Gregorio ALLEGRI - Miserere Mei, Deus (+ Lyrics / OXFORD, Choir of New College)

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024
  • Gregorio ALLEGRI - "Miserere mei, Deus" (= "Mon Dieu, prends pitié de moi")
    The Choir of New College, Oxford (Edward HIGGINBOTTOM)
    Psalm 51 (50):
    3. Miserere mei Deus secundum magnam misericordiam tuam
    et secundum multitudinem miserationum tuarum dele iniquitatem meam
    4. Amplius lava me ab iniquitate mea et a peccato meo munda me
    5. Quoniam iniquitatem meam ego cognosco et peccatum meum contra me est semper
    6. Tibi soli peccavi et malum coram te feci ut justificeris in sermonibus tuis et vincas cum judicaris
    7. Ecce enim in iniquitatibus conceptus sum et in peccatis concepit me mater mea
    8. Ecce enim veritatem dilexisti incerta et occulta sapientiae tuae manifestasti mihi
    9. Asparges me hysopo et mundabor lavabis me et super nivem dealbabor
    10. Auditui meo dabis gaudium et laetitiam et exultabunt ossa humiliata
    11. Averte faciem tuam a peccatis meis et omnes iniquitates meas dele
    12. Cor mundum crea in me Deus et spiritum rectum innova in visceribus meis
    13. Ne proicias me a facie tua et spiritum sanctum tuum ne auferas a me
    14. Redde mihi laetitiam salutaris tui et spiritu principali confirma me
    15. Docebo iniquos vias tuas et impii ad te convertentur
    16. Libera me de sanguinibus Deus Deus salutis meae et exultabit lingua mea justitiam tuam
    17. Domine labia mea aperies et os meum adnuntiabit laudem tuam
    18. Quoniam si voluisses sacrificium dedissem utique holocaustis non delectaberis
    19. Sacrificium Deo spiritus contribulatus cor contritum et humiliatum Deus non despicies
    20. Benigne fac Domine in bona voluntate tua Sion et aedificentur muri Hierusalem
    21. Tunc acceptabis sacrificium justitiae oblationes et holocausta tunc inponent super altare tuum vitulos
    Ps 51:3- Pitié pour moi, Dieu, en ta bonté, en ta grande tendresse efface mon péché,
    Ps 51:4- lave-moi tout entier de mon mal et de ma faute purifie-moi.
    Ps 51:5- Car mon péché, moi, je le connais, ma faute est devant moi sans relâche;
    Ps 51:6- contre toi, toi seul, j'ai péché, ce qui est coupable à tes yeux, je l'ai fait. Pour que tu montres ta justice quand tu parles et que paraisse ta victoire quand tu juges.
    Ps 51:7- Vois : mauvais je suis né, pécheur ma mère m'a conçu.
    Ps 51:8- Mais tu aimes la vérité au fond de l'être, dans le secret tu m'enseignes la sagesse.
    Ps 51:9- Ôte mes taches avec l'hysope, je serai pur; lave-moi, je serai blanc plus que neige.
    Ps 51:10- Rends-moi le son de la joie et de la fête qu'ils dansent, les os que tu broyas!
    Ps 51:11- Détourne ta face de mes fautes, et tout mon mal, efface-le.
    Ps 51:12- Dieu, crée pour moi un cœur pur, restaure en ma poitrine un esprit ferme;
    Ps 51:13- ne me repousse pas loin de ta face, ne m'enlève pas ton esprit de sainteté.
    Ps 51:14- Rends-moi la joie de ton salut, assure en moi un esprit magnanime.
    Ps 51:15- Aux pécheurs j'enseignerai tes voies, à toi se rendront les égarés.
    Ps 51:16- Affranchis-moi du sang, Dieu, Dieu de mon salut, et ma langue acclamera ta justice;
    Ps 51:17- Seigneur, ouvre mes lèvres, et ma bouche publiera ta louange.
    Ps 51:18- Car tu ne prends aucun plaisir au sacrifice; un holocauste, tu n'en veux pas.
    Ps 51:19- Le sacrifice à Dieu, c'est un esprit brisé; d'un cœur brisé, broyé, Dieu, tu n'as point de mépris.
    Ps 51:20- En ton bon vouloir, fais du bien à Sion rebâtis les remparts de Jérusalem!
    Ps 51:21- Alors tu te plairas aux sacrifices de justice holocauste et totale oblation; alors on offrira de jeunes taureaux sur ton autel.
    Photo: This is the interior of the Sainte Chapelle in Paris.

Комментарии • 1,3 тыс.

  • @DV-1099
    @DV-1099 8 лет назад +518

    Là on touche le sublime ! Merci pour ce magnifique morceau qui me laisse toujours la larme à l’œil quand je l'écoute .

    • @perrineleroy4232
      @perrineleroy4232 8 лет назад +18

      il n'y a pas de fille ni d'instrument !!!

    • @johnlindsay3139
      @johnlindsay3139 5 лет назад +8

      Et moi aussi!

    • @suzypaton1597
      @suzypaton1597 5 лет назад +5

      tu prends le vêtement pour le corps toé.. et tu t'extasies devant du chiffon pff.. un de leurs pêres a écrit je considère tout ça comme de la boue ! pour gagner l' Excellence de la connaissance de Christ jésus ! ça c'est du béton ! mais ton affection pour les choses extérieures est minable pff..

    • @georgeslui7222
      @georgeslui7222 4 года назад +15

      Paix pour mon âme après une journée stressante et bruyante

    • @catholiccrusader5328
      @catholiccrusader5328 4 года назад +4

      Yeah it is beautiful now ain't it? I love it!

