+GarudaLegends Homosexuality is not a fetish. Furthermore, people should be entitled to explore their fetishes, provided they are done consensually and don't cause harm to others.
Helen Dodge yeah, but thats because people literally hate on people for no reason, they invalidate their identity to make them feel Bad and thats wrong
SomeDankStuff I think it's better for people who disagree with this video to watch it. It gets them out of their Echo Chambers and reminds us that they're other opinions out there.
It's hard to use "love" and compare it negatively to being gay in the same sentence tho. Plus to say that people are "fighting for the right" is a bit strange in the context that, those exact people have had those rights for thousands of years and caused people who were unlike them to suffer immensely. You say you are anti-racist as well, but anti-racist movements have the same core concept that LGBT+ movements do. And while they both are extremely varied in their experiences with prejudice in history and modern history, it is the fact that people are literally dehumanised because of another person's fear (e.g. white people who were afraid of having black people become a part of the work force in the industrial era and today, or people who fear that lgbt people will threaten the existence of straight/cis people) that make them so similar. So it seems unfair to be anti-racist but be homophobic at the same time. Sadly that's not something I can even try to understand. And rather than attacking people for having a different point of view than I do, I do want to try to talk to others to understand what they see, in hopes that they in turn will try to understand what I, and my community sees. In my personal opinion, it seems only fair to treat everyone with that exact "love" and understanding that you refer to. We are all human after all.
People in the comments section saying that this is a tired topic - yes, maybe for people in the western world where LGBT rights are (largely) accepted, but for these places in Asia and Africa, there is no discussion about it, and so it is an important video.
It isn't that we don't want it. There is a lack of support for such rights especially in countries that there are laws barring LGBT marriages. T is gone altogether. The support is increasing. But we cant expect everyone to change their ideals either. It is equal to changing your mindset of people your parents disapproved of.
YES. Here in Indonesia it is not illegal to be transgender (In fact, there are many people who make money through small street drag performances), but is more frowned upon if a person has relations with the same gender. Many people are still gay tho...
Declan Newton-Maharaj It’s not that we don’t want it. There are plenty of LGBTQ people outside of the west and plenty of people who support them too. The problem is with outdated mindsets and outdated governments. Otherwise, it’s just that people haven’t been educated on this topic yet. I used to be homophobic and I only learned to change my views because of the internet, because not many people tlak about these issues. There are people advocating for LGBTQ rights but they’re almost never heard by the general public because they aren’t given a voice. We do want such discussions. Mindsets don’t change with silence.
Things are scary where I come from, Egypt. Police force actually track gay people (especially men) on dating apps to arrest them, and from what I hear they are tortured and ruined by the police, sometimes even rapped. It's nearly impossible to come out publicly as gay even though we've had famous transgender women.. Recently, someone held a gay pride flag at a concert, it turned to a huge scandal and society was furious, the band playing that day gained a very bad reputation.. Police arrested two straight LGBT rights defenders who were involved in the incident, and their future is forever ruined in this country. When I saw this video, it warmed my heart.. I really hope LGBT community in Egypt to rise soon, even if it seems so hopeless with everyone blindly hating on gays. People who hate on this video really need to get their eyes opened...
I know, especially since most of the government is extremely corrupt in Egypt. If you can move out of Egypt to a more accepting country, please do. From what I've been hearing crime rates are increasing there significantly and the country's unstable.
Jesus Christ Yup, and it's not just the corrupt government, society itself is corrupt. It's bad for egyptians who oppose the government or social norms (LGBTQ+, liberals, independent women, non-Muslims and non-Christians, artists,... Etc), but our daily lives aren't affected by crimes mostly, it's still fairly safe to live here as long as you don't go public with your opposition or identity. We have other concerns now regarding living expenses and survival, and of course being a minority. I really hope I can go to a better place, I can't deny the idea of making a family here scares me a lot.
Dina Taha I'm really sorry for what is happening and I can't really do anything to help but please stay strong and know that during hard times, the time will pass.
Dina Taha Love, from Algeria, I know what happened at the Mashrou' Leila's concert, what a shame... Take care of your self, I love you ♥ even if we don't know each other ♥
the image of a bunch of hairdressers gathered around one foreign woman fascinated with her supergays story is both the funniest and the most charming thing ever tbh
bit of a tired topic. but the homophobic comments down below are kind of proof to why this topic still unfortunately still needs to be talked about. so sad and pathetic.
You think it's a "tired" topic because you are lucky enough to live in a progressive country. For us, the rest of the world (the part that Americans often forget about) homophobia is still a big issue. And this is the topic of the video.
+TheAnnoyingGunner I agree. I never understood the concept of being proud of something you're born with. Except being gay/trans is something you made an effort to become.
I don't get that on TED, especially, this video has over 500 dislikes( At the time i write this). Look at me, a 27 year old man, with a beard and grew up religious ( not anymore) loves this video. I feel that I should mention I am straight but that should be irrelevant. You love who you love regardless of if its a man or a woman. Religion or your own selfish beliefs should not infringe on love. To hear that 75 or more countries criminalize being gay is appalling. How does that affect you. It does not. Love is natural no matter who it may be. To take make love a crime is one of the worst things to happen to mankind. How can we grow as a civilization if love is a crime.
+Tyler Cramer Most videos on TED are about solutions, not about problems. LGBT and most feminist talks are about problems. They don't do anything, except trying to make people feel guilty for a point of view they probably don't even have.
TheAnnoyingGunner if all we were doing was talking about our problems, women wouldn't be allowed to go to school. If we were just talking about our problems gay marriage would still be illegal, and punishable by death in many countries. If we were just talking about our problems lgbtq+ people would've still been killed in the streets. We didn't get this far just by talking, you just haven't seen the whole picture yet
I am bisexual and I'm 14 and I live in Russia in S.Peterburg, I already was bitted up because of my orientation. That is one of the first times I wrote about it somewhere...
you don't wake up one day and go "you know what?, i'm going to be bisexual". it doesn't work that way. and even if it was a decision, when did you decided you wanted to be straight?
Matt Bowen idc if its against your religion or watever. Human respect and the same legal rights as everyone else is a part of modern society.. Buuuuuut with that said i dont think you should be forced to watch it at school...
Me: (Is scrolling through the comments) Me: (Sees comments about lgbt+ members complaining about homophobes) Me: (Tries to find comments from homophobes and finds none) Me: ...???
It's easy for people who have no connection to issues like LGBT rights, or the refugee crisis, or many things for that matter, to sit behind a screen and freely dictate what is or what isn't worthy of a TED talk or a documentary. The fact is there are millions of people out there who these issues do matter to, and it kinda gives you no right to act as a sort of back-seat board of directors. Beautiful video. x
+Andrew Headspeath We all heard of LGBT rights over and over again. And that most of the world doesn't like them. Nothing new, nothing newsworthy at all, just redundant wittering at this point.
@lawrejason But didn't god say to love all and that he loves all? Also if you are gonna refer to that 'man shall not lay with man' it was originally man shall not lay with boy reffering to pedophilia not homosexuality.
