UPDATE: The prices I am showing here are from a mature economy, and while I believe we will see these prices eventually I am now under the impression we won't see them until Phase 2 or even Phase 3. There are a few things that are killing the market for these fish and recipes, and that is: 1. Economy is still knew, and a majority of players don't have buying power yet. 2. Layering abuse could saturate the market. 3. I could have simply overestimated what we'll see in Classic vs what we saw in Private Servers. (I am human after all.) There has been positive results reported to me though as more than couple players have shared with me that they are still making enough gold with this guide to pay for their Level 40 mount. Just don't expect the prices I am showing here for a little while. I'm going to continue to evaluate the market on my server and others, and if we don't see a positive change towards what I show here I will update this video with more accurate prices. I apologize for the inconvenience, and happy fishing!
Private servers are not the best source to draw info from, they have all been drastically different from the Classic servers so maybe you should have waited for the fucking game to actually release before telling us it a legitimate gold source. Most classic players are from retail and they don't realize how important things like cooking, fishing, and first aid are now.
I've made around 30g between fish, ore and herb. Slowly trying to push the economy upwards. The big thing right now is demand more so. Firefin are wanted only for leveling but as more people become MC and UBRS ready i'm hoping those will really pick up. I think if a player is willing to put in the work, they can stockpile in anticipation of the phase needs. The best time I was able to capitalize on anything was in anticipation of needs based on patch launches etc. I think if you haven't already, exploring and posting about the AQ build up world gathering event would be a great way for people to make a lot of their money towards epic mounts.
@@shadowforge What other source of information was he supposed to use? Private servers will not have been entirely inaccurate when set against Classic; no one had experienced layering. Shitposting like this on what is effectively an admission is beyond stupid. I have personally made 100g from following this video; where I might have expected 3-400g from the video, I''m still pleased enough as fundamentally I enjoy fishing.
I must say the leveling journey became a lot more interesting when I decided to pick up all the secondary professions and two main professions and level them at the same time. I haven't had this much fun in wow ever.
Special thanks for subtitles. So anyone from different countries playing WoW can also watch your videos without any problems)) I'm from Russian. Your videos are extremely informative.
Hey friend. I have entire bank filled with [Stonescale Eel], over 500. When I hit level 30 on my shaman I was in 1kn so I just made the trip south to Tanaris and freely farmed a 100% empty zone for three days straight. I have gold for my level 40 mount already and when these Eels take off on the AH (in a month or 2) I should be pretty damn close to my epic mount too. The waterwalking is amazing for this and I bought over 300 [Fish Oil] for about 30c each. The [Mithril Bound Chest] is insane. I had access to materials that nobody on my server could even craft with yet. I found a tailor that was deep into Silk around 210-220 range and fed them materials to power them up to 260 tailoring (the chests also drop tons of [Bolt of Mageweave]). While they were at work leveling tailoring, I made a 20+ death run to Winterspring where I waited nearly two hours for the recipe for Runecloth bag to spawn at Qia. Then there it was, the first week of classic and here I was pumping out 14 slot bags before there was literally any mageweave on the AH. I've had over 40 runecloth bags made since. I've sold them all at a reasonable 5.99g
Wow that's a lot of farming. I also bought my epic mount from fishing Stonescale back in 2004 or 2005, but I never had so much as you. A stack of stonescale would commonly sell for 40-48 g back then, about 2g per fish.
Don't know why youtube recommended this video, maybe because it knew I used to play WoW and I used to fish a lot.. really a lot! This guide brings back memories. However there is one thing missing: fishing for Essence of Water. Essence of Water could be fished out of pools of water (don't remember their exact names) that were found only in Azshara far out into sea. This was best for making gold, but it was also hardest to fish because it required super high fishing skill: 300 fishing, Arcanite Fishing Pole and best lure. I think enchant was needed too. I've made lots of gold fishing it. There were only few spawn points for those pools, pools were very hard to get to and very high fishing skill requirements meant competition was rare.
Vjacheslav Trushkin in Azshara it takes a skill of 425 to catch 100%. I was going to include those in this video, but I realized I would be guessing too much on the info. Probably when Classic is live and I see exactly where the pools are, and what the spawn rates are I will make a follow up video on exactly that.
@@Icosiol No, they had even higher requirements. 425 wasn't enough to had decent success chance in those pools. At least that's how I remember it. Please do post when you'll find them in Classic, would be interesting to find out how old memories hold up to actual data.
great video man, had it on my watch later for awhile but im glad i got around to watching it. nothing like finishing the night with some beers and a fishing session before bed
See! You're doing it right. You can't fish without the refreshing taste of an alcoholic beverage. Nat Pagle would be proud. Glad you enjoyed the video!
Excellent guide. I can vouch for the effectiveness of making money with fishing. I joined vanilla late, but people were still buying the fish you highlight right up until TBC. Two other things of note: Traveller's Backpack (16-slot bag) can be found in the Mithril Bound Chest. Given the importance of bags, these are great for personal use, or for selling on the AH. There's also a +2 fishing enchant for gloves. It's only +2, but every little bit helps.