  • @ginawinchester9709
    @ginawinchester9709 4 года назад +17

    Merci pour ce merveilleux partage. Paix du Christ dans nos coeurs et sur nos vies. 🙏💗

    • @sullivanleibel158
      @sullivanleibel158 9 месяцев назад +2


    • @tadeusznowakowski3767
      @tadeusznowakowski3767 3 месяца назад +1

      Ta muzyka mówi jednoznacznie:Bóg jest miłością, milosierdziem, dobrocią nieskończona i my
      ulegnijmy Tej Milosci❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤......

  • @antoineberrichon
    @antoineberrichon 10 месяцев назад +10

    C'est magnifique ! C'est mon morceau préféré depuis longtemps maintenant, morceau ultime au dessus de tout type de musique et de chants quels qu'ils soient. C'est la pureté cristalline, la voix des anges, c'est magnifique ! Une douche mentale, un havre de paix spirituel. Ce morceau nous élève, nous rend meilleurs.

  • @nikkiujkicski8779
    @nikkiujkicski8779 4 года назад +51

    Just imagine being alone in that absolutely beautiful cathedral, while this is playing. Imagine sitting in a pew while you pray and this is softly playing in the background, filling the whole cathedral with such a heavenly sound. If we love this and it brings us peace, which is what God wants for his children, can you imagine what God has for us in his kingdom! WOW!! GLORY BE TO THE FATHER AND TO THE SON AND TO THE HOLY SPIRIT AS IT WAS IN THE BEGINNING IS NOW AND EVER SHALL BE WORLD WITHOUT END AMEN.

    • @lttrhd
      @lttrhd 4 года назад +1

      God will only prepare peace for those who brought kindness into this world. That's why he sends people to Earth.That's is the only reason we are on this planet. No other reason.

    • @seachdamhneamh7771
      @seachdamhneamh7771 4 года назад

      I love cathedrals so much, I also love gods so much!

    • @robertspence4729
      @robertspence4729 3 года назад

      God hear us in this world of pain and suffering. Music can help sustain us mortals. 🇦🇺

    • @1258-Eckhart
      @1258-Eckhart 2 года назад

      But it is not a cathedral. It's a college-chapel.

  • @bellecampagne4596
    @bellecampagne4596 5 лет назад +24

    La plus belle musique et chants célestes, on rejoint le ciel et les anges, c'est Divin... Merci

  • @pausiver
    @pausiver 4 года назад +6

    Esta canción la escuché en Opus Radio desde CDMX y me fascinó, muy a pesar que no soy religioso. Más música así es lo que la humanidad necesita.

  • @fallenbobangel
    @fallenbobangel 7 лет назад +189

    This is the most insanely beautiful piece of music I have ever heard. I've had it for about 15 years and it still give me chills.

    • @petergibbs8547
      @petergibbs8547 5 лет назад +8

      Me too 😀

    • @Celticcross688
      @Celticcross688 4 года назад +1

      Best Ever

    • @shirleyrombough8173
      @shirleyrombough8173 4 года назад

      Nicci -BoB - Yes, it is other-worldly. I can't imagine how the composer managed to touch the eternal with this ethereal music.

    • @michaelcoffey1307
      @michaelcoffey1307 4 года назад +2

      Wow so beautiful the sound of God

    • @shadypiez7203
      @shadypiez7203 4 года назад +1

      Absolutely without any shadow of doubt

  • @cabanelmarie-dominique3101
    @cabanelmarie-dominique3101 5 лет назад +3

    Sublîme, céleste, envoutant......c'est si beau....Un des plus grands chefs d'oeuvre musical de l'histoire....88 pouces en bas mais comment est ce possible :-)

  • @kamaroblak4582
    @kamaroblak4582 7 лет назад +48

    C'est d'une telle pureté, c'est trop beau, MAGNIFIQUE.

  • @jordifuentesandres226
    @jordifuentesandres226 6 лет назад +4

    Nota.Este Miserere se cantaba cada año en el vaticano y no se podía tomar nota de su música, pero Mozart lo estaba haciendo y le reprimieron por ello, rompiendo la nota que había escrito.Al llegar a su casa toco toda su música,pues la tenia totalmente grabada en su mente.En este miserere esta una soprano que en su época tenía el agudo más elevado escrito en la partitura.racords.

  • @MaInesVa
    @MaInesVa 4 года назад +5

    Qué linda música! 💒🎵🎵🎶🎼🎹🎻Mucha Paz!😇🙏

  • @rhino159
    @rhino159 2 года назад +4

    Most beautiful voices that bring tears to your eyes with so much emotion. Soothing heavenly sounds that comfort your soul, God bless!

  • @Polomokipo23
    @Polomokipo23 9 лет назад +26

    Grégorio Allegri
    ( Rome 1582-1652 Rome )
    MISERERE MEI,DEUS (+ LYRICS/OXFORD,CHOIR OF NEW COLLEGE Qu'elle merveille Eternel grandiose quelle voix sublime.

  • @FlatHamster
    @FlatHamster 6 лет назад +11

    This is the most beautiful piece of music I've ever listened to, it sounds as if the angels in the heavens are singing it themselves ❤

  • @oliviermonjauze1832
    @oliviermonjauze1832 Год назад

    Hymne magnifique, selon moi, païen celte, de l'Humilité des hommes face à leur Dieu unique .
    Aucun sarcasme, bien au contraire !
    Un chef d'oeuvre ! Un Diamant de ce que nous fûmes !
    ... Jusqu'à "@ pas de vague" ...

  • @SciVias917
    @SciVias917 5 лет назад +12

    Pure beauty is the countenance of the Divine piercing our resistance to reality.

  • @LukeZenNatureRelaxation
    @LukeZenNatureRelaxation 7 дней назад +5

    Magnifique ❤. Que Dieu nous garde des malfaisants qui dirigent le monde actuellement 😢

  • @RosaB61
    @RosaB61 9 лет назад +16

    So beautiful..

  • @grahamkemp
    @grahamkemp 3 года назад +2

    This composition makes one’s soul vibrate and soar at the same time. God Bless all who listen to it.

