It‘s so funny that Phil is drinking wine in the back while Vinnie is doing the interview. I‘m so sad because i never had the chance to saw them live, i was too young at the time .. R.I.P. Dime & Pantera .. this music will never die !
Yeah you missed out bad. From what i can remember, because i was wasted, it was an intense show. Phil was off his face... But i feel your pain. Im a mad Nirvana fan, back in the early 90s when they came to Australia, i got offered a ticket to see their show, but i didn't take it. I hadn't heard much of them at that point in time i decided to go see another show, If i only knew how Nirvana would change my life. One of my biggest regrets in life. Miss you heaps Kurt...
@@MrMikaNuutila Slayerin setti oli ennen Panteraa ja voin kertoa, että Slayer oli kova mutta PANTERA oli päällikkö. Aivan sairaan hyvä keikka. Ikimuistoinen! Olin 16 vuotias tuolloin ja tämä keikka oli se mitä aina jaksaa muistella....
It's scary how fast and radical Phil was transformed after the FBD album. But he's an awesome man today, notice that I wrote man and not dude, he has seriously grown up.
I saw them in the summer of 00 I believe ? 🤔it was at Ozzfest on the DC area stop ….ive been too a lot of shows thruout my life & I’ve NEVER seen anything like it….Phil was so fuctup I don’t even think he knew his name? I had a pavilion seat & during “Shedding Skin” a mini hurricane rolled thru,bending giant trees like it was nothing with Pantera playing the soundtrack …..amazing & totally unforgettable 🖤🤤
@45thundertrain That shit's not Wild Turkey. It's some local shit from there and you can clearly see him mouth the word "vodka" when the camera shows him up-close.
Olin 8 millisellä kuvaamassa Jyrki ohjelman "Ylitornion" kans.Elämäni huippu hetkiä ko Kerry King näyttää mulle keskisormea ja pääs kättelemään Tom Arayan kans ja veti paksulla tussilla nimmarin mulle käteen vaan ku en tajunnu pitää ( Hotellin aamusuihkun ois voinu jättää väliin ) että olis käynyt takas Helsingissä Tatuoimassa sen.
I'LL DRINK TO THAT......don't get skunk drunk..........just to get the fighting mentality are ready to go out and kick's just good look man, chicks dig it. Hahaha I wonder if he saw himself in this interview today if he'd laugh his ass off. Classic one liners.
Uskomatonta että näin hieno bändi ollu suomessa ja meikä ollu vasta 8 vuotta vanha.. epäreilua.. Noh, ei mahda mitään. Ja terveiset kaikille mun ikäisille junnuille: KUUNNELKAA MYÖS UUTTA MUSAA! Tiedän että pantera, metallica jne on aivan vitun kovia, mutta myös uusille bändeille mahdollisuus.
It‘s so funny that Phil is drinking wine in the back while Vinnie is doing the interview. I‘m so sad because i never had the chance to saw them live, i was too young at the time .. R.I.P. Dime & Pantera .. this music will never die !
Phil looks like he said "vodka"
Yeah you missed out bad. From what i can remember, because i was wasted, it was an intense show. Phil was off his face... But i feel your pain. Im a mad Nirvana fan, back in the early 90s when they came to Australia, i got offered a ticket to see their show, but i didn't take it. I hadn't heard much of them at that point in time i decided to go see another show, If i only knew how Nirvana would change my life. One of my biggest regrets in life. Miss you heaps Kurt...
Dime ja vinnie on nyt yhdessä! RIP
i dont care how many times i see dime play the walk solo. that two handed slide fake echo thing is the coolest shit ever
Olin tuolla. Täytyy sanoa että Pantera oli kovempi kuin mikään. Edes titaani.
Harmi että synnyin vasta 7 vuotta ton jälkeen
Slayer sit klo 17 kuritti, tuhannen pillunpäreen vedossa olivat nuo kalpeanaamat :D
@@MrMikaNuutila Slayerin setti oli ennen Panteraa ja voin kertoa, että Slayer oli kova mutta PANTERA oli päällikkö. Aivan sairaan hyvä keikka. Ikimuistoinen! Olin 16 vuotias tuolloin ja tämä keikka oli se mitä aina jaksaa muistella....
Pantera on.
Pantera the best.
I was there :)
Also playing at the same festival in 1998: Slayer, Dream Theater, Children Of Bodom, Sentenced etc
The kings of metal 🤘
I was there... left from the picture... under a birch tree... super hangover... thanks Tero for waking me up
It's scary how fast and radical Phil was transformed after the FBD album. But he's an awesome man today, notice that I wrote man and not dude, he has seriously grown up.
