Thanks for watching! Subscribe to Matt's free newsletter to stay updated on Project 2025 and how right-wing groups are trying to dismantle our democracy:
Mediamatters has a page dedicated to unpacking the polling the data showing broad disapproval of P-2025 in addition to messaging strategy. It is a mistake to frame this as a "Christian nationalist" agenda since all that does is push undecided conservative voters into a corner. This agenda is so overtly a subversion of our basic democratic institutions that relying on the crutch of implicating religion isn't necessary and likely self-defeating. At the end of the day it's about money. P-2025 is the blueprint for Powell Memo doctrine, which called for putting business interests above democracy. It subjects civil service independence to the whims of political office, undermining checks and balances. It finishes the job of dismantling New Deal worker protections that special interests have been trying to accomplish since the day it was passed in 1933. Christian nationalism is a peripheral matter.
You should have mentioned that Republican admins have been implementing HF policies for years. Reagan implemented over 60% of their policy paper back then as Trump also implemented over 60% of their policy recommendations in 2017. Whole sections from Project 2025 are included in his Agenda 47 manifesto. We need to know that Trump is really no accident. This work to overturn democracy is a long-term effort and they now feel close to their ultimate objective. (PS- It’s got nothing to do with fun)
Matthew and Mark Elias I would like to help you and you help me please and thank you. See I am a college student at Liberty University majoring in theology since 2021. Where I am the only student who observed and opposed their teachings to all students not the word of God or Jesus but current human Theologians word of man. I have seen students start with positivity & their writings are completely changed & seem upset & deffeated at the end of the semester. I have had a professor tell me "Maybe I should rethink majoring in theology in feed back after I wrote a paper stating I agree to disagree with the courses book written by a Theologian in 2018. Even worse during the summer I found out Liberty University is funding, writing and some of the founders of the Heritage foundation also project 2025 and it all made sense to me! I start classes tomorrow and want to help stop them especially with what I have experienced!
I'm a boomer and it is very good to see you folks stepping up with good analysis and a concern for what is happening to our nation. We need you now more then ever. Keep up the great work!
Too bad the greatest threat to this country is the peole running it now and they are all members of the globalist cabal that meets in a secret office in newyork called the council of foreign relations
@@corywhitebread6519 you can complain directly to the IRS. There's probably a form for it on the website, but they're customer service by phone is pretty good.
Yes. It most certainly does. They have probably been flouting the regulations for years. Now that they have published their legislative manifesto, it seems like that violation would be easy to prove. Does anyone know how to contact IRS investigators? If someone has a printer, they could use form 211 from Fill out form 211 and mail it along with a printed copy of PROJECT 2025 to the IRS Whisleblowers office. I can get the address if someone who has a printer can mail it in.
Animal Farm by George Orwell is basically the same thing and much shorter. The rich are the pigs, the poor are the animals that work for the pigs( who produce nothing but take all the products)and are ultimately shipped off to slaughter. That's project 25 in a nutshell
Sort of like forcing the paper mask cult upon the public. Threaten to get them fired, and jailed for not wearing a paper mask to fight viruses (Which paper or cloth cannot do) ?
Trump does not endorse project 2025 they also dont mention him in their description on their website they clearly state on their website they are looking for a candidate who will fulfill their agenda their president was on the news and said they even contacted Joe Biden to see if he was interested in fulfiling their agenda
Until Americans wake up and realize that Republicans are only out for money. The best way to make money is to change the rules in your favour. The best way to change the rules is to be the government. The best way to ensure the rules stay changed is to enact "Project 2025" to form a dictatorship. As long as greed rules their agenda, Republicans will continue to try and form THEIR perfect government.
@@pokey5736 I don’t even live in the US but the more information I come across the more I realise Trump is just gonna make your country into a dictatorship. He’s supporting groups and projects that will destroy democracy possibly for decades if this project goes through his destroying freedom of speech
I don't see how anyone could vote for a 36 time convicted two-time impeach offending criminal who has let you know that he wants to dismantle this country's democracy who has put in play of trying to destroy a fair and free election who has no respect for our military or our government institutions but only want to be a dictator like dictators that he admire and worship don't know how Americans could support such a racist devotional narcissist.
A podcaster needs to take every chapter and break it down so that the public fully understands what is in this project. Too many people already vote against their own best interests.
I don't think you could get 1 podcaster knowledgeable in all the departments covered. When I read it, I didn't know enough about how some current departments do things to know what and why they propose changes.
Here is some of it: Eliminate Public Education Eliminate Social Security Eliminate Medicare Eliminate Medicaid Hamstring or Eliminate the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Sweeping Deregulations Firing all civil-servants (tens of thousands) and replacing them with Trump loyalists. Nationwide Abortion Ban and the criminalization of women's Healthcare. Using the military on the citizens! ITS ALL BAD! IT'S AN EVIL REPLACEMENT TO OUR CONSTITUTION!
People like 'illustrate to educate' make it seem like the best thing since sliced bread for the USA a new age of peace and prosperity in the USA but not for liberals/ leftists/ and immigrants, in fact no peace and love for anyone not a white conservative man.
