Yeah I mean the Gauss Rifle , 10 mm and the Lever Action (if you use mods to fix the bug) are really good but there’s the Assault Rifle, Pipe guns, and the laziest of all the combat shotgun/rifle they are everywhere, they’re basically indistinguishable from each other, and both are terrible one is a cartoonish version of the Combat Shotgun from F3 which had better proportions and the other is literally the same goddam thing but with a different ammo type and no drum mag. The assault rifle is bad, but at least it had the redeemable trait of not being a knock off of a better version from the same series (or knock off of an knock off if your the combat rifle). Like jeeze all it take for the AR is 3 mods (Remesh, reanimated, and rename to MG/change to .50 cal) and its fine but it just better to remove the Combat Twins entirely for better guns like the R-91 (this thing is even in diamond City as a picture for Atrio weapons store) and Classic Combat shotgun.
Lmao, I love how in Fallout you can carry about 50 cannonballs, missiles and MIRV rounds all at once; but if you pick up just one piece of paper too many, you're overencumbered.
I mean, it's kinda hard to organize which has unique reloads and which doesn't. For example, some of the special version of weapons are either unique or just has extra attachments.
@@2stroke438 that is interesting, you'd think that a vague motion behind the gun would be easier, as they wouldn't need all the extra detail when we dont see it, then again I'm not an animator so theres probably something I'm missing
@@redneckcanuck640 I agree, at this point just include it in the season pass or something if they still want money. Fallout 4 already felt like it had a lack of content around weapons, if you get everything from the creation club it feels a lot more full
I find the combat rifles and combat shotguns reload to be pretty stiff, but for some reasons I like the cryolators and plasma guns reload to be pretty satisfying
I was gonna say, most of the rifle animations look as if the magazine is never changed. It just looks like they yank the mag out, swing it, then bring the exact same mag into the gun.
I love how that’s more akin to a testing map for animations or testing if mechanics work in game development. Hopefully I can mess around in one once I can hopefully get a job I the field.
i hate how some of the creation club weapons have no reload animation. i understand why modders can't do it alone, but bethesda's own devs should have made new ones instead of selling unfinished work
@@FrankWest2006 is that all it takes for you? Are you really going to give them 5 bucks for a half assed gun that's worse than most the vanilla weapons? The only reason you buy the gun is for lore reasons and nostalgia basically and you crank to reload a fucking kinetic rifle. It's a shit design and gun and we have to pay. The sole reason I have it is because it was during the free giveaway month
The inconsistency in these reloads is legendary; the minigun, in third person, only slightly removes the drum and reinserts it as if nothing happened, the assault rifle simply inserts the magazine, not bothering to move the hammer, energy rifles only insert a fusion cell as a single magazine, but each shot counts as a single cell, perhaps they tried to replicate the laser cannon system, but out of laziness or lack of time, they left it like that, and the same happens with the gamma weapon, it loads 3 radioactive cells, but the ammunition is counted as multiple individual cells.
The 44 reload animation will always be hilarious to me. The lone survivor somehow grabs six revolver bullets and perfectly loads them all at once without a speed loader... you have any idea how impossible that is?! And in the middle of a fire fight?! 🤣🤣
@@kubaGR8 I honestly don't understand the problems people have with guns taking up screen space. I've played games for over 10 years and love first person shooters, and in the case of some third person shooters like Dead Space, your character takes up a significant portion of the side of the screen. And yet, I've had zero issue with anything ever blocking something important and needing to be seen. It's just not even remotely as big of a deal as everyone makes it out to be. I hate it when my weapons can barely or not at all be seen (minimized viewmodels or disabled viewmodels). I subconsciously use the weapon model when aiming my shots. If it's too small or can't be seen, my aiming is considerably worse when relying purely on my crosshair. The only time a weapon's viewmodels have ever genuinely bothered me is Scout's scattergun in TF2. He holds it awfully.
@@CharizardMaster69 considering battlefield 1 was probably 60 dollars at launch the same as this game id say, at the very least the animations couldve not be reused by 40 times
People always complain about how unrealistic pipe weapons would be and how they'd explode- I wonder how those grips could ever be comfortable with how thick they are
The one from the creation club is terrible its damage is terrible since you can't mod it in a weapons workbench and the blast from the plasma balls from it kills you when you're caught in the blast radius.
@@RUSTYCHEVYTRUCK oh I seen the mod but I ain't buying the one from the creation club and besides i already got my other ones including the mod for the blowback rifle and the courser bio rifle.
Idk why the double barrel shotgun is weaker in all states than combat shotgun , because of that i throw it once i got the combat shotgun unless if it has endless ammo legendary
double barrel shotgun endless ammo legendary is broken becase the fire rate dont have limit and you can spam super fast the shoots. Practically is like a machine gun with a high damage but a explosive combat shotgun is stronger in diferent situation like utside but in close olaces i use endless double barrel shotgun because is really fun. fire rate is better than automatic combat shotgun so depend your strategy.
For the same reason pipe guns are weaker than their proper pre-war counterparts. It's a low-level weapon you find in the very beginning. It's also not weaker in damage when you first find combat shotgun as receiver upgrade requirements are lower (you can craft a better receiver with more damage with a weaker gun nut perk).
@@danat4914 Receivers affecting damage is a pretty stupid game mechanic. They should affect accuracy, fire rate, and potentially reload speed. If there were a weapon condition game mechanic, receivers should also affect weapon durability. Damage boosts should come from the barrel, specifically its length. IE, a 8 inch barrel should do more damage than a 4 inch barrel. It’s pretty clear the Fallout devs, especially by the time of Fallout 4, had virtually no experience with guns or understanding how they work.