I saw them in the summer of 00 I believe ? 🤔it was at Ozzfest on the DC area stop ….ive been too a lot of shows thruout my life & I’ve NEVER seen anything like it….Phil was so fuctup I don’t even think he knew his name? I had a pavilion seat & during “Shedding Skin” a mini hurricane rolled thru,bending giant trees like it was nothing with Pantera playing the soundtrack …..amazing & totally unforgettable 🖤🤤
Vinnie can speak for himself. I don't think Phil only drank 2 or 3 whiskey shots before the concert :D
You can't perform if you drink too much.
More like two or three bottles of whiskey....
i am proud that i was there!
I was there..
This would have been around my sophomore year or after... 1998 Lol... Pantera Rules!!!!!!
the hardest drinking band on the planet \m/
They wrote metal history😍❤🔥
2:53 lol the guy behind dimebag, that´s a hardcore look omg
@ShoutWithTheDevil i wish i was bron in the early 80s so i could see the gig in moscow in 91 :D
oops, i said that " hope that they are coming to finland soon". lol i thought that slayer is on this vid too. sry
@PETETHEMEAT42 oops well in an interview phil said he always drank wild turkey.
i hope that they are coming to finland again soon. wow, interviewer, who knows what he is talking about
Yesterday was the day 🤘
I was at this gig.
Ahhh I see him now. Poor Rex seemed like he never got any of the spotlight :(
He never seemed to want it anyway.
Huhuh Jarre. Mahtavuutta.. Varmaan turha kysyä oliko hyvä keikka :D
@45thundertrain That shit's not Wild Turkey. It's some local shit from there and you can clearly see him mouth the word "vodka" when the camera shows him up-close.
i would love to see the full footage of that show. the sound is incredible. if you have a link let me know.
There's some unveliable magic in PANTERA's live performances.
Olin jossain pärekännissä tuolla eturivissä, Pete mut sieltä pelasti. Ihan hullu bändi USA, Texas, Dallas.
kattelin kans kun mitä vittua kun näin tän facen etusivulla :D cool!! :)
Man where’s the whole show??!
0:01 Kerry Kings hand
Olin 8 millisellä kuvaamassa Jyrki ohjelman "Ylitornion" kans.Elämäni huippu hetkiä ko Kerry King näyttää mulle keskisormea ja pääs kättelemään Tom Arayan kans ja veti paksulla tussilla nimmarin mulle käteen vaan ku en tajunnu pitää ( Hotellin aamusuihkun ois voinu jättää väliin ) että olis käynyt takas Helsingissä Tatuoimassa sen.
Heavy stuff!
@45thundertrain Is it really? I never seen a Wild Turkey bottle like that.
vituttaaku en oo nähnyt panteraa kertaakaan saatana dimeki kuoli ku olin 4v
Ite synnyin noin puolivuotta dimebagin poismenon jälkee harmi et en itekkää voi nähä hiton makiat kitarat sil aina oli
Voi terve toi kerry king on tuohon aikaan ollut pelottava :D Kauhee järkäle.
Kaikki oli ennen paljon paremmin :(
Did i see Kerry King on this vid??
Vittu. Olisin pystynyt menemään, olisi ollut kyyti, mua kysyttiin. Meninkö? NO VITTU EN! Ei vituta.
Damnit, Phil is so hot somewhere.
I'LL DRINK TO THAT......don't get skunk drunk..........just to get the fighting mentality are ready to go out and kick's just good look man, chicks dig it. Hahaha I wonder if he saw himself in this interview today if he'd laugh his ass off. Classic one liners.
Aika tarkka bongaus. Saattais ollakin :)
paikalla oltiin !!!
tuola ois ollu aika mahtavaa ku slayer ja pantera siellä!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@butchvito hell no! a whole bottle of wild turkey!
Look closely this is the real band no fakes
oikeesti!!! PANTERA NUMMIROCKISSA WTF? en tienny mut ihan saatanan hienoo!!
Uskomatonta että näin hieno bändi ollu suomessa ja meikä ollu vasta 8 vuotta vanha.. epäreilua.. Noh, ei mahda mitään. Ja terveiset kaikille mun ikäisille junnuille: KUUNNELKAA MYÖS UUTTA MUSAA! Tiedän että pantera, metallica jne on aivan vitun kovia, mutta myös uusille bändeille mahdollisuus.
valmistautukaa helvetilliseen katsojavyöryyn
What's Phil drinking there, Is that a bottle of wine or somethin?
You watch pantera videos and don't know Walk? =)
suomi voittoohon
maby vinnie has just 2 or 3 drinks but the rest of the band are always drunk as fuck
Where the fuck was Rex...?
Probably chasing snakes.
I wish that i would have see the gig, instead sleeping in tent too drunk... FUUCCKK...
Playstation 1
Keräilin kasan alla 😂