The Blasphemous Catholic Eucharist DEBUNKED | Answering

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024
  • In this video, I address a passage commonly misinterpreted by proponents of Catholicism. The Catholic Church teaches Transubstantiation, "the conversion of the substance of the Eucharistic elements into the body and blood of Christ at consecration." Did Jesus teach that we must literally eat his flesh and drink his blood? I pray this videos provides clarity and dispels any confusion. God bless! -OD
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Комментарии • 839

  • @bobc2960
    @bobc2960 Год назад +245

    I was Catholic for over 40 years and all I learned was guilt and fear and shame and condemnation. All about control and manipulation.
    We don't have to sacrifice Jesus over and over. His death was a ONE TIME payment for our sins

    • @americodiloretto217
      @americodiloretto217 Год назад +38

      I was also raised RC as well. Until I read the Bible myself and found the truth. God Bless

    • @uselessheartinbox1711
      @uselessheartinbox1711 Год назад

      40 years, that is sickening to hear, I was a false Christian for about 3 and a half years... Cant imagine going through life that long believing a satanic doctrine

    • @rapidfire4528
      @rapidfire4528 Год назад +23

      Amen brother I was lost in the Catholic faith nonsense, not once did I hear we’re saved by Grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone, everything was about looking to self and making sure individuals were praying the rosary 📿 because apparently she is able to save too, Christ did all the hard work she gets all the glory, makes me sick 🤢

    • @uselessheartinbox1711
      @uselessheartinbox1711 Год назад

      Praise God Bro that we are out of that Christ Decreasing Trash! for me it was the normal Lordship Damnation Garbage... Repent of your Sins, Do good works, Jesus Christ is not enough for salvation... I was one of the sick bastards who told people to repent of their sins or they will go to hell, Then acting like I am my own Savior Jesus Christ seemed like some Cruel dictator I had to please, and I twisted my own mind to think that this is loving.
      I got saved about 4 and a half months ago... for a year I went into sins more than ever, and through the Hopeless pit of trash I was in, I only realized then that I cannot make it to heaven
      But now we have true rest, In Christ Jesus. Amen :)

    • @shh4519
      @shh4519 Год назад +14

      Amen, His death was a one time payment for our sins.

  • @josephmureithi2130
    @josephmureithi2130 Год назад +62

    He that believeth on Him is not condemned but he that believeth not is condemned already, because has not believed on the only Begotten Son of God.
    Kenya 🇰🇪 well represented

  • @cjshrimpy7191
    @cjshrimpy7191 Год назад +132

    The thief on the cross never did the Eucharist, but was still saved!
    Jesus saves us when we Believe on Him! Christ alone is our saving grace; plus nothing, minus nothing.

    • @walkingdeadlands
      @walkingdeadlands 7 месяцев назад +6

      My friend, we don’t know if the thief received Holy Communion or not. The text doesn’t say.
      We also do not know if he was baptized, it too is not written. Finally, just because some people might be able to enter heaven without having received the Eucharist, it’s a pretty dangerous risk to take. Jesus himself has directed you to eat His flesh, and so you should.

    • @SunnyLovetts
      @SunnyLovetts 7 месяцев назад +1

      Great point to debunk the work + faith false gospel

    • @buiquochung1604
      @buiquochung1604 6 месяцев назад

      Well what could he do? He was nailed to the cross. We're bound by the Sacraments, not God. There are exceptions.

    • @EugeneHolley-rc6ry
      @EugeneHolley-rc6ry 3 месяца назад +6

      I agree, the thief on the cross is the perfect picture of being saved by grace through faith that there is. He was not at the last Supper, and not alive on earth after the crucifixion to have ever of taken communion. He believed the gospel that Jesus preached to him on the cross and it was counted to him for righteousness.

    • @whysockee3421
      @whysockee3421 3 месяца назад +4

      ​@@EugeneHolley-rc6rythe thief on the cross went to paradise or what is also called abrahams bossom, not heaven, with the other righteous jews before christ descended and saved them. It is a traditional teaching that he baptized all those in paradise so as to allow them to enter heaven.
      It is through christ death AND RESURRECTION that we are saved and he did not resurrect immediatly. The sacraments do not take effect until Jesus resurrected from the dead and comissioned the apostles.
      At the very least, the thief on the cross was baptized through what is called baptism of desire.

  • @Jkim8901
    @Jkim8901 4 месяца назад +19

    I was a Protestant and did not believe in the true presence of God in the Eucharist until I asked myself the question:
    "Do I believe God created everything from nothing?"
    The answer to that question was an astounding "yes"
    "how did God create everything from nothing?"
    With His Word.
    Jesus in the New Testament gave the Apostles the authority to forgive sins (John 20:22-23) He does this by breathing on them. The same breath that God the Father used to give life to man, He gave to the Apostles and thus gave them divine authority through the Holy Spirit. This authority can be used to transform the substances of bread and wine into the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Christ.
    I am now a Catholic because the only thing keeping me from becoming a Catholic was my lack of faith. What would stop God from literally transforming bread into His flesh? The Catholic Church is the Church Christ founded and is the Church that will last until the end of time. It is a good idea to check your pride and really look into what the Catholic Church teaches because it is based on Scripture and the Traditions of the early Apostles passed down over the course of 2000 years.
    If all that isn't enough to convince you, look into Eucharistic miracles.

    • @OnoDiamante
      @OnoDiamante  4 месяца назад +6


    • @kang7348
      @kang7348 3 месяца назад +14

      @@OnoDiamanteshould we ask all Christians in the first 1500 years to repent for believing in the Eucharist?

    • @icemanred
      @icemanred 2 месяца назад +10

      The problem with what you have stated is that it goes counter to the word of God. God is not a God of confusion. The text of the scripture in John 6 explains exactly what Jesus meant. It is all about believing. Jesus said that the will of the Father is that anyone who looks upon the Son and believes on him will have eternal life and that He would raise them up on the last day. Jesus never said the will of the Father is to eat his flesh and drink his blood. As a matter of fact, you see nowhere else in scripture where eating of the bread and drinking of the wine is equated to salvation. This should give you a clue. If the flesh counts for nothing and it is the Spirit that gives life, how can you not see what Jesus was saying. Jesus was talking about believing in Him. That is the common message of the Gospel. John 3:16 doesn't mention anything about eating the flesh and drinking the blood of Christ. The Apostles, in all of their epistles, did not mention this. Paul chastised the church at Corinth for taking the Lord's supper in a manner that was unworthy, but Paul never equated the Lord's supper/communion to salvation.

    • @Joeyisundead
      @Joeyisundead Месяц назад +1

      @@kang7348well we can’t because they are dead and we don’t talk to the dead. And short answer yes they misquoted the verse

    • @rishanborrymbai1104
      @rishanborrymbai1104 Месяц назад

      ​​​​​​​​​@@ErwinMager Due to our building church self ordain rules and laws; we fail to simply read the Scriptures as it is.
      The Passover/Lord supper is never about worship. The fact our church changed it from Passover/Lord supper to eucharist already goes against God word.
      You are telling us to go against the scriptures which is wrong. Jesus was cleared to do it in remembrance/recollection of what he will be doing at the cross.
      If you still go by the catechism teachings; let's look at what Passover was all about. Let us truly examine it.
      The Passover was commanded to the people of Israel to celebrate it as a remembrance of what God has done in Egypt when He killed every first born child of Egypt & led them out of Egypt.
      Exactly it is the same thing. We are to do the Passover /Lord supper only in remembrance only. And it is not an act of worship. But an act of recollection of the sacrifice of Jesus at the cross. It is not to re-create the sacrifice of Jesus in an unbloody manner. Or did the Jews recreate the dead of Egypt's first born child or escape Egypt every time they celebrate the Passover?
      Did we hear today the Jews saying " we are celebrating the Passover and the First born child of Egypt is dying again and we are again to go back to Egypt and come out of it?
      My brother in Jesus. It is a REMEMBRANCE/RECOLLECTION. Period. Don't add to the word of God for it will be worse for you.
      Deuteronomy 4:2
      Proverbs 30:6
      Revelation 22:18-19

  • @beaconoftruth1990
    @beaconoftruth1990 2 месяца назад +9

    Brother respectfully, you are mistaken. Jesus was not speaking figuratively and we know what because of the greek word used : "trogo" literally meaning to chew or to gnaw. If Jesus were speaking figuratively he would not have used this verb. Secondly, this teaching was the only time in the entire New Testament when it is recorded that several of his disciples left him because they considered it intolerable language. The reason it was intolerable is because these were first century jews and the thought of eating a mans flesh was too much to bear, however when they asked Jesus to clarify he only continued to double and triple down even further which is why they left him. He offered no clarification that he was speaking symbolically.
    He looks to Peter at the end of the discourse and asked him " Will you also leave?" Jesus understood that the teaching was difficult to bear but he did not soften it for his Jewish audience and neither does he soften it for us. He also didn't soften it for Peter and the twelve. Peter's response, should be the response of all of us " Lord to whom shall we go, you have the message of eternal life"
    Finally, the entire early church was united in the belief of Jesus' literal presence. To disagree and say Jesus was speaking symbolically would be to disagree with the very apostles who lived, walked with Jesus and founded the church. Historically the symbolic representation is simply unfounded.
    I will end with this quote from an Early Church Father " That bread which you see on the altar, having been sanctified by the word of God, is the body of Christ. That chalice, or rather, what is in that chalice, having been sanctified by the word of God, is the blood of Christ” Augustine 411AD

    • @Flintlock1776
      @Flintlock1776 2 месяца назад +1

      So, in order for me to be in communion with the One True Church and to exist in a state of grace, I am required to accept and embrace that a virgin man, dressed like a chess piece, has the power to turn a cracker and wine into the physical body of a deity from the Classical Era by saying some incantations over them. I am further required to believe that it is the actual, physical body and blood or this man-god because that's what someone in the 1st century said. I am further commanded to eat and drink this literal flesh and blood and, at the same time, not to believe that what I am doing is an act of cannibalism, that it's not weird or creepy, and that it is a prerequisite for my salvation. Oh, and if I don't participate, a loving god whom I am commanded to both love and fear at the same time will set me on fire forever.
      What's not to love about this religion?
      I think the Natural Man has it right and so did the disciples who left. I reject transubstantiation in it's entirety.

    • @spdomingoo
      @spdomingoo 23 дня назад +2

      Have you never used the phase “chew on this” when referring to thinking over something difficult? This was clearly hyperbolic language he was using to emphasise the need to truly know your God as the way to the kingdom.

    • @Flintlock1776
      @Flintlock1776 22 дня назад

      @@spdomingoo Exactly. Well said.

  • @anthonym.7653
    @anthonym.7653 Год назад +96

    Just discovered this channel. Love the brief and to the point teachings that use only Scripture.
    I was a cradle Catholic for the first 52 years of my life. Went to Catholic school for 16 years. Did my sacraments. Typical New Englander catholic dead in his faith and going thru the motions.
    I was saved 3 1/2 years ago when I first heard the simple, beautiful and true Gospel from God's Word.
    Thank you for these videos. I pray other catholics are awakened.

    • @OnoDiamante
      @OnoDiamante  Год назад +8

      Where in New England? I’m in Rhode Island.

    • @anthonym.7653
      @anthonym.7653 Год назад +3

      @@OnoDiamante Really? I am born & raised in Johnston. Currently live in North Prov.

    • @OnoDiamante
      @OnoDiamante  Год назад +7

      @@anthonym.7653 Nice! My Mother and Father are Johnstonians too lol. I don’t know how old you are, but my mother is a Sciarra. Have you ever attended Grace Christian Fellowship?

    • @anthonym.7653
      @anthonym.7653 Год назад +1

      @@OnoDiamante I am 55. Never attended Grace. Grew up off Killingly Street. My dad had a barber shop on Hartford Ave.

    • @OnoDiamante
      @OnoDiamante  Год назад +7

      @@anthonym.7653 Small world, big God! My Grandfather Norm ran the shell station on Killingly back in the day.

  • @freakylocz14
    @freakylocz14 7 месяцев назад +33

    I believe that my Lord and my Saviour Jesus Christ is truly present in the Blessed Sacrament. 🙏

    • @icemanred
      @icemanred 7 месяцев назад +1

      But your belief is not based on truth. You should want to do as the scripture says and that is to worship the Lord in spirit and in truth. Do not remain willfully ignorant of the truth.

    • @icemanred
      @icemanred 7 месяцев назад

      @@freakylocz14 Jesus was speaking figuratively. Do you not see that? View this through the lens of the Jewish Passover. Every element of the Passover was symbolic of something to remind them of God's deliverance from Egypt.
      Do you still drink water or any other beverage to quench your thirst? If so, and you take everything that Jesus says literally, then you should never be thirsty because Jesus told the woman at the well that whoever drinks of the living water will never thirst again. But the woman at the well thought Jesus was talking about physical water, just like you and your fellow catholics think that Jesus was talking about physically eating his flesh and drinking his blood. The catholic church has perverted the scriptures and replaced its authority with that of the magisterium. Papal infallibility is not Bibllical either. You all follow man and not God. Your practices are heretical and you need to repent.

