This is my son in law singing. He was also chosen two years running to sing the opening solo of Once in Royal David City on the Christmas BBC programme 9 lessons and carols. Only a moment's notice apparently. He has continued in the music business initially as a performer (he plays 7 instruments, I think) and is now a music producer. His initial success was getting Amy Winehouse signed and that followed working with Paloma Faith. He has worked with and produced music with many celebrated artists. His name is Ian Barter and can be found on google. He and my youngest daughter have given us three amazing grandchildren!
@TheSauce Group Definitely! He's a wonderful musician, music producer and the father of my three grandchildren. He can switch from Bach to Boogie Woogie so easily - a joy to hear!
May what your son in law sings here have resonated in his heart. May it have brought him close to Jesus. This song is divine, as is God's love. It was the first song I ever bought on CD and it made me cry. John 14:6 There is no other way.
I spent a winter term in Cambridge and attended the daily evensong services sung by the young men and boys, both at St. John's College and at King's. The training of the boy trebles at these collegiate choirs is of the highest calibre and their discipline and self-control is prodigious. There is nothing like it in North America (I'm Canadian). The audition process is extremely competitive and boys who are selected are especially bright and musically precocious. They are a joy to see and hear.
@Immortal I noticed a typo and hit edit and the whole lot disappeared! So I've added a smaller piece below. No tapes either - just this Channel 4 recording on RUclips.
In a word.. 'stunning'! The original King's recording with Roy Goodman as treble soloist is unique and given pleasure for... I don't know how long, but this is right up there with it. Thanks..
Back in the early 90s I went with a group of people on a visit to Lincoln cathedral. We stayed for evensong and the choir sang this. I was sitting there in tears and I could hear several of the people behind me (including men) sniffling as well. It's so pure and clean and the way the young boy soars up to those high Cs so effortlessly at what is only piano - or at most - mezzo piano - is spine tingling.
I remember singing this wonderful anthem as a choir boy at St Mary Redcliffe Church in Bristol UK circa 1976 under the fantastic Choir Master Bryan Anderson (FRCO CHM LRAM). The solo was performed by Michael Trembath. Brings a tear to my eye even after all these years. Twelve years old then, now fourty eight - where has the time gone:(
This really is a totally stunning performance by the King's choir. This is the most definitive version you can achieve of this beautiful piece of music. And performed in the unparalled splendour of King's College Chapel, the finest architectural entity in the world.
The song is asking God to 'Have Mercy on Me'. It IS beautiful. Usually heard during Lent (the Catholic time of sacrifice) and especially at the death of Christ.
I am an atheist and have no brook with religious stuff whatsoever. I can say that human voices trained and practiced on song and discipline, while producing the most beautiful sounds that anyone could possibly wish for, is extraordinary. It always blows my mind when listening to the music, conceived and written by a master, replicated hundreds of years forward into our time; into the 21st century. That's called longevity. Absolutely astounding and breaks my heart.
Oh Lila - music that resonates with physical bodies (and that has a scientific backing) and of course I mean my body, has the most amazing feeling. Minor chords are the ones that do it! the buggers :).D minor brings me undone and I need tissues. Lovely stuff eh?
Oh Lila - let's hope not :) I actually don't care any more when people say they will pray for me. It's a waste of their time and does absolutely zilch for me. But ... whatever floats their boat, I guess. :)
Bigg Dee You don't really understand humour, do you? :) Neither do you understand that to take on praying for someone who doesn't believe in any religious stuff is a fairly arrogant thing to do. I don't ask you to do that and I would be grateful if you would please desist. If I want anything from you I will ask. But I don't so I won't. Thank you for your understanding.
I had the privilege of studying at King's in the early 1990s, when the choir was at one of its peaks; I estimate that I made around 500 visits to our chapel during that time. This magical piece provides an electrifying and poignant demonstration of just how special the place is: utterly unique in its becalming atmosphere, matchless acoustic quality and sublime aesthetic allure (to none of which could a mere recording ever hope to do justice!). But then, I am perhaps a little biased! Stunning.
Today is the anniversary of the wonderful person whom I converted to Catholicism in La Jolla and with whom together we listened to it 2 days before her death in Hong Kong and whom I believe beyond all things!
