Daughter of Baptist preacher. Attended all the adult Bible studies. Then friend told me about her catechism classes and it made perfect sense according to what I knew about the entire Bible. Then as an adult attended a Mass and recognized Christ’s presence in the Eucharist. Have been Catholic now for 15 years, and I thank God every single day for calling me to His Church!
You’re on the way home, brother! Happy to hear you’re “crossing the Tiber!” Keep on reading the lives of the saints, the Catechism and listen to Catholic Answers and radio! Most of all, keep on praying through this whole process! Can’t wait to have another one of God’s children return home and to receive the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus next Easter! God bless!
Thank you for your witness! I spent the first 50 years of my life as an Evangelical. I was raised to be such. The last 15 years I was a Calvinist. After my second divorce I realized I had a problem. So I went to a Catholic Mass for the first time in my life… Long story short, I was confirmed in the Catholic Church 9 years ago. My past marriages were annulled. I married my Catholic wife six years ago in the Church sacramentally. The Catholic Church is a spiritual hospital for sick people, sinners like you and I. The Eucharist is our medicine of immortality. 😊😊😊
@@petertherock7340 Beautifully said. That’s why the Church doesn’t condemn Protestants, she calls them “separated brethren”, she waits patiently for converts.
Amen+ and, Welcome! As a fellow adult convert to the Fullness of the Christian faith... I praise and thank the Sacred Heart of the Risen Christ for infusing more of His Hidden Presence into your life, too 🙏❤️🔥👑
@@Pete_B_773 explain the longest hatred for the Jews and just search the past history of the Catholic influence on many people. Only few exceptions thankfully were not influenced.
@@sirjomaimaglaqui4732 Ah, if you convert to Catholicism you can't have been a well-formed Protestant. That's like that other one: you can't have had true faith if you fall away. As for Protestant converts to Catholicism not being well-formed, just what exactly was lacking in the formation of Scott Hahn or Richard Neuhaus? Or to go back further, St John Henry Newman?
I'm a convert to the Catholic Church from Lutheran/Baptist backgrounds by way of a Jehovahs Witness who knocked on my door. She was already questioning. We both ended up finding our way home. Thanks for sharing your story! Welcome home!
Though, I was never a pastor, I went through a similar journey and revelation about a year ago. I was baptized and confirmed into the Catholic Church this past Easter. Welcome home.
I remember watching your first video on your channel. That helped me transition from Pentecostalism to Catholicism. My wife and I are in RCIA. My kids go to Sunday school. We pray the rosary as a family. Thank you for your videos! Keep up the good work brother!
@@NuLeif Thanks for asking! So as a Pentecostal my catholic journey started about 3 years ago when I started reading the church fathers. I was just an unlicensed minister but highly considering going to bible college to get my degree to then become a pastor. Learning about the Eucharist really rocked my Pentecostal world. After learning how important this was to the early church I started to feel that in my church the gifts of the Holy Spirit mainly tounges and revelation was placed higher than the Eucharist. I could no longer look at it as a sign. I couldn’t even look at our worship services the same. I remember when I first learned that this is the actual body and blood, that Pentecostal communion just felt disrespectful with the plastic juice cup. So I started following the orthodox more because I have always been taught that the Catholic Church is satanic. Funny thing is I was baptized Catholic as a baby, not in the traditional way at church, I have a very unique story how that took place. I don’t have enough space to tell that story. But I was never brought up by my parents in the faith. So the biggest challenge in the last 3 years was teaching my wife what I’ve been learning. She also was a ministry leader at our church and she couldn’t really read it how I was reading the scripture. It was hard to not be able to fully share what I was learning without people at my church looking at me like I was crazy and being misled by Satan. I actually stopped working in ministry and that really put a rift between me and leadership at our church and between me and my wife. We actually separated for about a year, living in different homes, being part time parents. I stopped going to church completely and stopped my research of the orthodox faith. What brought me and wife back together to show compassion towards each other again was a passing in her family. We started to talk again about reconciling. I actually came to church for the first time last February to hear here preach the word. I was in tears hearing her testimony. It was actually really powerful. This one brother I never met before prayed over me and I felt the Holy Spirit again. So we moved back in with each other and that’s when I started my devotional again and I couldn’t unlearn what I’ve learned about the Eucharist. I expressed that to her and she was open to listen now. So on Palm Sunday this year I felt the Holy Spirit really tug me to go to a catholic mass.
@@NuLeif so going to a catholic mass it was definitely different than the Orthodox Church I attended a few times. I went to the early mass and then went to our Pentecostal church later that day. I started going to morning mass that whole passion week. I lined up with my arms crossed of course. But lining up with everyone and seeing that devotion was really powerful. So that was in March/April and over the next few Sundays I would go to the 6pm mass and I would take our kids with me. Let me tell you that was a little stressful having them next to me during service since evangelical churches have kids church lol. My wife joined me for the first time in May but still had her reservations. What really helped her was watching father Chris alar and learning about St Faustina. We actually joined the Devine mercy cenacle at our Parish while I was inquiring with the Parish Educational Director to join RCIA. I want to really thank my Pentecostal side because this opened me and my wife up to believing that a person can have a private revelation from Jesus as St Faustina did. Praying the Chaplet too was powerful. We Pentecostals we love praying lol. So praying the rosary and the Chaplet really reminded me of that intimacy you get with the Holy Spirit when you go to your prayer closet and pray in tounges. So from just learning from those videos from Father Chris Alar we both learned so much and realized even more that the Catholic Church has the fullness of faith. We have gone to mass every Sunday and made new friends. That was also the hard part again was just telling everyone that we believe the Catholic Church is the fullness of faith. The church we attended was already used to me being gone but now that my wife believes in it too it was pretty heavy for them. We still love them all dearly. I love all my Pentecostal brothers and sisters and I would love to help build bridges with them to help them understand the catholic faith at least enough to where they stop thinking we all believe in Satan lol.
Very good and consistent presentation. I grew up evangelical/baptist. Became catholic at age 39. Would NEVER go back to the ridiculous and inconsistent evangelical doctrine. I went to a baptist church to see if it was what I remembered. It was the very same. Judgemental, self righteous and generally vacuous.
Former, baptized, first communion Catholic, and married to a Catholic girl, 30+ years King James only Baptist, back home, to The Holy Roman Catholic Church. Mary, The Virgin Mary, mother of God in the flesh, Jesus Christ , the CROWNED QUEEN OF HEAVEN and the Holy Eucharist, flesh and blood of Jesus Christ brought me back.... DEO GRATIA
@NuLeif I don't know about him, but I'm a Catholic cradle. I have never left the church even though my Father is a Pentecostal fake pastor. So I have attended a few protestant churches to see the difference and I will never attend one again. God's presence is only in the Catholic Church. What's so important is that all those who don't confess to a priest get their sins retained and you can't consume the body and blood of Christ. Which you won't be resurrected in the last day. Why play with your salvation, when you can be in God's true house and be a child of God and be the light of the world. Convert to Catholic if you haven't already, before is to late and you die with mortal sins.
