Catholic Interviewing Former Catholic Mike Gendron

  • Опубликовано: 3 окт 2024

Комментарии • 378

  • @ZanethMedia
    @ZanethMedia Год назад +29

    I'm entering full communion with the Church this coming Easter from the Gendron-style Evangelical Christianity practiced so much today. I'm grateful that charitable Catholics are engaging with these vocal Evangelicals to promote the fullness of the Faith that was given to us from Jesus Christ. Thank you for making this.

    • @hardcorecatholic938
      @hardcorecatholic938  Год назад +3

      Awesome news Zane. You'll be entering same time as my wife so you'll be in my prayers. Happy you enjoyed this.

    • @wesleysimelane3423
      @wesleysimelane3423 Год назад

      It was not given by Jesus. He did not teach purgatory, immaculate conception, medals, scapulars, incorruptible corpses, strange feast days of dead "saints" etc. Catholicism is a mess of pagan rites and rituals

    • @cynthiax56
      @cynthiax56 Год назад +2

      welcome home

    • @peterzinya1
      @peterzinya1 10 месяцев назад

      Fullness of the faith. Graven images, pedophile priests, lesbian nuns.

  • @timklawon2973
    @timklawon2973 Год назад +11

    After listening to Mike, I am convinced to join the Catholic church.

    • @johnyang1420
      @johnyang1420 Год назад +2

      Welcome home!!!

    • @wesleysimelane3423
      @wesleysimelane3423 Год назад

      I take you also do not believe the word of God, the Holy Bible is sufficient, favouring instead the traditions and rules of mere men, then by all means......

    • @wordforever117
      @wordforever117 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@wesleysimelane3423Catholics do not favour Sacred Tradition over Sacred Scripture. You are massively mistaken.

    • @wesleysimelane3423
      @wesleysimelane3423 11 месяцев назад

      @@wordforever117 We know where the bible does not agree with catholic teachings, Traditions/catechism/magesterium trump the bible always. This is why catholics hate sola scriptura vehemently.

  • @vincesigala9104
    @vincesigala9104 Год назад +17

    The misunderstanding of “ works “ here is beyond comprehension.
    Please some one post what the Church teaches about works. “ Sacrifice” the works of God cannot be done through one without faith. It is therefore nothing we do but everything God has done for us.
    Catholics do not believe you have to hump through hoops or that you can earn your way to Heaven.
    Jesus said the one who “ believes “ ( thats Faith) in me will do “ the Works” that I have done. John 14:12-17.
    Its a no brainer, but the misinterpretation and distortion of scripture is the starting point and thats the problem. No where did Jesus say interpret my word for yourself.
    The Protestant Reformation has done nothing divide itself from its beginning. Leading to 1000s of different denominations even non denominations all claiming to be “ led by the Spirit “ and having the truth yet all with conflicting doctrine. Started by one who disagreed with the behavior of some in the Church. The ONE HOLY ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH is the only Church that claims to be founded by Jesus Christ Himself. That’s because it is the only Church found by Jesus himself. Holding the same fullness of TRUTH for 2000 years. Had the first apostles responded the way Luther did they all would have left the Church Jesus founded based on the behavior of Judas.
    Faith with out works, pre trib rapture ( which was never even thought of until the 1500s and was never taught by the apostles and or Jesus) Look it up. The list goes on of those who do not have a solid understanding of scripture as passed on through tradition by the original apostles and the early church father.
    The root word of Protestant is protest.
    The only thing being protested against is The Church Jesus Himself founded.
    Food for thought.
    Can someone please post a link to the Catechism of the CatholicChurch? So there is no more misunderstanding of what the Church teaches by those who try and explain what she teaches and are not even Catholic?
    This is the main problem with scripture alone and not having an authoritative pillar in place to make sure one understands correctly.
    What the thief did was not a work but a confession of who Jesus was. Look up the spiritual and corporal works of Mercy. It about Sacrifice and Mercy for love of God and neighbors not jumping through hoops.

    • @hardcorecatholic938
      @hardcorecatholic938  Год назад +4

      Preach Vince! Here's some quotes from the Catechism Section 1996 "Our justification comes from the grace of God. Grace is favor, the free and undeserved help that God gives us to respond to his call to become children of God, adoptive sons, partakers of the divine nature and of eternal life. (Jn 4:14; 7:38-39.) and Sections 161-162 "Believing in Jesus Christ and in the One who sent him for our salvation is necessary for obtaining that salvation ...therefore without faith no one has ever attained justification...(162) Faith is an entirely free gift that God makes to man...

    • @vincesigala9104
      @vincesigala9104 Год назад +1

      Baby Jesus, please help it.

    • @qvrty6
      @qvrty6 Год назад +2

      You are right about the confession of the thief, which is exactly what Peter did when Jesus asked Him who they thought He was, which was when Simon Bar-Jonah said you are The Christ the Son of the living God, then Christ changed Simon's name and said upon that confession, that revelation, that understanding of who He is, Jesus would build His church and the gates of Hell would not prevail against it. Jesus was not installing Peter as the first Pope. I mean if Catholics would only study the Bible then they would know later the deciples asked Jesus who was the greatest amongst them, and Jesus didn't rebuke them and say, "guys you were all there when I made Peter the Pope so why are you asking me ?? And then later when there was a man wanting to buy/purchase the power of God, Peter told the man that he had no part in it and that he needed to go repent to God....not, "hey give me a quick confession and I'll abstain your sins for you "
      Hello, the veil has been rent from top to bottom, which means you can go straight to God ....not Mary, or any other Saint!

    • @vincesigala9104
      @vincesigala9104 Год назад +4

      Your own words. “ CHURCH” not churches.
      This again is where tradition comes in. Peter knowing he was to die installed the next prime minister. As I said if “Christians” would study the bible they would see clearly Christ is setting up or has set up a Semitic kingdom. In which , the Queen Mother as well as a prime minister are necessary when the king is away. As far as the veil being torn you are correct, but again inly partially. If you study the letter to the Hebrews you will understand that that Veil is Christs flesh. The teaching is in the Eucharist.
      “ Therefore we do have entrance into he Sanctuary, THROUGH THE VIEL , thats is his flesh.
      In other words his flesh is veiled, meaning appearing as something else. Namely bread and wine. There is no other way to understand this verse of scripture. So you have dine basically the dame thing as Mike. You’ve taken a portion of scripture , have come to a conclusion without incorporating the other scripture that makes the previous more clear. Do you know unbelievers who have forgiven someone thats wronged them? If so one does not need to possess the Holy Spirit in the way you are explaining it to forgive.
      Jesus breathed in them and said receive the Holy Spirit, who sins YOU forgive are forgiven who sins you retain are retained. We are therefore now talking about Sacrament.
      The priest is not the one who forgives, it is Christ through the priest. It’s astonishing to me how more Christians cannot see the Glory of the Law right in front of them in the Catholic Church. To be able to retain a confessed sin has to do with Power. As the Father has sent me so I send you. So just as Peter made a confession of Faith before Jesus( not a sin committed) is something different than the Sacrament of Confession OF SIN that Jesus Himself has instituted. Lets say the Apostle decided to retain a sin of another that was confessed. Is that person lost? Or who who was to forgive and retain sins confessed after the apostles had all died?? What hope does that leave for the believers that came later. Again you don’t have tradition and this is why your view of the CHURCH that Jesus founded as well as the others scriptures are distorted.

    • @joekey8464
      @joekey8464 Год назад

      He says he hates the Catholic church...and no reasoning will open his eyes.

  • @Texas_Sun
    @Texas_Sun Год назад +9

    I'm a convert from the Assembly of God church to the Catholic Church. It's very important to engage in conversation yet as Catholics if we're going to do this on a world wide platform then we must be unequivocally prepared to defend the faith; in a way such as Dr Scott Hahn. Otherwise, if someone is weak in their faith, and not grounded in sacred scripture problems arise; if listening to this unfortunate display of doctrinal error a seeking person's salvation may be in peril. As the host, if you're personally seeking and questioning your faith then this conversation is better served in private. The Holy EUCHARIST is the source and summit of our Catholic faith! Mike has graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary which is steeped in error and total denial of John 6 for which JESUS was abandoned. I'm from Dallas and I'm fully aware of the pervasive error in that institution. Anyone who leaves Holy Mother Church for another gospel NEVER had a heart understanding of Catholic teaching, doctrine and dogma. Read Dr Scott Hahn's THE LAMBS SUPPER and so many other publications of his and anyone's personal questions will be answered. Please save souls by protecting them from this judgement rendered by this heretic who calls himself a BIBLICIST which does not fall under Apostolic authority in any regard. He judged you with that of only deserving hell and did so without reservation; he comes across as a judge shrouded in love, yet nothing could be further from the truth. Thank you for listening, and may the Holy Spirit lead, guide and direct you on your path towards eternal life.

    • @hardcorecatholic938
      @hardcorecatholic938  Год назад +2

      I appreciate your detailed comment. There must be some confusion, I'm in not way in questioning my faith, only wanting to openly hear their (Mike's) argument. As I stated at the start of the video, I purposely held back turning this into a debate. There's nothing here that I haven't heard before from what Mike said. I was gradually trying to push back especially at the very end when I asked Mike if he thought early Martyrs were going to hell despite having very Catholic beliefs.

    • @cynthiax56
      @cynthiax56 Год назад +1


    • @peterzinya1
      @peterzinya1 10 месяцев назад

      Did cardinal McCarrick convince you to join the CC?

  • @CatholicReCon
    @CatholicReCon Год назад +9

    Great job having a chat with Mike. Very few ppl would even be open to this. Worth noting: Mike's segments within American Gospel, along with watching Paul Washer and RC Sproul, led me to explore Calvinism. However, I soon realized it was simply one possible stop on my way upstream through history. I then returned to the Catholic Church -- the top of the stream.

    • @hardcorecatholic938
      @hardcorecatholic938  Год назад +4

      Thanks for the comment. I've heard a lot about "American Gospel" from my protestant friend who said it's very good, but has some "anti-Catholic" parts to which he was referring to Mike's segment. What's interesting is that if the Bible Alone Protestant interpretation of scripture is so clear, why do so many of protestants (at least who I engage with) dissagree with Mike on his view on Catholicism being un-Christian.

    • @CatholicReCon
      @CatholicReCon Год назад +1

      @@hardcorecatholic938 Yes. Well said. I often wonder the same thing among extended family. Their views on salvation greatly differ and that's within a very small circle. Anyway, check out a video a did about that topic.видео.html

    • @wallamboklahong9125
      @wallamboklahong9125 Год назад +1

      Protestanism have mostly got misleaded as they engaged too much on St, Pauls epistle,but we must be aware when St, Peter warns us that St, Pauls teachings are hard to understand, and thus, we must be Consistant to the teaching of the Church,. That's why Protestantism are not consistent in their teaching, thus they hav thousands n thousands religious groups n denominations, I feel they are led away by the 'ancient Liar', thus they hav that ' Pride' to Attacked the holy Catholic Church, that's what Jesus Christ had warn us for all Time to Come, yet they can't break Her. Viva Christo.

