I am Taiwanese. I was fed a lot of unfermented soy products daily since childhood. I was obese since childhood. Now I am fit following a low lectin diet. Now I eat nettos or tempehs when I want to gain fat. I wondered the mechanisms why I become lazy after eating soys. This film teaches me because of low thyroid functions.
I guess my strategy is to eat it fermented and to not eat it regularly as well as to keep it organic. Another issue is the issue of GMOs and pesticides in the standard crop.
Phytoestrogen has little to no effect on our actual estrogen in our blood levels. It’s literally a plant hormone hence the name “phytoestrogen”. Also coming from an epidemiologist point of view. Why are the countries consuming large amount of animal products show signs of having too much excess estrogen like men growing breasts, the obesity epidemic. If you were to ask them what they eat three times a day I can guarantee you they’re not going to say soy and most likely will say meat. Also the meat industry has synthetic estrogens so potent that it would be illegal to give to a human.
Good timing...Improving my meal plan before my next grocery trip, and I guess I'll have to give up on Korean beef. ;( But of all the health channels that I follow, your channel makes is the easiest to understand when it comes to the information you're sharing in your videos, thank you. I personally didn't notice any issue with the amount of soy I was consuming and actually felt good when sticking to my meal plan, but I'm concerned when it comes to the long term issues that might come up from continuing to consume soy regularly, so I'm giving it up on it as a part of my main meal plan. Might still have it time to time though.
I did soy milk and various types of soy foods for years and developed an enlarged painful thyroid. Maybe not enough iodine in diet I don’t know but later developed pre-menopausal breast cancer. I don’t do any soy milk or soy food products. Interesting video. Oncologist recommended to stay away from soy
@@pookiroo I’m doing much better. No enlarged thyroid and no pain for years but doctors are still monitors I still stay away from soy products as a precaution. I do believe it has some long term effects.
@LFitz-mu6tr Good to know you are doing better. How did u get rid of your enlarged thyroid? Is there anything in particular that you attribute your healing to? For me, it seemed to be the high GI carbs that affected my thyroid, not soy.
@@pookiroo I don’t really know why or how my thyroid shrank. I know foods that are enriched with iodine plans a part in maintaining a healthy thyroid. I don’t really know what I did or am now doing to keep it at bay. I’m trying to stay on a balanced diet and exercise at least 20-30 minutes a day. Long term use of soy, especially going into menopause was a major contributor, I concluded didn’t help. I just read an article from Webbs on soy and breast cancer. It seemed to me that what they were saying was very contradicting. Especially, if you have a family history of cancer.
I love soy milk. :) I’ve never had any issues with it and I’ve been drinking it since I was a teenager. I am now 26 and still totally healthy. I rarely get sick in general. Have no problems.
It’s because westerners eat all processed food and eat way too much. There’s nothing wrong with natural non- gmo soy milk made from organic beans Soy hater’s should stick to growth hormone injected animals that eat gmo soybeans lol. Let them get the cancer….
Not all soy consumed in Asia is fermented. Indonesians eat a lot of tofu, fried soy beans and soy milk. But then it is really only in small amounts. Not the huge meals we Westerners tend to gulp down.
Thanks for reflecting on amount. It probably matters what else you eat along as an entire meal not just indulging in onething but the combination you guys take. I always feel when people copy any culture they should learn how, what, form, the way to take something from that culture from its very roots. I don't believe any videos now. They all seem biased. People can live long on vegetarian or vegan diet. The big things is not all will never suffer as even some more people start adopting it because not all will know it as a complete wisdom. This is why I personally want to learn from an older Japanese about their roots and how they eat.
And most health practitioners promoting something are preaching it holistically. For some it will work not for all. I feel it strongly. Milk has insulin like growth factor and soy has phytoestrogen.
My personal experience has been underactive thyroid and runaway weight gain. This is just from drinking a lot of soy milk. I think some of us are just more sensitive, especially in latter years when we slow down in general.
@Sheela Narayanan I was drinking quite a lot of it and also eating other soy products like tofu. I am not 100% certain that it caused my weight gain, but I suspect it. I am sure that soy in small amounts would do no harm.
