Tom Muse I so regret trading my 91/30. I love the fact that it is basically indestructible and packs a hell of a punch. You’ll definitely be able to drop a buck with that round. I once heard a man say “that made this gun when men were men and women were too” when talking about the Mosin Nagant
@@austin8826 the Finnish versions have amazing barrels and upgraded stocks and sights. I was getting close to 1" groups with iron sights and shit ammo.
Tom Muse yeah I’d like to get my hands on a Finnish Mosin one day. I am currently looking into a Mauser 98 or a Type 99 but shortly after I’ll definitely be looking for another Mosin. The ammo is so cheap that I don’t go broke on range day lol. And 1 inch groups is pretty damn good for a “garbage rod”
Regretably not all states follow the same laws.I live in the Communist state of New Jersey and our Party Leader Commrad Murphy has raped our 2nd Amendment! With what he is in the process of doing will put handguns our of reach for most new Jersey residents and concealed carry permits totally unreachable for the average citizen.Not that they give them out you must be Military or Law enforcement or you dont get one! So if any New Jersey politician tells you that their is a CC permit allowed in this state you can tell them yeah sure it is if your rich or support the Government as an employee!!! Regular citizens can "not "get" a concealed carry permit even if their lives have been threatened or they show proper need.Only law Enforcement or Military get CC permits here in N.J.!!!
@@aaron5347 we got 3 categories to inscribe a gun: 1. personal defense (2 quotas, pistols revolvers or shotguns only, 200 ammo/y), 2. Sports: (6 quotas, shotguns .22 pistols, bolt rifles with sport club membership, 2000 ammo/y) and 3. Hunt: (6 quotas, shotgubs, revolvers or bolt rifles,2000 shots/y) Not allowed semi rifles of any kind, a ton of red tape from police even for buying ammo witch has a limmited numer of buys per year. Example: if you want to buy a gun you must pass a written exam, a psychologycal exam by a psychratic and with all these (plus hunt license or sports membership) you go to police in ordee to obtain your buying order. With it you go to store to buy the gun. This process is the same when you buy ammo except for the psycological exam.
I pracitally have nearly no training with real guns, because I'm only 17 and from Germany, what so ever, when I went to Ukraine this and last year, I both times shot the Beretta 92FS, and I can tell you from the bottom of my heart, I have never felt something in my hand, that had fit so perfectly.
alex You should shoot a Czech CZ75 then! It is the best of the old style steel and aluminum framed guns before Glock and other plastic pistols. CZ75s have been used by police the world over and I see surplus Israeli police CZs for $300 and less. If you fired one you'd forget about Beretta.
Similar to me ,i am from Italy ,a security guard working in the agency of my parents let my held his Beretta 92 ,it was heavier than i thought but now i find myself appreciating it
Junichiro Yamashita Damn all this talk! I've wanted to get one for years, but have held off on buying any mote pistols. I even passed up a couple great deals a while back. Aw screw it! Time to hit the savings account.... Again😕
Yes it is and highly modified 1000+ dollar 10/22 s are a testament to that fact. Don't get me wrong, I think a fluted, stainless, bull barreled and suppressed ruger is as cool as the next guy. I just think that we've come a long way from my daddy's Mossberg bolt action rabbit gun.
@@djsquirtnasty9534 Eh mest en kommentar för att visa mitt nöje med att TFBTV gör en kort genomgång, verkar som att alla autister och amerikaner tar det bokstavligt
God damn I need to move to America. I don’t even know why I like guns honestly, because I can’t access them if my life depends on it. Not even high power airsoft.
I'm British, and only 17, so It's very difficult for me to be able to own any sort of gun that isn't 100 years old (handguns are completely banned here, too). But I still love watching this channel, even though it is a bittersweet snapshot of something I can never have.
You can get firearms in the UK including pistols. it is well worth having a look at the long barreld pistols and revolvers available in many gun shops around the UK. Maybey not semi auto firearms over .22 rimfire but we still have many options for a country that is well known to be one of the strictest firearms licencing country's in the world. If you like too I would suggest having a look at a website called Valmont Firearms based in Sheffield UK to get a rough idea of what we can own. Enjoy Joe
mate handguns are not completely band we can have 22lr pistols we just have to have a stupid long barrel on it and a rod on the pistol grip wwe can also have 357 and 44 revolvers with the long barrel not all fire arms have to be a 100 years old either you can have a AR 15 just needs to be a straight pull 22lr semi auto rifles we can have two i have a 10/22 want to get a m&p 15-22 soon a 22lr AR
Berettas are so underrated. My first handgun was a 96 and I love it I still carry it. Never jams and I feel like I can hit the tip of a pin with the sights
You can always tell how deep his love goes for his firearms by just hearing how he talks about these five guns. He has a certain pride and appreciation for them that a lot of people will never understand.
Hold and fire a pistol before you buy I held an airsoft glock and it felt like i was holding a cold penis. Just not my style. 92fs is my personal favorite.
Artemis Arrow now you’re ready to crawl around air vents. Can’t go wrong with a Glock, they’re reliable and affordable and accurate! But the m9/92fs is damn sexy. And also reliable and accurate!
When I was stationed at Long Beach Naval base in the mid 80's there was a gun shop in Pasadena that was selling refurbished Mauser C96's in 9mm. they salesman took me in the back for a tour where they were refurbishing and all. He let me take my pick. I bought two for $350 apiece. I later got a detachable stock that served as the holster. Later I found a leather Holster for the whole thing. Wish I still had those but hard times suck.
The 92FS Beretta is my absolute favorite pistol of all time! I now own 7 of 'em! Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on the Beretta. It fits my hand like no other! Still my everyday carry, and I have never had a jam or misfire on my 92s EVER! I now own everything from Glocks to XDs to M&Ps to Desert Eagles to Sigs...and yes, I still carry my 92! Appreciate your videos!
@@jordanferguson4158 The props department had access to tons of WWII and WWI type guns and reproductions, that is why pretty much all guns in Star Wars are based on firearms from that era.
