(FIXED!) GM intellilink display blank screen, flickering and bluetooth errors.

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 362

  • @brandonmobley7331
    @brandonmobley7331 2 года назад +27

    I shit you not you just save me $859. Dealership told me that it needed to be completely replaced, doing the exact same thing that yours was doing. Watch your six minute video, and problem is solved. Thank you so much. I hope you find a 20 or better yet $100 bill in an old pair of jeans sir!

  • @MarkMatthews-u7x
    @MarkMatthews-u7x Год назад +12

    After having the oil changed on my 2015 Tahoe at a local shop, the MyLink screen went blank the same day. I followed this video and boom it WORKS!! Note to self: if someone services your car and checks the cockpit air filter, beware that this plug may get bumped and disconnected. My dealer was ready to put in a $900 part with at least 2 hours of labor.

    • @brandonsavitt8127
      @brandonsavitt8127 Год назад

      Same, local shop did my change and it happened. I’m going to see about this loose connection.

    • @terrycarras8345
      @terrycarras8345 9 месяцев назад

      How did you get the connection itself out?

    • @russellberkheimer
      @russellberkheimer 7 месяцев назад

      Thanks so much for this comment and tip, saved me $ and frustration

    • @jerrychambers7267
      @jerrychambers7267 5 месяцев назад +2

      My trouble started right after oil change on my 2016 GMC Sierra
      It also effects the display on instrument panel flips from my phone to radio and all over

    • @sho_wil236
      @sho_wil236 2 месяца назад

      @@jerrychambers7267I have the same issue. How did you fix it?

  • @39309jones
    @39309jones 4 года назад +26

    2016 Silverado. My radio channels were changing on their own and screens were changing on their own, very irritating. I pulled the HMI completely out and reset every plug. Its been two weeks and have had no further problems. appreciate your video.

    • @Karzynn
      @Karzynn 4 года назад +1

      I'm gonna try this tomorrow, my 2017 is doing it and I'd rather try this than pay a crazy amount of money down the road.

    • @adrielvaldes5290
      @adrielvaldes5290 3 года назад +1

      I have a 2017 Chevy also it’s keeps changing the radio by itself! But I do noticed when I go 70 it’s changes should I unplug everything from the back ?

    • @dougplommer9961
      @dougplommer9961 3 года назад

      Is the blue plug have a release of some kind

    • @biggeff9718
      @biggeff9718 3 года назад +1

      @@dougplommer9961 it’s a clip on it you press down to release.

    • @andrewwhittington4860
      @andrewwhittington4860 2 года назад +1

      So did pulling the hmi work are you having problems with it anymore

  • @jeannemalloy3452
    @jeannemalloy3452 3 года назад +20

    Thank you for your video and post. My elderly neighbor has a 2015 Silverado 2500. His GM Intellilink started with the same craziness of changing from Navigation to radio and randomly changing stations. It was like it was possessed! I told him I would Google and see if others have had similar issues. The dealer had told him this was not a common or known issue. Although he was unable to actually get the blue connection off, he said he did push it in further. He has taken the truck out on two different ‘test runs’ over rough roads and his system is no longer possessed. Again thanks for sharing the information for the fix.

    • @btuff
      @btuff  3 года назад +2

      Thanks for that. Love hearing that kind of feedback.

    • @francel1953
      @francel1953 Год назад

      @@btuff same for me, i was not able to get the blue connection off, but i pushed it. Do you have trick to get off ?

  • @tonseearahay
    @tonseearahay 2 года назад +4

    Hi, thanks for the video. I tried all that, but what worked for me, was taking the fuse out and polishing the prongs with 400 grit sandpaper and applying a film of graphite lube-viola! Works perfect now.

  • @SeraphimSiN
    @SeraphimSiN 4 года назад +5

    2017 Duramax: The fix worked for me. However with mine I had to unplug the blue connection and pull the fuse. Waited for about 10 minutes, put the fuse back and plugged in the blue wire. The combination of power cycling and pulling the fuse worked for me.
    Thanks for the video. I'm sure you saved me some money on this one. I truly appreciate it. 👍

    • @macdorfingfyrslf
      @macdorfingfyrslf 4 года назад

      Which fuse is it?

    • @macdorfingfyrslf
      @macdorfingfyrslf 4 года назад

      And did ur park assist shut off also?

    • @SeraphimSiN
      @SeraphimSiN 4 года назад

      @@macdorfingfyrslf I'm sorry I didn't see this question until now. It was the fuse in the panel near the passenger door You have to take part of the dash apart to get it opened up. There's a fuse diagram on the inside of the panel that you pull on the passenger side.

    • @SeraphimSiN
      @SeraphimSiN 4 года назад

      @@macdorfingfyrslf No. I don't have park assist on my truck.

  • @oleheat
    @oleheat 4 года назад +15

    Thanks so much for this suggestion. I tried it Saturday and changed the in-cab A/C filter while I was at it. After removing the lower glove box, I pulled the blue plug and at first, nothing happened. I put the glove box back together thinking it just didn’t work for me. It sat for a day Sunday (didn’t have to go anywhere)- and this morning when I cranked up, it had apparently reset itself and the screen worked fine!! I just had to set the clock/calendar back to auto update. Drove 20 miles to work with no issues. Thanks again for the tip, man! 👍🏻👍🏻

    • @robertnash90
      @robertnash90 3 года назад

      I just had my cabin filter changed in my 2018 impala and started doing the same thing.