@Sheela Narayanan oh dear! My weight has recently become a constant battle. Could be becoz I am in my 60s now. Never had problem before. I eat very healthy and not too much. I do enjoy a glass or two of wine with dinner. I think maybe my body is saying no to alcohol and I am going to cut it out. So lets see what happens! This may well be the problem. My thyroid is slow but not too bad.
Treatment for hypothyroidism usually includes taking the thyroid hormone medicine levothyroxine (Levo-T, Synthroid, others) every day. Research has shown that soy can make it harder for the body to absorb that medicine. But people who have hypothyroidism don't need to avoid soy completely.
Chocolate Candy Bars Like Snickers, Recess Peanut Butter Cups and Hersey's Bar All Have Soy In It. That Is The Most Addicting Thing For Me To Quit. It destroyed My Health.
I have thyroid issues for a long time and been on medication… Decided to go vegetarian… And was eating some soy products… I am bloated and gain weight… Not eat eating anything with soy in it anymore…
I found Equelle with Equol - product from fermented soy. its very helpful for postmenopausal women and safe in case of breast cancer.Its made in Japan and now also in USA
Weight gain and fatigue after about only 3 months of supplementing soy products for meat. Did not change anything else in my life, diet or exercise. I feel safer eating a hot dog now vs a soy burger honestly.
Thanks! This video was very helpful! I'm honestly a super healthy eater and been noticing a downfall in my GI system- going to start cutting it out today. Kinda dawned on me today like huh! I go to chipotle all the time and get the tofu they have there- so maybe that is where it stems from.
This is so difficult soy is in a lot of things ! Ever since I’m on a whole 30 im on day 40 I was wondering if I can eat these vegan burgers that contain soy and soybean oil during the introduction stage . There are so many videos saying it’s not harmful and it’s due to the dairy industry . But I’ve seen products that state no dairy no soy no gluten . But sometimes I want to try soy since I don’t consume red meat . I’m a little lost . I was told ( by my holistic doc) I have thyroid issues and I’m taking iodine supplements in the morning .
Soy is pigfeed, not human food, and it's probably not that great for pigs either. No thanks! My own N=1 is that about a decade ago I adopted a vegan diet, but that experiment was short-lived, since I began to develop "moobs" (gynecomastia) within the first 2 months, thanks to the isoflavones I got from the soy milk and other soy foods I was eating. Fortunately, I did some reading and realized what was happening and immediately put an end to _that_ crazy experiment! Luckily the effect was reversed when I quit. There should be black-box warnings about the dangers of these endocrine-disrupting isoflavones on all soy-based foods, and it should be prohibited outright to use soy in foods targeted at infants and children.
soy is so toxic that even feeding it to pigs will ruin its meat's quality, turning the CLA into inflammatary leanoic acid (the exact same omega 6 form in plants). high quality pastured pig are supposed to eat their natural diet consist of tubers, insects, berries as well as certain grains like acorn, not corn and soy mill
@@naturalinstinct4950 I agree. I wasn't actually advocating the feeding of soy to pigs, chickens or any other animal -- merely acknowledging its primary use. Feeding pigs and chickens soy is as you say bad for their health, just as it is for ours. Growing GMO soy on an industrial scale to feed either livestock _or_ humans is an environmentally destructive thing to do, and it would be far better for both animal and human health to convert soy cropland into well-managed pasture grazed by ruminants. Chickens and pigs have their uses, but they ought to play a minor role in human food production by serving as "clean-up crews" -- disposing of all the non-human-edible food waste that accompanies food production and use. That way, they'd become an asset rather than the liability they are today. On the subject of toxic omega-6 linoleic acid from soy, it's actually the _humans_ and not the pigs/chickens that get the worst of that deal, since most of the oil is extracted and used in processed foods, whereas the defatted soymeal is turned into livestock feed.
Haha well thank you 😁 It looked alright but unfortunately my jaw was misaligned which made it difficult to eat. I just had surgery to correct it last week so hopefully you still like it once I have recovered!
I would like to know the estrogen impact from eating animals that are fed soy. I eat grass fed beef and organic chicken/eggs/pork. I can’t find any poultry/pork items that are not fed any soy and I eat a lot of them.
