Given the million things she had going on in her mind, it’s not surprising at all. Stuff like that just doesn’t happen in the Olympics, or any meet for that matter. Except in 2000.
@@worldartgymI mean, sure….but wasn’t it Allana Slater who realized the issue? She was a gymnast competing, with just as much going on in her head. Obv they shouldn’t have to worry about whether or not the equipment is set correctly, & the fact that all the checks & balances failed is absurd….but it is rather surprising that so many gymnasts didn’t realize something was off, especially after trying to execute on the vault. To make it clear, I’m not blaming them AT ALL, I’m just a bit surprised out of all the coaches, judges, gymnasts etc, only one girl saw the error.
Qualquer ginastica que chega as olimpiadas ja é um vencedor .pelo tanto esforço pessoal , espiritual e saúde , familiar , equipa , tempo , dinheiro ! Nao é pra qualquer um .tiro o meu chapéu e faço a vénia
Mrs Svetlana Khorkina was a female Russian gymnastics icon I remember watching her in Atlanta summer Olympics held in America and her team perform well at the Sydney Australia 2000 she had made plenty mistake but she still help her head high for her country Russia.I enjoy watching her was elegant, beauty and a powerful athletic gymnast in history.
I was very very little and hardly understood gymnastics or any sports at that age yet used to watch olympics soccer tennis on tv with my dad who is passionate about sports. And i remember vividly that i was in love with swetlana she was so elegant and tall compared to the compatriots she was my favorite gymnast magestic and beautiful like a white swan swimming in a crystal clear blue lake 😊
@@cadaverdog1424either you’re a troll, or your comprehension skills are seriously lacking. This is still considered to be one of the biggest mistakes & most controversial moments in Olympic history & for very good reason.
the worst part is she wasn’t told they could redo the vaults before her bars routine. i 1000% believe it got in her head and thinking she probably lost her gold, it shook her entire confidence and she fell, understandably. if she would’ve been told she had another chance at the right height before her bars routine, i think this would’ve gone down very very differently. 🥺
she deserved gold , she was the best, she fell for the wrong vault, and later got nervous and fell as well on bars, but she was allowed only to do again vault and so with bars' mistake would have been 6th... she was by far better than Raducan on bars, and same level on other 3 events
I’m sure if she hadn’t fallen on bars, she would have revaulted, and perhaps the official results would be different, but it’s one of those who-knows cases in sports history.
Same level as Raducan on other events? lol no. She was way better on bars that's true, but her beam was very average in Sydney and Raducan is just better beam worker in general. Her floor scores were a joke, she stepped out of bounds during qualifying and "nobody noticed", and her winning silver in EF with very obvious error in her second pass was ridiculous. Raducan had way harder passes (also 4 of them while Khorkina only 3), cleaner landings and she moved and danced non stop which requires incredible stamina while half of Khorkina's routine is just arms flailing and posing to catch her breath. Raducan had just one fall during all the competitions, while Khorkina had multiple. And do you really think she'd pull out of vault finals if she thought she actually had a chance to medal? She didn't simply gift her spot to Zamo, she had two same entry vaults but she needed a different one for the final and she obviously didn't have strong enough second vault. And vault being an excuse for her falling off bars... please, she fell on the same skill during TF. If anything she'd actually be less nervous because she had nothing to lose anymore after already being out of medal contention. For example, Elise Ray threw her hardest dismount during AA after making errors and having nothing too lose anymore, I'm sure she'd play it more safe if she hit her routines before that. I think the real battle should have been between Karpenko and Lobaznyuk as they were the most balanced AA gymnasts, and Raducan would be 3rd, but sadly Karpenko had a disaster on floor and Lobaznyuk had too many minor errors.
@@nabojsa Yes Korkina had not a different family second vault ( or better she had but had only 9.6 start value), but Raducan had the same vault from 2 different entries, and for beam and floor , even if Raducan had much harder routine both had the same start value., so the problem was the code of points. don'r forget that Korkina best Raducan on bars by 0.3 scor, and they were almost tied on other 3 events, so the difference is only on bars but is very larger.