Alright, I'm an atheist. I really shouldn't be talking about your religion but, nor should you be hating/talking about how someone lives THEIR life. That being said, YOUR GOD CREATED FREE-WILL FOR A REASON. USE IT YA BASIC
The amount of narrow-mindedness, misinformation and poorly disguised prejudice in the comments here is pretty saddening. So many of you wonder why this video needs to be here, and yet you don't realise that you're answering that very question yourselves as you dislike the video and express how unimportant you feel this topic to be. Perhaps struggles pertaining to gender and sexuality don't effect you, which is great, but you have to realise that this makes you very fortunate and not everyone is so lucky. Awareness on the issue, especially how it's seen and addressed around the world, is something that can only expand your knowledge of culture and society. It's worthy of TED, and even if the topic isn't relevant to you or you find fault with the presentation, there's no need to judge it so harshly. So many other talks exist on a wide range of niche topics, and many are presented as even more relaxed and casual than this.
+Cassandra L LGBT/Feminism TED: Now look at this problem! Isn't this a big problem?! We don't have a solution but damn, what a problem! You should be offended by this problem!
Arbih5 krajina I’m actually part Bosnian and Croatian! Nice to see someone of the culture! But you aren’t a very good soldier, if you seem to think killing members of the public based on views
realnarutoboy Muslim propaganda, alongside LGBT? Hmm. Perhaps, just maybe, it allows people of differing viewpoints and opinions. Just because you disagree with a talk, doesn't me it's propaganda.
i was honestly shocked and really glad they decided to look at my country india. that's.. nice. it's a nice feeling. we never talk about homosexuality. it's one of those taboos. no one knows what to make out of it, and those who do talk about it say it's unnatural because it's what they've been brought up on. like my mom. she knows that gay and transgender people don't deserve to be discriminated against, but she still has the stigma that she's been brought up on. she feels extremely uncomfortable and even disgusted when she sees gay people show any form of affection. i think my generation is probably the most open among every other older generation right now in my country. i'm bi (or pan, whatever you wanna call it), and i have at least three other friends who are bi or lesbian, or questioning. i'm lucky because it's so easy to talk about sexuality with my friends. i've never had to come out. i feel no obligation to let my mom know about my sexuality bc i know she isn't in the right place. but it's _so hard_ for most youth in india, especially those in less accepting families. i'm just so privileged to have a really open minded group of friends that i've grown up with. they're really cool people. but i know that so many people struggle w their sexuality in this country. it's heartbreaking. i wish i could affect change, but right now i'm not in a place to do so. if i was to be open about my attraction to girls, i'd receive nothing but condemnation from the rest of my family, and i can't afford to be cast out like that just yet. i'll have to move out and start earning before i can do that.
@@shrutis Ugh this makes me so mad. I feel you for real. I remember one time my mom was threatening to pour gasoline in my bed when I'm sleeping and light it on fire (for something different). I had my phone nearby and she thought I was recording her so she seized my phone, ordered me to unlock it and I had remembered I was talking on people on Reddit about my gay struggles and left it open. I was so scared she found out I was gay, I had such a bad anxiety attack where I couldn't move and was shaking uncontrollably. I had lost control of my body for around 30 minutes and I cried myself to sleep since it was like 2am. Luckily, she didn't find out. A sigh of relief through a shitstorm. The day after my entire nervous system felt shattered.
I was raised very conservative Protestant and used to be anti-gay/trans then indifferent, and now I am pro-lgbt rights because I realized that even as a Straight person I have been adversely affected by Homophobic stereotypes and Prejudices
That’s super cool that you’ve made that journey of realization. Maybe you can use your own experiences as a frame of reference to help other people to realize the same things.
i cried , and i realised its coz even today after lgbtq has been legalized in india , homophobia doesnt seem to hv an end . i am bi nd its really heartbreaking that i cant tell it to my parents . so to all the ppl around world , u r not alone . i accept u. i understand u. i love u. so b yourself and loveyour self
+Jonathan fring well one of them started saying that it isn't normal and they should be dead, but the other people said "that's pretty normal, now i understand it and is not cool to be an homophobe". I'm glad.
+kreacionista While the comments are depressing, this video still has more "likes" than "dislikes," so we can take some comfort in the fact that maybe the Internet isn't completely awful.
@@明るい未来-j9n mate we think the same there is this straight pride parade and most of these lgbtq people don't like it like wtf they shown their true colors and I hate them
Being "over it" is overrated. Congratulations to TED for calling attention to this important issue. LGBT+ rights are human rights, and as long as equal rights are not recognized everywhere, sharing stories like these will remain vital.
I started sobbing at the "Welcome Gays to Shanghai" part. I'm an Asian American gay woman, and it hurts so much that when I came out to my parents, they tolerated it, and told me to "STAY IN THE CLOSET." I work in an industry where I have been told to never come out, because it will ruin my chances of finding a job. I've cried so much over this. I am scared to be who I am. But this portrayal of acceptance, especially in countries like India and Argentina and China, brought me to tears. I wish I could show my family this. I wish that they would open their minds. 💔
I am in the same position as you, but I haven't made it out of the closet when they were talking about sexuality. They told me that LGBT+ people will never be accepted into society and in the middle of the conversation, I just stood up and said I had homework and left to go cry in my room. I was 10 years old at the time and that was when I had a crush on a girl that later was one of the first people in my grade to come out. She is Vietnamese just like me, but she has the confidence to come out and inspired others in my school to come out too. So far, my classmates know that I'm gay, but I'm debating on coming out of the closet to my parents. I'm only 13, but I've noticed that my parents have begun to accept LGBT people and who knows, maybe one day in the near future, I can proudly tell them I'm gay. *exhales* wow that was a lot
absolutely- -smitten Do you have a girl friend yet? If you don’t have one and if the circumstances are so greatly stacked against you then there’s no great need to come out this quickly. Just find a girl first and then you and her can come out together stronger.
Dawid Saudi Arabia is a major oil supplier, and the progressive countries don’t want to possibly lose that alliance, so they put trade over people’s human rights I guess.
I should maybe remind that bunch of narrow-minded people in the comment section that the goal of TEDTalks isto spread ideas. Ideas worth spreading. The idea that the gay cause exists, that there are LGBT everywhere in the world, that we fail to discuss these questions, IS an idea worth spreading. So, thanks, TED.
just because gay rights are there doesn't mean everyone's fine, and it really is a problem, in my country it's been legal for 5 years now and my high school has support for LGBT+ members
Polizei1945 You can be born gay. Well, kind of. You are given the building blocks to become gay. You know how many gays have a high voice? That's because of low levels of testosterone, and some people think that's the reason why people are gay.
Polizei1945 So, why weren’t we all born as men? Is your gender a choice? Why aren’t we all white? Do you choose your skin color? Think about it, you were born the way you are, but everyone else was born different than you. It’s called GENETICS and ENVIRONMENT. Also, why would people being born gay make God wrong?
i've never really cried at weddings before but when i got to the end of this video, my eyes were watering. congrats! also, this has become one of my favorite ted talk videos. :)
I seriously enjoyed this so damn much. The ending was beautiful. I cried. ALSO, I am Indian and had no clue about that the first prince to come out was from here! So glad to have learnt that. Thank you so much! Your documentary is fantastic (that tutorial book must've been fabulous).
actually, we actually had a gay emperor in China long long time ago. he has his own queen who was male and yeah :)) that prince in india is not the first prince came out :)
Not me tearing up at the end there as they got married. It’s 2022 and while things have changed, we’re still reminded of the struggles and the sacrifices of those who’ve come before. Thank you.
