I could listen to this for 6 hours. I'm shopping for a keyboard with weighted keys, something that resembles a real piano as closely as possible (since I can't fit one where I live right now, haha) and the P45 is what I was looking at for my budget. It sounds absolutely awesome here! Would you recommend it?
I bought one for my wife and we live in an apartment too. For me it is the best balance between quality and price. Yet it is small and we can take it anywhere. She loved it and so did I.
Would this be good for a complete beginner? I was going more towards the P115, but then later on realizing that it was way out of my price range. Also, i'm loving the demo's!
@@paulusbender Hi you should go for the Yamaha P125, if you are planning to get the Yamaha P45 you should consider buying P125, it is better and the price is only Higher by a hundred bucks or so
Wow non c'è nessun italiano ma da quel che ho capito dal nome e la descrizione sei italiano. Comunque penso che lo comprerò, grazie per la recensione. Wow there is no other Italian but from what I understand from the name and description you are Italian. Anyway I think I'll buy it, thanks for the review.
Sorry, but is this a joke? I don't know where you are, and even changing into dollars it all depends on the price in your area. However, with an online converter you can immediately change to dollars. R.Gerbi
If it happens sometimes, it could be the contact board that needs to be cleaned, if it always, happens you may have changed the velocity setting. Try to initialize the instrument to the default conditions: holding down the last note on the right of the keyboard (C7), you turn on the instrument, then wait for the power light to stop flashing. DO NOT turn off the instrument during initialization. R.Gerbi
Mori Summer im not sure if the answer has been said yet or if you dont care, but i think he means the guy used an external audio recorder to capture the sound
Your keyboard sounds very nice. I have the same exact keyboard Yamaha P-35 and a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 interface. But tell me exactly are you using mono or stereo cable..Thx Brother
Ciao, sono passati tanti anni dalla pubblicazione di questo video, probabilmente non risponderà nessuno ma ci provo. Innanzitutto bel video, volevo chiedere se secondo una sua opinione gli altoparlanti in dotazione sono discreti per una stanza media, o suggerisce un amplificazione con altoparlanti esterni?
Ciao Michael, gli anni passano, ma fortunatamente si resiste con il canale! Grazie per i complimenti che "giro" all'amico Andrea. Argomento speaker, quelli in dotazione sono ampiamente sufficienti per diffondere un buon suono tra le mura domestiche. Sicuramente un impianto esterno può giovare alla resa, però un paio di monitor attivi di buona qualità - con un woofer da 5 pollici (sufficiente per restituire bassi generosi in casa) - può arrivare a costare quanto il pianoforte. Vale la pena? Dipende dal contesto. Un paio di buoni monitor si comprano una volta e poi non ci pensi più; cambierai strumento in futuro, ma l'ascolto no. In certi casi vale il detto: "chi più spende, meno spende..." In ogni caso, adotterei una politica fatta di piccoli passi: preso il pianoforte lo proverei ad utilizzare un po' con le sue casse, nel frattempo, un giro tra i rivenditori di strumenti musicali a provare monitor con le specifiche indicate sopra può aiutare a "farsi l'orecchio" e capire il modello più adatto. Un saluto e ci segua sul sito di SM Strumenti Musicali! R.Gerbi
How does this compare to a akai mpk88? i have the akai and have issues with garageband changing the pitch on me while i'm playing or recording. Is this a software issue or a controller issue?
They are two completely different instruments: the P45 doesn't have all the controls of the Akai. The Pitch problem could be - for example - a wrong control transmitted by the Akai. R.Gerbi
@@StrumentiMusicaliTV thank you for responding. I played around with it a lot and finally got it to work. Using the usb directly from the Akai gave me this problem. I switched to an actual midi cable and this fixed the pitch change and the distortion issue. What a frustrating instrument this is 😂
So how do you get the P71 (same as P45 I believe) to sound like the first song. The sustain sounds shorter than using the pedal but the reverb effects I've been messing with don't quite get me there either. Thanks.
Ho da poco una tastiera Yamaha p45 b, quando suono insieme le note do e il mi di un'altra ottava ho quell'effetto vibrato come se non fosse perfettamente accordato. Da cosa potrebbe dipendere? La dissonanza non è ridondante però non dovrebbe accadere.