2:55 oily blackmouth and firefin snapper are not pool-only. They're open water drops too. Same with stonescales. If the pools are being overly farmed it can be better to just park up and open-water fish, you'll just catch a lot more trash fish and have a slower farming rate. It just depends on the amount of competition and travel time between pools. Also Mightfish steak (10 sta) is worse than the generic max-rank well fed buff (12 sta, 12 spi) which is provided by a variety of easy-to-farm ingredients. Great video overall, love the production quality. Subbed.
That is correct, Blackmouth and Firefin are not pools only, but it is far more efficient in my opinion to fish for them in pools only. Any extra you find while fishing elsewhere is just a bonus. However, we still don’t know what the drop rate will actually be outside of pools in Classic. If memory serves (which likely it won’t) it wasn’t that much. Mightfish Steak has always baffled me, because as you point out there are better foods out there. Yet any time I sell a stack I can generally sell them for those prices. I catch them when I am looking for Winter Squid. Great input and thank you for the Sub! :D
I started playing in wrath as a kid. By the time I was a “competent” player was maybe like end of legion. I never took professions seriously, until SOD it’s just enough of retail, with the nice classic style. And now I realize how important professions are, especially fishing.
I regularly find myself playing the fishing mini-games inside of games more than the games themselves. All the Zelda games, FarCry 5, Yakuza 0, Stardew Valley, Final Fantasy 15, Nier Automata, Monster Hunter World, and now WoW...holy crap, I might have a problem.
As much as people shit on fishing to being boring.. Hell do I miss turning up some Music 1-2 hours before I sleep and just brainbdead fish while talking to friends from my guild. cant wait for that to happen in classic again
@Honudes Gai ahhh its all so simple now! Just get a better (higher paid) job guys where you work less hours and stop buying food, paying rent, utilities, car registration, taxes, clothes, medicine.. then you'll have time to fish! And if you have a family to provide for, FORGEDDABOWTIT.. with none of the above, they'll die from lack of the basics. Problem solves itself! (i personally, have time to fish btw lol)
That's how I did it the first time I ever picked up fishing. I was a level 12 noob, just picked up the fishing skill and a pole and I just parked my ass near Auberdine to raise the skill. Initially, I was only planning on about 10 mins of fishing before I started tackling quests again, but then I got to talking in the guild while fishing and I just kept going. Before I knew it, 2 hours had passed and my fishing skill was maxed (for my level at the time). I never did figure out how to turn fishing into a profit, though. I was too young and way too inexperienced for that. Every time I went fishing in Vanilla, it was literally just to pass the time. Hopefully I can do that again in Classic, except now I know how to make some cash off it.
If I remember right, there is also the less effective fishing line you can get early on by fishing in the one pond in Westfall. It wasn't discovered until quite some time into the game with later expansions, but I believe they'd said it had been there in vanilla at that point. You get it by opening Stendel's Bane that you fish up there. You can also enchant your gloves for a +5...
just started playing wow and decide to max my fishing ASAP got to 150 fishing in 2 days and made 200 gold at dark shore. my Fiancé who has played wow for years was amazed that I had made so much gold so fast. fishing has been extremely profitable
tip for leveling low levels, turn the volume all the way up, cast, toggle over to another screen and listen for the "splashing" sound that means a fish is hooked. Yeah, you might miss a couple, but the sound is very distinctive and this way you can read, watch, do something rather than stare at the bobber. I can usually get to 75 in 20-25 painfree minutes...as a bonus you can usually get cooking to 75-80 with the fish you caught. I know this isnt life changing, but getting those 75 levels out of the way means you can fish the nodes/wreckage in higher level zones as you happen to run into them while questing. That and fishing while waiting for boats will easily get you to 200 fishing skill. Much easier than getting to 40 with a fishing skill of 1.
Icosiol, thank you for this guide! I used your Alliance Fishing Guide to level up my fishing and I'm currently using this guide to fish for gold! Although this guide is more than enough, I was wondering if you were planning on making a "Classic WoW: Cooking for Gold" guide? Fishing and cooking (and alchemy) are my favorite professions so it'd be amazing if there was someone like you who'd cover all of them. Again, this guide is more than enough, but if you ever find the time I think not only I, but a lot of us out there would really appreciate it. Thank you for all of your hard work!
Michael well you hit the nail on the head, because it’s not an issue if I want to do them. The issue is time. Now that Classic is out I want to play it, but I also want to continue making these videos. Now put a full time job + newborn and time quickly evaporates. I am glad you enjoyed the guide, but be aware that the economy is new and not yet established so sale amounts will be very low. Keep an eye on your server’s market so you know when the right time to sell is.
I'm going to be the city fishing and meat vendor where locals in the big city can come and gather their food. I will travel between the big cities of Azeroth and sell my wares both cooked and raw. Hopefully server will enjoy me being one of the famous fishermans helping guilds out to get the server firsts. I already done the PvE content once and in hardcore environment - even though I really want to replay it I won't have the time for it nowadays I'm afraid. So being a server food, flask, elixir provider could be a casual way of still enjoying the game! See you in Classic ❤️
I won it first try. On a PVP server. Everyone else was fighting, being emotional and all that BS. If I died I just moved down the coast a bit and continued fishing. Turned out that everyone else was busy "fighting" for fishing spots while I just fished.