    • @wesleysimelane3423
      @wesleysimelane3423 Год назад

      Lesson number one: Don't think for yourself, we'll tell you what to think. Lesson number two: Don't read the Bible, read our catechisms, we'll take out the parts of the Bible we don't like, and add things that don't belong there. Lesson number three: Don't pay attention to that pope behind the curtain, and don't think about his Pachymama Fertility goddess worship, it's embarrassing so you must pretend it didn't happen. Lesson number four: pretend that the pope didn't endorse civil unions, and pretend further that if it happened, which it didn't, it didn't really mean gay marriage, which deep down we all know that it did. Lesson 5 ignore the atrocities of the “church” and pretend it didn’t happen. Congratulations, you have properly and obediently numbed your mind. More to come soon.

    • @wesleysimelane3423
      @wesleysimelane3423 Год назад +1

      @@hardcorecatholic938 It's not anti-catholic but pro bible

  • @alexanderfernandes2146
    @alexanderfernandes2146 Год назад +6

    Col 1:24 I am now rejoicing in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I am completing what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions for the sake of his body, that is, the church.
    so what is Paul completing that was lacking in Christ's afflictions
    Phil 2:12 Therefore, my beloved, just as you have always obeyed me, not only in my presence, but much more now in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling
    Hope Paul did not misunderstand the gospel.

    • @johnflorio3576
      @johnflorio3576 Год назад +3

      St. Paul certainly did not misunderstand the gospel. I cannot say the same about Mike Gendron.

  • @susansackrison3139
    @susansackrison3139 6 месяцев назад +1

    I see John MacArthur’s Commentary series behind you Mike G. They are great!

  • @Davcramer
    @Davcramer Год назад +7

    When Mike Gendron is reaching out to "save Catholics" does he consider that something he should do? Does he think he should go to church? That he should read the Bible? Does he believe in tithing? And he believes that he should do any of these things, then doesn't he believe there are works he should do? Not that he believes he is saved by doing those things because he is saved by faith alone, but that he does believe those are things he believes a good Christian should do? They never look upon the things they personally do as works, just that the things we do that they themselves do not do are works. There is a certain hypocrisy to how they judge us versus how they judge themselves.

    • @hardcorecatholic938
      @hardcorecatholic938  Год назад +2

      Excellent points David. Probably goes back again to what he considers "work" versus just what "born again" Christians do.

    • @RCEmichaelreavey
      @RCEmichaelreavey Год назад

      "To the churches, I know your works " Repeated to the seven churches in Revelation

  • @johnflorio3576
    @johnflorio3576 Год назад +1

    After listening to Mike Gendron I have arrived at the inescapable conclusion that he was either never Catholic in the first place or, alternatively, he slept through Mass.
    Mike gets too much wrong about Catholic theology to take him seriously. Yes, it’s that bad. Let’s pray for his conversion to the Catholic Church.

    • @peterzinya1
      @peterzinya1 10 месяцев назад

      Mike will never bow befor catholic graven images again.

  • @israeldelacruz4122
    @israeldelacruz4122 Год назад +4

    Its amazing to note the amount of errors, falsehoods and blasphemies that this man had said against the catholic church. Sad to see and hear. I would love to see far more pushbacks to what Gendron was saying.

    • @hardcorecatholic938
      @hardcorecatholic938  Год назад +1

      In retrospect, I wish I pushed back further. I was grateful for having him on wanted to be respectful in hearing him out. I was surprised given his career is built upon anti-Catholic sentiments how simple his arguments were. When I started to push back at the end, he immediately wanted to shut it down. This is par for the course in my dealings with protestants one on one in person as well.

    • @peterzinya1
      @peterzinya1 10 месяцев назад

      Is it a falsehood that cardinal McCarrick molested boys for 40 yrs and the other priests were doing it too. 40 freakin yrs. The CC is a child traffic ring disguised as a religion.

  • @IanVinh
    @IanVinh Год назад +12

    Most people who leave the Catholic faith leave due to poor catechesis (People like this usually start with the phrase "I went to Catholic school for twelve years"). That's why it is crucial to have a strong foundation in learning the faith so that you don't get swayed by people who attempt to bring you out of the church.

    • @wesleysimelane3423
      @wesleysimelane3423 Год назад +3

      Why do people have to be "catechised". It's a man-made novel full of falsehood. People should be bible-based!

  • @jedsum
    @jedsum Год назад +2

    Breaking of the bread is the Eucharist, that’s how the apostles and early disciples recognized Jesus when he break bread with them because they remember the last supper!

  • @jedsum
    @jedsum Год назад +3

    Mike does not believe Christ instituted the Eucharist and priesthood.

  • @evangelist-
    @evangelist- Год назад +2

    Again Mike, Baptism is on (John 3:5) confession or Repenting of your sins is on (John 20:23) (1 John 1:9) (Matthew 4:17) (Luke 13:3) And Transubstantiation is on (1 Corinthians 11:24-25) (John 6:53) (John 6:56)
    (Matthew 26:26) and Preists not marrying is on (1 Corinthians 7:32-35)

  • @RealSeanithan
    @RealSeanithan 10 месяцев назад +2

    "I'm not anti-Catholic: I love Catholic people. I hate the religion and leadership of the Roman Catholic Church."
    That makes as much sense as saying, "I'm not anti-America: I love the American people. I hate the country of America and the Constitution."

    • @peterzinya1
      @peterzinya1 10 месяцев назад

      He hates catholicism because it sends people to hell riding on the backs of all those graven images that catholics love to bow befor.

  • @vincesigala9104
    @vincesigala9104 Год назад +8

    “Faith without work is dead. “
    “Faith is completed by the works.”
    “ I will pay each ine according to there works.”
    For the spirit testifies that their works accompany them.”
    According to your friends understanding of Paul he would be contradicting James? 🤷🏻‍♂️

    • @hardcorecatholic938
      @hardcorecatholic938  Год назад +3

      Amen Vince. BTW made half way through your advent talk which was awesome. Still have to finish it tonight.

    • @qvrty6
      @qvrty6 Год назад +1

      Actually, our faith is only proved by our works, it's not the works that gives us merit, hence the theif next to Jesus had no works, but God can see the heart and faith and motives of man, so we will see him in heaven....ooh that is, ofcourse, if he ever makes it out of Purgatory?? Another foolish man made dogma that I just don't have the time to explain, but if you guys would pray that the Holy Spirit open your eyes and ears then He will answer! May God reveal all things to those who ask in Faith...correct faith in Gods redemption plan I pray!

    • @vincesigala9104
      @vincesigala9104 Год назад

      I never said that works give Faith Merit. What I basically said was that it is impossible to do the works without faith.
      But again the works complete the faith. Your saying the same thing as the last guy.

    • @vincesigala9104
      @vincesigala9104 Год назад +3

      Purgatory is scriptural.
      Only the perfect enter heaven. The problem is you have have probably had someone who does not understand it try and explain it. Purgatory is the process in which one is made perfect so as to then enter Heaven. To say all believers who die go straight to heaven I believe is to greatly underestimate the holiness of God. So purgatory is a purging of the last stains that one may have before entering into the Beatific vision. To approach the Gospel the way Mike has one will never know the deeper things of the Faith.
      Just because you cannot see it in scripture does not mean it does not exist. The examples of this are endless. You interpret one way and some else another. So who has the truth? How do you even know if you are in the right church when the one down the street approaches the word in the same way but interprets different than the one you belong to.
      Catholics believe they have been set free. Catholics believe the victory has been won. Catholics believe that Jesus is the one true sacrifice for sin and the one mediator between man and God. Catholics also believe in the Sacraments that are all found in scripture. So your basing your beliefs n some of this from your own interpretation of scripture. How do you know your right? How do you know Catholics are not. The Catholic Church is the one that discerned what scripture went in scripture and gave you the bible. So your basically interpreting what the CHURCH gave you as the word of God and have decided that you don’t need that very Church to guide you in understanding what you are reading. Where in scripture does it say Bible Alone? It doesn’t. As a matter of fact it says the opposite. “ Pass on what you have learned from me either by letter or ORAL TRADITION.” So you have the bible but you have no ORAL TRADITION. Much of which make a lot of the scriptures clear. Hence the Sacraments.
      Did you know in the early church that confession was done in the mist of the laity? Did you know that the earliest HAND WRITTEN Liturgical document the Church has was written by St. Thomas who called for a feast day on the same day that Jesus appeared to him proving his resurrection? Now known in the Church as the feast of Divine Mercy. Of course you don’t know these things. Because you don’t have Tradition. I who was in apologetics for awhile have heard so many translations of scripture from bible believing Christians that I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s no wonder so many are confused. Because they all interpret for themselves. You can’t have 95 thousand truths that are all the TRUTH. It’s like watching kindergartners try to do algebra. And they all think they are right and will not budge one way or the other. So how my friend do you know you have the fullness of the truth when the guy down the street approaches the word the same way but believes or interprets differently. How do you know that your right and he is not? As far as giving Mary Godlike quality, we didn’t do this , her son has . For Peter to lay his hands on a cripple and that man be healed , is that not Godlike quality? I mean Jesus did the same thing. Jesus himself said in regards to the children of the kingdom that “ they shall all be called Gods.” So if he would so this for you, do you honestly think he wouldn’t do it for his own Mother?
      You are greatly confused bro. But it’s not you fault, this is what you have been taught. Now to be clear, I’m not going so far as to say , as some Christians do about Catholics, that you are lost. What I a saying is that you are basing your entire belief system on partial truth. So you therefore have inly partial truth and not the fullness of it. And you never will until you have TRADITION. Thats is why it’s so hard to even begin to try and explain the faith to a bible alone Christian. Catholics are not trying to prove people like you wrong, on the contrary they are offering something that will complete and complement what you already believe. Ex. When the rich man asked Jesus how does one inherit eternal life? Jesus replied “ What is written in the law? How do you read it? So according to Jesus himself the words of eternal life are written in the law, the Old Testament . If we are to take Jesus at his word then the Old Testament is just as important as the New. Yet many bible Christians call it a “ dead letter. “ means nothing. It was the old covenant. And yet Jesus himself said the words of eternal life are written in it depending on how one reads.
      If you would take the time to oh I don’t know go back a read the book of Leviticus you will find much of what the Catholics practice.
      The CHURCH and what she practices is the continued fulfillment of the Law in Christ. So all your responses are bible based with no tradition to back them up. Well except for the Christians down the street that understands differently than you. Basically that whole system falls apart when one thinks they are the sole interpreter of Sacred Scripture and yet another who believes the same thing interprets differently. You never come to TRUTH. At best they come to “ well this is what i think it means.” It leads to confusion, division, and false teaching. The Protestant reformation is the historical proof. It’s done nothing but divide itself from the beginning. If you trace your roots you will find tat you” denomination” or non has its roots in the Protestant reformation. And the only reason you are not a Protestant if your not is because someone else interpreted scripture differently and took some of the flock with them. A pre trib rapture was never taught until the 1500s. Therefore one can say with all certainty that the interpretation of some bible Christians has changed since the reformation. If they had the full understanding, then why wait so long to teach something that they claim is so important? The answer is historically obvious. It was never taught by the early church, is a distortion of Scripture and has now turned into a false teaching. I don’t think i need to go into what the apostles taught about false teachers, I’m sure you are very familiar. But this is exactly what happens when one takes it upon themselves to interpret the Word of God by themselves. Peter declared there is no interpretation of Scripture that ever came through a human being, rather one is moved by the Spirit and speaks under the influence of God.” Therefore one can conclude that there is no way all these different denominations with their own interpretation that differs from the others can be led by the Spirit because they all “ interpret “ differently. It can also be said that the teaching of a pre trib rapture, or mid, or after are all uninspired and are therefore of the devil.
      Pride man. It’s deadly. Basically it’s led to millions of Christians putting their hope in an “ event” that doesn’t even exist in the way that it is taught all due to a misinterpretation of the word.
      God bless bro. Keep seeking I know for a fact if you do sincerely you will one day be Catholic.
      Prayers for ya.

