Lazy is indeed a wrong term, but the question is why do some people still use it, when they’re all worked up and such, on other people, who don’t do anything at all?
It's about taking time to rest in between. Some people over commit to too many activities like this lady in the report. At home, we can do laundry and cook at the same time. I like watching documentary on my tablet while cooking. That's multi tasking in a relaxing way
Ha! Exactly the comment I was just gonna make. For productive folks, it's simply called "resting", or "relaxing", "decompressing", etc. For non-productive folks, well, that's just lazy.
I often say the same thing to my friends who pride themselves on always being available for any job task, any time. It's not your grandma's company, put yourself first.
EXACTLY ., many people don't realize that you are just a cog in the wheel. Some people are highly-paid employees but at the end of the day they are still cogs in the wheel.
Adding to this, we should be productive in regards to our OWN lives. Hobbies, research, and experiences are what make us human. To put it bluntly, the demands of American work culture make it nearly IMPOSSIBLE to live a full life.
Sometimes it's about survival. I'm about to start a new job, so much new information to learn, rearranging my schedule, so it's crazy busy. But if someone has been working on the same job, it's different, unless there's merger, reorganization within the Company
Yes, science has shown over and over again that we can't "multitask." The term "multitask" has been bastardized from its origin. The term "multitask" originated at Japanese factories in the 50s and 60s. It referred to training factory workers to cover the processes just before and just after the process they were responsible for performing. With this training, they could prevent or ease backups on the line. It was never intended to justify forcing workers to do three jobs at once.
As someone who burnt their candle at every end, for 75 years, I now spend my time lounging around as much as I can. I wish I had had the sense to do that years ago.
@@Novastar.SaberCombatnot necessarily. It depends on how you choose to live. I live minimally on a limited income and am quite content. Some people think that you need a million dollars in the bank to retire. That's a LIE we have been force fed in our society. I never bought into it thankfully....
The worst name one could be called in our home was the word "Lazy". My parents were depression-era kids who grew up with "You don't work you don't eat". I learned to do "nothing" when I owned my own business (a B&B) and took time to sit on the porch swing and watch the birds and trees blossom. My parent would say "You are being Lazy" if I wasn't doing my task the hard/long way. My response was "I'm being efficient" - getting the same results using shorter/quicker methods.
stop being entitled to think you know a random person when you dont! just because you are lazy does not mean everyone else is like you, just stop, you are truly offensive. there are people who are active and energetic, just because you love being lazy does not mean everyone else loves it like you. there are people who love being active and dont have a problem with it, you just think people do but dont know what's best for others, stop being entitled to think you know a random person thats not in your life.
Right! With this economy, I NEED to work my minimum 40 hours a week (and not an hour short) to be able to afford paying bills! I would love time for myself, but LITERALLY can't afford to! I'm sure I'm not the only one!
I am retired but if I had had this attitude when I was working, going to school, then raising kids and working, nothing would have gotten accomplished. It would have been a bad example to set for my kids. And all 4 grew up to be hard working, responsible adults. Also, everything in moderation-work, play, etc.
when you work a 8 hour day, and you have few hours to do everything you need to take care of your family, yourself, finances, housework, .... i guess i can be lazy in my sleep
They aren't really talking about retired people with presume time to begin enjoying life. I think it's more of the wait until I retire to enjoy life, but we don't know tomorrow. Might never have the chance to retire or die soon after retirement. I just don't like the word lazy to describe what they're talking about.
My leisure time has always been important to me since i was a kid. I'm now 60 and retired, i do online auctions as a side hustle and added income. I begin my summer day riding my bike at 6am, run errands after 9.30am, linch at noon, nap at 1pm, i stop at the library around 3pm, go swimming at 5, stop at the grocery at 8pm, and then walk home ( no car since 2005, dont need it). I go to bed at 9.30 pm, and the next day do it again. Sundays are for church in the morning, weekends are lunch with friends and festivals. That takes up all my time, leisure time is just so important to me and keeps me going, it's my regular routine and keeps me fit and trim, and keeps my mind occupied. I just what i love, and love what i do, and that makes me very happy. :-) New Orleans
Yep. That's exactly what I doing now. I suffered from PTSD after my husband died. I was his caregiver for years, worked, and saturated with stress. Almost killed myself twice by jumping in front of the train and drowning myself. Through therapy, I learned to listen to my body and not the noises of other people. Slow process but very rewarding.
Same here, I work 0.8 so technically part time and since I’ve been single Saturday’s are my day to clean then relax/do art/work out and decompress its wonderful cause my batteries are charged for my non lazy week ahead
@susanjones6410 I'm a bartender and run a handyman business. I paid cash for a 900 sq ft fixer upper 6 years ago which has allowed me to save very fast only paying property taxes as rent.
