All Pokémon Surfing & Diving Themes [GEN 1-7]

  • Опубликовано: 29 ноя 2016
  • There are all Surfing and Diving Themes from Generation 1-7.
    00:00, 1:30
    3:02, 4:35
    6:08 & 7:39, 9:08 & 10:36
    13:39 & 15:03
  • ИгрыИгры

Комментарии • 122

  • @1jonathn
    @1jonathn 4 года назад +86

    In *literally every other region* you have pokémon for surfing
    In Galar, we have
    *f l o a t i n g b i k e*

    • @WoomyBoomyGG
      @WoomyBoomyGG 4 года назад +5

      Galar: What's Surf? What's Diving?

    • @defiant6053
      @defiant6053 2 года назад +1

      @@WoomyBoomyGG galar: what's exploration?

    • @tanjiaxin4043
      @tanjiaxin4043 27 дней назад

      In Paldea, we have m o t o r b i k e l i z a r d as the f l o a t i n g b i k e

  • @connor3198
    @connor3198 7 лет назад +108

    The Sinnoh music constantly gets to me. It's either really peaceful, and soothing, or just straight up bad ass.

  • @akariatan5374
    @akariatan5374 6 лет назад +70

    Hoenn naturally made for water

  • @a_bear
    @a_bear 7 лет назад +44

    Hoenn Dive theme always gets me. I remember when I listened to this for the first time as a kid. This became possibly (at least one of my) favourite pokemon theme of all time. I remember falling asleep while listening to it.

  • @NewLondonMarshall
    @NewLondonMarshall 4 года назад +27

    Man does HG SS surfing theme bring back memories of surfing outside Olivine City to catch a tentacool, or on lake rage. Man the memoriess!!!!

  • @cafers6607
    @cafers6607 5 лет назад +17

    I never paid attention to Sinnoh's surf theme as a kid, but now...

  • @picante403
    @picante403 Год назад +3

    Dude I love how invigorating Unova's and Alola's surfing themes are, but the gleeful and peacefulness of Johto, Hoenn, and Kanto make me feel so many emotions, and god once Sinnoh's gets going it become this majestic symphony. Man I'm miss having surfing themes.
    Also Hoenn's diving theme is literally one of my favorite songs in pokemon period, while Unova's diving theme is underrrated as hell and gives me chills

  • @laggingdaze
    @laggingdaze 7 лет назад +79

    Sinnoh seems so nostalgic for me :')

  • @sukisuniverse2257
    @sukisuniverse2257 7 лет назад +51

    Sinnoh and Hoenn will always be my favorite
    But I hate it whene people say "there are way too many water in Hoenn"I think swimming and surfing is fun to be honest

    • @jhonnytapia5507
      @jhonnytapia5507 5 лет назад

      I like hoenn it's easy to catch water types for rock and fire types

    • @AR-ok3fc
      @AR-ok3fc 4 года назад

      I love Hoenn but there are lot of water in the end of the map...

    • @lillith7257
      @lillith7257 2 года назад

      It's not that it's not fun but theres a lot of dead space and a loooot of water routes that make things really tedious
      It's something the remake fixed though

  • @wis7604
    @wis7604 7 лет назад +15

    Hoenn. The champion of the art of surfing, diving, swimming and water related activities.
    "7.8/10"- IGN

    • @wis7604
      @wis7604 7 лет назад +1

      7.8/10 too much water
      9.0/10 the calling for help system is awesome

    • @pokefandylan2117
      @pokefandylan2117 6 лет назад

      except there's no Mantine Surfing there!

    • @psuedonym9999
      @psuedonym9999 4 года назад

      This, along with their Explorers of Sky review, is why IGN is garbage and not worth listening to ever again.

  • @nobro6971
    @nobro6971 4 года назад +6

    Gen 5 diving was something else.

    • @oryonatwood9299
      @oryonatwood9299 3 года назад +1

      Always made me stress when i was in the temples.

  • @Mickelraven
    @Mickelraven 5 лет назад +8

    1 Hoenn
    2 Unova
    3 Johto
    4 Kalos
    5 Kanto
    6 Alola
    7 Sinnoh
    It's not nostalgia since Pokémon Platinum was my first pokémon game so don't argue with me! I never really liked Sinnoh surfing theme, maybe it'll sound better in a remake

  • @jacobvollmer1986
    @jacobvollmer1986 4 года назад +5

    Love Johto, Sinnoh and Unova because they are so nostalgic to me (DS era games).

