leftist tiktoks for happy campers :)

  • Опубликовано: 8 июл 2023
  • MY PATREON!!!!: patreon.com/acommunistdude
    business email: adudebusiness@gmail.com
    video title suggestions: forms.gle/e69SnwDozvWqZRPA8
    if y'all wanna support me:
    venmo: @some_guy_named_peyton
    no pressure!!!

Комментарии • 229

  • @goblinguy3103
    @goblinguy3103 Год назад +295

    Shout out to all the queer people who can’t come out for safety reasons. Shout out to all the undiagnosed/self diagnosed disabled people. Shout out to all the kids of immigrants who don’t feel like they belong to any culture specifically. Shout out to the people just trying to live their best lives in today’s age.

    • @gordshorde
      @gordshorde Год назад +17

      and shout out to YOU comrade!

    • @beed1290
      @beed1290 Год назад +16

      omg everything applies to me (i think?) thanks for writing this comment for me specifically /j

    • @YourLocalGenderfluid
      @YourLocalGenderfluid Год назад +4

      shout out to you to!

    • @nuclearpancake3683
      @nuclearpancake3683 Год назад +2

      Thank you for your existence

    • @iupiter.161
      @iupiter.161 Год назад +1

      Thanks :)
      And shout out to you, because I have a daily routine because of your comments!

  • @stxrstruck6755
    @stxrstruck6755 Год назад +134

    Remember that stud and butch arent interchangeable. A stud is a masculine lesbian black woman because it stems from history where black women dressed more masculine to pass as men to work (I believe that is the definition). Butch is more universal

  • @SW0510
    @SW0510 Год назад +61

    just a reminder that you don’t have to prove your queerness to anyone! your attraction doesn’t need an explanation to be valid !! :3

  • @goblinguy3103
    @goblinguy3103 Год назад +135

    Closed boarders has no reason to exist. You shouldn’t be able to say “no, you’re not allowed in here” when someone is actively dying.

    • @QUR_LvR
      @QUR_LvR Год назад +12

      it is absolutely, just, WILD how some people STILL have so much hate for others and actively do nothing to change that hateful and harmful mindset

    • @darkacadpresenceinblood
      @darkacadpresenceinblood Год назад +7

      yes exactly! it's so fucked up that this even has to be said tbh

    • @goofygoober.736
      @goofygoober.736 Год назад

      but people should still come in with ids and a passport??? the reason the whole border thing happened was bcs the president was worried abt unidentified ppl coming in and possibly destroying this country bcs well if u dont prove ur literally not a criminal with some simple identification we simply dont know who u r. basically, if any1 can come in this country with no regristration, nothing (as it is happening now) rapists and murders can wander as they please. how is that ok??

    • @TheLeftistLynx
      @TheLeftistLynx Год назад +7

      Seriously!! Like, as long as they're not hurting themselves or anyone else, everyone should be able to live on any little inch of the earth they want.

    • @goofygoober.736
      @goofygoober.736 Год назад +1

      @@TheLeftistLynx yea thats essentially what borders r doing lmao. they don't let harmful ppl past. but if ppl js showed some id n passports they literally can go wherever they want.

  • @goblinguy3103
    @goblinguy3103 Год назад +136

    Growing up traumatize/abused is so weird, because you’ll be in the middle of a conversation with a friend where you’re all sharing childhood stories, but then, suddenly, the story you share is “too far “. Like sorry man I don’t got any stories about my family baking brownies, want to hear about that time my dad flatlined on my birthday?

    • @dizzynarutofan100
      @dizzynarutofan100 Год назад

      Bro that is trauma dumping. There is a time and place.

    • @goblinguy3103
      @goblinguy3103 Год назад +32

      @@dizzynarutofan100 ..what. Trauma dumping is specifically telling someone something you feel is traumatic like they’re your therapist. A lot of the time traumatized people don’t realize what is or isn’t trauma. I didn’t know most of my childhood was considered abusive until I was telling a story I thought was funny to a friend.
      This isn’t trauma dumping.

    • @Fern_Tull
      @Fern_Tull Год назад +27

      ​@@dizzynarutofan100how are we supposed to know if we're 'trauma dumping' if it's normal for us. Some of us don't know our childhood was bad /g /lh

    • @nuclearpancake3683
      @nuclearpancake3683 Год назад +9

      ​@@dizzynarutofan100if that's trauma dumping then me and my bestie's conversations are a landfill

    • @toukatouka3479
      @toukatouka3479 Год назад +4

      @@dizzynarutofan100 I think trauma dumping is more intentional. Doing something like talking about an experience you don’t know is traumatic doesn’t really count as trauma dumping. If you were to talk to someone about how that event messed you up, though, that would be trauma dumping in a sense.

  • @gordshorde
    @gordshorde Год назад +70

    my dad all my life: "yall is singular all y'all is plural even though it literally means you all"
    also my dad: "singular they/them is wrong >:("
    make it make sense.

    • @Wwhdduendjdhhfmwosdn
      @Wwhdduendjdhhfmwosdn Год назад +14

      I’ll never understand that. I bet you dollars to donuts he has used the singular they/them before. Before snowflakes(/j) suddenly had a problem with how people presented themselves they were using singular they/them. At the very least how else will you refer to someone you haven’t met and don’t know their gender? Or when referring to a hypothetical person that could be any gender? Most people just use they/them
      Also as a southern genderfluid person I am snatching y’all for my pronoun hoard :)

    • @gordshorde
      @gordshorde Год назад +9

      @@Wwhdduendjdhhfmwosdn fr it's a lil silly.
      he got mad when i called my cat they/them when we didn't know what gender he was as a kitten-- i brought up the fact that people use it all the time and he goes "that's different" -_-
      also ye take it for your horde >:)

    • @ProfessionalZazaDealer
      @ProfessionalZazaDealer Год назад +6

      As someone who has lived in the south my whole life and that uses they/them pronouns I definitely think singular they them makes more sense than y’all and yall

  • @goblinguy3103
    @goblinguy3103 Год назад +124

    3:58 as a disabled person this is so accurate. I would play up my symptoms because doctors wouldn’t listen to me when I didn’t. I didn’t want pity, I needed medical help.
    I need mobility aid and medication. I’m so scared to ask for it because I don’t “look” sick.

