This more scripted vid is quite different to my other off the cuff one's. Let me know if it was the most boring thing you’ve ever watched. PLEASE SHARE if you think it's worth it.
Nah I've watched paint dry before so definitely not THE most boring thing ever ;) Jkjk I loved this! And I would love to see more! Straightforward answers to Catholic theological questions like this are absolutely invaluable.
Great video, but I think you should branch out to other topics (Baptism, Priesthood etc). If you made a video like this one for all the topics where the Early Church is nearly unanimous, it could make a really cool series.
I am a recovering addict and if it wasn’t for the Eucharist I never would’ve made it out of addiction. When I was in jail I had my first confession in 20 years than I received the Eucharist. My life changed so drastically, a deliverance from meth!!! I do not crave drugs!!! I’ve been clean for 18 months!! Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist. Thank you God for leaving the 99 for me! Grateful for the Catholic Church and Her Sacraments 🙏🕊🔥
@@jennifermanzano2400 thank you Jennifer! God bless you. I am still doing great. I hit my two years clean December 13 2021. I hope to have many more to celebrate. I appreciate the prayers and I will pray for you too. God is sooo good ❤️
@@walterismydog7284 Yes! I do pray the rosary daily! I know Mother Mary has been my biggest advocate even before my recovery. In fact my sober date is the day after the appearance of Our Lady of Guadalupe in December. There’s so many signal graces I’ve received to confirm that. Blessed to be one of her spiritual children ❤️🤍💙
Well, I must say, as a Pentecostal, I have debated against the Catholic view of the Eucharist, but this is a pretty strong argument. I'm definitely gonna have to do more research.
Hey friend, I also grew up Pentecostal. It was the undeniable truth of the Real Presence in the Eucharist that caused me to convert. :) keep searching and asking honest questions...
Messianic Me TV Become Catholic! I am a Hebrew Catholic discerning the priesthood, it’s the church of the Jews!!! Join now! We need you brother! Shalom Aleichem
I left the Catholic church a few months ago becoming protestant, anti-Catholic, i got to recieve the Holy Eucharist as a Catholic again today, i went to Holy Eucharistic addoration i was deeply convicted by Jesus that the Eucharist is truly him, i went to confession yesterday and got to recieve Jesus at mass today :) im happy to be home family
I am going through RCIA currently, and honestly I am already so excited to receive The Eucharist for the first time. There's such a sense of reverence and peace knowing Jesus did this for us over 2,000 years ago and yet he still joins us for it to this day.
Im in RCIA as well and it is the real presence of Jesus that is driving me to become Catholic and I cannot wait for the moment I can be United with Christ’s body blood soul and divinity. Congratulations to you!!
I believe in Transubstantiation...i am aware of many Eucharistic miracles that happened in the past...I also experienced Jesus during Consecration and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. If I may share, I had a vision of the Suffering Christ image in 2012 during Consecration at the Holy Mass in time of our Catholic Community Covenanting. Jesus said to me in an indiscribable voice, "Unite your sufferings with Me and these will be light", and i said my yes and thanked Him. My tears fell like rain but it was because of joy...and it was a warning of an upcoming big problem that came 2 weeks after. In another event, one Saturday afternoon in 2016, I was adoring the Blessed Sacrament exposed at the altar of our Parish Church when i felt my head opened and heard the same voice i heard in a vision in 2012. He said to me, "Tell my people to love Me. My command for them is to love Me, not only to believe in Me. I am the fount of all holiness. If they would love, they will stop sinning and if the would not love Me, they will keep on sinning. Focus on the LOVE that is in the light... upon arriving home that afternoon, the message was confirmed when I turned on the TV at EWTN Channel. The same message was onthe TV screen.... 😊Oh i love You, Jesus, in the Blessed Sacrament! You are my goal, my all, my love.❤
I'm born and raised Presbyterian... I've always struggled with the Calvinistic and Zwinglian understanding of Holy Communion... I've even argued in my youth with some of my Sunday school teachers that if we were serious about Sola scriptura then we would indeed teach this he is truly present.
As a Lutheran theology student I fully support and agree with this! It was never a questioned for the Apostolic Fathers or the Early Church, if Christ was present or not in the Eucharist. Thank you for the video, Matt! I really enjoy all of your work. Bless you and your family!
Nicolai, as a follower of Luther do you also subscribe to the Eucharist being a sacrifice? You may agree with some Catholic teaching - somewhat more as most Protestants do -, but you being separate from the Church makes you a schismatic not any less. Teaching another doctrine makes you a heretic not any less either, no matter how close it might be to the Gospel. This is exactly what the fathers taught: there is no salvation for those who are not part of His people, that is, there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church. I do not understand why Matt Frad does not communicate this to you. Nobody will be saved by a gospel message of his own making: there is only one Lord and one Gospel and all other is man-made.
@@pierreschiffer3180 I would have to disagree. Lutherans aren’t separated from the church. That statement assumes that the Roman church is the church. The Roman church separated from the real Catholic Church, “The Orthodox Church” . Lutherans try to be more consistent with the Bible and church history, that’s why both groups (Orthodox and Lutherans), deny man-made doctrines as the papacy, Mary’s immaculate conception, the ascension of Mary, Purgatory and list goes on. Matt doesn’t communicate “Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus “as you wrongly understand it, because he’s more familiar with church history. Ask your pope and he will probably exhort you to stop making false statements. The Roman Church consideres all Protestants as separated brethren. When saint Cyprian of Carthage said , “there’s no salvation outside the catholic Church”(lower case), the Roman Catholic Church didn’t exist yet. So, it doesn’t mean what you think. May God guide you to analyze your own beliefs and biases, and discard what is not biblical or historical. God bless you
@@Solideogloria00 Thank you, Joel. Wrong on all accounts, however. Lutherans are separated from the Church, that is: they are separated from the Catholic Church. That is an objective fact. Ask Martin Luther himself: he separated from the Catholic Church and raised his own church where he taught his own understanding of the Bible. Objective fact. What you make of the Roman Catholic Church does not make sense either: the Catholic Church consists of various churches, the Roman church being one of them. The Catholic Church exists from the beginning, while the Lutheran Church broke away much later: that is history. Luther for example decided that the Eucharist is not a sacrifice and justification is by faith only. Two man-made doctrines contrary to the Gospel of all ages and the list is endless. Yet you seem to be fine with that. Luther taught all kind of his own opinions and interpretations of Scripture contrary to what has always been taught and yet he is still part of the Catholic Church?! Absolute nonsense. Followers of Luther follow a man in his own ideas and understanding of Scripture: accept at least this little. What gospel you follow I do not know, for you seem to defend Lutheranism and EO, yet these groups go by two different gospels: how then would not at least one be false?! You make things very confusing, my friend. What you teach is false. Cyprian said there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church: what on earth means that for you?! Who are these folks outside the Catholic Church: what heretics and schismatics?! What on earth means the Gospel for you when you defend two different versions of it?! Defending two different gospels implies defending separation and heresy by definition... May God guide you to analyse your own beliefs and biases and discard what is not biblical or historical. One Lord and one Gospel, my friend. Read the early Church! God bless you, my friend.
Former Baptist here. It was reading John chapter 6 and the reality of the Real Presence in the Eucharist that brought me back to Christ's only Church, His Catholic Church
You are graced and blessed! I am so happy for you! That you received God’s Truth and His Most Precious Gift - His Only-Begotten Son in the Holy Eucharist! You did not close your eyes or your ears ... or your heart to the Truth. My eyes are overflowing with tears of joy as I write this ... I kid you not. Would that everyone would do as you have done, and return to the One, True Church ... especially my two sons. Blessings to you!
@@bradleykimmons If the semantics of the faithful are the only thing keeping you out, dear brother, I implore that you should reevaluate your priorities.
@@ignatiusjackson235 People who claim to be the “only” true church might want to reevaluate their posture is they actually want people to join. “You blind guides! You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel.”
I have a friend who is a protestant, and she is pretty up on bible verses. Recently I mentioned the 7 books taken out by Martin Luther...for one, she didn't know who M.L. was, and she was shocked to know there were 7 books she didn't know about! Î can't wait to share this video with her! We sometimes assume that all protestants know their theology. What we need to do, is to have more conversations with each other! God bless! 💠
As a Catholic revert I have been reading the early church fathers and the Saints, Sister Marie of St Peter in 1844 said oh if you only knew what great Merit you acquire by saying even once "admirable is the name of God" I decided to say this throughout the Catholic mass every time I was at church looking at the Tabernacle and talkin to God and thanking him I also said the Golden Arrow prayer, I would also say it at home visualizing the tabernacle, this has made such a difference I am 100% sure that Jesus is present there at every Mass because of the grace he is poured into my heart, the love he has poured into my heart is immeasurable!!!!! I wish I had been praising him all my life as I should have been and I write this hoping that everybody will love the Lord in the Eucharist because he is in the Eucharist that is his heart in the tabernacle. The Lord should be loved, adored, thanked daily. God bless everyone
When I was a Baptist I always wondered what the point of Holy Communion was. It seemed redundant, and nobody really expanded on that. We had it like once a month at best. When I started researching Catholicism this was the key topic I studied, probably most of the time. Eucharist is the number one reason for conversion
I think this debate boils down to the question if the tradition should inform the scriptures or if the scriptures should inform the tradition. Overwhelmingly, the scripture itself is a witness to itself claiming that scriptures are sufficient for correction, rebuke, training teaching etc., Now if we assume tradition to inform us as a method of validation, then we ought to assume any and everything that every church father or any TOM, DICK and HARRY did in the name of Jesus Christ to be true and worthy to be the true tradition, and if they don't contradict scriptures, then they can be accepted as true traditions. We run into many problems with this kind of logic. Your argument seems like making sense since who else do we turn to but the early church. But here are flaws in the argument specially because we are separated by 2000 years and we cannot go back and check every tradition. Christ is sacrificed “once for all” on the cross of Calvary and never again in any other form or on any other occasion (1 Pet. 3:18; Heb. 10). The author of Hebrews writes, “But when Christ had offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins, He sat down at the right hand of God…for by a single offering He has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified” (Heb. 10:11-12). The Eucharist is neither a sacrifice nor a salvific ordinance. People are saved by believing in Christ as set forth in the gospel (Rom. 10:8-17). The sacraments do not convey saving faith but rather sanctifying grace to those who are already saved.
Catholics say the bread and wine changes into the body and blood of Jesus by the words of the priest. Let me ask these question and make these statements. --The bread---- changes into the body of Jesus.--Really? Smell it. What does it smell like??? Human flesh??? --Look at it. Does it look like human flesh? Taste it. Does it taste like human flesh???--- --The wine---- Look at it. Does it look like human blood? Thick? ---Smell it. Smell like human blood? It should have a distintive smell. Does it? (Metallic: Similar to a copper coin, a metallic smell is typically caused by the presence of iron in your blood. ) Now, taste it. Does it taste like human blood?? ( What is the taste of blood to human? The taste of blood is salty.)--- Or does it taste like wine???? Why??? When the priest has just changed it into blood of Jesus!!!---- Did it all change back into it's original forms just for you??? If it did, then it IS NOT the body and blood of Jesus!!! Why do you all REFUSE to think about those questions logically??? Since Catholics insist on having Mass every day--or only on Sunday, Why??? What day of the week was the "Last Supper"??? A THURSDAY NIGHT!!!! The night BEFORE the Jewish Preparation Day.--- Remember the old saying: if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and smells like a duck, then it MUST be a duck.
The point is to do it in remembrance of Christ. It’s the Passover meal for Christians. It’s not a re-presentation of a propitiatory sacrifice. It’s not his literal flesh and blood. John 6 isn’t even the Passover meal. That’s 7 chapters later. John 6 is about belief in Christ. That’s the work of God, that’s the food that never perishes. Eating and drinking the blood is believing in Christ. He is a once for all sacrifice. No need to re-present.
I didn’t even know this about how all the early Christians believed it was His true presence. And I’m a cradle catholic. This is really important info!
so---you gotta work/earn your way to the presence of jesus? jesus will baptize you in the holy spirit just for the asking, believing the promise. christ's presence 24/7---it's called "christ in you". duh
My favourite quote from the Church Fathers on the Eucharist comes from Justin Martyr in his First Apology: “For not as common bread and common drink do we receive these; but in like manner as Jesus Christ our Saviour, having been made flesh by the Word of God, had both flesh and blood for our salvation, so likewise have we been taught that the food which is blessed by the prayer of His word, and from which our blood and flesh by transmutation are nourished, is the flesh and blood of that Jesus who was made flesh.” It’s such a perfect quote because he appeals to the incarnation in his explanation which leaves no room for saying that he was speaking metaphorically.
Justin Martyr (110-165) spoke of “the bread which our Christ gave us to offer in remembrance of the Body which He assumed for the sake of those who believe in Him, for whom He also suffered, and also to the cup which He taught us to offer in the Eucharist, in commemoration of His blood"(Dialogue with Trypho, 70). Origen similarly noted, “We have a symbol of gratitude to God in the bread which we call the Eucharist” (Against Celsus, 8.57). Cyprian (200-258), who sometimes described the eucharist using very literal language, spoke against any who might use mere water for their celebration of the Lord’s Table. In condemning such practices, he explained that the cup of the Lord is a representation of the blood of Christ: “I marvel much whence this practice has arisen, that in some places, contrary to Evangelical and Apostolic discipline, water is offered in the Cup of the Lord, which alone cannot represent the Blood of Christ” (Epistle 63.7). For with the wine which was indeed the symbol of His blood, He cleanses them that are baptized into His death, and believe on His blood, of their old sins, washing them away and purifying their old garments and vesture, so that they, ransomed by the precious blood of the divine spiritual grapes, and with the wine from this vine, "put off the old man with his deeds, and put on the new man which is renewed into knowledge in the image of Him that created him." . . . He gave to His disciples, when He said, "Take, drink; this is my blood that is shed for you for the remission of sins: this do in remembrance of me." And, "His teeth are white as milk," show the brightness and purity of the sacramental food. For again, He gave Himself the symbols of His divine dispensation to His disciples, when He bade them make the likeness of His own Body. For since He no more was to take pleasure in bloody sacrifices, or those ordained by Moses in the slaughter of animals of various kinds, and was to give them bread to use as the symbol of His Body, He taught the purity and brightness of such food by saying, “And his teeth are white as milk” (Demonstratia Evangelica, 8.1.76-80). “Having taken the bread and given it to His disciples, Jesus made it His own body, by saying, ‘This is My body,’ that is, the symbol of My body. There could not have been a symbol, however, unless there was first a true body. An empty thing or phantom is incapable of a symbol. He likewise, when mentioning the cup and making the new covenant to be sealed ‘in His blood,’ affirms the reality of His body. For no blood can belong to a body that is not a body of flesh” (Tertullian: Against Marcion, 4.40).
Matt, I am a Protestant who converted easter before last because the biblical proof of the Eucharist was undeniable to me. In all my years of attending church and bible study I had never encountered that text. It’s just glossed over by most churches because it so contrary to Protestant teachings. I loved this talk because it shows the Bible text and belief in the context of history. Now, if I could only get everyone I love to listen with an open heart and believe. I want to suggest a follow up, How typology proves the Eucharist has to present to satisfy our salvation.
Do most Protestants not read the bible on their own? Do they only have bible study and read what they are told to read? I mean no offense, but it just sounds like it is more like Protestants who have some of Scripture kept from them, when we have always heard that it was the Catholic Church that kept the Bible from believers and discouraged reading scripture (which of course is false).
@@joan8862 I think Joan, to be fair, the Protestants do study the bible very intensely... but they study the words as written, and not with the "Apostolic Tradition" passed on form Jesus and the Apostles. The way the New Testament in the bible is written, it is not an instruct ion manual... but a collection of writing assuming the Gospel will be passed by word of mouth and referencing the OT - as expressly mentionec many times in the NT. We then have translation of spoken word in Aramaic into Hebrew to Greek then to English. So each translation brings its own idioms and word structures without exact translation. Hence, Protestants and Catholics can read the exact same passage from the bible that may or not be use the same words and get different meanings. The classic example is Calvinism - which appears very methodical and structured in its approach and examines themes in the bible with many quotes and passages to back their beliefs which are not agreed by many Christians (both Catholic and Protestant) .... but Real Presence in the Eucharist, limited Atonement, Once Saved Always Saved, Predestination (unconditional election)/Double Predestination, God decrees & soverignly guides all things to happen by his providence etc etc.... these are not beliefs written within the first few hundreds of years of the Church from the writings of the Early Church Fathers.... never mind the vast majority of Christians nowadays.
@@pboyle3723 I based my question on what the op wrote saying that she had never come across John chapter 6. This has nothing to do with translations or interpretations.
joanp62 I read the Bible very often. It is very possible I read it on my own but dismissed it’s literal nature because it went against what I was taught. I just think it’s interesting that is was never addressed in a sermon n or bible study.
This video came at a perfect time! I'm about to have a friendly discussion with my best friend about why the Eucharist makes me want to join the Catholic church 😁 Thank you!