Have Mercy On Me, God Have mercy on me, God According to your great kindness And according to the multitude of your mercies, Erase my iniquities Wash me completely from my iniquities And cleanse me of my sins For I know my iniquities And my sins are always before me To you alone, I have sinned And done evil before you That you may be fair in your speech And justified in your judgement Behold, I was conceived in iniquity And in sin did my mother conceived me Behold, you desire truth in the inward parts And you teach me wisdom in the hidden places Purify me with hyssop and I will be clean Wash me, and I will be whiter than snow Let me hear your joy and gladness And my humble bones will rejoice Turn your face away from my sins And erase all of my iniquities Create in me a pure heart, oh, God, And renew your right spirit within me Do not turn me away from your sight, And do not take your Holy Spirit from me Return your gladness and salvation to me And uphold me with a willing spirit I will teach sinners your way And they will be converted unto you Save me from blood, God, God of my salvation My tongue will praise of your righteousness Lord, open my lips And my mouth will sing your glory Because you have not desired sacrifices For you don't delight in sacrifices, or I would do so Nor do you desire burnt offerings The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit A broken and humble heart God will not despise Do well before the Lord in your good pleasure to Zion And build the walls of Jerusalem Then you accept the sacrifices of righteousness In oblations and burnt offerings Then they will offer bulls on your altar. Taken from
Byron Gordon Finally and in the wake of countless prayers of His followers The Lord, God the Almighty, the all knowing, all powerful, omnipresent and ubiquitous, omniscient and omnipotent Creator of the Universe and the planet Earth, the SSHA (Supreme Stickler for Heterosexual Activities) will show Himself to His faithful simultaneously in Rome, Jerusalem, Shanghai, Washington, New Delhi, Tokyo and Al-Qahira on June 13, 2015, at 13:13 a.m. EST in the presence of 200,000 people and 333 radio- and TV technicians.. He will direct Himself in the 444 major languages of the planet to mankind and He will abduct all earth-bound communication satellites to the effect. All technicians present and all scientists, even the most godless ones, will confirm that such an event cannot be explained by science, nay that such a feat is impossible to achieve by technical means. So at long last all mankind will see and witness and confess that God exists. It was after protracted deliberations with faithful communication experts that the Lord decided to use modern means of communication to spread His message of Love. He had been saddened by the fact the last round of communications with the help of burning bushes had been somewhat flawed because it had basically reached only Europe and the Americas while vast parts of Asia and the Middle East are still dominated by other religions and „gods“. We look forward to this event with great joy and gratefulness. Praised be The Lord.
Byron: when one truthfully repents, they are forgiven, God does not want to hear about it as in His book, it never happened, He shed His blood on the cross for all of us and the way is paved that thru Jesus Christ, we can go to the Father boldly without shame ask, and we are forgiven.
Perhaps the greatest composition ever. Certainly the greatest offering of this one yet captured. I am in awe, certainly, and eternally grateful. Thank you so much!
Doug Eller the boy "soloist" has the most perfect male choral voice i have yet heard , singing this amazing piece , pure chills ... ( i sang 12 years in a church choir ; soprano , alto , and bass )
King's College Choir always has been noted for very high musical standards. The treble is wonderful, too. His voice is so pure, focused, and with only one breath-break in that long, high line. The only unbroken line that I have heard is by adult male soprano Patrick Husson with the Colmar Boys Choir School.
I love the Anglican musical tradition. Its something that unfortunately we as Catholics in America have lost for the most part. Beautiful just beautiful.
This is so splendid and just,stunning. A touching flush of blood rush over my body as I listen to this,though I don't quite understand the lyrics. God Bless you all!
Raduje me da si to ti i radujeme da si ziv a najvise me raduje da si mi odgovorio ja nisam neki specijalista za kompjuter tek sam u fazi ucenja pa nemoj zameriti na greskama u glavnom ti hvala na l melu javicu ti se i puno, puno, pozdrava mira
how could anyone dislike this?? This is one of the most spiritual pieces of music... ever! It was so spiritual and powerful that the pope ordered it to be locked away and only had select people perform it during 'holy week' which is what we call Easter. It is absolutely incredible! And what's even more incredible is that Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart heard this once, wrote it down and showed the world!!! Amazing!!
I'm not religious in any shape or form, but this is deeply moving. It's otherworld sound inspires and humbles me in equal measure. I love churches and cathedrals and we were lucky enough to hear this sung in practice at York Minster. Stunning.
2:04 wow, that one boy with the brown hair... it truly sounds like an angel! just... amazing how a voice can be like that! I have memories to this song, my mom used to play it all the time when I was still little.
when i heard this, my eyes spontaneously brimmed with tears... is there anything that sounds more prefect ?.... .. the lead boy is exquisite.... utterly so.