    • @freakylocz14
      @freakylocz14 7 месяцев назад +4

      @@icemanred Yes it is.
      Now as they were eating, Jesus took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to His disciples and said, "Take, eat; this is My Body." And then He took the chalice, and when He had given thanks He gave it to His disciples, saying, "Drink of it, all of you; for this is My Blood of the New and everlasting Covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins." (Mark 14:22-24)
      Jesus said, "My flesh is true food, and My Blood is true drink. He who eats My flesh and drinks My Blood abides in Me, and I in him. As the living Father sent Me, and I live because of the Father, so he who eats Me will live because of Me. This is the bread which came down from Heaven, not such as the fathers ate and died; he who eats this bread will live forever." (John 6:55-58)

    • @heythere4871
      @heythere4871 6 месяцев назад +3

      ​@@freakylocz14Aparentally you stopped at verse 58 of John chapter 6
      Verses 58 to 64 mentions...
      58"This is the bread that came down from heaven, not like the bread the fathers ate, and died. Whoever feeds on this bread will live forever." 59 Jesus said these things in the synagogue, as he taught at Capernaum.
      60 When many of his disciples heard it, they said, "This is a hard saying; who can listen to it?" 61 But Jesus, knowing in himself that his disciples were grumbling about this, said to them, "Do you take offense at this? 62 Then what if you were to see the Son of Man ascending to where he was before? 63 It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life. 64 But there are some of you who do not believe."

    • @freakylocz14
      @freakylocz14 6 месяцев назад +3

      @@heythere4871 This part describes y'all:
      Jesus said to his disciples, "But there are some of you that do not believe." For Jesus knew from the beginning who those were that did not believe, and who it was that would betray Him." (John 6:64)

  • @TejaChmay
    @TejaChmay Год назад +20

    Jesus said “do this in memory of me” that’s why we do it. Jesus told us how to worship. We don’t choose how to worship.

  • @eric2685
    @eric2685 Год назад +12

    Trust in the blood of Jesus Christ for salvation and the forgiveness of sins , and in the One who shed it for us ( Collossians , 1 , 14 ) .

  • @Mr.BaSir20
    @Mr.BaSir20 27 дней назад +3

    "They [i.e. the Gnostics] abstain from the Eucharist and from prayer, because they do not confess that THE EUCHARIST IS THE FLESH OF OUR SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST, flesh which suffered for our sins and which the Father, in his goodness, raised up again." - St. Ignatius of Antioch (Letter to Smyrnians 7:1)
    St. Ignatius was a direct disciple of John the Apostle. Are you saying that you can interpret the Scriptures better than a man that learned directly from a disciple of Jesus Christ Himself?

  • @edwarddowning6592
    @edwarddowning6592 3 месяца назад +5

    I have recently become catholic but when I was a protestant I was an Anglican which believes Jesus is really present in the Eucharist. It is not a representation there are real consequences when we start taking parts of the bible literally and some not it leads to progressive Christianity. Please come home to the church founded by Jesus to once more be united as one the early church believed that the bread in the Eucharist was Jesus. It is his body it is his blood it is his soul and divinty

    • @danib712
      @danib712 17 дней назад

      Do you believe that because you have been reborn again and have the Holy Spirit ? Or do you believe that because the Catholic Church is a historical church so that’s why you believe it ????

    • @edwarddowning6592
      @edwarddowning6592 17 дней назад

      @@danib712 I believe it is Christ’s body because in John chapter 6 Jesus says it’s his body and only the most faithful believe

    • @CountCulture27
      @CountCulture27 14 дней назад

      @@edwarddowning6592To believe it is Christ’s actual body, you must believe that the Priest has the ability to change the bread into his body. “Hocus Corpus.” Frankly, anyone who reads John 6 carefully can see the turn in the conversation with Jesus and the people. They wanted bread and to be fed. Jesus used this want to show a truth on how his words are living bread. Look at Matthew 4:4. A famous verse that says, “Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word spoken by the mouth of God.” Even Peter gets it. When Jesus ask him if he would leave a bit later in John he says, “Where shall I go, you have the words of eternal life.” The words.

  • @CEMeade
    @CEMeade 2 месяца назад +5

    The thing is, nowhere can you find in the first 1500 years of Christianity where the Eucharist was thought to be symbolic. It always had a literal interpretation. Becoming just a symbol is a protestant invention.

    • @mrsherlockholmes1968
      @mrsherlockholmes1968 Месяц назад

      Not true. The early church fathers saw the bread and wine as symbols of the physical reality of the body and blood of Christ. Not until the 12th century that the church started to talk of the idea of transubstantiation - and then formalised into dogma during council of Trent in 16th century.

    • @CEMeade
      @CEMeade Месяц назад +2

      @mrsherlockholmes1968 Read the early church fathers. Even in Paul's letters there are references that don't really make sense if it was just a symbol. The term transubstantiation developed later and the belief was dogmatized because of different heresies going around but the belief of the Real Presence was around from the beginning.

    • @mrsherlockholmes1968
      @mrsherlockholmes1968 Месяц назад

      @@CEMeade don’t think we will agree. Romans misunderstood early Christians as being cannibals (eating a human body). As long as we trust in Christ alone for our salvation, His finished work on the Cross - I think that’s what matters ultimately

    • @tyler7629
      @tyler7629 Месяц назад +1

      ​@@mrsherlockholmes1968 But WHY did the Romans think that? Was it possibly because they had heard rumors that the followers of Christ had a ritual where they were eating his flesh? Just food for thought

  • @redeemed7868
    @redeemed7868 11 месяцев назад +31

    John 6:35: Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of. life. Whoever *comes* to me will *never go hungry,* and. whoever *believes* in me will *never be thirsty.”*
    So, how do we eat Jesus? By coming to him. How do we drink him? By believing.
    I'm also an ex-roman Catholic. I encountered the Lord six years ago. He is faithful 🙌🏼

    • @YakmonSaysItLikeItIs
      @YakmonSaysItLikeItIs 6 месяцев назад +3

      Wow good connection

    • @jotink1
      @jotink1 4 месяца назад +2

      Isn't that scripture in Jn 6 so easy to understand and so the rest falls into place. God bless

    • @redeemed7868
      @redeemed7868 4 месяца назад +2

      The scriptures are so beautiful, start having bible discussions with your friends, God opens his word like a flower, and the more we read and meditate on it.
      More grace 🙏🏼

    • @CatholicTruth101
      @CatholicTruth101 3 месяца назад +1

      No salvation outside the Catholic Church.

    • @YakmonSaysItLikeItIs
      @YakmonSaysItLikeItIs 3 месяца назад

      @@CatholicTruth101 that's not what Jesus said.

  • @ronaldsimmons9517
    @ronaldsimmons9517 3 дня назад +1

    To reinforce this, Jesus says He is the Water of Life in John chapters 4 and 7. This doesn't mean we drink Holy Water!
    Belief is Jesus means you get the Spirit and everything you need for Life. Simple!

  • @harrygaia7644
    @harrygaia7644 Год назад +6

    Wrong ! It does not actually become His body or His blood. That would be considered cannibalism. It is in the same way that Jesus told them " year down this temple and I will raise it up again in three days"...... but He was not speaking literally of the temple itself, but He was speaking of His body, in association of His coming death and resurrection.

    • @emeraldstories3586
      @emeraldstories3586 Месяц назад

      Cannibalism is eating something that is dead and if the same species. My friend Christ is not dead.

  • @missthunderstormable
    @missthunderstormable 5 дней назад +1

    John 6 has to be understood. “Eating Jesus” is believing on Jesus! It is so clear, we only have to “eat”it once to have eternal life, and not every sunday!

  • @mayermackenzie
    @mayermackenzie 3 месяца назад +7

    I think that it would be best for people to go deep into church history and read the church fathers. The students of the apostles such as Saint Ignatius of Antioch. (Student of John the Apostle) He affirmed the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. He also condemned the gnostics as they did not believe in the real presence.
    1 Corinthians 11:29-30
    New International Version
    29 For those who eat and drink without discerning the body of Christ eat and drink judgment on themselves. 30 That is why many among you are weak and sick, and a number of you have fallen asleep.

    • @icemanred
      @icemanred 2 месяца назад

      It concerns me that your answer is to rely on men. Wouldn't it be better to encourage people to pray that the Holy Spirit would lead them to the proper understanding? After all, Jesus did say that He was sending the helper who would guide us in all truth, correct? If someone wrote something, we are to compare it to scripture (as the Bereans did) and trust the Holy Spirit to guide us to the truth of what we have read. Scripture is the only thing that is God breathed , so why not rely on that and the Holy Spirit.

    • @mayermackenzie
      @mayermackenzie 2 месяца назад +1

      @@icemanred Yes I believe that the Holy Spirit can lead us to all understanding. The question though, is the Holy Spirit leading you or are you coming to your own conclusions.
      We trust in scripture that the spirit led the apostles and the early church. With a 20000 foot view of things, I would rather trust the students of the Apostles then a few people 1500 years later with a different doctrine. If you trust the reformers, then you have to be consistent with the view that the church went into heresy right after the apostles, which means the spirit was not guiding them.

    • @Joeyisundead
      @Joeyisundead Месяц назад

      Again that’s man not God. Read the Bible

    • @mayermackenzie
      @mayermackenzie Месяц назад

      @@Joeyisundead 100% agree. To your point though, The books of the Bible were identified by the church. Why would you trust they got that right, but disagree with mostly everything else.

    • @user-of9rg2uv8t
      @user-of9rg2uv8t 17 дней назад

      Sad that you don’t believe Jesus.

  • @ambs854
    @ambs854 2 месяца назад +5

    Where dose it say in John 6 Jesus is speaking figuratively??? I can’t find it anywhere regarding the Eucharist!

    • @OnoDiamante
      @OnoDiamante  2 месяца назад +3

      Let’s see, do you interpret the words of Christ literally in John 3 and John 4? I’m sure you believe that someone literally has to return to their mother’s womb and be “born again”. Did the Samaritan woman literally have to drink a cup of water? Use some common sense.

    • @TrickeryMan
      @TrickeryMan 2 месяца назад +5

      ⁠@@OnoDiamante This is a horrible example, sir. It’s pretty easy to tell Jesus is speaking figuratively in John 3. After Nicodemus asks if we have to go back into the womb, Jesus tells him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of _water and the Spirit…”_ which quite obviously implies a supernatural rebirth. And if you’re not convinced, in verse 6, He says, “That which is born of the _flesh is flesh,_ and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.” Jesus is contrasting between a fleshly birth, and a spiritual birth, so again, obviously metaphorical.
      Nicodemus may have misunderstood Jesus at first, but that didn’t mean Jesus didn’t clarify, unlike in the Bread of Life discourse. But sir, this is a classic example of taking a text out of context to try to bolster your eisegesis of John 6. But irrespective of whether or not Jesus clarified Nicodemus’ confusion, even if He didn’t, it’s a red herring to assume that Jesus is being metaphorical in John 6 merely because somewhere else He used a phrase that sounded literal but was actually metaphorical. Thats bad deduction, especially since there is _multiple_ other examples of either the author or Jesus clarifying confusion. To conclude, this is hardly a valid objection to Jesus’ words in John 6.

    • @DarkWolf-407
      @DarkWolf-407 Месяц назад

      Jesus never spoke too clearly for everyone. But if you wish to take Him literally then pluck out your eyes and have your arms removed.

    • @TrickeryMan
      @TrickeryMan Месяц назад +1

      @@DarkWolf-407 That is a demonstrably bad equivalence my friend. It would be theologically incorrect for Jesus to ask us to amputate a limb because it causes us to sin. That’s why no one takes it literally. God called the human being “very good”, and Paul says our bodies are the “temple of the Hoy Spirit”, so to actually take that verse literally, obvious contradictions would arise, but as we know, the bible is inerrant, thus, that interpretation would be false. It’s very different with the Bread of Life Discourse.

    • @DarkWolf-407
      @DarkWolf-407 Месяц назад

      @@TrickeryMan the Bible is without error but people aren't. People who put faith in objects rather than God often misinterpret the Bible.

  • @swim96ful
    @swim96ful 5 месяцев назад +7

    "Obviously Jesus is speaking in a figurative sense..." Only took 1500 years for Christians to realise that.

    • @elizariosantos1252
      @elizariosantos1252 5 месяцев назад +5

      Exactly my thoughts too. Even after that 1500 years, some protestants (Lutherans, Anglicans, Some Baptists) still believe in some forms of Christ presence in the Lord's Supper.

    • @D0CSIDE
      @D0CSIDE Месяц назад +1

      I implore you both to watch the video, “Scientific Evidence of Eucharistic Miracles - Inspired By Carlo Acutis” by The Joy of the Faith and come back and tell me that Jesus isn’t physically present in the Eucharist.

    • @absolutepixels3812
      @absolutepixels3812 Месяц назад

      Just like it took them 1500 years to realize Mary is sinless.

