Obi-Wan Kenobi Vs. Darth Vader - Kenobi Series Review

  • Опубликовано: 25 июл 2024
  • [00:00] - Introduction
    [02:56] - Analysis
    [08:41] - Verdict
    Ironically, my first viewing of the Kenobi series on Disney+ was an overwhelmingly positive experience, but for reasons that had nothing to do with the series. A friend of the household who had already seen it was eager to get my opinion on it, so we had her over for a watch party, and binged our way through the first three episodes, while a playlist of my videos played in the background on the other television, and we had frequent pauses where I read passages from The Dark Lord Trilogy out loud.
    It was that kind of evening.
    This will be a bizarre review, in that it will be focused largely on how the series depicts Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader, specifically the lightsaber duel that capped out the third episode, and will be structured like one of my Versus Videos.
    As for my general opinion on the series as a whole, on the plus side, I like the production design, Ewan McGregor is bringing his A-game, and knowing that it's actually Hayden Christenson inside the armor definitely gives Vader a different feel. But on the other hand, the Inquisitor Reva, much like Ahsoka Tano in TCW, is a superflous third wheel crowbarred into a storyline that should be focused on Kenobi and Skywalker, while lacking the charisma or likeability that made Ahsoka accepted and popular despite that.
    On a similar note, I view the inclusion of Princess Leia as being analogous to the multiple confrontations between Kenobi and General Grievous in TCW; even though the context of their dialogues in Episodes IV and III respectively make quite clear that these characters have never met, it's never explicitly stated, which is all the excuse Dave Filoni needs to force them together. For my part, I see Filoni's fingerprints all over this production, and find that it is ultimately structured like TCW; rushed and contrived plots intended to set up for fanservice encounters and visuals.
    For anyone who wants my opinion on the apparent internal civil war within Lucasfilm, I think it's all kabuki theatre, a mock conflict between colluding factions analogous to the Clone Wars itself.
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Комментарии • 459

  • @flappy_meal_3214
    @flappy_meal_3214 2 года назад +83

    The exact person I wanted to hear their thoughts on

  • @Vaerenn
    @Vaerenn 2 года назад +13

    I found the duels difficult to follow because whoever was in charge of cinematography decided to shake the hell out of the camera.

    • @dianabarnett6886
      @dianabarnett6886 2 года назад +1

      I want to strangle any director who thinks shaky cam, especially in a fight scene, is a good thing.

  • @mooseolini1447
    @mooseolini1447 2 года назад +11

    Something else I dislike about the series, is the low budget vibe.
    If a corporation like Disney doesn't have the money and talent to spare to make these fights as spectacular as they should be, who does?

  • @bluehero-96
    @bluehero-96 2 года назад +27

    Bravely bold Kenobi, brave Kenobi ran away!
    He bravely ran away away!
    When Vader reared his helmet head
    He boldly turned his tail and fled!
    Yes, brave Kenobi turned about,
    And gallantly, he chickened out!
    Bravely taking to his feet
    He beat a very brave retreat!
    Bravest of the brave, Kenobi!

    • @Jensaarai1
      @Jensaarai1  2 года назад +18

      And there was much rejoicing.

    • @GreaterGrievobeast55
      @GreaterGrievobeast55 2 года назад +1

      Owen: look you stupid she dog, you got no guts left!
      Reva: yes I do!
      Owen: whats that then? *gestures to the burnt lightsaber wound through her stomach*
      Reva: … just a flesh wound!

  • @DarthZevrel66
    @DarthZevrel66 2 года назад +45

    EU is and always will be the only canon for me

    • @sithmaster4305
      @sithmaster4305 2 года назад +4

      People can shill out for Disney all they want I'm of the same mind. Don't give a damn they bought it.

    • @tvvistedv3nom26
      @tvvistedv3nom26 Год назад

      To me only ep 1-6 and the clone wars are canon as George intended. Both the eu and Disney are alternate universes since that’s how Lucas sees the eu he didn’t want it connecting to his own universe

    • @lilmoris1
      @lilmoris1 5 месяцев назад

      Wrong take.

  • @tardarsauce3355
    @tardarsauce3355 11 месяцев назад +19

    Filoni was spot-on in his assessment on how Qui Gon was the master that Anakin needed. But beyond this, I see no reason for the huge praises this guy gets. I have ADHD and I can follow and adhere to pre existing continuity better than him

  • @brandonrooney5106
    @brandonrooney5106 Год назад +11

    I’m very interested to hear your thoughts now that the series has finished and we’ve seen the rematch.

  • @bombshell782
    @bombshell782 2 года назад +12

    Spoilers if you’re not fully up to date with Kenobi warning.
    Disney went with making Obi Wan a lot more human than the legends continuity did. He gave up after what would have been a truly devastating period of time where his entire world came crumbing down and his brother in all but name betrayed him. I don’t dislike the idea in principle and it makes more sense objectively for him to react like that.
    However you’re right to point out about how it makes no sense for him to be that given up with everything when he specifically had, in his own words in episode 5, “our last hope” to look out for. He wouldn’t have let himself go so much that he barely mustered the strength to catch Leia in episode 2 as she fell off the roof of that building. He does eventually regain that lost strength by the end of episode 6 and goes off to become the version of Kenobi he was in legends, a self sufficient hermit who became probably more powerful as you stated with the guidance of Qui Gon in his hut. Completely agree with you about Reva that she’s not needed for the story and didn’t get enough time or development to warrant her character being there.
    Although this series didn’t need to have Vader and Kenobi fight again as it does destroy the continuity, the fight itself in the finale was what the Vader and Kenobi fanboy in me craved. Ultimately Disney used the flashbacks between obi and anakin to show that Vader still has a bit of Anakin in him (as well as making Vader call obi “master” in the duel) and is still the learner. He’s not the Vader we all know who’s a lot smarter and cool and controlled with his rage in the original trilogy era. Hence he’s now the master in episode 4 as he states. That’s what I think Disney would say to justify it anyway.
    Still very interested to see you’re thoughts after you’re up to date on the show and if it’s changed your opinion in any way
    P.S still very much legends continuity all the way for me though, still far superior

    • @kinggoten
      @kinggoten 2 года назад +3

      don't forget that during that last duel it had to continue to cut away from the fight to Reva and Luke, this is supposed to be about Kenobi why you cutting away to a side character that shouldn't exist

  • @DTheCritical
    @DTheCritical 2 года назад +8

    When Obiwan fought three non force using goons they should have died instantly! (Something I imagine Jensaari One thought)

  • @brandonrooney5106
    @brandonrooney5106 Год назад +10

    Jen, I’m begging you. Please PLEASE use Ferus Olin in a video. he’s my favorite obscure jedi and no one has EVER used him. You mentioning him really scratches an itch in my head. He was the most gifted and powerful padawan of his generation behind anakin and Palpatine even thought about replacing vader with him. I’m begging, please.

  • @eldricshadowchaser5454
    @eldricshadowchaser5454 2 года назад +9

    Actually within the New Canon, I believe Vader is generally much more obscure to the general public and isn't used for propaganda. Obi-Wan being unaware of his survival make sense, especially given that he's operating mostly off the grid.
    Hmm, I think a cross-examination and comparison between the Legends and New Canon iteration of Darth Vader would be interesting. How do their respective recovery from Mustafar, rise to power, and of course general fighting method compared to each other?

    • @GreaterGrievobeast55
      @GreaterGrievobeast55 2 года назад

      It’s a little strange really. I remember in one canon comic there was a band that made song called “all of lord vaders mechanical parts” that grew quite popular within the galaxy, but pissed the sith off enough to send them to an inhumane work camp to die in. What’s more is he still seemed to be present a lot in some political ventures the empire made.
      Of course, Tatooine is one of those worlds where I don’t think galactic much info trickles over too. Hence why Luke didn’t know about Princess Leia, or wasn’t aware of the emperors actual name.

    • @yrooxrksvi7142
      @yrooxrksvi7142 2 года назад +6

      The main differences between EU and Disney Vader is how they developed after Mustafar.
      EU Vader had a more gradual rework of his abilities, his cybernetics were much more dampening his power, but he went against higher tier of enemies : the Kashyyyk and Kessel Jedi conclaves, Boba Fett, Roan Shryn, Sa Cuiss and his clones and several other assassins.
      Canon Vader was practically at peak power from day 1, calling his cybernetics "adequate", only missing his saber because of that STUPID bleeding crystal ritual, and despite getting beaten up badly by one random Jedi hermit called Kirak Infil'a, which he then killed with the Force. The range of opponents he went up against is MUCH less impressive : the aforementioned hermit Infil'a, the Padawan dropout Ferren Barr on Mon Cala, the Grand Inquisitor in the Jedi Archives, Eeth Koth, a low tier Council master who apparently left the Order to get married and become a priest off screen, and Lord Momin, a hipster who's essentially an Exar Kun/Vitiate knock-off.
      Your notion that Vader was kept more secretive in Disney canon is hilarious, given how many people seem to figure out who he was lol

    • @GreaterGrievobeast55
      @GreaterGrievobeast55 2 года назад +2

      @@yrooxrksvi7142 OH MY GOSH YES! So many people figure out his anakin skywalker in new canon it’s actually ridiculous. That time he got his DNA analyzed by a Jedi droid was especially stupid. Thrawn and that random imperial detective figuring it out just felt like an unnecessary way to flex how smart they were. It just feels less special at this point.
      And it’s so strange that they refuse to allow vader to ever struggle unless he’s either wounded or going against a character who’s had tv or movie screen time. Like I feel like momin at least should’ve been able to give him trouble without the before hand lava dip. Revealing ferren bar was actually a padawan mid story instead of a master like he said he was also served no purpose whatsoever. It makes me wonder if Disney has some rule for canon writers to not let Vader fight someone that can actually threaten him in a fair fight.