Risposta difficile da porgere senza un riscontro audio/video del possibile difetto. Scrivi di note suonate in ottave differenti, quindi potrebbe essere l'accordatura "Stretch". Qui sotto la spiegazione di Wikipedia sull'argomento: bit.ly/3cbXMK3 Però segnali anche di percepire un "effetto vibrato": se tieni premute a lungo le note è possibile che tu percepisca il punto di loop di ciascun campione, che in taluni casi (come appunto poche note distanziate come ottave) può generare un "effetto vibrato" percepibile. Ma lo ribadisco, senza un riscontro del problema "vado a naso" intepretando le tue parole. R.Gerbi
Buongiorno, vorrei chiedere una cosa.. Se io metto una determinata imposizione sul p45, come ad esempio gli hrz a 432, questa impostazione rimane anche se spengo la tastiera? Grazie :)
Ciao Lorenzo, si, ti confermo che un pedale sustain di tipo switch è a corredo con lo strumento; se desideri un pedale tipo pianoforte, sono disponibili i modelli della serie FC di Yamaha venduti separatamente. Un saluto R.Gerbi
...read the manual on page 14 To transpose the pitch down: While holding down [GRAND PIANO/FUNCTION], press the F6 key to decrease by 1 semitone. To transpose the pitch up: While holding down [GRAND PIANO/FUNCTION], press the G6 key to increase by 1 semitone. To restore the original pitch: While holding down [GRAND PIANO/FUNCTION], press the F#6 key. Download manual here: www.musikkhandel.no/media/files/2496/p45_en_om_a0.pdf
Which Amplifier? The Headphones outputs are stereo and aren't NOT switchable to mono. You can connect to an amplifier with a stereo line input, with a cable to "Y": on one side with a 3.5mm minijack stereo (connect the P45), the other with two sockets pin / RCA (or jack) Mono L / R (connect the amplifier). R.Gerbi
This sound comes out from headphones jack? What about the sound from the speakers? I'm interested only in the grand piano sound (not pipe organ, not clavecin and the stuff like that)
OK, I bought it. Now - how did You record sound and video together? What devices and cables I need to get the same effect as Yours? And if I had IPad Air2 - is it possible to get something like this by buying any cable and get an application from AppStore? I just want to record audio&video on one file, but dont know how...
Audio captured by an hardware recorder (or with an audio interface from your computer or iPad) and the video from a camcorder: in Post-production - with a video editing software - you need to pair (and sync) the audio track of the recorder with audio from the camcorder, then put in "mute" the audio track on the camera. On RUclips there will be dedicated tutorials: you try to take a look ... R.Gerbi
Hello I have gone to music stores and played the p45 and it sounds nothing like this. I know you are using an interface, but are there any economy friendly speakers that you would recommend with this piano. Because I still want to buy this piano.
Repeat, NO Interface, plugin ecc. Sound Flat. Audio path: P45 phones out > Line In Stereo Digital Recorder - Line Out stereo Digital Recorder > Audio in mono by two pair of external active monitors for listening sound R.Gerbi
Forgive me as I'm a beginner to all the pianist terms and have trouble reading, but I still am not sure how you're getting the sound you're getting. Can you explain what you mean when you say P45 phones out, line in stereo digital recorder, line out stereo digital recorder, and audio in mono by two pair of external active monitors? I tried to look it up, so I can get this sound when I get my piano, but nothing popped up.
Salve Maestro. Possiedo p45 Ho notato che le note basse suonano molto alto. Scusi il gioco di parole, È normale? Quasi disturbano le melodie Grazie spero in una risposta
Rispondo io per Andrea. Difficile stabilire a distanza se si tratta di un difetto tecnico o un semplice problema di dinamica suonando. Escludendo il difetto tecnico, potresti provare a variare la sensibilità al tocco, passando da quella di default (Medium) alla curva Hard: farai un po' più fatica con le melodie, però dovresti ottenere un bilanciamento del volume per le note gravi. Se non ottieni alcun risultato, allora è consigliabile affidarsi all'assistenza tecnica per un controllo della tastiera: magari i sensori delle prime ottave non rispondono bene e vanno puliti. my2cents R.Gerbi
Ultima domanda possibile che la p45 anche avendo un uscita USB non riesce ad avere un applicazione che permette di registrare le proprie melodíe? Grazie
mate gm go to amazon, search yamaha p 71. Its the same as the p 45 but amazon is doing us a big favor and selling it for only 399$. They just called it p 71 instead of p 45.