Plus changing our tax structure from 7 levels to 2 levels. This would increase the tax-rate for the impoverished class by 50%, would increase the working-class rate by 25%, would increase the middle-class rate by 15%, while reducing the upper-class and wealthy tax rate by 7%. It also reduces the corporate tax by 5%. While it also eliminates Head Start, the child tax credit, child-care tax credit, eliminates the income based student loan repayment plan, eliminates Medicare by forcing all seniors to pay unregulated premiums to Medicare Advantage (a private health insurance company), eliminates protections for pre-existing health conditions, eliminates caps for out-of-pocket expenses. And a thousand other changes to eliminate the upper-middle class and the middle-class, and keep every American in the working class and struggling class -- classes with less financial and political power. These changes include turning all aspects of our infrastructure over to private for-profit corporations so they can charge us to use what we American tax-payers have paid to have built over the last 200 years. Such as every road will be a toll road owned by a big corporation who had the highest bid that paid Trump. Turning our waterways and beaches over to corporations who then charge us a fee to go swimming in our lakes, to go boating on our rivers, and set-up our beach chair on our beaches. While instituting a federal sales tax on everything. These changes will eliminate the FDA -- no rein on drugs, the FCC - full control of who gets to stay on the air and who gets eliminated, EPA -- no rein on water and air quality, USDA -- no control of meat and other food quality, SEC -- eliminates fair-play on the stock market. These eliminations will expose every American to life-threating toxins and crippling debt and extreme financial risk. Trump would have complete control of the FEC - Federal Elections Commission -- November 5th, 2024 could be the last election in the history of the United States of America. Project 2025 is just the beginning of eliminating the U.S. Civil Service "Administrative State / Deep State". Our Civil Servants are professionals in their field, they are subject matter experts that help guide the implementation of laws created by Congress through regulations. These Departments and Agencies' policies are then overseen by Presidential appointment of top-level administrators, The Professional Civil Servants are a-political professionals, their oath is to the U.S. Constitution and the American People not the President, not Congress, not the Supreme Court, but to you. These Professional Civil Servants, including the Civil Servants at NSA, USS, DEA, ATF, FBI, and CIA, keeps America running, keeps Americans protected from corporate greed and mayhem, keeps Americans safe from foreign and domestic enemies. There is a long-term plan that exists in the radical seditionist Republican playbook -- Project 2025 is the introductory chapter. And there is not a law on the books or a new law that can be made to stop TRUMP/VANCE if they are elected because the Supreme Court made the President a King. It would take a Constitutional Amendment. There is a group of approx. 19 Republican controlled State Houses that meet every year to strategize the replacement of the U.S. Constitution. That strategy focuses on controlling elections to get radical seditionist Republicans elected in State and local positions. They need 3/4 of the State Houses to accomplish eliminating the U.S. Constitution, they are half-way there, proving that State and local elections matter. Vote for Democracy like your life depended on it because it does. As Joe would say, this is not hyperbole, its facts.
Trump denounced project 2025. Don’t listen to other people watch trumps speeches and actually see what he says. People twist his words and make up shit and you wouldn’t be so scared if you were Informed on his policy
When good people stand around and do nothing that's how evil wins. It was two men who claimed Black People were 3/5 of a human being. The Seven Mountain Prophecy. God, The Most High, Yahweh doesn't make 3/5 of human beings. 🙏 ✝️ Call him what you want, there is only one God. In God We Trust 🇺🇸 Vote 💙 Save Democracy
Hillary Clinton - Black men are super predators Joe Biden - I don't want my kids growing up in a racial jungle/If you don't vote for me you ain't black!
That was for votes concerning the electoral college. They wanted the slave population to count for electoral college votes but they couldn’t vote themselves. So the parties compromised on counting them as 3/5 of a human. It only served their owners politically. Not good by any means but I think it’s good to know where it came from.
What childish name are the Republicans going to use for President Harris. You know they are going to breakout in tears another four years. We love you President Biden.
President Harris? Hillary Clinton is white, rich and has name recognition. She could not get elected despite all polls in her favor. Do you really believe America is ready to elect a mixed-race woman who is disliked by many and does not have the political/diplomatic experience needed? Reality is harsh. I am concerned.
A Democrat campaign ad needs to show a clip of Trump praising the Heritage Foundation as noted, and that is the organization responsible for Project 2025.
A Democrat campaign would lay out actual policy, to help make the lives of Americans better...not fear mongering over project 2025, which isn't even endorsed by Trump in the first place.
People it is time for us not to get compliant get out there register everybody to vote blew down the ballot love our country love our freedom love our democracy
Trump's disrespectable, demeaning name calling is shameful and reflects poorly on his position as ex-president, presumptive GOP presidential candidate. However, speaking of childish name calling of candidates, I have decided to refer to Donald Trump as Agent Orange because it is he whose "poisoning the blood" of America. Childish or not, I believe many people will recognize that as truth.
"Politicians should wear sponsor jackets like NASCAR drivers, then we know who owns them." - Robin Williams George Conway launches ‘Anti-Psychopath PAC’ focused on Trump’s mental health. He also is trying to educate the People about Project 2025.. We Need To Know what the Owners want.
Please refer to the old Republican Party only as the MAGA Republican Party. Because the MAGA Republican Party has no place for the conservative values the Republicans used to support.
If they wanted to bring back slavery or permanent 2nd or 3rd class segments of society based on any classification, they'll have that ability. Almost like we are living pre ww2 Germany
Serious Question to You Tube Channel: When listing what's in Project 2025, WHY DON'T YOU LIST THE PAGE NUMBERS SO THAT VIEWERS CAN DIRECTLY VERIFY YOUR CLAIMS?? This would definitely get more people to read this document!