  • @franciosdeaeruiu7555
    @franciosdeaeruiu7555 5 лет назад +77

    In Remembrance of Notre Dame. May she not ever be forgotten, and may the Light of the West turn back the encroaching dark.

    • @lealouisa7091
      @lealouisa7091 5 лет назад +6

      Gideon Horst Actually it’s not Notre Dame, it’s Sainte-Chapelle wich is also located on the Île de la cité

      @FNLNFNLN 5 лет назад +2

      "may the Light of the West turn back the encroaching dark"
      Maybe it'd be a little less dark if the West hadn't exported and nurtured so much of it.
      Reminder that the glorious West overthrew Iranian democracy, that the light of the West supported the Taliban, supported Saddam Hussein, and is supporting radical Islam today through Saudi Arabia.
      Reminder that the West feeds it's light by exporting it's pollution and environmental destruction to developing countries, import migrant labour while denying citizenship to do the dirty jobs that can't be exported, all the while blaming those developing nations and immigrants for what problems remain.
      The West might be a pretty snazzy place to live right now, but you can drop the bullshit autofellatio.

      @FNLNFNLN 5 лет назад

      @John Moreno Nah, I'm not against the West, I'm against idiots who think that the West is perfect and the only source of salvation for a broken world. The West is the best positioned to actually improve the world, if dumbasses like you and OP would get around to acknowledging it's flaws.
      - The vast amount of pollution CURRENTLY being put out comes from developing nations, and much of it is in service to the West. To say that the majority of pollution comes to developing nations ignores the 2 centuries during which the West polluted and grew using cheap dirty energy. The West is able to cut emissions today because of what they built with dirty energy in the past 2 centuries. To blame the developing world for pollution is like to start a marathon at the finish line and wonder why everyone else is so slow.
      Not to mention that developing nations are still far behind on per capita emissions.
      What was it you said about context and flat out lies?
      - And to expand on much of the pollution from the developing world being in service to the West, consider Rare Earth Metals, materials you can't make electronics without, but which also happen to leave radioactive byproducts in their refinement. 80% of the world's supply comes from China, where children surrounding the refineries die from cancer. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm fairly certain that China doesn't consume 80% of the world's electronics.
      - "Purely lies". Right. So you totally didn't just blame developing nations for pollution while conveniently ignoring the little bit where the West has the most responsibility for global warming what with all the pollution over the past 2 centuries, and even the pollution in developing nations is produced in large part to serve Western needs. (China and India didn't just start building coal plants for shits and giggles, they built them to power factories to produce goods for Western markets, before their own countries started generating their own demand).
      - "Support mass immigration". I didn't support mass immigration. I'm opposed to dumb fucks blaming it for problems it's not causing.
      i.e. Claiming that mass immigration is equivalent to harming people, which objectively, it's not. I'd cite studies, but I hoenstly don't feel like wasting the time digging them up for some idiot in denial to call them fake or biased.
      - "Why write this reply in complete irrelevance to the original comment? Which is about about Notre Dame, mind you."
      "and may the Light of the West turn back the encroaching dark"
      No relevance at all to the original comment, nope.

      @FNLNFNLN 5 лет назад

      @Renaissance Man Except Venezuela's misery is a product of American aggression, at least in part. What else do you call it when you sanction a country in an attempt to cripple it's economy? Sure, it's not the *only* reason, but to pretend the US isn't involved is just dishonest.
      Furthermore, if you can only point to a single country that stabilized after US influence, it seems to me that it would be more reasonable to say that the stability happened *in spite of* US influence, not because of it. If a doctor treats 10 patients and only one of them survives, you're probably not going to give the doctor much credit.
      And finally, it's not *just* the US, and it's not *just* bombs. It was the entire "West", and it was centuries of overthrowing non compliant governments, propping up dictators, and pitting local groups against each other before leaving without settling those conflicts *cough*IndiaandPakistan*cough*.
      With that context, you arguably have a responsibility to take in and help those "invading troglodytes".
      When the Dalai Lama said that "Germany belongs to the Germans", he also said that the West has a responsibility to take in and help refugees, and rebuild their homes so that they can go back.

    • @andrzejpaje6268
      @andrzejpaje6268 2 года назад

      @@FNLNFNLN you comunist ?

  • @emersonleoni
    @emersonleoni 5 лет назад +5

    Realmente uma obra prima da Santa Igreja Católica para o mundo. Toca a alma.
    Saudações cordiais a todos os irmãos.

  • @melinmiriam5893
    @melinmiriam5893 7 лет назад +58

    Le Miserere, (mise en musique du Psaume 50), composé en 1638, fut donné pour la première fois le 12 avril 1639 à la chapelle Sixtine lors des matines du mercredi et vendredi de la Semaine sainte, et uniquement en ce lieu et à cette occasion.
    Le Vatican avait interdit de le reproduire ou de le diffuser afin d'en préserver le caractère unique, sous peine d’excommunication.
    En 1770, Mozart, alors âgé de quatorze ans, réussit à retranscrire l'œuvre après seulement une ou deux écoutes !
    En visite à Rome, avec son père Leopold, ils l'entendirent le mercredi de la Semaine sainte, le 11 avril.
    Le soir même, Mozart, subjugué, retranscrivait le morceau de mémoire.
    Le Miserere obtenu fut publié en 1771 à Londres et l'interdiction papale levée ...
    Mozart fut accusé d'avoir volé la partition car il paraissait impossible qu'un enfant de quatorze ans pût, en aussi peu d'écoutes, la retranscrire de mémoire.

    • @leloupchante1448
      @leloupchante1448 5 лет назад +5

      @MELIN Miriam: merci, très intéressant, vraiment merci d'avoir posté

    • @adolfoclaudiolazary5969
      @adolfoclaudiolazary5969 5 лет назад +1

      Gracias. Es muy interesante. Es un video increíble y esas voces hermosas Saludos

    • @villiestephanov984
      @villiestephanov984 5 лет назад

      :) all right, I'll give up, probably.