@@QualityPen you simply don't understand how progression, game mechanics and realism work. Fallout never tried to be realistic, both isometric and 3D ones. When I upgrade my weapons, I expect them to deal better damage, accuracy and such. Make the weapon customization needlessly realistic and the customization itself becomes unnecessary as my weapons already do deal max damage.
This video is a great reference when brainstorming ideas for weapon concepts, so I can try to come up with ideas to play on these animations for new kinds of weapons. Who knows, maybe I'll eventually finish a project that actually turns out well.
I know some games do it, like Far Cry 2, because "people like seeing the action" apparently. But that was 2008..? I think. FO4 came out in 2015 I think, way after that dumbass trend.
Meanwhile, free mod makers pumping out mods with nut-busting animation and sound design. It’s as if money took away the effort, which is honestly kinda weird lol.
Also, as someone who is starting to try and make mods for FO4, another fun thing with the combat rifle anim is the cover for the ejection port (or maybe its just part of the bolt showing in the ejection port?) does not open all the way, only halfway... Of course, you'd never really notice it as it's one of the rare weapons with right-handed ejection, but it's there and happens. The charging handle pull is too short, and the ejection port cover is just part of what's classified as the bolt in the model. Oh, it also has modelled .308 rounds in the mag despite being chambered in .45 and only have 1 rechamber option in .308 It's like it was made to be a .308 battle rifle and someone went at last minute and changed it to .45
Should've shown the 3rd person reload for the mini gun. The player character just takes the mag (whatever tf you call it on a minigun) out and slams it right back in.
You should know that just loading the magazine and hitting the bash key cancels the full reload animation and will still fire. It cuts half a second of cocking the bolt much easier. Just keep an eye on your ammo count, when 0 goes to full immediately, hit f. It also helps with melee berserker units like raiders or super mutants.
I think Bethesda has a good selection. Plus you can turn weapons into other kinds of weapons with the modding system so instead of having a 10mm pistol and a 10mm smg you can just make the pistol full auto
Something i realised about the errors in this desings is that the bolt action thingy are in the right side instead of the left, which makes the animation turn out weird, same thing happens with the crank in the Prototype Gauss Rifle and the Laser Musket, the crack should be in the left side of the gun and while you crack it you should be holding it with your left hand from the body and not from the stock
I’ve always been curious and a bit confused by this-I think I know what I’m talking about but correct if I’m wrong: When FPS game animators and modelers make firearms for their game that are modeled with lefties in mind (like having a bolt-action rifle like a Kar98K have the bolt be on the left hand side rather than the right side-same thing with AK) do they do that because the modelers and animators are left handed or is there another reason?
its mostly to have more stuff happening on screen if they were actually right handed weapons, you wouldnt see much of the animation (but thats more an issue with being not very creative, tilting the weapon to pull bag the bolt is a valid option to show the action)
3:36 You can see the thumb raise for a split second since the sequence where you pull the hammer back on the generic revolver reload animation was gonna start.
The only thing i like from Fallout4 is combat motions. Enemies can hide and shoot while 3 and nv was just charging and shooting. Pistol aiming motion is changed from one handed grip to two handed grip, which is more tactical and accurate.
@@peppermillers8361 The guns are left-handed but the player character is holding them right-handed. I should probably edit my comment to make that more clear.
not really seen but a flaw within gameplay with the Anti-Material/Hunting Rifle animations is that the Sole Survivor will always eject a casing when reloading, even from empty. This is a problem because they drive the bolt back after every shot, even the last one
honestly i quite enjoy the reloads on a lot of these weapons. something about them just feels right to me with the pace and smoothness. i think what bothers me the most is the weird designs some of the weapons have that affects the reloads. the left-handed weapons are one thing, but weapons like the combat rifle/shotgun, assault rifle and some pipe weapons look really bad to me and just kinda bog them down.
@@tblcyek that's fair! maybe smooth isn't the right word. they have this sorta flow to them that i find very interesting for some reason. it's not smooth like how someone would actually handle a weapon, but more so how the animation goes from one state to another. it's not bouncy or twitchy like how someone actually might reload, but quick, almost the most efficient way to reload outside of human senses. robotic is probably the right word, but i feel that has a negative connotation. they definitely could be better, and i would like them to be too. it just has some sort of alien charm that tickles that weird part in my brain.
there's a problem with many of the animations that don't make sense: -.44 revolver/pipe revolver: Character always reloads 6 shots even if one bullet is fired, and it looks like a speed loader may be employed, there's no model -Break action shotguns: character reloads 2(3 for CC shotgun) even if only one shot is fired -pipe bolt action: there's not visible internal magazine system -normal pipe guns: magazine is placed too far from the receiver to actually work -lever action rifle: always reloads 5 shots even if one bullet is fired -Submachine gun: a tommy gun is an open bolt gun so why the bolt is closed is unknown. -Flamer: the character just replaces the small tank but not the giant tank on the bottom -minigun: character just takes out the drum and pulls another one out of nowhere. they don't even move the ammo belt into place then shake the gun -Broadsider: only loads cannon balls but not powder or any kind of propellent. the way a cannon works is that a propellent like gunpowder is used to launch the ball, but there seems to be none, also the multi-shot makes no sense as the cannon would either fire all the balls out at once or explode in your face -Laser musket. if the thing takes fusion cells, why is the crank even there? it looks like the crank connects to a mechanical generator to generate energy that would be used to fire, and there's also no place for the cell to go
Interestingly when firing the double barreled shotgun in 3rd person, the reload animation is completely different. Instead of reloading both rounds simultaniously, the rounds are reloaded individually. But the issue of reloading both rounds even if one round is fired still exsists. The reload issue with the Lever Action Rifle is a bug that was never fixed. The same bug was present in Fallout 76, but was addressed in a patch fix. The Speed loader model for the revolvers was probably left out because of past issues. In Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas the speed loader was supposed to dissapear after reloading. But often times, it wouldn't and would clip through the gun model.