If you are worried about grass fed beef and eating other beef because they are fed soy then you are in serious trouble. For a start, cows should not be eating soy, it's not their natural diet so yeah if we eat them we consume their biochemistry. But if you are worried about phytoestrogens from soy causing hormonal problems then you seriously need to stop eating MEAT. Whether it's grass fed , organic makes no difference. You are eating the mammal which produces tonnes of hormones to produce and feed a baby calf!!!! Cows are made to be pregnant constantly so that milk you consume has EVEN MORE hormones that the HUMAN BODY is not designed to consume. It also raises IGF1, saturated fat and has cholesterol. Antibiotics and added growth hormones to fatten them up. If that wasn't enough, meat contains AGEs which are highly inflammatory. So, whether you believe or not believe the soy myth. Think about it. Lastly saponins are largely rinsed away. Soak over night and rinse before cooking. Do your homework. Look it up before believing every HEALTH COACH that puts up a you tube channel. Have you seen their credentials????? How do you know for sure what they are saying is the whole story. Shes raised some interesting points but is it the FULL story? Who knows. So you need to do full research and im sorry you tube is only one way to research. To conclude check your science . It must be from unbiased scientific research and no GHOST studies. Google what ghost studies are. You want a healthy diet proven by proper science without hidden agendas and paying certain scientists with PhDs to get biased researched results? Then go Whole Food Plant Based. Plenty of legit Drs to follow. Dr Caldwell Essysten Dr T Campbell Dr Ornish Dr Neal Bernard Dr Kim Williams Dr John Mcdougall Dr Michael Klaper Dr Lisle Dr Goldhammer Dr Milton Mills Dr Garth Davis Dr Pam Popper Dr Michael Gregor and nutritionfacts.org
Never mind I’m not sure why I wasted my time as soon as I heard soy protein is inferior to animal protein because of one essential amino acid when meat is full of amino acids that have little bioavailability seeing as how mammals do not make protein and that makes the only protein found in meat residual protein from the soy feed. Wouldn’t it make more sense to just eat soy instead? Also the conditions these animals are raised in causes great concern for public health. With so many infections due to little to no space, no sunlight, and animal waste everywhere. These kind of environments is a breeding ground for antibiotic resistant bacteria and viruses to emerge which is why we’re dealing with the pandemic we’re in now. This is completely over your head in my opinion and you shouldn’t be vocalizing your opinions when you clearly don’t have the knowledge or drive to read what’s being published in the medical literature. You’re doing so much more harm than good and A lot of what you’re saying can be traced back to poorly conducted studies that in most cases were paid for by the meat, dairy, or egg industry.
😂😂Nobody is trying to waste their time to argue or explain to you how wrong u are...😯😯...Animal protein is inferior...😯 mammals dont make proteins...! You are hopeless...
The Asian countries thing that's not true they actually use soy not just soy based products they put soy in their soup they'll have it with their rice soy is a good food just maybe not if you consume a lot of it
So about the estrogen, I'm currently overweight but I'm on keto carnivore and I know my hormones are imbalanced because of like thicker chin facial hair and my voice is a little deeper than the average female voice. So would it be good to take soy for the estrogen?? Or still stay away...
Soy is not the only plant you can get protein from you can get protein from all plants how do you think the animals get it they're herbivores at least the ones that we eat cow chickens turkeys and so on.
I am trying the carnivore diet for 30 days. But I don't really like the taste of really fatty meat or beef fat. Does anyone have any tips to start to like those foods? I am worried I am not getting enough fat
You can fat fortify. You like eggs eat them, cheese? I ate a lot of sirloin steak on carnivore. Porkchops omg I had Slovakia yesterday was so good. Learn to fry the fatty parts. I don't like ribeye, but I love a ribroast. We call em a cowboy steak. Oh porkrinds. I eat so much fat. Not always attached to protein more like dips and sauces. I still do Keto friendly condiments. I'm about 95% carnivore now. I have three favourite veggies I eat. Lettuce, tomato and cucumber. And it's on weekends.
Thank you so much for your replies! I will definitely try and be more patient. I do like ground beef and eggs but I tend to prefer plain greek yogurt, which I eat with my 2 meals every day. Is that an ok substitute for sour cream? I am glad to know that eating cheese, mayo, and sour cream are good ways to get fat on the side.