@susanjones6410 Since my situation is similar (I work two days a week, medical field) I will tell you "how I got here" while you wait for the original poster to reply. First off, I grew up very simple so I don't even want things that most people want. My kids are grown and gone and I'm widowed. I have a mobile home that was paid off in six years so no housing expense now except property taxes which is pretty low on mobile homes. Having lived here so long, I know my home inside and out and can do most repairs myself. I paid cash for my used vehicle which I've had for ten years. My bills are electricity, water, groceries, vehicle liability insurance, and a landline phone bundled with internet. That's it. I love simple country foods like beans, cornbread, potatoes, oatmeal, grits, eggs, milk and produce from my garden. I cut my own hair and don't spend money on manicures, pedicures, tv cable, movie channels or eating out. You Tube provides more than I can keep up with to watch, including concerts, movies, and news. Since I enjoy my backyard (mow it myself) and hardly ever go anywhere, I need very few clothes which I get at thrift stores and I spend about $8 a month on gasoline. My entertainment is birdwatching in my backyard, gardening, nature walks, camping, playing my piano, exercising, talking on the phone, reading, and You Tube. I save money so that when I need car repairs or an unexpected expense, I have the money. Also have occasionally taken trips to Alaska, NYC, and the Caribbean. The key is to pay off everything and know how to actually enjoy living on "nothing". I have so much time! I love my life. It's so uncomplicated and free!!
I'm so glad you guys are talking about this! I've had workaholic friends who shame me for sleeping in or relaxing on my couch. It's good for our health to chill😊
I remember a time when on Sunday, ALL stores except maybe one gas station , and the hospital, were the ONLY THING OPEN. It forced everyone into a day of rest/ family time . The term “ Sunday drive” came from that time period.
Germany is still closing down on Sundays. Everything is closed. There are no noise ordinances in place. All you can do is rest & take it easy. It's actually very refreshing.
Being lazy doesn't mean doing nothing physically but mentally. Allowing your mind to relax / to rest here and there more often definitely has a big help with your over all well-being ❤️🙏🏻🌸
I’ve been retired since 2012 when I turned 55 years old. I have been “lazy” since then. There is no shame in my game. I worked hard for 33 years. No more!
@@TheCriticalChrisagreed, because no one lets you use a bathroom for free and it's hard to stay out all day without one. And there are too few free public restrooms. And no one wants to talk about this honestly.
God knows best. He commanded us to take one day off out of seven. It is known as the Sabbath or Shabbat. God also sets up feast days throughout the year to not work. God knows best. He loves you.
@@paja7647it’s our food - I had to finally give up all processed food - as it caused problems for me - losing weight effortlessly . Already didn’t eat gluten and dairy - soy - most grains - no way could I live on Amtrak food for 2 weeks as they don’t have allergy free menu - but her idea is a good start . Lions are carnivore - perhaps she’s getting to that in a roundabout way ? I can’t do carnivore but aim for keto low carb .
It’s a pretty acknowledged fact that a lot of creators - great accomplished ones - deliberately go for long walks, doodle, etc because they know the great ideas come slowly and only when invited obliquely.
I absolutely agree and can say that I feel the same way. I thought I had something wrong with me when I would be depressed or randomly anxious on my days off from work. I’ve always been someone who needs something to do, something to be active in. Not being able to have that gave me those feelings. But I realized recently that I don’t have many hobbies and I put too much emphasis and identity at work. I didn’t have a balance from work and home. I’ve been doing better now with getting into hobbies and finding out what else I like doing and going back to being lazy. We need to relax. We are not robots.
I retired early a few years ago. For the first year, I felt like I had to be productive but eventually I was able to slow down. Unfortunately, I slowed down too much and was spending a LOT of time doing nothing but watch RUclips videos on things I wanted to try (but not much time actually doing it). I got so tired of sitting around doing nothing I actually went back to work to have something to do. But full time work made the pendulum swing too far so next month I will go part-time. I’m hoping to find the right balance with this move.
I think we need to stop using the word "lazy" and replace it to what some of us actually mean when we say "we're feeling lazy", and that's "burned out", "exhausted", and "tired". Lazy is when you refuse to do any work, the opposite of ambition, like you still have energy but you use that energy to goof off when you should be doing work.When you're burned out or just plain tired, you have no more energy to give. That's a sign of overwork and that you need to rest, however rest looks like to someone, e.g. sleeping, spa day, playing video games, watching sports, hanging out with friends and family, etc. The example with the lions, I wouldn't call them lazy. They are just efficient when it comes to energy management. Back when we were hunter gatherers, we only used a few hours of our day to do what we needed for survival, such as getting food, and had the rest of our day to do what we wanted. Then somewhere around 10-12 kya we settled down and got into an exhaustive subsistence system called agriculture. It takes so much work to grow crops, and if it's a bad harvest you starve. On top of agriculture, as our society grew more complex, we developed systems that kept us busy with the mindset that if you're not working then you're doing something wrong. Our society as a whole (at least in the US), needs to learn that resting is okay and necessary. And our govt can help with that by mandating that employers give their employees at least 3 weeks of PTO for the year. One week of PTO and 3 sick days for a whole year is so ridiculous!
Nobody's on their death bed wishing they had spent more time working. But many people regret not spending more time actually enjoying themselves and their loved ones. Hell, even God took a day off.