    • @swim96ful
      @swim96ful Месяц назад

      @@absolutepixels3812 Rather, it took 1500 years for someone to seriously question Mary so that the Church was prompted to response. By the fourth century the sinlessness of Mary was a common belief amongst Christians. Similarly the belief in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. But be your own authority right, because you are guided by the Holy Spirit, not all those Christians from the fourth century. What could they know?

    • @absolutepixels3812
      @absolutepixels3812 Месяц назад

      @@swim96ful Woo, I thought you guys say everything in the Catholic Church has apostolic succession and can be backed up with scripture. Even if it was believed in the 4th century, it still doesn't have apostolic succession. As you always say, What about the people before the 4th century?🥺 My dear, you know the number 1 criteria to distinguish between holy spirit and evil spirit is scripture. Holy spirit will never reveal something that contradicts scripture to you. I never say "what could they have known" like you said butttt Romans 3:23, Romans 3:10-12 , Ecclesiastes 7:20 say no one was sinless. I don't have to be a rocket scientist to understand things that are stated clearly,do I? Just FYI, I don't think the holy spirit works any better or worse for specific people in a specific time but thank you for your concern anyways.

  • @ProjectInfluencers
    @ProjectInfluencers 5 месяцев назад +4

    Hi All- there seems to be a leak in his points (Eucharist being taken figuratively versus literally). Let’s go back to the last supper Mark chapter 14-22…he said “this is my Body” layer in 24 he said “this is my blood of the covenant” if Jesus meant for the bread and wine to be figurative, he should have said this is a representation of my body and blood. So I don’t buy this argument that John 6 is merely metaphoric or figurative. Give me another argument to look at for the Eucharist.

    • @paddydobbs2318
      @paddydobbs2318 2 месяца назад +2

      He didn't say I am figuratively the drink that makes you not thirst again.. He said He who drinks of the water I give them will never thirst again.. He didn't actually hand her a glass of water. You miss the fact that he is using Hebrew idioms and not speaking English. When He said the Pharisees teachings are leavened bread of hypocrisy and malice... But the Pharisees weren't actually feeding people bread... Bread represents doctrine, which is why His doctrine was the bread from heaven like the manna. You must feed on Jesus doctrine from heaven and not man made doctrines... Give me today my daily bread isn't actually eating bread it's teaching us daily by the spirit.

    • @emeraldstories3586
      @emeraldstories3586 Месяц назад

      He never claimed to be water tho? He said he would give her water, which is Baptism.

  • @jhenningkelloggia
    @jhenningkelloggia Год назад +3

    15 O Lord, thou knowest: remember me, and visit me, and revenge me of my persecutors; take me not away in thy longsuffering: know that for thy sake I have suffered rebuke.
    16 Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O Lord God of hosts.

  • @rexlion4510
    @rexlion4510 9 месяцев назад +10

    Augustine understood John 6 the same way you explain it. He wrote, “Believe in Christ, and thou hast eaten Christ. For believing in Christ is the eating of the Bread of life.”
    Taking v. 53-54 literally would make ingesting Almighty God the instrumental means of salvation. That contradicts so many plain scriptures which tell us that faith is the key.

    • @pariahcovers7769
      @pariahcovers7769 6 месяцев назад +5

      “What you see is the bread and the chalice; that is what your own eyes report to you. But what your faith obliges you to accept is that the bread is the body of Christ and the chalice is the blood of Christ. This has been said very briefly, which may perhaps be sufficient for faith; yet faith does not desire instruction” - St. Augustine Sermon 272.

    • @rexlion4510
      @rexlion4510 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@pariahcovers7769 Whether we recognize the body and blood of Jesus, in some way or other, in the Eucharist is not at issue: we all do.
      Whether we recognize the Real Presence is not the issue here. What is at issue is Transubstantiation: the doctrine that says the substances of bread and wine cease to be bread and wine but for their accidents, such that they become the whole physical substances, spiritual Being, and Divinity of Jesus Christ, which the Catholic then worships as God "in the flesh". This is heresy. The early fathers believed that the bread still was bread when they ingested it, and we don't dare worship a man-made object whether it be a golden calf or a wafer of bread.
      Pope Gelasius: “The sacrament of the body and blood of Christ, which we receive, is a divine thing, because by it we are made partakers of the divine nature. *Yet the substance or nature of the bread and wine do not cease.* And assuredly *the image and similitude of the body and blood of Christ* are celebrated in the performance of the mysteries” (Adversus Eutychen et Nestorium, 14)
      Theodoret: “The mystical tokens or sacraments after the Consecration, depart not from their own nature: for *they remain still in their former substance,* and form, and figure.”
      Chrysostom: “The very body of Christ itself is not in the holy vessels, but the mystery or Sacrament thereof is there contained.”
      And, “The nature of bread remaineth in the Sacrament.”
      Augustine wrote much on this subject:
      “Our Lord doubted not to say, This is my Body, when he gave a token of his body.”
      “Christ took Judas unto his table, whereat he gave unto his Disciples the figure of his body.”
      “Unless Sacraments had a certain likeness of the things of which they be sacraments, then indeed they were no Sacraments. And of this likeness oftentimes they bear the names of the things themselves that are *represented by* the sacraments.”
      “In sacraments we must consider, not what they be,” (in substance and nature,) “but what they signify.”
      “It is a dangerous matter, and a servitude of the soul, to take the sign instead of the thing that is signified.”
      “If it be a speech that commandeth, either by forbidding an horrible wickedness, or requiring that which is profitable, it is not figurative: but if it seem to require horrible wickedness, and to forbid what is good and profitable, it is spoken figuratively. Except ye eat (saith Christ) the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you. He seemeth to require the doing of that which is horrible, or most wicked: *it is a figure, therefore,* commanding us to communicate with the passion of Christ, and comfortably and profitably to lay up in our remembrance, that his flesh was crucified and wounded for us.”
      “It is a more horrible thing to eat man’s flesh, than to kill it: and to drink man’s blood, than it is to shed it.”
      “Believe in Christ, and thou hast eaten Christ. For, believing in Christ is the eating of the bread of life.”
      Moreover, Augustine made the point that Jesus has ascended into heaven and, according to Scripture, will not be seen again on earth until the Second Advent; at that time, "every eye shall see Him" coming in the clouds. Augustine wrote:
      “According to the flesh that the word received : according to that he was born of the Virgin : according to that he was taken of the Jews : according to that he was nailed to the Cross : according to that he was taken down, and lapt in a shroud, and laid in the grave, and rose again, and showed himself. In this respect it is true that he said : Ye shall not evermore have me with you.”
      “Until the world be ended, the Lord is above: yet notwithstanding even here is the truth of the Lord. For the body wherein he rose again must needs be in one place.”
      Vigilius said likewise: “The flesh of Christ when it was in earth, was not in heaven : and now, because it is in heaven, doubtless it is not on earth.” (Against Eutychus)
      Athanasius agreed with this: “Unto how many men could Christ’s body have sufficed, that he should be the food of all the world ? Therefore he made mention of his ascension into heaven, that he might *withdraw them from corporal and fleshly understanding.”*
      But Roman Catholics continue to engage in "corporal and fleshly understanding" of the Eucharist!
      Exo 20:4,5 "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them..."
      Lev 26:1 "Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I am the LORD your God."
      The Israelites created a calf of gold, declared it to be Almighty God, and worshiped it. As punishment, Moses had the calf ground up and made the people ingest the gold.
      The Roman Catholics create wafers of bread, declare them to be Almighty God, rear them up in monstrances and worship them. Then they ingest the bread.
      Do you see the similarity? Do you see the wrongness of the Roman Catholic Transubstantiation doctrine and RC eucharistic practices?

    • @Maya-yp2ey
      @Maya-yp2ey 5 месяцев назад +3

      If it’s just a symbol no one would be willing to die for a wafer. Would you be willing to give your life for a store-bought bread?? So many martyrs gave up their life for that wafer just so it won’t be desecrated because it’s not just a wafer it’s Christ Himself truly present in the appearance of bread. It’s hard for you to believe this I know because this proves Catholicism is true religion and Jesus Christ founded my faith built on the rock.

    • @Maya-yp2ey
      @Maya-yp2ey 5 месяцев назад

      @@pariahcovers7769amen to that!

    • @rexlion4510
      @rexlion4510 5 месяцев назад

      @@Maya-yp2ey Oh, come on! No one gave their lives to defend Transubstantiation; that's ridiculous! Give me some examples of Christians who said they were giving their lives for the belief that the substance of bread ceases to be bread, and I will consider your outlandish claim. But look, I can show you that the RC clergy martyred (by burning alive) at least 288 sincere followers of Jesus Christ in England in just 4 years' time (1555-1558) for the 'crime' of disagreeing with the RC doctrine of Transubstantiation; these Christians believed in the Real Presence in a spiritual sense, but they rejected as heresy the RC belief in the _corporal_ (physical, fleshly) presence of Christ in the Eucharist, and for this the RCC had them burned at the stake. I guess that is how the RCC "loves their enemies and does good to them," eh? 🤪
      Historical Protestant Christians: "We are concerned that you Catholics are worshiping wafers of bread as God, and we think this is idolatrous. We're willing to die for our belief and will not recant, because we are concerned about honoring our Lord."
      Historical Roman Catholics: "Then die, you scum!" 🤮
      That the the rotten, disgusting, murderous religious institution you support and defend!

  • @dton0743
    @dton0743 3 месяца назад +3

    Though I am a Catholic, I am interested in the things you teach in your channel stands. However, miracles of cardiac tissue and traces of living blood in the Holy Eucharist have already been discovered and scientifically proven in the past century. Just asking, as a fellow Christian in need, what do you make of these?

  • @treyspencer3101
    @treyspencer3101 Год назад +9

    Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

  • @jason8445
    @jason8445 Год назад +32

    I am so sick and tired of these clowns adding to the simplicity of the gospel. Trust the savior, not the sinner.

    • @AbrahamAdeyemiOSAS
      @AbrahamAdeyemiOSAS Год назад

      So a wicked false prophet. He is a son of the devil

    • @fightingwithtruth1698
      @fightingwithtruth1698 Год назад +2


    • @youngconservative
      @youngconservative 9 месяцев назад +6

      We are not clowns. That is Jesus Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Eucharist. If you’re so in love with Jesus why won’t you partake in consuming Him? By consuming Him He consumes your soul in the Eucharist. That is the True Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.

    • @johnjones393
      @johnjones393 7 месяцев назад +4

      ​@@youngconservativeYou have much to learn. Read the Bible yourself and the Catholic religion will fall apart. That's what happened for me. I pray that you come out of that system and trust on Jesus Christ alone for your salvation.

    • @youngconservative
      @youngconservative 7 месяцев назад +6

      @@johnjones393 How can the Catholic religion fall apart if the formed and canonized the Bible? 🤣

  • @spdomingoo
    @spdomingoo 23 дня назад +1

    A good example is the way we use “he’s cooking” in our modern language to refer to various things, for example someone gives a great argument about something we might say “he’s cooking” do we literally mean he’s cooking!? No we just use it as a way to emphasise that he’s making a good argument, it’s hyperbolic language used to drive a point , Christ spoke in extreme hyperbole at times to illustrate the gravity of his word.

    • @lukeoofed1677
      @lukeoofed1677 10 дней назад

      Yes he did speak with hypoboli, but in
      John 6 many of his disciples were leaving him because they thought he was teaching to eat his flesh. If Jesus actually meant it as a symbol it would be morally wrong if he didn’t correct them and say that it was a symbol, but he didn’t. So either Jesus sinned or the disciples actually knew what he was teaching.

    • @Ks872-h8j
      @Ks872-h8j День назад

      ​@@lukeoofed1677 Jesus explained that he was speaking of symbolic food and drink:
      "It is the Spirit who gives life; _the flesh provides no benefit;_ the words that I have spoken to you are spirit, and are life. But there are some of you who do not believe." (John 6:63-64)
      Those who did not believe his explanation were the fleshly-minded* who still thought he meant cannibalism. So they stopped following him. (John 6:66)
      *6:26, 28, 30, 34, 52

  • @StiffShot
    @StiffShot Год назад +8

    “And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.”
    ‭‭(John‬ ‭6‬:‭35‬ ‭KJV‬‬)
    He didn’t say if you eat my physical body and drink my physical blood.

    • @Maya-yp2ey
      @Maya-yp2ey 5 месяцев назад

      It transform into Christ Body and Blood. You are limiting God, is that hard for God to do?? The thing is it’s hard for all of you protestants to believe because this only proves that the Catholic Church is the one true church because Jesus is truly present in the Host.

    • @emeraldstories3586
      @emeraldstories3586 Месяц назад

      Except he did. Amen, amen I say unto you, unless you eat MY BODY and drink MY BLOOD you have no life within you.