    • @ErutaniaRose
      @ErutaniaRose Год назад +13

      SAME. For years, until a Dr told my Mum to stop, she wouldn't give me ANY pain medication until my fever was above 102 F. Yet at the same time, anytime I had a mild headache, stomach ache, etc--she would always ask me or have me take pain medication. Literally gave me too much when I did not need it, and didn't give it to me when I did.
      I'm chronically ill and pain is a HUGE factor for me--but I still have yet to receive ANY diagnosis other than slightly hypermobile. I went 20 years not knowing that I was genetically hypermobile--and I've been searching for about 4-5 years now for other diagnoses regarding my other issues that are straight-up disabling.

    • @colorful-idiotic
      @colorful-idiotic Год назад +1

      This is so real. I’ve been trying to get doctors to take me seriously for so long 😭😭😭

    • @Fern_Tull
      @Fern_Tull Год назад +2

      Same. My disabilities aren't that bad 😂 at any given time at least one of the joints I need to stand or use my arms is in pain. I can't remember the last time I was 100% pain free. I feel annoying when I mentioned it all the time but I feel like people see me as useless if I don't mention it

  • @ErutaniaRose
    @ErutaniaRose Год назад +43

    You'd think if an Indian school in a desert can keep people cool that a large school in a medium-temperature rich suburb of the midwest could keep students cool without freezing them or making the gym the hottest part of the school building. 😒😒
    Honestly good for that school though--glad they are doing so well, with amazing architecture and helping literacy rates for young girls. Whatever group is in charge of that, great job.

  • @goblinguy3103
    @goblinguy3103 Год назад +127

    It’s okay to not have the energy to educate someone. It’s okay to just take a step back. It’s okay to give someone resources so they can learn independently. You weren’t born to teach.

  • @Malachite07
    @Malachite07 Год назад +50

    Why are prescriptions so damn expensive?? It just feels like classism. Like you can only live a long, healthy life if you can afford it?

    • @radioactivegummyworm
      @radioactivegummyworm Год назад

      capitalism is shit :P

    • @ProfessionalZazaDealer
      @ProfessionalZazaDealer Год назад +6

      My aunt is diabetic and has lots of other health problems so she has to take a bunch of meds, and she’s in a scary amount of debt from the prescriptions alone, it’s even worse with the other debts

    • @Malachite07
      @Malachite07 Год назад +6

      @@ProfessionalZazaDealer That's horrible. I'm very sorry for your aunt 😔.
      The fact that some people benefit from other people's conditions is absolutely disgusting.

    • @colorful-idiotic
      @colorful-idiotic Год назад +9

      For-profit healthcare is honestly disgusting

    • @Malachite07
      @Malachite07 Год назад +3

      @@colorful-idiotic agreed

  • @goblinguy3103
    @goblinguy3103 Год назад +44

    1:06 I love this! You don’t need to dress up every single time you leave the house! Sometimes you just need to go to CVS to get melatonin.

    • @vic_x
      @vic_x Год назад +8

      as someone who does dress up regardless of where i’m going, i support this. do what makes you feel good. if you wanna dress up, cool. if you don’t wanna dress up, cool. beauty standards are stupid anyway, so just do what you want (within reason)

    • @necroflowers2244
      @necroflowers2244 11 месяцев назад +1

      I agree with all that one exception of the shoes. I was raised to never wear outside shoes around the house because of hookworms. And other bacteria. Especially after rainfall when sewer runoff is most present. Also I was taught not to wear outside clothes that touched public places such as seats, to then wear those in your bed. Cause clothes absolutely carry contamination. Maybe cause I was raised in the city so we took public transportation everywhere. However, I can see how to going from your own car to the store and then back to your house is no big deal. But I definitely would never wear outside shoes in my house.

    • @christopherreichle6670
      @christopherreichle6670 10 месяцев назад

      I think if you're at the point you have dressed for not leaving the house, you don't need to leave the house.
      Like I wear my day outfit pretty much until the late hours; once it's off there's nothing you can do to convince me to leave. Like WWIII could be happening and the most I'll do is grab a coffee from the pot, my weapons, and hope the nuclear annihilation either kills me or doesn't bother my sleep