AntPDC sure did, but they will be discussed in my next video (which I wanted finished last week, and this week I was too busy so now I am hoping for next weekend...Ugh!!! Real life sucks!).
I used fishing to get my fast mount in classic. Running back and forth shore of STV and fishing boxes. Inside was often bolts of runecloth that were quite expensive and sold really fast in AH.
@@Saphice Something that just occurred to me is that someday fairly soon, we will reach a point where people were born too late to remember this... lmao
Oh man it kinda reminded me how time consuming it was training skills and magic level on Tibia back in the day. Fishing in wow is definitely not boring if you dare to compare. In Tibia you needed 15 hours doing the same shit to level 1 skill. Modern players they have no idea what is like to do not feel happy with fast rewarding games. Players that came from SNES and PS1 rpg games like Xenogears, Chronno Trigger, FF, Tatics Ogre, Lufia, Secret of Mana, Legend of Legaia, Legend of Dragon, Digimon World, Zelda and so on, these people tend to understand what a real RPG stands for. There is no roleplaying aspect at all from that kinda boring fast paced games they play today. This is why I am soooo hyped to play Classic WOW.
If making a dedicated fishing character consider shaman for water walking or priest for levitate. All others invest heavily by making arrangements with alchemists to trade fish for *exlirs* of water walking (req. lvl 35 , guardian elixir) Being able to walk or use mounts on water is also KEY to winning the STV contest if your not on a PVP server.
That really brings up memories. In my guild there was me and 2 other guys who were fishing maniacs, would head out at night, for 1-2 hours and hit all the hotspots for stonescale and other fishes for flasks, and we all drank heavily while doing it. So much fun, party of drunken fishermen !
Where/what's the best fishing for oily blackmouth (asking for phase 3 of tbc)? Seems like Darkshore pools might be among the best but wondering if any locations (not fishing pools perhaps?) are better. U da 'mon Ico!
If you’re farming for Oily BM specifically the best way to get them is from pools. Open waters will just give you a lot of trash fish you don’t want with few catches of Oily. That being the case here’s some great locations: Darkshore Menethil Harbor/Wetlands Savage Coast STV Tanaris Feralas The last three are my consistent farm in Classic, because you get a ton of pools of wreckage, and can find Stone Scale Eel which are great gold earners. Don’t skip any pools because all will yield some Oily BM, and along the way you will find plenty of Oily BM pools.
Been a year since I watched this guide and followed your channel. Still trying to fish in peace in classic but ugly dwarfs and humans gank me poor Troll Fisher all the time. I wont give up! Looking forward for BC Content
The quest at Ravantusk village is no longer available for the fishing pole Extreme Angler FC-5000 is no longer available now was only limited time only
Should I focus on fishing/cooking on my priest or mage? I was thinking priest because I won’t be able to make food/water but also thought mage since I can teleport around and set my hearth to a farming spot rather than Org.
It’s not really class specific, but I guess of those two I would choose Priest simply because a Mage has the other option of AoE farming vs the Priest.
I seem to recall that during Vanilla, you could occasionally catch blackmouth and firefin while fishing from the dock in Menethil, even without a school appearing. Am I wrong? And I am certain that stonescale eel did not require a school. I used to catch them in Feralas. They were rare, but you did not have to find a school.
Hi sir! I have found that I am able to fish for oily black mouth even without their pools, and with a fishing level of at least 90 :) the spots I have done that are mostly in westfall/gold coast. The rate when not using the pool is lower, but still quite decent! Perhaps 1/4 or 1/5. Perhaps that was an update since the time you posted this video
Team Kuuki Food & Games I misspoke there. I was talking about farming Oily Blackmouth specifically and it being more efficient to just fish from the pools rather than in open waters.
The greater sage fish spawn mentioned along the river in Hillsbrad is actually just regular sagefish, if you want greater sagefish go to the lake in Alterac Mountains.
You should divide all the price estimations by 10 to accomodate for the current new-realm economy where gold is still very sparse. In 2-5 Months, the economies may have adapted to the pricing-structure in your video ;)
I believe prices will reach the low end of what I show here in less time than that, but we shall see. If they don’t and prices remain completely off I will make an updated video.
The real question is whether or not the STV fishing extravaganza will even be in Classic to start. In vanilla, the event was added in patch 1.7--the same time as ZG. That means it *would* come in Phase 4... but is it one of those things that blizzard is keeping from 1.12? Does it count as raid or PvP content?
I remember back in Everquest there was a way to get the 'Fisherman's Companion' item... summons a fishing pole, and that pole could be used to summon beer as well as fish with.
That's a huge surprise those stonescale eels were going for just 2 gold on my server. I should have bought them out didn't know how important they were
Having trouble on prices... care to help me out? I don't seem to be getting any good prices on Nightfin soup or the Sunscale Salmon or even the Stonescale Eels. The economy seems fucked on my server. Got fishing and cooking to 300 on Mankrik.