Save America and the Free World! 💙HARRIS FOR PRESIDENT💙 Kamala will continue to apply her intelligence, compassion, commitment, love of people, and love of country as she takes the reines of our Nation after she beats the orange felon at the ballot box this coming November. 🎉💙Vote BLUE top down in November 2024.💙🎉 TO ALL TRULY PATRIOTIC AMERICANS = LET'S SHOW THE WORLD HOW MUCH WE LOVE OUR COUNTRY AND OUR DEMOCRACY BY VOTING BLUE. 💙HARRIS FOR PRESIDENT💙
I appreciate you guys bringing up Project 2025 and for talking about a couple of the more frightening aspects of this ponderous document filled with propaganda and doublespeak. I am still looking for one video that goes through the points of the document in bullets and covers basically the whole document in essence. I'm a big fan of Brian Tyler Cohen, Mark Elias, Democracy Docket itself, and many other Progressive institutions that are addressing it. But every approach is piecemeal. I have not found anybody who runs through the entire document point by point by point to give us a comprehensive view of the massive damage it will cause if it's implemented. This would need to be very professional, very quick, and very clear. I do wish somebody would do this. If you guys can do this, tag me please. There is one group, United Americans for the Separation of Church and State, which has been battling Project 2025 tooth and nail. I will continue to research their videos. I'm trying to find just one video that covers everything quickly for my friends and family. They don't have the time to do this research like I do. So I am still looking.
A constitutional republic is a type of democracy. Much in the same way that a pear is a type of fruit. It's a subcategory. Basically what you are saying is that "This is not a FRUIT - it's a PEAR" - you are not making any sense since it is actually both.
Thanks for doing this. I’m knocking on doors in Wisconsin and would love a ‘punch list’ of how P 2025 would effect people directly, such as social security, education, military, climate change…WITH reference to page numbers. Thanks 🙏
You mean as dangerous as telling you who you're going to vote for, rather than the people being able to choose their candidate? Which is a greater threat to democracy? A document that hasnt even reached Congress or a Party who has already dictated who their nominee is going to be?
As a registered Democrat, who always ends up voting green.... why do all dems do is complain about what red does? Go do it. Make a blue 2025 book. And then enact it! Don't just complain about reds.
Before he stepped down from his leadership role the video by the head of the Heritage Society was stunning considering how smug the spokesperson was in his presentation. The unspoken message was “we know what is best for your lives you (ignorant) Americans; you won’t believe the changes we have planned for you and I intend to keep some of our plans private from you right now”.
Citizen question will defund certain states, it can result in less representatives for a state. That question is not required by the u.s. constitution. The constitution requires an accurate count of inhabitants in each state.
@4:04 - No where in Project 2025 Chapter 17 does it say EVER that the Civil Rights Division will be abolished. It recommends "Reassigning Responsibility for Prosecuting Election-Related Offenses from the Civil Rights Division to the Criminal Division". It specifically says "Reorganize and refocus the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division to serve as the vanguard for this return to lawfulness" (pg 562) and "Pursuing Equal Protection for All Americans by Vigorously Enforcing Applicable Federal Civil Rights Laws in Government, Education, and the Private Sector" Citing the open practice of discriminating by race under the "guise of 'equity'". Page 561.
Furthermore, On Abortion Fear Mongering @1:36 , It only recommends that the FDA rescind the Approval of the abortion Pill citing political reasons for approval, and states that if it doesn't want to do this, at least demand state reporting be required and the VAERS system be more robust, and Mail-Order Abortion pills prohibition (which is already law) be enforced at the federal level. Trump and Vance have already stated that they are not for abortion bans and they will leave it up to the states.
Also realize that there is much more to the chapter of Health and Human Services, abortion is a very small issue. Details about insurance, Medicaid, personalized plans, stipends, and rewards for healthy behavior are discussed. Its a 1000 page comprehensive document and they are pulling out the most controversial words and doing so in a fear mongering, poorly interpreted, and ill-assuming way.
Also on the "Strip DOJ of independent Authority" @3:27...It recommends the FBI (NOT THE DOJ) be overhauled to remove the ability of mid and senior level FBI personnel to act as if they are independent agency with no accountability. The FBI is part of DOJ which is accountable to the Office of the Attorney General, an office under the executive branch. It is not independent although it should act as politically independent as Lady Justice is Blind. The document goes to cite several cases of the FBI not holding to that standard. (Ch17 pg 545-547)
@CarpeVerpa Removing the Education Department means more money to education and no threat to a central coerced ideology by the Federal government. Can't rule a nation as a dictator if you can't keep the society coerced now can you??
there needs to be specifics on how this impacts middle class, immigrants, blue collar workers and then how eventually it will impact the maga people cause they think they are free and clear of this madness
Thank you for your work. Can you guys focus more on republican disinformation about illegal immigrants being allowed to vote? And how can we combat those lies to our maga family & friends on social media?
