a mini game of power every day. Great fun and great pain. Must be interesting to live in the West being able to choose ‘open relationship’ where you all don’t necessarily have to live together.
@@flyingfire908 that went over your head. The video said 'poly couples' but couple is defined as a pair, two. Not multiple. So it simple made no sense. Like the chicken as a mammal and frankly most of the video actually.
I feel like the older you get the more you only want one partner. To have that settled down feeling. I bet more people over the age of 40 are for exclusive relationships and people younger are more for open ones. I don't think you can have a long term open relationship. There will always be the favourite/the number one partner. I would never do an open relationship. I think if you can't commit to one person you can't be held reliable to commit to raising a family.
It's alright to form an opinion. I know in this day and age that can get you chastised by the internet moral police but it's your right, no matter which side it is.
Any data on how children coming into the picture impacts monogamous relationships? It's seems to me like that's when the the higher complications come into play. Like partners who are the parents of a child and are in love, will have more of a connecting link than the other partners who are also in that love, but don't have the connections of having a child together. I think that's why it's more common for those who fertilize the eggs to have several partners who have eggs than the reverse; in the same time period the fertilizer can fertilize all the eggs, thus everyone would be equally bonded my shared children, but in the case of one egg owner and three or four fertilizers, only one child can be had every 9+ months, everyone being equally bonded by sharing the bond of parenthood would take several years, increasing the likelihood of unbalance and negative emotion. P.s. please note I'm stated my thoughts in order to ask if anyone knows of any data on this, not to state that those thought much be correct. Please don't assume I'm saying this is the way things must be. I'm asking for more information, if anyone knows of any.
These guys literally did a video recently urging millennials not to have kids and espousing the benefits of it. Childless weirdos is the future apparently.
A majority of societies (inlcuding the ones we inhabit, until very recently, send those old people off on an iceberg!) practice communal upbringing. Child psychologists will tell you that more loving adults and more friendly peers are always a good thing. This works if the adults are getting it on or not, because it's irrelavent to the child. I have friends who have been practicing for decades, have children, and I can tell you anecdotally, those kids have a better handle on reality and happiness and how to survive than most fully grown monogamous adults I know. Also, if there was one best way to do things, there wouldn't be so many different examples of different ways that people do things, it's a big part of that list of things that makes us human. Best to you in any case.
As someone who isnt in a monogamous relationship (swingers) this makes allot of sense. We are entirely open to each other about everything there is no jealousy and our bond is super strong as we can trust each other with absolutely anything. Theres no secrets.. theres no issues our communication is fantastic. Blah blah blah Now I've been in both forms of relationships and there is a difference. There was a lack of communication there was jealousy issues ect in my previous monogomous relationship. I am a very open person and said previous monog partner knew I was open to sexual exploration which I believe may have been the main trigger for jealousy.
Badly, This way of thinking can't solve well the problem. If you love a person, you don't want to share her (him). It's like you don't want to share your favorite food. it doesn't mean you don't want to eat other food any more.
Please do a video on this it's been a hypothetical question on my mind for almost a year : WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF AN ENTIRE NATION DID NOT HAVE KIDS/GAVE BIRTH FOR A WHOLE YEAR? I wonder what would be affected and how will it affect society? Will schools be affected? What would happen to hospitals and the government? I really hope you do a video on this burning question. Thank you. Keep making awesome videos.
I'm currently in a Zerogamy.
MD nongamy :v
Sologamy is actually a practice which can result in marrying yourself
MD myselfgamy
How's that working for you? It's been more than 9 months, do you see long-term potential?
This is not making my Valentines Day loneliness any better...
Jaylen Baptiste get marshmallows, hot chocolate and you're ready to go my dude
To the TOP!
Its saves you a lot of money
Trust me, you're better off
Get over it
1:47 I don't remember standing in the back for that picture, weird.
opelgtman73 lol
opelgtman73 😂😂
You fell alive so you may rise again...
opelgtman73 lol
Lmao yeah, what's up with that guy? If any that must be a creepy neighbour who photpbombed a family
This dude really said mammals and showed a chicken
Yup, a few points he said are complete BS and he tries to validate it by saying, "... in a study" or "reseach".
Paul Huang glad it wasn’t just me
@@EdTowel-ww7yh but overall he's right. It doesn't take a genius to see the humans aren't made to have just one partner. In fact, I've seen more relationships turn abusive because of the belief in life long partners. Humans would be a lot better if if we dropped our moral postering and were honest about what we are.
Paul Huang DYINGGGG!!!!! Ahahahahahah
@@toddhowardforreal3912 you mention the relationships which turn bad but fail to mention the ones which are good...lol whatever pushes your bs agenda mate
I barely have time for myself.. imagine a bunch of other people.
You don't have to. It's called a one night stand.
Blood Cotton Candy and it’s also called HIV if you catch it 🤢
@@namisami6761 I don't know if you've been living under a rock or if you were born yesterday but there's this thing called a protection. You should try using it. It helps dumb people from multiplying as well.
Blood Cotton Candy Not all STDs are covered by protection 🙄
@@xTwilightWolvesx Yeah, but isn't it great that there isn't a protection for stupidity at all.
"Monogamy is surprisingly uncommon among mammals."
**Shows a chicken**
The picture doesn't have to match the words exactly. A chicken is not monogamous.