    • @1962mrpaul
      @1962mrpaul Год назад

      @@qvrty6 Actually the thief did have good works: he admonished the other thief and that’s a good work. He also accepted his crucifixion as a just punishment for his own sin, so he made reparation. The thief did more than just confess faith in Jesus Christ.
      According to the Bible just as a body without a soul is dead, so faith without works is dead. Many misunderstand what the Holy Spirit is teaching here. He is not saying a genuine faith will produce good works. A corpse, even though it’s a real and true body, cannot and does not produce or generate a soul; a soul must be added to the corpse to vivify it. Similarly, a real and true faith is dead and cannot produce good works; good works must be added to faith to bring it alive. At best a true faith can inform what one should do, but does not have power to make one do it. It is the regenerated will informed by faith that can choose the good. Good works are not the evidence of a living faith; it is the “oxygen” faith needs to become alive.

  • @DanielFinney-w3n
    @DanielFinney-w3n 6 месяцев назад +1

    Mike, most I agree with you. Only one thing I can say; the unforgivable sin, which is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. My understanding is a person can lose their salvation. If a person keeps our Creator God first even if we fall into sin, our heart will go back to our savior. Put some in the last days, definitely, they will fall away.

  • @cynthiax56
    @cynthiax56 Год назад +2

    @Mike G: ...You might want to be a bit more cautious before you judge and scrutinize others, B cuz the bible tells us the more we judge and scrutinize others, the more we will be judged and scrutinized ourselves. It's a much better idea to look inward and try to be a better person yourself than to constantly scrutinize others the way you do....MATT 7:2 warns of this fact as does the story of 2 men in the temple (LUKE) Remember that only one of these dudes left the temple justified, it was the one who repented of his own sins....

  • @jedsum
    @jedsum Год назад +2

    His so called man made tradition is a misunderstanding of the so called sacred tradition like the breaking of the bread. What gospel is being added.

    • @wesleysimelane3423
      @wesleysimelane3423 Год назад

      Too much to count. No other dynasty has perveted the word of God as much as the catholic church.

    • @stevostevozz1168
      @stevostevozz1168 11 месяцев назад

      Breaking bread is not a a sacred Catholic simply scripture...Jewish practice of's not a Roman catholic discovery... 😂

  • @Over-for-now
    @Over-for-now 7 месяцев назад

    This priest is under God's conviction. May the Lord open his eyes

  • @ebhoehl363
    @ebhoehl363 10 месяцев назад

    Thanks, Mike and Mike.

  • @artcarlson3581
    @artcarlson3581 Год назад +4

    mike is 100 percent correct "' Former Catholic"

  • @lanbaode
    @lanbaode Год назад +4

    We Catholics have a proverb always proven true in reality about one’s width of reading, depth of study, and height of understanding of the Bible and where this leads to: “Weak Catholics become Evangelicals; Strong Evangelicals become Catholics.” You Evangelicals evangelizing Catholics, I invite you to read, study, and understand the Bible ever more fully. (Emphasis on the "fully," meaning completely from Genesis to Revelation and its biblical theology, not just the isolated clobber texts you are trained to throw at us Catholics!) We Catholics are happy to welcome you home to the original, true and full Christian church, founded by Jesus himself, the Catholic Church.

    • @peterzinya1
      @peterzinya1 10 месяцев назад

      Im gonna ride my Mary statue all the way to heaven.

  • @TeweldeberhanTzeggai-Amenay
    @TeweldeberhanTzeggai-Amenay 9 месяцев назад

    Cardinal John Henry Newman said: "To delve into History is to cease to be Protestant'.
    In fact, Christ founded only one Church which finds its continuation in the current Catholic, Apostolic, Roman Church. Good conversion to the wanderers!

  • @scorpionking685
    @scorpionking685 Год назад +10

    Jesus said to Mike. " Mike, the Church is the pillar and foundation of truth". Mike rejected that.

    • @hardcorecatholic938
      @hardcorecatholic938  Год назад +3

      I'm sure he has a different "interpretation" which is the fundamental problem with "bible alone". But it would be curious to know what "church" they believe gave them the Nicene creed which many still profess / accept.

    • @peterzinya407
      @peterzinya407 Год назад +3

      @@hardcorecatholic938 There was no catholic church when those words were spoken. The CC just claims it means their church. The CC is full of great swelling claims.

    • @brittoncain5090
      @brittoncain5090 Год назад

      @@peterzinya407 So then which Church was it referring to?

    • @peterzinya407
      @peterzinya407 Год назад

      @@brittoncain5090 The church is the sum total of the born again. They are invisible. No bulidings, no country, no flag, no costumes. The good news is passed on by word of mouth. You might know one or two but have no idea they are born again. There is no name for them other than the elect or the saved which they dont have costumes for. I left my home one day and came back born again. I didnt even know it myself.

    • @brittoncain5090
      @brittoncain5090 Год назад

      @@peterzinya407 Really? Do you have anything to back up the idea that the Church is a completely invisible organization with no way of knowing who's part of it?

  • @JB_kind
    @JB_kind Год назад +5

    I read a great book called Timeless: A History of the Catholic Church. There are so many references to our Catholic tradition through letter and other documents dating back to the second generation of Christians, and even documents from immediate followers of the apostles, some who went on to become priests and bishops.
    Even Pope Linus was mentioned in the Bible, according to Pope Irenaeus from the second century!

    • @hardcorecatholic938
      @hardcorecatholic938  Год назад

      I got to read that. I'm putting that on my list. Thanks for sharing that.

    • @JB_kind
      @JB_kind Год назад

      @@hardcorecatholic938 it’s very detailed, but very interesting from the start. An easy read. Reads like a story

    • @Vickie167
      @Vickie167 Год назад

      Clement our 4 th pope also.

    • @peterzinya1
      @peterzinya1 10 месяцев назад

      Does the book talk about the priests dunking people in boiling oil during the inquisition?

  • @vincesigala9104
    @vincesigala9104 Год назад +2

    The apostle John says that there is sin tbt does not lead to death. This guy continually quotes scripture without the light if other scripture. The Scriptures themselves are testifying what he just said about sin and death is a lie. Again, pulling verses out of scripture without looking at the whole picture. As far as bot letting people Mary , he again does not bring up the fact that Paul taught one should Marry if one feels called bit that he would hope that they would remain as he did. That was unmarried for the sake of the kingdom .
    Talk about confused. He has distorted the scripture by hiding obvious scripture that is a rebuttal to his own words.
    Paul says that the bread that we eat and the cup that we drink is a PARTICIPATION in the body and blood of Christ himself. You cannot participate in something that is not there.
    The only one distorting scripture is this guy. He has invented his own Gospel. Amazing.

    • @hardcorecatholic938
      @hardcorecatholic938  Год назад

      I can't decide which of your comments to "pin" Vince! I honestly want to make some videos to bring him "back home".

    • @vincesigala9104
      @vincesigala9104 Год назад

      Guys like him make the best converts

    • @qvrty6
      @qvrty6 Год назад

      Umm, hmmm, please abide in His word that you might be given sight, and understanding. The sin that does not lead to death is any sin you can repent of. So good that you are at least arguing! It shows interest and desire to be right...that's where I started, and I was Catholic also! Keep asking, and searching and don't be scared when you get baptized with the evidence of speaking in other tongues! It's amazing!

    • @wesleysimelane3423
      @wesleysimelane3423 Год назад

      @@vincesigala9104 Catholics invented a lot of dogmas pulled out of thin air. They do not believe in bible alone but also their traditions and perveted men of the magesterium. Through-out the histroy of the world, there is no other dynasty that has perveted the word of God as much as the catholic church!

  • @beadoll8025
    @beadoll8025 10 месяцев назад +1

    Dude was dodging and is just committed to staying in an idolatrous church. You can stay committed to paying for your OWN SINS and it won't be in a non existent place called purgatory. Jesus did All The Work and people slap him in the face, so Hell will be these people's eternal place.

  • @stevendubberly8106
    @stevendubberly8106 10 месяцев назад +1

    If you follow the false trinity dogma you are still tied to the hip of the Roman Catholic Church. It doesn't matter to them if you call yourself protestant.

  • @EricAlHarb
    @EricAlHarb Год назад +1

    I emailed Mike Gendron. But he doesn't answer any issues about protestant problems. He just ignored the questions and kept claiming he was preaching the Gospel.
    It's hard to argue with this man's empty gong style.

    • @peterzinya407
      @peterzinya407 Год назад

      Protestants are just as unsaved as catholics. The saved are not protestants.

    • @EricAlHarb
      @EricAlHarb Год назад

      @@peterzinya407 Im not sure what you mean, or if you are looking for some kind of response to your cryptic comments :)

    • @HolyChurchOfChrist85437
      @HolyChurchOfChrist85437 Год назад

      @@peterzinya407 you are a Protestant in denial . You are accepting you are not saved

    • @peterzinya407
      @peterzinya407 Год назад

      @@EricAlHarb Of course you dont know what i mean. Catholics think all non catholics are prots, which isnt true. I dont know why i even bother.

  • @Over-for-now
    @Over-for-now 7 месяцев назад +1

    It's NOT about what sins you committed --- it's about the fact THAT we have the sin nature. THAT sin nature is wicked and no good so we need God's new divine nature by the finished work THAT Jesus accomplished

  • @JulieDevonshire
    @JulieDevonshire 3 месяца назад

    I am an old simple catholic woman. See the corruption. Know history has its corruption . However, The church itself. Its teaching. What a gift. I do not have to be a scholar I have watched my parents. I have learned of my grandparents. And their parents. Holiness. Sacrafice. Love of Christ. All this stuff from MG. He is not the authority. Somewhere, some how. He has a bone to pick. The good thing about persons like MG. It does call us to learn to defend.