Mark Elias I would like to help you and you help me please and thank you. See I am a college student at Liberty University majoring in theology since 2021. Where I am the only student who observed and opposed their teachings to all students not the word of God or Jesus but current human Theologians word of man. I have seen students start with positivity & their writings are completely changed & seem upset & deffeated at the end of the semester. I have had a professor tell me "Maybe I should rethink majoring in theology in feed back after I wrote a paper stating I agree to disagree with the courses book written by a Theologian in 2018. Even worse during the summer I found out Liberty University is funding, writing and some of the founders of the Heritage foundation also project 2025 and it all made sense to me! I start classes tomorrow and want to help stop them especially with what I have experienced!
it benefits him over all. He had trouble with the law in many ways. He has in our eyes lie and put democracy in danger and wnats the end of it to benefit him self. It's like he wants a russian policy. We're people can't even talk because they get in jail. People needs to get educated, know the truth to make a better choice when voting.
Remember ... all GQP want this Most Americans want this When they get hurt by it, I'm gonna be laughing at them. My conscience is clear. I'd never vote for authoritarian rule regardless of guys right left or center
Thanks for watching! Subscribe to Matt's free newsletter to stay updated on Project 2025 and how right-wing groups are trying to dismantle our democracy:
Mediamatters has a page dedicated to unpacking the polling the data showing broad disapproval of P-2025 in addition to messaging strategy. It is a mistake to frame this as a "Christian nationalist" agenda since all that does is push undecided conservative voters into a corner. This agenda is so overtly a subversion of our basic democratic institutions that relying on the crutch of implicating religion isn't necessary and likely self-defeating. At the end of the day it's about money. P-2025 is the blueprint for Powell Memo doctrine, which called for putting business interests above democracy. It subjects civil service independence to the whims of political office, undermining checks and balances. It finishes the job of dismantling New Deal worker protections that special interests have been trying to accomplish since the day it was passed in 1933. Christian nationalism is a peripheral matter.
Trump hasn't endorsed it.
You should have mentioned that Republican admins have been implementing HF policies for years. Reagan implemented over 60% of their policy paper back then as Trump also implemented over 60% of their policy recommendations in 2017. Whole sections from Project 2025 are included in his Agenda 47 manifesto. We need to know that Trump is really no accident. This work to overturn democracy is a long-term effort and they now feel close to their ultimate objective. (PS- It’s got nothing to do with fun)
Matthew and Mark Elias I would like to help you and you help me please and thank you. See I am a college student at Liberty University majoring in theology since 2021. Where I am the only student who observed and opposed their teachings to all students not the word of God or Jesus but current human Theologians word of man. I have seen students start with positivity & their writings are completely changed & seem upset & deffeated at the end of the semester. I have had a professor tell me "Maybe I should rethink majoring in theology in feed back after I wrote a paper stating I agree to disagree with the courses book written by a Theologian in 2018. Even worse during the summer I found out Liberty University is funding, writing and some of the founders of the Heritage foundation also project 2025 and it all made sense to me! I start classes tomorrow and want to help stop them especially with what I have experienced!
I'm a boomer and it is very good to see you folks stepping up with good analysis and a concern for what is happening to our nation. We need you now more then ever. Keep up the great work!
Trump Agenda
I have a feeling you’re lying about being a boomer. No boomer says their boomers unless ur trying to be a comedian
@@Toruntk 'They're', not "their".
@@johnmagnuson2499 OK boomer.
Too bad the greatest threat to this country is the peole running it now and they are all members of the globalist cabal that meets in a secret office in newyork called the council of foreign relations
The Heritage Foundation appears to have violated their constraints under their 501-C3 status.
Which they’ve likely done every year since….
Certainly we can litigate that and the SCOTUS will rule in the favor of America, right?
A petition needs to be started to have that investigated.
@@corywhitebread6519 you can complain directly to the IRS. There's probably a form for it on the website, but they're customer service by phone is pretty good.
Yes. It most certainly does. They have probably been flouting the regulations for years. Now that they have published their legislative manifesto, it seems like that violation would be easy to prove. Does anyone know how to contact IRS investigators? If someone has a printer, they could use form 211 from Fill out form 211 and mail it along with a printed copy of PROJECT 2025 to the IRS Whisleblowers office. I can get the address if someone who has a printer can mail it in.
Read project 2025. It took me a long time to get through it. Chilling and scary.
I read the summary. It is a synopsis and a quicker read.
The more people know the details the better. Knowledge is power. 💙❤️
Brain washing you guys believe anything
Animal Farm by George Orwell is basically the same thing and much shorter. The rich are the pigs, the poor are the animals that work for the pigs( who produce nothing but take all the products)and are ultimately shipped off to slaughter. That's project 25 in a nutshell
I haven’t tackled it yet. My anxiety is at its peak. I will though, soon!
Subtitle for this document: "A Blueprint For Dictatorship."
As Heather Cox-Richardson said, Project 2025 is designed to put an autocrat at the head of American government.
Sort of like forcing the paper mask cult upon the public. Threaten to get them fired, and jailed for not wearing a paper mask to fight viruses (Which paper or cloth cannot do) ?
Trump does not endorse project 2025 they also dont mention him in their description on their website they clearly state on their website they are looking for a candidate who will fulfill their agenda their president was on the news and said they even contacted Joe Biden to see if he was interested in fulfiling their agenda
Mostly the dictators are communists or marxists
I don't know why I read that as "you sunk my battleship"?
For how many years will the US be under the threat of any republican President enacting this project?
It’s already been decades
It will be an ongoing never ending fight. As long as Christian Nationalism exists.