If I may suggest a "Must See" video to watch for all christians on the subject of the Eucharist: It is ------- "Dr. Brant Pitre, Jesus & the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist" The running time of the video is rather long (1:12:09), but Worth Every Minute... * If you choose to watch the video and want to skip the opening prayers ------- Start at: (2 minuted 30 seconds) --- Hope you check it out... God Bless --- ...
I keep trying to explain this to my Protestant and non-Denominational Christian friends and using this argument, but they just keep saying that Catholics focus on Mary and the Saints too much and they keep saying that Catholics pray to them, when it’s only for God.
The Eucharist moved me from being an evangelical to being a Lutheran. After reading what the Bible actually says and what the earliest Christian’s believed, it is undeniable that the real presence of the Eucharist is the correct doctrine. As time went on, I kept moving closer and closer to the catholic position on other doctrines. Today, I am essentially catholic in nearly all doctrines. I am looking for reasons to not be catholic, and when I am satisfied there are no good objections, I plan on entering RCIA.
If you’re still looking for a reason…how about all of the sexual abuse and misconduct that’s been covered up at every level? Or about the fact that Bible clearly points the office of the papacy being the anti christ? What about the priests having people call them “father” which is quite clearly against Gods will Or the false deification of Mary to become our intercessor instead of Jesus Christ who died for our sins?
I'm an associate pastor in a Baptist Church, but I was baptized Anglican as a teenager, and my sensibilities are far more sacramental than most Baptists. Increasingly so! I also love history broadly and the Church tradition (though I admit I'm not well-read in it). I admit that I am in an uncomfortable position.
Praying for you. Keep studying the history of the Church, and good Catholic resources. Also the writings of the saints like St. Augustine, Alphonsus Ligouri, Francis de Sales, to name a few.
Check the Eucharistic Miracle of Buenos Aires for the miraculous and science combined. Also a fairly recent occurrence. Looking forward to your arrival at the table of the Lamb for real food and real drink.
Hi there - my husband and I just entered the Catholic church a few weeks ago from originally Baptist and then Anglican backgrounds. I just want to encourage you to keep clinging to the Cross, continually praying and searching for the truth. Keep reading - I'm going to pray that God brings resources to your attention that will be life giving to you. My husband had to resign from his job as Anglican clergy in this pursuit, and I personally know two other men who have had to give up their careers as well. It's a challenging road but to be perfectly honest it's been really amazing and joyful. God bless you!
@@joan8862 CLAIMS of the RCC 1. Catholics claim CHURCH refers to Roman Catholic Church. BIBLE says CHURCH refers to all churches. Acts 5:11, Acts 8:1, Mat 16:18. HISTORY tells us Roman Church was just one local Church a member of the Pentarchy. 2. Catholics claim Roman Church was the CHURCH CHRIST founded (First Church) or one true church. BIBLE says First Local Church was Jerusalem Church. Acts 2. Not Roman Catholic Church. 3. Catholics claim there is only One Church. BIBLE mentions both CHURCH and Churches. “CHURCH” refers to the Body of Christ Eph 5:30, Col 1:18 consisting of all churches. Acts 5:11, Acts 8:1 Mat 16:18. “Churches” refers to local churches Acts 9:31, Acts 15:41 and believers Romans 16:5, 1 Cor 16:19, 4. Catholics claim to be the first believers. BIBLE says first believers were Jewish Christians. Acts 2, Acts 11:26, NOT roman catholics. 5. Catholics claim Pope is the head of the CHURCH. BIBLE says JESUS is the HEAD OF THE CHURCH. Eph 1:22, Eph 5:23, Col 1:18. 6. Catholics claim outside Roman Church there is NO SALVATION. BIBLE says : The mouth of the Lord has spoken.”apart from Jesus there is NO SALVATION”. Acts 4:12, 1 Cor 3:11. 7. Catholicss claim the first day of the week is a Holy day, made by God. . The Holy Bible says: Isaiah 58:13-14 13 “If you turn away your foot from the Sabbath, From doing your pleasure on MY HOLY DAY, And call the Sabbath a delight, The holy day of the Lord honorable, And shall honor Him, not doing your own ways, Nor finding your own pleasure, Nor speaking your own words, 14 Then you shall delight yourself in the Lord; And I will cause you to tride on the high hills of the earth, And feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father. The mouth of the Lord has spoken.”part from Jesus there is NO SALVATION”. Acts 4:12, 1 Cor 3:11. 8. Catholics claim devote to Mary to be saved. BIBLE says “apart from Jesus there is NO SALVATION”. Acts 4:12, 1 Cor 3:11. . BIBLE says “believe in Jesus to be saved”. Acts 16:30-31, John 3:16. 10. Catholics claim Roman Church inherited infallible authority from Peter. BIBLE does not say that in Mat 16 or John 20 or John 21. 11. Catholics claim Roman pontiff inherited infallible authority from Peter. BIBLE does not say that in Mat 16. 12. Catholics claim bishop of ROME = the pope. BIBLE does not say that. 13. Catholics claim there is an office of bishop of bishops/universal bishop/pope. BIBLE does not speak of such an office. History tells us the first bishop of bishops came in AD590-600s. 14. Roman Church has all the false unbiblical clergies - Roman priests, roman cardinals, roman pontiff, monks, nuns, friars, … BIBLE mentions only pastors, teachers, evangelists, prophets, apostles, deacons, bishop, elders. Titus 1:5, Eph 4:11, 1 Tim 3. 15. Roman Church claim its doctrines come from traditions of Apostles. BUT 95% of roman doctrines are Not from traditions of Jesus or Apostles or Scriptures; neither practised by the Church of the Bible.
Wow, that is eye opening! To know the disciples, disciples spoke of the real presence of Christ! That completely changes my mind! Thank you for sharing.
Awesome video on our blessed sacrament, Matt!! Like stated by Scott Hahn on the Holy Eucharist, “If the Eucharist that Jesus institutes as the Passover of the new covenant is only a meal, not only is it not a Passover (which has to be a sacrifice), than Golgotha, Good Friday, and Calvary is only a Roman Execution. BUT IF - and only if- the Eucharist that is instituted in the Upper room on Holy Thursday is in fact the Passover of the new covenant, than suddenly we find the light that illuminates in the darkness of Good Friday transforming what happened to Jesus on the cross from being an execution into the climax of the sacrifice! On Good Friday, Jesus is not a victim of Roman violence and injustice as much as he’s a victim of Divine Love and Mercy! And that he wasn’t losing his life on Friday if in fact he was laying it down as a gift of love on Holy Thursday when he was celebrating Passover, instituting the Eucharist precisely as the Passover of the new covenant!” In other words, the Eucharist is the new covenant Passover. Jesus instituted the New Testament( the Eucharist ) for all is his followers to celebrate Passover of the new covenant every Sunday, or whenever attending mass. Jesus created a sacrifice that is eternal, and the meal is never ending. We don’t resacrifice Jesus at mass, we essentially bring the meal from the last supper into mass every time the bread is consecrated. On earth as it is in heaven. Like stated in exodus - In the Old Testament, the Passover ritual is not completed by the death of the sacrificial lamb. It is completed when the Israelites eat the “flesh” of the lamb that is slain so that they might be delivered from bondage in Egypt and, ultimately, from death (Ex 12:8). That is why Paul, himself an expert in Jewish Scripture, can write, “Our paschal lamb [Greek pascha, meaning Passover] Christ, has been sacrificed. Therefore let us celebrate the feast” (1 Cor 5:7-8). If the Eucharist is the new exodus of the new Passover, you have to eat the lamb! You can’t just eat the symbol of the lamb. You can’t just remember the lamb. You have to eat the flesh of the lamb in order for the new Passover to be complete because Passover isn’t completed by the death of he lamb. It’s completed when the ppl, for whom the lamb died, receive its flesh that was offered on their behalf. “So Jesus said to them, ‘Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man, and drink his blood, you have no life in you.’” (John 6:53)
Thank you for this presentation on the Eucharist. I teach Catechism to 5th and 6th graders who are preparing to receive First Holy Communion in May. The book we use doesn't go quite deep enough and everything else seems too deep for them and I want to give them a better understanding of why we believe in the true Presence of our Lord in the Eucharist. This is a great help to me since I don't have the time or books to read about the first doctors of the Church and then break it down for them. Thank you and God bless you!
Finally! Someone who not only explains the belief of the early church fathers concerning the Eucharistic. But, also gives more than one scripture to back it up. I am a protestant. I've always been taught and believed that the Eucharist was merely symbolic. A few months ago I started questioning that teaching. I haven't delved deeply. I have other studies that I've focused on. But, I have done some searching. Your video is the ONLY video (and I have watched many and read many Catholic articles on this subject) that has convinced me that Jesus is truly present in the Eucharistic. THANK YOU!❤
I am a protestant.. after watching this vedio and studying with brother Sam Shamoun now i completely and without any doubt i believe Eucharis that we receive is Our LORD'S BODY AND BLOOD That HE shed on the cross..
@Edison prithiviraj. What kind of Protestant are you? As Matt even acknowledges in this video, Lutherans and most Anglicans believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. (So do a whole lot of Presbyterians, something Matt got wrong.) Catholics, quite honestly, are no more corporeal in their understanding than these Protestants (except as regards Eucharistic miracles, some of which are crassly physical, something which Catholics deny in the Sacrifice of the Mass). Furthermore, the Catholic Eucharist, as THEY explain it, is clearly spiritually mediated, something they deride Protestants for.
In my experience when I started believing in the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, my life was changed. Man is one of biggest stumbling blocks to himself.
I love the attention you pay to this subject. I'm confirmed but I never really knew what I was supposed to believe. I'm still learning, trying to internalize the logic of what I'm committing to believe so I'm not just saying the right thing but actually grasp it in some sense. I think transsubstantiation is where people like myself are confused. I see lots of contradictory definitions out there. Clearly defining what it means and what it doesn't mean and committing that both to memory and to my heart is where I'm at currently. It's so confounding that most Catholics don't believe in arguably the greatest of sacraments in our church. I hope as I grow in my understanding of it I can help teach other layity in my personal circle. God bless your ministry Matt! Your show/podcast lead me back to Catholicism from my stint in protestantism.
If I may, my friend, the concept is not confounding. There is a change in the ESSENCE (substance), not in the APPEARENCE (form). So the consacretion doens NOT TRANSFORM, because there is not a change in FORMS. Instead it TRANSSUBSTANTIATE, because the substance of bread and wine is no longer there, but the accidental elements are exactly the same. That's what the word means.
@@pintswithaquinas if you read the story in 2 Samuel 23 15-17 "nevertheless he would not drink thereof, but poured it out unto the LORD. 17 And he said, Be it far from me, O LORD, that I should do this: is not this the blood of the men that went in jeopardy of their lives?" This is speaking of David pouring some water on the ground. Did the water turn to blood? why did David say "is not this the blood of the men?" when speaking of the water?
please seek Jesus Christ about this and spend a lot of time reading The Bible. You will see all the things that the catholic church does that God explicitly speaks against. Prayers with vain repetition, calling pastors “father”, idolatry, etc. To say you must confess to a priest to be forgiven is blasphemy and to say you need to pray to mary or any other saints is undermining God and Jesus’s sacrifice- He created intercession for the saints. He is the ONLY mediator between man and God. The pope is no where in The Bible and people take one verse out of The Bible to say that the catholic church is “the one true church” - Peter did not create the catholic church. He created the church- the family of those who follow Jesus Christ. That is what the church is called in The Bible and Jesus Christ is the head- not a pope. It should be suspicious to anyone why there are so many secrets in the vatican and why popes in the past have been so evil and why the current one supports homosexuality- and why catholicism did things like saying you could buy your way to Heaven and do so many other evil things. Any catholic cannot deny that and can’t deny that the pope because he is the head of the catholic church- that is why it is not from God. Popes in the past have even said their church will outlast the Christian faith. There are even ancient roman idols under the vatican and even a painting of satan. This is not from God. Follow Jesus Christ and Him alone link:видео.html
For those who want a detailed yet accessible biblical study of the Eucharist, I suggest reading "Jesus and the Jewish roots of the Eucharist " by Brant Pitre: all the context is there, IMO. Great video, otherwise !!!!!
The Holy Church gives us EVERYTHING we need for our Salvation: the sacraments, the teachings, the communion and prayers of the Saints, the Bible and above all a full knowledge of the person of Christ made freely accessible to all. So, we are not alone on our path to salvation. Please, let us pray for the Church and for our priests and bishops.
As a Lutheran, I sincerely appreciate this video. Yesterday a friend tried to tell me St Ignatius didn’t believe in the true presence Eucharist. He’s wrong, of course, but I didn’t have a response at the time. Thanks for this video!
I was raised evangelical Protestant (memorialist view of communion) and I had no idea that the early church considered the Eucharist to be the literal flesh and blood of Jesus until recently (I read JND Kelly's book after learning of it). I also was completely unfamiliar with the John 6 passage. I've noticed that some Protestant apologists will point to places where the church fathers seem to use "symbolic" or "spiritual" language and argue this means the Fathers didn't teach Real Presence. However, JND Kelly explains in his book that ancients didn't have the same conception of symbolism that modern people do. In ancient times, a "symbol" was seen as a reflection of the real thing that it represents. So they would have considered the Eucharist to be symbols *and* the real thing.
What you write is exactly correct, Tess. What amazes me is how come someone like Kelly does not enter the Church when he is so honest and his insight and study is right on target. What more does he need to realize that whatever he believes is man-made?
Jesus spoke in parables. We are not actually wheat or chaff, we are not actually seeds growing on good soil, thorns, rocks etc; nor is faith actually a mustard seed. This is ALL symbolism. Symbolism is all throughout the Bible..... I just..... I don’t understand Catholics. And I’ve gotta say I really really want to understand them I’m just at a loss. I need to pray more so that God can open my eyes to understand Catholics point of view on things such as praying to Mary and the saints, rosaries, confessionals to priests, the literal interpretation of the Eucharist etc. None of this is Biblical but are such important beliefs to Catholics; Lord help me understand.
@@justaguy653 What you do is you follow yourself rather than Jesus, my friend. You decide for yourself what is to be understood literal and what is to be understood symbolical in Scripture: who are you to decide upon this? Are you the infallible Church, possibly? Other Protestants do the exact same as you do and come to completely different conclusions: they all compose their truth and gospel message and they all come up with other versions and variants on the Gospel. They follow their own interpretations and opinions: they all follow themselves... not Jesus... This is now what we call man-made gospels, or as Paul calls it: other gospels. What we call heresy Paul calls false teaching. In case you want to understand Mary and the Eucharist and all: keep on reading Scripture, my friend! It is all there and for you to find and become Christian. Read with an open heart: not with a predefined set of man-made doctrines, however...! If you truly want to find, ask God and He will give you. Know well what you ask for, however...! ;)
Very well done; i think you could have included more quotes with the time you have, maybe saints from each century until 500 or something, but the ones you picked are excellent and the additional resources are very helpful
CLAIMS of the RCC 1. Catholics claim CHURCH refers to Roman Catholic Church. BIBLE says CHURCH refers to all churches. Acts 5:11, Acts 8:1, Mat 16:18. HISTORY tells us Roman Church was just one local Church a member of the Pentarchy. 2. Catholics claim Roman Church was the CHURCH CHRIST founded (First Church) or one true church. BIBLE says First Local Church was Jerusalem Church. Acts 2. Not Roman Catholic Church. 3. Catholics claim there is only One Church. BIBLE mentions both CHURCH and Churches. “CHURCH” refers to the Body of Christ Eph 5:30, Col 1:18 consisting of all churches. Acts 5:11, Acts 8:1 Mat 16:18. “Churches” refers to local churches Acts 9:31, Acts 15:41 and believers Romans 16:5, 1 Cor 16:19, 4. Catholics claim to be the first believers. BIBLE says first believers were Jewish Christians. Acts 2, Acts 11:26, NOT roman catholics. 5. Catholics claim Pope is the head of the CHURCH. BIBLE says JESUS is the HEAD OF THE CHURCH. Eph 1:22, Eph 5:23, Col 1:18. 6. Catholics claim outside Roman Church there is NO SALVATION. BIBLE says : The mouth of the Lord has spoken.”apart from Jesus there is NO SALVATION”. Acts 4:12, 1 Cor 3:11. 7. Catholicss claim the first day of the week is a Holy day, made by God. . The Holy Bible says: Isaiah 58:13-14 13 “If you turn away your foot from the Sabbath, From doing your pleasure on MY HOLY DAY, And call the Sabbath a delight, The holy day of the Lord honorable, And shall honor Him, not doing your own ways, Nor finding your own pleasure, Nor speaking your own words, 14 Then you shall delight yourself in the Lord; And I will cause you to tride on the high hills of the earth, And feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father. The mouth of the Lord has spoken.”part from Jesus there is NO SALVATION”. Acts 4:12, 1 Cor 3:11. 8. Catholics claim devote to Mary to be saved. BIBLE says “apart from Jesus there is NO SALVATION”. Acts 4:12, 1 Cor 3:11. . BIBLE says “believe in Jesus to be saved”. Acts 16:30-31, John 3:16. 10. Catholics claim Roman Church inherited infallible authority from Peter. BIBLE does not say that in Mat 16 or John 20 or John 21. 11. Catholics claim Roman pontiff inherited infallible authority from Peter. BIBLE does not say that in Mat 16. 12. Catholics claim bishop of ROME = the pope. BIBLE does not say that. 13. Catholics claim there is an office of bishop of bishops/universal bishop/pope. BIBLE does not speak of such an office. History tells us the first bishop of bishops came in AD590-600s. 14. Roman Church has all the false unbiblical clergies - Roman priests, roman cardinals, roman pontiff, monks, nuns, friars, … BIBLE mentions only pastors, teachers, evangelists, prophets, apostles, deacons, bishop, elders. Titus 1:5, Eph 4:11, 1 Tim 3. 15. Roman Church claim its doctrines come from traditions of Apostles. BUT 95% of roman doctrines are Not from traditions of Jesus or Apostles or Scriptures; neither practised by the Church of the Bible.