  • @DecoyZ
    @DecoyZ Год назад +10

    It is genuinely sad how disabled people are shamed especially if they have an "invisible" disability.
    I struggled with my whole mush that is my brain growing up and i used to fantasise about using a wheelchair. But why?
    Because I thought "if I just break my legs, THEN people will listen to me" cause if i said to someone "sorry i cant help you", "I cant do that" or "im not feeling well" they'd just say
    "you're making excuses, get up and work"
    and even back then I didn't KNOW I had ASD, DID, PTSD, etc. My parents never even taught me what that WAS.
    So in the end I believed i was just lazy, that everyone felt like I did, everyone was constantly falling asleep standing up, everyone wanted to rip their hair out if they touched the wrong texture, EVERYONE wanted to cry if a certain pattern was interrupted. I thought everyone had issues with information to the point where reading certain pieces of information makes you breakdown into a psyche break.
    I thought everyone went through that and I was just weak. I was the weak one. Everytime I felt like "I need help with this task" I just remembered my parents telling me it was all laziness. So I fantasised about being physically disabled because I thought it would be the ONLY way people would treat me how I felt i needed to be treated.
    I was thinking this shit when i was 11, imagine the shit you have to do to force your 11 year old to consider legitimately breaking their own legs just so you can listen to them for once.
    Shaming depressed people, autistic people, etc. Calling them "Lazy" does so much bad.
    calling anyone lazy fixes nothing and makes everything worse. Even if someone is being "Lazy", Laziness isn't an illness or an emotion, Lethargy is an emotion, laziness is not. If someone is being "Lazy" its because you associate mental health symptoms with laziness!!!
    your son isn't getting out of bed? Not lazy, d e p r e s s e d
    your son is spending all his time playing video games and never goes out with friends? not lazy, a n x i o u s
    your daughter tells you she can't study because it makes her upset? Not lazy. She has i n f o r m a t i o n p r o c e s s i n g i s s u e s and needs your fuckin help
    so before you call someone lazy, remember laziness always comes as a symptom of something
    being overworked, depression, ADHD, anxiety, ASD, etc.
    Being "Lazy" is not a switch, its not a choice you flip in and out of. just like how you can't just decide to not be depressed for a day, some people can't decide to suddenly not be "lazy"

  • @machinegunbabygirl
    @machinegunbabygirl Год назад +17

    2:02 called me out with the tally hall and miracle musical currently resting in pieces

    • @Imagomoth
      @Imagomoth Год назад +5

      Man I got called out by everything there except 4lung, lovejoy, 1trait danger, the Orion experience, n the omori/half life soundtracks (tho if the portal one was on here that'd be spot on)
      I'm not even a teenager any more, I'm 21, but good lird was I just fuckinf targeted DHSJHF

    • @machinegunbabygirl
      @machinegunbabygirl Год назад +3

      @@Imagomoth FR except i love the omori soundtrack

    • @Imagomoth
      @Imagomoth Год назад +2

      ​@@machinegunbabygirlI mean I listen 2 Bo En and I think I have one track from the OST saved ? But I haven't listened 2 it overall bc I haven't played it but maybe those count /silly

    • @localinternetclown
      @localinternetclown Год назад +2

      i have a weird relationship with music so "listens" is a very loose term for me, but the feeling of DEFEAT i felt when i saw lovejoy was palpable....

  • @Lun4rLight
    @Lun4rLight Год назад +46

    It feels so weird being outside of the US, because like, I'm a citizen, my mom grew up there. I still have family there, and I was very much raised with the whole "the usa is the best country in the world" and it feels weird, because I'm watching everything thats happening, I know how very flawed the USA is, but it feels like I can't really do anything to help. Its such an odd feeling tbh.

  • @stxrstruck6755
    @stxrstruck6755 Год назад +16

    I saw a video about autism where I found out I was going nonverbal, and the only way I could communicate is through texting.
    If i didnt think I had autism I DEFINITELY DO NOW. Every day im reminded I need an ASD diagnosis but I cant get it-

    • @Fern_Tull
      @Fern_Tull Год назад +4

      I just realized I go nonverbal when I have to tell people important stuff. I can talk but I really really struggle to get the words out

    • @delagoence3739
      @delagoence3739 Год назад

      I have also somewhat recently realized that I do in fact go nonverbal, relatively often. Even with an actual autism diagnosis there's so much misinformation and so little formal resources to understand what my brain is doing

    • @4RC4D3K1D
      @4RC4D3K1D Год назад +1

      i go nonverbal whenever my stepmom(ew) asks me things i’m uncomfortable with, then she gets mad at me for not talking :(

    • @stxrstruck6755
      @stxrstruck6755 Год назад

      @4RC4D3K1D I understand, that happens to me too. Hope you're okay

  • @whitebread3872
    @whitebread3872 Год назад +16

    The one tik tok tutorial for Hobie’s hairstyle is really helpful, I’m a white artist but I have a few black characters/OCs and I always have trouble with the hair but I’m definitely gonna give her advice a try!!!

  • @ProfessionalZazaDealer
    @ProfessionalZazaDealer Год назад +40

    Does anyone else remember being in elementary school and it being a competition for how early our moms woke us up? Like one kid would be like “my mom wakes me up at 6AM” and another kid would be like “my mom wakes me up at 5AM” and it would keep going, like and we were so proud of it to 😭

    • @LyntzbartzkyPerez
      @LyntzbartzkyPerez Год назад +8

      lol im the opposite my mom has a super late shift so growing up so my mom would get up at 11 or 12 PM so I grew up waking up at like 10 or 9 and just being on my iPad in the living room waiting for my mom to wake up

    • @goblinguy3103
      @goblinguy3103 Год назад +2

      I must have been going to some weird school bc what’s this 😭😭

    • @ProfessionalZazaDealer
      @ProfessionalZazaDealer Год назад +1

      @@goblinguy3103 idk what this is either 😭

  • @Lun4rLight
    @Lun4rLight Год назад +17

    Second comment just because. (TW for mentions of romanticizing mental health issues)
    I swear to god, I hate seeing comments about "letting the intrusive thoughts win" and stuff, because like, most of the time that is impulsive. It just annoys me. Or like, people who love to romanticize mental health issues, but the moment it gets bad enough that your room is constantly messy, or you don't shower often, or your hair is matted, they shame you. I hate it so much.