This was a great speech. I fund it very brave of those two ladies to take the courage to discover knowledge on this topic in other countries. As someone who is currently questioning my sexuality and a being the daughter of a pastor, it's nice to know that this feeling of uncertainty is not an evil feeling and that there are other people around the world who feel the same way. I'm so glad I watched this and hopefully my family will soon realize this truth and maybe open their minds a little and be more understanding and acceptive of who I am. I have never told them anything. They think our family is so close but a family can't be close and right if someone can't trust them enough to say what they feel.
I hope your family understands.... I'm a Christian and also questioning my sexuality lol and my family and church are mostly against LGBTQ+ people and it's really really stressful. I hope you're alright though!
Hey! I’m a Christian and I just wanna day that god made us all equal no matter who you love. That means he loves us all equally. Being homofobic is a sin. We don’t have to all agree with eachother but that doesn’t mean we treat you guys as animals
Achieving the legalization of gay marriage is not the end of the story for LGBT+ equality. It's merely the first step to changing attitudes and mindsets of people around the world. As Jenni & Lisa said, gay rights has to happen "in the hearts and minds of the people."
Real tears here. So happy I clicked this, grateful to be in a country making progress, excited for all the beautiful people in this, and proud to be who I am
Wonderful talk jenni and Lisa!! Wishing you much love in your married life and thank you for spreading the love and positivity and pride from around the world!!
I love that phrase “spouses for life”. So much better than “man and wife”. Wonderful. I wanna get married again, cause our first wedding was a total compromise.
It's sad the amount of homophobic comments there are here. Why can't people be accepting and loving? Why does there have to be a divide? Can't we just get along?
I don't want to sound overly sensitive. I'm an asexual trans woman. I was concerned when you said supergays that you weren't going to include trans people but still use LGBT. It annoys me when people say LGBT when they really mean LGB. Though unless Bhumika Shrestha is lesbian or bi she is not a supergay. A lot of people think trans women are just really gay men. Including potentially straight trans people under the category of supergay doesn't help this misconception. I am neither lesbian nor straight. I think *GSRM* is a better acronym. It stands for Gender, Sexual and Romantic Minorities.
SarahLJP I love ur comment I'm a gay transgender man and people think I'm a straight women even though I don't look like a woman. what helps me is having supportive friends who understand lgbt
SarahLJP i dont think that's something they meant to happen intentionally. It is just a term she liked to use transgenders are never forgetten in the lgbt community thats for sure.
@RubenRocks DUH Except we were ignored until very recently. Even when the T was tacked on to the end of LGBT over a decade ago. For all the visibility we've gained in the last few years we're still often overlooked. Gays and Lesbians still get most of the attention. Bi people are frequently disregarded as well.
I'm an advocate for the LGBT+ community. But I wouldn't wanna waste my precious golden time to educate an idiot. I'm not a teacher and I would not stand for the irrelevant arguments-the narrow minded people write-that are stated in the comments below. People believe what they wanna believe. People love who they want to love. Marriage and love should never be about gender, race and religion. As long as you marry or have sexual relationship with a human being and not a tree, I'm all up for it and support those who need it(like my friends).
People love who they want to love. True, that's something you cannot change. People's beliefs and attitudes. Well, that's something we have the power to change.
@lawrejason @lawrejason If you really wanna educate is on the bible and how it's sin then I hope you Don't eat pork Don't try to convert someone Don't curse or hate your parents Don't have tattoos of piercings Don't eat fat Dont eat anything that mixes meat and dairy Don't cut the hair off the sides of your head or beard Don't wear clothing that contains more than one type of cloth Or eating any levened bread (bread with yeast) Be cause guess what if you do ANYTHING you go against the Lord So shut up
Since everyone else is telling their short stories, I may as well spurt mine out... Three years after this video. It was a bit of a complication, really. I was talking about how one of my friend's liked a friend but they didn't know, then sputtered out how I liked the first friend and then heavily reassured them I wouldn't act on it, because I'm shy and lonely and like that. Also because even though I've known them for four years I'm a wimp. But then the friend they liked turned them down so I made a move and _bam_ we're a thing! ... I hope this comment drowns aha
I was married for 15 years to a woman, and when she decided she wanted to divorce me, I came out to my mom. My dad had by that time passed away. I will never forget her reaction "Please be safe and dont get AIDS". I live in a small town in RSA, Gay and proud of it, and was in a relationship for 26 years, married for 16 of those years when SA gave us gay rights after years of fighting for such. He passed away 6 years ago this month. I am the only gay, openly gay, person in town and the district. Many people during the years have asked me about gay life, married, now widowed from my husband, and speak openly about it. Many straight people in town have changed their opinions about me now they know my story.
When my daughter came out, I said, '"bout time you realized that, I've known for years!' Very proud of her & my new, beautiful daughter-in-love! ('law' ain't got a thing to do with love! 💚 )
I'm from Vietnamese. Although people do not socially spread hatress to gay people, people still have many prejudice on LGBT. No one ever talked about it because they don't know want to. I'm 15 but I hope someday I can stand up and talk like them too for not only for LGBT but also feminism and many more things that can make the world better. Love is just so beautiful and I think spoiling it is definitely a sin.
As a nepali nepal is a place where people judge everyone with their skin colour and gender i really don't like nepal but I'm happy now that there are many people who are with LGBTq community and it feels proud and some people asked me I'm straight why did you like gay people or why did you speak for them like wot tf was the question you don't have to be gay for stanning with LGBTQ community even though I'm straight but i respect them and I'm really feel proud that they are very happy with that and if someone is happy why did we need the reason about that...well happy proud months🏳️🌈✨🌈
"Gay rights cannot happen in a courtroom, but in the hearts and minds of the people." Amazing. My new favorite quote.
July Myers the us is a pretty liberal country
July Myers I
FBI PINK BUBBLE maybe where you live but not in general
A fetish is not a right
Homosexuality is not a fetish.
Furthermore, people should be entitled to explore their fetishes, provided they are done consensually and don't cause harm to others.
My mum said "OK I don't care get in the car". Best coming out story out of my friend group
Lol hahaha
Why so lucky oh boy :D
I told my dad "i like girls not boys" and he said "great me too"
nice profile picture
Celestia Ludenberg same lmao she just said ok and we continued to talk about what we were going to eat for dinner that day lol
I hate when people click on stuff knowing they hate it just to spread hate and piss people off
Lgbtqa LoveIsLove
Me: *says this*
Also me: Clicks on videos called "Being gay is wrong." Or "Non-binary people don't exist." to tell them off
Helen Dodge yeah, but thats because people literally hate on people for no reason, they invalidate their identity to make them feel Bad and thats wrong
Helen Dodge lol I See u like Amanda😂😂😂
Its opinion based on objective observation, not hate.
I would rather spread fact based opinions over STD"s though!!!!
Heinrick RothSteinburg are you implying gay people get STDs because that's dumb, Straight people get STDs just as often as gay people
"Our not-so-straight trip around the world", lemme tell ya, those are some quality gay jokes
Liam ads straightie spotted
timestamp please
never mind found it lmao
DeadChannel127 👌👌
it's ironic that her parents told her they're going back to Taiwan, bc they legalized gay marriage fairly recently
Eh...check out the latest results in their referendum.