I love listening to conversion stories-they always give me a little Catholic boost. Usually, I stick to ones with thousands of likes or that I've heard of, but I took a chance on this one during a drive home and really loved it. I'm going to share it with some friends who have left the Catholic Church.
I left the church, became evangelical and Jesus led me back, to my surprise, to the Catholic Church. When I was young, evangelicals told me nasty lies about the Catholic Church and I didn't know better. And I read early Christian writings and also was very surprised at how Catholic they were, so very early. I had thought the Catholic Church had gathered up "stuff" along the way.
@@julienickell . What blessing ! The core of the " Evangelical ' theology ' " is to " bad-mouth " the Catholics & Catholic Church.... A very toxic mixture of ignorance and horrendous fabrications... They, unawares, only have an appearance of Godliness, and a smooth talk. Stay near the Holy Mother of God in the flesh, Jesus, King of all...
@@KennyBurchard You should watch his very detailed and personal/emotional interview on Cordial Catholic & Catholic Truth. They both are very intriguing and powerful!
Thank you for sharing... What Anti-Catholic people don't know Mary brings us closer to his son Jesus. When you have a relationship with Mary you feel like she's your mother! Love that feeling I have a earthly mother but my heavenly Mother Mary is beyond words, it's a beautiful relationship and daily I read the rosary and go through the life of his son Jesus. What a blessing and beautiful meditation. So hard for someone to remove me from Catholic the roots of the church is so deep
I’m now in RCIA after being a non denominational and then Baptist Protestant. I really enjoyed your testimony, & I just ordered my own copy of Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist. God bless!
I was born in a Catholic family, in Albanian communist society. Couldn’t worship because of prosecution, neglected the church till after late 20-th. When I hear conversion stories I cannot get enough. Skanderbeg is another example, he was taken to Turkey in his teens, when he was brought back to Balkans he left Islam and fought against it defending Albania and surrounding.
Convert here… What amazes me about all our stories is the similar journey from devout Protestantism to the Catholic Church which we all share! Steeped in the Bible, it all becomes so clear when we read the Church Fathers for the first time and attend our first Mass. After so much searching we’re finally… home.
From a cradle Catholic in the Philippines, "Welcome back". That was a heartwarming story. I love all those authors you mentioned, Pitre, Herschmeyer, Akin and the great St Francis de Sales. If he convinced a whole city I guess you didn't stand a chance. All praise to the Holy Spirit for his charism. The CCC is definitely very helpful. I love that Holy Mother Church has clear unambiguous and unchanging official teachings which she received from Christ Himself Who is Truth. Praying for you and your wife to glorify Our Lord by your witness.
A cradle Catholic here. I love the Church though i mostly attend the traditional latin mass, its beauty is out of this world, just so beautiful and rich. I pray for our protestant brothers and sisters who have been protesting since 1500yrs.
Dr. Pitre's books are a wealth of knowledge and will blow your mind. I firmly believe that Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist should be mandatory reading in every RCIA classroom.
I read my way into the Church in a similar way. I was confirmed last month after a year of intense reading. I completely agree with your top 5. I was typing Behold Your Mother as you added that to your list. Praise God.
@@NuLeif Thank you. I agree with Gerard that the Catechism was the most impactful. In addition to the 5 (or 6) he mentioned, I also found Crossing the Tiber by Steve Ray, Dr. Hahn’s Swear to God, Hail Holy Queen, The Fourth Cup, and The Lamb’s Supper very helpful. The Bible Made Impossible by Christian Smith was also great. As a cradle evangelical, those were particularly helpful along with Evangelical is Not Enough by Thomas Howard. There are so many good books out there…
@@leftfielder216 There are so many good books available. I have all the books you mentioned, except Swear to God & the Bible Made Impossible. Thanks for the suggestions.
Welcome home brother! I also went to the Catholic Answers conference last weekend and loved it! We need to have a segment in the conference for anyone looking to (re-)enter the Catholic Church and want to share their testimonies!
This “brief” streamlined testimony of the longer/more detailed account of your reversion (on Cordial Catholic & Catholic Truth) is very intriguing! Thank you for sharing. May God bless your calling of spreading truth to Protestants and encouraging cradle Catholics.
Thank you, brother, for this channel. I welcome you home with your lovely wife. We pray that your son will see what you have discovered and join you. Mary, the mother of Jesus, will bring him home. I say this because she is everyday looking for her children every day and bringing them home. Thank you for acknowledging the Chatechism. God bless you and your wife.Wish you all the best in your Catholic journey.🎉🎉🎉❤
Thank you for sharing such wonderful story, not only profound and inspiring, but blessed as a conversion by the Grace of God. As a catholic from the cradle I find your testimony as a compelling confirmation of my faith and give me more strength to stand tall to those who criticize the Catholicism without sufficient justification and knowledge. I love theology and I was taught the history of the Church at an early age in elementary school. Every week a seminarian would come to tell us the stories of the saints, which mesmerized me as a child and taught us the catechism. I made my first communion at six and I received the Eucharist absolutely convinced of its holiness. I came from South America almost forty years ago and I was invited for the very first time by a family to an evangelical church back then, which it was anti catholic from “head to toe”, causing me an enormous trauma. I was young and I had never heard so much hatred towards us, catholics, the only religion I knew and believed it was the true one. This experience was shocking and shook me to my soul. I had never heard my parents or anyone around me, anyone in the church or a priest had ever spoken badly about anyone or any Protestants. Being from a catholic country it was second nature. The catholic religion was the one and only true, for that Jesus Christ had built it over Peter the apostle, as a “foundation on a rock”. I kept quiet back then but that made me aware and inspired to study more and deepen my faith and understanding of our catholic doctrine and dogmas. Thank you for your generosity of sharing such a valuable experience and the miracle of conversion.
Proud Catholic here. Was raised Protestant but by Gods grace i attended a Catholic school. My faith was not strong and I was truly anti Catholic. Fast forward, in 2018 I attended a retreat and from then on would attend online mass and adoration. In May 2024 I joined the Catholic church and i couldn’t be happier.
Without going into a lot of details (I can ramble!) God is using your story and other former evangelicals to open my eyes to the truth of the Catholic Church!! Thank you for sharing!! I’m excited to see where God takes me!!!
