Trad Wife vs. Biblical Wife...

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • Today I have a longer video for y'all where I discuss my opinions on the trad wife movement and whether or not it is biblical. It is not my intention to attack any women who associate themselves with being "trad wives", but rather I want to dig deeper into the movement as a whole & explore the root of it. God calls us to be women of His Word and to stand on nothing else but what He has revealed to us in it. This means we must be careful with the trends we see circulating around us - and that could include the trad wive trend as well. I pray this an encouragement and opens up good conversation. God bless!
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Комментарии • 56

  • @charliewhon6548
    @charliewhon6548 2 месяца назад +4

    I raised our 4 children and homeschooled for 21 years. We lived in the backcountry of Alaska 5-6 months out of every year with no running water, no electricity and very few outlets other than our incoming clients and the scheduled grocery and mail fly-ins.
    I used to make homemade meals for up to 20 people a day; bread, rolls and cookies for all our client outings. Sometimes I would make 10 loaves of bread a week and 20 dozen sandwich rolls.
    So when I see some ultra pristine woman parading online more proud of her breasts than the one loaf of bread she made in a bread machine, it kind of makes me sad. That’s not becoming for a woman of belief.
    Honestly, the trad wife movement that I’ve seen, seems to be more about women flouncing themselves around on social media for attention. If social media would have been around When I was a young wife and mother, spending the amount of time it takes to do content and edit it, would automatically take away the necessary time I needed to care for my husband and children properly, I think.
    As for those who want to follow Scripture, we are to be modest and bring notoriety to our husbands by our conduct. I see little of that in the few “trad wife” videos I was sorry I spent enough time to watch.
    I certainly wore some out of date clothing, but not expensive retro looking clothing.
    And my breasts are for two specific purposes according to Scripture; to feed my infants and for the joy of my husband. They are never to be shoved in everyone’s face to see.
    I teach young people how to ride horses again, now that my children are grown, and I am seeing a lot of young women growing up not even sure what a good woman, who is quality wife material, even looks like.
    A good wife does whatever is necessary to help her husband. I’ve done my share of using the chainsaw and splitting maul to help stock our woodpile, helping my husband fix a fence or siding and the likes. I’ve packed 7 horses 35 miles into the mountains by myself to meet my husband who needed them. I’ve been in the other end of 20’ spruce Timbers that he cut down to shure up our cook cabin when the river flooded and washed it out. I’ve helped him clean up a remote dump area that someone else left to make the state happy and load it all into a Huey helicopter, and when I’ve helped him, I saved him a LOT of money. When all these chores are done, a woman is then to go inside to make us coffee and a sandwich or dinner at the end of the day.
    It has been during those types of time with my husband that I felt the closest with him and he was the most loving and caring towards me.
    Even now that we are in our mid 50s, I am still in good enough shape to keep up with him and be a physical laborer right next to him. Part of our marriage requires me to be strong and fit, and then figure out how to quickly become soft and feminine for him. It’s a wonderful challenge; that I haven’t always succeeded at, but he knew my heart was willing.
    Women should embrace their roles, but understand that being feminine doesn’t mean she can’t get her hands a little dirty from time to time.
    A side note, I also obtained an associate degree in Science and a certificate in Veterinary Science, and was working on my Bachelor’s degree in Equine Studies while homeschooling. Once I felt led to quit school because my husband needed help financially, I took a job doing industrial sewing from home, my children and I turned it into an entrepreneur class and we turned into a quarter of a million dollar business within 3 years; which my grown children now manage, even though it took a huge hit during COVID.
    All this I write, not to brag, but to encourage other/younger women. I think so long as the husband and wife are in agreement to certain things that may not look as “traditional,” and it doesn’t break Scripture, then each family’s life will look just as differently as the individuals within that family.

    • @Mamato12_blessings-md8xw
      @Mamato12_blessings-md8xw 2 месяца назад

      Thank you for sharing this. I was encouraged. This is what it really looks like, isn’t it? God bless you as you keep growing in your Biblical womanhood.