Jordan Ferguson Yep, Han Solo's blaster (and also the one used by Luke Skywalker in Empire) was made from a Mauser C96. The Stormtrooper blasters were built from Sterling SMGs. Both were fitted with old WWII tank scopes to act as their optics. Most Star Wars props (at least for the OT) were cobbled together from random pieces of tech. Hell, part of Obi-Wan's lightsaber is a rifle grenade.
Churchhill's Story hits home to Me after 65 year's I have a bad shoulder and need to use other Hand for shooting. Got to accept it and work on markmandship with Right hand!!! ☺😎
I love my 92FS. It was my first handgun and I chose it because it fit my oversized hands just perfect and the price was right. I have since bought many more handguns but my trusty old 92FS is still among my all time favorites.
I'm quite fond of my 92A1. Bought it after i left the service because i carried one through most of my time in the Army. Haven't had any issues out of it at all.
and so again you have made quite an impression on me with your video talent..The combination of being informative and your calming voice works great..! What ever you do keep this up.
Absolutely beautiful video. I don't really know why, but I could feel the emotions flowing. Maybe it was something in your voice showing your true connections to these beloved firearms. I sir, am to one to love the simple tools we call firearms. Thank you for making this.
I bought my first 2 gun's in 1981 when I was stationed at Dyess AFB, TX ....A Colt AR-15 SP1 and a Colt 1911 series 70 MK IV!!....hey my son's name is Alex C.!!
I also used my 92FS at my cwp range qualification and also hit 100%. That combined with the fact that I've had zero malfunctions makes it my favorite pistol out of all that I've owned...but my new 1911 is really starting to give it a run for its money!
7:06 It's good to see someone who knows how to run a bolt gun. I have always hunted with my 1903a3, always loved how smooth that action is. I always learned to keep the rifle shouldered while running the bolt.
Good video. I do think however that the Mosin Nagant 91/30 is a decent enough rifle though. Being had for as little as $100 and ammunition readily available is a great combination for budget shooters, new gun men etc to get out there and develop and/or hone marksmanship. Sure, this comment is only worth $.02 but I just felt compelled to defend the humble Mosin.
Over here in switzerland its the k11 (karabiner 11) or the k31 witch you can get for around 30.- till 100.- but you are still able to headshot a target in 300 meters (or 328,028 yards) easily... Very relaiable and precise..
I wish they still let us have a gun range at summer camp even if it was strictly 22 only now you get arrested for having a spent 22 shell on you at day camp
Arrested for having a spent shell?!? Where are you, Jersey? Wow, that sucks. I've found spent casings before in my jacket pocket, car, pants cuffs, etc. I'm NEVER going to Jersey...
I mean, we had a .22 range at my boy scout camp, but the more often used range was the BB gun one. Though, to be fair, that was mostly because they limited us on how many rounds we could use on the real gun range.
Just when compared to other bolt actions they are pretty terrible. Not saying they are bad rifles because they get the job done (insert ww2 joke here) i like them but i would take a k98 or an enfield instead if i had the choice, UNLESS it was a finnish mosin because those things are fantastic
Katyusha Same here, but with a limit of only 200, it's what we could do, and the thing hits like a truck. Our steel targets would actually fly out of their mounts because of the power those rounds punched. Not even our 30-30 lever action could get a similar result
GamerBoysProductions I love the gun, it's just that other bolt action are far superior when compared to it. I don't think people should disrespect the mosin either with it's historical significance. Of course it isn't going to be a perfect rifle, the soviet union had to outfit millions of soldiers in a short space of time and they did the best they could with the resources they had available
GamerBoysProductions I reckon it's because he's american and likes to bash on the "dirty commies" but you got to give the gun some respect from a historical perspective. I don't think any other nation would be able to make over 30 million rifles in a space of 4 years and still have them come out in good enough condition for daily use and combat
beretta 92 is my fav pistol in world, if i could only bring one firearm i would pick my beretta over any of my long arms, thats how much faith i have that weapon if my life depended on it.
@@TheDiameter your objectively dumb, i recall asking anyone's opinion, theres variables you dont consider b/c ppl cant think that far ahead, like how much weight ammo adds to your pack, and yeah concealment is a concern for me, it matters a lot. and if your life depends on it, it best to use what your familiar and comfortable with instead of.."i want that one cuz its big and i saw John Wick with one on tv"
Glad I came across this video. I used to love shooting, but got out of it some time ago. This year, I have purchased four guns, including a Ruger 10/22 and a Marlin Model 60, and for the first time ever have gotten interested in handguns. In fact, I sold my Swedish Mauser earlier this year and used the money to purchase my first handgun. As the lead safety officer for a state history organization, I've regularly worked with reproduction muskets and rifles for 20 years, but I'm happy to have gotten back into modern firearms.
I bought my VZ-24 Mauser '98 (1939 manufacture) in 2002 for $75. My brother bought a Swedish Mauser '96 (1916 manufacture if I remember right) for about $100 in 2001. I replaced the barrel on mine, while he actually cut 6" off the original Swedish barrel and re-crowned it, and was getting the same or better accuracy, it was remarkably well made and preserved. I've heard prices have gone up, even in 2002 they weren't $20 but $75, not sure where they're at today. I don't like the cock on close of the '96, but the '98 is definitely a great rifle with a TON of customization options available, harder to find '96 parts
North Florida Gun Guy you mean the kick. its not that bad. i mean it bruises my shoulder, kicks about as hard as a 12g with low brass ammo, and it has a metal but pad, but not particularly note wrothy.
I hate the kick, otherwise I love a mosin Nagant, they are accurate as hell and uses cheap ammo, odk I sold mine though and got a 260, it's a rare gun I guess. Idk I can never find ammo for it except a pawn shop, out of 3 other stores but I love the 260
The mosin was my gateway drug, I remember walking out of the shop with it, while I had a spam can of surplus ammo waiting at home. I wouldn't call it a "garbage rod" but there are definitely better options for more money. But as a starter for a historic firearms collection, it's perfect.
