Carnivore 5 month update (with bloods!) Ep - 20

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024

Комментарии • 133

  • @Themeatmedic
    @Themeatmedic  Год назад +4

    5 months on carnivore - an update so far including my blood tests! Enjoy.
    Reminder to sign up for my newsletter - link in description. Also my carnivore and weight loss support groups available through patreon - link in description
    Coming soon - Health courses! Sign up for newsletter or follow me on social for details.

    • @Themeatmedic
      @Themeatmedic  Год назад

      @@cornstar1253 I’m in Australia. BP is around 100/60 usually. Yes ribeyes a bit expensive, but when you remove other things, it’s relatively cheaper. Not cheap. This isn’t what I normally eat.

  • @robinbeers6689
    @robinbeers6689 Год назад +7

    I've been carnivore for ten years and I am so pleased to see more and more new content creators joining this space. Always extremely pleased to see yet another medical professional joining in. New subscriber.
    You think your healing sounds evangelical? I cured a 35 year case of epilepsy this way.
    You may be craving organs and fruit just because you are getting bored with ribeyes. Craving some variety. It also could be a vitamin deficiency of some sort. Are your ribeyes grain fed supermarket beef or are they grass fed/finished?

    • @Themeatmedic
      @Themeatmedic  Год назад

      haha what I mean is, even to me when I say it out loud it sounds too good to be true. But yes it's made me feel amazing. Boredom unlikely as I wasn't getting bored. I absolutely love Ribeye. Vitamins no, but it was a mineral problem. The supermarket beef is grass raised grain finished I think. TBH it doesn't say, but all Australian meat is grass raised I think. I do wonder if I would have had the same issue on Grass raised/finished. I may experiment down the line with that.

    • @No_Frills_Carnivore
      @No_Frills_Carnivore Год назад +3

      WoW! I'm carnivore for health reasons myself - lifelong epilepsy. Diagnosed when i was 5, im 43 now. I went carnivore December 12th 2019. And up till today, I've stopped having seizures! And I'm off all epilepsy medication, and I haven't seen a doctor for over three years now! I feel awesome! I won't go into the laundry list of other issues I had, but all of those issues are gone - including hypothyroid! All I eat is beef - all types, my fav is oxtails, butter, salt, and other animal fats, and I work out. It's just amazing to wake up everyday feeling awesome!

    • @robinbeers6689
      @robinbeers6689 Год назад +1

      @@No_Frills_Carnivore Hi Debbie. I remember running into you on a couple of different carnivore sites. I'm glad to hear you are doing well.

  • @kajusbajus
    @kajusbajus Год назад +17

    I have stopped caring about blood values and have fired my doctor, am more concerned with how I feel and trying to stay up to date in health.

    • @Themeatmedic
      @Themeatmedic  Год назад +1

      Yeah but everyone always wants our bloods. So here they are 😉

    • @toomuch2do470
      @toomuch2do470 Год назад

      Have a feeling I’m going to have to fire my doc at my next appointment.

    • @Themeatmedic
      @Themeatmedic  Год назад

      @@toomuch2do470 guess they aren’t very open to new ideas?

    • @jimrutherford2773
      @jimrutherford2773 Год назад +1

      You are spot on correct. My doctors have led me in the wrong direction for years. You're better off listening to keto and carnivore docs and getting their advice and like you said, going by how you feel which is really the ultimate test and measurement.

    • @alanlierz3745
      @alanlierz3745 Год назад +1

      Kudos to you. I’m now healthy and I’m not going back to the doctor for annual bloodwork or physical. I run, lift weights and eat only meat and salt

  • @alanlierz3745
    @alanlierz3745 Год назад +3

    I’m done getting blood work and going in to my plant brain general practitioner who just prescribes drugs. I run 5 days a a week, lift weights and eat carnivore. I’m healthy and I feel amazing. I don’t seem to get sick anymore. I’m done with doctors

  • @looney1571
    @looney1571 Год назад +5

    I just love your presentation. I've learned so much and you've convinced me to give this a try. Thanks so much!

  • @rjahn3000
    @rjahn3000 Год назад +5

    Moving to Carnivore after 4 years WFPB thanks for this great information!

    • @Themeatmedic
      @Themeatmedic  Год назад +1

      Best of luck! That's a big change. Hope it works for you!

