How To PLAN & ORGANISE Your VIDEOS! | Notion Filmmaking Workflow

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @NiklasChristl
    @NiklasChristl  3 года назад +202

    I hope this workflow can bring some organisation to your own video projects! 💯
    Here you can sign up for Notion:
    And here you will find my workspace as a template:

    • @editorwaa
      @editorwaa 3 года назад

      Can you let us know what kind of lower third do you use the black and yellow one???

    • @mitalimitali2811
      @mitalimitali2811 3 года назад +6

      Please do a video on how to click picture or record video with your mobile. 📲
      Cause many of us don't have a camera 📷

    • @Toufiq469
      @Toufiq469 3 года назад

      @@editorwaa Thanks for this workflow, it help me to organise my work and time.
      Love from India❤️🙏

    • @PapuChi001
      @PapuChi001 3 года назад +1

      nice video dude

    • @MaikHansen
      @MaikHansen 3 года назад +1

      Just downloaded and can't wait to organize everything 🙏🏼🙏🏼
      I will probably add a list with the learnings from your videos! Crazy how much value you have in every single video 😍
      Thanks for sharing!!

  • @PhilipRung
    @PhilipRung 3 года назад +111

    When you made this video, you planned your video in notion about making a video with notion # inception 🤯😂

  • @jimmychavedo8038
    @jimmychavedo8038 3 года назад +66

    I have heard youtubers talk about Notion for years, you are the first one to show me how useful it actually is. Great explanation. Thank you.

  • @ElMasie
    @ElMasie 3 года назад +453

    Now you must do a video on how you record awesome clips by yourself!

  • @divyanshmanglaa
    @divyanshmanglaa 3 года назад +47

    This guy deserves a million subs💕

  • @DerUmhauer
    @DerUmhauer 3 года назад +3

    Niklas, as a video for creator this is insane value. Man your template, you are so amazing for sharing it. It is worth so much. Thats whats beautiful about youtube. We get great stuff for free and you get paid for showing great stuff.

  • @go4growthsllimited
    @go4growthsllimited Год назад +2

    I missed this channel. So grateful that the algorithm brought it back

  • @atharvakr0830
    @atharvakr0830 3 года назад +20

    after watching this video i felt that You deserved 1 million man.

  • @DarcysBusiness
    @DarcysBusiness Год назад

    Thank you! This just might be the one video that helps me really organize my work flow!! Appreciate it!!

  • @NeverStopImprovingSB
    @NeverStopImprovingSB 2 года назад +67

    I watched the whole thing, even though I knew I wouldn't be able to afford the monthly subscription, just to see what I was missing out on and to see if I could duplicate some of it using what I already have available to me, but then it turns out IT'S FREE! 🥳

    • @HereWeChannel
      @HereWeChannel 2 года назад +4

      Me too 😂😂😂😂

    • @sizweml
      @sizweml 2 года назад +1

      🤣🤣🤣 same here

    • @CarpathianWasteGroup
      @CarpathianWasteGroup 2 года назад +3

      but ... it is free tho for individuals.

    • @rajeshpatil08
      @rajeshpatil08 2 года назад +1

      They do have free plan as well. Check it out.

  • @ZylerKade
    @ZylerKade 3 года назад +8

    It blew my mind how into detail you went in this video. Absolutely loved it! Great setup

  • @citronmeringue8166
    @citronmeringue8166 3 года назад +73

    Thank you so much for sharing this Niklas! I’m only looking to get into youtube and doing my research and the fact that you not only share your workflow with such clear details and explanations but also give us the templates (!!!). You’re like, literally the opposite of clickbait. I came here expecting one thing and got like at least x2 more.

    • @ginociardi10
      @ginociardi10 2 года назад +6

      I couldn't agree more. This video is just mind blowing. It helps me so much to organise and create my workflow as a beginner filmmaker.

    • @trollhubert9218
      @trollhubert9218 2 года назад +2

      why aren't you starting, or did you start on a different channel?