@@entrepreneurnit5989 nah it's official...the first legalisation of gay marriage in the whole of asia
Title: (says lgbt)
Homophobes: Click the video
Also homophobes: this is aN OUTRAGE
SomeDankStuff I think it's better for people who disagree with this video to watch it. It gets them out of their Echo Chambers and reminds us that they're other opinions out there.
THIS IS SO ACCURATE. I think it's hilarious as a gay dude, like why would you actively want to seek out that which apparently bothers you.
It's hard to use "love" and compare it negatively to being gay in the same sentence tho. Plus to say that people are "fighting for the right" is a bit strange in the context that, those exact people have had those rights for thousands of years and caused people who were unlike them to suffer immensely. You say you are anti-racist as well, but anti-racist movements have the same core concept that LGBT+ movements do. And while they both are extremely varied in their experiences with prejudice in history and modern history, it is the fact that people are literally dehumanised because of another person's fear (e.g. white people who were afraid of having black people become a part of the work force in the industrial era and today, or people who fear that lgbt people will threaten the existence of straight/cis people) that make them so similar. So it seems unfair to be anti-racist but be homophobic at the same time. Sadly that's not something I can even try to understand. And rather than attacking people for having a different point of view than I do, I do want to try to talk to others to understand what they see, in hopes that they in turn will try to understand what I, and my community sees. In my personal opinion, it seems only fair to treat everyone with that exact "love" and understanding that you refer to. We are all human after all.
it's almost like they voluntarily looked up lgbtq videos just so they can cry about something that triggers them.
People in the comments section saying that this is a tired topic - yes, maybe for people in the western world where LGBT rights are (largely) accepted, but for these places in Asia and Africa, there is no discussion about it, and so it is an important video.
Well they don't want it so stop pushing it.
Well it needs to be a worldwide concept so we can protect everyone.
It isn't that we don't want it. There is a lack of support for such rights especially in countries that there are laws barring LGBT marriages. T is gone altogether. The support is increasing. But we cant expect everyone to change their ideals either. It is equal to changing your mindset of people your parents disapproved of.
YES. Here in Indonesia it is not illegal to be transgender (In fact, there are many people who make money through small street drag performances), but is more frowned upon if a person has relations with the same gender. Many people are still gay tho...
Declan Newton-Maharaj It’s not that we don’t want it. There are plenty of LGBTQ people outside of the west and plenty of people who support them too. The problem is with outdated mindsets and outdated governments. Otherwise, it’s just that people haven’t been educated on this topic yet. I used to be homophobic and I only learned to change my views because of the internet, because not many people tlak about these issues. There are people advocating for LGBTQ rights but they’re almost never heard by the general public because they aren’t given a voice. We do want such discussions. Mindsets don’t change with silence.
Things are scary where I come from, Egypt. Police force actually track gay people (especially men) on dating apps to arrest them, and from what I hear they are tortured and ruined by the police, sometimes even rapped. It's nearly impossible to come out publicly as gay even though we've had famous transgender women..
Recently, someone held a gay pride flag at a concert, it turned to a huge scandal and society was furious, the band playing that day gained a very bad reputation.. Police arrested two straight LGBT rights defenders who were involved in the incident, and their future is forever ruined in this country.
When I saw this video, it warmed my heart.. I really hope LGBT community in Egypt to rise soon, even if it seems so hopeless with everyone blindly hating on gays. People who hate on this video really need to get their eyes opened...
I know, especially since most of the government is extremely corrupt in Egypt.
If you can move out of Egypt to a more accepting country, please do. From what I've been hearing crime rates are increasing there significantly and the country's unstable.
Jesus Christ
Yup, and it's not just the corrupt government, society itself is corrupt. It's bad for egyptians who oppose the government or social norms (LGBTQ+, liberals, independent women, non-Muslims and non-Christians, artists,... Etc), but our daily lives aren't affected by crimes mostly, it's still fairly safe to live here as long as you don't go public with your opposition or identity. We have other concerns now regarding living expenses and survival, and of course being a minority.
I really hope I can go to a better place, I can't deny the idea of making a family here scares me a lot.
Dina Taha
I'm really sorry for what is happening and I can't really do anything to help but please stay strong and know that during hard times, the time will pass.
Jesus Christ thank you 💕
Dina Taha Love, from Algeria, I know what happened at the Mashrou' Leila's concert, what a shame... Take care of your self, I love you ♥ even if we don't know each other ♥
the image of a bunch of hairdressers gathered around one foreign woman fascinated with her supergays story is both the funniest and the most charming thing ever tbh
I disagree
@@Frenite Hindi pa napapansin kapag nasa manipis na lubid ako sa taas ng tensyon
@@victorlarryesmenda2805 Eyyy yo! great seeing Filipino comment on Ted Talk.
Do people forget that the Romans and Greeks saw gay actions as normal?
The MadGamingGeek and samurai japan
The MadGamingGeek for romans you weren't discriminated only if you were the active part, the passive ones were most likely prisoners and slaves.
The MadGamingGeek and China... and Japan... then Christianity came along...
In Indian Society under the Mughal Empire (Islamic), hijras (transgender) were seen as sacred and important.
MTmerm yes there was a lot of bisexuals :p
bit of a tired topic. but the homophobic comments down below are kind of proof to why this topic still unfortunately still needs to be talked about. so sad and pathetic.
Secret Profile I'm not sure how that makes sense. talking about it, doesn't create homophobes.
Its kinda funny how much that makes no sense
I h8 gais
You think it's a "tired" topic because you are lucky enough to live in a progressive country. For us, the rest of the world (the part that Americans often forget about) homophobia is still a big issue. And this is the topic of the video.
+bes loeq good, I want people to be too afraid to randomly and impulsively murder people on the streets just because they are part of a minority.
Who els is proud LGBTQI member here?
+Ema Harrison
Is being LGBT something you achieved?
Me igorne the person above he's a troll
I agree. I never understood the concept of being proud of something you're born with. Except being gay/trans is something you made an effort to become.
+TheAnnoyingGunner overcoming the struggles is, you 3rd world idiot.
I don't get that on TED, especially, this video has over 500 dislikes( At the time i write this). Look at me, a 27 year old man, with a beard and grew up religious ( not anymore) loves this video. I feel that I should mention I am straight but that should be irrelevant. You love who you love regardless of if its a man or a woman. Religion or your own selfish beliefs should not infringe on love. To hear that 75 or more countries criminalize being gay is appalling. How does that affect you. It does not. Love is natural no matter who it may be. To take make love a crime is one of the worst things to happen to mankind. How can we grow as a civilization if love is a crime.
+Tyler Cramer
Most videos on TED are about solutions, not about problems. LGBT and most feminist talks are about problems. They don't do anything, except trying to make people feel guilty for a point of view they probably don't even have.
Thanks for defending our rights!
Hope you have amazing life.
Having straight allies really touches my heart.
