I'm 37 year old female. 5 years ago I had never done a push up in my life. I saw calisthenics online and committed to it no matter how long it would take. The progress has been very slow, but it's progress all the same. I feel very fit and strong now even though I'm still far away from the skills I want to learn. Your video is very motivating and inspiring. Thank you.
Really amazing transformation. I wish I could learn to do all these exercises one day. And then if I learn them, I would need to be able to perform them regularly and correctly, which I am for sure not able to do right now. I am pretty fat and unflexible really, but I have been trying hard recently. Going to gym almost every day and I got a great meal plan from site Next Level Diet. I hope I will slim down fast so I can start with calisthenics. I believe in myself, that's the most important thing IMO.
Don't worry if you don't slim down fast, As long as you stay consistent and keep adapting you will start gaining momentum and will absolutely be able to become a top level calisthenics athlete. It might be a hard journey with lots of failures but those failures will make you stronger. Keep it going boss, you got this!
Our bodies are amazing, at first you don't believe you can achieve some of the skills, but then you do... and then you wonder, how farther can I go? Amazing transformation dude
That is when you realize the marvel that our creator made better then anything else out there. How much more beautiful is our creator, i can not begin to imagine even if I would I couldn't.
No i najlepsze są te zdjęcia z 2015 roku. To jest nadzieja dla wszystkich. Dzieciaków i starszaków, z nadwagą, bez mięśni. Super pracę wykonałeś Maćku. I super, że się tym podzieliłeś. Dzięki.
I was gonna leave a sassy comment about him basically being a kid when he started, then I watched until the end and have nothing but respect now. I’m a sports massage therapist who is on his own fitness journey after losing it all to lockdown effect and this is exceptionally motivating. Well done 👏🏽
It's insane that as a little boy you were only 1 kg lighter than when you've achieved an incredible adult physique 5 years later. Absolutely insane. You look fantastic and from your exercises you look extremely strong.
Jesteś cudowną inspiracją. Czuje sie wzruszona, że w młodych ludziach kwitnie mądrość, inteligencja emocjonalna i wzór do naśladowania dla innych. WIelka praca została wykonana. Szacunek Maćku.
@@gabrielchoi7845 That's why you shouldn't just do calisthenics. It's great to build true strength and do moves the average person can't do. It's more technical & takes tons and tons of practice. I would just incorporate calisthenics every now and then.
Full respect to you ,there should be a picture of you in the dictionary next to the word dedication, watching this has made me think what I need to do in my life, the last 8 months have been so hard for me, 'ill start tomorrow ' tomorrow never comes, well it came today after watching this,this has helped me so much, thank you
Really great transformation. What's most impressive is that you had a goal and kept working at the goal year after year. That says more about you as a person. I was put in gymnastics ate age 4 and stayed with it for the next 14 years. I think being in a sport that requires a lean strong muscular physique helped me to get my physique. So in a way I think your transformation is more impressive because it was up to you to make your transformation happen. For me my goal was to be a better gymnast. I had older guys to watch and wanted to be like them and better than them. I saw how hard they trained and so I trained hard. Having role models was huge for me. I hope people see you and decide they want to be like you. Have a great 2022.
Children should be doing this at an early age so all adults have this level of strength. It should be basic human strength but it's so much harder to learn and do once an adult. Like dancing or ballet or gymnastics. This is the same. Amazing work though man!!! So impressive and inspiring
Push-ups, dips and pull-ups have always been a struggle for me, it ain’t much but today I could do 10 push-ups without rest, 4 not so great form dips, and 3 pull-ups, hopefully if I keep training more I can achieve more reps and focus on for aswell, thank you for sharing your journey!
Finally a video showing the truth about building muscles and learning new skills. It takes a lot more than a "three month epic transformation" to get this far.
Respect. You have great shoulder strength and mobility. I noticed that you had pretty good shoulder mobility very early in your progress - probably because you started so young. Also another thing that's cool to see is how much calisthenics has helped your posture, compared to your early pictures. What a transformation.
Brawo. Pamiętajcie młodzi. Nie można się poddawać. Jeśli coś Ci nie wychodzi, to znaczy tylko tyle, że nie poświęciłeś temu wystarczająco dużo czasu. Dotyczy każdej dziedziny życia, nauka, sport etc. Im szybciej, to zrozumiesz, tym lepiej wykorzystasz życie. Pamiętajcie dziś daleko, jutro bliżej.