    • @iforinteresting7669
      @iforinteresting7669 2 года назад +1

      I agree with you

  • @MaxTheBeast007
    @MaxTheBeast007 3 года назад +2

    No Joke, das wirklich beste Video, welches ich zu Notion gesehen habe - hab mir extrem viel mit notiert, was ich jetzt dann gleich anwenden werde.
    Deine Struktur wird mir enorm helfen, meine ganzen Projekte endlich ordentlich zu strukturieren und dadurch nicht immer in Stress zu geraten, was ich noch als nächstes aufnehmen will.
    Und ich finds einfach mega krass, dass du einfach aus München kommst (komme aus der näheren Umgebung von München). Wirklich super cool zu sehen, was für nice Leute bei einem in der Umgebung auch auf RUclips aktiv sind.

  • @Shayanwahedi
    @Shayanwahedi 3 года назад +37

    My RUclips channel is just taking off, so this is of immense value, Niklas. Highly appreciate the educational content!

    •  3 года назад

      Same here.

  • @MarianaTraxel
    @MarianaTraxel Год назад

    Hey Niklas, Danke für Dein Notion Template. Super cooler Content. Bitte mach weiter so! Lieben Gruß aus dem Norden, Mariana

  • @nickcormier
    @nickcormier 3 года назад +1

    This is one of the best Notion videos I've found so far, good job!

  • @kelly_browning
    @kelly_browning 2 года назад +1

    SO INSPIRING!! You're a beast! Thank you for sharing this process. It's like a full Skillshare course in just over 20 minutes. Goldmine!!

  • @larissacato8226
    @larissacato8226 Год назад

    I'm sooo glad I followed my instinct and clicked on this video. I was watching another one. This is great and will save me soooo much time and effort. I appreciate you.

  • @javigodoy824
    @javigodoy824 Год назад

    Just started my channel about 2 months ago and i can confidently say you have completely changed the way i look at making youtube videos thank you so much

  • @GaboRemes
    @GaboRemes 2 года назад +1

    Holy Cow Niklas this was like a RUclips workflow masterclass, insane!

  • @FelixHuray
    @FelixHuray 2 года назад

    I'm just amazed how your videos color... Stability... Shots are all very consistent... Can't imagine the gear you carry. And the hassle of assembling the gear... Set up the shot.. While at same time trying to enjoy your travel... Simply awesome!!!

  • @catoarce8859
    @catoarce8859 3 года назад

    Ok. I have downloaded Notion. I have spent the last hour following your step by step. Es ist tolle wie praktisch und nutzlich der Prozess ist. Immer mehr Ideen fur meine Projekte fallen. Du bist die hammer. Gracias amigo.

  • @amysdecordiy
    @amysdecordiy Год назад

    I cannot tell you how valuable this video, and your template is! As someone at the start of their video-making journey, your guided explanation has helped me tremendously. Thank you!!!

  • @peterivan22
    @peterivan22 3 года назад +2

    I had watched this video before and started using Notion and it amazing! I had to come back and watch your video again as it is so helpful and you do cover a lot! It really helped to better plan videos as I get distracted easily with everything going on! Hugely helpful! Thank you!

  • @martinlambov
    @martinlambov 3 года назад +5

    Thank you so much for sharing!
    I can tell that this template has taken tens of hours to create and refine.
    For someone like me who's just starting out, this is a game changer!
    I'm very grateful for the invested time and effort in all this!

  • @glezares
    @glezares 2 года назад

    I've seen this vídeo like 6 times in two months. It's a master piece. Thank you for your work!

  • @devarni
    @devarni 3 года назад +2

    Nice and very helpful!
    I find this interesting with the tags for the type of footage (stock footage, A-roll, B-roll, etc). But the ideas for B-rolls, for example, you write down separately before you write it all in the table?

  • @jrpcreative
    @jrpcreative 2 года назад

    Hands down one of the best Notion workflow videos I've seen.

