Hillary Castro Soto yes and no. If the differences are not too dramatic then it should be fine. The flyer supports there own weight, believe it or not, but if a person is way too then no. Women can lift a lot as bases, just not for long periods if the legs muscles are weak. If the base happens to be an extreme difference, it helps if the hips are aligned and pressure is countered even if at an angle. If the flyer is firm and chest is up then usually that helps.
I’m a master already thank you for posting
Great vid!!!!!!!!!!!!💋🥰😍😘
Thank you for sharing this! Beautifull! :)
I can't wait to try this. That was very good
I've mastered these skills. I'm ready for the next level. Do you have anything new that I could work on?
Excellent Pratibha. I am doing practice in Brasíl to get good command over acro yoga
Can someone please tell me the background music ?
Really nice video! Passion for Acro Yoga needs to be spread. 😍
Great tutorial!
Omfg yasssss need a boyf to do this with
Amelia Short same hun
Thanks! Great tutorial :) We will ill be coming back to this a few times
I’m a master thank you for posting🙂
Very helpful.
Fly like a bud!
The difference in weight and height is important in the acroyoga?
Hillary Castro Soto yes and no. If the differences are not too dramatic then it should be fine. The flyer supports there own weight, believe it or not, but if a person is way too then no. Women can lift a lot as bases, just not for long periods if the legs muscles are weak. If the base happens to be an extreme difference, it helps if the hips are aligned and pressure is countered even if at an angle. If the flyer is firm and chest is up then usually that helps.
Thank you for posting super helpful!
I used Unflexal handbooks for that.
it is really hard for people with different weight
my partner is stronger then me . If he lay down in base , he couldn't stretch leg very well . does there any motifi pose to do?
I have this problem too.. he can put a folded blanket under his butt to lift his talebone.. This helps to get the legs into the 90° angle
Need to Stretch more oneself to get flexible ...
Me and my sister tryied this now in emergency room
awesome !
the person I decided to try this with is USELESS. do you have a video on picking a better yoga partner? mind you, THIS WAS HER IDEA.
I completely agree with you. She tells me she wants to do these things and then we actually try and she acts like a limp noodle!
I could be ur partner! Where u live? Lol
Yari Sanchez rt
Thank u
no entender idioma
easy Arco yoga
sam the cooking guy
What if my partner is fat? Lol
Then don’t do it Lmfaooo eat salad
I don’t know you woman
Jessica Jones you're boring
Ur boring
what do you expect it to be fun ur relaxing duh 😒😑
easy Arco yoga