  • @darkarpatron
    @darkarpatron 2 года назад +13

    Another example of Disney ignoring Legends continuity to make shit up as they go along, all the while saying that they have no material to base their new stories off of.
    (Sigh) At least Vader's getting the good treatment, as is Hayden. It's good to see that guy actually get to act this time.

    • @theketaminefrog6366
      @theketaminefrog6366 2 года назад +1

      To be fair Legends are no longer canon, so they have no reason to take it into consideration while making their shows. In fact that was kinda the point of rebooting this universe. Anyway, I am certain, that if they took Kenobi's EU story, people would complain that this whole reboot was pointless if they are copying legends anyway. I swear to god, SW fans sometimes are hard to please

    • @darkarpatron
      @darkarpatron 2 года назад +3

      @@theketaminefrog6366 For me, it would make sense if they replaced the stories found in Legends with better material. But they are not doing that, and they are not copying Legends anyway. The fact is, a lot of what Disney's done hasn't been better than what could be found in Legends. A lot of it isn't even on par. Kyle Katarn is a more compelling and badass character to me than his Disney replacement, Kanan Jarrus, as is Inquisitor Jerec and his followers compared to the Grand Inquisitor from Rebels.
      Hell, while most I've heard talk about it don't seem to like it, the Legends comics, "Star Wars: Dark Empire" where Palpatine resurrects and Luke pretends to become his apprentice is looked on more favourably than its Disney counterpart, The Rise of Skywalker.
      Legends may not always have been the highest bar to set for Star Wars, but believe it or not, that kinda makes it worse when someone comes along to declare it non-canon, only to write in its place a less compelling, less engaging, less sensical story and setting when they could've taken hints and beats from what Legends had _and build off of that,_ instead of replacing it wholesale with something that is just lesser than. It's depressing to see, because it's not just happening with Star Wars and its happening for the sake of money at the expense of even decent quality works. Instead of whatever quality could be taken from Legends, they instead wipe it clean and start over with a product that may have the same premise, but either through execution or concept, is just less than.
      Not all the time, mind you. The Mandalorian was damn good, but oddly, I don't recall anything in legends that could've been the basis for such a series. Funny that.

    • @yrooxrksvi7142
      @yrooxrksvi7142 2 года назад +2

      @@darkarpatron The Mandalorian was damn boring and trite, they had to fall back to cameos to keep it afloat.

    • @mooseolini1447
      @mooseolini1447 2 года назад +2

      @@theketaminefrog6366 That's a really stupid line of reasoning. Who decides whether or not something is canon? The owners of a franchise.
      If Disney (the owners) wanted to pick anything from the ream of available stories in the extended universe, nothing would stop them.
      Instead they complain about a lack of material and end up making worse knock-off versions of existing eu stories.

    • @theketaminefrog6366
      @theketaminefrog6366 2 года назад

      @@mooseolini1447 Well this is not my line of reasoning, that's just how I see typical SW fans behavior. I personally am not a fan of canon using stuff from legends, as this kinda defeats the purpose of this entire reboot. If I want to read stories about EU characters, I just read EU novels. They are better than whatever disney comes up with anyway.

  • @mmx9316
    @mmx9316 2 года назад +6

    My god, how it broke already broken Disney Star Wars canon.

  • @oscar7861
    @oscar7861 2 года назад +4

    Hey man. I've been watching your videos for about 6 years now, and I just wanted to say I love them. I love how in depth you're willing to go with your analysis, and I love that you're willing to use characters more obscure characters. It's easy to just use the most popular characters that'll bring tons of views in, but it's awesome you're willing to delve deep into the lore. Your content is awesome man!

  • @matthewwhite4564
    @matthewwhite4564 2 года назад +10

    So, the narrative the show portrays is basically what happens when one is left alone to stew in grief, guilt, and regret for years and years. Grief and guilt can change a person for the worst and make them lose their sense of themselves and their. Speaking from experience, I will digress. So while I can agree that Legends was overall more respectful to Kenobi, this portrayal of Kenobi is only bad in the sense of not adhering to Legends. I still will always prefer Legends to the overall continuity that Disney Star Wars cranks out, but I can appreciate the little tidbits of good here and there.

    • @bluehero-96
      @bluehero-96 2 года назад +4

      While there is logic in this perspective, I would expect Obi-wan to clear this stage of grief in less than a couple of years, not ten, if he couldn't just skip it altogether with his jedi training.

    • @Arphemius
      @Arphemius 2 года назад +1

      Okay, but we know from ANH and the end of ROTS that he did not suffer like that. There is a throughline there for the character that the show disrupted for its own purposes, only to fix it later. If the show never happened, you would simply expect Obi-Wan to have never lost himself in the first place. That's something the show forces on him so that he can have some kind of arc.
      it's not that it contradicts Legends, it's that it falls into a gap between the movies and is badly shoehorned in and just doesn't really fit right.

    • @mooseolini1447
      @mooseolini1447 2 года назад

      @@bluehero-96 It's not a matter of "skipping it" but living with and accepting it, while not allowing it to corrupt you. Letting go.
      That's what the Jedi preach and Obi Wan was an excellent specimen of their order.
      Let's not forget that pain and tragedy are not new experiences to Obi Wan. He lost the love of his life, a love he had against the teachings of the Jedi order. If I recall, it drove him briefly to the dark side, though Qui Gon brought him back.
      Speaking of his master Qui Gon, Obi Wan would later lose him.
      Neither of these terrible experiences broke him. He never gave up.
      This stupidity reminds me of Mark Hamill's complaints about the direction of the sequels.
      He was perplexed and angered by the decision from on high to make Luke Skywalker a nihilistic, pessimistic, quitter.
      Rightly so, in none of Luke's past portrayals is he depicted this way.
      There seems to be a desire among our 'betters' to promote a culture of apathy, despair and general emotional immaturity and weakness.

    • @jedilittlebee
      @jedilittlebee 2 года назад +1

      @@Arphemius I still hate the disrespect shown his character that once again (as a male) he evidently needed a female to help him rise above his flaws. /sighs. Thanks to Kathleen Kennedy and her enduring poisonous influence on the franchise. 😢

  • @thelegend420
    @thelegend420 2 года назад +11

    Hi Jensaari. I've been listening and following you for years. I hope you don't take this bad, because it comes from a place of great admiration and gratefulness. I've always had trouble sleeping, but setting up a fight analysis of yours helps better to get my head at rest then just closing my eyes. In a life that's full of endless overstimulation and unending thoughts, its great to have someone to listen to with your voice, your knowledge, your always amazingly chosen vocabulary and your way to make essentialy a made up fight scenario absolutely entertaining, and for me, a great influence. I just wanted to say thank you before I forget to ever do it. Thanks a lot

    • @Jensaarai1
      @Jensaarai1  2 года назад +8

      You aren't the first who has expressed that sentiment to me, and in fact several of my actual friends do the same.

    • @neonthunder3261
      @neonthunder3261 2 года назад

      I always find it both intriguing to watch and also good background noise. Like I can do one thing while listening in like a radio show, its dope asf

    • @lapplandkun9273
      @lapplandkun9273 2 года назад +1

      His fight analysis is the basis I go to for writing fight scenes in stories. They're simply one of a kind

  • @brandonrooney5106
    @brandonrooney5106 2 года назад +5

    we definitely need a follow up with your thoughts on the final fight

  • @damienlarson4145
    @damienlarson4145 Год назад +6

    The Kenobi should've had Anakin as a figure in Obi Wan's head like how kingpin was in Daredevil season 3.

  • @eldenvedetta635
    @eldenvedetta635 2 года назад +23

    Thanks for continuing REAL star wars content

  • @shawnarner469
    @shawnarner469 2 года назад +6

    For the most part I tend to agree. The fight in the last episode at least had a more canonical representation of Vaders adapting sabre techniques. A lot of tight close parries and massive power strikes kinda felt more about where he would be as he fell more into his comfort zone.
    The part I'll probably get flak for is that I was hugely a fan of the last 10 min or so of episode 5. Vader's showing of his raw power and the force and how he conducted himself in the curb stomp duel was probably the best live footage of Vader really getting to VADER out there to date.