Welcome HOME. Being a convert to The One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church 33+ yrs ago, I am always intrigued and inspired by conversion testimonies. Makes me want to keep learning & you surely do push your listener to that desire! God love you & your dear wife. Please continue to share as much as the Holy Spirit & Holy Mother Church desire of you.
It’s beautiful how the Old Testament the Psalms and the New Testament are related to each other. The Catholic Church knew this for centuries, and this is what they read from the Bible everyday in the Mass.
I shared and subscribed your channel. Welcome back to the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, founded by Jesus Christ Himself. The four marks of the Church. I congratulate you and your wife. God bless!
Thank you so much for sharing your story. I have been struggling with some convictions about being Catholic. My family didn’t raise me in church but I started reading the Bible. This has answered many of my doubts and concerns.
Please make sure you read the bible in context. Not as a book of quotes but the whole books. Most of the catholic doctrines can’t be sustained if you use the Bible properly. Ask yourself “is this what the chapter was talking about? Is this what I see the Apostles later understood from this teaching?” Does the bible says that leaders should be followed unconditionally and that as the bulwark of the truth, the visible church (not the actual church made of believers) can’t depart? Then why did Paul said in Galatians that even them, the Apostles, shouldn’t be followed if they departed from the truth and taught another gospel?
Thanks for sharing. I reasonate with you. I was a Methodist and 6 years ago became a Catholic. And my faith journey then on has been so fulfilling. Never felt like this when I was a Methodist. All the lies that I have been told by my Protestant leaders and friends (for many many years) about what the Catholic church teaches and beliefs really sums up very well what you said at the end of your video. They should stop speaking anti-catholic when they have not made any effort to study and understand the Church with more than 2000 years history.
Praise God for His evident grace in your testimony. God saw your efforts to love Him and blessed you both. I pray He continue to lead you and give you the graces to bring in as close a union with Christ as possible. And I pray that Our Lady obtain for you from her son all that you need to grow, prosper, and persevere. God Bless you
Thanks Gerard, this was very encouraging. I have some of the books you mentioned (and am following Trent Horn and Joe Heschmeyer), but have now downloaded St Francis de Sales' book as well. I have found Dr Scott Hahn's books excellent too, for me "Hail Holy Queen" and "The Lamb's Supper" particularly helpful. Am currently following Fr Mike Schmitz's 'Catechism in a Year' which is working for me as a great daily devotion. I love what I am learning. 😇
You’ve got a lot of great books to start with. I would also recommend Fr John Waiss book: Bible Mary - The Mother of Jesus in the Word of God & William A. Jurgens Faith of the Early Fathers: Three-Volume Set.
Ruth - Fr Mike "CiaY" is my morning companion. I just love him. I'm so glad you've already become acquainted with Trent and Joe and Dr Hahn. We had the honor and pleasure of meeting them all this past weekend in San Diego. They're the real deal. There are so many great resources to learn the Catholic faith - I've only just begun. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions I can help you with!
I’m a catholic convert from Paganism/Wicca. I was knee deep in everything pagan, “light-work”, crystals, divination, and at one point I thought I was a starseed. If Jesus could reach me, he can reach anyone. Praise Jesus and the Catholic Church for saving me!
Welcome Home! Everyday at Holy Mass and when I pray the holy rosary daily, I pray for conversions, my own and all the others. I am just so delighted to hear conversions like yours!🎉😂😊
** THANK U! It's very inspiring thoughts; your story is rich of truth. The church is one, holy, Catholic & apostolic! And I was born in Middle East & grew up as an atheist there - I conviced myself that God does not exicest. But God revealed Himself to me soon after moving to this very beatuful country Canada, in Miiracules way - and His angeles helped me amazingly really; clearly He conviced me by visible evidence that He exicist. I was really a great sinner, now a devout Catholic deeply. Also the second Timouthy 3: 1 says that in the last days terrible things will happen, and the second Thesalonian says 2: 2-3 that many will lose their faith. And may the Lord bless U abanduntly. THANKS again.
I grew up in an Eastern Orthodox environment, and in my 20’s got catechised and baptised in the latin rite of the Catholic Church, and maybe that’s the reason why the truth of apostolic christianity (meaning ancient Churches like Catholic, Orthodox - former part of Catholic, Coptic, Armenian, and many others) comes so natural to me. And maybe it’s the reason why I never cease to be stunned of how people can even CONSIDER (let alone accept) this”me and my Bible” religion (which is not even theirs in the first place) with no priests, no saints, no relics, no Eucharist or other Sacraments, no monks or nuns, no bishops, no icons, no statues, no altars, no crucifixes. It’s like in Bulgakov’s The Master and Margarita when the Devil visiting Moscow asks a famous writer and editor of various things people believe in in in that communist country, including afterlife, God, Devil, etc, and the answer to every single question is no every single time, he exclaims in frustration: what’s matter with you people, anything one asks about you don’t have! Well, this communist reminds me of a protestant.
I also had a renewal of faith around Lent last year. This is why I like conversion and reversion stories, yours is one of them. It's amazing to grow in the faith as a Catholic! ❤ Welcome back and glory to God in the highest!
I was a Roman Catholic and even a seminarian. Met my Jewish wife. She and I became Charismatic Catholic. Disenchanted led us to Assembly of God church rebaptized a member and elder almost 10 years . My wife passed away of cancer. My life seemed to end. Met no was brought to my second love of my life Maryann appropriately. I finally came back to Holy Mother Catholic Church through Holy Mary Theotokos after visit to a catholic church where the Icon of Our Lady of Chestahova was being presented. Holy Mary Theotokos seemed to say to me come back to me with all your heart. Came back around 2007 . I love my protestant brothers but read the writings of the early church Fathers and the Bible without the protestant blinders
Absolutely beautiful thank u. I never renounced my Catholic Faith but didn't practice 4 many years. Thank God He brought me back Plz pray 4 some of my family members & friends who r now Evangelicals.The Catholic Faith is like being on a perpetual treasure hunt U always discover till ur death beautiful gems & diamonds it's never ending. Thank u Lord for the great gift of our Catholic Faith.
It's amazing how God prepared you for this. He had you study and preach so that you can be a great Catholic one day. One thing I always pray about Catholic priests to become is to be like the evangelical preachers who touch, move, enlighten the listeners as they preach. Truth be told, most Catholic priests just don't know how to engage and inspire. So we are thirsty for great sermons and catechism. I hope you use your gift of preaching to spread God's love. ❤
From a Protestant minister and Army Chaplain-who is undergoing a faith crisis-thank you for sharing. I have made notes of these books and will check them out. I wholeheartedly agree with you about the Catechism; it is a beautiful work of succinct theology. On my own journey, Dr John Bergsma’s “Stunned by Scripture” has been very helpful with answering many of my Protestant objections.
brother, I just picked up a copy of that Bergsma book at the CA conference last weekend. I can't wait to read it. Thank you my brother for your service to our soldiers and I pray for you on your journey of faith in our Lord.