ExplodingMarshmallow, the economy is still maturing, and while I do believe we will see these prices by Phase 2, you won’t see them now. I just simply overestimated based off of what I saw on private servers. I am regularly seeing Nightfin Soup at 6-9g per stack on my server, but Stonescale Eel is at 1-2g per stack which is shocking. Winter Squid sold as cooked Grilled Squid is going for 10+g per stack, so look at getting that.
@@Icosiol What ? Nightfin soup is at 3g at my server, and i have like 200 of them , unable to sell them. Sucks tbh. Ok, where do i catch the winter quid :) ?
UPDATE: The prices I am showing here are from a mature economy, and while I believe we will see these prices eventually I am now under the impression we won't see them until Phase 2 or even Phase 3. There are a few things that are killing the market for these fish and recipes, and that is:
1. Economy is still knew, and a majority of players don't have buying power yet.
2. Layering abuse could saturate the market.
3. I could have simply overestimated what we'll see in Classic vs what we saw in Private Servers. (I am human after all.)
There has been positive results reported to me though as more than couple players have shared with me that they are still making enough gold with this guide to pay for their Level 40 mount. Just don't expect the prices I am showing here for a little while. I'm going to continue to evaluate the market on my server and others, and if we don't see a positive change towards what I show here I will update this video with more accurate prices. I apologize for the inconvenience, and happy fishing!
Gotta say STV is pretty lucrative coast line. I love farming it
Private servers are not the best source to draw info from, they have all been drastically different from the Classic servers so maybe you should have waited for the fucking game to actually release before telling us it a legitimate gold source. Most classic players are from retail and they don't realize how important things like cooking, fishing, and first aid are now.
I ran a DPS druid when I used to play. Yeah... I ended up as the Nat Pagel of my guild. =D
I've made around 30g between fish, ore and herb. Slowly trying to push the economy upwards. The big thing right now is demand more so. Firefin are wanted only for leveling but as more people become MC and UBRS ready i'm hoping those will really pick up. I think if a player is willing to put in the work, they can stockpile in anticipation of the phase needs. The best time I was able to capitalize on anything was in anticipation of needs based on patch launches etc. I think if you haven't already, exploring and posting about the AQ build up world gathering event would be a great way for people to make a lot of their money towards epic mounts.
@@shadowforge What other source of information was he supposed to use? Private servers will not have been entirely inaccurate when set against Classic; no one had experienced layering. Shitposting like this on what is effectively an admission is beyond stupid.
I have personally made 100g from following this video; where I might have expected 3-400g from the video, I''m still pleased enough as fundamentally I enjoy fishing.
I can't believe I'm excited to fish. classic is amazing
Because you're a cat XD
I must say the leveling journey became a lot more interesting when I decided to pick up all the secondary professions and two main professions and level them at the same time. I haven't had this much fun in wow ever.
just dont stress yourself with leveling up and u will have much more fun :)
because u reach the max level quicker as you think and then you are going to do the same shit over and over again :D
It’s crazy when trade skills matter people enjoy doing them. Something retail could learn from.
i have never ever lvled up in any other way
@@iteazzxgaming1132 or do whatever tha fuk u want, if you think speed leveling is fun i would fukin recommend u to do so
mind boggling to see a Classic fishing guide on 2019 the past is the future!
The past is now old man!
Lol the best is how the I played vanilla people misteriously disappeared and only ppl like this video live
And now we’re back in fresh
Special thanks for subtitles. So anyone from different countries playing WoW can also watch your videos without any problems)) I'm from Russian. Your videos are extremely informative.
Finally the video I was searching for. Congrats man, very well done indeed. Subscribed and liked this video!
0:21 "Gloooria... How do we fish..."
LOLOL!!!! dyin
great now i can't unhear this
XD Haha
Hey friend. I have entire bank filled with [Stonescale Eel], over 500.
When I hit level 30 on my shaman I was in 1kn so I just made the trip south to Tanaris and freely farmed a 100% empty zone for three days straight. I have gold for my level 40 mount already and when these Eels take off on the AH (in a month or 2) I should be pretty damn close to my epic mount too.
The waterwalking is amazing for this and I bought over 300 [Fish Oil] for about 30c each.
The [Mithril Bound Chest] is insane. I had access to materials that nobody on my server could even craft with yet. I found a tailor that was deep into Silk around 210-220 range and fed them materials to power them up to 260 tailoring (the chests also drop tons of [Bolt of Mageweave]). While they were at work leveling tailoring, I made a 20+ death run to Winterspring where I waited nearly two hours for the recipe for Runecloth bag to spawn at Qia. Then there it was, the first week of classic and here I was pumping out 14 slot bags before there was literally any mageweave on the AH.
I've had over 40 runecloth bags made since. I've sold them all at a reasonable 5.99g
Rank 1 ARAM you, Sir, are a farming machine! Good job!
Impressive sir
Wow that's a lot of farming. I also bought my epic mount from fishing Stonescale back in 2004 or 2005, but I never had so much as you. A stack of stonescale would commonly sell for 40-48 g back then, about 2g per fish.