TheAnnoyingGunner if all we were doing was talking about our problems, women wouldn't be allowed to go to school. If we were just talking about our problems gay marriage would still be illegal, and punishable by death in many countries. If we were just talking about our problems lgbtq+ people would've still been killed in the streets. We didn't get this far just by talking, you just haven't seen the whole picture yet
Lol I can't be loved I'm genderfluid
I am bisexual and I'm 14 and I live in Russia in S.Peterburg, I already was bitted up because of my orientation. That is one of the first times I wrote about it somewhere...
Stay strong
-from the USA
+lindsey barnes thank you so much for your support, you cant even imagine how I need support right now, so thank you again
you can get through this....I hope u reach out to someone if u need help
Shawn Christianson it's not a decision.
you don't wake up one day and go "you know what?, i'm going to be bisexual". it doesn't work that way. and even if it was a decision, when did you decided you wanted to be straight?
people: "stop forcing this gay agenda bullshit down my throat!"
me: then don't click on the video bruh
Nick Lewis exactly.
me: stop forcing this hetero agenda bullshit down my throat!
TheThingsI'veSeen don't click the video
I didn't click it, we were forced to watch it in school. Is that not an agenda or what..
Matt Bowen idc if its against your religion or watever. Human respect and the same legal rights as everyone else is a part of modern society.. Buuuuuut with that said i dont think you should be forced to watch it at school...
I am not gay but I support them 100000% because WHO ARE YOU TO DECIDED THEY CANNOT LOVE EACH OTHER ???
Jeanne CADET god I love allies like you
@@milkandhoney9849 you're the dumbass
@@nightprowler6336 Yup.. Better that way... Less hate if you do stay away from them
Me: (Is scrolling through the comments)
Me: (Sees comments about lgbt+ members complaining about homophobes)
Me: (Tries to find comments from homophobes and finds none)
Me: ...???
A Sleepy Otaku same boat dude. We must b pretty Damn late to the party 😅
We late af
They mustve all been reported to the point where they got deleted
I've seen so many comments complaining about homophobic comments that I haven't actually seen any homophobic comments at all
Sarah Anne Peck same. We just reported and kicked everyone homophobic out
Now I can see comments that complain about too many comments that complain about homophobic comments 😂
I think a few of the replies are homophobic but the main comments aren't
@@ajaxtanner874 oh how we wish (majoirty of the entire world) we could do the opposite haha
It's easy for people who have no connection to issues like LGBT rights, or the refugee crisis, or many things for that matter, to sit behind a screen and freely dictate what is or what isn't worthy of a TED talk or a documentary.
The fact is there are millions of people out there who these issues do matter to, and it kinda gives you no right to act as a sort of back-seat board of directors.
Beautiful video. x
+Andrew Headspeath
We all heard of LGBT rights over and over again. And that most of the world doesn't like them. Nothing new, nothing newsworthy at all, just redundant wittering at this point.
@lawrejason But didn't god say to love all and that he loves all? Also if you are gonna refer to that 'man shall not lay with man' it was originally man shall not lay with boy reffering to pedophilia not homosexuality.
imagine traveling around the world with your wife to find gay people
@eggs n toast ?
Imagine not living in a fantasy by coming to truth and picking up The Bible. This is what people SHOULD be doing.
@@victorlarryesmenda2805 You live in a fantasy thinking you can alter your gender or sexuality. All this is decided at birth and can not be changed.
@@brandonsmith3234 Nani?
I told my friend that I was a lesbian , she said that I couldn’t be since I had never kissed a girl, so I kissed her and said “I’M GAY”
Lol! Awesome! How did she react if u dont mind me asking :P
Oh btw...just saying nice way 👌👌
phoeble doeiring i want to know the ending.... xd
ok now i want to know too
phoebe doering dammm
they look at each other so lovingly ahhh its so cute 😍
Ss Sd
ikr, there so cute together, i can't wait to become brave enough to come out to my homophobic dad XD
Alright, I'm an atheist. I really shouldn't be talking about your religion but, nor should you be hating/talking about how someone lives THEIR life. That being said, YOUR GOD CREATED FREE-WILL FOR A REASON. USE IT YA BASIC
r u an atheist 2
Jesus fucking Christ, it's a compliment, not an invitation to preach your bullshit. And yes, they are cute.
i just kissed my girlfriend for the first time today :)
Nev awe :) are you guys still together?
I love Dan and Phil my two beautiful fathers phandommmmnn
Nev I feel happy for you
Nev aw!!!! I'm going to ask out this girl I've liked for a while!!
Oh my gosh I never knew there was a gay prince that was open about, that is so dope that he didn't stay silent
Marshall Mellow 🤮🤮🤮
OmzTv hoes mad, and love is winning💕🏳️🌈
The amount of narrow-mindedness, misinformation and poorly disguised prejudice in the comments here is pretty saddening. So many of you wonder why this video needs to be here, and yet you don't realise that you're answering that very question yourselves as you dislike the video and express how unimportant you feel this topic to be. Perhaps struggles pertaining to gender and sexuality don't effect you, which is great, but you have to realise that this makes you very fortunate and not everyone is so lucky. Awareness on the issue, especially how it's seen and addressed around the world, is something that can only expand your knowledge of culture and society. It's worthy of TED, and even if the topic isn't relevant to you or you find fault with the presentation, there's no need to judge it so harshly. So many other talks exist on a wide range of niche topics, and many are presented as even more relaxed and casual than this.
+Cassandra L
LGBT/Feminism TED: Now look at this problem! Isn't this a big problem?! We don't have a solution but damn, what a problem! You should be offended by this problem!
Quit having problems with that lady's problems!!
It's causing *me* problems!!
Not a Complete Idiot...
Dem problems!
Hani Mani
I guess we'll see you there?
\: i
+Hani Mani With your spread of hate you clearly won't make it to Heaven.
when came out as bi to my mum, she came out to me as bi too ^_^
Cool! I guess it runs in the family!
Amanda Moys it’s in your genes (your cuffed genes)
Top ten anime plot twist
Wow that prince was so brave to come out
bing's wig Crosby
I know right, His Royal Highness is so brave. He risks sooo much he owns to fight for his love his life and fights for LGBT rights.
@@joakkley9659 troll post I'm guessing?
Arbih5 krajina What country and army are you in, if I may ask?
Arbih5 krajina I’m actually part Bosnian and Croatian! Nice to see someone of the culture! But you aren’t a very good soldier, if you seem to think killing members of the public based on views
Arbih5 krajina sup
I don't understand why the sorts of people who dislike a video before even watching it would even watch TED.
Why aren't you intelligent.
+Mud Hut Any talk with social progress as a theme is quickly disliked by a swarm of people as soon as it is uploaded.
realnarutoboy Muslim propaganda, alongside LGBT? Hmm. Perhaps, just maybe, it allows people of differing viewpoints and opinions. Just because you disagree with a talk, doesn't me it's propaganda.
+Mud Hut We're still hanging around from back when TED talks were good.
+Mud Hut
Probably sharing on facebook and the homophobic friends are disliking.