    • @hugderick89
      @hugderick89 2 месяца назад

      Does ur dash lights flicker off and on too have a 2015 Buick encore that does this radio goes black and dash lights go off too

  • @ToughMudder11
    @ToughMudder11 2 года назад +6

    Dude!! Thank you. I've been dealing with this issue for years in my 2015 Duramax. I just went in there and took that plug out and plugged it back in nice and snug and thr problem is fixed!!

  • @richardmarcott4343
    @richardmarcott4343 4 года назад +10

    To reset any module in your car, remove battery cables ,neg. first, then pos. Use a jumper wire. Attached to neg first then pos, leave on 5 or so minutes, this drains the capacitors that hold the modules open. And when you reattach the battery wires do neg first then. Pos, leave sit got 10min,,this will reboot the system. Easier than ripping out interior . Also will reset check engine light.

    • @toddmcintyre6355
      @toddmcintyre6355 3 года назад +4

      You might want to add you connect the jumper between the positive and negative cables - VEHICLE side. Just so someone doesn't jumper the positive to negative terminals on the battery. Laugh- but I've seen it happen.
      Also.. make sure your vehicle only has (1) battery. Some trucks are equipped with an auxiliary battery.

  • @robertthomason8832
    @robertthomason8832 2 года назад

    This WORKED! My 2018 Silverado 1500 was constantly changing the station, beeping like a channel had been touched, the maps were always needing re-centered. Showing all stations, switching to all apps, the dash was being changed as well. I can't believe a simple unplug and plug back in fixed it! Per a user below, the bottom glove compartment is all that needs to be removed. 4 screws. SO SIMPLE!!!! Thanks for posting!

    • @johnhimmelspach9532
      @johnhimmelspach9532 Год назад

      I tried this solution this weekend and it worked for a couple days. Now it is doing it again. Did this permanently fix your issue? Mine is a 2018, as well.

  • @airassault-rakkasan3187
    @airassault-rakkasan3187 Год назад +1

    Bro, this has been somewhat of an issue since I bought my 2015 Silverado almost a year ago. I just found your video and that worked so far. Thank you !

  • @edwardgonzalez3305
    @edwardgonzalez3305 2 года назад

    So, I have a 2017 Silverado LTZ and I despised that my Radio/Navigation system was acting crazy. My issues were that while listening to the radio it would jump from my radio, to either CD, Bluetooth, Navigation or XM radio. It would do this in a continuous loop. I tried the solution you provided, and thus far appears to work.

  • @PaulC-k6t
    @PaulC-k6t 5 месяцев назад

    This worked like a charm. It took me a while to find the bottom 2 screws, even with that it only took about 10 minutes. Thanks for sharing this information.

  • @willial4
    @willial4 Год назад

    This worked for my GMC 2500! The module can be removed and checked. After doing what you described, I reset the radio. It’s been working great since. Thanks for sharing!

  • @camiloroa5494
    @camiloroa5494 2 года назад +2

    Thanks for uploading things like this ur saving people some serious money this repair in the dealer it’s more than 1k

  • @jamesvornholt4404
    @jamesvornholt4404 Год назад

    I just changed my cabin air filter, and the screen went out, saw your video, and mine was the same thing, thanks for posting

  • @rossh4528
    @rossh4528 4 года назад +11

    I have a 2015 Chevy Colorado with a similar issue. It seems to be worse when the truck has been sitting in the sun. Anyway removed the plastic silver bezel from around the screen. Behind the bezel are 4 screws that hold the screen assembly in place. Remove the 4 screws. Pull out the screen assembly and disconnect the cables from the back. The screen itself is held in place with several screws that require a star bit. Remove the screws and you will then have access to the LCD screen. There are 3 ribbon cables connected to the screen, remove these and clean the contacts gently on both ends of the cable with a pencil eracer and alcohol. Reassemble and install back in dash. Worked for me.

    • @holydiver0221
      @holydiver0221 4 года назад

      Has it continued to function well? I've heard many people say it just does it again.

    • @rossh4528
      @rossh4528 4 года назад +1

      I had to do this procedure twice when I owned the truck. Not too bad considering I had the truck 6 years. Traded it in over the summer for a new Ranger.

    • @holydiver0221
      @holydiver0221 4 года назад

      @@rossh4528 Thanks for the reply and the suggestion. I'm going to give it a shot. Hope you're enjoying that Ranger. The new style sure looks good.

    • @rossh4528
      @rossh4528 4 года назад +3

      @@holydiver0221 something else you can try that worked for me temporarily is to give the dash just above the screen a good wack with the palm of your hand. I normally had to do this a couple of times before the screen would come back to life. Just a temporary fix but usually got it going for a while. Good luck!!

  • @donb4301
    @donb4301 3 года назад +3

    This fixed my issue (2015 Silverado) where the screen was rolling and full of lines like a 1970's black and white tv with a set of rabbit ears. I only had to remove the lower section of the glove box with 4 screws to reach the blue connector. Thanks for the tip!