Don't know why youtube recommended this video, maybe because it knew I used to play WoW and I used to fish a lot.. really a lot! This guide brings back memories. However there is one thing missing: fishing for Essence of Water. Essence of Water could be fished out of pools of water (don't remember their exact names) that were found only in Azshara far out into sea. This was best for making gold, but it was also hardest to fish because it required super high fishing skill: 300 fishing, Arcanite Fishing Pole and best lure. I think enchant was needed too. I've made lots of gold fishing it. There were only few spawn points for those pools, pools were very hard to get to and very high fishing skill requirements meant competition was rare.
Vjacheslav Trushkin in Azshara it takes a skill of 425 to catch 100%. I was going to include those in this video, but I realized I would be guessing too much on the info. Probably when Classic is live and I see exactly where the pools are, and what the spawn rates are I will make a follow up video on exactly that.
@@Icosiol No, they had even higher requirements. 425 wasn't enough to had decent success chance in those pools. At least that's how I remember it. Please do post when you'll find them in Classic, would be interesting to find out how old memories hold up to actual data.
I confirmed the 425 from multiple sources, but I will make an update if that proves false.
Amazing video. I love how straight to the point, calm, informative and entertaining it was.
Your voice was reminding me of the How its Made TV show back in the 2010's. I loved that show!! Clear and informative video, Thank you
great video man, had it on my watch later for awhile but im glad i got around to watching it. nothing like finishing the night with some beers and a fishing session before bed
See! You're doing it right. You can't fish without the refreshing taste of an alcoholic beverage. Nat Pagle would be proud. Glad you enjoyed the video!
Wow. Great videos! Thanks for making them. Hope you’ll continue with them through classic, they’re great guides!!
xSean499x I have quite a few planned going forward including how to level each profession.
Excellent guide. I can vouch for the effectiveness of making money with fishing. I joined vanilla late, but people were still buying the fish you highlight right up until TBC.
Two other things of note:
Traveller's Backpack (16-slot bag) can be found in the Mithril Bound Chest. Given the importance of bags, these are great for personal use, or for selling on the AH.
There's also a +2 fishing enchant for gloves. It's only +2, but every little bit helps.
2:55 oily blackmouth and firefin snapper are not pool-only. They're open water drops too. Same with stonescales.
If the pools are being overly farmed it can be better to just park up and open-water fish, you'll just catch a lot more trash fish and have a slower farming rate. It just depends on the amount of competition and travel time between pools.
Also Mightfish steak (10 sta) is worse than the generic max-rank well fed buff (12 sta, 12 spi) which is provided by a variety of easy-to-farm ingredients.
Great video overall, love the production quality. Subbed.
That is correct, Blackmouth and Firefin are not pools only, but it is far more efficient in my opinion to fish for them in pools only. Any extra you find while fishing elsewhere is just a bonus. However, we still don’t know what the drop rate will actually be outside of pools in Classic. If memory serves (which likely it won’t) it wasn’t that much.
Mightfish Steak has always baffled me, because as you point out there are better foods out there. Yet any time I sell a stack I can generally sell them for those prices. I catch them when I am looking for Winter Squid.
Great input and thank you for the Sub! :D
Suddenly a Random Icosiol pops up and Brings us great Content. Subscribed right away! Keep it up i'll be following this.
I started playing in wrath as a kid. By the time I was a “competent” player was maybe like end of legion. I never took professions seriously, until SOD it’s just enough of retail, with the nice classic style. And now I realize how important professions are, especially fishing.
Thanks, I was having flashbacks with this video I loved it. Keep up the good work and thanks again!
Thanks for your videos , watching your channel gave me incentive to make my first wow tips video. Keep up the great work.
I regularly find myself playing the fishing mini-games inside of games more than the games themselves. All the Zelda games, FarCry 5, Yakuza 0, Stardew Valley, Final Fantasy 15, Nier Automata, Monster Hunter World, and now WoW...holy crap, I might have a problem.
nice list
I feel you man.
Followed your fishing / cooking guide. Had artisan cooking at 37 and artisan fishing at level 40. Your horde side guides rocked
Great channel, I'm really loving watching the videos, I started playing now.
The most PERFECT fishing guide ever!TYVM for this. Keep up the good work.CHeeers!!
Great Video! Very informative! Your voice is very crisp and sounds almost identical to The “How it’s Made” Narrators voice!
Very useful video, i'll definitely be leveling up fishing/cooking while I'm leveling, didn't realize how profitable it can be
Great guide! Please tell us more about the Fishing Extravaganza and how to win!
The Shoobes, might do that video after I figure out how to win it in Classic. I won it during TBC, but that was years ago.
@@Icosiol Take your time! Your videos are high quality and worth the wait
Thank you! I appreciate that.
Would also like to know! Best classic WoW guides I've seen on youtube
To win you need to position yourself well in the start, have the right skill and never give up. Be brave, be wild and catch fish 🐠😉
Clear, well produced, to the point. Subbed!
Awesome video!
