Why does this utter walking disaster of a minister in the worst government on record look so pleased with himself and the total catastrophe that they have presided over?
Record irrelevant, the puppet voter has never been more distracted and divided. The sheeple comments show this. Mp’s have 0 to fear as they know the sheeple will continue to vote this system in. Absolutely shameful from society
He’s pleased because he’s made millions for himself and his wife. from his behaviour. So I think I could live with a few poor people being annoyed with me.
Being schooled at Eton, Cambridge, Oxford etc and being a millionaire or multi millionaire, does not give you the required credentials to run a country, this goes for all political parties. Absolute madness that this is how this country is ran by people who have no concept of being hard up or struggling to pay bills, food shopping, fuel, fuel bills etc. They claim for rents and bills through expenses even though they don’t need to. It’s sheer greed and incompetence.
Yeah, I got that. He's not going to apologise because he believes he's doing the right thing, which is arguably worse than someone who knows they're going the wrong thing and is just lying.
I will never forget the way he stood on the sidelines during the lockdown criticising the government's handling of the crisis when it was him who had rendered the nhs incapable of dealing with a pandemic.
The NHS was fine during the pandemic because all they cared about was COVID, everything else was not important. I can’t forget all the dancing nurses and doctors….appalling
@@laurapearson3370 And I can't forget all the clapping politicians who then shat on requests for better pay by NHS staff when many had to visit foodbanks etc
@@bereal6590 they cannot as the profit the gas people makes is the STANDING CHARGE which is supposed to go to the energy suppliers to renew pipes ect. there utility companys unlike the banks grab which is pure greed
They know the sheeple electorate is so divided and dumb / distracted by sports, celeb and social media, they will continue to get away with absolutely anything. Shameful sheeple society! Pathetic
WE need to go on the street and force an election! Another year of this will be a disaster for the Working class! Where's the millions from PPE!! that would help growth!! Wholesale robbery!
😂 You know, the elites love sheeple like you. Still in love with this system and asking for a different puppet so “govern” them. If you genuinely believe a different party is going to change society, you believe in Santa Claus!
That moment that you realise that they're so deep in their own bullshit, that they are completely incapable of seeing the truth, let alone speaking it.
He has no reason not to. He knows that no-one can stop him. He knows because he's helping out his mates he'll get a high paying job when he retires from politics. He knows the people that support the Tories aren't going to stop supporting the Tories because of his behaviour. He's invincible and short of someone physically attacking him there's nothing anyone can say to him that will change his mind that what he's doing is "best for Britain" because it's best for him.
Indeed, Hunt co-authored a document calling for the NHS to be replaced with private health insurance. Hunt hates the underprivileged in our society as all good Tories do. This should not be surprising, but what is appalling is that they don't have the decency to stand behind the founding principles values of the Conservative Party - to increase the gap between the poor and the wealthy - they cover it up and lie, spin it in such a way that the very people who they work against end up voting for them. Turkeys voting for Christmas. Except the Turkeys get fed and sheltered.
It’s everybody’s fault……..but not ours. We(mp’s) are not struggling to put fuel in our cars and vans, it’s just a bloody disgrace how these governments have practically brought this country to its knees.
We moved out of UK earlier this year, doing same job as I’ve been doing for 20 years in London. Contrary to his claim about the “whole world”, my family’s living standards massively improved.
I worked for the A&E ambulance service, my daughter a nurse in the HDU covid wards, my wife a supermarket checkout operator. Not one of us received furlough, or a bonus for working through the pandemic. Now we're expected to pay for businesses & Gov funding even though we're paying more taxes. Never voted Tory, never will. #VoteTactically
And don't forget the £38 billion that Sunak wrote off when he was chancellor to their mates for dodgy covid contracts. Why are they not getting that back.
My exact thoughts, we worked then and now working towards paying for the costs of furlough? If I'm understanding that correctly, then it makes me really sad!
I'm so grateful for furlough, I can't lie. I was on maternity leave, it started 2 weeks before the first lockdown and my husband got put on furlough and without it, with just statutory mat pay we'd have lost our house. I'm so grateful for furlough, I'm so sorry those who worked through are having to bear the burden too, you don't deserve it, I also have never voted Tory nor would I but I really do thank God for the furlough scheme. It was a scary time to have a premature baby and terrifying prospect to have nearly a year without any real salary coming in. I'm so sorry anyone is struggling, we're in the same boat :(.
@@mrmensa1096you do realise that when everybody was at home there was far less risk of accidents... Just because the overall deaths didn't increase doesn't mean there wasn't a pandemic. There was definitely a pandemic lol, it's just there was a lockdown... You aren't really using critical thought my dude.
"Not just the UK but by the whole world is seeing that pressure." So when it's their Government, it's the whole world, but when the 2008 recession happened, it was solely Labours fault? Funny how that works.
It's that smirk as he pisses down our backs that bugs me. He does think we are stupid and that we cant see how he is fleecing us whilst saying he is giving us something. A truly dishonest chancellor with no conscience whatsoever
As a teacher, I am disgusted to hear that this government thinks that schools are at the "Highest" standard. Come and set foot in my school, and tell me that standards are high.
Thank you fine people for your lovely comments. I take my job incredibly seriously. Trying to instill the importance of social mobility through communication. I work for the parents of the UK and for the future of our kids. Not the Tories.