@@mitchellosmer1293keep making arguments about the Catholic Church. Shows your fighting it in your mind and the truth will bring you home. God bless. The Catholic Church is submitted to Christ. Authority figures were and always have been relevant. Moses elected overseers in exodus, priesthood has always been relevant in the Old Testament and New Testament. Jesus is the only way to God and his bride is the Catholic Church. God bless. Peter’s name (Rock) directly after Jesus changes his name to Peter (Rock) he says “and on this Rock, I will build my church” Peter is buried underneath the Vatican. Christ says he wants unity in his church. That doesn’t mean unity, with other denominations. Because we don’t agree with other denominations on salvation issues like needing the Eucharist to be saved, needing to be baptized to be saved, you can’t go to heaven with mortal sin on your soul, etc. these are all essential issues that all Catholics agree on. And though us as Catholics may disagree about non essential issues like political affiliation (as long as it doesn’t go against what Christ taught; clearly homosexuality and abortion are mortal sins), different orders (Franciscans, Dominicans, etc.), we agree on everything essential. Thats true unity. Doesn’t mean there won’t be corruption but Jesus says the gates of hell won’t prevail. I think 2000 years and still standing speaks for itself. You’re never going to understand the truth of Catholicism until you soften your heart enough for Jesus to reveal the truth to you and control your flesh when it wants to attack what it doesn’t understand. I’m not here to argue, this is the 1 comment I’m leaving. Check out “mass of the ages “ trilogy on RUclips. It’s free. If you’re still resilient to the faith after watching that, that’s your choice but atleast you’ll understand us more and have better arguments against us.
Excellently explained. Unquestioned True presence for 15 centuries. It sustained the Church and produced so many saintly great men and women of Christ. Thanks.
Matt Fradd might want to read this: Clement of Alexandria explained that, “The Scripture, accordingly, has named wine the symbol of the sacred blood” (The Instructor, 2.2). Origen similarly noted, “We have a symbol of gratitude to God in the bread which we call the Eucharist” (Against Celsus, 8.57). Cyprian (200-258), who sometimes described the eucharist using very literal language, spoke against any who might use mere water for their celebration of the Lord’s Table. In condemning such practices, he explained that the cup of the Lord is a representation of the blood of Christ: “I marvel much whence this practice has arisen, that in some places, contrary to Evangelical and Apostolic discipline, water is offered in the Cup of the Lord, which alone cannot represent the Blood of Christ” (Epistle 63.7). Eusebius of Caesarea (263-340) espoused a symbolic view in his Proof of the Gospel. From what then can we draw a clear and justified doctrine of transubstantiation?
I believe in the Eucharist as central to our Christian worship. I was baptized by immersion in the Baptist tradition. I was taught that Catholics were in idolatry in their belief in the Eucharist. I attended the Eucharistic service in the Episcopal Church in the 1980's. I took the elements believing that Eucharist was only a symbol, a remembrance of Christ's sacrifice. I tell you, that I took the wine and tasted not wine, but SALTY BLOOD. This was a personal miracle to someone who was baptized in the Baptist tradition, that only sees the communion as symbolic. I was then believing in the grace of Christ, but thinking that Catholics were in error about Holy Communion. Even idolatry, I had been taught. I learned that day that Eucharist is not just a symbol, but the true Body and Blood of Jesus. God gave me a miracle. There was not one ounce of wine in that element; it was completely Jesus' blood. I am forever devoted in worship to Holy Eucharist as His Body & Blood.
please seek Jesus Christ about this and spend a lot of time reading The Bible. You will see all the things that the catholic church does that God explicitly speaks against. Prayers with vain repetition, calling pastors “father”, idolatry, etc. To say you must confess to a priest to be forgiven is blasphemy and to say you need to pray to mary or any other saints is undermining God and Jesus’s sacrifice- He created intercession for the saints. He is the ONLY mediator between man and God. The pope is no where in The Bible and people take one verse out of The Bible to say that the catholic church is “the one true church” - Peter did not create the catholic church. He created the church- the family of those who follow Jesus Christ. That is what the church is called in The Bible and Jesus Christ is the head- not a pope. It should be suspicious to anyone why there are so many secrets in the vatican and why popes in the past have been so evil and why the current one supports homosexuality- and why catholicism did things like saying you could buy your way to Heaven and do so many other evil things. Any catholic cannot deny that and can’t deny that the pope because he is the head of the catholic church- that is why it is not from God. Popes in the past have even said their church will outlast the Christian faith. There are even ancient roman idols under the vatican and even a painting of satan. This is not from God. Follow Jesus Christ and Him alone link:видео.html the eucharist is good but this doesn’t justify the rest of the evil. This “church” is not from God
@@charlesadams8279 Brother, I have been seeking Jesus Christ for almost 49 years, and it is He who has led me to the Catholic Church after wandering in Protestantism for so long. I've been studying Holy Scripture since I learned to read, even before I became a believer at age 11. I'm educated in Protestant theology...I attended a Protestant Christian college. I've read the anti-Catholic literature, and used to be a fiery anti-Catholic like you, making all the same arguments. Members of my family who raised me were anti-Catholic. I was especially opposed to the Eucharist, but many other Catholic teachings, as well. I know all the arguments against Catholicism by heart. They have now been resolved for me because I decided to find out what Catholics believe *from Catholics* instead of anti-Catholics (who say things about Catholicism that just aren't true, or have been misconstrued, as you have just done...for instance, Peter didn't create the Catholic Church...Jesus did by calling Peter the "rock upon which I will build my Church" and gave Peter the keys of the Kingdom. Most Protestants have no idea what they protesting, or that Martin Luther, *on his own*, decided to throw out much of the Bible that had been agreed upon by previous Christian Councils to be Canon. Who gave Luther such authority? Even the books agreed upon by Protestants as Canon were established by the Catholic Church! There are thousands of Protestant sects who all disagree with each other, all because they gave in to this "personal theology" without any authority whatsoever. I have seen one Protestant church after another fall prey to the "cult of personality", almost making gods out of their pastors because their teachings make them feel good somehow. By contrast, Catholic priests tend to disappear into Christ, as they are meant to do, even if they are highly regarded. As for "Sola Scriptura"...the belief that the Bible is the only authority for Christian life and isn't Biblical! There is nothing whatsoever in Scripture that makes it the sole arbiter of what is Christian. Scripture itself is Tradition that has been passed down from the Prophets and Apostles. Read "The Didache", which is full of Apostolic teaching from the 1st century. Read the early Church Fathers who received the traditions passed down from the Apostles. Read your own Bible! You'll see that questions of doctrine have always been resolved by the consensus of Councils of the learned, starting with the Council of Jerusalem as recounted in Acts 15. As for whether we should call anyone on earth "father", I recommend these short videos:видео.htmlвидео.html
I'm a Protestant and this is the best video I've found on this subject. The Protestant videos that talk about this subject never quote the Church fathers.
Because the church fathers teachings are absolutely crippling to the idea of sola scriptura. They have to cast the opinions of the martyr saints aside to preserve their doctrine
Thank you so much for this! I’m so glad I came across this! As a person born into a Seventh Day Adventist family and have gone to many different churches, since leaving that religion, I’ve recently come to the knowledge of the importance of communion. I’m currently going to a Lutheran church, and have been feeling convicted, I feel by the Holy Spirit, that Christ’s body and blood are truly in the bread and the wine, which we eat and drink every Sunday. This has prompted me to search the scriptures regarding this issue for the past week or two. Now it makes me worry about other Christian friends and family members who don’t believe this. I think the Eucharist is what will be attacked in these last days, and that the Eucharist might be related to or is the extra oil contained in the vessels of the wise virgins, spoken of in Matthew 25
Do you believe that the bread and wine actually change completely into the body and blood like Catholic's do? The Eucharist is being attacked already in my opinion. Recent polls of Catholic's suggest that only about 30% believe in the real presence anymore. Very sad statistics if they are accurate. The Eucharist is a very powerful grace that Jesus wants to give us, but you have to believe first.
@@beorbeorian150 , When the priests and elders saw Jesus’ boldness and recognized that HIS teaching threatened their power and position, they resolved to kill HIM. They bribed Judas, one of Jesus’ own apostles, to help them arrest Jesus in secret (MATTHEW 26:3-5, 14-16). Jesus spent HIS last night observing the Jewish feast of Passover with HIS twelve apostles. As part of the Passover meal, HE took a loaf of bread, gave thanks to GOD, and broke it, inviting HIS disciples to eat from the loaf. As they ate, HE said, “This is MY BODY,” which would soon be broken in death. Then sharing a cup of wine with HIS disciples, “This is MY BLOOD,” which HE would shed in death, sealing a new covenant between GOD and HIS people, and cleansing them from their sins (MATTHEW 26:17-29). This “Last Supper” which JESUS shared with HIS disciples is the model for the LORD’s SUPPER, which JESUS’ followers kept after HIS death and resurrection. This meal was the Christian Passover, in which the new covenant sealed by JESUS’ death and resurrection was remembered and renewed. Because the Greek word for “give thanks” is eucharistein, many Christians since the second century have calked the LORD’s SUPPER the “Eucharist.”
Remember that Satan can perform miracles to deceive people into believing things that are not real. 😉 We should all observe the passover as Jesus Christ instructed, this is not a weekly event, it is yearly. The catholic church is just plain crazy and Godless.
And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow; and continued his speech until midnight. ACTS 20:7 The early church is neither Protestant, Catholic, nor Jew. (MATTHEW 16:18; ROMANS 16:16)
I tend to watch anything concerning our Lord Jesus Christ. This was the first Catholic presentation I've been able to watch through to the end because you didn't attack my non-Catholic beliefs. I'm not a protestant nor am I Catholic. I am a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ and only interested in the truths found in the Bible. One of the best presentation on Holy Communion, Thanks.
As a former Baptist for 40 years of my life, once I saw the reality that Christ is present body, blood, and divinity in the Eucharist, any other form of worship seemed cheap, tawdry, and an imitation of the real Mass administered by Priests ordained through apostolic succession. I had no defense other than to convert to the Catholic Church.
I loved this video, and I am a Protestant. The tight format is good. The very long videos that you often do are a turnoff to many people who will not even start them.
Quote of the Day "Be a Catholic: When you kneel before an altar, do it in such a way that others may be able to recognize that you know before whom you kneel." -St. Maximilian Kolbe
I played this video to my 88 year old Protestant father and he found it "very interesting" and I saw a light in his eyes I hadn't seen before. If anyone reading this could whisper a small prayer for him as I continue to evangelise him, I would greatly appreciate it! (his name is Ross). My dream is that he comes into the Church before he dies. Thanks in advance 🙏
ST. IGNATIUS (107 A.D.): Eucharist practice by early church! "The Eucharist is the Flesh of our Savior Jesus Christ, Flesh which suffered for our sin." (The Epistle of Ignatius to the Smyrnaeans, Chapter 6) GO CATHOLIC!!!
This is wonderful! I am a cradle Catholic absolutely in love with my faith and our Lord in the Eucharist. What a beautiful way of pointing out the true teaching on the Eucharist, that Jesus is truly present - body, blood, soul, and divinity! 😊🙏
CLAIMS of the RCC 1. Catholics claim CHURCH refers to Roman Catholic Church. BIBLE says CHURCH refers to all churches. Acts 5:11, Acts 8:1, Mat 16:18. HISTORY tells us Roman Church was just one local Church a member of the Pentarchy. 2. Catholics claim Roman Church was the CHURCH CHRIST founded (First Church) or one true church. BIBLE says First Local Church was Jerusalem Church. Acts 2. Not Roman Catholic Church. 3. Catholics claim there is only One Church. BIBLE mentions both CHURCH and Churches. “CHURCH” refers to the Body of Christ Eph 5:30, Col 1:18 consisting of all churches. Acts 5:11, Acts 8:1 Mat 16:18. “Churches” refers to local churches Acts 9:31, Acts 15:41 and believers Romans 16:5, 1 Cor 16:19, 4. Catholics claim to be the first believers. BIBLE says first believers were Jewish Christians. Acts 2, Acts 11:26, NOT roman catholics. 5. Catholics claim Pope is the head of the CHURCH. BIBLE says JESUS is the HEAD OF THE CHURCH. Eph 1:22, Eph 5:23, Col 1:18. 6. Catholics claim outside Roman Church there is NO SALVATION. BIBLE says : The mouth of the Lord has spoken.”apart from Jesus there is NO SALVATION”. Acts 4:12, 1 Cor 3:11. 7. Catholicss claim the first day of the week is a Holy day, made by God. . The Holy Bible says: Isaiah 58:13-14 13 “If you turn away your foot from the Sabbath, From doing your pleasure on MY HOLY DAY, And call the Sabbath a delight, The holy day of the Lord honorable, And shall honor Him, not doing your own ways, Nor finding your own pleasure, Nor speaking your own words, 14 Then you shall delight yourself in the Lord; And I will cause you to tride on the high hills of the earth, And feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father. The mouth of the Lord has spoken.”part from Jesus there is NO SALVATION”. Acts 4:12, 1 Cor 3:11. 8. Catholics claim devote to Mary to be saved. BIBLE says “apart from Jesus there is NO SALVATION”. Acts 4:12, 1 Cor 3:11. . BIBLE says “believe in Jesus to be saved”. Acts 16:30-31, John 3:16. 10. Catholics claim Roman Church inherited infallible authority from Peter. BIBLE does not say that in Mat 16 or John 20 or John 21. 11. Catholics claim Roman pontiff inherited infallible authority from Peter. BIBLE does not say that in Mat 16. 12. Catholics claim bishop of ROME = the pope. BIBLE does not say that. 13. Catholics claim there is an office of bishop of bishops/universal bishop/pope. BIBLE does not speak of such an office. History tells us the first bishop of bishops came in AD590-600s. 14. Roman Church has all the false unbiblical clergies - Roman priests, roman cardinals, roman pontiff, monks, nuns, friars, … BIBLE mentions only pastors, teachers, evangelists, prophets, apostles, deacons, bishop, elders. Titus 1:5, Eph 4:11, 1 Tim 3. 15. Roman Church claim its doctrines come from traditions of Apostles. BUT 95% of roman doctrines are Not from traditions of Jesus or Apostles or Scriptures; neither practised by the Church of the Bible.
This and Fr. Fr. Mike Scmidtz video, “the Hour that will change your life” on youtube are the two best explanations I have ever heard. I am a cradle Catholic, but many of our own DO NOT believe in the Real Presence. The Church as a whole before 1500, the Eucharistic Miracles, The writings of the Catholic Church, The Saints testimony, Inedia Miracles, all prove it is Really Jesus.
We know the expressions, "Flesh of my flesh. Blood of my blood" and "We become what we eat." In the Jewish Passover, the Paschal lamb is sacrificed at the Temple and then brought home and eaten by the family that brought it. "Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!" "Christ, our Passover Lamb, has been sacrificed for us." " For My flesh is REAL food, and My blood is real drink. " "I have come that you may have life and have it more abundantly. " "I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will LIVE forever. And this bread, which I will give for the life of the world, is MY FLESH." "While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, "Take and eat; this is my body." "Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. For My flesh is REAL food, and My blood is real drink.... ...Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood REMAINS in Me, and I in him." "REMAIN in Me, and I will remain in you. Just as no branch can bear fruit by itself unless it remains in the vine, neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in Me.." "Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no LIFE in you." "I and the Father are one." "Because I live, you also will LIVE. On that day you will know that I am in My Father, and YOU ARE IN ME, and I AM IN YOU." Just as with a man and wife become one so do we become one with Christ in as REAL a way as can be, "...and the two shall become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two but one flesh." When you see the Eucharist as the true body and blood of our Lord, then the adoption becomes crystal clear. We are children of God in a real sense - spiritually and literally. "And because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying out, “Abba, Father!” So you are no longer a slave, but a son; and since you are a son, you are also an heir through God." "And if we are children, then we are heirs: heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ" So when we pray the "Our Father", it is as real as it can be - bodily and spiritually. Nothing "symbolic" about it. "“For he who sanctifies and those who are sanctified all have one source. That is why he is not ashamed to call them brothers.” The word “brothers” is the word used for blood relatives. In the same way, we as members of the Body of Christ are one in a literal sense through Christ - "Because there is one LOAF, we who are many are one body; for we all partake of the one LOAF." 1 Cor 10:17 " in Christ we who are many are one body, and each member belongs to one another." "Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take the members of Christ and unite them with a prostitute? Never!" "...he nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church. For we are members of His body. “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.” In the Eucharist, JESUS CHRIST IS Flesh of my flesh; Blood of my blood.
