Is anybody else curious where Shane is now and why isn't this show still around I think my generation could definitely use this show if there not afraid to turn it on in the house.
I knew a kid who was gay in high school... but all the guys he was with hated it, said he wouldn't toucvh them etc. After high school he was straight. Turns out he was LYING in high school because he thought being gay would get him attention. So the point is... Your sexuality is what it is. If you know somebody who "turned straight/gay" or whatever, they didn't. They've always been one sexuality or another (bi/trans/whatever included). They were either lying before or they're lying now. It doesn't make them bad people; they're probably just afraid. So just bear that in mind and don't give gay people a hard time using your "suddenly straight" friend as an example.
OMG A lot of people think that being gay is so special or wrong or whatever. NO it's not. For every gay people out there, you are just a PERSON that happens to like same-sex people. It does not define you at all, it's just a characteristic of yourself ( like blue eyes, black skin...). So I think it'll be better if people stopped making a big deal about it and just accepted themselves and the others.
I completely agree, it shouldn’t be a big deal and people shouldn’t care, but it’s hard for some lgbt to accept themselves because of society and people telling us we’re going to hell because of it and a lot of the times these people have religious families and we’re taught from a young age that being gay is wrong, so it’s more a struggle for these people to accept themselves, if society could just learn that being gay is normal just like being straight is, being gay isn’t wrong and it’s the way we were made, then maybe there wouldn’t be as much homophobia and coming out wouldn’t have to be necessary anymore, people can just be themselves and it not be a big deal, but who knows if we will ever see that in our lifetime
I was brought up the same way shane was. I have come to realise that God loves us the way we are. God doesn't hate. Ignorant people do. Love yourself because God made you how he wanted you.
Don't even worry about it. Knowledge is power and I'm glad that someone took the time to answer and reply to my question :3 Thank you very much for the information.
Her hand when up and back to her hair is a response of her body to what she say and the way she say she is like I know but I just love it, that's a give away
Why does Christianity not accept "what is"? Aren't we all "God's children"? Why would God label some of us "sinners", judge and criticize us? He made us. Why did he make us so that we "sin"? Why didn't he make us the way he wanted us to be? It doesn't make sense to me. That we have a "punitive God" doesn't make sense to me - watching us to see if we need to be punished. That just seems ridiculous. Let's just treat people the way we would want to be treated: with respect, acceptance, kindness, caring and compassion. That God has conditional love just doesn't make sense to me. If God "is" love, he would love everyone and everything unconditionally. He made us all the way we are, after all.
Ms.Toni PHILLIPS I think education needs to come from varied places and people. I urge you to choose love and respect regardless of your religious beliefs, God teaches us to love each other and be kind or if nothing else respectful to our neighbours. There isn't a disclaimer at the back of the Bible that says "love thy neighbour except if they're gay, trans etc...". If you can not be loving please be educated and respectful
Romans 10:9-10 (KJV) That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. That includes gays. Maybe instead of trying to cure yourself you should turn your heart towards God so that he can present you with an opportunity to save you. I believe that Christ can save anyone, because He can do all things. You see maybe you can't stop being gay but you can choose salvation. Of course if you are not interested in salvation and you just want to live the gay lifestyle to the end, then that's your choice. I must say that as a Christian I feel a lot of sympathy for the individuals in this show. Acts 16:30-31 (KJV) And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. Although the Bible condemns homosexuality as a sin, it does not say that gays can’t be saved. We are all sinners, so if you're gay I suggest that you establish a relationship with Jesus Christ.
First of all, the bible says that all forms of sexual immorality is sin, whether it be heterosexual or homosexual. These are the verses concerning the later…Leviticus 20:13, Hebrews 13:4, Romans 1:26-28, 1 Corinthians 6:9
There are many homosexuals who believe in God and there are also some that don't practice Gay sex yet they are gay and believe in God so... where you going with all of this?
I am gay, and I love being gay. I am the most happy I have ever been in my life. I am closer to Friends, Family and God and I keep on going through a journey. I would never change a thing about me. When it comes to religion the Rainbow was given as a sign as peace that there would be no more storms. When I see the gay pride flag, I know in my heart that I am at peace with myself. I know there might be storms but everybody has storms. So to all those guys on Tyra being gay is a good thing. You can still have a family and career. Never be scared of yourself.