    • @4LLT0G3TH3R
      @4LLT0G3TH3R Год назад +1

      Absolutely so hurtful. People can struggle with emotional regulation but don't try it on like a costume for your conscious decisions and then turn around and judge someone's worthiness to exist based on your internalized fear of those struggling with the same issues

    • @ElTheAce
      @ElTheAce Год назад +1

      It's all "mental health matters"
      Until I haven't brushed my teeth in weeks or showered because I have ✨no motivation✨
      Or until I have vivid intrusive thoughts about acting out violently because someone's doing something that is irritating me.

  • @goblinguy3103
    @goblinguy3103 Год назад +51

    Oh my god a Canadian talking about Nunavut!! Thank you so much for adding Canadians into these comps. I hope they found a place to stay

    • @delagoence3739
      @delagoence3739 Год назад +2

      I don't know much about Canadian indigenous peoples, but her wanting to return to her community and to nature is a whole mood
      I also love the way she sounds. I think it's so cool and pretty all the different ways people sound around the world (language/accent/dialect/whatever) (/gen)

  • @vic_x
    @vic_x Год назад +27

    tw:// racism
    just called my dad a cracker, feeling good :)
    my dad was saying that all black people do is complain and it was pissing me off. he legit hates every race, even his own like bro- pick a struggle ffs. (my whole family is puerto rican, and yet my dad hates mexicans with a burning passion. i don’t understand it. all latinos are facing the same kinds of struggles in america, we need to start actually coming together to solve them. but instead we’re wasting our time on petty feuds. it’ll never make sense to me…)
    anyways have a good day everyone!! love ya💕

    • @captaincaspian42
      @captaincaspian42 Год назад +2

      Latinos after purposely pushing down each other to gain the approval of rich white people: (the rich white people see all latinos as the same)

    • @ohnotheyatethecookiesrun
      @ohnotheyatethecookiesrun Год назад

      u r iconic :333

    • @christopherreichle6670
      @christopherreichle6670 10 месяцев назад

      ​@GreenMayoMan69_it's called hating people. Which honestly is completely reasonable there's nothing worse than having to deal with a human. A searing bullet wound that's bleeding out is more tolerable than dealing with an irrational meat computer piloting a bone mecha with flesh armor.

  • @alexwallace6904
    @alexwallace6904 Год назад +17

    Daily life update 73
    I think the audition went well! Both me and my partner tried out, and neither of us really messed up. There were also very few men there, so we have a high chance of being put on the ensemble at least!

    • @QUR_LvR
      @QUR_LvR Год назад +4

      YAY!! i'm so happy for you guys!! :D

    • @4RC4D3K1D
      @4RC4D3K1D Год назад +1

      hi i like ur pfp /gen :3

  • @eggfroggowo
    @eggfroggowo Год назад +15

    I got my first gym badge in let's go Eevee! It took awhile because I forgot to save and all of my progress was gone so I had to redo it😭

    • @allisonbelter1286
      @allisonbelter1286 Год назад +1

      Congrats! Which Pokémon game are you playing?

    • @eggfroggowo
      @eggfroggowo Год назад

      @@allisonbelter1286 I'm playing Pokemon let's go Eevee! :D

  • @ellie-501
    @ellie-501 Год назад +22

    I am a happy camper! I just got back from a summer camp! 💜🏳️‍🌈

    • @gordshorde
      @gordshorde Год назад +2

      wooo!! i'm glad your back and i hope you had fun :)

    • @QUR_LvR
      @QUR_LvR Год назад +3

      HEYY!! welcome back then!! i hope it was good!! :D

  • @hauthot287
    @hauthot287 Год назад +14

    0:01 I still feel girly pop. Shout out to the disabled queer folks!

  • @gordshorde
    @gordshorde Год назад +14

    don't you love when you go on a walk and discover an electrical box that has been open for long enough that plants are starting to creep inside and all the wires are exposed!
    i'm not sure how it happened but my parents are gonna call the electric company.
    that reminds me i need to call the pharmacy about my meds--

  • @QUR_LvR
    @QUR_LvR Год назад +12

    i'm at my aunt's place right now!! she's my favorite aunt so i'm definitely very happy :D

    • @aaaa.non-battery
      @aaaa.non-battery Год назад

      yay! that's great! today i've come back home from visiting my favourite aunt. also, she has an awesome cat and i love cats!

  • @my.beloved.turtle2136
    @my.beloved.turtle2136 Год назад +16

    Hi everyone :3!! Not doing too much today, hope all of you getthe time to relax that you deserve despite the world we live in!!

  • @goblinguy3103
    @goblinguy3103 Год назад +17


    • @BeeRavenBoy
      @BeeRavenBoy Год назад +4

      I was not looking to get called out right now lol

    • @colorful-idiotic
      @colorful-idiotic Год назад +2

      I got called out fr 😭😭😭

    • @aaaa.non-battery
      @aaaa.non-battery Год назад +1

      YEAH 😭😭

    • @aaaa.non-battery
      @aaaa.non-battery Год назад

      ​@@BeeRavenBoyis it you on your profile pic? if so, your hair's amazing! 😻

  • @chaples_
    @chaples_ Год назад +11

    thanks for including the second to last one. I've been looking for tutorials/advice on how to draw Hobie's hair from someone who knows a lot about black hair, and the one in the video was very helpful.

  • @fireflybutton1939
    @fireflybutton1939 Год назад +4

    About the disability thing... i have a medical assessment coming up and i feel i have to take my cane with me to be taken seriously and yet, i feel guilty as most days i dont need it but i need disability pay because the pain is constant but is just below the threshold of needing the cane most days.

  • @MorningDusk7734
    @MorningDusk7734 Год назад +11

    17:40 I love how you can tell she's speaking from the heart, but it feels like genuine poetry.