@@garygalt4146multiple bidders raised the prices. Supply and demand. You’d be doing the same, instead you’re on your phone venting your anger. Sheeple at best
@@yofinance1777so stupid you don’t even understand why it’s worse for him. Or actually you do, but you don’t care. It’s like insider trading. It’s the same basic corrupt action.
@@yofinance1777 He might as well be on his phone he's not gonna get a £69000 deposit on UK wages. Unless he can become a DR over night. A 20% rent increase is pure exploitation. Only a cxxt who'd never paid rent could defend that kind of wickedness. He controls the supply by not building enough houses for the last 13 years. It's not exactly a freak fluxuations.
That last question when she said it was "... the first parliament ever since records begin ..." I'm assuming that includes the parliaments around the first world war and the second world war as well as the previous global pandemic just after world war one. Because there have been other parliaments where there have been massive shocks but this is statistically worse.
I was looking at this Select Committee hearing and wondered why Mayor Sadiq Khan has no yet been called up to answer for his incompetence in running London, and him robbing the poorest motorist through ULEZ. Also the London Ambulance Service had to purchase 65 million pounds worth of vehicles to be ULEZ 'compliant'. He does not answer questions at the London Assembly and lies all the time. He ought to be brought before this committee and sacked on the spot if he does not answer questions truthfully.
Yes, but absolutely no-one who isn't deeply into politics will see this debacle. Hunt could have just sat there and laughed at all the questions and the British media wouldn't have reported on it.
I didn't get any help with my business as I had no pressies. My company nosedived and I ended up loosing everything, including my home. Thanks Jez! Is this guy laughing at us with his smug grin the whole time? A disgusting excuse for human being.
I have no words. The smugness and the arrogance is startling. What has happened to this country is nothing short of criminal. I am a higher rate tax payer and I am looking for better vistas abroad, mainly due to the clear government incompetence and immense fraud with tax payer money. If this country was run by people who understood the needs of the UK, and cared, I wouldn’t mind paying the tax I do. However, I look at what is being done, and how, and I wonder if life is better for me and my family elsewhere. I get closer and closer to a resolution each day these charlatans are in power.
It's blatant corruption and if charges aren't brought in them by next government then they're aiding them and should also have charges. Anyone else would of
I don't blame you. I'm not in the higher bracket but I hate how we all give our hard earned money to these people who just waste it, and make everybody and everything worse off, except for the politicians and elites. Id be moving out of the UK as well if I could, they've ruined this country.
Absolutely! Pimping himself to the top 1%. To say that Police and Nurses are deserving of top tax brackets and businesses should get full tax write offs to bring investment to fund growth to compensate for absolutely stupid trade policies (aka Brexit) is the most strange thing in government policy.
Travel anywhere in the EU or even outside (say, Turkey), and when you come back to the UK you realise the carnage that austerity has engineered. The country is on its knees, unless you live in Holland Park, Chelsea, Pimlico, Kensington, Belgravia etc.
He's actually been honest. He said, "we decreased taxes where it would result in the biggest growth." In other words, it's okay to stiff ordinary workers, whilst relieving taxes on the highest earners. It's this myth that needs to be burst - the idea that as long as the rich get richer, it's too bad if everyone else gets a drubbing. It's a dogma, just one that posits the notion that economic success is when the very richest get to fleece the majority. It's not even putting it in terms of the discredited 'trickle down' economics philosophy.
Trickle down economics will never work the rich get 99% of the money and spend the interest then stash the rest away in offshore bank accounts or dodge tax through good accountants. Even if they invest half of it they will always be quids in while everyone else struggles to survive
We've been here before with this " C**T, these Shyloks have killed any chance of of governing again, guess what they'll,e still all be multi- millionaires.
This makes my blood boil.....i received no help during the pandemic....i worked as part of the NHS , was not furlouged and worked 6 days a week......so why in hell am i having to pay the price for the help the government gave to others during that period of time.
@dogboy5398 I'm not a labour supporter, but the state of the country under the tories is a joke. I was better off under labour, now I'm piss poor broke and working my arse off under a Conservative govt (who cares only for thier rich pals)
We are realistic, we want him and his lying colleagues out. My pension increase was wiped out by a tax and i ended up £50 per month less well off. He lies with a smirk on his face, like she said, "does he think we are stupid?".
He had a queue begging for the property space in Southampton so a supply and demand bidding war took place as people were willing to pay with their money. If this pisses you off, go and learn history and what you should really focus your energy on.
In 50 years government never once helped me. I survived on my own. Thank you very much. That's why I never paid any tax to brutal Britain. I paid tax to nations that gave me work in my field of vocation and calling. Never once did Britain avoid racism and bigotry.
The fact he’s smiling while answering, looking like he’s holding back laughter, is appalling. He thinks we’re all idiots and couldn’t give a damn what anyone in that room thinks of him
Their wages are paid by us, they should directly answer questions honestly. If they gave me shit news but were honest I would respect that and accept it.
