John MacArthur and Reframing Religious Liberty | Jared Longshore

  • Опубликовано: 30 сен 2024
  • Jared Longshore discusses John MacArthur and the controversy over religious liberty.
    This video is presented by Canon Press.
    "Here lies our key problem: We think there is such a thing as a religiously neutral state."

Комментарии • 81

  • @paulbrown6491
    @paulbrown6491 2 года назад +20

    Jared is correct. Scripture never tells believers to advocate for the religious liberty of false religions. Our call is to point out idolatry and contrast it with worship of the one true God. The Bible never tells us to gather and spend "cultural capital" in order to buy the pagans into the kingdom. We proclaim truth and live in a way that reflects the transforming power of the Gospel in our hearts. God is the one who moves the hearts of the lost.

    • @GerardPerry
      @GerardPerry 2 года назад +4

      Imagine being a Southern Baptist and watching your offerings go to support the construction of an Islamic temple to demons.

    • @gospeljoy5713
      @gospeljoy5713 2 года назад

      Here is the rub which Christian denomination? I would not want the independent Baptist running this country like I don't want Pentecostals running this country. Once you say Christian you say what brand and suddenly you have religious war on your hands.

    • @heyman5525
      @heyman5525 Год назад

      No one is suggesting that. John Macarthur is teaching the same Jim Jones suicide cult philosophy in which you can supposedly escape the imminent threat of other religions, by killing yourself first so as to supposedly avoid defeat. Welcome to the Jim Jones cult. You fell for it all.

  • @raYrefiedAire
    @raYrefiedAire 2 года назад +13

    Jared's been hitting three's 🏀 from the corner like a beast.... Nothin but Net!

  • @BibleAtoZ
    @BibleAtoZ 2 года назад +8

    For the longest time MacArthur's position was to submit to the federal government based off of Romans 13. I'm glad that he finally seems to realize the error of his ways.

  • @foghornleghorn262
    @foghornleghorn262 2 года назад +4

    Jerad just earned his sweatervest in spades. I truly believe he is being groomed to take Doug Wilsons place after he goes to be with his Maker.

  • @ehudsdagger5619
    @ehudsdagger5619 2 года назад +4

    Best part about Tuesdays? Jared Longshore's posts!

  • @J-PLeigh8409
    @J-PLeigh8409 2 года назад +2

    All authority in heaven & on earth has been given to Christ, if only all knew this & acted accordingly, Christ is the King of Kings & to be glorified, take a knee to the praise of His majesty

  • @MTNMT265
    @MTNMT265 2 года назад +6

    Jared is the man!!

  • @joanissac9966
    @joanissac9966 2 года назад +4

    Jared has been watching a lot of Doug and it shows

    • @MalumLupum
      @MalumLupum 2 года назад +1

      Jared took Doug's job offer and it shows

  • @bondservants6250
    @bondservants6250 2 года назад +4

    Jesus is Lord of ALL!

  • @cmdesign01
    @cmdesign01 2 года назад +2

    Love John Mac

  • @godstruth7859
    @godstruth7859 Год назад

    It's time to obey God. Sunday is not the Sabbath; Roman Emperor Constantine changed Sabbath to SUN-DAY: The Mark of the Beast is coming forced Sunday worship hidden behind Climate change agenda Pope francis Ladatuo Si and apostate protestants:
    Revelation 14-18 God's last warning before the plagues: its about worship against God's 7th day Sabbath
    Obey the commandments of God
    Read Hebrews chapter 4
    Jesus Christ has given his people a command
    Hebrews 4
    King James Version
    4 Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of you should seem to come short of it.
    2 For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.
    3 For we which have believed do enter into rest, as he said, As I have sworn in my wrath, if they shall enter into my rest: although the works were finished from the foundation of the world.
    4 For he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise, And God did rest the seventh day from all his works.
    5 And in this place again, If they shall enter into my rest.
    6 Seeing therefore it remaineth that some must enter therein, and they to whom it was first preached entered not in because of unbelief:
    7 Again, he limiteth a certain day, saying in David, To day, after so long a time; as it is said, To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts.
    8 For if Jesus had given them rest, then would he not afterward have spoken of another day.
    9 There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.
    10 For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his.
    11 Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.
    Matthew 24:24
    King James Version
    24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

  • @Sundayschoolnetwork
    @Sundayschoolnetwork 2 года назад +2

    YT recommended this video. Excellent! Glad to have found your channel!

