I judge people by their ability to follow through with their moral convictions when faced with moral dilemmas. INFJs are people watchers and they are moral perfectionists and they watch people carefully and are always assessing them for their vices and virtues.
As an INFJ I agree with much of this, however........ I do not judge or value people in how they contribute or levels of understanding or in other words comparing them to myself, but rather how well they have found their own natural abilities. Some people are meant to be social rocks, whom are not necessarily deep thinkers or in pursuit of financial successes but serve other needs of our communities. :) Every personality type has important purpose, even the more light and carefree thinkers.
I learned something new.... there is this 1 thing I do, and that is sense what someone's relationship is with themselves, this tells me about their integrity. I have been doing this my whole life, and use it to detect BS.
"don't judge an idea until you've understood it entirely" -yeah yeah I got it- WAIT. HE'S RIGHT CRAP. Completely accurate, feels like you're talking to me in person, very fluid and I think you're awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you!
I wish there were more INFJ's in the world. Ha, what an INFJ statement, I know each personality profile is very important but I can't help thinking that if there were more of us having an impact, our world would be a lot healthier, safer and more humane.
I don't see people as better or worse than me. I don't feel like "I know LISTEN!!" I feel that what ever insight I have is not unique to me but instead I feel like everyone has the potential to understand things the way I do & the potential to find the answers/core/cause of any problem. Everyone is the same & should know this. Funny it's like I "feel" my thoughts not think them. At times I help a friend understand how he feels, like I know him better than him. he thinks I'm psychic.
freak? no, be happy that you're an INFJ. we have one of the best gifts of all types, the ability to read everyone with magical precision. it's definitely hard being one, but once you accept yourself and get used to it, it's amazing. we are 1% because we're the only ones able to be this type ;)
I am an INFJ as well and keep realizing that what criticisms I give people I can easily give to myself, so lately I have stopped giving those criticisms unless I ask myself if I do what I am about to tell the other person to do. if the answer is not always, then I don't until I can work on that for myself
I care. I really do but i am surrounded be idiots and I can only tolerate them for so long. they do not see that i am trying to help them, balance them. they are so unstable, and for lack of a better word, pathetic. they are blind, and when Im around them there "energy" blurs my vision as well. maybe its just me.
nope its not just you.. you nailed it I had to have cataract surgey because of it ,,, lol infj humour,,,, its sucks to be us but we are what we are,,,, and true infjs know the responsibility hence pressure to save this planet... the animals and all life..
Agreed. We all have faults. No exception, but many times I feel right about someone or something and at the end, it comes to pass. Its the sensing-feeling doing its thing. lol
Protector = being an INFJ, I have a strong dislike, a low tolerance towards abusive behavior, like bullying. I'm usually the first responder to step in and step up to face the bully, and to protect the underdog, that includes me too. Protector = once I let someone into my life, into my inner circle, I'm loyal (a complex emotion - rooted in my strong empathy) to a fault, and I will protect them from harm. Protector = I also promote and "enforce" harmony while within my environment.
Ok, to a degree you got me there, however I will put forth that someone drinking too much is self medicating. Anyone abusing anything in excess is doing such. Some people have personal trials, some have certain measures to fill and others do not. This is life, we all are earning certain stripes. As soon as the INFJ matures to realize this, and many do because understanding is our main pursuit, their life is less bleak. So this it is not judging in a critical way, but more in a observant way.
If you can relate to this description word for word, the odds of you being an INFJ are so unlikely that you should just stop right now. MBTI is not about how much you relate to a description its about functions. If you relate to INFJ from a description then you are not an INFJ, if you got INFJ on a test you are not an INFJ. If you pride yourself on being an INFJ because of how rare it is, you are not an INFJ. Actually if you pride yourself on 4 stupid letters, you might need to rethink your life
I definitely am the type of person that sets high standards for others and myself. Things do have be done correctly and in the order I dictate. I have a knack for spotting slackers and that gives me insight into their lives & who they are. I am not afraid to tell people and advise people of how to do things the right way in order to get things done perfectly on the job and in their lives. I identify as a INFJ, but people see fit to label me as ATDB. Of course they are incorrect and I let them know it by listing them the reasons why they are wrong.
I agree with you. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I can respect that and yes there was a lot of constructive criticism but it seemed rather vague like maybe not enough interactions with INFJs or maybe he had some negative interactions that may have tainted or biased his view. Either way it just feeds into that whole concept of feeling misunderstood when people take what you are saying out of context and make assumptions from it. Just a thought. 🤔
Is it common for INFJ males to be misunderstood and somewhat shunned by most? I realize that no matter where I go, most would shun me because they find me odd and complicated but to a select group of people particularly loved ones and very close friends, I seem to have a special place in their hearts.
As a "By-the-Book" INFJ, I think I have an idea as to how unrewarding it can be sometimes in life, and exhausting. Still, don't be upset about being an INFJ, for you're not a freak. On the contrary, you have the potential to be a wonderful human being. As always, to preserve global harmony (or as a big cosmic joke, who knows?), such a great gift has to come with difficulties.
As an INFJ I just want to ask other INFJ's why do overthink everything. Or take somethings too seriously. I can't tell you the number of times I have been afraid to do something I know I'm not good at because I know I will fail.
While a go I find out that I'm an INFJ. Then I started thinking about is my somewhat severe depression caused by not functioning as an INFJ. (e.g. not being empathetic nor doing anything creative etc.)
SO true... But.. I know an infj who is mean and arrogant, always sarcastic.makes me so sad.She wants to think she's empatetic. But i also know 2 infjs who are loving and kind. Me, and somebody else i know (infj) we are the kind of people who help others and can't really defend oursleves. When i year ago heard this "judge yourself" since then i have been obsessing about it, it's getting redicilous.
I would agree with some of what you say here, but generally INFJ's don't hold other people to the same standards that they hold them selves. Most of what you said had to do with perfectionism but that is really a very small part of what makes an INFJ. And anyway, our perfectionism really is either focused on ourselves or the perceived injustice in the world, not other people.