Do you feel much difference between the np 31 and p45? I knew the p 45 has weighted keys but not the np31 but I heard it is similar. I need it for 8 years old kid who just started. Thanks
The weighted keys of P45 are not similar at the semi weighted keys of NP31! I wonder who can say such a thing... If the child have 8 years old and he wants to learn the piano, take P45. R.Gerbi
ciao! per questione di spazio cerco una cosa simile per mia figlia (studia da un anno) il maestro mi ha consigliato il Yamaha p115 ma ho trovato una buona offerta sul p45 , sapreste dirmi quale dei due prodotti è migliore? quali sono le differenze? grazie
Ciao, in questo canale trovi anche delle demo dello Yamaha P-115, casomai volessi compiere una comparazione all'ascolto. Presumo tu non abbia nozioni in materia, quindi mi limiterò alle caratteristiche "base" dei due modelli: il P-45 è l'entry level attuale di Yamaha, mentre il P-115 è il modello superiore. Montano entrambi la stessa meccanica pesata in modo graduato lungo l'estensione da 88 tasti denominata GHS (Graded Hammer Standard), ma nel P-115 la tastiera è rivestita con una finitura sintetica particolare volta a simulare l'ebano e l'avorio dei tasti di un pianoforte acustico. Il P-45 fornisce 10 timbri, mentre il P-115 ne offre quattro in più e dispone di una generazione sonora più raffinata riguardo al pianoforte. Oltre alla tastiera e la generazione sonora, le altre differenze insite nel P-115 sono un pannello comandi più completo in termini di controlli e più semplice da utilizzare (nel P-45 le funzioni sono selezionabili premendo i tasti della tastiera), la possibilità di far interagire lo strumento con delle applicazioni per i dispositivi iOS (iPad, iPhone, ecc), dedicate alla didattica e l'intrattenimento, infine un'amplificazione più potente e delle finiture più curate. Conclusioni: se si tratta di muovere i primi passi con lo strumento, a mio modesto parere va bene anche un P-45, viceversa, se con lo strumento tua figlia sta seguendo un percorso di apprendimento per gradi (e magari longevo), il P-115 - grazie alle funzioni aggiuntive - potrebbe gratificarla per molto tempo, senza contare il suono di pianoforte più articolato e la tastiera con un tocco più "vicino" a quello della controparte acustica. Buona scelta. R.Gerbi
I'm just getting into recording and all and I own this keyboard, does anyone know how he recorded it exactly? Not trying to send data with the USB port. But my question really is, would it work if I plugged a mixer to this and then to my computer through the headphone jack of the keyboard?
RGTV so question, cause again I have no clue about anything like this, what is the mixer for? Is it the same thing? Cause I've talked to people about it and told me to plug my keyboard to the mixer then to the computer? Or is that a separate thing? And if it is do I need one for good quality?
Excuse me, but why a mixer? If you just record the sound of the piano, connect the headphone output to the line input of the audio interface, and register with a recorder software R.Gerbi
I am just getting into piano. I have two in my Amazon cart. This one and the Casio Privia PX160BK. I will have to choose one within the next few months. First, I am getting my first saxophone next month. Yamaha. Good times.
No, in P-115/125 the resolution of multisamples is higher, and it's on 3 layers. The better quality of the P115 / 125 compared to the P45 is felt above all in the central range of the keyboard. R.Gerbi
Awesome Musicality Mr. Girbaudo! I really liked that ballad improv you played on the first part :D
Bravissimo e splendido strumento
Been looking for this video for ages since the last time I watched it. A pretty charming test video for this digital piano.
love the last one 99 by toto , awesome!!
I just brought this digital piano and I LOVE it incredible sounds
@Rex Butt NICEE!!
I could listen to this for 6 hours. I'm shopping for a keyboard with weighted keys, something that resembles a real piano as closely as possible (since I can't fit one where I live right now, haha) and the P45 is what I was looking at for my budget. It sounds absolutely awesome here! Would you recommend it?
Did you ever end up getting one?
No I haven't yet. Ended up getting a new camera for my main RUclips channel instead. Someday I'll get a new keyboard though, haha
did u get it now thougj?
