04 - O is for "Only True Church": Alpine UT Mormon Youth Rescue w/ Brad Wilcox

  • Опубликовано: 6 фев 2022

Комментарии • 91

  • @carriechapman5053
    @carriechapman5053 2 года назад +46

    Um “the world” has actually surpassed the goal of being tolerant, Brad. We are out here being inclusive and loving. You’re missing it.

  • @aaronpeterson3
    @aaronpeterson3 2 года назад +59

    G stands for Gaslighting!

    • @bradensorensen966
      @bradensorensen966 2 года назад +6

      O stands for Outrageous claims!

    • @tima5033
      @tima5033 2 года назад +5

      S stands for shifting the goal posts

    • @mylesmarkson1686
      @mylesmarkson1686 2 года назад +1

      @@tima5033 P stands for Pathetic Apologetics!

    • @marli1189
      @marli1189 2 года назад +2

      E stands for Emotional Manipulation!

    • @mylesmarkson1686
      @mylesmarkson1686 2 года назад

      @@marli1189 And L stands for the Lamest Talk Ever!!!

  • @danreich4320
    @danreich4320 2 года назад +23

    Seems odd to me that the only true church steadfastly refuses to answer ANY questions about its history with humility and honesty.

    • @dougcorbett4933
      @dougcorbett4933 2 года назад +1

      They can’t because they would all fall apart. They have tried and it was how they answered why there are variations of the first version as I was researching this that told me they were lying. They even made a church movie incorporating the different versions and it flopped and they buried it because it did not work

  • @ashtrost
    @ashtrost 2 года назад +51

    I left the church and I’m playing the whole band now! Happier than ever!! What a disgusting message telling people they can’t have a full life outside of the LDS church and they’ll lose the support of family and friends. No wonder the LDS church has a high rate of depression.

    • @ashleyclawson4363
      @ashleyclawson4363 2 года назад +5

      They rule with fear, so they have to keep people afraid to leave. 🙄

  • @harrisonfackrell
    @harrisonfackrell 2 года назад +6

    This is so surreal. His analogy about the high schools is a really effective _deconstruction_ of his own point.

  • @joshuabernards3064
    @joshuabernards3064 2 года назад +10

    Says "we're not having a competition" 5 min after saying the LDS church is doing better than any other church

  • @denisethrondsen3399
    @denisethrondsen3399 2 года назад +29

    This man is a good reminder of why people have left the church. He’s not humble, kind or Christlike. He’s practically yelling, he seems angry. Yuk!

    • @DancingQueenie
      @DancingQueenie 2 года назад +5

      Anger with a thin veneer of “l’m not upset. I’m laughing.” And a subterranean river of desperation.

  • @ewankerr3011
    @ewankerr3011 2 года назад +3

    I get it now. The 'Only True Church' is not a truth claim, it is only an invitation to play the piano.

  • @jonsjunkmailonly
    @jonsjunkmailonly 2 года назад +12

    There are many notes that a piano cannot play, Brad, not to mention sounds no piano can produce. If you disregard this truth, you'll never hear the symphony.

  • @minaguta4147
    @minaguta4147 2 года назад +19

    Indoctrination, indoctrination, indoctrination.

  • @PainH8er
    @PainH8er 2 года назад +25

    I am an active believing member and this is a huge swing and a miss. We are NOT the only true church! We should never say that phrase again. I am beyond saddened that we are still hearing this false narrative from the upper leaders of the faith 😞

    • @elisep4167
      @elisep4167 2 года назад +1

      How long have you been a member? Every member behind Brad raised their hands to saying they have heard and testified that the Church is the only true church because that’s what was TAUGHT all their lives and generations before them. All my life from Sunday teachers, EFY councilors, and seminary. What other church were you taught that had the keys and full gospel?

    • @PainH8er
      @PainH8er 2 года назад +6

      @@elisep4167 I’ve been a member my whole life. I believe it is a false narrative that we are the only true church, no matter who says it. I know how often it’s been repeated, but it needs to stop. I wrote an essay detailing why it’s actually NOT doctrinal according to our scriptures. I cringe whenever I hear it.

    • @elisep4167
      @elisep4167 2 года назад +1

      @@PainH8er Do you bare your testimony that it’s not the only true church? 👍🏼 How well does that go?