    • @mpvenouil1717
      @mpvenouil1717 4 года назад

      On se fiche du Vatican!!

    • @mrfrancisho
      @mrfrancisho 4 года назад +3

      From Wikipedia (English):
      According to the popular story (backed by family letters), fourteen-year-old Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was visiting Rome when he first heard the piece during the Wednesday service. Later that day, he wrote it down entirely from memory, returning to the Chapel that Friday to make minor corrections. Less than
      three months after hearing the song and transcribing it, Mozart had gained fame for the work and was summoned to Rome by Pope Clement XIV, who showered praise on him for his feat of musical genius and awarded him the Chivalric Order of the Golden Spur on July 4, 1770. Sometime during his travels, he met the British historian Charles Burney, who obtained the piece from him and took it to London, where it was published in 1771.

  • @desallen2174
    @desallen2174 5 месяцев назад +1

    I have no belief in a god of any kind. I am however, enthralled by some of the music written by believers. For me, Miserere is the greatest.

  • @KayleaFleming
    @KayleaFleming 8 лет назад +54

    I just realised I've conditioned my daughter to fall asleep to this song. I play it at night when she's going to bed to help relax her and fall asleep, and every time I play it, she's snoring before it's even half finished. If I don't play it, she's tossing and turning, fussing with her stuffed animals, talking to the kitten, and takes her like an hour to fall asleep. I've only been doing it for about 2-3 weeks, but it's awesome and I feel like Pavlov.

    • @mitteroid
      @mitteroid 8 лет назад +4

      Im guessing i should try it because i usually take 2-3 hrs to fall asleep.

    • @KayleaFleming
      @KayleaFleming 8 лет назад +5

      I'm not surprised by anything, Billy Graham. You can call it 'restless animal spirit being soothed by the spirit of god' if you want, but I think I'll stick to just calling it conditioning, thank you.

    • @20bluelilies
      @20bluelilies 8 лет назад +1

      Try her on Spem in Alium, that's even lovelier, and I don't think there are any religious allusions hidden in that one! I sincerely hope not anyway...

    • @KayleaFleming
      @KayleaFleming 8 лет назад +2

      That's beautiful, thank you so much for that suggestion! I've added it to her bedtime playlist. 😊

    • @birdman9780
      @birdman9780 7 лет назад +2

      Don't take for granted that we are atheist like you. The height of snotty arrogance. You people disgust me.

  • @jamesdownham6417
    @jamesdownham6417 5 лет назад +4

    Simply Stunning . Amazing articulation and intonation .

  • @Lulustucru2393
    @Lulustucru2393 6 лет назад +37

    This magnificient piece of music was composed in 1638 during the Horrible Thirty Years War which ravaged much of Europe. Thus I can't think of something else when I hear this music... The epic and tragic of this music goes well in my opinion to the thought of the millions who died and suffered unbearable pain and suffering for such a futile and atrocious war...

    • @calasalos
      @calasalos 6 лет назад +1

      InfinyteGard3n Faith or believing in God is not futile at all.. It could lead people to make atrocities, stupidities, massacres etc.. But this doesn't mean that to have faith is something futile... Exactly the contrary..
      Faith is indeed like Love: how many people have died for love? How many atrocities, orrendous massacres and senseless fightings have been fought for love? Any kind of "passion" can cause you (or others beside you) to suffer a lot. (As the same word suggests, from latin "patire" "to suffer"). But our " passions" make our life much more intense and meaningfull to us.. Poor man he who is destroyed by his passions, but is much more poorer he who lives his life without anykind of great idea or utopia to follow..
      Sorry for my english

    • @ТатьянаОрганова
      @ТатьянаОрганова 4 года назад

      It's a voice of every soul.

  • @rosekenney2268
    @rosekenney2268 2 года назад +1

    2022: The Passion of Christ...
    🙏🏼 ✝️ 💙 ♥️

  • @lourdesunate1413
    @lourdesunate1413 4 года назад +4


  • @misterfishy834
    @misterfishy834 3 года назад

    What gorgeous dynamics. They have succeeded with cradling myself to sleep. Beautiful. 😇

  • @germainvarango2026
    @germainvarango2026 3 года назад

    Une merveille digne des choeurs des Anges!!

  • @vanyachung2577
    @vanyachung2577 5 лет назад +54

    The most beautiful music! But the photo is from La Sainte-Chapelle.

    • @pifpaf9048
      @pifpaf9048 4 года назад +1

      C'est bien ce me semblait!!!!

    • @mjdegens8384
      @mjdegens8384 4 года назад +1

      Thank you! Visited in 1994

  • @Leli1943
    @Leli1943 5 лет назад +1

    la pace nello spirito mentre il cuore vacilla fra amore e serenita'

  • @johnmurphy5064
    @johnmurphy5064 2 года назад

    This sublime piece was sung hundreds of years at the Vatican during Holy Week. People while on the Grand Tour went out of their way to be in Rome on Holy Saturday to hear this sung in a darkened St. Peter's. Mozart as a child allegedly broke the Papal edict against publication after one hearing and wrote it down by memory. He nearly was excommunicated.

  • @ntelon1
    @ntelon1 Год назад

    just....ANGELIC.....! No words ! Just heavenly !

  • @TAGANERO100
    @TAGANERO100 5 лет назад +10

    Thanks for the video, but the photopgraph is not Notre Dame de Paris, it is la Saint Chapelle in Paris.

  • @mr.yagizt
    @mr.yagizt 5 лет назад +6

    Mükemmell ..Its perfect ..i feel takes this song my soul to another place

    • @gulcanuzum9936
      @gulcanuzum9936 5 лет назад +1

      Me too. I get lost in the dream world...

