I recently switched to using the Tide with bleach powder detergent in my whites, and have been very satisfied with the results. It really gets and keeps my whites white without needing to add any extras.
Bluing and Oxyclean works to keep whites white. But, if you want to turn whites whiter or turn yellowed clothes white again, couple of packets of Rit White Wash with your regular detergent will do the trick. I've used it myself.
Part of the problem with dingy clothes is the new washing machines. They really don't get clothes very clean. UPDATE 7/18/22: But let me add one thing more. Consumer Reports just recommended Persil liquid detergent as the best on the market for getting clothes white. I live in an area where the water is super hard with minerals. So much so that my whites were all looking yellow and feeling stiff. I tried Persil and it really seems to work. My white clothes looked super white after one wash. I don't know what's in it, but Persil does seem to deal with hard water yellowing. One of the few times in my life when a product claim actually proved to be true.Thought I'd pass that along.
My washing machine is 13 years old and im dreading the day i have to replace it. Everyone i know who's bought a new one i the past 5 years are complaining about how bad they are. Especially the front loader
My mom used to swear by everything with Sears’ Kenmore brand on it. The brand meant excellence. Same with Craftsman tools that were sold by Sears. Then the MBAs took over Sears, had everything made in China, and ran the store chain into the ground. Some smart person should find a machine like yours, take it apart to see how it’s built, and start making them again.
So true, I've taken clothes fresh out of the washer/dryer and then rinsed/squeezed them in my sink with hot water and seen all the gross brown water that comes out.
All white fabric has a blue tint making them look white. To keep it, I use Mrs. Stewarts liquid bluing in my rinse. Careful, though you must dilute it. Works perfect and my whites are never dingy.
What a nice woman; even since the beginning of the video, I was hooked by her nice voice and I couldn’t stop watching it. So pleasant and calming. I did fall in love with your channel!
Girl,I' m gonna make things waaaayyyy easier for you!!! To get your whites whiter by adding 1 cup of baking soda for a more natural option or you can add some Cloralen Bleach to your whites! Cloralen bleach whitens,deodorizes and deep cleans clothed. I don't know what they put in this stuff but it works!!! Bless you,girl!
Another tip is to hang white clothes on a clothesline. The sun also bleaches! For pre-soak, I have an acquaintance who soaks her white clothes in her chlorinated swimming pool because the chlorine for the pool is a different concoction than the chlorine bleach sold in the store for cleaning. Not sure exactly what she puts in the pool, but she's been doing it for years....I have a suspicion it is a combination of whatever kind of chlorine is in the pool water, combined with the sun exposure that does the trick. I use TSP in my washer as a rinsing agent. I read somewhere that the phosphates that were removed from laundry detergents years ago were the rinsing agent that kept detergent residue from building up in the fabric. I have also used a cup of laundry powder, a cup of dishwasher detergent, a cup of bleach to rescue items that were beyond hope and destined for the rag basket. Interesting post!
No matter what products you use, i believe it helps to start with truly hot water to properly launder white clothing. I'm just old fashioned that way. Unfortunately, I live in a senior apartment building where our hot water heaters are set (for our safety i've been told) to limit the water temperature. So, what we have is extra warm water. It's very frustrating. Ha! Thanks for your tips however. I'll have to give them a try as soon as i find a way to access hot water.
Hot water actually sets in almost any stain. It’s a very common misconception to use hot water with bleach to whiten clothing, you have to use cold water. Try it and see what happens, you’ll be surprised. The exception is any oil based stain, use warm water to scrub off excess, soak in lukewarm water and very light bleach then wash in cool water with low or bleach free stain remover. Again, try it and see.
This is a neat guide, but everyone should keep in mind that OxiClean contains a weak(er) bleaching agent (sodium percarbonate) and an optical whitening agent. This means that it should only be used on completely white clothing, not only colored clothing is off limits but also clothing with some color in it. I'd skip the (crystal) bleach, it just weakens the fabric.
@@thedrunkengardenernb Mind you the oxidative damage caused the peroxide component of sodium percarbonate is cumulative, so the fabric gets gradually weaker and weaker as you keep using it.
I will definitely try this. I usually throw out my white shirts due to sweat stains. Hope I can save some money, and some shirts, by doing this. Thank you
Kimily, If you have a front loader or even the top loader and your machine has a sanitize cycle, use the sanitary cycle with oxyclean or white revive oxyclean. Those yellow sweat stains will come out everytime. The water must be hot. I have the LG front loaders and they automatically set the water temp according to the cycle. I hope this helps you. 😊
Make a paste of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. Push onto stain with your fingers or a brush. Let sit. When dry, brush off excess then wash. Should take out sweat stains.
On impossibly stained clothes, curtains and others (nothing to lose by trying), I've done week-long soaks with Oxi-Clean. I agitate it from time to time, rinse the clothes and replace the Oxi-Clean once or twice. Miracle.
I put my towels in a bucket and pour boiling water over them, cover them and leave them until either the water cools or the next day. That's the only thing I soak.
Thank you so much for these tips. I had new sheets that got a tough sweat stain. I soaked them for 6 hours and washed following your instructions. They look brand new! I have been anti white anything, but this experience changed my mind.
So happy to hear this, thanks so much for your comment. A lot of people complain about the soak time but it's not hard, it just takes time. And that's what makes it work so well!
I used to just soak the whites in the washer with lots of cold water, for most things(because hot sets in stains) detergent and Clorox bleach. Can’t do that now with the front loaders. You cannot leave Clorox in a small amount of water or it will eat up the fabric. Have discovered Clorox 11, squirting it directly on to stains for however long it takes. Then soaking, then rinsing 2 times. My soak and rinse cycles use more water, so that’s what I use except for delicates. When this very expensive washer breaks down, I hope I can still get an old fashioned agitator which depends upon water (which I will gladly pay for) to clean my clothes. The first time it broke down it took 3 weeks to get the 2 computer boards that run the machine along with $750. And it would have taken several months to get a different machine. And by the way, it takes 30 minutes to spin. How does that save energy? The energy saved is using almost no water. What government agency thought this up? Don’t tell me . I know.