@decimus - nie prawda. Wiele rzeczy wplywa na to jak cos nie wyszlo, wlaczajac w to edukacje, pieniadze, genetyke, otoczenie, ludzie z ktorymy przebywasz, dziecinnstwo, podejscie rodzicow, otoczenia nawet z czasow Liceum, to szybko jak przyjmujesz wiedze i jak szybko sie uczysz itd To bardzo plytkie myslenie, i czesto robiace wiecej szkody niz porzytku w dluzszym czasie - i kazdy psycholog nawet taki swierzo po studiach mialby tutaj inne zdanie. I mialby racje. Gosc wyglada OK, ale podejrzewam ze bral troche srodkow. Niewiele, ale jako osoba zwiazana z medycyna, dosc latwo to zaobserwowac po wygladzie zyl w gornej czescie ciala, tego jak wyglada skora itd. Bylem tam dawno temu w czasach Mirosława Daszkiewicza, Kosobudzkiego, Ewy Krynskiej w Lodzi, i calego innego tlumu startujacego w roznych zawodach. Czy klubu Suprona w Wawie (chyba wtedy kolo ulicy Panskiej/Miedzianiej - kolo ronda Daszynskiego, gdzie klub prowadzila jeszcze siostra Suprona, super kobieta byla), i innych ktorzy tam cwiczyli. Czy pozniej w innych krajach. I wiadomo jak to wszystko dziala: 60-70% to jedzene praktycznie, 10-15% cwiczenia i genetyka, reszta to rozne inne srodki - ale jest punkt ktorego nie przekroczysz na samym tylko jedzeniu czy cwiczeniach). Trzeba byc madrym we wszystkim co sie robi. I duzo wiedziec i czytac. To roznica pomiedzy podejsciem jak Ronnie Coleman (ktory rozwali praktycznie swoje cialo i stawy) a kims takim jak Jay Cutler - ktory ciagle sobie cwiczy i nie ma wiekszych problemow ze zdrowiem (oboje zrezygnowali z kariery w wieku okolo 40 lat - i widac ktory z nich mial madrzejsze dlugoterminowe podejscie). To duze uproszczenie, ale Ronie praktycznie byl na wozku inwalidzkim przez dlugi czas, a Jay rozwijal swoj business w tym czasie, nie majac wiekszych problemow ze zdrowiem (zreszta ciagle odwiedza on rozne zawody i mozna go spotkac w roznych klubach w LA, jak ktos tam czesto bywa).
@@tannhauser5399 Właśnie warto przekonywać młodych ludzi, żeby się nie poddawali, z tego powodu że mogli mieć np. złe wzorce z domu rodzinnego, bo mogą nie wierzyć w siebie, mieć przekonanie że się nie nadają do danej czynności. Bo mogą mieć zło otocznie, właśnie dlatego trzeba ich uświadamiać, że należy być wytrwałym. Możesz mieć zdolnego człowieka, w którym kiepskie dzieciństwem zabiło poczucie własnej wartości . To co piszesz to zajeżdża trochę wymówkami. Nie urodziłeś się w rodzinie bardzo bogatej? No i? Rób tyle na ile możesz, po prostu. Nie musisz być jak Jef Bezos, czy Ronnie Coleman. Potrzebujesz więcej czasu, żeby się czegoś nauczyć? Skończ biadolić i się ucz. jak komuś na czymś zależy to to osiągnie. Nikt nie mówi o zdobywaniu Mont Everest. Zawsze będą ludzie którzy osiągnęli więcej, no i? Powód żeby rezygnować? Wiadomo, są ludzie którzy bardzo szybko notują postępy w tym czym się zajmują, czy to sport czy nauka, no i? Wróć do tego co napisałem, widocznie ktoś inny potrzebuje więcej czasu. Czy to powód żeby szukać wymówek i nic nie robić? Gość na końcu wygląda jak na towarze, fakt. Tyle że przez to cała masa dzieciaków ma przestać ćwiczyć, bo nie osiągnie takiego poziomu? Chyba że chodzi Ci o frustrację z powodu nie osiągniecia takich rezultatów jak prezentują fejkowi naturale.
Sei un esempio per tutti i ragazzi che vogliono avere stima in se stessi.... purtroppo al giorno d' oggi tanti si scoraggiano al primo imprevisto e si sentono insicuri.....con sacrificio arrivi dove vuoi💕
the crazy thing is, that on the start of the transformation you had 70 kg and at the end 71 kg. Just mindblowing how different physique you can achieve when you are just shredded to the bone. Looks much bigger than 71 kg bro. Keep going man insane :D
Your transformation is so inspiring, my physique really looks similar to yours at the start, seeing you able to transform into something better from the beginning, gives me the motivation that I can do it aswell 💪
Everyone can get to that level. The difference between all us is the starting point and the time it will take us. Some can get there in 2 years,some in 4 etc... But just dont give up and keep going! You are a human being,you are amazing and capable of all this things.