I am a Clinical Psychologist with 30 years of experience dealing with people. I was branded a INFJ quite sometime ago. I never really accepted that evaluation because placing 'labels' on people puts them into a box. It limits their potentiality and personal growth. At worse, it can destroy a individual's self determination and freedom. However, the Myers Briggs Personally Test is interesting but somewhat incomplete. I have never encountered a 'classical' INFJ before. Why? Because certain characteristics of this personality type have many subgroups some of which overlap other MBTI personality types. That being said I will describe the characteristics of how a 'orthodox' INFJ thinks, behaves and responds in strict accordance with the MBTI Personalty Test. Be forewarned, I find some INFJ 'stereotypes' rather funny. And will approach such in a humorous fashion. INFJ's posess a wonderfully sense irony and will immediately recognize the silly 'stereotypes' others have attrubuted to them.....So let's start breaking some myths about the INFJ Personalty Type When a INFJ gives you the dreaded 'Death Stair' they are not attempting to understand you. They are wondering if you're carrying a gun. Killing INFJ's is a pleasurable experience. Why? Because everyone hates a smart ass. INFJ's frequently experience 'Sensory Overload' issues. They love Forests, Parks and Woodland areas to recharge their batteries. Why? Because trees don't talk! A squirrel cannot complain it has 'Daddy Issues'. Pine trees do not suffer from 'gender identity' problems. And I have never seen a bunny rabbit strung out on Crack Cocaine. Solitude is bliss. Never say to a INFJ, 'I do not understand', They will run away screaming or jump infront of a bus. No one understands them. INFJ's sometimes don't even understand themselves. INFJ's feel uncomfortable being around large groups of people. However, once you get them talking, they never shut up. Why do a INFJ 'Door Slam' people? Because it's called a Coping Mechanism. They dislike being emotionally hurt. There is nothing strange about this behavior. Some people become alcoholics others pill poppers. INFJ's will just run away and pretend you never existed. INFJ's have the psychic ability to absorb people's emotions. No. This is phenomen is called 'Transference'. If you continuously talk about your problems, a INFJ will unconsciously adopt some aspects of your emotional state. However, INFJ's posess strong identities which prevents them from going completely insane. INFJ's are the most honest, compassionate and sensative people on Earth. Not really. Mother Nature just screwed them up genetically. They're brains are hard wired to respond during crisis situation. A 'diehard' INFJ will instinctively sacrifice their life attempting to save yours. No questions asked. Why? I have no freaking idea. I didn't invent the rules. Ask God. I'm sure She knows. INFJ's think differently than others. Yes. They think outside the box. They live outside the box. They have never actually seen the box. What does it look like? Does it contain groceries? INFJ types are occasionally arrogant, cold towards others and aloof. This is actually true. Being omnipotent has its drawbacks. INFJ's have a difficult time sugar-coating the truth. Being overtly honest is their trademark. If they sense someone cannot handle the truth, they will lie to protect that person's emotions. INFJ's are stubborn yet will openly admit to errors in judgment or making mistakes. INFJ's think too deeply. They want to solve everyone's problems. They get frustrated when people ask for advice - then completely ignore their recommendations! They do not understand why everyone keeps making the same mistakes over and over again. Eventually, a INFJ will simply give up. The phrase 'People need to learn things the hard way' was invented by a INFJ. So was the 'unfriend' button on Facebook. INFJ's do not respect authority because they have developed their own Moral, Ethical, Spiritual and Cognative belief systems. Mature (older) INFJ's care very little about how people perceive them and less about the impressions they make upon others. INFJ's enjoy approval and acceptance (like everyone else) but infrequently compromise their princepals to simply fit in. Do not mistake a INFJ's confidence as egocentrismn. There is a difference. INFJ's are frequently interpreted as posessing a Narcissist Personalty Disorder. This stereotype is absolutely false. A Narcissist loves adoration and attention. The typical INFJ cares more about others than themselves, sometime to their own detriment. INFJ's dislike themselves. They feel alone within the world and misunderstood. Being a INFJ a curse. Consequently, a small minority INFJ's often experience psychological Depression, Alienation Issues and Avoident Behavior problems. The phrase 'You are your own worst enemy' accurately describes a INFJ's perception of themselves. The most admirable personality traits of the INFJ are (1) INFJ's are compassionate which makes them a easy targets for emotional exploitation and abuse. Never play 'Guilt Games' with a INFJ. They already persecute themselves (subconsciously) for being different. (2) They don't have the ability to forgive themselves for past mistakes, A INFJ's unforgiving 'Guilt Complex' is an integral part of their personality. INFJ's have occasionally been known to slowly kill themselves over time, believing they deserve such suffering. 'Hell on Earth' is their punishment and they willing accept it....sometimes. Not always. (3) Once you secure the trust of a INFJ, everything about them suddenly becomes clear. The stereotypes vanish. These are people you want within your life. They have incredible insight into human nature and will identify your weaknesses and lift you up from darkness. Seeing the world through a INFJ eyes is the greatest gift they can offer. It would be impossible to understand a MBTI typology without stating the negative traits of a specific personality group. The 'Dark Side' of a INFJ is rather frightening. Never test their 'Authenticity' or personal dignity. Do not play games with a INFJ. They have limitations like everyone else. A INFJ can determine your intentions or plans within minutes. Literally. This Hyperobservient behavior is quite unique. Avoid getting into heated arguments with a INFJ unless you are prepared to be intellectually, emotionally or psychologically castrated. They have cognitive resources almost