@@GBRyker61 well the double barrel and revolver thing is bethesda just being lazy and come on? Its fallout 76. At this point bethesda should just give the fallout IP to the fans, cause a single person on his computer can make a better weapon with prettier animations than a whole company Also if bethesda just used a new engine instead of using the same engine from 20 years ago, then the bugs wouldn’t be a problem
@@chewee4ever811 after the dumpsterfire that was Fallout: The Frontier, do you honestly think I'd trust the fans with the Fallout IP? Hell to the fracking NO! Bethesda stoped using GameBryo after Fallout 3. They built the Creation Engine and that's what they've been using. Now their on to the newer iteration of CE with Creation Engine 2 for StarField. Their not going to use anyone else's engine. Creation Engine does EXACTLY what they need it to do.
Ain’t nothing cursed about it. Left handed is just a stylistic choice and riding the bolt forward isn’t the proper thing to do but it’s a game and I doubt anyone is taking firearm lessons from a Fallout game
@@freedoomer2524Left handed rifles are infuriating even to someone who isn't a gun fanatic. It makes zero sense and looks completely ridiculous. Bethesda also made the reload on them take up a ton of the screen.
1:57 the sub machine gun is I believe modeled after Thompson submachinegun and the Thompson submachine gun is an open bolt SMG meaning you would not close the bolt
Fallout 4 Gatling laser is a weapon that you can only get once you progress either Nuka World to the max to get Amoral Combat quest and get Aeternus legendary GL, or meet the Brotherhood of Steal with Adolf Maxson, only then you can get it by buying it from Teagan at high levels or killing BoS members - there is no scripted Gatling Lasers locations, no trader selling them or no enemy dropping them before that in the Commonwealth and beyond. But even then it is a piece of shit when compared to L30 (Fallout 1, 2, Tactics) or UB-F (F3, FNV) Gatling lasers: low damage if not using Rapid legendary with charging barrels or wounding legendary (even then it is a bleed damage, not GL's damage), awful Fusion core mechanics (don't even think about reloading it mid fight: you will soon find your inventory flooded with half-empty cores) and the fact that it uses the cores themselves. I miss my H&K L30(((
At the Nuka arcade prize machine. It's the last prize, tier 5. And for the tesla cannon, it's sitting on a crate at some point of the map, don't remember precizely
I like that the creation club guns are included in this. But it still annoys me that they reused a lot of vanilla animations for them witch is lazy af. Modded guns are where it’s at in this game because they almost always have custom animations and are free
I’ve always found this to be kinda stupid. The ejector isn’t located where your head is at (for the most part, bull pups are weird) so it’s really not that much of a problem
Watching this reminds me that half the guns in this game have such terrible reload animations. The combat rifle, combat shotgun, maxwell rifles, submachine gun, radium rifles and probably others I can't think of right now all have the EXACT same animation. Almost all weapon mods have kick ass animations like the Service Rifle for example has a multitude of custom and immersive animations.
Yeah, so don't forget combat rifles also pipes weapons can turn almost everything else to outclassed them lol My guess They was butchered as >Lewis Gun >MAS AA-52 >M249 FMI : I'm so glad to myself to not follow trend gun showcase community because its "Completely Trash" besides next to Racing Games both retro and modern and yes I'm not trusting those ppl comments whatever they are saying truth or not its just because slave and people pleaser same things Racing games community as usual even declines by mute or anything else won't make senses...
@@snygaming99 for nowsdays Racing Games (according to NFS) Community Its Pure Garbage when it negatively options and Misleading Information (Same thing NFS pegega community happen what you did in the past) But this weapons or gun community is Completely Trash when any positive or negative things They are everywhere for now so be on it. Try to be careful on this when you trying do something different.
The revolver actually uses what appears to be a speed loader just without a way to remove it from the cylinder so I guess that at the way the gun is designed in-game the speed loader is supposed to be integrated into the revolver which would explain why the bullets are pushed out as if they're all attached to something and don't go in random directions that they would in real life which is definitely an interesting choice on the animators part whoever it's not flawless as in real life the injection rod would just go straight through the hole in the middle all those are some little metal decoration parts The edge so maybe I'm wrong
It uses a full moon clip is is basically a little sheet of metal that hold on to all the rounds, it’s like a speed loader but without having to push anything but the clip in. There’s also half moon clips which are the same thing but designed to hold only 3 rounds instead of all 6, helps save some space
I was always so disheartened that there seems to be zero emphasis put into the reloads. As far as I can tell, theres less than 4 reload animations where your character moves their right hand. It just "left hand removes mag, left hand inserts mag, left hand stiffly pulls back bolt". You might say that "they wanted to keep it more tactical looking, since you wouldnt want to take your firing hand off the trigger", but the way the PC swings the muzzle around while reloading throws that idea out the window.
@LOAN NGUYEN i hate how Bethesda relies heavily on the modding community. Like good luck trying to find someone who is still willing to replay Skyrim without mods on or fallout.
After reading these comments it confirmed my belief that many people hate on this game just because they think they are being so cool and edgy by hating Fallout 4, the game is a bit bland story wise but the gameplay, gunplay and replayability is far better then either Fallout 3 or Fallout New Vegas
this...wait this is a thing in 2023? the reload animations from a 2015 game thats been done multiple times before...we have officially run out of ideas on youtube
It’s wild how drastic the quality varies between the weapons, you can tell some are complete rush jobs and some are made with passion.