    • @lisawanderess
      @lisawanderess Год назад

      I’ve just done this myself! Transitioning SLOWLY and doing lots of research is the key. I was so oxalate overloaded so I eased in over a couple of months. Now in my 3rd week pure carnivore and totally amazed at the results with my autoimmune diseases, no more anxiety or insomnia, great sleep, no pain…. I feel like the me I used to be is finally coming back! I’m still not going to shout it from the rooftops until at least a few months has passed, but first time in 9 years that I’ve been able to stop taking biologic immunosuppressive medications! I’m stoked! Not losing weight like so many seem to do this for, but body feels slightly trimmer in size and my skin just feels good, fingernails growing stronger… honestly so many benefits I’m blown away!

  • @arildr
    @arildr Год назад +3

    You make your experiences fun to listen to.
    Thank you.

    • @Themeatmedic
      @Themeatmedic  Год назад

      Thanks ! Keen to just share what I learn. Best way is through experimentation I think.

  • @AJ-ku9jz
    @AJ-ku9jz Год назад +5

    Just commenting to help you in the algorithm... I know you no longer live in the UK but I love that you practiced Medicine here. It's good to have some diversity instead of just mainly US doctors. If you know of any other medical professionals in the UK who are promoting this lifestyle then please let me know :-)

    • @Themeatmedic
      @Themeatmedic  Год назад +1

      I don't know any UK doctors promoting carnivore unfortunately, but I'm sure there's some.

  • @Deanriley
    @Deanriley Год назад +5

    I eat lots of eggs, a little raw dairy (butter, cream), liver/sweetbreads every couple months; these are powerhouse foods. I try to think ancestral, mostly fat and protein, but we also had short seasons of very low sugar fruits, which I have to steer clear of due to modern sugar levels in them, but will treat myself on birthday with some of that fruit. I listen to my body. I don’t know why people want to be fundamentalists around diet when there is a range of what people can tolerate. Btw, try some red light therapy for that elbow; I’m in my 70s and play a lot of golf and find the red light really helps when I aggravate a knee or wrist. Just had my annual check up and aside from the predictable cholesterol, everything is great and have a CAC score of zero.

    • @Themeatmedic
      @Themeatmedic  Год назад +1

      as in infra-red therapy? or just simply shining red light on it? excuse my ignorance, conventional medical training doesn't teach us such things but I'm always keen to learn

    • @Deanriley
      @Deanriley Год назад

      I use a 660nm red and 859 near infra-red bulb, and a U-shaped device with similar dual red; inexpensive on Amazon. Red light therapy was used as long as 100 year ago.

  • @chargermopar
    @chargermopar Год назад +2

    Interesting you are having this experience. I will eat fruit when I do not have enough meat and the fruit is available from my yard. However, I have never developed a craving for fruit.

    • @Themeatmedic
      @Themeatmedic  Год назад

      yeah definitely a deficiency from eating just ribeyes.

  • @TradingVibrations
    @TradingVibrations Год назад +3

    I appreciate the acknowledgement of the "empires" not open to discussions about additional information. I have been doing medical research for 20+ years. I have found everyone is different - I hypothesize that this is due to your body's ability to create certain elements. Yes I believe the body provides/generates/creates all essential building blocks regardless of what enters the body. I ate as bad as you can into my late 20's (56 now). So how is it during this time I grew to almost 6' and excelled at hockey baseball and any other eye/hand coordinated activity. I was stronger and more muscular than 95% of all I knew and played against. How does this happen? I didn't eat fruit or much meat - it was crappy box stuff or grains cookies and a ton of sugar...bad sugar..Mountain Dew by the case. This can only happen if the body generates essential elements all on it's own. So what is your body NOT sufficiently creating? This should be the question, NOT what is my body missing and then eat it! I find no credible information to the contrary...and I have looked. Stay genuine and create your empire by the genuine human you appear to be. I am still learning and if we all share a bit of experience we will find I might be closer with my ideas of how the body actual works. Like everything is ALL backwards, you need to start by losing most of your "education" and your "inDoctorates" and figure out what people created what you consider knowledge. Once you understand that you will innerstand they want ANYTHING but health and prosperity for you.

