咸蛋黄和奶黄馅,中秋月饼一定会用到的馅料 Salted Egg Yolk & Egg Custard Filling

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • Hello 大家好,欢迎来到我的频道。今天分享咸蛋黄和奶黄馅的简单做法。咸蛋黄我是用鸡蛋来腌制的,这个腌制方法非常简单,我是用了很多年都是用这个方法,只要腌制够时间,就没有失败过。再说自己家里做的,没有任何防腐剂,做的开心,吃得放心。腌制咸蛋可不一定在中秋节才做哦,我总是在鸡蛋特价的时候,就会大量腌制。除了需要用到的咸蛋黄,把咸蛋整个蒸熟,也是非常好下饭的。
    奶黄馅:咸蛋黄12个,椰奶150克,鸡蛋5个,糖180克,牛奶150克,低筋面粉150克, 玉米淀粉70克,奶粉50克
    Hello everyone, welcome to my channel. Today I will share the simple recipe of salted egg yolk and Custard filling. I use eggs to pickle the salted egg yolk. This pickling recipe is very simple. I have used this recipe for many years. As long as the salting time is long enough, there will be no failure. Besides, I made it at home without any preservatives, so I am happy to make it and eat it with confidence. Pickled salted eggs don’t have to be made only during the Mid-Autumn Festival. I always pickle a lot of eggs when they are on sale. In addition to the salted egg yolk that needs to be used, steaming the whole salted egg is also very delicious with rice.
    Pickled salted eggs: eggs (duck eggs), salt, strong white wine, plastic wrap
    Custard filling: 12 salted egg yolks, 150 grams of coconut milk, 5 eggs, 180 grams of sugar, 150 grams of milk, 150 grams of low-gluten flour, 70 grams of cornstarch, 50 grams of milk powder

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