  • @4LLT0G3TH3R
    @4LLT0G3TH3R Год назад +8

    Hey all, love you. Vent/support:
    I wish i could have helped keep the lost frightened kitten safe from harm. I tried to grab it but i was just barely a second too slow and it ran off. It was crying but i havent heard it since. My heart hurts so bad with worry and regret. I keep imagining a mama cat from the neighborhood adopting the baby, or a nice person finding them safe and sound. Trying to be hopeful.
    Thanks for reading and being here

  • @goblinguy3103
    @goblinguy3103 Год назад +28

    11:42 then using the term “savages” just irked me. Eat the rich.

    • @QUR_LvR
      @QUR_LvR Год назад +7


    • @berrysnowyboy5251
      @berrysnowyboy5251 Год назад +8

      Yeah that white person really said that anti-Indigenous slur while probably being a fan of billionaires

    • @alpacafish1269
      @alpacafish1269 Год назад +1

      @@berrysnowyboy5251 YOU KNOW!! I was thinking the EXACT same thing.

    • @4RC4D3K1D
      @4RC4D3K1D Год назад +1

      yum cannibalism

  • @broken_queer_but_fighting8589
    @broken_queer_but_fighting8589 Год назад +12

    Hey you yes you, take a deep breath let it out slowly, and lower your shoulders. Know that you are important to someone even if you feel like no one loves you, guess what I do. I'm so proud of you being here. Thank you. Now make sure you take care of yourself and drink some water, eat something and take a stretch break.💜💜🤗🤗💜💜🤗🤗

  • @radioactivegummyworm
    @radioactivegummyworm Год назад +19

    hi folks! i'm going to make personalities for my silly little ocs today :DD

    • @QUR_LvR
      @QUR_LvR Год назад +4

      YEAH‼️‼️ i'm rooting for you :D

    • @thegaymothman
      @thegaymothman Год назад +2

      Yeah!! Have an awesome time!

  • @HajoonFF6123
    @HajoonFF6123 Год назад +8

    I'm gonna play farming sim with my brother. He has not stopped talking about it and it sounds fun so here I go.
    In other news, I have Skeleton Orchestra and Riria on hard at an E, ghost rule at 87%, and Negaposi Continues at 57% I will keep trying to get it to C

  • @Feather899
    @Feather899 Год назад +20

    Ship dynamic: t4t cats and the trans femme gets so nervous while her husband gives birth she faints. Once their kittens arrive they try their best

  • @AnarchicCrow
    @AnarchicCrow Год назад +15

    Another round of questions:
    1) What are your favourite pizza toppings?
    2) Do you have any queer family members?
    3) What's a bias that you had to unpack as an ally to a group marginalised of people?
    4) Slides or flip flops?
    5) If you could go anywhere in the world for a day, where would you visit?

    • @Feather899
      @Feather899 Год назад +3

      1) none
      2) yes
      3) dunno
      4) slides
      5) idk

    • @Imagomoth
      @Imagomoth Год назад +4

      1. Veggies, or mushrooms/olives if it has alfredo sauce
      2. A good chunk of my cousins are bi or gay, my sibling is nonbinary, n my aunt is polyamorous
      3. The view of neurodivergent people, especially autistic people, as "less smart" or "less aware" because of how people around me would treat and/or talk abt them (surprise surprise, I'm probably also autistic, just not diagnosed)
      4. Flip flops
      5. As long as I get 2 go w/ my fiancé n we're safe, I'd go anywhere. Maybe somewhere that there's a lot of really cool wildlife that's safe 2 interact w/ bc I love animals

    • @ProfessionalZazaDealer
      @ProfessionalZazaDealer Год назад +4

      1: cheese
      2: no
      3: hm mostly disabled people and anti blackness
      4:both are mid
      5:hm somewhere we’re capitalism doesn’t exit

    • @LaifaCanyonLurker
      @LaifaCanyonLurker Год назад +4

      1: cheeze!!
      2: my sibling!
      3: my discomfort and aversed attitude around s*xual stuff leading me down a sx-negative path
      Oh and also my feelings around neopronouns, but I quickly stopped that bcs I learned how cool they were (I wish I had em)
      4: what’s a slide
      5: Anywhere with many creetur

    • @darkacadpresenceinblood
      @darkacadpresenceinblood Год назад +4

      1) almost anything is fine, but pizza is not pizza without a LOT of cheese
      2) not any that are out to me/that i know about
      3) that Romani ppl are inherently dangerous/scary, i still have to go "no, that's racist stop thinking that" to myself when my first subconscious reaction is uncomfortableness seeing a Roma on the street
      4) flip flops
      5) either Australia or a rainforest, for the wildlife :)

  • @Malachite07
    @Malachite07 Год назад +41

    Hey, comrades! I went and saw a movie in the cinema today :)
    We saw the new Little Mermaid movie. It wasn't that bad, but it was kinda boring. The fact that Ariel's hair kept changing irritated me, but besides that, there wasn't really anything else that upset me.
    I'd talk more about the movie if I actually remembered what happened, but I don't 😬
    There's not much else to talk about, so I'm gonna end it here. I hope you all have an amazing day/night! And I love you all ❤️❤️❤️❤️!! Cya in the comments again soon 👋
    -Malachite (they/them)

    • @gordshorde
      @gordshorde Год назад +7

      tbh i wanna see the new movie just cuz people are mad about Ariel being black. also i love mermaids

    • @Malachite07
      @Malachite07 Год назад +8

      ​@@gordshordeTbh, her skin colour did not impact the story at all. I couldn't have cared less about her not being white, but her not having red hair upset me a little. Considering it was mostly cgi they could have made her hair actually red.
      It honestly wasn't a bad movie, though it is more of a home movie in my opinion. Like sure it was good, but not worth spending money to go see it in the cinema. But that could just be because I have no attachment to the movie and because I don't care for romance. But if you wanna go see it then I won't discourage you :)

