Akaso Brave 8 Action Camera Full Review: Great Hardware Meets Poor Software...

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 199

  • @ghazalikamarualzaman3153
    @ghazalikamarualzaman3153 2 года назад +4

    Great and honest review there Mike, totally appreciate it.

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  2 года назад +1

      Most welcome, Ghazali! Another Akaso cam to be reviewed soon.

  • @celesdocofficial7816
    @celesdocofficial7816 2 года назад +1

    oh this is one & good action camera i think this is upgraded action camera made by akaso. thank you boss. good luck to you. watching from naic cavite. philippines. the smaller island in the asia.

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  2 года назад

      Thanks for the support! The place where you live is so beautiful for filming!

  • @Ghost_Rider_786
    @Ghost_Rider_786 Год назад +2

    AKASO have just released this camera in the UK - Its priced at £235.00 - The GoPro 9 here at the moment is £249.00 - I think after watching this great video I would buy the GoPro 9 - Akaso never really get things quite right ....which is fine for a cheap camera ....but £235.00 is NOT cheap - I would be very surprised if Akaso are successful with this model

  • @powernab8457
    @powernab8457 3 года назад +1

    Tech4All thanks for your message you sent me. You gave me some good food for thought and I will try using the GoPro without the stabilization and just try low light for night cycling!

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  3 года назад

      In fact - there is a nice app for GoPro which can read the Gyro data and make stabilization after you shoot (similar to what Insta360 do). So yeah - you may get surprised!

    @WORTHITORNOT 3 года назад +7

    Great video and all points spot on. I was really hoping for great things from this camera considering it's price point but they're better options out there for the money. Yes same issue here with the case falling apart :)

    • @myerwerl
      @myerwerl 3 года назад +3

      Hey, can you name a few? Kinda looking for a cheap gopro alternative.

    • @tvvt869
      @tvvt869 3 года назад +1

      Your all videos so good .

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  3 года назад

      Oh, good to know it's not just me! And so kind of you to comment here, thanks a lot, Andre.
      Guess the only thing we can hope for is to see better firmware. But given the fact this is most likely another OEM, chances are not too big I guess.

    • @BaruMancingofficialkeren
      @BaruMancingofficialkeren 2 года назад

      hello god coment

    • @kaikart123
      @kaikart123 2 года назад +3

      You said there are better options but you didn't mention any.

  • @ivovass195
    @ivovass195 3 года назад +1

    Okay camera shown in a great review with fair criticism and various performance showcases.

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  3 года назад

      Haha, very good summary - "Okay camera"!

  • @kuyaedcooking
    @kuyaedcooking 3 года назад +3

    Good review and I agree I think at this time not a option to buy I am not financially brave enough lol.. And they have a lot of work to do.. But I think small steps in the right direction who knows the next release will be a winner. I remember the time i think with the akaso V50 at that moment they had the right balance on that camera and also the right pricing to what you gett. Hopefully they can learn from that time to improve their camera's now.

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  3 года назад +2

      I just wish they re-release V50X or V50Pro with really awesome firmware and features.

    • @kuyaedcooking
      @kuyaedcooking 3 года назад

      @@TechMishka yeah that would be a good idea for them.. But then putt the microphone from the akaso brave 8... Because the sound on the v50 series could be better. For the rest in good balance...

  • @justinlammers2191
    @justinlammers2191 2 года назад +2

    Same quality of cage on recent shipment. Also activation via app isn't working and I already had to skip 3 times so the camera is locked. VERY frustrating. I have a iPhone 11 Pro Max and downloaded Akaso Go app.... it says it connected to camera, but the camera will not unlock or show preview on app. I HATE THE REQUIREMENT TO ACTIVATE CAMERA VIA APP BEFORE BEING ABLE TO USE CAMERA!
    I'm a pro RUclipsr....this is my other account. Akaso gave me the camera...but I am so far not impressed. Hope they respond to my email and help activate the camera.