Exactly, I have been thinking about the mental health of the "peaceful protesters" that have been trying to burn down cities in the northwest and there seems to be a clear correlation between the high number of vegans who consume large amounts of soy and seem to be lacking the dietary cholesterol and nutrients their brains need to function properly. Our brains contain 20-25% of our bodies cholesterol. They are also a very emotional group of people, "triggered" by just about everything. I know correlation does not imply causation but it really makes you think.
Bought one protein bar (milk protein) with some minor soy in it (almost unavailable) because I watched a video that claimed you become less sluggish with protein next to your carbs. It worked, was tasty, searched for soy risks, found this, won’t but again 🥲 I knew there was some risks with soy, but it was worth the small amount to test this... Now how am I gonna get protein in my work lunch. Bring a boiled egg? 🤔
My experience with soy is extreme migraines with aura and paralysis. Normaly I have 2 - 4 attacks in a year. But when I consumed soy it was 2 - 3 times a week that my attacks occured... Never wil I eat something with soy again. Took me 5 months to figure out it was the soy. Worst time of my life
I have always hated tofu as an Asian child, but I would eat one piece at each meal symbolically. However I did have to a lot of tofu during my vegan years. No more!
Are you a doctor or a nutritionist do you specialize in this stuff? They don't just look at what these people eat they look at other habits too, and they also look at medical history, I've checked out some of these studies why are you comparing a legit study to a study about ice cream and shark attacks?
Just wondering do u read Bible with intention of trying to understand? Animals weren't made to eat for human it's only after the fall of man bcs of Satan lies n deceived..
What has your experience with soy been?
Health Coach Kait Oh Soy, this is going to trigger the tofu toads....🤣🤣
The estrogen dominance is pretty evident, compare Benedict Cumberbatch to John Wayne.
I've tried tofu and soy milk...both were the most vile things I've ever had 🤢
*with soybean
myst myst 😂😂
I love that you take an unbiased approach and show both sides of it. Thank you!!!
I am Taiwanese. I was fed a lot of unfermented soy products daily since childhood. I was obese since childhood. Now I am fit following a low lectin diet. Now I eat nettos or tempehs when I want to gain fat. I wondered the mechanisms why I become lazy after eating soys. This film teaches me because of low thyroid functions.
I guess my strategy is to eat it fermented and to not eat it regularly as well as to keep it organic. Another issue is the issue of GMOs and pesticides in the standard crop.
Good point about GMOs! I will have fermented soy sauce once in awhile as well 🙂
Phytoestrogen has little to no effect on our actual estrogen in our blood levels. It’s literally a plant hormone hence the name “phytoestrogen”. Also coming from an epidemiologist point of view. Why are the countries consuming large amount of animal products show signs of having too much excess estrogen like men growing breasts, the obesity epidemic. If you were to ask them what they eat three times a day I can guarantee you they’re not going to say soy and most likely will say meat. Also the meat industry has synthetic estrogens so potent that it would be illegal to give to a human.
She doesn't know what she is talking about. Hopefully, people will do their own research.
Good timing...Improving my meal plan before my next grocery trip, and I guess I'll have to give up on Korean beef. ;( But of all the health channels that I follow, your channel makes is the easiest to understand when it comes to the information you're sharing in your videos, thank you. I personally didn't notice any issue with the amount of soy I was consuming and actually felt good when sticking to my meal plan, but I'm concerned when it comes to the long term issues that might come up from continuing to consume soy regularly, so I'm giving it up on it as a part of my main meal plan. Might still have it time to time though.
Aw Korean beef is good 😥 Once in awhile, nothing wrong with a bit of fermented soy sauce or tamari!
I did soy milk and various types of soy foods for years and developed an enlarged painful thyroid. Maybe not enough iodine in diet I don’t know but later developed pre-menopausal breast cancer. I don’t do any soy milk or soy food products. Interesting video. Oncologist recommended to stay away from soy
How are you doing? I had goiter too & it shrunk a lot.
@@pookiroo I’m doing much better. No enlarged thyroid and no pain for years but doctors are still monitors I still stay away from soy products as a precaution. I do believe it has some long term effects.
@LFitz-mu6tr Good to know you are doing better. How did u get rid of your enlarged thyroid? Is there anything in particular that you attribute your healing to? For me, it seemed to be the high GI carbs that affected my thyroid, not soy.