    • @gordshorde
      @gordshorde Год назад +6

      @@Malachite07 thats fair. honestly i'm more excited to see spider verse but it's not on streaming yet ;-;

    • @hauthot287
      @hauthot287 Год назад +6

      Tbh, I was bored. I couldn’t really get past the first 20 mins or smth. I’m sure it was an alright movie tho

    • @Malachite07
      @Malachite07 Год назад +7

      @@gordshorde I could've seen the spiderverse movie instead if my mom hadn't pre-paid for the Little Mermaid movie 😭😭

  • @voidquill
    @voidquill Год назад +3

    i am not a happy camper. today sunday

  • @theunseeliemperoress
    @theunseeliemperoress Год назад +4

    I bought myself one of the rainbow pride squishmallows the other day to celebrate getting my foot in the door of my dream job (working in a nursery/pre-school). His name is Heath and he's a Husky and i love him. (I found him shoved at the back on a bottom shelf and im so glad i checked back there) (squishmallows are a good sensory stim for me they're so soft)

  • @charlotteice5704
    @charlotteice5704 Год назад +8

    14:40 the fact that it even has to be explained why making that kind of video about your child is astonishing to me. I'm German and privacy is very culturally ingrained here and parents would get criticised for posting uncensored pictures of their children online, let alone THAT. How anyone seeing the original video could not be disgusted by the parent is beyond me.

  • @erinrising2799
    @erinrising2799 Год назад +1

    7:00 I wonder if this is why babies freak out in the middle of the night, like they think someone should be awake with them and when no one is they think they're all alone

  • @QUR_LvR
    @QUR_LvR Год назад +8

    hey comrades!! i didn't go to sleep until like 3-4 so i woke up at 12 yesterday and didn't actually get a chance to say anything-
    i'm awake now though, so hi!! :3

    • @QUR_LvR
      @QUR_LvR Год назад +2

      @GreenMayoMan69_ the sleepless duo is back at it again‼️‼️😤😤😌😎😎 (dw tho, i'll definitely take a few naps today 👍)

  • @olioccasionallyanimates27
    @olioccasionallyanimates27 Год назад +10

    howdy everyone! i get to go to the mall today, i went to the ren faire yesterday and it was super fun! my wall is covered in sticky notes of drawings i made and there are a lemon and orange dude that i wanna make into dolls! might do that rn or later :3

    • @aaaa.non-battery
      @aaaa.non-battery Год назад +1

      wow, ren fair sounds awesome!
      hope the dolls will turn out great!

    • @4RC4D3K1D
      @4RC4D3K1D Год назад +2

      ooh ! i remember the last time i went to a renfair
      i wore my enby flag as a cape, and i got a ton of compliments ! i also got some pronoun pins, and my brother got a clownfish (a fish with the face of a clown [his nose honks])
      and guess what !
      i got to see one of my favorite fursuiters ! (nettlewing)

    • @olioccasionallyanimates27
      @olioccasionallyanimates27 Год назад +1

      @@4RC4D3K1D THAT IS SO RAD! i didn't see any other furries although it was hot out so-

  • @ErutaniaRose
    @ErutaniaRose Год назад +3

    Gonna spend today sewing and playing a game so I don't go insane...Need to save my spoons after my busy day yesterday and for my busy weekend ahead. It's all mostly fun stuff--just takes energy.

  • @pericatt
    @pericatt Год назад +5

    These videos always make me happy. I live in a very conservative town and these videos are a very welcome break from the stuff I hear frequently around here.
    I was curious if you were planning on doing a video specifically for disability pride month this year like you did last year?

  • @sexygirlmax2019
    @sexygirlmax2019 Год назад +2

    but...ppl still listen to sewerslvt after what they did...huiuuuuuh

    • @alpacafish1269
      @alpacafish1269 Год назад +3

      WAIT WAIT WAIT... WTF DID THEY DO. I need the 🍵

    • @sexygirlmax2019
      @sexygirlmax2019 11 месяцев назад

      @@alpacafish1269 she messaged/groomed underage boys. theres proof of it somewhere online but i dont wanna look for it rn

  • @sexygirlmax2019
    @sexygirlmax2019 Год назад +1

    1:25 Anyway I love going to circle k in a robe, pj sweatpants, and slippers for late night snacks

  • @shak3nicypaws
    @shak3nicypaws Год назад +2

    2:03 is calling me out...... 😭😭 thats okay tho

  • @harperlovesjuice
    @harperlovesjuice Год назад +2

    2:04 i felt very called out by this one/pos. when i saw the first one was will wood i was like yup. no suprises there. same with lovejoy, tally hall, lemon demon and jack stauber. if u also like this music ur cool/gen :)))

    • @aaaa.non-battery
      @aaaa.non-battery Год назад

      same, like, the first two were will wood and lemon demon, my favourite bands, then tally hall and some other good stuff like jukebox the ghost
      thanks, and your music taste is cool, too!

  • @nuclearpancake3683
    @nuclearpancake3683 Год назад +1


  • @felixmustdie8534
    @felixmustdie8534 Год назад +8

    Hey I have a question for any black people here. Is it okay if I, a white cosmetology student, learn how to do natural hair? Where I live, it seems like there's barely any stylists who know how to do it but idk if I'd be crossing a line by learning it.