Matt! I love your videos! I am a protestant investigating Catholicism, and I want to be willing to humble myself and convert if it is true. Could you please do a series on Catholic apologetics for protestants? I have a lot of questions! P.S. I'm still mot close to being converted.
ST. AUGUSTINE (354-430): If you want to understand the body of Christ, listen to what the apostle Paul says to the faithful: “You are Christ’s own body, his members”; thus, it is your own mystery which is placed on the Lord’s table. It is your own mystery that you receive. At communion, the priest says: “The body of Christ,” and you reply “Amen.” When you say “Amen,” you are saying yes to what you are.
This is interesting to consider. Ultimatly, this is an appeal to tradition, something that Catholics esteem higher than reformers. Looking unto Scripture would be the best way for us to proceed. When Christ says, "Do this in rememberence of me" that seems like a clear definition that this is a rememberence, and not magic. That this, along with other symbols like baptism, are outward reflections of inward grace, and spiritual realities. It's interesting that you contrast literal (what I would call carnal) truth, to spiritual truth, as if the carnal surpases spiritual in weightiness and significance. But I'm still understanding the sides of the debate, as there is clearly a lot of history to this discussion. I am praying for understanding of this delicate issue. (Edit): Also, looking at Scripture, in 1 Cor. 11, Paul takes Christs statement of the bread and equates it with the phrase, "in the same way" to Christ's statement about the cup. The second statement must be taken sybolically, as the new covenent is not literally just a cup, but a whole sacriment to proclaim the reality of Christ's final fufillment of the passover, and our new access and presence to Mt. Zion (Hebrews 11). Therefore, it follows that the bread is the body of Christ in the sense that it represents Christ spiritually, but there is no magic in the bread (as there is no magic in the water of baptism). We should not take a great spirital truth and mistake it carnally. (Matt. 16.6) 24 and when He had given thanks, He broke it and said, “This is My body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of Me.” 25 In the same way He also took the cup after supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood; do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me.” (NASB) To anyone who actually read to the end, i commend you. Really just working out my thoughts.
The reason we pay more attention to the Early Church than we do to the Reformers is because the Early Church got their doctrines directly from the Apostles themselves. And while it's a convenient statement for Protestants that the Church went straight into false teachings and thus everything we read in the ECFs is null and void, the reality is that it wouldn't have been possible for false teachings to spread THAT quickly throughout the entire Church. There are plenty of examples of the Fathers refuting and denouncing false teachers (Marcion, Arius, the Gnostics, etc.). And we also have a consistent witness throughout the early writings as to what the Church was teaching, and it doesn't change. ALL Christians believed in the Real Presence. ALL Christians practiced infant baptism and baptism by pouring or sprinkling when they couldn't get to a river. The doctrines of the ECFs are remarkable consistent despite their separation in both distance and time. We even have the witness of the Church in India, whose tradition is that they were evangelized by the Apostle Thomas. Remarkably, when Portuguese missionaries went to India in the 15th century, they found a church that, despite liturgical differences, was teaching the same things that the Catholic Church had always taught. How would that be possible, if the Church had fallen into corruption so quickly? The early Indian church had little to no contact with the rest of nascent Christendom. So why were they so consistent in their doctrines if those doctrines weren't what the Apostles had taught in the first place? If you were studying the US Constitution and trying to determine how its various articles are actually intended to be read, would you read the Federalist Papers, or Barack Obama's opinion on it? Which do you think is more likely to be an accurate representation of the meaning of the plain text?
I am reformed. This very informative video revealed to me that as I look to the early church fathers, I find my more modern form of worship lacking. Though I would not like to enter into any tradition made by men in my worship to God, the sacrements are not invented by man and have a holy and profound effect upon our worship and are spiritual in nature, but physical in practice so we should not deminish the spiritual nature and keep the physical. To do so when seem to partake in what I am seeing in Christendom, a lack of holy worship, holy living, and deep meaningful exercise of our sanctified walk with Christ.
First of all, you're really awesome... SO thoughtful and generous with your kind remarks toward Protestants. Well done. I just don't think it is so historically cut and dry. Here are just some examples that seem to push back a little at what you're saying. Tertullian wrote: “Having taken the bread and given it to His disciples, Jesus made it His own body, by saying, ‘This is My body,’ that is, the symbol of My body. There could not have been a symbol, however, unless there was first a true body. An empty thing or phantom is incapable of a symbol. He likewise, when mentioning the cup and making the new covenant to be sealed ‘in His blood,’ affirms the reality of His body. For no blood can belong to a body that is not a body of flesh” (Against Marcion, 4.40). The Didache, written in the late-first or early-second century, referred to the elements of the Lord’s table as “spiritual food and drink” (The Didache, 9). The long passage detailing the Lord's Table in this early Christian document gives no hint of transubstantiation whatsoever. Justin Martyr (110-165) spoke of “the bread which our Christ gave us to offer in remembrance of the Body which He assumed for the sake of those who believe in Him, for whom He also suffered, and also to the cup which He taught us to offer in the Eucharist, in commemoration of His blood"(Dialogue with Trypho, 70). Clement of Alexandria explained that, “The Scripture, accordingly, has named wine the symbol of the sacred blood” (The Instructor, 2.2). Origen similarly noted, “We have a symbol of gratitude to God in the bread which we call the Eucharist” (Against Celsus, 8.57). Cyprian (200-258), who sometimes described the eucharist using very literal language, spoke against any who might use mere water for their celebration of the Lord’s Table. In condemning such practices, he explained that the cup of the Lord is a representation of the blood of Christ: “I marvel much whence this practice has arisen, that in some places, contrary to Evangelical and Apostolic discipline, water is offered in the Cup of the Lord, which alone cannot represent the Blood of Christ” (Epistle 63.7). Eusebius of Caesarea (263-340) espoused a symbolic view in his Proof of the Gospel: For with the wine which was indeed the symbol of His blood, He cleanses them that are baptized into His death, and believe on His blood, of their old sins, washing them away and purifying their old garments and vesture, so that they, ransomed by the precious blood of the divine spiritual grapes, and with the wine from this vine, "put off the old man with his deeds, and put on the new man which is renewed into knowledge in the image of Him that created him." . . . He gave to His disciples, when He said, "Take, drink; this is my blood that is shed for you for the remission of sins: this do in remembrance of me." And, "His teeth are white as milk," show the brightness and purity of the sacramental food. For again, He gave Himself the symbols of His divine dispensation to His disciples, when He bade them make the likeness of His own Body. For since He no more was to take pleasure in bloody sacrifices, or those ordained by Moses in the slaughter of animals of various kinds, and was to give them bread to use as the symbol of His Body, He taught the purity and brightness of such food by saying, “And his teeth are white as milk” (Demonstratia Evangelica, 8.1.76-80). Athanasius (296-373) similarly contended that the elements of the Eucharist are to be understood spiritually, not physically: “[W]hat He says is not fleshly but spiritual. For how many would the body suffice for eating, that it should become the food for the whole world? But for this reason He made mention of the ascension of the Son of Man into heaven, in order that He might draw them away from the bodily notion, and that from henceforth they might learn that the aforesaid flesh was heavenly eating from above and spiritual food given by Him.” (Festal Letter, 4.19) Augustine (354-430), also, clarified that the Lord’s Table was to be understood in spiritual terms: “Understand spiritually what I said; you are not to eat this body which you see; nor to drink that blood which they who will crucify me shall pour forth. . . . Although it is needful that this be visibly celebrated, yet it must be spiritually understood” (Exposition of the Psalms, 99.8). He also explained the eucharistic elements as symbols. Speaking of Christ, Augustine noted: “He committed and delivered to His disciples the figure [or symbol] of His Body and Blood.” (Exposition of the Psalms, 3.1). And in another place, quoting the Lord Jesus, Augustine further explained: “‘Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man,’ says Christ, ‘and drink His blood, ye have no life in you.’ This seems to enjoin a crime or a vice; it is therefore a figure [or symbol], enjoining that we should have a share in the sufferings of our Lord, and that we should retain a sweet and profitable memory of the fact that His flesh was wounded and crucified for us (On Christian Doctrine, 3.16.24).
This was brilliant! It flows like a carefully crafted academic defense of High-Church Eucharistic theology (Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, etc.). I greatly appreciate the epistemic humility you show in not condemning anyone who is committed to faithful interpretation of Scriptural canon as a heretic. I agree that the scriptural argument can be compellingly made both directions, which I believe appropriately pushes us to seek guidance from the rich writings of the faithful theologians who have asked these questions before us. I also greatly apricated your skim of the early fathers. I have a tremendous respect for the early fathers and the argument for the "Real Presence" found in Ignatius. The piece of this summary that leaves a rhetorical weakness is not dealing with the Didache. From what I understand of the scholarship around it (I do not read Greek fluently, so I am relying on others), its final iteration was likely resolved by AD 150 though (again from what I understand of the scholarship) it is likely that it was recorded by the first generation of disciples of the apostles (esp. St. John) between AD 65 and AD 90. The prayers surround the Eucharist give at least the appearance of a memorialist approach to the sacrament. How does your understanding of the Eucharist account for the these early writings? You have a clear-headed discernment at I would appreciate being applied to that objection. As I have considered the writings of the Didache, it seems to me that the reason the distinction between memorialist and transubstantiationist reception of the Eucharist might not have been debated among the early Fathers was that they didn't see the debate as a salvific issue. Given that they were dealing with deeply heretical challenges from the Gnostics and Arians it seems to me that they had "bigger fish to fry" - so to speak. It also strikes me that if the view of the "Real Presence" had been universal it would have been solidified in the Athanasian Creed where Christ's flesh was so carefully defined and defended - the issue of real presence in the Eucharist seems like a relevant correlate. If, however, there was not consensus then it seems like raising a *relatively* minor point of contention among the orthodox believers would have been unwise given the need for unity against the clear and obvious heresies. Thank you again for your great research and respectful treatment of a really interesting point of theological division in the modern capital "C" Church.
I am a Roman Catholic and therefore I am overjoyed each time I partake of the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ. However, as I came to understand, the Real Presence is valid only if there is Apostolic Succession, and so it only concerns Catholic and Orthodox Churches. Is that true? So if our Protestant brothers in Christ want to experience it it is dependent upon the Apostolic Succession.
Correct; Protestants do not have the real presence, even in the Lutheran and Anglican rites that hold to the trappings of the Catholic Church, because they have no Apostolic Succession. The Lutherans never bothered with it in the first place; the Anglicans restructured their rites of succession to make them very much not-Catholic, but in doing so they made the rites invalid. By the time they changed them back, it was too late; they had no authentically-ordained bishops left. Now they are the little brother playing on the video game console with an unplugged controller.
This was a great video. I am Protestant looking at conversion to Catholicism, and transubstantiation was one of the blocks, I thought, but between this video and some others by Scott Hahn, and a book I am reading, I am now convinced transubstantiation is correct. So thank you - loved this brief overview, and the quotes from the various church fathers.
Matt my father in law is very baptist and we have discussed this many times. He says the writings of the church fathers are not important because the church in the book of acts does not put the Eucharist at the center of the church. He also claims the church in the book of acts does not look catholic to him. He does not see the bishops and popes etc. How can I respond to such a claim?
Have you him about the writings of Ignatius of Antioch and other preCostantine fathers? They are totally Catholic. A lot of Protestants put the blame on Costantine for Catholicism, so this will cause them problem. If he says that after the Apostles all went bad then you should ask him if you trust more the interpretations of their followers and direct successors or the ones of a 17th century man? If he tries to tie his Denomination with the Apostles (like 7th day Adventists do) ask him if he has some pre 17th century document to show that the Baptist Church is the true Church.
Acts 2:42 lists the four things the first Christians devoted themselves to, "the teaching of the apostles and to the communal life, to the breaking of the bread and to the prayers." He may object and say that this "breaking of the bread" simply refers to eating bread together. But why would they be devoted to breaking and eating bread? Surely everyone, Christian or Jew or Gentile, ate bread, right? And why use the term "breaking" instead of "eating"? Who is it today, the Catholics or the Baptists that are devoted to the "breaking of the bread"? Acts 20:7-12 begins, "On the first day of the week when we gathered to break bread..." and in verse 11 "then he returned upstairs, broke the bread, and ate." Again, why mention that they ate bread, and why mention that they broke it? Why on the first day of the week? There is an epistle where Paul does explain what he means by "breaking the bread". 1Cor 10:16 Paul writes, "The cup of blessing that we bless, is it not a participation in the blood of Christ? The bread that we break, is it not a participation in the body of Christ?" He then explains in more detail in 1Cor 11:23-32. Unfortunately, some do not understand, because as Paul also writes in 1Cor 10:15 "I am speaking as to sensible people."
@@HoosierHound You can add to that the fact that St. Paul calls the place of celebration of the Eucharistic the altar when he says, "you cannot partake of the table of the Lord, and the table of demons." "The table of the Lord" appears only one other place in the Bible, and is the name God gives His altar. Guess where? Only where we find a prophecy from God about the "pure sacrifice" that the Gentiles offer from the rising of the sun to its setting (Malachi 1) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This more scripted vid is quite different to my other off the cuff one's. Let me know if it was the most boring thing you’ve ever watched. PLEASE SHARE if you think it's worth it.
Nah I've watched paint dry before so definitely not THE most boring thing ever ;)
Jkjk I loved this! And I would love to see more! Straightforward answers to Catholic theological questions like this are absolutely invaluable.
Great video, but I think you should branch out to other topics (Baptism, Priesthood etc). If you made a video like this one for all the topics where the Early Church is nearly unanimous, it could make a really cool series.
Matt I'd say you absolutely hit the nail right on the head with this one!
@@Seethi_C I'd love to see a series on this!
Well done video, I really enjoyed it! I would feel comfortable sharing this with my protestant friends who I'm in dialogue with
I am a recovering addict and if it wasn’t for the Eucharist I never would’ve made it out of addiction. When I was in jail I had my first confession in 20 years than I received the Eucharist. My life changed so drastically, a deliverance from meth!!! I do not crave drugs!!! I’ve been clean for 18 months!! Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist. Thank you God for leaving the 99 for me! Grateful for the Catholic Church and Her Sacraments 🙏🕊🔥
Hi Rose, I am praying for you and hope you are still doing well. Your story and your faith is beautiful 🙏🏼!
@@jennifermanzano2400 thank you Jennifer! God bless you. I am still doing great. I hit my two years clean December 13 2021. I hope to have many more to celebrate. I appreciate the prayers and I will pray for you too. God is sooo good ❤️
Pray the Rosary! God bless you for your re-conversion back!
@@walterismydog7284 Yes! I do pray the rosary daily! I know Mother Mary has been my biggest advocate even before my recovery. In fact my sober date is the day after the appearance of Our Lady of Guadalupe in December. There’s so many signal graces I’ve received to confirm that. Blessed to be one of her spiritual children ❤️🤍💙
@@roseblack9655 That is amazing!
Well, I must say, as a Pentecostal, I have debated against the Catholic view of the Eucharist, but this is a pretty strong argument. I'm definitely gonna have to do more research.
The passage immediately preceding John 6:53, the question that Jesus is specifically responding to, seems to be a question many protestants today ask.
Hey friend, I also grew up Pentecostal. It was the undeniable truth of the Real Presence in the Eucharist that caused me to convert. :) keep searching and asking honest questions...
Eucharistic miraclesвидео.html
Check the Eucharistic Miracle of Buenos Aires. Miraculous, science and recent all combined to astound.видео.html
I’m a Jewish believer in Yeshua (Jesus). It is the Eucharist that is making me want to become Catholic.
EDIT: I'm officially Catholic!
You might find these stories of Jewish believers discovering the Church of Yeshua helpful: :
Messianic Me TV Become Catholic! I am a Hebrew Catholic discerning the priesthood, it’s the church of the Jews!!! Join now! We need you brother! Shalom Aleichem
Great! Do you have questions or need help? I’d be glad to email you!
Check out a Fraternity of saint Peter parish, and start reading works by early Catholic Saints. God bless you.
God Bless you! May you make it to Heaven and be granted eternal life! 🙏🏼💙🤠
I left the Catholic church a few months ago becoming protestant, anti-Catholic, i got to recieve the Holy Eucharist as a Catholic again today, i went to Holy Eucharistic addoration i was deeply convicted by Jesus that the Eucharist is truly him, i went to confession yesterday and got to recieve Jesus at mass today :) im happy to be home family
Welcome home! Divine Mercy!
Pray the Rosary, Mary will guide you to her Son more perfectly than one can alone.
Welcome Home!!
Welcome back home! Glad you are back!!! Any tips for helping antiCatholics?
@@walterismydog7284 Mary can not and does not do anything of the sort! Stop embracing idolatry! Only Christ can help us!!
The historic case for the real Presence brought me into the Catholic Church after 44 years as a Protestant. Deo gratias.
I am going through RCIA currently, and honestly I am already so excited to receive The Eucharist for the first time. There's such a sense of reverence and peace knowing Jesus did this for us over 2,000 years ago and yet he still joins us for it to this day.