  • @vincekwame3395
    @vincekwame3395 4 года назад +3

    The point your very spirit suspends form your body for the whole 14:51 of this🕊️❤️

  • @aurisvonlastor3396
    @aurisvonlastor3396 5 лет назад

    Ganz grosses Kino! Man lässt dem Renonanzkörper Zeit der Entfaltung ohne das Werk zu beschädigen.

  • @bernarddevisme8291
    @bernarddevisme8291 5 лет назад

    oui c'est vrai que l'on touche le sublime,c'est vraiment une musique exceptionnelle,un chanteur de la matrise de saint brieuc

  • @manpochver
    @manpochver 4 года назад +4

    La obra más hermosa de la humanidad. La catedral de Colonia.

  • @VirtuosicFantasies
    @VirtuosicFantasies 9 лет назад +7

    Much-Beyond this Ephemeral and Dreamlike World !

  • @luciaflor9420
    @luciaflor9420 3 года назад +1

    Qué BELLEZA Dios mío!!!!!

    • @franciscaarzola8497
      @franciscaarzola8497 Год назад

      Así es,una belleza indescriptible para nuestros oídos humanos 😌

  • @MaximilianElvelind
    @MaximilianElvelind 2 года назад +8

    Love ❤️ from protestant ✝️ Sweden 🇸🇪
    Edit: This comment has some Facebook-boomer vibe ik, I just wanna spread love/kindness/happiness tho. Love to all btw every religion and atheists.

  • @beautifulbutterfly7933
    @beautifulbutterfly7933 4 года назад

    J'ai entendue cette œuvre la première fois en regardant le film Volte face je trouvais cette musique très jolie

  • @ronbowe3840
    @ronbowe3840 4 года назад +1

    beautiful music to listen to while playing 40k

  • @97emily13
    @97emily13 10 лет назад +3

    Love the beautful voice at 1:58

  • @luluuleonelli
    @luluuleonelli 4 года назад

    Gracias: Jesús es mi Dios. Magnífica música. ademas sirve para aprender Latín, Francés, Inglés....

  • @willieharbinson2027
    @willieharbinson2027 5 лет назад


  • @joaochicarra
    @joaochicarra 4 года назад

    tres beau

  • @robbiecrossing9447
    @robbiecrossing9447 3 года назад

    I beleive this masterpiece was not allowed to be performed anywhere else but in the Sistine Chapel

  • @benmafig9130
    @benmafig9130 4 года назад +1

    Ah si seulement le Cœur des enfants revenait au PÈRE, se jetant à ses pieds en criant ttes ses pensées les plus secrètes, inavouable pour en être guerri (...) Misère misère 😞

  • @stachiano
    @stachiano 8 лет назад +1

    one of my faves!

  • @angelabender8132
    @angelabender8132 3 года назад +1

    Italian genius at its best

  • @lindabowen7753
    @lindabowen7753 2 года назад

    This is so beautiful!

  • @hdholl9696
    @hdholl9696 4 года назад

    Heavenly music that I heard in the chapel of New College, Oxford. That's why I am surprised at the picture of the stained glass windows: that is not the New College chapel at all! Why not put the right picture of the sober interior of New College chapel?

  • @MrJonath123
    @MrJonath123 4 месяца назад

    Avec la Sainte Chapelle en image d'arrière plan. Que Dieu et Saint Michel sauve notre France éternelle et catholique du mal.

  • @bozorgmaneshrobertsohrabi2248
    @bozorgmaneshrobertsohrabi2248 5 лет назад +1

    A sense of numbers at UCLA where all of the Dr. Tao at the awaking seconds to none of pediatricians tears of apocalyptus fears annhiliting the gerotological Grapes of Wrath.

  • @roberthuber5589
    @roberthuber5589 4 года назад

    Bravissimo !

  • @heloisambhering
    @heloisambhering 5 лет назад

    Pure beauty! The photo inside was taken at the holly Sainte Chapelle” and not “ Notre Dame”! Thank you for sharing!

  • @gilmarsilva1423
    @gilmarsilva1423 4 года назад

    Muito linda

  • @agnieszkaszeliga1454
    @agnieszkaszeliga1454 4 года назад


  • @borkumriff642
    @borkumriff642 4 года назад

    Nightingales who sing heavenly…...better than this is unimaginable.

  • @python12589
    @python12589 7 лет назад +6


  • @taniamaraknorr6886
    @taniamaraknorr6886 4 года назад

    Não consigo acreditar,tem indivíduos que dão dislaike!!

  • @loryguzmancarrasco
    @loryguzmancarrasco 5 лет назад

    Gregorio ALLEGRI - Miserere Mei, Deus (+ Lyrics / OXFORD, Choir of New College)
    945.799 visualizaciones
    •Publicado el 20 nov. 2012 y entre la nubes del cielo aparecio Dios

  • @eckhardtkiwitt8602
    @eckhardtkiwitt8602 4 года назад

    @JesusestmonDieu : Isn't there Sainte-Chapelle (Holy Chapel) on the photo ?
    The Sainte-Chapelle is a royal medieval Gothic chapel in Paris and one of the most famous monuments of the city.

  • @paleontology1000
    @paleontology1000 5 лет назад

    awe inspiring

  • @kaulinissenis
    @kaulinissenis 9 лет назад +1

    Professional singing. Is there in UK some Basso Profondo singers?

  • @loupdelamontagneadamantine5342
    @loupdelamontagneadamantine5342 4 года назад +69

    Cette musique céleste est la preuve que le peuple de Dieu est bien présent sur cette planète pour des siècles et des siècles ; Amen

    • @jmlfa
      @jmlfa 6 месяцев назад

      Dieu? Lequel? J'en compte plus de 5,000 a l'heure actuelle...