Maybe the original script talked about “animals”, but then they changed it using the same drawing
Because the makers of this video is a moron. The video is full of false information as well.
My ex wanted polyamory. She wanted to include her ex. When I considered it. I brought up another girl as an option and she shot me down and got super jealous and mad for suggesting it.
Be careful for those double standards
Dodged a bullet there
I hope you are not with her anymore
Nah you should've been polygyny
I'll stick with being alone.
Alex I'll drink to that
Being Ace is great!
Ace it short for Asexual.
Specifically I'm Aro Ace which stands for Aromantic Asexual.
To understand what an Aromantic Asexual is first you need to know that their is a difference between romantic attraction and sexual attraction.
An Aromantic is a person who experiences little or no romantic attraction but may experience sexual attraction.
An Asexual however is the opposite. An Asexual is a person that experiences little or no sexual attraction but may experience romantic attraction. (In a way it's the opposite of being Pan)
An Aromantic Asexual however experiences little or no romantic and sexual attraction like me.
I have never had even a crush on anyone and I'm in my 20's.
horse14t wow!😮
horse14t that means im asexual
My other half? Oh, you mean my other 1/5
You made my day Lol
sergio recinos Rofl savage
ADAAMantium furry birdy
Almost peed when I went back to look.
I want to try chicken milk now.
Jokes on you. I don't got relation.. Ships... ;-;
So true you're not alone
Buy a ship and name it ralation. Then youll have a relation ship
Same, i feel you
exactly how i feel ;_;
But you're definitely cringeworthy.
There’s no way that I am going to share the person I love with someone else... It’s just impossible, mentally.
Yes , me too. I would live alone rather than sharing my SO.
you were probably the only person I've seen that was like "personally I can't function that way" rather than saying "because I can't function this way, means that I am correct and everyone else is wrong."
also I can't function with more than 1 person too lol
Same, if you are willing to share your partner then you don't really love them
@@Alienaddikt More like, if you need a second partner than you don't really love the first one.
@@Alienaddikt That is not true, did you even watch the video?
Makes sense. But I'd stick with monogamy. One love and only one.
I only have enough room in my heart for one person imo. I commit when I get with someone.
me too buddy, me too.
How many partners have you guys had?
Most monogamous people are serial monoamorists, I.e. have one after the other.
How does that work when you have more than one child. You can't love both?
I get why people see monogamy as preferable, but the idea that ANYONE can only love ONE person is just a crazy argument IMO. Especially since most of those people have been in love with more than one person, just one after the other.
I think a monogamous person having only ever loved ONE person in their entire life is very rare.
Maybe it is rare but my parents married 25-30 years ago and never had anyone else. They are also from a relatively conservative culture since they're Indian but as far as I can tell my parents are pretty okay with each other - no, they don't hide much from me because they're quite honest with me, my mom never hesitates to tell me when she has issues with my dad and vice versa, they just don't see issues as a dealbreaker. But again, this is a sample size of just one. One of my relatives is currently in a happy monogamous relationship but he has had issues with having way too many partners before.
Interesting information. I don't think using college students is the best place to be asking about monogamous relationships. Perhaps investigating long term benefits of monogamous vs polygamous relationships may be insightful too.
- fixed a typo
They have an agenda to push my dude, all that other stuff is too much work.
9_Bucks ...What agenda could possibly be pushed here.
There's a push to stigmatize monogamy among the youth. The very beginning of the video depicts a group of animals calling the two monogamous humans freaks. It's pretty clear what their stance is on the subject.
9_Bucks ... the animals said that because their species are not typically monogamous
9_Bucks ah yes, everything's an agenda. Unless it's your beliefs of course then it must be true.
I mean, as long as you’re being safe and everyone is comfortable, do what you want.
So as long as I and my sister are safe and comfortable I can bang her? Cool beans!
@Yal Gen Because we're safe and comfortable sleeping with each other, so by OP's standards, we can do what we want.
@@crubs83 just don't have a kid then...children born out of incest go through so much deformation
@@atashiroy8935 it is a woman's right to choose what to do what she wants with her body and her reproductive life. If she wants to carry her brother's child, that's her choice and her expression of bodily autonomy.
@@crubs83 I do agree to that but isn't it kind of cruel to bring a life into this world that might have high chances of being genetically deformed/ disabled. Of course It's not my life I have no say in that, I'm just asking.
I don’t know about you, but being in a polyamorous relationship would drive me insane and drain my energy.
I agree, and I would feel so fking uncomfortable and hurt
@@francescaraballo2248 true
FemaleIntrovert agreed
@Alex The Shadow same I couldn't do it. I would be so hurt
I agree
I clicked this not knowing what the word meant.
I got asap learning.
same lol
That is perfect. Way to learn something new everyday.
You've never encountered that word before ?
Ju I'm just as suprised as you are.
Zhinoi I'm not trying to be judgmental but either they are very young or I just don't understand
I can't even share my food ..
I can't too. I'm selfish and overly territorial with objects. People are still not objects, I don't care who else you're seeing. So not an excuse. zzzzzzzzzz
yeah 😂
0:42 nice voice crack
isaac smith lol :v
Another one at 1:37
isaac smith I was looking for someone else who noticed it 😂
KevinPlays : you probably think you’re good at karate or something
I wish I was in any relationship
Michael Aiyedun do you have a dog ?