Until Americans wake up and realize that Republicans are only out for money. The best way to make money is to change the rules in your favour. The best way to change the rules is to be the government. The best way to ensure the rules stay changed is to enact "Project 2025" to form a dictatorship. As long as greed rules their agenda, Republicans will continue to try and form THEIR perfect government.
We have to end the MAGA Movement first and this could take 16 years.
Until the Heritage Foundation is dismantled or legislated out of their ability to enact these horribly bad things.
We must come together at this time..our country is in GRAVE DANGER! Anyone but HIM PLEASE!
Madam President Harris !💙🇺🇲
@@pokey5736 I don’t even live in the US but the more information I come across the more I realise Trump is just gonna make your country into a dictatorship. He’s supporting groups and projects that will destroy democracy possibly for decades if this project goes through his destroying freedom of speech
80 million disagree with you...they trump over you lot😅
2025 Project, Google and listen and share this. “How Trump is Following Hitler's Playbook :Robert Reich
I don't see how anyone could vote for a 36 time convicted two-time impeach offending criminal who has let you know that he wants to dismantle this country's democracy who has put in play of trying to destroy a fair and free election who has no respect for our military or our government institutions but only want to be a dictator like dictators that he admire and worship don't know how Americans could support such a racist devotional narcissist.
A podcaster needs to take every chapter and break it down so that the public fully understands what is in this project. Too many people already vote against their own best interests.
I understand. I agree but it’s 900 pages! Maybe the lowlights?
I don't think you could get 1 podcaster knowledgeable in all the departments covered. When I read it, I didn't know enough about how some current departments do things to know what and why they propose changes.
Here is some of it:
Eliminate Public Education
Eliminate Social Security
Eliminate Medicare
Eliminate Medicaid
Hamstring or Eliminate the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
Sweeping Deregulations
Firing all civil-servants (tens of thousands) and replacing them with Trump loyalists.
Nationwide Abortion Ban and the criminalization of women's Healthcare.
Using the military on the citizens!
Yes please!
@@jacquirimown3886 I left a reply highlighting many of the evil policies. It looks like RUclips strikes again!
We the people do not want project 2025 ✌🏽😊🖖🏽🇺🇸🇵🇷
We the people want mass deportations!
Yes we do
@raymondparnell439 you want a dictatorship?
People like 'illustrate to educate' make it seem like the best thing since sliced bread for the USA a new age of peace and prosperity in the USA but not for liberals/ leftists/ and immigrants, in fact no peace and love for anyone not a white conservative man.
I watched a video that said trump was mentioned 312 times in Project 2025 mandate.
And yet he claims to know nothing about it.
Yes, that's correct.
2025 Project, Google and listen and share this. “How Trump is Following Hitler's Playbook :Robert Reich
Plus changing our tax structure from 7 levels to 2 levels. This would increase the tax-rate for the impoverished class by 50%, would increase the working-class rate by 25%, would increase the middle-class rate by 15%, while reducing the upper-class and wealthy tax rate by 7%. It also reduces the corporate tax by 5%. While it also eliminates Head Start, the child tax credit, child-care tax credit, eliminates the income based student loan repayment plan, eliminates Medicare by forcing all seniors to pay unregulated premiums to Medicare Advantage (a private health insurance company), eliminates protections for pre-existing health conditions, eliminates caps for out-of-pocket expenses. And a thousand other changes to eliminate the upper-middle class and the middle-class, and keep every American in the working class and struggling class -- classes with less financial and political power. These changes include turning all aspects of our infrastructure over to private for-profit corporations so they can charge us to use what we American tax-payers have paid to have built over the last 200 years. Such as every road will be a toll road owned by a big corporation who had the highest bid that paid Trump. Turning our waterways and beaches over to corporations who then charge us a fee to go swimming in our lakes, to go boating on our rivers, and set-up our beach chair on our beaches. While instituting a federal sales tax on everything. These changes will eliminate the FDA -- no rein on drugs, the FCC - full control of who gets to stay on the air and who gets eliminated, EPA -- no rein on water and air quality, USDA -- no control of meat and other food quality, SEC -- eliminates fair-play on the stock market. These eliminations will expose every American to life-threating toxins and crippling debt and extreme financial risk. Trump would have complete control of the FEC - Federal Elections Commission -- November 5th, 2024 could be the last election in the history of the United States of America. Project 2025 is just the beginning of eliminating the U.S. Civil Service "Administrative State / Deep State". Our Civil Servants are professionals in their field, they are subject matter experts that help guide the implementation of laws created by Congress through regulations. These Departments and Agencies' policies are then overseen by Presidential appointment of top-level administrators, The Professional Civil Servants are a-political professionals, their oath is to the U.S. Constitution and the American People not the President, not Congress, not the Supreme Court, but to you. These Professional Civil Servants, including the Civil Servants at NSA, USS, DEA, ATF, FBI, and CIA, keeps America running, keeps Americans protected from corporate greed and mayhem, keeps Americans safe from foreign and domestic enemies. There is a long-term plan that exists in the radical seditionist Republican playbook -- Project 2025 is the introductory chapter. And there is not a law on the books or a new law that can be made to stop TRUMP/VANCE if they are elected because the Supreme Court made the President a King. It would take a Constitutional Amendment. There is a group of approx. 19 Republican controlled State Houses that meet every year to strategize the replacement of the U.S. Constitution. That strategy focuses on controlling elections to get radical seditionist Republicans elected in State and local positions. They need 3/4 of the State Houses to accomplish eliminating the U.S. Constitution, they are half-way there, proving that State and local elections matter. Vote for Democracy like your life depended on it because it does. As Joe would say, this is not hyperbole, its facts.