K guys just imagine this: Alex saying "Good evening passengers, we'll be landing at our destination in about 3 hours, the weather is around 12 degrees Celsius, partly cloudy, I hope you're enjoying your flight, Thank you for choosing United Airlines." It fits well.
I dunno man, I've got a 1942 Izhevsk M91/30, and it's pretty accurate, not to mention the surplus ammo is supersonic... Grouping for me is pretty tight. Going to test it against a Yugo M48A, but take into account what Vasili Zaitsev and other Russians did with the rifle. Also, it won't cost you a dislike with me, everyone has their opinions on guns, that and I enjoy your videos! Keep 'em coming.
I have the exact same Mosin in the same year, and it is an amazing gun, never had any problems with it, especially the price I got it for, but hey, haters gonna hate lol
There aren't too many guns I was glad I paid the price to own them 1) H&K Mark 23 2) H&K marked MP5 variant 3) Browning Citori 4) H&K USP 5) Full/Mannlicher stock 10/22
The springfield 1903, M1917 rifle, Garand, lee einfield, MAS 36, Type 38 arisaka, type 99 arisaka, kar 98k, mauser 98, and every derivative of the muaser are better than than the mosin you filthy communist. Even the carcano is better.
@@COUNTERCOM Could you drag these guns through river rocks when tethered from a boat, and it still works? Probably, but with such expensive guns why would you? Therefore the mosin nagant is the best, you capitalist pigdog. Or I just have a bias because it's my first gun.
Hell for me it was the mosin nagant. I grew up shooting 22lr, but then all the Ammo started to dry up in 2012-2016. So for me, my 22lr WAS my mosin. I would buy the 880 round tins and just go plink all day with it while my 10/22 and mp15/22 collected dust.
i agree with most of your choices but I have to disagree with you on the Mosin Nagant as garbage . they may not be pretty but function quite well I hased one in a run and gun a M38 carbine which I borrowed from my brother. I agree with you about the C 96 mauser I happen to like the Luger better but i do understand on mechanical merits . but the C 96 and the luger is soo damn expensive its out of reach for 90% of us working guys. As Far as the Beretta goes i wasnt exposed to it till I was in the Navy then i liked it and bought one myself. My first gun was the Smith and Wesson model 10 in a 38 spl with a 6" BBl I wanted a Walther P-38 but Couldnt afford one now I have a P-1 which is my top 5 gun list . I am mostly a revolver guy . hey alex why no revolvers? Inquiring minds want to know ? Thanks
I worked in the armory as a Marine in the 90s, the M-9 would come back to us constantly with cracked slides. I would say roughly 25% or more. This gave me a permanent bias against 9mm and Beretta. When the FBI changed over to.40, I cheered.
@@johns9652 The first 30k or so Berettas had incorrect heat treatment of the slide. They were starting to break down by the 90s but they resolved the problem. I bought mine in 1996 and you couldn't carry the ammo I've shot through it with no problems. Unfortunately it was designed for European service and all our wars are in sandy places so the open slide was an insurmountable problem.
I own many MANY guns at the moment, and through my life I've owned dozens more. But the Beretta 92FS has always far and away been my favorite handgun. Not among, but THE favorite. Many guns have come and gone through my safes, but this is one of the few that will never be let go of. There's just something about shooting it that seems to always make me a little more proficient. I may never never fully understand why that is, but I know it's earned a permanent special spot in my heart and on the center shelf of my main safe
Gun regulations. Especially in countries like england. Its way much more easier in switzerland , but kinda hard in germany . Most people own one are only hunters. Mostly people from bavaria have them. Well and they are regulated pretty hard. You can just google gun laws in germany. We even need a small weapon licence for pepper sprays(arent allowed to sold as that is stores, usually animal defence sprays etc called) and those non-lethal gas pistols. Most accepted "weapon" sport is here maybe archery :/ And you can use them for hunting. Im not an expert but this is the stuff so 1-2 things might be wrong, its pretty hard to look into this stuff. The government kinda wants you to not own a gun :P :/
One of my big brothers loves guns (loves showing off his acquisitions, too), and I think he might appreciate this. You seem very capable and are wonderfully calm and straightforward about each weapon. That's nice. I'm no shooter and I have no desire to be...unless it's recreational archery, but you can believe I have no problem with the ones that are!
HI I really enjoy your videos very much but I politely disagree with you on the Mosin-Nagant rifles. I have 3 of them myself, a have a Finnish M-39 a Soviet 91/30, and a Carbine 38 they made not be the nicest, or the belle of the ball , but they work and work well, the ammo was cheap and plentifull. And I learned about Soviet weapons that they dont have to look pretty they just have to work.
I have 2 91/30s, a Russian M44 and Polish M44. They're all beautiful weapons. I got both M44's at the same time in 2018, and that started my milsurp addiction... Wish I had gotten addicted when I could have paid less than $200 for these things instead of $600+... :-(
LMFAO I didn’t know my rear AR15 sight had a little peep hole option!! Thanks for showing me lol been shooting for years owned this rifle for a long time never even realized it 🤦🏻♂️😂
Thank you neighbor! I'm in the DFW area as well and we share some similar tastes. I'm fond of my AR15, my model 92 and M96 Carl Gustov Mauser. Sweden made up for the lack of a large ring action with superb Swedish steel. I have visited gun smiths on 2 occasions and found them sporterizing M96 actions into custom hunting rifles.
+TFB TV hey a mosin saved my friends life someone broke in with a pistol his mosin jammed so he clubbed the guy with it don't insult the shitty russian
Miss your commentary Alex. Your calm demeanor and well thought out opinions got me interested in firearms, both old and new. Hope life is treating you well!
Very well done. No nonsense. I’ve owned a number of firearms and then sold many of them as having kids and being a student while working required this financially. No regrets…except my ruger 10/22. Every self-respecting firearm enthusiast should have one. When funds are there for guns again that’s the first thing on my to do list.
