Raw Interview: Jerry Buting

  • Опубликовано: 11 авг 2016
  • Defense lawyer featured in "Making a Murderer" discusses ruling overturning Brendan Dassey's conviction.

Комментарии • 69

  • @OldManEvil
    @OldManEvil 7 лет назад +28

    thank you jerry for all your hard work!

  • @hevision
    @hevision 7 лет назад +25

    My left ear enjoyed this interview

  • @MsArcadenoe
    @MsArcadenoe 7 лет назад +32

    Mr Buting, you and Mr Strang did a great job as defense lawyers of Steven Avery. Hope the justice will prevail for Avery.

    • @charlesdarwin180
      @charlesdarwin180 7 лет назад

      They lost. They couldn't even find a single motive on anyone other than Avery for the crime.

    • @AllieApperson
      @AllieApperson 6 лет назад +1

      Incorrect. They didn't find a single motive on anyone else, because they didn't LOOK at anyone else as a suspect. That's a fact. Any beginnings of questioning or anything resembling an investigation related to other possible persons of interest was immediately stopped once the car was found. Also fact. The 2 main people in Teresa's life that should have been investigated immediately, never were investigated AT ALL. Not even a little bit. Another fact, but at least this one they don't even deny. Why is that? I don't suppose you've seen the document that names Steven Avery as a suspect of murder starting on the same day Teresa was reported missing, 2 days before her car was found, 3 days before any blood was ever even seen in her car, and 5 days before her bones were found. I don't suppose you've heard the police radio traffic 30 minutes after the car was found where an officer asks if Avery is in custody. It's like...they knew. But clearly, they had already made up their minds immediately that Steven Avery was their suspect, so they didn't bother to look anywhere else. In case you were wondering why no one else was looked at.

    • @AllieApperson
      @AllieApperson 6 лет назад +1

      Maybe I should also mention that the supposed motive was completely made up. There is not & never has been even one piece of evidence to even SUGGEST that Teresa was raped, let alone raped by Steven or Brendan. Especially now that Brendan's supposed "confession" was finally, and very correctly ruled to have been false and coerced. Not one bit of Kratz's slasher movie type narriative that he plastered all over live television to every news station, has ever been proven to have even occurred. Just because he managed to fool or scare you and the locals into believing it, does NOT make it true. The fact is, that it was scientifically, forensically, and physically proven to be untrue. But don't take my word, the evidence is available for the world to see. And believe me, those of us who were fortunate enough to never have been tainted by Kratz's words, have bothered to look for ourselves and make up our own minds.

    • @AllieApperson
      @AllieApperson 6 лет назад +1

      One more thing...don't believe for one second that Buting and Strang didn't find things just because they were not allowed to present them in court thanks to Denny. A lot of those very things that these amazing attorneys found are being used right now by Zellner. We have known what at least some of those things are for almost 2 years now. Kratz likes to talk about the evidence that was left out of MaM, well...I'm much more interested in the things that Kratz fought to have kept from the jury and the judge. Believe me, I've seen both sides and I know who's actually found some evidence of value, and who's just attempting to continue to present an illusion of evidence that was never there to begin with.

    • @charlesdarwin180
      @charlesdarwin180 6 лет назад +1

      Buting and Strang had every opportunity to present the judge with a motive for anyone that they thought had a reasonable chance to commit the crime. Buting and Strang are good at making up excuses for not presenting a suspect WITH a motive. The rules of the court are that defense lawyers must show a motive for another candidate of the crime committed. The reason is otherwise every Tom, Dick, and Harry, and everyone under the sun could be suspected of the crime. The court procedure would go on infinitely because the defense would just keep conjuring up one suspect after another regardless of the probability of being able to do the crime. Buting and Strang failed in their attempt to name another suspect PRIOR to the court proceedings. Once Buting and Strang failed to find a motive for anyone else, they blamed the court system for not being able bring any suspects forward during trial.

  • @greyline1012
    @greyline1012 7 лет назад +4

    Well done sir you did an amazing job. Keep going with this case. The world is watching!

  • @opheliajade1986
    @opheliajade1986 7 лет назад +12

    So on point as usual....could listen to him talk all day! I can't believe that Steven has blamed Jerry and Dean for him ending up in jail in a recent interview! That angers me...they went as far as they could and really presented a convincing defense that had me seeing all kinds of reasonable doubt ffs!

    • @AllieApperson
      @AllieApperson 6 лет назад +8

      Try not to be upset at Steven for saying these things. I realize that he may not understand the legal process as well as some of us do, but this is completely normal. Zellner is not trying to disrespect Buting and Strang by saying they were "ineffective". That is a fact. It's not their fault for the most part. Their hands were tied in so many areas of their defense, that there really wasn't a lot more they could have done. As for the mistrial that Steven declined. That came at the very end of the trial, once jury deliberations finally started when a juror was dismissed. If Steven had accepted that mistrial, he would have had to use a public defender because he was long out of money by then. Buting and Strang saw it through anyway, even though they did not get paid for it. So it really was not in Steven's best interest to accept the mistrial.

    • @coreyzipperer9352
      @coreyzipperer9352 4 года назад +2

      Convincing defense? These lawyers sllowed kratz to throw out Stevens only defense. Police entrapment. Also. Only locsl channel 5 in Green Bay WI allowed to tape and edit. Rest of worlds news organizations left out including Court T.V . local news also failed to tell EVERYBODY others were emtrapped by SAME people including Ken Kratz. Your rite? I am convinced as well. However, im convinced they did everything they could do to ensure Steven WAS Guilty. They made a good show of it but allready decided to comply w The Counties that entrapped.