Im in RCIA as well and it is the real presence of Jesus that is driving me to become Catholic and I cannot wait for the moment I can be United with Christ’s body blood soul and divinity. Congratulations to you!!
I’m also in RICA and I love it! God bless us all!
I believe in Transubstantiation...i am aware of many Eucharistic miracles that happened in the past...I also experienced Jesus during Consecration and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. If I may share, I had a vision of the Suffering Christ image in 2012 during Consecration at the Holy Mass in time of our Catholic Community Covenanting. Jesus said to me in an indiscribable voice, "Unite your sufferings with Me and these will be light", and i said my yes and thanked Him. My tears fell like rain but it was because of joy...and it was a warning of an upcoming big problem that came 2 weeks after. In another event, one Saturday afternoon in 2016, I was adoring the Blessed Sacrament exposed at the altar of our Parish Church when i felt my head opened and heard the same voice i heard in a vision in 2012. He said to me, "Tell my people to love Me. My command for them is to love Me, not only to believe in Me. I am the fount of all holiness. If they would love, they will stop sinning and if the would not love Me, they will keep on sinning. Focus on the LOVE that is in the light... upon arriving home that afternoon, the message was confirmed when I turned on the TV at EWTN Channel. The same message was onthe TV screen.... 😊Oh i love You, Jesus, in the Blessed Sacrament! You are my goal, my all, my love.❤
I'm born and raised Presbyterian... I've always struggled with the Calvinistic and Zwinglian understanding of Holy Communion... I've even argued in my youth with some of my Sunday school teachers that if we were serious about Sola scriptura then we would indeed teach this he is truly present.
jesus cannot be more present than "christ in you" 24/7. the promise of the Spirit.
As a Lutheran theology student I fully support and agree with this!
It was never a questioned for the Apostolic Fathers or the Early Church, if Christ was present or not in the Eucharist. Thank you for the video, Matt! I really enjoy all of your work. Bless you and your family!
Thanks Nicolai. I tried hard not to straw man the "protestant view." .... mainly because there isn't just one view. Appreciate your comment.видео.html
Nicolai, as a follower of Luther do you also subscribe to the Eucharist being a sacrifice? You may agree with some Catholic teaching - somewhat more as most Protestants do -, but you being separate from the Church makes you a schismatic not any less. Teaching another doctrine makes you a heretic not any less either, no matter how close it might be to the Gospel.
This is exactly what the fathers taught: there is no salvation for those who are not part of His people, that is, there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church. I do not understand why Matt Frad does not communicate this to you. Nobody will be saved by a gospel message of his own making: there is only one Lord and one Gospel and all other is man-made.
@@pierreschiffer3180 I would have to disagree. Lutherans aren’t separated from the church. That statement assumes that the Roman church is the church. The Roman church separated from the real Catholic Church, “The Orthodox Church” .
Lutherans try to be more consistent with the Bible and church history, that’s why both groups (Orthodox and Lutherans), deny man-made doctrines as the papacy, Mary’s immaculate conception, the ascension of Mary, Purgatory and list goes on.
Matt doesn’t communicate “Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus “as you wrongly understand it, because he’s more familiar with church history.
Ask your pope and he will probably exhort you to stop making false statements. The Roman Church consideres all Protestants as separated brethren.
When saint Cyprian of Carthage said , “there’s no salvation outside the catholic Church”(lower case), the Roman Catholic Church didn’t exist yet. So, it doesn’t mean what you think.
May God guide you to analyze your own beliefs and biases, and discard what is not biblical or historical.
God bless you
@@Solideogloria00 Thank you, Joel. Wrong on all accounts, however. Lutherans are separated from the Church, that is: they are separated from the Catholic Church. That is an objective fact. Ask Martin Luther himself: he separated from the Catholic Church and raised his own church where he taught his own understanding of the Bible. Objective fact. What you make of the Roman Catholic Church does not make sense either: the Catholic Church consists of various churches, the Roman church being one of them. The Catholic Church exists from the beginning, while the Lutheran Church broke away much later: that is history. Luther for example decided that the Eucharist is not a sacrifice and justification is by faith only. Two man-made doctrines contrary to the Gospel of all ages and the list is endless.
Yet you seem to be fine with that. Luther taught all kind of his own opinions and interpretations of Scripture contrary to what has always been taught and yet he is still part of the Catholic Church?! Absolute nonsense. Followers of Luther follow a man in his own ideas and understanding of Scripture: accept at least this little.
What gospel you follow I do not know, for you seem to defend Lutheranism and EO, yet these groups go by two different gospels: how then would not at least one be false?! You make things very confusing, my friend. What you teach is false. Cyprian said there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church: what on earth means that for you?! Who are these folks outside the Catholic Church: what heretics and schismatics?! What on earth means the Gospel for you when you defend two different versions of it?! Defending two different gospels implies defending separation and heresy by definition...
May God guide you to analyse your own beliefs and biases and discard what is not biblical or historical.
One Lord and one Gospel, my friend. Read the early Church!
God bless you, my friend.
Former Baptist here. It was reading John chapter 6 and the reality of the Real Presence in the Eucharist that brought me back to Christ's only Church, His Catholic Church
You are graced and blessed! I am so happy for you! That you received God’s Truth and His Most Precious Gift - His Only-Begotten Son in the Holy Eucharist! You did not close your eyes or your ears ... or your heart to the Truth. My eyes are overflowing with tears of joy as I write this ... I kid you not. Would that everyone would do as you have done, and return to the One, True Church ... especially my two sons. Blessings to you!
Christ’s “only” church. Oof. Cringe, brother. This very arrogant language might be the last thing keeping me from “going Catholic.”
Lol dude so orthodox christians that believe the same thing are fake?
@@bradleykimmons If the semantics of the faithful are the only thing keeping you out, dear brother, I implore that you should reevaluate your priorities.
@@ignatiusjackson235 People who claim to be the “only” true church might want to reevaluate their posture is they actually want people to join.
“You blind guides! You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel.”
This video will change lives.видео.html
Can confirm. It is changing mine
I have a friend who is a protestant, and she is pretty up on bible verses. Recently I mentioned the 7 books taken out by Martin Luther...for one, she didn't know who M.L. was, and she was shocked to know there were 7 books she didn't know about! Î can't wait to share this video with her!
We sometimes assume that all protestants know their theology. What we need to do, is to have more conversations with each other! God bless! 💠
As a Catholic revert I have been reading the early church fathers and the Saints, Sister Marie of St Peter in 1844 said oh if you only knew what great Merit you acquire by saying even once "admirable is the name of God" I decided to say this throughout the Catholic mass every time I was at church looking at the Tabernacle and talkin to God and thanking him I also said the Golden Arrow prayer, I would also say it at home visualizing the tabernacle, this has made such a difference I am 100% sure that Jesus is present there at every Mass because of the grace he is poured into my heart, the love he has poured into my heart is immeasurable!!!!! I wish I had been praising him all my life as I should have been and I write this hoping that everybody will love the Lord in the Eucharist because he is in the Eucharist that is his heart in the tabernacle. The Lord should be loved, adored, thanked daily. God bless everyone
When I was a Baptist I always wondered what the point of Holy Communion was. It seemed redundant, and nobody really expanded on that. We had it like once a month at best. When I started researching Catholicism this was the key topic I studied, probably most of the time. Eucharist is the number one reason for conversion
I think this debate boils down to the question if the tradition should inform the scriptures or if the scriptures should inform the tradition. Overwhelmingly, the scripture itself is a witness to itself claiming that scriptures are sufficient for correction, rebuke, training teaching etc., Now if we assume tradition to inform us as a method of validation, then we ought to assume any and everything that every church father or any TOM, DICK and HARRY did in the name of Jesus Christ to be true and worthy to be the true tradition, and if they don't contradict scriptures, then they can be accepted as true traditions. We run into many problems with this kind of logic. Your argument seems like making sense since who else do we turn to but the early church. But here are flaws in the argument specially because we are separated by 2000 years and we cannot go back and check every tradition.
Christ is sacrificed “once for all” on the cross of Calvary and never again in any other form or on any other occasion (1 Pet. 3:18; Heb. 10). The author of Hebrews writes, “But when Christ had offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins, He sat down at the right hand of God…for by a single offering He has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified” (Heb. 10:11-12). The Eucharist is neither a sacrifice nor a salvific ordinance. People are saved by believing in Christ as set forth in the gospel (Rom. 10:8-17). The sacraments do not convey saving faith but rather sanctifying grace to those who are already saved.
Same here, why even go through the motions with grape juice and crackers if you don’t believe in it.
Catholics say the bread and wine changes into the body and blood of Jesus by the words of the priest. Let me ask these question and make these statements.
--The bread---- changes into the body of Jesus.--Really? Smell it. What does it smell like??? Human flesh??? --Look at it. Does it look like human flesh? Taste it. Does it taste like human flesh???---
--The wine---- Look at it. Does it look like human blood? Thick? ---Smell it. Smell like human blood? It should have a distintive smell. Does it? (Metallic: Similar to a copper coin, a metallic smell is typically caused by the presence of iron in your blood. )
Now, taste it. Does it taste like human blood?? ( What is the taste of blood to human? The taste of blood is salty.)--- Or does it taste like wine???? Why??? When the priest has just changed it into blood of Jesus!!!---- Did it all change back into it's original forms just for you???
If it did, then it IS NOT the body and blood of Jesus!!!
Why do you all REFUSE to think about those questions logically???
Since Catholics insist on having Mass every day--or only on Sunday, Why??? What day of the week was the "Last Supper"??? A THURSDAY NIGHT!!!! The night BEFORE the Jewish Preparation Day.---
Remember the old saying: if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and smells like a duck, then it MUST be a duck.
The point is to do it in remembrance of Christ. It’s the Passover meal for Christians. It’s not a re-presentation of a propitiatory sacrifice. It’s not his literal flesh and blood. John 6 isn’t even the Passover meal. That’s 7 chapters later. John 6 is about belief in Christ. That’s the work of God, that’s the food that never perishes. Eating and drinking the blood is believing in Christ. He is a once for all sacrifice. No need to re-present.
@@florida8953 Watch the video
I didn’t even know this about how all the early Christians believed it was His true presence. And I’m a cradle catholic. This is really important info!
Early Christian's also believed people were witches to. Doesn't really mean much.
no, they realized christ's true presence at pentecost, and there after. "christ in you"
Baptism this weekend and confirmation! Ready to have the Eucharist in my life
so---you gotta work/earn your way to the presence of jesus?
jesus will baptize you in the holy spirit just for the asking, believing the promise.
christ's presence 24/7---it's called "christ in you". duh
My favourite quote from the Church Fathers on the Eucharist comes from Justin Martyr in his First Apology: “For not as common bread and common drink do we receive these; but in like manner as Jesus Christ our Saviour, having been made flesh by the Word of God, had both flesh and blood for our salvation, so likewise have we been taught that the food which is blessed by the prayer of His word, and from which our blood and flesh by transmutation are nourished, is the flesh and blood of that Jesus who was made flesh.” It’s such a perfect quote because he appeals to the incarnation in his explanation which leaves no room for saying that he was speaking metaphorically.
Justin Martyr (110-165) spoke of “the bread which our Christ gave us to offer in remembrance of the Body which He assumed for the sake of those who believe in Him, for whom He also suffered, and also to the cup which He taught us to offer in the Eucharist, in commemoration of His blood"(Dialogue with Trypho, 70).
Origen similarly noted, “We have a symbol of gratitude to God in the bread which we call the Eucharist” (Against Celsus, 8.57).
Cyprian (200-258), who sometimes described the eucharist using very literal language, spoke against any who might use mere water for their celebration of the Lord’s Table. In condemning such practices, he explained that the cup of the Lord is a representation of the blood of Christ: “I marvel much whence this practice has arisen, that in some places, contrary to Evangelical and Apostolic discipline, water is offered in the Cup of the Lord, which alone cannot represent the Blood of Christ” (Epistle 63.7).
For with the wine which was indeed the symbol of His blood, He cleanses them that are baptized into His death, and believe on His blood, of their old sins, washing them away and purifying their old garments and vesture, so that they, ransomed by the precious blood of the divine spiritual grapes, and with the wine from this vine, "put off the old man with his deeds, and put on the new man which is renewed into knowledge in the image of Him that created him." . . . He gave to His disciples, when He said, "Take, drink; this is my blood that is shed for you for the remission of sins: this do in remembrance of me." And, "His teeth are white as milk," show the brightness and purity of the sacramental food. For again, He gave Himself the symbols of His divine dispensation to His disciples, when He bade them make the likeness of His own Body. For since He no more was to take pleasure in bloody sacrifices, or those ordained by Moses in the slaughter of animals of various kinds, and was to give them bread to use as the symbol of His Body, He taught the purity and brightness of such food by saying, “And his teeth are white as milk” (Demonstratia Evangelica, 8.1.76-80).
“Having taken the bread and given it to His disciples, Jesus made it His own body, by saying, ‘This is My body,’ that is, the symbol of My body. There could not have been a symbol, however, unless there was first a true body. An empty thing or phantom is incapable of a symbol. He likewise, when mentioning the cup and making the new covenant to be sealed ‘in His blood,’ affirms the reality of His body. For no blood can belong to a body that is not a body of flesh” (Tertullian: Against Marcion, 4.40).
God is spirit. jesus left his blood at the cross.
Shoutout Catholic answers . They helped me come to the reality of the Eucharist .видео.html
Matt, I am a Protestant who converted easter before last because the biblical proof of the Eucharist was undeniable to me. In all my years of attending church and bible study I had never encountered that text. It’s just glossed over by most churches because it so contrary to Protestant teachings. I loved this talk because it shows the Bible text and belief in the context of history. Now, if I could only get everyone I love to listen with an open heart and believe. I want to suggest a follow up, How typology proves the Eucharist has to present to satisfy our salvation.
Do most Protestants not read the bible on their own? Do they only have bible study and read what they are told to read? I mean no offense, but it just sounds like it is more like Protestants who have some of Scripture kept from them, when we have always heard that it was the Catholic Church that kept the Bible from believers and discouraged reading scripture (which of course is false).
@@joan8862 I think Joan, to be fair, the Protestants do study the bible very intensely... but they study the words as written, and not with the "Apostolic Tradition" passed on form Jesus and the Apostles.
The way the New Testament in the bible is written, it is not an instruct ion manual... but a collection of writing assuming the Gospel will be passed by word of mouth and referencing the OT - as expressly mentionec many times in the NT.
We then have translation of spoken word in Aramaic into Hebrew to Greek then to English. So each translation brings its own idioms and word structures without exact translation. Hence, Protestants and Catholics can read the exact same passage from the bible that may or not be use the same words and get different meanings.
The classic example is Calvinism - which appears very methodical and structured in its approach and examines themes in the bible with many quotes and passages to back their beliefs which are not agreed by many Christians (both Catholic and Protestant) .... but Real Presence in the Eucharist, limited Atonement, Once Saved Always Saved, Predestination (unconditional election)/Double Predestination, God decrees & soverignly guides all things to happen by his providence etc etc.... these are not beliefs written within the first few hundreds of years of the Church from the writings of the Early Church Fathers.... never mind the vast majority of Christians nowadays.
Studying the doctrines of the early church and of the early church fathers is one of the most important factors in my conversion to Catholicism.
@@pboyle3723 I based my question on what the op wrote saying that she had never come across John chapter 6. This has nothing to do with translations or interpretations.
joanp62 I read the Bible very often. It is very possible I read it on my own but dismissed it’s literal nature because it went against what I was taught. I just think it’s interesting that is was never addressed in a sermon n or bible study.
This video came at a perfect time! I'm about to have a friendly discussion with my best friend about why the Eucharist makes me want to join the Catholic church 😁 Thank you!
If I may suggest a "Must See" video to watch for all christians on the subject of the Eucharist: It is ------- "Dr. Brant Pitre, Jesus & the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist"
The running time of the video is rather long (1:12:09), but Worth Every Minute...
* If you choose to watch the video and want to skip the opening prayers -------
Start at: (2 minuted 30 seconds) --- Hope you check it out... God Bless ---
@@agapeway1245 link to that videoвидео.htmlвидео.html
I keep trying to explain this to my Protestant and non-Denominational Christian friends and using this argument, but they just keep saying that Catholics focus on Mary and the Saints too much and they keep saying that Catholics pray to them, when it’s only for God.
@@UnOrthodox_Christian they aren't open minded and unreasonable
Powerful. Thanks for helping me understand this confusing issue during lent 2023! Be blessed.
The Eucharist moved me from being an evangelical to being a Lutheran. After reading what the Bible actually says and what the earliest Christian’s believed, it is undeniable that the real presence of the Eucharist is the correct doctrine.
As time went on, I kept moving closer and closer to the catholic position on other doctrines. Today, I am essentially catholic in nearly all doctrines. I am looking for reasons to not be catholic, and when I am satisfied there are no good objections, I plan on entering RCIA.
If you’re still looking for a reason…how about all of the sexual abuse and misconduct that’s been covered up at every level?
Or about the fact that Bible clearly points the office of the papacy being the anti christ?
What about the priests having people call them “father” which is quite clearly against Gods will
Or the false deification of Mary to become our intercessor instead of Jesus Christ who died for our sins?
God bless you! Come on home!