    • @charliewhon6548
      @charliewhon6548 2 месяца назад

      I would say, this is what it CAN look like.
      I feel very blessed, because growing up in the 70s, I had three wonderful, yet different examples of good wives/women, in my grandmothers, and a great aunt.
      My one grandmother (my dad’s mom) was a widow from the time my dad was a junior in High School. She never even got a driver’s license, and she used to spend the summers with our family in the country, and the winters with my Aunt’s family in the city.
      This woman taught me how to tend to and butcher chickens, grow just about anything one can put in soil, cook and preserve food by canning, freezing and drying. These were my chores growing up, and I started helping as early as 5yo that I can recall. She did this all in dresses. She was super tough, and one of the great challenge of my three older brothers’ was to get to the age and strength to beat her in arm wrestling…😂, yet somehow she still always behaved like a woman. She never remarried and I never heard her complain about it. She slept with me in my bed all summer long, and I can still remember the smell of Ben Gay and Polident…😂 . Her and I giggling at night while she told me stories of her girlhood is still one of my fondest memories as a child. She always told me stories of her growing up on the farm in West Virginia with her 11 siblings, and she always spoke well of my grandfather I never got a chance to meet.
      My other grandmother (my mom’s mom) was a farmer’s wife. I used to love spending time at her house. She loved The Word, and would always teach me something out of it every time I was there. She was very into the genealogy of Our Messiah within Scripture, and I can remember thinking she was the most brilliant woman I’d ever met, despite the fact she only had an 8th grade education.
      She used to make meals for my grandfather, and send me with his food out to the barn or field, and I would then stay and help my grandpa tend to the cows or drive the tractor. My grandmother’s dad built the church I grew up attending as a child, and I knew I was a part of something special; even though I didn’t understand it at the time.
      My great aunt (my mom’s aunt) didn’t get married until she was in her 60s. She then married her best friend from grade school after he lost his wife 5 years earlier. 😬🥰🥰She worked as a secretary at the school my entire family attended growing up, and lived and cared for my great grandfather until he died. She was virgin until she got married; maybe even afterwards, because I can remember her saying that she married because her friend needed help around his house and a companion after he lost his wife, which was also her friend. He died of cancer two years later after they married. I had a great respect for her. I think they married just so it wouldn’t be scandalous for her to be inside his home caring for him, but so don’t know, and I never asked. She was funny and responsible as a woman working outside of the home; the only woman in my life at the time that I was able to observe demonstrating that. She was modest and kind and very organized.
      Sadly, my mom was not a great role model in many ways to me, even though growing up she was a good housekeeper, attentive mother and was a very gentle person. She never helped me with my schoolwork because she felt she wasn’t smart enough, and I always felt she was too absorbed with her looks, as she was very beautiful. Furthermore, looking back, I feel like she got sucked into the charasmatic movement, and ended up Bible thumping everyone around her. My dad lost interest in the church structure when I was about 8 or 9 I’d say. Before that, he would be the one cooking breakfast on Sunday mornings so my mom could get herself and us ready for church, but when the elders organized a meeting and sat him down I front of a panel and tried to tell him he wasn’t giving enough as his business started thriving (he was putting cash in the offering plate), he never went back. I knew it was a big deal at the time, because my grandma ended up having all the elders and the pastor replaced. I never knew the details of that until I was an adult, and my mom always made him out to be some type of heathen after that. Their marriage ended when I was 12, and it completely derailed me, because he was my world and I was very special to him as the only girl and the youngest. My mom didn’t allow us to spend any time together for almost 2 years, even though my bus route drove right past the apartment he was living at. It was killing me inside, and I held a lot of resentment towards my mom for it all. I went through a huge rebellion, because even though my dad moved out, he paid for EVERYTHING for her, myself and my three brothers until we were all out of the house. I actually left at 16 and lived in the horse barn I was working at, because I couldn’t stand coming into the house I grew up in listening to Jimmy Baker and Kenneth Copeland blaring on the TV all the time.
      After my dad and mom split, (she asked him to leave), my mom pretty much just checked out and absorbed herself in TBN. Only a few years ago when I was visiting my dad, did he tell me that he showed up at our home about 3 month after she asked him to leave and wanted to work something out with her to come back to his family. According to him, she was having a woman’s Bible study that day, and she told him: “No,” because she was busy, and at that point he decided God was way more important to her than him or her family. It broke my heart to hear that as an almost 50 year old woman.
      After my mom went down the charasmania road, I always felt like something must be wrong with me, because I couldn’t buy into it. I think looking back now, I had discernment, because we now see the rotten fruit from those trees. It was a long road for me to come to terms with, but I am very thankful to my Father in Heaven for never leaving nor forsaking me.
      I pray that every woman has some other older woman in her life to help her see what a virtuous woman looks like. I think it can be so varied, based on each individual’s life circumstances.
      I pray our Father in Heaven blesses you deeply, and that you continue to grow into someone who will hear: “well done my good and faithful servant,” some day soon! And maybe some day in eternity, we will get a chance to meet and worship together for all He has done for us!