  • @pamelacorona3665
    @pamelacorona3665 Год назад +18

    I wonder if he really believes what he's saying but he's too afraid to leave for fear of his life...
    It is a VERY powerful organization
    with MANY members
    who have been brainwashed
    and they will tell on him and do whatever the priest tells them to do to him.
    And I noticed he didn't use the forbidden book the King James Bible. 🙋‍♀️✝️

    • @sawyerwhited6802
      @sawyerwhited6802 Год назад +4

      Pamela Corona Thinking the same, have watched a few of this priest's videos & he seems like he is on something or something is in him. Either way, something seems off.

    • @youngconservative
      @youngconservative 9 месяцев назад +1

      Those who believe something is wrong with Father Mike Schmidt’s have obviously never met the true person of Jesus. Mike has been transformed by the love of Jesus and proclaiming the TRUTH of the Eucharist. If you think something is wrong with him, you have been tricked by the devil.

    • @schwiftycats
      @schwiftycats 4 месяца назад

      ​@@sawyerwhited6802, listen to that discernment. Catholicism is wicked. Doctrines of demons and people filled with religious spirits. Not the Holy Spirit. It's a weird and dark religion...and the fundamentals are completely backwards. It's works based Salvation and they're obsessed with authority, idol worship and poisoning the true Gospel.

    • @CatholicTruth101
      @CatholicTruth101 Месяц назад

      The KJV is corrupted.

  • @ReadingtheBibleforever
    @ReadingtheBibleforever Год назад +4

    But didn’t Jesus also literally speak in so many parables didn’t He speak in parables so that some people can’t understand Him.

    • @Maya-yp2ey
      @Maya-yp2ey 5 месяцев назад

      Ask yourself If it’s just a symbol no one would be willing to die for a wafer. Would you be willing to give your life for a store-bought bread?? So many martyrs gave up their life for that wafer just so it won’t be desecrated because it’s not just a wafer it’s Christ Himself truest present in the appearance of bread. It’s hard for you to believe this I know because this proves Catholicism is true religion and Jesus Christ founded my faith built on the rock.

    • @emeraldstories3586
      @emeraldstories3586 Месяц назад

      When people misunderstood him he would clarify. He doubled down on what he said hear.

  • @chubapapi2127
    @chubapapi2127 6 месяцев назад +4

    "Do this in memory of me..." - Literal not figurative. Nothing, is impossible through God. Jesus, blessing bread to 'transform' into his body in which he sacrificed for mankind, for our salvation, is not impossible for him to do. Turning wine into his blood, in which he shed for us on the cross, is not impossible for God to do.
    What evidence, do you have that He was speaking figuratively, that is not your own opinion? Scripture, especially the Word of Jesus (Which is the truth, and not semantics), is quite literal, especially when he said to his disciples (at the last supper) "Do this in memory of me..." - Do not be deceived by the tongue of the Devil, who spreads lies and confusion against the Words of Jesus.

    • @jesusloveseveryone888
      @jesusloveseveryone888 5 месяцев назад +1

      Amen. 🙏🏼✝️🕊️📿 Thankful to Jesus that I’m Catholic. Praise be to God!

    • @haistenstudstill3476
      @haistenstudstill3476 Месяц назад +1

      Throughout the Bible Jesus talks in metaphors. So not everything he talks about is literal and the only way to know is to put it in context.

    • @chubapapi2127
      @chubapapi2127 Месяц назад

      @@haistenstudstill3476 It’s highlighted in those instances, when Jesus IS talking in parables.
      These were not one of those instances. In-fact Jesus states is multiple times that you must “eat my flesh and drink my blood as it is true food and true drink.”

    • @haistenstudstill3476
      @haistenstudstill3476 Месяц назад +1

      @@chubapapi2127 what about at the end of the passage when he says this is spiritual and that the flesh(physical) means nothing?

    • @chubapapi2127
      @chubapapi2127 Месяц назад

      @@haistenstudstill3476 Us, we’re the flesh (flesh begets flesh, Spirit begets Spirit) and Jesus is Spirit and Truth. Without Him we are nothing, but with Him we can achieve anything.

  • @patrickpalacio2047
    @patrickpalacio2047 Год назад +5

    Hey my friend, I have to admit that your Hope sign does look like 1Pope. I know you might think it's silly, but I am just saying. I like your videos. I have been living a life of fear for so long because I have had addiction problems and I thought that Jesus would send me to Hell. Your videos have helped me with my addiction because I had hope again in the fact that because of God's grace, through my faith I am saved. Jesus Christ loves us all so much and he wants us to be obedient obviously, but first and foremost he wants us to believe in him and what he did. Once we truly believe and trust him we can do great things because greater is Jesus Christ that lives within me, than he that lives in the world.

    • @FuegoSavvy
      @FuegoSavvy Год назад +1

      Amen. People who preach against free grace and call it a "license to sin" it's ironic because it actually gives you the power to sin less and get rid of addictions. The works salvation false gospel is what keeps people in bondage and condemnation

  • @Ks872-h8j
    @Ks872-h8j День назад

    John 4- *Drink the living water* (the Spirit).
    John 6- *Eat the living bread* (Jesus).
    John 7- *Drink the living water* (the Spirit).
    Is the Holy Spirit literal water? No. Is Jesus literal bread? No. We are told these are symbols:
    *Water-* "He was speaking about the Spirit" (John 7:39).
    *Bread-* "The words I have spoken to you are spirit..."
    "The flesh provides no benefit." (John 6:63)
    Our bodies need food and water to live.
    Our _spirits_ need to eat and drink from Jesus, which is a metaphor meaning to trust in him for eternal life:
    - John 4:14
    - 6:35
    - 6:40
    - 6:28-29
    - 7:37-39

  • @outlawedtunes7299
    @outlawedtunes7299 Год назад +5

    Bravo Norm! 👏👏👏

  • @LifeOutward
    @LifeOutward 3 месяца назад +8

    Do Catholics also believe that Jesus was made of photons because he declares he "is the light of the world?" He doesnt say "I am LIKE a light," or a "symbol of light." Do Catholics also believe Jesus is a creeping vine, because he says "I am the vine, you are the branches?" Or that Jesus is literally a door? Maybe there is an argument for transubstantiation but its not because 'Jesus didnt say it was a symbol.'

    • @Paradox81818
      @Paradox81818 3 месяца назад +1

      They are probably still waiting for that water that Jesus described in John 4:14.

    • @bmfanimationsandstuff
      @bmfanimationsandstuff 3 месяца назад +1

      I forgive you. On behalf of my fellow Catholic brothers and Sisters I would like to invite you to Mass. Please also read John 6, it will change your life for the best to incomprehensible magnitudes

    • @LifeOutward
      @LifeOutward 3 месяца назад

      @@bmfanimationsandstuff I go to full Latin mass about once a year. It's beautiful, but it doesn't mean that I agree with it in totality.

    • @bmfanimationsandstuff
      @bmfanimationsandstuff 3 месяца назад +1

      @@LifeOutward Pray and you will find the Truth

  • @dejuanbattles6062
    @dejuanbattles6062 3 месяца назад +2

    who do you guys think knows more about what Jesus meant, the early Church fathers or some dude on youtube almost 2000 years later?🤔

    • @Flintlock1776
      @Flintlock1776 Месяц назад

      John 6 was written 90 years after the events and is different than the earlier gospels.

    • @Joeyisundead
      @Joeyisundead Месяц назад

      Well that’s why they split into many denominations right. So yea I trust a guy on RUclips actually doing what the Bible says

    • @dejuanbattles6062
      @dejuanbattles6062 Месяц назад

      @@Joeyisundead thank God for this guy then! the Church has been in darkness for 2000 years and we had to wait for his birth to finally see the light!!! give me a break lol. check yourself as Paul taught, it wouldn’t be smart to go against martyrs for the faith. may God bless and humble you.

    • @mikenotta7079
      @mikenotta7079 15 дней назад

      ​@@dejuanbattles6062The Catholic sure created a lot of martyrs

    • @dejuanbattles6062
      @dejuanbattles6062 15 дней назад

      @@mikenotta7079 search up who were the earliest christian martyrs after the time of the apostles (2nd century and on). then see what they believed. you would be excommunicated and thrown out as a heretic if you were to go back in time before their deaths and try to share what you believe as truth now in the 21st century. check yourself, as it is written. God bless

  • @laurocasaclang8895
    @laurocasaclang8895 8 дней назад

    The Eucharist is the resurrected body and blood, soul and divinity of Christ.

  • @jimastley9682
    @jimastley9682 5 месяцев назад +3

    I was blessed to have witnessed a Eucharistic miracle that I will explain and thereby say that this man totally misses the obvious. The manna bread in the desert was NOT the same as the bread we receive in our Holy Eucharist that's transformed by the priest in the consecration part of our mass into the body of Jesus...Here's what happened to me about 5 years ago; will try to be brief..I'm a life long Catholic and now 71 years old about 5 years ago I started being tormented during Catholic mass by questions how do you really know that our communion host really is Jesus...It went on like this for a few weeks; very distressing internally to me walking up to receive Holy Communion...Well my elderly mom who is 98 now has made over 100,000 rosaries over the last 30 years and can no longer attend mass so I bring her Holy Communion home to her with permission from my Catholic church. ..When I was about to give her commuion one evening after Sunday evening massI noticed inlayed and open up on the communion host there was a pure white dove...Startled I looked away then back and the white dove was still there. I gave the communion host to my mom and she acted no differently. The next day I called the church and they said no our communion hosts have no inlayed spread opem white doves on them they are all just wheat colored...Still troubled by what I saw I googled white dove and Holy Spirit and immediately came to the bible verse Luke 3:22 that says of Jesus when he is getting baptized: And the spirit of God came down upon HIM in bodily form in the shape of a dove and a voice from heaven was heard saying this IS my beloved son in whom I am well pleased...That totally floored me cause I knew in a instant God had just answered those tormenting questions coming at me during our Holy Catholic mass...Yeah the bible verse says the dove came down upon Jesus and there was a dove on my Holy Communion host !! God just told me our communion host IS transformef by our Catholic priests to truely become the body of Jesus !!! Yeah not a shread of doubt in my mind now going up to reveive Holy Commumion now...I truely am touching and receiving Jesus and so is everyone else in our Catholic mass that received commumion. God nless you all. Jimmy

    • @joshuaboone7115
      @joshuaboone7115 3 месяца назад +1

      Even if an angel of God comes to you and tells you something contrary to scripture. It is not of God.

    • @TrickeryMan
      @TrickeryMan 2 месяца назад

      Beautiful, thank you for sharing!

    • @emeraldstories3586
      @emeraldstories3586 Месяц назад

      CT I assume?

    • @TrickeryMan
      @TrickeryMan Месяц назад

      @@emeraldstories3586 What’s CT? Catholic? Yes :)

    • @emeraldstories3586
      @emeraldstories3586 Месяц назад

      There was a Eucharistic miracle in Connecticut (CT). It was about a year ago

  • @WarriorBride723
    @WarriorBride723 6 дней назад

    All protestants will hear him say "I never knew you...!" Who are you to make another way? Should this lead to Jesus too, should he change the way for you?

  • @evelynharper1212
    @evelynharper1212 2 месяца назад +1

    How disingenuous this Catholic is! He conveniently skips right over Christ’s very clear explanation to the shock of His disciples by saying, “The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life!”

    • @emeraldstories3586
      @emeraldstories3586 Месяц назад

      Because it has nothing to do with that verse. Read the verse before
      John 6:62 (What if you were to see the Son of Man ascending to where he was before?)
      Then when we read verse 63 (It is the spirit that gives life, while the flesh* is of no avail. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and life.)
      Jesus is speaking in the Spirit (because the Spirit proceeds from the father and the son). What the Spirit speaks is the truth. So unless you want to call Christ a liar and what the early church fathers (who knew Christ) wrong, you might want to rethink your position.

  • @pmpcvii
    @pmpcvii Месяц назад

    Ono. What is your stance and what someone should do now that they are saved. I get salvation by grace through faith alone. However, what is your position on that question? Or do you have it posted somewhere?
    Also, amen to this video

    • @OnoDiamante
      @OnoDiamante  Месяц назад

      Hey man, here’s my email:

  • @MMAD-Rob
    @MMAD-Rob Год назад +2

    Jesus said the words he was speaking were spirit, the flesh profits nothing. That means eating flesh profits nothing.

    • @PeterRiello
      @PeterRiello 5 месяцев назад

      What was St. Paul referring to then when he says, "Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of profaning the body and blood of the Lord. Let a man examine himself, and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup. For any one who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment upon himself."? 1 Corinthians 11:27-29.
      This is in reference to the Masses which the early Christians participated in. They acknowledged that it was Jesus's Body, otherwise how could one be guilty of profaning the body and blood of the Lord if not by unworthily receiving Communion? Is this also yet another metaphor?
      When Jesus says the flesh profits nothing, He's saying this precisely to the people who doubted the truth of His words. He's saying that the point of eating His Body is to have spiritual life, not earthly life. That's exactly what the Catholic Church teaches. We receive the Eucharist not for its calories, but for God's grace. What a beautiful gift that we get to receive Jesus Himself and His life.
      I encourage you to look into the Eucharistic miracles that have occurred over the centuries.