@@Marketoromagnolo well if you put it like that then you can also say that Raducan was just as good on bars as Khorkina because they both had 10 start value. But they obviously weren't and we all know it. Khorkina was overscored on most events because she was too famous, while Raducan just came on the scene a year before and Khorkina competed since 1994. I already mentioned perfect examples of that, which you ignored: her going out of bounds on floor in quals which "nobody noticed", same as her landing error in ef (big step and uncontrolled landing on her second pass) which again was totally ignored. If Raducan had such landing you can bet they would take at least a tenth or two. So you really can't base your argument on start value and scores, try to be objective and look at their skills and execution and then tell me if they were really equally good? It's like saying that Gogean and Kui were equally good on beam in 1997 or that Gogean was actually better because she won gold over Kui.
The tragedy was that it took so many gymnasts to vault before it was determined that the vault was to low the Olympic judges gave everyone an opportunity to do over their vaults but the damage was done I remember watching it it wasn’t right
Tragedy? Try travesty. They should never have allowed that competition to continue after such a grievous mistake. It should have been completely restarted a couple of days later to allow all gymnasts a fair opportunity. Between it and the doping situation those games were despicable mess.
There's no way it could have been restarted as the Olympics is a multisport event and it would have clashed with other sports in terms of timing etc. But what they should have done is used the results from the QF as that was the only fair competition.
@@stephanfourie6879 Nadia never had a situation where the apparatus was SET WRONG!! Big difference between that and this!! These athletes competed on a vault set too low by the officials- yes, they were screwed over!!
@@stephanfourie6879 At that time they always got two vaults. I forget if the final score was the average of the two scores or the highest of the two. Either way, it's massively unfair.
Sydney had it all since 1988 to be memorable. Russia vs Romania at it best. What a shame, disastrous, somebody should have been fired. Until 2012 we won't' see an exciting all around.
Ищи ее в сумасшедшем доме. В интервью 2020 года она заявила: «Коронавирус - это кара Божья за оскорбление России». В том же 2020 году она была членом путинской партии "Единая Россия" - возможно, она до сих пор там активна и, кстати, это тоже рассадник умалишенных.
@@tinarider9945 mozda od tog izgladnjavanja i silnih hormona nije mogla imati djecu. jako lijepa i dostojanstvena zena, vrhunski gimnastičar. Uzivala sam gledati je uz musku ekipu; kinez Li ning..,,wow,to je bio dozivljaj.
It took a 16-year-old Australian gymnast to point it out to her coach. Surprised everyone involved didn't notice right away. You'd think even coaches just walking by would notice. Two inches (5cm) is a big difference.
The announcer’s “surely they couldn’t have had it wrong from the start” sounds so sarcastic. This absolutely ruined what should have been a really nice final appearance for her.
Eles sempre jogam sujo quando querem derrubar um rival que provavelmente será o campeão. Ela perdeu seu equilíbrio emocional. Com Valieva usaram o escândalo do doping. Odeio quem faz tais atrocidades e destroem a carreira das pessoas. Mas o fim dessas pessoas vai ser triste. Deus adverte em sua palavra quem tais atos comete. O que mais me deixa perplexo é que a nação que é defendida como a promotora da justiça é a protagonista das maiores desgraças do último século. Isso é Deus? Isso reflete alguma coisa de Deus?! Acho que talvez após a segunda guerra poderíamos esperar algo bom, mas por trás do novo mundo estava escondida a intenção de dominar o mundo e tudo em conformidade com os anseios da Inglaterra tudo foi feito para difundir seu neocolonialismo. Não consigo ver Deus nisso... Usar religião, mídia e esportes para se auto promover. Tenho minhas dúvidas quando na Bíblia há o relato sobre quem irá protagonizar o papel da Grande Babilônia que irá cair... Alguns acreditavam que seria a igreja católica, o vaticano, mas não creio que os escândalos de pedofilia superem as desgraças disseminadas por essa "organização". A única coisa que posso concluir com isso tudo, é que o mundo está entregue ao domínio dos homens e eles sempre vão se travestir se bons e justos para expandir seus domínios. E se preciso for vão usar qualquer meio, religião, divindade, e é claro, a mentira posta como verdade.
The whole vault thing was utterly deplorable, I hope heads rolled for that. Khorkina is a very talented gymnast, but nerves got the best of her - of course the vault incident didn't help, but like thy said, she also fell off bars in the team final.
