I used a 3/8, went thru all of them until I found the right one. Got the battery at Batteries Plus. Now screwing it back in place, does that metal loop go in front of the stationary plastic piece where the screw goes thru the hole or in back where you use the wrench and tighten?
I used a 3/8, went thru all of them until I found the right one.
Got the battery at Batteries Plus. Now screwing it back in place, does that metal loop go in front of the stationary plastic piece where the screw goes thru the hole or in back where you use the wrench and tighten?
It just helped me! I couldn’t see the connector thing on the positive side though. Fought to get it out, until I figured that out
I can’t see the unconnecting & connecting
Just need to loosen the connections. Pretty easy.
Thank you. Guess I need certain wrenches to get it out?
Thank you
sure thing!
Aaron Rodgers
Got that one a few times 😂
We don’t need all the bullshit intro shit show us how
😂 will take that into consideration