I'm gay and I actually feel like I can relate to all of them in one way or another. Not to that same extent, but I can relate. I love my boyfriend but I was raised Christian (and still am) so it's really hard to get over certain things. I also feel that whole "ew old gay people thing" one of them mentioned, and I don't know why. Also, super flamboyant gays make me nervous. It would be so much easier being straight but I guess that's life!
i can understand how they feel because i used to feel ashamed of myself for having feelings for other women, im like why am i having these feelings when i like men, i tried to ignore them but i couldnt, i guess i just have feelings for man and women and i have to just live with it
I found strength in God in a very difficult period of my life, it helped me a lot. I changed my behavior as an addict with no respect for my body, but I didn't changed who I really am, a proud gay boy. God created me that way, God wanted me to be gay. It's true that the common thought in christian religion is against gays but is true as well that I met several christian people that accepted me for who I am, priests, nuns, and my father.
Sometimes there are deeper issues as to where this confusion came from, and those shouldn't be wrote off as just "no your gay accept it" It really sounds like some of them are struggling to be happy and are really confused, and I'm speaking from a perspective of someone that has been very close to this issue. Some people really don't want to be gay, thats ok and those feelings are valid. Thats why I say non-biased therapy is needed to help them figure out how they are truly going to be happy
That said, it is important to realize that we can't FORCE other people to change... If they're going to change, it needs to start inside the person individually and not from pressure from other people... and it needs to start with people learning that they are valuable because they are who they are and not because of their sexuality in 1 direction or the other... If a person does wish to move away from the lifestyle, their CHOICE should be respected and they should not be pressured back into it-
I think that, unfortunately, the young lady has weight problems. She would rather be unloved by a gay man, than be rejected, or perhaps insulted by a straight guy.
SOME people do choose to go one way or the other... and everyone makes their choices re: what they do with what they've got... and some have potential to go in either direction.
I noticed that as well! I found them both to be an endearing couple of pretty good intelligence overall LOL, so that actually didn’t bother me even though I’m kind of a grammar geek in a lot of ways myself.
Shane and I have a similarity (kind of), in that in our 16th year we were both depressed and didn't do much. Now I'm turning 17, and learning to deal with it. Looking at Shane though, it's just making me real glad I'm farther than him at this point.
I had a really long journey into my acceptance of being and living as a gay man. I literally almost killed myself because I couldn't reconcile my faith and sexual orientation. Then I got in touch with a ministry that deals with homosexuality in the church. It was a support group for those who wished to leave the gay lifestyle. It really was on the cutting edge of ministries and was very different from Exodus International Ministries.
@debrainwasher Sounds to me like English is your only language/ you've never studied Greek or Hebrew (which is handy when learning about the context of the Bible). There is no such thing as a direct translation. There are words in other languages that we don't have in English + words that have different undertones and depth. In situations like these the authors have to make a decision on how best to translate, but it is an interpretation. What version do you read?
I am absolutely with you. It's always hard to explain this to people, but I have to end up just saying "They could be gay, they could be straight, they could be bi, metro-sexual, asian, super skinny, or just are well groomed and long as they are not masculine, I am attracted to them!" -- I'm also pretty sure I'm bi/pan-sexual, and perhaps a demi-asexual, so things really get complicated there. -- I have a hunch Shane is very much similar to me.
At this time, we don't know of an effective way to change your sexual orientation. That doesn't mean that you can't still live a straight "lifestyle" if that's what you want. But even so, you will still be gay (and probably won't be happy). There is a massive distinction among sexual orientation, sexual behavior, and getting married to someone of the opposite sex just for show.
The most shocking thing in this video was when one of the guys said his parents described Pokemon as the devil. This poor boy, he had no childhood. I need a moment.
@ronysib I haven't had that experience. You love who you love. You are attracted to who you are attracted to. If I fall in love with a person, I can't change it. I don't "switch."
That Shane has to buy a clue eventually! He will never truly be happy until he accepts who and what he truly is. So Shane just say YES!! (then WORK, BEAT, FIERCE, DOWN)
hello tyra, i am a very strong christian growing, i even fasting 30 days, and work fulltime in the church for 10 years i think, but to tell you the truth it doesnt change me who i am, i still attracted to me, i pray that God would take me away from my life and He could manifest to me instead, but i think this is the way created me. so it is imposible for any body to change thier life because the creator created you that way.
balancing family and personal life is hard to do no matter who you far as they can remember they loved their families even before they were aware of in light of their families and who they are, loving themselves seems quite optional...........