beyond understanding. A vindictive INFJ will never stop until they destroy your life (this has nothing to do with physical murder). Such behavior is almost Psychopathic in nature (hence the concern INFJ's may be catorgized as possessing a Psychological Disorder rather than a Personality Dysfunction). Fortunately, INFJ's are not prone to violent behavior. They give up easily, This is where the 'Door Slam' or simply walking away from an argument comes from. Once they reveal their true inner nature, you will begin to understand why only 1% of the world's population are INFJ's. They are so dam charming. INFJ's dislike small talk, idle conversations, superficial people and hypocrites. Life is too short talking to such individuals (but they understand its occasionally necessary to be socially accepted) INFJ's are not spontaneous. They just pretend to be spontaneous. Their minds are always attempting to 'connect the dots....even when there are no dots! When the Zombie Apocalypse occurs, a INFJ will be eaten screaming, "I told you so... I told you so!" Imagine your on the Titanic. It's 1912. You see a Iceberg coming. Your jumping around and telling everyone the ship is about to sink. People just laugh and finish their Champagne. Welcome to the wonderful world of a INFJ. Avoid getting into deep conversations with a INFJ. They are walking encyclopedias. They will jump from topic to topic then back again to support a idea or theory. Male INFJ's are 'scattered brained' in the worst way possible. But there is method to such madness. The are searching for the correct answer to a specific problem. And 95% of the time they will discover it... or have a complete nervous breakdown trying. Occasionally, you will notice a INFJ acting mysteriously, doing unusual things or just behaving weird. Get used to this behavior. It has absolutely nothing to do with you. The INFJ is just going through a 'stage' or experimenting with something that interests them. Like building a Thermonuclear Bomb or discovering a cure for Herpes. Never tell a INFJ they have a 'Old Soul'. They are absolutely terrified of being reincarnated again. INFJ's are aware that neither Heaven or Hell wants them. Why? Because God doesn't need the extra competition on who should run Heaven (Him or a INFJ) and Satan can't deal with a INFJ pestering him for all eternity....that would be considered cruel and unusual punishment. Aliens will never abduct a INFJ. There are some things too bizarre even for Extraterrestrials. INFJ's have a difficult time forming a thought or idea into words. Yes. Someday a INFJ will develop Telekinesis and scare the hell out of everyone. Stop laughing, it's going to happen. So next time you accidentally encounter a INFJ, break all COVID 'Social Distancing' issues and hug them. INFJ's are a endangered species. Literally. Whatever purpose they were created for has already been accomplished. There represent only 1% of 7.7 billion people on planet Earth according to MBTI statistics. In my opinion, this Myers Briggs Personality represents the noblest aspects of humanity....Intelligent, Wise, Caring, Virtuous, Observent, Altruistic and Protective. Dispight their faults (which everyone has, no one is perfect) INFJ's are genuine. You get exactly what you see meeting these people. They also have a excellent sense of humor (wink)
I have a main type that I really agree with - INFJ. But there are two others that I feel my personality traits borrow heavily from - INTJ and ISFJ...Try reading the descriptions to the personalities to see which one sits with you the most.
Don't take it personally bro, everyone misunderstands everyone at some point. This is probably the reason why MBTI test exist. I just think people project themselves on introverted people more often then extroverts so being away from "those guys" isn't a bad thing, you won't suffer the pain from fake friends. Friendship should be like the 8 infinity sign flowing, full of giving, respect and acceptance for the person they are, not for an idea of who they are.
Wow. Either this is totally off base, or I am acing the infj thing. all the "To Increase Your Effectiveness" advice stuff - I already do. Anyone else feel this way?
+reanper Hi, I agree! I thought this appraisal of INFJ was short sighted and plain incorrect for most of it. Talk about selling us short!! I couldn't relate to half of what he was saying. Doh.
INFJ with dead sexuality here. lol, I thought it's a standard mode for this type. Good luck with girls man. BTW: I fighting with my father on this topic all the time. He is ESTP... :D
I see what your saying. I am an INFJ too and I have a sarcastic streak too. But I try to read weather or not my sarcasm is appropriate in those moments. This girl you speak of could have come from a wise ass upbringing? And maybe she hasn't reached her own self actualizations yet... It's a possible likeliness.
it sucks to be in the upper 95 percentile, and an infj, because: infj = 1% of the population. intelligence level (icabodcrane's claim) = 5% of the population. that means a titchy bit of the population of earth thinks the same. variation is great and all, but for that kinda individual it can be lonely. really, really lonely. "usefulness" is really not the issue here at all. - i hope that clears that up for you.
I have taken several Myers Briggs jung personality tests in the last few weeks. I have primary scored in the intj type but have also scored in the infj type a few times. Is it possible to have a balance of the two types, where in my case, the T being slightly more dominant than the F? I have researched both intj and infj. I can completely relate to both types.
The INTJ is not as sensitive to criticism they can argue for hours just like all other NT types. The INFJ, on the other hand, is hypersensitive to criticism and at the same time hypercritical of other people. This personality type has a strong tendency to take everything personal so all disagreement can be taken as personal attacks. Harmony is of utmost importance due to a fragile ego underneath the surface. It shouldn't be difficult to tell these personality types apart.
i keep taking the test and i keep getting different results but they all match me completely. so far it says im INFJ, INFP and ISFJ. Im guessing it's not accurate.
I take tons of tests and I get INFJ a lot but also INTJ. Some tests suggest INFJ is my dominant, and INTJ is my secondary but is it really possible to be both?