I wonder if she had something wrong with her head back then, because in a 2020 interview, she said: “The coronavirus is God's punishment for insulting Russia.” She is a member of Putin's United Russia party.
Há algo errado com a cabeça dele. Em uma entrevista de 2020, ela disse: "O coronavírus é o castigo de Deus por insultar a Rússia." Ela é membro do partido Rússia Unida de Putin.
L'attrezzo (la volta in gergo) era stato messo ad un altezza sbagliata, questo non solo le ha impedito di eseguire correttamente l'esercizio, ma il tutto era anche estremamente pericoloso, infatti lei atterra sulle ginocchia rischiando gravi problemi alla schiena. Avrebbero dovuto bloccare la competezione, perché un errore così alle olimpiadi è imperdonabile, e iniziare la gara d'accapo, invece resosi conti dell'errore hanno alzato la volta e hanno fatto continuare come niente fosse. Quindi in sintesi, non solo ha rischiato la salute, la cosa più importante, ma ha avuto anche un punteggio basso non per colpa sua..
@@onetwocueafter each competition, the apparatus are taken down, lowered, and the previous competition would have been men’s all-around. Men vaulted long-ways on the old horse, inexcusably the error occurred in setting up the day of ladies’ aa finals. When turned sideways, the height was set incorrectly and unchecked.
This is a misfortune, a mistake by the organizers. They placed the apparatus a little lower than it should have been, and then many gymnasts couldn't handle this jump.
Знали бы вы, что потом она стала депутатом от "Единой России" и принимала все из людоедские законы. А сейчас наверняка тусит где-то в теплых европейских краях Хороший спортсмен не равно хороший человек.
on the first vault she lands on her knees, the second she lands it but is quite top heavy. they check the vault and adjust it. it moves onto her bars and she slips off the high bar and falls safely. the last bar is fine. no injury just dodgy landings
Должно быть, у нее тогда было что-то не так с головой, если она сказала это в интервью в 2020 году что «Коронавирус - это наказание Божие за оскорбление России». Она является членом путинской партии «Единая Россия».
Беше кралицата на гимнастиката и в Сидни заслужаваше триумф! След невиждания технически провал на домакините с височината на уреда всичко се срина! Все пак това е жесток спорт, психиката е много важна, упражненията са трудни, рискови!...Спомням си как плаках за Светлана! Тя е елегантна красавица и емблема на този спорт и до днес!
Если бы такое сделали американкам, то они подали бы протест и все гимнастки прыгали заново. А наши чинуши никогда не могли биться за своих спортсменов. Они только деньги гребут, а толку отних ноль.
De hecho una de las razones para cambiar el caballo fue este incidente. El actual es mucho mas seguro entre otras cosas porque la gimnasta tiene mas superficie para poner las manos al momento de ejecutar el salto
her approach was rushed and she underestimated estimated the move .gymnastics is tough one of the few sports alone as a competitor,,i loves=d her svetlana ,, she was an amazing athlete,,,even if horse was off a lil the gymnast(wait) ..her head was way out looking for first twis(turn)t onto the horse and i think thats where is started ,,not height of horse!!(table js) shes a tall girl and i know it was a lil short... the horse.... but it could be the reason: her looking swiftly head up and back flexed and shortened the entire thing...i think also one twist half should be ommitted to complete it or do another vault entirely ,,its great gymnast yes but look ..
Nesse caso foi um erro da organização dos jogos, porém nessas olimpíadas achei que Khorkina estava querendo ser mais celebridade do que ginasta. Na final de equipes ela poderia ter sido menos teatral e segurado o ouro pra Rússia.
lol when u have a diva attitude, bad things happen. She fell on bars and don’t say it’s cause she fell on vault. She fell on bars in the team event too. Carly was the best!!
I didn't like her. I didn't want to see her win. She was VERY vocally anti-American (at a time where most of the country still took offense at that). I rejoiced when she went down (but glad she wasn't hurt). But I was mortified that later in the competition it was determined the vault wasn't set at the right height. They offered the gymnasts that vaulted already to go again but the momentum is never the same after that. It wasn't right for any of those girls that got hosed on a mistake that should have NEVER happened. I wanted her to lose fair and square, this wasn't it. It wasn't another athlete that cheated her, but I didn't wish this on her or the others that got burned on it.