  • @johnwalterrautenbach1921
    @johnwalterrautenbach1921 2 года назад +1

    Christianity has no ally. Christians have a Master and a King. (C.S Lewsi)

  • @jackuber7358
    @jackuber7358 2 года назад +1

    One glaring problem is that CT is allowed to keep its name. As with all who turned from the one, true, risen God to any number of fake and false gods, CT should be renamed to the more apt and better descriptor: Apostasy Today (AT). That way the unsuspecting won't stumble into the putrescent miasma that issues forth from the malignant pages of their hellspawned website. Maranatha!

  • @stevenpage1932
    @stevenpage1932 2 года назад +2

    Good point, why have they found their voices now?
    Is that hypocrisy?

  • @johntobey1558
    @johntobey1558 2 года назад +7

    Preach it brother. The Church needs protection from intrusion from the State.

    • @sylvainboucher2935
      @sylvainboucher2935 2 года назад

      And vice versa. Keep religion in church

    • @arminius504
      @arminius504 2 года назад +1

      @@sylvainboucher2935 that would be against Christ’s commandments

    • @sylvainboucher2935
      @sylvainboucher2935 2 года назад

      @@arminius504 which one? There's only ten

    • @josiew3120
      @josiew3120 2 года назад

      @Sylvain Boucher Well, the Great Commission for one: "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations...." which would include, of course, even the nation in which one lives. Equally obvious is that to accomplish this Commission entails carrying the gospel message *outside* the confines of the physical location where the church meets.

    • @sylvainboucher2935
      @sylvainboucher2935 2 года назад

      @@josiew3120 sorry, my english is not good enough, what's the great commission?

  • @briancasey4917
    @briancasey4917 2 года назад

    Why should the Christians have worshipped God when the Romans were hunting and killing them? Maybe they should have stepped back and wait for Nero to pass.

  • @cmdesign01
    @cmdesign01 2 года назад

    Dear Steve Brown
    I love you and Key Life
    I love your ministry and Robin
    When you use your religious liberty to make excuses for your own sin and call it legalism to say otherwise is a cop out
    You know this
    Please stop doing this

  • @MrLeadman12
    @MrLeadman12 2 года назад

    If you want a theocracy, just say it. That’s the logical implication of what you are saying here. I want the president and Supreme Court and every single citizen to love and follow Jesus just like the next Christian, but I will not force them to do it with the threat of the power of the state. I don’t even think that can be done. One cannot coerce faith. By definition, true faith is uncoerced by man. So please stop beating around the bush. If you want to force people to be Christians, then You want a theocracy and I guess you’re on Johnny Macs side. If not, then you basically agree with Russell Moore. For someone who is trying to come off as speaking the word of God clearly in an environment of confusion, your rhetoric here remains strangely non committal on the most fundamental issues.

  • @bluemm2852
    @bluemm2852 2 года назад +1

    This is why the church needs to focus on its job of being evangelical. The number of believers in the population matters. Alot.

  • @wrongway1100
    @wrongway1100 2 года назад

    Why would a church keep it's doors open during a pandemic?
    I don't know. Running to God is what Christians are supposed to do.

  • @brookecaylor6734
    @brookecaylor6734 2 года назад

    Again I say his opinion means nothing k lil buddy in fact The creator of Heaven and Earth is not pleased with a man who takes away from the words of the holy scripture no don’t believe me I nobody but when you die you will know from the maker

  • @lambo58
    @lambo58 2 года назад

    This guy is way above my thinking or way below it. I haven't figured it out yet.