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  2 года назад

      Oh, such an annoying issue indeed. I remember some other people complaining about that too...

  • @chesterst.yveschannel
    @chesterst.yveschannel 2 года назад +1

    I am using right now Brave 7 LE. I am thinking about upgrading to Brave 8. My primary consideration is its audio and usage to be a PC camera. How did you find this feature so far?

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  2 года назад +1

      For that money - better get a second hand GoPro.

    • @chesterst.yveschannel
      @chesterst.yveschannel 2 года назад

      @@TechMishka Thank you for the advise. I bought Insta360.

  • @BeautyBeastRC
    @BeautyBeastRC 3 года назад +4

    I recently bought an akasa and found out it saved videos in mov format. I promptly returned it and bought a gopro hero 8. No regrets.

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  3 года назад +3

      the container file won't make too much of a difference. But yeah - what you did is for sure the best thing.

    • @straightwhitemale5753
      @straightwhitemale5753 6 месяцев назад

      What is a mov format?

    • @chill62751
      @chill62751 5 месяцев назад

      ​@TechMishka couldn't they have loaded the file in a video editor and exported it as a .mp4?

  • @edymarkonthego4096
    @edymarkonthego4096 3 года назад +1

    Looks like osmo action 1 long lost twin.. lol.. I have OA1 for 2 years now, still using it. No over heating issue.

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  3 года назад

      No overheating issue here either. OA1 is rock-solid!

  • @GoPro_And_Others
    @GoPro_And_Others 3 года назад +1

    Hello. Where can i download and watch the original videos of akaso brave 8? sample video?

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  3 года назад

      Please send me an email to remind me about it here: contact@tech4all.net
      The samples included in the video are not color graded, so they are pretty much identical to the originals.

  • @BaruMancingofficialkeren
    @BaruMancingofficialkeren 2 года назад

    terimaksih atas review anda dan action cam sekarang sudah saya pakai memancing ikan . saya dari indonesia country

  • @kuansengwong5620
    @kuansengwong5620 2 года назад +1

    Thank you! Great review! I am an avid photographer lover. I recently bought an Akaso Brave 8 as GoPro is not within my budget. INKEE Falcon Plus 3-Axis action camera gimbal stabilizer, can this stabilizer perform full performance with my Akaso Brave 8? Would like your advice if the stabiliser is suitable to use with Akaso Brave 8. If it is not suitable, do you recommed any other brands? Hope to hear from you! Thank you!

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  2 года назад

      Haven't tried the INKEE stabilizer, but heard good things about it. But I am not sure if it will fit the form factor.

    • @kuansengwong5620
      @kuansengwong5620 2 года назад

      @@TechMishka Noted with Thanks!!

  • @pixelpeter3883
    @pixelpeter3883 3 года назад +2

    It's an okay camera, but not at this price-point imo. And as you said, the software side needs more attention (something Akaso seems to struggle with).

  • @CatzzLife
    @CatzzLife 5 месяцев назад

    I can’t open the slot for external mic when it’s inside a case.

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  5 месяцев назад

      Mhm... Akaso's design flaws.

  • @MixAtölyesi
    @MixAtölyesi 3 месяца назад

    So which one is better maximum 200 usd value for vlog?

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  Месяц назад

      A used GoPro or DJI Osmo action

  • @johnparkusa
    @johnparkusa 3 года назад +3

    Brave 8. I have never heard of this, but I believe there are a lot of cheaper camera that can do an amazing job! I also need to check Akaso out!

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  3 года назад

      Akaso seem to be among the rather good gopro-alternatives in the past years. Although there are a lot of strange things happening aroung them. Their website is not OK, their Facebook page disappeared...