  • @jessicawilkinson983
    @jessicawilkinson983 2 месяца назад +2

    I commented on a video of yours before. You’ve been showing up in my feed and I’m so glad. Loved this one too. Eve in Exile was my favorite book I read last year!

  • @catformerlythomas500
    @catformerlythomas500 2 месяца назад +4

    Enjoyed your video. Thank you for adding scripture references! It’s so important to cite our scripture references instead of postulating. I appreciate what you’ve shared here. I would recommend that you take a breath and slow down just a bit. Just for clarity and ease of understanding. Keep up the good work! 😊

  • @davidlam6702
    @davidlam6702 2 месяца назад

    I just found your channel God bless you.

  • @jenniferviolette317
    @jenniferviolette317 2 месяца назад +5

    The word translated as helper is Ezer. Ezer is also a word used to describe God. We need to submit one to another.

    • @user-iu9uj1yz2f
      @user-iu9uj1yz2f 2 месяца назад +2

      Get behind me, Satan, for you care not for the things of God but of (wo) man.

    • @politereminder6284
      @politereminder6284 2 месяца назад

      Amen! One to another. There is no male or female in Christ.

  • @rudestbeast4907
    @rudestbeast4907 2 месяца назад +3

    i demand my wife to grind corn with a stone mill when not at the loom, we only drink wine that she steps on the grapes with bare feet

    • @rubenlopesmagalhaes1011
      @rubenlopesmagalhaes1011 2 месяца назад +2


    • @rudestbeast4907
      @rudestbeast4907 2 месяца назад

      @@rubenlopesmagalhaes1011 🦴🧜‍♂🏋‍♂🦍

    • @rudestbeast4907
      @rudestbeast4907 2 месяца назад

      @@rubenlopesmagalhaes1011 🚮

    • @lwedel3361
      @lwedel3361 2 месяца назад

      here in rural Germany, we hand knit our unterhose with home grown cotton.

    • @chriskoschik391
      @chriskoschik391 2 месяца назад

      My wife works in a call center because it’s too expensive for a man with a single income to support his family.
      Love America!

  • @RighteousCenturion
    @RighteousCenturion Месяц назад

    1 Corinthians 2:14
    But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

  • @patrickmcdonald8513
    @patrickmcdonald8513 2 месяца назад

    It has been my observation that the pendulum frequently over corrects.

  • @Sophiatrenzas673
    @Sophiatrenzas673 2 месяца назад

    Podemos confiar en la Biblia?