Oily Blackmouth can be caught from open coastal water in Darkshore, though. They are not limited to pools.
Lucas Kibler That is true. I misspoke because I was thinking in the context of farming them from pools.
I loved this guide! Thank you! Visually perfect and I cannot thank you enough! Subscribed with bell
very informative. I am following your guides to level up fishing and cooking together.
Bro! Your intro is sick! Love how it looks! Super crisp!
As much as people shit on fishing to being boring..
Hell do I miss turning up some Music 1-2 hours before I sleep and just brainbdead fish while talking to friends from my guild.
cant wait for that to happen in classic again
You have time for this?
Fishing boring ? Fishbot problem solved
@Honudes Gai eh if he dies in his 50s debt doesn't mean a thing
@Honudes Gai ahhh its all so simple now! Just get a better (higher paid) job guys where you work less hours and stop buying food, paying rent, utilities, car registration, taxes, clothes, medicine.. then you'll have time to fish! And if you have a family to provide for, FORGEDDABOWTIT.. with none of the above, they'll die from lack of the basics. Problem solves itself! (i personally, have time to fish btw lol)
That's how I did it the first time I ever picked up fishing. I was a level 12 noob, just picked up the fishing skill and a pole and I just parked my ass near Auberdine to raise the skill. Initially, I was only planning on about 10 mins of fishing before I started tackling quests again, but then I got to talking in the guild while fishing and I just kept going. Before I knew it, 2 hours had passed and my fishing skill was maxed (for my level at the time). I never did figure out how to turn fishing into a profit, though. I was too young and way too inexperienced for that. Every time I went fishing in Vanilla, it was literally just to pass the time. Hopefully I can do that again in Classic, except now I know how to make some cash off it.
This channel is like the How It's Made of Classic Wow channels
I hope that's a good thing?
@@Icosiol Absolutely!
If I remember right, there is also the less effective fishing line you can get early on by fishing in the one pond in Westfall. It wasn't discovered until quite some time into the game with later expansions, but I believe they'd said it had been there in vanilla at that point. You get it by opening Stendel's Bane that you fish up there. You can also enchant your gloves for a +5...
just started playing wow and decide to max my fishing ASAP got to 150 fishing in 2 days and made 200 gold at dark shore. my Fiancé who has played wow for years was amazed that I had made so much gold so fast. fishing has been extremely profitable
That’s what I like to hear!
tip for leveling low levels, turn the volume all the way up, cast, toggle over to another screen and listen for the "splashing" sound that means a fish is hooked. Yeah, you might miss a couple, but the sound is very distinctive and this way you can read, watch, do something rather than stare at the bobber. I can usually get to 75 in 20-25 painfree minutes...as a bonus you can usually get cooking to 75-80 with the fish you caught. I know this isnt life changing, but getting those 75 levels out of the way means you can fish the nodes/wreckage in higher level zones as you happen to run into them while questing. That and fishing while waiting for boats will easily get you to 200 fishing skill. Much easier than getting to 40 with a fishing skill of 1.
Fantastic guide! Informative, calm and to the point. Subbed!
Icosiol, thank you for this guide! I used your Alliance Fishing Guide to level up my fishing and I'm currently using this guide to fish for gold!
Although this guide is more than enough, I was wondering if you were planning on making a "Classic WoW: Cooking for Gold" guide? Fishing and cooking (and alchemy) are my favorite professions so it'd be amazing if there was someone like you who'd cover all of them.
Again, this guide is more than enough, but if you ever find the time I think not only I, but a lot of us out there would really appreciate it. Thank you for all of your hard work!
Michael well you hit the nail on the head, because it’s not an issue if I want to do them. The issue is time. Now that Classic is out I want to play it, but I also want to continue making these videos. Now put a full time job + newborn and time quickly evaporates. I am glad you enjoyed the guide, but be aware that the economy is new and not yet established so sale amounts will be very low. Keep an eye on your server’s market so you know when the right time to sell is.
What do you currently fish for to make gold?
I'm going to be the city fishing and meat vendor where locals in the big city can come and gather their food. I will travel between the big cities of Azeroth and sell my wares both cooked and raw. Hopefully server will enjoy me being one of the famous fishermans helping guilds out to get the server firsts. I already done the PvE content once and in hardcore environment - even though I really want to replay it I won't have the time for it nowadays I'm afraid. So being a server food, flask, elixir provider could be a casual way of still enjoying the game! See you in Classic ❤️
We don't deserve you
@@LofiSlackie whyyy :(
Fishing so underrated in WoW. Can't wait for Classic.
Love your guides! Thanks so much! Off to hunt for the Big Iron Fishing Pole right now. Alliance Hunter Level 34!
“You have to win the STV fishing tournament”
-ahhh shit here we go again
I won it first try. On a PVP server.
Everyone else was fighting, being emotional and all that BS. If I died I just moved down the coast a bit and continued fishing. Turned out that everyone else was busy "fighting" for fishing spots while I just fished.
There wasn't a tournament on my server last Sunday. People in my server said it's not available yet
Thank you. Did you forget to cover Essences of Water, fished from elemental water pools in Azshara? They go for ~ 9g each on my Classic Server.