When I came out to my brother, he said “I don’t care,ugly, you’re still stupid.” Best reaction 10/10
i was honestly shocked and really glad they decided to look at my country india. that's.. nice. it's a nice feeling.
we never talk about homosexuality. it's one of those taboos. no one knows what to make out of it, and those who do talk about it say it's unnatural because it's what they've been brought up on. like my mom. she knows that gay and transgender people don't deserve to be discriminated against, but she still has the stigma that she's been brought up on. she feels extremely uncomfortable and even disgusted when she sees gay people show any form of affection. i think my generation is probably the most open among every other older generation right now in my country. i'm bi (or pan, whatever you wanna call it), and i have at least three other friends who are bi or lesbian, or questioning. i'm lucky because it's so easy to talk about sexuality with my friends. i've never had to come out. i feel no obligation to let my mom know about my sexuality bc i know she isn't in the right place. but it's _so hard_ for most youth in india, especially those in less accepting families. i'm just so privileged to have a really open minded group of friends that i've grown up with. they're really cool people. but i know that so many people struggle w their sexuality in this country. it's heartbreaking. i wish i could affect change, but right now i'm not in a place to do so. if i was to be open about my attraction to girls, i'd receive nothing but condemnation from the rest of my family, and i can't afford to be cast out like that just yet. i'll have to move out and start earning before i can do that.
that sucks, but are you bi or pan? There’s a difference, you know. Sorry, I just want clarification
i feel the same way as a sri lankan 🥺
@@shrutis Ugh this makes me so mad. I feel you for real. I remember one time my mom was threatening to pour gasoline in my bed when I'm sleeping and light it on fire (for something different). I had my phone nearby and she thought I was recording her so she seized my phone, ordered me to unlock it and I had remembered I was talking on people on Reddit about my gay struggles and left it open. I was so scared she found out I was gay, I had such a bad anxiety attack where I couldn't move and was shaking uncontrollably. I had lost control of my body for around 30 minutes and I cried myself to sleep since it was like 2am. Luckily, she didn't find out. A sigh of relief through a shitstorm. The day after my entire nervous system felt shattered.
And here I thought that the community that watches TED videos are the more open-minded group of people on RUclips. Guess I was terribly wrong.
+sukirani Yeah, it's kind of surprising, isn't it? Sad.
Isn't it great that they're bringing light to important issues? :)
It's just trolls who search the web looking for anything that says "LGBT" and then click to write about how they don't care about LGBT stuff.
they're probably just attracted to it because homophobes are the least passive people on the planet
But what about diversity. I heard its great.
I was raised very conservative Protestant and used to be anti-gay/trans then indifferent, and now I am pro-lgbt rights because I realized that even as a Straight person I have been adversely affected by Homophobic stereotypes and Prejudices
J Shirls I love people like you!
That’s super cool that you’ve made that journey of realization. Maybe you can use your own experiences as a frame of reference to help other people to realize the same things.
thats great! I hope others also change their mindset like you did
Why didn't they go to Russia?
I'm pretty sure they have like Hella strict anti lgbt laws and also it's part of western world
Juliana Vetkina why do you think this law stupid? It's pretty rational.
Darian Sandmartin because there is no such a thing as gay propaganda. It doesn't exist
They are very anti lgbtq🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈
Darian Sandmartin they would probably be imprisoned.
I wonder if the people who disliked this even watched the video
+Bernardo S "Weeh weeh I can see a woman on stage" - Everbody who disliked the video
+Chris D If you didn't care, you wouldn't have clicked on the video in the first place... the title is very clear.
+Chris D
Chris, you are an absolute moron.
Chris D Do you also order food you don't like at restaraunts then complain that you don't like it? Chris, mate, get a grip son
+mattkkr So you wanna only positive reactions on this video?
If yes... that is call propaganda
I'm a taiwanese, lgbtq community can legally marry to each other now, first country in asia!
Taiwan is now super liberal and became the first country in Asia to legalize marriage
That’s a shame
Such a shame indeed
Thank god I live there.
i cried , and i realised its coz even today after lgbtq has been legalized in india , homophobia doesnt seem to hv an end . i am bi nd its really heartbreaking that i cant tell it to my parents . so to all the ppl around world , u r not alone . i accept u. i understand u. i love u. so b yourself and loveyour self
I told my mom I was pansexual and she said go to bed because it was midnight.
So she accepted u or not?!😳
@@kamuikanna6922 yeah she did, she's bi so she doesn't really care
@@samp7012 wow that's cool bruh😳 btw im pansexual too 🥴 im out on internet but not in real life yet😌
@@shrutis shucks sorry to hear that. how's it going now?
I'll show this video tomorrow in my class (it's full of homophobes). Wish me luck.
How did it go? Did they beat you?
+Jonathan fring well one of them started saying that it isn't normal and they should be dead, but the other people said "that's pretty normal, now i understand it and is not cool to be an homophobe". I'm glad.
So you can force it down their throats? Smh.
Not like they were going to die from watching that video. What are you scared of? Of them realising that LGBT people are people like any other?
The comments section is making me sad.
+kreacionista Don't despair. While the internet is full of wonderful new information, it's also where bigots goes to die.
Don't be. They're only idiots who don't understand how important gay rights is.
We do. :-)
+Aaron Rosenberg You meant to say, where bigots go to thrive.
2nd3rd1st Well, okay. It's where bigots fester, in any case.
+kreacionista While the comments are depressing, this video still has more "likes" than "dislikes," so we can take some comfort in the fact that maybe the Internet isn't completely awful.
99% of comments; complaining about all the homophobic comments
1% of comments; homophobic comments
Report me, I don't really care.
@@明るい未来-j9n mate we think the same there is this straight pride parade and most of these lgbtq people don't like it like wtf they shown their true colors and I hate them
@@明るい未来-j9n and no I am not russian
@@Eternitygate you guys don't need straight pride
@@明るい未来-j9n homophobes are the most hateful people on earth.
These two are amazing together
MsAriesQueen I dont get it, the "guy" is a transgender that was female before or a transgender that was male before?
+Melisa there is no "guy" she is not transgender
Rosalyn Ewen And why does she dress like a man?
Melisa because it's her body and she can do whatever she feels like to it, given that it is logical. And also fashion doesn't have gender.
i know right, there so awesome! i have a homophobic dad and his girlfriend is homophobic to :( but at least my mom is accepting ^w^
im from russia and... yeah, its bad.
Yeah, but at least they are not burning them alive... yet. It could always get worse.
Now that's a cheerful thought.
how bad exactly?
i'm from Russia as well and yes, it's outraging
does it affect gay/bi people´s personal lives if they, lets say, just casually spend time together without drawing too much attention?
Being "over it" is overrated. Congratulations to TED for calling attention to this important issue. LGBT+ rights are human rights, and as long as equal rights are not recognized everywhere, sharing stories like these will remain vital.
Equality is not just a western idea.
out of all people,
can honestly tell you,
is a universal idea !
Proud of Argentina, proud to be argentinean:)
Nick Lyman eyyy que tal compatriotaaa
holaaa, otra argentina por aquí :D
Nick Lyman proud of Ireland, proud to be Irish ☘️
Hola, estuve buscando alguien argentino en los comentarios xd
Proud of Italy, T H A T S A S P I C Y M E A T A B A L L
I started sobbing at the "Welcome Gays to Shanghai" part. I'm an Asian American gay woman, and it hurts so much that when I came out to my parents, they tolerated it, and told me to "STAY IN THE CLOSET." I work in an industry where I have been told to never come out, because it will ruin my chances of finding a job. I've cried so much over this. I am scared to be who I am. But this portrayal of acceptance, especially in countries like India and Argentina and China, brought me to tears. I wish I could show my family this. I wish that they would open their minds. 💔
absolutely- -smitten
Stop disrespecting your parents beliefs and consider there feelings for a change
I am in the same position as you, but I haven't made it out of the closet when they were talking about sexuality. They told me that LGBT+ people will never be accepted into society and in the middle of the conversation, I just stood up and said I had homework and left to go cry in my room. I was 10 years old at the time and that was when I had a crush on a girl that later was one of the first people in my grade to come out. She is Vietnamese just like me, but she has the confidence to come out and inspired others in my school to come out too. So far, my classmates know that I'm gay, but I'm debating on coming out of the closet to my parents. I'm only 13, but I've noticed that my parents have begun to accept LGBT people and who knows, maybe one day in the near future, I can proudly tell them I'm gay.