  • @HablemosdeRunning
    @HablemosdeRunning 2 года назад +5

    En todos tus vídeos pongo los subtítulos traducido al español y voy viendo y dando pausas. Me volví completamente adicto a tus vídeos, me inspiras en absolutamente todo. Bro, tienes 27 años y me sorprende la cantidad de conocimiento que tiene acerca de todo lo que haces. Ya hice la membresía en Artlist desde tu enlace y tambien compré tu producto "Text Graphics" y en unos días compraré el "ANIMATED FILM FRAMES". Estoy invertiendo bastante en conocimiento y he estado aprendiendo mucho de tí. Vivo en Texas y aunque no hablo inglés y no tengo la costumbre de ver videos subtitulados, los tuyos los veo con mucho gusto (sirve de que vaya aprendiendo inglés). Estoy ansiosoo por el nuevo producto que vas a lanzar luego luego, un saludo y un fuerte abrazo.

  • @LetsCookMitJulian
    @LetsCookMitJulian 2 года назад +3

    Incredible Video, thanks for explaining your workflow!

  • @hidlsonv
    @hidlsonv Год назад

    I don't expect you to respond to this comment, but if you do, Thanks!
    As a RUclips beginner, I struggle terribly with managing and organizing ideas. I never thought there was a platform that made it so easy. In fact, I don't even know what the platform really is, or the explanation you brought. But I loved it!
    I tend to use Microsoft One note to write my videos, and video ideas and such... But I'm totally switching over to Notion. And thank you for your temolate. I'm really going to use it, so I remember the person who changed my Workflow every day I enter. Tankiu, Bro!

  • @DanaesDialogue
    @DanaesDialogue 2 года назад +4

    Thank you for this. This template and detailed explanation is EXACTLY what I needed!!! Gonna attempt to set this up now. Lol

  • @spaniardonwheels
    @spaniardonwheels 3 года назад +32

    This is amazing man! As a content creator myself, I really appreciate the fact that you shared your workflow so thoroughly. I find it extremely overwhelming, and whereas I'm also very organized and perfectionist, I was wondering if you followed the same framework when you used to work for other RUclipsrs-that'd sound like a lot of work.

  • @superstudentpk
    @superstudentpk 2 месяца назад

    Thank you so much for sharing your template with us. I created it alongside watching your video. Mine was making me overwhelmed. This one is simple and efficient. Thank you man!

  •  2 года назад

    Thank you so much for providing the template and for your workflow. This is so helpful to speed up my workflow, as I really love Notion and just got started with my RUclips channel.

  • @Pavan_sutar
    @Pavan_sutar 3 года назад

    Definitely u going to get more then 2 millions in this year.. .. Wtf u have so so so so so so so so so so quality content.. I get emotional after watching this.. How can anyone is so perfect at.. Organization

  • @theangeloadiaz
    @theangeloadiaz 3 года назад +1

    This is unbelievably helpful. Thank you so much. I have learned A TON, not just about Notion, but also your mindset on filmmaking. Absolutely amazing

  • @gudrunfliegner7920
    @gudrunfliegner7920 2 года назад

    Danke für den Tipp mit dem Programm und das Teilen deines Workspace!

  • @bribeingraw7655
    @bribeingraw7655 3 года назад +1

    So glad I clicked on your video! This is probably the most thorough and easy to follow filmmaking workflow on Notion. Being new on RUclips, I have been trying to get used to Notion and film making myself. I tried a number of project templates already, I love that yours have a more elaborated yet concise shot list table. I'll definitely be using some of your templates, thanks so much this is very helpful! 😊

  • @KaiVertigoh
    @KaiVertigoh 2 года назад

    Started using Notion about a month ago, and seeing this breakdown was extremely helpful! Thanks so much Niklas!