@@QuintinJohn The Clorox 2 bottles used to use the Roman numeral 11 (2). My computer doesn’t allow for a good way to type Roman numerals. So yes it is Clorox 2 , which is on the current bottles. The way I reverted to the past sure makes it look like an eleven. My mistake. The newer Clorox 2 has added blueing. I’m pretty sure that it used to be clear. I just realized that I could have written the roman numeral as “ ll .” Two lower case Ls .
Girl your next washer needs to be the Speed Queen!!! It loads like the old fashion ones…. I can leave the lid open (it doesn’t lock!) and it actually FILLS ALL THE WAY UP WITH WATER! For what I feel makes for a more sanitary wash!!! I told my old appliance man I sure wish I could just have a washer that filled all the up water and wasn’t “eco friendly” and that I could leave the lid up…. He quickly smiled and said “what you want is a SPEED QUEEN!” And that’s what I got! It’s pricey but so worth it!!! It’s commercial strength!
I have been very interested in Speed Queen but the newer ones lock. The instructions say to put the detergent in the bottom, add the clothes and close. Then shortly after the lid locks. Then it fills with the clothes sitting on the top of the detergent , leaving fade spots on dark fabrics. So, people have told me to put the detergent in, close, and let it fill for about 2 minutes, then open and stir around with a long spoon or spatula , then put clothes in and close. Soon the lid will lock. Keep your current Speed Queen and ask yourself how does locking the lid save energy. That’s what all these regulations are suppose to be about.@@Loveofdecorating
I used Oxy clean, Clorox( depending on the stains bc using too much Clorox a week will eat up the material especially socks 🤦🏾♀️) ,and Baking soda and soak in hot water for me ..an hr. Again it depends on how bad the stains are.
Hint to the wise if using kitchen sink. Make sure your sink is mounted on top of the counter. Mine was under mounted when I was washing my pet and the sink pulled away from the counter. If that is your case, would recommend the tub.
I use laundry soap and baking soda. Hot or warm water. Agitate for a couple minutes, then turn washer off. Let soak overnight. In the morning I run the rest of the washing machine cycle. My whites look great.
Instead of using the oxy clean use 6 or 8 aspirin. The oxy clean and bleach eat the fiber of the material and they wear out faster. I use a 5 gallon bucket and let everything soak overnight with 6 aspirin. It works great!🙂
Aspirin to whiten clothes doesn’t appear true. There’s an article called ‘Laundry Hacks That Don’t Work’ published in The Spruce on Aug. 2022 disproves this myth and offers a valid explanation. Here’s an excerpt from the article. ‘There is no sound science to this rumored hack. Perhaps it got its start on the internet because aspirin was patented by Bayer-a German textile dye company-in 1899. The chemical compound of aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid which will break down when exposed to moisture to become salicylic acid. Salicylic acid has no bleaching effect on fabrics.’ ‘Pre-soaking clothes in hot water is actually what may make them appear whiter. The hot water helps to lift embedded grime and body soil from the fibers that makes whites appear dingy. Once they are loosened, they are much easier to wash away in a normal laundry cycle.’ Furthermore, OxiClean and Bleach used properly, doesn’t cause wear on approved fabrics.
I also use blueing. After rinsing and adding vinegar, letting close soak, agitate (I found a new washer that agitated, adds as much water as I want and let's me soak for as long as I choose.) I do a last rise and depending on the size of the load add a table spoon up to 1/4 cup blueing. I keep an old milk jug to dilute the blueing because it is a dye. Whites are so white they are unbelievable.
I’m at the point where I no longer buy/wear white clothes (it takes a lot to get them clean.) I always end up throwing them out if they don’t get clean enough.
Thank you for sharing!! I did not know you could keep cloths in Tide over night WOW CLEAN YOU MAKE ME WANT TO GET UP.AND CLEAN!! My Husband said Get up start!!
Yes I was told my great grandmother boiled the laundry, shaved off some Cells Naptha so into the water, then added liquid blueing to the rinse. My grandmother said you never saw such white laundry.
I first add water to the sink, 1/2 cup Oxyclean, and about 1/3 cup of bleach. Then add your white clothes and submerge them in the water. Soak for an hour or more. I know the companies would not advice combining bleach with the Oxyclean (the combination foams) but it does wonders!
If its spot cleaning most kinds of stains can be removed with shaving cream. I use vinegar for clothes in the washing machine. I saw a video where the lady *(Clean my space you tube videos)* who specializes in cleaning said vinegar is better than fabric softener for cleaner fresher smelling clothes, it also prevents colors from dyeing other clothes. 😊👍 Also maintaining whites is a nightmare hence I have hardly one or two white garments. 😁😁
I want an old ringer washer that I can allow to wash as long as I wish. Bleach is always the best way to go for whitest whites. I clean everything with bleach and laundry detegent and I never wear gloves. I'm still alive at 57.
Go to a used appliance store or a repair shop. Or try online. They usually have nice, older machines. You might find a nice one. Go with Kenmore or Speed Queen if you can.
A male friend of mine just bought a set of those and didn't know how to use them. I had never used them either but I figured it out. I have to say, I would NEVER buy a set of those for myself! It took well over an hour for a medium sized load of shirts and a couple towels! I set it on NORMAL settings and the washer changed everything to how it wanted it to be! I could have had 3 loads of laundry done by the time those were through washing alone! HATE HATE HATE!!!
Apparently combining oxy clean or any similar oxygenating bleach with the bleach crystals (ie regular bleach) is not recommended because they cancel each other out. Says so on the Clorox website.
Just get a front load washer with internal heater and use the sanitize cycle. It will heat up the water to around 175F and everything will come out bright white
I’ve created a easy formula: for whites… combine a box of Borox & a large box of Baking soda… in a plastic tote …. Use powder laundry detergent… For any stains… use oxy stain remover….Your clothes will be white & smell fresh….
I've recently discovered a new solution that works great to remove underarm stains and collar dirt - Spray n Wash stick. I know this is a product that has been around for a while but I've never had the thought to use it. This works miracles. My new white jerseys stay white with NO smell under the arms. How I use it - well, as the product says, apply (I apply to the dry clothing) up today 2 days before you wash. I apply liberally on all stains, dirt marks and put my clothing to soak. When I go to wash my clothes, the areas that had the Spray n Wash applied wash SO easily and leave no smell. It's fantastic. Saves time having to wash and wash. Mind you, I have only used it so far for handwashing my whites, but I would think it also works well in the machine.
