I calculated 9018 minutes to days which is 6.2625 days which 6.2625 days is 0.01715753 years so your level is 0.01715753 years long If you want to do this for yourself you can search up a minutes to days calculator and put in your level length in minutes and then copy your calculated days and change minutes to days and then change the other option for calculated answers to years then paste how long your level is in days and then you'll get how long your level is in years.
Thanks a lot
didnt crash for me, i got a 96 min long level that i could play
Well, 45000k it crashed
Me is like 167k minutes
One person did 1046 mins
Also I played timeless and the game crashed .-.
I got 92k mins didn't crash how
I too being crashed cuz I make it 999999999 x or y is 99999999999999
how to play and click menu?
And how do I play on that screen when I am on ipad
lmao i got a 45749 min long level
i got a 9018 minute long level
what the f
I calculated 9018 minutes to days which is 6.2625 days which 6.2625 days is 0.01715753 years so your level is 0.01715753 years long
If you want to do this for yourself you can search up a minutes to days calculator and put in your level length in minutes and then copy your calculated days and change minutes to days and then change the other option for calculated answers to years then paste how long your level is in days and then you'll get how long your level is in years.
not working?
Doesn’t work anymore damn
31 subsicribe
It doesn’t work