I am a big fan of Dr Bergsma, although I have not read "Stunned by Scripture". His book "Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls" will totally redefine your understanding of John's gospel. On top of that it obliterates the notion of historical criticism, which is a lot fun! God bless you for the work you are doing with our military and I hope all of these books discussed in Gerard's video help you find what you seek.
chaplains never did know anything about the Bible. and i see you haven't understood what the protest was/is all about, Sir. why not open the Christian Bible and start with basics, which prove catholicism isn't Christianity?
Thank you Gerard for all you do evangelizing for Christ’s Church. Great testimony. Keep up the good work and keep the content coming. By the way…..Welcome Home!!!
Very informative video thanks! Raised Catholic, still am practicing but try to avoid debate or discussion when protestants attack my faith. Even a jew at work attacked Jesus and i just didn't wanna engage. I felt terrible, felt like i let my Lord down. I had a hard childhood but I have never lost faith, in fact it made my faith stronger. Nobody can take that away! So now i want to learn more so I'm ready to defend God and Mama Mary (not that they need defending)😅
@@ChiefComplaintX I totally understand. Maybe you can just engage Protestants in conversation, like ask them “Why do you believe that the Bible alone is our authority? Whose interpretation should I follow? Have you ever read any of the Catechism so you can know what Catholics officially believe about that doctrine you’re rejecting?” Things like that can go a long way!
Make the Jews read Genesis 17-19 it will show the reasoning why Jesus "before Abraham I AM" Same for Moses but not so obvious as it is titled "ANGEL OF THE LORD". Specifically in Genesis 19:24 24 Then the Lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven; There are 2 Lords (Yah-weh in Hebrew) in this context. No one can normally can see the Father, it is Jesus who is normally seen on Earth. Same in Joshua 5:14, there is no confusion of who this is as in Joshua 5:16 It implicitly states LORD (Yah-weh in Hebrew)
@@midairfortress-revertbecause WE ARE NOT TO HAVE ANOTHER DOCTRINE and all overs are to be accursed. It’s BIBLE ALONE. YOU ALL WAnt to leave space to add and subtract whatever doesn’t fit your unregenerate mind. GOD NEVER HAD A MOMMY and GOD MADE MARY and purgatory do not exist.
Yes! Brant Pitre and the Jewish roots of the Eucharist is everything!!! I often watch that on RUclips to refresh my love for our faith!🙌🏼🙏🏼✨ Welcome back home! You have reached the end of the search! God Bless you and your family!❤
Thank you so much for this inspiring story. Am a Catholic and will remain so. But you have done so well in opening my eyes about reading the Catechism of the Catholic Church...❤
Daughter of Baptist preacher. Attended all the adult Bible studies. Then friend told me about her catechism classes and it made perfect sense according to what I knew about the entire Bible. Then as an adult attended a Mass and recognized Christ’s presence in the Eucharist. Have been Catholic now for 15 years, and I thank God every single day for calling me to His Church!
@@angelinapacinabao7596 ,...Repent of your complete and total ignorance!
Welcome home, I bet our mother Mary captured your heart
Staunch evangelical anti catholic here. Went to my first mass yesterday and am signed up for RCIA. What a beautiful liturgy
You’re on the way home, brother! Happy to hear you’re “crossing the Tiber!” Keep on reading the lives of the saints, the Catechism and listen to Catholic Answers and radio! Most of all, keep on praying through this whole process! Can’t wait to have another one of God’s children return home and to receive the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus next Easter! God bless!
Praise be Jesus Christ.
The rosary bro, pray pray pray the rosary. It is a our most formidable weapon against these extremely evil times and a pledge of eternal salvation.
Please attend the Traditional Latin Mass! God love and protect you!
Seek and ye shall find! Study and learn, there is a ton of resources in 2024. Also ask questions, even hard ones, you will get answers.
Thank you for your witness! I spent the first 50 years of my life as an Evangelical. I was raised to be such. The last 15 years I was a Calvinist. After my second divorce I realized I had a problem. So I went to a Catholic Mass for the first time in my life… Long story short, I was confirmed in the Catholic Church 9 years ago. My past marriages were annulled. I married my Catholic wife six years ago in the Church sacramentally. The Catholic Church is a spiritual hospital for sick people, sinners like you and I. The Eucharist is our medicine of immortality. 😊😊😊
@@petertherock7340 Beautifully said.
That’s why the Church doesn’t condemn Protestants, she calls them “separated brethren”, she waits patiently for converts.
Amen brother!
Welcome home ❤
So true!
Wow , 🙂🙏🏻
"A poorly formed Catholic becomes Protestant, a well formed Protestant becomes Catholic".
Good one
Him becoming a Roman Catholic means he's not a well formed protestant.
and, Welcome!
As a fellow adult convert to the Fullness of the Christian faith... I praise and thank the Sacred Heart of the Risen Christ for infusing more of His Hidden Presence into your life, too 🙏❤️🔥👑
@@Pete_B_773 explain the longest hatred for the Jews and just search the past history of the Catholic influence on many people. Only few exceptions thankfully were not influenced.
@@sirjomaimaglaqui4732 Ah, if you convert to Catholicism you can't have been a well-formed Protestant. That's like that other one: you can't have had true faith if you fall away. As for Protestant converts to Catholicism not being well-formed, just what exactly was lacking in the formation of Scott Hahn or Richard Neuhaus? Or to go back further, St John Henry Newman?
I'm a convert to the Catholic Church from Lutheran/Baptist backgrounds by way of a Jehovahs Witness who knocked on my door. She was already questioning. We both ended up finding our way home. Thanks for sharing your story! Welcome home!
Amazing! Praise God!
Love that story..
Though, I was never a pastor, I went through a similar journey and revelation about a year ago. I was baptized and confirmed into the Catholic Church this past Easter. Welcome home.
Welcome home, brother!
@@midairfortress-revert Love your videos! You are a great Catholic apologist now. You and Keith Nester should team up. What area are you?
@@Shannon_Lacey I have learned a lot from Keith, especially his book A Convert's Guide.
I'm in the Houston area.
Welcome home!!
I remember watching your first video on your channel. That helped me transition from Pentecostalism to Catholicism. My wife and I are in RCIA. My kids go to Sunday school. We pray the rosary as a family. Thank you for your videos! Keep up the good work brother!
Wow! Welcome Home. What was your most difficult obstacle to overcome? Did you mainly read books and/or watch videos?
Brother - this is SO encouraging! If you don't mind me asking, which video was that? Welcome home!