😂😂😂😂 clearly Jeremy Hunt has never been properly pounded multiple times and repeatedly in his smug smarmy ponsy boat race. I have the same personal rule in my life, but could easily make an exception for Mr Hunt
What he stated was another lie violent crime has increased its just logged different by the police to make the crime figures look good the overflowing prisons tell the truth not the likes of Hunt
😊people in government are the creators of The fraud policy which allows them the right to openly commit fraudulent behaviours in public office, whereas ordinary folk are prosecuted to the full extent of the law if they are are found to act fraudulently. It's hypocrisy at best and dystopian at worst. They should be dismissed from office and jailed. Only a serious change in law will prevent this or there will be anarchy eventually as people will eventually be pushed into retaliating by whatever means possible. You have been warned.
comparing Jeremy Khunt to Arnold Judas Rimmer, is an insult to Rimmer, at least Rimmer as, after a short amount of questioning, he, Rimmer admits things... Neo-Modern Torry Khunt.. does not, can not, will not, he is a personally self-agrandising, publicly callous, politically evasive & purposefully obsfuscating any and all accountabilities of any actual work he/they've never bothered to do;.. ...All this current group of Neo-cons/Commiservatives*, do is talk as if they've done something, while stripping national, regional local, strategic & personal assets, institutions, all for profiteering reasons and securing lobbyists pay-cheques. *_*Commiservatives_* They are the nicer bits of the worse aspects of fascistic & communistic party loyalty, propaganda projection, with some veiled fragments of Conservatism/Republicanism/Trumpism but with an outright evasion of ethics and doing any real, proper, expected, work whenever possible for the last 13+ years, if they can sell off, destroy of defund something to funnel their pockets fatter !! They top echelons of the Commiservative heap, are mostly 'legally' paid-off [as investigative officers numbers are reduced, blocked or sacked,] ..yet traitorous agents for foreign interests, including Russian & CCP/PRC Oiigarchs wishes.
Smugness just oozes out of him. The inane smile that is constantly on his face and reminds me of the expression that if someone continually grins at you, like he does, he is either a conman or an idiot. Is it possible to be both at the same time?
i am poorer than i have ever been. I am paying more for energy and food. The public services have got worse and crime is rife. Ironic this is under a conservative govt.
The financial help they gave UK families through the pandemic was an absolute pittance, most of the money splurged about was to UK companies and direct to both their friend's and donor's for PPE tenders?
Notice how he claims that that crime has fallen but excludes computer crime and fraud, which can be just as devastating for the victims as any other type of crime. In other words he is saying that vulnerable people who have been duped out of their pensions and life savings by a growing number of scammers do not count. How could anyone who cares about victims of crime make that claim whilst maintaining that sickeningly smug look on his face?
We have to remember that this is also what he's saying take home is for those people, which given that bills and food prices increase more than that a year, I don't see how that's a good thing haha. If I take £600 a year extra home, but it costs me £601 extra in bills, I'm still fucked
@@user-rq5sd1sq8o yeah my point was, with inflation etc, you'd get to treat yourself *only* once a month. And that's only if you're earning enough beforehand to cover everything.What a sorry state of affairs!
They always looked after there mates the rich and always will never there for the real people of our country utter disgrace corrupt government voting reform next GE 💯
I'm 77, and for the entire time that I have been politically aware this country has apparently been in some kind of ecconomic crisis. Isn't it about time our leaders got it right and started ruling for the benefit of everyone and not just for the wealthy and multi-national corporations?
...'be honest with people' 👿how dare you! You may be dealing with that evil entity, however, we the British public will show you lot what honesty is at the polling stations across Britain and very soon✊
He was not chancellor during the pandemic, so wtf is he talking about? there's no reason to up taxes, especially since they've shown us they can expand the fiscal deficit without causing price inflation (2020-2022 was record deficit and low inflation). The inflation we did get by Q3 2022 was caused by the double whammy of price gouging by energy companies (who took record profits in 2022) and BoE interest rates that came afterwards
This committee is a waste of time. People cannot afford to live. Who's living standards is he talking about. My bills are up, shopping is more expensive , rents are up, struggling to save for a mortgage but cant afford to save. Most Londoners are living like this. Move outsuse London but the travel costs are restrictive. Costs are rising rapidly outside London too. What are people supposed to do?
Dominic Raab getting grilled about Dominic Cummings at the Covid Inquiry: ruclips.net/video/kwlniT77SdQ/видео.html
Why dose that Jeramy always talk shitand has to look like crook
Ahh... the data conjurer shows the bully how it's done eh?
They've been ripping you off to give to Ukraine for fireworks against rusdia, Ukraine have paid enough in uk taxes
Why does this utter walking disaster of a minister in the worst government on record look so pleased with himself and the total catastrophe that they have presided over?
Record irrelevant, the puppet voter has never been more distracted and divided. The sheeple comments show this. Mp’s have 0 to fear as they know the sheeple will continue to vote this system in. Absolutely shameful from society
That’s his normal talking face
He’s pleased because he’s made millions for himself and his wife. from his behaviour. So I think I could live with a few poor people being annoyed with me.
@@judithmatthews8460 lol made millions how? The guy drives a cycle to work
because he's a _unt... (numerous reporters have gotten his title correct)
Being schooled at Eton, Cambridge, Oxford etc and being a millionaire or multi millionaire, does not give you the required credentials to run a country, this goes for all political parties. Absolute madness that this is how this country is ran by people who have no concept of being hard up or struggling to pay bills, food shopping, fuel, fuel bills etc. They claim for rents and bills through expenses even though they don’t need to. It’s sheer greed and incompetence.