You have such opposing views from literally everyone lol I love it... though I still will never buy into the claims that the Mosin Nagant is not good for the money you pay for it
Conner Williams the price today for one compared to say a k11 is night and day difference. My buddy has a m44 and my k11 is the same size and mines far more accurate it's faster and shoots nicer
@@SouthValleyKnifeCo agree. The prices are going up and they aren't worth it. When they were sub $100 they we're completely worth it. Hell, grabbed a nagant revolver for under $75 while I was at it.
* AR 15 stops working *
Vietnam Veteran: Hold my beer
So beautiful instance, isn't it?
@@limpetarch98k Yes
Ar stops working:
Vietnam vet: hold my m16
Giordy16 * grabs ak47 beacuse its better *
@@methheadredneck6715 I'm completely in accord with you
I still love my Mosin, and it played an important role of introducing me to historical firearms.
he is a dickhead that thinks in stereotypes, Mosin is a great gun for the money, have fun with it.
I have a Finnish M39 that will hold it's own against any open sight firearm. Look to taking a deer with one this year.
Tom Muse I so regret trading my 91/30. I love the fact that it is basically indestructible and packs a hell of a punch. You’ll definitely be able to drop a buck with that round. I once heard a man say “that made this gun when men were men and women were too” when talking about the Mosin Nagant
@@austin8826 the Finnish versions have amazing barrels and upgraded stocks and sights. I was getting close to 1" groups with iron sights and shit ammo.
Tom Muse yeah I’d like to get my hands on a Finnish Mosin one day. I am currently looking into a Mauser 98 or a Type 99 but shortly after I’ll definitely be looking for another Mosin. The ammo is so cheap that I don’t go broke on range day lol. And 1 inch groups is pretty damn good for a “garbage rod”
I envy so much your gun laws.
Regards from Chile..
Regretably not all states follow the same laws.I live in the Communist state of New Jersey and our Party Leader Commrad Murphy has raped our 2nd Amendment! With what he is in the process of doing will put handguns our of reach for most new Jersey residents and concealed carry permits totally unreachable for the average citizen.Not that they give them out you must be Military or Law enforcement or you dont get one! So if any New Jersey politician tells you that their is a CC permit allowed in this state you can tell them yeah sure it is if your rich or support the Government as an employee!!! Regular citizens can "not "get" a concealed carry permit even if their lives have been threatened or they show proper need.Only law Enforcement or Military get CC permits here in N.J.!!!
elblitzb what are the gun laws in Chile?
@@aaron5347 we got 3 categories to inscribe a gun: 1. personal defense (2 quotas, pistols revolvers or shotguns only, 200 ammo/y), 2. Sports: (6 quotas, shotguns .22 pistols, bolt rifles with sport club membership, 2000 ammo/y) and 3. Hunt: (6 quotas, shotgubs, revolvers or bolt rifles,2000 shots/y)
Not allowed semi rifles of any kind, a ton of red tape from police even for buying ammo witch has a limmited numer of buys per year.
Example: if you want to buy a gun you must pass a written exam, a psychologycal exam by a psychratic and with all these (plus hunt license or sports membership) you go to police in ordee to obtain your buying order. With it you go to store to buy the gun. This process is the same when you buy ammo except for the psycological exam.
@@elblitzb Thanks. What kinds of pistols or revolvers can you legally own?
Michael W. Urban Sr. Move to Texas
I pracitally have nearly no training with real guns, because I'm only 17 and from Germany, what so ever, when I went to Ukraine this and last year, I both times shot the Beretta 92FS, and I can tell you from the bottom of my heart, I have never felt something in my hand, that had fit so perfectly.
alex You should shoot a Czech CZ75 then! It is the best of the old style steel and aluminum framed guns before Glock and other plastic pistols. CZ75s have been used by police the world over and I see surplus Israeli police CZs for $300 and less. If you fired one you'd forget about Beretta.
Are you sure there’s not something else that fits perfect in your hand 😁
Chris Barnes will gladly do so 😉
Similar to me ,i am from Italy ,a security guard working in the agency of my parents let my held his Beretta 92 ,it was heavier than i thought but now i find myself appreciating it
Junichiro Yamashita Damn all this talk! I've wanted to get one for years, but have held off on buying any mote pistols. I even passed up a couple great deals a while back. Aw screw it! Time to hit the savings account.... Again😕
.22LR really is a gateway drug 😂 nice shirt!
Pepper Shaker well I just bought my first gun a week ago and it is a 22
Yes it is and highly modified 1000+ dollar 10/22 s are a testament to that fact. Don't get me wrong, I think a fluted, stainless, bull barreled and suppressed ruger is as cool as the next guy. I just think that we've come a long way from my daddy's Mossberg bolt action rabbit gun.
I bought a gun, it's a 223 lmao
I love my 10/22 it barely has recoil, it’s super accurate, and it’s super quiet
FBI you should ALWAYS wear ear protection, heading damage is cumulative.
This sounds like hes giving a presentation to the class on his favorite things and why they are his favorite
TFB TV Show and Tell!!😆😆
Well i mean he basically is.
I agree and his slow monotonous voice was putting me to sleep
C l a s s s c h o o l
When the quiet kid does show and tell
As a Swede the mauser brough a tear to my eye, and your appreciation for it made me wholly weep.
Man up
Wow that's pretty gay.
@@TheBenjammin You ought to know sweetie :)
I'm Swede but I'm not gonna cry and masturbate when I see someone eat lutefisk
@@djsquirtnasty9534 Eh mest en kommentar för att visa mitt nöje med att TFBTV gör en kort genomgång, verkar som att alla autister och amerikaner tar det bokstavligt
Ruger 10/22 and Berreta 92 FS were two of the first guns I've shot, and no, I will never sell them off.
God damn I need to move to America. I don’t even know why I like guns honestly, because I can’t access them if my life depends on it. Not even high power airsoft.
@@isaacsrandomvideos667 come on we need more people like you.
I was anti-gun in 2016, I'm sure glad I've changed a lot since then
What happened
Anti virus
ickedettekiekemal what the fuck does that have to do with a specific persons decision to switch political stances
People are, until they’ve handled and used a firearm safely.
Don’t own guns, unless you wanna look cool*
*do I really have to say legally?