I may just try this because I’ve been working on a video seeing what can get off underarm stains. So far nothing. I used regular Spray and Wash and no difference so I’ll give this a try. Thank you for your comment!
I use water softener salt pellets. And a cup of white vinegar.a couple baking soda. And a peroxide. And a cup of borax.. and I let them soak in hot water.. when I say your clothes will be white oh my goodness. 🌝. But if you just soaking something small cut all of this in half.
I have a question, my washing machine is old, so it doesn't have all of the options that I see on the newer models. About the pre soak, can't you just set the machine for soaking, and when it gets filled with water, just turn the machine off, and leave it soaking for as long as you want? That's what I do with my older model, then when you are ready, just turn it back on and set it to wash the clothes...
Most of these newer “high efficiency” models will auto drain the water after a while. And only wanna add a cup of water to the machine to begin with! 😂 I hate it!
Water is precious. Many cities, countries experience drought. You could have used bucket and then dropped soapy water in washer afterwards. My washer drains any water when I press START. So I would slightly wring clothes, place them in washer and start machine. Once machine is 1/4 full full, I transfer my soapy water to washer. No wasting of water. You could have removed the metal sink trivet before soaking clothes. That's one inch of soap water not utilized.
They turned out great. I have a tank top that I love but it has spots in it because I’m a spiller. I tried bleach by itself but that wasn’t enough. I’ll try your suggestion.
Linda - Italian Laundry Soap ( 9.5 Oz. Bars) is your best friend. Contains lemon juice to remove food, pen, blood, marker stains. Lemon juice concentrate helps whiten clothes
I am curious why you would do medium spin instead of high spin. I spin EVERYTHING on high just because it means less dry time. It just makes more sense to me but if I should change that for a specific reason, I can.
1000% agree with you, I wash in cold water, with my detergent and some Dawn on a clean rag. No soaking necessary and never have to use a blueing agent. Only thing I ever had to do more was for yellowing arm pits of my sons' shirts, and then I just sprayed some Dawn Powerwash on the stain and sprinkled baking soda on it, then washed it with my whites in cold with Dawn. It's also the best option because you don't have to worry about it ruining any colored clothes, or patterns on your whites, you can actually wash your brights the same way, if they need some brightening. And doing it in cold water keeps all your clothes so soft!
I got to oxyclean revive. Have no idea what that is. Googled it, lots of chemicals I know nothing about or how to procure. I am sure this is a great video, but where I live we don't have that on the supermarket shelves. Shame, I love my towels to be lovely and white. Thank you.
I normally add a white face towel that I put dawn dish soap on. Baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and pine sol to the was for my white clothes and they come out bright and clean.
Ive used the Clorox Bleach Pellets before along with my regular liquid detergent on my mattress topper and it turned out a beautiful white so i started using it on all my other oler white items
My husband and I are at odds at this very moment as I DO NOT want a new washer NOR dryer! We need a "new" washer(the old, but great one is leaking) but I know the new ones are INEFFICIENT! *ugh*
@@tammygaines4228 Still in the hunt and going to the laundry matic at this point. Here in Michigan, the least expensive washer cost $4,00 per use. Yikes! Thanks for the encouragement. I will definitely look into it. Whatevers causing the leak, is responsible for rust seeping out and staining the floor.
I just researched this topic and found that the commercial Maytag and Speed Queen washer/dryer are more reliable and fills fully with water for about the same price as the new household appliances. They have a 10 year warranty and sturdier parts. Just an idea.
I think it could soak for less but I don't know the optimal time. However, overall I've found for tough stains, longer does help. Yes, I used hot water.
@@albertocarrilho5839 red wine and blood you soak in cold,that’s what I was on about and I always soak in cold first with soda crystals. I’d be interested in what needs hot as I’m nearly 50 yo and I’ve never heard of any. I’d be interested if you know any without google!!
One thing's fairly certain. No matter which type of laundry detergent's being advertised on TV, the commercial usually involves people dancing around their washing machines and dryers and inhaling their freshly laundered clotihing - as if the smell of fresh fabric is some type of intoxicant. It's become a commercial cliche.
Front loader washers have internal water heater, this allows to boil whites, which I do with good quality powder detergent. No bleach or soaking needed. Also keeps the machine clean and fresh never have mould build up
I don't want a new machine. I worked as a maid and my clients had the new machines. They went through 3 of them in the 10 years I worked there. I had one newer model. The only reason I replaced my other one was because I had a chance to get a w/d set for 200 bucks that was barely used. The lady was moving in with her daughter. I am just not interested in the newer stuff. Cleaner is better, not necessarily newer.
I agree. I was a housekeeper as well and hated having to wait two hours for just one load on those newer machines at my customers' houses, when I had my older one at home, which I put a load in for 15 minutes and would come out even better cleaned that those new machines without the long wait..
If you are out of blueing...my Grandma taught me to throw a blue sock in with the whites...I never have blueing, and the sock is my saviour without doing anything else! Works every time!!🙌😊😊🙌
Unfortunately that part didn't make it into the final video. It was improved but not as bright as I'd like. At a certain point the fabric is too weak and worn out and nothing will make it as white as I'd like. We will use it for cleaning cloths.
Hey, mind telling me the process? So with your whites you just use some regular dawn dishwashing liquid? Do you add regular detergent as well? and do you wash in hot or cold water?
I have the same washer. What I do to soak my whites is just unplug the machine once it fills with water. When unplugged it doesn’t drain. If you understand what I mean.
I don’t have a hot wash on my machine but swear by 1/4c Bleach & 1c white vinegar 3 drops of Eucalyptus essential oil . Works wonders once a month for whites especially bedsheets . Also every season you should use a machine cleaner recommended for your type of machine . As this cuts the grease and weird musty odour you get from build up.
vinegar is an acid. Bleach is a base. They cancel each other out. You know that slick feeling when bleach gets on your hands? A few drops of vinegar will immediately neutralize the bleach residue.