  • @theraginginfernape9496
    @theraginginfernape9496 4 года назад +5

    Kanto: A grand sea adventure
    Johto: Exploration in open waters is just as fun as on land!
    Hoenn: *Get used to this. You'll be hearing this a lot.*
    Sinnoh: Very slow and expecting.
    Unova: Surfin' at the speed of sound, wind in your hair!
    Kalos: The land in the distance is closing in! Be ready!
    Alola: Surf's up! Time for fun!
    U diving: Might discover something unseen before!
    H diving: First time underwater? No fear!

  • @theraginginfernape9496
    @theraginginfernape9496 4 года назад +4

    I like how only Alola and Unova have surf themes in 4/4 instead of 3/4

  • @kenfarlez1549
    @kenfarlez1549 6 лет назад +8

    Sinnoh is very relaxing, nostalgic, and the best. Just my opinion.

  • @resttrashtalker1413
    @resttrashtalker1413 7 лет назад +30


  • @SaltheSalleyface
    @SaltheSalleyface 6 месяцев назад +1

    00:01~01:30 我還記得上游泳課的第一天,轉來了四個團中忙內,分別是舒華、員瑛、YUNA和ARIN,她們剛轉來就第一眼看到了我,當我看到這四個團中忙內的時候都非常緊張,直到向日葵教練出現改變了我的人生,腳剛下水向日葵教練就對員瑛跟舒華的心臟開始潑水,員瑛跟舒華同時受到了驚嚇轉身逃走,我見狀也是頭也不回的跑去洗手間躲了起來,以為向日葵教練是在調皮搗蛋,留下Arin跟Yuna 一臉懵B,我都不知道員瑛跟舒華為何會有這樣的反應,如果向日葵教練這麼做就是要讓心臟流通我就趕緊放下戒心的走出來,上完游泳課之後,員瑛跟舒華竟然跟我擠在同一個浴室裡洗澡,我想是她們兩個所在的浴室因為水管被熊孩子用排泄物堵塞了加上洗髮精跟沐浴精都因過期而發霉了!!根本沒辦法洗,誰知道員瑛跟舒華洗到一半就對我做瑟瑟的事情,我也是為了不讓自己尷尬就害羞得發出好笑的聲音,這可讓Arin跟Yuna都聽了忍不住笑到不能自己,我本想說點什麼結果Yuna對門後面的我們三個喊了一句(妳們兩個請繼續),接著不死心的Arin也大喊道(我們不用給你打110報案了,傻丫頭,妳就在裡面享受這兩隻小貓咪帶來的快樂吧,如果你對我們有意見的話就在吹頭髮的時候過來打我呀,反正我們兩個的皮都好癢喔)眼看說不過他們兩個調皮鬼就沒能說什麼,乾脆一起洗吧,晚上員瑛因為家裡有錢的緣故就特地邀請我跟舒華一起吃一頓大餐,順便參觀Arin跟Yuna的家,我發現Arin跟Yuna小時候都遭遇了媽媽的家庭暴力,而且從來沒有停過
    03:02~04:35 到了第五天至第十天之間,向日葵教練因為腸胃炎請了病假,由鳳梨教練代課,一開始我跟舒華有一點點不習慣,而員瑛也因為擔心向日葵教練會突然去世就傷心得哭了起來,直到後向日葵教練真的在醫院去世後才開始慢慢適應,晚上我吃完晚餐回到家後看到Haerin坐在我家的茶几上吃著貓糧,我想她肚子餓很久了!可能是因為經紀人沒有給她晚飯吃才會來我家蹭飯的吧,再加上Newjeans的四個成員去新加坡的環球影城旅行了!我希望Newjeans能帶給我伴手禮然後送到我的手中,如果我睡著了就乾脆放在床頭櫃上讓我看到吧!
    12:07 直到下午的時候我跟員瑛一起去蒸拿室蒸桑拿的時候員瑛聽到廣播的工作人員撥放小旺福的飛向你飛向我身子就不知不覺的動了起來,我看了心想還是聽音樂比較好,晚上我因為皮皮喝醉,晚餐就只能買外帶回家吃了,誰知道被蒸拿室的冷氣凍到瑟瑟發抖的員瑛竟然想要吃火鍋來暖暖身子 ,面對這樣的要求我也是相當抵抗的,直到我看到新開的火鍋店生意如此得爆紅也是只能妥協了,來到火鍋店的門口,員瑛看到告示牌寫著(無論世界各地的通通歡迎)就高興到說不出話來
    13:39~15:03 晚上我跟員瑛一起在老虎酒店睡覺的時候我聞到了一股濃濃的尿騷味,起身一看是員瑛被夢裡的爺爺嚇到尿床了,隔天起床的時候我睜眼看到酒店的服務員作勢生氣雙手插腰指著我的鼻子一頓狂罵,我想是因為昨天晚上員瑛尿床的事,然後一旁的員瑛直接被咒罵聲給嚇哭了,我跟員瑛很快就因為信用卡掛失而被經理趕了出來,無奈之下先暫時帶著行李在金剛老師的公寓居住一個晚上了,結果我跟員瑛剛到門口我發現金剛老師公寓的大鐵門是鎖著的,而且裡面空無一人,還看到後院葉子和烏鴉也非常多,這感覺陰森森的