Many of these weapons are creation club add ons which are essentially mods
Like 1:13
Yeah I mean the Gauss Rifle , 10 mm and the Lever Action (if you use mods to fix the bug) are really good but there’s the Assault Rifle, Pipe guns, and the laziest of all the combat shotgun/rifle they are everywhere, they’re basically indistinguishable from each other, and both are terrible one is a cartoonish version of the Combat Shotgun from F3 which had better proportions and the other is literally the same goddam thing but with a different ammo type and no drum mag. The assault rifle is bad, but at least it had the redeemable trait of not being a knock off of a better version from the same series (or knock off of an knock off if your the combat rifle). Like jeeze all it take for the AR is 3 mods (Remesh, reanimated, and rename to MG/change to .50 cal) and its fine but it just better to remove the Combat Twins entirely for better guns like the R-91 (this thing is even in diamond City as a picture for Atrio weapons store) and Classic Combat shotgun.
difference between brand new design for fallout4 and old school remastered model of fallout3
They're all animated like complete shit lol.
Lmao, I love how in Fallout you can carry about 50 cannonballs, missiles and MIRV rounds all at once; but if you pick up just one piece of paper too many, you're overencumbered.
Survival mode solves this problem
*chuckles in Fallout 1 and 2 core mechanics*
Survival mode and *gasp* FO76 moment
And boy are we ever thankful for it.
“Damn bro I picked up this basket and now I weigh 6,000 pounds let me eat this basket now to fix the problem”.
you missed a few for the rocket launcher, when all the barrels have diffrent reload animations because the rocket capacity increases
I mean, it's kinda hard to organize which has unique reloads and which doesn't. For example, some of the special version of weapons are either unique or just has extra attachments.
Also missed the weaponized Nuka Cola Mod reloads for the Thirst Zapper
When I sat down on the toilet earlier. My balls touched the water. ☹️
@@imweird.6147 skill issue, cope.
@@residentflamingo115 What? No the water was just too high.
The thirst zapper actually does have a reload animation, you just have to fire it 1000 times.
I mean, if you fire it once it still does the animation.
@@LilMcMoffett hello jacket from hotline miami
@@goose1114 Hello, Goose.
@@LilMcMoffett do you like honking other geese?
@@goose1114 No, I do not.
2:39 I love how the Minigun reload is just upward pointing and clanking sounds lmao
We have to girl who was in my your own home you face.
You can se the animation in 3 camera
@@ROLITO-G-243 We have to girl who was in my your own home you face.
@@ROLITO-G-243 Do you autism?
@@imweird.6147 Ask Joe.
Without the music, and if you ignore the awkward animations I'm actually impressed with the sound effects more then anything
yeah, they're pretty decent. The laser and plasma ones are the standouts for me.
@@peppermillers8361i love the cryolators sound effects
Why the hell all the rifles are left handed, while the character uses on the right?
I guess they show the action instead of realism. Irl left handed guns are rare
The devs thought it would look cool
Easier to animate
@@lieutenantbruh358 that’s actually the reason
@@2stroke438 that is interesting, you'd think that a vague motion behind the gun would be easier, as they wouldn't need all the extra detail when we dont see it, then again I'm not an animator so theres probably something I'm missing
Woah, I don’t recall about 30-40% of those weapons at all, and I’ve played Fallout 4 for long enough that I’ve maxed out all my strengths.
he also did all the weapons from the creation club so that's why you may not recall all of them
Сюда включено всё оружие из dlc, и возможно у тебя их не было
Yeah some of these aren't in the base game, creation club stuff they should give away lol
@@redneckcanuck640 лол
@@redneckcanuck640 I agree, at this point just include it in the season pass or something if they still want money. Fallout 4 already felt like it had a lack of content around weapons, if you get everything from the creation club it feels a lot more full
I find the combat rifles and combat shotguns reload to be pretty stiff, but for some reasons I like the cryolators and plasma guns reload to be pretty satisfying
I was gonna say, most of the rifle animations look as if the magazine is never changed. It just looks like they yank the mag out, swing it, then bring the exact same mag into the gun.
I really like the Laser rifle reload, but the Plasma Rifle reload ain't too shabby.
0:58 *sees AM with a left handed bolt*
Look how they massacred my boy
At least they didn't nerf the monster truck damage.
@@aegis6485oh they did. they very much did.
I love how that’s more akin to a testing map for animations or testing if mechanics work in game development. Hopefully I can mess around in one once I can hopefully get a job I the field.
It’s probably console commands and/or a mod.
@@fellsoull Most Bethesda games have regions like that if you go pretty far out of bounds.
i hate how some of the creation club weapons have no reload animation. i understand why modders can't do it alone, but bethesda's own devs should have made new ones instead of selling unfinished work
I really hate what they did to the prototype gause rifle
Why you mad about a small thing like that?
@Gunn3rdaPHNX but it still shoots tho
@@FrankWest2006 is that all it takes for you? Are you really going to give them 5 bucks for a half assed gun that's worse than most the vanilla weapons? The only reason you buy the gun is for lore reasons and nostalgia basically and you crank to reload a fucking kinetic rifle. It's a shit design and gun and we have to pay. The sole reason I have it is because it was during the free giveaway month
Even modder does it better, the M4, the M9 or the MG42 mod have pretty good animation, better than base game even
I love how so many guns are just a similar animation to Combat Rifle
They were very lazy when making this 😂, but thats just bethesda
Alot of them are from the creation club
1:42 Never noticed the radium rifle’s barrel pulls back as well when reloading damn
Oh... Oh god
yes, its supposed to.