@Xeditati actually that is a very one dimensional way at looking at it. Both sicknesses and being overweight can be mental as well depending on how you view them. Their are such things as mental diseases and disabilities that cant change just by drinking chicken noodle soup. Also, being fat for many people is tied to their mental state of mind and sometimes a diagnosis for depression. Depression also being mental not physical. being gay involves the physical act of same sex relations.
I appreciate you not being rude and hope I answered your question. ^^ If not, feel free to inbox me as I don't want to keep commenting on this video. XD
You can turn straight if 1. You admit that you're gay 2. You admit that you would rather be straight 3. You decide to do something here and now about it And then there are two choices. You could go to classes (regularly) or a counselor, and let it take awhile. Or if you have the willpower, just go cold-turkey and inform yourself you are now straight and are going to stay that way. If you're a guy you might even welcome the challenge.
@debrainwasher For starters, wow, I'm totally impressed, it's cool that you're a linguist. In saying that, all those languages are European, and quite close to English and each other, unlike Hebrew. All divine religions? wouldn't the rest of the religions see all versions of the bible as wrong anyway? I'm really curious, what versions of the bible do you think are ok?
The mind of a Human being is very complex... sometimes we confuse love with attraction. We can love someone but not attracted to that person, vise versa..
I'm right handed. When I was born it was just so natural for me to just use my right hand to pick things up, write, draw etc. If I was told that using my right hand was a sin and that writing with my left hand was "normal" I dont think I could just do it just like that (snap). Even now, I think I could probably write a word with my left hand after a lot of practice... but, still, it wouldn't feel comfortable or natural to me. Is that sort of the same???
The guy with the long hair is sooo darn cute
as soon as shane said "christian" i was like oh that explains everything
+KJV1611 Only God doesn't exist and it's *illiterate
+Brittany Shane is an atheist.
+KJV1611 Only it also says a woman shouldn't lie wit a woman
God does exist all you have in life is because of God he blessed you with everything you have
Being an atheist may not totally change a lot of the attitudes and values one was brought up with as a christian in their earlier life ..
Is anybody else curious where Shane is now and why isn't this show still around I think my generation could definitely use this show if there not afraid to turn it on in the house.
he actually responded on another comment saying he is gay with a boy friend. he just has a low sex drive.
Oh that's good for him haha thanks
Christian Peebles hes probably cryin in his lonesome home remembering his regrets
He's probably asexual but doesn't realise. Or maybe he just prefers to top
This show been off air years ago
I love how they are talking about Tia's immaturity without giving her any chance of responding xD
I knew a kid who was gay in high school... but all the guys he was with hated it, said he wouldn't toucvh them etc. After high school he was straight. Turns out he was LYING in high school because he thought being gay would get him attention. So the point is... Your sexuality is what it is. If you know somebody who "turned straight/gay" or whatever, they didn't. They've always been one sexuality or another (bi/trans/whatever included). They were either lying before or they're lying now. It doesn't make them bad people; they're probably just afraid. So just bear that in mind and don't give gay people a hard time using your "suddenly straight" friend as an example.
Wow. God bless you man. That is a powerful testimony that NO one can take away from you.
So, this guy who claims that he's gonna "turn straight" when he is 30. If being gay is such a "problem" for you, why are you waiting until you're 30?
"and my dog." LMFAO
I swear that man cracks me up
OMG A lot of people think that being gay is so special or wrong or whatever. NO it's not. For every gay people out there, you are just a PERSON that happens to like same-sex people. It does not define you at all, it's just a characteristic of yourself ( like blue eyes, black skin...). So I think it'll be better if people stopped making a big deal about it and just accepted themselves and the others.
I completely agree, it shouldn’t be a big deal and people shouldn’t care, but it’s hard for some lgbt to accept themselves because of society and people telling us we’re going to hell because of it and a lot of the times these people have religious families and we’re taught from a young age that being gay is wrong, so it’s more a struggle for these people to accept themselves, if society could just learn that being gay is normal just like being straight is, being gay isn’t wrong and it’s the way we were made, then maybe there wouldn’t be as much homophobia and coming out wouldn’t have to be necessary anymore, people can just be themselves and it not be a big deal, but who knows if we will ever see that in our lifetime
love this show
I was brought up the same way shane was. I have come to realise that God loves us the way we are. God doesn't hate. Ignorant people do. Love yourself because God made you how he wanted you.
god apparently doesn't give a shit
of course God doesn't give a shit! do you give shit to people you love?