    • @TheSinsOfAvarice97
      @TheSinsOfAvarice97 2 года назад

      I personally dodnt have much issues with the kenobi series while I can agree with jensaraais points I personally just no longer care enough to be annoyed by it because I know they are atleast trying to do a good series and I always respect effort. I really enjoyed the vader fights all of them

  • @Brandon_737
    @Brandon_737 2 года назад +7

    "I sense something. A presence i have not felt since....." episode 6 of Kenobi.

    • @182Nym182
      @182Nym182 2 года назад +2

      ...since obi handed my ass to me for a second time and decided to walk away just so he can tell my poorly trained teenage son Luke that he's the only one who can kill me" had the saber skills, but Vader had the clear force advantage. Obi should have lost to make sense in the grand narrative....but here at Disney the good guys always win!

    • @mooseolini1447
      @mooseolini1447 2 года назад

      @@182Nym182 Yes, in Disney scripts the good guys always win, whereas in reality, the bad guys own Disney.

    • @Brandon_737
      @Brandon_737 2 года назад

      @@182Nym182 100%

  • @karamelapple8007
    @karamelapple8007 Год назад +4

    Oh wow welcome back I had unsubbed when your channel was hacked.
    I'm glad you got it back!

  • @dorkandproudofit
    @dorkandproudofit Год назад +13

    What are your thoughts on the dialogue at the end of the fight? For all the flaws of the series, Ewan's acting was absolutely on point, and IMHO Vader saying "you didn't kill Anakin Skywalker... *I* did" was pretty chillingly delivered, as was Ewan's delivery of "Then my friend is truly dead".

    • @lapplandkun9273
      @lapplandkun9273 Год назад +4

      good dialogue doesn't make up for the poor storyline and lack of understanding of character. Ewan and Hayden carried this series hard and they're the only reasons worth watching. Unlike Ahsoka, Reva has no defining characteristics and doesn't bounce off anakin's charisma or obi wan's strictness. It doesn't matter if you like Ahsoka's character or not or agree or disagree with TCW's portrayal of anakin or obi wan. They were the Golden Trio of Star Wars, much like Harry, Ron, and Hermione made up HP.

  • @troycoley765
    @troycoley765 2 года назад +3

    I just want to say that your thulsa doom vs lord Voldemort video was awesome and a great idea, keep up the good work.

  • @giovanniciccone1323
    @giovanniciccone1323 10 месяцев назад +7

    This comment is before I watched the video but it doesn’t make sense how obiwan beat Vader this was Vader ten years after becoming him so he was well aquanted with the suit and yeah this wasn’t prime Vader but kenobi hasn’t touched a lightsaber in ten years and is able to beat Vader also I don’t like the idea of kenobi shutting off from the force

  • @reaverr5863
    @reaverr5863 2 года назад +7

    Thought it'd be a breakdown of the last fight. Guess not.
    Edit: Though that may be the case the amount of effort to make one of these videos is tremendous and I find it incredible that Jensaarai is still uploading high tier quality. It's rare that the one who founded a niche in the Star Wars fandom is still active and still shows a lot of care when making these. So while it wasn't what I was hoping for, I'm so glad Jensaarai is still uploading. Keep up the great work Dude.

  • @thebiss1846
    @thebiss1846 4 месяца назад +4

    That's something I've noticed with this new canon content. No matter what, they're always being nice & careful with Vader. As if knowing that, if they mess up on Vader, then they won't recover from it.

    • @ChosenOne-il4bm
      @ChosenOne-il4bm 3 месяца назад

      Legends will always be Legends
      T canon material and tie ins are legends
      C canon is legends
      S canon material is Legends
      N canon material Is labelled Legends
      there branding is that legends is legends
      The contradictions between different materials dont matter, its all Legends
      Visions is the new Legends
      Different stories in there own continuties and not tied to each other.
      This is going to be non canon future of star wars stories
      One of stories
      Legends and Visions....... they dont want the audience asking for a story in legends or even visions to be continued... they want you to ask,,, make this story or character canon......

    • @trevturp6891
      @trevturp6891 3 месяца назад

      @@ChosenOne-il4bm Visions has been continued, but Legends has not.

  • @amysargent4237
    @amysargent4237 2 года назад +5

    I have a weird versus recommendation for you: Nomi Sunrider versus Darth Sion. Why this match-up, when Sion could survive any mortal lightsaber blow that Nomi would throw at him? Well, the key word(s) is/are "LIGHTSABER Blows", which doesn't necessarily mean "Force-inflicted blows" at the same time. That would not just include normal Jedi powers (Telekinesis, Mind Tricks, etc.), but also more unorthodox powers, like... say... Wall of Light/Sever Force, too! Here's my experimental hypothesis: Darth Sion can survive any mortal wound inflicted upon him by conventional means (Lightsabers, blasters, even some force-powers, like Sith Lightning, or Force Drain from Darth Nihlius himself, in extreme cases), but he can only do so when he is constantly angry, and using his (Let's just say) "unique" connection to The Dark Side. He effectively needs The Dark Side of The Force to live at all, due to all the countless mortal wounds he sustained in battle over the years, which would normally kill a normal person, Force-Sensitive, or not. If he starts to let up on his constant anger, and hatred for a moment, he would truly die, and not come back, like he has so many times before. Here's what I'm thinking: what if Nomi Sunrider (Or, frankly, any Jedi that can single-handedly sever Force-connections of powerful Dark Siders (Like Sunrider did to Ulic Qel-Droma 40 years earlier)) could use that ability to sever Sion's connection to The Force? If that happened, without it, Sion could be as angry, and hateful as he wants, but he would actually die without The Dark Side sustaining him any longer, since he is no longer connected to it. Could Nomi Sunrider actually do what even Meetra Surik could not? That being: Kill Darth Sion under her own power, rather than simply convince him to just die by himself? I would like to hear your thoughts on this idea.

  • @graycin3391
    @graycin3391 2 года назад +4

    I hope you continue to make videos. You’re the lifeblood of the community

  • @autistinquisitor9441
    @autistinquisitor9441 2 года назад +5

    I think the purpose of the Kenobi series was to show that Obi-Wan was initially a man broken who lost his faith, and then gradually found it again. We clearly see in Rebels that by then, he's strong in the Force, and is able to beat an aged Maul pretty easily.

    • @lapplandkun9273
      @lapplandkun9273 2 года назад +7

      that doesn't make any sense in the context of protecting luke then

    • @autistinquisitor9441
      @autistinquisitor9441 2 года назад +2

      @@lapplandkun9273 He's still watching over him, and would probably act in some capacity to help him. We can also see that despite having largely dropped his training at that time, he still has his combat skills and non-Force related abilities, which is how he was able to fight a bunch of thugs pretty easily in Episode 2 and stormtroopers later on.

    • @Aerex12
      @Aerex12 2 года назад +6

      I dont agree. He could barely use the force to keep Lei from falling to her death. Also, Obi Wan is not in a bubble. He has Yoda and Qui Gon and given Obi Wans stalwart determination to remain a Jedi it doesn't make an sense that Obi Wan of all people to lose his connection to the force.

    • @autistinquisitor9441
      @autistinquisitor9441 2 года назад +1

      @@Aerex12 yeah, I was talking about his martial arts and shooting skills. He clearly was closed off from the Force for a little. But considering he is trying to avoid detection and keep a low profile, that does make sense in that context. He sees Qui-Gon at the end because he adopted a defeatist mindset which makes sense after what he endured.

  • @moviemaniac141
    @moviemaniac141 2 года назад +3

    I grew up watching your content and rewatching it when I’m older reminds me of the Star Wars I truly love. Glad to hear your thoughts. I agree that Dave is a false hope and anything short of Lucus coming back spells the end of true Star Wars

    • @lapplandkun9273
      @lapplandkun9273 2 года назад

      you do realize that kathleen and disney owns star wars now right? They were the ones who decanonized the EU

  • @eatingpancakesrightnow2786
    @eatingpancakesrightnow2786 2 года назад +4

    I want to have "that kind of evening" sounds awesome

  • @zachhaake1635
    @zachhaake1635 2 года назад +4

    Lower card fight: Cal Kestis vs Zayne Carrick (good alts are Tanneb Kell and padawan Obi Wan Kenobi)
    Mid card fight: Rahm Kota vs Tholme (can't think of any good alts for Tholme)
    Main event: Count Duuku vs Exar Kun (you've mentioned before that these 2 are inversions of each other which makes me curious about how a duel between them would go down. Good alt for Kun would be Darth Malak)

  • @crabman7025
    @crabman7025 2 года назад +3

    I would listen to Jensaarai talk about Cannon for days and not get bored. Hopefully we do get that though in a long video if he decides to do so.

  • @baoanhnguyen9186
    @baoanhnguyen9186 2 года назад +5

    What do you think about their final duel?