Greg Peters I'm thinking of picking one up once I've moved into my new apartment
I bought one for my wife and we live in an apartment too. For me it is the best balance between quality and price. Yet it is small and we can take it anywhere. She loved it and so did I.
I start to cry. It's so touching! 👍
Would this be good for a complete beginner? I was going more towards the P115, but then later on realizing that it was way out of my price range.
Also, i'm loving the demo's!
Did you buy this? Is it good for beginners???? I am planning to buy also
@@ev3rdayhappy232 what did you buy? I am starting piano
@@paulusbender Hi you should go for the Yamaha P125, if you are planning to get the Yamaha P45 you should consider buying P125, it is better and the price is only Higher by a hundred bucks or so
@@ev3rdayhappy232 im a music producer myself and can say this is a very good piano for beginners
I've been years looking forward to learn the piano but never. either by selling stuff or when i get a job i ll buy one and will be this one!
What is the name of the last song? omg I liked that song, I need to know!
99 - Toto
Thank you for sharing this. This is amazing!
Wow beautiful playing !!!!
Damn that first improv tho... can’t stop replaying this video cuz of it.
I also have yamaha p45 and its very useful, especially on midi setups
which song is he playing???
Gostei lindo som piano da yamaha
Wow.. Bravissimo e bello strumento! Come si chiama il primo brano che ha suonato??
è un'improvvisazione.
Complimenti davvero!! Grazie per la risposta. 🙂
@@StrumentiMusicaliTV bravissimo! io non saprei improvvisare così bene!
Wow non c'è nessun italiano ma da quel che ho capito dal nome e la descrizione sei italiano. Comunque penso che lo comprerò, grazie per la recensione.
Wow there is no other Italian but from what I understand from the name and description you are Italian. Anyway I think I'll buy it, thanks for the review.
Si, questo è il canale di Audiofader e SM Strumenti Musicali, due riviste italiane online.
È possibile avere lo spartito del primo brano del video? 🤩
Si tratta di un’improvvisazione.
@@StrumentiMusicaliTV maestro lei ha un tocco sublime allora 🤩 complimenti
what is the price of this piano? Please... ❤
400 euros, in Italy.
@@StrumentiMusicaliTV in dollars how much would it be?
Sorry, but is this a joke?
I don't know where you are, and even changing into dollars it all depends on the price in your area.
However, with an online converter you can immediately change to dollars.
Yamaha p 45 or 125?
Fantastico 👍👍👍👍
Does the stand hold the piano well? It seems like the piano is shaking while he's playing
Keyboard stand has passed the test...
Awsome 99 by toto
Yamaha P45, Casio cdp-120 or casio privia px150?
Hi my friend, nice video !!!
What digital recorder do you use to record?
if I remember correctly, the recorder is Yamaha Pocketrak W24.
How do you record the audio of the digital piano? what audio interface are you using?
Simply an Audio Recorder: Yamaha Pocketrak.
is the LP-5A 3 pedal sustain compatible with the P45?
+John Abeigon
No, only FC3 (with Half Pedal), FC4/FC5
My p 45 sometimes does not make piano forte dynamics. Did i press somethin' wrong?can u help?
If it happens sometimes, it could be the contact board that needs to be cleaned, if it always, happens you may have changed the velocity setting.
Try to initialize the instrument to the default conditions: holding down the last note on the right of the keyboard (C7), you turn on the instrument, then wait for the power light to stop flashing.
DO NOT turn off the instrument during initialization.
Hello! May I ask for How to record original
Piano sound?
With "Y" cable (minijack stereo - double jack 6,3mm mono or Pin RCA L/R) from P45 Phones/Line Out to Audio Input L/R into a Digital Recorder
Are the speakers on the piano???
Yes, the piano has speakers, but this was recorded with an audio interface to get direct audio.
Sir I am going to buy this piano. what is an audio interface? Many thanks!
Mori Summer im not sure if the answer has been said yet or if you dont care, but i think he means the guy used an external audio recorder to capture the sound
Tem o p45 com 76 teclas?
Não há P45 de 76 teclas, há Yamaha P121 de 73 teclas se você quiser um piano digital compacto.
what did he play at 1:47 ???
It seems it's the song "99" by Toto.
@@TheTrueHamGamer correct.