Either side, they all come from that same small pool of rich elites. _All of them._
@@n0odles86 Wrong!
@@zetectic7968 no. Open your eyes. They're all the same
And the Parliamentary Liebour Party ain't much better. They bear a big responsibility for keeping Corbyn OUT, and the turdies IN>
@@zetectic7968Wake up they select who we get to "elect" this is not democracy.
The arrogance of Hunt,not to mention his incompetence , is breathtaking.
Brass neck , a very shiny one.
A former English language teacher / failed businessman who exported marmalade is now in charge of the country’s finances…
I don't know about hunt, more like......c
He's not incompetent. He knows what he's doing and he'll get away with it. It's all a fun little game for Tory magnates.
he is a millionair he does not have to worry about energy costs or food and at that has private health care.
The scary thing is that he actually believes in what he's saying
Feels like another Hancock.
Yeah, I got that. He's not going to apologise because he believes he's doing the right thing, which is arguably worse than someone who knows they're going the wrong thing and is just lying.
@@HenryE100 Him And The Rest Of The CONservatives Should Advertise POT NOODLES As A Crisis Breakthrough Their Thick Enough !!
Nah I don't believe any career politician actually believe they are doing the right thing for the country. They are just very good at selling.
They're just narcissists with an impoverishment agenda from higher up
I will never forget the way he stood on the sidelines during the lockdown criticising the government's handling of the crisis when it was him who had rendered the nhs incapable of dealing with a pandemic.
The NHS was fine during the pandemic because all they cared about was COVID, everything else was not important. I can’t forget all the dancing nurses and doctors….appalling
@@laurapearson3370 you forgot about the ones who died due to poor ppe
@@laurapearson3370 And I can't forget all the clapping politicians who then shat on requests for better pay by NHS staff when many had to visit foodbanks etc
He is a pratt . He is smug and arrogant . Does not see it the way it REALLY is . He dismissed that families are poorer . What a shameful government .
Gas bills are ridiculous and they won't do a windfall tax😡
he is a tory. that is their MO.
If he does not get sacked
We r all
In danger
He needs too resign
@@bereal6590 they cannot as the profit the gas people makes is the STANDING CHARGE which is supposed to go to the energy suppliers to renew pipes ect.
there utility companys unlike the banks grab which is pure greed
He doesn’t care, lacks any moral compass, what he did to the NHS when he was in charge told me all I need to know about this utter creep
How can anyone mess up so bad but at the same time be so smug? They live in a fantasy land
They know the sheeple electorate is so divided and dumb / distracted by sports, celeb and social media, they will continue to get away with absolutely anything. Shameful sheeple society! Pathetic
Giving zero 💩 about the consequences and having no shame helps
This is what utter contempt looks like.
He gets whipped by his dominatrix later for this that smile is him thinking about it
Because, they haven't messed up in their eyes. Over the last 13 yrs they have made the richer, richer.
I'll vote for that!
WE need to go on the street and force an election!
Another year of this will be a disaster for the Working class!
Where's the millions from PPE!! that would help growth!!
Wholesale robbery!
😂 You know, the elites love sheeple like you. Still in love with this system and asking for a different puppet so “govern” them. If you genuinely believe a different party is going to change society, you believe in Santa Claus!
And who is the alternative 🙄
That moment that you realise that they're so deep in their own bullshit, that they are completely incapable of seeing the truth, let alone speaking it.
The British public need to wake up ....we are heading for the cliff edge!!
He's smirkikg during the whole fucking thing
The politicians that constantly smirk arrogantly are always the most unlikable it seems
It's the smirk of a liar. Dupers delight.
Everything's just fine now, phew.
smikikg sounds like an IKEA bedside table
He has no reason not to. He knows that no-one can stop him. He knows because he's helping out his mates he'll get a high paying job when he retires from politics. He knows the people that support the Tories aren't going to stop supporting the Tories because of his behaviour. He's invincible and short of someone physically attacking him there's nothing anyone can say to him that will change his mind that what he's doing is "best for Britain" because it's best for him.
Ladies & Gentlemen i give you the same man who single handedly drove the NHS into the ground during his time as health secretary.
It was deliberate, they want to destroy the NHS to make it totally private by stealth.
The NHS is a money pit. It’s badly run, wasteful and should never have shutdown during convid.
And why because he has massive personal investments in the private health care.
Indeed, Hunt co-authored a document calling for the NHS to be replaced with private health insurance. Hunt hates the underprivileged in our society as all good Tories do. This should not be surprising, but what is appalling is that they don't have the decency to stand behind the founding principles values of the Conservative Party - to increase the gap between the poor and the wealthy - they cover it up and lie, spin it in such a way that the very people who they work against end up voting for them. Turkeys voting for Christmas. Except the Turkeys get fed and sheltered.
He wrote a book (guide) about how to do it
Says the man who co-wrote a document on How to dismantle OUR Nhs.
NHS isn't working. We don't hear of any of The NHS's problems with The Vets.
@@avalon7902because the vets aren’t the NHS? The NHS does work when run and funded properly. Or have you chosen to ignore that?
@@ryanslack2666 Avalon's channel was formed in 2022 - highly suspect it is a Troll channel.