@@NuLeif Thanks for asking! So as a Pentecostal my catholic journey started about 3 years ago when I started reading the church fathers. I was just an unlicensed minister but highly considering going to bible college to get my degree to then become a pastor.
Learning about the Eucharist really rocked my Pentecostal world. After learning how important this was to the early church I started to feel that in my church the gifts of the Holy Spirit mainly tounges and revelation was placed higher than the Eucharist. I could no longer look at it as a sign. I couldn’t even look at our worship services the same. I remember when I first learned that this is the actual body and blood, that Pentecostal communion just felt disrespectful with the plastic juice cup.
So I started following the orthodox more because I have always been taught that the Catholic Church is satanic. Funny thing is I was baptized Catholic as a baby, not in the traditional way at church, I have a very unique story how that took place. I don’t have enough space to tell that story. But I was never brought up by my parents in the faith.
So the biggest challenge in the last 3 years was teaching my wife what I’ve been learning. She also was a ministry leader at our church and she couldn’t really read it how I was reading the scripture. It was hard to not be able to fully share what I was learning without people at my church looking at me like I was crazy and being misled by Satan.
I actually stopped working in ministry and that really put a rift between me and leadership at our church and between me and my wife. We actually separated for about a year, living in different homes, being part time parents. I stopped going to church completely and stopped my research of the orthodox faith.
What brought me and wife back together to show compassion towards each other again was a passing in her family. We started to talk again about reconciling. I actually came to church for the first time last February to hear here preach the word. I was in tears hearing her testimony. It was actually really powerful. This one brother I never met before prayed over me and I felt the Holy Spirit again.
So we moved back in with each other and that’s when I started my devotional again and I couldn’t unlearn what I’ve learned about the Eucharist. I expressed that to her and she was open to listen now. So on Palm Sunday this year I felt the Holy Spirit really tug me to go to a catholic mass.
@@HipHip_Jorge That is a story. Are you attending mass regularly now? How is your wife dealing with all of this? Is she open to videos/books?
@@NuLeif so going to a catholic mass it was definitely different than the Orthodox Church I attended a few times. I went to the early mass and then went to our Pentecostal church later that day. I started going to morning mass that whole passion week. I lined up with my arms crossed of course. But lining up with everyone and seeing that devotion was really powerful.
So that was in March/April and over the next few Sundays I would go to the 6pm mass and I would take our kids with me. Let me tell you that was a little stressful having them next to me during service since evangelical churches have kids church lol. My wife joined me for the first time in May but still had her reservations.
What really helped her was watching father Chris alar and learning about St Faustina. We actually joined the Devine mercy cenacle at our Parish while I was inquiring with the Parish Educational Director to join RCIA.
I want to really thank my Pentecostal side because this opened me and my wife up to believing that a person can have a private revelation from Jesus as St Faustina did. Praying the Chaplet too was powerful. We Pentecostals we love praying lol. So praying the rosary and the Chaplet really reminded me of that intimacy you get with the Holy Spirit when you go to your prayer closet and pray in tounges.
So from just learning from those videos from Father Chris Alar we both learned so much and realized even more that the Catholic Church has the fullness of faith. We have gone to mass every Sunday and made new friends. That was also the hard part again was just telling everyone that we believe the Catholic Church is the fullness of faith. The church we attended was already used to me being gone but now that my wife believes in it too it was pretty heavy for them. We still love them all dearly.
I love all my Pentecostal brothers and sisters and I would love to help build bridges with them to help them understand the catholic faith at least enough to where they stop thinking we all believe in Satan lol.
Very good and consistent presentation. I grew up evangelical/baptist. Became catholic at age 39. Would NEVER go back to the ridiculous and inconsistent evangelical doctrine. I went to a baptist church to see if it was what I remembered. It was the very same. Judgemental, self righteous and generally vacuous.
@@davidstahl5707 . RIGHT ON TARGET !!!!
BAPTIST CHURCH ( and all others so-called evangelical churches) IS STERILE !!! AVE MARIA GRATIA PLENA....
Former, baptized, first communion Catholic, and married to a Catholic girl, 30+ years King James only Baptist, back home, to The Holy Roman Catholic Church. Mary, The Virgin Mary, mother of God in the flesh, Jesus Christ , the CROWNED QUEEN OF HEAVEN and the Holy Eucharist, flesh and blood of Jesus Christ brought me back.... DEO GRATIA
Blessings! What specifically prompted your journey home?
@NuLeif I don't know about him, but I'm a Catholic cradle. I have never left the church even though my Father is a Pentecostal fake pastor. So I have attended a few protestant churches to see the difference and I will never attend one again. God's presence is only in the Catholic Church. What's so important is that all those who don't confess to a priest get their sins retained and you can't consume the body and blood of Christ. Which you won't be resurrected in the last day. Why play with your salvation, when you can be in God's true house and be a child of God and be the light of the world. Convert to Catholic if you haven't already, before is to late and you die with mortal sins.
Well, yeah, you went into a cult. Doesn’t make the Catholic Church true.
yet catholicism isn't Christianity and can't even answer basic Bible questions.
@@SoyElegidaPorDiosEnSuCatolica I am a convert as well.
Welcome Home to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church ❤
You talk like a muslim..you catholics and muslims like cousins😂😂😂
The one, true, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.
I love listening to conversion stories-they always give me a little Catholic boost. Usually, I stick to ones with thousands of likes or that I've heard of, but I took a chance on this one during a drive home and really loved it. I'm going to share it with some friends who have left the Catholic Church.
You should watch his in depth and very personal interview on Cordial Catholic. It’s one of the best I’ve heard. Definitely worth your time.
Absolutely amazing!
I love Reversion testimonies, I pray many fallen away Catholic come back home just as you did 🙏🏿
@@TaylourwtheHalo . Thank you.
We are definitely coming home. Once you start searching for Him you end up Catholic.
I hope so too!
I left the church, became evangelical and Jesus led me back, to my surprise, to the Catholic Church. When I was young, evangelicals told me nasty lies about the Catholic Church and I didn't know better. And I read early Christian writings and also was very surprised at how Catholic they were, so very early. I had thought the Catholic Church had gathered up "stuff" along the way.
@@julienickell . What blessing ! The core of the " Evangelical ' theology ' " is to " bad-mouth " the Catholics & Catholic Church.... A very toxic mixture of ignorance and horrendous fabrications... They, unawares, only have an appearance of Godliness, and a smooth talk. Stay near the Holy Mother of God in the flesh, Jesus, King of all...
Love the story, Gerard. It was an honor to meet you and your dear wife at the CA conference last week. God is on the move!
The honor was all mine brother! The whole weekend was amazing and I'm so glad for the opportunity to chat with you and your crew.