I as well. Eastern orthodox or Catholic. I need to go to the Holy Table. Goin asap
the real presence of Christ comes in the gift of the holy spirit, christ in you, 24/7
I'm an associate pastor in a Baptist Church, but I was baptized Anglican as a teenager, and my sensibilities are far more sacramental than most Baptists. Increasingly so! I also love history broadly and the Church tradition (though I admit I'm not well-read in it). I admit that I am in an uncomfortable position.
Praying for you. Keep studying the history of the Church, and good Catholic resources. Also the writings of the saints like St. Augustine, Alphonsus Ligouri, Francis de Sales, to name a few.
Check the Eucharistic Miracle of Buenos Aires for the miraculous and science combined. Also a fairly recent occurrence. Looking forward to your arrival at the table of the Lamb for real food and real drink.
Hi there - my husband and I just entered the Catholic church a few weeks ago from originally Baptist and then Anglican backgrounds. I just want to encourage you to keep clinging to the Cross, continually praying and searching for the truth. Keep reading - I'm going to pray that God brings resources to your attention that will be life giving to you. My husband had to resign from his job as Anglican clergy in this pursuit, and I personally know two other men who have had to give up their careers as well. It's a challenging road but to be perfectly honest it's been really amazing and joyful. God bless you!
To expand on your knowledge, check videos from dr Pitre brant.
May God continues to guide you as you search for truth
@@joan8862 CLAIMS of the RCC
1. Catholics claim CHURCH refers to Roman Catholic Church. BIBLE says CHURCH refers to all churches. Acts 5:11, Acts 8:1, Mat 16:18. HISTORY tells us Roman Church was just one local Church a member of the Pentarchy.
2. Catholics claim Roman Church was the CHURCH CHRIST founded (First Church) or one true church. BIBLE says First Local Church was Jerusalem Church. Acts 2. Not Roman Catholic Church.
3. Catholics claim there is only One Church. BIBLE mentions both CHURCH and Churches.
“CHURCH” refers to the Body of Christ Eph 5:30, Col 1:18 consisting of all churches. Acts 5:11, Acts 8:1 Mat 16:18.
“Churches” refers to local churches Acts 9:31, Acts 15:41 and believers Romans 16:5, 1 Cor 16:19,
4. Catholics claim to be the first believers. BIBLE says first believers were Jewish Christians. Acts 2, Acts 11:26, NOT roman catholics.
5. Catholics claim Pope is the head of the CHURCH. BIBLE says JESUS is the HEAD OF THE CHURCH. Eph 1:22, Eph 5:23, Col 1:18.
6. Catholics claim outside Roman Church there is NO SALVATION. BIBLE says : The mouth of the Lord has spoken.”apart from Jesus there is NO SALVATION”. Acts 4:12, 1 Cor 3:11.
7. Catholicss claim the first day of the week is a Holy day, made by God. .
The Holy Bible says:
Isaiah 58:13-14
13 “If you turn away your foot from the Sabbath, From doing your pleasure on MY HOLY DAY, And call the Sabbath a delight, The holy day of the Lord honorable, And shall honor Him, not doing your own ways, Nor finding your own pleasure, Nor speaking your own words, 14 Then you shall delight yourself in the Lord; And I will cause you to tride on the high hills of the earth, And feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father. The mouth of the Lord has spoken.”part from Jesus there is NO SALVATION”. Acts 4:12, 1 Cor 3:11.
8. Catholics claim devote to Mary to be saved. BIBLE says “apart from Jesus there is NO SALVATION”. Acts 4:12, 1 Cor 3:11.
. BIBLE says “believe in Jesus to be saved”. Acts 16:30-31, John 3:16.
10. Catholics claim Roman Church inherited infallible authority from Peter. BIBLE does not say that in Mat 16 or John 20 or John 21.
11. Catholics claim Roman pontiff inherited infallible authority from Peter. BIBLE does not say that in Mat 16.
12. Catholics claim bishop of ROME = the pope. BIBLE does not say that.
13. Catholics claim there is an office of bishop of bishops/universal bishop/pope. BIBLE does not speak of such an office. History tells us the first bishop of bishops came in AD590-600s.
14. Roman Church has all the false unbiblical clergies - Roman priests, roman cardinals, roman pontiff, monks, nuns, friars, … BIBLE mentions only pastors, teachers, evangelists, prophets, apostles, deacons, bishop, elders. Titus 1:5, Eph 4:11, 1 Tim 3.
15. Roman Church claim its doctrines come from traditions of Apostles. BUT 95% of roman doctrines are Not from traditions of Jesus or Apostles or Scriptures; neither practised by the Church of the Bible.
Wow, what a video! I have been studying about the Eucharist these past few days, so I had to watch this! Thank you Matt, beautifully explained!
Scientific Eucharistic miraclesвидео.html
I'm a fan of this format!
Anglican here. Thank you for laying out the truth of the Eucharist. Blessings.
Wow, that is eye opening! To know the disciples, disciples spoke of the real presence of Christ! That completely changes my mind! Thank you for sharing.
Thank you so much for making a shorter video on the Eucharist! Its a lot easier to get a friend to watch this than a hour long lecture.
Awesome video on our blessed sacrament, Matt!! Like stated by Scott Hahn on the Holy Eucharist, “If the Eucharist that Jesus institutes as the Passover of the new covenant is only a meal, not only is it not a Passover (which has to be a sacrifice), than Golgotha, Good Friday, and Calvary is only a Roman Execution. BUT IF - and only if- the Eucharist that is instituted in the Upper room on Holy Thursday is in fact the Passover of the new covenant, than suddenly we find the light that illuminates in the darkness of Good Friday transforming what happened to Jesus on the cross from being an execution into the climax of the sacrifice!
On Good Friday, Jesus is not a victim of Roman violence and injustice as much as he’s a victim of Divine Love and Mercy! And that he wasn’t losing his life on Friday if in fact he was laying it down as a gift of love on Holy Thursday when he was celebrating Passover, instituting the Eucharist precisely as the Passover of the new covenant!”
In other words, the Eucharist is the new covenant Passover. Jesus instituted the New Testament( the Eucharist ) for all is his followers to celebrate Passover of the new covenant every Sunday, or whenever attending mass. Jesus created a sacrifice that is eternal, and the meal is never ending. We don’t resacrifice Jesus at mass, we essentially bring the meal from the last supper into mass every time the bread is consecrated. On earth as it is in heaven.
Like stated in exodus - In the Old Testament, the Passover ritual is not completed by the death of the sacrificial lamb. It is completed when the Israelites eat the “flesh” of the lamb that is slain so that they might be delivered from bondage in Egypt and, ultimately, from death (Ex 12:8).
That is why Paul, himself an expert in Jewish Scripture, can write, “Our paschal lamb [Greek pascha, meaning Passover] Christ, has been sacrificed. Therefore let us celebrate the feast” (1 Cor 5:7-8).
If the Eucharist is the new exodus of the new Passover, you have to eat the lamb! You can’t just eat the symbol of the lamb. You can’t just remember the lamb. You have to eat the flesh of the lamb in order for the new Passover to be complete because Passover isn’t completed by the death of he lamb. It’s completed when the ppl, for whom the lamb died, receive its flesh that was offered on their behalf.
“So Jesus said to them, ‘Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man, and drink his blood, you have no life in you.’” (John 6:53)
YES!!! thank you for such a solid defense! The Eucharist is truly the Sacred, bleeding Heart of God.
Thank you for this presentation on the Eucharist. I teach Catechism to 5th and 6th graders who are preparing to receive First Holy Communion in May. The book we use doesn't go quite deep enough and everything else seems too deep for them and I want to give them a better understanding of why we believe in the true Presence of our Lord in the Eucharist. This is a great help to me since I don't have the time or books to read about the first doctors of the Church and then break it down for them. Thank you and God bless you!
Finally! Someone who not only explains the belief of the early church fathers concerning the Eucharistic. But, also gives more than one scripture to back it up. I am a protestant. I've always been taught and believed that the Eucharist was merely symbolic. A few months ago I started questioning that teaching. I haven't delved deeply. I have other studies that I've focused on. But, I have done some searching. Your video is the ONLY video (and I have watched many and read many Catholic articles on this subject) that has convinced me that Jesus is truly present in the Eucharistic. THANK YOU!❤
could you give an update are you still protestant?
search the scriptures. exegesis. "Rise Peter, kill and eat!" go figure
Beautifully and clearly articulated, Matt! Thank you for this humble, but passionate presentation!! Strengthening my faith! 🙏
Such a GREAT video Matt. Though I'm Catholic, this helped me further understand the true divinity in the Eucharist.
Protestant here (currently) the eucharist is what made me start questioning my practice of faith. great video!
Great clarity, Matt Fradd. You quoted from some of my faves - I'm doing my PhD on two of those fathers right now!
I am a protestant.. after watching this vedio and studying with brother Sam Shamoun now i completely and without any doubt i believe Eucharis that we receive is Our LORD'S BODY AND BLOOD That HE shed on the cross..
@Edison prithiviraj. What kind of Protestant are you? As Matt even acknowledges in this video, Lutherans and most Anglicans believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. (So do a whole lot of Presbyterians, something Matt got wrong.) Catholics, quite honestly, are no more corporeal in their understanding than these Protestants (except as regards Eucharistic miracles, some of which are crassly physical, something which Catholics deny in the Sacrifice of the Mass). Furthermore, the Catholic Eucharist, as THEY explain it, is clearly spiritually mediated, something they deride Protestants for.
Take RCIA and check it out
In my experience when I started believing in the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, my life was changed. Man is one of biggest stumbling blocks to himself.
I know this is an old video, but thank you Matt for explaining this so well.
One of the best videos ever. Appreciate you Matt !!!
Well done! Praise God for this - if it’s True, it’s probably not new; if it’s new, it’s probably not true. Amen, brother
I love the attention you pay to this subject. I'm confirmed but I never really knew what I was supposed to believe. I'm still learning, trying to internalize the logic of what I'm committing to believe so I'm not just saying the right thing but actually grasp it in some sense.
I think transsubstantiation is where people like myself are confused. I see lots of contradictory definitions out there. Clearly defining what it means and what it doesn't mean and committing that both to memory and to my heart is where I'm at currently. It's so confounding that most Catholics don't believe in arguably the greatest of sacraments in our church. I hope as I grow in my understanding of it I can help teach other layity in my personal circle.
God bless your ministry Matt! Your show/podcast lead me back to Catholicism from my stint in protestantism.
Glory to Jesus Christ!
If I may, my friend, the concept is not confounding. There is a change in the ESSENCE (substance), not in the APPEARENCE (form). So the consacretion doens NOT TRANSFORM, because there is not a change in FORMS. Instead it TRANSSUBSTANTIATE, because the substance of bread and wine is no longer there, but the accidental elements are exactly the same. That's what the word means.
Scientific Eucharistic miraclesвидео.html
@@pintswithaquinas if you read the story in 2 Samuel 23 15-17 "nevertheless he would not drink thereof, but poured it out unto the LORD. 17 And he said, Be it far from me, O LORD, that I should do this: is not this the blood of the men that went in jeopardy of their lives?" This is speaking of David pouring some water on the ground. Did the water turn to blood? why did David say "is not this the blood of the men?" when speaking of the water?
please seek Jesus Christ about this and spend a lot of time reading The Bible. You will see all the things that the catholic church does that God explicitly speaks against. Prayers with vain repetition, calling pastors “father”, idolatry, etc. To say you must confess to a priest to be forgiven is blasphemy and to say you need to pray to mary or any other saints is undermining God and Jesus’s sacrifice- He created intercession for the saints. He is the ONLY mediator between man and God. The pope is no where in The Bible and people take one verse out of The Bible to say that the catholic church is “the one true church” - Peter did not create the catholic church. He created the church- the family of those who follow Jesus Christ. That is what the church is called in The Bible and Jesus Christ is the head- not a pope. It should be suspicious to anyone why there are so many secrets in the vatican and why popes in the past have been so evil and why the current one supports homosexuality- and why catholicism did things like saying you could buy your way to Heaven and do so many other evil things. Any catholic cannot deny that and can’t deny that the pope because he is the head of the catholic church- that is why it is not from God. Popes in the past have even said their church will outlast the Christian faith. There are even ancient roman idols under the vatican and even a painting of satan. This is not from God. Follow Jesus Christ and Him alone
Really liked this video! Thank you, as a cradle catholic I just recently have begun to really desire to believe the real presence in the eucharist.
For those who want a detailed yet accessible biblical study of the Eucharist, I suggest reading "Jesus and the Jewish roots of the Eucharist " by Brant Pitre: all the context is there, IMO.
Great video, otherwise !!!!!видео.html
early church fathers testimonies of eucharist
Yes, I have the book and I'm about to read it.
A fantastic book indeed. Give a ton of context. Amazing how "Jewish-Old Testament" it all is
At best, lightweight Pitre doesn't have a clue on what the Last Supper was all about!
@@Reid-yy5nw Could you elaborate ?? What fault do you find in his book on the topic ?
The Holy Church gives us EVERYTHING we need for our Salvation: the sacraments, the teachings, the communion and prayers of the Saints, the Bible and above all a full knowledge of the person of Christ made freely accessible to all. So, we are not alone on our path to salvation. Please, let us pray for the Church and for our priests and bishops.
This was extremely helpful. Thank you for all the resources.
Definitely not boring. I listened to it several times to make sure I got everything. Thank you.
Lutheran here, I really appreciate that you don’t stereotype or straw man any denomination and that you’ve done your research very well.
As a Lutheran, I sincerely appreciate this video. Yesterday a friend tried to tell me St Ignatius didn’t believe in the true presence Eucharist. He’s wrong, of course, but I didn’t have a response at the time. Thanks for this video!
Not only the Church Fathers believed the Eucharist to be the Real Presence, but the Apostles as well.
I think that's implied. He is describing that there was no deviation from the early church regarding the Eucharistic.
@James DeLap
Not true, we do know, in fact, many of the books of the Bible tell us who wrote it.
There is no evidence of that by the Apostles. It is a spriritual and physical ordinace and it is symbolic, not literal.
@@chadsmith5551 perhaps read on different early Church Fathers and see what they say about the Eucharist.
I was raised evangelical Protestant (memorialist view of communion) and I had no idea that the early church considered the Eucharist to be the literal flesh and blood of Jesus until recently (I read JND Kelly's book after learning of it). I also was completely unfamiliar with the John 6 passage.
I've noticed that some Protestant apologists will point to places where the church fathers seem to use "symbolic" or "spiritual" language and argue this means the Fathers didn't teach Real Presence. However, JND Kelly explains in his book that ancients didn't have the same conception of symbolism that modern people do. In ancient times, a "symbol" was seen as a reflection of the real thing that it represents. So they would have considered the Eucharist to be symbols *and* the real thing.
Very well said.видео.html
What you write is exactly correct, Tess. What amazes me is how come someone like Kelly does not enter the Church when he is so honest and his insight and study is right on target. What more does he need to realize that whatever he believes is man-made?
Jesus spoke in parables. We are not actually wheat or chaff, we are not actually seeds growing on good soil, thorns, rocks etc; nor is faith actually a mustard seed. This is ALL symbolism.
Symbolism is all throughout the Bible..... I just..... I don’t understand Catholics. And I’ve gotta say I really really want to understand them I’m just at a loss. I need to pray more so that God can open my eyes to understand Catholics point of view on things such as praying to Mary and the saints, rosaries, confessionals to priests, the literal interpretation of the Eucharist etc. None of this is Biblical but are such important beliefs to Catholics; Lord help me understand.
@@justaguy653 What you do is you follow yourself rather than Jesus, my friend. You decide for yourself what is to be understood literal and what is to be understood symbolical in Scripture: who are you to decide upon this? Are you the infallible Church, possibly? Other Protestants do the exact same as you do and come to completely different conclusions: they all compose their truth and gospel message and they all come up with other versions and variants on the Gospel. They follow their own interpretations and opinions: they all follow themselves... not Jesus... This is now what we call man-made gospels, or as Paul calls it: other gospels. What we call heresy Paul calls false teaching.
In case you want to understand Mary and the Eucharist and all: keep on reading Scripture, my friend! It is all there and for you to find and become Christian. Read with an open heart: not with a predefined set of man-made doctrines, however...! If you truly want to find, ask God and He will give you. Know well what you ask for, however...! ;)
Viva Cristo Rey ! Viva María Santísima ! Hi, from Aguascalientes, México.
Very well done; i think you could have included more quotes with the time you have, maybe saints from each century until 500 or something, but the ones you picked are excellent and the additional resources are very helpful
Superb! Thanks Matt, excellent video!
You just blew my mind Brother!
I had no idea.
You have given me a lot to think and pray about. God bless you. ❤️🙏🏼
Very informative and educational. I enjoyed the format. This is a teaching all Catholics would benefit by viewing. Peace.
1. Catholics claim CHURCH refers to Roman Catholic Church. BIBLE says CHURCH refers to all churches. Acts 5:11, Acts 8:1, Mat 16:18. HISTORY tells us Roman Church was just one local Church a member of the Pentarchy.
2. Catholics claim Roman Church was the CHURCH CHRIST founded (First Church) or one true church. BIBLE says First Local Church was Jerusalem Church. Acts 2. Not Roman Catholic Church.