  • @joelwilliford6957
    @joelwilliford6957 Год назад +10

    While I respect your opinion. Dave didn’t create this show his name never appears at the end of any of the episodes and he has gone on record stating things that he would have changed about the series . Still loved the video 👍

    • @Gooooofey
      @Gooooofey Год назад +3

      Do some research. His name wasn’t in the sequels credit either but he was still partially responsible for Rey being a Mary sue and darth face obi wan in the show was his idea. Their are quotes directly from Disney stating this

    • @lapplandkun9273
      @lapplandkun9273 Год назад +2

      @@666windmill666rey is a Mary Sue. Did you not watch the sequels?

    • @Gooooofey
      @Gooooofey Год назад +2

      @Chosen One yes she is.
      Being a scavenger is LEAGUES below being a trained Jedi knight. Even bounty hunters couldn’t stand a chance against Jedi. Jango fett the best bounty hunter tried that and he got his head lopped off in seconds by mace windu. So how is some hobo with a stick able to be a trained Jedi? Scavengers are nowhere near the same category as a trained Jedi. She should not have been able to beat kylo. You can make that dum arguement about how he was injure but don’t forget that he also had that injure when beat Finn. Yk the guy who actually HAD training in both melee and fire weapons. MILITARY TRAINING SUNCE HE WAS A LITTLE BOY. Are you going to try to say that knowing how to defend yourself from unskilled thugs lives up to or outranks a life time of military training?
      She collected parts from ships to sell . If I’m a michanic that doesn’t make me qualified to fly a F-15 fighter jet. She should have been nowhere bears as skilled in flying as she was with the falcon in ep7 then 2 years later, Poe tells her “your the best pilot we have” bs. Pies has 10x the amount of flying training than Rey. How tf is Rey with little experience better than him? The reason Luke was able to make that shot even though admittedly the odds were pretty bad, he was established to be a pilot in anh. He states that he and his freinds used to go shooting at beggars canyon

    • @Gooooofey
      @Gooooofey Год назад +1

      @Chosen One TCW is overrated retconning Garbo. I’ll stick to the exapandes universe. 🖕ahsoka

  • @zenethis92
    @zenethis92 Год назад +4

    Will we get a post-finale duel breakdown?

  • @sergepaines305
    @sergepaines305 2 года назад +2

    I’ve been waiting nearly a lifetime for this

  • @jackmurphy1783
    @jackmurphy1783 2 года назад +4

    Oh I’m excited to see your thoughts

  • @ZetaMagnus
    @ZetaMagnus Год назад +11

    Hope you're doing well sir; I've been a fan of your videos since I was in High School, I think it was---your analysis mixed with the Halo OST 🤌🏻.
    Your personal cannon is something I generally agree with, never got into the 3D Clone Wars. They nerfed everyone. Gennedy Tartavosky for the win!!

  • @simlucien
    @simlucien 2 года назад +5

    A VIP viewing with Jensaarai would make even TLJ a great experience.

    • @lapplandkun9273
      @lapplandkun9273 2 года назад +2

      too bad the film is still trash even if you had that opportunity. I'd only be there to nitpick and criticize

    • @simlucien
      @simlucien 2 года назад +1

      @@lapplandkun9273 That's... why I'm here 🤝

  • @skyslasher2297
    @skyslasher2297 2 года назад +3

    Why didn’t you wait until the episode 6 fight to do this if you don’t mind me asking?

  • @TheMarshal365.
    @TheMarshal365. 2 года назад +1

    What is your opinion of Darth Vader and Kenobi in Disney Canon overall?

  • @austingott4004
    @austingott4004 2 года назад +2

    Would you ever consider doing Old Ben vs Dooku? Especially in light of your contention (which I agree with) that Kenobi has gotten more powerful over the years this just an intriguing match-up to me

  • @raicattivo
    @raicattivo 2 года назад +3

    I’m interested to see your thoughts on the final duel of this show

    • @Pubhooligan74
      @Pubhooligan74 2 года назад

      The only good thing about it is that it made what Vader says in Episode 4 make sense

  • @drachna
    @drachna 2 года назад +7

    Kenobi was ragdoll prone even in his prime tho tbf.
    Also, in my head canon the Kenobi show is just decent fanfiction. It lost me when they introduced Leia.

    • @gearzofwar123
      @gearzofwar123 2 года назад

      His passive Force barriers were only weak because of the caliber of Force user he was fighting. Dooku penetrating his Force barrier to choke him and throw him or Maul Force pushing him are basically just Kenobi fighting Sith that were in their prime and far outstripped him in that department

    • @jedilittlebee
      @jedilittlebee 2 года назад +1

      Would have made more sense if Obi-Wan had had to rescue Luke from Tuskans, slavers, or something. Give us scenes of Obi-Wan talking to Qui-Gon, avoiding inquisitors, helping fugitive Jedi, run ins with Owen, etc. ,not a pathetic, broken man (like they did to Luke Skywalkers character in their sequels) and then have Obi-Wan need Leia to “save” HIM since he obviously can’t even function to protect Luke!

  • @zenethis92
    @zenethis92 2 года назад

    Fantastic review! Once you watch the finale, I'd love to hear your thoughts on that duel as well.

  • @analothor
    @analothor 2 года назад +2

    I'm glad you made this video, the contrast really highlights some of the problems with that show

  • @DarkLordofTheRizz
    @DarkLordofTheRizz 2 года назад

    @Jensaarai One Since the evil clone of C'baoth was compared to Vader power at his height, where do you believe current legends Vader scales within the supplementary media, as well as the Gillard scaling, and Lucas potential quotes?
    Was his peak ROTJ, or did he never become 80% of Sidious? Is Luke undercutting Vader in his assessments of the C'baoth clone, since Vader was hindered in their final duel, or are they the same power level?
    Is ROTJ Vader above Knightfall Vader?

  • @RosylaStreamingNetwork
    @RosylaStreamingNetwork 2 года назад +5

    I am so glad you are making TRUE Star Wars content, Jensaarai One! Your videos have drawn my attention for so long and I enjoy seeing your new videos when they pop up on my notifications. Keep it up, and may the Force be with you!

  • @dazdavis7896
    @dazdavis7896 2 года назад +6

    In NO universe would Kenobi ever overpower Vader in his prime like that. In the actual Lucas era Pre-Disney “legends” timeline, he would’ve wrecked Kenobi by that point that’s literally not even debatable.

    • @397llederson6
      @397llederson6 2 года назад


    • @dazdavis7896
      @dazdavis7896 2 года назад

      @@397llederson6 really? Lmao, what do you even mean how…. This is not debatable; Vader In his prime would annihilate Kenobi. He would never have allowed himself to be defeated by him twice…. Lucas literally said himself he never would’ve “lost” to him on Mustafar to begin with had he not been in that state of mind. He made one mistake after dominating him the entire fight at the last second and did something stupid. That’s it. Lucas said himself it was a fluke; that had he just taken his time, he would’ve killed him.. Again, that’s coming straight from the man who CREATED both characters. Vader would not have lost to Kenobi again…. He wasn’t as strong, but he was way more calculated and cunning as the suited Vader. He lost a lotta offensive firepower, but had far better defense. He was a tank. He would’ve flattened Kenobi by that point if this wasn’t written by Disney. If this was in the Lucas era timeline, the real timeline, Vader claps. Period.

    • @397llederson6
      @397llederson6 2 года назад +1

      @@dazdavis7896 1. Unfortunately we are dealing with suit Vader who is not in his prime or even close to it

    • @397llederson6
      @397llederson6 2 года назад +1

      @@dazdavis7896 2. That is true but he also said Vader in the suit is rather weak compared to his prime

    • @dazdavis7896
      @dazdavis7896 2 года назад

      @@397llederson6 dude. That WAS suited Vader in his prime. What aren’t you understanding.. “Vader in his prime” just means the suited Vader at his most powerful point. Which is 5-10 years after ROTS. After he grew back some of the power he’d lost on Mustafar.. It’s not referring to pre-suit Vader, or Vader at full 100% potential…. Either way, the suited Vader would wreck Kenobi. He would not allow himself to be defeated by him again. Period. Nobody cares what Disney tries to say. Well apparently except you.

  • @SuperWindsage
    @SuperWindsage 2 года назад +5

    reva was a third wheel. disagree on the Leia bit cause that is a LEGITIMATE reason for him to go off planet, everything else is not worth the risk to Luke or that discovery.

  • @sa-x19
    @sa-x19 2 года назад +12

    Pretty spot on review. Even though I like some of Filoni's work, my overall thoughts are that he's more of a net negative to the franchise than a positive. I appreciate the old EU or "Legends" more and more each year.

  • @AlexanderRodriguez-dd1eq
    @AlexanderRodriguez-dd1eq 2 года назад +5

    Please do episode six review

  • @SuperWindsage
    @SuperWindsage 2 года назад +4

    so no talk of the sixth episode?

  • @charlesratcliff2016
    @charlesratcliff2016 2 года назад +4

    As always I enjoy your take and knowledge of Star Wars. The only thing we may disagree on is that Dave Floni was not consulted on this project. What they did is steal from themselves in the scene where Vader's helmet was cut. Also, I have the Kenobi audiobook and I had to say it is different than the Last Jedi Ben Kenobi. Order 66 was good as well as Lightsaber scenes excellent but Reva no.