That's how the original gun works irl. It's an odd ww2 German design. It's thr volkssturmgewehr
Ye the barrel reciprocatesвидео.html
The inconsistency in these reloads is legendary; the minigun, in third person, only slightly removes the drum and reinserts it as if nothing happened, the assault rifle simply inserts the magazine, not bothering to move the hammer, energy rifles only insert a fusion cell as a single magazine, but each shot counts as a single cell, perhaps they tried to replicate the laser cannon system, but out of laziness or lack of time, they left it like that, and the same happens with the gamma weapon, it loads 3 radioactive cells, but the ammunition is counted as multiple individual cells.
i like how the sole survivor has to physically YANK the magazine out of pipe weapons because there probably isnt a magazine release
The 44 reload animation will always be hilarious to me. The lone survivor somehow grabs six revolver bullets and perfectly loads them all at once without a speed loader... you have any idea how impossible that is?! And in the middle of a fire fight?! 🤣🤣
Anything can be done with at least 7 AGILITY
the rounds are attached to a moon clip, that's how they are all loaded together
He does use a speed loader of sorts. He uses a moon clip which holds all 6 rounds
two words: MOON CLIPS
It is mandatory for every fallout character to play half-life 2 to learn how to reload revolvers.
At least the camera movement doesn't make you dizzy like in FO3...
It’s ridiculous how much of the screen some of these guns take up. You can’t see what’s going on.
Found the TF2 player that hates seeing weapons on screen just in general
@@ZoofyZoof Try a Metro/STALKER player who likes to see what's on their right lol
@@kubaGR8 I honestly don't understand the problems people have with guns taking up screen space. I've played games for over 10 years and love first person shooters, and in the case of some third person shooters like Dead Space, your character takes up a significant portion of the side of the screen.
And yet, I've had zero issue with anything ever blocking something important and needing to be seen. It's just not even remotely as big of a deal as everyone makes it out to be.
I hate it when my weapons can barely or not at all be seen (minimized viewmodels or disabled viewmodels). I subconsciously use the weapon model when aiming my shots. If it's too small or can't be seen, my aiming is considerably worse when relying purely on my crosshair.
The only time a weapon's viewmodels have ever genuinely bothered me is Scout's scattergun in TF2. He holds it awfully.
those anims were incredibly lazily made
Seeing them makes me think: “Why?”
what you want them to do the battlefield secret reload animations or something?
Welcome to fallout 4
@@CharizardMaster69 considering battlefield 1 was probably 60 dollars at launch the same as this game id say, at the very least the animations couldve not be reused by 40 times
This whole video is just the nerd emoji 🤓
Some of these weapons look intimidating to hold. I cant imagine what it must feel like for the peraon standing on the opposing end.
People always complain about how unrealistic pipe weapons would be and how they'd explode- I wonder how those grips could ever be comfortable with how thick they are
3:55 where the heck did you get the BFG 9000
Its from a creation club
The one from the creation club is terrible its damage is terrible since you can't mod it in a weapons workbench and the blast from the plasma balls from it kills you when you're caught in the blast radius.
@@thebigman4523 there’s a console mod that makes it completely overpowered and I love it
@@RUSTYCHEVYTRUCK oh I seen the mod but I ain't buying the one from the creation club and besides i already got my other ones including the mod for the blowback rifle and the courser bio rifle.
@@thebigman4523 on console I think you need the CC one to use the mod
Idk why the double barrel shotgun is weaker in all states than combat shotgun , because of that i throw it once i got the combat shotgun unless if it has endless ammo legendary
double barrel shotgun endless ammo legendary is broken becase the fire rate dont have limit and you can spam super fast the shoots.
Practically is like a machine gun with a high damage but a explosive combat shotgun is stronger in diferent situation like utside but in close olaces i use endless double barrel shotgun because is really fun.
fire rate is better than automatic combat shotgun so depend your strategy.
Explosive db is deadly! Deadly!!! It can destroy deathclaw in hard difficulty in one shot
For the same reason pipe guns are weaker than their proper pre-war counterparts. It's a low-level weapon you find in the very beginning. It's also not weaker in damage when you first find combat shotgun as receiver upgrade requirements are lower (you can craft a better receiver with more damage with a weaker gun nut perk).
@@danat4914 Receivers affecting damage is a pretty stupid game mechanic. They should affect accuracy, fire rate, and potentially reload speed. If there were a weapon condition game mechanic, receivers should also affect weapon durability.
Damage boosts should come from the barrel, specifically its length. IE, a 8 inch barrel should do more damage than a 4 inch barrel.
It’s pretty clear the Fallout devs, especially by the time of Fallout 4, had virtually no experience with guns or understanding how they work.
@@QualityPen you simply don't understand how progression, game mechanics and realism work. Fallout never tried to be realistic, both isometric and 3D ones.
When I upgrade my weapons, I expect them to deal better damage, accuracy and such. Make the weapon customization needlessly realistic and the customization itself becomes unnecessary as my weapons already do deal max damage.
People always say that the revolver doesn’t use moon clips, even though it literally does.
This video is a great reference when brainstorming ideas for weapon concepts, so I can try to come up with ideas to play on these animations for new kinds of weapons. Who knows, maybe I'll eventually finish a project that actually turns out well.
You never will with these dogshit animations.
I'll never get over their weird affinity for left handed weapons in this game. All the prior were right handed, but not here.
The only one that really bugs me is the Bow in 76. It's not only a left handed bow, but it's actually used that way as well in frist person.
Thank God for Mods .
Feels like watching a clip of reload and also reload sins at the same time
Never realized how many different guns are locked behind the creation club
With the squirt gun if you have project Cobalt it has special relay animations if you craft the ammo for it
Is it just me, or does the 10mm pistol always look UNNECESSARILY heavy?