@@KennyBurchard You should watch his very detailed and personal/emotional interview on Cordial Catholic & Catholic Truth. They both are very intriguing and powerful!
Welcome back home brother. You enlighten not just our protestant brothers but also us Catholics. God bless you and your family🙏
Thank you for sharing... What Anti-Catholic people don't know Mary brings us closer to his son Jesus. When you have a relationship with Mary you feel like she's your mother! Love that feeling I have a earthly mother but my heavenly Mother Mary is beyond words, it's a beautiful relationship and daily I read the rosary and go through the life of his son Jesus. What a blessing and beautiful meditation. So hard for someone to remove me from Catholic the roots of the church is so deep
Thank you for your wonderful testimony! As a revert, I am always enriched by the converts to Catholicism. Many blessings to you and your family. 🙏
Welcome home Pastor. Hope you continue to be one of our Catholic apologist esp with EWTN's Catholic Answers. Godbless you
I’m now in RCIA after being a non denominational and then Baptist Protestant. I really enjoyed your testimony, & I just ordered my own copy of Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist. God bless!
It’s a great book!
I was born in a Catholic family, in Albanian communist society.
Couldn’t worship because of prosecution, neglected the church till after late 20-th.
When I hear conversion stories I cannot get enough.
Skanderbeg is another example, he was taken to Turkey in his teens, when he was brought back to Balkans he left Islam and fought against it defending Albania and surrounding.
As an Indian Catholic, let me take this opportunity to thank you, an Albanian Catholic, for the gift of St (Mother) Teresa.
@@satyannair4837 We both thank God because He inspired and sent her.
Saint Mother Teresa Pray for us ✝️🙏🏽
Convert here… What amazes me about all our stories is the similar journey from devout Protestantism to the Catholic Church which we all share! Steeped in the Bible, it all becomes so clear when we read the Church Fathers for the first time and attend our first Mass. After so much searching we’re finally… home.
Beautiful to find another up and coming on-fire, reverted Catholic apologetist! We'll be seeing you!
From a cradle Catholic in the Philippines, "Welcome back". That was a heartwarming story. I love all those authors you mentioned, Pitre, Herschmeyer, Akin and the great St Francis de Sales. If he convinced a whole city I guess you didn't stand a chance. All praise to the Holy Spirit for his charism.
The CCC is definitely very helpful. I love that Holy Mother Church has clear unambiguous and unchanging official teachings which she received from Christ Himself Who is Truth.
Praying for you and your wife to glorify Our Lord by your witness.
I was stationed in the Philippines (Navy). St. Francis de Sales is my patron saint.
Beautiful way of coming home! Welcome home! 😌
God always makes away to come home. 😊 God bless 🙌
You are doing The Lord's work in bringing people back to the Church Jesus founded, the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.
A cradle Catholic here. I love the Church though i mostly attend the traditional latin mass, its beauty is out of this world, just so beautiful and rich. I pray for our protestant brothers and sisters who have been protesting since 1500yrs.
Praise be to Jesus Christ. The Truth is very powerful. May God continue to bless your journey.
Dr. Pitre's books are a wealth of knowledge and will blow your mind. I firmly believe that Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist should be mandatory reading in every RCIA classroom.
Yep, he's very knowledgeable...And an excellent apologetics teacher..
but if the Bible were mandatory, and people followed basics -- none would be catholic.
@@tony1685If nobody were Catholic you wouldn’t have a bible to begin with. 😂😅
✝️ Jesus, Mary & Joseph, we love ❤ you, save souls! 🙏
Welcome back home brother
I read my way into the Church in a similar way. I was confirmed last month after a year of intense reading. I completely agree with your top 5. I was typing Behold Your Mother as you added that to your list. Praise God.
Welcome Home! What other books did you find helpful in your journey?
@@NuLeif Thank you. I agree with Gerard that the Catechism was the most impactful. In addition to the 5 (or 6) he mentioned, I also found Crossing the Tiber by Steve Ray, Dr. Hahn’s Swear to God, Hail Holy Queen, The Fourth Cup, and The Lamb’s Supper very helpful. The Bible Made Impossible by Christian Smith was also great. As a cradle evangelical, those were particularly helpful along with Evangelical is Not Enough by Thomas Howard. There are so many good books out there…
@@leftfielder216 There are so many good books available. I have all the books you mentioned, except Swear to God & the Bible Made Impossible. Thanks for the suggestions.
Welcome Home, brother!
did you reading find a way of justifying that catholicism mandates sin?
in God's eyes it isn't justified, but an evil system of lies.
Welcome home brother! I also went to the Catholic Answers conference last weekend and loved it! We need to have a segment in the conference for anyone looking to (re-)enter the Catholic Church and want to share their testimonies!
Thank you for sharing your story! What a great witness to the truth of the Catholic faith!
What a wonderful testimony, welcome back to the family
This “brief” streamlined testimony of the longer/more detailed account of your reversion (on Cordial Catholic & Catholic Truth) is very intriguing! Thank you for sharing. May God bless your calling of spreading truth to Protestants and encouraging cradle Catholics.
Thank you, brother, for this channel. I welcome you home with your lovely wife. We pray that your son will see what you have discovered and join you. Mary, the mother of Jesus, will bring him home. I say this because she is everyday looking for her children every day and bringing them home. Thank you for acknowledging the Chatechism. God bless you and your wife.Wish you all the best in your Catholic journey.🎉🎉🎉❤
Welcome home! May the blessed mother be with you always in your journey to fulfilling your mission.
Thank you so much for your testimony. God bless you and your family in His Holy Divine Will. Fiat 🙏
I love been Catholic ❤😊
Thank you for sharing such wonderful story, not only profound and inspiring, but blessed as a conversion by the Grace of God.
As a catholic from the cradle I find your testimony as a compelling confirmation of my faith and give me more strength to stand tall to those who criticize the Catholicism without sufficient justification and knowledge.
I love theology and I was taught the history of the Church at an early age in elementary school. Every week a seminarian would come to tell us the stories of the saints, which mesmerized me as a child and taught us the catechism. I made my first communion at six and I received the Eucharist absolutely convinced of its holiness.
I came from South America almost forty years ago and I was invited for the very first time by a family to an evangelical church back then, which it was anti catholic from “head to toe”, causing me an enormous trauma. I was young and I had never heard so much hatred towards us, catholics, the only religion I knew and believed it was the true one. This experience was shocking and shook me to my soul. I had never heard my parents or anyone around me, anyone in the church or a priest had ever spoken badly about anyone or any Protestants. Being from a catholic country it was second nature. The catholic religion was the one and only true, for that Jesus Christ had built it over Peter the apostle, as a “foundation on a rock”. I kept quiet back then but that made me aware and inspired to study more and deepen my faith and understanding of our catholic doctrine and dogmas.