Nope. You have to study their cognitive functions. INFJ = Ni>Fe>Ti>Se INTJ = Ni>Te>Fi>Se I'm going to try and explain Fe/Ti first because I use it and actually feel like I know what I'm talking about. Fe likes to please people and make them happy. Seeing others unhappy makes them anxious. I saw this at some point when I was researching: Fe is anxious/unhappy when others are and makes themselves happy by making others happy (I apologise for the overuse of that word). Fe is aware of what others are feeling and may tend to be more out of touch with their own emotions (talking it out helps sort them out their own feelings, that's why so many people need to talk about feelings). A bit of discomfort is a small price to pay to make sure others are comfortable. You may also tend to have to think about your own feelings for a bit before you know how you feel, unless it's an intense topic for you. Ti is logic, just like Te, but the difference is that Ti needs a reason. If Ti was a question, it would be WHY. It always asks for the reason behind something and can't accept it as logical if it has no understanding of it. I'll explain using the example of a mathematic formula because that's how I managed to understand. When I learn a new formula (concept) I have to understand the single parts of it first. Why does X go there? Why does a=1/2, always? Why does Y go there? etc. Once I've understood the single parts, I can take the formula apart and rearrange it to get the result I want and even apply it to more complicated equations than what it was meant for. Where Fe and Ti tie in together is your view on morality etc. Fe/Ti, Ti/Fe is much more morally ambiguous and full of ethical grey areas than Fi/Te, Te/Fi. That's why Fe and Ti-users tend to value mercy over justice because this combo recognises that there are two sides to everything. Few things are truly always wrong and should be punished. I apologise in advance for my Fi and Te descriptions, I use neither, so I'm not sure I'm 100% right. Fi is about your own feelings and values. Fi-users are aware of what their own feelings and values are. If you feel like you have strong emotions all the time towards everything/ a lot of things, you probably use Fi. Fi cares a bit more about internal peace than the comfort of others, probably because they have strong emotions a lot (Fi-users aren't necessarily selfish though). If you're an INFP it's possible that using logic to try and convince you of something is not going to work, even if it's told to you calmly. Te is about clear cut facts, numbers, tables etc., probably what's known as cold, hard logic. Touching back on the maths example, my mother, an INTJ, can simply memorise the given formula, recognise the pattern where it's applicable and can keep using it. Maths used to be her best subject, she never studied for it, just memorised all the formulas - and when I asked her if she understood the concepts behind it, she said no. She didn't need to, she just knew when to use it. It's absolutely unthinkable for me to apply any concept to anything if I don't know why it works the way it does. Where Fi ties in with Te is that Fi/Te, Te/Fi-users tend to value justice over mercy. That's because they see things they value as good or things they see as bad as absolute. There is no grey area. In conclusion: Fe/Ti - morally ambiguous, values are seen as ideas that can be influenced and shaped (Fe cares how others feel, Ti supplies the need to question why something is wrong) Fi/Te - the 'black and white' concept though mature types will recognise there are grey areas, values will not be compromised because they are seen as facts; Fi won't budge, no matter how much you reason, though facts are always good as back up. These types want facts, not Ti logic that's backed up by your own understanding (Fi has fixed values which through Te are seen as unchangeable facts)
Thank you for this extensive answer, it is very helpful. After reading it over though, I'm not sure I'm much closer to figuring out which one is which for me. Some of the methodology in these two kinds are found in my personality, and they vary from situation to situation. for example; while I must admit my values are stubbornly solid, they can be reasoned with logic. they perhaps shift over time in specification, but simple moralvalues have yet to be comprimized, ex. Murder is wrong. though I would have to admit, killing in self defense is acceptable depending on the scenario. Despite what morally grey situations I face- however, and knowing my own personal feelings on a matter, I would use logic if there is no easy answer, especially if it involves someone else. this is something I cannot easily get over if my personal values are comprimized. As for the method: For emotional problem solving for myself and others, I tend to focus internally for understanding, then apply it outwardly. I don't like it when people upset, it does instill a great deal of anxiety, so I try and do what I can using internal problem solving to sort out ways to help externally. Using simple empathy to break down their situation, I run a scenario to it's conclusion in my head, then apply what I learned emotionally to the situation to help/or answer someone's problem. ( put myself in thier place based on factual description of the event and run the scenario) As a side effect, I find I can run the danger of absorbing the emotional response during the processes to deterimental temporary lengths of time (meaning beyond just the moment at hand- it can last long after the encounter is over, some may stay perminantly), as if the situation really did happen to me, since I applied the proper emotional investment to gain a genuine response. As for learning new things, if the concept of a new thing makes personal resonation with me, I do not need to understand it's parts. If it is however virtually alien in every possible way, I do need to understand the sum of it's peices. ex. Learning to using a peice of software where only knowing what I need to make it work on what I need, is all I want to know ( despite there being more things it can do for me) like photoshop, verses Sai- just tell me where the brushes are. Or on the other hand; learning about an entirely new peice of hardware. I need to know not just how it functions, but also how, and why, in case it breaks. maybe I just answered my problem here, I can't be sure. thank you for taking the time to read though.
Lithiel YES. Feeling or having empathy does not mean you can't think empirically. Most INFJs, I think are more than capable with Ti function, but tend to put people over cold calculations.
Interesting that you psychoanalyze me without ever talking to me, meeting me, or even reading anything about me. How can you possibly consider this anything related to reality?
Do you wanna help to carry the baggage of someone who eats instant ramen only for his lunch for the entire year you are working with him?. he is far more had lots of savings than,me. A 37years old male staff who smoke and eat junk food in his shift?. A 50+yrs old lady staff who is underweight and controlling her weight because she doesn't want to get fat?, she is always, always thirsty and easily get tired. And so on. I understand why they are like that, But I have my own self that needed to protect and love too. I love helping others even in small things those who need it .
What a ridiculous notion. How is having high intelligence ever not useful? ( Not that ASVAB is neccarily an indicator for intellicet it really just indicates knowlage in a specific area). The skills they said seem very useful at least you can understand other people. Better then being an INTP who only got 81 on an ASVAB. gah military worst place for INTP's I swear XD.
I judge people by their ability to follow through with their moral convictions when faced with moral dilemmas. INFJs are people watchers and they are moral perfectionists and they watch people carefully and are always assessing them for their vices and virtues.
We can be calm but not relaxed
Too many people smoke weed
I feel as a INFJ that we are not only hard on others but we’re especially hard on ourselves. It’s not a one sided thing.
As an INFJ I agree with much of this, however........ I do not judge or value people in how they contribute or levels of understanding or in other words comparing them to myself, but rather how well they have found their own natural abilities. Some people are meant to be social rocks, whom are not necessarily deep thinkers or in pursuit of financial successes but serve other needs of our communities. :) Every personality type has important purpose, even the more light and carefree thinkers.
Love the mustache.
I learned something new.... there is this 1 thing I do, and that is sense what someone's relationship is with themselves, this tells me about their integrity. I have been doing this my whole life, and use it to detect BS.
Im an INFJ, and nearlly all of these are true! I do see myself as caring and as a 'Protector'. :)
"don't judge an idea until you've understood it entirely" -yeah yeah I got it- WAIT. HE'S RIGHT CRAP. Completely accurate, feels like you're talking to me in person, very fluid and I think you're awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you!
I wish there were more INFJ's in the world. Ha, what an INFJ statement, I know each personality profile is very important but I can't help thinking that if there were more of us having an impact, our world would be a lot healthier, safer and more humane.
Jesusm Ghandi, Mother Teresa was INFJ too
there would be a war if that happens trust me
Pretty accurate in my opinion, except I'm harder on myself than I am other people I tend to wollow in regret when I handle something wrong .
I don't see people as better or worse than me. I don't feel like "I know LISTEN!!" I feel that what ever insight I have is not unique to me but instead I feel like everyone has the potential to understand things the way I do & the potential to find the answers/core/cause of any problem. Everyone is the same & should know this. Funny it's like I "feel" my thoughts not think them. At times I help a friend understand how he feels, like I know him better than him. he thinks I'm psychic.