@@avalon7902 Your channel was formed in 2022. You are clearly a Troll, probably based outside of the UK. Please go away...
@@avalon7902 Moron, NHS doesn't euthanised patients like veterinarians when they get too old or sick.
It’s everybody’s fault……..but not ours. We(mp’s) are not struggling to put fuel in our cars and vans, it’s just a bloody disgrace how these governments have practically brought this country to its knees.
We moved out of UK earlier this year, doing same job as I’ve been doing for 20 years in London. Contrary to his claim about the “whole world”, my family’s living standards massively improved.
I worked for the A&E ambulance service, my daughter a nurse in the HDU covid wards, my wife a supermarket checkout operator. Not one of us received furlough, or a bonus for working through the pandemic. Now we're expected to pay for businesses & Gov funding even though we're paying more taxes. Never voted Tory, never will. #VoteTactically
And don't forget the £38 billion that Sunak wrote off when he was chancellor to their mates for dodgy covid contracts. Why are they not getting that back.
My exact thoughts, we worked then and now working towards paying for the costs of furlough? If I'm understanding that correctly, then it makes me really sad!
Yup. Worked through it. Business as usual. I didn’t eat out to help out either, I could see the problem.
I'm so grateful for furlough, I can't lie. I was on maternity leave, it started 2 weeks before the first lockdown and my husband got put on furlough and without it, with just statutory mat pay we'd have lost our house.
I'm so grateful for furlough, I'm so sorry those who worked through are having to bear the burden too, you don't deserve it, I also have never voted Tory nor would I but I really do thank God for the furlough scheme. It was a scary time to have a premature baby and terrifying prospect to have nearly a year without any real salary coming in.
I'm so sorry anyone is struggling, we're in the same boat :(.
Time has proven it was all lies i work for NHS and feel the same way
they use the pandemic and the energy crisis as excuses when his government completely mishandled both
2020 had the 18th LOWEST DEATH RATE over previous 30 years - Office for National Statistics UK ---- What Pandemic ???
Don't forget the amount of money taken out to keep the Tory friends happy
@@mrmensa1096you do realise that when everybody was at home there was far less risk of accidents... Just because the overall deaths didn't increase doesn't mean there wasn't a pandemic. There was definitely a pandemic lol, it's just there was a lockdown... You aren't really using critical thought my dude.
No mention of brexit negatively affecting the tax burden of regular people
Just as they used the Great Recession of the 2008 crash as an excuse for austerity that was supposed to be temporary WE ARE STILL SUFFERING THROUGH.
He's such a smug Hunt, he knows his Autumn Statement was a boost to the already well off.
How can he be smirking ,when the working British public are struggling to pay there essential bills.
"Not just the UK but by the whole world is seeing that pressure." So when it's their Government, it's the whole world, but when the 2008 recession happened, it was solely Labours fault? Funny how that works.
lol labour even left a note on the desk for the conservative party no money left good luck
It's that smirk as he pisses down our backs that bugs me. He does think we are stupid and that we cant see how he is fleecing us whilst saying he is giving us something. A truly dishonest chancellor with no conscience whatsoever
It’s the smirk that gets me too!
A total psychopath.
As a teacher, I am disgusted to hear that this government thinks that schools are at the "Highest" standard. Come and set foot in my school, and tell me that standards are high.
My daughter-in-law is a teacher, I know how bad it is. Money is being taken away. Special needs funding removed. Lots of teachers work silly hours.
@@dannybeecroft2239 thanks for the reply, I work with SEN children too. The job is hard. Add to that the Tory mentality, it's a recipe for disaster.
The only thing that matters (after health, I suppose) is education; thanks for what you do and most people do know this.
Thank you fine people for your lovely comments. I take my job incredibly seriously. Trying to instill the importance of social mobility through communication.
I work for the parents of the UK and for the future of our kids. Not the Tories.
whole country is falling to bits everything held together with sellotape. Its become 3rd world.
I tell you what else has gone up...Hunt's rent on his 7 properties in Southampton!
By 18% the robbing hunt
and ?
@@garygalt4146multiple bidders raised the prices. Supply and demand. You’d be doing the same, instead you’re on your phone venting your anger. Sheeple at best
@@yofinance1777so stupid you don’t even understand why it’s worse for him. Or actually you do, but you don’t care. It’s like insider trading. It’s the same basic corrupt action.
@@yofinance1777 He might as well be on his phone he's not gonna get a £69000 deposit on UK wages.
Unless he can become a DR over night.
A 20% rent increase is pure exploitation.
Only a cxxt who'd never paid rent could defend that kind of wickedness.
He controls the supply by not building enough houses for the last 13 years.
It's not exactly a freak fluxuations.
That last question when she said it was "... the first parliament ever since records begin ..." I'm assuming that includes the parliaments around the first world war and the second world war as well as the previous global pandemic just after world war one. Because there have been other parliaments where there have been massive shocks but this is statistically worse.
I was looking at this Select Committee hearing and wondered why Mayor Sadiq Khan has no yet been called up to answer for his incompetence in running London, and him robbing the poorest motorist through ULEZ. Also the London Ambulance Service had to purchase 65 million pounds worth of vehicles to be ULEZ 'compliant'. He does not answer questions at the London Assembly and lies all the time. He ought to be brought before this committee and sacked on the spot if he does not answer questions truthfully.