AntPDC sure did, but they will be discussed in my next video (which I wanted finished last week, and this week I was too busy so now I am hoping for next weekend...Ugh!!! Real life sucks!).
@@Icosiol IKR!
Nice day for fishin', ain't it? huhuh
Vandoeun Long I see you too are a person of culture
Morning.... morning... morning.
@@gabrielfallon8629 FOR DA PEACE OF DA KINGDOM!!!
Subscribed. Excellent video I'll probably watch a couple times before classic drops
dude you got that voice from how its made, i love it
Thank you I really like how you keep it simple to digest. :)
you can also catch oily blackmouth along the coast of westfall and you can catch them outside of pools
true i just got like 25 oily in BOty Bay to
I used fishing to get my fast mount in classic. Running back and forth shore of STV and fishing boxes. Inside was often bolts of runecloth that were quite expensive and sold really fast in AH.
Firefin Snapper and Oily Blackmouth don't need to be fished from schools, it's just more efficient.
Your channels quality is very good keep it up. Was watching and only to realize you have less subscribers than me. I was Shocked 😉
I am the tortoise in this Subscriber race. :P Thank you for the kind words.
Subbed after that intro
I prefer phishing for gold.
Catfishing is probably the most profitable method.
@@john-fi2ni catfish phishing?
Never found any gold at a Phish show...
Are you a Nigerian prince?
@@Saphice Something that just occurred to me is that someday fairly soon, we will reach a point where people were born too late to remember this... lmao
Great video! Very helpful 🙏
Oh man it kinda reminded me how time consuming it was training skills and magic level on Tibia back in the day. Fishing in wow is definitely not boring if you dare to compare. In Tibia you needed 15 hours doing the same shit to level 1 skill. Modern players they have no idea what is like to do not feel happy with fast rewarding games. Players that came from SNES and PS1 rpg games like Xenogears, Chronno Trigger, FF, Tatics Ogre, Lufia, Secret of Mana, Legend of Legaia, Legend of Dragon, Digimon World, Zelda and so on, these people tend to understand what a real RPG stands for. There is no roleplaying aspect at all from that kinda boring fast paced games they play today. This is why I am soooo hyped to play Classic WOW.
You have nice calming voice, great video, very helpful, thank you ! :)
If I'm not mistaken the drop rates for stonescale eel went up if you fished after midnight, 00:00-12:00.
You’re thinking of Nightfin Snapper. There was no time or date applied to the drop rates of Stonescale Eel.
I've been catching both Oily Blackmouth and Firefin Snapper just fishing off the dock in Menethil Harbor. No pool required.
Yeah but to get them in a row it has to be pool. Btw, what does a stack of each sell on AH now on your server?
The Firefin Snapper can be caught in the goblin logging area in Stonetalon Mountains in the Oily schools.
great video, you really made me interested in fishing with this. keep up the good work! subbed.
Amazing guide . Thank you
If making a dedicated fishing character consider shaman for water walking or priest for levitate.
All others invest heavily by making arrangements with alchemists to trade fish for *exlirs* of water walking (req. lvl 35 , guardian elixir)
Being able to walk or use mounts on water is also KEY to winning the STV contest if your not on a PVP server.
best part was teh very end. if u arent drunk while fishing ure not doin it right
You're absolutely right. I remember drinking all night with strangers working on alts fishing.
That really brings up memories. In my guild there was me and 2 other guys who were fishing maniacs, would head out at night, for 1-2 hours and hit all the hotspots for stonescale and other fishes for flasks, and we all drank heavily while doing it. So much fun, party of drunken fishermen !
Great vid! Thanks!
Exceeeeellent guide!!
THANK YOU! Finally I can do both WOW Classic and Netflix together and still make some G!
Where/what's the best fishing for oily blackmouth (asking for phase 3 of tbc)? Seems like Darkshore pools might be among the best but wondering if any locations (not fishing pools perhaps?) are better. U da 'mon Ico!
If you’re farming for Oily BM specifically the best way to get them is from pools. Open waters will just give you a lot of trash fish you don’t want with few catches of Oily. That being the case here’s some great locations:
Menethil Harbor/Wetlands
Savage Coast STV
The last three are my consistent farm in Classic, because you get a ton of pools of wreckage, and can find Stone Scale Eel which are great gold earners. Don’t skip any pools because all will yield some Oily BM, and along the way you will find plenty of Oily BM pools.
VERY nice video !! very well narated ! thanks !
"Glooria... how do we fish? Alliance bass ooh? Oh boots! Plenty of gold Uldum!"
*creds to comment from Andreas Mann further down for the first lines.
Been a year since I watched this guide and followed your channel. Still trying to fish in peace in classic but ugly dwarfs and humans gank me poor Troll Fisher all the time. I wont give up! Looking forward for BC Content
What are you specifically trying to fish?
I just wanted to correct that oily back mouth or firefin snappers can actually be found in Stonetalon mountains.