  • @DarkWolf-407
    @DarkWolf-407 Месяц назад

    True vanity comes when one puts stock into the material.
    Never reduce God to anything of this world.

  • @miketigerlsu3903
    @miketigerlsu3903 3 месяца назад +1

    This was terrible. Your interpretations are not sound doctrine, and who are you to interpret God's word? 2 Peter 1:20 "Know this first of all, that there is no prophecy of scripture that is a matter of personal interpretation". I noticed you never dealt with the Lords words at the last supper. Matthew 26:26-28 "Now as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed, and broke it, and gave it to the disciples and said, “Take, eat; THIS IS MY BODY.” And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he gave it to them, saying, “Drink of it, all of you; for THIS IS MY BLOOD of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.” Funny how you never deal with this scripture verse because you can't figure out how to do your own interpretations of Jesus' true words here. He did not say "take eat this is a symbol of my body". He said THIS IS MY BODY. Do you remember when Paul states in 1 Corinthians 11:27, "Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of profaning THE BODY AND BLOOD OF THE LORD". Paul clearly believes in the true presence, or he wouldn't have said this. I think Paul would disagree with your interpretations. I challenge you to read the words of the early church fathers who were the first Christians to carry on the faith of the apostles, like St. Ignatius of Antioch around 110 AD who wrote concerning the early HERETICS he said "They abstain from taking the Eucharist and from prayer because they do not confess that the Eucharist is the FLESH of our Savior Jesus Christ". Also St. Justin Martyr, and St Irenaeus, also professed the same beliefs. And for 1,500 years all Christians believed in the real presence. I don't think you are close enough to the Apostles to profess your heretical interpretations. Even Martin Luther affirmed the doctrine. Look it up. Luther stated, "of all the fathers (early church fathers) as many as you can name, not one has ever spoken about the sacrament as these fanatics do. None of them uses such an expression as, It is simply bread and wine, or Christs body and blood are not present". So as you can see the heresy spread after Luther's protest and now you have thousands of denominations that continue to twist the words of our Lord, just like you.

  • @yecharles6125
    @yecharles6125 Год назад +3

    I love you catholic Jesus love you too💞

  • @curtisredmerski3962
    @curtisredmerski3962 Год назад +2

    EZEKIEL 3:1-3 KJV
    JOHN 6:35 KJV
    Many are "they" that would read unto their own understanding(imaginations)
    in error.
    JOHN 1:1 KJV
    Peace Love and Joy brothers and sisters in JESUS CHRIST!

  • @isaacsimmons4116
    @isaacsimmons4116 3 месяца назад +1

    Jesus wouldn’t change His teaching even though it was offensive to some of the flowers. It’s clear

  • @peynattyl
    @peynattyl Год назад +48

    I can't even finish watching this Catholic 🙉😖

    • @AbrahamAdeyemiOSAS
      @AbrahamAdeyemiOSAS Год назад +8

      So annoying

    • @alliebahbah7139
      @alliebahbah7139 Год назад +2

      Not only is he a heretic, he’s full of himself and a pretty face for the RC church

    • @youngconservative
      @youngconservative 9 месяцев назад +8

      It’s sad to see that you don’t know the Person to Jesus because Father Mike Schmidt’s is radiating Jesus. You obviously don’t know Jesus if you’re thrown off by Father Mike.

    • @johnjones393
      @johnjones393 7 месяцев назад +4

      ​@@youngconservative"And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven." Matthew 23:9
      How is this man radiating Jesus? He's a sinner like all of us and he needs a Savior, not a religion based on works and tradition.

    • @youngconservative
      @youngconservative 7 месяцев назад +2

      @@johnjones393 Then how did Jesus practice a religion (Judaism) which is a religion based upon works and tradition. You are completely lost if you think Jesus is telling us not to practice faith works tradition and scripture. You’re so lost.

  • @bubaganush8954
    @bubaganush8954 Месяц назад

    I’m not so sure… consider the teachings of Paul in 1Cor 11:27-30 where he indicates a causal relationship between failing to discern the body of Christ in the bread and people becoming sick and dying. It’s hard to make any sense of Paul if the bread is a mere symbol. If there is a real presence element, but it only occurs because of or concurrent with the belief of the participant, that passage still fails to make sense. Christ’s real presence in the bread and cup prior to and independent of the participant’s belief does make sense of the passage.
    Alternatively, Paul thought the Eucharist did something it doesn’t do, seriously damaging the idea of the inerrancy of scripture or else calling into question whether that epistle belongs in the canon.

  • @Andrzej-q4w
    @Andrzej-q4w Месяц назад

    Mathew 7 13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat.
    Even the church that was started by Apostles has decieving agenda, like praying to saints, to Mary and eucharist.

  • @BP-E
    @BP-E Год назад +17

    When they use the Eucharist they are literally re-sacrificing the Lord over and over and we know that He can only be sacrificed once for all. Also in Psalm 22 Jesus said, "I am a worm." I did a study on that type of worm and it blew me away how it ties in to John chapter 6. God bless you and keep preaching the truth!

    • @freakylocz14
      @freakylocz14 7 месяцев назад +4

      No they don't.

    • @beadoll8025
      @beadoll8025 6 месяцев назад

      ​@@freakylocz14 They do. They are engaging in a demonic practice. Read Hebrews 7:27 and stop engaging in this Evil practice.

    • @elizariosantos1252
      @elizariosantos1252 5 месяцев назад +5

      @BP-E Catholics are not "...literally re-sacrificing the Lord over and over...". You are free to disagree with the view of the Catholic church but I think it is important to understand what the Catholic church really teaches. It is a sin to bear false witness. Kindly do some readings.

      @KJBTRUTH 3 месяца назад

      They teach that perverts can commit fornication with children and then cover it up. God is not mocked and he will repay for all their evil. You need to leave that cult now. No purgatory for them. Hell fire and brimstone, unless they repent. ​@elizariosantos1252

    • @JB91484
      @JB91484 3 месяца назад +1

      You are just wrong. Read Brant Pitre or watch his videos online. He goes in depth about the Eucharist.

  • @kentadamson6992
    @kentadamson6992 14 дней назад

    No mate, The church has always believed that Jesus was speaking literally in John 6, even Martin Luther believed in the real presence and said that in these passages Jesus is speaking literally and sacramentally.
    “All right! There we have it! This is clear, plain, and unconcealed: ‘I am speaking of My flesh and blood.’ ... There we have the flat statement which cannot be interpreted in any other way than that there is no life, but death alone, apart from His flesh and blood if these are neglected or despised. How is it possible to distort this text? ... You must note these words and this text with the utmost diligence ... It can neither speciously be interpreted nor avoided and evaded (Sermons on the Gospel of St. John: Chapters 6-8, 1532).”
    He also called people "fanatics" that said the eucharist was only a symbol. Plus, if you dig into the context of the words of institution, the context helps us understand that Jesus was literally speaking when He said, "This is my Body" in the synoptic Gospels. The early church believed in the real presence. Even some of the most well known non-Catholic scholars agree, like J.N.D. Kelly,
    “Eucharistic teaching, it should be understood at the outset, was in general unquestioningly realist, i.e., the consecrated bread and wine were taken to be, and were treated and designated as, the Savior’s body and blood” (Early Christian Doctrines, 440).
    Likewise in John chapter 6, you should study it in the original Greek. There is a shift in the language Jesus uses as the passage goes on. He literally says unless you "gnaw" on His flesh you have no life. I can agree that Jesus is also speaking about believing in Him here. With that said, sometimes scriptures can have more than one meaning. Christ is also commanding us to receive him in Holy Communion. One final thought is that we have to read the scriptures through the Jewish lens they were written in. If we don't we will fail to see the the connections between the Eucharist and the Old Testament sacrifices. God bless you brother and keep seeking truth!

  • @Ben-Yosef
    @Ben-Yosef 2 месяца назад +15

    I was born Catholic. Got caught up in the deception of missionaries. Spent almost two decades in the chaos of Protestantism. Finally got tired of Calvinism, So-called Fundamentalism, and Pentecostalism. I came back home to Ancient Apostolic Faith. Enough said

    • @finncollins5696
      @finncollins5696 Месяц назад

      😂😂😂. Lmao. Pentecostalism is justa satanic cult

    • @Flintlock1776
      @Flintlock1776 Месяц назад

      You're a wind sock.

    • @Cheemz1
      @Cheemz1 Месяц назад +2

      Complete opposite for me.

  • @SOG8014
    @SOG8014 Год назад +15

    Thank you for the video ❤

  • @snorman1911
    @snorman1911 4 месяца назад +3

    And then Jesus said, "And make sure a priest is present or else your communion is invalid bro".

    • @w.r.carman3328
      @w.r.carman3328 2 месяца назад +1

      Good one. Only a priest can magically turn a wafer and wine into the literal body and blood of Christ. As

    • @Flintlock1776
      @Flintlock1776 2 месяца назад

      @@w.r.carman3328 Gotta have a virgin man dressed like a 14th century chess piece to make it all work.

    • @CatholicTruth101
      @CatholicTruth101 Месяц назад

      Why would you think any ordinary person should have the authority to effect the bread and have it transubstantiate into the flesh of Christ?

    • @snorman1911
      @snorman1911 Месяц назад

      @@CatholicTruth101 how is a priest not an ordinary person?

    • @CatholicTruth101
      @CatholicTruth101 Месяц назад

      @@snorman1911 Because they went to school for 8+ years being trained in the faith, and because they have the mark of holy orders attached to their soul. They’ve also taken vows of celibacy. None of that is ordinary. No random person at some picnic has the authority to effect the sacrament, but only the ministers of God.

  • @justenhug632
    @justenhug632 7 месяцев назад +2

    So many inaccuracies and misinterpretations, where to begin... I guess first, I'd recommend to do some historical research on "your" interpretation. There is historical record from Justin the martyr 155 AD wrote a letter to the Emperor of Rome defending Christianity against the persecution of the Roman Empire. Look it up, Chapter 66 he clearly explains the Eucharist and this is not even 200 years after Jesus. Even Martin Luther believed in the Eucharist. The interpretation of Matthew that you have come up with is less than 500 years old. Who should we trust more? These theologians or historical records of people who are not even two centuries from Jesus' time. Secondly, figurative and literal language does not always juxtapose one another, there is such a thing as sylleptic, meaning it can be both. Jesus is using language of bread to associate to the Torah and manna. But, if he was only being figurative, why would he repeat himself 5 times and say truly, truly. In biblical times, when you repeat yourself that adds extra emphasis to what the person is about to say to take it seriously. For the sake of how long this is, I'll do one more. You interpret verse 49 that because they ate literal bread in the wilderness therefore is a literal representation of bread. But, Jesus is the bread figuratively. This is a horrible misinterpretation of what Jesus is truly saying. Jesus is simply stating your fathers ate physical manna to sustain their physical bodies, but my bread (himself) will be sustaining your soul. No where does he say, this is to be taken figuratively. Please do some research

    • @thomasn3882
      @thomasn3882 5 месяцев назад

      Research? To find what? Appeal to authority fallacy?

    • @justenhug632
      @justenhug632 5 месяцев назад

      @@thomasn3882 it’s not like we can go back in time and ask Jesus what he meant, so we have to use what is written in history of people close to Jesus or as close as you can to see how they understood what Jesus meant it’s not a claim to authority argument, but how any historian tries to understand past events. You go to the source, and then people close to the source. It’s pretty straightforward

    • @JB91484
      @JB91484 3 месяца назад

      @@thomasn3882 well, yea why appeal to the early church fathers who WROTE DOWN THE SCRIPTURES AND APPROVED THE BIBLICAL CANON. Those guys.
      The only fallacy is the self refuting fallacy of "solo scripture" which says the bible alone, but, it doesn't say that in the bible. Who says that? The protestant reformers. so, Catholics appeal to the apostles and early church fathers. While others discount them and appeal to the 16th Century reformers "authority".
      So, pick your poison Brah! I'm going with the Apostles. Luther was a nutter.

  • @jonhenning
    @jonhenning Месяц назад

    The RCC is in error because they view scripture as gentiles. What do Rabbi think about this verse? What does the Bible say about eating flesh and blood? This gives the proper understanding

    • @georgepierson4920
      @georgepierson4920 15 дней назад +1

      I am not surprised that you side with the Jews against Jesus on this issue.

    • @jonhenning
      @jonhenning 15 дней назад

      Not at all. Jesus was Jewish and that’s the context.

    • @georgepierson4920
      @georgepierson4920 15 дней назад

      ​@@jonhenningLike the Jews in Jesus' day, Protestants cry out, "How can this man give us his flesh to eat".

    • @jonhenning
      @jonhenning 15 дней назад

      Don’t get me wrong I understand the RCC position. I just say it’s based on flawed logic/context.

  • @trentthompson2899
    @trentthompson2899 Год назад +6

    Amen, Believers can partake of the Lord's supper together in remembrance of what He finished for them on the cross. They are however already eternally saved because they have believed in His finished work whether they partake or not.