*exhales* wow that was a lot
absolutely- -smitten
Do you have a girl friend yet? If you don’t have one and if the circumstances are so greatly stacked against you then there’s no great need to come out this quickly. Just find a girl first and then you and her can come out together stronger.
lawrejason not everyone has kids. You want them? Adopt. Gays can adopt, straights can be childless, NOTHING you say makes sense
I'm wondering how tf SAUDI ARABIA got onto the human rights council
I wonder why "progressive" countries tolerate that.
@@Dawid-kn6mv Because there's nothing wrong with that
@@begzog Sure letting criminals "protect" rights is totally ok.
@@Dawid-kn6mv my bad, I thought you were saying : "I wonder how"progressive" countries tolerate lgbtq+ community"
Dawid Saudi Arabia is a major oil supplier, and the progressive countries don’t want to possibly lose that alliance, so they put trade over people’s human rights I guess.
Am I the only person here who didn't realise Lisa was a girl until she spoke?
Metallic Fox me
Nah she has a pretty feminine body despite the masulinish outfit
I thought she was a boy.
nope, honestly same
Same! Which is funny, considering a lot of people think the same thing about me
When they look at eachother you can see that they're in love
They’re not well
I should maybe remind that bunch of narrow-minded people in the comment section that the goal of TEDTalks isto spread ideas. Ideas worth spreading. The idea that the gay cause exists, that there are LGBT everywhere in the world, that we fail to discuss these questions, IS an idea worth spreading. So, thanks, TED.
Here in Brazil we have a lot of problems around that question. The gays from here still have fear to be themselves.
+Kirsten ßas Except the people who are watching this talk.
oh yeah i heard about Brazil. Those presidents are monsters
just because gay rights are there doesn't mean everyone's fine, and it really is a problem, in my country it's been legal for 5 years now and my high school has support for LGBT+ members
and some people still think being gay is a choice. ask yourselves why would people would want to make difficult choice for themsleves?
You can be born gay. Well, kind of. You are given the building blocks to become gay. You know how many gays have a high voice? That's because of low levels of testosterone, and some people think that's the reason why people are gay.
Polizei1945 think a bit: if our lives are more difficult because we are gay then why would we choose to be it?
So, why weren’t we all born as men? Is your gender a choice?
Why aren’t we all white? Do you choose your skin color?
Think about it, you were born the way you are, but everyone else was born different than you. It’s called GENETICS and ENVIRONMENT.
Also, why would people being born gay make God wrong?
Being gay is ok, and we r born this way
Daeron Targaryen k thanks for sharing ??😷
i've never really cried at weddings before but when i got to the end of this video, my eyes were watering. congrats!
also, this has become one of my favorite ted talk videos. :)
Am I crying from the marriage videos? *Absolutely*
krinkov545 and you should be ashamed with yourself. Oh wait, your parents already have you covered on that front
I seriously enjoyed this so damn much. The ending was beautiful. I cried.
ALSO, I am Indian and had no clue about that the first prince to come out was from here! So glad to have learnt that.
Thank you so much! Your documentary is fantastic (that tutorial book must've been fabulous).
It's ok to be gay. It's ok to be straight. Love is never a bad thing. Everyone deserves to love, be loved, and be happy! 😀
Yeah, and it should stay there instead being part of political game.
This was pretty good, well presented and interesting.
actually, we actually had a gay emperor in China long long time ago. he has his own queen who was male and yeah :)) that prince in india is not the first prince came out :)
Not me tearing up at the end there as they got married. It’s 2022 and while things have changed, we’re still reminded of the struggles and the sacrifices of those who’ve come before. Thank you.
"Spouses For Life" that's beautiful. This whole thing is super inspiring
I loved this, haters gonna hate
So she left one cult to join another.
Aww the way Lisa looks at Jenni every time she speaks....that's love.
Live Laugh Love It’s not love. It’s the fleshy desire in our nature that Jesus want us to destroy.
@@jonatanlauridsen6636 soooo... love?
Reba W No homosexuality is not love and Can never be
Jonatan Lauridsen Huh? Hm? What was that? Sorry, geez, I can't here you over my unrestrained love for the female population.
Reba W Nice respons, it really shows your superior intelligens
This was a great speech. I fund it very brave of those two ladies to take the courage to discover knowledge on this topic in other countries. As someone who is currently questioning my sexuality and a being the daughter of a pastor, it's nice to know that this feeling of uncertainty is not an evil feeling and that there are other people around the world who feel the same way. I'm so glad I watched this and hopefully my family will soon realize this truth and maybe open their minds a little and be more understanding and acceptive of who I am. I have never told them anything. They think our family is so close but a family can't be close and right if someone can't trust them enough to say what they feel.
+MilkaC good luck for coming out!!!!!!!
+laura jones Thank you :). And wow, I'm sorry you read that. I just realized how much typos I made in that.
*find, *tight.
I hope your family understands.... I'm a Christian and also questioning my sexuality lol and my family and church are mostly against LGBTQ+ people and it's really really stressful. I hope you're alright though!
MilkaC I hope your coming out goes well, bro
I'm not sure why people are saying "This isn't worthy of a TED talk."
I thought it was interesting and well done.
That was possibly one of the most wholesomely gay things I’ve ever witnessed and i love it
I don’t
Hey! I’m a Christian and I just wanna day that god made us all equal no matter who you love. That means he loves us all equally. Being homofobic is a sin. We don’t have to all agree with eachother but that doesn’t mean we treat you guys as animals
SydneyAnn YAYY! Wholesome and accepting Christians are amazing!
As are you. There is no fire. Only acception
Achieving the legalization of gay marriage is not the end of the story for LGBT+ equality. It's merely the first step to changing attitudes and mindsets of people around the world. As Jenni & Lisa said, gay rights has to happen "in the hearts and minds of the people."
happy pride month, 2020 watchers!
Thank you! Nice to see a recent comment lmao
Real tears here. So happy I clicked this, grateful to be in a country making progress, excited for all the beautiful people in this, and proud to be who I am
you are not what you really are LOL
He means, you’re not gay. You’re crazy. I’d know I was a spy on a pro-KKK discord server.
Do they have a documentary somewhere? I want to see the whole thing...
Thank you so much. I'm gay from Malaysia and I'm proud.
I m gay , Nepali and I haven't come out 😥😥
Good luck!!