    • @QUR_LvR
      @QUR_LvR Год назад +4

      i don't really do my hair so i cant really speak on that front, but i am black and i do know how important it is for more people to know how to do natural hair, so i say that you probably should!! it's incredibly rare to find non-white people who can actually do out hair and we can't always find other black people to do it so i think it's incredibly important for especially white people to learn how our hair moves and the textures and what it reacts to, all that good stuff!!
      i probably went on a bit of a tangent (i tend to do that a lot), but i hope it was even a little bit helpful :)

    • @LyntzbartzkyPerez
      @LyntzbartzkyPerez Год назад

      why do you need the permission of black people to decide what you should do with your fucking hair????

    • @prettyrat.
      @prettyrat. Год назад +7

      Oh my god I am black PLEASE LEARN TO DO NATURAL HAIR!! It should already be being taught for anyone who wants to be a hair stylist, and it’s a huge problem that it commonly isn’t! Imagine calling yourself a baker when you only know how to bake a specific kind of chocolate cake? That’s what it looks like when an entire stylist can only do straight or wavy hair! But unfortunately higher ups don’t believe certain types of people matter or count, and it ends up being that people who literally go to school for these things don’t leave with all the knowledge they should have… and don’t bother to try. Please learn to do natural hair! You would not be offending anyone by learning, you would be helping!

    • @felixmustdie8534
      @felixmustdie8534 Год назад +4

      @@prettyrat. Okay thank you! I'm white but I have a mix of curly and wavy hair so I've even had stylists fuck my hair up. Once I'm through with my main program, i'll look more into programs specializing in natural hair. I really appreciate the feedback

    • @colorful-idiotic
      @colorful-idiotic Год назад +2

      I’m black and I think you totally should! Nothing wrong with learning how to do natural hair, especially if there are few stylists around you who know how

  • @rainways7586
    @rainways7586 Год назад +6

    To all my fellow biracial people seeing this. Don’t let anyone define you. I know you might feel lost and like you belong nowhere in this world, but you’ll be okay. We’ll get there eventually. Don’t silence your struggles, they are real too. ❤

    • @captaincaspian42
      @captaincaspian42 Год назад

      I quit speaking Spanish as a kid bc I was convinced I was too white to be caught speaking it, and I'd be called a try hard or a fake, but now as an adult, I feel so guilty for insisting to my mom that I couldn't.

    • @rainways7586
      @rainways7586 Год назад +2

      @@captaincaspian42 I’m sorry that sucks my guy. Just remember The feeling of never being white enough or never being brown enough deprived from white supremacy and forcing people into boxes just because we don’t fit in either of those boxes, it doesn’t mean we don’t deserve a community of people who see and understand us

    • @alpacafish1269
      @alpacafish1269 Год назад

  • @BeeRavenBoy
    @BeeRavenBoy Год назад +5

    sooo I visited my grandparents and some other family in tx the past week. I think I experienced culture shock. People were saying just outright political stuff during church(where I'm from it's a bit more hidden). And the kids were just immediately abelist. I have a cousin out there who is queer and the poor guy is struggling. I hope they get their GED soon so they can move out. Also my grandma is very fatphobic and if someone wasn't skinny then she would only say they were "not very pretty but a beautiful person". Also that means she doesn't think she it beautiful bc she's an old lady and doesn't have the crazy skinny body she used to have. It was kinda bonkers.
    On the upside I got to play with a lot of kittens and enjoy the nature.

    • @BeeRavenBoy
      @BeeRavenBoy Год назад +1

      @GreenMayoMan69_ it was. but I am back home and can properly regulate!

    • @aaaa.non-battery
      @aaaa.non-battery Год назад +2

      ohh, that doesn't sound like a nice place to be :((
      at least there were kittens, cats are awesome!

  • @erinrising2799
    @erinrising2799 Год назад

    the one video about wearing your PJ's out and about. The one time I judge that is at the movie theater. I worked at one and I know how little they clean those seats.

  • @ProfessionalZazaDealer
    @ProfessionalZazaDealer Год назад +10

    Ever since I changed by pfp to this I’ve been feeling so baby girl

    • @gordshorde
      @gordshorde Год назад +1

      i made my tumblr pfp as the lil guy holding up the tea pot in the start of s2ep4.

    • @QUR_LvR
      @QUR_LvR Год назад +3

      baby girl >>>>>>>>>

    • @LyntzbartzkyPerez
      @LyntzbartzkyPerez Год назад +2

      same bro

  • @VanNessy97
    @VanNessy97 Год назад +1

    Engagement for the engagement god! Comments for the comment throne!

  • @ProfessionalZazaDealer
    @ProfessionalZazaDealer Год назад +7

    I pulled an all nighter :D

    • @vic_x
      @vic_x Год назад +4

      plz sleep wensday. it’s important 🙏🏼

    • @QUR_LvR
      @QUR_LvR Год назад +3

      we seem to be in the same boat today :)
      (i do hope you sleep at some point, you deserve it :3)

    • @alpacafish1269
      @alpacafish1269 Год назад

      MISS THING. MISS THING. sleep.

  • @thursd8ygirl
    @thursd8ygirl Год назад +5

    1489 days until Wow! Girls!