  • @ShaneZettelmier
    @ShaneZettelmier 2 месяца назад

    Will try wife is a trend and people kind of make up their own rules and they can live how they want. But historically, traditional family structure or what we now called the nuclear family was based in biblical principle throughout western society, biblical principles of one man and one woman And people with more traditional rolls and responsibilities and it works great and it worked great for thousands of years. I’m not against the movement and people wanna live that way. It’s a good thing, we should all respect our spouses and strive to live a healthy, peaceful, productive life, and if people want to assume traditional roles, then that’s awesome, whatever the case, defining specific rules and people living up to their responsibility is always a good thing in a relationship, but of course it has to be mutual and mutually beneficial.
    The Bible is actually pretty loose on these things, yes, it defines a lot of tradition and things like proverbs tell us how things work best in general for the majority, but are not commandments specifically they’re not saying we have to live that way and they’re not promises that say the results will always be the same if we behave accordingly They’re just general rules of how this world was created.
    Biblical principles in general, whether it’s a marriage or dating or just friends or family or neighbors are good principles to live by and are designed by our creator who designed us, it’s sort of the manual for how human existence operates. God wasn’t super strict on these things. We also have to understand the Bible and read it within the correct context, not everything in the Bible was condoning the behavior, multiple wives and concubines are talked about in the Bible, but not condoned and there were Jewish or Hebrew principals That were talked about in the Bible, but are not necessarily part of God‘s plan specifically they are Hebrew tradition, things like if your brother‘s wife becomes a widow and has hasn’t had a child yet her dad husband’s brothers are supposed to make babies with her to ensure his inheritance and Line goes on And she’s taking care of, these are Hebrew tradition. These are not telling us we’re supposed to live this way. But if we study and read God’s word, it repeatedly gives us lessons and tells us how we are designed to live and shows us examples of how things work and when things go bad as well, and there are some instances where things are clearly defined and things not to do our defined as sinful. These are the things that have defined what we call the nuclear family or traditional one man one woman, marriage system, and family structure throughout history and the wife is sort of a secular version of getting back to tradition so depends on who’s doing it and how they define traditional. Feminism likes to throw a ranch into the works and make it sound like a wife serving. Her family is somehow oppression or slavery, which is ridiculous and intentionally meant to deceive and mislead people to put them in a place where they can be controlled by these political narratives and to attack the traditional family structure because that’s what Satan does, if you ever notice there’s a pattern of Satan, trying to destroy God’s creation by disrupting his plan and interfering with it. People need to understand that many modern principles of liberalism are based in disrupting God’s creation at his plan and how things work demonizing certain aspects of them to deceive us. And yes, a wife has to serve her husband and family, but the husband also has to serve his wife and family, and the children need to be submissive and serve their family as well but in return everyone who serves the family is also served by the family. If the wife is a doctor, makes the money in the husband stays home and make sure the household is a peaceful, safe, healthy environment, and takes care of the kids, God doesn’t have a problem with that, it’s not exactly how he designed it but as long as we’re following the true biblical principles, it can work, but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong for the husband to stay home with the children and take care of the household and it’s not wrong if the wife does it, and in reality anyone who stays home and takes care of the household, which they would have to do anyway, if they were single And raising their own kids is not a job that’s your life. You’re living somebody else out there going to work every day to pay the bills and provide the Homestead privilege not a burden, and to have somebody willing to take care of your household for you going out and working hard and trying to accomplish something to provide for that family unit is also a privilege. When people start being thankful for what they have and nurturing their relationships and taking a biblical Christian attitude, which is a position of servitude, it makes life much more pleasant and much more functional and much more pleasing to us. If people don’t wanna live that way, they want to hate their spouse because of their gender and having to do something to participate in a family then they’re welcome to do so, but it is my opinion. They will probably be far more likely to be unhappy, and those relationships will be less Fruitful and fulfilling. God didn’t give us these guidelines to be a control freak. He gave us these guidelines to tell us how things work so we could be more fulfilled and happy and productive in our lives.

  • @maddielinch2046
    @maddielinch2046 2 месяца назад

    what if one income isn’t enough for one household? have you ever thought about what you would do in your house?

    • @sabrinaklass
      @sabrinaklass  2 месяца назад +1

      Hi there! So I think it’s very dependent upon each household and what the husband sees is fit for their family. There’s so many circumstances to consider, so it’s between the couple to pray to the Lord about what action is best in their particular situation. My husband has made it clear that if he were to struggle to provide for us, the first step would be to majorly downsize our lifestyle to something much simpler than how we live now. It’s a sacrifice we are both willing to make if needed. And God forbid something tragic happen to him where he could no longer work, I’m not sure the course of action because we are not in that position but I trust that the Lord will show us the answer whether it is me working or us using savings to live off of. It’s not an easy thing to know the answer to when you’re not in that position, but trusting the Lord is crucial regardless! ❤️

    • @Mamato12_blessings-md8xw
      @Mamato12_blessings-md8xw 2 месяца назад +3

      The answer to the “what if he dies” biblically is family would also step in. If they’re a widow indeed, then the church.