The organizers should have corrected the vault and given each competitor at least a day to recover and practice before resuming the competition.
One of the best gymnasts ever!! I’m surprised she couldn’t tell it was short
Given the million things she had going on in her mind, it’s not surprising at all. Stuff like that just doesn’t happen in the Olympics, or any meet for that matter. Except in 2000.
@@worldartgymI mean, sure….but wasn’t it Allana Slater who realized the issue? She was a gymnast competing, with just as much going on in her head. Obv they shouldn’t have to worry about whether or not the equipment is set correctly, & the fact that all the checks & balances failed is absurd….but it is rather surprising that so many gymnasts didn’t realize something was off, especially after trying to execute on the vault. To make it clear, I’m not blaming them AT ALL, I’m just a bit surprised out of all the coaches, judges, gymnasts etc, only one girl saw the error.
Several gymnasts bombed before anyone realized the apparatus was set wrong.
Does she won gold? I am feeling sorry for her.... Australia is a theater country
Qualquer ginastica que chega as olimpiadas ja é um vencedor .pelo tanto esforço pessoal , espiritual e saúde , familiar , equipa , tempo , dinheiro ! Nao é pra qualquer um .tiro o meu chapéu e faço a vénia
Mrs Svetlana Khorkina was a female Russian gymnastics icon I remember watching her in Atlanta summer Olympics held in America and her team perform well at the Sydney Australia 2000 she had made plenty mistake but she still help her head high for her country Russia.I enjoy watching her was elegant, beauty and a powerful athletic gymnast in history.
Ja sam je obozavala. Koja ljepotica tuznih ociju.
@@pureromanceable ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Now she supports Putin regime and war in Ukraine!
@@jelenajelenkovic8123 Stimmt eine Schönheit mit traurigen Augen
I was very very little and hardly understood gymnastics or any sports at that age yet used to watch olympics soccer tennis on tv with my dad who is passionate about sports. And i remember vividly that i was in love with swetlana she was so elegant and tall compared to the compatriots she was my favorite gymnast magestic and beautiful like a white swan swimming in a crystal clear blue lake 😊
It is so sweet
I ja sam jedva cekala da se pojavi. Ljepotica sa tuznim očima.
The AA competition should have been postponed until later after it was revealed that the vault table needed adjustment
No excuses
I so love her. She deserved way more than she got. So beautiful too.
Looks like a guy… and so bratty😂😂😂😂😂😂
@@cadaverdog1424 tako lijepa i moderna.
Her vault was set at the wrong height!! She deserved gold all the way ❤❤❤
A loser always has an excuse😂😂😂😂😂
@@cadaverdog1424 so what’s your excuse for being a loser? I’m sure you’re really good at couch gymnastics huh? 🤭😂😂😂
@@cadaverdog1424 the vault was literally set too low and caused multiple gymnasts to fall very dangerous
@@cadaverdog1424either you’re a troll, or your comprehension skills are seriously lacking. This is still considered to be one of the biggest mistakes & most controversial moments in Olympic history & for very good reason.
Many gymnasts were hurt and injured due to their mistakes. @@cadaverdog1424
the worst part is she wasn’t told they could redo the vaults before her bars routine. i 1000% believe it got in her head and thinking she probably lost her gold, it shook her entire confidence and she fell, understandably. if she would’ve been told she had another chance at the right height before her bars routine, i think this would’ve gone down very very differently. 🥺
She was offered the chance to redo it but she refused.
How does this happen in The Olympics? We expect perfection from everyone right on down...I would sue.
It was purposely did by Australia.... Fucking cheater Australia... We can see pain in her eyes....
The 2000 Sydney Olympics was the last time they used the vaulting horse for this event.
Queen. Inspiration to millions of young Lady athletes.
I will never forget that vault ! It was 2 inches too low ! Those girls could have died.
I don’t know anything about gymnastics but even I could see she was far too tall for this height .
she deserved gold , she was the best, she fell for the wrong vault, and later got nervous and fell as well on bars, but she was allowed only to do again vault and so with bars' mistake would have been 6th... she was by far better than Raducan on bars, and same level on other 3 events
I’m sure if she hadn’t fallen on bars, she would have revaulted, and perhaps the official results would be different, but it’s one of those who-knows cases in sports history.