I only ever use the washing liquid (nothing else) However, after approx 3 or 4 mins, l switch the machine onto hold, and leave the clothes soaking still for approx 15 mins. Then l continue with the washing cycle. I've never used conditioner.
I will try this, but unfortunately we have a septic tank and cannot use bleach. But we'll see. Also, any tips on removing black sharpie from a COLORED shirt? Thanks.
I recently switched to using the Tide with bleach powder detergent in my whites, and have been very satisfied with the results. It really gets and keeps my whites white without needing to add any extras.
Tide has a bluing agent which is why their detergent is considered the very best ..
hot water wash or cool water?
@@starxtravaganza HOTTTTTT...
Brand please of the bleach powder
Bluing and Oxyclean works to keep whites white. But, if you want to turn whites whiter or turn yellowed clothes white again, couple of packets of Rit White Wash with your regular detergent will do the trick. I've used it myself.
Part of the problem with dingy clothes is the new washing machines. They really don't get clothes very clean. UPDATE 7/18/22: But let me add one thing more. Consumer Reports just recommended Persil liquid detergent as the best on the market for getting clothes white. I live in an area where the water is super hard with minerals. So much so that my whites were all looking yellow and feeling stiff. I tried Persil and it really seems to work. My white clothes looked super white after one wash. I don't know what's in it, but Persil does seem to deal with hard water yellowing. One of the few times in my life when a product claim actually proved to be true.Thought I'd pass that along.
My washing machine is 13 years old and im dreading the day i have to replace it. Everyone i know who's bought a new one i the past 5 years are complaining about how bad they are. Especially the front loader
A repairman told us years ago.. hang on to this washer, its a work horse .. i rarely repair these (kenmore) 27 years old. Never had it repaired.
My mom used to swear by everything with Sears’ Kenmore brand on it. The brand meant excellence. Same with Craftsman tools that were sold by Sears. Then the MBAs took over Sears, had everything made in China, and ran the store chain into the ground. Some smart person should find a machine like yours, take it apart to see how it’s built, and start making them again.
So true, I've taken clothes fresh out of the washer/dryer and then rinsed/squeezed them in my sink with hot water and seen all the gross brown water that comes out.
Yes the new machines are poor....I love the old wringer washers
All white fabric has a blue tint making them look white. To keep it, I use Mrs. Stewarts liquid bluing in my rinse. Careful, though you must dilute it. Works perfect and my whites are never dingy.
Yes! You reminded me that my Mom used liquid bluing in her white loads. That was back in the 1950s. Sheesh!
So it really helps whites stay white longer huh,what laundry detergent do you use???
What a nice woman; even since the beginning of the video, I was hooked by her nice voice and I couldn’t stop watching it. So pleasant and calming. I did fall in love with your channel!
Thank you for being here and your positive comment!
I use OxiClean & arm and Hammer washing soda & Dawn.... Let it soak... Then add to your washer add your favorite detergent....
Great advice, thank you. I would just turn washer off once water filled and let it soak over night then start washer in the morn.
Girl,I' m gonna make things waaaayyyy easier for you!!! To get your whites whiter by adding 1 cup of baking soda for a more natural option or you can add some Cloralen Bleach to your whites! Cloralen bleach whitens,deodorizes and deep cleans clothed. I don't know what they put in this stuff but it works!!! Bless you,girl!
Never heard of cloalen bleach where do u get this?
Trying baking soda!
Yeah I agree it cheaper
I just looked up Cloralen bleach. It seems to be sodium hypochlorite like Clorox.
I never use Cloralen bleach. Bleach makes clothes yellow over time. I use baking soda only.
Another tip is to hang white clothes on a clothesline. The sun also bleaches! For pre-soak, I have an acquaintance who soaks her white clothes in her chlorinated swimming pool because the chlorine for the pool is a different concoction than the chlorine bleach sold in the store for cleaning. Not sure exactly what she puts in the pool, but she's been doing it for years....I have a suspicion it is a combination of whatever kind of chlorine is in the pool water, combined with the sun exposure that does the trick. I use TSP in my washer as a rinsing agent. I read somewhere that the phosphates that were removed from laundry detergents years ago were the rinsing agent that kept detergent residue from building up in the fabric. I have also used a cup of laundry powder, a cup of dishwasher detergent, a cup of bleach to rescue items that were beyond hope and destined for the rag basket. Interesting post!
Thank you for a lot of great tips and information! I’m hoping to try another method as a follow up to this one.
I agree about the laundry detergent these days leaving residue. We never had musty towels
I use TSP too and in the dishwasher.
Yes nothing like the sun for whitening and fresh, natural smell. Pool chlorine is a different concentration. I am allergic to it, it is that strong.
@@tracyjohnson5023 Use less than what it indicates on the package and rinse with vinegar in the water.
No matter what products you use, i believe it helps to start with truly hot water to properly launder white clothing. I'm just old fashioned that way. Unfortunately, I live in a senior apartment building where our hot water heaters are set (for our safety i've been told) to limit the water temperature. So, what we have is extra warm water. It's very frustrating. Ha! Thanks for your tips however. I'll have to give them a try as soon as i find a way to access hot water.
Don't you have access to a stove? Boil the water.
Hot water actually sets in almost any stain. It’s a very common misconception to use hot water with bleach to whiten clothing, you have to use cold water. Try it and see what happens, you’ll be surprised. The exception is any oil based stain, use warm water to scrub off excess, soak in lukewarm water and very light bleach then wash in cool water with low or bleach free stain remover. Again, try it and see.
This is a neat guide, but everyone should keep in mind that OxiClean contains a weak(er) bleaching agent (sodium percarbonate) and an optical whitening agent. This means that it should only be used on completely white clothing, not only colored clothing is off limits but also clothing with some color in it. I'd skip the (crystal) bleach, it just weakens the fabric.
Sodium percarbonate is peroxide, it does bleach but takes a high percentage - I use tons of oxiclean on all of my clothing with no issue
@@thedrunkengardenernb Mind you the oxidative damage caused the peroxide component of sodium percarbonate is cumulative, so the fabric gets gradually weaker and weaker as you keep using it.
Wow, soaking sox cleaned the disposal. Twofer.