Exactly! i cant even get 1 & it seems like everyone meets online nowadays but that sounds weird and desperate to me so i still try to meet ppl in real life
Let your dog down you.
Michael Aiyedun no u don’t it’s a headache
For you it might've been lmao
Based on the comments, it looks like people are confused between polyamorous vs polygamy:
Polyamorous -means dating different people at the same time, via romantic/sexual aspects. But there's honest and open communication by all parties; consent.
Polygamy- is more of a religious/cult thing of usually a man having many wives.
YoAntoNeo why you gotta shit on polygamy?
The only difference is from singular to plural. Polygamy isn't necessarily cultist or anything. Polyamory is just a made up, composite word that only started to see common usage in the 90s because people who were polygamous didn't want to associate themselves with the manipulative, abusing, culty relationships you described. BOTH the definitions you gave are polygamy, just different forms.
Can you describe polygamy without using *tends* and respect other religions traditions you may not understand?
Is like if a describe polyamorous tends to be a whorish/slutty thing of usually a woman sleeping around many guys and a lot of emotional abuse involved.
They're also confused between polyamory, which is mostly a romantic attraction with 3 or more people involved, and cuckolding which is an actual fetish...
Rodrigo Morfín I edited it, I didn't mean to offend but I see your point, thanks for calling me out there 👍
no this is just inventing words to make things more specific. No different from all the sexuals and genders. It all comes down to 2 words; monogamy and polygamy. Singular or plural. One, or multiple. That's all that matters and has nothing to do with any biased assumption you or others put on it.
it’s only not an issue if both people are alright with it AND it doesn’t hurt them/the relationship. I’m worried that it might be forced on heavily monogamous people (which I’ve seen before, I’ve dated poly people and trust me it’s hell, they continued to try and force it).
connor garver yes!!!!!! my bf of years kept trying to pressure me and force it. i grew to hate him. he still has hopes i will change my mind and verbalizes that.. which makes me feel like shit and make me feel like the relationship isn’t even worth bothering anymore.
Jessica Porter if that happened to me, I’d leave tbh. I wouldn’t be able to trust him knowing that he wants that. I would feel like at some point he would just cheat to get what he actually wants. Not worth it
It must be forced. Screw monogamy.
@@ashwinmssuv It's okay to not like monogamy. Best thing is to find someone else who is also poly instead of forcing someone who prefers monogamy
How about monoamorous people trying to tell polyamorous people that theyre doing it wrong and to stop?
I'm sure the comment section will be without controversy or drama.
You're completely right.
It's pretty civil looking to me, mostly. The only people worse than the debaters and arguers are the people that think they are above it and make asinine comments jerking themselves off.
9_Bucks good point
Ah yes.
Yeah, sure! Of course it will. What can go wrong?
What about polygamous family? How it affects kids and stuff. Anything on that?
Kids from polyamorous families are just fine normally.
no, they don't want families
I Like ButteredToast
Well they do have more people to pay attention to them, which is quite important for a childs development. It does obviously depend on the specific dynamic of the relationship, but the same goes for monogamous couples.
@@Dorkeydaze They have whole damn books about this subject stop being lazy. Meanwhile parents who destroy their family with hidden homosexuality fucks kids up , and their are "plenty" of books on that yet most people are silent. But your asking for receipts on children that have many parents??? Do your homework
Your guy’s relationship going okay? 😅
Vikings488 What relationship?
Captain Marie lol same
Captain Marie Greg and Mitch are dating.
-ˋˏ ୨୧ yoon mirae ˎˊ-...Is it really DATING if you "date" around? It seems like this is what they are saying they do OR why say it, right? 😏😎😒
Props to anyone that has a non-monogamous relationship. I’ve read about it in the past and considered it before, but the thought of someone else getting intimate and all close and personal with my boo makes me uncomfortable.
Bittersweet I got two girlfriends and I have the pleasure of watching them go at it a few times a week... Few times a week I get in on it too 😉
SoCalGamer yeah, well I have two... options. My wife and my hand, but still
SoCalGamer that sounds like something that doesn't get old
SoCalGamer lucky
Bittersweet that’s why you don’t handcuff these hoes 🤷🏽♂️ imagine us all being hoes my nature and not admitting it
I believe that love is far more likely in a monogamous relationship than a non-monogamous relationship. Non-monogamous relationships seem to be more about lust.
Couldn't agree more
Get me actual scientific evidence to back that claim and get back to me with an informed opinion, or maybe you'll be disproven, because you base your opinion on nothing but bias...
It's actually a little bit confusing though. Lust itself actually takes part in all relationships, but when you think about multiple partners (female partners on this case) in eastern cultures, they are based on compassion and protection. At least, these were the main reasons when it was came up. Both cases have the essential instinctive causes for a relationship. I think it's mostly based on what suits you best. I prefer monogamy but I saw examples that people being happier after deciding non-monogamy. If you prefer having a family, looks like monogamy is the best option for several reasons. Otherwise, non-monogamy can also provide the love and trust people seek since love and trust have a large scale on society.
The problem with trust in non-monogamous relationships, is that you have to trust more people, which opens you up to even more risk of being cheated on.
Sounds like heresay and pure belief than any substantial evidence. Funnily enough, this is exactly what was mentioned in the latter part of the video. Peoples innate bias towards monogamy.
no thanks i dont like sharing
Yeah I wouldn't want my wife getting piped in my absence.