  • @toxicclown2336
    @toxicclown2336 6 лет назад +4

    goosebumps when I heard johto one

  • @deaththeclover
    @deaththeclover 5 лет назад +19

    *My Rankings:* Hope you agree with them! ^.^
    *Surfing Themes*
    7th: Kanto
    6th: Kalos
    5th: Johto
    4th: Hoenn
    3rd: Sinnoh
    2nd: Alola
    1st: Unova
    ...And for the Diving Themes:
    2nd: Hoenn
    1st: Unova

    • @frostedflakes4879
      @frostedflakes4879 3 года назад

      In my humble opinion alolas the worst out of them dosent mean its bad tho. My top 3 would be
      1. Gen4
      2. Gen6
      3. Gen2 (HG/SS)

    • @lillith7257
      @lillith7257 3 года назад

      8th: gen 3 remakes. Did an awful job. You cant take out instruments and think its okay. Cleaning up the sound isn't the only thing necessary to make it better. Shame
      6th: Kalos yeah. It just sounds like a remix of something else. Stand on your own.
      5th: Alola. It just sounds like it tries far too hard to be an ocean theme. And it isn't the only one in this gen.
      3rd: Unova (and normally I love Unova music the most but while it broke the mold on sequence
      Doesnt mean it was better for it)
      2nd: Hoenn. It's meant for the ocean lol
      1st: Sinnoh
      Diving: 2nd: Hoenn
      1st: Unova
      The dive themes are the best

    • @NeroDefogger
      @NeroDefogger 3 года назад +1

      @@lillith7257 I'm a bit surprised on the hate on the gen 3 remake, It seems very similar to the original to me, and as you said, you like the original, but yeah other than that I fully agree

    • @vahegao8053
      @vahegao8053 2 года назад

      even though this isn’t a common list for everyone, I would have to agree, I love the upbeat surf themes

    • @lillith7257
      @lillith7257 2 года назад

      @@NeroDefogger the remakes got a lot right
      And made me fall in love with completely different things
      But some themes it completely messed up
      I love music way too much to be okay with that

  • @AdamDawson3
    @AdamDawson3 4 года назад +2

    Unova's dive theme is actually the theme for Abyssal Ruins

  • @monochrome10
    @monochrome10 9 месяцев назад +1

    Kanto the nostalgia is sweet

  • @mcmudkipp
    @mcmudkipp 4 года назад

    I am watching all of these vids and am getting a stupid amount of goose bumps

  • @masterplusmargarita
    @masterplusmargarita 5 лет назад +1

    The Hoenn theme is by far the best out of these... but then it sort of has to be, considering how much of that game takes on place on water. Almost wish it hadn't had a surf theme and just played the usual overworld music, with Game Freak composing a few extra route themes for the sea routes.

  • @therealedboi
    @therealedboi 6 лет назад +7

    The Hoenn dive theme is the best.

  • @pufflepuff8961
    @pufflepuff8961 6 лет назад +3

    often forget that only two gens have dive :(

  • @bananenbrood7386
    @bananenbrood7386 5 лет назад +2

    Kanto makes me wanna dance

  • @dimitri8274
    @dimitri8274 5 лет назад +2

    I actually found the johto surfing really good (they all are tho :3)

  • @unbound2424
    @unbound2424 Год назад

    the hoenn one definitely the best fam got me trippin nostalgic

  • @sabrinachew3499
    @sabrinachew3499 7 лет назад +7


  • @alison4423
    @alison4423 6 лет назад

    It's tough for me to make a list of my personal favorites from best to least. All the surfing themes are amazing! But my list for the surfing themes would look something like:
    1. DPPlt and RSE (I love both)
    2. HGSS, FRLG, XY and BW-B2W2 (these four are hard for me to place. Gen 2 and 1 remakes are equal to XY and BW)
    3. ORAS and SM-USUM (I didn't like ORAS as much as the original, but still very good. SM-USUM was okay)
    4. RBG (I like the beat of the original)
    5. GSC (The original Johto theme is kinda jarring in chiptune for me. HGSS nailed it, though)
    As for the few diving themes:
    1. ORAS (It felt like underwater with muted sounds)
    2. RSE and BW (They both tie. I love them all!)