    • @w.r.carman3328
      @w.r.carman3328 2 месяца назад

      AMEN. Communion should not be turned into an occult ritual that only a priest can perform. Kind of blasphemous, actually. Communion is taken in remembrance. To make a communion wafer "Holy" seems beyond idolatry.

    • @emeraldstories3586
      @emeraldstories3586 Месяц назад +1

      Idolatry of (checks notes) Jesus.

    • @w.r.carman3328
      @w.r.carman3328 Месяц назад

      @@emeraldstories3586 you need to read what the Catholic Church's own doctrine says. If you do not know it, as made obvious by your comments, I cannot have any reasonable discussion about the subject. Have a nice night.

  • @dianagoodbody6832
    @dianagoodbody6832 Год назад +4

    Jesus also said "you must be born again"; what do Catholics do to symbolize that? After all, if they take the eating and drinking literally, shouldn't they take that literally as well?

    • @youngconservative
      @youngconservative 9 месяцев назад +1

      To be born again is through baptism. It refers to the transformation that God’s grace accomplished in us during baptism. In baptism we die and rise with Christ to wash away our original sin. We have literally been born again through Baptism. And we partake in the Paschal Mystery during the Eucharist.

    • @anthonypolonkay2681
      @anthonypolonkay2681 5 месяцев назад

      ​@@youngconservative except that isn't how Jesus describes being born again as. He never states that it is done through baptism at any point.
      Yes he say s one must be born "of water" and "of the spirit" but the dichotemy in question in those passages is spiritual birth vs physical birth.
      To be saved one must be born of water (physically born) and of the spirit (spiritually born)
      If you need further context there are any instances In scripture in which people are only baptized after they believe, an are saved. Not as a requirement for it to happen.

    • @youngconservative
      @youngconservative 5 месяцев назад

      @@anthonypolonkay2681 “Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins” (Acts 2:38).
      Read it and weep.

    • @CatholicTruth101
      @CatholicTruth101 3 месяца назад

      @@anthonypolonkay2681 “Furthermore, in this one Church of Christ no man can be or remain who does not accept, recognize and obey the authority and supremacy of Peter and his legitimate successors.” *Mortalium Animos*

    • @emeraldstories3586
      @emeraldstories3586 Месяц назад

      Jesus (more accurately his followers) baptized us with the Spirit. Reread John 1.

  • @l-Arm.of.God-l
    @l-Arm.of.God-l Месяц назад

    If Jesus was speaking literally (Which he wasn't, they all seem to miss John6:63 "My words are spirit and truth" so he was spiritually speaking) Why didn't the disciples start trying to eat him....Literally

  • @mbberry135
    @mbberry135 3 месяца назад

    The Catholic priest is actually quoting the Bible and expounding the Real Gospel
    (Gospel of John Chapter 6).
    Go search calling Goid Evil and Evil Good, for You have committed that Sin.
    You have attacked Jesus Christ directly.

  • @Ice_t_ly-ku
    @Ice_t_ly-ku Месяц назад

    He was talking figuratively.
    Otherwise, He would be causing His disciples to sin.
    Not to mention, if His body was supposed to be nuturing us for eternity, it would mean that the food, His body- the bread would be a spiritual type of food only accessed through faith.
    The keyword is, rememberance.

  • @lyndavonkanel8603
    @lyndavonkanel8603 2 дня назад

    Christ's flesh profits everything.

  • @DavidHuber63
    @DavidHuber63 Год назад +1

    Washed with the Blood of Jesus Christ.

  • @st.michaelthearchangelorth1055
    @st.michaelthearchangelorth1055 Месяц назад

    You cannot claim that Jesus said something "figuratively". That's the mistake in logic you are making. It is clear the Holy Apostles shared the Eucharist and believed "It is the Lord" when they broke and shared the Eucharist. Read the Ancient Fathers, stewards of what the Apostles believed. Check out the the Golden Thread of writings from the Ancient Church til now. You are repeating what some of the Reformers of the 16th Century said. nothing new in your words, yet you repeat, repeat, repeat as though you need to convince yourself. I know that you are looking, and I pray you will find Him as He gives Himself to us in the Holy Eucharist: Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.

  • @Ks872-h8j
    @Ks872-h8j 20 дней назад

    Jesus also said, "I am the TRUE vine." That doesn't mean he is a literal plant.

    • @georgepierson4920
      @georgepierson4920 15 дней назад

      John 6:52
      The Jews then disputed among themselves, saying, ‘How can this man give us his flesh to eat?’
      John 6:52 KJV
      The Protestants then disputed among themselves, saying, ‘How can this man give us his flesh to eat?’

    • @Ks872-h8j
      @Ks872-h8j День назад

      ​​@@georgepierson4920 Jesus explained that he was speaking of symbolic food and drink:
      "It is the Spirit who gives life; _the flesh provides no benefit;_ the words that I have spoken to you are spirit, and are life. But there are some of you who do not believe." (John 6:63-64)
      Those who did not believe his explanation were the fleshly-minded* who still thought he meant cannibalism. So they stopped following him. (John 6:66)
      *6:26, 28, 30, 34, 52
      Roman Catholicism was a later invention. Roman Catholics are the ones who protested against the teachings of the earliest Church by fabricating false doctrines. You are the protestant.

    • @georgepierson4920
      @georgepierson4920 День назад

      @@Ks872-h8j Provide official documentation that the Church is called the Roman Catholic Church.

  • @Yeshuadied4us
    @Yeshuadied4us Месяц назад +1

    I think people are forgetting one major fact; drinking blood was a sin in the old testament. Christ was sinless. Therefore literally turning the wine into blood would cause both Him and His disciples to sin.

    • @rjyahin05
      @rjyahin05 24 дня назад

      Judas also thought like that. He left the group hours later.

  • @gregorylatta8159
    @gregorylatta8159 Год назад +1

    Praise Jesus.

  • @WarriorBride723
    @WarriorBride723 6 дней назад

    Protestants thinking the Last Supper was the Last Book Club 🤪!

  • @JB91484
    @JB91484 3 месяца назад +3

    The Eucharist is Jesus. John 6 must be interpreted along with the other passages relating to the Last Supper and 1 Corinthians, where Paul talks about taking the bread and wine in an unworthy manner. In 1 Corinthians 11:27-29, Paul writes, "So then, whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the Lord. Everyone ought to examine themselves before they eat of the bread and drink from the cup. For those who eat and drink without discerning the body of Christ eat and drink judgment on themselves." Additionally, in 1 Corinthians 10:16, Paul states, "Is not the cup of thanksgiving for which we give thanks a participation in the blood of Christ? And is not the bread that we break a participation in the body of Christ?"
    Just as John 6:60 says, "This is a hard teaching... who can accept it?"
    Jesus was using a metaphor to prepare the disciples for His resurrection, and at the Last Supper, He created the "New Covenant" and changed the ritual from manna and the Paschal Lamb to Himself. He is the Paschal Lamb. He is the new manna from heaven when the apostles and their appointed successors take the bread, break it, and bless it with the Eucharistic prayers. The apostles were Jews. They had a Passover ritual. The Last Supper changed that with the "New Covenant" that was to happen.
    Protestants get hung up on the specific word "transubstantiation," which was used later in Christianity, but it is simply a way to explain the "mystery of faith" that happens during the Mass. Was there such a thing as gravity or the laws of physics before science defined those theories? Yes.
    The apostles and early Church Fathers all believed in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. All. Of. Them. For over 16 centuries. Even Martin Luther did; he just defined it as consubstantiation, not transubstantiation. That's akin to arguing which side of a rose petal the smell comes from. Is there a smell? Yes, it's irrelevant which side it comes from. Along the same vein, Jesus is present in the Eucharist; that is the Catholic belief. How it happens is explained as transubstantiation. You don't have to believe that term, just that Jesus is present after the blessing.
    So, to now say, "Well, those early Church Fathers were wrong," what else did they get wrong? Those were the men who created the biblical canon and had the original deposit of faith from Jesus.
    It's a hard teaching. But once you realize this hard teaching by understanding "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day." Faith alone is what brings you to Christ. Then you believe He is present in the Eucharist, which brings Him, "the new manna from heaven," down into the bread and wine on the altar.
    Read Brant Pitre on this topic. He goes in-depth about the Jewish roots of Jesus and the Eucharist.

  • @christinaschaefer5253
    @christinaschaefer5253 Год назад +2

    I didn’t know John Cena was catholic

  • @MiriamMoncrief
    @MiriamMoncrief Год назад +14

    Didnt jesus bless the bread and wine at the last summer and say do this in remeberance of me .. he was saying it literallly..the catholic church stems from Jesus..takes its beginnings all the way to christ..jesus appointed Saint Peter as the first pope...leader of the catholic church..Jesus said to Peter "You are the rock in which i build my first church"

    • @carsonbaird3904
      @carsonbaird3904 Год назад +1

      Leviticus 17:13-14 This passage is part of the Old Testament and is one of the many laws given to the Israelites by God through Moses. The purpose of this law was to remind the Israelites that life is sacred and that they should respect it by not eating blood. i doubt jesus (who was jewish) would make his disciples (who were jews) drink blood.

    • @MiriamMoncrief
      @MiriamMoncrief Год назад +1

      @@carsonbaird3904 not a final and specially prepared Passover supper was ending, Jesus took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to his Apostles, saying, “Take, eat” (Matt. 26:26). “This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me” (Luke 22:19).

    • @carsonbaird3904
      @carsonbaird3904 Год назад +1

      @@MiriamMoncrief Jesus never rejected the old testament. he still kept Mosiac law he said he was there to fulfill the law not abolish it Matthew 5:17-18 . It is a sin to drink blood

    • @MiriamMoncrief
      @MiriamMoncrief Год назад +2

      @Petah Gayfin but he said verbatim to do this in remembrance of me..I'm a catholic so nothing will ever change my beliefs of what Jesus said ..Thanks

    • @Catholicism_the_Solution
      @Catholicism_the_Solution Год назад

      @@carsonbaird3904 Nice try , but we are not under the levitical priesthood. The NT Priesthood of the Catholic Church is in the order of Melchizedek. So you trying to go and appeal to the OT levitical laws and priesthood does nothing. Jesus instituted the Eucharist and Wine with his pre figurement teachings and commands that we must partake of his flesh and blood for eternal life in the appearance of the bread and wine. The Apostles taught this to be literal not symbolic and the Church has been teaching this for 2000 years

  • @GustAdlph
    @GustAdlph 2 месяца назад

    Why does the Apostle John devote five chapters to the Last Supper, but not include the words of consecration (This is my body, this is my blood) if Jesus meant those words literally. Also, a Catholic can receive Holy Communion every day and still not be assured of eternal life, but Jesus wants us to know.

    • @emeraldstories3586
      @emeraldstories3586 Месяц назад

      Matthew includes it so what’s the problem? They talk about different things.
      Also a good thing to meditate on is the washing of the feet (what was it like for Judas).

  • @Para_MimeProductions
    @Para_MimeProductions Месяц назад

    Why does Jesus so specifically say "my body" and "my blood"? I can understand that a symbolic eating of the new bread from heaven is believing in him, but what about eating his body and blood? Blood is never consumed by the fathers in the wilderness, it is a whole new term used here with no real way to circle back to anything literal.
    Another point. In John 6:53 Jesus says, ""Amen, Amen, I say to you, unless you eat of the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, *you do not have life within you*". Circling back to John 6:40 Jesus says, "For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who sees the son and believes in him may have eternal life, and I shall raise him on the last day". Here Jesus is talking about eternal life, but in John 6:53 he says you can have NO life if you do not eat of his body and blood. I believe what he is saying here is that you must eat of his body and blood to be able to have any life, including eternal life in heaven. If you have no life in you to begin with, how can you achieve eternal life through just belief? (I use the New American Bible)
    And within all of this, God is merciful beyond any and every one of us. We cannot have a switch that says "Yes" or "No". God is the ultimate judge and will give us what we deserve.

  • @robertperez679
    @robertperez679 Год назад +6

    Amen...Great explanation...The reason some of the people following Christ left Him was because just like this priest...the followers that left were interpreting Christ's words literally and not spiritually...Christ often used Hyperbole (exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally) ... to see who was seeing him with their spiritual eyes and who was not.

  • @georgepierson4920
    @georgepierson4920 3 месяца назад +3

    Strange how Protestants side with the Jews against Jesus when it comes to the Eucharist.

    • @emeraldstories3586
      @emeraldstories3586 Месяц назад

      And when it comes to Scripture

    • @mikenotta7079
      @mikenotta7079 15 дней назад

      No one is denying communion, but it is just bread and wine. Also, it doesn't save. It's in remembrance!

    • @georgepierson4920
      @georgepierson4920 15 дней назад

      John 6:52
      The Jews then disputed among themselves, saying, ‘How can this man give us his flesh to eat?’
      John 6:52 KJV
      The Protestants then disputed among themselves, saying, ‘How can this man give us his flesh to eat?’