I don’t like to share, but do I want to be shared? That is an interesting question
Someone missed kingergarden
It's not about sharing. My partners aren't my property.
It's okay if you prefer monogamous relationships. I'm happy for you. Really. All we're asking for is respect for our lifestyle.
Do what ever you want to do if everyone is consenting.
Does this apply to incest? Two consenting adults, right?
Some Random Guy animals can’t consent, like you’re in a science channel use your brain to think.
Intoxicatious there is no logical assertion that can be made about why incest is wrong, other than “eww” which is an argument a two year old would use.
David Adesegun have a child with your mother then.
Some Random Guy why would I do that if I’m not attracted to her
I'd like to see some studies that contrast happiness between monogamous couples and non-monogamous relationships in the longer term, and also see how long do both tyopes of relationships last and how many of them become real lifelong commitements.
Nope I would much much rather be on a monogamous relationship
The guy never told you to be anything else.
What about your girlfriend? :))
nope i had no problems seeing a guy bang my girl and i bang other girls and enjoy swingers its better for the relationship
Daniel Diaz I'm honestly amazed there are so many guys in the comment section who want monogamy, I thought it'd mainly be chicks. Makes me happy because it means even as polyamory becomes more popular there will still be men that just want one girl.
Do a video on texting vs social interaction
I do not agree with 1:20. How can two monogamous people give each other STDs? That doesn’t make sense at all. When one spouse gives another spouse an STD, it is only because the transmitting spouse had with someone else. I feel sorry for anyone who bases their ideals on things that don’t make sense.
Lots of research but a glaring oversight was not talking about the impact on children.
Thankfully the perverts who practice polygamy also tend to see no point in rearing children
College kids in exclusive relationships 😂 when did that ever happen?
Steven Baumann Yeah lol, how did they get to determine these people were on an "Exclusive Relationship".
Steven Baumann
Isn't that normal? Maybe not in America
+Steven Baumann
When someone realises he/she is a person, and that "everybody does that" is not a rule, a guide or an excuse, because *I'm not "everybody"!* Besides "everybody does that" statement is not true.
World is changing mate.
Ikr, college kids are virgins and will stay like that due to our society's soyboys, rape culture and other things that scare them.
I’m not religious at all, but something about non-monogamy just feels wrong. It feels like betrayal. Monogamy means stronger love for your partner. Commitment is deep
for you.
Yeah, exactly what Jared said. That's your opinion. Speak for yourself.
How can it be betrayal when it is consensual? As long as everyone involved knows about it and agrees, there is no problem.
For example, think about a threesome. Who is betrayed in that case? Everyone is in the same room and know what they are doing.
Also, in my personal experience, love can be just as deep in a non-monogamous relationship as in a monogamous one. Love is not a limited resource. You don't love your mother less just because you also love your father.
In my experience it doesn't make a difference. The only thing giving those feelings of betrayal is possessiveness. It's not right for you maybe. That's fine. But don't assume others are betraying their partners by being in consensual non-monogamous relationships
I'm in the same boat as Ethan, I mean sure it works for others but not me and people like me. It just feels like a betrayal, like I'm not good enough. And I want to fully commit myself to just one person, it feels like I'm spilting myself up emotionally by having multiple people.
Anyone with a brain will know that a true polyamorous relationship is impossible as there will be conflicts and feelings of jealousy as we are all only human. Remember the Tonch Weldon case?
Impossible for you
@D No they're not. It never said it Monogamous killed more people, just that studies showed their was less protection. That's a trust issue, not evidence for whether monogamy is good or not. Plus if you are in a monogamous relationship there is a reason you shouldn't have a STI. Because you aren't having s** with every person you meet. If you already have an STI your partner should already know, and understand. Sorry but ima stick with the bible and not preform polygamy. And this video is incredible biased towards Monogamy only showing it's positives. You may reference that study I'm about to mention, That study is extremely with biased/unbiased views is messed up. Polygamy is wrong so of course I'm gonna say any evidence saying something that is wrong is actually good for you. That's like saying murders live happier lives than normal people, like what?!?!? And as for it being Ideal. no. Polygamous relationships have often in the past caused jealousy. If a man had multiple wives, the first wife usually wasn't happy. Sorry but no, Polygamy is completely wrong and I ain't supporting it and ain't letting it happen.
@@ninnikins4768 While I don't see myself in a polyamorous relationship, I certainly don't think it should be illegal. As long as it doesn't have any significant externalities, I think it should be perfectly fine.
@D Completely untrue. Polygamous societies are in constant states of war whereas women end up being hoarded by an elite group of men. We're seeing the same thing in modern times.
is it consensual or forced is it a relationship or a brothel? is it kidnapping?! Cuz from what im hearing it kinda makes me think the woman have no choice and that is not how poly relationships work consent is one of the number one things that a poly relationships need constantly including if there is a problem they will come together and work it out or at least try too from my relationships that were mono there wasnt much talking it out but with the poly ones i had, there was a lot cuz we all wanted the same thing to make there partner(s) happy, and if there was a problem guess what...
We were talking and asking for consent constantly.
Please i would love for you to answer my questions at the top or put more details in that comment that makes peoples relationships look like a brothel or rape. Thank you 🙏🐝
To answer the question: BE YOURSELF.
I'm monogamous. But I realize my choice to be monogamous is because of negative feelings of jealousy, insecurity, and mistrust.