Your keyboard sounds very nice. I have the same exact keyboard Yamaha P-35 and a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 interface. But tell me exactly are you using mono or stereo cable..Thx Brother
Stereo "Y" cable.
@@StrumentiMusicaliTV Stereo to mono or Stereo to stereo?
What is that piece thats played on Demo C1? Help please
The first songs are improvisations.
May I ask I have a the p45 piano but it doesn't sound like this.
Connect the Phones/Line Out to good headphones and it definitely sounds like that.
With this was uploaded on my birthday wow!!
Ciao, sono passati tanti anni dalla pubblicazione di questo video, probabilmente non risponderà nessuno ma ci provo. Innanzitutto bel video, volevo chiedere se secondo una sua opinione gli altoparlanti in dotazione sono discreti per una stanza media, o suggerisce un amplificazione con altoparlanti esterni?
Ciao Michael, gli anni passano, ma fortunatamente si resiste con il canale!
Grazie per i complimenti che "giro" all'amico Andrea.
Argomento speaker, quelli in dotazione sono ampiamente sufficienti per diffondere un buon suono tra le mura domestiche. Sicuramente un impianto esterno può giovare alla resa, però un paio di monitor attivi di buona qualità - con un woofer da 5 pollici (sufficiente per restituire bassi generosi in casa) - può arrivare a costare quanto il pianoforte.
Vale la pena?
Dipende dal contesto.
Un paio di buoni monitor si comprano una volta e poi non ci pensi più; cambierai strumento in futuro, ma l'ascolto no.
In certi casi vale il detto: "chi più spende, meno spende..."
In ogni caso, adotterei una politica fatta di piccoli passi: preso il pianoforte lo proverei ad utilizzare un po' con le sue casse, nel frattempo, un giro tra i rivenditori di strumenti musicali a provare monitor con le specifiche indicate sopra può aiutare a "farsi l'orecchio" e capire il modello più adatto.
Un saluto e ci segua sul sito di SM Strumenti Musicali!
he is playing really awesome. by the how many keys does it have? (88?)
would you choose yamaha Yamaha p35 , 45 or 105? why?
thank you very much. so i shoud buy p45?
Alberto C.D. What about the P 115 ? I'm choosing between The P 45 and The P 115
what kind of stand are you using?
How to record that piano sound ?
P45 Phones/Line Out Vs Recorder (or Audio Interface)?
Is it normal, that there is NO sustain without the pedal?
FelixTechTips Yup. It is called the sustian pedal for a reason
How does this compare to a akai mpk88? i have the akai and have issues with garageband changing the pitch on me while i'm playing or recording. Is this a software issue or a controller issue?
They are two completely different instruments: the P45 doesn't have all the controls of the Akai.
The Pitch problem could be - for example - a wrong control transmitted by the Akai.
@@StrumentiMusicaliTV thank you for responding. I played around with it a lot and finally got it to work. Using the usb directly from the Akai gave me this problem. I switched to an actual midi cable and this fixed the pitch change and the distortion issue. What a frustrating instrument this is 😂
La yamaha p45 è buona per i principianti che hanno appena cominciato a suonare il piano?(come me)
Si, è un piano digitale dedicato a chi muove i primi passi.
@@StrumentiMusicaliTV ok grazie
how is the internal sound system?
So how do you get the P71 (same as P45 I believe) to sound like the first song. The sustain sounds shorter than using the pedal but the reverb effects I've been messing with don't quite get me there either. Thanks.
yamaha p45 or cdp-130?
_Vini_Marcos_ 5 I was in This dilemma But I Definitely Will Take the Yamaha because it sounds Better and more realistic
Marika Mompoint After researching a lot, I think I'll buy Casio Privia Px-160 .... It's almost the same price and it's better.
Oh Ok !!!
Marika Mompoint I suggest you check it out too.
Yes I already Know Casio too But when I say Yamaha It's not Yamaha P 45 but Yamaha P 115. I Like the way it sounds.
Is this good for learning??
How did you record the sound? The built-in speakers on my P45 sound nothing like that.
Please, read previous messages on RUclips: explains how I recorded the sound.
@@StrumentiMusicaliTV can I also get solution for question David Marconi?
Ho da poco una tastiera Yamaha p45 b, quando suono insieme le note do e il mi di un'altra ottava ho quell'effetto vibrato come se non fosse perfettamente accordato.