This is absolutely beautiful! I love how the soloist, who sings the plainsong, actually takes his time and sings it solemnly and with compunction. Just absolutely beautiful--especially during this time of Lent.
Funny how the blur of this clip turns the singers into spirits. Have a love/hate for anything spiritual or religious, yet this piece brings me in touch with another reality. Music as a vehicle to be more than just human. That soaring boy soprano over the choir, together it's the soothing voice of God putting everything into perspective, making me somehow understand what I can't possibly grasp. It is something beyond emotion. This is ultimate music.
By far the most moving piece of music that I've ever heard and just and to read everyone's comments and the different places and areas that we come from just solidifies it as a great piece of music it brings me to tears every time I hear it likes my soul know that it's real
@JwahAmore31 The clip dates back to 1987. If the youngest boys were about 12 at that time, they must be 36 now. Many of them probably still sing in some choir, somewhere ...
for me one cant not get any better than that I like all kinds of music. to me this is the absolute perfection one could possibly hope for. when I die and I rise into the heavens with my partner,and I believe we will both go, contrary to popular teachings, this is the music I will hear. thank you gentleman for gifting to me this wounderful most delightful, piece of heavenly music
I just downloaded the complete version. Thank you very much! If many believe this music is beautiful in itself, they should try delving into the text of the psalm being sung, which is deeply insightful and moving. Understanding and making those words one's own will give this music an even greater density. God bless.
If I understood correctly, the Misere is in Dante's Divine Comedy. The souls of late-repentent sinners are gathered at the foot of the Mountain of Purgatory chanting this song when Dante sees them. I don't think its intended to be this melody because I believe this melody was composed about two or three hundred years after Dante.
I've heard this live in the Pacific Union College Church sung by the college I Cantori. Already beloved to me, it became even more so after this. I have the Miserere on CD's by six different choirs, and a growing collection on my droid phone.
I read all these comments from non religious people saying they love this. This sort of music goes some way to showing that God is universal, that God is not restricted to a religious context, heaven forbid it, no pun intended. Light is universal, there are no boundaries, this is as good an example as you can get of this, it crosses all boundaries, it unifies, it uplifts, it is divine, if you don't feel something hearing this, then there must be little light in you, if any.
Thank you very, very much for posting this. I have been searching for a long time for The Kings College version. Bless You. I will also go to your site.
I just heard this on the radio, and I tried to remember the name. Its So beautiful. I rarely ever say that about music, but this song is soooo Awesome!
Angels singing ! " Miserere mei Deus " - Merci my God ! Today I was touched by some Angel or many Angels ! I cried so convulsive !!! I'm crying already now ! I can't see the keyboard right ! Forgive my (pedados) my God ! I don'y know how i say " pecados " in English language, but my God knows !! ( I'm brazilian )
This song is most enjoyed when you understand the lyrics. It's words speak of the beauty of salvation in the love of God that can only be enjoyed in our consciousness when we prostrate in humility to that which is greater than us. A finely attuned heart and mind can sense the congruency between the lyrics and the harmony... However, one can only enjoy this in it's profoundness when he/she contemplates the beautiful contrast of reality and our humble minuteness... those with hubris only hear harmony, and discard the objective meaning. I hope some of you take a look at the lyrics and contemplate on them with the song as a guide. The song then is a learning experience in the formation of virtue, a guide to wisdom, not just something that sounds good.
Thank you very much for uploading this video (and thanks to my friend who sent me the link to it). This is possibly the most beautiful piece of music I've ever heard, and it was great to see a live performance of it. Even though I'd turned from christianity and become a buddhist when I first heard this a few years ago, I got shivers all over my body and tears in my eyes. I felt as if God was truly present, and that He forgave and comforted me. Divine music.
I have the recording but that piece as video is very nice. Congratulations to the Kings College for that and to all the boys choirs especially in great britain. They have the best boys choirs and voices all over the world,with great tradition. Thanks for posting.
Utterly brilliant. I've been watching this vid from time to time for the past few years and still think it's the most haunting, spine-chilling version on the web. So the young chorister is your son-in-law?
@amr kardany - I am glad you shared this music and it gave you pleasure. I am not sure it is essential that one knows the meaning of the words (though a translation is easily found on the web), but the beauty of those voices - a gift from God surely - is enough to transport us to a spiritual world.