  • @FutureMint
    @FutureMint Год назад +2

    Hey friends!! Wasn't feeling very girly pop yesterday :/ BUT! I checked out a book abt Aro and or Ace gamblers!! It's called "Ace's wild: a heist"
    ALSO! I have been drawing my favorite native American character, doing some research on the cheeroke tribe too!! (I think that's how u spell it)

    • @FutureMint
      @FutureMint Год назад +1

      @GreenMayoMan69_ GBKHJDS TY!! Sorry I can't spell for shit 💀

  • @JosiahTheRoach
    @JosiahTheRoach 10 месяцев назад


  • @marvelousmechanical
    @marvelousmechanical 19 дней назад

    2:03 IVE BEEN CAUGHT! ( i like will wood, lemon demon, tally hall, and miracle musical)

  • @ghoste3991
    @ghoste3991 10 месяцев назад

    Why does the dude in the second one sound like gill 💀 also this dude is pushing a really good point :)

  • @stinkyflour5924
    @stinkyflour5924 10 месяцев назад

    When I get my next paycheck, I'm going to get the book How the Word is Passed 5:55. Thank you for sharing

  • @Lemonsherbertzzz
    @Lemonsherbertzzz Год назад +7

    Heyy how y’all doing???
    I have literally nothing to report but I’ve been sitting in the same place trying to finish and art project due on Tuesday for the past 7 hours

  • @Joey-kd8lj
    @Joey-kd8lj 11 месяцев назад +1

    As a queer person who is a (temporary) immigrant, it's really hard to know where I belong. On the one hand, I grew up pretty sheltered and pretty priviledged, but at the same time, I have no real connection with my home country's culture having grown up going to a British international school. However, ever since the panini (as well as two kids being racist towards me more recently), I've felt a lot more anxious in the West.
    Family feels like such a complicated thing... Of course, I love my mum and am still financially dependent on her and my father, but she's made homophobic and transphobic comments. She'll just start ranting about stuff like earlier today when she was talking about a trans woman who allegedly won a swimming race/competition. I don't even know how we got onto talking about that. She was misgendering her, which kinda hit close to home given that I'm a non-binary person. (I'm not at all out to my immediate family)
    And my parents don't get mental illness. Actually, despite finally receiving a diagnosis after nearly 10 years, I don't really understand what exactly depression is. And like, I dunno how to cope other than to distract myself because for so long, I didn't really have a choice not to do things like homework.

  • @heelturn2
    @heelturn2 Год назад +2

    2:15 isnt the main singer of the orion experience a p*dophile

  • @InkInkly
    @InkInkly Год назад +1

    2:06 THERE HE IS

    • @4RC4D3K1D
      @4RC4D3K1D Год назад +1

      hi i love ur pfp :3

  • @audrey0554
    @audrey0554 Год назад +1

    Screw the first video for making me think i was gwtting a phone call

  • @52flyingbicycles
    @52flyingbicycles Год назад +1

    3:42 what about becoming a billionaire by divorcing a billionaire?

  • @robjenkins494
    @robjenkins494 Год назад +7

    WOW that "beauty & time" vid by @ayandastood - that was brilliant. That was brilliant. And it's not just beauty is it? It's all the apsirational lifestyles we're sold. No one can just be, and be it now, can they?

  • @realimereads2707
    @realimereads2707 Год назад

    0:00 saving for the song

  • @drdecidueye9461
    @drdecidueye9461 10 месяцев назад

    2:21 YonKaGor :3

  • @CryingAboutRats
    @CryingAboutRats Год назад +4

    2:01 I’ve been caught!😮 (like,
    just read my bio.)

    • @heelturn2
      @heelturn2 Год назад +1

      OH MY GOSH ?? wats ur favorite tally hall song ??

    • @aaaa.non-battery
      @aaaa.non-battery Год назад +1

      just wanted to say you have an AMAZING music taste! i love will wood, lemon demon, tally hall and musical theatre (from things you have listed in your bio, i don't like the orion experience because the singer is groomer). also, i'm autistic, too!

    • @aaaa.non-battery
      @aaaa.non-battery Год назад +1

      ​@@heelturn2mine's hymn for a scarecrow! yours?

    • @heelturn2
      @heelturn2 Год назад +1

      @@aaaa.non-battery mine r spring & a storm, hymn for a scarecrow, & for 3rd place its a 3 way tie between two wuv, the trap, & sacred beast :33!!

    • @CryingAboutRats
      @CryingAboutRats Год назад +1

      @@heelturn2 I’m a huge fan of Welcome to Tall Hall. Idk it’s just something about the sound and the style that I find really fun. Ruler of Everything is great too ofc.
      Edit: and Two Wuv

  • @somethingorother965
    @somethingorother965 Год назад +2

    Any other will wood fans?

  • @cgihearteyes
    @cgihearteyes Год назад +2

    for the last video, what were they saying? wigs? wicks? wix? subtitles had a mix and i’m not sure bc of auditory processing stuff.

  • @Starrythestarscout
    @Starrythestarscout Год назад

    Watching this after my dad’s gf gave me a transphobic lecture all bc she thought Colleen was a ‘man pretending to be a woman’
    (She caught me watching a floptok compilation)

  • @theincarnateofkurro
    @theincarnateofkurro Год назад

    is the title a helluva boss ref :0000

  • @riccardozanoni2531
    @riccardozanoni2531 Год назад +1

    3:03 what is wrong with american cuisine... that doesn't look eatable in the slightest. The stitch is great as always tho

  • @dizzynarutofan100
    @dizzynarutofan100 Год назад

    23:53 Also he doesnt believe in consistency, why would any of them be the same?

  • @blueberrypancakebatter
    @blueberrypancakebatter Год назад

    I am building a home in Minecraft today :D

  • @ohnotheyatethecookiesrun
    @ohnotheyatethecookiesrun Год назад

    anybody have good money saving tips? im kinda curious and wanna know more before i consider getting a job. just a friend asking!

  • @yourlocalanarchylovingcatguy
    @yourlocalanarchylovingcatguy Год назад

    Sorry I was a bit late but I’m now in Canada, me and my family are staying here for a few days. There was this one yt guy that was giving me a fucking death glare though. Guess it kind of comes with the whole being a brown person in an airport.