@@pookiroo I don’t really know why or how my thyroid shrank. I know foods that are enriched with iodine plans a part in maintaining a healthy thyroid. I don’t really know what I did or am now doing to keep it at bay. I’m trying to stay on a balanced diet and exercise at least 20-30 minutes a day. Long term use of soy, especially going into menopause was a major contributor, I concluded didn’t help. I just read an article from Webbs on soy and breast cancer. It seemed to me that what they were saying was very contradicting. Especially, if you have a family history of cancer.
I love soy milk. :) I’ve never had any issues with it and I’ve been drinking it since I was a teenager. I am now 26 and still totally healthy. I rarely get sick in general. Have no problems.
Do you have hypothyroidism?
It’s because westerners eat all processed food and eat way too much.
There’s nothing wrong with natural non- gmo soy milk made from organic beans
Soy hater’s should stick to growth hormone injected animals that eat gmo soybeans lol. Let them get the cancer….
Could you please tell me the brand of soy milk you drink?
Metabolic syndrome usually doesn’t show up until your 40’s or 50’s. Why take a chance.
The dairy industry spends billions on this conspiracy that its unhealthy LOL!!
Not all soy consumed in Asia is fermented. Indonesians eat a lot of tofu, fried soy beans and soy milk. But then it is really only in small amounts. Not the huge meals we Westerners tend to gulp down.
Thanks for reflecting on amount. It probably matters what else you eat along as an entire meal not just indulging in onething but the combination you guys take. I always feel when people copy any culture they should learn how, what, form, the way to take something from that culture from its very roots. I don't believe any videos now. They all seem biased. People can live long on vegetarian or vegan diet. The big things is not all will never suffer as even some more people start adopting it because not all will know it as a complete wisdom. This is why I personally want to learn from an older Japanese about their roots and how they eat.
And most health practitioners promoting something are preaching it holistically. For some it will work not for all. I feel it strongly. Milk has insulin like growth factor and soy has phytoestrogen.
As an Asian I only eat fermented soy and soy bean sprouts. Even then I don't eat it that much.
Good to know
My personal experience has been underactive thyroid and runaway weight gain. This is just from drinking a lot of soy milk. I think some of us are just more sensitive, especially in latter years when we slow down in general.
@Sheela Narayanan I was drinking quite a lot of it and also eating other soy products like tofu. I am not 100% certain that it caused my weight gain, but I suspect it. I am sure that soy in small amounts would do no harm.
@Sheela Narayanan oh dear! My weight has recently become a constant battle. Could be becoz I am in my 60s now. Never had problem before. I eat very healthy and not too much. I do enjoy a glass or two of wine with dinner. I think maybe my body is saying no to alcohol and I am going to cut it out. So lets see what happens! This may well be the problem. My thyroid is slow but not too bad.
@@annawitter5161 i thinkas long as its red wine its good for you! Do not give up your wine its the only thing that keeps me sane these days!
@@pinkythebrain903 O hell! I love me red wine! All that keeps me sane too. Cheers mate!
Yesss i been longing for this video 😁
Treatment for hypothyroidism usually includes taking the thyroid hormone medicine levothyroxine (Levo-T, Synthroid, others) every day. Research has shown that soy can make it harder for the body to absorb that medicine. But people who have hypothyroidism don't need to avoid soy completely.
I avoid soy as much as possible. Sometimes I don’t see it in the fine print of the ingredients label. It’s GMO also.
GMO soy is right up there on my list of things to avoid.
How about that bird flu 🤔
Yes, that's on the list too 😁
Same here!!
One concern is that soy may adversely affect thyroid function and interfere with the absorption of synthetic thyroid hormone
Soy Isoflavones. can I eat for decrease sugar in blood?
As a person with PCOS, I avoid soy in any form.
I have PCOS too and I also avoid it like the plague!
Why shd pcos people avoid completely
Omg...I'm just learning about this. I was recently diagnosed with PCOS and I didn't know soy milk was bad for someone with PCOS.
I lived off it for 2 years and it gave me horrible mood swings! I avoid it except a few times a year
Crazy how it can cause all sorts of issue! Glad you narrowed down soy as the issue.