This is the part of this plan I've been informing others on. Just the aftermath of this alone would be catastrophic for everyday life for everyone.
Awesome inside an explanation
Democrats were really not on the ball for decades that they didn't see this happening!
Thank you for putting this so succinctly!!!!
@@robinantonio8870dems are losers. The gop always go hard. America wake up and vote for sanity n not this crap
The level headed conservatives should be concerned about this... it's like, WAY TOO CONSERVATIVE, even for conservatives...
How can something be way to conservative?
@@drewhill1291 Did you watch the video?
Trump denounced project 2025. Don’t listen to other people watch trumps speeches and actually see what he says. People twist his words and make up shit and you wouldn’t be so scared if you were Informed on his policy
It’s more anarchist than conservative.
"Way too Conservative" has a name, its called "Fascism: the far end of Right Wing politics'
Thanks DD.
Vote 💙
good to see project 2025 finally getting the attention it should have, for a lurking threat to the very foundations of democracy
2025 Project, Google and listen and share this. “How Trump is Following Hitler's Playbook :Robert Reich
Thank you for breaking that down to the public.Keep up the work❤😊😊😊
When good people stand around and do nothing that's how evil wins.
It was two men who claimed Black People were 3/5 of a human being.
The Seven Mountain Prophecy.
God, The Most High, Yahweh doesn't make 3/5 of human beings.
🙏 ✝️
Call him what you want, there is only one God.
In God We Trust 🇺🇸
Vote 💙
Save Democracy
Wow thank you! You said it perfectly and with strong powerful truth!!!
Yes, the Democrats did say that. Then the Democrats assassinated President Lincoln.
They not good ppl then 😂
Hillary Clinton - Black men are super predators
Joe Biden - I don't want my kids growing up in a racial jungle/If you don't vote for me you ain't black!
That was for votes concerning the electoral college. They wanted the slave population to count for electoral college votes but they couldn’t vote themselves. So the parties compromised on counting them as 3/5 of a human. It only served their owners politically. Not good by any means but I think it’s good to know where it came from.
What childish name are the Republicans going to use for President Harris. You know they are going to breakout in tears another four years. We love you President Biden.
They will definitely try to smear her with underlying misogynistic and racist rhetoric
Probably "Orange Jeezis" or possibly "Mango Mussolini"?
Save America
Deport every Illegal
Trump/Vance 2024
President Harris? Hillary Clinton is white, rich and has name recognition. She could not get elected despite all polls in her favor. Do you really believe America is ready to elect a mixed-race woman who is disliked by many and does not have the political/diplomatic experience needed? Reality is harsh. I am concerned.
I have already seen comments here on YT calling her " Koala Bear Harris" and "Camel Toe Harris". BTW.....Love your name!
Now that is just delusion if you’re bringing up Biden. His brain is gone
A Democrat campaign ad needs to show a clip of Trump praising the Heritage Foundation as noted, and that is the organization responsible for Project 2025.
Send to George Conway! He’s clever!
MSNBC has played it.
A Democrat campaign would lay out actual policy, to help make the lives of Americans better...not fear mongering over project 2025, which isn't even endorsed by Trump in the first place.
@@pokey5736there's tons of bots on that video trying to spread disinformation. We must tell everyone about it.
Thank You Sophie and Matt !! 🌊 🌊 ⚖️ ⚖️ 🙏 🙏
Let's Save Our Democracy !! . , Kamala Harris 2024-28 !! 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
Thank you.
People it is time for us not to get compliant get out there register everybody to vote blew down the ballot love our country love our freedom love our democracy
I assume you meant blue.
Project 25 doomsday for all citizens values and rights vote blue
Trump's disrespectable, demeaning name calling is shameful and reflects poorly on his position as ex-president, presumptive GOP presidential candidate.
However, speaking of childish name calling of candidates, I have decided to refer to Donald Trump as Agent Orange because it is he whose "poisoning the blood" of America.
Childish or not, I believe many people will recognize that as truth.
He is a danger to society.Period.
You mean danger to only trans people 😂
"Orange Muppet Hitler " - Robert Downey Jr.
2025 Project, Google and listen and share this. “How Trump is Following Hitler's Playbook :Robert Reich
@@phillipjohnson5014 Thank you for sharing
"Politicians should wear sponsor jackets like NASCAR drivers, then we know who owns them." - Robin Williams
George Conway launches ‘Anti-Psychopath PAC’ focused on Trump’s mental health. He also is trying to educate the People about Project 2025.. We Need To Know what the Owners want.
Excellent episode
People need to understand what project 2025 is.
Thank you both very much
Thank you, Matt and Sophie. Matt, I just signed up for Eye on the Right. Thanks again.
Thank you, Marc!
It’s not if it could, it will be and for all its content WE MUST NOT VOTE REPUBLICAN FOR THE NEXT 12 years
Or ever
💙 Got Her Back 💙
Vote Blue 🌊💙
Please refer to the old Republican Party only as the MAGA Republican Party. Because the MAGA Republican Party has no place for the conservative values the Republicans used to support.