1:50 idleness, leisure time is necessary for our wellbeing. Unfortunately idle time has gotten a bad wrap and high productivity is rewarded or like a badge of honor then you realize it meant little but warring yourself out. 5:27 we all need non intention activity, non intentional thought so we can recalibrate. 6:26 some of the most productive and prolific people of our time worked 4 hrs a day and were lazy the rest. 4:33 most people are really single minded not multi task minded. The best thoughts come to you when your mind is in silence and you let thoughts come out and form.
“Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is the noble art of leaving things undone. The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of non-essentials.” ― Lin Yutang, The Importance of Living
Excellent segment w/deep human interest. Choosing to do nothing, when you can be doing Anything, is a luxury. After all, we are Human-Beings not Human-Doings
I love Celeste's TEDTalk about how to have great conservations. And it goes perfectly with this - quieting the mind. It not only leads to better conversations because you are in the moment, present, and engaged. You have more to offer in the conversation, in your career, and in your life. Simply because you had time to recharge and reflect.
Even as a young person, every time I rest or take time to enjoy something that may not be seen as traditionally productive (like watching a movie), I feel guilty afterward. I’m glad that this is being discussed.
As a single mom, I worked two jobs and put two kids through college. At age 60, I was sick and exhausted, and took early retirement and moved back to the old homeplace I had inherited way out in the country. That was 17 years ago and I still work physically pretty hard to maintain my life here. But I'm working for myself and it is actually often fun and challenging activities. And when I'm not working, I rest and enjoy myself. It all feels like a great adventure! 👍 😊
There’s definitely a balance that is necessary. I like to be productive everyday doing a few things…I do have friends that do not know how to relax…and that is sad.
I have a friend who always has to be doing things and I’m like girl chill. I enjoy lounge and leisure, it’s my favorite hobby. It keeps you looking young and feeling your best when you’re in stressful situations
It’s a good message. But we need to recommend a good balance rather than just being lazy. If only we could do nothing all day. I mean everyone wants to do that but we just can’t
In our hurry up fast paced 16 hr work days (yes, there are companies that expect you to answer calls all the way to bedtime), we forget how much slower life used to be…horse and buggy, manual labor for most chores, hours spent on fine dining (and dressing elegantly for the wealthy) and TIME to enjoy simple things: a child’s laughter, a puppy playing, chatting with neighbors. Our digital always-turned-on world has robbed of us of so much joy. When was the last time you wrote a letter or sent a card instead of an email, text or emoji? When was the last time you made a phone call instead of texting? How often do you look at all your Facebook followers and ask yourself “who are these people?” We cheat ourselves of real and meaningful lives everyday.
It's amazing how balanced your mind becomes when it isn't constantly being pushed and pulled by endless stimuli. Breathe and be present. The slower you are, the longer the moment lasts.
Basically, I like the idea of doing something, rather than doing nothing. It always helps to pass the time, each day. “It is better to do something than to do nothing while waiting to do everything.” ~ Winston Churchill
@@lifesabeach5405My grandfather used to always tell me, that “even if you miss the point of something, you can always find a way to get back up on your feet, and try, try again.” That’s another way of having to do something, rather than nothing, to help pass the time, on a daily basis.
“Laziness” in the negative IS a negative when it involves a bad attitude, deliberate selfish neglect and it’s a habit where you additionally take advantage of others. Laziness in this sense is wrong. Period. Leisure time, Relaxing , taking hours to do ‘nothing’ isn’t lazy. Now, it’s time to get some stuff done… see ya!
During the late 2000's & 2010's to be severely stressed dealing with work/unemployment, school, trying to keep up with phony friends that never was there for me (I'm very thankful my marriage & family saved me from having a mid-life crisis). Now, since the beginning of the 2020's I made significant changes since I work in the Spa Industry to take it easy, think, relax & enjoy the beauty of Life.😊❤️
The scientists working part time probably had a salary provided by a university or a government grant. They didn't have some psychotic corporate supervisor micro-managing their work hours.
I've been "lazy" my whole life. I'll be 70 my next birthday. In retrospect, I wish I'd left the country in my youth -- though I'm not sure where exactly I would have gone. America is a cult of "busy" and it's been hard to swim against that tide. Hard to maintain a sense of personal worth. Hard to explain myself to friends. Hard to get a job (as the segment mentions, employers want multi-taskers). But my oh my! What a life I've had, what I've learned about myself, what rich chance exchanges with humans and other life forms. Except for maybe giving myself a break by moving when I was in my 20s to a country that at least honors afternoon siestas, I have no regrets.
I am feeling this BIG TIME! I am going to be 56 next week and I have already had one nervous breakdown in 2022 and I am so overwhelmed with stuff it is hard to find time to relax. I have to balance "oh, I have time off.. now I can "Catch up" with all the chores and tasks I have have had to do at home" ... with I just want to veg and do art and read a book. The TENSION is palpable. However, I do not have the luxury of taking a 2 week train trip.... I wish.
Absolutely this. I’m a textbook workaholic and pushed thru the burnout for years until it finally broke my brain and cut my productivity in half. Making time to rest, I accomplish more in less time and enjoy it more. But it’s really tricky to force yourself to relax and get your mind off-task.