Chocolate Candy Bars Like Snickers, Recess Peanut Butter Cups and Hersey's Bar All Have Soy In It. That Is The Most Addicting Thing For Me To Quit. It destroyed My Health.
What about post menopausal women who might need estrogen? Would it be ok in the case to take organic soy to help ?
I always end up getting Massively Bloated right after eating Soy products. & Also hella lot of nerves & joint aches.
I have thyroid issues for a long time and been on medication… Decided to go vegetarian… And was eating some soy products… I am bloated and gain weight… Not eat eating anything with soy in it anymore…
I found Equelle with Equol - product from fermented soy. its very helpful for postmenopausal women and safe in case of breast cancer.Its made in Japan and now also in USA
Just so you know studies have shown that people who eat more soy are actually less likely to get breast cancer. Plant hormones dont bond to humans
Weight gain and fatigue after about only 3 months of supplementing soy products for meat. Did not change anything else in my life, diet or exercise. I feel safer eating a hot dog now vs a soy burger honestly.
I ate soy until I realized that I always got indigestion after eating it.
Thanks! This video was very helpful! I'm honestly a super healthy eater and been noticing a downfall in my GI system- going to start cutting it out today. Kinda dawned on me today like huh! I go to chipotle all the time and get the tofu they have there- so maybe that is where it stems from.
This is so difficult soy is in a lot of things ! Ever since I’m on a whole 30 im on day 40 I was wondering if I can eat these vegan burgers that contain soy and soybean oil during the introduction stage .
There are so many videos saying it’s not harmful and it’s due to the dairy industry .
But I’ve seen products that state no dairy no soy no gluten .
But sometimes I want to try soy since I don’t consume red meat .
I’m a little lost .
I was told ( by my holistic doc) I have thyroid issues and I’m taking iodine supplements in the morning .
Though you've been objective Kait, I'm still adding soy milk, patties etc into my diet.
Haha fair enough!
Soy has never given me any issues. I think you will be fine.
So I likely have an iodine deficiency because I get a tender bust after a week of breakfast with soy milk.
Soy is pigfeed, not human food, and it's probably not that great for pigs either. No thanks! My own N=1 is that about a decade ago I adopted a vegan diet, but that experiment was short-lived, since I began to develop "moobs" (gynecomastia) within the first 2 months, thanks to the isoflavones I got from the soy milk and other soy foods I was eating. Fortunately, I did some reading and realized what was happening and immediately put an end to _that_ crazy experiment! Luckily the effect was reversed when I quit. There should be black-box warnings about the dangers of these endocrine-disrupting isoflavones on all soy-based foods, and it should be prohibited outright to use soy in foods targeted at infants and children.
Sorry you had to go through that!! 😥 Glad you did your research and figured out soy was the problem!
soy is so toxic that even feeding it to pigs will ruin its meat's quality, turning the CLA into inflammatary leanoic acid (the exact same omega 6 form in plants). high quality pastured pig are supposed to eat their natural diet consist of tubers, insects, berries as well as certain grains like acorn, not corn and soy mill
@@naturalinstinct4950 I agree. I wasn't actually advocating the feeding of soy to pigs, chickens or any other animal -- merely acknowledging its primary use. Feeding pigs and chickens soy is as you say bad for their health, just as it is for ours. Growing GMO soy on an industrial scale to feed either livestock _or_ humans is an environmentally destructive thing to do, and it would be far better for both animal and human health to convert soy cropland into well-managed pasture grazed by ruminants. Chickens and pigs have their uses, but they ought to play a minor role in human food production by serving as "clean-up crews" -- disposing of all the non-human-edible food waste that accompanies food production and use. That way, they'd become an asset rather than the liability they are today.
On the subject of toxic omega-6 linoleic acid from soy, it's actually the _humans_ and not the pigs/chickens that get the worst of that deal, since most of the oil is extracted and used in processed foods, whereas the defatted soymeal is turned into livestock feed.
@@andreafalconiero9089 accumulating effect yes. we need to turn those monoculture cropland into pasture and forest and properly raising the animals
Will our hormones balance if we stop eating animal products and soy
Soy for menopause is not optimal due to the lack of progesterone, thus is unbalanced.
Good point!
Would like to see references those “though sands of studies” that soy is bad for you.