  • @TanChoudhury
    @TanChoudhury 3 года назад +12

    Love the vids man, super inspired by your content

  • @grumpee5115
    @grumpee5115 3 года назад +1

    as a person who loves keeping things organized, this just saved me. THANK YOU FOR SHARING

  • @ShaunAndersen
    @ShaunAndersen 3 года назад +2

    Wow. I was just thinking today how I should use Notion more effectively to improve my RUclips flow! Thank you so much for this video!!

  • @Saladcreamboi
    @Saladcreamboi 2 года назад

    Hey Niklas, I just spent the better part of a month learning how to use Notion.... my Brain is now officially fryed. Anyway I've watched this video a number of times now as I downloaded your workspace template. It's completely transformed how I managed my content and leveled up my content creation. Thanks man. You're a godsend.... never stop!

  • @safetyrep465
    @safetyrep465 3 года назад

    Vielen Dank! Thanks so much for that video - it's a 100% value that you get for investing your time in watching this. I was working with asana before and then switched to because of its apple watch integration but it is somehow not the real deal, unclear, and not very intuitive to use. I checked out Notion after watching this video and so far I am really in love! Being organized is the backbone of every business - so the information in this video is not only relevant to our fellow filmmakers but really all digital creatives and beyond out there. Cheers!

  • @antisocial_butterfly568
    @antisocial_butterfly568 2 года назад

    This is by far the best notion tutorial I've seen. Great work!

  • @mitalimitali2811
    @mitalimitali2811 3 года назад +3

    Want more videos from your new home studio
    The transformation is soooo gooood ! 🙏

  • @TimandLauren
    @TimandLauren 3 года назад

    I remember asking you how to do your animation lower thirds a year or two ago when you had like 20 thousand subscribers,
    now look at you man
    your hard work paid off. Keep going man!

  • @armando.visuals
    @armando.visuals 3 года назад +1

    Finally had time to go over everything in Notion with your template and wow THANK YOU!!!

  • @itsakanksha.k
    @itsakanksha.k Год назад +2

    This was so so helpful! There's a lot of youtube workflow tutorials using Notion but hearing about details like scripting, shot list and filming schedule was exactly what I needed. Thank you for sharing this with us!

  • @aaronbazil
    @aaronbazil 3 года назад +4

    Saw your transform your bedroom video, and now this one. I'm instantly on-board! Instant subscribe! Your video quality looks incredible, your information is straight to the point with no fillers or random stuff... man, everything I'm working on myself!
    Can't wait to see more videos!
    Shoutout from the US 🇺🇸 🙌🏾

  • @AndrewBrubaker
    @AndrewBrubaker 3 года назад

    Bro, Started searching for vloggers to learn from, your channel popped up! after watching a few videos (Which I love) I came across this one and you gave a solution to one of my biggest problems!!! Thanks so much for this!!

  • @braddimaggio
    @braddimaggio Год назад

    Thank you for this! Using Notion for the first time now and loving it!

  • @NothInG.909
    @NothInG.909 Год назад +1

    thank you for providing such a mind-blowing notion template. and hats off to you man, for your dedication and hard work which you are done in this video. and congratulation on the 1 Million sub

  • @OreApampa
    @OreApampa 2 года назад +3

    Niklas! This was so helpful! Thank you for sharing your process. This helps those of us looking to improve our videos.

  • @darwishduja536
    @darwishduja536 3 года назад +1

    When I clicked this video I thought that it would be too complicated, but this is so organized I love it 🤩

  • @WhatLurksBeneath
    @WhatLurksBeneath 6 месяцев назад

    Dude.... You just saved my life! This is amazing!

  • @sweatharameshbabu8354
    @sweatharameshbabu8354 Год назад

    This is super awesome. I don't know how many of creaters shares their template. Kudos to you. And thank you so much....

  • @SharleenLarryGuevara
    @SharleenLarryGuevara 2 года назад

    I was on a creative rut for a couple months brought by the pandemic and so many financial challenges but I felt my passion re-ignited after watching your videos. Danke Niklas! Keep up the good work! You never know who you are inspiring. Proooost from the Philippines! :)

  • @omarmahmood1155
    @omarmahmood1155 2 года назад

    Im mindblown by your generosity to share such as asset with the public for free. Thanks a lot!