  • @L0rdSeaBass
    @L0rdSeaBass 2 года назад +5

    It seemed like an "Alright, let's just do this so they'll (the fans) will finally shut up" kind of story. New characters were boring to watch, and it seemed like they had extra money for the casting and threw people in just because.

    • @lapplandkun9273
      @lapplandkun9273 2 года назад

      they threw more people in for their agenda. It isn't profitable IP if they can't fit in a political agenda of their own

  • @bangbang100francis6
    @bangbang100francis6 Год назад +6

    Might be a bit off topic but would love to get your opinion on master Window VS Darth Vader I know antwan's done it Sorry if I butchered his name But would love to know what you're Verdict would be on that

    • @lapplandkun9273
      @lapplandkun9273 Год назад

      You mean windu vs vader? And Antoine Bandele already done that matchup

    • @bangbang100francis6
      @bangbang100francis6 Год назад

      @@lapplandkun9273 I give you another one Darth Bane vs Darth plagueis

    • @kartrix1
      @kartrix1 Год назад

      @@lapplandkun9273 I might be mistaken but they might mean Windows 11, with the recent release there's not been much content out there.

  • @taunttitan1714
    @taunttitan1714 Год назад +18

    The EU is the Real Canon
    Disney Star Wars is not Canon hell it can barely even be called Star Wars at this point

    • @and8091
      @and8091 Год назад

      Amen sister! What was your favorite scene in The Lost City of the Jedi?

  • @crisneros1725
    @crisneros1725 2 года назад +3

    Love the content man been a fan for years but I think the videos could use a superior microphone

  • @Touhou-forever
    @Touhou-forever Год назад +4

    Also Jensaarai it's very important that you speak out against Bill C 11

  • @caleboch8181
    @caleboch8181 2 года назад +7

    I love the video there is a small correction though
    while I love to dunk on Filoni as much as the next Star Wars EU fan, he actually had nothing to do with this series at least he's not credited.
    that said yes this show suffers the same problems as TCW to be fair almost All the SW TV shows do.

  • @spektr4625
    @spektr4625 2 года назад +4

    The statement I agree with most here is that reva is a very superfluous third wheel in the story, especially in the later episodes, where they try to give her very basic character development that falls flat on its face because of how simple (her actions being fueled by a desire for revenge (cough cough tcw maul)) and unbelievable, she gets impaled by a lightsaber, twice, and seems no worse for wear.
    I feel the character development of obi wan would've been better if the events had taken place earlier on the timeline, like 2-3 years after episode III as opposed to 10. That way it's more believable that obi wan has lost his Jedi ways and become a menial laborer (seriously, they expect us to believe he's been like this for 10 years and not realize he's lost his way???). This way we can give him an earlier impetus to become a self sustaining hermit who is able to transform himself into more of the elderly sage sort of character he is in episode IV.
    However, I don't think this would make Vader's development any more believable. I don't think he would've been as arrogant in the short time after the mustafar duel, which, along with the complications of being a broken man in a life support suit, would deal a massive blow to his confidence, however by the time we see him in the actual show I believe he would be able to overcome those challenges and become arrogant, as well as having a burning hatred for Kenobi. Overall I believe this conflict of interest in regards to character I've just shown here is the reason that this show was held back from being something great, and why him meeting Vader, while exciting, was a flawed premise imo.
    About Leia, I actually don't mind her inclusion. If anything, it gives more credence to the scene where Luke breaks into the detention cell aboard the death Star, and he informs Leia that he's with Ben Kenobi, she instantly latches onto the fact that Ben Kenobi is there and jumps into action. I like how the catalyst for obi wan becoming a better person is not from protecting Luke, but rather through protecting Leia, a nice 180 from what a lot of people, including myself, were expecting.
    I've been meaning to watch a new hope and seeing if the recontextualization of that film bothers me or not, my hope is that it won't. And , well, if it does, there's always the legends continuity.

    • @lapplandkun9273
      @lapplandkun9273 2 года назад

      the thing with TCW maul that it works on a fundamental level, whether you disprove or disagree or not. Why wouldn't someone get revenge at someone who sliced him in two and was also left for dead while his master got a new apprentice and tossed you aside? You could have been something more, someone to bring about a new era, and all your potential was taken away by that man who cut you in half and left you dead.

  • @yospidey0078
    @yospidey0078 2 года назад +2

    Nice to see your opinion on this show.

  • @bradhuddleson5216
    @bradhuddleson5216 2 года назад +4

    You should do a plo koon vs darth maul.

  • @ironinquisitor3656
    @ironinquisitor3656 2 года назад +3

    Wow. Unexpected but not unwelcome. This will be fun to see.

  • @Daldi564
    @Daldi564 2 года назад +2

    It does feel like the Disney+ Star Wars shows have fallen into the same problem Marvel has: a formulaic set of events and characters that produces stories that are OK and provide potential for crossover but aren't anything truly groundbreaking. Nearly all the shows produced since Disney acquired the rights have a main character who takes on a younger character, who is special in some way, and acts like a father figure. They get chased around by the bad guy who wants the kid for a sinister reason, coming to a head of sorts in the season finale where the kid or the dad gets captured or cornered. We see the pair make allies along the way who come to help and we are more often than not introduced to a legacy character at the end of either the first or second seasons to drive fan motivation to see what comes next.

  • @waylonbocephus
    @waylonbocephus 2 года назад +1

    @Jensaarai One Would you Obi Wan Kenobi essentially the Kao Cen Darach of his era and vice versa?
    I wonder if had the “Dark Times” never come would he have eventually mastered all 7 forms?
    And then improve more and more with his force abilities. We know he trained up some parts of him to counter his aging. So did we ever actually see a full power Obi Wan what his potential truly was?
    Unfortunately we will probably never see a proper Old Ben Kenobi and how dangerous he actually was around the time of Episode 4.
    The Maul dual from Rebels not being the best example. Although it shows just how much better of a combatant he was than Maul even at that age.
    Any way have a good one. You don’t have to answer this but I would welcome it.

  • @orbaitv5991
    @orbaitv5991 2 года назад +3

    Eh I would like to point out that Kenobi was still trying to get Vader as far away from Leia when he ran. It wasn't out of cowardness but how it was shot was laughable.

  • @GreaterGrievobeast55
    @GreaterGrievobeast55 2 года назад

    Oh wow, sounds like you and your pals had a time with the show. Glad you gave it a chance! interesting perspective on the “internal affairs” at Disney. Personally i’m sure theres a bit of squabbling but not enough that anything will actually change drastically.
    First time I’ve heard the critique of obiwan having a Job, something that I agree with as well! the way I saw it he was a low key rumor around tatooine, appearing in towns on occasion perhaps but using a mix of mind tricks, word play and discretion for anyone to think of him as anything more than the weirdo hermit owen tried to convince Luke he was. With only some of the crime lords and raiders having a semblance. The idea he took an occupation while the empire still had interest on the planet seems very off to me.
    It should be apparent from what little we’ve seen of kenobi in new canon around this time frame that he should still be kept busy enough by Jabbas goons and bounty hunters to have gotten quite this rusty.

  • @TheGamerGuy171
    @TheGamerGuy171 2 года назад +1

    Yeah, I am pretty much in agreement with that. I do kind of think that Vader fighting Obi-Wan inbetween episodes 3 and 4 does make some sense. I think Vader's more calm and collected attitude in Episode 4 works better if he has met Kenobi again a few years earlier and basically toyed with him with the intention of torturing him only for Kenobi to escape.
    Will you be doing an analysis of the final duel in episode 6?

  • @shinkai9kami162
    @shinkai9kami162 2 года назад +5

    Can you please make a video on your dislike for the clone wars 2008 series. You usually bring it up in almost everyone of your video and explaining why you do not use it to scale characters. This video in particular even brings up your problems of the clone wars as well. I think a clone wars video and your critique’s of it would be very interesting to see.

    • @Vaerenn
      @Vaerenn 2 года назад +2

      Yeah I want a full on rant about TCW.

    • @lapplandkun9273
      @lapplandkun9273 2 года назад

      @@Vaerenn Here you go. It's under an old livestream of his under his channel on the council forcecastвидео.html

    • @lapplandkun9273
      @lapplandkun9273 2 года назадвидео.html

    • @GreaterGrievobeast55
      @GreaterGrievobeast55 2 года назад

      Huh! At this point I thought he already made one by now. Must be thinking of Another channel

    • @shinkai9kami162
      @shinkai9kami162 2 года назад

      @@GreaterGrievobeast55 Yeah you would think he would have

  • @marcusisgod2592
    @marcusisgod2592 2 года назад +3

    Exar kun vs darth krayt.
    Battle of the niman masters.
    Qui gon jinn vs darth plagues.
    I know it may seem as a odd match up but that dark lord did see qui gon as a threat so it would have been interesting for them to face each other as they both were polar opposites as on respected the living force and one wanted to bend its will. Jensaari one.