3. Catholics claim there is only One Church. BIBLE mentions both CHURCH and Churches.
“CHURCH” refers to the Body of Christ Eph 5:30, Col 1:18 consisting of all churches. Acts 5:11, Acts 8:1 Mat 16:18.
“Churches” refers to local churches Acts 9:31, Acts 15:41 and believers Romans 16:5, 1 Cor 16:19,
4. Catholics claim to be the first believers. BIBLE says first believers were Jewish Christians. Acts 2, Acts 11:26, NOT roman catholics.
5. Catholics claim Pope is the head of the CHURCH. BIBLE says JESUS is the HEAD OF THE CHURCH. Eph 1:22, Eph 5:23, Col 1:18.
6. Catholics claim outside Roman Church there is NO SALVATION. BIBLE says : The mouth of the Lord has spoken.”apart from Jesus there is NO SALVATION”. Acts 4:12, 1 Cor 3:11.
7. Catholicss claim the first day of the week is a Holy day, made by God. .
The Holy Bible says:
Isaiah 58:13-14
13 “If you turn away your foot from the Sabbath, From doing your pleasure on MY HOLY DAY, And call the Sabbath a delight, The holy day of the Lord honorable, And shall honor Him, not doing your own ways, Nor finding your own pleasure, Nor speaking your own words, 14 Then you shall delight yourself in the Lord; And I will cause you to tride on the high hills of the earth, And feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father. The mouth of the Lord has spoken.”part from Jesus there is NO SALVATION”. Acts 4:12, 1 Cor 3:11.
8. Catholics claim devote to Mary to be saved. BIBLE says “apart from Jesus there is NO SALVATION”. Acts 4:12, 1 Cor 3:11.
. BIBLE says “believe in Jesus to be saved”. Acts 16:30-31, John 3:16.
10. Catholics claim Roman Church inherited infallible authority from Peter. BIBLE does not say that in Mat 16 or John 20 or John 21.
11. Catholics claim Roman pontiff inherited infallible authority from Peter. BIBLE does not say that in Mat 16.
12. Catholics claim bishop of ROME = the pope. BIBLE does not say that.
13. Catholics claim there is an office of bishop of bishops/universal bishop/pope. BIBLE does not speak of such an office. History tells us the first bishop of bishops came in AD590-600s.
14. Roman Church has all the false unbiblical clergies - Roman priests, roman cardinals, roman pontiff, monks, nuns, friars, … BIBLE mentions only pastors, teachers, evangelists, prophets, apostles, deacons, bishop, elders. Titus 1:5, Eph 4:11, 1 Tim 3.
15. Roman Church claim its doctrines come from traditions of Apostles. BUT 95% of roman doctrines are Not from traditions of Jesus or Apostles or Scriptures; neither practised by the Church of the Bible.
@@mitchellosmer1293keep making arguments about the Catholic Church. Shows your fighting it in your mind and the truth will bring you home. God bless.
The Catholic Church is submitted to Christ. Authority figures were and always have been relevant. Moses elected overseers in exodus, priesthood has always been relevant in the Old Testament and New Testament.
Jesus is the only way to God and his bride is the Catholic Church. God bless. Peter’s name (Rock) directly after Jesus changes his name to Peter (Rock) he says “and on this Rock, I will build my church” Peter is buried underneath the Vatican.
Christ says he wants unity in his church. That doesn’t mean unity, with other denominations. Because we don’t agree with other denominations on salvation issues like needing the Eucharist to be saved, needing to be baptized to be saved, you can’t go to heaven with mortal sin on your soul, etc. these are all essential issues that all Catholics agree on. And though us as Catholics may disagree about non essential issues like political affiliation (as long as it doesn’t go against what Christ taught; clearly homosexuality and abortion are mortal sins), different orders (Franciscans, Dominicans, etc.), we agree on everything essential. Thats true unity.
Doesn’t mean there won’t be corruption but Jesus says the gates of hell won’t prevail. I think 2000 years and still standing speaks for itself.
You’re never going to understand the truth of Catholicism until you soften your heart enough for Jesus to reveal the truth to you and control your flesh when it wants to attack what it doesn’t understand. I’m not here to argue, this is the 1 comment I’m leaving.
Check out “mass of the ages “ trilogy on RUclips. It’s free. If you’re still resilient to the faith after watching that, that’s your choice but atleast you’ll understand us more and have better arguments against us.
Excellently explained. Unquestioned True presence for 15 centuries. It sustained the Church and produced so many saintly great men and women of Christ. Thanks.
This was a blessing. Please make more of these on more topics.
Matt Fradd might want to read this:
Clement of Alexandria explained that, “The Scripture, accordingly, has named wine the symbol of the sacred blood” (The Instructor, 2.2).
Origen similarly noted, “We have a symbol of gratitude to God in the bread which we call the Eucharist” (Against Celsus, 8.57).
Cyprian (200-258), who sometimes described the eucharist using very literal language, spoke against any who might use mere water for their celebration of the Lord’s Table. In condemning such practices, he explained that the cup of the Lord is a representation of the blood of Christ: “I marvel much whence this practice has arisen, that in some places, contrary to Evangelical and Apostolic discipline, water is offered in the Cup of the Lord, which alone cannot represent the Blood of Christ” (Epistle 63.7).
Eusebius of Caesarea (263-340) espoused a symbolic view in his Proof of the Gospel.
From what then can we draw a clear and justified doctrine of transubstantiation?
Go off Matt! Great explanation of the topic!
Great and poignant presentation dear Bro. in Christ. 🙏
God bless you and may you grow in Christ to spread the Eucharistic faith more and more👏
I believe in the Eucharist as central to our Christian worship. I was baptized by immersion in the Baptist tradition. I was taught that Catholics were in idolatry in their belief in the
Eucharist. I attended the Eucharistic service in the Episcopal Church in the 1980's. I took the elements believing that Eucharist was only a symbol, a remembrance of Christ's sacrifice. I tell you, that I took the wine and tasted not wine, but SALTY BLOOD. This was a personal miracle to someone who was baptized in the Baptist tradition, that only sees the communion as symbolic. I was then believing in the grace of Christ, but thinking that Catholics were in error about Holy Communion. Even idolatry, I had been taught. I learned that day that Eucharist is not just a symbol, but the true Body and Blood of Jesus. God gave me a miracle. There was not one ounce of wine in that element; it was completely Jesus' blood. I am forever devoted in worship to Holy Eucharist as His Body & Blood.видео.html
please seek Jesus Christ about this and spend a lot of time reading The Bible. You will see all the things that the catholic church does that God explicitly speaks against. Prayers with vain repetition, calling pastors “father”, idolatry, etc. To say you must confess to a priest to be forgiven is blasphemy and to say you need to pray to mary or any other saints is undermining God and Jesus’s sacrifice- He created intercession for the saints. He is the ONLY mediator between man and God. The pope is no where in The Bible and people take one verse out of The Bible to say that the catholic church is “the one true church” - Peter did not create the catholic church. He created the church- the family of those who follow Jesus Christ. That is what the church is called in The Bible and Jesus Christ is the head- not a pope. It should be suspicious to anyone why there are so many secrets in the vatican and why popes in the past have been so evil and why the current one supports homosexuality- and why catholicism did things like saying you could buy your way to Heaven and do so many other evil things. Any catholic cannot deny that and can’t deny that the pope because he is the head of the catholic church- that is why it is not from God. Popes in the past have even said their church will outlast the Christian faith. There are even ancient roman idols under the vatican and even a painting of satan. This is not from God. Follow Jesus Christ and Him alone
the eucharist is good but this doesn’t justify the rest of the evil. This “church” is not from God
@@charlesadams8279 Brother, I have been seeking Jesus Christ for almost 49 years, and it is He who has led me to the Catholic Church after wandering in Protestantism for so long. I've been studying Holy Scripture since I learned to read, even before I became a believer at age 11. I'm educated in Protestant theology...I attended a Protestant Christian college. I've read the anti-Catholic literature, and used to be a fiery anti-Catholic like you, making all the same arguments. Members of my family who raised me were anti-Catholic. I was especially opposed to the Eucharist, but many other Catholic teachings, as well. I know all the arguments against Catholicism by heart. They have now been resolved for me because I decided to find out what Catholics believe *from Catholics* instead of anti-Catholics (who say things about Catholicism that just aren't true, or have been misconstrued, as you have just done...for instance, Peter didn't create the Catholic Church...Jesus did by calling Peter the "rock upon which I will build my Church" and gave Peter the keys of the Kingdom. Most Protestants have no idea what they protesting, or that Martin Luther, *on his own*, decided to throw out much of the Bible that had been agreed upon by previous Christian Councils to be Canon. Who gave Luther such authority? Even the books agreed upon by Protestants as Canon were established by the Catholic Church! There are thousands of Protestant sects who all disagree with each other, all because they gave in to this "personal theology" without any authority whatsoever. I have seen one Protestant church after another fall prey to the "cult of personality", almost making gods out of their pastors because their teachings make them feel good somehow. By contrast, Catholic priests tend to disappear into Christ, as they are meant to do, even if they are highly regarded. As for "Sola Scriptura"...the belief that the Bible is the only authority for Christian life and isn't Biblical! There is nothing whatsoever in Scripture that makes it the sole arbiter of what is Christian. Scripture itself is Tradition that has been passed down from the Prophets and Apostles. Read "The Didache", which is full of Apostolic teaching from the 1st century. Read the early Church Fathers who received the traditions passed down from the Apostles. Read your own Bible! You'll see that questions of doctrine have always been resolved by the consensus of Councils of the learned, starting with the Council of Jerusalem as recounted in Acts 15.
As for whether we should call anyone on earth "father", I recommend these short videos:видео.htmlвидео.html
Love the way you presented and explained this. I'm going to be sharing this with others
I'm a Protestant and this is the best video I've found on this subject. The Protestant videos that talk about this subject never quote the Church fathers.
Because the church fathers teachings are absolutely crippling to the idea of sola scriptura. They have to cast the opinions of the martyr saints aside to preserve their doctrine
Thank you so much for this! I’m so glad I came across this! As a person born into a Seventh Day Adventist family and have gone to many different churches, since leaving that religion, I’ve recently come to the knowledge of the importance of communion. I’m currently going to a Lutheran church, and have been feeling convicted, I feel by the Holy Spirit, that Christ’s body and blood are truly in the bread and the wine, which we eat and drink every Sunday. This has prompted me to search the scriptures regarding this issue for the past week or two. Now it makes me worry about other Christian friends and family members who don’t believe this. I think the Eucharist is what will be attacked in these last days, and that the Eucharist might be related to or is the extra oil contained in the vessels of the wise virgins, spoken of in Matthew 25
Do you believe that the bread and wine actually change completely into the body and blood like Catholic's do?
The Eucharist is being attacked already in my opinion. Recent polls of Catholic's suggest that only about 30% believe in the real presence anymore. Very sad statistics if they are accurate. The Eucharist is a very powerful grace that Jesus wants to give us, but you have to believe first.
After receiving the Eucharist, miracles have happened in my life.
Really ? Tell me more about it my brother. What kind of miracles ??
Miracles ceased after the end of the first century!
Eucharist is an Adverb,
Not a Noun!
Eucharist strictly means:
“Give thanks.”
@@beorbeorian150 ,
When the priests and elders saw Jesus’ boldness and recognized that HIS teaching threatened their power and position, they resolved to kill HIM. They bribed Judas, one of Jesus’ own apostles, to help them arrest Jesus in secret
(MATTHEW 26:3-5, 14-16).
Jesus spent HIS last night observing the Jewish feast of Passover with HIS twelve apostles. As part of the Passover meal, HE took a loaf of bread, gave thanks to GOD, and broke it, inviting HIS disciples to eat from the loaf. As they ate, HE said, “This is MY BODY,” which would soon be broken in death. Then sharing a cup of wine with HIS disciples, “This is MY BLOOD,” which HE would shed in death, sealing a new covenant between GOD and HIS people, and cleansing them from their sins (MATTHEW 26:17-29).
This “Last Supper” which JESUS shared with HIS disciples is the model for the LORD’s SUPPER, which JESUS’
followers kept after HIS death and resurrection. This meal was the Christian Passover, in which the new covenant sealed by JESUS’ death and resurrection was remembered and renewed. Because the Greek word for “give thanks” is eucharistein, many Christians since the second century have calked the LORD’s SUPPER the “Eucharist.”
Remember that Satan can perform miracles to deceive people into believing things that are not real. 😉 We should all observe the passover as Jesus Christ instructed, this is not a weekly event, it is yearly. The catholic church is just plain crazy and Godless.
And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow; and continued his speech until midnight. ACTS 20:7
The early church is neither Protestant, Catholic, nor Jew.
(MATTHEW 16:18; ROMANS 16:16)
I tend to watch anything concerning our Lord Jesus Christ. This was the first Catholic presentation I've been able to watch through to the end because you didn't attack my non-Catholic beliefs. I'm not a protestant nor am I Catholic. I am a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ and only interested in the truths found in the Bible. One of the best presentation on Holy Communion, Thanks.
Love this! Very well done and it was the history of the Church that led my husband to it!
Do you have a video on Eucharistic Miracles?
Fantastic, not boring at all - full of useful info from start to finish
As a former Baptist for 40 years of my life, once I saw the reality that Christ is present body, blood, and divinity in the Eucharist, any other form of worship seemed cheap, tawdry, and an imitation of the real Mass administered by Priests ordained through apostolic succession. I had no defense other than to convert to the Catholic Church.
I loved this video, and I am a Protestant. The tight format is good. The very long videos that you often do are a turnoff to many people who will not even start them.
Quote of the Day
"Be a Catholic: When you kneel before an altar, do it in such a way that others may be able to recognize that you know before whom you kneel."
-St. Maximilian Kolbe
Great video! I’m glad I found this and can share it!
I played this video to my 88 year old Protestant father and he found it "very interesting" and I saw a light in his eyes I hadn't seen before. If anyone reading this could whisper a small prayer for him as I continue to evangelise him, I would greatly appreciate it! (his name is Ross). My dream is that he comes into the Church before he dies. Thanks in advance 🙏
Thank you for this post! I'm still at odds in my head about literal vs symbolic but you put forth a great deal to thing about.
ST. IGNATIUS (107 A.D.):
Eucharist practice by early church!
"The Eucharist is the Flesh of our Savior Jesus Christ, Flesh which suffered for our sin."
(The Epistle of Ignatius to the Smyrnaeans, Chapter 6)
Phenomenal video. Most direct, down to earth, and practical video in support of the real presence I have seen.
I loved this video! Super brief and straightforward. Thank you so much!
I just love this channel, long may it run.
This is wonderful! I am a cradle Catholic absolutely in love with my faith and our Lord in the Eucharist. What a beautiful way of pointing out the true teaching on the Eucharist, that Jesus is truly present - body, blood, soul, and divinity! 😊🙏
1. Catholics claim CHURCH refers to Roman Catholic Church. BIBLE says CHURCH refers to all churches. Acts 5:11, Acts 8:1, Mat 16:18. HISTORY tells us Roman Church was just one local Church a member of the Pentarchy.
2. Catholics claim Roman Church was the CHURCH CHRIST founded (First Church) or one true church. BIBLE says First Local Church was Jerusalem Church. Acts 2. Not Roman Catholic Church.
3. Catholics claim there is only One Church. BIBLE mentions both CHURCH and Churches.
“CHURCH” refers to the Body of Christ Eph 5:30, Col 1:18 consisting of all churches. Acts 5:11, Acts 8:1 Mat 16:18.
“Churches” refers to local churches Acts 9:31, Acts 15:41 and believers Romans 16:5, 1 Cor 16:19,
4. Catholics claim to be the first believers. BIBLE says first believers were Jewish Christians. Acts 2, Acts 11:26, NOT roman catholics.
5. Catholics claim Pope is the head of the CHURCH. BIBLE says JESUS is the HEAD OF THE CHURCH. Eph 1:22, Eph 5:23, Col 1:18.
6. Catholics claim outside Roman Church there is NO SALVATION. BIBLE says : The mouth of the Lord has spoken.”apart from Jesus there is NO SALVATION”. Acts 4:12, 1 Cor 3:11.
7. Catholicss claim the first day of the week is a Holy day, made by God. .
The Holy Bible says:
Isaiah 58:13-14
13 “If you turn away your foot from the Sabbath, From doing your pleasure on MY HOLY DAY, And call the Sabbath a delight, The holy day of the Lord honorable, And shall honor Him, not doing your own ways, Nor finding your own pleasure, Nor speaking your own words, 14 Then you shall delight yourself in the Lord; And I will cause you to tride on the high hills of the earth, And feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father. The mouth of the Lord has spoken.”part from Jesus there is NO SALVATION”. Acts 4:12, 1 Cor 3:11.
8. Catholics claim devote to Mary to be saved. BIBLE says “apart from Jesus there is NO SALVATION”. Acts 4:12, 1 Cor 3:11.
. BIBLE says “believe in Jesus to be saved”. Acts 16:30-31, John 3:16.
10. Catholics claim Roman Church inherited infallible authority from Peter. BIBLE does not say that in Mat 16 or John 20 or John 21.