That cry at the mount vendor! I remember rerolling to night elf just to have a tiger and then I couldn't afford 60% mount until lvl 47 or so
I didn’t get my first mount until 50 something, and my 100% speed mount until 67. If only I had known about fishing back then.
Good guide, just a small detail: 4:08 Drakkisath is in UBRS, not BRD.
My memory has failed me. I should have confirmed that. Thank you.
Loved it mate great work!
I like the way you say "cooking".
Great video, and nice clear voice
The quest at Ravantusk village is no longer available for the fishing pole Extreme Angler FC-5000 is no longer available now was only limited time only
Savory deviates was my main money maker all the way through wrath rofl.
Should I focus on fishing/cooking on my priest or mage? I was thinking priest because I won’t be able to make food/water but also thought mage since I can teleport around and set my hearth to a farming spot rather than Org.
It’s not really class specific, but I guess of those two I would choose Priest simply because a Mage has the other option of AoE farming vs the Priest.
Wow your voice is so rymthmic. Please talk to me more ~amazing vid. Subbed. Please make more.
The antithetical of Madseason
OOoh...I love fishing. It reminds me of my favourite hobby. Watching paint dry on a wall.
Oily blackmount and firefin snappers are not ONLY found in pools. They are part of many zones normal fish tables.
ntall123 true, but I was talking about farming specifically for them and misspoke.
Moonglade is great, nightfins and blackmouth make great sales! Maybe not as much as eels, but they sell VERY quick right now
I seem to recall that during Vanilla, you could occasionally catch blackmouth and firefin while fishing from the dock in Menethil, even without a school appearing. Am I wrong? And I am certain that stonescale eel did not require a school. I used to catch them in Feralas. They were rare, but you did not have to find a school.
Hi sir! I have found that I am able to fish for oily black mouth even without their pools, and with a fishing level of at least 90 :) the spots I have done that are mostly in westfall/gold coast. The rate when not using the pool is lower, but still quite decent! Perhaps 1/4 or 1/5. Perhaps that was an update since the time you posted this video
Team Kuuki Food & Games I misspoke there. I was talking about farming Oily Blackmouth specifically and it being more efficient to just fish from the pools rather than in open waters.
@@Icosiol Ohh okay yes! That's true :) I love finding the pools.
Oily Blackmouth and Firefin Snapper can be caught anywhere, not just in fishing pools. I got 3 stacks of each on my way to 225 fishing skill
"Hot Smoked Bass" only sold in "Booty Bay" is an actual quote from your video
Fumikor blame Blizzard for that one.
Dude really good video!
The greater sage fish spawn mentioned along the river in Hillsbrad is actually just regular sagefish, if you want greater sagefish go to the lake in Alterac Mountains.
Nice video bro. Love fishing in WoW, no one covers it. Sub
Liked just for the intro
lol...well I hope you like the rest of it. Thank you!
You should divide all the price estimations by 10 to accomodate for the current new-realm economy where gold is still very sparse.
In 2-5 Months, the economies may have adapted to the pricing-structure in your video ;)
I believe prices will reach the low end of what I show here in less time than that, but we shall see. If they don’t and prices remain completely off I will make an updated video.
@@Icosiol You may be totally right with that.
The real question is whether or not the STV fishing extravaganza will even be in Classic to start. In vanilla, the event was added in patch 1.7--the same time as ZG. That means it *would* come in Phase 4... but is it one of those things that blizzard is keeping from 1.12? Does it count as raid or PvP content?
My guess is it will be there when Classic launches. I will be there that first Sunday while nobody else is thinking about it. :D
@@Icosiol See you there then lol
Just saying, you can gind stonescale eel pools on the pirate shore SW of STV too.
Great guide, thank you. Lok'tar ogar!
Great content, would love to see one for cooking.
I want to do something for all the professions at some point, but it might be more as a video leveling guide.
Because if your not Drunk while fishing... your not doing it right! I LOVE IT! LOL
I know you watched until the end. :D
I remember back in Everquest there was a way to get the 'Fisherman's Companion' item... summons a fishing pole, and that pole could be used to summon beer as well as fish with.
That's a huge surprise those stonescale eels were going for just 2 gold on my server. I should have bought them out didn't know how important they were
Awesome video, thanks! Do these farms work in normal water, or are they exclusively found in schools?
Having trouble on prices... care to help me out? I don't seem to be getting any good prices on Nightfin soup or the Sunscale Salmon or even the Stonescale Eels. The economy seems fucked on my server. Got fishing and cooking to 300 on Mankrik.
ExplodingMarshmallow, the economy is still maturing, and while I do believe we will see these prices by Phase 2, you won’t see them now. I just simply overestimated based off of what I saw on private servers. I am regularly seeing Nightfin Soup at 6-9g per stack on my server, but Stonescale Eel is at 1-2g per stack which is shocking. Winter Squid sold as cooked Grilled Squid is going for 10+g per stack, so look at getting that.
@@Icosiol Yep that's what I've focused on. Great video still, and thanks for the help. :)
@@Icosiol What ? Nightfin soup is at 3g at my server, and i have like 200 of them , unable to sell them. Sucks tbh. Ok, where do i catch the winter quid :) ?