Selam Dr,my son has type 1 diabetics since he was 7 now he is question is, can he fast for long hours? Because when he fasts long hours like until 3pm ,he vomits after he ate food so his no.gets too low.And some times his no.becomes too high in z morning.Any advice please .Thank you.
Selam, as Type 1 diabetic patient it is not advised to fast long hrs. and your son is having some of the low blood sugar symptoms, so it is not a good idea for him to fast. For his blood sugar being high in the morning, there are a couple of things he can do 1. Don't eat pass 7:00 p.m or ke meshitu 1:00 2. Don't eat high carbohydrate andn fat food for dinner 3. Eat more protein during dinner time.
እናመሰግናለን ዶክተር ሃና ❤❤❤
Thank you ❤❤
Thank you DR, God bless you 🥰♥️
D/r betam amsegnalhu
You welcome
ሰላም ዶክተረይ በናትሽ ስልክሽ ላገኝሽ ፈልጌ ነው
Dr I have questions if you have time, program betesrelin sel , low thyroid hormones?
What is that mean? And how fast to see Dr
Thank you
Selam sure, I will prepare a video
@@managingyourdiabetesHGW Thank you so much,.
Selam Dr,my son has type 1 diabetics since he was 7 now he is question is, can he fast for long hours?
Because when he fasts long hours like until 3pm ,he vomits after he ate food so his no.gets too low.And some times his no.becomes too high in z morning.Any advice please .Thank you.
Selam, as Type 1 diabetic patient it is not advised to fast long hrs. and your son is having some of the low blood sugar symptoms, so it is not a good idea for him to fast. For his blood sugar being high in the morning, there are a couple of things he can do 1. Don't eat pass 7:00 p.m or ke meshitu 1:00 2. Don't eat high carbohydrate andn fat food for dinner 3. Eat more protein during dinner time.
@@managingyourdiabetesHGW Many thanks I will try what you suggest.
ሰላም ዶክተር ሃና type 2 ወደ type 1 ሊቀየር ይችላል? አመሰግናለሁ
ሰላም፣ አዎ አይነት 2 ባግናቡ ካልተከታተልነው ወድ አይነት 1 ሊቀየር ይችላል
10q! Dr. የኔ ልጅ carbohydrates ያላቸውን ምግብ ፓስታ, መኮረኒ, ዳቦ የወደደውን ከበላ አይጨምርበትም የማይፈልገውን እንዳይጨምር ብዬ ሰሰጠው የስኳር መጠኑ ከፍ ይላል ለምንድነው?
ሰላም፣ በእውነት ነው ሁሉም የስዃር ህመም ያለበት ሰው ለሁሉም አይነት ምግብ የተለያየ ምላሽ ነው የሚሰጠው ነገር ግን የርሶ ልጅ የሰዃር መጠን ምላሽ ለየት ያለ ነው; ነገር ግን መጥፎ ነው ማለት አይደለም የሚስማማውን መርጦ መመገብ ወሳኝ ነው
ሰላም ዶ/ር ባለሽ ሰላም ሁንልኝ
Type 1 deabetic ያለው ሰው፡ ክንደቱ ለመጨመር ምን ማረግ እና መመገብ ኣለዎ፧
አትክልት እና ፕሮቲን ያለባቸው ምግቦች እንዲሁም በቀን 4--5 ጊዜ መመገብ ክብደት እንዳይቀንስ ስዃሩም ከፍ እንዳይል ያደርጋል። በአንድ ጊዜ ብዙ መመገብ ስዃሩን ከፍ እንዲል ያደርጋል
10q ዶ/ር ስለ ምሉ መረጃሽ፡ እግዚኣብሄር ይባርክሽ።
Any body who is type 1 please contact me please