    • @finlayobrien7841
      @finlayobrien7841 Год назад

      Children and adolescents can still grow in the absence of much protein due to insulin being spiked by blood sugar, which raises M-Tor and creates tissue growth. I guess as an evolutionary survival mechanism in times of failed hunting or famine. From what i understand, body builders deliberately eat carbs after a workout to stimulate m-tor and build muscles, but there is less of an effect in adulthood and good quality protein is important too. It's not that your body creates what it needs in the absence of proper nutrition. It's more that it adapts to cope with the absence of proper nutrition and because of this it can take a long time for micronutrient deficiencies to show up. It's a survival mechanism to protect the vital organs first . For example in the absence of sufficient calcium in the diet, the body will take it from the stored calcium, in the bones, to protect heart function. It will not show up in your blood tests because, the body is tightly regulating it for heart function (this is why most blood tests for nutrient status are a nonsense, by the time deficiency shows up in the blood your health has reached car crash level. Your nody continues silently leeching minerals from your bones for years until one day you have a break and find out you have severe osteoporosis. Again if you have too little good quality protein for too long as an adult, your body will release the protein it has 'in stock', from your muscles, to protect other more vital processes. The only thing you may notice over time is muscle wasting, or an inability to build muscle.
      So it is actually worth looking as a baseline at ' what am I not getting from my diet' and eat it or supplement it, because there is a lot of credible evidence to support this approach, but is also worth looking further at what has changed in our environment and activities since we evolved as carnivores. Yes there will be nutrient sparing effect from only eating protein and fat, because that's the way we evolved in the main with plenty of readily available meat. That's our evolutionary most healthy diet. It is known that it takes a lot of nutrients to process a high level of carbohydrates, (this not being our evolutionary appropriate diet) For example magnesium can get very depleted by high carb diets, so you would think we don't need to supplement if we eat meat, but then again, there isn't much magnesium in meat, our ancestors would have obtained it from natural water sources. Modern day water supplies are contaminated with chlorine and flouride, which bind to magnesium, so it's not absorbed in the gut. Modern day man is also subjected to far more psychological stress than our ancestors. Chronic stress burns through magnesium stores rapidly. Another issue is pollution, again were not evolved and don't have the capacity (some less than others due to our genetic make up) to break down modern toxins at the level in our environment today and this takes up more nutrients to produce the enzymes to detox those chemicals. I've rambled on a lot, but I'm your age and until 2021 I was relying on my intuitive approach to eating (mostly plant based, little meat, no red meat, eggs dairy) and got it very wrong! I can absolutely see now how my health issues were absolutely linked to chronic stress, poor detox capacity and low nutrient levels and how and why my health has restored dramatically by going carnivore, (with organ meats and supplementing for the first few months).

    • @lorikirkwood5414
      @lorikirkwood5414 Год назад

      That was interesting. Thank you!

    • @TradingVibrations
      @TradingVibrations Год назад

      @@finlayobrien7841 Thanks for take, interesting - most of what you added could be taken in the opposite as well. You might think you live on a spinning ball hopelessly flying through space or you may believe you live on a vast flat plane with borders you can't cross. Most don't realize the math works for both - so you can either decide by using your own common sense and experience or you can choose to believe what has been offered to you as fact. How proteins are used and or created has never been proven it is a theory much like gravity - when you use a possible false premise to support an idea your idea may be correct but onl;y to the false premise - this makes it appear your idea is true but it is true only to the premise that was false. This is how they get all us dumb humans to follow blindly like the good sheep we are. This is becoming obvious to some now but many of us have known this for decades. If the word ends in "ealth" they have lied to us about it to the extreme. Health and wealth. This is all they need to control all aspects of human development and understanding. If you think at this point they care about human health you are still asleep (not you specifically). Most of the nutrition is blood - the human body is a juicer - when you eat the steak you are drinking blood and crapping out the blood packaging. If you understand the Vampire idea - they live forever and drink blood.

    • @finlayobrien7841
      @finlayobrien7841 Год назад

      @@TradingVibrations I agree most sources of health advice are at best entirely ignorant and at worst completely corrupt. Hence why I am using my own common sense and experience. Common sense includes looking at what scientific studies (not confounded epimedial surveys used by mainstream media) which how happens to the human body in the absence of complete proteins and essential nutrients. We evolved and thrived eating primarily animal flesh for millions of years (and bone isotopes do prove this) so to me its common sense that I follow our evolutionary and species appropriate diet.

  • @lawrenceharris7369
    @lawrenceharris7369 Год назад

    Good news update!

  • @cathypreddie98
    @cathypreddie98 Год назад +2

    Your body craves what it needs that’s why you want other things.
    I don’t stop eating fruits. I think they are natural healthy foods in moderation with any diet. The fruit sugar won’t hurt you if you don’t overeat. Thanks for the video

    • @Themeatmedic
      @Themeatmedic  Год назад +2

      you are probably right. I may incorporate them down the line, but my worry is I struggle to moderate any carbs. I guess I have to experiment. Probably after 6 months. The transtheoretical model of change theory suggests if you can maintain a habit for 6 months, you are likely to continue, so 6 months seems a good time to test I guess.