I hope everything goes well ❤️
SEVEN Is My QUEEN All the best!
good luck! also, taehyung in your profile picture ahh so pretty
this comment is 4 years old, wow, i hope you're doing good
I love how they look at each other like she's her whole world when they talk 🥺💘
Oh my god, I know. It's so wholesome
Wonderful talk jenni and Lisa!! Wishing you much love in your married life and thank you for spreading the love and positivity and pride from around the world!!
The end made me tear up.
Out and proud lesbian here!!
Dispossessed except for the fact I fought for my rights and I can marry my gf without being arrested since it’s legal in my country. Soooo, yeah
I love that phrase “spouses for life”. So much better than “man and wife”. Wonderful. I wanna get married again, cause our first wedding was a total compromise.
Old video, but I love the way they look at each other when another is talking.
It's sad the amount of homophobic comments there are here. Why can't people be accepting and loving? Why does there have to be a divide? Can't we just get along?
lawrejason soo if we should enable evil...why are you here?
this is such a good ted talk concept! it was so cool to watch like an around the world trip, also the presenters were cute as heck wtf! well done!
i just reported as many homophobic and bigoted comments as i could, and i suggest you all do the same :)))
So you're trying to spread as much hate as the homophobes?
SkrigglySkronk hows reporting homophobic comments hate/? whatat
You're the same as the ones u hate
@lawrejason Says the guy quoting ominous religious texts under all of these comments.
Yes silence all dissenters. That's what I do to the gays when they try to talk also so it's cool.
I don't want to sound overly sensitive. I'm an asexual trans woman. I was concerned when you said supergays that you weren't going to include trans people but still use LGBT. It annoys me when people say LGBT when they really mean LGB. Though unless Bhumika Shrestha is lesbian or bi she is not a supergay. A lot of people think trans women are just really gay men. Including potentially straight trans people under the category of supergay doesn't help this misconception.
I am neither lesbian nor straight. I think *GSRM* is a better acronym. It stands for Gender, Sexual and Romantic Minorities.
SarahLJP I love ur comment I'm a gay transgender man and people think I'm a straight women even though I don't look like a woman. what helps me is having supportive friends who understand lgbt
SarahLJP i dont think that's something they meant to happen intentionally. It is just a term she liked to use transgenders are never forgetten in the lgbt community thats for sure.
I like LGBT+ because as an asexual, I feel like most people don't know what asexuality is.
@Slytherin to the TARDIS I'm asexual too. That's why romantic is in GSRM. I'm asexual heteroromantic.
@RubenRocks DUH Except we were ignored until very recently. Even when the T was tacked on to the end of LGBT over a decade ago. For all the visibility we've gained in the last few years we're still often overlooked. Gays and Lesbians still get most of the attention. Bi people are frequently disregarded as well.
I'm an advocate for the LGBT+ community. But I wouldn't wanna waste my precious golden time to educate an idiot. I'm not a teacher and I would not stand for the irrelevant arguments-the narrow minded people write-that are stated in the comments below. People believe what they wanna believe. People love who they want to love. Marriage and love should never be about gender, race and religion. As long as you marry or have sexual relationship with a human being and not a tree, I'm all up for it and support those who need it(like my friends).
No one asked you to educate them. Don't worry about them. There will always be people who won't accept it. They choose to stay in the ignorance.
The problem is, the idiots have power.
People love who they want to love. True, that's something you cannot change. People's beliefs and attitudes. Well, that's something we have the power to change.
@lawrejason @lawrejason
If you really wanna educate is on the bible and how it's sin then I hope you
Don't eat pork
Don't try to convert someone
Don't curse or hate your parents
Don't have tattoos of piercings
Don't eat fat
Dont eat anything that mixes meat and dairy
Don't cut the hair off the sides of your head or beard
Don't wear clothing that contains more than one type of cloth
Or eating any levened bread (bread with yeast)
Be cause guess what if you do ANYTHING you go against the Lord
So shut up
they have a gift for speaking
+Matthew Cupelli
I guess they got their gift during the age of 3. Approximately.
Ehhh it’s too textbook communications they need to work on using personality
this made me cry so hard i am so glad they made this talk
Always so proud of Ireland for saying YES to marriage equality 🇮🇪🏳️🌈
@Aysha so? I'm talking about the right to marry, not how long a relationship lasts
Since everyone else is telling their short stories, I may as well spurt mine out... Three years after this video.
It was a bit of a complication, really. I was talking about how one of my friend's liked a friend but they didn't know, then sputtered out how I liked the first friend and then heavily reassured them I wouldn't act on it, because I'm shy and lonely and like that. Also because even though I've known them for four years I'm a wimp. But then the friend they liked turned them down so I made a move and _bam_ we're a thing!
I hope this comment drowns aha
I was married for 15 years to a woman, and when she decided she wanted to divorce me, I came out to my mom. My dad had by that time passed away. I will never forget her reaction "Please be safe and dont get AIDS". I live in a small town in RSA, Gay and proud of it, and was in a relationship for 26 years, married for 16 of those years when SA gave us gay rights after years of fighting for such. He passed away 6 years ago this month. I am the only gay, openly gay, person in town and the district. Many people during the years have asked me about gay life, married, now widowed from my husband, and speak openly about it. Many straight people in town have changed their opinions about me now they know my story.
This makes me so proud as half of an amazing partnership with my (better half) Steven. (11 years)
+Lorenzo van Breda yes! You nailed it :) Science and nature always wins!
Jordan Wendt you're harmful to society
When my daughter came out, I said, '"bout time you realized that, I've known for years!' Very proud of her & my new, beautiful daughter-in-love! ('law' ain't got a thing to do with love! 💚 )
lawrejason they aren’t perverts. They’re in love. Sexuality isn’t lust.
I achieved the first ever ruling by the Venezuelan Supreme Court on LGBT issues.
Hey, you two ... you're totally adorable and admirable! Fantastic work! My heartfelt congratulations! Greetings from Germany!
How did Nepal legalize gay marriage before us? Shame on you America!
Khoa-Nathan Ngo well it is legal now. Just be happy you don't live in Saudi Arabia.
You guys were pretty late actually although.better than.some other countries where it's still illegal
What a joke!! They didn't
Why is marriage necessary in the first place?
DMT infused elk meat It’s not marriage, per se, but more of the fact that LGBTQ+ people didn’t have the same rights as a heterosexual person would.
I'm from Vietnamese. Although people do not socially spread hatress to gay people, people still have many prejudice on LGBT. No one ever talked about it because they don't know want to. I'm 15 but I hope someday I can stand up and talk like them too for not only for LGBT but also feminism and many more things that can make the world better.
Love is just so beautiful and I think spoiling it is definitely a sin.
Let's all strive to be super gays
I loved this so much I'm a transgender man and this made me really happy thanks 😊 (it's 2:30 am right now but I want to watch more lgbt videos😂)
lawrejason dude we don’t CHOSE to be trans. Clearly you need to study
As a nepali nepal is a place where people judge everyone with their skin colour and gender i really don't like nepal but I'm happy now that there are many people who are with LGBTq community and it feels proud and some people asked me I'm straight why did you like gay people or why did you speak for them like wot tf was the question you don't have to be gay for stanning with LGBTQ community even though I'm straight but i respect them and I'm really feel proud that they are very happy with that and if someone is happy why did we need the reason about that...well happy proud months🏳️🌈✨🌈
Thanks for sharing🤗
Omg Sára 😘