Same level as Raducan on other events? lol no.
She was way better on bars that's true, but her beam was very average in Sydney and Raducan is just better beam worker in general.
Her floor scores were a joke, she stepped out of bounds during qualifying and "nobody noticed", and her winning silver in EF with very obvious error in her second pass was ridiculous. Raducan had way harder passes (also 4 of them while Khorkina only 3), cleaner landings and she moved and danced non stop which requires incredible stamina while half of Khorkina's routine is just arms flailing and posing to catch her breath.
Raducan had just one fall during all the competitions, while Khorkina had multiple.
And do you really think she'd pull out of vault finals if she thought she actually had a chance to medal? She didn't simply gift her spot to Zamo, she had two same entry vaults but she needed a different one for the final and she obviously didn't have strong enough second vault.
And vault being an excuse for her falling off bars... please, she fell on the same skill during TF. If anything she'd actually be less nervous because she had nothing to lose anymore after already being out of medal contention. For example, Elise Ray threw her hardest dismount during AA after making errors and having nothing too lose anymore, I'm sure she'd play it more safe if she hit her routines before that.
I think the real battle should have been between Karpenko and Lobaznyuk as they were the most balanced AA gymnasts, and Raducan would be 3rd, but sadly Karpenko had a disaster on floor and Lobaznyuk had too many minor errors.
@@nabojsa Yes Korkina had not a different family second vault ( or better she had but had only 9.6 start value), but Raducan had the same vault from 2 different entries, and for beam and floor , even if Raducan had much harder routine both had the same start value., so the problem was the code of points. don'r forget that Korkina best Raducan on bars by 0.3 scor, and they were almost tied on other 3 events, so the difference is only on bars but is very larger.
@@Marketoromagnolo well if you put it like that then you can also say that Raducan was just as good on bars as Khorkina because they both had 10 start value. But they obviously weren't and we all know it.
Khorkina was overscored on most events because she was too famous, while Raducan just came on the scene a year before and Khorkina competed since 1994. I already mentioned perfect examples of that, which you ignored: her going out of bounds on floor in quals which "nobody noticed", same as her landing error in ef (big step and uncontrolled landing on her second pass) which again was totally ignored. If Raducan had such landing you can bet they would take at least a tenth or two. So you really can't base your argument on start value and scores, try to be objective and look at their skills and execution and then tell me if they were really equally good? It's like saying that Gogean and Kui were equally good on beam in 1997 or that Gogean was actually better because she won gold over Kui.
She’s not better if she fell.
The tragedy was that it took so many gymnasts to vault before it was determined that the vault was to low the Olympic judges gave everyone an opportunity to do over their vaults but the damage was done I remember watching it it wasn’t right
Tragedy? Try travesty. They should never have allowed that competition to continue after such a grievous mistake. It should have been completely restarted a couple of days later to allow all gymnasts a fair opportunity. Between it and the doping situation those games were despicable mess.
There's no way it could have been restarted as the Olympics is a multisport event and it would have clashed with other sports in terms of timing etc. But what they should have done is used the results from the QF as that was the only fair competition.
it was not a tragedy, they were given a second chance to do their vaults again AND even the great great nadia came off the bars (twice?)
@@stephanfourie6879 Nadia never had a situation where the apparatus was SET WRONG!! Big difference between that and this!! These athletes competed on a vault set too low by the officials- yes, they were screwed over!!
@@stephanfourie6879 At that time they always got two vaults. I forget if the final score was the average of the two scores or the highest of the two. Either way, it's massively unfair.
This is why Stephen Nedoroscik thoroughly checks the pommel horse every time before he competes. Rightly so.
Sydney had it all since 1988 to be memorable. Russia vs Romania at it best. What a shame, disastrous, somebody should have been fired. Until 2012 we won't' see an exciting all around.
Tara mea
Сильно скучаю по легендарной гимнастке Светлана Хоркина❤🎉🎉
Ищи ее в сумасшедшем доме. В интервью 2020 года она заявила: «Коронавирус - это кара Божья за оскорбление России». В том же 2020 году она была членом путинской партии "Единая Россия" - возможно, она до сих пор там активна и, кстати, это тоже рассадник умалишенных.