  • @AidanTod
    @AidanTod 5 месяцев назад

    Hey Tech4all I'm looking at buying an action camera but have a tight budget, So in your opinion what would be the best budget action camera

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  5 месяцев назад

      A second hand GoPro or DjI Osmo action. I saw Action 2 for 200 last week

  • @alfred_2966
    @alfred_2966 2 года назад

    In its Price range category ,its very good

  • @TalkingReally
    @TalkingReally 3 года назад

    please help. I use a gopro4 silver/black, and everything is great. I use it in the hohem gimbal. I would like an upgrade to get 4k, but cannot find a comparable one to replace my hero4's for sound, picture, night video. what do you suggest?

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  3 года назад

      Hero 5, 6, 7, 8 - each one of them has quite awesome qualities.

  • @SloefkexX56
    @SloefkexX56 3 года назад

    I have the Brave 7 , only one problem with Akaso , NO filters (only 2 cheap plastic) and no protection case , just only waterproof .

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  3 года назад

      Yeah, filters are indeed not available for purchase.

  • @emantv436
    @emantv436 2 года назад

    I have akaso 8 I need an external mic what compatible mic can I buy?

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  2 года назад

      Best way is to check with Akaso's support.

  • @PakTrainzNetwork
    @PakTrainzNetwork 2 года назад

    Greetings, cam we use Gorpo battery with Akaso Brave 7

  • @DimusTech
    @DimusTech 3 года назад +1

    I was sure you accidentally showed the DJI Osmo action, they look pretty much exactly the same.
    seems like Akaso are improving but I think they still fall behind and sadly copy too much things from the competitors
    But the microphone sounded quite good in my opinion

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  3 года назад +1

      Nah, I think the Action 2 was not yet there when I finoshed this video. Or maybe I am mistaken - some of the weeks/days are getting blurry lately. 😇

    • @DimusTech
      @DimusTech 3 года назад +1

      @Fuzzywuzzy05 Yeah I meant the original here, the second one is... well different a lot

  • @duniagowes
    @duniagowes 2 года назад

    I couldn't process files with super smooth stabilisation. The result always black videos, no image at all. Can you shed some lights on this? I suspect it can't go along with zoom function? I always use wide (not super wide) & so called portrait (shot in vertical).
    However, since the last time I used action cam was HERO 4, this product is ways lot better than the then the newest gopro at the time. Including the app, the wifi connection, the battery.

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  2 года назад

      I was just parsing them via the smartphone app - and it takes loooong time...

  • @straightwhitemale5753
    @straightwhitemale5753 6 месяцев назад

    Is this the best camera underneath gopro or is there a better one that is more "affordable" than this brand?

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  6 месяцев назад +1

      No. I think you can see a lot of good examples why it's footage is not as good

    • @straightwhitemale5753
      @straightwhitemale5753 6 месяцев назад

      @@TechMishka I seen. Very informative video. I haven't looked into any other brands. What would you recommend being the best camera underneath the GoPro?

  • @carlodefilippi6914
    @carlodefilippi6914 3 года назад +1

    The footage looks very nice, a bit of a drawback the lack of the 1/4 inc support

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  3 года назад +1

      And some firmware improvements needed too.

  • @japinoybettajapan
    @japinoybettajapan 8 месяцев назад

    Thanks for informative review sir❤

  • @eehc7229
    @eehc7229 2 года назад

    Me gusto mucho esta camara. Comparada con la sj10 pro ¿cual es mejor en tu opinion?

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  2 года назад

      SJ10 Pro is better polished at this point. Akaso offers better sensor, but menus are nicer on SJCAM.

  • @olmade1
    @olmade1 3 года назад

    can you review sj 10 pro with firmware updated version? i heard mic audio is improved

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  3 года назад

      I may try to fit in in the schedule - but rather unlikely.
      |Would you like me to record a short sample for you? THe embedded only, or you prefer to have the external as well?
      If you have such request, make sure to send also an email to me, as sometimes I miss these responses here in youtube.

  • @lamberto6405
    @lamberto6405 2 года назад

    What is the widest field of view. The 7 was 170... the 8?