This lady is almost me. At least before getting sick. I’d have multiple jobs, was an opera singer, jazz artist who performed live, studio songwriter and studio background vocalist. Worked at a bank, created networking groups, helped two friends w their startups, 😂 and then at 26 preggers, I got preggers and was diagnosed with Lupus. Still stayed active until 2013 after a second baby and a PE. On medical leave now and considering going on SSI…
She is right, completely right about this. But what is unfortunate, is there is a huge swath of people in this country that cannot afford to take the time off they so desperately need. I wish we could all be like this, but in reality, we can't.
Lazy when you can work and don't especially if you're not in a house wife/husband situation. Relax is the reward you get for working hard all day at the end of the day.
I think once people get perspective they will recognize what's important. I don't over work myself anymore because I'm not doing extra for my employer. I will put in extra for my family time and self care. I'm better for it
Social media and wifi are main culprits stopping us from having a lazy time. We are unable to focus on our work even for an hour, and that makes us appear busy all the time becs we are dividing our time ... a distraction that Albert Einstein, Charles Dickens and others at that time did not have. Good lesson to follow
society today does not tolerate "doing nothing". Everyone I know has their weekends packed from start to finish....has their kids scheduled with things to do for the entire weekend without a break. with no down time for them to sit and daydream....and let their minds wander is unheard of today !!! I had downtime growing up. I looked forward to coming home from school....getting a snack.....unwinding at home.....daydreaming......and settling down. After a whole day in school with one thing after another......coming home and having quiet time was terrific. I looked forward to some peace and quiet. We had no computers....cell phones....cable TV....just landline phone and a bicycle to go out and look for friends to hang with..... Stores were CLOSED on Sunday. period. And life was good. No stress like today. People were kind and pleasant..... Everything is a competition today.....who does more and has more. Sitting home with nothing to do makes you a "loser" today. I am retired....( a few years ago) and had a hard time at first. I also felt I had to "DO things." I have a routine now.....but always make time for "ME." I like sitting TV or phone.....being outside with nature and I do believe that if more people went back to the "good old days" and just hang with friends at home ......most stress would go away. Where is it written our days have to be filled the entire time we are awake? If someone wants to label me as lazy....that's OK. Call it what you want. you know the expression....all work and no play.......
Unfortunately, in the American economy, a large percentage of people have to work themselves to death just to earn a “living,” and don’t simply have the choice of “being lazy.” Rent alone has increased exponentially while income has not. Like Bernie says: “It’s okay to Be Angry About Capitalism.”
How about starting a bookkeeping business? I will do this soon and replace my income in several months to quit my Walmart job. Then by next year, i will only be working 20 hours per week and making even more significant income. So I will reach the 4 hour work day per this video.
sometimes i wonder, at my 9-6 office job, am i really incompetent or am i simply handling too many tasks 😢 i feel its the latter, even i feel like i have done a crime whenever i got ill. everything is too fast and no slowing down. population overall is still growing, competition has only become even tougher. instead of slowing down, i need to double the speed, and its awful 😢
I take a nap daily but I have to. Im disabled and body shuts down after 4 hrs up on my feet. Im losing weight and use to not be able to do 2 hrs. 220 now to 209.. Hope to be back to my 175 which is normal for me. I will do it.
Unpopular opinion...I never understood why some ppl force the phrase, ' the early bird gets the worm.' I rather use that time to rest, get more sleep. I owe my health to the fact I allow myself to rest;sleep when things get to hectic and I'm overworked during the week.
I love being lazy at home ❤ everyone tells me to get a life. I love my life as is. I'm a business owner and I spend my time between work and home. And I'm completely content.
Lazy is the wrong term. It’s not being lazy, it’s rest. Allow your brain, your body, your soul time to rest.
Agree. And it's taking time to simply appreciate life.
Lazy is indeed a wrong term, but the question is why do some people still use it, when they’re all worked up and such, on other people, who don’t do anything at all?
It's about taking time to rest in between. Some people over commit to too many activities like this lady in the report.
At home, we can do laundry and cook at the same time. I like watching documentary on my tablet while cooking. That's multi tasking in a relaxing way
Ha! Exactly the comment I was just gonna make.
For productive folks, it's simply called "resting", or "relaxing", "decompressing", etc.
For non-productive folks, well, that's just lazy.
I agree. It sounds like this woman did not rest. Rest is good. Laziness is not.
Always remember you are not the heir to the company.
My Aunt always said if I died tomorrow, killing myself for a company, I would be replaced.
I often say the same thing to my friends who pride themselves on always being available for any job task, any time. It's not your grandma's company, put yourself first.
I try not to “remember “!
EXACTLY ., many people don't realize that you are just a cog in the wheel. Some people are highly-paid employees but at the end of the day they are still cogs in the wheel.
I always refused to sell my soul to a corporation! 😉
Our job should be to take care of ourselves. Not to spend our lives sweating and breaking our backs for corporations.
Amen!!! The dahli lama says we work so hard to make money then we have to spend the rest of our lives trying to fix our compromised health.
Amen to that!
Adding to this, we should be productive in regards to our OWN lives. Hobbies, research, and experiences are what make us human. To put it bluntly, the demands of American work culture make it nearly IMPOSSIBLE to live a full life.