Vault height made many gymnasts efforts went down!
Excellent gymnast. I loved watching her .
Essas atletas são incríveis admiro muito é um talento incrível ❤❤❤❤❤🇮🇸🇮🇸🇮🇸🇮🇸
I ja isto. Sta je snjom sada?
@@jelenajelenkovic8123 trener je u svom rodnom gradu, nije udata, nema decu, ima sestru i lepu familiju
@@tinarider9945 mozda od tog izgladnjavanja i silnih hormona nije mogla imati djecu. jako lijepa i dostojanstvena zena, vrhunski gimnastičar. Uzivala sam gledati je uz musku ekipu; kinez Li ning..,,wow,to je bio dozivljaj.
No-one see that the vault was extremely low ??
It took a 16-year-old Australian gymnast to point it out to her coach. Surprised everyone involved didn't notice right away. You'd think even coaches just walking by would notice. Two inches (5cm) is a big difference.
Extraordinary gymnast ! 😍
The announcer’s “surely they couldn’t have had it wrong from the start” sounds so sarcastic. This absolutely ruined what should have been a really nice final appearance for her.
El aparato estaba en una altura equivocada
Если Россию не допустят к участию в Олимпийских играх. Вы никогда не узнаете, кто на самом деле победил в гимнастике
Что она скажала в начале? (0:11)
روسيا ملكة الجمباز
@@AICHATILOVE russia makef al habaz? What does it mean?
O narrador finge não saber o que aconteceu com Khorkina? O salto foi um desastre por causa da irresponsabilidade dos organizadores🤷🤦
It was live. That all came out after she completed her two vaults. It was not known yet at the moment.
It was an unforgivable mistake from the FIG and organisation of the Olympics Games!
Eles sempre jogam sujo quando querem derrubar um rival que provavelmente será o campeão. Ela perdeu seu equilíbrio emocional. Com Valieva usaram o escândalo do doping. Odeio quem faz tais atrocidades e destroem a carreira das pessoas. Mas o fim dessas pessoas vai ser triste. Deus adverte em sua palavra quem tais atos comete. O que mais me deixa perplexo é que a nação que é defendida como a promotora da justiça é a protagonista das maiores desgraças do último século. Isso é Deus? Isso reflete alguma coisa de Deus?! Acho que talvez após a segunda guerra poderíamos esperar algo bom, mas por trás do novo mundo estava escondida a intenção de dominar o mundo e tudo em conformidade com os anseios da Inglaterra tudo foi feito para difundir seu neocolonialismo. Não consigo ver Deus nisso... Usar religião, mídia e esportes para se auto promover. Tenho minhas dúvidas quando na Bíblia há o relato sobre quem irá protagonizar o papel da Grande Babilônia que irá cair... Alguns acreditavam que seria a igreja católica, o vaticano, mas não creio que os escândalos de pedofilia superem as desgraças disseminadas por essa "organização". A única coisa que posso concluir com isso tudo, é que o mundo está entregue ao domínio dos homens e eles sempre vão se travestir se bons e justos para expandir seus domínios. E se preciso for vão usar qualquer meio, religião, divindade, e é claro, a mentira posta como verdade.
The whole vault thing was utterly deplorable, I hope heads rolled for that. Khorkina is a very talented gymnast, but nerves got the best of her - of course the vault incident didn't help, but like thy said, she also fell off bars in the team final.
¿Pero qué le sucedió? fue desconcentración o alguna lesión. Es raro que haya tenido tan graves errores.
La altura del equipo fue errónea
Sydney 2000 was a joke for artistic gymnastics
I wonder if she had something wrong with her head back then, because in a 2020 interview, she said: “The coronavirus is God's punishment for insulting Russia.” She is a member of Putin's United Russia party.
khorkina you will always be famous
In a 2020 interview, she said: ""The coronavirus is God's punishment for insulting Russia." She is a member of Putin's United Russia party.
Uma das melhores ginasta de todo tempo.!
Há algo errado com a cabeça dele. Em uma entrevista de 2020, ela disse: "O coronavírus é o castigo de Deus por insultar a Rússia." Ela é membro do partido Rússia Unida de Putin.
This is the biggest humiliation for Australians in Olympic history until Raygun in 2024.