ENFP here, INFJ is the optimal partner. any lovely INFJ females here? :)=)
INFJ- Many faces to us.
freak? no, be happy that you're an INFJ. we have one of the best gifts of all types, the ability to read everyone with magical precision. it's definitely hard being one, but once you accept yourself and get used to it, it's amazing. we are 1% because we're the only ones able to be this type ;)
I am an INFJ as well and keep realizing that what criticisms I give people I can easily give to myself, so lately I have stopped giving those criticisms unless I ask myself if I do what I am about to tell the other person to do. if the answer is not always, then I don't until I can work on that for myself
I care. I really do but i am surrounded be idiots and I can only tolerate them for so long. they do not see that i am trying to help them, balance them. they are so unstable, and for lack of a better word, pathetic. they are blind, and when Im around them there "energy" blurs my vision as well. maybe its just me.
Not just you slick :-)
nope its not just you.. you nailed it I had to have cataract surgey because of it ,,, lol infj humour,,,, its sucks to be us but we are what we are,,,, and true infjs know the responsibility hence pressure to save this planet... the animals and all life..
Agreed. We all have faults. No exception, but many times I feel right about someone or something and at the end, it comes to pass. Its the sensing-feeling doing its thing. lol
Protector = being an INFJ, I have a strong dislike, a low tolerance towards abusive behavior, like bullying. I'm usually the first responder to step in and step up to face the bully, and to protect the underdog, that includes me too.
Protector = once I let someone into my life, into my inner circle, I'm loyal (a complex emotion - rooted in my strong empathy) to a fault, and I will protect them from harm.
Protector = I also promote and "enforce" harmony while within my environment.
Precisely for me and that includes the good, bad and the ugly sides. It is what it is.
Difficult to relax? What the fuck is relax!!!!!!!!
You really nailed it, Mr. Adams. Thanks for this video.
I agree when I heard that they said we were unforgiving I said WHAT! I know nothing but forgiveness and often get walked over.
Ok, to a degree you got me there, however I will put forth that someone drinking too much is self medicating. Anyone abusing anything in excess is doing such. Some people have personal trials, some have certain measures to fill and others do not. This is life, we all are earning certain stripes. As soon as the INFJ matures to realize this, and many do because understanding is our main pursuit, their life is less bleak. So this it is not judging in a critical way, but more in a observant way.
I was just about to write exactly what you said. I completely agree.
I identify so strongly with your comments here! Thanks for expressing them!
That man actually knows me even better than I do! Amazing!
If you can relate to this description word for word, the odds of you being an INFJ are so unlikely that you should just stop right now. MBTI is not about how much you relate to a description its about functions. If you relate to INFJ from a description then you are not an INFJ, if you got INFJ on a test you are not an INFJ. If you pride yourself on being an INFJ because of how rare it is, you are not an INFJ. Actually if you pride yourself on 4 stupid letters, you might need to rethink your life
This is so true for me on so many levels, thank you for this.
thank you soo very much for posting...
being an INFJ myself i have learned
the best advice for us is ... I TRUST! :)
OMG, SOOOOOO TRUE. I am part of the 1percent. :'(
I judge myself plenty though.
Willem Trevor 1% is approx 73 million people
Wow, you basically summed up my whole social experience, ohsnapitssuz!! Thank you ^___^ So good to know I'm not alone!
No worries, I think it's common for most INFJs :)
I'm an INTP. I've heard that INFJ females make a great partner for INTPs.
Dang... I just got metaphorically punched in the face Lol. Thank you though that's all pretty good advice.
I definitely am the type of person that sets high standards for others and myself. Things do have be done correctly and in the order I dictate. I have a knack for spotting slackers and that gives me insight into their lives & who they are. I am not afraid to tell people and advise people of how to do things the right way in order to get things done perfectly on the job and in their lives. I identify as a INFJ, but people see fit to label me as ATDB. Of course they are incorrect and I let them know it by listing them the reasons why they are wrong.
***** Perhaps. Maybe I am more of an ATDB.
I think this is an inaccurate representation of what INFJs are - or at least inaccurate to me.
I think that too
I agree with you. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I can respect that and yes there was a lot of constructive criticism but it seemed rather vague like maybe not enough interactions with INFJs or maybe he had some negative interactions that may have tainted or biased his view. Either way it just feeds into that whole concept of feeling misunderstood when people take what you are saying out of context and make assumptions from it. Just a thought. 🤔
Is it common for INFJ males to be misunderstood and somewhat shunned by most? I realize that no matter where I go, most would shun me because they find me odd and complicated but to a select group of people particularly loved ones and very close friends, I seem to have a special place in their hearts.
As a "By-the-Book" INFJ, I think I have an idea as to how unrewarding it can be sometimes in life, and exhausting. Still, don't be upset about being an INFJ, for you're not a freak. On the contrary, you have the potential to be a wonderful human being. As always, to preserve global harmony (or as a big cosmic joke, who knows?), such a great gift has to come with difficulties.
@Phuongsway Yes, the type can be referred to as both "Counselors" and "Protectors".
As an INFJ I just want to ask other INFJ's why do overthink everything. Or take somethings too seriously. I can't tell you the number of times I have been afraid to do something I know I'm not good at because I know I will fail.
While a go I find out that I'm an INFJ. Then I started thinking about is my somewhat severe depression caused by not functioning as an INFJ. (e.g. not being empathetic nor doing anything creative etc.)
SO true... But.. I know an infj who is mean and arrogant, always sarcastic.makes me so sad.She wants to think she's empatetic. But i also know 2 infjs who are loving and kind. Me, and somebody else i know (infj) we are the kind of people who help others and can't really defend oursleves. When i year ago heard this "judge yourself" since then i have been obsessing about it, it's getting redicilous.
This is amazing. Thank you.
I would agree with some of what you say here, but generally INFJ's don't hold other people to the same standards that they hold them selves. Most of what you said had to do with perfectionism but that is really a very small part of what makes an INFJ. And anyway, our perfectionism really is either focused on ourselves or the perceived injustice in the world, not other people.
It's even worse when you've been rated in the upper 95th percentile in terms of intellect on standardized tests like the ASVAB :\.