Thank you for your generosity of sharing such a valuable experience and the miracle of conversion.
Thank you for sharing your testimony.
Proud Catholic here. Was raised Protestant but by Gods grace i attended a Catholic school. My faith was not strong and I was truly anti Catholic. Fast forward, in 2018 I attended a retreat and from then on would attend online mass and adoration. In May 2024 I joined the Catholic church and i couldn’t be happier.
Welcome back home, Brother.
@@nethlita5051 thank you. I never tire of hearing that!
A wonderfully uplifting story Gerard! Thank you so very much for sharing it.
I praise and thank God for Coming Home to the Catholic Church. God bless and your family.
Without going into a lot of details (I can ramble!) God is using your story and other former evangelicals to open my eyes to the truth of the Catholic Church!! Thank you for sharing!! I’m excited to see where God takes me!!!
Grateful for testimonies like this. Thank you!
Welcome HOME. Being a convert to The One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church 33+ yrs ago, I am always intrigued and inspired by conversion testimonies. Makes me want to keep learning & you surely do push your listener to that desire! God love you & your dear wife. Please continue to share as much as the Holy Spirit & Holy Mother Church desire of you.
Hi….and welcome to God church that establish in the year 33..Matthew 16:18-19
A tip we can learn more of Catholicism is listening to EWNT.
@ that’s EWTN. 😊🙏🏼
I am moved by your reversion experience, keep up the good work on this channel! Your Brother in Christ, Amen!
Thank you for sharing! Welcome home
That was beautiful 🙏
It’s beautiful how the Old Testament the Psalms and the New Testament are related to each other. The Catholic Church knew this for centuries, and this is what they read from the Bible everyday in the Mass.
Thank you. We pray that your story inspires many other conversions. Bless you dear brother.
@@marialaurafuentes8446 thank you!
Really enjoyed hearing your testimony.
Thank you for blessing me with your reversion story!
I shared and subscribed your channel. Welcome back to the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, founded by Jesus Christ Himself. The four marks of the Church. I congratulate you and your wife. God bless!
Very powerful, inspiring, and moving
Thank you so much for sharing your story. I have been struggling with some convictions about being Catholic. My family didn’t raise me in church but I started reading the Bible. This has answered many of my doubts and concerns.
Go to Adoration? Priceless.
The rosary every day.
Please make sure you read the bible in context. Not as a book of quotes but the whole books.
Most of the catholic doctrines can’t be sustained if you use the Bible properly.
Ask yourself “is this what the chapter was talking about? Is this what I see the Apostles later understood from this teaching?”
Does the bible says that leaders should be followed unconditionally and that as the bulwark of the truth, the visible church (not the actual church made of believers) can’t depart? Then why did Paul said in Galatians that even them, the Apostles, shouldn’t be followed if they departed from the truth and taught another gospel?
@@sofiash24 The Protestants are the ones who departed from the Church. Paul was talking about you.
@@sofiash24 I am very sorry that you have been bewitched the the evil one.
Welcome home Pastor and your wife
God bless you; I consecrate you and your family to the Immediate Heart of Holy Mother Mary
This was a beautiful testimony. Thank you so much for sharing.
And welcome Home!!❤
Thanks for sharing. I reasonate with you. I was a Methodist and 6 years ago became a Catholic. And my faith journey then on has been so fulfilling. Never felt like this when I was a Methodist. All the lies that I have been told by my Protestant leaders and friends (for many many years) about what the Catholic church teaches and beliefs really sums up very well what you said at the end of your video. They should stop speaking anti-catholic when they have not made any effort to study and understand the Church with more than 2000 years history.
Excellent. Thank you. Blessings to you and your family.
Amen, welcome back.
Thank you so much!
Thanks for your well delivered witness. God bless you and your family.
Praise God for His evident grace in your testimony. God saw your efforts to love Him and blessed you both. I pray He continue to lead you and give you the graces to bring in as close a union with Christ as possible. And I pray that Our Lady obtain for you from her son all that you need to grow, prosper, and persevere. God Bless you
Thanks Gerard, this was very encouraging. I have some of the books you mentioned (and am following Trent Horn and Joe Heschmeyer), but have now downloaded St Francis de Sales' book as well. I have found Dr Scott Hahn's books excellent too, for me "Hail Holy Queen" and "The Lamb's Supper" particularly helpful. Am currently following Fr Mike Schmitz's 'Catechism in a Year' which is working for me as a great daily devotion. I love what I am learning. 😇
You’ve got a lot of great books to start with. I would also recommend Fr John Waiss book: Bible Mary - The Mother of Jesus in the Word of God & William A. Jurgens
Faith of the Early Fathers: Three-Volume Set.
@@NuLeif thanks so much : 🙏
Ruth - Fr Mike "CiaY" is my morning companion. I just love him. I'm so glad you've already become acquainted with Trent and Joe and Dr Hahn. We had the honor and pleasure of meeting them all this past weekend in San Diego. They're the real deal. There are so many great resources to learn the Catholic faith - I've only just begun. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions I can help you with!
@@Rue1008 any specific topic that you are studying or struggle with?
@@midairfortress-revert thanks Gerard, will do. Love to go to these conferences (just a tad expensive from down under ! 😉)
I’m a catholic convert from Paganism/Wicca. I was knee deep in everything pagan, “light-work”, crystals, divination, and at one point I thought I was a starseed. If Jesus could reach me, he can reach anyone. Praise Jesus and the Catholic Church for saving me!
Welcome Home! Everyday at Holy Mass and when I pray the holy rosary daily, I pray for conversions, my own and all the others. I am just so delighted to hear conversions like yours!🎉😂😊
What a beautiful thing to do (praying rosary for conversion of souls). Thank you!
Thank you very much. and welcome home
Beautiful story, welcome home!
Awesome testimony. Blessings always!
Thanks for this. Reformed Presbyterien, very Calvinist to Catholic Church thank God.
** THANK U! It's very inspiring thoughts; your story is rich of truth. The church is one, holy, Catholic & apostolic! And I was born in Middle East & grew up as an atheist there - I conviced myself that God does not exicest. But God revealed Himself to me soon after moving to this very beatuful country Canada, in Miiracules way - and His angeles helped me amazingly really; clearly He conviced me by visible evidence that He exicist. I was really a great sinner, now a devout Catholic deeply.
Also the second Timouthy 3: 1 says that in the last days terrible things will happen, and the second Thesalonian says 2: 2-3 that many will lose their faith. And may the Lord bless U abanduntly. THANKS again.