I will definitely try this. I usually throw out my white shirts due to sweat stains. Hope I can save some money, and some shirts, by doing this. Thank you
Let us know how it goes! Soaking can make a huge difference.
If you have a front loader or even the top loader and your machine has a sanitize cycle, use the sanitary cycle with oxyclean or white revive oxyclean. Those yellow sweat stains will come out everytime. The water must be hot. I have the LG front loaders and they automatically set the water temp according to the cycle. I hope this helps you. 😊
Do have to use hot water on even delicate whites? To get them white again, my whites tend to yellow all over, I don’t use hot scared of shrinkage.
Ammonia soak then rewash in your regular detergent.
Make a paste of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. Push onto stain with your fingers or a brush. Let sit. When dry, brush off excess then wash. Should take out sweat stains.
On impossibly stained clothes, curtains and others (nothing to lose by trying), I've done week-long soaks with Oxi-Clean. I agitate it from time to time, rinse the clothes and replace the Oxi-Clean once or twice. Miracle.
Wow really???
Doing that will cause mold and mildew inside the fabric strands
I have a old washer and what I do to soak clothes is let it fill up and then shut the machine off and I time it. Works well.
At the laundromat I just lift the lid to soak the clothes. Close it when done soaking
True. I just leave them in there overnight and run the machine in the morning
I put my towels in a bucket and pour boiling water over them, cover them and leave them until either the water cools or the next day. That's the only thing I soak.
Yes I remember doing that years ago. Unfortunately, the new machines don't use that much water.
@@mapssweetblk5769 exactly what I do
it does help to always wash whites together. they really get dingy washing them in a mixed load.
Thank you so much for these tips. I had new sheets that got a tough sweat stain. I soaked them for 6 hours and washed following your instructions.
They look brand new! I have been anti white anything, but this experience changed my mind.
So happy to hear this, thanks so much for your comment. A lot of people complain about the soak time but it's not hard, it just takes time. And that's what makes it work so well!
White vinegar can remove sweat stains.
@@micheles.2151 Should you put white vinegar directly on the stains OR just in the washer with the laundry liquid??? And how much vinegar???
I used to just soak the whites in the washer with lots of cold water, for most things(because hot sets in stains) detergent and Clorox bleach. Can’t do that now with the front loaders. You cannot leave Clorox in a small amount of water or it will eat up the fabric. Have discovered Clorox 11, squirting it directly on to stains for however long it takes. Then soaking, then rinsing 2 times. My soak and rinse cycles use more water, so that’s what I use except for delicates. When this very expensive washer breaks down, I hope I can still get an old fashioned agitator which depends upon water (which I will gladly pay for) to clean my clothes. The first time it broke down it took 3 weeks to get the 2 computer boards that run the machine along with $750. And it would have taken several months to get a different machine. And by the way, it takes 30 minutes to spin. How does that save energy? The energy saved is using almost no water. What government agency thought this up? Don’t tell me . I know.
do you mean you use clorox 2 not eleven ??
@@QuintinJohn The Clorox 2 bottles used to use the Roman numeral 11 (2). My computer doesn’t allow for a good way to type Roman numerals. So yes it is Clorox 2 , which is on the current bottles. The way I reverted to the past sure makes it look like an eleven. My mistake. The newer Clorox 2 has added blueing. I’m pretty sure that it used to be clear. I just realized that I could have written the roman numeral as “ ll .” Two lower case Ls .
No washer relies on water to clean clothes
Girl your next washer needs to be the Speed Queen!!! It loads like the old fashion ones…. I can leave the lid open (it doesn’t lock!) and it actually FILLS ALL THE WAY UP WITH WATER! For what I feel makes for a more sanitary wash!!!
I told my old appliance man I sure wish I could just have a washer that filled all the up water and wasn’t “eco friendly” and that I could leave the lid up…. He quickly smiled and said “what you want is a SPEED QUEEN!”
And that’s what I got! It’s pricey but so worth it!!! It’s commercial strength!
I have been very interested in Speed Queen but the newer ones lock. The instructions say to put the detergent in the bottom, add the clothes and close. Then shortly after the lid locks. Then it fills with the clothes sitting on the top of the detergent , leaving fade spots on dark fabrics. So, people have told me to put the detergent in, close, and let it fill for about 2 minutes, then open and stir around with a long spoon or spatula , then put clothes in and close. Soon the lid will lock. Keep your current Speed Queen and ask yourself how does locking the lid save energy. That’s what all these regulations are suppose to be about.@@Loveofdecorating
Throw in a dishwasher tab with your laundry detergent for the whites it acts as a oxiclean....wonderful results
WOW, finally somebody else who's been doing my secret action of brighter whites!! Brava!!🗽🤩🥂
I used Oxy clean, Clorox( depending on the stains bc using too much Clorox a week will eat up the material especially socks 🤦🏾♀️) ,and Baking soda and soak in hot water for me ..an hr. Again it depends on how bad the stains are.
Yea lots of comments about using bleach but it can really destroy your clothes.
@@CleanFreakGermaphobe Never mind damage to the environment
Hello. I have a question. Can you put everything in the washer to soak and then just simply wash it after 6 hours???
Yes 👍
Most new washers have auto drain after less than 30 minutes. Govt intervention again!
What about front loaders?
Hint to the wise if using kitchen sink. Make sure your sink is mounted on top of the counter. Mine was under mounted when I was washing my pet and the sink pulled away from the counter. If that is your case, would recommend the tub.
For whites I use Ariel & bicarbonate of soda. The bicarbonate boosts the soap
I use laundry soap and baking soda. Hot or warm water. Agitate for a couple minutes, then turn washer off. Let soak overnight. In the morning I run the rest of the washing machine cycle. My whites look great.
Instead of using the oxy clean use 6 or 8 aspirin. The oxy clean and bleach eat the fiber of the material and they wear out faster. I use a 5 gallon bucket and let everything soak overnight with 6 aspirin. It works great!🙂
Hello regular aspirin or baby aspirin
Do you use hot or warm water?
Aspirin to whiten clothes doesn’t appear true. There’s an article called ‘Laundry Hacks That Don’t Work’ published in The Spruce on Aug. 2022 disproves this myth and offers a valid explanation.