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  2 года назад

      Well... Depends on how you measure it 😇 Akaso are never fair about it. Although Brave 7 is advertised as 170, it is effectively not more than 130, as the GoPro is wider...

  • @rumah.berkala
    @rumah.berkala 3 года назад +1

    Wooooowwwww, very beutyfully cameras 😍😍😍😍

  • @aragonts7837
    @aragonts7837 3 года назад

    Do you think software updates will fix a lot of isues ? want to purchase one :)

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  3 года назад

      Honestly - no, I don't think so. I just hope I'm wrong.

  • @mauorama
    @mauorama 2 года назад

    Is the Akaso v50x better than brave 8 in terms of image stabilization?

  • @sadikarim8079power
    @sadikarim8079power 11 месяцев назад

    Bro 😢my akaso brave 8 isnot connect to phone ... What can i do

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  11 месяцев назад

      Try again ☺️ it should work

  • @JD-co4hx
    @JD-co4hx 3 года назад +1

    I’ve seen the Osmo action on sale for $200 consistently for a long time now. Dang the price has jumped to $300. When did that happen?

    • @hepthegreat4005
      @hepthegreat4005 3 года назад +1

      The action 2 wasn't a great success. So people are buying 1 before you cant get them.

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  3 года назад +1

      Oh, this year - as soon as you fond a good deal - get it. Tech is getting a lot more expensive, sadly.

  • @PetaiThePuteque
    @PetaiThePuteque 3 года назад

    I buy ek7000 pro,but batteries life only 1hour + stabilizer on.. can you recommend Action cam long life batt and not so expensive..TQ.

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  3 года назад

      1 hour is pretty good. You can add a power bank and have a lot of extra recording time.

    • @PetaiThePuteque
      @PetaiThePuteque 3 года назад

      @@TechMishka yes,i connect to power bank everyday..

  • @ah-64apache84
    @ah-64apache84 3 года назад

    @Tech4All great vid! concerning the software issues i wonder if you could copy the video and gyro files from your phone to a pc and run gyroflo on them? probably only works on android tho. could you check if thats possible? greetings :)

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  3 года назад +1

      Just tried this and seems to not be working. Would you like me to send you a raw sample shot with the supersmooth setting? Please send me an email if I don't respond here any time soon.

    • @ah-64apache84
      @ah-64apache84 3 года назад

      @@TechMishka hmm bummer :/ thank you very much for trying tho!

  • @Vanilkin
    @Vanilkin 3 года назад

    Anyone checked if DJI Osmo protection cap for lens and filters match brave 8?

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  3 года назад +1

      I can try doing it.

    • @justinlammers2191
      @justinlammers2191 2 года назад

      @@TechMishka any luck?

    • @justinlammers2191
      @justinlammers2191 2 года назад

      @@TechMishka also, I cannot get it to activate via app. Camera is locked and useless. I have an iPhone 11 Pro max. I downloaded the Akaso Go App. I'm actually a pro youtuber. I run a channel called KayakDIY. I use action cameras a lot. This camera is frustrating me so much. I skipped activation 3 times because it wouldn't connect and activate....Now the camera is locked and unusable. THAT IS SO DUMB! I hate that Akaso requires activation via app to use their camera that you pay lots of money for.

  • @rickrick2158
    @rickrick2158 3 года назад

    great reviews as always.... you'd think by now akaso would have their software upto gopro standards.... again missed opportunities ....

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  2 года назад

      Mhm... This is what happens when companies buy ready to use products and don't invest in R&D themselves.

  • @LaughterOnWater
    @LaughterOnWater 2 года назад +3

    This is a great review. Brave 8 isn't yet available on Amazon, so that's odd. I have to wonder, comparing this with the GoPro Hero 8, it seems like it might be better to just buy that since it's currently about the same price, especially considering that the Hero 8 is waterproof out of the cage and probably has better sound. Audio is as important as video, and if I had to spend the money on better sound with about the same or better video on a Hero 8, I think I'd go with the Hero 8.