I am a Clinical Psychologist with 30 years of experience dealing with people. I was branded a INFJ quite sometime ago. I never really accepted that evaluation because placing 'labels' on people puts them into a box. It limits their potentiality and personal growth. At worse, it can destroy a individual's self determination and freedom. However, the Myers Briggs Personally Test is interesting but somewhat incomplete. I have never encountered a 'classical' INFJ before. Why? Because certain characteristics of this personality type have many subgroups some of which overlap other MBTI personality types. That being said I will describe the characteristics of how a 'orthodox' INFJ thinks, behaves and responds in strict accordance with the MBTI Personalty Test. Be forewarned, I find some INFJ 'stereotypes' rather funny. And will approach such in a humorous fashion. INFJ's posess a wonderfully sense irony and will immediately recognize the silly 'stereotypes' others have attrubuted to them.....So let's start breaking some myths about the INFJ Personalty Type
When a INFJ gives you the dreaded 'Death Stair' they are not attempting to understand you. They are wondering if you're carrying a gun. Killing INFJ's is a pleasurable experience. Why? Because everyone hates a smart ass.
INFJ's frequently experience 'Sensory Overload' issues. They love Forests, Parks and Woodland areas to recharge their batteries. Why? Because trees don't talk! A squirrel cannot complain it has 'Daddy Issues'. Pine trees do not suffer from 'gender identity' problems. And I have never seen a bunny rabbit strung out on Crack Cocaine. Solitude is bliss.
Never say to a INFJ, 'I do not understand', They will run away screaming or jump infront of a bus. No one understands them. INFJ's sometimes don't even understand themselves.
INFJ's feel uncomfortable being around large groups of people. However, once you get them talking, they never shut up.
Why do a INFJ 'Door Slam' people? Because it's called a Coping Mechanism. They dislike being emotionally hurt. There is nothing strange about this behavior. Some people become alcoholics others pill poppers. INFJ's will just run away and pretend you never existed.
INFJ's have the psychic ability to absorb people's emotions. No. This is phenomen is called 'Transference'. If you continuously talk about your problems, a INFJ will unconsciously adopt some aspects of your emotional state. However, INFJ's posess strong identities which prevents them from going completely insane.
INFJ's are the most honest, compassionate and sensative people on Earth. Not really. Mother Nature just screwed them up genetically. They're brains are hard wired to respond during crisis situation. A 'diehard' INFJ will instinctively sacrifice their life attempting to save yours. No questions asked. Why? I have no freaking idea. I didn't invent the rules. Ask God. I'm sure She knows.
INFJ's think differently than others. Yes. They think outside the box. They live outside the box. They have never actually seen the box. What does it look like? Does it contain groceries?
INFJ types are occasionally arrogant, cold towards others and aloof. This is actually true. Being omnipotent has its drawbacks. INFJ's have a difficult time sugar-coating the truth. Being overtly honest is their trademark. If they sense someone cannot handle the truth, they will lie to protect that person's emotions.
INFJ's are stubborn yet will openly admit to errors in judgment or making mistakes.
INFJ's think too deeply. They want to solve everyone's problems. They get frustrated when people ask for advice - then completely ignore their recommendations! They do not understand why everyone keeps making the same mistakes over and over again. Eventually, a INFJ will simply give up. The phrase 'People need to learn things the hard way' was invented by a INFJ. So was the 'unfriend' button on Facebook.
INFJ's do not respect authority because they have developed their own Moral, Ethical, Spiritual and Cognative belief systems. Mature (older) INFJ's care very little about how people perceive them and less about the impressions they make upon others. INFJ's enjoy approval and acceptance (like everyone else) but infrequently compromise their princepals to simply fit in.
Do not mistake a INFJ's confidence as egocentrismn. There is a difference.
INFJ's are frequently interpreted as posessing a Narcissist Personalty Disorder. This stereotype is absolutely false. A Narcissist loves adoration and attention. The typical INFJ cares more about others than themselves, sometime to their own detriment.
INFJ's dislike themselves. They feel alone within the world and misunderstood. Being a INFJ a curse. Consequently, a small minority INFJ's often experience psychological Depression, Alienation Issues and Avoident Behavior problems. The phrase 'You are your own worst enemy' accurately describes a INFJ's perception of themselves.
The most admirable personality traits of the INFJ are (1) INFJ's are compassionate which makes them a easy targets for emotional exploitation and abuse. Never play 'Guilt Games' with a INFJ. They already persecute themselves (subconsciously) for being different. (2) They don't have the ability to forgive themselves for past mistakes, A INFJ's unforgiving 'Guilt Complex' is an integral part of their personality. INFJ's have occasionally been known to slowly kill themselves over time, believing they deserve such suffering. 'Hell on Earth' is their punishment and they willing accept it....sometimes. Not always. (3) Once you secure the trust of a INFJ, everything about them suddenly becomes clear. The stereotypes vanish. These are people you want within your life. They have incredible insight into human nature and will identify your weaknesses and lift you up from darkness. Seeing the world through a INFJ eyes is the greatest gift they can offer.
It would be impossible to understand a MBTI typology without stating the negative traits of a specific personality group.
The 'Dark Side' of a INFJ is rather frightening. Never test their 'Authenticity' or personal dignity. Do not play games with a INFJ. They have limitations like everyone else. A INFJ can determine your intentions or plans within minutes. Literally. This Hyperobservient behavior is quite unique. Avoid getting into heated arguments with a INFJ unless you are prepared to be intellectually, emotionally or psychologically castrated. They have cognitive resources almost beyond understanding. A vindictive INFJ will never stop until they destroy your life (this has nothing to do with physical murder). Such behavior is almost Psychopathic in nature (hence the concern INFJ's may be catorgized as possessing a Psychological Disorder rather than a Personality Dysfunction). Fortunately, INFJ's are not prone to violent behavior. They give up easily, This is where the 'Door Slam' or simply walking away from an argument comes from. Once they reveal their true inner nature, you will begin to understand why only 1% of the world's population are INFJ's. They are so dam charming.
INFJ's dislike small talk, idle conversations, superficial people and hypocrites. Life is too short talking to such individuals (but they understand its occasionally necessary to be socially accepted)
INFJ's are not spontaneous. They just pretend to be spontaneous. Their minds are always attempting to 'connect the dots....even when there are no dots!
When the Zombie Apocalypse occurs, a INFJ will be eaten screaming, "I told you so... I told you so!"