Insperato62 i a really sorry, i forgot to reply.. and yes you are right .. i still don't want to know the words .. i know they are praying and asking god for forgiveness as we all do. but i just wanna enjoy this masterpiece as it is.. sorry again for not replying sooner.
Lucky you to have such a son-in-law. But, I always thought it looked mimed. Thanks for confirming. Beautiful, Beautiful rendition of this lovely piece of music. I am a pathologist....I love listening to pieces such as this while I work (which I am doing now). This is my favorite rendition on the web.
@OrogDeMalfur I've had the privilege to perform this piece in 3 of europe's finest cathedrals including Amiens, with wonderful soloists making me melt every time that high note is cast up there... breathtakingly wonderful from my place among the Basses, a few metres from the soloists. Up there with the finest musical experiences of my life. And I'm a former metalhead too :p. I'd recommend you to make every effort to experience this live.
This is my son in law singing. He was also chosen two years running to sing the opening solo of Once in Royal David City on the Christmas BBC programme 9 lessons and carols. Only a moment's notice apparently. He has continued in the music business initially as a performer (he plays 7 instruments, I think) and is now a music producer. His initial success was getting Amy Winehouse signed and that followed working with Paloma Faith. He has worked with and produced music with many celebrated artists. His name is Ian Barter and can be found on google. He and my youngest daughter have given us three amazing grandchildren!
@TheSauce Group Definitely! He's a wonderful musician, music producer and the father of my three grandchildren. He can switch from Bach to Boogie Woogie so easily - a joy to hear!
I was a Choral Scholar from 1982-1985 and remember you son-in-law. Wonderful to hear he is doing so well!
May what your son in law sings here have resonated in his heart. May it have brought him close to Jesus. This song is divine, as is God's love. It was the first song I ever bought on CD and it made me cry.
John 14:6 There is no other way.
I spent a winter term in Cambridge and attended the daily evensong services sung by the young men and boys, both at St. John's College and at King's. The training of the boy trebles at these collegiate choirs is of the highest calibre and their discipline and self-control is prodigious. There is nothing like it in North America (I'm Canadian). The audition process is extremely competitive and boys who are selected are especially bright and musically precocious. They are a joy to see and hear.
My all-time favorite recording of the Miserere.
I am a muslim and i enjoy listening to this very much.. It's beautiful. I don't know the words meaning but i just enjoy it.
amr kardany It's actually a chapter in the book of Psalms in the Bible.-Psalm 51
+amr kardany God bless you sir.
+amr kardany I am a Christian, but when I enter a great mosque, I share.
Ted Mounsteven Well said sir.
Yup, Muslim here too, this is amazing, all you need is a heart and a keen ear to appreciate this.
King's College at its very best. An eternal chant that will live forever. I chose it for my partner of 40 years' plus funeral. It gave me peace.
That kid singing the top C is simply amazing...
And that kid is already an adult--a music producer.
What is his name? Or what name does he go by for music production
When life turns to mush and nothing seems to be going my way, this is the piece of music I turn to. It's beauty overcomes all.
+Henry Vaughan I share this sentiment; having one of those periods right now actually.
Me too..... Well, even before life gets that bad. Hope it all worked out for you Thomas.
Henry Vaughan when life turns to mush the one prayer God NEVER refuses “Come Holy Spirit”
@@carolinenorman2654 I’m no longer sure about that. At least until I accept that God or any supreme being, is within us. Only then can I find grace.
Completely agree
I still return to this version on RUclips as the best. wonderful.
Alas this was in the tape era and as far as I know has not been transferred to a CD.
That's one proud Father in law ✌️
By far the best version I have been privileged to hear , chills to the core
@Immortal See above. This was recorded in the tape era and I'm not aware of it being transferred to a CD.
@Immortal I noticed a typo and hit edit and the whole lot disappeared! So I've added a smaller piece below. No tapes either - just this Channel 4 recording on RUclips.
@Immortal That's perfect. Well done! It was the word also that I was trying to amend. Perhaps you could do it!
In a word.. 'stunning'! The original King's recording with Roy Goodman as treble soloist is unique and given pleasure for... I don't know how long, but this is right up there with it. Thanks..
I listened to multiple performances of this incredible piece, but this one is my absolute favorite because of Roy Goodman. Angelic voice.
Back in the early 90s I went with a group of people on a visit to Lincoln cathedral. We stayed for evensong and the choir sang this. I was sitting there in tears and I could hear several of the people behind me (including men) sniffling as well. It's so pure and clean and the way the young boy soars up to those high Cs so effortlessly at what is only piano - or at most - mezzo piano - is spine tingling.