@@harleyvulcancobra4.619 Joe Baiden 2020 ♥️
How about 5 guns you regret selling?
That's a good idea.
Every gun you ever sell will be one you regret selling eventually.
+Chris Moore not if you used the money to buy a better gun
***** steal them, make/shoot the vid and then sneakily return them without anyone noticing.
***** pictures, old videos, borrowed guns.
the C96 is one of the coolest looking guns in history imo
Captain Dreadnought you should check out the 45 acp chinese copy of the broom handle c96.
Ben Simmons
True tho
*points to M1911,Luger and Thompson and many others*
Are you sure about that.......
"the C96 is *one of the* coolest looking guns in history imo"
didn't Star Wars based their pistols of that gun for Hans Solo
The beretta 92 is a god damn work of art.
"You never really saw AR15's out in the wild, but I knew they existed and damn it, I wanted one!"
I can relate. :D
Ihavestyle_ny ? AR15 is the name of the gun...
@@looinrims more like a style of gun based off a certain design
Those were the days.
I read the comment at coincidentally the same time it was said.
Paul Ryan Castillo same
I'm British, and only 17, so It's very difficult for me to be able to own any sort of gun that isn't 100 years old (handguns are completely banned here, too). But I still love watching this channel, even though it is a bittersweet snapshot of something I can never have.
You can get firearms in the UK including pistols.
it is well worth having a look at the long barreld pistols and revolvers available in many gun shops around the UK.
Maybey not semi auto firearms over .22 rimfire but we still have many options for a country that is well known to be one of the strictest firearms licencing country's in the world. If you like too I would suggest having a look at a website called Valmont Firearms based in Sheffield UK to get a rough idea of what we can own.
Dude, come to America. Better yet, come to Texas and support TEXIT.
get your self a nice bold action rifle and train for bislly
When you turn 18 move to the US. If you love guns we'd love to have you.
mate handguns are not completely band we can have 22lr pistols we just have to have a stupid long barrel on it and a rod on the pistol grip wwe can also have 357 and 44 revolvers with the long barrel not all fire arms have to be a 100 years old either you can have a AR 15 just needs to be a straight pull 22lr semi auto rifles we can have two i have a 10/22 want to get a m&p 15-22 soon a 22lr AR
My top 5:
Remington 870
Glock 19
S&W model 610 .357 revolver
My mosin served me well in Stalingrad.
My M1 Garand served me well in Okinawa
@ my Yugo M70ab2 did well in Sarajevo
Christopher Marlowe obviously he is knows about guns he’s not a historian
My cannon served me well at the Alamo.
The C96, I believe, was also the model that they used to create Han Solo's blaster for the Original Trilogy.
Yep! It's the first gun fact I ever learned when I was a kid in the early 80's. :)
Yes, the ol' DL-44 in an illegal modification, because the Empire has an ATFE+BD (Blasters & Disintegraters) division.
Berettas are so underrated. My first handgun was a 96 and I love it I still carry it. Never jams and I feel like I can hit the tip of a pin with the sights
Thank you for giving the broom handle some love!
6:14 all you need now is another receiver and you've got yourself two 10/22s
I have same feelings about 92FS.
I can see that.
Shot em in the navy. Accurate and reliable
Profile pic doesn’t relate huh?
The 92fs and full size glocks are the best pistols I’ve shot
You can always tell how deep his love goes for his firearms by just hearing how he talks about these five guns. He has a certain pride and appreciation for them that a lot of people will never understand.
You look like ur ready for a job interview in your profile picture (just joking on ya tho)
You’re a perfect gentleman. I enjoyed your stories. Thank you for sharing. Great video.
The AR-15 + the Beretta 92 are some of my favorite weapons.:)
Jody Thompson 😂. We had baretras in the Coast Guard. That thing would only make a half decent paperweight.
The 92FS is not for everyone. But for those who are able to handle it well, they'll praise it till the day they die. You either love or hate it
Beretta M9A3 is my favorite pistol. It is very similar to the 92.
Hated berettas and still do to this day. Every single one I've fired was super finicky and inaccurate.
so many people "love" weapons they've never seen, held, or shot.
You know everyone was telling me to get a glock but something about the beretta's looks man
Hold and fire a pistol before you buy
I held an airsoft glock and it felt like i was holding a cold penis.
Just not my style.
92fs is my personal favorite.
TBH I don't like Beretta I like COLT M1911 A1
Just got the shiny Taurus pt92 9mm...
I actually own a beretta 92 now :)
Artemis Arrow now you’re ready to crawl around air vents. Can’t go wrong with a Glock, they’re reliable and affordable and accurate! But the m9/92fs is damn sexy. And also reliable and accurate!
When I was stationed at Long Beach Naval base in the mid 80's there was a gun shop in Pasadena that was selling refurbished Mauser C96's in 9mm. they salesman took me in the back for a tour where they were refurbishing and all. He let me take my pick. I bought two for $350 apiece. I later got a detachable stock that served as the holster. Later I found a leather Holster for the whole thing. Wish I still had those but hard times suck.
".22lr is a Gateway Drug"
I want that shirt lol
Holy crap less that $20 gets you 500 rounds of .22lr now it's like $150
Bought my 92 SB back in 1991 and still own it. Love it!
Seriously, great video. It felt so genuine and emotional. I can tell you really love what you do.
the 92FS was my favorite pistol before service, during service, and now after.
The 92FS Beretta is my absolute favorite pistol of all time! I now own 7 of 'em! Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on the Beretta. It fits my hand like no other! Still my everyday carry, and I have never had a jam or misfire on my 92s EVER! I now own everything from Glocks to XDs to M&Ps to Desert Eagles to Sigs...and yes, I still carry my 92! Appreciate your videos!
Need one more for Preston the octopus
Han Solo would like that one.
I've heard George Lucas got the design of the blaster from the mauser, but that could just be rumor.
@@jordanferguson4158 I mean, it looks like one..
@@jordanferguson4158 The props department had access to tons of WWII and WWI type guns and reproductions, that is why pretty much all guns in Star Wars are based on firearms from that era.