    • @Тюшчанин
      @Тюшчанин 3 месяца назад +3

      ​@@jmlfaлікуйся 😢

    • @yvan9346
      @yvan9346 13 дней назад +1

      ​​​@@jmlfac'est parceque tu ne connais ni la mathématique (cité en 109 déjà, et de quel source sort tu ce chiffre? De tes fantasmes...),ni rien à la vie...

    • @jmlfa
      @jmlfa 12 дней назад

      @@yvan9346 Salut doux reveur. Apprends l'ortograffe pour commencer ...

    • @jmlfa
      @jmlfa 12 дней назад

      @@yvan9346 Anthropologists estimate that humans have worshipped at least 18,000 different gods, goddesses, and objects since the beginning of the human species. There are an estimated 10,000 distinct religions worldwide, though nearly all of them have regionally based, relatively small followings.

  • @mansourmk6301
    @mansourmk6301 4 года назад +45

    Brothers, do not forget us the early Christians of the middle east, for the sake of our salvation do not fight each others no matter what, when you feel the threat, only then you understand how much you have missed for not being close to each others by heart, all Christians no matter to what culture, church, country they belong, have one heart! I love you all ☦️❤️✝️

  • @andrewm9221
    @andrewm9221 3 года назад +30

    Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy upon us, Amen. Grant, Lord, to keep us this day without sin. Blessed are You O Lord, God of our fathers, and praised and glorified is Your Name for ever. Amen. Lord, let Your mercy come upon us, O Lord, for we have trusted in You. Blessed are You O Lord, teach me Your commandments. Blessed are You O Master, make me to understand Your commandments. Blessed are You, O Holy One, enlighten me with Your commandments. Lord, Your love endures forever; Do not turn away from the work of Your hands. To You belong praise, and song. Glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, both now and forever and to the ages of ages. Amen.

  • @ericbequet64
    @ericbequet64 5 лет назад +63

    C'est juste la musique des anges, de la dévotion, de la compassion, de la vérité, une musique qui touche au Divin et qui fait pleurer nos âmes. Heureusement que sur cette terre, il y a des êtres humains pour connaitre la Beauté, l'Amour et la Lumière pour la partager avec d'autres sous leurs plus beaux habits.

    • @catherinenicol6671
      @catherinenicol6671 5 лет назад +1

      tres bien dit bravo!!!!!!!!

    • @jocool9584
      @jocool9584 5 лет назад +1

      Elle touche le cœur nous faisant toucher le tréfonds de l'âme. Je ne peux l'écouter sans réfléchir à ce que je suis......

  • @suleimanmoreno2479
    @suleimanmoreno2479 2 года назад +90

    I’m a muslim here but I really love this masterpiece ❤️❤️❤️ really relaxes my soul and makes me tear up every time I listen to it

    • @TheGreatPerahia
      @TheGreatPerahia 11 месяцев назад +4

      Music brings us all together in mutual admiration of one of life's greatest gifts to humanity- Music.

    • @sullivanleibel158
      @sullivanleibel158 9 месяцев назад +7

      Si tu pleure c'est qu'il te manque JÉSUS CHRIST dans ta vie laisse le entré

    • @Rooftop_Music-
      @Rooftop_Music- 9 месяцев назад

      Ok ! so stop being a muslim becoming a christian. The only real religion. Peace ;)

    • @viniciusmagnoni6492
      @viniciusmagnoni6492 7 месяцев назад

      About time to conversion, its already calling you...

    • @frisco61
      @frisco61 14 дней назад

      That's because Jesus Christ the 2nd Person of the Most Holy Trinity and the Holy Spirit are calling you out of Islam and into the one True Catholic faith.

  • @mariemc3717
    @mariemc3717 Месяц назад +7

    Merci pour cette trêve musicale céleste. Mon Dieu que c'est beau.

  • @gabriellamohapi6624
    @gabriellamohapi6624 4 года назад +23

    It's ironic how I'm listening to this tune and I'm not supposed to be feeling anything but instead here I am crying and now my entire assignment paper is wet...

  • @brendacooke5432
    @brendacooke5432 3 года назад +25

    Stunning , just learned of this and keep playing it over & over , the most beautiful music I have heard in along time.

  • @giuseppesazio6323
    @giuseppesazio6323 9 лет назад +94

    Listening is like being transported to the heavens.

  • @sacdesable
    @sacdesable 6 лет назад +116

    probablement l'un des plus beau chant religieux de l'histoire

    • @francinesicard464
      @francinesicard464 5 лет назад +5

      Oui absolument sublime. Mais écoutez "Spem in Alium" de Thomas Tallis, qui meurt un peu avant la naissance de Gregorio Allegri, par les Tallis Scholars.

    • @inparadisumforever
      @inparadisumforever 4 года назад +5

      Ouiiii... merveilleux je ne m’en lasserai jamais. Sans doute connaissez-vous le requiem « In Paradisum » de Fauré qui l’avait écrit en mémoire de ses parents dont il ne put jamais se consoler de la mort. Une autre merveille musicale. 🌸

    • @christophethomas2263
      @christophethomas2263 3 года назад

      @@inparadisumforever Bonjour , merci de faire connaitre à tous « In Paradisum » de Gabriel Fauré, là aussi on décolle ! cdt.

  • @hamzaguedira3033
    @hamzaguedira3033 Год назад +29

    J’adooore ❤️ mise a part la religion vu que je suis musulman , mais je trouve ça de l’art , je commence a devenir accro en écoutant ça , meme si je ne comprends rien de ce qu’ils disent ..
    Partagez l’amour , la paix .. et le monde ira mieux 🙏🏻

    • @silverwater211
      @silverwater211 3 месяца назад

      Il s'agit la prière du Miserere: "Seigneur, prends pitié" Lire le psaume 50 dans la Bible (ou 51 dans certaines bibles), pour avoir les paroles.