Kiitos Ihana ❤❤❤
I don't get what happened
Neither do I.
she lost haha
L'attrezzo (la volta in gergo) era stato messo ad un altezza sbagliata, questo non solo le ha impedito di eseguire correttamente l'esercizio, ma il tutto era anche estremamente pericoloso, infatti lei atterra sulle ginocchia rischiando gravi problemi alla schiena.
Avrebbero dovuto bloccare la competezione, perché un errore così alle olimpiadi è imperdonabile, e iniziare la gara d'accapo, invece resosi conti dell'errore hanno alzato la volta e hanno fatto continuare come niente fosse.
Quindi in sintesi, non solo ha rischiato la salute, la cosa più importante, ma ha avuto anche un punteggio basso non per colpa sua..
@@tempoblu Grazie tanto per la chiara spiegazione,Lei é molto gentile! 😊😊😊
@@tempoblu 😊😊😊
She deserved gold
Did anyone ever find out who actually lowered it and why they lowered it?
@@onetwocueafter each competition, the apparatus are taken down, lowered, and the previous competition would have been men’s all-around. Men vaulted long-ways on the old horse, inexcusably the error occurred in setting up the day of ladies’ aa finals. When turned sideways, the height was set incorrectly and unchecked.
@@onetwocue also the men vault at a different height than women do.
Just before she approached the red mst she was not ready to get that height amazing athlete ❤
The swan❤
io la ammiro.e bisogna fare come lei: mai tirarsi indietro no che servono le GTT per non piangere per la ansia.
This is a misfortune, a mistake by the organizers. They placed the apparatus a little lower than it should have been, and then many gymnasts couldn't handle this jump.
Знали бы вы, что потом она стала депутатом от "Единой России" и принимала все из людоедские законы. А сейчас наверняка тусит где-то в теплых европейских краях Хороший спортсмен не равно хороший человек.
How did she get a second attempt on the vault, and execute it correctly that time? 🤔
Guys, what did happen? I'm scared to watch to it and see a very impactful and traumatic scene of injury
on the first vault she lands on her knees, the second she lands it but is quite top heavy. they check the vault and adjust it. it moves onto her bars and she slips off the high bar and falls safely. the last bar is fine. no injury just dodgy landings
Just nasty falls but no one got injured
Я до сих пор думаю, что это построили, что это на была случайность.
Должно быть, у нее тогда было что-то не так с головой, если она сказала это в интервью в 2020 году что «Коронавирус - это наказание Божие за оскорбление России». Она является членом путинской партии «Единая Россия».
She's so a beautifully sculpted statue of marble ❤❤
Yeah all the gymnast had trouble because Sydney set the highth so short. Crazy! Wtf! It hurt all the women. Many ended up with injuries.
Света, ты лучшая ❤🎉🎉🎉🎉
one should not be allowed to compete below a certain body mass index... It's criminal
И вы заметили?
@@Fire12338 that she was anorexic at the time? Yes I did, it's obvious....
She has always been very lean. Nowadays she has pretty much the same complexion.
It's not a "tragedy."
The host country organization failed to set the equipment correctly, and it messed things up for ALL the athletes.
Беше кралицата на гимнастиката и в Сидни заслужаваше триумф! След невиждания технически провал на домакините с височината на уреда всичко се срина! Все пак това е жесток спорт, психиката е много важна, упражненията са трудни, рискови!...Спомням си как плаках за Светлана! Тя е елегантна красавица и емблема на този спорт и до днес!
И единственной в истории гимнастики 3-х кратной ЧМ в абсолюте.
Obozavala sam je. Gdje je ona danas?
She's beautiful
La Sydney, podiumul a revenit României!!
what was she saying in the vault?
to line up the springboard (i’m pretty sure)
What was the tradedy? It's good that she is healthy and alive. No tradedy - she just didn't win.
i remember when she started....she was considered FAR too tall for a gymnast. She's 5 ft 4
Weirdest damn set of bars, ever!!! Notice, these were never used again. Sydney absolutely sucked 🤬😡🤬
The epitome of a diva...
Если бы такое сделали американкам, то они подали бы протест и все гимнастки прыгали заново. А наши чинуши никогда не могли биться за своих спортсменов. Они только деньги гребут, а толку отних ноль.
Everyone got the chance of redoing the vaults, but she refused.