11. Catholics claim Roman pontiff inherited infallible authority from Peter. BIBLE does not say that in Mat 16.
12. Catholics claim bishop of ROME = the pope. BIBLE does not say that.
13. Catholics claim there is an office of bishop of bishops/universal bishop/pope. BIBLE does not speak of such an office. History tells us the first bishop of bishops came in AD590-600s.
14. Roman Church has all the false unbiblical clergies - Roman priests, roman cardinals, roman pontiff, monks, nuns, friars, … BIBLE mentions only pastors, teachers, evangelists, prophets, apostles, deacons, bishop, elders. Titus 1:5, Eph 4:11, 1 Tim 3.
15. Roman Church claim its doctrines come from traditions of Apostles. BUT 95% of roman doctrines are Not from traditions of Jesus or Apostles or Scriptures; neither practised by the Church of the Bible.
I must thank you for taking initiative to bring out the truth of the Eucharist.
This and Fr. Fr. Mike Scmidtz video, “the Hour that will change your life” on youtube
are the two best explanations I have ever heard. I am a cradle Catholic, but many of our own DO NOT believe in the Real Presence. The Church as a whole before 1500, the Eucharistic Miracles, The writings of the Catholic Church, The Saints testimony, Inedia Miracles, all prove it is Really Jesus.
Thank you. This was wonderfully explained. Great work!
great and informative video!
I think you are great! God bless you for your work. Keep it up!
We know the expressions, "Flesh of my flesh. Blood of my blood" and "We become what we eat."
In the Jewish Passover, the Paschal lamb is sacrificed at the Temple and then brought home and eaten by the family that brought it.
"Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!"
"Christ, our Passover Lamb, has been sacrificed for us."
" For My flesh is REAL food, and My blood is real drink. "
"I have come that you may have life and have it more abundantly. "
"I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will LIVE forever. And this bread, which I will give for the life of the world, is MY FLESH."
"While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, "Take and eat; this is my body."
"Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. For My flesh is REAL food, and My blood is real drink....
...Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood REMAINS in Me, and I in him."
"REMAIN in Me, and I will remain in you. Just as no branch can bear fruit by itself unless it remains in the vine, neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in Me.."
"Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no LIFE in you."
"I and the Father are one." "Because I live, you also will LIVE. On that day you will know that I am in My Father, and YOU ARE IN ME, and I AM IN YOU."
Just as with a man and wife become one so do we become one with Christ in as REAL a way as can be, "...and the two shall become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two but one flesh."
When you see the Eucharist as the true body and blood of our Lord, then the adoption becomes crystal clear.
We are children of God in a real sense - spiritually and literally.
"And because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying out, “Abba, Father!” So you are no longer a slave, but a son; and since you are a son, you are also an heir through God."
"And if we are children, then we are heirs: heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ"
So when we pray the "Our Father", it is as real as it can be - bodily and spiritually. Nothing "symbolic" about it.
"“For he who sanctifies and those who are sanctified all have one source. That is why he is not ashamed to call them brothers.” The word “brothers” is the word used for blood relatives.
In the same way, we as members of the Body of Christ are one in a literal sense through Christ - "Because there is one LOAF, we who are many are one body; for we all partake of the one LOAF." 1 Cor 10:17
" in Christ we who are many are one body, and each member belongs to one another." "Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take the members of Christ and unite them with a prostitute? Never!"
"...he nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church. For we are members of His body. “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.”
In the Eucharist, JESUS CHRIST IS Flesh of my flesh; Blood of my blood.
Although recorded 2 yrs ago, it is timely for Church focus on the Eucharist at this time. Thank you for this presentation!
I believe this is the single most important hill that many protestant apologists die on
It was reading the Bible when I saw Jesus words at Last Supper was the reason I became.a Catholuc.
Awesome. I´m just beginning to study John 6. So this came in the perfect moment for me.
Matt! I love your videos! I am a protestant investigating Catholicism, and I want to be willing to humble myself and convert if it is true. Could you please do a series on Catholic apologetics for protestants? I have a lot of questions! P.S. I'm still mot close to being converted.
ST. AUGUSTINE (354-430): If you want to understand the body of Christ, listen to what the apostle Paul says to the faithful: “You are Christ’s own body, his members”; thus, it is your own mystery which is placed on the Lord’s table. It is your own mystery that you receive. At communion, the priest says: “The body of Christ,” and you reply “Amen.” When you say “Amen,” you are saying yes to what you are.
This is interesting to consider. Ultimatly, this is an appeal to tradition, something that Catholics esteem higher than reformers. Looking unto Scripture would be the best way for us to proceed.
When Christ says, "Do this in rememberence of me" that seems like a clear definition that this is a rememberence, and not magic. That this, along with other symbols like baptism, are outward reflections of inward grace, and spiritual realities.
It's interesting that you contrast literal (what I would call carnal) truth, to spiritual truth, as if the carnal surpases spiritual in weightiness and significance.
But I'm still understanding the sides of the debate, as there is clearly a lot of history to this discussion. I am praying for understanding of this delicate issue.
(Edit): Also, looking at Scripture, in 1 Cor. 11, Paul takes Christs statement of the bread and equates it with the phrase, "in the same way" to Christ's statement about the cup. The second statement must be taken sybolically, as the new covenent is not literally just a cup, but a whole sacriment to proclaim the reality of Christ's final fufillment of the passover, and our new access and presence to Mt. Zion (Hebrews 11). Therefore, it follows that the bread is the body of Christ in the sense that it represents Christ spiritually, but there is no magic in the bread (as there is no magic in the water of baptism). We should not take a great spirital truth and mistake it carnally. (Matt. 16.6)
24 and when He had given thanks, He broke it and said, “This is My body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of Me.” 25 In the same way He also took the cup after supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood; do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me.” (NASB)
To anyone who actually read to the end, i commend you. Really just working out my thoughts.
The reason we pay more attention to the Early Church than we do to the Reformers is because the Early Church got their doctrines directly from the Apostles themselves. And while it's a convenient statement for Protestants that the Church went straight into false teachings and thus everything we read in the ECFs is null and void, the reality is that it wouldn't have been possible for false teachings to spread THAT quickly throughout the entire Church. There are plenty of examples of the Fathers refuting and denouncing false teachers (Marcion, Arius, the Gnostics, etc.). And we also have a consistent witness throughout the early writings as to what the Church was teaching, and it doesn't change. ALL Christians believed in the Real Presence. ALL Christians practiced infant baptism and baptism by pouring or sprinkling when they couldn't get to a river. The doctrines of the ECFs are remarkable consistent despite their separation in both distance and time. We even have the witness of the Church in India, whose tradition is that they were evangelized by the Apostle Thomas. Remarkably, when Portuguese missionaries went to India in the 15th century, they found a church that, despite liturgical differences, was teaching the same things that the Catholic Church had always taught. How would that be possible, if the Church had fallen into corruption so quickly? The early Indian church had little to no contact with the rest of nascent Christendom. So why were they so consistent in their doctrines if those doctrines weren't what the Apostles had taught in the first place?
If you were studying the US Constitution and trying to determine how its various articles are actually intended to be read, would you read the Federalist Papers, or Barack Obama's opinion on it? Which do you think is more likely to be an accurate representation of the meaning of the plain text?
I am reformed. This very informative video revealed to me that as I look to the early church fathers, I find my more modern form of worship lacking. Though I would not like to enter into any tradition made by men in my worship to God, the sacrements are not invented by man and have a holy and profound effect upon our worship and are spiritual in nature, but physical in practice
so we should not deminish the spiritual nature and keep the physical. To do so when seem to partake in what I am seeing in Christendom, a lack of holy worship, holy living, and deep meaningful exercise of our sanctified walk with Christ.
First of all, you're really awesome... SO thoughtful and generous with your kind remarks toward Protestants. Well done. I just don't think it is so historically cut and dry. Here are just some examples that seem to push back a little at what you're saying.
Tertullian wrote:
“Having taken the bread and given it to His disciples, Jesus made it His own body, by saying, ‘This is My body,’ that is, the symbol of My body. There could not have been a symbol, however, unless there was first a true body. An empty thing or phantom is incapable of a symbol. He likewise, when mentioning the cup and making the new covenant to be sealed ‘in His blood,’ affirms the reality of His body. For no blood can belong to a body that is not a body of flesh” (Against Marcion, 4.40).
The Didache, written in the late-first or early-second century, referred to the elements of the Lord’s table as “spiritual food and drink” (The Didache, 9). The long passage detailing the Lord's Table in this early Christian document gives no hint of transubstantiation whatsoever.
Justin Martyr (110-165) spoke of “the bread which our Christ gave us to offer in remembrance of the Body which He assumed for the sake of those who believe in Him, for whom He also suffered, and also to the cup which He taught us to offer in the Eucharist, in commemoration of His blood"(Dialogue with Trypho, 70).
Clement of Alexandria explained that, “The Scripture, accordingly, has named wine the symbol of the sacred blood” (The Instructor, 2.2).
Origen similarly noted, “We have a symbol of gratitude to God in the bread which we call the Eucharist” (Against Celsus, 8.57).
Cyprian (200-258), who sometimes described the eucharist using very literal language, spoke against any who might use mere water for their celebration of the Lord’s Table. In condemning such practices, he explained that the cup of the Lord is a representation of the blood of Christ: “I marvel much whence this practice has arisen, that in some places, contrary to Evangelical and Apostolic discipline, water is offered in the Cup of the Lord, which alone cannot represent the Blood of Christ” (Epistle 63.7).
Eusebius of Caesarea (263-340) espoused a symbolic view in his Proof of the Gospel:
For with the wine which was indeed the symbol of His blood, He cleanses them that are baptized into His death, and believe on His blood, of their old sins, washing them away and purifying their old garments and vesture, so that they, ransomed by the precious blood of the divine spiritual grapes, and with the wine from this vine, "put off the old man with his deeds, and put on the new man which is renewed into knowledge in the image of Him that created him." . . . He gave to His disciples, when He said, "Take, drink; this is my blood that is shed for you for the remission of sins: this do in remembrance of me." And, "His teeth are white as milk," show the brightness and purity of the sacramental food. For again, He gave Himself the symbols of His divine dispensation to His disciples, when He bade them make the likeness of His own Body. For since He no more was to take pleasure in bloody sacrifices, or those ordained by Moses in the slaughter of animals of various kinds, and was to give them bread to use as the symbol of His Body, He taught the purity and brightness of such food by saying, “And his teeth are white as milk” (Demonstratia Evangelica, 8.1.76-80).
Athanasius (296-373) similarly contended that the elements of the Eucharist are to be understood spiritually, not physically: “[W]hat He says is not fleshly but spiritual. For how many would the body suffice for eating, that it should become the food for the whole world? But for this reason He made mention of the ascension of the Son of Man into heaven, in order that He might draw them away from the bodily notion, and that from henceforth they might learn that the aforesaid flesh was heavenly eating from above and spiritual food given by Him.” (Festal Letter, 4.19)
Augustine (354-430), also, clarified that the Lord’s Table was to be understood in spiritual terms: “Understand spiritually what I said; you are not to eat this body which you see; nor to drink that blood which they who will crucify me shall pour forth. . . . Although it is needful that this be visibly celebrated, yet it must be spiritually understood” (Exposition of the Psalms, 99.8).
He also explained the eucharistic elements as symbols. Speaking of Christ, Augustine noted: “He committed and delivered to His disciples the figure [or symbol] of His Body and Blood.” (Exposition of the Psalms, 3.1).
And in another place, quoting the Lord Jesus, Augustine further explained: “‘Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man,’ says Christ, ‘and drink His blood, ye have no life in you.’ This seems to enjoin a crime or a vice; it is therefore a figure [or symbol], enjoining that we should have a share in the sufferings of our Lord, and that we should retain a sweet and profitable memory of the fact that His flesh was wounded and crucified for us (On Christian Doctrine, 3.16.24).
This was brilliant! It flows like a carefully crafted academic defense of High-Church Eucharistic theology (Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, etc.). I greatly appreciate the epistemic humility you show in not condemning anyone who is committed to faithful interpretation of Scriptural canon as a heretic. I agree that the scriptural argument can be compellingly made both directions, which I believe appropriately pushes us to seek guidance from the rich writings of the faithful theologians who have asked these questions before us. I also greatly apricated your skim of the early fathers.
I have a tremendous respect for the early fathers and the argument for the "Real Presence" found in Ignatius. The piece of this summary that leaves a rhetorical weakness is not dealing with the Didache. From what I understand of the scholarship around it (I do not read Greek fluently, so I am relying on others), its final iteration was likely resolved by AD 150 though (again from what I understand of the scholarship) it is likely that it was recorded by the first generation of disciples of the apostles (esp. St. John) between AD 65 and AD 90. The prayers surround the Eucharist give at least the appearance of a memorialist approach to the sacrament. How does your understanding of the Eucharist account for the these early writings? You have a clear-headed discernment at I would appreciate being applied to that objection.
As I have considered the writings of the Didache, it seems to me that the reason the distinction between memorialist and transubstantiationist reception of the Eucharist might not have been debated among the early Fathers was that they didn't see the debate as a salvific issue. Given that they were dealing with deeply heretical challenges from the Gnostics and Arians it seems to me that they had "bigger fish to fry" - so to speak. It also strikes me that if the view of the "Real Presence" had been universal it would have been solidified in the Athanasian Creed where Christ's flesh was so carefully defined and defended - the issue of real presence in the Eucharist seems like a relevant correlate. If, however, there was not consensus then it seems like raising a *relatively* minor point of contention among the orthodox believers would have been unwise given the need for unity against the clear and obvious heresies.
Thank you again for your great research and respectful treatment of a really interesting point of theological division in the modern capital "C" Church.
I am a Roman Catholic and therefore I am overjoyed each time I partake of the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ. However, as I came to understand, the Real Presence is valid only if there is Apostolic Succession, and so it only concerns Catholic and Orthodox Churches. Is that true? So if our Protestant brothers in Christ want to experience it it is dependent upon the Apostolic Succession.
Correct; Protestants do not have the real presence, even in the Lutheran and Anglican rites that hold to the trappings of the Catholic Church, because they have no Apostolic Succession. The Lutherans never bothered with it in the first place; the Anglicans restructured their rites of succession to make them very much not-Catholic, but in doing so they made the rites invalid. By the time they changed them back, it was too late; they had no authentically-ordained bishops left. Now they are the little brother playing on the video game console with an unplugged controller.
This was a great video. I am Protestant looking at conversion to Catholicism, and transubstantiation was one of the blocks, I thought, but between this video and some others by Scott Hahn, and a book I am reading, I am now convinced transubstantiation is correct. So thank you - loved this brief overview, and the quotes from the various church fathers.
I went on the same journey, and was blessed to join the Church in August of 2023. Keep searching. We love the Latin Mass.
Matt my father in law is very baptist and we have discussed this many times. He says the writings of the church fathers are not important because the church in the book of acts does not put the Eucharist at the center of the church. He also claims the church in the book of acts does not look catholic to him. He does not see the bishops and popes etc. How can I respond to such a claim?
Have you him about the writings of Ignatius of Antioch and other preCostantine fathers? They are totally Catholic.
A lot of Protestants put the blame on Costantine for Catholicism, so this will cause them problem.
If he says that after the Apostles all went bad then you should ask him if you trust more the interpretations of their followers and direct successors or the ones of a 17th century man?
If he tries to tie his Denomination with the Apostles (like 7th day Adventists do) ask him if he has some pre 17th century document to show that the Baptist Church is the true Church.
Acts 2:42 lists the four things the first Christians devoted themselves to, "the teaching of the apostles and to the communal life, to the breaking of the bread and to the prayers." He may object and say that this "breaking of the bread" simply refers to eating bread together. But why would they be devoted to breaking and eating bread? Surely everyone, Christian or Jew or Gentile, ate bread, right? And why use the term "breaking" instead of "eating"? Who is it today, the Catholics or the Baptists that are devoted to the "breaking of the bread"?
Acts 20:7-12 begins, "On the first day of the week when we gathered to break bread..." and in verse 11 "then he returned upstairs, broke the bread, and ate." Again, why mention that they ate bread, and why mention that they broke it? Why on the first day of the week? There is an epistle where Paul does explain what he means by "breaking the bread".
1Cor 10:16 Paul writes, "The cup of blessing that we bless, is it not a participation in the blood of Christ? The bread that we break, is it not a participation in the body of Christ?" He then explains in more detail in 1Cor 11:23-32.
Unfortunately, some do not understand, because as Paul also writes in 1Cor 10:15 "I am speaking as to sensible people."
Would he watch a scientific Eucharistic miracle?видео.html
@@HoosierHound You can add to that the fact that St. Paul calls the place of celebration of the Eucharistic the altar when he says, "you cannot partake of the table of the Lord, and the table of demons." "The table of the Lord" appears only one other place in the Bible, and is the name God gives His altar. Guess where? Only where we find a prophecy from God about the "pure sacrifice" that the Gentiles offer from the rising of the sun to its setting (Malachi 1) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Matt this is not boring at all. Wonderful information God bless you Aussie brother.
The video format is great Matt! I'm adding it to my repertoire for discussions with my protestant friends.