Treating the public as idiots, something they've been doing for 13 years, and still are.
Hundreds of years we are all slaves
Yes, but absolutely no-one who isn't deeply into politics will see this debacle. Hunt could have just sat there and laughed at all the questions and the British media wouldn't have reported on it.
Correct !
painfully true. we need a peoples media not government bought traitors.
Well said 👏👏
He smirked his way through all his answers. Typical, arrogant Tory.
@@stumccloyits all a game to him. his wealth is safely offshore.
I didn't get any help with my business as I had no pressies. My company nosedived and I ended up loosing everything, including my home. Thanks Jez! Is this guy laughing at us with his smug grin the whole time? A disgusting excuse for human being.
sad thing is they will only invest in the thriving companies and not the struggling ones. i am sorry you lost what you have.
@@Deathwish026nah, they only invest in their friends bank accounts.
@@Deathwish026Would you rather put your hard earned into a struggling business or a successful one?
Tax money is your hard earned in this scenario
@@gomperhooblet I'd rather my tax money was put into public services than Tory donor businesses and bank accounts. What about you?
He is vile but not human!
Crime always halves any time a politician opens their mouth
You can tell he's lying cos his lips are moving. & Yep they think we're stupid.
I have no words. The smugness and the arrogance is startling. What has happened to this country is nothing short of criminal. I am a higher rate tax payer and I am looking for better vistas abroad, mainly due to the clear government incompetence and immense fraud with tax payer money. If this country was run by people who understood the needs of the UK, and cared, I wouldn’t mind paying the tax I do. However, I look at what is being done, and how, and I wonder if life is better for me and my family elsewhere. I get closer and closer to a resolution each day these charlatans are in power.
It's blatant corruption and if charges aren't brought in them by next government then they're aiding them and should also have charges.
Anyone else would of
Bang on, what these Tory crooks have done is nothing short of embezzlement on a national scale.
If I had money I would be out of the UK 100%
I don't blame you. I'm not in the higher bracket but I hate how we all give our hard earned money to these people who just waste it, and make everybody and everything worse off, except for the politicians and elites. Id be moving out of the UK as well if I could, they've ruined this country.
He is a massive Hunt.
Cavernous in fact.
To say the least
Absolutely! Pimping himself to the top 1%. To say that Police and Nurses are deserving of top tax brackets and businesses should get full tax write offs to bring investment to fund growth to compensate for absolutely stupid trade policies (aka Brexit) is the most strange thing in government policy.
He smug look and smirking throughout the entire thing was really disrespectful.
This government really make me ashamed to be British 😡
Totally agree. We are the laughing stock of the world now.
i totally agree
Yes! they believe they can spend our money better than we can, usually around the world 😠
Can we criminalise political gaslighting? I’m serious. I don’t know how it’s legal to just lie to the country.
Ah yes the party who waved costs if you buy 6 or more properties... the party of the everyday people.
Yep, he brought 7 at once to avoid stamp duty
Bought *
Do you know how many waterfront properties he owns? Seven. At the last count.
Travel anywhere in the EU or even outside (say, Turkey), and when you come back to the UK you realise the carnage that austerity has engineered. The country is on its knees, unless you live in Holland Park, Chelsea, Pimlico, Kensington, Belgravia etc.
As Mr Hunt says, we pay for healthcare, if that’s the case why can’t I get a GP’s appointment.
One has to even book in advance a phone in with a doctor
you can....just wait or go private. Totally intentional.
Because "socialism" does not work.
Forced to pay for a NHS you can't even use.
@@AUNEDJ How the hell can we go private we don't get enough fucking money.
Starmergeddon is coming.
What gets me is that the S.O.B doesn’t think the people of Britain are angry.. 🔥 He thinks we all are well off and doing just fine..
Imagine a landlord putting up your rent by £100, then taking £10 off and expecting a clap on the back.
Whilst simultaneously allowing sewage to flow through your kitchen.
Well, thats how stupid they know we are. No push back at all.
He's actually been honest. He said, "we decreased taxes where it would result in the biggest growth." In other words, it's okay to stiff ordinary workers, whilst relieving taxes on the highest earners. It's this myth that needs to be burst - the idea that as long as the rich get richer, it's too bad if everyone else gets a drubbing. It's a dogma, just one that posits the notion that economic success is when the very richest get to fleece the majority. It's not even putting it in terms of the discredited 'trickle down' economics philosophy.
Trickle down economics will never work the rich get 99% of the money and spend the interest then stash the rest away in offshore bank accounts or dodge tax through good accountants. Even if they invest half of it they will always be quids in while everyone else struggles to survive
Ronnie's "trickle down" theory at play
We've been here before with this " C**T, these Shyloks have killed any chance of of governing again, guess what they'll,e still all be multi- millionaires.
Hunt always has that smug smile on his face whilst he delivers bad news
Because he and the likes of him would and will not be affected by all of his/their crap 🤬
Dupers delight. Google it. Very strange.
Because he’s evil
Bloody horrible man.
Jeremy Kunt is living up to his name, smirking all the way !!!
This makes my blood boil.....i received no help during the pandemic....i worked as part of the NHS , was not furlouged and worked 6 days a week......so why in hell am i having to pay the price for the help the government gave to others during that period of time.