    • @PainH8er
      @PainH8er 2 года назад +3

      @@elisep4167 Funny you ask. I actually did on Sunday! I talked about how I’m grateful for additional scripture that can add meaning, but before that I praised other faiths and mentioned how I believed God was working through many faiths so that no one would get the impression that I thought we were better than others just because we have additional scripture.
      I also taught gospel doctrine last year, and when we taught section 1 of the D&C, we went over verse 30 and I debunked the false narrative that we are the only true church. Many people came up to me and said something to the effect of, “I am so grateful that you spoke up about that because I have felt the same way for a long time.”

    • @elisep4167
      @elisep4167 2 года назад

      @@PainH8er Awesome that you think the keys of the priesthood don’t mean a thing :) The work done through priesthood keys and ordinances don’t matter. Other churches learn and know the Plan of Salvation just fine without them. Having access to and following a living prophet doesn’t matter for a church to be true.
      My understanding of preaching “Only true church” is that LDS members believe it to be the MOST true. People aren’t naive believing churches that teach through the Bible to be not true, but less true than their own faith.

  • @joetaylor8687
    @joetaylor8687 2 года назад +4

    Next old Brad will be talking about "living prophets." Here's a question, Brad: How many prophecies have been rendered by these people which actually came to pass? When have they really prophesied anything that transpired . . . ever . . . in nearly 2 centuries?

  • @brandtmunden4869
    @brandtmunden4869 2 года назад +5

    Coffee is true in my life tho

  • @marielasalle5039
    @marielasalle5039 2 года назад +6

    A tiny sect, barely ever thought about outside of a few states . They don’t realize that the piano, even a better tuned one than they are playing, is not the whole orchestra, and that that the piano is a newcomer in the history of music. And this from a player who ignored the black keys for three quarters of its history and still refuses to admit there is more than one foot pedal.
    The phrase, The one true church instituted by Christ to give grace, has veen around for millennia, long before Joseph Smith decided to start a religion. It never referred to Mormonism.

    • @traceuse13
      @traceuse13 2 года назад

      Not to mention all the rich philosophy, scholarship and concepts found in Judaism, Buddhism and other ancient traditions. But somehow the church, which never even so much as brushes against many of the deep questions, concepts and philosophies found in some other religions, has all the piano keys? ALL the keys??

    • @sabatamapetla
      @sabatamapetla Год назад


  • @williambott1230
    @williambott1230 2 года назад +10

    I feel sorry for the dude. Trying so hard as a old out of touch man trying to connect with young people that were raised in a polar opposite society then the one he was raised in.

    • @joetaylor8687
      @joetaylor8687 2 года назад +1

      Don't feel sorry for him. He's part of the inner circle who will never have to worry about actually working for a living the rest of his life. Just get up behind a podium once in awhile and run the mouth for a bit. Not a bad gig if you can get it.

  • @bedsheetsblue
    @bedsheetsblue 2 года назад +4

    "By hang!" Thank you, Utah.

  • @tracygittins6343
    @tracygittins6343 2 года назад +3

    He's not promoting "we're number one". He's promoting "the rest of you are NOTHING, number ZERO!"

  • @KGchannel01
    @KGchannel01 2 года назад +2

    When we talk about "the only true church." I have wondered since my mission what we mean by that. Do we mean we have all Truth? Or that what we have is free of error? The Apostle Paul said, "for now we see through a glass darkly...now I know in part.". If we mean we have all the truth, why would an article of faith speak of many things yet to be revealed, or why would we need continuing revelation. And if we mean our claims are free of error, well, even a brief look at history shows a great deal of changes. If it wasn't broken, why fix it?
    Perhaps we are more like Paul than we have been willing to admit.

    • @KGchannel01
      @KGchannel01 2 года назад +1

      ...And more like all the other churches as well! I don't feel "uptight" about it. The issue is not political correctness, but what such a claim means, whether it holds true, and what the moral implications and social consequences might be if people take such a claim seriously. The value of tolerance should not be so lightly dismissed by a people who historically suffered persecution.

  • @theflaterfapologist99
    @theflaterfapologist99 Год назад +1

    The balls on this guy are actually pretty impressive. Imagine getting in front of a microphone, with a camera running and saying this shit 😂

  • @davidfayfield6594
    @davidfayfield6594 2 года назад

    Where is part 3?

  • @sdfotodude
    @sdfotodude 2 года назад +2

    O is for Obedience. Satans plan of salvation.