Lord... those notes still have the power to send shivers down my spine! Brilliant work and wonderfully performed.
I remember singing this wonderful anthem as a choir boy at St Mary Redcliffe Church in Bristol UK circa 1976 under the fantastic Choir Master Bryan Anderson (FRCO CHM LRAM). The solo was performed by Michael Trembath. Brings a tear to my eye even after all these years. Twelve years old then, now fourty eight - where has the time gone:(
This really is a totally stunning performance by the King's choir. This is the most definitive version you can achieve of this beautiful piece of music. And performed in the unparalled splendour of King's College Chapel, the finest architectural entity in the world.
The Kings College Choir is the best I've ever heard in my life. I encourage anyone who has the means to go and hear them in person.
that soprano boy is amazing! I can't believe that magnificent voice is coming from him.
The song is asking God to 'Have Mercy on Me'. It IS beautiful. Usually heard during Lent (the Catholic time of sacrifice) and especially at the death of Christ.
Seems like British Cathedral and College Choirs are the best in the world.
I am an atheist and have no brook with religious stuff whatsoever. I can say that human voices trained and practiced on song and discipline, while producing the most beautiful sounds that anyone could possibly wish for, is extraordinary.
It always blows my mind when listening to the music, conceived and written by a master, replicated hundreds of years forward into our time; into the 21st century. That's called longevity. Absolutely astounding and breaks my heart.
Oh Lila - music that resonates with physical bodies (and that has a scientific backing) and of course I mean my body, has the most amazing feeling. Minor chords are the ones that do it! the buggers :).D minor brings me undone and I need tissues. Lovely stuff eh?
Veronica Denyer Sorry to hear you are an atheist. You(and L. Zee) will be in my Rosary intentions.
Oh Lila - let's hope not :) I actually don't care any more when people say they will pray for me. It's a waste of their time and does absolutely zilch for me. But ... whatever floats their boat, I guess. :)
***** Yes. I will.
Bigg Dee
You don't really understand humour, do you? :) Neither do you understand that to take on praying for someone who doesn't believe in any religious stuff is a fairly arrogant thing to do.
I don't ask you to do that and I would be grateful if you would please desist. If I want anything from you I will ask. But I don't so I won't.
Thank you for your understanding.
I had the privilege of studying at King's in the early 1990s, when the choir was at one of its peaks; I estimate that I made around 500 visits to our chapel during that time.
This magical piece provides an electrifying and poignant demonstration of just how special the place is: utterly unique in its becalming atmosphere, matchless acoustic quality and sublime aesthetic allure (to none of which could a mere recording ever hope to do justice!). But then, I am perhaps a little biased! Stunning.
I used to spend a lot of time in Kings College chapel, when I was a kid. All the boys had amazing voices. So wonderful to hear live.
Today is the anniversary of the wonderful person whom I converted to Catholicism in La Jolla and with whom together we listened to it 2 days before her death in Hong Kong and whom I believe beyond all things!
Have Mercy On Me, God
Have mercy on me, God
According to your great kindness
And according to the multitude of your mercies,
Erase my iniquities
Wash me completely from my iniquities
And cleanse me of my sins
For I know my iniquities
And my sins are always before me
To you alone, I have sinned
And done evil before you
That you may be fair in your speech
And justified in your judgement
Behold, I was conceived in iniquity
And in sin did my mother conceived me
Behold, you desire truth in the inward parts
And you teach me wisdom in the hidden places
Purify me with hyssop and I will be clean
Wash me, and I will be whiter than snow
Let me hear your joy and gladness
And my humble bones will rejoice
Turn your face away from my sins
And erase all of my iniquities
Create in me a pure heart, oh, God,
And renew your right spirit within me
Do not turn me away from your sight,
And do not take your Holy Spirit from me
Return your gladness and salvation to me
And uphold me with a willing spirit
I will teach sinners your way
And they will be converted unto you
Save me from blood,
God, God of my salvation
My tongue will praise of your righteousness
Lord, open my lips
And my mouth will sing your glory
Because you have not desired sacrifices
For you don't delight in sacrifices, or I would do so
Nor do you desire burnt offerings
The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit
A broken and humble heart
God will not despise
Do well before the Lord in your good pleasure to Zion
And build the walls of Jerusalem
Then you accept the sacrifices of righteousness
In oblations and burnt offerings
Then they will offer bulls on your altar.