The video was removed! Why?
Que raro en Sydney yo nunca vi ese tipo de caballo desde ese año ya se uso el de plancha😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮
De hecho una de las razones para cambiar el caballo fue este incidente. El actual es mucho mas seguro entre otras cosas porque la gimnasta tiene mas superficie para poner las manos al momento de ejecutar el salto
her approach was rushed and she underestimated estimated the move .gymnastics is tough one of the few sports alone as a competitor,,i loves=d her svetlana ,, she was an amazing athlete,,,even if horse was off a lil the gymnast(wait) ..her head was way out looking for first twis(turn)t onto the horse and i think thats where is started ,,not height of horse!!(table js) shes a tall girl and i know it was a lil short... the horse.... but it could be the reason: her looking swiftly head up and back flexed and shortened the entire thing...i think also one twist half should be ommitted to complete it or do another vault entirely ,,its great gymnast yes but look ..
You think after the very first mistake they would investigate and correct the problem, and the judges would call a redo. Shameful.
her arms were a little late to twist too so yeah it was a few things
There should have been proffesional organizers + triple check. Every mm counts! How many gymnastics have to be injured for slappy organizers?
Повезло, что не случилось траектории.
Козлик был установлен ниже положенного и этих сантиметров не хватило набрать высоту и докрутить элемент,чтобы приземлиться на ноги.
She is very tall.
she would have taken the gold
They could have killed or injured a gymnast with their mistake.
She's one of the greatest gymnasta and she was very elegant.
Wow. She is a master but unlucky mistakes there.
This is exactly why Simone Biles dropped out of Tokyo. When you get the 'twisties' you are done until you work through it or it finishes your career.
I always thought she had too long legs for a gymnast.
Perfekt 😂😂😂😂
So, people know, there's a variety of mistakes that can actually make a situation, yes???...
Nesse caso foi um erro da organização dos jogos, porém nessas olimpíadas achei que Khorkina estava querendo ser mais celebridade do que ginasta. Na final de equipes ela poderia ter sido menos teatral e segurado o ouro pra Rússia.
Vault height problem
Iver realized but she looks so much liek british actor Robert Addie (Guisborne in Ro in Hood)
Наша симпатяшка с мужским характером .
Sta je s njom danas?
@@jelenajelenkovic8123 Служит и поддерживает путинский режим.
Tenía una desventaja para la gimnasia artística, era demasiado alta para los aparatos. Medía 1.60mts.
La demanda que yo les hubiera metido a estos organizadores
Chyba technické komise, špatně nastavený kůň,přišli na to,ale závod nezastavili,i takhle se dá favoritku zbavit možnosti být šampionkou OH
A fost atunci când aparatul nu a fost reglat la înălțimea normală.
Fata asta Este prea inalta pt gimnastics
lol when u have a diva attitude, bad things happen. She fell on bars and don’t say it’s cause she fell on vault. She fell on bars in the team event too. Carly was the best!!
This is Sydney; Carly was in Athens, 4 years later.
Always measure twice and cut once.
That had to hurt, both falls.
Se elas erram é porque estão muito cansada muitas horas de treinamento ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🇮🇸🇮🇸🇮🇸🇮🇸
Let’s face it: she was too tall for gymnastics. It’s a wonder she made it that far.
Она была стройной,а не худой
اتذكرها جيدا كان عمرن ١٢ سنة
Drunken Aussie workers were left in charge of setting up the entire sporting hall. We have seen the result.
Gosh she is so tiny.....
Simone Biles left Tokyo. I see now why she was unable to continue.
Да-да, помним! Тогда снаряд устнановили на 5 см ниже положенного!
They starved these ladies and they never have the proper strength.
I didn't like her. I didn't want to see her win. She was VERY vocally anti-American (at a time where most of the country still took offense at that). I rejoiced when she went down (but glad she wasn't hurt). But I was mortified that later in the competition it was determined the vault wasn't set at the right height. They offered the gymnasts that vaulted already to go again but the momentum is never the same after that. It wasn't right for any of those girls that got hosed on a mistake that should have NEVER happened. I wanted her to lose fair and square, this wasn't it. It wasn't another athlete that cheated her, but I didn't wish this on her or the others that got burned on it.
She's a posh