  • @roccaluce
    @roccaluce 5 лет назад +13

    Unova is best, don't @ me.

    • @Veranek
      @Veranek 4 года назад

      Along with Johto in my opinion.

    • @andresc.7506
      @andresc.7506 4 года назад


    • @Wast50089
      @Wast50089 2 месяца назад

      @roccaluce i'll right back

  • @braydenleaderofthetirkins1143
    @braydenleaderofthetirkins1143 4 года назад

    Ah, Alpha first love.

    @POISNYA 4 года назад

    When we surfing at Hoenn sea with DP speed... Oh shit

  • @Rude_Boi
    @Rude_Boi 3 года назад

    Gen 3 dive theme ❤

  • @VeggiePopper
    @VeggiePopper Год назад

    Am I the only one who thanks the Unova surf theme is better suited for the bike?

  • @sabrinachew3499
    @sabrinachew3499 7 лет назад +2


  • @zephdo2971
    @zephdo2971 5 лет назад +2


  • @luccalima5
    @luccalima5 4 года назад

    Sinnoh and Johto are my favorites.

  • @xSirious
    @xSirious 7 лет назад +6

    in my opinion gen 6 has the best surf music

  • @lorenasoto1483
    @lorenasoto1483 6 лет назад +6

    3:Johto (g/s/c)
    5:Kanto (r/b/y)

  • @retrozzfuzionzz8677
    @retrozzfuzionzz8677 3 года назад +1

    Unova wins this with no competition what so ever omg

  • @Reddoso
    @Reddoso 3 года назад +2

    Surf win unova.
    Dive win hoenn

  • @jamesgillan3570
    @jamesgillan3570 6 лет назад +8

    Favourite Surf Themes:
    1. Johto
    2. Hoenn
    3. Kanto
    4. Sinnoh
    5. Unova
    6. Alola
    7. Kalos
    Comment if you don't agree with me :3

    • @SDRich-cb6qc
      @SDRich-cb6qc 6 лет назад

      Di ya nah sinnoh goes all the way to the bottom cause the surf theme is bad

    • @Absolute_Zero7
      @Absolute_Zero7 6 лет назад

      Sinnoh is bad, but not AS bad as some of the other ones.

    • @dimitri8274
      @dimitri8274 5 лет назад

      I love johtoa

    • @oux3456
      @oux3456 5 лет назад

      Finally someone who appreciate Jhoto

    • @thetreyceratops2242
      @thetreyceratops2242 5 лет назад

      Your placement of Sinnoh isn’t at number one fix that
      But at least Kalos theme is at the bottom where it belongs

  • @caynoxvoidx2901
    @caynoxvoidx2901 4 года назад

    best one is first and 4

  • @lunettereighn
    @lunettereighn 7 лет назад +2

    Gen 3 and Gen 4 are the best

  • @azrilazman
    @azrilazman 5 лет назад

    No region is more waltz than Hoenn ORAS all the way 😎

  • @sabrinachew3499
    @sabrinachew3499 7 лет назад


  • @ivanricardovargashenriquez1142
    @ivanricardovargashenriquez1142 7 лет назад +18

    Sinnoh is perfect 👌🏼

  • @snazsnazi9853
    @snazsnazi9853 5 лет назад

    Kanto is uber alles

  • @carljenson9279
    @carljenson9279 6 лет назад

    What is 9:08?

  • @bigshaqgames8430
    @bigshaqgames8430 6 лет назад


  • @relix7373
    @relix7373 2 года назад +1

    Hoenn be like, we love water so much we had to give you 4 different songs. Also good lord did they butcher it in the remakes.

  • @oux3456
    @oux3456 5 лет назад +1

    Johto is underrated

    • @christiann.5653
      @christiann.5653 4 года назад

      I literally cannot agree more

    • @oryonatwood9299
      @oryonatwood9299 3 года назад

      Never played a johto game, so it's just there for me. Not much else.