Imagine your on the Titanic. It's 1912. You see a Iceberg coming. Your jumping around and telling everyone the ship is about to sink. People just laugh and finish their Champagne. Welcome to the wonderful world of a INFJ.
Avoid getting into deep conversations with a INFJ. They are walking encyclopedias. They will jump from topic to topic then back again to support a idea or theory. Male INFJ's are 'scattered brained' in the worst way possible. But there is method to such madness. The are searching for the correct answer to a specific problem. And 95% of the time they will discover it... or have a complete nervous breakdown trying.
Occasionally, you will notice a INFJ acting mysteriously, doing unusual things or just behaving weird. Get used to this behavior. It has absolutely nothing to do with you. The INFJ is just going through a 'stage' or experimenting with something that interests them. Like building a Thermonuclear Bomb or discovering a cure for Herpes.
Never tell a INFJ they have a 'Old Soul'. They are absolutely terrified of being reincarnated again. INFJ's are aware that neither Heaven or Hell wants them. Why? Because God doesn't need the extra competition on who should run Heaven (Him or a INFJ) and Satan can't deal with a INFJ pestering him for all eternity....that would be considered cruel and unusual punishment.
Aliens will never abduct a INFJ. There are some things too bizarre even for Extraterrestrials.
INFJ's have a difficult time forming a thought or idea into words. Yes. Someday a INFJ will develop Telekinesis and scare the hell out of everyone. Stop laughing, it's going to happen.
So next time you accidentally encounter a INFJ, break all COVID 'Social Distancing' issues and hug them. INFJ's are a endangered species. Literally. Whatever purpose they were created for has already been accomplished. There represent only 1% of 7.7 billion people on planet Earth according to MBTI statistics. In my opinion, this Myers Briggs Personality represents the noblest aspects of humanity....Intelligent, Wise, Caring, Virtuous, Observent, Altruistic and Protective. Dispight their faults (which everyone has, no one is perfect) INFJ's are genuine. You get exactly what you see meeting these people. They also have a excellent sense of humor (wink)
I have a main type that I really agree with - INFJ. But there are two others that I feel my personality traits borrow heavily from - INTJ and ISFJ...Try reading the descriptions to the personalities to see which one sits with you the most.
True, although I personally have problems expressing my feeling to people I'm not close to. Maybe that's what he meant?
So so accurate, especially the weaknesses.
No you're not! >:c I get you and I believe the world is about ready for us to put the caring back in it
Don't take it personally bro, everyone misunderstands everyone at some point. This is probably the reason why MBTI test exist. I just think people project themselves on introverted people more often then extroverts so being away from "those guys" isn't a bad thing, you won't suffer the pain from fake friends. Friendship should be like the 8 infinity sign flowing, full of giving, respect and acceptance for the person they are, not for an idea of who they are.
Anyone else here an #INFJ with #GAD?
actually here currently dealing with back aches and restlessness due to GAD :(
god damn it, that outro music is AWESOME!!!!
It is good to be a teacher.
Wow. Either this is totally off base, or I am acing the infj thing. all the "To Increase Your Effectiveness" advice stuff - I already do. Anyone else feel this way?
+reanper Hi, I agree! I thought this appraisal of INFJ was short sighted and plain incorrect for most of it. Talk about selling us short!! I couldn't relate to half of what he was saying. Doh.
Yes but mirrors don't only reflect traits, they can also reflect experiences.
Nice video. Thanks for uploading, from an INFJ.
I dont really like myself...but trying to accept it..i am different
Thank you so much for this great info.
INFJ with dead sexuality here. lol, I thought it's a standard mode for this type. Good luck with girls man. BTW: I fighting with my father on this topic all the time. He is ESTP... :D
I see what your saying. I am an INFJ too and I have a sarcastic streak too. But I try to read weather or not my sarcasm is appropriate in those moments. This girl you speak of could have come from a wise ass upbringing? And maybe she hasn't reached her own self actualizations yet... It's a possible likeliness.
Boy it sucks being a straight male infj since women aren't into "nice guys" and I find it really hard to be the man other people want me to be.
holding grudges :/ those weaknesses are dead one for me
I definitely feel my thoughts more.
Oh my, I am an INFJ in every way!!
it sucks to be in the upper 95 percentile, and an infj, because: infj = 1% of the population. intelligence level (icabodcrane's claim) = 5% of the population.
that means a titchy bit of the population of earth thinks the same. variation is great and all, but for that kinda individual it can be lonely. really, really lonely. "usefulness" is really not the issue here at all. - i hope that clears that up for you.
I have taken several Myers Briggs jung personality tests in the last few weeks. I have primary scored in the intj type but have also scored in the infj type a few times.
Is it possible to have a balance of the two types, where in my case, the T being slightly more dominant than the F?
I have researched both intj and infj. I can completely relate to both types.
The INTJ is not as sensitive to criticism they can argue for hours just like all other NT types. The INFJ, on the other hand, is hypersensitive to criticism and at the same time hypercritical of other people. This personality type has a strong tendency to take everything personal so all disagreement can be taken as personal attacks. Harmony is of utmost importance due to a fragile ego underneath the surface. It shouldn't be difficult to tell these personality types apart.
Woo hoo we've always known that we're special xD INFJ rules!
i keep taking the test and i keep getting different results but they all match me completely. so far it says im INFJ, INFP and ISFJ. Im guessing it's not accurate.
It's really hard to be an INFJ.
I take tons of tests and I get INFJ a lot but also INTJ. Some tests suggest INFJ is my dominant, and INTJ is my secondary but is it really possible to be both?
Nope. You have to study their cognitive functions.
INFJ = Ni>Fe>Ti>Se
INTJ = Ni>Te>Fi>Se
I'm going to try and explain Fe/Ti first because I use it and actually feel like I know what I'm talking about.
Fe likes to please people and make them happy. Seeing others unhappy makes them anxious. I saw this at some point when I was researching: Fe is anxious/unhappy when others are and makes themselves happy by making others happy (I apologise for the overuse of that word). Fe is aware of what others are feeling and may tend to be more out of touch with their own emotions (talking it out helps sort them out their own feelings, that's why so many people need to talk about feelings). A bit of discomfort is a small price to pay to make sure others are comfortable. You may also tend to have to think about your own feelings for a bit before you know how you feel, unless it's an intense topic for you.