Here’s an excerpt from the article.
‘There is no sound science to this rumored hack. Perhaps it got its start on the internet because aspirin was patented by Bayer-a German textile dye company-in 1899. The chemical compound of aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid which will break down when exposed to moisture to become salicylic acid. Salicylic acid has no bleaching effect on fabrics.’
‘Pre-soaking clothes in hot water is actually what may make them appear whiter. The hot water helps to lift embedded grime and body soil from the fibers that makes whites appear dingy. Once they are loosened, they are much easier to wash away in a normal laundry cycle.’
Furthermore, OxiClean and Bleach used properly, doesn’t cause wear on approved fabrics.
My great aunt ×3 told me about the aspirin many years ago and it works and much cheaper then that other crap.
I’ll try it. Thank you.
I also use blueing. After rinsing and adding vinegar, letting close soak, agitate (I found a new washer that agitated, adds as much water as I want and let's me soak for as long as I choose.) I do a last rise and depending on the size of the load add a table spoon up to 1/4 cup blueing. I keep an old milk jug to dilute the blueing because it is a dye. Whites are so white they are unbelievable.
What is bluiing? Where do I buy?
Blueing does make your clothes sparkly white.
Wow, I forgot about blueing. My grandma used to use it. I use White Out now. But that brought back some fond memories! 😊
What washer did you buy
Which washer did you get that agitates and let’s you use the amount of water that you want
Thanks for the update on white clothes
I have a quick question for you. How are you liking your washer without an agitator? What is your experience and do you miss the washer with one?
I don't like the new washers without agitators, I wish I can get a old time one
I’m at the point where I no longer buy/wear white clothes (it takes a lot to get them clean.) I always end up throwing them out if they don’t get clean enough.
My mum hates white clothes lol
Bingo!!! That solves that problem!!
I always told my son's "NOTHING WHITE!!! It won't stay clean.
Whyte clothes be the best
That and light pastel colors 😂 I mainly wear dark clothes so it goes in cold water and hang outside
Thank you for sharing!! I did not know you could keep cloths in Tide over night WOW CLEAN
YOU MAKE ME WANT TO GET UP.AND CLEAN!! My Husband said Get up start!!
LOL, I'm happy to hear it motivated you to clean!
My Mom used to boil with detergent the white socks, white tshirts and bed sheets. I've always had the white clothes looking like brand new. :-)
Great tip!
Didn't they get runned up, like loose or oversized because of boiling water?
My Grandma did that. Is it soup or socks?
Yes I was told my great grandmother boiled the laundry, shaved off some Cells Naptha so into the water, then added liquid blueing to the rinse. My grandmother said you never saw such white laundry.
Boiling laundry requires a very large pit and lots of elbow grease 😒
I first add water to the sink, 1/2 cup Oxyclean, and about 1/3 cup of bleach. Then add your white clothes and submerge them in the water. Soak for an hour or more. I know the companies would not advice combining bleach with the Oxyclean (the combination foams) but it does wonders!
You shouldnt mix those two because of fumes♡
a common practice in Germany for bluing is with a fountain pen ink cartridge, dump it in with the detergent.
My mom did that!
If its spot cleaning most kinds of stains can be removed with shaving cream. I use vinegar for clothes in the washing machine. I saw a video where the lady *(Clean my space you tube videos)* who specializes in cleaning said vinegar is better than fabric softener for cleaner fresher smelling clothes, it also prevents colors from dyeing other clothes. 😊👍
Also maintaining whites is a nightmare hence I have hardly one or two white garments. 😁😁
I want an old ringer washer that I can allow to wash as long as I wish.
Bleach is always the best way to go for whitest whites.
I clean everything with bleach and laundry detegent and I never wear gloves. I'm still alive at 57.
Go to a used appliance store or a repair shop. Or try online. They usually have nice, older machines. You might find a nice one. Go with Kenmore or Speed Queen if you can.
Well what I want? I want a washer like hers. ! Where do I purchase one?
Thank you. Can I wash viscose 100% white shirt by this method?
We have a front loader and We LOVE ❤️our machine 👍 there is nothing like it 🥰
A male friend of mine just bought a set of those and didn't know how to use them. I had never used them either but I figured it out. I have to say, I would NEVER buy a set of those for myself! It took well over an hour for a medium sized load of shirts and a couple towels! I set it on NORMAL settings and the washer changed everything to how it wanted it to be! I could have had 3 loads of laundry done by the time those were through washing alone! HATE HATE HATE!!!
Back in the day, mom would use blueing. It worked!
Yes my mum did too…….it was called ‘Dolly Blue’ 😂😂
I had a top loader. I use to soak my whites in boiling hot water overmight, right before I washed them. they came out super white.
To get rid of under arm stains just spray Oxy Clean Maxforce on it and let it sit for 24 hrs then wash.
Use baking soda under arms no stains I wear white a lot.
use a salt rock deodorant and don't under arm stains in the first place!
Hi! Is this regular baking soda or washing soda? Thank you
@@malkeitkaur3046 how do u use the baking soda.rub it on dry and lve for sme time or in the water?
Apparently combining oxy clean or any similar oxygenating bleach with the bleach crystals (ie regular bleach) is not recommended because they cancel each other out. Says so on the Clorox website.
Just get a front load washer with internal heater and use the sanitize cycle. It will heat up the water to around 175F and everything will come out bright white
And shrunk
Threw away? ? Cut them up for rags.
I’ve created a easy formula: for whites… combine a box of Borox & a large box of Baking soda… in a plastic tote …. Use powder laundry detergent… For any stains… use oxy stain remover….Your clothes will be white & smell fresh….
how much of each do you use per load?
@@cierra631 sorry I didn’t include the amount… 1 cup of each… thank you 💕
Do you soak? How longh
@@lexijones8019 for a normal load… no… if a individual item is really dirty…I’ll presoak..( in cold water) in a tub or sink…
To presoak overnight, I just put everything in my washer, agitate for a couple of minutes, then turn the machine off.
I tried this technique and it worked so well 🥳 Thank you for sharing this tip
I’m so happy you tried it and got good results too!