    • @Jensaarai1
      @Jensaarai1  2 года назад +2

      Exar Kun Vs. Darth Krayt is one that I've been toying with for years and will likely do, assuming Evannova95 doesn't beat me to it.
      And considering that I've already done Plagueis Vs. Kenobi as a collaboration with Evan, Plagueis Vs. Jinn is worth discussing as an extension of the same thread.

    • @foreignroninl1555
      @foreignroninl1555 2 года назад

      @@Jensaarai1 Looking forward to it. I’ve always thought Exar Kun vs Darth Krayt would be an interesting matchup due to both characters being fallen Jedi-turned Sith lords, and Niman masters.
      Having just recently listened to the Darth Plagueis novelization, the idea of Plagueis vs Qui-gon Jinn is certainly an interesting idea considering how the former considered the latter a considerable threat to his plans.

  • @yrooxrksvi7142
    @yrooxrksvi7142 2 года назад +2

    One thing I noticed and felt strange was how, in the rematch of Episode VI, just how aggressive Kenobi fights off Vader, going full Ataru and Shien on him. The telekinetic rock barrage kind of felt like they were riffing off Force Unleashed and Miller's Kenobi novel.
    But overall, do you think the final rematch portrayed a more believable scenario than the third episode ?

    • @GreaterGrievobeast55
      @GreaterGrievobeast55 2 года назад +2

      To me the rock thing felt like a means of Justifying Rey’s mountainous antics in the last Jedi.

    • @Vaerenn
      @Vaerenn 2 года назад +1

      @@GreaterGrievobeast55 basically tries to justify someone who discovers or *rediscovers* their powers and they can do the crazy bullshit that takes a lifetime of practice.

    • @yrooxrksvi7142
      @yrooxrksvi7142 2 года назад +1

      @@GreaterGrievobeast55 I was thinking the same smh

    • @dianabarnett6886
      @dianabarnett6886 2 года назад +1

      @@GreaterGrievobeast55 Well, Obi-Wan Kenobi is a Jedi Master who trained for decades, while Rey is still a neophyte Force user pulling miracles out her ass, so it doesn't quite do that job properly in my eyes.

    • @yrooxrksvi7142
      @yrooxrksvi7142 2 года назад +3

      @@GreaterGrievobeast55 The one thing that makes it more excusable is the fact that Obi Wan has been shown using grand scale telekinesis before, albeit sparingly. Force Repulse to free himself from Durge in the 03 microseries, taking down trees as a makeshift landing pathway in Son Of Dathomir. Iirc, he did lift a bunch of massive boulders in the Kenobi novel too.
      It's not out of his scope, it just requires time and effort from him, and he naturally prefers a minimalistic approach.

  • @darthprime1990
    @darthprime1990 2 года назад +1

    I honestly didn't expect you to give your thoughts on the Kenobi series, but interesting breakdown nonetheless. The positives I have with the show is that Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christensen really outshine the series, and the choreography was done fairly well. However, the show suffers from continuity issues and inconsistencies, such as Leia meeting Obi-Wan in person. I always assumed that Leia knew him from Bail Organa, given the dialogue from A New Hope that Obi-Wan served her father during the Clone Wars. And as interesting as the duel between Kenobi and Vader is, it's a bit frustrating how the two met about two times in the show. It's kinda like with TCW where Anakin and Obi-Wan each have faced Dooku and Grievous multiple times.

  • @zackthezabarak739
    @zackthezabarak739 2 года назад +3

    Something I would like is if you and the fanalysis council could come together and discuss the lightsaber duel in episode 6 between Vader and Kenobi.( with the full understanding that you all hate the series) because in terms of the raw duel it’s self, I can’t think of a better representation of lightsaber combat in the franchise outside of Darth Malgus old republic trailers. The duel uses the force both for offense and defense, they switch techniques at various stages, Vader uses fun moch to unnerve Obi Wan and then when the duel resumes ObiWan has his serenity return and we see him do the things we’ve only seen him do in the novels or comics in terms of force abilities.( seriously, the technology has finally caught up to what the books describe.) Realizing your distaste for the series as a whole I’m curious about your purely intellectual and artistic opinion of the duel as a amateur swordsman, an dedicated Star Wars fan, and critic. And if I could here the thoughts of the other council ( I really miss you Evan, and the others together. I would love if Antoine would join to but I think he’s pretty much done with the series in terms of uploading videos on it.)

  • @zackthezabarak739
    @zackthezabarak739 2 года назад

    Shado Vao vs Sora Bulq, Wolf Sazen vs Ki Adi Mundi. Cad Skywalker vs Antares Draco, Darth Azard vs Quinlan Vos , Lucien Draay vs Assajj Ventress.( true Makashi is superior to form 1, but you’ve said that Draay’s style is suited to offensive fighters, and while not a raging animal like Savage oppress or Skurge, Ventress is easy to rile up the longer a fight goes on. And except for the lightsaber Draay either equals or out classes her in EVERY other way.)

  • @josephrousell2818
    @josephrousell2818 2 года назад

    And NOW my day is complete!

  • @greensaber-specialagent.95
    @greensaber-specialagent.95 Год назад +3

    8:18 We love you.
    Roan Shryne vs Master tyvocka please.

  • @saberiandream316
    @saberiandream316 2 года назад +15

    But you see, they _had_ to have Obi-Wan meet Leia, otherwise how else are they going to explain why she named her kid in his honor? This is all to make up for JJ Abrams' laziness in shifting the role of Ben Skywalker to Ben Solo.

    • @matthewwhite4564
      @matthewwhite4564 2 года назад +2

      I had a similar thought tbh. It does, at least, make that part of the "Sequels" make sense, if nothing else. Not that that's a good thing.

    • @lapplandkun9273
      @lapplandkun9273 2 года назад +2

      @@matthewwhite4564 It makes sense in their narrative, which is honestly a sign of bad writing. Changing a established character's personality in order to fit the storyline of another character's choices down the road.

  • @eatingpancakesrightnow2786
    @eatingpancakesrightnow2786 2 года назад +2

    What happened to your SubscribeStar?

  • @sikid4000
    @sikid4000 2 года назад +9

    Wanted a character piece on Obi-Wan instead I got mandalorian but with obi-wan

  • @yrooxrksvi7142
    @yrooxrksvi7142 2 года назад +17

    One thing I thoroughly agree with you, Connor, is the laughable idea of a Disney Lucasfilm civil war between KK and Filoni. Filoni IS complacent all the damn way, even having a saying on the Sequels. He blatantly favors his OCs, and even the way Luke was portrayed in The Book of Boba Fett falls in line with TLJ, from making him a dogmatic rehash of the Prequel Jedi to the exact same dome temple. To add insult to injury, they set it on Ossus.
    Needless to say, EU all the way....

    • @greensaber-specialagent.95
      @greensaber-specialagent.95 Год назад +2

      I Have not talked with you in a while green saber gemini was my name we used go back n forth with tholme and zannah, grievous vs durach.
      All is well i hope.

    • @yrooxrksvi7142
      @yrooxrksvi7142 Год назад +1

      @@greensaber-specialagent.95 I was beginning to think you were perma banned lol
      How do you do ?

    • @greensaber-specialagent.95
      @greensaber-specialagent.95 Год назад

      @@yrooxrksvi7142 Good.

    • @greensaber-specialagent.95
      @greensaber-specialagent.95 Год назад

      @@yrooxrksvi7142 Question for you. I Have list of people who fit the bill for the sith ari and hate to disagree with goerge and lucas but i know who the sith ari is just dont think im crazy.
      just here read me its not farfetched.

    • @greensaber-specialagent.95
      @greensaber-specialagent.95 Год назад

      @@yrooxrksvi7142 Bane, sidious, vader, krayt,

  • @Infernal460
    @Infernal460 2 года назад

    New mic?

  • @Jedi_Spartan
    @Jedi_Spartan 2 года назад +7

    After watching this series I'll probably try to find a copy of the Kenobi novel since I've been uncertain about how to continue my Legends readings after the two Force Unleashed novelisations. On a similar topic, what sort of post RotJ content would people suggest, minus the Thrawn Trilogy since I have read it.

    • @Daldi564
      @Daldi564 2 года назад +3

      The Jedi Academy trilogy is a good time if you want to see Luke Skywalker rebuild the Jedi Order. Read Dark Empire beforehand though. I also recommend the Hand of Thrawn books and Survivors Quest as they continue the story the Thrawn Trilogy began.

    • @Jensaarai1
      @Jensaarai1  2 года назад +6

      Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor

    • @Daldi564
      @Daldi564 2 года назад +4

      @@Jensaarai1 that's when he goes to Dathomir, right? I seriously need to read that

    • @triplezeroxz5875
      @triplezeroxz5875 2 года назад +2

      New Jedi Order. Legacy of The Force. Fate of the Jedi. 3 book series focused on the events after ROTJ depicting lukes budding Jedi order and a galaxy trying to rebuild itself while being attacked by an unknown entity, and on the heels of Thrawn's Story. Among a plethora of othet things.
      Honestly one of the honest failings IMO of the Legends fanbase is how little they talk about these series. Granted, I never read the thrawn stories but I believe everyone who says how great they are. I just wish more people talked about the ither book series as well. They're great too. And among my favorite star wars media to date.