A lot of the guns in this video have that same problem.
@@cakeboss4194 yeah especially the assault rifle...
Its a fricken HUGE looking gun. Looks cartoonishly huge when NPCs are walking around with it lol
They designed many guns this way so they look better if you hold them while wearing power armour.
@@Ralle-kv8rm That makes sense.
I love that all the weapons were modeled with the breaches and bolts on the wrong side, quality
there are left handed versions of those guns though. It's still part of a weirder trend.
I know some games do it, like Far Cry 2, because "people like seeing the action" apparently. But that was 2008..? I think. FO4 came out in 2015 I think, way after that dumbass trend.
>Paid Mods
>Still can't be brotherd to make custom animations
Meanwhile, free mod makers pumping out mods with nut-busting animation and sound design. It’s as if money took away the effort, which is honestly kinda weird lol.
funnily enough, Bethesda paid them a fuck ton of money for these mods lol
It might be something with the creation club that people can add custom models and items but not animations
Also, as someone who is starting to try and make mods for FO4, another fun thing with the combat rifle anim is the cover for the ejection port (or maybe its just part of the bolt showing in the ejection port?) does not open all the way, only halfway...
Of course, you'd never really notice it as it's one of the rare weapons with right-handed ejection, but it's there and happens.
The charging handle pull is too short, and the ejection port cover is just part of what's classified as the bolt in the model.
Oh, it also has modelled .308 rounds in the mag despite being chambered in .45 and only have 1 rechamber option in .308
It's like it was made to be a .308 battle rifle and someone went at last minute and changed it to .45
it likely should've been in 5mm or 5.56 instead of .45.
Should've shown the 3rd person reload for the mini gun. The player character just takes the mag (whatever tf you call it on a minigun) out and slams it right back in.
You should know that just loading the magazine and hitting the bash key cancels the full reload animation and will still fire. It cuts half a second of cocking the bolt much easier. Just keep an eye on your ammo count, when 0 goes to full immediately, hit f. It also helps with melee berserker units like raiders or super mutants.
I like how they go from the pipe weapon animations to a fucking anti material rifle
I wish fallout 4 had more weapons like nv
Even better make it right handed and change the assault rifle with the r91 and the combat rifle to a BAR.
I think Bethesda has a good selection. Plus you can turn weapons into other kinds of weapons with the modding system so instead of having a 10mm pistol and a 10mm smg you can just make the pistol full auto
@@freedoomer2524 true, but alot of the guns look and sound goofy tho. In my opinion
i see what you did there
@@thecricket1564 they dont sound goofy but i do kinda agree with the goofy looks, atleast they dont look out of place in Fallout 4
Reload animations that really represent the game. Bland.
Something i realised about the errors in this desings is that the bolt action thingy are in the right side instead of the left, which makes the animation turn out weird, same thing happens with the crank in the Prototype Gauss Rifle and the Laser Musket, the crack should be in the left side of the gun and while you crack it you should be holding it with your left hand from the body and not from the stock
I love captions
1:03 chill out I think we got the picture that it's definitely an assault rifle
1:51 also all aboard cuz I'm gonna give you a one way ticket to hell with a bullet
I’ve always been curious and a bit confused by this-I think I know what I’m talking about but correct if I’m wrong:
When FPS game animators and modelers make firearms for their game that are modeled with lefties in mind (like having a bolt-action rifle like a Kar98K have the bolt be on the left hand side rather than the right side-same thing with AK) do they do that because the modelers and animators are left handed or is there another reason?
its mostly to have more stuff happening on screen
if they were actually right handed weapons, you wouldnt see much of the animation (but thats more an issue with being not very creative, tilting the weapon to pull bag the bolt is a valid option to show the action)
Man replaying this game and seeing these animations make me want to gouge my eyes out
3:36 You can see the thumb raise for a split second since the sequence where you pull the hammer back on the generic revolver reload animation was gonna start.
Whoever designed these animation in bethesda, that person never ever fired nor watched how weapons are made and reload
Railway rifle…toot toot all aboard the pain train!
Pain when you realise reload animations differ depending on the modifications the weapon has
Just noticed the subtitles, well done lol
*flips Paddle Ball*
Bring it on!
the amount of bullets in game you’d waste from pulling the charging handle when a bullet is already chambered
The junk jet reload is so that the player can choose the junk from their inventory.
The only thing i like from Fallout4 is combat motions. Enemies can hide and shoot while 3 and nv was just charging and shooting. Pistol aiming motion is changed from one handed grip to two handed grip, which is more tactical and accurate.
enemies in 3 and New Vegas hide and take cover, but rarely from what I remember.
Some of those guns look insane.
1:51 choo choo
Cho choo
Still pissed off that most of these eject the casings across your vision rather than away to the side
Once you realize that the guns are all left-handed (Yet still being fired right-handed), you can't unsee it.
what do you mean, held backwards?
@@peppermillers8361 The guns are left-handed but the player character is holding them right-handed.
I should probably edit my comment to make that more clear.
not really seen but a flaw within gameplay with the Anti-Material/Hunting Rifle animations is that the Sole Survivor will always eject a casing when reloading, even from empty. This is a problem because they drive the bolt back after every shot, even the last one
honestly i quite enjoy the reloads on a lot of these weapons. something about them just feels right to me with the pace and smoothness. i think what bothers me the most is the weird designs some of the weapons have that affects the reloads. the left-handed weapons are one thing, but weapons like the combat rifle/shotgun, assault rifle and some pipe weapons look really bad to me and just kinda bog them down.
Dude the animations are hot garbage. None of them feel right or correct in the slightest.