  • @abjaaksm
    @abjaaksm 2 года назад +12

    Wow the absolute lack of logic is laughable. I’m begging you, please stop writing talks where nearly every sentence is easily refutable! This is exactly the type of stuff that drove me away. There are good people in the church but whew this is painting a nasty picture.

  • @Themanyfacesofego
    @Themanyfacesofego 2 года назад

    The hand gestures and occasional grimaces;
    The changes of pitch (ranging from a confidential whisper to sudden shouting)
    The odd choice of words;
    The red face and bloated appearance etc, all denote someone with an advanced alcohol problem.
    He needs counselling to sort himself out.

  • @mrnoedahl
    @mrnoedahl 2 года назад +3

    I heard Joseph Smith yell we’re number 2 because we smell like you. Come on guys grow up. You all worship Senior Joseph Smith.

  • @ryanlewis7361
    @ryanlewis7361 2 года назад +5

    Man. I've been playing chopsticks for close to two decades now and I'm super glad I abandoned the racist, homophobic, misogynistic piano. That music suuuuucked, yo.

  • @Henninchs
    @Henninchs 2 года назад +4

    Nice claim, but where are the reasonable answers from this church? This church is barely willing to answer any of the tons of uncomfortable questions publicly. They excommunicate questioners, critics...run smear campaigns against ex-Mormons and simply refuse any uncomfortable question...while they continue shamelessly claiming that they know they are the one true church. The analogy of sports fans with their emotional confirmation doesn't convince me!
    The only true church should be able to invite its critics and doubting members and offer reasonable answers! I'm talking about decent critics, not rude ones that might serve as an excuse. They won't because the only truth is based on a big lie and they know it! They testify this over and over in repetitive ignorance.

  • @dougcorbett4933
    @dougcorbett4933 2 года назад +1

    If he were a salesman it would be for used cars. To motivate from guilt never never works long term. Short term sure but it doesn’t last because you grow to sense something is missing or you’re resentful.
    Where was the motivation from genuineness? There isn’t any!

  • @rachaelenglish348
    @rachaelenglish348 2 года назад +17

    This is just embarrassing now. They look so desperate. By looking so desperate they just scream cult vibes.

  • @darkforgiven360
    @darkforgiven360 2 года назад +2

    Accepted the invitation and then regretted it very soon after. If only I had known the "meat" doctrines were so contradictory to the Old Testament, the New Testament, the Apostolic Fathers, and the Early Church, even basic Judaism. Even the Book of Mormon contradicts so much of the "meat"... It doesn't take faith to accept this message, it takes a spiritual veil over the eyes. Jehovah's Witnesses give a similar message and are just as lost.
    Many are waking up though. Sadly many go to Atheism instead of turning to the amazing Jesus of Scriptures.
    Believing in Jesus requires faith yes but it is faith rooted in fact and tangible evidence not a faith that is blind to evidence. The Bible is proven true by so much tangible and empirical evidence. The Jesus of history is supported by so much evidence.
    What an arrogant statement he makes about the piano that everyone else is basically playing chopsticks. I know that not all LDS are as arrogant as Brad and some are actually close friends of mine. But this arrogant attitude is what has convinced so many young people to leave the LDS faith.

  • @joetaylor8687
    @joetaylor8687 2 года назад

    "Mormonism" (sorry Rusty!) survives and thrives in a vacuum. You have people jumping up and saying "I know the Church is true" over and over and over, and that's the basis of most people's "testimony." It's not based on history, the validity of theology, the strength of philosophy and ideology, or anything else. People all over in all brands of denominations say that they "know their church is true," and "they know their leader is a true prophet." It's the same all over, from Islam right down to the "fundamentalists" who believe in people like Warren Jeffs.

  • @sunny8254
    @sunny8254 2 года назад +3

    Where did part 3 'G' go?

  • @kasspriscilla9350
    @kasspriscilla9350 3 месяца назад

    He just contradiction in his words

  • @digitalassetsonfire4786
    @digitalassetsonfire4786 2 года назад +3

    What a lot of crap. You think we're dumb. The only true Church means your Church is better than any other Church. It's a lot if crap. A personal relationship with Saviour is more satisfying than proving your better. There are millions of people around the world who have a personal relationship with the Saviour. They do not stand up and say there Church is true. Sorry, but short-sighted Brad Wilcox. You have no idea.