Ti is logic, just like Te, but the difference is that Ti needs a reason. If Ti was a question, it would be WHY. It always asks for the reason behind something and can't accept it as logical if it has no understanding of it. I'll explain using the example of a mathematic formula because that's how I managed to understand. When I learn a new formula (concept) I have to understand the single parts of it first. Why does X go there? Why does a=1/2, always? Why does Y go there? etc. Once I've understood the single parts, I can take the formula apart and rearrange it to get the result I want and even apply it to more complicated equations than what it was meant for.
Where Fe and Ti tie in together is your view on morality etc. Fe/Ti, Ti/Fe is much more morally ambiguous and full of ethical grey areas than Fi/Te, Te/Fi. That's why Fe and Ti-users tend to value mercy over justice because this combo recognises that there are two sides to everything. Few things are truly always wrong and should be punished.
I apologise in advance for my Fi and Te descriptions, I use neither, so I'm not sure I'm 100% right.
Fi is about your own feelings and values. Fi-users are aware of what their own feelings and values are. If you feel like you have strong emotions all the time towards everything/ a lot of things, you probably use Fi. Fi cares a bit more about internal peace than the comfort of others, probably because they have strong emotions a lot (Fi-users aren't necessarily selfish though). If you're an INFP it's possible that using logic to try and convince you of something is not going to work, even if it's told to you calmly.
Te is about clear cut facts, numbers, tables etc., probably what's known as cold, hard logic. Touching back on the maths example, my mother, an INTJ, can simply memorise the given formula, recognise the pattern where it's applicable and can keep using it. Maths used to be her best subject, she never studied for it, just memorised all the formulas - and when I asked her if she understood the concepts behind it, she said no. She didn't need to, she just knew when to use it. It's absolutely unthinkable for me to apply any concept to anything if I don't know why it works the way it does.
Where Fi ties in with Te is that Fi/Te, Te/Fi-users tend to value justice over mercy. That's because they see things they value as good or things they see as bad as absolute. There is no grey area.
In conclusion:
Fe/Ti - morally ambiguous, values are seen as ideas that can be influenced and shaped (Fe cares how others feel, Ti supplies the need to question why something is wrong)
Fi/Te - the 'black and white' concept though mature types will recognise there are grey areas, values will not be compromised because they are seen as facts; Fi won't budge, no matter how much you reason, though facts are always good as back up. These types want facts, not Ti logic that's backed up by your own understanding (Fi has fixed values which through Te are seen as unchangeable facts)
Thank you for this extensive answer, it is very helpful. After reading it over though, I'm not sure I'm much closer to figuring out which one is which for me.
Some of the methodology in these two kinds are found in my personality, and they vary from situation to situation.
for example;
while I must admit my values are stubbornly solid, they can be reasoned with logic. they perhaps shift over time in specification, but simple moralvalues have yet to be comprimized,
ex. Murder is wrong.
though I would have to admit, killing in self defense is acceptable depending on the scenario.
Despite what morally grey situations I face- however, and knowing my own personal feelings on a matter, I would use logic if there is no easy answer, especially if it involves someone else. this is something I cannot easily get over if my personal values are comprimized.
As for the method: For emotional problem solving for myself and others, I tend to focus internally for understanding, then apply it outwardly. I don't like it when people upset, it does instill a great deal of anxiety, so I try and do what I can using internal problem solving to sort out ways to help externally.
Using simple empathy to break down their situation, I run a scenario to it's conclusion in my head, then apply what I learned emotionally to the situation to help/or answer someone's problem. ( put myself in thier place based on factual description of the event and run the scenario) As a side effect, I find I can run the danger of absorbing the emotional response during the processes to deterimental temporary lengths of time (meaning beyond just the moment at hand- it can last long after the encounter is over, some may stay perminantly), as if the situation really did happen to me, since I applied the proper emotional investment to gain a genuine response.
As for learning new things, if the concept of a new thing makes personal resonation with me, I do not need to understand it's parts. If it is however virtually alien in every possible way, I do need to understand the sum of it's peices.
ex. Learning to using a peice of software where only knowing what I need to make it work on what I need, is all I want to know ( despite there being more things it can do for me) like photoshop, verses Sai- just tell me where the brushes are. Or on the other hand; learning about an entirely new peice of hardware. I need to know not just how it functions, but also how, and why, in case it breaks.
maybe I just answered my problem here, I can't be sure. thank you for taking the time to read though.
Lithiel YES. Feeling or having empathy does not mean you can't think empirically. Most INFJs, I think are more than capable with Ti function, but tend to put people over cold calculations.
Yeah INFJ forever!!! Respect! :D
Im an INFJ. I like being rare ;p
Interesting that you psychoanalyze me without ever talking to me, meeting me, or even reading anything about me. How can you possibly consider this anything related to reality?
This is 100 percent Me.
The second type of sociopaths after INTJ
Do you wanna help to carry the baggage of someone who eats instant ramen only for his
lunch for the entire year you are working with
him?. he is far more had lots of savings than,me. A 37years old male staff who smoke and eat junk food in his shift?. A 50+yrs old lady staff who is underweight and controlling her weight because she doesn't want to get fat?, she is always, always thirsty and easily get tired. And so on. I understand why they are like that, But I have my own self that needed to protect and love too. I love helping others even in small things those who need it .
You more likely might be an ISFJ, Introverted Sensing of ISFJ mostly deal with details, dont trust google tests and forums that much
chill. take a deeep breath.
words are mirrors
One day!
Whatever! We are always RIGHT! ha
tell me about it T.T
Pretty accurate!
Ya I agree.
I agree Eda D!
Generally weak analysis. personalitycafe . com has a significantly more accurate description of the complex infj
Me right here...
i though infj was a counselor type....
I know how you feel ;-)
i am an infj .
Me too take care
What a ridiculous notion. How is having high intelligence ever not useful? ( Not that ASVAB is neccarily an indicator for intellicet it really just indicates knowlage in a specific area). The skills they said seem very useful at least you can understand other people. Better then being an INTP who only got 81 on an ASVAB. gah military worst place for INTP's I swear XD.
the new zodiac
Sounds like me
that was some of the worst outro music i've ever heard
A wonderful freak.:)