    • @bluehero-96
      @bluehero-96 2 года назад

      Courtship of Princess Leia, Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor, the Jedi Academy trilogy (and I, Jedi, I guess) are all good. Dark Empire is good just for the opening scene where Luke tanks an AT-AT to the shoulder without a lightsaber, no sweat.

  • @baki484
    @baki484 2 года назад +3

    Wait you watch Disney starwars content? I thought you only covered Legends
    I'd love for Quinlan Vos to get some love on your channel you analysis on these characters are a joy to watch. I'd love an analysis of Cal Kestis from you especially after seeing you in the Galen Marik vs Cal Kestis video.
    As for Kenobi didn't he find out anakin/ Darth Vader survived in a cantina?

    • @yrooxrksvi7142
      @yrooxrksvi7142 2 года назад +2

      I'd rather Connor would wait until Jedi Survivor comes out before considering a martial breakdown of Cal. I hate Disney Star Wars, but Fallen Order was one of the few things I actually enjoyed, including Cal, Trilla, the 9th Sister and Malicos. As of now, Cal is a scrappy self-taught Niman practitioner, roughly a high Tier 5.
      Stig Amussen hinted at including a stance system, similar to Jedi Outcast's Styles system, which would be absolutely fantastic.
      Agreed on featuring Quinlan Vos a bit more too.

    • @baki484
      @baki484 2 года назад +1

      @@yrooxrksvi7142 Hey man yeah I agree. It's also why I want his analysis Cal Kestis is my favorite character to come out of Disney Starwars. Speaking of forms I've concluded that Taron Malicos is a Form 4 Ataru practitioner supplemented with Nieman with his force integration.
      With Trilla I'm looking at a form 2 single blade( I've observed her using a cut and thrust style) makashi supplemented with form 4 Ataru (when she moves around the arena especially when taunting you the. There's the dashing to close the distance)
      With jedi survivors stance system I wonder how it'll work as some forms have multiple ready stances correct me if I'm wrong so maybe Cal found a proper lightsaber style. But we'll see how far he's come because one of the enemy types are jedi killing magna guards according to rumors and toy leaks for the game. Back to the stances could it be that he's taken Ceres style and added it to his own. Will he employ an improved version of jarkai dual wielding because I'm hoping the the blaster will be temporary and the Saber Cere gave him is a reserve in case the primary Saber is lost. I'm also hoping for more masterful use of the force from Cal, jedi mind trick, beast control (for creatures like the Scazz) , more potent force push, pull, repulse (similar to trilla's Shockwave in the final confrontation against her) and stun along with more environmental attacks like dropping heavy objects on enemies same Malicos does against cal. It's possible with Cere as a teacher even that force dome she used.
      Maybe some novelization of the games would shed light on Cal and his opponents ( for combat he's speculated to use form 1 Shii Cho and form 6 Niman as a supplementary)
      Personally I'm kind of hoping he uses Djem So with its weak spots supplemented by Nieman but that's just me but given how he was disarmed in the teaser I highly doubt it. Sorry for the wall of text there's just so much to breakdown and discuss.

    • @lapplandkun9273
      @lapplandkun9273 2 года назад +1

      yes, kenobi did discover anakin survived mustafar in the cantina. I think it was either dark lord rise of vader or kenobi novel. Cal also appears in the Star Wars brotherhood novel by mike chen if you want more appearances of him

    • @baki484
      @baki484 2 года назад

      @@lapplandkun9273 I know he's mentioned momentarily when Jaro interacted with Obi-Wan as the red haired padawan but that was it. Speaking of I have to get that book.

    • @yrooxrksvi7142
      @yrooxrksvi7142 2 года назад +1

      @@baki484 I have to disagree on two things.
      At first, I too believed Malicos' Jar'Kai to be Ataru-based, but when you look at it, there's very little Ataru in it. He's doesn't use kicks, he keeps acrobatic leaps only in reserve. Instead, he has very randomized, aggressive attack patterns and LOTS of Force integration, be it Lightsaber Throw, Force Push, Force Grip, Force Throw. He's more likely to be a full Niman specialist. Think of him as being on a similar tier as Boc the Crude from Dark Forces 2 or Darth Wredd from Legacy Vol.2.
      I also believed Trilla to be a Makashi practitioner at first, but when you really look at her, Makashi is about keeping your opponent at bay and piercing through their guard. Trilla instead presses the attack and gets very close, other than using pretty heavy counters. She's more likely to be a Djem So/Ataru specialist, shifting to Shien when she's using double blades (as she keeps her saber rotating, like Vindican or Kazdan Paratus). The cut and thrust manuveur can be traced back to Ataru. The 9th Sister uses it too, and she's no Makashi practitioner lol.
      Lastly, regarding Cal, my personal belief based on the cutscenes and gameplay (plus some theories), is that at beginning he only retained Shii Cho, which is the foundation to his style (see his main combo, it's wide sweeping slashes), and then he progressively layered it with elements of Soresu (tight blocks and blaster deflection), Ataru (evasive leaps and occasional physical strikes) and Shien/Djem So (redirected blaster fire, immediate counters and heavy overhead strikes similar to the Falling Avalanche move). A theory I've seen circulating is that he might have taken bits of Niman via Psychometry from Jaro's broken saber, hence why he can use the saberstaff and rudimentary Jar'Kai.
      No need to apologize, I enjoy these discussions and I too hope Jedi Survivor to be good hahaha

  • @VenomousEdits
    @VenomousEdits 2 года назад +7

    Do Darth Maul vs Shaak Ti.

    • @lapplandkun9273
      @lapplandkun9273 2 года назад

      Which version?

    • @VenomousEdits
      @VenomousEdits 2 года назад +1

      @@lapplandkun9273 Legends since Shaak doesn't really have any notable feats in canon.

    • @lapplandkun9273
      @lapplandkun9273 2 года назад +2

      @@VenomousEdits I meant which version of Maul are you referring to. And TCW is still consistent with Legends Shaak Ti since the show doesnt contradict the established character's story like with evan piell. The only problem is that she's a side character in that show like saesee tinn. But otherwise, the show is consistent and can be used.

    • @VenomousEdits
      @VenomousEdits 2 года назад +3

      @@lapplandkun9273 Legends Maul excluding TCW content.

    • @drachna
      @drachna 2 года назад +3

      @@VenomousEdits Yes

  • @DarthBalsamic
    @DarthBalsamic 2 года назад +6

    It must be torture to watch this trash Disney is putting out. Lol

  • @maccurtis730
    @maccurtis730 2 года назад +5

    Using your hate of TCW on the Revi character and checkmate with Ashoka a Jensaarai One move.

    • @lapplandkun9273
      @lapplandkun9273 2 года назад

      Not really. He's saying that Ahsoka is at least charismatic and has a personality of her own. Reva doesn't

    • @neonthunder3261
      @neonthunder3261 2 года назад

      bro worded it like he been hatin for a while

  • @DarthInsomnis
    @DarthInsomnis 2 года назад +2

    This series had me conflicted.
    On the one hand, it’s nice to see Ewan and Hayden in a big budget production again and they aren’t held back by Lucas’ poor direction.
    On the other hand, there are a lot of retcons that make things confusing when you watch a new hope again with this show in mind (along with legends material thrown in the mix). I like Kenobi, but not as much as I thought I would.
    Also yeah, I think Ahsoka maybe the only totally original character in canon that everyone universally loves. I don’t hate the actress who played Reva personally, but her character just seems out of place and distracting from what should’ve been a show about just Kenobi and Vader.

  • @Angelo-nd4lg
    @Angelo-nd4lg 2 года назад +1

    Darth malgus vs mace windu.
    Darth maul vs kao cen darach.
    Satele shen vs Anakin Skywalker. Or just all 6 in a old republic vs pre empire battle

    • @lapplandkun9273
      @lapplandkun9273 2 года назад

      Just Your Average Joe did Satele Shan vs Anakin (or pre suit vader, after his fall to the dark side)

  • @emzonik8851
    @emzonik8851 2 года назад +4

    11:57 - What? That wouldn't make sense at all. Episode 3 is Kenobi's peak, no question.

    • @Jensaarai1
      @Jensaarai1  2 года назад +14

      I agree.
      You think I'm suggesting that simply being a more powerful Force wielder somehow makes Ep4 Kenobi superior to Ep3 Kenobi, when that is not the case at all. Old Ben is a covert operative who relies on the Force to avoid direct confrontations that he's too physically frail to handle, making him a one-trick-pony who completely lacks the balance and versatility he possessed during the Clone Wars.

    • @AkosKovacs.Author.Musician
      @AkosKovacs.Author.Musician 2 года назад +3

      @@Jensaarai1 Doesn't that makes him basically like the Tholme of his era, then?