  • @davep2620
    @davep2620 4 года назад +11

    Thanks for the detailed video. My 2017 Duramax has been doing something similar. I pulled the plug, pulled the 15 amp fuse for 10 minutes, and added some dielectric grease before putting it back together. Worked great on a 60 mile trek, down some rough gravel roads which usually cause it to go crazy. However, one day later it started going crazy again. I pulled it apart again. I added more grease, pulled the fuse, and them put it back together. It was worse - the screen was completely unresponsive. The buttons under the display worked but not the screen. I pulled the glove box out again and noticed the wires to all those connectors appear to be bumping up against the lower glove box compartment (btw you only have to pull the lower compartment out on the 2017 to access the plugs, and the screws are T15 with that model year). I pushed the wires up behind the metal bar that runs behind the upper and lower glove boxes, without pulling the blue wire out of its connection. When I fired it back up everything seemed to work fine. The screen is responsive. I suspect that the wires were rubbing on the bar and putting a strain on the connection. Hopefully this will work, but only time will tell.

    • @beauwooten850
      @beauwooten850 3 года назад

      Did this resolve you issue or have you had any more issues with it?

    • @FunkyCS99
      @FunkyCS99 2 года назад +2

      Hi. Dielectric grease is meant to prevent connectivity. You made your problem worse by adding the grease.

    • @5.3chino57
      @5.3chino57 2 года назад

      Did it resolve ur issue

  • @JDeezkixx
    @JDeezkixx Год назад +2

    You saved me hundreds of dollars on a radio upgrade. This fixed my issue. Thank you.

    • @btuff
      @btuff  Год назад

      Heck ya, nice.

    • @terrycarras8345
      @terrycarras8345 9 месяцев назад

      @@btuffcan you tell me how exactly you get the blue connector out? I have the glove box out but can’t seem to get the blue connector out. Just bought a 2017 Chevy Silverado and it started acting up right as a drove it off the lot 😭

  • @2009mechanic
    @2009mechanic 4 года назад +1

    My 2018 Silverado K1500 LT just did this.
    Just bought the vehicle , dealer is going to find the real problem and fix it , FREE OF CHARGE.

    • @holydiver0221
      @holydiver0221 4 года назад +3

      It will just occur again. Probably after warranty runs out. This factory unit is literal garbage, yet we lose significant functionality if we go aftermarket.

  • @Something-New-
    @Something-New- 2 года назад

    I still see everyone is having issues with this. thanks GM. I had this problem back in 2020, 2 weeks after I got a brand new truck. I had to take it to the dealer, and they replaced the entire screen and control module.

  • @jimporter8053
    @jimporter8053 2 года назад +1

    After watching this video and reading the blogs below I decided to take the ez way first, I was having real problems with the radio jumping to am, fm, sxm and back. I disconnected the battery as described below , I just came back from a long ride and it worked perfectly. Hopefully it solved the problem! Thanks for the info.

    • @Jaybutlershow
      @Jaybutlershow 2 года назад

      I disconnected the blue cable and connected it back it worked for like 10’mins and the started doing it again. If I discconect the battery that work?

  • @williamsnyder6514
    @williamsnyder6514 7 месяцев назад

    Such good info I went to 3 places asking questions and I realized that I knew more about cars than mechanics at the GMC dealership and the auto store I will try it out tomorrow and let you know if it works never had any weird issues just black the whole time I thought it was a fuse.

  • @stevenrupert7743
    @stevenrupert7743 3 года назад +3

    That did it on my Yukon!!! Thank you for sharing, saved a lot of money this way. Good call

  • @DickCaley
    @DickCaley 3 года назад

    I have a 2017 Silverado where the cable connection is different behind the glovebox but using the ideas in this video I unplugged 3 usb type connectors along with two other multi-pin connectors and sprayed them with Circuit Cleaner. Then reassembled and the craziness in the display went away. Thanks for the lead.

  • @ryanread9062
    @ryanread9062 4 года назад +1

    Going to try this when I get home. Just got quoted $1400+ by Devoe GMC in Naples FL on a 2016 Yukon XL 50K mi! Crazy.

    • @elibertoc
      @elibertoc 4 года назад

      I got quoted $1k by Bradshaw GMC for the same thing

  • @ryanread9062
    @ryanread9062 4 года назад +4

    2016 GMC Yukon XL- same issue. $1300 later at Devoe Buick GMC in Naples, FL.
    Has to be a recall. I’m on my Second screen and first HMI module. Going to try and contact GM direct.

  • @txladywolf01
    @txladywolf01 4 года назад

    THANK YOU....so much saved me $160 by Chevy for Diagnostic on my 2017 Chevy Silverado XLT.....scared the crap out of me since I just purchased it in MAY 2020...I got a WIERD computer screen program..thing...and couple hours later the whole thing came back on!! I would put a picture of what happened on here but Don’t know how....LOLOL....thank u

  • @bicd3244
    @bicd3244 Год назад +1

    Had the same problem and found your video. Sadly the "fix" did not work for me. Once I started moving, the problems started again. On the bright side, I did find out how easy it was to change out my cabin air filter. Thanks for that!