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  2 года назад +1

      I am also very concerned about the lack of Amazon listing. Hopefully they will soon make it available.

    • @33sarny
      @33sarny 2 года назад +1

      The Akaso site says it will be available on Amazon at the end of March, 2022. If you visit the Akaso website you can get a coupon for purchase on Amazon.

    • @mauorama
      @mauorama 2 года назад

      @@33sarny any news about Akaso brave 8 in Amazon?

  • @grimlightwildoutdoors
    @grimlightwildoutdoors 3 года назад

    Will this work with external mic ?

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  3 года назад

      SHould, but I am not sure which one.

  • @Mythra360
    @Mythra360 3 года назад

    Lens Distortion sucks,Informative Video, Thanks for posting

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  3 года назад

      Thanks for the comment, Mythra. And yeah, there a lot of thngs to be improved.

    • @Mythra360
      @Mythra360 3 года назад

      @@TechMishka I never told about your video, I told about the clips of Akaso,ur video is good 👍

  • @TheGAutomotiveAndMore
    @TheGAutomotiveAndMore 3 года назад +1

    Mic sounded real good to me.

  • @adebayooluwole8638
    @adebayooluwole8638 3 года назад

    Can this also work as Webcam?

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  3 года назад

      Not yet. I hope to see it enabled on firmware level.

  • @GeekyHUBid
    @GeekyHUBid 2 года назад

    Thanks for the great review. I just bought it and been playing around with it.. however, the apps, it is so bad! I can't connect it to my Xiaomi or Samsung...

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  2 года назад

      Oh... sorry to hear that. Try enabling location settings, connect directly to the WiFi of the camera and it should work.

  • @AnandaBhattacharya
    @AnandaBhattacharya 3 года назад +1


    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  3 года назад

      Please watch the video carefully - it's being discussed.

  • @janettetaylor8760
    @janettetaylor8760 Год назад

    And what about the mov to mp4 video

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  Год назад +1

      This is just the extension - codec is h.264

  • @SO-we9xt
    @SO-we9xt 2 года назад

    İnceleme için teşekkürler avrupada neden yok akaso 8 satışı?

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  2 года назад

      Perhaps they are out of stock.

  • @martysusanf
    @martysusanf 3 года назад

    Performs fairly well, but lacks in color realization, and also in adjusting itself from dark to light scenes. All in all, should sell for about $139.00. It is way over priced and under performs..

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  3 года назад

      Agreed - the price is way too high for what it's worth right now. It has some awesome features, but ... firmware. They need to improve the firmware.

  • @ChronicKPOP
    @ChronicKPOP 2 года назад

    strange it's no longer for sale.

  • @adapaitsmyname
    @adapaitsmyname 2 года назад

    Akaso is the best sports cameras for a low price. Compared to GoPro, they are several times cheaper, which gives you an advantage at the start. The average GoPro camera is a minimum of $ 500. I choose Akaso.

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  2 года назад

      GoPro gen 6, 7 or 8 can be found at prices less than $300.

  • @johnrexbalneg9011
    @johnrexbalneg9011 2 года назад

    Why do akoso, the lens is fogging

  • @TDCflyer
    @TDCflyer Год назад

    Given the fact that this Akaso currently costs about the same as a Gopro hero 8 and still has inferior image and video quality, also a vastly inferior electronic image stabilization, is there even a single reason to consider buying this thing?

  • @pk365degree5
    @pk365degree5 3 года назад

    I use akaso v50x, and its satisfied me in all way. So i can say this thing is definitely going to worth of money

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  3 года назад

      Let's hope so! But I have the feeling that Akaso are great about budget action cameras. When it comes to high-end models - looks like they may struggle a bit.

  • @leoleimoto3089
    @leoleimoto3089 5 месяцев назад

    I can't use it decently, it suddenly turn off, missing capturing video while on rides

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  5 месяцев назад

      Oh, that's horrible. Did you try another SD card?