Best comment on here 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🙌🏼
Hence, the words "Corporate slaves"! Enjoy any downtime you can get without the guilt that often times goes along with it!
Jim Carry said it best. Being depressed is your body telling you that you need deep rest.
This has nothing to do with being lazy but getting some rest. We all have to recharge ourselves.
I remember my friends bragging about always being “crazy busy” with work all the time… like it’s a badge of honor.
Basically, they didn’t wanna hang out.
Those kind of ppl make me sick
Sometimes it's about survival. I'm about to start a new job, so much new information to learn, rearranging my schedule, so it's crazy busy. But if someone has been working on the same job, it's different, unless there's merger, reorganization within the Company
Yes, science has shown over and over again that we can't "multitask." The term "multitask" has been bastardized from its origin. The term "multitask" originated at Japanese factories in the 50s and 60s. It referred to training factory workers to cover the processes just before and just after the process they were responsible for performing. With this training, they could prevent or ease backups on the line. It was never intended to justify forcing workers to do three jobs at once.
They need the money. Simple.
As someone who burnt their candle at every end, for 75 years, I now spend my time lounging around as much as I can. I wish I had had the sense to do that years ago.
Good for you 😍
So happy you are enjoying your retirement and realized it now!
Since retirement, I have mastered doing nothing many days....I've been blessed.
Wonderful. I think it's important to have time to do whatever you want, whenever you want. Including nothing.
Me too!
@@Lauren_1987 Exactly! I'm loving retirement!
Lazy is the wrong word. It’s rest and relaxation. What you do with that time is entirely your prerogative. It’s unstructured time.
Love this story. I retired last year and don’t feel guilty about just spacing out and relaxing when I want. Simple life.
Easy to say when you have the opportunity. But that's how it is for the fortunate 1%.
I do the same 😊 cheers!
Same here.
@@Novastar.SaberCombatnot necessarily. It depends on how you choose to live. I live minimally on a limited income and am quite content. Some people think that you need a million dollars in the bank to retire. That's a LIE we have been force fed in our society. I never bought into it thankfully....
The worst name one could be called in our home was the word "Lazy". My parents were depression-era kids who grew up with "You don't work you don't eat". I learned to do "nothing" when I owned my own business (a B&B) and took time to sit on the porch swing and watch the birds and trees blossom. My parent would say "You are being Lazy" if I wasn't doing my task the hard/long way. My response was "I'm being efficient" - getting the same results using shorter/quicker methods.
As much as I think this saying is cringe and so cliched, it is indeed true. "Work smarter, not harder."
We are human beings, not human doings.
FSH frantic search for happiness- Bob Thieme ministries Houston tx. He coined that, very apt.
I often get my best solutions to a problem while sleeping. I love when I wake up with an idea.
I tend to have a clear mind when I swim for an hour 😊
Both of you got it right ✌🏼💛
Most of us, probably the vast majority, of people in this country can’t afford to be lazy. It’s sad.
stop being entitled to think you know a random person when you dont! just because you are lazy does not mean everyone else is like you, just stop, you are truly offensive. there are people who are active and energetic, just because you love being lazy does not mean everyone else loves it like you. there are people who love being active and dont have a problem with it, you just think people do but dont know what's best for others, stop being entitled to think you know a random person thats not in your life.
@@tiffr5016- are u ok?
@@tiffr5016I hope you’re ok
Right! With this economy, I NEED to work my minimum 40 hours a week (and not an hour short) to be able to afford paying bills! I would love time for myself, but LITERALLY can't afford to! I'm sure I'm not the only one!
@@tiffr5016what a nutcase
Surely I'm not the only one thinking if only I could afford to do nothing...
I am retired but if I had had this attitude when I was working, going to school, then raising kids and working, nothing would have gotten accomplished. It would have been a bad example to set for my kids. And all 4 grew up to be hard working, responsible adults. Also, everything in moderation-work, play, etc.
@@marytheresejacksonlutz2533Found the boomer who missed the point and still doesn’t get it 👆🏻
Take a solid 1 hour lunch break away from work place
when you work a 8 hour day, and you have few hours to do everything you need to take care of your family, yourself, finances, housework, .... i guess i can be lazy in my sleep
@@CapnCody1622 lmao check back in 10 years
..I never apologize for " Doing Nothing "..since Retiring..I worked MY WHOLE LIFE!...I've Earned My Peace...
I knew someone who believed this and lived happily for 25 years after he retired.
They aren't really talking about retired people with presume time to begin enjoying life. I think it's more of the wait until I retire to enjoy life, but we don't know tomorrow. Might never have the chance to retire or die soon after retirement. I just don't like the word lazy to describe what they're talking about.
My leisure time has always been important to me since i was a kid. I'm now 60 and retired, i do online auctions as a side hustle and added income. I begin my summer day riding my bike at 6am, run errands after 9.30am, linch at noon, nap at 1pm, i stop at the library around 3pm, go swimming at 5, stop at the grocery at 8pm, and then walk home ( no car since 2005, dont need it). I go to bed at 9.30 pm, and the next day do it again. Sundays are for church in the morning, weekends are lunch with friends and festivals. That takes up all my time, leisure time is just so important to me and keeps me going, it's my regular routine and keeps me fit and trim, and keeps my mind occupied. I just what i love, and love what i do, and that makes me very happy. :-) New Orleans
My goodness sir!! That's not retired!!😅 Your busier then most young people I know, 😮😅 where do you get all that energy?? God bless!