    • @carolineclarke3579
      @carolineclarke3579 3 месяца назад

      Constantine brought paganism and Christianity together causing the great falling away.
      In the Bible God forbids us to eat human flesh and to drink blood. THIS IS A SATANIC RITUAL.
      In the Bible God says to call no man father and do not do repetitious praying like the heathens do.
      In the Bible God says He is the only one who can forgive sins through His Son Jesus. There is no other way.
      Jesus is the truth, the way and the life. No-one comes to the Father except through Him alone.
      Who do you think Jesus was talking about in Revelation 17:4-5
      The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication.
      The catholic church is full of idols. They deleted God's 2nd Commandment 'Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness that's in heaven, on or under the earth, in or under the sea. Thou shalt not worship them or bow down to them' and they halved the last commandment to make up ten.
      There is an obelisk outside the vatican which represents Nimrod, sungod worship. Mary represents semi-ramas symbolised by a crescent moon and baby Tammuz is camouflaged by baby Jesus in Semi-ramas arm's.
      There is your MYSTERY BABYLON.
      I love the Catholic people and so saddened that 1.3billion are being deceived.
      I know Jesus loves them because He says in the Bible 'COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE AND DO NOT PARTAKE IN HER SINS AND RECEIVE NOT OF HER PLAGUES'
      We need to humble ourselves, repent of sins, accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour and believe He died on the cross for our sins, was buried, arose from the dead on the 3rd day, ascended into heaven and sits on the right hand of God.
      We need to be born again in The Holy Spirit and we become a new person. The Holy Spirit, dwelling in us gives us comfort, peace, joy, encouragement and helps us to overcome sin and guides us in good works but not of ourselves.
      Jesus wants us to have a personal relationship with Him. Pray and walk close to Him.
      We cannot work our way into heaven. Jesus says our works are like filthy rags. He paid for our sins on the cross. Before He died He said 'IT IS FINISHED' and the curtain separating the sacrificial alter was ripped from top to bottom.
      Jesus was the sinless sacrificial lamb that took on the sins of the world.
      The true church of Christ consists of those who have been born again in The Holy Spirit, have become a new person in Christ and follow Him. His bride. His New Jerusalem.видео.htmlsi=ZwU-Ru20S-DmjSvX

  • @vincesigala9104
    @vincesigala9104 Год назад +2

    Basically once saved always saved. If this is the case then in Revelation 3;5 . To the victor I will never erase his name from the book of life. The letter is addressed to the community of Sardis. Christians.
    Yet Jesus himself says that if we do not persevere your name can be erased meaning that the name has already been written.
    You can loose your salvation.

    • @qvrty6
      @qvrty6 Год назад

      Yep! If you reject the truth and turn to wives tales and fables, and start believing another gospel and another Jesus, who listens to his mom and calls her queen of heaven, and gives her God like qualities then yes you can be one of the ones who hears, "depart from me you who works iniquity, I never knew you!" Because one can choose to walk away, or they may be able to be deceived under man's traditions and Magisterium; however, if they abide in His word and search the scriptures as a Berean then it is the Holy Spirits job to lead us into all truth and if you knock it will be opened to you, and if you search you will find! These are a few promises! Depend on God, not man! He is faithful!

    • @vincesigala9104
      @vincesigala9104 Год назад

      Yup. Jesus is setting up a Semitic kingdom. That involves a King, a Queen Mother and a Prime Minister .
      It all right there in the word.

    • @RCEmichaelreavey
      @RCEmichaelreavey Год назад

      Yes, John 6:40. However why cross the ocean of life in q dinghy when the QE 2 deluxe cabin awaits. That's why I am Catholic.
      The act of faith saves, but, just as plain water will relieve thirst, water with sugars relieves thirst but also envigorates and energizes.
      Fratelli tutti
      Para 15

  • @andyjordan1433
    @andyjordan1433 Год назад +1

    I took an interest in this video and enjoyed it, have seen several of Gendron's videos and he seems pretty smart. Sent it to my dad and he said that he couldn't listen to people that claim to know the bible and reject the true church that Jesus started, an anti Catholic talking to a lukewarm Catholic! I don't know, was looking for some feedback.

    • @hardcorecatholic938
      @hardcorecatholic938  Год назад

      Thanks for sharing Andy and happy you shared with your Dad. I'd be interested to hear how he thought I was "lukewarm", possibly he was off put me being charitable to Mike. I think on both sides (hard Catholic to hard Protestant), being able to listen in an exercise in charity we are all called to do as difficult as it can be. But that's just my two cents.

    • @andyjordan1433
      @andyjordan1433 Год назад

      @@hardcorecatholic938 sent your reply to him and he said, it's not charitable to bash something he knows nothing about, they both should read the church Father's and the lives of the saints! (sorry for being a middle man here)

    • @hardcorecatholic938
      @hardcorecatholic938  Год назад

      @@andyjordan1433 Guess I'm just confused what he's talking about with regards to me. I read extensively on both. Doesn't sound like he watched the video.

    • @peterzinya1
      @peterzinya1 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@andyjordan1433 Read the church fathers. Should we believe every word of these guys? Are they the gospel truth? Jesus always shall know them by what they say about themselves.

    • @shawnglass108
      @shawnglass108 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@peterzinya1, Right! I certainly wouldn’t want to base my belief system on the early Church Fathers. As Mr. Gendron said, you can find church Fathers on both sides of every issue and you’re putting your trust in men. Everything has to be tested against scripture. The Word Of God. Besides, look at the ridiculous heresies that were happening while the Apostles were still alive and at how many times, in the few Epistles we have, that they had to correct the Church..but after the Apostles are all dead people think we should trust what’s coming from men in these churches? That is completely foolish! Only if it lines up perfectly with the scriptures should we consider the teachings and traditions of men.

  • @TruthHasSpoken
    @TruthHasSpoken Год назад +2

    To the Church of Mike and Jane - if you want to evangelize Catholics, you need to prove that your interpretation of Jesus words "This IS My Body" is right, and explain how the Church was universally WRONG - wherever you went in the world - for 1500+ years. Questions for you to answer, to not shy away from, to not dodge:
    1. Who in John 6, in the bread of life discourse, took Jesus as speaking symbolically only? (list this out)
    2. Who in John 6, in the bread of life discourse, took Jesus as speaking literally? (list this out)
    3. Where does Jesus ever say that he was speaking symbolically only, especially in his words: THIS IS MY BODY.
    4. In John 6, the Spirit gives life, the flesh is of no avail. Where in scripture does the word "Spirit" ever mean "Symbolic?" (exegesis hint, only through the Spirit can one understand the Eucharistic mystery. Man left alone, can not comprehend it).
    4. Jesus is the Lamb of God prefigured by the Old Testament Passover. In the original Passover, what did the Israelites have to do, or their firstborn would have died? List it out (hint: they had to EAT the lamb!).
    5. St Justin Martyr was a disciple of St John, the very St John who lived with Jesus for 3 years and of whom the Written Gospel account comes. HOW could St Justin Martyr be SO CATHOLIC in his undertanding:
    “They abstain from the Eucharist and from prayer, because they confess not the Eucharist to be the flesh of our Saviour Jesus Christ, which suffered for our sins, and which the Father, of His goodness, raised up again.” Ignatius of Antioch, Epistle to Smyrnaeans, 7,1 (c. A.D. 110)
    6. Do you believe Jesus was a horrible teacher or the apostles horrible listeners?
    7. By what authority do you know how to interpret scripture better than a man taught by the apostle himself?
    8. Are you fallible or infallible?
    9. Can you admit that your interpretation of the Eucharist could be in error, and Catholics right (Yes or No).
    10. Can you cite anyone in the first 1000+ years of Christianity who agreed with your interpretation of the Lord's Supper? If so, provide the written citation and from which writing it comes.
    These are simple questions Mike that you should answer. They deserve to be answered honestly and without fear.

    • @wesleysimelane3423
      @wesleysimelane3423 Год назад

      @TruthHasSpoken Catholics routinely say that the all the Church Fathers agreed with the Roman Catholic view of the Eucharist and transubstantiation. That’s not true. “But if it be unlawful even to speak of this, and if for men to partake of the flesh of men is a thing most hateful and abominable, and more detestable than any other unlawful and unnatural food or act,” (Athenagoras 133-190 AD, On the Resurrection of the Dead, 8). ** “For if sacraments had not some points of real resemblance to the things of which they are the sacraments, they would not be sacraments at all. In most cases, moreover, they do in virtue of this likeness bear the names of the realities which they resemble.” (Augustine, 354-430 AD, Letter 98:9). ** “‘Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man,’ says Christ, ‘and drink His blood, ye have no life in you.’ This seems to enjoin a crime or a vice; it is therefore a figure, enjoining that we should have a share in the sufferings of our Lord,” (Augustine, 354-430 AD, On Christian Doctrine, 3:16:24). ** “And He blessed the wine, saying, ‘Take, drink: this is my blood’ - the blood of the vine. He figuratively calls the Word ‘shed for many, for the remission of sins’ - the holy stream of gladness.’” (Clement of Alexandria, 150-215 AD, The Instructor, 2:2). ** “Elsewhere the Lord, in the Gospel according to John, brought this out by symbols, when He said: ‘Eat ye my flesh, and drink my blood,’ describing distinctly by metaphor the drinkable properties of faith and the promise, (Clement of Alexandria, 150-215 AD, The Instructor, 1:6). ** For just as he, who was priest of the Gentiles, is not represented as offering outward sacrifices, but as blessing Abraham only with wine and bread, in exactly the same way our Lord and Saviour Himself first, and then all His priests among all nations, perform the spiritual sacrifice according to the customs of the Church, and with wine and bread darkly express the mysteries of His Body and saving Blood.” (Eusebius, 263-339 AD, Demonstratio Evangelica, 5:3). ** “For again, He gave Himself the symbols of His divine dispensation to His disciples, when He bade them make the likeness of His own Body… to give them bread to use as the symbol of His Body,” (Eusebius, 263-339 AD, Demonstratio Evangelica, 8:1). ** “…nor the bread by which he represents his own proper body, thus requiring in his very sacraments the ‘beggarly elements’ of the Creator,” (Tertullian, 155-220 AD, Against Marcion, 1:14)

    • @TruthHasSpoken
      @TruthHasSpoken Год назад +1

      @@wesleysimelane3423 As you copy and paste from St Alexandria and St Alexandria and Eusebius, you are misunderstanding their words - to say nothing of not reading all their writings on the subject. Here's the key: ALL Sacraments are symbols (or figures or represents), but not symbols (or figures or represents) ONLY, of a greater interior spiritual reality.
      An example below of St Clement of Alexandria. He is explicit here. Note here too, the grape mixed with the water is still what part of the consecration at Catholic Masses today. And through receiving the resurrected Christ, one is .... _sanctified._
      “For the blood of the grape-that is, the Word-desired to be mixed with water, as His blood is mingled with salvation. And the blood of the Lord is twofold. For there is the blood of His flesh, by which we are redeemed from corruption; and the spiritual, that by which we are anointed. And to drink the blood of Jesus, is to become partaker of the Lord’s immortality; the Spirit being the energetic principle of the Word, as blood is of flesh. Accordingly, as wine is blended with water, so is the Spirit with man. And the one, the mixture of wine and water, nourishes to faith; while the other, the Spirit, conducts to immortality. And the mixture of both-of the water and of the Word-is called Eucharist, renowned and glorious grace; and they who by faith partake of it are sanctified both in body and soul.” Clement of Alexandria, The Instructor, 2 (ante A.D. 202).
      Note, this does not help your case. This is very Catholic.
      _all His priests among all nations, perform the spiritual sacrifice according to the customs of the Church, and with wine and bread darkly express the mysteries of His Body and saving Blood.”_
      Nor does this help your case. This too is very Catholic.
      _“For if sacraments had not some points of real resemblance to the things of which they are the sacraments, they would not be sacraments at all. In most cases, moreover, they do in virtue of this likeness bear the names of the realities which they resemble.”_ (Augustine, 354-430 AD, Letter 98:9).
      St Augustine writes elsewhere, that when Christ at the Last Supper said "This is My Body" he literally was holding his own resurrected body. Keep in mind who this man was, a Catholic Bishop, who believed through his words of consecration, the bread and wine transformed into the Resurrected Christ. As a theologian and teacher, this is what he taught ... never saying anything that resembled protestant beliefs some 1,100 years later. And Augustine was there at Hippo and Carthage when Catholic Bishops decided that the New Testament was 27 writings, no more, no less, out of 300+ early Christian writings. He and the Bishops ALSO said the Old Testament was 46 writings ...7 removed 1,100 years later by 16th c Catholic men, led by a priest named Luther who had no authority to say that Augustine and the Bishops had error'd.
      _“‘And was carried in His Own Hands: ‘how carried in His Own Hands’? Because when He commended His Own Body and Blood, He took into His Hands that which the faithful know; and in a manner carried Himself, when He said, ‘This is My Body.'”_ Augustine, On the Psalms, 33:1,10 (A.D. 392-418).