Jordan Ferguson Yep, Han Solo's blaster (and also the one used by Luke Skywalker in Empire) was made from a Mauser C96. The Stormtrooper blasters were built from Sterling SMGs. Both were fitted with old WWII tank scopes to act as their optics. Most Star Wars props (at least for the OT) were cobbled together from random pieces of tech. Hell, part of Obi-Wan's lightsaber is a rifle grenade.
@@GymMasterAlex And I think the thing next to the pommel of Obi-Wans lightsaber also a part of a machine gun
Loved the Churchill story.
German engineering.
Churchhill's Story hits home to Me after 65 year's I have a bad shoulder and need to use other Hand for shooting. Got to accept it and work on markmandship with Right hand!!! ☺😎
I love my 92FS. It was my first handgun and I chose it because it fit my oversized hands just perfect and the price was right. I have since bought many more handguns but my trusty old 92FS is still among my all time favorites.
you are awesome thanks for including the Beretta M9/92FS in your list.
I'm quite fond of my 92A1. Bought it after i left the service because i carried one through most of my time in the Army. Haven't had any issues out of it at all.
Firs ar bought in 2006.
Yes. That broomstick foregrip tells us that
I feel the same about the 92FS, It fits well, trigger is good, and controls are great. I shoot better with it than any other weapon.
Me: "I wonder if he will mention a gun I own"
Also me: "Well...least he said garbage rod with a upbeat tone..."
*cried myself to sleep*
and so again you have made quite an impression on me with your video talent..The combination of being informative and your calming voice works great..! What ever you do keep this up.
"That c96 looks pretty sweet!" *looks up prices* "Nope not happening today"
EXACTLY. Now suddenly I need to have a 9mm c96.
This comment made me chuckle, the price is always that one thing that gets between you and a new firearm
Luckily for me, there is a chance I might inherit one.
everything you said about the 92fs is right on the money!
Absolutely beautiful video. I don't really know why, but I could feel the emotions flowing. Maybe it was something in your voice showing your true connections to these beloved firearms. I sir, am to one to love the simple tools we call firearms. Thank you for making this.
I absolutely loved my beretta 92fs. Pains me to this day that it got stolen.
How it get stolen
I bought my first 2 gun's in 1981 when I was stationed at Dyess AFB, TX ....A Colt AR-15 SP1 and a Colt 1911 series 70 MK IV!!....hey my son's name is Alex C.!!
I also used my 92FS at my cwp range qualification and also hit 100%. That combined with the fact that I've had zero malfunctions makes it my favorite pistol out of all that I've owned...but my new 1911 is really starting to give it a run for its money!
The swedish mauser.... a very interesting and beautiful piece of history
When I grew up with my .22 I used ice as target practice. Practically a never ending source of it and it looks cool when it explodes lol.
7:06 It's good to see someone who knows how to run a bolt gun. I have always hunted with my 1903a3, always loved how smooth that action is. I always learned to keep the rifle shouldered while running the bolt.
When you talked during your Ruger .22, is the perfect for of gun control. You were tough the dangers of guns IF they were used wrong. Good job 👍🏻
Good video. I do think however that the Mosin Nagant 91/30 is a decent enough rifle though. Being had for as little as $100 and ammunition readily available is a great combination for budget shooters, new gun men etc to get out there and develop and/or hone marksmanship. Sure, this comment is only worth $.02 but I just felt compelled to defend the humble Mosin.
Over here in switzerland its the k11 (karabiner 11) or the k31 witch you can get for around 30.- till 100.- but you are still able to headshot a target in 300 meters (or 328,028 yards) easily... Very relaiable and precise..
orell93 I think your math is off for yardage lol
plum 420 lmao
Absolutely agree with the Swedish Mauser. Plenty of power, soft on the shoulder, one of the world's few inherently accurate rounds.
Most Very impressive, extremely clearly spoken made clear points. Very well done. Thank You for sharing.
"shooting a perfect score in the class"
Agreed on #2, love my Beretta 92 x G Series decocker only. Beautiful pistol
I wish they still let us have a gun range at summer camp even if it was strictly 22 only now you get arrested for having a spent 22 shell on you at day camp
That's sad,, probably ain't allowed 2 shoot bow n arrow now either..
Tom Catt nah man we shoot bows in school
Arrested for having a spent shell?!? Where are you, Jersey? Wow, that sucks. I've found spent casings before in my jacket pocket, car, pants cuffs, etc. I'm NEVER going to Jersey...
Its the pussification of America a little at a time.
I mean, we had a .22 range at my boy scout camp, but the more often used range was the BB gun one. Though, to be fair, that was mostly because they limited us on how many rounds we could use on the real gun range.
I'm one of the 1400 people that love mosins, you had me the whole video up til tossing one in the garbage can, pitty.
He still owns one!
I’m with you friend. A rifle that has been soldiering for that long, shooting the 7.62x54 pounder is a long way from “garbage”.
Such a nice video. It's not technical blabbling and complaining about triggers and stuff, just a story about one guy enjoying what he likes.
Just curious, why do you hate mosin nagants? My buddy and I love our mosin and is our favorite at the range
Just when compared to other bolt actions they are pretty terrible. Not saying they are bad rifles because they get the job done (insert ww2 joke here) i like them but i would take a k98 or an enfield instead if i had the choice, UNLESS it was a finnish mosin because those things are fantastic
Katyusha Same here, but with a limit of only 200, it's what we could do, and the thing hits like a truck. Our steel targets would actually fly out of their mounts because of the power those rounds punched. Not even our 30-30 lever action could get a similar result
I love the gun, it's just that other bolt action are far superior when compared to it. I don't think people should disrespect the mosin either with it's historical significance. Of course it isn't going to be a perfect rifle, the soviet union had to outfit millions of soldiers in a short space of time and they did the best they could with the resources they had available
Katyusha yep, but TFB really bashes on it. Did he have a bad experience?