    • @steven-jellemeijer8412
      @steven-jellemeijer8412 Год назад

      @@Themeatmedic How do you handle carbs from veggies? like veggie soup with meat and meatballs. (build with stock from a chicken carcass you ate the day before). or pickles and tomato and cheese or egg on a burger(no bunn). Pure meat is too expensive for me. but I do love the "cheap" french soft cheese as protein source. Even make (cheese cakes with those. however, i'm trying to find a "low carb" solution for the base.)

  • @arildr
    @arildr Год назад +6

    Cravings for fruits is lack of fat, saturated fat from animals is my experience.

    • @Themeatmedic
      @Themeatmedic  Год назад +1

      they went away when I added something else. Not quite ready to share what yet :)

    • @silvamaney8897
      @silvamaney8897 Год назад +1

      ​@@Themeatmedic OK we'll wait when you feel fine to share, could be helpful to some who has similar problems.

    • @marylizz3248
      @marylizz3248 Год назад +1

      ​​@@Themeatmedic looking forward to the ribeye update video!!! I gotta know! Lol

  • @edwcnj1
    @edwcnj1 Год назад

    Carb craving are related to carb addiction. Replacing the signals to the endorphine system from sugars to other tools can help. Creative arts, human empathy, exercise, spirituality & sexuality can be very useful tools for the triggering of such system to help keep the sugars away.

  • @cphmatisen9504
    @cphmatisen9504 Год назад +3

    The craving come from your body wants c-vitamin 🥰 I eat 150 grams of liver every morning..thanks for all your work❤️

    • @Themeatmedic
      @Themeatmedic  Год назад

      it wasn't vitamin C.

    • @cphmatisen9504
      @cphmatisen9504 Год назад

      So what was it?

    • @Themeatmedic
      @Themeatmedic  Год назад

      ​@@cphmatisen9504 you can see hereвидео.html

  • @jiriwiesner
    @jiriwiesner Год назад +4

    Please include ApoB in your next blood test. ApoB is what matters when it comes to plaque accumulation. LDL-Chol isn't as reliable as ApoB. I've got a high LDL-Chol but a normal ApoB.

    • @Themeatmedic
      @Themeatmedic  Год назад +2

      Yeah I’ll be doing that too at the 6 month mark

  • @MrHandy-nr5hi
    @MrHandy-nr5hi Год назад +3

    I’m eating a piece of fruit on the days I go to the gym for a short term energy spike and have been craving liver like it’s candy! This is what’s working for me and I strongly advise people to do what works for them and try not to be such a purist 👍

  • @blackcatspirit13
    @blackcatspirit13 Год назад +3

    I'm really curious to find out how you fixed your cravings and what caused them. I've noticed for myself that I've been craving fruits these past few weeks. We have a lime tree chocker-blocker full of lovely limes, and several pineapples in our yards that have ripened and are calling my name. LOL! I can only afford (carbwise) a small slice of pineapple. Perhaps it's a seasonal thing... Put on the pudding for the upcoming winter. I'm not keen on regaining the weight I lost, but I believe we may be hardwired to gobble up more carbs prior to winter (makes sense to pork up before the coldsnap.) Shortening days do trigger responses in animals and plants, and we're no different.

    • @blackcatspirit13
      @blackcatspirit13 Год назад +1

      @Rocco I'm actually from Queensland Australia. The climate here is semi-tropical. ☺

    • @lisawanderess
      @lisawanderess Год назад

      This doctor is also in Queensland Australia, as am I. Our climate is semi tropical here. Lots of pineapple farms and bananas, macadamia and ginger around here!

    • @rayj.9568
      @rayj.9568 Год назад

      Man, eat some of that fresh fruit.

    • @meatavoreNana
      @meatavoreNana Год назад


  • @murrayobrien9192
    @murrayobrien9192 Год назад +2

    I think your cravings for other foods on Rib Eye are due to a lack of fats in the Rib Eye. I know that you say that the fat to protein ratio is adequate, but I'm not sure it is. No Rib Eye I've seen in the butcher or supermarket here in Australia has enough fat for me. It's why I eat mainly lamb. Lamb gives full satiation because very big chunks of fat around the perimeter.

    • @Themeatmedic
      @Themeatmedic  Год назад

      yeah i think the ribeye just not quite enough fat

    • @kiwikim5163
      @kiwikim5163 Год назад

      Im in Georgia, USA. Butchers and some grocery stores will cut up a side whole side to make me ribeye steaks. I tell them to leave on all the fat. I get the right amount of fat this way.