  • @phuthishore9237
    @phuthishore9237 11 месяцев назад +1

    I read the Bible and came to the same conclusion as Mike gendron. I was devoted Catholic for decades. But everyone have free will.

    • @theduke6174
      @theduke6174 10 месяцев назад

      Amen! God bless you

    • @Ireland3945
      @Ireland3945 6 месяцев назад

      I very much doubt you were a devoted Catholic, this is how Mike said he was a devoted Catholic......Dominus Vobiscumвидео.htmlsi=IdI2xYSpIFSTVc69

  • @Reubinv
    @Reubinv Год назад +2

    What should we make of James 1:27 talking about pure religion? Also Jesus at the judgment seat separating based on whether or not people helped the least of these, the gospel starts sounding extremely Catholic

    • @wesleysimelane3423
      @wesleysimelane3423 Год назад +1

      Not it does not. Good works are the results of being save through faith alone by His grace alone. Good works are not the roots.

  • @jedsum
    @jedsum Год назад +2

    Eucharist is understood not only as a sacrifice!

    • @wesleysimelane3423
      @wesleysimelane3423 Год назад

      Its an abomination in the temple of our Lord!

    • @RCEmichaelreavey
      @RCEmichaelreavey Год назад +1

      Joe Heshmayer book on the Eucharist. Over 130 bibliographic refrences from tge Scriptures and Tradition

  • @St_Pablo298
    @St_Pablo298 Год назад +1

    Ohhhhh man.. yeah.. this former catholic clearly wasn’t catechized very well. The entire Protestant argument that Catholics are saved by works and protesting Christians are saved by grace is simply untrue and a complete cheap shot.
    If we are saved by grace … alone… or faith… alone (neither of which is in the Bible) .. then are we free to sin? What happens when a Christian sins? Does that Christian have to repent? So repentance… a WORK.. is required to maintain salvation? So how is this different than confession ? This is just one of a myriad of reasons why the “protesting” parachurch religion is indeed NOT full Christianity. They present Christ and for that I am glad… but they tear apart His body .. His church.. all under the guise of spreading the gospel..

  • @margaretmicham7762
    @margaretmicham7762 9 месяцев назад +2

    Catholic friends: please read your Bible.

    • @JasonN-
      @JasonN- 28 дней назад

      We do 🙂 It’s no wonder that one of the highest rated Christian podcasts is a Catholic Priest reading the Bible cover to cover. Catholics LOVE the Sacred Scriptures!

    • @margaretmicham7762
      @margaretmicham7762 28 дней назад

      @@JasonN- not the ones I know.

    • @JasonN-
      @JasonN- 28 дней назад

      @@margaretmicham7762 I know plenty of of Protestants who don’t read their Bible, as well. The ones that do read it become Catholic 🙂

  • @rollingwithstones
    @rollingwithstones 8 месяцев назад

    This conversation was very interesting. I just learned about Mike and his ministry, so I've been binge watching any RUclips video with him in it.
    Although Mike's theology is accurate, he makes the same mistakes as most Protestants with the execution, especially when addressing Catholics. Mike needs to understand that most Catholics don't have the same appreciation for the Scriptures as other Protestants, so using quick counter arguments with one or two verses is always going to leave the door open for the "misinterpretation" or "semantics" defense like you were doing. Instead, I would sit you down and disciple you, building "precept upon precept". For example, in your discussion about sin and salvation, I would start with the creation of man and the introduction of sin, the Abrahamic Covenant, the purpose of The Law (10 Commandments), what it means to be "born again" (salvation), etc.
    There is a big piece of the Catholic puzzle that most Protestants seem to miss. That is, what are the origins of all these Catholic traditions not found in the Bible? There are so many unique practices within Catholicism that are not shared by any Protestant denomination. For example, the practice of repeating the same prayers over and over - Our Father (Lord's Prayer), Hail Mary, Act of Contrition, Apostles Creed. Like most Protestants, I can quickly refer to where it says in the Bible not to use "vain repetition as the heathens do" - but you would just dismiss it as "misinterpretation" or "semantics". Instead, I would explain where that practice originated with the Catholic church. Did you know the Roman church applied human limitations to their gods because they didn't understand the concept of God being omnipresent? Therefore, they were taught to repeat prayers over and over so that their gods might eventually hear them because they could only hear one person's prayers. The Catholic church adopted this practice from the Romans.

  • @alopez78
    @alopez78 Год назад +9

    1st of all, thank you for making this video. I appreciate what you're doing here. 2nd, for a man who claims he's not Anti-Catholic, he sure sounds like one. There were so many assertions and Logical Fallacies against the Church that I lost count. Lastly , I'm so tired of these outdated Anti-Catholic arguments. He literally almost went through them all. They have been refuted time and time again. This reteric is exactly how unprepared, un-catechised, weak Catholics are manipulated into the world of Protestantism. Anyway, I can go on and on, so I'll stop here. Once again, thank you for creating this channel. I pray that God blesses you and strengthens your ministry for the glory of the One True Catholic and Apostolic Church.

    • @hardcorecatholic938
      @hardcorecatholic938  Год назад +3

      No problem at all. Thank you for watching. No offense to Mike, but I am surprised as well that he relied on some very classic jabs like you said to the Catholic church, that even today most Protestants stopped using because they are just so used up and have long been refuted. I got to find the quote, but I've heard he was recorded in saying to Tim Staples that had he heard him (Tim) speak, he would never left the Church. Unfortunately, I believe he fell victim to these very same fallacies.

    • @wesleysimelane3423
      @wesleysimelane3423 Год назад

      He is not anti-catholic. He is bible-based and that alone goes the rcc, right?

    • @wesleysimelane3423
      @wesleysimelane3423 Год назад

      goes against...

    • @alopez78
      @alopez78 Год назад +1

      @wesleysimelane3423 Bible Based? I'm assuming you mean Sola Scriptura. If so, then yes, the Catholic church does not believe in Sola Scriptura. It holds to Scripture, Tradition, and Magestirium. Also, saying he's Bible Based actually means denominational interpretation of the Bible? So it's his interpretation against the ancient church who's always held to Scripture, Tradition and Magestirium. Sola Scriptura is a modern tradition that isn't biblical or logical.

    • @wesleysimelane3423
      @wesleysimelane3423 Год назад

      @@alopez78 Yes in so many ways the catholic church declines the sufficiency of God alone. The bible does not have to say it is the ONLY authority because it IS the ONLY authority. What else would you put at the same level as the bible. The catechism? (T)traditions? Magestirium? You must be joking! Wake up buddy! Catholicism is a mess of pagan rituals and rites. Why would you have such low esteem for the actual written words of GOD, that you are willing to twist them to agree with your Roman religious leaders ??? Don't you know that church religious leaders are CORRUPT and teach false doctrines according to Peter (2Peter 2:1-3) and Paul (Acts 20:29-30, 1Tim 4:1-6, etc) ?? The (T)traditions which Paul was talking about were in accordance with what was scriptural. He was not giving authority to romanism to go ahead and create many more additions to the word of God. Hence he also said .....Matthew 15: 6 Thus you nullify the word of God for the sake of your tradition. 7You hypocrites! Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you: 8“ ‘These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. 9They worship me in vain; their teachings are merely human rules.’ ” Also......Galatians 1 v 6-9 6 I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel- 7 which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! 9 As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse! (Did they preach mariology? Did they teach purgatory,? did they preach "pray to angels"? did they preach "venerate relics and corpses"? Did they teach baptism by sprinkling? Did they teach medals, scapulars, rosaries, repetitive prayers, candles, holy water etc? NO! This is clearly a different gospel. So, For one thing, learned Roman Catholics realize that the Scripture does not give them any basis for substantiating their claims. In fact, as we have seen, a close examination of the Scripture will demonstrate that their claims have no basis whatsoever. The Roman Church contends that while the Scriptures are true and authoritative, they are incomplete. This is why we must look elsewhere to answer these fundamental questions. Consequently, they deny the idea of the sufficiency of Scripture.

  • @Over-for-now
    @Over-for-now 10 месяцев назад

    God is NOT impressed by religion of any sort--- protestant catholic Buddhism mormon etc etc. He wants us to hear Paul's gospel given to him by Jesus Himself. It was a MYSTERY not known before.
    The FINISHED and completed work Jesus accomplished for salvation

  • @IanVinh
    @IanVinh Год назад +1

    Why do most other Christian Denominations not affirm Baptismal Regeneration, True Presence, Confession, or Purgatory? Its because they are interpreting the gospel in their own way, otherwise all Christians would affirm John: 6.

    • @peterzinya407
      @peterzinya407 Год назад

      Stupid protestants. They think..."call no man Father" ..... means call no man Father. We catholics know it means every pedophile in a dress Father.

    • @HolyChurchOfChrist85437
      @HolyChurchOfChrist85437 Год назад +1

      @@peterzinya407 if you would actually look into the statistics you would know that the abuse is almost non existent now , and even when it was quite a big thing it was 2 percent of priests majority of the abuse was not pedophilia either it was ephebophila . Yes obviously any abuse is too many , but how about I play the same game on you , quite a lot of Protestant “pastors” have been involved in scandal particularly baptists , should I assume all baptists are pedos then because some are ? No because that would be bearing false witness a sin , but you don’t mind breaking the commandments it seems considering you’re a fake Christian who makes up doctrine , and call no man on earth father means call no man on earth father in the context you would call God father , are you saying Paul was sinning when he called himself a father in 1 cor 4:15 then ? Disgraceful, and stop pretending to be Catholic, 2 Timothy 3:13 but evil people who pretend to be what they are not will become worse than ever . Your evil and unsaved and on your way to hell unless you repent

    • @peterzinya407
      @peterzinya407 Год назад

      @@HolyChurchOfChrist85437 Using the word father and calling a mand Father as his name are two different things. Its a hard saying, difficult. But why does the CC have its flock call its costume holymen Father? They arent your father. These Fathers are custodians of temples full of graven images with idolaters on their knees befor them. If that is OK with you, it sure doesnt bother me, because me and my house are saved. Consider yourself properly warned. Now you cant say you didnt know.

    • @HolyChurchOfChrist85437
      @HolyChurchOfChrist85437 Год назад +1

      @@peterzinya407 He called himself A Father. If call no man on earth father was taken Literally then you would be inferring Paul was sinning when he did that .