We all walk on the same road, the long road of becoming great. I walk on this road aswell, but the walking is slow, hard and frustrating. However, there where I’m currently you already walked with the same feelings of being slow, tired and frustrated, yet you kept on walking, so I THANK YOU, for this way I’m able to walk in your steps, so I can go on likewise and thus let others behind me to walk in my steps. Thank you!
I'll never forgot this masterpiece of motivation which brings lit inside me... Your previous body is just like my present body state .. I'll definitely do hardwork to achieve it at any cost.. Thnx for it... I'll come to edit after 5 Yrs.
Dang I wish I had found calisthenics earlier in life. It’s a way of life and more rewarding than going to the gym. I’m only 2 months in but I hope my routine will help build my own greatness!
@@johannes01 I was at the age of 25 when I started. Tbh once you lose the momentum in calisthenics it can be hard to get back into it even though I go to the gym a whole lot anyways
All your hard work and determination really shows that it can actually happen Amen. You can achieve your goals with the right mind set. You definitely showed us this in your video. I seen where you failed on a exercise and hit the floor. But you stayed focused and determined to get to your goals. Your story is very inspiring and it makes me want to keep going .🤗 Amazing results you look strong healthy and fit. Congrats dude keep it up 💪 thanks for sharing 🥰
That is fantastic. Just make sure you spend as much time and hard work on you Soul, and your Mind as well as your body! You already have the discipline! Goodonya.
Hi!!I watch this young man powerful and motivating.I was in the military 19yrs top fit like serious fit.negativity is a pain in the ass!!my day to day job as a security breaks my spirit,long hours tiering not in a mood for anything BT to eat an go sleep.I miss the me I motivated a lot of ppl in my time I'm new 46 and it feels like life took a big bite out of me don't no where to start.anyone with sum positive advise pls I need it thanks!!!
Niesamowita metamorfoza Maćku! Potrzebujemy takich ludzi jak Ty! Dodałeś mi właśnie ogrom motywacji, na razie udało mi się zrzucić trochę tłuszczu (przy 176cm ważyłem nawet 84kg, teraz ok. 70kg), ale ciągle muszę pracować nad swoją masą mięśniową :P
I watched this video after my 2.5 months of calisthenics journey for some motivation. I've gained good strength through my hard work and consistency. I failed many times but slowly and steadily I'll achieve my goal. Now I've completed 3 months and I've developed a lot strength. I'll keep going . 😌
If you are struggling, considering giving up, stop for a moment and think of why you started, what you can become and push. Nothing good comes without hard work and determination. Take studying for example - you can't do well on a test if you don't study (unless you are one of those geniuses). A key thing with journeys is to believe. YOU can achieve - yes, it will hurt sometimes, yes, you'll want to give up, but keep pushing and you'll see results. If no one believes in you, I do. Prove the haters wrong 💜
Its AMAZING what human can do to transform thyself; MINDoverPAIN&MATTER..we can literally do anything & achieve our GOALS 🤗 this video gives me motivation & determination to make a change.
2:32 Bro this was an insane transformation it motivated me so much! I am 187 cm and I want to achieve full planche so badly. Well done mate.🤙🏼💪🏼 Also how tall are you?
To be that consistently motivated and still going, wow is that even possible. You are unbelievable buddy! Congratulations 👏 I will commit and stay strong too 🙏
USE CODE "MACIEK10" TO GET 10% OFF : caliathletics.com/shop/ If you want to start with calisthenics I highly recommend you Caliathletics workout programs. It includes over 200 videos with a proper form of each exercise, skills guides, 20 levels and 70+ bodyweight routines beginner to advanced. If you use code: maciek10 you can save 10% off: caliathletics.com Check out my IG: @macjek_sw
Awesome is your transformation all natural I assume it is since you put five years of hard work into it. Also, the transformation and editing are incredible good job!
2015 : 144p
2021 : 4K
2022: 8K 👍
2024: kk
"welcome to the though club, how tough are you?"
"I do handstands near my TV"
"right this way sir"
Lol true
Enjoyed this one haha
At what age did she start exercising?
Amazing work! Still remember your first year of workouts - incredible progress!