Da cosa potrebbe dipendere?
La dissonanza non è ridondante però non dovrebbe accadere.
Risposta difficile da porgere senza un riscontro audio/video del possibile difetto.
Scrivi di note suonate in ottave differenti, quindi potrebbe essere l'accordatura "Stretch". Qui sotto la spiegazione di Wikipedia sull'argomento:
Però segnali anche di percepire un "effetto vibrato": se tieni premute a lungo le note è possibile che tu percepisca il punto di loop di ciascun campione, che in taluni casi (come appunto poche note distanziate come ottave) può generare un "effetto vibrato" percepibile.
Ma lo ribadisco, senza un riscontro del problema "vado a naso" intepretando le tue parole.
beautiful song beautiful performance 👏
Buongiorno, vorrei chiedere una cosa.. Se io metto una determinata imposizione sul p45, come ad esempio gli hrz a 432, questa impostazione rimane anche se spengo la tastiera? Grazie :)
Salve, sul manuale - a pagina 19 - segnala che tra i parametri memorizzati allo spegnimento c’è anche quello legato all’accordatura.
@@StrumentiMusicaliTV grazie mille!! :)
Does it have the sustain pedal?
Ciao Lorenzo,
si, ti confermo che un pedale sustain di tipo switch è a corredo con lo strumento; se desideri un pedale tipo pianoforte, sono disponibili i modelli della serie FC di Yamaha venduti separatamente.
Un saluto
Does this piano has transpose option
Transpose (range +/- 6) and Fine Tuning (Range 414,8/466,8 Hz)
thanks. but one more question, can you tell me how can i make the transpose?? please.
...read the manual on page 14
To transpose the pitch down:
While holding down [GRAND PIANO/FUNCTION],
press the F6 key to decrease by 1 semitone.
To transpose the pitch up:
While holding down [GRAND PIANO/FUNCTION],
press the G6 key to increase by 1 semitone.
To restore the original pitch:
While holding down [GRAND PIANO/FUNCTION],
press the F#6 key.
Download manual here:
thanks so much for your time God bless you sir.
Sound so good
Is it good for a beginner?
Ertu_rul i know i'm late but I've had a look at lads of reviews on internet and people say it's great for beginners
i have this p45, but my question, can i use phones jack to connect amplifier use jack cable?
Which Amplifier?
The Headphones outputs are stereo and aren't NOT switchable to mono.
You can connect to an amplifier with a stereo line input, with a cable to "Y": on one side with a 3.5mm minijack stereo (connect the P45), the other with two sockets pin / RCA (or jack) Mono L / R (connect the amplifier).
+RGTV absolutely keyboard amplifier, I mean like play a guitar with ampli, because I see in p45, the jack hole only sustain and phone
This sound comes out from headphones jack? What about the sound from the speakers? I'm interested only in the grand piano sound (not pipe organ, not clavecin and the stuff like that)
Sound was recorded from the headphone jack.
If you care about quality of sound coming from the speakers, maybe you should go and try.
Are you satisfied with Yamaha P45 speakers sound (grand piano)?
The sound output of the speakers is good
RGTV does p-45 have any problems for timbre, especialy while doing a crescendo?
Does it even have any problems?
Do not forget that it is a low budget digital piano: with few layers multisample you can not expect a crescendo like top models ...
OK, I bought it. Now - how did You record sound and video together? What devices and cables I need to get the same effect as Yours? And if I had IPad Air2 - is it possible to get something like this by buying any cable and get an application from AppStore? I just want to record audio&video on one file, but dont know how...
Audio captured by an hardware recorder (or with an audio interface from your computer or iPad) and the video from a camcorder: in Post-production - with a video editing software - you need to pair (and sync) the audio track of the recorder with audio from the camcorder, then put in "mute" the audio track on the camera.
On RUclips there will be dedicated tutorials: you try to take a look ...
does anybody know what is the first song's name?
It's an improvisation
I have gone to music stores and played the p45 and it sounds nothing like this. I know you are using an interface, but are there any economy friendly speakers that you would recommend with this piano. Because I still want to buy this piano.
Repeat, NO Interface, plugin ecc.
Sound Flat.