Honestly, not enough people watch these vids, because if they did, there's no way any one in their right mind would vote for these people
That is so true my friend
100% correct..
These creatures are here to try us all
The British public need to wake up...and realise what is really going on in the running of this country!!
@dogboy5398 I'm not a labour supporter, but the state of the country under the tories is a joke. I was better off under labour, now I'm piss poor broke and working my arse off under a Conservative govt (who cares only for thier rich pals)
We are realistic, we want him and his lying colleagues out. My pension increase was wiped out by a tax and i ended up £50 per month less well off. He lies with a smirk on his face, like she said, "does he think we are stupid?".
the answer to her question is yes he and Sunak and the rest of the Tory scum do
Yes, my pension increase was wiped out by tax a increase and I am now £152 worse off. How charming of this imbecile to me so smug…
£50 per month....get real..there are families living on the street...FFS ...who cares about your decreasing 50 quid
Jeremy Hunt has recently raised the rent on his property portfolio by an average of 20% per property.
Don't know if I should like or dislike this comment. Hunt is despicable.
He had a queue begging for the property space in Southampton so a supply and demand bidding war took place as people were willing to pay with their money. If this pisses you off, go and learn history and what you should really focus your energy on.
@@yofinance1777I agree. You should read the French Revolution first, then you will know what to focus on.
@yofinance1777 We all are! Excluding you of course.
@@yofinance1777Ive just read all the history books, they all say you're a pr1ck
In 50 years government never once helped me. I survived on my own. Thank you very much. That's why I never paid any tax to brutal Britain. I paid tax to nations that gave me work in my field of vocation and calling. Never once did Britain avoid racism and bigotry.
This politician is not asking the write question. She should be asking all politicians why they done use their brains including her!
The smiling psychopath.
Smirking - they don’t know how to smile
The fact he’s smiling while answering, looking like he’s holding back laughter, is appalling. He thinks we’re all idiots and couldn’t give a damn what anyone in that room thinks of him
What more will it take before these criminals are removed from positions of power?? This is beyond ridiculous!!!
They still have a majority. 😱
Well the people did vote for them.
@@uprightlizard3774and unfortunately, people will still vote for them
@@JonathanElliotMayThe beautiful democracy. Everyone has their opinion
The question should be, what more will it take for you English to stop voting for them???
When can you tell a politician is lying ? When they speak !
No not Stupid as he will find out at the next Election.
Don't forget a lot of these jokers are claiming £200.000 in expenses. Let a lone him getting £150.000.
Cupid Stunt here is just a bad man. Get rid in next election if you know whats good for you. Why does he always look unconcerned and smirking?
Politicians just grind my gears with thier constant non-answering of questions.
Stand for election where you run on a campaign of truth. Only you can change it pal. Britain is a dump created by these 🤡
Thats the way these politicians speak....so how are you today? Well its daylight outside I had breakfast now I got to go work😂
Their wages are paid by us, they should directly answer questions honestly. If they gave me shit news but were honest I would respect that and accept it.
Let me be perfectly clear … and then they proceed not to be.
Do they really think 500 extra quid a year makes a difference?
"How stupid do you think we are", that's a question a Tory politician should never ask.
As someone who's made 'not getting carried away punching people in the face' something of a way of life,
Jeremy Hunt really presents a challenge.
He and his entire family and those like them are utterly pointless and a waste of oxygen
😂😂😂😂 clearly Jeremy Hunt has never been properly pounded multiple times and repeatedly in his smug smarmy ponsy boat race. I have the same personal rule in my life, but could easily make an exception for Mr Hunt
Time to let loose
He doesn't give a toss about anyone except himself
Completely agree about Saint IKEA Starmer.
A trait ALL politicians have
When he said that crime has halved I'm glad he pointed out it was violent crime and because fraud is out of control.
What he stated was another lie violent crime has increased its just logged different by the police to make the crime figures look good the overflowing prisons tell the truth not the likes of Hunt
😊people in government are the creators of The fraud policy which allows them the right to openly commit fraudulent behaviours in public office, whereas ordinary folk are prosecuted to the full extent of the law if they are are found to act fraudulently. It's hypocrisy at best and dystopian at worst. They should be dismissed from office and jailed. Only a serious change in law will prevent this or there will be anarchy eventually as people will eventually be pushed into retaliating by whatever means possible. You have been warned.
His smiles don’t fool people
She says I don't want to end on a bad note, then proceeds to end on a bad note lmao
This very rich man is gross! He has, in effect, given himself a pay rise.
Labour need to do an ad campaign comparing him with Rimmer
OMG so true!
But is he more reliable than a garden strimmer though?
Rimmer is 1000x more likeable in every way
He will never need a zimmer
Labour need to get rid off keir stalin first
comparing Jeremy Khunt to Arnold Judas Rimmer, is an insult to Rimmer, at least Rimmer as, after a short amount of questioning, he, Rimmer admits things...
Neo-Modern Torry Khunt.. does not, can not, will not, he is a personally self-agrandising, publicly callous, politically evasive & purposefully obsfuscating any and all accountabilities of any actual work he/they've never bothered to do;..