I do hope to one day find a partner that I will trust to such a level that we could explore being sexually open without having it effecting the balance of our relationship.
I don't think polyamory is for me though. I am very introverted, and sharing feelings with one person is enough for me.
Epic Cuckoldry
Clearly you don't know the meaning of the word.
Oh, look. The paper tiger insult. No real teeth, and no true power, once you realize the simple truth that you don't own your partner. In an egalitarian society, the word means nothing as an insult.
"A cuckold is the husband of an adulterous wife."
"Adultery refers to sexual relations which are not officially legitimized; for example it does not refer to having sexual intercourse with multiple partners in the case of polygamy (when a man is married to more than one wife at a time, called polygyny; or when a woman is married to more than one husband at a time, called polyandry)."
Just going to leave these here from the wiki don't mind me at all just passing by.
Cuckoldry to me has always been associated with a kind of self-humiliation. As a guy whose had a lot of non-monogamous relationships and bangs, I can assure you there's nothing self-humiliating about the life style. For the most part, I just don't really attach my self-worth to if someone is only banging me or not. Just don't care.
Kumori This must be what the radical egalitarian mindset eventually leads to
Okay heres the thing I'm gonna be monagomus and I prefer that type of relationship because I would get be insecure and I wouldn't want to do that to someone else.
eduard karpoev thats because monogamy works for you, and it mostly does for people with anxiety like that, but people with more confidence that their partners will love them equally and vice versa are more likely to be poly.
Shy Fly You're basically shitting on OP lol
and alot more backstabbing too lol
Shy Fly it works for most people actually. Poly relationships only work if your not willing to commit
Robert Yo i was giving and example of types of people, it dosent me someone whos confident HAS to be poly, and vice versa
Forgot the love.
Kikematamitos Exactly!
It's called poly*amory* for a reason.
David Danis No, like, he didn't touch on that aspect.
more RA vids
Huh, like it even exists.
the guy on the top left is my life in a nutshell 1:46
Thanks for the lol
Loll same
Why do we get wrecked when our spouse cheats? Because there is a bond between 2 people that we all inherently crave. Those emotions are as strong as the feelings of attraction.We want monogamy. This is part of being human.
It just sounds more romantic to stay with one person your whole life lol
My significant other are in a non-monogamous relationship, but we are deeply emotionally connected and rarely got involved with others even though we had the freedom to do so. She has passed away now, but since our relationship was never based on the physical our love lives on.
Carameleia you weren’t in a non-monogamous relationship. It was a subconscious test on to see how faithful you both were. I bet if your significant other were to bring home a man or a woman, your relationship would fall.
@Ludwig Van Beethoven Hi, just to be clear I said 'rarely' got involved with others. It's not same as never. Both of us had openly been with others. It didn't affect our relationship one bit and our feelings for each other were just as strong as ever. Having the freedom to be others showed us how secure we were in our relationship.
Oh these comments are going to be great.
indeed they are, my friend. indeed they are.
I already see the parade of insecure men that get triggered by other people's relationships
I feel like polygamy makes the relationship not special anymore. If you're out there getting weird with someone else, what are we even "together" for? In my eyes a relationship is supposed to be a true bond, emotionally, sensually, and everywhere in between.
Are you a woman? Just asking for science porpoises
@@jeremyjery01 Uh...no?
@@Jay.Taylor ok thanks
@@jeremyjery01 smh.
Its simple, there's just no rules. You can love 1 person or more, depends how you consider the question of love, sexuality and life.
Exhibit A: I love my hand, and my other hand.
As long as you don't end up harming the other person by breaking consent.
Okay I think people are misunderstanding what this video is about. LITERALLY NOBODY IS SAYING YOU HAVE TO BE IN A POLYAMOROUS RELATIONSHIP. By saying that polyamorous people are just as happy and fulfilled in their relationships as monogamous people are, they are NOT saying one is better than the other. They are only stating that polyamory, although heavy stigmatized, is NOT worse than monogamy. Nobody asked if you want to be in a polyamorous relationship, nobody asked wether or not you could be happy in one. You don’t need to say that. If you are monogamous, that is VALID. So is being polyamorous. One is not better than the other.
Once again, you do not need to stand up for your monogamy, because this video is NOT saying anything against it.
As I monogamous Person...I agree with you.
Monogamy works for kids, having two parents always there for the kid and raising them up to be good is usually ideal.
Why do you say that? How many kids do you know that come from non monogamous parents? There is no reason to believe that monogamy is better for kids based on current (non biased) research
@@cat.8825 Well a child can have issues with only one parent and issues if two parents are flawed and issues if one of the two parents are unfaithful or two lustful to commit to a single individual there will always be issues depending on the situation but if we didn't consider that than the average ideal to not have issues would be two parents.
ca t. There’s PLENTY of research here in Muslim polyamorous family structures. These mfs have like 20 different wives and children in different countries. Also there’s lots of normalized polygamy in African countries. Let me just say it didn’t go great for a buddy of mine who’s dad had multiple families in different countries. Yes this is an antidote but god damn was that shit sad
@@carlgoggles1970 all humans are flawed so :/
@Anonymous being why would you hide it?
Remember kids, people who have had several partners in the past are more likely to divorce
love me some deleted comments
[redactado] [redactado] what do you mean?
What a close minded fool. Divorce is awesome when 2 people don't love each other.