  • @101Buccaneer
    @101Buccaneer 4 года назад +2

    I had this problem, I was just at the end of my warranty, (have a friend with the same problem, this is NOT ISOLATED) anyways I Got the dealer to fix it, I was told it's the Touch SCREEN that was bad, so they replaced it. It's worked for about a year or so, now I'm having the same problems. Sad as much as people pay for these Vehicles and Chevy knows there's a problem. I'll give this a try Thanks

    • @Luis-lp4wp
      @Luis-lp4wp 4 года назад

      How long did they take to fix it at the dealer?

    • @101Buccaneer
      @101Buccaneer 4 года назад

      @@Luis-lp4wp I dropped it off for a day, they had to order a new touch screen (I was told that is the problem)

    • @Luis-lp4wp
      @Luis-lp4wp 4 года назад +1

      Micky Franklin I wonder why they say the screen cuz when I put it in reverse the backup camera works

    • @101Buccaneer
      @101Buccaneer 4 года назад +2

      @@Luis-lp4wp wow you got me, but when I talked with the Ser.Manager he was telling me this is a common problem

  • @Cornpops_Revenge
    @Cornpops_Revenge 2 года назад

    WORKED FOR ME!!! Thanks... didn't at first but I tried it again and bingo... hope it lasts...

  • @sarahwhitmire8353
    @sarahwhitmire8353 9 месяцев назад

    This is why I love RUclips. It has useful shit! And it worked out! Also there is a tab on that terminal in my 2018 gmc sierra. You have to press it and it will pull right out. I didn't kill it. But I sure as hell killed the glitch. Thank you for this video!

  • @elmerzook9125
    @elmerzook9125 9 месяцев назад

    This is amazing, my repair shop said I need a new radio!

  • @paulgoetzka7828
    @paulgoetzka7828 3 года назад +2

    Thanks a lot Guy fixed my blank screen after bouncing down a rough road.

  • @brettplazek1599
    @brettplazek1599 Год назад

    Just tried this, 2018 Sierra. No luck. Now it's intermittent while parked also. Worth the simple attempt, must be something else.

    • @mikev7661
      @mikev7661 Год назад +1

      I have a 2017 chevy silverado, my screen on dash and radio (head unit) randomly changes. I hear a chirp before it does. driving me nuts. Some comment say disconnect and reconnect ribbon cables behind radio ? I'm going to try. I did the blue wire, pulled fuse, cleaned screen. Cleaning the screen did help but now it's doing weird thing's again. Process of elimination ?

    • @terrycarras8345
      @terrycarras8345 9 месяцев назад

      @@mikev7661you figure out a fix?

  • @tonseearahay
    @tonseearahay 2 года назад

    Follow on to my remarks. I discovered that you have to reboot your computer. Just go to 'settings' and search for 'return to factory settings'. So far so good!

  • @johngraf5603
    @johngraf5603 4 года назад +3

    Thank you so much for taking the time to do this vid. I put a dab of dielectric grease on my blue cable and it fixed mine. You only need to take the bottom glove box off. Thanks again the black screen was driving me crazy.

  • @bushelfoot
    @bushelfoot Год назад

    I went through the typical troubleshooting process couldn't nail it down, tried the blue plug and its good now thanks so much, by the way if you get the notification that you have a trailer hooked up without the trailer. Squeeze the brake test each time you get the message it will go away, my did.

    • @btuff
      @btuff  Год назад

      That’s great. Love hearing these stories.

    • @Rainman270
      @Rainman270 Год назад

      I kept getting " check trailer brake system " message, replaced the module ( to left of steering wheel ) and it resolved problem. I've read it's a common problem.

  • @Patriot-777
    @Patriot-777 3 года назад +3

    The blue wire does control the screen but this is not the issue. I’ve watched dozens and dozens of videos about the blue wire and if you read the comments over 80% of the people in the comments have had the problem reoccur. My personal experience it’s not just the screen going blank but it seems like my entire system reboot itself while I’m driving. I lose all connectivity. The blue wire simply provides video

    • @treciac22
      @treciac22 3 года назад +2

      Mine too. When my phone's bluetooth is connected, it constantly disconnects... music interrupted.. Radio channels change... black screen appearing and disappearing; however, the audio does not cut off. Did you find a solution?

    • @FIRE_8022
      @FIRE_8022 3 года назад +1

      @patriot have you found a fix? I have the same issue as you blue wire, battery, fuse none did the trick

    • @CliveOldfield1
      @CliveOldfield1 2 года назад

      Same issue here 2017 Silverado. Unplugging the blue connector causes the screen to go black, plugging it back in immediately restores the image. Not my issue! Mine suffers a reset, blue tooth disconnects, and reboots after a few seconds. Driving me nuts!

    • @mikemerrill8484
      @mikemerrill8484 Год назад

      @@CliveOldfield1did you find a fix?