  • @MrEffectfilms
    @MrEffectfilms 2 года назад +3

    I understand your grievances so far and by episode 3 a lot of people would have agreed with you, but after episodes 5 and 6 especially many have turned around and now agree that they make the earlier episodes better. My advice is to wait till you see the whole thing before judging it. I feel like this show is a prime example of why you shouldn't jump to conclusions so early in a series. It rarely happens but a strong ending can save what would otherwise be a mediocre series.
    I still say that they never should have rematched at all until A New Hope but if they must fight again this was a good way for it to happen.

    • @bluehero-96
      @bluehero-96 2 года назад +5

      As with TCW, a show isn't good if you have to wait through half of it before it decides to "git gud."

    • @Arphemius
      @Arphemius 2 года назад

      Oh God... Those were awful episodes. Arguably the worst of the series, even worse than 3 and 4.

    • @orbaitv5991
      @orbaitv5991 2 года назад +1

      @@bluehero-96 It's 6 episodes tho and in the end the show had more good than bad.

    • @Aerex12
      @Aerex12 2 года назад +2

      @Orbit 45 I beg to differ. I felt there were more issues than good parts

    • @MrEffectfilms
      @MrEffectfilms 2 года назад +1

      @@bluehero-96 no true, a good enough ending can save anything, just as a bad enough ending can ruin anything.

  • @zackthezabarak739
    @zackthezabarak739 29 дней назад

    Could you do the finale duel? Even if the show is poor as a whole that fight was very entertaining.

  • @mooseolini1447
    @mooseolini1447 2 года назад +1

    Thank you.

  • @youngsmitty347
    @youngsmitty347 2 года назад +2

    At this point in nuCanon, I'm fine with the breaking of canoncity (given that they've done it plenty of times in the past shamelessly) and just want to see a good story being made for once. And while Kenobi definitely has its highs (McGregor's acting and anytime Vader is on-screen), its lows are soooo fucking painful.
    Reva is not interesting in the slightest. Like Jen said, she's a third-party thrown into the story for no real reason for being there in this particular story. And her surviving Vader in episode 5 and getting crammed into the finale and ruining some potential extra scenes with Kenobi-Vader (separately or together) to go after Luke, only to change her mind at the end. It felt more like the writers trying to set up another series inside a show that desperately needed to stand alone from all the other shows in the past, keeping to only the films for reference. Hell, that's one of the reasons why I'm not a fan of the Tera Sinube easter egg in the fourth episode; most audience just see that as a random Jedi while those who've watched TCW will know who that guy is. It just doesn't hit as hard as it should, same goes for the Quinlan Vos reference in the third episode.
    Leia's existence kinda ruins the stakes when you know she'll make it out at the end and I feel like it would've made more sense to have the person Ben Kenobi goes to rescue is that Jedi survivor from episode 1 out of guilt or something. And along the way, the two rekindle their faith in the Force and become better for it. The character Kenobi goes to rescue should be integral to the plot, but someone who doesn't get in the way of the real meat of the show; the confrontation between Kenobi and Vader. And no Leia means no padding for sections of some episodes, like the second episode chase and so forth.

  • @cincameron
    @cincameron 2 года назад +7

    I thought the show was okay, but just like all canon Star Wars, it suffers from messy writing that feels rushed without someone double-checking the work.
    Reva is a good character in concept, but the way they attempted to use her in this story was very messy. I don't mind seeing more of her as long as she isn't thrown into some ridiculous situations like here. Reva is a decent addition to the story if not for her misuse in almost every scene
    Obi-Wan losing his abilities is pretty bullshit. They should have kept him similar to Legends. Him losing to Vader in episode 3 could have been more due to rust, but Obi-wan should have been able to hold his own for a while, even if he were disadvantaged. Maybe have the Inquisitors closing in as the battle is heating up, and at this point, Obi-Wan could have escaped due to using his mobility advantage in conjunction with the environment the moment the flames went up to momentarily distract Vader.
    Vader was done very well in my opinion, except during the start of episode 6. They needed a genuine excuse to have Vader send a whole ass star destroyer after Obi-wan. At least send tie-fighters to pursue the main shuttle beforehand, but they get destroyed by someone who comes to save the good guys. Something.
    Reva going for Luke in Episode 6 seemed ridiculous. It makes no sense. We could have gotten a scene of her surviving, returning to Tatooine to confront Obi-wan (she gains the information of his hide-away through the recording by hearing the planet's name. That's it), and abandoning the dark side. Keep Luke's existence a secret from her.
    Everything else I thought was okay. Just wish we got to see a little bit more of Inquisitors actually killing Jedi. They are even less useful on-screen compared to TCW Grievous.

  • @joshuakei8925
    @joshuakei8925 2 года назад +4

    I am surprised to see Jen announcing he has seen the Kenobi TV show and is now posting a review of it. Since this show is set in Disney Canon, and irrelevant to true EU canon, I don't see any reason to watch the show and review it. After all, Jen has made his feelings regarding Disney Star wars quite clear, be it TCW, rebels, the new trilogy. To be clear, this comment is not meant to criticize Jensaraai in any way, on the contrary, I agree with much of Jen's viewpoints (I thought Jedi fallen order was fine). However, I suppose I am simply surprised and confused with such a video, as it is typically not what Jen does, and I don't see how Kenobi is in any way special compared with other Disney Star wars content.
    My personal experience regarding Disney Star wars was optimism when I heard Disney was acquiring the property, mild disappointment upon viewing TFA, Hope upon viewing Rogue one, then hollowness upon viewing TLJ. After watching TLJ, I didn't watch EP9, or any of the Disney plus TV shows, as I realized this new direction of Star wars was not for me. I did play Jedi fallen order, but that was because it came with the xbox as a package deal so that doesn't count.
    I must admit I imagined Jen would have the same approach I did, distancing ourselves from Disney Star wars content. However, this video seems to suggest differently. Should I give Disney Star Wars more chances? What do you guys think? I would especially appreciate any response from @Rob George

    • @lapplandkun9273
      @lapplandkun9273 2 года назад +1

      I would say take the stuff you like and are good from Disney Canon (jedi fallen order/survivor, good Canon novels like Brotherhood by Mike Chen) and ignore the rest of the trash

    • @jordanreed3675
      @jordanreed3675 2 года назад

      @@lapplandkun9273 the novels and comics for the most part you should give a go watch the mandalorian was rather enjoyable although season 2 is much like iron man 2 it’ basically build up the a lot of the other shows set in the era but still carries on the story of the last season quite well. Visions are just one off stories so they don’t have any effect on legends or canon

    • @lapplandkun9273
      @lapplandkun9273 2 года назад

      @@jordanreed3675 Visions is cool. Maybe its because I like anime. Mandalorian is okay, though some episodes and parts were not so great. Some parts of the Marvel Vader comics were good, but the obvious ties to the sequel trilogy just annoying because they're trying to cover up the sequel trilogy's plotholes, Lords of the Sith was also a decent novel

    • @orbaitv5991
      @orbaitv5991 2 года назад

      Try whatever you find interesting but I would recommend the Thrawn Ascendancy trilogy as it is pretty much written to fit into the EU continuity.

    • @robertgeorge4602
      @robertgeorge4602 2 года назад +1

      It appears I have been summoned...not sure why but appreciate it.
      So my experience with new Cannon SW is kind of like the EU used to be? There are big misses but some great hits.
      Some of the good episodes of TCW, some characters like Rex, Ahsoka (later seasons), Hondo, were hits.
      As a weeb, Star Wars Visions caught my interest.
      And while I never played it, some scenes and gameplay from Fallen Order looked really good.
      But Episodes 8 and 9, and some bad episodes of things like Rebels and TCW really hurt.
      I think its best to keep an open mind. Give Disney SW a chance on the good stuff but avoid all of the crap that comes along the way.

  • @Vaerenn
    @Vaerenn 2 года назад +11

    Part of the character assassination comes with Luke's portrayal in New Canon and the deconstructionism prevalent in modern stuff. Characters can't be hopeful anymore because that's too generic good guy stuff or whatever. But people forget that Star Wars is a good-evil dichotomy and trying to inject the modern deconstruction into established characters doesn't work because it removes everything established about them and reduces them to puppets of a soulless entity.

    • @lapplandkun9273
      @lapplandkun9273 2 года назад +8

      They're trying to make obi wan into a hopeless hobo to justify luke's portrayal in the sequels

    • @Vaerenn
      @Vaerenn 2 года назад +2

      @@lapplandkun9273 exactly

    • @ironinquisitor3656
      @ironinquisitor3656 2 года назад +4

      KOTOR II did the best deconstruction of things in Star Wars.

    • @Vaerenn
      @Vaerenn 2 года назад +3

      @@ironinquisitor3656 I think that worked as well as it did because it was outside the movie era and not constrained by needing to use existing characters to make it's point. It was thousands of years before so it could be whatever it wanted.

    • @ironinquisitor3656
      @ironinquisitor3656 2 года назад +1

      @@Vaerenn You're spot on right there.

  • @anonymous-hz2un
    @anonymous-hz2un 8 месяцев назад

    Wait, did he said princess "Liya" 😂