Hello, Darek. I love you, but where your videos? 😔
Kiss for brazil
I bought all levels from ur page last oktober, best program I've ever seen in my lfie. Getting some real progress, thanks
his muscles is small doe plus he can be better he just lazy nigga
Calistetics ain’t fair haha I’m doing home work cheaters haha
Great video. The author is great. There are many interesting videos about sports on my channel, take a look if it's not hard
I'm 37 year old female. 5 years ago I had never done a push up in my life. I saw calisthenics online and committed to it no matter how long it would take. The progress has been very slow, but it's progress all the same. I feel very fit and strong now even though I'm still far away from the skills I want to learn. Your video is very motivating and inspiring. Thank you.
Better late than never.
@@NumbDigger22 incrível Flor. Não desista!! Voçê é incrível só por dar o seu melhor. 5 anos não é nada pra conquistar um sonho. Força!!!
@@NumbDigger22 there's no late my dude..
Very good my friend
So what it looks now, a year later?
Really amazing transformation. I wish I could learn to do all these exercises one day. And then if I learn them, I would need to be able to perform them regularly and correctly, which I am for sure not able to do right now. I am pretty fat and unflexible really, but I have been trying hard recently. Going to gym almost every day and I got a great meal plan from site Next Level Diet. I hope I will slim down fast so I can start with calisthenics. I believe in myself, that's the most important thing IMO.
Don't worry if you don't slim down fast, As long as you stay consistent and keep adapting you will start gaining momentum and will absolutely be able to become a top level calisthenics athlete. It might be a hard journey with lots of failures but those failures will make you stronger. Keep it going boss, you got this!
Definitely you will do it sir 🤞🤞✌✌
With that mind- I mean GRINDSET nothings going to stop you
dont try so hard to begin with as you are more likely to give up, its a marathon not a sprint
Hey, how about now ? You've made progress ?
I swear, calisthenics give you so much motivation and self-confidence, it's brutal. The boost these workouts can give you is life changing
I love the process of learning new calisthenics skills!
Juice too.
Calisthenics has changed my life
Moreover, this lesson cycle gives more happiness and lots of advantages
Yup big change "From doing your friend's homeworks" to "doing your friend's girl" lol
Our bodies are amazing, at first you don't believe you can achieve some of the skills, but then you do... and then you wonder, how farther can I go? Amazing transformation dude
Yes ur right 🔥
Strange... I am from start know what I can do - and that helps me to do that :) Because I knew that I can :)
That is when you realize the marvel that our creator made better then anything else out there. How much more beautiful is our creator, i can not begin to imagine even if I would I couldn't.
This man has the most lively, energetic voice
Yea and I would be happy if his all videos were in english
I mean his english sounds fantastic
and you having profile of the devil
Couldn't agree more.
How the hell is it energetic
Hardwork = Success. I love it bro, i love how you motivate people by showing your failures and achievements in you fitness journey
No i najlepsze są te zdjęcia z 2015 roku. To jest nadzieja dla wszystkich. Dzieciaków i starszaków, z nadwagą, bez mięśni. Super pracę wykonałeś Maćku. I super, że się tym podzieliłeś. Dzięki.
Dokładnie, ja do tego lece na Biotad Plus dla mnie to ogień💪💪💪
Dobry materiał💪🏼🔥
A jak 😎
@Dont Check My About Page Link Moron?
I was gonna leave a sassy comment about him basically being a kid when he started, then I watched until the end and have nothing but respect now. I’m a sports massage therapist who is on his own fitness journey after losing it all to lockdown effect and this is exceptionally motivating. Well done 👏🏽
are you back at it?
This is so motivating. I am 2 years into my journey and this helps me continue to push
What have you already learned?
It's insane that as a little boy you were only 1 kg lighter than when you've achieved an incredible adult physique 5 years later. Absolutely insane. You look fantastic and from your exercises you look extremely strong.
Jesteś cudowną inspiracją. Czuje sie wzruszona, że w młodych ludziach kwitnie mądrość, inteligencja emocjonalna i wzór do naśladowania dla innych. WIelka praca została wykonana. Szacunek Maćku.
Dziękuję za bardzo motywujący komentarz!
@@MacPrzenioslo what is your height brother
Forma marzenie! Keep going bro!