    • @CliveOldfield1
      @CliveOldfield1 Год назад

      @@mikemerrill8484 Not had the issue repeat for months at this point. I tried a new USB cable hook up to eliminate that. Did not help. Pulled the controller, removed the lid and reflowed any joints I could. No improvement. Only things I've changed since then were to remove unused apps off the radio, and went for a wireless Android Auto dongle (the trucks USB port would no longer charge my Pixel 6 so needed to plug it in to a decent charger). No software reboots lately. I can check what version it's running to see if maybe an OTA update fixed this.

  • @forestrelmcclain
    @forestrelmcclain 3 года назад +4

    Thanks for the video... only wish I had seen it before I bought a new display from a junk yard and purchased it :( but yes this worked out like a charm..... it seems to have a bad connection at the box behind the glovebox.... thanks again for sharing the video :)

  • @GrandPrixChris
    @GrandPrixChris 4 года назад +1

    It worked! Mine went black after changing my cabin filter. Radio and touch buttons worked but no display. My screws were T15. Apparently, I moved the harness away with my fingers to get the cabin filter. Thank you!

  • @pixielesinsky7997
    @pixielesinsky7997 3 года назад +1

    I'm going to give this a try before I spend over $900. at the dealers next week, I've had my 2016 Canyon diagnosed at 2 different shops and both said the module needs to be replaced, I'm not sure what module they are referring to as they didn't explain, possibly the hmi, I get the feeling that being a woman they don't think I would understand, but being from Detroit some of us ladies do know car/truck stuff, lol, thanks for the video.

    • @justinsolberg1988
      @justinsolberg1988 3 года назад +1

      Was the connector in the same place on your Canyon? Gonna give it a try

  • @alphamikefoxtrot893
    @alphamikefoxtrot893 6 месяцев назад

    I just changed my cabin air filter and my screen did the same thing. Thanks for the video.

  • @scottwatts
    @scottwatts 3 года назад +1

    Thank you VERY much!!! My 2016 GMC Sierra 1500 had a weird issue where the navigation screen would sort of bounce all around, as if somebody were touching all over the screen. Then sometimes it would go blank except for a "no data" message. This fixed it!!!! Thanks again!

    • @btuff
      @btuff  3 года назад

      Glad it helped

    • @wyatt1963
      @wyatt1963 2 года назад

      I have a 2015 GMC with a periodic jumpy screen. First it seemed only on the map like you said. But now the radio is changing screens and resetting stations. Just crazy. I purchased a screen digitizer that was mentioned as a fix on a GMC forum thread for the jumpy screen syndrome. It arrived today for $300.
      I will definitely try this first.

  • @Something-New-
    @Something-New- 4 года назад +3

    2020 Silverado. I bought it two weeks ago. And now this. Unbelievable.

    • @ryanmathis2515
      @ryanmathis2515 4 года назад

      Any update?

    • @Something-New-
      @Something-New- 4 года назад

      @@ryanmathis2515 No... I disconnected and reconnected battery, did the same with the fuses. Nothing. Now the screen is just black and won’t come on. Volume dial and any other associated controls also not working. I’m traveling this week with Christmas so I have had time to take it to the dealer, but that’s why I’ll have to do.

    • @ryanmathis2515
      @ryanmathis2515 4 года назад

      @@Something-New- I’m having the same exact problem, bought a 2018 LTZ yesterday and within 4 hours it was giving me those problems that you are talking about . UNREAL how this can be happening with Chevrolets so called newest and finest. I’m lucky I got a warranty that will cover the life of the vehicle

    • @Something-New-
      @Something-New- 4 года назад +1

      @@ryanmathis2515 yeah. This is just stupid. Let me know what you end up doing, I’ll do the same.

    • @Something-New-
      @Something-New- 4 года назад

      As of today I am now getting a “service parking break”. Also a whistling/high pitch noise at lower rpms, like it was a diesel.. and it’s not. I got this truck 3 weeks ago. This is insanity.

  • @oneshoe123
    @oneshoe123 6 месяцев назад +1

    Just saw your video very interesting , my screen after turning off and on a couple of time it finally just stayed dark .Ill try your fix hope it helps thanks in advance.

    @TIREMOKEY 4 года назад +2

    Thank you for this video probably you save me a lot of money I was gonna take my Chevy suburban to the dealership. And I just fix it thank you very much.

  • @MrChipitout
    @MrChipitout 4 года назад +4

    I have a 2018 Silverado. Same problem, it’s driving me crazy! I tried several times to disconnect plug, still no luck. Thanks for info

    • @martinromero5408
      @martinromero5408 4 года назад +3

      I did the disconnect and plug back in and I still have the same issue .. in park and while I drive it does the same exact thing

    • @elcata7285
      @elcata7285 4 года назад

      Have you got it fixed?

    • @tylerborkowski502
      @tylerborkowski502 4 года назад

      martin romero hey have you fixed it yet because I’ve tried everything as well and nothing

    • @elcata7285
      @elcata7285 4 года назад

      Tyler Borkowski any luck ?

    • @moonlalune8003
      @moonlalune8003 4 года назад

      If it always flickers on and off no matter how you fix the cable... There might be a problem with the cable already.

  • @MM-iv4yl
    @MM-iv4yl 4 года назад

    That happened to me yesterday and My dashboard even went black I thought my Denali was going to turn off, thank God it didn’t! I’m going to have my husband check I knew it had to be a loose wire lol!