...All this current group of Neo-cons/Commiservatives*, do is talk as if they've done something, while stripping national, regional local, strategic & personal assets, institutions, all for profiteering reasons and securing lobbyists pay-cheques.
*_*Commiservatives_* They are the nicer bits of the worse aspects of fascistic & communistic party loyalty, propaganda projection, with some veiled fragments of Conservatism/Republicanism/Trumpism but with an outright evasion of ethics and doing any real, proper, expected, work whenever possible for the last 13+ years, if they can sell off, destroy of defund something to funnel their pockets fatter !!
They top echelons of the Commiservative heap, are mostly 'legally' paid-off [as investigative officers numbers are reduced, blocked or sacked,] ..yet traitorous agents for foreign interests, including Russian & CCP/PRC Oiigarchs wishes.
When will this country finally do something about this, too much complacency.
He was born with a smile on his face
The smirk on Hunts face 😠 He has never been without anything in his life, he has no idea (like Sunak) how normal people live 😞
Smugness just oozes out of him. The inane smile that is constantly on his face and reminds me of the expression that if someone continually grins at you, like he does, he is either a conman or an idiot. Is it possible to be both at the same time?
He's a conman!
With the mannerisms he’s displaying there he does in fact think we’re stupid.
We are all stupid sheep baaaaaah
WHY ?NO matter what Hunt says, he always has an expression on his face like someone receiving an unexpected prostate examination ? 😂😂
I just had one of those, I do hope I didn't look like that.
I think the expression you're looking for is
The devil's sphincter mite
The quicker the election the better
i am poorer than i have ever been. I am paying more for energy and food. The public services have got worse and crime is rife. Ironic this is under a conservative govt.
The financial help they gave UK families through the pandemic was an absolute pittance, most of the money splurged about was to UK companies and direct to both their friend's and donor's for PPE tenders?
He needs locking up, he is a nut case!!
....narcissists are just that!
He smirks because he thinks it's hilarious that he knows he won't be punished for it
Doesnt matter what they do , no one will stand up and be counted
6:46 the real reason for this is greed plain and simple!
Lies , lies more tory lies .
Yes there was support for jobs during COVID - but the gouging came when you gave PPE contracts to your mates worth BILLIONS!
2020 had the 18th LOWEST DEATH RATE over previous 30 years - Office for National Statistics UK ---- What Pandemic ???
And those billions were written off when Sunak was chancellor. Should be asking for it back.
Notice how he claims that that crime has fallen but excludes computer crime and fraud, which can be just as devastating for the victims as any other type of crime. In other words he is saying that vulnerable people who have been duped out of their pensions and life savings by a growing number of scammers do not count.
How could anyone who cares about victims of crime make that claim whilst maintaining that sickeningly smug look on his face?
Oh she socked it to him good style! 😂 Well done madam!
Voters are very realistic about the amount of tax payers money went into tory donor pockets
Hunt rightly calls it the 'cost of living crisis.' Funny that it was due to the tories that it became a crisis yet he won't admit to that.
600 pounds...a year? Wow, thats treat yourself to a takeaway money! Thanks benevolent overlord 😂
I was thinking the same 600 a year yippee 🤪.
We have to remember that this is also what he's saying take home is for those people, which given that bills and food prices increase more than that a year, I don't see how that's a good thing haha.
If I take £600 a year extra home, but it costs me £601 extra in bills, I'm still fucked
£12.50 a week, cant even buy a decent takeaway with that lol
Best you'll get is a chippy. Enjoy your chippy and make sure to thank Mr cHunt.
@@user-rq5sd1sq8o yeah my point was, with inflation etc, you'd get to treat yourself *only* once a month. And that's only if you're earning enough beforehand to cover everything.What a sorry state of affairs!
He believes tax cuts for the rich are more important then providing government services
They always looked after there mates the rich and always will never there for the real people of our country utter disgrace corrupt government voting reform next GE 💯
HONEST! not a word that should be believed when uttered by a politician.
I'm 77, and for the entire time that I have been politically aware this country has apparently been in some kind of ecconomic crisis. Isn't it about time our leaders got it right and started ruling for the benefit of everyone and not just for the wealthy and multi-national corporations?
Hunt's net worth is £14m. Of course he's smug all the way through the meeting
He's worth a lot more than that
He is an utter utter utter Hunt
Crime has not halved 😂
It has, there is no police to deal with it. Out of sight and all that.😂
Police busy doing Karaoke?
Police busy doing Karaoke?
They do 💯 crumbs
They are as dishonest as they come
Crime has halved??? WTAF
...'be honest with people' 👿how dare you! You may be dealing with that evil entity, however, we the British public will show you lot what honesty is at the polling stations across Britain and very soon✊
He was not chancellor during the pandemic, so wtf is he talking about? there's no reason to up taxes, especially since they've shown us they can expand the fiscal deficit without causing price inflation (2020-2022 was record deficit and low inflation). The inflation we did get by Q3 2022 was caused by the double whammy of price gouging by energy companies (who took record profits in 2022) and BoE interest rates that came afterwards
This committee is a waste of time. People cannot afford to live. Who's living standards is he talking about. My bills are up, shopping is more expensive , rents are up, struggling to save for a mortgage but cant afford to save. Most Londoners are living like this. Move outsuse London but the travel costs are restrictive. Costs are rising rapidly outside London too. What are people supposed to do?