  • @Herr_strauss91
    @Herr_strauss91 2 года назад +4

    I am puking 🤢 listening to this talk, Brad Wilcox is a terrible leader and uses terrible analogies. As an LDS member, I have never NEVER never gone around saying we are only only number one, or we are the only true church. The LDS church is hemorrhaging and losing an entire generation (possibly two) of members because the church is really frankly gone off the rails into a ditch. People are tired of the hyper-conservative mentality and the secret vs sacred bs of the temples, finances, and inner workings of our churchZ By the end of this decade 1/2 the youth will be gone. No amount of money and secret funds will preserve this failing business….

    • @joelgoldsmith4747
      @joelgoldsmith4747 2 года назад +2

      And you're still holding on buddy, after all this???🤕

  • @guyincognito9410
    @guyincognito9410 2 года назад +2

    Who thinks it is intolerant to believe that there is only one true church? Genuinely asking, it makes no sense how the claim is allegedly intolerant

    • @abjaaksm
      @abjaaksm 2 года назад

      It discounts the beliefs of other religions and belittles them. I don’t think it’s the worst thing that Mormonism peddles but I’ve had friends be offended to that statement. I think saying that it’s the only true church, coupled with the ignorance that so often accompanies church education about other religions, can lead to some real bad biases. It’s like how nationalism is bad even though “I’m just rooting for my country!”

    • @guyincognito9410
      @guyincognito9410 2 года назад

      @@abjaaksm most religions believe they are the correct way, though, its not exclusive to the LDS church

    • @yorgasor
      @yorgasor 2 года назад

      It's one thing to say your church is the only one with God's authority. It's something else entirely to claim that people in all the other religions in the world are just "playing religion". Keep in mind, there are about 4 million active members in the world, compared to 7.9 billion people. So, everyone else is just "playing religion" while only 0.05% of the world is actually doing religion. If you need to mock other religions to lift yours up, you're doing it wrong.

    • @guyincognito9410
      @guyincognito9410 2 года назад

      @@yorgasor I do agree that “playing religion” was condescending

    • @G274Me
      @G274Me 2 года назад

      One True church: tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny fraction of a fraction of the world pop. God is a failure then!

  • @bradensorensen966
    @bradensorensen966 2 года назад +11

    There is no true church.

  • @yeshalloween
    @yeshalloween 2 года назад +6

    This is just making it so much worse!

  • @traceuse13
    @traceuse13 2 года назад

    Having traveled to 31 countries and studied lots of religions and cultures, this is so silly. This church, which has only existed for a couple hundred years and has maybe 7 million active attending people worldwide (and that's a very generous assumption) has more piano keys than these ancient, complex religions with all kinds of history and philosophy and scholarly traditions for thousands of years and concepts that never occur to Mormons or even westerners...dude, this is so goofy. I can guarantee you, you leave Utah and most people never think about the church or care. The church is so incomprehensibly small and insignificant. Most people never think about the church. It means nothing to most people. Most people out there have all kinds of deep, rich conviction and meaning and philosophy without knowing anything at all about Mormonism. But to LDS people, their entire world revolves around the church. They really think they have all the piano keys.
    This is like some kids in their treehouse bragging to each other about how their little club is more special than every adult organization in the city.

  • @slikdudelb
    @slikdudelb Год назад

    So we are to believe that the “Only True Church” came about by discovery by a boy in America *1840* years After Jesus said to His Apostle Peter, “You are the rock, and upon this rock will I build my Church … and gates of hell will not prevail against it.” … Well I guess the Lord of life told a mistruth. But then again we’re just rooting for our football team not yours. What a horrific analogy.

  • @samhennis
    @samhennis 2 года назад +3

    Such arrogance

  • @jennieslade
    @jennieslade 2 года назад

    Just bad. US vs THEM 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

  • @SA_SwangnArk_KlumzyG
    @SA_SwangnArk_KlumzyG 2 года назад +2

    So cringe

  • @lindaolsen7089
    @lindaolsen7089 11 месяцев назад

    Who is this guy talking to? Kindergartners? Because if this is for teenagers, I'd be surprised if any of them are still there.
    He should be asking more questions rather than pronouncing platitudes that don't begin to address where most teens live.

  • @jordanalexander8099
    @jordanalexander8099 2 года назад +9

    This is concerning. Brad, people get bent out of shape because the facts don’t align with the bull shit narrative.

    • @abjaaksm
      @abjaaksm 2 года назад +4

      Yeah sports is not analogous to religion. Plus, people get plenty wound up about sports too. He’s acting as if the majority of wars in history weren’t based on religion