    • @HolyChurchOfChrist85437
      @HolyChurchOfChrist85437 Год назад +1

      @@peterzinya407 you are not saved . You are not in Gods Church , you are in a man made religion - Protestantism. Become Christian

  • @sade62397
    @sade62397 Год назад +1

    Mike, poor guy.. he’s spewing the same ole anti catholic rhetoric. 😢

  • @jmdionishow
    @jmdionishow 11 месяцев назад

    17:38 okay if the Catholic church and some other protestant churches became apostate, how can you guarantee that your church is not one of these apostate or will never become one? How can we help the people in the future which church is not an apostate? If even the church that have its roots in the Apostles became apostate, how much more to those random churches that popped out of nowhere? How can they be sure that church they will go is not an apostate? How can they be sure that the church you're in 200 years from now will never go apostate?
    If we join your church, what is the guarantee that it will never go apostate? Or should we keep hoppin around because most denomination is bound to fall into apostacy? If there is one church that will never be in apostacy, shouldn't it be the very church that Christ founded?
    Or you inclined to believe that your church is the one that will never fall into apostacy?
    Is your church better than the one which the martyrs spilled their blood for?
    Is your church better than the church Jesus built?

  • @kevinmc62
    @kevinmc62 Год назад

    Hey Mike G. First century church broke bread. Was it like a karate move to release stress? A Jesus version of overturning temple tables? Was it to feed the ducks on the Jordan river? Give me more context and is it possible that context comes from early church fathers that may have used more words in describing the meaning of bread breaking than your Baptist tradition?

  • @danielbravo258
    @danielbravo258 Год назад +2

    Dear brother, isn’t about Protestants or Catholics. It’s about been born again, the zeal of the Holy Spirit - John 3:16-19 - the down payment for the coming glory. “Faith without works is dead”, but external deeds, and works are an evidence of your faith inside not a complement of it. “Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness” not the opposite. Genesis 15:6, Romans 4:3. One example is the thief at the cross 18:29 that Jesus promised “today you will be with me in Paradise” did he have time to do any good deeds? Or go to church? “And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom. Luke 23:42, Psalm 106:4. Why we know he truly believed? - Luke 23:40 But the other responded, and rebuking him, said, “Do you not even fear God, since you are under the same sentence of condemnation? 41 And we indeed are suffering justly, for we are receiving [c]what we deserve for our crimes; but this man has done nothing wrong. True faith, saving faith in Christ always have works, or The evidence of the fruit of the Spirit. Gal 5:22-23.

    • @hardcorecatholic938
      @hardcorecatholic938  Год назад

      Love it brother. Don't disagree with what you're saying as I was stating in the interview some of this sounds like semantics.

    • @2007muzza
      @2007muzza Год назад +2

      @@hardcorecatholic938 Brother you either 100% believe in Jesus and the bible and nothing else or you don't.
      It seems that you don't 100% believe Jesus and the bible. You keep questioning the bible rather than having 100% faith in it. Also you seem to rely on the church, priests, catechism, man created books, etx to back your faith and belief in Jesus and the bible.
      You don't seem to have put your trust in Jesus as your Lord, instead you trust in the church.
      Church is you and me and fellow believers, so trusting in the church is dangerous as we are all sinners. Instead trust in Jesus and Jesus only, pray, and read the bible with belief and use your own God given intelligence (ask questions and find the answers in the bible, not fron others) the holy spirit will work in you and reveal answers. Don't trust in yourself only or other people.
      Just trust Jesus and his words.

    • @hardcorecatholic938
      @hardcorecatholic938  Год назад +4

      @@2007muzza 100% Believe in Jesus and his church (established in scripture). Bible alone makes absolutely no sense historically, theologically, or practically. I 100% believe in the Bible, just not your interpretation. The variance of Christian essential beliefs from "God given intelligence" and simply reading the Bible proves it's a flawed or at the very least makes our God one that is simply relative to one's own interpretation of how to read scripture. Trust Jesus and the read the text plainly on Mathew 16:18, trust what the early Orthodox Christians learned and passed on, who as a catholic church decided on the canon of scripture. You trust in their authority to choose the canon, define the trinity, but reject other traditions. Whether you want to admit it or not you have and do accept some "traditions of men".

    • @bradleesargent
      @bradleesargent Год назад +1

      @@2007muzza how can you even know the books of the Bible are part of a book called a Bible since the Bible does not tell you which books belong in the Bible

    • @2007muzza
      @2007muzza Год назад +1

      @@bradleesargent faith my friend, just like Abraham had faith in God to leave his home town and wander, and like Noah had faith to build an ark, and Moses to approach Pharoh, etc. Faith in God that has given us his word in the bible.

  • @abdumasihalarkhabil9667
    @abdumasihalarkhabil9667 Год назад +2

    Mike's gospel is different gospel

    • @wesleysimelane3423
      @wesleysimelane3423 Год назад +2

      It's true. It's based on bible alone. A different gospel comes from men and their traditiions e.g. purgatory, incorruptible corpses, relics, medals, scapulars, rosaries, statues and graven images, mariology, papacy etc. That is indeed a strange and different gospel which none of the apostles ever taught

    • @wordforever117
      @wordforever117 11 месяцев назад

      @@wesleysimelane3423Bible Alone is an unbiblical tradition of men.

    • @wesleysimelane3423
      @wesleysimelane3423 11 месяцев назад

      @@wordforever117 Do you know why catholics hate the bible only teaching?

    • @wordforever117
      @wordforever117 11 месяцев назад

      @@wesleysimelane3423they don't hate the bible only teaching - the recognise it is a false teaching based on the traditions of men.

    • @wesleysimelane3423
      @wesleysimelane3423 11 месяцев назад

      @@wordforever117 Literally, the "church" of traditions is the rcc, and they are proud of it. The reason why they hate sola scriptura is because they know most of their teachings are not found in the scriptures and some do not even agree with the bible because they come from apparitions, human traditions, popes, mystics and copied paganism.

  • @Nancy-fn8wu
    @Nancy-fn8wu 8 месяцев назад

    Praying for the Catholic interviewer. 👃 The teachings in the Bible are diametrically opposed to those of the Vatican.

    • @bigdogboos1
      @bigdogboos1 6 месяцев назад +1

      lol, no they aren’t. The CC is more biblical than any Protestant denomination could dream of.

  • @Stranded-in-the-Tiber
    @Stranded-in-the-Tiber 10 месяцев назад took a different approach than I did to Mike Gendron.

  • @scrpynlover12
    @scrpynlover12 Год назад +1

    I desire a personal and loving relationship with Christ. Question, who determines the parameters of this relationship? Answer, Christ does. One example, In John 6 , there are two camps, one who disbelieve and walked away, the other who believed and stayed with Him even though they did not understand Him. Sadly, today this scenario is still relevant. Christ commanded us, " If you love me, you will obey my commandments. " Christ demands faith from us AND obedience. 5 times Christ commanded us to eat His flesh and drink His blood. He said what He meant, and He meant what He said. Tell me, is it possible to have a personal and loving relationship with Christ, while at the same time l refuse to believe and obey. Again, there are 2 camps. Mike is with the former, whereas l, a Catholic, choose to pitch my tent with Peter and the apostles upon which Christ established HIS Church. Please pray for our brother, who for whatever reason cannot see the truth of Christ's One, Holy, Catholic, and apostolic Church. I love You Lord, therefore l believe and obey. God bless. Vivo Christo Rey .

  • @milocule1
    @milocule1 Год назад +1

    You all need to read your bible, I was a catholic until I sat down and read it for myself. After I did that I studied church history and found out I was being led astray, the Catholic Church has added so much that isn’t in the Bible!

    • @bibleman8010
      @bibleman8010 Год назад +1

      So what was your family's excuse and yours for not reading Scripture 🤷‍♀🤷‍♀
      The Church forcefully and specifically exhorts all the Christian faithful . . . to learn the surpassing knowledge of Jesus Christ, by frequent reading of the divine Scriptures. Ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ. Catechism Of the Catholic Church
      Pope St. Gregory I (died 604 AD) “The Emperor of heaven, the Lord of men and of angels, has sent you His epistles for your life’s advantage-and yet you neglect to read them eagerly. Study them, I beg you, and meditate daily on the words of your Creator. Learn the heart of God in the words of God, that you may sigh more eagerly for things eternal, that your soul may be kindled with greater longings for heavenly joys.”
      Pope Clement XI (1700 - 1720) To forbid Christians to read Sacred Scripture, especially the Gospels, is to forbid the use of light to the sons of light, and to cause them to suffer a kind of excommunication.
      Pope Pius VI (April 1st 1778 AD) “the faithful should be excited to the reading of the Holy Scriptures: for these are the most abundant sources which ought to be left open to every one, to draw from them purity of morals and of doctrine”
      Pope Pius VII (1800 - 1823) "encourage their people to read the Holy Scriptures ; for nothing can be more useful, more consoling, and more animating, because they serve to confirm the faith, to support the hope, and to influence the charity of the true Christian."
      Pope Leo XIII (1893) “The solicitude of the apostolic office naturally urges and even compels us…to desire that this grand source of Catholic revelation (the Bible) should be made safely and abundantly accessible to the flock of Jesus Christ”
      Pope Pius X (1903 - 1914) “Nothing would please us more than to see our beloved children form the habit of reading the Gospels - not merely from time to time, but every day.”
      Pope Benedict XV (1914 - 1922) “Our one desire for all the Church’s children is that, being saturated with the Bible, they may arrive at the all-surpassing knowledge of Jesus Christ”
      Pope Pius XII (1943) “... This author of salvation, Christ, will men more fully know, more ardently love and more faithfully imitate in proportion as they are more assiduously urged to know and meditate the Sacred Letters, especially the New Testament ...”
      Pope John Paul II (1979) “catechesis must be impregnated and penetrated by the thought, the spirit and the outlook of the Bible and the Gospels through assiduous contact with the texts themselves”
      Pope Benedict XVI (2006) “I urge you to become familiar with the Bible, and to have it at hand so that it can be your compass pointing out the road to follow. By reading it, you will learn to know Christ.”
      Pope Francis (2015) “The Bible is not meant to be placed on a shelf, but to be in your hands, to read often - every day, both on your own and together with others”
      Gee, good thing you don’t like condescending emails, right? Anyway, I am not rebuking God’s Word, I am rebuking man’s word and, in particular, I am rebuking your word. Your fallible, man-made, non-authoritative, biased and bigoted word.
      You speak of the “laughable infallible teachings of the [M]agisterium,” yet you tend to also speak as if you yourself are infallible. Do you believe your private interpretations of Scripture to indeed be infallible? And, if not, will you then admit that your private, fallible interpretations of Scripture, in regard to Purgatory and other such Catholic teachings, could be wrong?
      He is one of these former Catholics who knows "everything" there is to know about the Catholic Church and its teachings and who feels a special call to save Catholics from the darkness of Romanism that he was, at long last, able to escape from.
      I take it that during this time as a Christian you have not sinned even 1 time correct? Naturally due to rising to such a high spiritual level of perfection, your thoughts are totally pure and the passions cease to exist due to your total sanctification and totally pure heart. I must hand it to you, it’s one thing for a Monk to leave the world and live in constant unceasing prayer on the Holy Mountain of Mt. Anthos, but to live in the world like you do and still be able to reach such a high spiritual state of perfection that the Great Saints could never achieve deserves of crown of diamonds