  • @rogermetzger7335
    @rogermetzger7335 2 года назад +1

    My parents read Bible stories to me five to six times a week until they were satisfied that I was reading or studying my Bible five or six times a week myself. They taught me how to use marginal references and concordances to find answers for myself and encouraged me to do so. AND they taught me that if I wouldn’t want my tax money to be used to promote religious beliefs or practices with which I disagree or if I wouldn’t want civil government to enforce religious prohibitions with which I disagree, the golden rule prohibits me from encouraging civil government (federal state or local) to impose my religious beliefs, religious practices or religious prohibitions on everyone else in our society.
    Am I building my entire concept of religious liberty on one of the teachings of Jesus?
    Well, no, I’m not. There are other ways to support that concept from the Bible. But if Jared Longshore or anybody else wants to pretend that the United States is a “Christian nation, let it be noted that theirs is not the only way to understand the Bible.
    There was a time when the nation of Israel really was a theocracy. Contrary to God’s ideal, Israel started down the slippery slope in the eleventh century B.C.* by insisting on a monarchy instead. By about 30 A.D, the attempt to pretend that the kingdom of Judah was a theocracy resulted in the crucifixion of Jesus.
    For more than a thousand years, most of the people in western Europe were taught a mixture of biblical and animist doctrines by an hierarchical system that tolerated no dissent.
    Puritans fled from England in search of freedom from religious persecution but, because they, too, thought civil government should be “Christian”, their posterity were as diligent to punish dissenters as the English clergy had been.
    There are people who suppose that, if only the Bible could be the foundation of society, all would be well. The problem is that such a philosophy still leaves this question: Who gets to decide which interpretation of the Bible will be the foundation of society? I mean, the Bible “clearly” states that the earth is flat and that hell is a place under the earth. Should people be incarcerated for teaching that Earth is a sphere that orbits the sun?
    In the twenty-first century, there are nations where civil governments are involved in promoting Islam and enforcing religious prohibitions. Is that somehow worse than the “Christianity” of medieval Europe?
    For people who wish to promote the “Christian nation” ideal, I have one more question. What precautions do you think would prevent a return to the persecution of “heretics”.

  • @adamdenny5205
    @adamdenny5205 2 года назад +1

    “Moore to the point” - sneaky sneaky 😂😂😂🔥

  • @richardmcclendon5753
    @richardmcclendon5753 2 года назад +1

    Good essay Jared, you and Doug could do tag team vlogs!

  • @bama101010
    @bama101010 2 года назад

    I would like for Christ to return, and we meet in the clouds. However, these denominational assemblies that we have today have not fulfilled the prophesy of Romans 11:25.
    That prophesy is that Christ will return when the fulness of the Gentiles has come into the "body of Christ." I don't see that happening soon. Do you?
    Romans 11:25
    For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.
    I don't believe that there are enough "body of Christ" members on this planet to work and fulfill the prophesy of Romans 11:25. This is sad, but true. God tells us in I Corinthians 15:1-2 that if we believe in vain - then we believe a false gospel - and we will not be saved. No "body of Christ" for those believers. And since all denominations either add to or take away from the one true gospel, then sadly, those that believe those adulterated gospels, are not members of the "body of Christ."
    If we want Christ to come back, then we had better start preaching the gospel, "rightly divided," and cut out all of the satanic (add to or take away) gospels that come from the denominational assemblies that preach this garbage.
    We can never expect salvation if we will not accept the gospel of Christ, (the gospel of grace) which is the gospel of the cross.
    Our gospel is the gospel of the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ - not the gospel of the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ + what we need to do to seal the deal.
    Christ died for our sins,
    Christ was buried with our sins, and
    Christ arose without our sins.
    Once we believe this gospel, we are then sealed with the Holy Spirit until the day that Christ redeems us. Ephesians 1:13-14.
    We have not been preaching this gospel - this is why Christ has not returned for us. The blame is on each and every one of us.
    What do you think? Do you believe that we could have done a better job of reaching everyone, by preaching the one true gospel, and not satanic gospels?
    What do you think? Don't you believe that Christ wants us to believe and preach His gospel - the one that Paul taught?
    What do you think? Do you believe that we should start preaching the one true gospel, so that Christ will return - or is everyone here content with this world?
    Just asking...

  • @loganspencer1591
    @loganspencer1591 2 года назад

    The founding fathers did not seek a government free from God. They sought a government where the people were free to worship him, and live life in relationship with him.
    The Catholic Church became tyrannical in Europe, punishing people when they preached from the Bible something that was against their agenda. That is what freedom was sought from.

  • @quentissential
    @quentissential 2 года назад

    Just a thought experiment that I'm curious for everyone to play with... I'm hoping to learn something from it...
    What if the language Jared used here as 'conversation starter' 5:18 transitioned from 'every single person MUST obey' to 'every single person DOES obey'?
    What are the implications of that on our conversations with all sorts of people?