    • @gertohler2754
      @gertohler2754 18 дней назад

      Ja. Diese Musik geht durch Mark und Bein. Ich bin nicht religiös. Aber diese Musik ist nicht von dieser Welt..😢😢🥺😔👍👏❤...Danke dafür...

  • @mamilou2126
    @mamilou2126 3 года назад +9

    La Saint Chapelle atteint le sublime avec ce magnifique chant comme illustration musicale..... Merci pour ce moment de prière et de paix..... 🙏💓🎇✝️💓

  • @T800-i6h
    @T800-i6h 4 года назад +213

    With love from Azerbaijan. ❤️ Doesn't matter from which background we come from; muslim, christian, jewish or other. For everyone this music sounds angelic.

    • @TheWesternArmenia
      @TheWesternArmenia 4 года назад +12

      With love from Armenia, I agree 100%

    • @rosamystica2427
      @rosamystica2427 4 года назад +15

      From FRANCE Catholique song in Latin

    • @nadinekouadio543
      @nadinekouadio543 4 года назад +8

      Peace from Italie

    • @gokotta4573
      @gokotta4573 3 года назад +11

      Love and greetings from Turkey. It's great to see an Armenian and Azerbaijani brother in peace here. 🥰

    • @TrangDB9
      @TrangDB9 3 года назад +7

      From Switzerland, may Christ safe your soul.

  • @codrutttt8209
    @codrutttt8209 5 лет назад +49

    The photo is from inside Sainte Chapelle, not Notre Dame.

  • @Boleon05
    @Boleon05 7 лет назад +31

    Magnifique photo de la Sainte-chapelle, joyau du style gothique.

  • @adrienjeunesse973
    @adrienjeunesse973 5 лет назад +51

    Photo: inside of the French cathedral Notre-Dame de Paris, "Our Lady of Paris"... Non ! C'est la Sainte Chapelle !

    • @allonszenfantsjones
      @allonszenfantsjones 4 года назад +4

      If you've never been in the Sainte Chapelle you might mistake it. Once you've seen it you never forget

    • @mikeq7134
      @mikeq7134 4 года назад

      That is not Notre Dame. It is the Sainte Chapelle.

    • @paulvallier6479
      @paulvallier6479 3 года назад +1

      C’est vrais, c’est la Sainte Chappelle a Paris.

  • @isabellen.990
    @isabellen.990 5 лет назад +554

    I heard this song in the cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris on my 18th birthday, two weeks before it burned down. I was so touched by this heavenly sound that I had to cry. This song will always remind me of the indescribable beauty of Notre Dame. L'incendie était un si terrible choc, une catastrophe nationale😭

    • @inparadisumforever
      @inparadisumforever 5 лет назад +12

      None of Yourbusiness Am French and my heart is broken with what happened 😢😢😢

    • @francesperinifun932
      @francesperinifun932 5 лет назад +11

      Our Lady, beautiful and immaculate, intercede for US às your Son Jesus sits on His Thrown. King of Kings? Lord of Lords! Help me love my enemies
      Almost impossible to forgive those who are responsible for Notre Dame tragedy. Our Lady pray for US. Amen amen

    • @inparadisumforever
      @inparadisumforever 5 лет назад +3

      None of Yourbusiness thank you wholeheartedly - for your « internet hugs » - you surely must be a « good soul » type of person! 🌸💖🌸

    • @francesperinifun932
      @francesperinifun932 4 года назад +1

      @@JamieSantos Eternal rest grant to these Holy martyrs, O Lord, may they rest in peace and the perpetual light shine upon them. May Divine Assistance remain with us and eternal souls of our blessed martryrs rest in peace. Amen Amen. Pray for intercession of Holy martyrs. Thanks God.

    • @francesperinifun932
      @francesperinifun932 4 года назад +2

      @@inparadisumforever I wish, but I'm just a common criminal. So worried 😣 about traffic speeding ticket.$490. deserve it for going too fast on freeway. Pray holy souls to help me. St Nicholas send me enough money.

  • @lilic4403
    @lilic4403 4 года назад +23

    Ce chant est divin et celeste..mon esprit est emporté et rejoint les anges celestes

  • @libertas5005
    @libertas5005 4 года назад +184

    I'm a European Muslim, and I love Christian choir music. I love any spiritual music, regardless of religious context. I believe in one God and that music is indeed a divine channel that brings us the connection to divinity. Peace to all human kind, and to you fellow soul, reading this comment.

    • @iparipaitegianiparipaitegi4643
      @iparipaitegianiparipaitegi4643 Год назад +9

      Has islam produced something similar?

    • @martinkalk8256
      @martinkalk8256 Год назад +4

      @@iparipaitegianiparipaitegi4643 no need for that dude

    • @anaselassal3322
      @anaselassal3322 Год назад +4

      ​@@iparipaitegianiparipaitegi4643 No it hasn't!
      Islam unlike Christians puts much more emphasis on substance rather than false glamour (the same way Jesus peace be upon him and the disciples were.. just simple people with profound messages).. The Prophet Mohammed actually had forbidden the construction of mosques with ornamentations as to not distract people from praying.. to this degree Islam emphasises the substance of recitation over excessive ornamentation.

    • @iparipaitegianiparipaitegi4643
      @iparipaitegianiparipaitegi4643 Год назад +14

      @@anaselassal3322. So why are you here listening to a christian hymn?

    • @mary.33
      @mary.33 Год назад

      music is haram

  • @hwh1946
    @hwh1946 4 года назад +9

    Late 16th and early 17th century composer of the Roman school. This composition first made "public" by Mozart after a visit with his father to Rome where he heard it, maybe twice, and wrote it down.Later transcription appeared in London. Mozart was 14 when he heard this twice and wrote it down.

  • @jennifermann6068
    @jennifermann6068 4 года назад +213

    One of the most beautiful things I've ever heard.