***** No, that's your opinion. Stop speaking like it's fact.
keyking2 "No" is your opinion too...
Alecia Fluffy Basically... none of us in this comment section knows for fact?
Don't even worry about it. Knowledge is power and I'm glad that someone took the time to answer and reply to my question :3 Thank you very much for the information.
I wonder where Greg is now..he seems like such a lovely person and I only wish the best for him 😊😇
I liked him he cute :3
Her hand when up and back to her hair is a response of her body to what she say and the way she say she is like I know but I just love it, that's a give away
Lmao "Pokemon is the devil"
i love shane, he is the best one cause he is funny as hell. marc seems to the be the most chill of all of them.
Tyra, just let shane be. Don't tell him he'll be miserable, you know? Let him be, it's his life.
Tyra banks is so beautiful
Why does Christianity not accept "what is"? Aren't we all "God's children"? Why would God label some of us "sinners", judge and criticize us? He made us. Why did he make us so that we "sin"? Why didn't he make us the way he wanted us to be? It doesn't make sense to me. That we have a "punitive God" doesn't make sense to me - watching us to see if we need to be punished. That just seems ridiculous.
Let's just treat people the way we would want to be treated: with respect, acceptance, kindness, caring and compassion.
That God has conditional love just doesn't make sense to me. If God "is" love, he would love everyone and everything unconditionally. He made us all the way we are, after all.
+Diana D God IS ridiculous. That's part of the problem. Other than that, you're quite right.
+Diana D What is ridiculous is believing there is a god
thats why going to church and listening to a great pastor takes care of your comment.then you'd know.
Diana D Yes girl!!
Ms.Toni PHILLIPS I think education needs to come from varied places and people. I urge you to choose love and respect regardless of your religious beliefs, God teaches us to love each other and be kind or if nothing else respectful to our neighbours. There isn't a disclaimer at the back of the Bible that says "love thy neighbour except if they're gay, trans etc...". If you can not be loving please be educated and respectful
I hope they all find what they need and end up happy.
Pokemon was the devil? Wow... That's not Christian. That's just weird.
Shane is so cute! I swear, everything he says is adorable!!
Romans 10:9-10 (KJV)
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
That includes gays. Maybe instead of trying to cure yourself you should turn your heart towards God so that he can present you with an opportunity to save you. I believe that Christ can save anyone, because He can do all things. You see maybe you can't stop being gay but you can choose salvation. Of course if you are not interested in salvation and you just want to live the gay lifestyle to the end, then that's your choice. I must say that as a Christian I feel a lot of sympathy for the individuals in this show.
Acts 16:30-31 (KJV)
And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?
And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.
Although the Bible condemns homosexuality as a sin, it does not say that gays can’t be saved. We are all sinners, so if you're gay I suggest that you establish a relationship with Jesus Christ.
+MegaSpiritualWarrior Where exactly?
What do you mean?
First of all, the bible says that all forms of sexual immorality is sin, whether it be heterosexual or homosexual. These are the verses concerning the later…Leviticus 20:13, Hebrews 13:4, Romans 1:26-28, 1 Corinthians 6:9
There are many homosexuals who believe in God and there are also some that don't practice Gay sex yet they are gay and believe in God so... where you going with all of this?
So if a gay person "turns to Jesus" they'll stop being gay?
"You're out of the closet but you still haven't shut the door behind you yet." I LOVE THAT! Good one, Tyra!
I am gay, and I love being gay. I am the most happy I have ever been in my life. I am closer to Friends, Family and God and I keep on going through a journey. I would never change a thing about me. When it comes to religion the Rainbow was given as a sign as peace that there would be no more storms. When I see the gay pride flag, I know in my heart that I am at peace with myself. I know there might be storms but everybody has storms. So to all those guys on Tyra being gay is a good thing. You can still have a family and career. Never be scared of yourself.
Shane is such a cutie! This was an interesting episode.
.............and the dog! hahaha LOVE IT!!! They can always try. :-)
You are the one preaching, darling.
hahah thats so funny!! I am laughing so hard right now!
the idea that someone can change from gay to straight is absolutely ludacris
Nobody deserves to be so unhappy with themselves. These are beautiful men with whole lives ahead of them... They should own who they are and WORK IT!