Hitler nie wiedział o Holokauście
Which language is this
@@Masterstrange56 Die Polnische Sprache
kolejny frajer który "poćwiczył"
Wow! What a beautiful young man and transformation. Ok you have literally blown my mind!!!
you made my mind up
One of the best calisthenics physiques imo. Not so excessively huge, just plain muscle.
only calisthinics do this build muscle ! O.o
nice joke
@@maciejborkowski5786 wdym? Am confused lol
5 years is quite a while
@@gabrielchoi7845 That's why you shouldn't just do calisthenics. It's great to build true strength and do moves the average person can't do. It's more technical & takes tons and tons of practice. I would just incorporate calisthenics every now and then.
Full respect to you ,there should be a picture of you in the dictionary next to the word dedication, watching this has made me think what I need to do in my life, the last 8 months have been so hard for me, 'ill start tomorrow ' tomorrow never comes, well it came today after watching this,this has helped me so much, thank you
Superhuman i cannot even imagin how much hardwork u have been through. Best wishes from me dear. Proud of u
Woow kawał dobrej roboty 🔥🔥💪
9 years not 5..
my respect, i have a crazy transformation on the channel
zgadzam sie
No prawda
As i say “If you wanna achieve something, you will! You just gotta put all the work and effort into it”
Really great transformation. What's most impressive is that you had a goal and kept working at the goal year after year. That says more about you as a person. I was put in gymnastics ate age 4 and stayed with it for the next 14 years. I think being in a sport that requires a lean strong muscular physique helped me to get my physique. So in a way I think your transformation is more impressive because it was up to you to make your transformation happen. For me my goal was to be a better gymnast. I had older guys to watch and wanted to be like them and better than them. I saw how hard they trained and so I trained hard. Having role models was huge for me. I hope people see you and decide they want to be like you. Have a great 2022.
Children should be doing this at an early age so all adults have this level of strength. It should be basic human strength but it's so much harder to learn and do once an adult. Like dancing or ballet or gymnastics. This is the same. Amazing work though man!!! So impressive and inspiring
Push-ups, dips and pull-ups have always been a struggle for me, it ain’t much but today I could do 10 push-ups without rest, 4 not so great form dips, and 3 pull-ups, hopefully if I keep training more I can achieve more reps and focus on for aswell, thank you for sharing your journey!
Finally a video showing the truth about building muscles and learning new skills. It takes a lot more than a "three month epic transformation" to get this far.
My freinds we too will reach that level one day keep moving forward
him : i was really struggling with this element
me : who are you? avatar?
Honor this guy, respect.
Respect. You have great shoulder strength and mobility. I noticed that you had pretty good shoulder mobility very early in your progress - probably because you started so young. Also another thing that's cool to see is how much calisthenics has helped your posture, compared to your early pictures. What a transformation.
I am 38 atm writing this and really very impressive work(out) man! Lifting my imaginery hat! Bravo!
highly motivating (y)
Are you working out yourself?
*Najlepsza transformacja jaką widziałem!💪🏼Jesteś dla mnie mega motywacją i inspiracją. Oby tak dalej!* 🔥🤸♂️
Brawo. Pamiętajcie młodzi. Nie można się poddawać. Jeśli coś Ci nie wychodzi, to znaczy tylko tyle, że nie poświęciłeś temu wystarczająco dużo czasu. Dotyczy każdej dziedziny życia, nauka, sport etc. Im szybciej, to zrozumiesz, tym lepiej wykorzystasz życie. Pamiętajcie dziś daleko, jutro bliżej.
@decimus - nie prawda. Wiele rzeczy wplywa na to jak cos nie wyszlo, wlaczajac w to edukacje, pieniadze, genetyke, otoczenie, ludzie z ktorymy przebywasz, dziecinnstwo, podejscie rodzicow, otoczenia nawet z czasow Liceum, to szybko jak przyjmujesz wiedze i jak szybko sie uczysz itd To bardzo plytkie myslenie, i czesto robiace wiecej szkody niz porzytku w dluzszym czasie - i kazdy psycholog nawet taki swierzo po studiach mialby tutaj inne zdanie. I mialby racje.
Gosc wyglada OK, ale podejrzewam ze bral troche srodkow. Niewiele, ale jako osoba zwiazana z medycyna, dosc latwo to zaobserwowac po wygladzie zyl w gornej czescie ciala, tego jak wyglada skora itd. Bylem tam dawno temu w czasach Mirosława Daszkiewicza, Kosobudzkiego, Ewy Krynskiej w Lodzi, i calego innego tlumu startujacego w roznych zawodach. Czy klubu Suprona w Wawie (chyba wtedy kolo ulicy Panskiej/Miedzianiej - kolo ronda Daszynskiego, gdzie klub prowadzila jeszcze siostra Suprona, super kobieta byla), i innych ktorzy tam cwiczyli. Czy pozniej w innych krajach. I wiadomo jak to wszystko dziala: 60-70% to jedzene praktycznie, 10-15% cwiczenia i genetyka, reszta to rozne inne srodki - ale jest punkt ktorego nie przekroczysz na samym tylko jedzeniu czy cwiczeniach).