  • @adidkjf
    @adidkjf Год назад +2

    today i had ground beef with eggs, some onions and tomato slices... a bowl of coconutjogurt with blueberries, whey protein powder and chia seeds... after my workout i had a bit of a chicken breast with skin, seasoned and cooked in the oven...
    should be around 20 g of carbs and feel perfectly fine with it... the blue berries with the coco nut joghurt are just pure joy for me and it solves all my problems with cravings or digestion problems...
    to be honest, eating steak everyday would kill me longterm because i would probably develope a eating disorder... i cant to this, i need some vareity in my diet...
    i dont see any reason not to include some berries or veggies to my animal based diet, as long you dont react to them in a negative way... i mean 20 grams of carb a day is still keto...

    • @Themeatmedic
      @Themeatmedic  Год назад +1

      I think you hit the nail on the head there, as long as it’s ok for you, it’s probably ok.

    • @meatavoreNana
      @meatavoreNana Год назад

      I started back on carnivore this morning and had ground beef and 3 eggs for breakfast. Going to see if that lasts me the day..The grandkids keep bringing do- nuts and potato chips into the house so it's a battle😊

  • @jgray229
    @jgray229 Год назад +1

    Personally, I crave fruit and liver when I don't eat enough eggs. I cut down on eggs a couple of times suspecting I was sensitive to them, and every time I did, I noticed my craving increased during the day. I suspect I was craving vitamins I was missing from the eggs.

  • @komoru
    @komoru Год назад +1

    The carnivores approach the diet with an "I'll try it and see if it works" attitude, and then get pleasantly surprised that they feel better on it. There's many variations on a primal/carnivore diet, with some versions incorporating some fruits and vegetables on occassion. There's no "in your face" attitude, save for some of the raw carnivore types who like to make a public display of eating raw meat. But other than that, the carnivore crowd is the more even-headed of the two major diet camps.
    The vegan/plant-based crowd, in contrast, seem far more idealogically based (i.e. killing animals is evil or animals suffer, or meat-eating is bad for the environment) and I believe this push to more meat/dairy substitutes is deliberate attempt to dumb people down and make them weaker and more dependent on big pharma.
    Also vegans compare their diet to a standard american (processed food) diet and conflate that with a "carnivore" diet, which is far from the truth. Well, any deviation away from processed/fried foods (and meat) will lead to improvements in health, so they don't make a true comparison (in general). And having a rational, factual debate with a vegan is pretty unlikely, because they've already made up their mind.

  • @catcan221
    @catcan221 Год назад +1

    Mineral deficiency? Eating the same meat all the time that only has certain nutrients will make your body crave things in order to meet the body's needs. Our ancestors ate what they could catch. Fish, small game, large game, eggs, even some veg and fruit in late summer.
    We need vitamins and minerals from a varied diet. That is why we should not just eat one type of meat all the time.
    Vitamin C, zinc, magnesium. I find taking magnesium citrate helps with regularity. I was keto, eating too many brassicas which actually messed up my thyroid. Decided to try a more carnivore diet for a while.
    Also, a 3 day fast once in a while to clear out senescent cells and reset gut health. Our ancestors went days without food at times. So our bodies may need that as well. 👍🏻

    • @Themeatmedic
      @Themeatmedic  Год назад +3

      certainly was craving minerals. but which? Eggs almost certainly was the folate I was craving. But what about the organ meats and fruit, milk and cheese? I know the answer - not telling yet :) have to watch the Ribeye video for that.

  • @Pearlsena
    @Pearlsena Год назад

    What are you just water or your drinking coffee as well. You should probably add some bone broth to get some collagen and glycine. And how much salt are eating also. But 30 days of just ribeye that hard . You might get pallet fatigue. Some people within the community have suggested fastening if that happens. Can’t wait to see how you finish the 30 days. Finish hard.

  • @granite676
    @granite676 Год назад +2

    I've been on the carnivore for 4 months now but have suddenly started to get bouts of gout again 😞☹ can't figure out why, I take vit supps, and just eat bbbe & chicken, ham, and having heavy cream in my tea. Puzzling !! 🤔🤔

    • @sommerers2
      @sommerers2 Год назад +1

      What is your water intake? I've noticed that lack of water intake over couple days causes my gout to start poking its head again while on carnivore.

    • @marylizz3248
      @marylizz3248 Год назад +1

      I get pseudo-gout in my fingers when my supplements have too much calcium. So I've stopped taking them, I stick to magnesium potassium aspartate and sometimes grass fed beef organ caps. Just thought I'd throw that out there because my gout symptoms are gone!

    • @Themeatmedic
      @Themeatmedic  Год назад +1

      look into oxalate dumping syndrome. if your urate isn't raised, it's probably oxalates

  • @AngusBeef0
    @AngusBeef0 Год назад

    my explaination is seasonal human behavior.. you made it through winter eating animals.. now spring is here and youre wanting some juicy berries

  • @w.7194
    @w.7194 9 месяцев назад +1

    23:06 at 65 years blood work is all better than you are showing and I eat a diet of variety and moderation.