  • @moon-pw1bi
    @moon-pw1bi 2 месяца назад +1

    i think people should just live how they want to live

    • @LethalByChoice
      @LethalByChoice 2 месяца назад

      This is the only truth to life.

    • @treybrannon4964
      @treybrannon4964 2 месяца назад

      And if one wants to live cruelly?

    • @BlackHawkDownSD
      @BlackHawkDownSD 2 месяца назад

      ​@@treybrannon4964then they live cruelly but that doesn't mean we keep them around or stoop down to their level. We shouldn't let one person or a group of people dictate how the rest of us should live, especially when they lead with fear

    • @moon-pw1bi
      @moon-pw1bi 2 месяца назад

      @@treybrannon4964 when applied to this context i dont really see how that is a relevant concern. but ill clarify people should live how they want to live as long as they arent harming anybody.

    • @treybrannon4964
      @treybrannon4964 2 месяца назад

      @@moon-pw1bi That is a very important distinction. However, even living a hedonistic lifestyle that doesn't harm others is an empty existence in the long run.

  • @AR-bd5hb
    @AR-bd5hb 2 месяца назад +1

    Can you talk about biblical husband's?

    • @sabrinaklass
      @sabrinaklass  2 месяца назад +2

      Hi there! I don’t feel it’s appropriate for me to speak alone on that topic as a woman, so maybe I can one day get my husband to join me in a video to share his thoughts and mine together! That’d a good idea!

  • @gsestream
    @gsestream 2 месяца назад

    you are not owned by people, only Christ the Lord God. you are not married to law. divorce from the law. Christ is your Lord. if you want to be righteous, have Christ. as none becomes righteous through law works. knowledge makes proud, and under judgement. not gospel. usually biblical means law based, not gospel. actual biblical is freedom with Christ. where is the Spirit of the Lord, there is freedom. actual freedom. dont judge, even yourself, or others. ie love your neighbor as yourself. if you judge, you are on the judging line first. how you measure, you are measured to. nothing forced.

  • @politereminder6284
    @politereminder6284 2 месяца назад

    You think trad wife movement is "well meaning"? I think its pure pageantry. It's a performance.

    • @charliewhon6548
      @charliewhon6548 2 месяца назад

      I would agree with you @politereminder6284, it’s pretty obvious if one has any discernment I think.

    • @sabrinaklass
      @sabrinaklass  2 месяца назад

      I’ve seen many women fall into following that content with the honest intention of being good wives, that’s what I meant by that. These are well meaning women ignorantly following a trend that “looks” well meaning. As I mentioned, there are many issues with it. ❤️

  • @fairybliss7772
    @fairybliss7772 2 месяца назад +1

    Neither are legit. Women should just make their own choices without outside influence

  • @LethalByChoice
    @LethalByChoice 2 месяца назад

    People should just live how they want to live as long as it's not hurting anyone. Stop telling people how to live.

    • @treybrannon4964
      @treybrannon4964 2 месяца назад +1

      Advising is not telling.

    • @moisesarellano9205
      @moisesarellano9205 2 месяца назад +1

      If a person lives in such a way that is unfavorable to God, they are hurting themselves by poisoning themselves spiritually if not physically.
      Suppose I decide I want to be a drunk. I don’t hurt people nor force it on others, but I choose to be an alcoholic.
      1) It’s medically proven to be harmful to myself
      2) It goes down a rabbit hole of living a life in pursuit of pleasure
      There are things in this world beyond pleasure

    • @treybrannon4964
      @treybrannon4964 2 месяца назад

      @@moisesarellano9205 I agree

    • @rakashaagain
      @rakashaagain 2 месяца назад


    • @LethalByChoice
      @LethalByChoice 2 месяца назад

      @@moisesarellano9205 That's such a load of bullshit. I meant if its not harming themselves or others but it's still their choice. Not yours and not God's. God gave us free will, no? Free will is making your own choices.