    • @bibleman8010
      @bibleman8010 Год назад +1

      For the first 300 years of Christianity, there was no Bible as we know it today. Christians had the Old Testament Septuagint, and literally hundreds of other books from which to choose. The Catholic Church realized early on that she had to decide which of these books were inspired and which ones weren't. The debates raged between theologians, Bishops, and Church Fathers, for several centuries as to which books were inspired and which ones weren't. In the meantime, several Church Councils or Synods, were convened to deal with the matter, notably, Rome in 382, Hippo in 393, and Carthage in 397 and 419. The debates sometimes became bitter on both sides. One of the most famous was between St. Jerome, who felt the seven books were not canonical, and St. Augustine who said they were. Protestants who write about this will invariably mention St. Jerome and his opposition, and conveniently omit the support of St. Augustine. I must point out here that Church Father's writings are not infallible statements, and their arguments are merely reflections of their own private opinions. When some say St. Jerome was against the inclusion of the seven books, they are merely showing his personal opinion of them. Everyone is entitled to his own opinion. However, A PERSONS PRIVATE OPINION DOES NOT CHANGE THE TRUTH AT ALL. There are always three sides to every story, this side, that side, and the side of truth. Whether Jerome's position, or Augustine's position was the correct position, had to be settled by a third party, and that third party was the Catholic Church.
      Now the story had a dramatic change, as the Pope stepped in to settle the matter. In concurrence with the opinion of St. Augustine, and being prompted by the Holy Spirit, Pope St. Damasus I, at the Council of Rome in 382, issued a decree appropriately called, "The Decree of Damasus", in which he listed the canonical books of both the Old and New Testaments. He then asked St. Jerome to use this canon and to write a new Bible translation which included an Old Testament of 46 books, which were all in the Septuagint, and a New Testament of 27 books.
      St. Jerome acquiesced under obedience (Hebrews 13:17) and began the translation, and completed it in 404 A.D.. In 405, his new Latin Vulgate* was published for the first time.
      *The word "vulgate" means, "The common language of the people, or the vernacular".
      The Decree of Pope St. Damasus I, Council of Rome. 382 A.D....

  • @whitelightning5715
    @whitelightning5715 7 месяцев назад

    Right on are si correct,,don't stop sharing God's truth

  • @michelleheltz6116
    @michelleheltz6116 Год назад +2

    This man is only using proof texts and this is his own interpretation. He is his own pope.

    • @wesleysimelane3423
      @wesleysimelane3423 Год назад

      He reads from the bible. Do you also believe the bible is insuffcient favouring instead men made traditions and men made rules?

  • @peterzinya407
    @peterzinya407 Год назад +2

    Silly rabbit, Mike isnt interpreting scripture, he just says what they say. Scripture means what it says and says what it means.

    • @EricAlHarb
      @EricAlHarb Год назад

      Are you serious?

    • @peterzinya407
      @peterzinya407 Год назад

      @@EricAlHarb No, i was just kidding. Scripture doesnt mean what is says. It means what ever those homosexual pedophile rapist catholic priests says it means.

    • @EricAlHarb
      @EricAlHarb Год назад

      @@peterzinya407 🤔 sure nothing much to add to that. You go ahead and do you. I’ll stick with the body of Christ which is led by the Holy Spirit.

    • @peterzinya407
      @peterzinya407 Год назад

      @@EricAlHarb Your body of CHRIST is led by Cardinal McCarrick. Is he in prison yet?

    • @EricAlHarb
      @EricAlHarb Год назад

      Lol, your comments are just silly. The fact that you have so many varied interpretations of scripture means that scripture does not mean what every person thinks it means, protestant style.

  • @PInk77W1
    @PInk77W1 Год назад +3

    Jesus started one church and said it would last forever
    The Roman Catholic Church

    • @johnyang1420
      @johnyang1420 Год назад +1


    • @Ben-pk4cv
      @Ben-pk4cv Год назад +1

      There wasn't a Roman Catholic church in the first century. Wouldn't it be in the Epistles or the book of Acts? No mention of it in the New Testament.

    • @wesleysimelane3423
      @wesleysimelane3423 Год назад +1

      Romanists started this abomination and Constantine began cementing its power

    • @lu-vly
      @lu-vly 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@wesleysimelane3423 Bingo!

    • @wordforever117
      @wordforever117 11 месяцев назад

      @@Ben-pk4cvIt is in the Book of Acts actually.

  • @HolyChurchOfChrist85437
    @HolyChurchOfChrist85437 Год назад +4

    Funny how he believes he knows the bible better than every ancient Christian , and he believes he can decide what’s blasphemous in Gods eyes when the things he’s saying are blasphemous atleast most of them are things God commanded us to do such as participation in the Eucharist , almost as if he’s trying to be God , not saying that’s why he’s trying to do , but it seems like it

    • @wesleysimelane3423
      @wesleysimelane3423 Год назад

      Catholics routinely say that the all the Church Fathers agreed with the Roman Catholic view of the Eucharist and transubstantiation. That’s not true. “But if it be unlawful even to speak of this, and if for men to partake of the flesh of men is a thing most hateful and abominable, and more detestable than any other unlawful and unnatural food or act,” (Athenagoras 133-190 AD, On the Resurrection of the Dead, 8). ** “For if sacraments had not some points of real resemblance to the things of which they are the sacraments, they would not be sacraments at all. In most cases, moreover, they do in virtue of this likeness bear the names of the realities which they resemble.” (Augustine, 354-430 AD, Letter 98:9). ** “‘Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man,’ says Christ, ‘and drink His blood, ye have no life in you.’ This seems to enjoin a crime or a vice; it is therefore a figure, enjoining that we should have a share in the sufferings of our Lord,” (Augustine, 354-430 AD, On Christian Doctrine, 3:16:24). ** “And He blessed the wine, saying, ‘Take, drink: this is my blood’ - the blood of the vine. He figuratively calls the Word ‘shed for many, for the remission of sins’ - the holy stream of gladness.’” (Clement of Alexandria, 150-215 AD, The Instructor, 2:2). ** “Elsewhere the Lord, in the Gospel according to John, brought this out by symbols, when He said: ‘Eat ye my flesh, and drink my blood,’ describing distinctly by metaphor the drinkable properties of faith and the promise, (Clement of Alexandria, 150-215 AD, The Instructor, 1:6). ** For just as he, who was priest of the Gentiles, is not represented as offering outward sacrifices, but as blessing Abraham only with wine and bread, in exactly the same way our Lord and Saviour Himself first, and then all His priests among all nations, perform the spiritual sacrifice according to the customs of the Church, and with wine and bread darkly express the mysteries of His Body and saving Blood.” (Eusebius, 263-339 AD, Demonstratio Evangelica, 5:3). ** “For again, He gave Himself the symbols of His divine dispensation to His disciples, when He bade them make the likeness of His own Body… to give them bread to use as the symbol of His Body,” (Eusebius, 263-339 AD, Demonstratio Evangelica, 8:1). ** “…nor the bread by which he represents his own proper body, thus requiring in his very sacraments the ‘beggarly elements’ of the Creator,” (Tertullian, 155-220 AD, Against Marcion, 1:14)

    • @HolyChurchOfChrist85437
      @HolyChurchOfChrist85437 Год назад +1

      @@wesleysimelane3423 you really don’t understand the Eucharist .

    • @HolyChurchOfChrist85437
      @HolyChurchOfChrist85437 Год назад

      @@wesleysimelane3423 and non of them quotes you sent disprove the Eucharist, they are either in completely different contexts , or referring to some peoples intentions when receiving it etc and many other things .

  • @chris24gone
    @chris24gone 6 месяцев назад

    Catholicism absolutely does not compel good works. Where was this man catechised?

    • @carolineclarke3579
      @carolineclarke3579 3 месяца назад

      Constantine brought paganism and Christianity together causing the great falling away.
      In the Bible God forbids us to eat human flesh and to drink blood. THIS IS A SATANIC RITUAL.
      In the Bible God says to call no man father and do not do repetitious praying like the heathens do.
      In the Bible God says He is the only one who can forgive sins through His Son Jesus. There is no other way.
      Jesus is the truth, the way and the life. No-one comes to the Father except through Him alone.
      Who do you think Jesus was talking about in Revelation 17:4-5
      The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication.
      The catholic church is full of idols. They deleted God's 2nd Commandment 'Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness that's in heaven, on or under the earth, in or under the sea. Thou shalt not worship them or bow down to them' and they halved the last commandment to make up ten.
      There is an obelisk outside the vatican which represents Nimrod, sungod worship. Mary represents semi-ramas symbolised by a crescent moon and baby Tammuz is camouflaged by baby Jesus in Semi-ramas arm's.
      There is your MYSTERY BABYLON.
      I love the Catholic people and so saddened that 1.3billion are being deceived.
      I know Jesus loves them because He says in the Bible 'COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE AND DO NOT PARTAKE IN HER SINS AND RECEIVE NOT OF HER PLAGUES'
      We need to humble ourselves, repent of sins, accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour and believe He died on the cross for our sins, was buried, arose from the dead on the 3rd day, ascended into heaven and sits on the right hand of God.
      We need to be born again in The Holy Spirit and we become a new person. The Holy Spirit, dwelling in us gives us comfort, peace, joy, encouragement and helps us to overcome sin and guides us in good works but not of ourselves.
      Jesus wants us to have a personal relationship with Him. Pray and walk close to Him.
      We cannot work our way into heaven. Jesus says our works are like filthy rags. He paid for our sins on the cross. Before He died He said 'IT IS FINISHED' and the curtain separating the sacrificial alter was ripped from top to bottom.
      Jesus was the sinless sacrificial lamb that took on the sins of the world.
      The true church of Christ consists of those who have been born again in The Holy Spirit, have become a new person in Christ and follow Him. His bride. His New Jerusalem.видео.htmlsi=ZwU-Ru20S-DmjSvX

  • @rbnmnt3341
    @rbnmnt3341 11 месяцев назад

    If after talking to Mike you aren't convinced to leave Catholicism, you are totally spiritually blind and deceived. The church's position that Peter is the rock is easily debunked by scripture. Here are two scriptures you don't have an answer to. These scriptures totally destroy Zpeter being the rock.
    1 Samuel 2:2, "there is none holy as the LORD, for there is none beside thee: NEITHER IS THERE SNY ROCK LIKE OUR GOD". Then there is Isaiah 44:8, says in part "is there any God besides me? No! There is no other rock; I know not one".
    The other is that the church teaches that Peter is the foundation of the church. That too can be refuted by scripture. 1 Corinthians 3:11 that says "for other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ".
    In closing, the church also teaches that Peter is the head of the church. Scripture clearly says that Christ is the church. Finally, the bible says that Jesus left the Holy Spirit. The pope is not the Holy Spirit.
    I love the way Mike uses scripture to answer the interviewer. Therein is the problem with Catholicism. They use tradition and their catechism. Primarily because their doctrines, dogmas are not scriptural. They have to say that those things are equal to scripture. How else can they make it believable? How else woumld they have any veracity? The church has done what scripture. Romans 1:25, "who changed the truth of God into a lie".