  • @Jaybutlershow
    @Jaybutlershow 2 года назад

    I appreciate you posting this - just got my 2019 Chevy Tahoe straightened out. Thanks, man.

  • @terrycarras8345
    @terrycarras8345 9 месяцев назад +1

    How do you get the connection itself out? I’m pulling and it’s not moving at all. Please help I’m so close!

    • @sarahwhitmire8353
      @sarahwhitmire8353 9 месяцев назад

      There's a tab u have to press on the top of the terminal and it will pull right out

  • @cameronworland5757
    @cameronworland5757 3 года назад +3

    Great video. However I found that just pulling the fuse and reinserting it worked for me.
    A slightly easier process since you don’t need to remove any screws.
    Thanks for the help!

    • @AlejandroGomez-ur3pz
      @AlejandroGomez-ur3pz 3 года назад

      That’s awesome where is the fuse located?

    • @richsiegmund8371
      @richsiegmund8371 3 года назад +4

      ​@@AlejandroGomez-ur3pz The fuse is located behind a panel on the right side of the dash. With front passenger door open you'll see the side panel which is about 20" tall and meets the rubber door gasket at one side. At the bottom center it has a small logo of a fuse. I used a small screwdriver to pop the left side of the panel free, on the backside is a fuse diagram and with the panel off you'll see about 20 fuses. From memory I think it's fuse #18, but I'm sure it's labelled RDO in the diagram. It's a 20A fuse.
      For me removing the blue connector from the HMI (with the lower glovebox removed) didn't do anything, but leaving the fuse out for 20 minutes did the trick. My screen was completely black, didn't go in and out, so my guess is there was a software glitch. I imagine removing the battery connections does similar but that affects a lot more than just the display, and in my duramax 2017 Sierra 3500 there are two batteries so this is a nice fix.

  • @martinrazo3706
    @martinrazo3706 4 года назад +54

    My 2015 high country started doing this I nearly put my fist threw the radio!

    • @jaysieg94
      @jaysieg94 3 года назад

      Mine started acting up too. How did you fix it?

    • @treciac22
      @treciac22 3 года назад +1

      @@jaysieg94 Mine is too! Please share

    • @treciac22
      @treciac22 3 года назад +1

      please share how you fixed this problem

    • @Mrfreez713
      @Mrfreez713 2 года назад +1

      Been there with my 2018 Denali

    • @midwestmike613
      @midwestmike613 Год назад

      Simple answer computers aren't really built to handle extreme temperature changes harsh weather conditions and years of vibrations from bumpy roads and numerous stop and go's. They do a pretty good job but definitely not perfect. Unfortunately you would have run everything the same way you do at a commercial grade property using strict building codes. And that would cost thousands per car so that's why we get so many computer issues in our new cars. 🤷‍♂️🍻

  • @russellberkheimer
    @russellberkheimer 7 месяцев назад

    Thanks for this video, exactly the issue, saved me $ and frustration

  • @tdot321action4
    @tdot321action4 3 года назад

    Hey guys unplugging the negative on the battery worked for me. No need to take off glove box. Try that second. Then third.... Dealership . 😒

  • @loriannetenhaaf7792
    @loriannetenhaaf7792 Год назад

    Can’t wait to try this for my 16 Tahoe!

  • @justlooking4now2011
    @justlooking4now2011 4 года назад +20

    Thanks for the great video. I wonder if there is a TSB or recall from G.M. for these failing radios.

    • @taborm7210
      @taborm7210 3 года назад

      There is a TsB for this

    • @kachogaming
      @kachogaming 3 года назад +1

      @@taborm7210 what’s a tsb

    • @ethanconner5972
      @ethanconner5972 3 года назад +1

      What is a tsb?

    • @brad8665
      @brad8665 2 года назад

      Ethan Conner technical service bulletin

    • @JamesWhite-tg4kw
      @JamesWhite-tg4kw Год назад

      So what's that cost I've talked to my dealer an they said bring it in but it will cost me

  • @victorcervantes8283
    @victorcervantes8283 2 года назад +3

    Thank you so much for sharing this info. U was having problems with my stereo and by doing this it got fixed :) you probably saved hundreds of dollars 💸

    • @btuff
      @btuff  2 года назад


  • @perrylund4889
    @perrylund4889 11 месяцев назад

    Will that same wire have an effect on the dash it self? Also change the clock and radio station?

  • @garytullous2806
    @garytullous2806 4 года назад +2

    My 2017 radio having these issues . Never went blank . But does change channels and flickers . Tried this fix and didn’t work ... ? Mine seems to do it more when wet or damp outside ?

    • @btuff
      @btuff  4 года назад +1

      Maybe add some electric grease.

    • @aprilsteve
      @aprilsteve 3 года назад

      I seem to have the same issue when it is wet or damp

  • @SalvadorCmchata
    @SalvadorCmchata 3 года назад

    2014 GMC SIERRA just stared doing it this is going to be helpful

  • @tonydischner4617
    @tonydischner4617 3 года назад +1

    Believe it’s a T15 instead of T10. If the screws aren’t to tight a T10 will work. I had one that was cross threaded. The T15 got it out.