  • @hamsnub
    @hamsnub 5 лет назад

    hoenn is the best by far

  • @Foxy_Playz05
    @Foxy_Playz05 4 года назад

    Best ones are Hoenn and Sinnoh

  • @quillyk8048
    @quillyk8048 5 лет назад +10

    6.Unova (Dive)
    8.Hoenn (Dive)

  • @taiphat6088
    @taiphat6088 11 месяцев назад

    only generation 3 have dive hm and theme

  • @sabrinachew3499
    @sabrinachew3499 7 лет назад +4


  • @Tuskor130
    @Tuskor130 7 лет назад +10

    Gameboy Johto is the best one. It's both fast and slow at once. Gen 4 went way too overboard with the instrumental. Also you can't remake perfection.
    Fight me

    • @cafers6607
      @cafers6607 5 лет назад

      Yeah, although remaking games are good, sometimes it comes with a price such as kind of messing up the song

    • @oryonatwood9299
      @oryonatwood9299 3 года назад

      I'd rather have a sequel anyways.

  • @animefurry3508
    @animefurry3508 2 года назад

    Okay Favorite from best to worst

    • @Krazykarlton
      @Krazykarlton Год назад

      This is an interesting take. Do you still hold this opinion?

  • @bkeding1418
    @bkeding1418 6 лет назад +1

    1. Sinnoh
    2. Hoenn
    3. Johto
    4. Kanto
    5. Kalos
    6. Alola
    7. Unova
    Sinnoh's is just too good.

  • @wayslie7774
    @wayslie7774 7 лет назад +2

    gen 3 perfact if a final of the game itsn in the sea the music has been good but tentacool winwull and pelipper are a booring

    • @hamsnub
      @hamsnub 5 лет назад

      Ways Lie what the heck are you saying? i dont understand

  • @sebastianriveros2244
    @sebastianriveros2244 7 лет назад +27

    🔥Top🎵 (This Was Difficult):

    • @magical_mofo
      @magical_mofo 7 лет назад

      Sico i kind of agree, but I would put Kanto's gen 1 surf at 7 it was annoying

    • @HyenaWhiskers
      @HyenaWhiskers 7 лет назад

      Sico NO johto is the best

    • @omzldn6472
      @omzldn6472 5 лет назад

      Sebastián Riveros Johto shouldn’t be anywhere near 6th imo

  • @omzldn6472
    @omzldn6472 5 лет назад +1

    1 - Johto
    2 - Hoenn
    3 - Sinnoh
    4 - Kalos
    5 - Unova
    6 - Alola
    7 - Kanto

  • @gamefreak2050
    @gamefreak2050 6 лет назад +1

    My personal favorites (minus the dive themes cause gen3 dive theme is bomb): Gen 4>2>3>7>1>5>6

  • @mathishd5558
    @mathishd5558 6 лет назад

    Why 1-6 gen surf thème are so slooooooooooooooooow ?

  • @a_bear
    @a_bear 7 лет назад +4

    1. Hoenn -Dive
    1. Johto
    2. Hoenn -Surf
    3. Sinnoh
    4. Alola
    5. Unova
    6. Kanto
    7. Kalos

  • @Reddoso
    @Reddoso 3 года назад +2

    The only thing that is bad first sinnoh is dive

  • @EliasMorals
    @EliasMorals 5 лет назад +3


  • @mocasguitar4542
    @mocasguitar4542 6 лет назад +7

    1: Kalos
    2: Hoenn
    3: Sinnoh
    4: Unova
    5: Kanto
    6: Alola
    7: Johto
    Gen 6 is just too good!!

    • @omzldn6472
      @omzldn6472 6 лет назад

      AwesomeAlex4444 How? Just how is Johto last on your list 🙁

  • @icyswampertz5394
    @icyswampertz5394 5 лет назад

    i think u forgot the mantine surf :/

  • @Thomas-ju4hf
    @Thomas-ju4hf 6 лет назад +13

    1: Unova
    2: Alola
    3: Hoenn (Diving)
    4: Sinnoh
    5: Unova (Diving)
    6: Hoenn
    7: Kanto
    8: Kalos
    9: Johto

    • @Boonz
      @Boonz 6 лет назад +3

      Unova rep all the way, baby.

    • @toxicclown2336
      @toxicclown2336 6 лет назад +3

      Johto last? get the hell outta here

    • @omzldn6472
      @omzldn6472 6 лет назад

      Touko How could you put Johto last 🤔

    • @roccaluce
      @roccaluce 6 лет назад

      Opinions, hm? 🤔

  • @jamalyonada
    @jamalyonada 6 лет назад +1


  • @lorddukfoxyzeppeli7921
    @lorddukfoxyzeppeli7921 7 месяцев назад