  • @haru_1997
    @haru_1997 Год назад

    This is two years ago and still a very solid guide. Thank you for the free template!

  • @bpiservices648
    @bpiservices648 Год назад +1

    This is what they call CLARITY!

  • @AaronicaBColeCo
    @AaronicaBColeCo 2 года назад

    I love using Notion and am so excited that they sponsored your video because this was sooooo helpful

  • @GeminisArising888
    @GeminisArising888 11 месяцев назад

    it is fantastic ,detailed and bloody overwhelming. You have the gift of clarity. I wouldnt even get this far but i will start with simple things to do on NOTION and take it from there. Awesome video and thank you for taking us through with the workflow. All so detailed and coincise. All the best for future videos and wishing you and the viewers a very happy new year.

  • @ConstantineBlackwood
    @ConstantineBlackwood Год назад

    Incredibly detailed and well organized. Definitely going to be referring back to this video often

  • @passingintooblivion4914
    @passingintooblivion4914 3 года назад +7

    Omfg. This is some hard work! 🐐

  • @MotoFeelz
    @MotoFeelz 3 года назад

    Bro you’re an absolute wizard! I’ve been using Trello for the past month or so and enjoying it - but Notion is exactly what I was hoping Trello would be. Perfect 👊

  • @TheFakeyCakeMaker
    @TheFakeyCakeMaker 2 года назад

    Right so this is amazing. I'd love to know how you organise your filming and footage but this will SUCH a help for me in day to day stuff, I've been needing something like this for a long while. I have ADHD anything that helps me stay organised simply is a great boon.

  • @itzprazic8195
    @itzprazic8195 7 месяцев назад

    Grand salute to you for organizing your workflow with such a clarity that even a lamen could understand it very easily. The only person i have seen who has used notion to thr core is you. Everything is on point. Great video🔥😍

  • @TheLegLady
    @TheLegLady 2 года назад

    Love it, will definitely be checking out Notion moving forward. As a wife, mom and full-time business owner that has recently started with RUclips I have been looking for something like this to keep things organized and on track.

  • @Spencertarring
    @Spencertarring 2 года назад

    Serious amount of work goes into these videos! Nice work!

  • @dheerajkhanna7697
    @dheerajkhanna7697 2 года назад

    I have been using notion since 6 months already. But my workspace has never been as productive as right now. And all that from just the starting 10 minutes of this video. All the templated that I tried of notion felt too complicated. Your Personal Home page is quite sweet and was exactly how I wanted it to be. :)

  • @1monagale
    @1monagale 2 года назад

    Thank you! I used your links, signed up and downloaded your templates to get started. Now to watch - your How to organize Final Cut files. Big help, your videos are pro!

  •  3 года назад

    Great, I have seen some videos of other creators on this topic, but none of their templates seem to be as clearly organized as yours. My compliments and thanks for that.

  • @-motivationar970
    @-motivationar970 3 года назад

    I`ve just seen your channel today , your first shots are amazing !!!!!!!!

  • @jasonkoh
    @jasonkoh Год назад

    This is absolute GOLD, thank you Niklas! I just found out about you yesterday and have been binging your content ever since. Hope you are soaking up all of Bali - really looking forward to hearing more about your upcoming course!

  • @joyoffilming9500
    @joyoffilming9500 Год назад

    Very helpful. Just planned our move from Germany to Cyprus in a huge Notion-Project with 300+ single action items. Everything worked like a clockwork!

  • @thelonelyking5404
    @thelonelyking5404 3 года назад

    you are officially my best RUclipsr of 2021!

  • @lodicastillo1212
    @lodicastillo1212 3 года назад

    After watching this I can see why your videos look and do so well. You're a legend m8, thank you for this!!

