Since the new year started, the 23-year-old washing machine at my home started making a huge racket while it started cycles. Now, it no longer spins. It turns on and all that, but it comes a near abrupt stop after I manually spin the washer myself.
It would have been good to see you test the part. Secondly what's the purpose of pulling it apart? Is this because sometimes it needs realigning ? Or there was a quick fix I missed.
My LG front loader is only 5 yrs old it’s not draining or spinning fast enough to drain and clothes are sopping wet. I took the back and top off to try and fix it bc I do need t have $ to replace it. It looks like rusty water is splashed all over bottom interior and the black pc that holds up the washer…. What could cause that and is it a manufacturer defect?? please help! 😢. I’m going to try and disassemble to get to the pc that rotates it
Since the new year started, the 23-year-old washing machine at my home started making a huge racket while it started cycles.
Now, it no longer spins. It turns on and all that, but it comes a near abrupt stop after I manually spin the washer myself.
It would have been good to see you test the part. Secondly what's the purpose of pulling it apart? Is this because sometimes it needs realigning ? Or there was a quick fix I missed.
You obviously missed where he clearly told you what to test.
Do you listen to anything he said ??
@@andrewn7101 Im not attacking him. Im just saying it would be good to see a visual.
What causes the sensor to go bad?
My LG front loader is only 5 yrs old it’s not draining or spinning fast enough to drain and clothes are sopping wet. I took the back and top off to try and fix it bc I do need t have $ to replace it. It looks like rusty water is splashed all over bottom interior and the black pc that holds up the washer…. What could cause that and is it a manufacturer defect?? please help! 😢. I’m going to try and disassemble to get to the pc that rotates it
I would appreciate any help or input, TYIA
You should make a video of how to replace rear leveling leg on this LG ThinQ washer
can you show us how it wash???
What the rage to Check ?
a new Rotor? 4:31
Price repair machine