  • @fistferd
    @fistferd 2 года назад +3

    got it fixed with this instructions! Thank You Sir!

  • @TheAirin502
    @TheAirin502 3 года назад

    Holy smokes thank you so much... I was about to say screw it and replace the whole radio...

  • @olegseu3580
    @olegseu3580 4 года назад +5

    thanks for the video it was the same issue on mine. now fixed 👌

  • @Raymondhunter-j4k
    @Raymondhunter-j4k Месяц назад

    i removed the glove compartment and casing around as shown in your video however i don't see any connectors Arcadia 2017........................Please help

  • @williamdavidcraigjr7841
    @williamdavidcraigjr7841 2 года назад

    We were driving and our screen went totally blank/frozed and showed the backup video mode and this AWFUL LOUD BEEPING sound kept on for 15 minutes then it came back on. Wild

  • @tylerblank7565
    @tylerblank7565 4 года назад +7

    Update? Does it still work good?

    • @erikpenaloza1987
      @erikpenaloza1987 3 года назад +1

      I tried doing this on my dads truck, but it still isn’t working

  • @CNote82
    @CNote82 2 года назад +2

    This fix worker to perfection! Thank you!

  • @Cobra4758
    @Cobra4758 7 месяцев назад

    Where does the green connector wire run too? I don’t seem too have it on mine I changed blue cable got the screen on but no display at all

  • @kingkarma7182
    @kingkarma7182 3 года назад +1

    I have a 2017 gmc and my dies the same would it be located in my glove compartment

    • @btuff
      @btuff  3 года назад +1

      Yes it would

  • @camfromgm
    @camfromgm 2 года назад +2

    I currently have the exact issue exactly. I have 2022 trail boss and my screen went completely black yesterday. About to take it in to dealer (under warranty obviously still - 1,300 mi on it lol) and let them tear it apart/fix it. I am going to show them your video. Incidentally when I was sitting still for a while my screen decided to come back on all by itself. Been driving around since yesterday hasn't happened again yet.
    Any advice on my heated seat button sticking in on the stack? I can't use it when it sticks like this- button stuck in the "in" position. Also my steering wheel mute button - sometimes works sometimes doesn't. Additionally, my volume adjust on back of steering wheel when I use it sometimes my volume will freeze on the instrument cluster display and won't move the volume up or down. Ty

    • @Something-New-
      @Something-New- 2 года назад

      I had my screen die on me, and then work sometimes as you are describing. It eventually just died completely. Mine is a 2020 trail boss. Dealer had to replace entire unit. I also had issues with all of the associated controls with the radio, though weirdly the volume and skip buttons behind the steering wheel still worked.

  • @0226dave
    @0226dave 3 года назад +1

    Worked for me. Thanks so much for the video and the money in my pocket.

    • @tonyda2656
      @tonyda2656 3 года назад

      Is the radio fix still working, Dave?

  • @TheFishingfool25
    @TheFishingfool25 3 года назад

    I tried this and it seems to have worked, i just did it and have not drove it yet. My screen would go nuts right on startup. I have a 2018 Silverdo and It would change apps and push random buttons. Huge pain because I use Google maps (I live in Miami and need traffic updates lol) it would act like the screen was being touch a sh@$ton. I calibrated the touch screen as well. If it doesn't work, at least my struck is under warranty. Thanks for the info.

  • @jamescastano169
    @jamescastano169 Год назад

    🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻thank you problem fixed God bless you

  • @byammine
    @byammine 3 года назад +1

    My screen has randomly shut off and then came back on a couple times in the last 2 weeks. And now my battery was nearly dead after work one day, and completely dead the next morning. Just a few days before this started happening, I replaced my cabin air filter. I wonder if I bumped that connected and there may be a short which is draining my battery. After I got it started, the voltage jumped right to 14v so I don’t think it’s an alternator problem. I’ll find out after work today if I’ll be able to get going home without a jump

  • @chrisostrowski3074
    @chrisostrowski3074 3 года назад +4

    Hey I did exactly what you did, mine is still not working, also I notice when I slam my door, sometimes my radio will come back on, any other ideas? Someone please help I have an hour commute to work with no radio lol

  • @Ryansrangereport
    @Ryansrangereport 2 года назад

    When this happens does your center lcd gauge go out as well? This is happening to my wifes 2019 denali

  • @lxander12
    @lxander12 3 года назад

    Woooo. Thanks man..just tried this myself and low and behold it worked.cheers

    • @tonyda2656
      @tonyda2656 3 года назад +1

      Is it still working Alex since you tried the radio fix?

    • @lxander12
      @lxander12 3 года назад +1

      @@tonyda2656 yep..still going

    • @tonyda2656
      @tonyda2656 3 года назад +1

      @@lxander12 Thanks I'll try it this weekend.

  • @chrissmith8816
    @chrissmith8816 Год назад

    I have a 2017 GMC Acadia SLE-1 and my glove box doesn't look like that. How do I get to the blue cable then?

  • @gadasavideos8564
    @gadasavideos8564 Год назад

    Wondering if colorado has a blue connector behind glove box?