Or you could just add bluing to the wash cycle. You are welcome 😊
I don't have a soak cycle on my old top loading machine but all I have to do when the water fills the tub is leave the top up. Can soak forever. 😊
Not on the new machines. They drain automatically after a while. At least my LG does, even though it is about 8 years old.
I've recently discovered a new solution that works great to remove underarm stains and collar dirt - Spray n Wash stick. I know this is a product that has been around for a while but I've never had the thought to use it. This works miracles. My new white jerseys stay white with NO smell under the arms.
How I use it - well, as the product says, apply (I apply to the dry clothing) up today 2 days before you wash. I apply liberally on all stains, dirt marks and put my clothing to soak.
When I go to wash my clothes, the areas that had the Spray n Wash applied wash SO easily and leave no smell. It's fantastic. Saves time having to wash and wash. Mind you, I have only used it so far for handwashing my whites, but I would think it also works well in the machine.
I may just try this because I’ve been working on a video seeing what can get off underarm stains. So far nothing. I used regular Spray and Wash and no difference so I’ll give this a try. Thank you for your comment!
I use water softener salt pellets. And a cup of white vinegar.a couple baking soda. And a peroxide. And a cup of borax.. and I let them soak in hot water.. when I say your clothes will be white oh my goodness. 🌝. But if you just soaking something small cut all of this in half.
Wait do you use a cup of all of them? Do you put it in first?
@@lexijones8019 if you're just doing . Something in your kitchen sink you can cut it in half. Don't forget to let them soak.
If your washer has a sanitize mode, it really works.
I have a question, my washing machine is old, so it doesn't have all of the options that I see on the newer models. About the pre soak, can't you just set the machine for soaking, and when it gets filled with water, just turn the machine off, and leave it soaking for as long as you want? That's what I do with my older model, then when you are ready, just turn it back on and set it to wash the clothes...
Yes that should work great. Mine has a feature that will drain anyway, which drives me crazy.
Just a side note….Keep that old washer. They are work horses & easier to fix.
@@shotpusher you are so right about those old washing machines being workhorses
@@shotpusher agreed
Get a Speed queen they wash cloths way better than her New LG model
Most of these newer “high efficiency” models will auto drain the water after a while. And only wanna add a cup of water to the machine to begin with! 😂 I hate it!
does this work efficiently against clothes that turned the color light blue?
I like to use vinegar in my laundry helps to brighten the clothes
ME 2!!!🍻😉
I have tried baking soda and vinegar 1 cup baking soda in hot water then add vinegar when washer full of water.👍😊
Water is precious. Many cities, countries experience drought. You could have used bucket and then dropped soapy water in washer afterwards. My washer drains any water when I press START. So I would slightly wring clothes, place them in washer and start machine. Once machine is 1/4 full full, I transfer my soapy water to washer. No wasting of water.
You could have removed the metal sink trivet before soaking clothes. That's one inch of soap water not utilized.
Yes that would be restricted in some areas.
They turned out great. I have a tank top that I love but it has spots in it because I’m a spiller. I tried bleach by itself but that wasn’t enough. I’ll try your suggestion.
Linda - Italian Laundry Soap ( 9.5 Oz. Bars) is your best friend. Contains lemon juice to remove food, pen, blood, marker stains. Lemon juice concentrate helps whiten clothes
I am curious why you would do medium spin instead of high spin. I spin EVERYTHING on high just because it means less dry time. It just makes more sense to me but if I should change that for a specific reason, I can.
Oh that must’ve been a mistake because I use high too, unless I’m washing delicates.
I just simply use Dawn 4X Platinum with Laundry detergent and keep it moving. I have had any issues yet.
1000% agree with you, I wash in cold water, with my detergent and some Dawn on a clean rag. No soaking necessary and never have to use a blueing agent. Only thing I ever had to do more was for yellowing arm pits of my sons' shirts, and then I just sprayed some Dawn Powerwash on the stain and sprinkled baking soda on it, then washed it with my whites in cold with Dawn.
It's also the best option because you don't have to worry about it ruining any colored clothes, or patterns on your whites, you can actually wash your brights the same way, if they need some brightening. And doing it in cold water keeps all your clothes so soft!
I got to oxyclean revive. Have no idea what that is. Googled it, lots of chemicals I know nothing about or how to procure. I am sure this is a great video, but where I live we don't have that on the supermarket shelves. Shame, I love my towels to be lovely and white. Thank you.
No soak needed. Whitest whites (and under garments):
Hot water
1 scoop Oxy Powder
1/2 Oxy scoop cascade powder or 2 packs
Percil laundry soap
@Thank you Yes
Thanks for sharing! I shall try this soon! 🎉
I normally add a white face towel that I put dawn dish soap on. Baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and pine sol to the was for my white clothes and they come out bright and clean.
too many chemicals in that pine sol
Pinesol best germ killer.
@ 0:50
"Armpits stains, these are my husband"
yeah right , why you gotta throw your husband under the bus 😆
Ive used the Clorox Bleach Pellets before along with my regular liquid detergent on my mattress topper and it turned out a beautiful white so i started using it on all my other oler white items
Are clorox bleach pellets the same as liquid bleach and could you also tell me what bluing is please. Best wishes from Northern Ireland.
Where do u buy the Clorox bleach pellets bc I can’t seam to find any.
Do you use bluing? I thought I heard you say if could lose blue.
My husband and I are at odds at this very moment as I DO NOT want a new washer NOR dryer!
We need a "new" washer(the old, but great one is leaking) but I know the new ones are INEFFICIENT!
Find the leak! It could be a minor issue! GOOGLE!!! I love an older washer!!!
@@tammygaines4228 Still in the hunt and going to the laundry matic at this point. Here in Michigan, the least expensive washer cost $4,00 per use.
Thanks for the encouragement.
I will definitely look into it.
Whatevers causing the leak, is responsible for rust seeping out and staining the floor.
aling = along 😊
I just researched this topic and found that the commercial Maytag and Speed Queen washer/dryer are more reliable and fills fully with water for about the same price as the new household appliances. They have a 10 year warranty and sturdier parts. Just an idea.
Speed Queen!