Drumpfism is evilism
Ok, sure.
Save America
Deport Every Illegal
MAGA 2024
It's become so disgraceful world wide
This whole thing started with president ronny
@@narda1072 True. Reagan was a much better president than Carter.
We need project 2025!!!
If they wanted to bring back slavery or permanent 2nd or 3rd class segments of society based on any classification, they'll have that ability. Almost like we are living pre ww2 Germany
This is exactly what's happening
2025 Project, Google and listen and share this. “How Trump is Following Hitler's Playbook :Robert Reich
Thank you. 💙💙💙
Vote Blue
Voting Blue down the whole damn ballot to save our democracy, from Project 2025, and Trump!!
Do your research they are gaslighting you. Agenda 47 is Trumps
Serious Question to You Tube Channel: When listing what's in Project 2025, WHY DON'T YOU LIST THE PAGE NUMBERS SO THAT VIEWERS CAN DIRECTLY VERIFY YOUR CLAIMS??
This would definitely get more people to read this document!
Undercounting illegal immigrants in the census would probably result in fewer electoral votes for red states
Why don't we just count people in other countries? Why are you against every person on Earth voting for USA President? Racist much?
Save America and the Free World!
Kamala will continue to apply her intelligence, compassion, commitment, love of people, and love of country as she takes the reines of our Nation after she beats the orange felon at the ballot box this coming November.
🎉💙Vote BLUE top down in November 2024.💙🎉
The fact that some or most people want this either concerning or just plain stupid
" American Democracy " is only a WORD.....
This one was good enough for two comments. Best part about this video is there are no facts here. Only feelings and opinions
#voteblue all the way down the ballot to save democracy! 💯💙🇺🇸🗽🥥🥥🥥🥥🥥🥥🥥 #voteblue
Can you please address the threats to libraries and librarians and the access/dissemination of knowledge?
Thats really your main concern in this horrible document?
I appreciate you guys bringing up Project 2025 and for talking about a couple of the more frightening aspects of this ponderous document filled with propaganda and doublespeak.
I am still looking for one video that goes through the points of the document in bullets and covers basically the whole document in essence. I'm a big fan of Brian Tyler Cohen, Mark Elias, Democracy Docket itself, and many other Progressive institutions that are addressing it.
But every approach is piecemeal. I have not found anybody who runs through the entire document point by point by point to give us a comprehensive view of the massive damage it will cause if it's implemented.
This would need to be very professional, very quick, and very clear. I do wish somebody would do this. If you guys can do this, tag me please.
There is one group, United Americans for the Separation of Church and State, which has been battling Project 2025 tooth and nail. I will continue to research their videos. I'm trying to find just one video that covers everything quickly for my friends and family. They don't have the time to do this research like I do. So I am still looking.
I’m tired of hearing about America’s democracy. We live in a constitutional republic.
A constitutional republic is a type of democracy.
Much in the same way that a pear is a type of fruit. It's a subcategory.
Basically what you are saying is that "This is not a FRUIT - it's a PEAR" - you are not making any sense since it is actually both.
Thats all your complaint having listened this video?
Thank you. I appreciate that you are doing a deeper analysis of specific areas of project 2025.
Thanks for doing this. I’m knocking on doors in Wisconsin and would love a ‘punch list’ of how P 2025 would effect people directly, such as social security, education, military, climate change…WITH reference to page numbers. Thanks 🙏
Thank you so very much for all you do ❤❤❤❤❤
You mean as dangerous as telling you who you're going to vote for, rather than the people being able to choose their candidate? Which is a greater threat to democracy? A document that hasnt even reached Congress or a Party who has already dictated who their nominee is going to be?
As a registered Democrat, who always ends up voting green.... why do all dems do is complain about what red does? Go do it. Make a blue 2025 book. And then enact it! Don't just complain about reds.
Before he stepped down from his leadership role the video by the head of the Heritage Society was stunning considering how smug the spokesperson was in his presentation. The unspoken message was “we know what is best for your lives you (ignorant) Americans; you won’t believe the changes we have planned for you and I intend to keep some of our plans private from you right now”.
Admirable interview skills in display here.
We must stop them.
FWIW, if you open the Project 2025 pdf and search for "Trump", there are 312 results in 920 pages.
Thank you for highlighting this!!!
Go Kamala!😊
Is it going to start a civil war.
Well one side will win and one side will cry and find safe spaces. It won't be democrats winning lol😂😂😂
@@Jeffrey-s6g you don't get it we all lose.
Excellent idea, more housing for ideas! 😎😁 Seriously, I’m a big Matt Cohen fan. ❤
Education needs serious reforms
Citizen question will defund certain states, it can result in less representatives for a state. That question is not required by the u.s. constitution. The constitution requires an accurate count of inhabitants in each state.
It will
Lessen red states too but guess they dont care
Dismantle what democracy??? If we always be a republic ran by the government not the people
The government is elected by the people. By definition the US is a democracy.
Democracy and republic aren’t mutually exclusive
Trump 2024
Last I knew we are a Republic not a democracy
The 2 are not mutually exclusive, it is just a lame excuse conservatives use to preserve a system which is rigged in their favour.
Wouldn't putting the DOT in charge of cyber security for elections be like hiring an electrician to do your dental work?