Drink every time tyra blinks!
I freakin love Shane's personality, its great ^_^ he says the darnest things lol
Be yourself and accept it! Love yourself!
Tyra, is sooo hoooot !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tyra to the end ♥
When Elian was talking to the guys Shane was checking him and his wife both out lmao XD
I'm gay and I actually feel like I can relate to all of them in one way or another. Not to that same extent, but I can relate. I love my boyfriend but I was raised Christian (and still am) so it's really hard to get over certain things. I also feel that whole "ew old gay people thing" one of them mentioned, and I don't know why. Also, super flamboyant gays make me nervous. It would be so much easier being straight but I guess that's life!
You can't be a genuine spirit filled Christian and be gay. It is not biblical.
i can understand how they feel because i used to feel ashamed of myself for having feelings for other women, im like why am i having these feelings when i like men, i tried to ignore them but i couldnt, i guess i just have feelings for man and women and i have to just live with it
hahaha "and my dog" xD i like shane :)
be proud of yourselves, love yourself!
In this society impossible
I found strength in God in a very difficult period of my life, it helped me a lot. I changed my behavior as an addict with no respect for my body, but I didn't changed who I really am, a proud gay boy. God created me that way, God wanted me to be gay. It's true that the common thought in christian religion is against gays but is true as well that I met several christian people that accepted me for who I am, priests, nuns, and my father.
Sometimes there are deeper issues as to where this confusion came from, and those shouldn't be wrote off as just "no your gay accept it"
It really sounds like some of them are struggling to be happy and are really confused, and I'm speaking from a perspective of someone that has been very close to this issue. Some people really don't want to be gay, thats ok and those feelings are valid. Thats why I say non-biased therapy is needed to help them figure out how they are truly going to be happy
That said, it is important to realize that we can't FORCE other people to change... If they're going to change, it needs to start inside the person individually and not from pressure from other people... and it needs to start with people learning that they are valuable because they are who they are and not because of their sexuality in 1 direction or the other... If a person does wish to move away from the lifestyle, their CHOICE should be respected and they should not be pressured back into it-
Tia is beautifull!
I think that, unfortunately, the young lady has weight problems. She would rather be unloved by a gay man, than be rejected, or perhaps insulted by a straight guy.
SOME people do choose to go one way or the other... and everyone makes their choices re: what they do with what they've got... and some have potential to go in either direction.
awww shane is cute!
Pokemon and Gays were the devil in my house! :O AHahahaha
i love how the guy with the long hair says "furfill." XD
I noticed that as well! I found them both to be an endearing couple of pretty good intelligence overall LOL, so that actually didn’t bother me even though I’m kind of a grammar geek in a lot of ways myself.
Where is part 6?
good one lol! I'm so tired of them always trying to correct grammar on the person they are attacking to feel smart and correct
I like how we tell kids you can be anything you want, but then say you cant be gay
Illian and his wife are pretty much the most mature people i've ever seen on tv.
Shane and I have a similarity (kind of), in that in our 16th year we were both depressed and didn't do much. Now I'm turning 17, and learning to deal with it. Looking at Shane though, it's just making me real glad I'm farther than him at this point.
I love Shane's personality, he's so funny...I hope he figures himself out
lol xD
"he has that relationship with a women and he still gets that... man thang you know??"
I had a really long journey into my acceptance of being and living as a gay man. I literally almost killed myself because I couldn't reconcile my faith and sexual orientation. Then I got in touch with a ministry that deals with homosexuality in the church. It was a support group for those who wished to leave the gay lifestyle. It really was on the cutting edge of ministries and was very different from Exodus International Ministries.
i from oreogn silverton and iam happy and HAPPY! SMILE
like my girl Tyra says: what they need is an "i love myself and i'm gay seminar"....they're crazy.
Hahahaha "And my dog."
omg this is so missed up !!
LOL Shane is hilarious
@debrainwasher Sounds to me like English is your only language/ you've never studied Greek or Hebrew (which is handy when learning about the context of the Bible). There is no such thing as a direct translation. There are words in other languages that we don't have in English + words that have different undertones and depth. In situations like these the authors have to make a decision on how best to translate, but it is an interpretation. What version do you read?
AMEN! So true!!