Then just don't marry our society no longer judges people for being out of wedlock
Bob Bytes when you see a comment with an option to see responses but see none. more often than not it means someone deleted some comments. It could be anyone: the original commentor, the video creator or youtube itself
HELL NAH. If I get married I don't wanna share my man.
@Gemmariah Beadle The fact that I wrote that 3 years ago and I dont even identify as hetero anymore lol. I don't have an issue with poly people. Yall are valid.
I really don't like how high the number of cheating people is.
Nelson Venema I know right!!! The high number makes me so paranoid about whether I will be cheated on by my boyfriend.😭
I don't ralate , my valentine is goona' be a bag of chips....
1:50 why does that look like Salad Fingers up in the corner??
If mono is dead then I'm about to marry myself🤗
Hell yeah me too.
“Non-monogamous”...just call it polyamorous relationships
Alyssa Alcantara not all non-monogamous relationships are polyamorous. There are also open relationships or swingers for example (sayin that as a polyamorous guy)
I prefer the phrase "dirty, dirty whores".
AresPenna oh thanks for the tid-bit
Poly means above the number 100, so basically it's nearly impossible to have this amount of relationships.
"A coin is examined, and only after careful deliberation, given to a beggar, whereas a child is flung out into the cosmic brutality without hesitation."
- Peter Wessel Zapfe
people really can't grasp the concept of informative videos can they
Or people like you can't grasp the concept of a biased video
Well ... aren't you biased yourself? Always ask that question, you might learn something new everyday :)
SUM1 these are based off FACTS. Now, if you think its biased, I'm left to assume you are the biased one most likely due to the fact that you yourself have been cheated on.
Tiffany Johnson you can present facts but still withhold information they didn’t even go on to when you’re older people or settle down to start family’s and have someone to be co dependent with and I’m not saying you can’t have that in a poly relationship but let me know when you find someone who has 2 wife’s in this day and age and also they went over how people who participate in poly relationships use kore protection but the didn’t take into account the mean of people they sleep with if you sleep with a lot more people then me no matter how often you use protection if you slip up once it could all go to hell where as if you’re in a mono relationship and you’ve only ever been with that partner you’re whole life you have 0 risks of stds
Tiffany Johnson you know that something can be based on some facts but not include other and therefore its not objective. Just think about this for a moment. People live in monogamy for so long and in almost every society. You seriosly think that only reason for that is less std. Yes maybe thats partly true but there are much more reasons for monogamy or else it wouldn't have exxisted for so long. This video looks to me like excuse for people to sleep around and have meaningless one night stands which can only make them unhappy.
Is no one going to mention the picture at 1:44? Wtf is that? Class picture with the janitor who murders kids?
You got me laughing to death xD
We all haven’t seen the full video
Aaaand you completely left out the part of taking care of a child in a marriage. It's also a fact that a child being raised up by a happy and committed couple would do way better socially and mentally.
Just to name a few:
- Growing Up with a Single Parent from Sara McLanahan.
- The Role of the Father from Michael Lamb & Catherine Lemonda.
- Effects of stress and social supports on mother-child interactions in single-and two-parent families from M Weinraub & BM Wolf.
- Maternal Psychological Functioning, Family Processes, and Child Adjustment in Rural, Single-Parent, African American Families from Gene H. Brody & Douglas L. Flor.
- Children Raised in Fatherless Families from Infancy: Family Relationships and the Socioemotional Development of Children of Lesbian and Single Heterosexual Mothers from Susan Golombok et al.
- Single Parents, Extended Households, and the Control of Adolescents from Sanford M. Dornbusch et al.
X 4 do those sources talk about children being raised by happy, non-monogamous couples, or are they all about single mothers raising kids?
DreamfightIjoken yeah, citing research on single mothers isn't really a good argument against non-monogamous relationships.
Is single is bad, double is good, wouldn't by that logic mean polyamory be better for kids?
Personally, I think both monogamy and polyamory are okay, but polyamory just isn’t for some people.
I cannot believe they are even suggesting this. Monogamy is natural.
I couldn't even thunk about sharing my fiancee with anyone else. I think relationships should be between 2 people. No more than that. Some people can make it work with more than one person. But I don't think you can truly be happy that way. Knowing that the person you're with is also with someone else. Maybe it's just me, but I don't like to share who I'm with. Not because it's the right thing to do. But because it's the selfish thing. I'm the kind of guy who doesn't even look at other girls my fiancee is beautiful to me and I will only have eyes for her.
thats your perspective. its ok, but saying what a relationship should be is none of your business
Your wife doesn't to you
but there are those like me who would actually like to be monogamous but in reality have no choice but to remain nihilgamous for our entire life... forever alone
Guanxi Chen what does that mean?
MrShaiya96 it likely means that they are an "incel" (involuntarily celibate), i.e. a self-pitying fool who likely blames feminism for their misfortune. Talk about playing the victim.
Suvi-Tuuli Allan it's not impossible to be an incel that doesn't play victim..
Suvi-Tuuli Allan
All I read was "Feminism: Talk about playing the victim"
Also: empathy. Who needs it!
MrShaiya96 If you want a real answer, nihilgamy (which definitely isn’t a real word) would mean having no partners. Nihil means nothing. For example, annihilation is the destruction (ation) of the opposite (an) of nothing (nihil)
What about you @AsapSCIENCE? are you monogamous?
who did you expect, sportaflop?