Yep. That's exactly what I doing now.
I suffered from PTSD after my husband died. I was his caregiver for years, worked, and saturated with stress. Almost killed myself twice by jumping in front of the train and drowning myself.
Through therapy, I learned to listen to my body and not the noises of other people. Slow process but very rewarding.
Congrats! Glad you're still with us! Rest and heal! ♥
@brendadrew834 thank you.
@@marlynarteagasolisrobinson YW :)
Today i went for a walk
Yes! allot time for walks.
My puppy took me for a walk🐤
im single, no kids, house paid off, work 3 days a week, quite a few hobbies, i STILL have tons of free time to be "lazy"
Same here, I work 0.8 so technically part time and since I’ve been single Saturday’s are my day to clean then relax/do art/work out and decompress its wonderful cause my batteries are charged for my non lazy week ahead
What type of work you do??
@susanjones6410 I'm a bartender and run a handyman business. I paid cash for a 900 sq ft fixer upper 6 years ago which has allowed me to save very fast only paying property taxes as rent.
@susanjones6410 Since my situation is similar (I work two days a week, medical field) I will tell you "how I got here" while you wait for the original poster to reply. First off, I grew up very simple so I don't even want things that most people want. My kids are grown and gone and I'm widowed. I have a mobile home that was paid off in six years so no housing expense now except property taxes which is pretty low on mobile homes. Having lived here so long, I know my home inside and out and can do most repairs myself. I paid cash for my used vehicle which I've had for ten years. My bills are electricity, water, groceries, vehicle liability insurance, and a landline phone bundled with internet. That's it. I love simple country foods like beans, cornbread, potatoes, oatmeal, grits, eggs, milk and produce from my garden. I cut my own hair and don't spend money on manicures, pedicures, tv cable, movie channels or eating out. You Tube provides more than I can keep up with to watch, including concerts, movies, and news. Since I enjoy my backyard (mow it myself) and hardly ever go anywhere, I need very few clothes which I get at thrift stores and I spend about $8 a month on gasoline. My entertainment is birdwatching in my backyard, gardening, nature walks, camping, playing my piano, exercising, talking on the phone, reading, and You Tube. I save money so that when I need car repairs or an unexpected expense, I have the money. Also have occasionally taken trips to Alaska, NYC, and the Caribbean. The key is to pay off everything and know how to actually enjoy living on "nothing". I have so much time! I love my life. It's so uncomplicated and free!!
Your situation is not the norm.
It took me 60 years to learn to chill!
I'm so glad you guys are talking about this! I've had workaholic friends who shame me for sleeping in or relaxing on my couch. It's good for our health to chill😊
Your friends have it wrong. You are enjoying your life and time. Keep relaxing
They are jealous
Ecclesiastes 4:6 “Better is a handful of rest than two handfuls of hard work and chasing after the wind.”
The value of doing nothing gives a person a new perspective and a greater appreciation of life.
Waking up every day and not having anything particular to have to do is bliss👀💕
I remember a time when on Sunday, ALL stores except maybe one gas station , and the hospital, were the ONLY THING OPEN. It forced everyone into a day of rest/ family time . The term “ Sunday drive” came from that time period.
Sunday was the wrong day. The true Sabbath is on the 7th day of the week, Saturday. It's not too late to start doing the right thing!
I remember, and then the consumer culture was born. OOPS!
Germany is still closing down on Sundays. Everything is closed. There are no noise ordinances in place. All you can do is rest & take it easy. It's actually very refreshing.
@@LAVirgo67 majority of countries in Europe does.
Balance is the key here, and in all areas of life. Work/relaxation, love for others/self, etc.
Being lazy doesn't mean doing nothing physically but mentally. Allowing your mind to relax / to rest here and there more often definitely has a big help with your over all well-being ❤️🙏🏻🌸
During the second chapter of my life I’ve begun to appreciate being lazy. It a process I’m still aspiring to perfect as a retiree.
Well said! I’m a nurse and I require to multitask but there are times when my brain is overwhelmed. Now I understand very well why!
Also a nurse and this is why taking our PTO is so important! And not getting bullied into picking up extra shifts all the time. We need our rest too.
I’ve been retired since 2012 when I turned 55 years old. I have been “lazy” since then. There is no shame in my game. I worked hard for 33 years. No more!
I’m too busy being crushed by the cost of living to be lazy but if you can do it good for you.
Yeah, it’s most definitely a thing of privilege.
@@TheCriticalChrisagreed, because no one lets you use a bathroom for free and it's hard to stay out all day without one. And there are too few free public restrooms. And no one wants to talk about this honestly.
Been quiet quitting my entire life and proud of it.
Me too.
God knows best. He commanded us to take one day off out of seven. It is known as the Sabbath or Shabbat. God also sets up feast days throughout the year to not work. God knows best. He loves you.