I reckon it's because he's american and likes to bash on the "dirty commies" but you got to give the gun some respect from a historical perspective. I don't think any other nation would be able to make over 30 million rifles in a space of 4 years and still have them come out in good enough condition for daily use and combat
beretta 92 is my fav pistol in world, if i could only bring one firearm i would pick my beretta over any of my long arms, thats how much faith i have that weapon if my life depended on it.
That’s objectively dumb. A good AR or AK is better than ANY handgun outside of concealment.
@@TheDiameter your objectively dumb, i recall asking anyone's opinion, theres variables you dont consider b/c ppl cant think that far ahead, like how much weight ammo adds to your pack, and yeah concealment is a concern for me, it matters a lot. and if your life depends on it, it best to use what your familiar and comfortable with instead of.."i want that one cuz its big and i saw John Wick with one on tv"
Glad I came across this video. I used to love shooting, but got out of it some time ago. This year, I have purchased four guns, including a Ruger 10/22 and a Marlin Model 60, and for the first time ever have gotten interested in handguns. In fact, I sold my Swedish Mauser earlier this year and used the money to purchase my first handgun. As the lead safety officer for a state history organization, I've regularly worked with reproduction muskets and rifles for 20 years, but I'm happy to have gotten back into modern firearms.
I bought my VZ-24 Mauser '98 (1939 manufacture) in 2002 for $75. My brother bought a Swedish Mauser '96 (1916 manufacture if I remember right) for about $100 in 2001. I replaced the barrel on mine, while he actually cut 6" off the original Swedish barrel and re-crowned it, and was getting the same or better accuracy, it was remarkably well made and preserved. I've heard prices have gone up, even in 2002 they weren't $20 but $75, not sure where they're at today. I don't like the cock on close of the '96, but the '98 is definitely a great rifle with a TON of customization options available, harder to find '96 parts
I have a 105 years old Swedish Mauser and it shoots sub MOA groups still, Amazing quality!
The Mosin in the trashcan put my side in orbit. Oh I love to hate that rifle.
North Florida Gun Guy you mean the kick. its not that bad. i mean it bruises my shoulder, kicks about as hard as a 12g with low brass ammo, and it has a metal but pad, but not particularly note wrothy.
North Florida Gun Guy the mosin doesn’t shoot good groups maybe two inches, but I still like them
I hate the kick, otherwise I love a mosin Nagant, they are accurate as hell and uses cheap ammo, odk I sold mine though and got a 260, it's a rare gun I guess. Idk I can never find ammo for it except a pawn shop, out of 3 other stores but I love the 260
Basic mosin’s go for $300 nowadays
Dude if you only get 2 inch groups at 1 meters, learn to shoot with the gun.
The mosin was my gateway drug, I remember walking out of the shop with it, while I had a spam can of surplus ammo waiting at home. I wouldn't call it a "garbage rod" but there are definitely better options for more money. But as a starter for a historic firearms collection, it's perfect.
Swedish mausers are tack drivers. I've owned several, and Regret getting rid of them, especially considering what I paid for most of them....😒
K guys just imagine this:
Alex saying
"Good evening passengers, we'll be landing at our destination in about 3 hours, the weather is around 12 degrees Celsius, partly cloudy, I hope you're enjoying your flight, Thank you for choosing United Airlines."
It fits well.
Alex should just provide voice for children audio books. Or perhaps a narrator.
The soothing voice is so good
Celsius? Why not freedom unit?
@@METX174 exactly wat I was thinking
I honestly love this channel he speaks so firm and clearly and gives real reasons and information about firearms while entertaining the audience
I dunno man, I've got a 1942 Izhevsk M91/30, and it's pretty accurate, not to mention the surplus ammo is supersonic... Grouping for me is pretty tight. Going to test it against a Yugo M48A, but take into account what Vasili Zaitsev and other Russians did with the rifle.
Also, it won't cost you a dislike with me, everyone has their opinions on guns, that and I enjoy your videos! Keep 'em coming.
I have the exact same Mosin in the same year, and it is an amazing gun, never had any problems with it, especially the price I got it for, but hey, haters gonna hate lol
Love my Tula ex sniper Mosin, one of my favorite rifles I own.
Watching you work the action on that Swedish Mauser is really satisfying. Hardly any hangups or slips. Perfection 👌🏻
Where can I buy that “gateway drug” tshirt i love it 😂🙌🏽
"You know how everyone makes that one claim, now I'm gonna make that claim"lmfao loved the video though
My dad own the same Swedish mouser and is the ride I learned to shoot with love its getting the recognition it deserves
There aren't too many guns I was glad I paid the price to own them
1) H&K Mark 23
2) H&K marked MP5 variant
3) Browning Citori
4) H&K USP
5) Full/Mannlicher stock 10/22
Rusty Shackleford Ahhh Yes a fellow Heckler & Koch fan.
You dare disrespect the mosin-nagant
The springfield 1903, M1917 rifle, Garand, lee einfield, MAS 36, Type 38 arisaka, type 99 arisaka, kar 98k, mauser 98, and every derivative of the muaser are better than than the mosin you filthy communist. Even the carcano is better.
@@COUNTERCOM Could you drag these guns through river rocks when tethered from a boat, and it still works? Probably, but with such expensive guns why would you? Therefore the mosin nagant is the best, you capitalist pigdog. Or I just have a bias because it's my first gun.
@@menghis7286 you could, all those guns are reliable but its not a good idea considering how expensive most of them are.
Garbage rod*
Hell for me it was the mosin nagant. I grew up shooting 22lr, but then all the Ammo started to dry up in 2012-2016. So for me, my 22lr WAS my mosin. I would buy the 880 round tins and just go plink all day with it while my 10/22 and mp15/22 collected dust.
I stopped chewing my sammich when you started on the Moisin wild card...
The 92fs good choice my friend!
Dude, you are well informed and helpful. The only top guns I own video i have enjoyed watching. Keep doing what you are doing!!!