  • @arthurmbedzi263
    @arthurmbedzi263 2 года назад

    I first met you online on your first notion tutorial 🙏🏾 It really changed my work flow planning

  • @Juice-chan
    @Juice-chan 2 года назад

    Great video and you have a really high level English as a German. I am getting into notion now too since I need that structure for my own video making process! And this here will help me out a great deal. Thanks!

  • @therealmichaelfrat
    @therealmichaelfrat 3 года назад

    Oh My God! ( yes I actually typed that out) Niklas, Thank you so much... extremely powerful yet easy to use tool has given me the clarity I needed to outline my videos and help me move forward!

  • @studioseedsoficial
    @studioseedsoficial 2 года назад

    this is been of so much help!!! i can't thank u enought, i was a mess trying to figure out how to organize all of this stuff! thank u :)

  • @karanranaofficial
    @karanranaofficial Год назад

    Thanks bud....for helping budding creators like me become more & more 'skilled' at pre/post production.
    Love from India

  • @ElizaWong
    @ElizaWong 2 года назад +1

    I didn't realise this existed and this is a game changer. Thank you so much for explaining Notion, and showing your beast planning skills 🔥

  • @nannmyint_kyuaye
    @nannmyint_kyuaye 2 года назад

    This is one of the best videos I've ever watched

  • @ghost1917
    @ghost1917 2 года назад

    Niklas, watched your video, signed up for a Notion account, downloaded across platforms I use and haven't looked back, amazingly robust product that has virtually transformed my work flow. Thank you so much for the insightful video and highlighting an indispensable tool for video production....; )

  • @debbie_jacobss
    @debbie_jacobss 2 года назад

    Thank you so much for sharing these tips and templates! For novice RUclipsrs like me, this is of so much value! And it makes me want to put a lot of time and effort into the story and other things.

  • @vitorgames9797
    @vitorgames9797 3 года назад

    Thanks man, please keep working in your content, i love.

  • @OlingaOk-j3c
    @OlingaOk-j3c Год назад

    That was such an insightful video. The Structure and how you shared your process is perfect. Thank you for sharing!!!

  • @alangandy855
    @alangandy855 Год назад

    appreciate the workspace fam definitely giving this thing a shot for the first time for a car restoration company! need a teleprompter now haha

  • @wadethomas1043
    @wadethomas1043 3 года назад +3

    Great job man. One of the best setups I've seen. Actually useful and efficient

  • @RichardTheTraveller
    @RichardTheTraveller 2 года назад

    Your Notion template is so powerful!! I benefited a lot from it!! Thanks Niklas!! 🙌🏻

  • @gregorybordelon
    @gregorybordelon 2 года назад +1

    This was so helpful! Thank you for simplifying the Ideas section, I particularly struggled with developing the right system, but toggling is a great method.

  • @kenali4445
    @kenali4445 2 года назад

    Thank you so much for your services on humanity, what a legend, what a pure heart. Sharing his hundreds of hours of hard work for free with his fellow students, may god bless you brother. As now, I am currently working on your template and its amazing.

  • @KC_in
    @KC_in 3 года назад +1

    Wow Niklas. I loved the way you explained about Notion and IM in love with it. I just signed up using the link you sent and will use the free version for sometime. I may upgrade to Personal PRO if it suites my style. Thks man

  • @themartianguy219
    @themartianguy219 3 года назад

    Man...this tool is actually great. All I was looking for in terms of organisation for RUclips. Thanks a lot!

  • @nikos_trh
    @nikos_trh 3 года назад +1

    All those videos have got soooo valuable content. I just saw the list with the " coming soon videos" and I really can't wait. I really love this channel more and more each day 🙏😁

  • @rosegumera
    @rosegumera 2 года назад

    I've watched the full video and it well explained, trying my best to apply all the learnings that I've got on this video. Tho as of now I was overwhelmed.

  • @rahulreji6347
    @rahulreji6347 3 года назад

    I have been using notion for the last 3 months. Notion is a really good software.... Thankuuu brooo... 🖤