  • @beardumaw24
    @beardumaw24 Год назад

    I think it was Dr Paul Masons that said the easiest way to tell if you have healthy non oxidized colestoral is your HDL to triglyceride ratio which should be under 1.5. triglycerides should be under 100 and HDLs should be above 60-70. High triglycerides and low HDL indicator of unhealthy oxidized colestoral which causes heart disease. Caused by excess sugars carbs PUFAs.

    • @Themeatmedic
      @Themeatmedic  Год назад

      Dr Paul Mason is great and I've learned a lot from him. Trig to HDL ratio should ideally be under 0.5

  • @donleonhart274
    @donleonhart274 Год назад

    Waiting patiently for THAT BLOOD WORK032023

  • @darkfieldcarnivore3928
    @darkfieldcarnivore3928 Год назад +2


  • @ConnieLahood
    @ConnieLahood Год назад

    Hey Doc
    I’m in Australia and also on a carnivore journey trying to fix my health, my question is where do you practice I need a new GP? I’m in Sydney & struggling to find a gp up to date with diet.
    Thanks 👍

    • @Themeatmedic
      @Themeatmedic  Год назад

      I'm in Brisbane. I don't know any doc doing carnivore in Sydney I'm afraid.

  • @Anna-dn3bi
    @Anna-dn3bi Год назад

    All I want to bo is treat heal get rid of my acid reflux / gerd . Over suffering with it 😭
    IV been using ACV but sometimes it seems to be good and stop the burning and other times not . I don't know if I'm taking enough
    I'm 3 days into carnivore/keto
    I'm not on any PPI and try real hard not to use antacids any suggestions

  • @russbrown6453
    @russbrown6453 Год назад +2

    I bet what fixed the cravings was consuming more salt...My blood test has a 4 year carnivore look amazing except for that stupid LDL-C number

    • @Themeatmedic
      @Themeatmedic  Год назад

      it helped the salt craving, but not the organ meats or fruit.

  • @kiwikim5163
    @kiwikim5163 Год назад

    Being still constipated (all my life) I’m experimenting with a tiny amount of raw honey and fruit to see of this helps. I keep data and log in biometrics to Chronometer. The problem is keeping the cravings under control. On zero carb the hunger is different . With even 20 grams of carbs, I have carb cravings. Ugh.

    • @Themeatmedic
      @Themeatmedic  Год назад

      Yep. I’m worried about fruit may affect me if / when I add it in.

  • @lancerebo952
    @lancerebo952 Год назад

    According to Professor Bart Kay, prolonged periods of ketosis can lead to a reduction in thyroid function and an imbalance in electrolytes, which can trigger a craving for sugar in order to rectify the issue.

    • @Themeatmedic
      @Themeatmedic  Год назад

      it's possibly that, but unlikely given my thyroid function was fine 2 weeks prior and I've been pure carnivore for 4.5 months prior to this experiment. plus I had no symptoms of hypothyroidism, and it was fixed easily with one simple addition. I've definitely been craving electrolytes though, but most specifically, salt. interestingly they reduced when i found the fix though and it wasn't electrolytes.

  • @komoru
    @komoru Год назад

    I know Frank Tufano added some fruits and other fermented foods to his meat-based diet to help aid digestion. Others have not found this necessary and simply resolved digestion issues by fasting for an extended period of time to reset their bodies. Perhaps that's why you were craving fruit?

  • @saltyprepper5513
    @saltyprepper5513 Год назад +2

    The cravings are likely from vitamin deficiencies.

    • @Themeatmedic
      @Themeatmedic  Год назад

      not likely vitamins because I fixed it without vitamins. but it was a mineral

  • @arildr
    @arildr Год назад +4

    Ribeye is lean meat. Entrecot is more fat and will deplete the cravings.
    Counting calories is not the best thing to do. No need to.
    Undereating is more common than overeating (not possible).
    Well this is my experience on the low carb high fat since 2002/ 03 then for the last 3 years beeing carnivore.
    Kids, let them be kids, but they love broth.
    My blodtests are according to my doctor: "significantly better" than the normal.
    No meds and next burthay is 65.

    • @Themeatmedic
      @Themeatmedic  Год назад

      I think overeating is possible but it’s hard. My fat loss stalled a bit when I was eating 5k cals a day. Otherwise even now on 2 ribeyes a day it’s going down. So I think the upper limit is high to say the least.