Trzeba byc madrym we wszystkim co sie robi. I duzo wiedziec i czytac. To roznica pomiedzy podejsciem jak Ronnie Coleman (ktory rozwali praktycznie swoje cialo i stawy) a kims takim jak Jay Cutler - ktory ciagle sobie cwiczy i nie ma wiekszych problemow ze zdrowiem (oboje zrezygnowali z kariery w wieku okolo 40 lat - i widac ktory z nich mial madrzejsze dlugoterminowe podejscie). To duze uproszczenie, ale Ronie praktycznie byl na wozku inwalidzkim przez dlugi czas, a Jay rozwijal swoj business w tym czasie, nie majac wiekszych problemow ze zdrowiem (zreszta ciagle odwiedza on rozne zawody i mozna go spotkac w roznych klubach w LA, jak ktos tam czesto bywa).
@@tannhauser5399 Właśnie warto przekonywać młodych ludzi, żeby się nie poddawali, z tego powodu że mogli mieć np. złe wzorce z domu rodzinnego, bo mogą nie wierzyć w siebie, mieć przekonanie że się nie nadają do danej czynności. Bo mogą mieć zło otocznie, właśnie dlatego trzeba ich uświadamiać, że należy być wytrwałym. Możesz mieć zdolnego człowieka, w którym kiepskie dzieciństwem zabiło poczucie własnej wartości . To co piszesz to zajeżdża trochę wymówkami. Nie urodziłeś się w rodzinie bardzo bogatej? No i? Rób tyle na ile możesz, po prostu. Nie musisz być jak Jef Bezos, czy Ronnie Coleman. Potrzebujesz więcej czasu, żeby się czegoś nauczyć? Skończ biadolić i się ucz. jak komuś na czymś zależy to to osiągnie. Nikt nie mówi o zdobywaniu Mont Everest. Zawsze będą ludzie którzy osiągnęli więcej, no i? Powód żeby rezygnować? Wiadomo, są ludzie którzy bardzo szybko notują postępy w tym czym się zajmują, czy to sport czy nauka, no i? Wróć do tego co napisałem, widocznie ktoś inny potrzebuje więcej czasu. Czy to powód żeby szukać wymówek i nic nie robić? Gość na końcu wygląda jak na towarze, fakt. Tyle że przez to cała masa dzieciaków ma przestać ćwiczyć, bo nie osiągnie takiego poziomu? Chyba że chodzi Ci o frustrację z powodu nie osiągniecia takich rezultatów jak prezentują fejkowi naturale.
beautiful .. God Bless you always young man
Sei un esempio per tutti i ragazzi che vogliono avere stima in se stessi.... purtroppo al giorno d' oggi tanti si scoraggiano al primo imprevisto e si sentono insicuri.....con sacrificio arrivi dove vuoi💕
Damn, you really are motivating a 13 year old here...
Hii where are you from?
@@Masterstrange56 Denmark, why?
@@marsilkri7823 because he wants you to play with him 'HowToBasic
@@abnormaltaro3364 true lol
@@chrxne2062 I just wrote it randomly.. I mean LITERALLY RANDOMLY..
but.. I get my words now.. 😅😅
this, is real transformation respect bro
the crazy thing is, that on the start of the transformation you had 70 kg and at the end 71 kg. Just mindblowing how different physique you can achieve when you are just shredded to the bone. Looks much bigger than 71 kg bro. Keep going man insane :D
Ohhhh thx for your comment. I was thinking to myself if calisthenics can increase weight. He seems to have way more than 71 =O
He had 59 at start.
yes this fact is so cool :)
It is funny that you mention it... I am 183 and weigh 78, have 11% fat but I don't nearly look as pumped as he does...
your quote: "but first i needed to loose weight" really inspires me. but in my case it means "i first need to gain weight". thanks for the motivation!
amazing body transformation💪
behind the story of every legend there is a kid with a dream, amazing transformation dude one day you will be the best in the world
Bro you are thinking like me
2:39 my favourite motivational line when he says anyone can achieve
Your transformation is so inspiring, my physique really looks similar to yours at the start, seeing you able to transform into something better from the beginning, gives me the motivation that I can do it aswell 💪
Everyone can get to that level.