Yeah... Greg and Mitch have been dating for 10 years lol.
Liam Downey wait, what?
Liam Downey That doesn't mean they're monogamous.
Mariano Argañaraz That is why this shitty video to showcase personal agenda :p
That heart linking diagram at 3:05 💙💚💜💛
What are the undertale souls doing here
Hilarious, isn't it?
Reminds me of turkish drama tv shows
Stay determined
Imagine if society was so messed up that we had Monogamous friendships
Ew, polygamy is absolutely disgusting.
U meant monogamy
You know I’m pretty happy with the value structure that’s been around, we’ve been doing pretty good for a while.
Do you mean poly or monogamous relationships?
First point - we evolved for a reason. And we developed to control our basic 'animal-like' instincts for a reason. There are practically ONLY two things that make us different than animals. And these are the capability of emotions and the ability to spend our life in a relationship with one person. In fact, these things are closely related and dependent on each other. If we take away emotions and the whole wide spectrum of human reactions caused by them: love, guilt, trust, sacrifice, regret, sadness, relief, devotion, commitment, disappointment.. we are nothing but animals, limited in their decision making, led by simple instincts of surviving and reproducing (here we have a link to polyamory). Emotions are in fact what makes us a more advanced form of living than animals. And it is the emotions that allow us to make that conscious choice to stay with one person for our entire life and be faithful to them
The fact that people in 'polyamorous relationships have more trust and less jealousy' doesn't say anything positive about it - it just outlines the definition of what these relations are. Logically speaking, how can you actually be jealous when you fully consciously are allowing your partner to sleep with someone else while you are also doing the same thing? The definition of polyamory is that you are not faithful to one person so to me, this is mutually exclusive with jealously. One of the top if not THE TOP reason for couples having the biggest arguments in their lifetimes is exactly that - jealousy and suspicion of cheating, whereas in polyamorous relations this reason doesn't exist. The whole 'positivity' of polyamorous relationships probably comes from the fact that partners don't argue as much therefore theoretically their 'relationship outcome' is more positive than for monogamous. It's like saying that apple tree is better than cherry tree because it doesn't grow cherries. It doesn't grow cherries from definition - because it is a freaking apple tree so there is no reason for it to grow cherries! In short, I feel like the idea of this research that was mentioned is just flawed..
john smith I believe she was saying “only two things” in this context. If we’re talking about physiology instead of a certain part of the human psychology, then yes there are a lot of other differences. It’s pretty obvious if you took the time to think a little before trying to make fun of them because it makes you feel like a smarter person on the internet.
except animals can feel emotions, disproving the whole point xd
Animals feel emotions and several bird species (such as many species of penguin) are known for spending their entire life with one partner. Google it.
U are right
ikr ? my god. give her a medal.
Back in the day we had to make more humans. Now we have plenty so 1 partner is plenty. I'm not going anymore in depth on this because I feel like I could write a commentary.
@Alex The Shadow i have to agree too.....now watch as all the pollies come attack us 😏
Alex The Shadow so a closed group of lets say three people is unloyal? You dont have to be in a poly relationship so why do you care? You sound just like a homophobe trying to defend themselves. You should focus more on abusive men and unhealthy traditional relationships, which are definitely harming people.
@@flyingfire908 yes im a homophobe so what, what are you going to do
@Gemmariah Beadle jisy becouse you were with an idiot it doesn not mean all others are idiots
I mean apparently female sperm are more likely to survive or something so naturally you'd have more females - at least in theory.
Non-monogamy is not safer than monogamy like this video implied, if somebody cheats then it isn't monogamy anymore. Safe non-monogamy is safer than unsafe non-monogamy is the only truth you can extrapolate
I think you should be monogamous... if that's what you and your partner can agree upon. If you and your partner wanna be polygamous, then go for it.
Not one type of relationship is better than the other, as there are so many variables in relationships and need to consider each human involved.
I've been in a monogamous relationship for 10 years.
We've thought about 'open' but it doesn't fit with us and would cause complications in our everyday life.
Title:should you be monogamous
Hahah oh no
@@skylarrosewite80 oh yes
@@sneakslolll9264 bad for u i guess
@@skylarrosewite80 yeah it’s fine if you are,it’s none of my business,I just don’t support it personally.
@@skylarrosewite80 polygamy is bad for the kids.
I'm sadly not surprised at how low people think of polyamory, I am in fact in love with my husband, I cherish him and would be so devastated if anything bad happened to him, HOWEVER I've never been monogamous, not a natural reaction for me, and I love being honest and open with my partner/s so that we're not limiting/keeping secrets to each other in any way, I don't get how the fact that I'm polyamorous means that I'm not capable of loving someone... Jealousy/possesive love it's just definetly not something I crave and look forward to in a relationship
I dont hear a lot of polygamous women, and i think men rarely accept that, they either would cheat or be the only ones practicing polygamy while the other partners stay monogamous. Shtty.
Polygamy is wrong and can never work. Jealously is natural and even if your husband doesn't say it he does feel it. You have some kind of childhood trauma or you haven't matured yet. Grow up teenager
@@chinmaywalinjkar7340jealousy is not natural, we are polygamic naturally
1:52 what type of stuff is the guy with the pink shirt under monogamous on?