@4:04 - No where in Project 2025 Chapter 17 does it say EVER that the Civil Rights Division will be abolished. It recommends "Reassigning Responsibility for Prosecuting Election-Related Offenses from the Civil Rights Division to the Criminal Division". It specifically says "Reorganize and refocus the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division to serve as the vanguard for this return to lawfulness" (pg 562) and "Pursuing Equal Protection for All Americans by Vigorously Enforcing Applicable Federal Civil Rights Laws in Government, Education, and the Private Sector" Citing the open practice of discriminating by race under the "guise of 'equity'". Page 561.
Furthermore, On Abortion Fear Mongering @1:36 , It only recommends that the FDA rescind the Approval of the abortion Pill citing political reasons for approval, and states that if it doesn't want to do this, at least demand state reporting be required and the VAERS system be more robust, and Mail-Order Abortion pills prohibition (which is already law) be enforced at the federal level. Trump and Vance have already stated that they are not for abortion bans and they will leave it up to the states.
Also realize that there is much more to the chapter of Health and Human Services, abortion is a very small issue. Details about insurance, Medicaid, personalized plans, stipends, and rewards for healthy behavior are discussed. Its a 1000 page comprehensive document and they are pulling out the most controversial words and doing so in a fear mongering, poorly interpreted, and ill-assuming way.
Also on the "Strip DOJ of independent Authority" @3:27...It recommends the FBI (NOT THE DOJ) be overhauled to remove the ability of mid and senior level FBI personnel to act as if they are independent agency with no accountability. The FBI is part of DOJ which is accountable to the Office of the Attorney General, an office under the executive branch. It is not independent although it should act as politically independent as Lady Justice is Blind. The document goes to cite several cases of the FBI not holding to that standard. (Ch17 pg 545-547)
Vote Kamala for 2024 💙💙💙 to save our democracy and country. Project 2025 must never take effect.
Yes, lets talk about all the negative parts of project 2025 and not the up side because thats fair news 👍🏽
What upside is there to dismantling democracy?
@CarpeVerpa Removing the Education Department means more money to education and no threat to a central coerced ideology by the Federal government. Can't rule a nation as a dictator if you can't keep the society coerced now can you??
@@Zack-ei5kb What the absolute hell are you talking about?
@@CarpeVerpa Do you not know how to read or did the coerced democratic controlled central education system not teach you that??
@@Zack-ei5kbyou are making no sense
Blue for Democracy for americans who believe in freedom.
The dems literally skirted primaries, democracy lol
there needs to be specifics on how this impacts middle class, immigrants, blue collar workers and then how eventually it will impact the maga people cause they think they are free and clear of this madness
also remember there is no such thing as a wasted vote since most Americans don’t vote!
Thank you for sharing this information
Democracy where the party elites pick which candidate you may vote on, I think I'll pass.
That’s how the Nazi started!
Seems like a citizen question would hurt boarder states like Texas and Arizona more than most blue states.
We have been long familier with it and yes, I have read through the whole document. However, if this is what people vote for this is what we get.
Thank you for your work. Can you guys focus more on republican disinformation about illegal immigrants being allowed to vote? And how can we combat those lies to our maga family & friends on social media?
Welcome to Gilead!
Great video, very informative on many topics. However the repetitive use of "Umm...Uhh...Ahh" made it difficult to follow at times.
Mark Elias I would like to help you and you help me please and thank you. See I am a college student at Liberty University majoring in theology since 2021. Where I am the only student who observed and opposed their teachings to all students not the word of God or Jesus but current human Theologians word of man. I have seen students start with positivity & their writings are completely changed & seem upset & deffeated at the end of the semester. I have had a professor tell me "Maybe I should rethink majoring in theology in feed back after I wrote a paper stating I agree to disagree with the courses book written by a Theologian in 2018. Even worse during the summer I found out Liberty University is funding, writing and some of the founders of the Heritage foundation also project 2025 and it all made sense to me! I start classes tomorrow and want to help stop them especially with what I have experienced!
How do I get a copy of p2025 without supporting them?
As a gay black lesbian I do not want project 2025!
What about the plan to do away with the federal reserve and implement free banking?
it benefits him over all. He had trouble with the law in many ways. He has in our eyes lie and put democracy in danger and wnats the end of it to benefit him self. It's like he wants a russian policy. We're people can't even talk because they get in jail. People needs to get educated, know the truth to make a better choice when voting.
2025 Project, Google and listen and share this. “How Trump is Following Hitler's Playbook :Robert Reich
Good segment.
Stop reading up about 2025 and just read project 2025
We must vote democratic forever! Period.
Remember ... all GQP want this
Most Americans want this
When they get hurt by it, I'm gonna be laughing at them. My conscience is clear. I'd never vote for authoritarian rule regardless of guys right left or center
If it's misinformation!! Let that be known. DON'T LEAVE THE PPL WONDERING! I am the ppl 😅
Seriously though!!!
Do these 2025 writers fancy themselves a modern day Hamilton/Madison/Jay? They are most decidedly not.
russkiy mir foundation is equal to project 2025 ?
Thank you .
Did these project 2025 guys read/watch handmaids tale and think “that looks great. Let’s do that!”
Trump is to old to be
MD Hussain (#65e)(MD JJ BOO2)(799)🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
This shit is literally out of a dystopian movie what the fuck
It really is :( it’s terrifying
Doesn't the Heritage Foundation fund the research into racial differences in IQ?