  • @regis_red
    @regis_red 2 месяца назад

    This video is just another wrong understanding of Scripture. There is flesh and there is flesh. One refers to the actual physical flesh, the other to the sinful nature. When Jesus talks about manna, He is pointing to what you eat and not the fact of eating. He is basically saying that eating manna gives you nothing but eating of His flesh gives eternal life. I don’t even know how one can’t understand that. If the flesh profits of nothing how come Jesus physically dying and sacrificing His body saves us? So, why did his disciples leave him while he did nothing to refrain them, not even explaining to them that He spoke figuratively? When Jesus speaks figuratively He always explains that it’s a figure like in the parables. This is the ONLY instance where He did no such thing.

  • @milesgilbertpiano
    @milesgilbertpiano 2 месяца назад

    Just from your first few sentences alone, I can see that you do not understand this matter. Yes, it is true that Jesus is not a piece of bread to be eaten. But that is not what Catholics believe. They believe that the host, when consecrated, is the body and spirit of Christ. Not that Christ Himself is just a piece of bread for us to eat… I agree that there are many things in the Bible that are figurative that ignorant people unfortunately view differently, such as the infamous cut off your hand verse. But you have interpreted this matter fundamentally wrong. It is not that Jesus is a piece of bread, it’s that the blessed bread is Jesus. Please do not criticize what you do not understand 😊

  • @dantran1089
    @dantran1089 Месяц назад

    Consuming blood is forbidden in both the Old and New Testaments, no exception for whose blood it is. So if Jesus said to drink his blood literally then he contradicted Himself and made us commit the above sin!

  • @WarriorBride723
    @WarriorBride723 6 дней назад

    Priest vs youtube Christian influencer and you side with this BRO? COME ON? How do you know them? By their fruits! What are fruits? People making videos for popularity and money (using Jesus' name)? Both are guilty of Using the Lord's name in vain (not just swearing)! Neither of these 2 have been qualified by the Holy Spirit....1. Went to the seminary and preaches 2. Woke up and decided to try this, easy enough!
    I am fighting the Great Apostasy...I am proving I know what I am talking about even if I am not revealed yet....and NOBODY takes my advice because they like the lawless mans ways for making life better HERE!!!! Both of these males are teaching the same version of Jesus! Mine, my bridegroom needed me to be this target of all who worship the AC!

  • @ricoroque281
    @ricoroque281 Год назад

    This is my flesh and blood means that THIS IS GOING TO HAPPEN! BELIEVE IN ME! If you don't and if you don't believe this beware of taking this flesh and blood, because you have nothing to do with me.

  • @skokenos
    @skokenos 3 месяца назад +3

    Even Judas Iscariot ate the bread and drank the fruit of the vine with Jesus at the last supper. "He who dips his bread with me". We can be certain he won't be in Heaven. "I have not lost one EXCEPT the son of perdition."
    Also, "ye must be born again" was a hard saying for Nicodemus. Clearly it was also figuratively spoken.

    • @TrickeryMan
      @TrickeryMan 2 месяца назад +2

      That’s a misinterpretation. It wasn’t a “hard saying” as those in John 6 took Jesus’ words. Nicodemus was confused and asked if one can enter his mothers womb again. Hence, _because of his misunderstanding,_ Jesus _clarifies_ by saying you must be born of “water and spirit”, and in this context, Jesus is saying that our _souls_ need to be regenerated, not our bodies (although, Nicodemus is still uncertain since he says, “How can these things be?”). This is also a good example of how when someone misunderstands Jesus, Jesus blatantly points out their misunderstanding (v. 10), but that doesn’t happen in John 6.
      In the Bread of Life discourse, unlike with Nicodemus, after the people say, “How can this man give us flesh to eat?”, Jesus doesn’t say, “Do you not understand?” Or, “I’m saying you must believe in me”, instead Jesus not only _reiterates_ the need to consume His flesh and blood six times, but graphically _intensifies_ His speech. Before verse 54, the Greek word Jesus uses for “eat” is _phago,_ which is generic, but then in verse 54, Jesus switches the word to _trogo,_ which means to “gnaw”, or “chew”. It doesn’t make sense that Jesus would use more graphic terminology to convey a less than real meaning of His words. Very misleading indeed if Jesus is intending to be metaphorical. Basically, Jesus is referring to the action you must do with your mouth, namely, to chew. And then after using this explicit word, in the next verse He says, _“For_ my flesh is _true_ food, and my blood is _true_ drink.” To say that Jesus really just means “metaphorical food” and “metaphorical drink” would be an extreme case of special pleading. And it is in this context that the people say, “This is a hard saying, who can listen to it?” Meaning, they weren’t puzzled like Nicodemus, but fully understood Jesus to be speaking literally. They weren’t _questioning_ His words at that point, as where Nicodemus asked a question because he was puzzled. Instead, they just stated that what Jesus just said is hard to swallow (pun intended).
      Furthermore, when Jesus states that His words are “spirt and life”, the people leave Him _after He says that._ So 1: Before the “spirit and life” verses, if Jesus’ words were metaphorical, he wasn’t conveying it very well at all, since they still took Him literally. And 2: when Jesus talks about the “spirit” after, if His intention was to explain that His words were symbolic, Jesus wasn’t doing a good job at that either, cause they left Him without dropping the literal understanding!
      The metaphorical interpretation of John 6 necessarily requires you to call Jesus competence as a teacher into question, which, if that’s what it leads you to do, then it’s probably not the right interpretation.

    • @skokenos
      @skokenos 2 месяца назад

      @TrickeryMan oh please, Nicodemus wasn't "puzzled" or "confused". He was being sarcastic?
      As in, "what am I supposed to do; crawl back up inside my mother's womb?"
      You can't possibly believe he thought that was what Jesus suggested. And as far as bread and wine go...Jesus literally said "do this in remembrance of me" while eating LITERAL bread and drinking LITERAL juice or wine (whichever it was).

    • @TrickeryMan
      @TrickeryMan 2 месяца назад

      @@skokenos Sorry for the long comment, it should be quite informational though! I hope you read it :)
      You misunderstand me, unless there was a grammatical error in my comment. I didn’t say Nicodemus wasn’t puzzled, he was. I said _unlike_ Nicodemus, Jesus’ disciples _weren’t_ puzzled, but took Jesus’ words _as is_ and said it was hard to accept.
      Regarding your last paragraph, the fact that Jesus said “Do this in remembrance of me” does not contradict a literal interpretation. This line is being taken out of context.
      As you know, or should know, the Last Supper was a _new Passover,_ in which Jesus Himself became the lamb (1Corinthians 5:7). In first century Judaism, so at the time of Jesus, whenever the Passover was celebrated, the rabbis saw it as a way of participating in the first exodus. The Passover was not just a literal sacrifice; it was also a “memorial” or “remembrance” (Exodus 12:14) by which the Jewish would both remember and somehow _make present_ the deliverance that had been won for their ancestors in the exodus from Egypt. An ancient Jewish writing says:
      “In every generation a man must so regard himself as if he came forth _himself_ out of Egypt, for it is written… “It is because of what the Lord did for me when I came forth out of Egypt” (Exodus 13:4)” (Mishnah, _Pesashim_ 10:5).
      With these words, we see clearly that for ancient Jews, the Passover feast was not just a remembrance of what God had done for their ancestors. In a mysterious way, they saw each Passover, “in every generation,” as a way of sharing in the original act of redemption. They essentially re-enacted the first Passover as if it was happening to them. And this all would have been happening at the time of Jesus-and Jesus, being a faithful Jew, had attended the Passover every year (Luke 2:41), meaning the disciples would have had this perspective on the Passover as well, namely, that it was really to _relive_ the first Passover. They didn’t just metaphorically sacrifice a lamb and eat; they literally killed and ate it. It was a “memorial sacrifice”.
      So with this in mind, we can now look forward to the significance of Jesus initiating a new Passover. But first, let me just quickly emphasize what made the Passover valid. Many people think it simply involved sacrificing a lamb, and that’s all that needed to be done. But that’s false. Both the first Passover (especially the first), and the Passover in Jesus’ time was not completed until they had _eaten_ the sacrifice (Exodus 12:8-12). In fact, in Luke 2:41:43, three times the Passover (which was a sacrifice) was called a “feast”. The lamb had to be killed _and_ eaten. Those were major components. When Jesus tells His disciples to go prepare the Passover, it is so that “we may _eat_ it.” And when with them in the room, He says, “I have earnestly desired to _eat_ this Passover with you before I suffer.”
      So now when we examine the Last Supper in this context, how would His disciples took His words and actions? At any ordinary Jewish Passover, the entire liturgy revolves around the body and blood of the sacrificial lamb, in fact that was the day it was supposed to be sacrificed (Luke 22:7), yet there was no lamb mentioned during Last supper. Instead, Jesus shifted the focus away from the body and blood of the Passover lamb, and turned it toward His own body and blood. As a Jewish man, he had celebrated Passover many times before; He knew full well what He was doing by changing it this time. He was showing that this was no ordinary Passover; it was the Passover of the Messiah, the night on which some Jews believed Israel would at last be “redeemed” (Exodus Rabbah 18:11).
      When He told His disciples to “Do this in remembrance of me”, He was echoing the command of God to keep the ancient Passover as a “remembrance” forever (Exodus 12:14). By means of these words, He was commanding His disciples to perpetuate this new Passover sacrifice in the future. In short, by placing His own body and blood at the center of this new Passover, Jesus revealed that He saw Himself as the new Passover lamb-which has major implications.
      In every Passover celebration, from the first one to the Last supper, the lamb was _literally_ killed, it’s blood was _literally_ shed, and it’s flesh was _literally_ eaten. What happens with Jesus? His blood is _literally_ shed, He _literally_ dies… but wait! Just forget the last part🤔No! Jesus asks us to _literally_ eat Him.
      In John 6, Jesus said that “the _bread_ that I _will_ give for the life of the world _is my flesh”,_ He’s speaking in the future tense. Now look forward to the night before He dies, Jesus ”took _bread,_ and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to them, saying, _“This is my body,_
      which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” Jesus just fulfilled His promise from John 6! Not only that, but this parallels strongly with the feeding of the five thousand.
      1) - Feeding the five thousand takes place on the Passover (John 6:4).
      - The Last Supper takes place on the Passover (Luke 22:7).
      2) - “Jesus then took the loaves, and when he had given thanks (Greek eucharistia), he distributed them to those who were seated.” (John 6:11).
      - Jesus “took bread, and when he had given thanks (Greek: eucharistia), he broke it, and gave it to them, saying…” (Luke 22:19).
      In light of such parallels, to deny any connection to these two events would be prideful and obstinate. The feeding of the five thousand was a prefiguration of the Last Supper in sense.
      An important thing to notice in the feeding of the five thousand, is that, after Jesus “gives thanks”, a _miracle occurs._ He did something unexplainable on the natural level. So when Jesus does the same thing at the Last Supper, “giving thanks”, if the feeding of the five thousand was miraculous and a foreshadowing of the next Passover, then it makes sense that the “real deal” would be greater-that is, “miraculous”, doing something unexplainable on the natural level.
      So, after all this, in conclusion, when Jesus says “Do this in remembrance of me”, it is not Jesus saying, “Just remember me by metaphorically eating me.” To be honest, it would seem arbitrary and _less real_ than the OT Passover. But that never happens; Old Testament prefigurations are never greater than their New Testament fulfilment. If Jesus was being metaphorical at the last Supper, for 1: this implies there was no real sacrifice in the new Passover, which was _THE center_ of the OT one. And 2: this implies that they didn’t even eat a sacrifice, which again, was the _completion_ of the OT sacrifice. In other words, the new Passover appears to be less important than the OT one from a metaphorical standpoint and also completely misses the point.
      But the phrase, “Do this in memory of me.” in Greek reads, “Touto poieite eis tan eman anamnesin.” There are two aspects of this phrase that deserve consideration. For one, the phrase _touto poieite_ can be translated as _do this_ or as _offer this._ In the Old Testament, God commands the Israelites “you shall offer (poieseis) upon the altar two lambs” (Ex. 29:38). This use of “poiein” is translated as “offer this” or “sacrifice this” over seventy times in the Old Testament. So the same word that is used for the sacrifice under the Old Covenant is used for the sacrifice of the Passover in the New.
      The second key aspect of this phrase is Our Lord’s use of the word _anamnesin._ Every time this word (anamnesis) appears it is within a sacrificial context (see, for example, Numbers 10:10). It also can be translated as “memorial offering” or “memorial sacrifice.” While these nuances are lost in the English translation, Jewish ears would have understood the sacrificial meaning of Christ’s words.
      So essentially, Jesus is saying, “Offer a memorial sacrifice for me.” Now, to clarify, yes, _one_ aspect of it is to “remember” what Christ has done, but _only_ for that reason is to miss the point greatly.

  • @alrichs8146
    @alrichs8146 Год назад +3

    So Jesus broke His own body and poured Him own blood in a cup... which was bread and wine... How could He have made it any clearer that He was speaking metaphorically?