  • @RadarPk
    @RadarPk 3 года назад

    You are more sarcastic than a better explainer....

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  3 года назад

      That sarcastic?! I should think about tuning this down 🙃

  • @markmiller-summer473
    @markmiller-summer473 Год назад

    Míhail, just received this response from Akaso: “Brave 8 is currently out of stock and will not be available for a short period of time, probably 3-5 months. ”. ☹

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  Год назад

      That is a good reason to look around for alternatives 😸

  • @Glenrsi
    @Glenrsi 3 года назад +3

    It is a very nice camera, but the price makes it not an option. If it was $179.00 it would be a worthwhile buy.

  • @FoHsi
    @FoHsi 2 года назад

    You cured me of that camera. Osmo Action still unchallenged.

  • @DrekiTech
    @DrekiTech 3 года назад +1

    I remember when the Akaso EK7000 first launched and was just a rebrand of a generic action cam. I think OV4689 sensor and Sunplus processor? Wow how far they've grown indeed. Interesting that the EK7000 series became so popular that it became cloned itself.

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  3 года назад

      Yeah, times are changing. But I guess old habits don't really :( I just wish that finally some companies truly start working on their firmware.
      And hey, everyone - make sure to check Dreki's channel, because he makes some of the most interesting action cam reviews.

  • @MathieuTechMoto
    @MathieuTechMoto 3 года назад +1

    Dji Osmo Action 1 looks a lot better in 1440p60 than the Akaso at 4k60 in my opinion

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  3 года назад

      Very much agree with your opinion.

  • @yiorgos-theo
    @yiorgos-theo 3 года назад +1

    And no HDMI port!!!
    I think they focus too much on the sensor and video and too little on user experience.
    They still have a long way to go, their pricing is way off, $120 would be a good price for this cam.

  • @fitnesscat761
    @fitnesscat761 3 года назад +1

    I am saying this for two weeks now . Pls review Amazfit GTS 3

    • @fitnesscat761
      @fitnesscat761 3 года назад +1

      And you are saying that coming soon . Pls tell me when you will review

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  3 года назад

      Hey Humaid - thanks for reminding me about it.
      Overall - youtube reviews are something that I do as a side activity and for fun. I love the fact there are occasions where I can help people by sharing my thoughts and as long as I see value in these videos, I will keep making them.
      Having this in mind, my time is limited, so are my resources. The GTS3 review is in progress - and I try to spend enough time with a device before publishing a video about it. In fact - this is the watch that is right now around my wrist.
      If there is any specific question you'd like me to answer in advance - please feel free to ask via email - contact@tech4all.net. Because sometimes I don't gert notifications when people respond here, in the comments.
      For the record - according to my calendar - the video should appear no later than 3rd December.
      Warm regards

    • @fitnesscat761
      @fitnesscat761 3 года назад +1

      @@TechMishka thank you for replying you are my favorite tech RUclipsr . I like best about you is that you read all the comments and you even reply also. Thank you so much

  • @matt_pang
    @matt_pang 3 года назад +6

    The old dji action can be found as low as $179. No thanks … akaso.

  • @techtraveler1365
    @techtraveler1365 2 года назад

    I saw Amazon said 8k not 4k. Please test on 8k.

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  2 года назад

      They may also say it records 480FPS... But can it really do it?

  • @davidboatwright2813
    @davidboatwright2813 2 года назад +1

    Way Over Priced. Sub Par Camera! No Way Worth The Price! Around 120.00 Cheaper Would Be Maybe Around 150.00.

  • @SolarReturn1966
    @SolarReturn1966 2 года назад

    I been watching these Akaso reviews for awhile now, disappointed by everyone of them so far because of their short comings......
    Hoping that each one they release that they finally got their act together but then, again, disappointed!
    The price of the Akaso Brave 8 isnt very competitive when it continues to lack vital essentials.
    I suppose I will just say the heck with Akaso altogether and just get the real deal, yeah, you know it, The GoPRO 10!!!!
    If I'm going to spend $280 on something that just isn't quite there yet then I might as well just spend another $75 on something that going to perform in ALL areas!!!
    Get it together Akaso....