  • @JulieDevonshire
    @JulieDevonshire 3 месяца назад

    MG. On power trip! Maybe he wanted to be a priest or saint. And did not have what it takes. His only ministry is bashing our Lords church

  • @marymargarette4289
    @marymargarette4289 Год назад +1

    But if you love God so you must follow the church of Jesus christ which he established through the apostle Peter. Jesus did not build so many churches. If you hate the catholic church that is mean you ignore the church that Jesus build, Jesus build only one church. The catholic church is right from the apostle Peter Jesus say you are Peter and on this rock I will build my church and powers of death shall not prevail against it. Jesus said for he who is not against us is for us. Jesus say he who is not with me is against me and he does not gather with me scatters. And you will be hated by all for my name!s sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved..
    May the holy trinity enlighten for all those who are confused about the catholic church who have twisted minds, who love to make their own interpretations against your church amen.

    • @hardcorecatholic938
      @hardcorecatholic938  Год назад +1

      Amen Mary. There's a lot of scripture that if read simply as it's written, points directly to the Catholic Church.

    • @wesleysimelane3423
      @wesleysimelane3423 Год назад

      Catholics tend to identify themselves with their church, not with Jesus. Further, they believe in a whole lot more than the Gospel of the New Testament. There is MUCH about the Catholic Church that is not even OF the Bible. Catholicism is like fake money---if you counterfeit money, you want to make it as close to the real thing as possible so you can use it as if it is real. THAT is Catholicism. By the way, the Protestant Reformation which began with Martin Luther was because Luther saw how much the Church at the time was off the track, and he was bringing things to light and urging his fellow believers to repent. But instead of repenting, they threw him out of the church. I am not talking about denominations, I am saying that the Catholic Church and the Christian Church are two separate and different religions. They view the Bible differently, they view Jesus differently, and a whole bunch of other things as well. The true Gospel is a message of grace, Catholicism is a religion of works. Two completely different theologies.

  • @nardforu131
    @nardforu131 Год назад +1

    Circular logic.

  • @themanufan8
    @themanufan8 6 месяцев назад

    Maybe this is uncharitable, but mike looks dead in the eyes.

  • @vincesigala9104
    @vincesigala9104 Год назад

    Paul was speaking of his Jewish religion. 😮

  • @curtisfloyd5942
    @curtisfloyd5942 10 месяцев назад +1

    Mike is right

  • @danviccaro3920
    @danviccaro3920 Год назад +4

    Mike Gendron by leaving the Catholic Church losses his salvation because there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church…

    • @hardcorecatholic938
      @hardcorecatholic938  Год назад +2

      We got to pray for him.

    • @johnyang1420
      @johnyang1420 Год назад +1


    • @wesleysimelane3423
      @wesleysimelane3423 Год назад

      There is no other name given under the sun except that of Jesus Christ, for the salvation of men. The rcc is the woman riding the beast, making many drunk with her wine(false dogmas and teachings)

    • @danviccaro3920
      @danviccaro3920 Год назад +2

      @@wesleysimelane3423 so false here is what the Apostolic Church Fathers taught by the Apostles themselves said :
      Clement of Rome taught by Peter and Paul said in 88 AD :
      Heretical teachers pervert scripture and try to get into heaven with a false key, for they have formed their human assemblies later than the Catholic Church from this previously existing and most true Church , it is very clear that these later heresies which have come into being are counterfeit and novel inventions .”
      Are you ready to claim the Apostles taught Clement of Rome wrong ? I hope not
      Ignatius of Antioch taught by Apostle John said this in 107 AD
      “ Wherever the Bishops appear let the multitude ( people) be wherever Jesus Christ is so is the Catholic Church “.
      Did Apostle John teach Ignatius of Antioch wrong?
      You have no history dating back to 33 AD None , your a Protestant because you Protest Jesus Christ Holy Catholic Church.

    • @wesleysimelane3423
      @wesleysimelane3423 Год назад

      @@danviccaro3920 leave these so called fathers alone. Study your bible

  • @richardgreene9077
    @richardgreene9077 Год назад

    Mike needs to review the carnal corinthians, they were saved but carnal. Carnal Christians are subjected to divine discipline! Recover from 1 john 1:9

    • @hardcorecatholic938
      @hardcorecatholic938  Год назад

      Thanks for sharing that verse Richard.

    • @HJM0409
      @HJM0409 Год назад

      Yes, they are subject to discipline, for sure! But were they being told they were not saved? The we’re still Christians! They were going to bring temporal (bodily/ temporary) judgement on themselves for their actions, but they were still addressed as Christians.

  • @andrewdonnell4921
    @andrewdonnell4921 Год назад +2

    You only have to look at what the Church of Rome says about the Holy Trinity. When it takes about the Holy Trinity. For example God the father, God the son, God the Holy spirit,. Which is right. But I puts a roap ronund it's own neck and hanges it self. Because the Trinity of the Church of Rome is God the father, God the son, God the Holy spirit, Mary, and dose the Church of Rome ever know how many saints/ false God's. How is this a Trinity. For ther is one God and one mediation between God and mankind the man Chris Jesus 1st Timothy 2: 5 .Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the father but by me John 14: 6. God bless you. Mike and God bless.

    • @tryingnottobeasmartass757
      @tryingnottobeasmartass757 Год назад +1

      I'm not a Catholic, but I will call you out, you damnable liar, for claiming that in Catholicism, the Trinity includes Mary and the saints. It is shameful that you would claim to worship Truth Personified (John 14:6), and tell such a filthy lie. May God grant you repentance to the acknowledging of the truth, and if you refuse to repent, may He demonstrate on you the truth of His promise, "Vengeance is Mine. I *will* repay."

  • @bobpaul4572
    @bobpaul4572 Год назад +1

    Nice young man. He's very bright and analytical - but the same Vail that remained over the eyes of non believers in Jesus Christ, in the Book of Acts remains over his eyes. Mike Gendron is teaching you from the Inspired, Innerrant, Infallibility Word of the Lord! That is absolutely Sufficient! However; you can study from many other Born Again Christian Bible Scholars who can Demonstrate what Catholism Really is.....and what its Origins Are! Just dropping one terminology: GNOSTISISM! Research what that is - and study the GNOSTIC Origins of Roman Catholism! When you get ready to leave this earth - what your Catholic family & friends think about you will mean Nothing. Only the thing you do for Christ Jesus will last! Only your Acceptance of Jesus as Savior & Lord will be Acceptable to the Father!! Please commit your life to HIM today!!

    • @hardcorecatholic938
      @hardcorecatholic938  Год назад +2

      Prayers for you brother because I believe you are ignorant (as I was) to what the Christian Church taught. You can't read the Bible without Jewish historical context, without tradition, and come to fully understand it. You're only as good as your teachers and influence. What protestants preach is a new form of Christianity. Study the early church (see the Didache..1st century earliest known Christian Catechism and listen to Jesus (John 6 discourse, Matt 16:19). It's attractive to "commit your life to Jesus" and follow your own interpretation of the Bible and deny authority / the cross (as protestants do). Protestantism makes no sense and by its nature leads to modern day heretical teachings. Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ

  • @lu-vly
    @lu-vly 11 месяцев назад

    To Mike G...thank you Mike Gendron for explaining the Bible so well. I am no longer Catholic. To Catholic Mike, thank you for keeping an open mind by inviting M Gendron.

    • @fantasia55
      @fantasia55 11 месяцев назад +2

      Mike Gendron tells his followers not to read about early Christianity, but to listen to him instead.

    • @wordforever117
      @wordforever117 11 месяцев назад +2

      This man convinced you with lies.

    • @lu-vly
      @lu-vly 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@fantasia55 Mike Gendron has opened my eyes to the lies of The Catholic Church. Thank you Mike Gendron and keep spreading the word. I will do the same 👌

    • @lu-vly
      @lu-vly 10 месяцев назад

      @@wordforever117 Mike Gendron is not lying because he is answering to the truth via scripture.

    • @wordforever117
      @wordforever117 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@lu-vlyWhat lies of the Catholic Church?

  • @HolyChurchOfChrist85437
    @HolyChurchOfChrist85437 Год назад +1

    ( not saying this about all Protestants ) but Mike comes across at least to me like he’s possessed by demons , he believes he understands scripture more than the apostles and early Christian’s guided by the Holy Spirit. That’s pride , deadly sin . He’s terrified to know how the early Christian’s , guided by the Holy Spirit interpreted Gods word , that’s because he hates the truth so he decides to decides to make up his own false God with man made doctrine that contradicts the The real God of Christianity , that’s idolatry , funny how he accuses Catholics of idolatry also. He also believes sects originating from Martin Luther are more holy than Gods Church. Says a lot about him . He needs to come to God , not the false man made version of God Protestants believe who saves by “faith alone” he needs to come to The God of Christianity .

    • @peterzinya407
      @peterzinya407 Год назад +1

      How dare Mike say the CC is full of idolatry. We are not idolaters, just ask any of our queen of heaven graven images. Im gonna ride my Mary statue all the way to heaven.

    • @HolyChurchOfChrist85437
      @HolyChurchOfChrist85437 Год назад

      @@peterzinya407 Again twisting the scripture , them verses on graven images that you seem to think means they are bad are referring to if you worship them , we don’t we venerate them , icons , statues in general are not bad , God commanded people to make statues of angels in the book of exodus and all the early Church had statues and icons , but you and your Luther religion sects figured it out did they centuries later ? You’re full of ego , and pride . Deadly sin

    • @peterzinya407
      @peterzinya407 Год назад

      @@HolyChurchOfChrist85437 Ok, i never said you worship them. Never said that. Thats your guilty conscience. OK, im waiting for you to say you guys never bow befor them. The commanndment says not to make or BOW befor them. Did you see the word BOW. Catholics never ever and i mean never quote the commandment. They just claim they dont worship them, which is believable. Thats nice. I want to see you say...."we catholics dont bopw down befor them". Can you do that for me, while you call full of sin? Ill wait. Thanks in advance.

    • @HolyChurchOfChrist85437
      @HolyChurchOfChrist85437 Год назад

      @@peterzinya407 I never said you claimed we worship them though .

    • @HolyChurchOfChrist85437
      @HolyChurchOfChrist85437 Год назад

      @@peterzinya407 it says don’t bow before them in the context , don’t bow before them as if they are God . we know this because the point Gods getting at is do not worship them or see them as Gods , so in that context Bowing down to them is wrong . But bowing down infront of them out of respect for who they represent ( Not who they are ) isn’t wrong

  • @lu-vly
    @lu-vly 11 месяцев назад

    The sacrifice of the mass is no bueno.

  • @wesleysimelane3423
    @wesleysimelane3423 Год назад

    "Eucharist"----- Matthew 24:23-27: Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There he is!’ do not believe it... 26 So, if they say to you, ‘Look, he is in the wilderness,’ do not go out. If they say, ‘Look, he is in the inner rooms,’ do not believe it. 27 For as the lightning comes from the east and shines as far as the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. Acts 15 outlaws the consumption of blood yet Catholics, in act of vampirism and cannibalism, drink human blood and eat human flesh and worship it? You tolerate the woman Jezebel who seduces the LORD’s servants to eat food sacrificed to idols. Jesus implores you to “come out of her my children lest you take part in her sins and share in her plagues.”