Can I use liquid bleach too or no
Thanks! I have two questions. 1) Does it have to soak for 6 hours? 2) Do I pre-soak in hot or cold water? Thanks again.
I think it could soak for less but I don't know the optimal time. However, overall I've found for tough stains, longer does help. Yes, I used hot water.
I would start with hot water! Albeit, the water will eventually turn room temperature regardless of your decision.
@@JMONTALVO420 never start with hot water,sets the stains in. Always soak in cold first,especially red wine and blood. Xx.
@@albertocarrilho5839 red wine and blood you soak in cold,that’s what I was on about and I always soak in cold first with soda crystals. I’d be interested in what needs hot as I’m nearly 50 yo and I’ve never heard of any. I’d be interested if you know any without google!!
One thing's fairly certain. No matter which type of laundry detergent's being advertised on TV, the commercial usually involves people dancing around their washing machines and dryers and inhaling their freshly laundered clotihing - as if the smell of fresh fabric is some type of intoxicant. It's become a commercial cliche.
So much effort & in 2 days tume that same garment in the wash again.
Front loader washers have internal water heater, this allows to boil whites, which I do with good quality powder detergent. No bleach or soaking needed. Also keeps the machine clean and fresh never have mould build up
Jason, is Gain a quality detergent, in your opinion? If not, which detergents
@@carlinthurston4473 yes it is and Tide. You get your money’s worth for sure.
any tips to get rid of dry blood stains?
Use straight peroxide. Best used when the blood is fresh.
I don't want a new machine. I worked as a maid and my clients had the new machines. They went through 3 of them in the 10 years I worked there. I had one newer model. The only reason I replaced my other one was because I had a chance to get a w/d set for 200 bucks that was barely used. The lady was moving in with her daughter. I am just not interested in the newer stuff. Cleaner is better, not necessarily newer.
I agree. I was a housekeeper as well and hated having to wait two hours for just one load on those newer machines at my customers' houses, when I had my older one at home, which I put a load in for 15 minutes and would come out even better cleaned that those new machines without the long wait..
Thanks for the video. Great tips.
Borax. Powder dish soap.bleach and your detergent! My pillows come out like new!
Which powder soap?
Yes, BORAX is the solution
Thanks for this I hope this works!
If you are out of blueing...my Grandma taught me to throw a blue sock in with the whites...I never have blueing, and the sock is my saviour without doing anything else! Works every time!!🙌😊😊🙌
If we're talking color theory, purple would be better than blue to remove yellow stains
@@dustydood7681 True, never thought about it, I will try for sure!😊🙌
@@dustydood7681 oh thanks. Now to buy purple socks. 💜
if purple was better then wouldn't they sell Purpling instead of bluing ?
Tide or Costco laundry detergent and 1/2 to 1 cup of original pine sol, add an extra rinse cycle if you want.
True...place detergent directly in the washer not in the detergent dispenser.
Will this method work if I had a colored print in my white shirt?
If the print feels like rubber it will be ok, if not wash in a bucket by hand and watch for discoloring. Don't leave it in for too long.
Hi can you tell me how to get your color clothes clean
FYI, could have soaked it boiling water for 2 hrs and get the same results. I do it all the time. 👍🏼
You boil water for 2 hours with your clothes in it? Okay.
@@astrialindah2773 maybe she left it for 2hours in hot water
What can i do for coloured clothes that oily skin cause them to be oily and gunky
Loved that this video got right to the point..! Thank you..!
So it didn’t affect the blue embroidery on her children’s uniforms?
Did it get the sweat stains out
Unfortunately that part didn't make it into the final video. It was improved but not as bright as I'd like. At a certain point the fabric is too weak and worn out and nothing will make it as white as I'd like. We will use it for cleaning cloths.
I use Dawn dishwashing liquid. You’d be surprised at how it whitens
Liquid dish soap will cause your washer or dishwasher to leak or possibly flood
@@ericschulze5641 I’ve been using a teaspoon for years but I do know where you are coming from.
Dawn is extremely toxic . . nobody wants cancer eczema autoimmune please stop try something else. ECOS is a degreaser
@@pilarq7886 Did I tell you to use it?
Hey, mind telling me the process? So with your whites you just use some regular dawn dishwashing liquid? Do you add regular detergent as well? and do you wash in hot or cold water?
Cotton, natural fibre can easily be pre-rinsed successfully, but it’s next to impossible to keep synthetic materials from becoming discoloured.
I have the same washer. What I do to soak my whites is just unplug the machine once it fills with water. When unplugged it doesn’t drain. If you understand what I mean.
Brilliant, I'll try that next time, thanks!
will try thank you so much ❤😊
I'm going to try this, thanks!
Let us know how it turns out!
In the 70s we used a thing called blue bag we washed fabrics plus used it for bull ant bites we washed our stuff regularly so we never had naff items
I don’t have a hot wash on my machine but swear by 1/4c Bleach & 1c white vinegar 3 drops of Eucalyptus essential oil . Works wonders once a month for whites especially bedsheets .
Also every season you should use a machine cleaner recommended for your type of machine . As this cuts the grease and weird musty odour you get from build up.
vinegar is an acid. Bleach is a base. They cancel each other out. You know that slick feeling when bleach gets on your hands? A few drops of vinegar will immediately neutralize the bleach residue.
Not suppose to mix bleach with acids of any kind because of toxic gas.
@@sarahmcdowell3492 you wouldn't have a clue
@@sarahmcdowell3492Correct ! Don't know why ppl leave dangerous advice comments
I only ever use the washing liquid (nothing else) However, after approx 3 or 4 mins, l switch the machine onto hold, and leave the clothes soaking still for approx 15 mins. Then l continue with the washing cycle. I've never used conditioner.
I use borax and tied and get the same result
I like her uniform it's so cute
Thanks. Great video!
I will try this, but unfortunately we have a septic tank and cannot use bleach. But we'll see. Also, any tips on removing black sharpie from a COLORED shirt? Thanks.
Try alcohol removes ink
Try hairspray. Works well
She lost me at 6 hours 😭 I’m just buying new stuff
soak your clothes overnight😉
Leave it over night wake up and wash I guess
same!!!!! 🤣🤣
Just soak overnight. Not a big deal.