Audio path: P45 phones out > Line In Stereo Digital Recorder - Line Out stereo Digital Recorder > Audio in mono by two pair of external active monitors for listening sound
Forgive me as I'm a beginner to all the pianist terms and have trouble reading, but I still am not sure how you're getting the sound you're getting.
Can you explain what you mean when you say P45 phones out, line in stereo digital recorder, line out stereo digital recorder, and audio in mono by two pair of external active monitors?
I tried to look it up, so I can get this sound when I get my piano, but nothing popped up.
If you want to get this sound, use headphones.
Is it weighted keys ?
It looks great, but you can play Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata 3d part or it will bbe broke down??? :)
Which do you prefer mates.. P45 or P125?
The P45 is the entry level model, while the p125 is the mid-level model.
the 1st song is a improvisation or a actual song?
How do you record the sound with this?
+Vinh Dương
Sound recorded with a digital recorder, by Phones Out
+RGTV Thanks! But you need a splitter for the headphones, right? Otherwise you can't hear what you're playing because the sound will then be muted.
+Vinh Dương
Digital Recorder Line Out L/R are connected to a pair of active monitors.
+RGTV But the P-45 doesn't have L/R outputs if I remember correctly.
+Vinh Dương
The Phones Out can be used as a Line Out L/R
Salve Maestro.
Possiedo p45
Ho notato che le note basse suonano molto alto.
Scusi il gioco di parole,
È normale?
Quasi disturbano le melodie
Grazie spero in una risposta
Rispondo io per Andrea.
Difficile stabilire a distanza se si tratta di un difetto tecnico o un semplice problema di dinamica suonando.
Escludendo il difetto tecnico, potresti provare a variare la sensibilità al tocco, passando da quella di default (Medium) alla curva Hard: farai un po' più fatica con le melodie, però dovresti ottenere un bilanciamento del volume per le note gravi.
Se non ottieni alcun risultato, allora è consigliabile affidarsi all'assistenza tecnica per un controllo della tastiera: magari i sensori delle prime ottave non rispondono bene e vanno puliti.
@@StrumentiMusicaliTV grazie mille x ritornare in default?
Tasto opzione poi nota si?
Tasto GrandPiano/Function e poi nota B2 (Si2).
Risolto grazie mille
Ultima domanda possibile che la p45 anche avendo un uscita USB non riesce ad avere un applicazione che permette di registrare le proprie melodíe?
Casio px-160 or yamaha p45?
Which one of these have you choosen?
Abhishek Kumar korg b1! hahaha
Definitely not korg b1imo.
P45 al the time 😉👍
Even the cheapest Yamaha sounds better than the most expensive Casio
Excelent 99 please complete ¡¡¡
Timbres excelentes
he is only a piano ? or is a syntetiser ?
L H. digital piano
I have one of these,can i use the headphone output fot amplifier because these keyboard doesnt have any L/R output
Yes, of course
First song he played, could anyone tell me the title?
It's an improvisation
Is it possible to record while listening to the sound? I think that it will be delayed if you play audio while recording on a PC.
There is no latency if you set the audio interface correctly, enabling monitoring.
how much is it?
mate gm go to amazon, search yamaha p 71. Its the same as the p 45 but amazon is doing us a big favor and selling it for only 399$. They just called it p 71 instead of p 45.
First song's name please??
+Duc Vu
It's an improvisation
Hey, did you record the sound on stereo or mono? If on stereo which cable did you use?
ONLY stereo, with a cable like this:
Do you feel much difference between the np 31 and p45? I knew the p 45 has weighted keys but not the np31 but I heard it is similar. I need it for 8 years old kid who just started.
The weighted keys of P45 are not similar at the semi weighted keys of NP31!
I wonder who can say such a thing...
If the child have 8 years old and he wants to learn the piano, take P45.
I am waiting for dangdut music with this piano
Esse teclado tem um USB para computador ou saída e entrada Midi?
Ele tem uma porta USB para conectar ao PC (usando um cabo de impressora), mas não possui os tradicionais conectores MIDI
Salve quale sceglierebbe tra il p45 e il korg Sp-170s?
+Fran L
Ribalto la domanda, siccome sarai tu a doverla suonare: tu quale sceglieresti?