The difference between all us is the starting point and the time it will take us.
Some can get there in 2 years,some in 4 etc...
But just dont give up and keep going! You are a human being,you are amazing and capable of all this things.
We all walk on the same road, the long road of becoming great. I walk on this road aswell, but the walking is slow, hard and frustrating. However, there where I’m currently you already walked with the same feelings of being slow, tired and frustrated, yet you kept on walking, so I THANK YOU, for this way I’m able to walk in your steps, so I can go on likewise and thus let others behind me to walk in my steps. Thank you!
This reminds me of those 'people are awesome' videos from 10 years ago. Most inspiring thing I've seen online for a long time!
Thank you so much for sharing this. I started my training one week ago and seeing this helps me a lot. Keep up the great work!
I'm just starting as well. Good luck to us!
So it’s been a year. How has it gone?
I'll never forgot this masterpiece of motivation which brings lit inside me... Your previous body is just like my present body state .. I'll definitely do hardwork to achieve it at any cost.. Thnx for it... I'll come to edit after 5 Yrs.
Sooo sick!! Congrats mate, keep up the hard work 💪! That’s a true transformation 💪
it really is a true transformation!
Thank you for actually showing the results and not any deadass who started using steroids.
The music you put at your body transformation is very suitable. It directly give me goosebumps 🥶
Dang I wish I had found calisthenics earlier in life. It’s a way of life and more rewarding than going to the gym. I’m only 2 months in but I hope my routine will help build my own greatness!
at which age did you start?
@@johannes01 I was at the age of 25 when I started. Tbh once you lose the momentum in calisthenics it can be hard to get back into it even though I go to the gym a whole lot anyways
@@JabbaARMY yeah, but it’s still possible 😄
You must be feeling great waiting for 5 years and you finally uploaded it huh? Have a good day bro💙 great journey!
@@bollywoodbollywood7659 really man
This motivational video is intense as hell🔥🔥💪💪
Im more motivated now bro thanks to your hardwork vid . ❤️
Proud of yourself bro💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
Szacunek chłopaku. Mega dużo pracy i efekt jest powalający ;)
This really motivated me because being so tall you're usually told online that calisthenics are too hard. This shows you can actually achieve it.
Everyone can achieve this form, just keep going...👊
This is a massively valuable video man, everybody sees the results but almost noone sees the journey to that result
Every hard work give you something special this is u!
All your hard work and determination really shows that it can actually happen Amen. You can achieve your goals with the right mind set. You definitely showed us this in your video. I seen where you failed on a exercise and hit the floor. But you stayed focused and determined to get to your goals. Your story is very inspiring and it makes me want to keep going .🤗 Amazing results you look strong healthy and fit. Congrats dude keep it up 💪 thanks for sharing 🥰
Thanks a lot for your words
@@MacPrzenioslo Can you please share your meal plan as well?
Great job man,it take me 6 years to have that body,it's all worth it :)
wow 6 years at it that's so motivating! are you still going!
Really you worked very hard and it is clearly visible
Very motivating and inspirational video bro !!!!!!!!🧡🧡💪💪💪
he worked and worked and worked and got results!
That is fantastic. Just make sure you spend as much time and hard work on you Soul, and your Mind as well as your body! You already have the discipline! Goodonya.
A lesson from this video: *Every fail is one front-step*
One step forward*
@@thymike7 front-step is with another meaning
@@Madbandworld what does it means?
@@thymike7 front-step is like when you fail, you automatically build up progress, and the next time you redo it better
Thank you for motivation 🔥
I'm as tall as you so its really inspiring me 💪🏻
Lets get to work !!!
how tall are you?
Insane transformation 💯
You are an inspiration. You have achieved so much and worked so hard. You deserve the new you!
Fantastic, what an accomplishment. Superhuman strength. Brilliant video of your achievements.
Tall People: Let's forget about the calisthenics skills, they are not possible for us
Maciek: Hold my maltese!
How tall is he?
@@hjkhhjkh3635184 cm (6 feet and half inch)
It's a new level bro ! Amazing video and amazing motivated story ) Never give up and always believe in yourself 🔥💪🏼
This video took 5 years to make it's so incredible!
0:44 this is basically me after my first ever workout😂😂
Hi!!I watch this young man powerful and motivating.I was in the military 19yrs top fit like serious fit.negativity is a pain in the ass!!my day to day job as a security breaks my spirit,long hours tiering not in a mood for anything BT to eat an go sleep.I miss the me I motivated a lot of ppl in my time I'm new 46 and it feels like life took a big bite out of me don't no where to start.anyone with sum positive advise pls I need it thanks!!!