Taken from
Byron Gordon
Finally and in the wake of countless
prayers of His followers The Lord, God the Almighty, the all knowing,
all powerful, omnipresent and ubiquitous, omniscient and omnipotent
Creator of the Universe and the planet Earth, the SSHA (Supreme
Stickler for Heterosexual Activities) will show Himself to His
faithful simultaneously in Rome, Jerusalem, Shanghai, Washington,
New Delhi, Tokyo and Al-Qahira on June 13, 2015, at 13:13 a.m. EST in
the presence of 200,000 people and 333 radio- and TV technicians.. He
will direct Himself in the 444 major languages of the planet to
mankind and He will abduct all earth-bound communication satellites
to the effect. All technicians present and all scientists, even the
most godless ones, will confirm that such an event cannot be
explained by science, nay that such a feat is impossible to achieve
by technical means. So at long last all mankind will see and witness
and confess that God exists. It was after protracted deliberations
with faithful communication experts that the Lord decided to use
modern means of communication to spread His message of Love. He had
been saddened by the fact the last round of communications with the
help of burning bushes had been somewhat flawed because it had
basically reached only Europe and the Americas while vast parts of
Asia and the Middle East are still dominated by other religions and
„gods“. We look forward to this event with great joy and
gratefulness. Praised be The Lord.
Byron: when one truthfully repents, they are forgiven, God does not want to hear about it as in His book, it never happened, He shed His blood on the cross for all of us and the way is paved that thru Jesus Christ, we can go to the Father boldly without shame ask, and we are forgiven.
favorite version by far
Perhaps the greatest composition ever. Certainly the greatest offering of this one yet captured.
I am in awe, certainly, and eternally grateful. Thank you so much!
Doug Eller the boy "soloist" has the most perfect male choral voice i have yet heard , singing this amazing piece , pure chills ... ( i sang 12 years in a church choir ; soprano , alto , and bass )
The soprano lines are everything.
King's College Choir always has been noted for very high musical standards. The treble is wonderful, too. His voice is so pure, focused, and with only one breath-break in that long, high line. The only unbroken line that I have heard is by adult male soprano Patrick Husson with the Colmar Boys Choir School.
I love the Anglican musical tradition. Its something that unfortunately we as Catholics in America have lost for the most part. Beautiful just beautiful.
That top C, absolutely amazing, beautiful music, sounds like angels x
This is so splendid and just,stunning. A touching flush of blood rush over my body as I listen to this,though I don't quite understand the lyrics. God Bless you all!
I am of Easter Othodox origins and I regard this piece of music as one of the most spiritual ever composed. Long live Christian unity>
+Mirjana Pavlovic To sam ja.
Raduje me da si to ti i radujeme da si ziv a najvise me raduje da si mi odgovorio ja nisam neki specijalista za kompjuter tek sam u fazi ucenja pa nemoj zameriti na greskama u glavnom ti hvala na l melu javicu ti se i puno, puno, pozdrava mira
how could anyone dislike this?? This is one of the most spiritual pieces of music... ever! It was so spiritual and powerful that the pope ordered it to be locked away and only had select people perform it during 'holy week' which is what we call Easter.
It is absolutely incredible! And what's even more incredible is that Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart heard this once, wrote it down and showed the world!!! Amazing!!
All these years later and this is still my favorite Miserere recording, no question
Such a gutsy sound. the best type of choir i think there is.
these are my musical roots, and i am very thankful for choral music.
My favorite version. Especially this soloist 1:15 I love how he takes his time.
I'm not religious in any shape or form, but this is deeply moving. It's otherworld sound inspires and humbles me in equal measure. I love churches and cathedrals and we were lucky enough to hear this sung in practice at York Minster. Stunning.
As Cleobury says, "Treble voices soar to convey sorrow and beg forgiveness". Beautiful. Thank you.
2:04 wow, that one boy with the brown hair... it truly sounds like an angel! just... amazing how a voice can be like that!
I have memories to this song, my mom used to play it all the time when I was still little.
This is stunningly beautiful and i listen to it every night before i go to bed :) thank you so much for uploading!
Trovo che questo BRANO ha un'ARMONIA affascinante COME pochi altri hanno; IERI stavo male e ascoltarlo mi ha aiutato.
i know! he never fails to impress me, no matter how many times i watch this video :)
Truly moving! Vocally angelic, whatever your belief.