Also the Mauser C96 inspired the design of Han Solo's blaster
That alone is a great reason for owning a C96, just saying...
i agree with most of your choices but I have to disagree with you on the Mosin Nagant as garbage . they may not be pretty but function quite well I hased one in a run and gun a M38 carbine which I borrowed from my brother. I agree with you about the C 96 mauser I happen to like the Luger better but i do understand on mechanical merits . but the C 96 and the luger is soo damn expensive its out of reach for 90% of us working guys. As Far as the Beretta goes i wasnt exposed to it till I was in the Navy then i liked it and bought one myself. My first gun was the Smith and Wesson model 10 in a 38 spl with a 6" BBl I wanted a Walther P-38 but Couldnt afford one now I have a P-1 which is my top 5 gun list . I am mostly a revolver guy . hey alex why no revolvers? Inquiring minds want to know ? Thanks
No buddy the mosin is not good at all. It's very inconsistent and there are better options for barely any more money. Milsurp is trash 90% of the timd
Now that's what I called respect for the beretta 92 fs
I love my 96 FS.
Had 92fs issued to me in the army and had to get me one for personal carry will never get rid of it
I worked in the armory as a Marine in the 90s, the M-9 would come back to us constantly with cracked slides. I would say roughly 25% or more. This gave me a permanent bias against 9mm and Beretta. When the FBI changed over to.40, I cheered.
@@johns9652 The first 30k or so Berettas had incorrect heat treatment of the slide. They were starting to break down by the 90s but they resolved the problem. I bought mine in 1996 and you couldn't carry the ammo I've shot through it with no problems. Unfortunately it was designed for European service and all our wars are in sandy places so the open slide was an insurmountable problem.
92x G model is amazing and my favorite pistol as well
I own many MANY guns at the moment, and through my life I've owned dozens more. But the Beretta 92FS has always far and away been my favorite handgun. Not among, but THE favorite. Many guns have come and gone through my safes, but this is one of the few that will never be let go of. There's just something about shooting it that seems to always make me a little more proficient. I may never never fully understand why that is, but I know it's earned a permanent special spot in my heart and on the center shelf of my main safe
Awww its always so nice to watch another tfb video... all these guns i cant buy...
...because i live in europe :(
why can't you buy them in Europe
Gun regulations. Especially in countries like england. Its way much more easier in switzerland , but kinda hard in germany . Most people own one are only hunters. Mostly people from bavaria have them. Well and they are regulated pretty hard. You can just google gun laws in germany. We even need a small weapon licence for pepper sprays(arent allowed to sold as that is stores, usually animal defence sprays etc called) and those non-lethal gas pistols. Most accepted "weapon" sport is here maybe archery :/ And you can use them for hunting. Im not an expert but this is the stuff so 1-2 things might be wrong, its pretty hard to look into this stuff. The government kinda wants you to not own a gun :P :/
The mosin is a great rifle. It’s accurate and always shoots.
Yes it is accurate but the action is utter garbage
One of my big brothers loves guns (loves showing off his acquisitions, too), and I think he might appreciate this. You seem very capable and are wonderfully calm and straightforward about each weapon. That's nice.
I'm no shooter and I have no desire to be...unless it's recreational archery, but you can believe I have no problem with the ones that are!
I'm just kidding those suck...
That will cost me some dislikes.
Worth it.
Nice try, you are just trying to lower prices of those guns! >:)
+TFB TV I love the Mosin but that line was delivered so well I had to laugh.
+TFB TV it got my like
+TFB TV I'm looking into getting an AR-15 and I just wanted to know if you have one you personally prefer
HI I really enjoy your videos very much but I politely disagree with you on the Mosin-Nagant rifles. I have 3 of them myself, a have a Finnish M-39 a Soviet 91/30, and a Carbine 38 they made not be the nicest, or the belle of the ball , but they work and work well, the ammo was cheap and plentifull. And I learned about Soviet weapons that they dont have to look pretty they just have to work.
I have 2 91/30s, a Russian M44 and Polish M44. They're all beautiful weapons. I got both M44's at the same time in 2018, and that started my milsurp addiction... Wish I had gotten addicted when I could have paid less than $200 for these things instead of $600+... :-(
The Mosin nagant isn't garbage. How you described the Mauser is how I feel about the mosin. Can easily ring steel at 300 yards.
LMFAO I didn’t know my rear AR15 sight had a little peep hole option!! Thanks for showing me lol been shooting for years owned this rifle for a long time never even realized it 🤦🏻♂️😂
Its for distance
“Hey guys it’s Alex C from TFB TV” Me: “Aight imma head out”
Thank you neighbor! I'm in the DFW area as well and we share some similar tastes. I'm fond of my AR15, my model 92 and M96 Carl Gustov Mauser. Sweden made up for the lack of a large ring action with superb Swedish steel. I have visited gun smiths on 2 occasions and found them sporterizing M96 actions into custom hunting rifles.
Damn, roasting the mosin XD
"Garbage rod"... I like it. Insulting, yet intelligent.
Yep. Business as usual.
+TFB TV hey a mosin saved my friends life someone broke in with a pistol his mosin jammed so he clubbed the guy with it don't insult the shitty russian
+Corban Rust that is one major positive, in a tense moment, the mosin can always be used as a club or javelin. :)
I feel like I’m listening to a young Tom Bodett. Just leave the that light on please🙏👌
Miss your commentary Alex. Your calm demeanor and well thought out opinions got me interested in firearms, both old and new. Hope life is treating you well!
Ending of video = Battlefield 1
Very well done. No nonsense. I’ve owned a number of firearms and then sold many of them as having kids and being a student while working required this financially. No regrets…except my ruger 10/22. Every self-respecting firearm enthusiast should have one. When funds are there for guns again that’s the first thing on my to do list.
You have such opposing views from literally everyone lol I love it... though I still will never buy into the claims that the Mosin Nagant is not good for the money you pay for it
Conner Williams the price today for one compared to say a k11 is night and day difference. My buddy has a m44 and my k11 is the same size and mines far more accurate it's faster and shoots nicer
@@SouthValleyKnifeCo agree. The prices are going up and they aren't worth it. When they were sub $100 they we're completely worth it. Hell, grabbed a nagant revolver for under $75 while I was at it.