  • @fatalglory777
    @fatalglory777 2 года назад

    The consistent position is not to integrate the church and the state. The state is a corporation with a monopoly on violence in a territorial area. Integrating them just corrupts the church with violence.
    The consistent position is to abolish the state entirely.

  • @rickypickering1201
    @rickypickering1201 2 года назад +1


  • @denverthorp2608
    @denverthorp2608 2 года назад +1


  • @stevenpage1932
    @stevenpage1932 2 года назад

    Good point, why have they found their voices now?
    Is that hypocrisy?

  • @heatherjaeggli4719
    @heatherjaeggli4719 2 года назад +1


  • @r.c.506
    @r.c.506 2 года назад

    Sounds pretty Jonathan Leeman-esque

  • @mdbbdm7850
    @mdbbdm7850 2 года назад

    Atta boy!
    The end of all being is the glory of God!!!

  • @alhumble8175
    @alhumble8175 2 года назад

    You said everyone must obey His Word...and keep His Commandments. I agree. Do you keep the Sabbath?

    • @markjohnson9402
      @markjohnson9402 2 года назад

      No one keeps the Sabbath, not even Orthodox Jews. It's more than just not fishing on Saturday.

  • @dominiondefender4009
    @dominiondefender4009 2 года назад +1

    100% agree Jared. Amen.

  • @tonyp1158
    @tonyp1158 2 года назад

    Pandemic isn’t persecution.

    @KMANelPADRINO 2 года назад

    We should take care to remember that MacArthur did cancel services for a short time in his congregation early on. We should make a slight distinction between those who never did and those who did for a time in the name of honesty and also to more adequately analyze what we are dealing with and how we have acted and could have acted.

      @KMANelPADRINO 2 года назад

      @Randall Moore That may be true, but it still isn’t true that they did not cancel services. Many others did. Several charismatic congregations in Cali didn’t close at all, for example, and they faced a lot more heat than MacArthur. And, to be honest, he really didn’t do a good job at all factoring their struggle into his Fox News interviews.

  • @billybob-wx2re
    @billybob-wx2re 2 года назад


  • @cmdesign01
    @cmdesign01 2 года назад

    Good for you Jared

  • @kalimellington2013
    @kalimellington2013 2 года назад

    Amen. Amen. Amen!

  • @MrsPPNC
    @MrsPPNC 2 года назад


  • @retrograd332
    @retrograd332 2 года назад


  • @sdlinton53
    @sdlinton53 2 года назад


  • @doraashby
    @doraashby 2 года назад +1

    What’s wrong with wearing a mask and getting vaccinated? I understand the issues with zoom church, but that’s the only option for certain people. Is attending church on zoom inherently wrong for any reason?

    • @ninerocks
      @ninerocks 2 года назад +8

      IF you are physically unable to attend church and livestream/zoom is an option then great. But it should NEVER replace the gathering together of the saints as commanded by God. As for masks, I'm becoming more convinced the mask is little more than a symbol of obedience and worship to the god of state: Do not as we, the state god, commands and you will be accursed with fines and sickness. "Be a good citizen and comply and you will be rewarded with your freedoms back", "All the good people that have done the right thing". This is the kind of language that surrounds it. There is no science supporting masks, it is nothing more than a display of obedience and virtue.

    • @kathyhart2309
      @kathyhart2309 2 года назад +4

      @@ninerocks same with the jabs. Only WORSE!

    • @doraashby
      @doraashby 2 года назад

      @@ninerocks I don't necessarily think masks are are a sign of obedience to the state. I don't think that I'm worshipping the "God of the state" by wearing a mask either. I worship God and God alone, but I'm also a citizen of the United States so I follow the laws so long as they don't require me to disobey God.
      In regards to my church attendance, I am able to attend an Episcopal church locally. But, I also attend a Lutheran church online.

    • @tonyp1158
      @tonyp1158 2 года назад

      Exactly. Sadly MacArthur and the Christian church has too closely aligned to the radical right. Wearing a mask is anathema and a sign of weakness. Wearing a mask is actually a sign of love for your neighbor, during a global pandemic.

    • @ninerocks
      @ninerocks 2 года назад +5

      @@tonyp1158 Masks provide no proven protection. I love my neighbour, including unborn generations, by resisting government tyranny that will only grow worse when we let the "little things" slide.

  • @brookecaylor6734
    @brookecaylor6734 Год назад

    Both of y’all together make that President, we have sound intelligent