    • @ronikaclack7521
      @ronikaclack7521 9 месяцев назад

      Are you kidding me Steven attorneys only had 2 experts were the State had 14 experts I would blame my lawyers to if I was Steven

  • @jeffreybundy4095
    @jeffreybundy4095 4 года назад +3

    Both those boys deserve compensation but if Brendan family and lawyers ask for it he'll end up in the same position as Steven if I was filthy rich I'd pay 100 million a piece to those boys and get them the he'll away from Wisconsin

  • @virginia347
    @virginia347 7 лет назад +4

    Great interview. I think Jerry Buting did the best job possible under the circumstance of defending SA in one of the most corrupt county/states in our country. I also think Dean Strang did his best, but with him I had the feeling he was being waaaay to proper and seemed to be in fear of the local government system. Maybe because he is from the Manitowoc area and had to consider his future there- stepping on too many toes would have cost him. Jerry Buting did a great job in bringing out the corruption, and seemed to be more concerned with defending his client regardless of his own career. But it would not have mattered if he had walked on water- the judge and jury made their decision long before the trial even started. I am disappointed that SA has recently condemned his attorneys saying they did not provide a defense when he knows what they were up against. He knows what the county did to him before, and did again, he should not be putting blame where it does not belong. Kathleen Zeller has the advantage of hindsight and there is nothing stopping her from bringing forth any information. I think she is great, and will also do a good job, but lets not attack JB & DS, if not for them MAM would not have made it and this whole mess would have been brushed under the rug so to speak.

    • @savecolaclibrarynow
      @savecolaclibrarynow 7 лет назад +1

      Perhaps that attack on his lawyers was to gain an opportunity for a new trial, I don't think he really believes that they did not do their best. Yes his new lawyer seems to be on the ball and the next series of "Making a Murderer" will probably feature her, hopefully some serious truth is exposed too!

  • @jennifergrove2368
    @jennifergrove2368 7 лет назад +5

    I really hope he gets really decent compensation for this atrocity of being locked up innocently so young for 10 years. He's lost a big chunk of the best years of his Life. And I hope his lawyers will fight for more than a measly $25,000.00 like his Uncle got the First time he was falsely convicted/imprisoned.
    I would even go so far, seeing as this has happened 3 times now, to have a formal public apology from the state after they're both released. And if I were them, I'd get the hell out of Manitowoc Country since all of this has ruined their business anyway. They should all start fresh somewhere else.

    • @WorldWideTruth
      @WorldWideTruth 7 лет назад

      Don't be surprised if they drag the case out and offer him "time served" if he pleads guilty to something, making it impossible for him to sue. They always keep an ace up their sleeve..

    • @jennifergrove2368
      @jennifergrove2368 7 лет назад

      Yeah, I didn't think about that. Hmmmm ... I wonder if anything can be done in a higher court.. (I'm no law expert.)

    • @ligayabarlow5077
      @ligayabarlow5077 5 лет назад +1

      Formal public apology from tge State! Hell Id sue them for a hundred million

    • @ligayabarlow5077
      @ligayabarlow5077 5 лет назад

      @@jennifergrove2368 . The Supreme Court of the US.

  • @XxxcloackndaggerxxX
    @XxxcloackndaggerxxX 4 года назад +3

    The book: Buting and the Beast: Read it! Buting what do you have to say?

  • @iloveTRUMP
    @iloveTRUMP 9 месяцев назад +2

    It's sad that we elect judges to interpret law abd then when they do we blame them for making the right decision

  • @MaturusTV
    @MaturusTV 7 лет назад +7

    Cool guy. I like him :)

  • @jdancer2404
    @jdancer2404 7 лет назад +2

    Although it I don't need a lawyer right now, I would like to have Jerry has my lawyer if I needed one. Too bad public defenders are not given the opportunity to do so much for their clients.

  • @PechilvrsPreciousPeepsNursery
    @PechilvrsPreciousPeepsNursery 7 лет назад +1

    Reminder, Awesome guy Jerry Buting wasn't his Attorney. Let's recall Mr Dassey's very own 1st Attorney hired an investigator and railroaded him into a confession including a drawing in attempt for plea deal but he subsequently was dismissed from the case and everything with it!

  • @richardlim5555
    @richardlim5555 7 лет назад +6

    Buting is so HOT right now... Buting. I sleep to the sound of Buting Vol. 1 Night-time Remedy CD.

  • @andrewmcgill8997
    @andrewmcgill8997 7 лет назад +1

    great man

  • @breakweisernorthernsoles
    @breakweisernorthernsoles 7 лет назад +1

    Thank God he is out. I believe that Steven Avery is also innocent, and I hope he is also eventually released if and when his innocence is proved

  • @unicarnio
    @unicarnio 3 года назад +3

    you guys should've zeroed in the lack of blood in the mattress and kept at it, I don't know. But I won't be watching any more episodes of Netflix related to Avery and Dassey it's just pathetic. Netflix have done a great job exposing the corruption, politics don't belong in the justice system unless they wanna do injustice and ignore the fact

  • @darksideofthemoon2348
    @darksideofthemoon2348 4 месяца назад

    Gerry knows Steven is guilty..