  • @GhostShooz
    @GhostShooz 2 месяца назад

    Always makes me sad when the people saying this stuff are so nice, full of kindness and cheer. Such a nice guy, and yet so very wrong.

  • @danielkim672
    @danielkim672 Год назад +4

    13 Jesus said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, 14 but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again.[b] The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”
    Jesus is clearly not talking about a regular water. Great video Onorato. I am surprised how this clear issue they get it twisted.

  • @augustycizauzo6372
    @augustycizauzo6372 24 дня назад

    It's okay to be protestant, and it's okay to be catholic. Good video, though.

  • @Saint.questions
    @Saint.questions Год назад +1

    0:31 - 0:38 did anyone else hear his voice good super low while explaining...... like someone else was talking.... I'm not coming as a skeptical person. Was that edited in?

    • @OnoDiamante
      @OnoDiamante  Год назад +6

      Yes lol, I slow the video down to gain attention where it should be.

    • @Saint.questions
      @Saint.questions Год назад +1

      @@OnoDiamante haha.. ok whew lol

  • @jacobraji2442
    @jacobraji2442 Месяц назад

    Hey, Let's have a talk/debate on this if you are keen. I encourage you to read what the early church fathers believed about this, read the interaction in John 6 fully and how Jesus DOUBLES down, and a third time he was even willing to let his apostles go if they disagreed with this. Take a look at early Christian liturgical celebration, about what Paul says about the celebration of the eucharist to the corinthians. You are dead wrong about this.

  • @ksagg2008
    @ksagg2008 7 месяцев назад

    Hi all: The plague behind Ono does NOT say: 1 Pope. It spells HOPE!

  • @Ampwich
    @Ampwich 2 месяца назад

    To be fair, it is a little confusing what Jesus said. He HAD to know that his words would confuse generations to come. And it's odd how he said to eat his flesh and drink his blood and later told us to remember him by the Lord's supper. It almost seems too close a parallel.

  • @daninspiration4064
    @daninspiration4064 6 месяцев назад

    If Jesus just wanted those to believe he would have just said believe in me, why would he have to throw in the phrase eat my flesh and drink my blood. Also at the last supper he once again re irrterated to eat this bread and drink this cup as his body and blood. He formulates it into the body and bread. The first church fathers after the apostles also stated that the eucharist is the body and blood of christ and beware of those who do not believe it. Look up St. Ignatius of Antioch. Please research thoroughly on this matter.

    • @thomasn3882
      @thomasn3882 5 месяцев назад +1

      Why would I look up St. Ignatius? What would he possibly say that wouldn't be biased?

    • @emeraldstories3586
      @emeraldstories3586 Месяц назад

      He’s a 1st martyr and a disciple of John (Author of the Gospel of John)

  • @AndrewKendall71
    @AndrewKendall71 8 месяцев назад

    I'm entirely satisfied with Jesus' words, "this is my body... my blood of the new covenant." I don't need any consubstantiation or transubstantiation explanation any more than I need to fully comprehend the trinity in order to place my faith in Christ or observe communion. It seems so unnecessary to play the "body, blood, soul, and divinity" explain-game in order to partake. Jesus' words are sufficient, certainly in the wider testimony of scripture that trust in Christ is the basis of salvation, now and ongoingly.

    • @sidasida4299
      @sidasida4299 7 месяцев назад

      So is it Faith in Christ or the Eucharist Catholic? Which one is that?

  • @luckekjv9516
    @luckekjv9516 Год назад +6

    Amen brother!! Love your preaching and Pastor ricci preaching! I want to leave california and move to Rhode Island.

  • @QBlessed93
    @QBlessed93 7 дней назад

    You disagree with every Christian for the first 1,500 years of the faith, and are following a man made thought that it’s not really Jesus. You need to learn more and humble yourself to what Jesus taught us, and why he allowed many disciples to walk away due to denying this exact teaching. Don’t walk away from Jesus over this, and even worse, do not lead his sheep astray with falsehoods and deception. The Eucharist is the real presence of Christ, and that is a fact, not an opinion.

    • @Ks872-h8j
      @Ks872-h8j День назад

      Jesus explained that he was speaking of symbolic food and drink:
      "It is the Spirit who gives life; _the flesh provides no benefit;_ the words that I have spoken to you are spirit, and are life. But there are some of you who do not believe." (John 6:63-64)
      Those who did not believe his explanation were the fleshly-minded* who still thought he meant cannibalism. So they stopped following him. (John 6:66)
      *6:26, 28, 30, 34, 52

  • @crystalx7392
    @crystalx7392 Год назад

    @Onorato Diamante Can you please help explain Matthew 16:24 to 28 please.

    • @emeraldstories3586
      @emeraldstories3586 Месяц назад

      Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself,* take up his cross, and follow me.
      r For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.*
      What profit would there be for one to gain the whole world and forfeit his life? Or what can one give in exchange for his life?
      * s For the Son of Man will come with his angels in his Father’s glory, and then he will repay everyone according to his conduct.
      * Amen, I say to you, there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.”
      Die to the flesh daily and embrace your suffering because we are made strong in our weakness.
      If we wish to proglong our lives in this world we will fail, but if we live for (and die for) Christ we will live forever.
      Because nothing in this world is eternal and nothing is this world is trading our lives for.
      We will be judged by our works at the 2nd coming .
      That last verse is most likely talking about the resurrection and assent into heaven.

  • @plexx365
    @plexx365 Год назад +16

    They're practicing a form of cannibalism.

    • @mikeha
      @mikeha Год назад +9

      yes and witchcraft because of how they "Bless" the eucharist and also how they "bless" holy water, it's a spell they are casting over these things

    • @kathyhenderson8902
      @kathyhenderson8902 Год назад

      ​@@mikeha You are so correct!

    • @sawyerwhited6802
      @sawyerwhited6802 Год назад

      @@mikeha Interesting, makes sense.

    • @youngconservative
      @youngconservative 9 месяцев назад

      @@mikehaNope. The Priest is in the Person of Christ. Jesus is blessing the Eucharist through the Priest. The priest is a vessel used by Jesus.

    • @mikeha
      @mikeha 9 месяцев назад

      @@youngconservative call no man father, for there is one Father which is in heaven. Catholic priests are unsaved, and there is nothing in the Bible which justifies their existence.

  • @krisjustin3884
    @krisjustin3884 Год назад +1

    We also see the figurative use of bread in Matthew 16:6 when Jesus tells his disciples to be beware of the yeast of the pharisees. The disciples, like many today, misunderstood this to mean they need to take some bread with them. (v 7). However, Jesus made it clear that he meant the doctrine of the pharisees, not their bread.
    Finally, the disciples got it! ‘Then understood they how that he bade them not beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.’ Jesus often used metaphors and stories, a common teaching method in Hebrew culture.

    • @Maya-yp2ey
      @Maya-yp2ey 5 месяцев назад

      If it’s just a symbol no one would be willing to die for a wafer. Would you be willing to give your life for a store-bought bread?? So many martyrs gave up their life for that wafer just so it won’t be desecrated because it’s not just a wafer it’s Christ Himself truest present in the appearance of bread. It’s hard for you to believe this I know because this proves Catholicism is true religion and Jesus Christ founded my faith built on the rock.

    • @krisjustin3884
      @krisjustin3884 5 месяцев назад

      @@Maya-yp2ey Many a Christian also died for the true gospel of faith alone in Christ alone for salvation, some under dreadful torture. God bless their precious memory.

    • @Maya-yp2ey
      @Maya-yp2ey 5 месяцев назад

      @@krisjustin3884 that’s true but I’m talking about is the Eucharist. No one would give up their life for a piece of wafer. Would you give your life for a store-bought bread?? The point I’m making here is it’s because it’s not just a piece of wafer it’s Christ. Isn’t hard for God to do this?? He’s omnipotent so nothing is impossible to God and you limit God of His power.

    • @emeraldstories3586
      @emeraldstories3586 Месяц назад

      As you said he explained it when they misunderstood. He didn’t do that in John 6. He doubled down in John 6.

    • @krisjustin3884
      @krisjustin3884 Месяц назад

      @@Maya-yp2ey People also gave up their lives because they did believe it was just a wafer or piece of bread used as a sign of Christ’s death for our sins. The days of Bloody Mary with the tortuous burning of people alive show this vividly. Horrendous acts of violence were committed on both sides I’m sad to say. Other faiths also have people dying for what we think is not true. I’m no one to judge. God have mercy on all of us.

  • @coreyrus-vid2863
    @coreyrus-vid2863 5 месяцев назад

    If it was to be taken literally than why didn’t it also mention in the Bible how to physically bless the wine and bread to make sure it “transforms” into the blood and flesh of Christ. The Eucharistic ritual is literally a ritual performed to make sure the wine and bread is transformed into blood and flesh and every Single Eucharist reads off the same thing and can’t deviate from this or else the wine and bread aren’t blessed and can’t transform into blood and flesh. For such a strict ritual you’d think it would be mentioned in the Bible in order to physically and literally partake in the consumption of flesh and blood. The only literal thing about it is it’s a man made ritual with no basis in the Bible.

    • @emeraldstories3586
      @emeraldstories3586 Месяц назад

      Jesus spoke more than what’s in the Bible. He gave his disciples power to Forgive sins, ordain and make doctrine where Scripture was vague. He gave power to Peter to bind and loose. My point is we need to also consider the Didache (Which means the teaching of the 12), and not just Sola Scriptora.
      Now before you make an argument for Sola Scriptora, find for me an OR verse that mentions “The seat of Moses.”

  • @murraylloyd6011
    @murraylloyd6011 Год назад +6

    The priest was partly telling the truth but did not fully explain that the wafer "host" now contained the actual Jesus himself; hair eyes ,teeth, complete person. Why must it be the actual Jesus? So that they can offer Him up as an actual sacrifice at the sunday mass. When the priest (mediator) between laity and God holds up the wafer/christ and says "lamb of god who takes away sin" he actually means he's holding the very Son of God in his hand. But Jesus is really seated at the right hand of the Father not in the wafer in the priests hand The congregation then say (many unknowingly) amen, so be it to, another Jesus for God does not dwell in a temple (wafer / host) made of hands.(Psalm) also we read; "If anyone says Lo come see the Christ he is in the secret chamber (monstrance) believe them NOT." (Jesus) The Bell rings? Why? To signify that an actual sacrifice is about to take place before your very eyes. The Bell rings again and the congregation then kneel before another Christ. They can also sing praises to the wafer giving it adoration as to the true God They can put the wafer in the box (monstrance) and the faithful bow to it, the wafer, now said to be transformed into God. They can go and gaze at the wafer in the monstrance for it is now Jesus. Yet there is not one iota of scripture that supports this blasphemy. So week after week the priest offers up ,re-presents Christ as a sacrifice on the Catholic altar for without which no Catholic can be saved/reclaimed/forgiven. And any who deny the sacrifice of the mass of the wafer disguised God are said to be cursed. I now certainly deny it. Scripture says in
    Heb 7:27 "Who needeth NOT daily, as those high priests, to offer up sacrifice, first for his own sins, and then for the people's: for this He did ONCE, when He offered up himself."
    Never to be repeated, re offered ,re presented or re-inacted. Jesus said it is finished. Saved out of 19 years of Roman Catholic darkness by the gospel of grace.

    • @youngconservative
      @youngconservative 9 месяцев назад +1

      It’s sad that you are so lost. I’m so sorry and I pray for your soul.

  • @pearl7seas
    @pearl7seas 13 дней назад

    Brother Jesus showed us how that was to be fulfilled..."go into all the world and preach the gospel, he that believes and is baptized SHALL be saved" his body is the word of God. The Communion is a different thing. You telling me that the millions of Christians around the world are going to hell, because only Catholics can partake of the Lord's body ? Really bad theology buddy.

    • @georgepierson4920
      @georgepierson4920 8 дней назад

      Perhaps you should spend time studying what the Church teaches instead of wasting time not knowing what we believe.

    • @pearl7seas
      @pearl7seas 8 дней назад

      @georgepierson4920 when looking at the different counsels (Trent etc.) I am convinced that most catholics do not know what the church teaches.

  • @isaacsimmons4116
    @isaacsimmons4116 3 месяца назад

    I think you are reading into It. Why are you conflating believing in Jesus and eating Jesus’ Flesh and drinking Jesus’ Blood? Jesus wants people to believe, if people believing will keep them from burning in Hell forever, don’t you think that Jesus would’ve been pretty clear at least when it comes to how not to go to Hell?

    • @OnoDiamante
      @OnoDiamante  3 месяца назад +1

      No, I’m comparing scripture with scripture.
      “And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.”
      John 6:40
      “Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day.” John 6:54
      It’s abundantly clear what he’s referring to. It’s ironic that you’ll readily concede to figurative language in John 3 with Nicodemus and John 4 with the Samaritan woman. Yet you scoff at the idea of Christ speaking metaphorically in John 6.