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  2 года назад +1

      It is very hard time for hardware makers these days... all prices go up, both labor and parts are very expensive...
      I hope to see Akaso upping their game about software development.

  • @janettetaylor8760
    @janettetaylor8760 Год назад

    Cc it the background music is very distracting and makes it hard to hear what ur saying

  • @andreaspoke8273
    @andreaspoke8273 3 года назад

    Find a osmo action on sale this days easy.

  • @chandanreshma4775
    @chandanreshma4775 3 года назад

    Great 👌

  • @MixAtölyesi
    @MixAtölyesi 3 месяца назад

    I think dji osmo rocksteady better than supersmooth akaso is lost 😅😅Dji performance always better with cheap price 👍

  • @genadavirg1676
    @genadavirg1676 3 года назад

    Akaso copied osmo action right?😁

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  3 года назад

      Only the color on the outside.

  • @timbarnett3898
    @timbarnett3898 2 года назад

    If, as you say, I like my money, why Not get Brave 8 at half cost, an be happy! Or I could spend twice the money on Go-Pro an have it stolen like the last one, when I was ransacked while at mothers funeral!

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  2 года назад

      hey Tim, my deepest condolences. ANd yeah - having a good camera at nice budget sounds quite great :)

  • @PresleyUlis
    @PresleyUlis 3 года назад


  • @JordanJCR84
    @JordanJCR84 2 года назад

    el problema de la camara es el precio,por poco mas compras una go pro

  • @JonS
    @JonS 3 года назад

    The GoPro HERO8 is only $6.50 more.

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  3 года назад

      Really? Sounds like a fantastic Black Friday deal. Hero 8 is clearly a lot more capable.

  • @gorebish7950
    @gorebish7950 3 года назад +1

    at that price? No.

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  3 года назад +1

      Hahha 😆 SHort and precise.

    • @gorebish7950
      @gorebish7950 3 года назад

      @@TechMishka yeah man, love your vids!

  • @yhakak
    @yhakak 3 года назад +1

    I wanted to see the socks.

  • @joehiatt1992
    @joehiatt1992 3 месяца назад

    Caes on these are junk,I lost a camera because of the junk case,they need to add the little gopro feet

  • @CalanReichel
    @CalanReichel 3 года назад

    jesus shit that was a loud ass intro XD

  • @madnixxvlogs
    @madnixxvlogs 3 года назад

    Seriously Osmo Action’s price is 198$ and this cheap copy is 279$ 😂😂 109$ is more than enough for ASSkaso 8 ..

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  3 года назад

      Yup... Kind of weird. I've seen the same happening to another company some time ago.

    • @madnixxvlogs
      @madnixxvlogs 3 года назад

      @@TechMishka looks like they are not interested in progress..

  • @MohammedElshafeixXx
    @MohammedElshafeixXx 3 года назад +1


    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  3 года назад +1

      OMG, another one where you are number 1! 👍👍👍👍

  • @raducristiandumitrescu1806
    @raducristiandumitrescu1806 3 года назад

    Another cheap marketid camera but expensive regarding capabilities..this are china products..like Eleron Must BIG PROMISES leads ti SMALL ACCOMPLISHMENTS !!

  • @tonymontana897
    @tonymontana897 2 месяца назад

    So the Brave 8 has been out for 2 years now ??
    Why are we only just seeing it hit the market recently ?

    • @TechMishka
      @TechMishka  2 месяца назад

      Maybe you were not interested in action cameras 📸

  • @trendinginstagramreelsandf199
    @trendinginstagramreelsandf199 8 месяцев назад

    Wash your hands for better touch experience

  • @Lymansradio
    @Lymansradio Год назад

    Well I am just going GroPro. Junk!