Totally unrelated to this video
You have a really nice smile
Haha well thank you 😁 It looked alright but unfortunately my jaw was misaligned which made it difficult to eat. I just had surgery to correct it last week so hopefully you still like it once I have recovered!
I would like to know the estrogen impact from eating animals that are fed soy. I eat grass fed beef and organic chicken/eggs/pork. I can’t find any poultry/pork items that are not fed any soy and I eat a lot of them.
If you are worried about grass fed beef and eating other beef because they are fed soy then you are in serious trouble. For a start, cows should not be eating soy, it's not their natural diet so yeah if we eat them we consume their biochemistry. But if you are worried about phytoestrogens from soy causing hormonal problems then you seriously need to stop eating MEAT. Whether it's grass fed , organic makes no difference. You are eating the mammal which produces tonnes of hormones to produce and feed a baby calf!!!! Cows are made to be pregnant constantly so that milk you consume has EVEN MORE hormones that the HUMAN BODY is not designed to consume. It also raises IGF1, saturated fat and has cholesterol. Antibiotics and added growth hormones to fatten them up. If that wasn't enough, meat contains AGEs which are highly inflammatory.
So, whether you believe or not believe the soy myth. Think about it.
Lastly saponins are largely rinsed away. Soak over night and rinse before cooking. Do your homework. Look it up before believing every HEALTH COACH that puts up a you tube channel. Have you seen their credentials????? How do you know for sure what they are saying is the whole story. Shes raised some interesting points but is it the FULL story? Who knows. So you need to do full research and im sorry you tube is only one way to research.
To conclude check your science . It must be from unbiased scientific research and no GHOST studies. Google what ghost studies are.
You want a healthy diet proven by proper science without hidden agendas and paying certain scientists with PhDs to get biased researched results? Then go Whole Food Plant Based. Plenty of legit Drs to follow.
Dr Caldwell Essysten
Dr T Campbell
Dr Ornish
Dr Neal Bernard
Dr Kim Williams
Dr John Mcdougall
Dr Michael Klaper
Dr Lisle
Dr Goldhammer
Dr Milton Mills
Dr Garth Davis
Dr Pam Popper
Dr Michael Gregor and nutritionfacts.org
its not a big deal as long as your not consuming sugar
Never mind I’m not sure why I wasted my time as soon as I heard soy protein is inferior to animal protein because of one essential amino acid when meat is full of amino acids that have little bioavailability seeing as how mammals do not make protein and that makes the only protein found in meat residual protein from the soy feed. Wouldn’t it make more sense to just eat soy instead? Also the conditions these animals are raised in causes great concern for public health. With so many infections due to little to no space, no sunlight, and animal waste everywhere. These kind of environments is a breeding ground for antibiotic resistant bacteria and viruses to emerge which is why we’re dealing with the pandemic we’re in now. This is completely over your head in my opinion and you shouldn’t be vocalizing your opinions when you clearly don’t have the knowledge or drive to read what’s being published in the medical literature. You’re doing so much more harm than good and A lot of what you’re saying can be traced back to poorly conducted studies that in most cases were paid for by the meat, dairy, or egg industry.
😂😂Nobody is trying to waste their time to argue or explain to you how wrong u are...😯😯...Animal protein is inferior...😯 mammals dont make proteins...! You are hopeless...
hi kait, i recently got diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Can you do a video on the topic & how to loose weight with hypothyroidism. Please.
I have read articles that say that Soy can be a natural estrogen product.
The Asian countries thing that's not true they actually use soy not just soy based products they put soy in their soup they'll have it with their rice soy is a good food just maybe not if you consume a lot of it
So about the estrogen, I'm currently overweight but I'm on keto carnivore and I know my hormones are imbalanced because of like thicker chin facial hair and my voice is a little deeper than the average female voice. So would it be good to take soy for the estrogen?? Or still stay away...
Try spironolactone. It suppresses androgens
10 reasons to avoid soy products-Thomas Delaurer
Soy is not the only plant you can get protein from you can get protein from all plants how do you think the animals get it they're herbivores at least the ones that we eat cow chickens turkeys and so on.
Soy is good if you have high cholesterol . I eat sometimes soy, not GMO soy.