What drives you to push yourself to new limits? Your relentless pursuit of progress and improvement is truly impressive.
Bro you have the cleanest planche for a 6ft guy I’ve seen so far.
What's planche?
@@sovereignboss1841 wtf 1re u doing here if u dont know what planche is
A planche is the most skilled callisthenic movement to achieve
@@sovereignboss1841 its a strength move its like the end goal for a lot of people where you hold your body in the air with the strength of your hands.
@Squirrel I have got 184cm tall so 6ft' guy here :)
3:16 music Mandrazo, The FifthGuys - Burn Em (feat. OTG Stiffy), thank me later
Why did I read that first as "FilthyFrank"
It's a good motivation for everyone who want to change their life and body. Thank you 😀👍
Congratulations! Well done! Thank you for posting.
Niesamowita metamorfoza Maćku! Potrzebujemy takich ludzi jak Ty! Dodałeś mi właśnie ogrom motywacji, na razie udało mi się zrzucić trochę tłuszczu (przy 176cm ważyłem nawet 84kg, teraz ok. 70kg), ale ciągle muszę pracować nad swoją masą mięśniową :P
Powodzenia w stawaniu się lepszą wersją siebie
Amazing progression
I'm going to be a professional athlete one day I promise 🙂it's my absolute dream
I'm just super disappointed I didn't know calisthenics at an early age, I wish I started a long time ago.
this is an example that time will get you further than steroids
Maybe you are fat and you are envious 😂
This is amazing, very inspirational
I do it since 2 months… your video push my Motivation to Level 9000
Really amazing bro! You inspired me a lot 🙏🏻❤️
did you start because of this video?
I watched this video after my 2.5 months of calisthenics journey for some motivation. I've gained good strength through my hard work and consistency. I failed many times but slowly and steadily I'll achieve my goal. Now I've completed 3 months and I've developed a lot strength. I'll keep going . 😌
@@karanchoudhary2310 yess that’s the mindset! Never give up 💪
It's easier to get into his level if you start as a small twig. But if you're a truck, things get a little harder
Im literally a twig and idk if im able to gain weight
It's on you human can achieve anything he wants
@@-shakir5152 Go to tao physique channel and check his videos on gaining muscle. He is also a calisthenics fan so theres that too
@@zam50 hola muchachos
Twigs say the exact same thing about people that gain weight more easily 🤷
If you are struggling, considering giving up, stop for a moment and think of why you started, what you can become and push. Nothing good comes without hard work and determination. Take studying for example - you can't do well on a test if you don't study (unless you are one of those geniuses). A key thing with journeys is to believe. YOU can achieve - yes, it will hurt sometimes, yes, you'll want to give up, but keep pushing and you'll see results. If no one believes in you, I do. Prove the haters wrong 💜
Great on you Maciek!!!! Keep it going. Thank you for the inspiration.
Its AMAZING what human can do to transform thyself;
MINDoverPAIN&MATTER..we can literally do anything & achieve our GOALS 🤗
this video gives me motivation & determination to make a change.
Totalny szef 🙏🔥
Hight quality of recording must to say
Fantastic transformation and a great video 👍🏼👍🏼 can you tell me how tall you are? :)
Big respect for your commitment man!
You can be so proud of your self. You did it mate. I wish the best life for you. Keep it up man. Stay strong my brother.
Bro this was an insane transformation it motivated me so much! I am 187 cm and I want to achieve full planche so badly.
Well done mate.🤙🏼💪🏼
Also how tall are you?
i think he is 5.9ft
@@younsotman584 thanks mate
I am actually exatly 187 also... I think will still be able to learn the moves. How long youve been training for now?
@@younsotman584 no he had 6ft and half inch
*Você é a minha inspiração🇧🇷❤️💪*
This is amazing! I'm really curious to know what your routine was and how it changed during those 5 years
To be that consistently motivated and still going, wow is that even possible. You are unbelievable buddy! Congratulations 👏 I will commit and stay strong too 🙏
Wow, stunning to see you achieve your potential...your strength is breath taking...congratulations
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Check out my IG: @macjek_sw
Awesome is your transformation all natural I assume it is since you put five years of hard work into it. Also, the transformation and editing are incredible good job!
Kya khate the
Bodybuilding me kya eat lete the
Does your hair starts falling??
@@ShivamKumar-gg5tu lmfao