Welcome brother. May your testimony enlightens all JESUS CHRIST BELIEVEERS TO RETURN TO HIS TRUE CHURCH 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Thankyou. You have cleared up the truth for me. I will always be a CATHOLIC
I grew up in an Eastern Orthodox environment, and in my 20’s got catechised and baptised in the latin rite of the Catholic Church, and maybe that’s the reason why the truth of apostolic christianity (meaning ancient Churches like Catholic, Orthodox - former part of Catholic, Coptic, Armenian, and many others) comes so natural to me. And maybe it’s the reason why I never cease to be stunned of how people can even CONSIDER (let alone accept) this”me and my Bible” religion (which is not even theirs in the first place) with no priests, no saints, no relics, no Eucharist or other Sacraments, no monks or nuns, no bishops, no icons, no statues, no altars, no crucifixes.
It’s like in Bulgakov’s The Master and Margarita when the Devil visiting Moscow asks a famous writer and editor of various things people believe in in in that communist country, including afterlife, God, Devil, etc, and the answer to every single question is no every single time, he exclaims in frustration: what’s matter with you people, anything one asks about you don’t have! Well, this communist reminds me of a protestant.
I also had a renewal of faith around Lent last year. This is why I like conversion and reversion stories, yours is one of them.
It's amazing to grow in the faith as a Catholic! ❤ Welcome back and glory to God in the highest!
Thank you, I love your video, I am a proud Catholic. God bless you!
I was a Roman Catholic and even a seminarian. Met my Jewish wife. She and I became Charismatic Catholic. Disenchanted led us to Assembly of God church rebaptized a member and elder almost 10 years . My wife passed away of cancer. My life seemed to end. Met no was brought to my second love of my life Maryann appropriately. I finally came back to Holy Mother Catholic Church through Holy Mary Theotokos after visit to a catholic church where the Icon of Our Lady of Chestahova was being presented. Holy Mary Theotokos seemed to say to me come back to me with all your heart. Came back around 2007 . I love my protestant brothers but read the writings of the early church Fathers and the Bible without the protestant blinders
watching from Davao Philippines ❤
St Francis de sales pray for us
Yes. He is my patron Saint!
This is your best video. Fantastic.
Thank you so much for the recommendations . Blessings from Philadelphia from an ex-protestant
watching from Batangas Philippines
Absolutely beautiful thank u. I never renounced my Catholic Faith but didn't practice 4 many years. Thank God He brought me back Plz pray 4 some of my family members & friends who r now Evangelicals.The Catholic Faith is like being on a perpetual treasure hunt U always discover till ur death beautiful gems & diamonds it's never ending. Thank u Lord for the great gift of our Catholic Faith.
Welcome home brother! God bless you and your family 🙏
Love your presentation❤
That's so awesome man. God is good
It's amazing how God prepared you for this. He had you study and preach so that you can be a great Catholic one day. One thing I always pray about Catholic priests to become is to be like the evangelical preachers who touch, move, enlighten the listeners as they preach. Truth be told, most Catholic priests just don't know how to engage and inspire. So we are thirsty for great sermons and catechism. I hope you use your gift of preaching to spread God's love. ❤
From a Protestant minister and Army Chaplain-who is undergoing a faith crisis-thank you for sharing. I have made notes of these books and will check them out. I wholeheartedly agree with you about the Catechism; it is a beautiful work of succinct theology. On my own journey, Dr John Bergsma’s “Stunned by Scripture” has been very helpful with answering many of my Protestant objections.
brother, I just picked up a copy of that Bergsma book at the CA conference last weekend. I can't wait to read it. Thank you my brother for your service to our soldiers and I pray for you on your journey of faith in our Lord.
I am a big fan of Dr Bergsma, although I have not read "Stunned by Scripture". His book "Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls" will totally redefine your understanding of John's gospel. On top of that it obliterates the notion of historical criticism, which is a lot fun! God bless you for the work you are doing with our military and I hope all of these books discussed in Gerard's video help you find what you seek.
chaplains never did know anything about the Bible. and i see you haven't understood what the protest was/is all about, Sir.
why not open the Christian Bible and start with basics, which prove catholicism isn't Christianity?
Here we go again...ad nauseam.
Jesus has begun a journey in his life, infact he is getting to the right path. We pray for him.@tony1685
This is my favorite kind of convert/revert testimony....
Thank you Gerard for all you do evangelizing for Christ’s Church. Great testimony. Keep up the good work and keep the content coming. By the way…..Welcome Home!!!
Thank you for your story to the one true church of Jesus Christ. God bless you and your family. May others search for the truth
Your story is an amazing testament to people searching for truth and willingness to do the will of God. Thank you.
Very informative video thanks! Raised Catholic, still am practicing but try to avoid debate or discussion when protestants attack my faith. Even a jew at work attacked Jesus and i just didn't wanna engage. I felt terrible, felt like i let my Lord down. I had a hard childhood but I have never lost faith, in fact it made my faith stronger. Nobody can take that away! So now i want to learn more so I'm ready to defend God and Mama Mary (not that they need defending)😅
@@ChiefComplaintX I totally understand. Maybe you can just engage Protestants in conversation, like ask them “Why do you believe that the Bible alone is our authority? Whose interpretation should I follow? Have you ever read any of the Catechism so you can know what Catholics officially believe about that doctrine you’re rejecting?” Things like that can go a long way!
Make the Jews read Genesis 17-19 it will show the reasoning why Jesus "before Abraham I AM"
Same for Moses but not so obvious as it is titled "ANGEL OF THE LORD".
Specifically in Genesis 19:24
24 Then the Lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven;
There are 2 Lords (Yah-weh in Hebrew) in this context.
No one can normally can see the Father, it is Jesus who is normally seen on Earth.
Same in Joshua 5:14, there is no confusion of who this is as in Joshua 5:16 It implicitly states LORD (Yah-weh in Hebrew)
@@midairfortress-revertbecause WE ARE NOT TO HAVE ANOTHER DOCTRINE and all overs are to be accursed. It’s BIBLE ALONE. YOU ALL WAnt to leave space to add and subtract whatever doesn’t fit your unregenerate mind. GOD NEVER HAD A MOMMY and GOD MADE MARY and purgatory do not exist.
Yes! Brant Pitre and the Jewish roots of the Eucharist is everything!!! I often watch that on RUclips to refresh my love for our faith!🙌🏼🙏🏼✨ Welcome back home! You have reached the end of the search! God Bless you and your family!❤
Love that book!
Am truly blessed, welcome home brother. You add a lot of faith to me.
Thank you so much for this inspiring story. Am a Catholic and will remain so. But you have done so well in opening my eyes about reading the Catechism of the Catholic Church...❤
Welcome home!!
Thank you!!
Welcome back home, brother, may God bless you