I am absolutely with you. It's always hard to explain this to people, but I have to end up just saying "They could be gay, they could be straight, they could be bi, metro-sexual, asian, super skinny, or just are well groomed and long as they are not masculine, I am attracted to them!" -- I'm also pretty sure I'm bi/pan-sexual, and perhaps a demi-asexual, so things really get complicated there. -- I have a hunch Shane is very much similar to me.
At this time, we don't know of an effective way to change your sexual orientation. That doesn't mean that you can't still live a straight "lifestyle" if that's what you want. But even so, you will still be gay (and probably won't be happy). There is a massive distinction among sexual orientation, sexual behavior, and getting married to someone of the opposite sex just for show.
"You're gonna be miserable man.." HOW DOES SHE KNOW ??? Who is she to say that a person is going to be happy straight or gay ?
The most shocking thing in this video was when one of the guys said his parents described Pokemon as the devil.
This poor boy, he had no childhood.
I need a moment.
@ronysib I haven't had that experience. You love who you love. You are attracted to who you are attracted to. If I fall in love with a person, I can't change it. I don't "switch."
totally true about pokemon!! they said something about the desire of witch craft or something, but i didnt care, i still secretly watched lol
I love gay guys! I loved this whole episode all 4 were HOTT!
omg i love you
I had a friend who was hard core gay now he is straighter than a needle,
greg is the cutest one lol
I'd love to see an update with these guys lol I wonder if those two still married...
I sent you a message XD thank you for your response to my comment, made me happy :)
That Shane has to buy a clue eventually! He will never truly be happy until he accepts who and what he truly is. So Shane just say YES!! (then WORK, BEAT, FIERCE, DOWN)
omg mark is so cute
Very true.
lol totally remember the pokemon thing!
does anyone know if there is an update on these people? i'd love to know where they are now and if they decided to change their lives or not.
I have some friends who stopped being gay because they forgave those who abused them as child. They are also Christians now
I know some people who stopped being christian because the left stupidity and educated themselves.
i love what you said and agree with your perspective!
Thank you so much
hello tyra, i am a very strong christian growing, i even fasting 30 days, and work fulltime in the church for 10 years i think, but to tell you the truth it doesnt change me who i am, i still attracted to me, i pray that God would take me away from my life and He could manifest to me instead, but i think this is the way created me. so it is imposible for any body to change thier life because the creator created you that way.
sometimes people are content living by their own mistakes, and they wouldn't be satisfied with what others would call an idyllic life.
@CJCA915 dont get me wrong. i definitely didnt choose this either. their very well may be different ways it occurs.
balancing family and personal life is hard to do no matter who you far as they can remember they loved their families even before they were aware of in light of their families and who they are, loving themselves seems quite optional...........
yes he does
@Xeditati actually that is a very one dimensional way at looking at it. Both sicknesses and being overweight can be mental as well depending on how you view them. Their are such things as mental diseases and disabilities that cant change just by drinking chicken noodle soup. Also, being fat for many people is tied to their mental state of mind and sometimes a diagnosis for depression. Depression also being mental not physical. being gay involves the physical act of same sex relations.
I appreciate you not being rude and hope I answered your question. ^^ If not, feel free to inbox me as I don't want to keep commenting on this video. XD
You can turn straight if
1. You admit that you're gay
2. You admit that you would rather be straight
3. You decide to do something here and now about it
And then there are two choices. You could go to classes (regularly) or a counselor, and let it take awhile. Or if you have the willpower, just go cold-turkey and inform yourself you are now straight and are going to stay that way. If you're a guy you might even welcome the challenge.
"Pokemon is the devil"
shane doesn't seem feminine just confused about his sexuality, i think the right girl built whatever way he likes and there is hope for the man!
@debrainwasher For starters, wow, I'm totally impressed, it's cool that you're a linguist. In saying that, all those languages are European, and quite close to English and each other, unlike Hebrew. All divine religions? wouldn't the rest of the religions see all versions of the bible as wrong anyway? I'm really curious, what versions of the bible do you think are ok?
The mind of a Human being is very complex... sometimes we confuse love with attraction. We can love someone but not attracted to that person, vise versa..
I'm right handed. When I was born it was just so natural for me to just use my right hand to pick things up, write, draw etc. If I was told that using my right hand was a sin and that writing with my left hand was "normal" I dont think I could just do it just like that (snap). Even now, I think I could probably write a word with my left hand after a lot of practice... but, still, it wouldn't feel comfortable or natural to me. Is that sort of the same???