    • @tom47opm3
      @tom47opm3 Год назад +2

      Entrecôte is ribeye. Perhaps you are confusing it with eye fillet?

    • @Deanriley
      @Deanriley Год назад

      US ribeye is 1 to 1 fat to lean; so not low fat.

    • @Panji2000
      @Panji2000 Год назад +1

      I also enjoy eating Carnivore WOE.
      I am on carnivore for a year now and have gained 25 ponds. I’m so sad that can’t lose that 25 lbs gained through the whole year. I’m still eating steaks, eggs, butter and sometimes bacons. My macros usually are 70% fat and 30% protein in calories.

  • @geronimo6787
    @geronimo6787 Год назад

    Just curious if you allow yourself a sip of wine every now and then?

  • @ChidiebereEmeka-c5s
    @ChidiebereEmeka-c5s Год назад

    it's expensive though

  • @markaguilera493
    @markaguilera493 Год назад

    According to Georgi Dinkov, a former carnivore who lasted 2 or 3 years on the diet, the high energy you feel eating meat only comes from the constant adrenaline the body is cranking out to compensate for the lack of carbs. To him the carnivore diet is a bit like fasting : the body perceives the absence of carbs as a fast. Now fasting can be great short term but there's obviously a moment you hit a wall of diminishing returns. Your craving for fruit may be a sign you've hit that wall. Your body's telling you you've been cranking out adrenaline for too long, it needs to go back to the proper source of energy. Look up Georgi Dinkov or have a chat with him.

  • @darrenphillips5874
    @darrenphillips5874 Год назад +1

    I’m carnivore a year now and eat berries only

  • @thomascarroll9653
    @thomascarroll9653 Год назад +1

    Take your cold shower in the morning and hot shower before you go to sleep at night and you'll see huge improvement in your quality of sleep.

    • @Themeatmedic
      @Themeatmedic  Год назад

      that's what I do now! it really does work

  • @annhughes9912
    @annhughes9912 Год назад

    Three days on carnivore and I went into total meltdown physically and emotionally. The craving for fruit was FIERCE. I bought three types of melons and three types of berries. Made fruit salad. Have had some every day and now I can remain upright. I literally collapsed at my cleaning job when the temp hit 38°C. I feel great now and actually slept and dreamt last night. The insomnia is cruel on seriously low carb. Research Ray Peat and see what you think.
    I believe you’re craving the foods you’re craving because your bodies NEED it. I’m less and less thinking pure carnivore is optimal for everyone.

    • @Themeatmedic
      @Themeatmedic  Год назад +1

      oh dear that sounds horrible. I think we all need to find what works for us, and experimentation is really the only way to know that. if carbs made you feel better, there's something in that. the question is - is it the carbs, or something in those carbs that your body needed? for me I wasn't craving carbs, it was a mineral.

    • @gregorymiseyko5035
      @gregorymiseyko5035 Год назад

      Ann, are you sure you are getting enough salt, electrolytes? Carnivore & keto diet require lots of water to metabolize so more electrolytes rinse through your system. I hope that helps.

    • @annhughes9912
      @annhughes9912 Год назад

      @@gregorymiseyko5035 yes I know. It was heat, low blood sugar and dehydration. It’s hard for me to convert to fat burning and I can’t get through the three days conversion process. I have adrenal insufficiency and thyroid issues too, which muddy the waters.

    • @MaryJane.007
      @MaryJane.007 Год назад

      I crave fruit because I really enjoy it, but it doesn’t like me back :-) I keep trying to reincorporate fruit and all I get is bloating and gas 😢.

    • @annhughes9912
      @annhughes9912 Год назад

      @@MaryJane.007 did you used to eat it before you went carnivore? If you could tolerate it then, it’s probably your microbiome that needs to adapt. Can be a bitch.

  • @Millymoo62
    @Millymoo62 Год назад +1

    Great video, I’m keen to find out what mineral you were lacking so looking forward to the video on that!
    I’m interested in more information about the subfraction test and genetics as mine shows elevated ldl as well as small dense ldl, with normal hdl and low trigs. Carnivore 4 yrs 😊

  • @ClassicJukeboxBand
    @ClassicJukeboxBand Год назад +2

    Cravings for organ meats are probably telling you that you are nutrient deficient. We see other animals usually eat their regular diet, then sometimes get cravings for other things. Gorillas eat leaves, but sometimes they eat termites. Their biology tells them it's time to increase their nutrients. Chimps eat plants, then go out and kill on occasion. This is because their body is telling them to up their nutrients.
    The same thing is probably true with humans. We eat protein and fat, but on occasion it's possible that your natural food signaling system is telling you to eat organ meats because your body needs the extra nutrition.
    I have been a big critic of organ meat consumption. That being said, if you are craving them, then it's probably a good idea to eat them until the cravings go away.
    Our hunger and nutrition signals are dynamic, so I'm not saying not to eat organ meats ever. I just make the case that organ meats are not necessary most of the time. I believe since they don't look good, taste good or smell good, our instincts are telling us the truth, just like they did before we had science to tell us what to eat.
    It is possible that organ meats are helpful when you are nutrient deficient, but not necessary if you don't crave them, like me.