  • @Kevin_D1
    @Kevin_D1 Год назад

    I have a 2019 and its doing the exact same thing. I am wondering if this fix will work on my truck.

  • @steveyoung4016
    @steveyoung4016 2 года назад

    Ok, I'm wondering where you are finding that upper door (above the glove compartment)?; because my 2014 gmc sle1 awd terrain DOES NOT have that. I'm able to take the glove compartment out with no problem, but that upper dies not exist. When I look under there as best I can, I see where someone did a shabby job of welding a bar across that area. Does that sound like the car may have been wrecked prior to me getting it in 12/2017?

  • @jeepgirllovesdrums6675
    @jeepgirllovesdrums6675 Год назад

    Do you tin this will work on my 2013 Buick Encore. My screen has been fine for all of these years and just started about 3 months ago going off when I hit slight bumps in the road and comes bak on. I am not sure the connection will be the same behind my glove box on my Encore? My issue sounds like everyone else's and yours. Thank you so much.

  • @ronniem.7854
    @ronniem.7854 Год назад

    Had a similar issue with a 2012 GMC terrain, infotainment center was going in and out, digital speedometer was illuminating bright orange, driver side window was stopping half way up, interior dome lights were shimmering and blinkers would work but no sound. Positive battery cable was completely loose and just needed to be tightened.

  • @haroldrobison2735
    @haroldrobison2735 Год назад

    Any idea on why a 2017 silverado screen would be blank only thing that works is back up camera?

    • @jay_edwards876
      @jay_edwards876 6 месяцев назад

      Did you figure it out. I got the same problem

  • @omarsandoval8846
    @omarsandoval8846 2 года назад

    Cuestión buddy i had a gmc sierra 2014 but the cable green is not there you not where come from ? Please if you have idea let me Know thanks

    • @btuff
      @btuff  2 года назад

      I would try unplugging all and replugging

  • @priscillamtcr
    @priscillamtcr 3 года назад

    In a Chevrolet trailblazer 2018 where can I find the cables of the radio ???

  • @jrey9484
    @jrey9484 3 года назад +1

    My radio screen just went dark and every 30 mins a message saying it failed to update something comes on, the camera however works on that screen and the radio works on the dash, hopefully I can try this on the weekend thanks for posting the video

    • @orangegoat9443
      @orangegoat9443 3 года назад

      Did it work? Having same problem

    • @jrey9484
      @jrey9484 3 года назад +1

      @@orangegoat9443 sorry have not done it yet, 3 kids one 2 months old haha haven't find the time to do it , let me know if you Fix it first please

    • @orangegoat9443
      @orangegoat9443 3 года назад

      @@jrey9484 understandable got a wild 6 month old, plus fighting the weather to try and do this because I don’t have a garage lol the odds aren’t in my favor

  • @devilsluck3987
    @devilsluck3987 3 года назад

    My stereo has only died like this after an exit from the truck, and upon restart. It's never gone out mid use. I'm wondering if it's an issue in the door switch..?

  • @MrBquinn
    @MrBquinn 3 года назад

    Thx for video it worked on my 2016 saved me some $$ . 👍

  • @martinalvarado8109
    @martinalvarado8109 4 года назад +1

    what is that piece called were u removed the clip? my truck is missing the whole thing smh

  • @randallurbance2636
    @randallurbance2636 2 года назад

    Any chance this works with a 2012 regal? This kind of problem was happening to me all the time and now display screen will not turn on at all.

  • @rudyyarbrough5122
    @rudyyarbrough5122 2 года назад +2

    It worked on mine two times and then it wouldn't work any longer. The screen is good and so is the module but apparently, the connection between the two is bad. Of course, a $1 connector is going to cost me around $400 at a dealer. I absolutely hate electronics because of crap like this. One little $1 component ruins hundreds of dollars of systems. The wire going into my module required me to physically twist it to the point that I almost needed pliers to insert it into the plug because it is molded onto the plug. This cannot be a good thing because the connector is so small and delicate. That also means that the plug is under extreme strain for its entire life. BTW, you do not have to remove the two bottom screws all of the way out. You can undo them about 3/4 inch and then the bottom box will pop out and rotate downward. Those two screws are hard to restart once you take them out.

    • @btuff
      @btuff  2 года назад

      try electric grease

  • @khouston01
    @khouston01 3 года назад

    My 2016 makes phone calls, and puts me on hold, an changes the station, I'm going to try this. Thanks....

  • @SeraphimSiN
    @SeraphimSiN 4 года назад +6

    It just happened to me. Going to do this fix tonight and see if it works. They need to recall this shit.

  • @nadiagonzalez-zi4yl
    @nadiagonzalez-zi4yl 2 года назад

    It works for my Terrain 2021 Thanks a lot!!!!!

    • @btuff
      @btuff  2 года назад


  • @jacobsonhome
    @jacobsonhome 3 года назад

    Wondering where that connector might be located on a 2016 Buick Verano?

  • @katieelizabethgresham8219
    @katieelizabethgresham8219 3 года назад

    Would this work for a 2018 Chevy equinox mylink screen ?