To each their own but I think these are not smooth at ALL. They’re so stiff and robotic, not even seeming like a real person reloading.
@@tblcyek that's fair! maybe smooth isn't the right word. they have this sorta flow to them that i find very interesting for some reason. it's not smooth like how someone would actually handle a weapon, but more so how the animation goes from one state to another. it's not bouncy or twitchy like how someone actually might reload, but quick, almost the most efficient way to reload outside of human senses. robotic is probably the right word, but i feel that has a negative connotation. they definitely could be better, and i would like them to be too. it just has some sort of alien charm that tickles that weird part in my brain.
@@tommykibbleton Very valid! Honestly none of the Fallout reloads are good in my opinion, but I’m happy that you can enjoy something I don’t.
3:47 Similarities reloads between Alien Atomizer
there's a problem with many of the animations that don't make sense:
-.44 revolver/pipe revolver: Character always reloads 6 shots even if one bullet is fired, and it looks like a speed loader may be employed, there's no model
-Break action shotguns: character reloads 2(3 for CC shotgun) even if only one shot is fired
-pipe bolt action: there's not visible internal magazine system
-normal pipe guns: magazine is placed too far from the receiver to actually work
-lever action rifle: always reloads 5 shots even if one bullet is fired
-Submachine gun: a tommy gun is an open bolt gun so why the bolt is closed is unknown.
-Flamer: the character just replaces the small tank but not the giant tank on the bottom
-minigun: character just takes out the drum and pulls another one out of nowhere. they don't even move the ammo belt into place then shake the gun
-Broadsider: only loads cannon balls but not powder or any kind of propellent. the way a cannon works is that a propellent like gunpowder is used to launch the ball, but there seems to be none, also the multi-shot makes no sense as the cannon would either fire all the balls out at once or explode in your face
-Laser musket. if the thing takes fusion cells, why is the crank even there? it looks like the crank connects to a mechanical generator to generate energy that would be used to fire, and there's also no place for the cell to go
Interestingly when firing the double barreled shotgun in 3rd person, the reload animation is completely different. Instead of reloading both rounds simultaniously, the rounds are reloaded individually. But the issue of reloading both rounds even if one round is fired still exsists.
The reload issue with the Lever Action Rifle is a bug that was never fixed. The same bug was present in Fallout 76, but was addressed in a patch fix.
The Speed loader model for the revolvers was probably left out because of past issues. In Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas the speed loader was supposed to dissapear after reloading. But often times, it wouldn't and would clip through the gun model.
@@GBRyker61 well the double barrel and revolver thing is bethesda just being lazy and come on? Its fallout 76. At this point bethesda should just give the fallout IP to the fans, cause a single person on his computer can make a better weapon with prettier animations than a whole company
Also if bethesda just used a new engine instead of using the same engine from 20 years ago, then the bugs wouldn’t be a problem
@@chewee4ever811 after the dumpsterfire that was Fallout: The Frontier, do you honestly think I'd trust the fans with the Fallout IP? Hell to the fracking NO!
Bethesda stoped using GameBryo after Fallout 3. They built the Creation Engine and that's what they've been using.
Now their on to the newer iteration of CE with Creation Engine 2 for StarField. Their not going to use anyone else's engine. Creation Engine does EXACTLY what they need it to do.
@@GBRyker61 if you actually do your research. Starfield is gonna use the same engine
the revolvers are loaded with moon clips
Two things I always found cursed about some of the aminations:
1.left handed rifles
2.*riding the bolt forward*😡
That’s my main pet peeve is pushing the bolt forward i can’t explain it I just hate it
Ain’t nothing cursed about it. Left handed is just a stylistic choice and riding the bolt forward isn’t the proper thing to do but it’s a game and I doubt anyone is taking firearm lessons from a Fallout game
@freedoomer2524 but anyone who has a basic understanding of guns will, lol
@@freedoomer2524Left handed rifles are infuriating even to someone who isn't a gun fanatic. It makes zero sense and looks completely ridiculous. Bethesda also made the reload on them take up a ton of the screen.
@@ZoofyZoof they really aren’t infuriating, your just a crybaby
I can't be the only one who absolutely despises how all the charging handles, bolts, etc. are always on the wrong damn side, right?
1:57 the sub machine gun is I believe modeled after Thompson submachinegun and the Thompson submachine gun is an open bolt SMG meaning you would not close the bolt
You missed one: The Laser Musket with its unique "Automatic" legendary effect has a different reload animation
In (far) over 2000 hours in fallout 4, I've never held a gatling laser. I don't think i ever even owned one
Fallout 4 Gatling laser is a weapon that you can only get once you progress either Nuka World to the max to get Amoral Combat quest and get Aeternus legendary GL, or meet the Brotherhood of Steal with Adolf Maxson, only then you can get it by buying it from Teagan at high levels or killing BoS members - there is no scripted Gatling Lasers locations, no trader selling them or no enemy dropping them before that in the Commonwealth and beyond. But even then it is a piece of shit when compared to L30 (Fallout 1, 2, Tactics) or UB-F (F3, FNV) Gatling lasers: low damage if not using Rapid legendary with charging barrels or wounding legendary (even then it is a bleed damage, not GL's damage), awful Fusion core mechanics (don't even think about reloading it mid fight: you will soon find your inventory flooded with half-empty cores) and the fact that it uses the cores themselves.
I miss my H&K L30(((
If you flip this video
It's literally how it feels to be left handed as a shooter
I mean like how he uses only 1 finger to load all six bullets into the revolver, while none of the six bullets actually made contact with the finger.
nothing hurts me more than the just making a eye contant with the assault rifle
but the revolver does have moon clips if you look closely
Huh, never knew the fat man made a ding sound
Turn the captions on guys, he has commentary in them
1:25 The most used animation you see/do in Fallout 76.