I just want to throw myself on the floor when I hear this and beg for forgiveness :"( Father, be mindful of our lowliness.
He loves you so unbelievably much, He is ever mindful of every aspect of your being.
@Thabiso Moyakhe
Wow. What a great heart you have. You put me to shame--in a good way.
Amazing sound , brings back memories while singing at my church choir ...chills each time i hear 'the note" ...
Here were are Jan 2021, having listened to many versions of this, and keep returing to this one. It has to be the best rendition.
when i heard this, my eyes spontaneously brimmed with tears... is there anything that sounds more prefect ?.... .. the lead boy is exquisite.... utterly so.
The best interpretation I have ever heard ...
Kings College chapel choir reaches the perfection.
**DR from France**
That kid is amazing! He blows my mind when goes on that high notes.
Ooooh! I have goosebumbs when I hear to this! Amazing! I just adore that music!!!
This is one of my favorite choir songs ever- the chamber choir at my school sang this last year. Beautiful!
This is absolutely beautiful! I love how the soloist, who sings the plainsong, actually takes his time and sings it solemnly and with compunction. Just absolutely beautiful--especially during this time of Lent.
Funny how the blur of this clip turns the singers into spirits.
Have a love/hate for anything spiritual or religious, yet this piece brings me in touch with another reality.
Music as a vehicle to be more than just human.
That soaring boy soprano over the choir, together it's the soothing voice of God putting everything into perspective, making me somehow understand what I can't possibly grasp. It is something beyond emotion.
This is ultimate music.
I feel the exact way. I heard it on a classical radio station today and was mesmerized!
By far the most moving piece of music that I've ever heard and just and to read everyone's comments and the different places and areas that we come from just solidifies it as a great piece of music it brings me to tears every time I hear it likes my soul know that it's real
@JwahAmore31 The clip dates back to 1987. If the youngest boys were about 12 at that time, they must be 36 now. Many of them probably still sing in some choir, somewhere ...
Wow... I can't remember the last time I cried listening to a piece of music. I can't handle those high notes... just makes me melt inside.
One of the greatest religious choirs of all time.Perfect voices,musical internation and interpretation of this most respected of Mozards compostions.
Thankyou for posting this. I have listened it today for, I think, 6 times by now. It is something simply gorgeous...
This is just so beautiful, I have tears flooding my eyes every time that boy hits those high notes. Thank you very much for sharing!
i know, its the most beautiful peace ive ever heard. like the guy at the beginning say, its so simple, but perfect
for me one cant not get any better than that I like all kinds of music. to me this is the absolute perfection one could possibly hope for. when I die and I rise into the heavens with my partner,and I believe we will both go, contrary to popular teachings, this is the music I will hear. thank you gentleman for gifting to me this wounderful most delightful, piece of heavenly music
Gorgeous profile picture
You're gay. So fucking what?
I just downloaded the complete version. Thank you very much! If many believe this music is beautiful in itself, they should try delving into the text of the psalm being sung, which is deeply insightful and moving. Understanding and making those words one's own will give this music an even greater density. God bless.
Wonderful ... God bless the singers!
If I understood correctly, the Misere is in Dante's Divine Comedy. The souls of late-repentent sinners are gathered at the foot of the Mountain of Purgatory chanting this song when Dante sees them. I don't think its intended to be this melody because I believe this melody was composed about two or three hundred years after Dante.
Un des sommets de la musique religieuse. La mélodie épouse parfaitement le sens du texte. L'interptrétation incite à l'extase !
Wunderbare Musik! Sehr fein und einfühlsam gesungen! Kompliment!
I cried all the time...... no words can describe the impact of the best music on man.
This is heavenly!!!! The treble voice is so pure ......
I've heard this live in the Pacific Union College Church sung by the college I Cantori.
Already beloved to me, it became even more so after this. I have the Miserere on CD's by six different choirs, and a growing collection on my droid phone.
I read all these comments from non religious people saying they love this. This sort of music goes some way to showing that God is universal, that God is not restricted to a religious context, heaven forbid it, no pun intended.
Light is universal, there are no boundaries, this is as good an example as you can get of this, it crosses all boundaries, it unifies, it uplifts, it is divine, if you don't feel something hearing this, then there must be little light in you, if any.
It dont get any better than this,the human vocie is as beautifull as this
Breathtaking. This is the epitome of creative accomplishment , which faith in the Lord Jesus can inspire man to produce.