    • @Themeatmedic
      @Themeatmedic  Год назад

      correct definitely deficient in something that organ meats and fruit provides. I know the answer because I tested it, and it's probably something not many would suspect. It's something that I can get without organs or fruit, but I would need a supplement for it on this current diet (ribeye only). Interestingly I didn't have these issues when I was eating BBBE with a bit of milk and cheese too.

    • @ClassicJukeboxBand
      @ClassicJukeboxBand Год назад

      @@Themeatmedic Yes, that seems to make sense, but I know that fructose is something humans crave because it's a survival nutrient. You should check out Dr. Richard Johnson's work on fructose. It's his theory, not mine!

  • @TCAPRecipes
    @TCAPRecipes Год назад

    I crave Fruit sometimes too. I do better without. Carbs like that mess with me hard.

    • @Themeatmedic
      @Themeatmedic  Год назад +1

      I will try fruit at some point. I do worry I won't be able to stop myself though. I know what I'm like, this is why carnivore is so easy for me because no temptation.

  • @jimrutherford2773
    @jimrutherford2773 Год назад

    If you experiment with foods, you'll need to eat a particular diet for a period of time to see how you feel or is it accomplishing your goals? You can't know in two or three days. More like several weeks or months.

  • @bluesteel8586
    @bluesteel8586 Год назад

    I had a very similar experience to yours a couple years ago. I healed so many things that I never even knew was wrong. Started again last week.
    My tennis elbows vanished after about 7-8 months

    • @Themeatmedic
      @Themeatmedic  Год назад

      hopefully mine will go. it's annoying :(

  • @dianecaldwell7101
    @dianecaldwell7101 Год назад +1

    Eggs and butter

  • @Pearlsena
    @Pearlsena Год назад

    Will you do hair mineral analysis as well some within the community have suggested the hair mineral analysis test gives a different insight into mineral imbalances.

    • @Themeatmedic
      @Themeatmedic  Год назад

      probably won't do mineral hair analysis. There's debate on whether they are more or less useful than serum blood tests. We know blood tests aren't great for some things like magnesium, but hair analysis probably just as bad too.

  • @beardumaw24
    @beardumaw24 Год назад

    Throughout humans evolution we have ate meats, berries and some fruit when in season.

  • @brother_basil
    @brother_basil Год назад +1

    Yeah, eat the fruits and honey, because it’s only sugar that’s bad for you, and fruits and honey are totally fine, right? It’s totally not sugar, really? Seriously? Come on..

  • @Edge1588
    @Edge1588 Год назад

    Cravings because of seasonal changes and wanting to store fat?

  • @davegee124
    @davegee124 Год назад

    how much steak/meat in weight should i be eating a day to lose weight? 59,98 kg and little excercise due to ruptured discs in my spine,i love beef,pork chicken and eggs.

    • @Themeatmedic
      @Themeatmedic  Год назад +1

      oh that's a tough one. I don't believe there's a one-size fits all. What I say to my patients is, you need to experiment. If what you are doing isn't achieving the goals you want, change what you are doing. Depending on your current BF%, it can be hard to lose weight without resistance training, but this could be hard with ruptured discs, but not impossible. High BF% diet will do the majority. Lower (eg.

    • @davegee124
      @davegee124 Год назад

      @@Themeatmedic thankyou,currently at 31% BF according to my electronic scales,i will try your suggestions,i suspect im not eating enough fat as the steak we have been getting is very lean with no fat on it,i have been eating 1lb per day plus couple of eggs which im now thinking is way too less, i have several ruptured discs,bone spurs and impingments in my neck too due to some idiot running me over 23yrs ago,had multiple facet,lydocaine,lumber and epidurals all to no avail..only got an mri a few years ago(showing the tru extent of the damage done) with the docs fobbing me off all these years saying it was in my head lol,so excercise is hard as muscle spasms are rife when i move hard.

  • @jimrutherford2773
    @jimrutherford2773 Год назад

    I think you're craving the organ meats, fruits, butter and eggs because your body is needing many of the other micronutrients that are low or nonexistent in ribeye steak.