Beanie Baby 😂I'd like to know too
The shift happened because males who couldn't compete in the dominance hierarchy would give gifts to the females as an attempt to get reproductive access. We switched to pair bonding that carried this trade of resources for reproductive access because of the increase in population along with increased safety, meaning being less dominant was less of a practical issue.
im pretty sure the switch happened when society formed because it is literally just less chaotic to be monogamus. humans are naturally jealous animals and the promiscuity overall caused too many problems.
Also, man... It's just better to have less problems.
More people = More problems
Only with consenting adults
If you're not going to be faithful then don't get into a relationship, unless your partner is cool with it, still weird but still, a relationship is not a true relationship if there's infidelity and no trust
It isnt infidelity if you ask permission first.
Also, being open about polygamy creates more trust since they are honest about their desires.
Burg Skeletal I guess yeah, I don't think I'd be down for that, it's not for everyone I suppose
I’m from a polygamous culture where all wives and children lives in the same house, and let me tell you it’s like a mini game of power every day. Great fun and great pain. Must be interesting to live in the West being able to choose ‘open relationship’ where you all don’t necessarily have to live together.
What culture? I want in.
Throughout the entire video I was thinking "cite the articles containing the controversial opinions" ...and you actually did. Thumbs up!
"Polyamorous" couples ???? They're not couples then lol
Polyamory is not the same as an open relationship, sorry to disappoint.
@@flyingfire908 that went over your head. The video said 'poly couples' but couple is defined as a pair, two. Not multiple. So it simple made no sense. Like the chicken as a mammal and frankly most of the video actually.
I feel like the older you get the more you only want one partner. To have that settled down feeling. I bet more people over the age of 40 are for exclusive relationships and people younger are more for open ones. I don't think you can have a long term open relationship. There will always be the favourite/the number one partner. I would never do an open relationship. I think if you can't commit to one person you can't be held reliable to commit to raising a family.
how can monogamous people be at a higher risk of stds than non monogamous people?
Not sure how I feel about this..
It's alright to form an opinion. I know in this day and age that can get you chastised by the internet moral police but it's your right, no matter which side it is.
9_Bucks True.
Any data on how children coming into the picture impacts monogamous relationships?
It's seems to me like that's when the the higher complications come into play.
Like partners who are the parents of a child and are in love, will have more of a connecting link than the other partners who are also in that love, but don't have the connections of having a child together.
I think that's why it's more common for those who fertilize the eggs to have several partners who have eggs than the reverse; in the same time period the fertilizer can fertilize all the eggs, thus everyone would be equally bonded my shared children, but in the case of one egg owner and three or four fertilizers, only one child can be had every 9+ months, everyone being equally bonded by sharing the bond of parenthood would take several years, increasing the likelihood of unbalance and negative emotion.
P.s. please note I'm stated my thoughts in order to ask if anyone knows of any data on this, not to state that those thought much be correct.
Please don't assume I'm saying this is the way things must be.
I'm asking for more information, if anyone knows of any.
These guys literally did a video recently urging millennials not to have kids and espousing the benefits of it. Childless weirdos is the future apparently.
.... It's not different either way when it comes to emotions. There are more resources for the children when there are multiple fathers though.
A majority of societies (inlcuding the ones we inhabit, until very recently, send those old people off on an iceberg!) practice communal upbringing. Child psychologists will tell you that more loving adults and more friendly peers are always a good thing. This works if the adults are getting it on or not, because it's irrelavent to the child. I have friends who have been practicing for decades, have children, and I can tell you anecdotally, those kids have a better handle on reality and happiness and how to survive than most fully grown monogamous adults I know. Also, if there was one best way to do things, there wouldn't be so many different examples of different ways that people do things, it's a big part of that list of things that makes us human. Best to you in any case.
Harem anime MC to real life: "Noob"
End World Harem to entire harem verse: "Super noob"
E͟X͟T͟E͟R͟M͟I͟N͟A͟T͟E͟ A͟L͟L͟ T͟H͟O͟T͟S͟
*B* e
*B* one
Santiago Patino Private T H O T destroyer reporting for duty sir!
As someone who isnt in a monogamous relationship (swingers) this makes allot of sense. We are entirely open to each other about everything there is no jealousy and our bond is super strong as we can trust each other with absolutely anything. Theres no secrets.. theres no issues our communication is fantastic. Blah blah blah
Now I've been in both forms of relationships and there is a difference. There was a lack of communication there was jealousy issues ect in my previous monogomous relationship. I am a very open person and said previous monog partner knew I was open to sexual exploration which I believe may have been the main trigger for jealousy.
Answer: Be whatever the hell you wanna be. Simple.
Meh.. Let people mess around if they want to. It only becomes a problem when cheating is involved.
Badly, This way of thinking can't solve well the problem. If you love a person, you don't want to share her (him).
It's like you don't want to share your favorite food. it doesn't mean you don't want to eat other food any more.
Respect ✊ is what’s important with any relationship.
Please do a video on this it's been a hypothetical question on my mind for almost a year : WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF AN ENTIRE NATION DID NOT HAVE KIDS/GAVE BIRTH FOR A WHOLE YEAR? I wonder what would be affected and how will it affect society? Will schools be affected? What would happen to hospitals and the government? I really hope you do a video on this burning question. Thank you. Keep making awesome videos.
if you cheat it is no longer monogamous by definition! Honesty is the lesson here.
May be at a lower risk? If you are both truly monogamous, you are at a much much lower risk of getting an STD.