There are other videos saying that soy milk doesn’t lead to cancer or other problems 🤔
I am trying the carnivore diet for 30 days. But I don't really like the taste of really fatty meat or beef fat. Does anyone have any tips to start to like those foods? I am worried I am not getting enough fat
Took me a good three months to ease myself into more fats. Now, six months in, I prefer fats over protein! 😂
How about ground beef + sour cream as the fat source? You can always have leaner cuts and add fat. Chicken + mayo as well.
You can fat fortify. You like eggs eat them, cheese? I ate a lot of sirloin steak on carnivore. Porkchops omg I had Slovakia yesterday was so good. Learn to fry the fatty parts. I don't like ribeye, but I love a ribroast. We call em a cowboy steak. Oh porkrinds. I eat so much fat. Not always attached to protein more like dips and sauces. I still do Keto friendly condiments. I'm about 95% carnivore now. I have three favourite veggies I eat. Lettuce, tomato and cucumber. And it's on weekends.
Thank you so much for your replies! I will definitely try and be more patient. I do like ground beef and eggs but I tend to prefer plain greek yogurt, which I eat with my 2 meals every day. Is that an ok substitute for sour cream? I am glad to know that eating cheese, mayo, and sour cream are good ways to get fat on the side.
Soy, the state vegetable of Oregon.
Rich, good one 😉😂
Exactly, I have been thinking about the mental health of the "peaceful protesters" that have been trying to burn down cities in the northwest and there seems to be a clear correlation between the high number of vegans who consume large amounts of soy and seem to be lacking the dietary cholesterol and nutrients their brains need to function properly. Our brains contain 20-25% of our bodies cholesterol. They are also a very emotional group of people, "triggered" by just about everything. I know correlation does not imply causation but it really makes you think.
Bought one protein bar (milk protein) with some minor soy in it (almost unavailable) because I watched a video that claimed you become less sluggish with protein next to your carbs. It worked, was tasty, searched for soy risks, found this, won’t but again 🥲
I knew there was some risks with soy, but it was worth the small amount to test this... Now how am I gonna get protein in my work lunch. Bring a boiled egg? 🤔
No Joy in Soy 😂😂
Ya looking soylent green
I find joy in avoiding soy
I must admit I do have fermented souy sauce on occasion BUT soy burgers... no joy for sure!!
Sauce is fine, I have the occasion splash in a marinade or that Braggs amino stuff.🥳
It makes my autoimmunity skin condition flair.
The soyboys aren’t gonna like this
My experience with soy is extreme migraines with aura and paralysis. Normaly I have 2 - 4 attacks in a year. But when I consumed soy it was 2 - 3 times a week that my attacks occured... Never wil I eat something with soy again. Took me 5 months to figure out it was the soy. Worst time of my life
WOW I am so sorry to hear that Tim! Glad you were able to figure out soy was the problem!
I have always hated tofu as an Asian child, but I would eat one piece at each meal symbolically. However I did have to a lot of tofu during my vegan years. No more!
😂 symbolically
Beans count
For me soy and tofu has taste of sweaty armpit LOL. I love you katr🇧🇷
Meu Deus tem br em todo lugar mesmo kkkkkkkkkk 🇧🇷
@@rienzib hazou
Are you a doctor or a nutritionist do you specialize in this stuff? They don't just look at what these people eat they look at other habits too, and they also look at medical history, I've checked out some of these studies why are you comparing a legit study to a study about ice cream and shark attacks?
its not a bad thing as long as you dont consume phytoestrogens every single day 365
No soy for me, thanks. I rather stick to beef.
Soya increase breast size????
Both tofu and tempeh are fermented. Fake meats not so much.
Morning Kait, looking ravishing as ever 😈
Wow we watch the same videos😀
Well hello dear, long time no hear 😁
I'm pretty absent on YT these days myself.😉
I also heard that it makes guys start sporting a man bun, so no thanks. 😉
You'd have to eat tons of soy for that to happen. You should worry more about the phytoestrogens in beer.
Grains was made to birds humans are made to eat meat and eggs
No - bread was consumed in the time of bible 😊
Just wondering do u read Bible with intention of trying to understand? Animals weren't made to eat for human it's only after the fall of man bcs of Satan lies n deceived..
The oestrogen theory has been debunked.