The solo at around 2:05 is so sorrowfully beautiful...Miserere Mei Deus is one of my most favorite pieces. Thank you.
An absolutely beautiful piece of music. It is an inspiration every time I hear it. A sad and beautiful psalm.
Thank you very, very much for posting this. I have been searching for a long time for The Kings College version.
Bless You. I will also go to your site.
I just heard this on the radio, and I tried to remember the name. Its So beautiful. I rarely ever say that about music, but this song is soooo Awesome!
Stunning in vocal beauty.
this is a very rare thing to see, a boy with that kind of voice at his age is amazing.
In my eyes, one of the most brilliant pieces ever to be recorded.
Angels singing ! " Miserere mei Deus " - Merci my God ! Today I was touched by some Angel or many Angels ! I cried so convulsive !!! I'm crying already now ! I can't see the keyboard right ! Forgive my (pedados) my God ! I don'y know how i say " pecados " in English language, but my God knows !! ( I'm brazilian )
This song is most enjoyed when you understand the lyrics. It's words speak of the beauty of salvation in the love of God that can only be enjoyed in our consciousness when we prostrate in humility to that which is greater than us. A finely attuned heart and mind can sense the congruency between the lyrics and the harmony... However, one can only enjoy this in it's profoundness when he/she contemplates the beautiful contrast of reality and our humble minuteness... those with hubris only hear harmony, and discard the objective meaning. I hope some of you take a look at the lyrics and contemplate on them with the song as a guide. The song then is a learning experience in the formation of virtue, a guide to wisdom, not just something that sounds good.
John Abad
Well said John. Wise words.
Thank you sir, enjoy the song in it's fullness.
It would help if someone included the lyrics.
the best version in my opinion ! splendid !
Thank you very much for uploading this video (and thanks to my friend who sent me the link to it). This is possibly the most beautiful piece of music I've ever heard, and it was great to see a live performance of it. Even though I'd turned from christianity and become a buddhist when I first heard this a few years ago, I got shivers all over my body and tears in my eyes. I felt as if God was truly present, and that He forgave and comforted me. Divine music.
Absolutely and completely beautiful. I love this piece of music.
Thanks for that!! It's always great to have a name to go with these wonderfully trained and talented humble heroes.
I have the recording but that piece as video is very nice.
Congratulations to the Kings College for that and to all the boys choirs especially in great britain.
They have the best boys choirs and voices all over the world,with great tradition.
Thanks for posting.
Utterly brilliant. I've been watching this vid from time to time for the past few years and still think it's the most haunting, spine-chilling version on the web. So the young chorister is your son-in-law?
@amr kardany - I am glad you shared this music and it gave you pleasure. I am not sure it is essential that one knows the meaning of the words (though a translation is easily found on the web), but the beauty of those voices - a gift from God surely - is enough to transport us to a spiritual world.
Insperato62 i a really sorry, i forgot to reply.. and yes you are right .. i still don't want to know the words .. i know they are praying and asking god for forgiveness as we all do. but i just wanna enjoy this masterpiece as it is..
sorry again for not replying sooner.
i cried. this is absolutley breathtakingly beautiful.....
I think I have listened to this at least 100 times in the last 3 months.
this might be the best version that I've heard. the boy hit the perfect C note!! amazing!
Lucky you to have such a son-in-law. But, I always thought it looked mimed. Thanks for confirming. Beautiful, Beautiful rendition of this lovely piece of music. I am a pathologist....I love listening to pieces such as this while I work (which I am doing now). This is my favorite rendition on the web.
The tranquility. Such pure notes. So beautiful and pure and peaceful. Yum!
i have to learn this song for choir, and it's just so beautiful! i'm a soprano 1 so i need to practice all the super high notes... ahha
I sang the top treble solo part at our Ash Wednesday service this year. I'm a 29-year-old woman, but this is absolutely the tone I hoped to emulate.
amazing voice that little lad has, if he were my son I'm sure I would be in tears every time he sang.
@OrogDeMalfur I've had the privilege to perform this piece in 3 of europe's finest cathedrals including Amiens, with wonderful soloists making me melt every time that high note is cast up there... breathtakingly wonderful from my place among the Basses, a few metres from the soloists. Up there with the finest musical experiences of my life. And I'm a former metalhead too :p. I'd recommend you to make every effort to experience this live.
It is a setting of Psalm 51- Have Mercy On Me O Lord- the psalm said on Holy Thursday.
Not only is the treble impressive. The quintet as a whole are very good. I like the countertenor's voice