Until later.
Where dyou get the acid soaker? And i cant figure out how to get the tesla cannon, i have the dlc but the quest never shows
At the Nuka arcade prize machine. It's the last prize, tier 5.
And for the tesla cannon, it's sitting on a crate at some point of the map, don't remember precizely
@@rockets_everywhere7543 thanku!
Im sorry but that is the most saddest looking anti-materiel rifle ive ever seen.
How the heck does the paddle ball animation work? The sole survivor just flips it and bam, a new string has been attached.
It irks how even though this game is full of handmade guns, the only gun they called "handmade" is one of the most mass-produced guns in the world.
I like that the creation club guns are included in this. But it still annoys me that they reused a lot of vanilla animations for them witch is lazy af. Modded guns are where it’s at in this game because they almost always have custom animations and are free
The modded AM rifle has better animations than the CC one
Amen to that
The Anti-Materiel rifle looks like a toy, it's nowhere the scale of a real .50 cal like its previous appearance/real life inspiration
Not really, helps keep them consistent with the other weapons
All the receivers being on the left side is so bizarre. Like it wouldnt make sense because youd have bullets going in your face
I’ve always found this to be kinda stupid. The ejector isn’t located where your head is at (for the most part, bull pups are weird) so it’s really not that much of a problem
Every single gun in this game has like 4-5 issues with them. You can tell they filled in the blank and didn’t bother to hire a weapons advisor.
the main problem I have with fallout 4's weapons is their overall blandness. especially when it comes to sounds.
Watching this reminds me that half the guns in this game have such terrible reload animations. The combat rifle, combat shotgun, maxwell rifles, submachine gun, radium rifles and probably others I can't think of right now all have the EXACT same animation. Almost all weapon mods have kick ass animations like the Service Rifle for example has a multitude of custom and immersive animations.
Man what the fqck is ar design this lmao
Now i see this ar since i played only NV
Yeah, so don't forget combat rifles also pipes weapons can turn almost everything else to outclassed them lol
My guess They was butchered as
>Lewis Gun
>MAS AA-52
FMI : I'm so glad to myself to not follow trend gun showcase community because its "Completely Trash" besides next to Racing Games both retro and modern
and yes I'm not trusting those ppl comments whatever they are saying truth or not its just because slave and people pleaser same things Racing games community as usual
even declines by mute or anything else won't make senses...
@@snygaming99 for nowsdays
Racing Games (according to NFS)
Community Its Pure Garbage when it negatively options and Misleading Information
(Same thing NFS pegega community happen what you did in the past)
But this weapons or gun community is Completely Trash when any positive or negative things They are everywhere for now so be on it.
Try to be careful on this when you trying do something different.
Good video but there is a little mistake on subtitles "As it CLOUD damage the crane" multiple times.
Can't wait to see how fuck up Starfield guns reload
Bro roasting the animators in the captions 💀
I like how these animations are somewhat worse than the ones in fallout NV
The revolver actually uses what appears to be a speed loader just without a way to remove it from the cylinder so I guess that at the way the gun is designed in-game the speed loader is supposed to be integrated into the revolver which would explain why the bullets are pushed out as if they're all attached to something and don't go in random directions that they would in real life which is definitely an interesting choice on the animators part whoever it's not flawless as in real life the injection rod would just go straight through the hole in the middle all those are some little metal decoration parts The edge so maybe I'm wrong
It uses a full moon clip is is basically a little sheet of metal that hold on to all the rounds, it’s like a speed loader but without having to push anything but the clip in. There’s also half moon clips which are the same thing but designed to hold only 3 rounds instead of all 6, helps save some space
I was always so disheartened that there seems to be zero emphasis put into the reloads. As far as I can tell, theres less than 4 reload animations where your character moves their right hand. It just "left hand removes mag, left hand inserts mag, left hand stiffly pulls back bolt".
You might say that "they wanted to keep it more tactical looking, since you wouldnt want to take your firing hand off the trigger", but the way the PC swings the muzzle around while reloading throws that idea out the window.
Bro it's just laziness.
This is why mods are great.
bro is correcting weapons in a post-apocalyptic futuristic-esque 1950s style game smhhhhhhhhh
The Salvaged Assaultron Head reminds me of the Mauler from Perfect Dark.
it looks nothing like it or function in a similar matter
You are one of the only others to mention perfect dark. Nobody else seems to remember it much
I expected so much about this game like wtf a left handed rifle bolt???
@loannguyen2057 lol the fact that fc2 came out in 2008 but fallout 4 is 2015 makes me question my decisions in life
@loannguyen2057 yes the only thing that can save fallout now is the modding community
@LOAN NGUYEN i hate how Bethesda relies heavily on the modding community. Like good luck trying to find someone who is still willing to replay Skyrim without mods on or fallout.
After reading these comments it confirmed my belief that many people hate on this game just because they think they are being so cool and edgy by hating Fallout 4, the game is a bit bland story wise but the gameplay, gunplay and replayability is far better then either Fallout 3 or Fallout New Vegas
Why does a handmade rifle look better and more professional than what was essentially issued to soldiers in combat
Bethesda should take notes from Infinity Ward on how to do some good reload animations for once.
Where do you get the deliverer pistol or triple barrel shotgun? Edit: NM the shot gun question
follow the freedom trail
Weird that this game is over 7 years old and people still don't know where to find certain guns.
Very VERY satisfying...
this...wait this is a thing in 2023? the reload animations from a 2015 game thats been done multiple times before...we have officially run out of ideas on youtube