    • @jonathonsmith6831
      @jonathonsmith6831 4 года назад +2

      You obviously never heard me fart

    • @miguelmarquez4192
      @miguelmarquez4192 4 года назад +2

      Isnt it?! What makes me uncomfortable is that its so beautiful but its him begging forgiveness for being a dirty dogg!!! Just enjoy the beauty of the piece and dont read into it like i did.

    • @johncary4302
      @johncary4302 4 года назад +4

      @@miguelmarquez4192 That's what makes it more beautiful. It's being so contrite and humble, begging Jesus for forgiveness and yearning for His acceptance, that makes it touching and heartfelt. Thank God for Mozart.

    • @danderran
      @danderran 3 года назад +5

      This type of choral music is part of Catholic heritage and has its roots in the ancient Gregorian Plainchant renditions of the many psalms which monks and nuns chanted.
      I suspect few non-Catholics would have shown any interest in this type of music in the 17th and 18th centuries, especially as The Age of Enlightenment unfolded (and many would have actively condemned it).
      I am glad that more and more non-Catholics are beginning to appreciate this type of music, not just for the singing, but for the actual meaning of the words.

    • @mechealinemazakis1976
      @mechealinemazakis1976 3 года назад

      It is very warming music. Beautiful and giving truth.

  • @flamenterwin6641
    @flamenterwin6641 3 года назад +5

    C est très très beau. Les voix sont justes, parfaites quoi dire d autre. La chorale est juste sublimissime. Merci d avoir partagé cette beauté avec nous.

  • @rammsteinmaiky1929
    @rammsteinmaiky1929 9 лет назад +47

    By listening to this music I feel my brain gets a completely different vibration.

  • @francistogap3478
    @francistogap3478 3 года назад +13

    Imagine that this heavenly song was sung by thousand and thousands of angels in heaven it will be more glorious than ever🙏🙏

  • @ricotaline
    @ricotaline 5 лет назад +18

    Sainte Chapelle 🇫🇷✝️🇫🇷✝️⚜️🇫🇷

    • @andrzejpaje6268
      @andrzejpaje6268 Год назад

      I co lud Francji uczynił ? Potem była Wandea 😮‍💨

  • @cmuguette4600
    @cmuguette4600 3 года назад +10

    merci mon dieu pour ce moment de béatitude dans des temps si mouvementés

  • @philsan6743
    @philsan6743 6 лет назад +38

    Quand j écoute cette merveilleuse musique, j en ai des frissons et Dieu se révèle en moi !
    Mon âme s'élève et vibre à l' unissons avec les hautes sphères angéliques.
    Gloire à Dieu!

    • @catherinenicol6671
      @catherinenicol6671 5 лет назад +2


    • @vfrman071
      @vfrman071 5 лет назад +4

      Oui ça transcende l âme et l esprit,elle s élève

  • @MegaSim3
    @MegaSim3 9 лет назад +201

    I don't think I ever heard something as beautiful as this masterpiece, it is beyond any description.

    • @willvanderwalt1160
      @willvanderwalt1160 9 лет назад +14

      KaiserDragon Let me die to this ... please ...

    • @MegaSim3
      @MegaSim3 9 лет назад +3

      Will van der Walt As you wish, it shall happen.

    • @tomtruthteller5249
      @tomtruthteller5249 6 лет назад +7

      Have you ever listened to Ave Maria by Mendelssohn? It’s another wonder in music history.

    • @deboutlepeuple6079
      @deboutlepeuple6079 6 лет назад +7

      Agree. I had the chance to listen to a similar piece yesterday evening in London. Some tears rolled on my cheek, so beautiful, you deeply feel you touch perfection. Melody is simple, but voices just combine to perfection and emotions created are impossible to describe. A similar wonderful piece is this oneвидео.html

    • @kathleengibbons6151
      @kathleengibbons6151 5 лет назад +1

      KaiserDragon 2

    @BBCHRISTY03 9 лет назад +51

    divin, céleste, magique, ennivrant de bonté et de lumière.............écouter.....ressentir......merci pour ces chants merveilleux..... seulement des voix, des voix sublimes......

  • @porteghislaine2940
    @porteghislaine2940 2 года назад +6

    Absolument magnifique on croirait être près des anges et ces vitraux superbes nous laisse à la contemplation tant acoustique que sur visuel. Un grand merci j en ai des frissons ..

  • @konstantinos1985qr
    @konstantinos1985qr 7 лет назад +131

    Very beautifull! Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on us! Greetings from Orthodox Greece!

    • @leloupchante1448
      @leloupchante1448 5 лет назад +9

      @konstantinos1985qr: The Lord have mercy on us, you are so right! And greetings from France to our Orthodox Greek brothers and sisters, keepers of our common ancient roots! You also have beautiful music, I'm thinking, in relation to the melodious line in this piece we all listen to here, of Agni Parthene. There is a lovely rendition by Divna Lubjojevic (I hope I spelled her last name correctly) and the one by the munks of Valaam monastery in Russia is - in a totally different register - really beautiful also. All of it is on RUclips....

    • @1988josip
      @1988josip 5 лет назад +9

      Be blessed in Jesus Almighty name brother in Christ...from Croatia...Hristos Anesti

    • @trixier6505
      @trixier6505 5 лет назад

      @@leloupchante1448 , exquisite.

    • @delamer-6379
      @delamer-6379 5 лет назад

      konstantinos1985qr that decision is yours you are he if you wake you will know it knowing it will alter all For the Lord is God & you are The Lord!!!! Let he knows it have dominion in you. Then you will accept this as worship of you not some dead idea but the living God you are.

    • @flav777
      @flav777 Месяц назад


  • @Vi-fc1xt
    @Vi-fc1xt 9 лет назад +74

    C'est magnifique, si sur terre c'est si beau....comment cela sera au ciel!!!