Le hai provate?
ho p 45 meraliviozo
ciao! per questione di spazio cerco una cosa simile per mia figlia (studia da un anno) il maestro mi ha consigliato il Yamaha p115 ma ho trovato una buona offerta sul p45 , sapreste dirmi quale dei due prodotti è migliore? quali sono le differenze? grazie
in questo canale trovi anche delle demo dello Yamaha P-115, casomai volessi compiere una comparazione all'ascolto.
Presumo tu non abbia nozioni in materia, quindi mi limiterò alle caratteristiche "base" dei due modelli: il P-45 è l'entry level attuale di Yamaha, mentre il P-115 è il modello superiore. Montano entrambi la stessa meccanica pesata in modo graduato lungo l'estensione da 88 tasti denominata GHS (Graded Hammer Standard), ma nel P-115 la tastiera è rivestita con una finitura sintetica particolare volta a simulare l'ebano e l'avorio dei tasti di un pianoforte acustico.
Il P-45 fornisce 10 timbri, mentre il P-115 ne offre quattro in più e dispone di una generazione sonora più raffinata riguardo al pianoforte.
Oltre alla tastiera e la generazione sonora, le altre differenze insite nel P-115 sono un pannello comandi più completo in termini di controlli e più semplice da utilizzare (nel P-45 le funzioni sono selezionabili premendo i tasti della tastiera), la possibilità di far interagire lo strumento con delle applicazioni per i dispositivi iOS (iPad, iPhone, ecc), dedicate alla didattica e l'intrattenimento, infine un'amplificazione più potente e delle finiture più curate.
Conclusioni: se si tratta di muovere i primi passi con lo strumento, a mio modesto parere va bene anche un P-45, viceversa, se con lo strumento tua figlia sta seguendo un percorso di apprendimento per gradi (e magari longevo), il P-115 - grazie alle funzioni aggiuntive - potrebbe gratificarla per molto tempo, senza contare il suono di pianoforte più articolato e la tastiera con un tocco più "vicino" a quello della controparte acustica.
Buona scelta.
RGTV grazie infinite per la sua risposta accurata!!!
I'm just getting into recording and all and I own this keyboard, does anyone know how he recorded it exactly? Not trying to send data with the USB port. But my question really is, would it work if I plugged a mixer to this and then to my computer through the headphone jack of the keyboard?
What do you want to record?
Song MIDI?
Or record your performance in audio format?
RGTV record performance in audio format
Audio path: P45 phones out > Line In Stereo Digital Recorder (or Audio Interface)
RGTV so question, cause again I have no clue about anything like this, what is the mixer for? Is it the same thing? Cause I've talked to people about it and told me to plug my keyboard to the mixer then to the computer? Or is that a separate thing? And if it is do I need one for good quality?
Excuse me, but why a mixer?
If you just record the sound of the piano, connect the headphone output to the line input of the audio interface, and register with a recorder software
lindo piano
Jago juga pak.
Liked toto
yamaha p45 or piaggero np32 for beginners like me to learn piano
Armin Thapa P45!! All the way!
I think I'm gonna buy this. It's not expensive, around 400 $ and my old Studiologic S990 is starting to break down, lol...
why this the sound has no long sustain like the reall piano has
Because it's an entry level, and sound generation is adequate for the price.
I am just getting into piano. I have two in my Amazon cart. This one and the Casio Privia PX160BK. I will have to choose one within the next few months. First, I am getting my first saxophone next month. Yamaha. Good times.
Nice sound with a good decay. The Casio's decay on the sound is unrealistic, and sounds anoying to me, compared to a real piano's sound.
To me there's something about this that sounds better than the p125.
No, in P-115/125 the resolution of multisamples is higher, and it's on 3 layers.
The better quality of the P115 / 125 compared to the P45 is felt above all in the central range of the keyboard.
Bella lo comprai per una chiesa dove suonai come pianista il suono mi pisce un sacco di questo piano
i have yamaha - p45
Anton Georgiev hi..I'm a beginner..I'm thinking of buying this Yamaha p45B...would you suggest me to buy this one? Please help..thanks!
da pianoto e dobro kato kacestvo i kato zena no ako ne te zatrudnqva finansovo kupi si yamaha klavinova model 525 koeto e unikalno
Hey I was wondering how you recorded the audio, please reply. Thanks
+Mouri Games
Please, read previous messages: It explains how I recorded the sound.
Thank you.