"They say I"m lazy but it takes all my time, life's been good to me so far" Joe Walsh
For the last 10 years, I've scheduled a lazy time and/or day.
It's great for mental health and focasing later..
So true. Sometimes when I can't get something to work, it's amazing how coming back to it after a break, it suddenly works fine.
The full body zoom in when she said I’m a very healthy person was crazy !!😂
For her sake, hopefully she will soon realize she needs to work on that.
@@paja7647it’s our food - I had to finally give up all processed food - as it caused problems for me - losing weight effortlessly . Already didn’t eat gluten and dairy - soy - most grains - no way could I live on Amtrak food for 2 weeks as they don’t have allergy free menu - but her idea is a good start . Lions are carnivore - perhaps she’s getting to that in a roundabout way ? I can’t do carnivore but aim for keto low carb .
Ah yes, the very necessary Fatphobia...mind your own business.
True wealth is discretionary time, isn't it? 🙂
It is all we have
It’s a pretty acknowledged fact that a lot of creators - great accomplished ones - deliberately go for long walks, doodle, etc because they know the great ideas come slowly and only when invited obliquely.
Exactly why I never went to a high school reunion. My be and do balance varies but leans toward being.
I strive to be a human being instead of a human doing
Hard work in America equals to less pay and burn out quickly.
Unfortunately true especially in retail and fast food industries
It used to be called: Daydreaming
That's what loving to work too much gets you. YOU HAVE 1 LIFE. ENJOY IT. STRESS WILL TAKE YOU OUT.
I'm not lazy, I just really enjoy doin nuthin
A profound difference between down time and laziness.
I think balance is vital. When I chose not to do anything, and just be lazy; I feel this odd depression setting in.
It's called acedia. You discovered something ancient philosophers know, the dark side of inaction.
I absolutely agree and can say that I feel the same way. I thought I had something wrong with me when I would be depressed or randomly anxious on my days off from work. I’ve always been someone who needs something to do, something to be active in. Not being able to have that gave me those feelings. But I realized recently that I don’t have many hobbies and I put too much emphasis and identity at work. I didn’t have a balance from work and home. I’ve been doing better now with getting into hobbies and finding out what else I like doing and going back to being lazy. We need to relax. We are not robots.
I never took pride in busyness.
I absolutely love treating myself.
I retired early a few years ago. For the first year, I felt like I had to be productive but eventually I was able to slow down. Unfortunately, I slowed down too much and was spending a LOT of time doing nothing but watch RUclips videos on things I wanted to try (but not much time actually doing it). I got so tired of sitting around doing nothing I actually went back to work to have something to do. But full time work made the pendulum swing too far so next month I will go part-time. I’m hoping to find the right balance with this move.
The worst part of doing nothing, is that you never know when you’re finished. 😁😑
I think we need to stop using the word "lazy" and replace it to what some of us actually mean when we say "we're feeling lazy", and that's "burned out", "exhausted", and "tired". Lazy is when you refuse to do any work, the opposite of ambition, like you still have energy but you use that energy to goof off when you should be doing work.When you're burned out or just plain tired, you have no more energy to give. That's a sign of overwork and that you need to rest, however rest looks like to someone, e.g. sleeping, spa day, playing video games, watching sports, hanging out with friends and family, etc.
The example with the lions, I wouldn't call them lazy. They are just efficient when it comes to energy management. Back when we were hunter gatherers, we only used a few hours of our day to do what we needed for survival, such as getting food, and had the rest of our day to do what we wanted. Then somewhere around 10-12 kya we settled down and got into an exhaustive subsistence system called agriculture. It takes so much work to grow crops, and if it's a bad harvest you starve.
On top of agriculture, as our society grew more complex, we developed systems that kept us busy with the mindset that if you're not working then you're doing something wrong. Our society as a whole (at least in the US), needs to learn that resting is okay and necessary. And our govt can help with that by mandating that employers give their employees at least 3 weeks of PTO for the year. One week of PTO and 3 sick days for a whole year is so ridiculous!
Well said!! Totally agree!
Actually, farming, and storage of food, gave us a lot more free time. That's when art and music developed, for example.
Energy Management. I like that concept.
Nobody's on their death bed wishing they had spent more time working. But many people regret not spending more time actually enjoying themselves and their loved ones. Hell, even God took a day off.
god… 😂 no such thing as
hell...who? What?
1:50 idleness, leisure time is necessary for our wellbeing.
Unfortunately idle time has gotten a bad wrap and high productivity is rewarded or like a badge of honor then you realize it meant little but warring yourself out.
5:27 we all need non intention activity, non intentional thought so we can recalibrate.
6:26 some of the most productive and prolific people of our time worked 4 hrs a day and were lazy the rest.
4:33 most people are really single minded not multi task minded. The best thoughts come to you when your mind is in silence and you let thoughts come out and form.
That lady is still aggressive and on edge. It will take her a looong time to finally learn to relax
I like to sit by the pond with my guitar and improv some blues. No thoughts, just feeling the music.
“Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is the noble art of leaving things undone. The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of non-essentials.” ― Lin Yutang, The Importance of Living
Excellent segment w/deep human interest. Choosing to do nothing, when you can be doing Anything, is a luxury. After all, we are Human-Beings not Human-Doings
I love Celeste's TEDTalk about how to have great conservations. And it goes perfectly with this - quieting the mind. It not only leads to better conversations because you are in the moment, present, and engaged. You have more to offer in the conversation, in your career, and in your life. Simply because you had time to recharge and reflect.
I leave my mobile phone home all the time and never give it a second thought.
Even as a young person, every time I rest or take time to enjoy something that may not be seen as traditionally productive (like watching a movie), I feel guilty afterward. I’m glad that this is being discussed.
As a single mom, I worked two jobs and put two kids through college. At age 60, I was sick and exhausted, and took early retirement and moved back to the old homeplace I had inherited way out in the country. That was 17 years ago and I still work physically pretty hard to maintain my life here. But I'm working for myself and it is actually often fun and challenging activities. And when I'm not working, I rest and enjoy myself. It all feels like a great adventure! 👍 😊
u might enjoy reading about helen and scott nearing. intheir 70s they slowly built a home with rocks on some land in vt i believe.
I have been retired for fourteen years and people still ask me all the time what I do to keep busy! The answer is not much.
There’s definitely a balance that is necessary. I like to be productive everyday doing a few things…I do have friends that do not know how to relax…and that is sad.
Being lazy is the opposite of people pleasing
I have a friend who always has to be doing things and I’m like girl chill. I enjoy lounge and leisure, it’s my favorite hobby. It keeps you looking young and feeling your best when you’re in stressful situations
Amen to this.
I'm able to work my best when I give my body and mind the time to decompress.
It’s a good message. But we need to recommend a good balance rather than just being lazy. If only we could do nothing all day. I mean everyone wants to do that but we just can’t
In our hurry up fast paced 16 hr work days (yes, there are companies that expect you to answer calls all the way to bedtime), we forget how much slower life used to be…horse and buggy, manual labor for most chores, hours spent on fine dining (and dressing elegantly for the wealthy) and TIME to enjoy simple things: a child’s laughter, a puppy playing, chatting with neighbors. Our digital always-turned-on world has robbed of us of so much joy.
When was the last time you wrote a letter or sent a card instead of an email, text or emoji? When was the last time you made a phone call instead of texting? How often do you look at all your Facebook followers and ask yourself “who are these people?” We cheat ourselves of real and meaningful lives everyday.
I always take time to tune out and do nothing ❤
In europe everything is closed on Sundays,people unplug and spend time together,be productive all week and rest on the seventh day.
It's amazing how balanced your mind becomes when it isn't constantly being pushed and pulled by endless stimuli.
Breathe and be present. The slower you are, the longer the moment lasts.
Basically, I like the idea of doing something, rather than doing nothing. It always helps to pass the time, each day.
“It is better to do something than to do nothing while waiting to do everything.”
~ Winston Churchill
@@lifesabeach5405My grandfather used to always tell me, that “even if you miss the point of something, you can always find a way to get back up on your feet, and try, try again.”
That’s another way of having to do something, rather than nothing, to help pass the time, on a daily basis.
“Laziness” in the negative IS a negative when it involves a bad attitude, deliberate selfish neglect and it’s a habit where you additionally take advantage of others. Laziness in this sense is wrong. Period.
Leisure time, Relaxing , taking hours to do ‘nothing’ isn’t lazy. Now, it’s time to get some stuff done… see ya!
Naps, tea while looking at the sky, staring at animals, sitting simeplace, hust sitting. Syanding someolace, yes just standing. No talking.
One doesn't need to work 10, 12 hours per day. Work smarter. Not harder. It's ok to have "down" time or lazy days.
I mastered the art of "just putzing around."
Great segment! I retired 3 years ago and have struggled with overcoming the embarassment of not keeping myself busy all the time.
I know the feeling, but slowly realized that if I can afford my retirement, no need to be embarrassed because I did something right!
During the late 2000's & 2010's to be severely stressed dealing with work/unemployment, school, trying to keep up with phony friends that never was there for me (I'm very thankful my marriage & family saved me from having a mid-life crisis). Now, since the beginning of the 2020's I made significant changes since I work in the Spa Industry to take it easy, think, relax & enjoy the beauty of Life.😊❤️
Excellent piece!
The scientists working part time probably had a salary provided by a university or a government grant. They didn't have some psychotic corporate supervisor micro-managing their work hours.
I've been "lazy" my whole life. I'll be 70 my next birthday. In retrospect, I wish I'd left the country in my youth -- though I'm not sure where exactly I would have gone. America is a cult of "busy" and it's been hard to swim against that tide. Hard to maintain a sense of personal worth. Hard to explain myself to friends. Hard to get a job (as the segment mentions, employers want multi-taskers). But my oh my! What a life I've had, what I've learned about myself, what rich chance exchanges with humans and other life forms. Except for maybe giving myself a break by moving when I was in my 20s to a country that at least honors afternoon siestas, I have no regrets.
I really like how you write.
@@justmejenny7986 Thank you. My memoir manuscript is with a potential publisher. I hope they feel as you do.
I am feeling this BIG TIME! I am going to be 56 next week and I have already had one nervous breakdown in 2022 and I am so overwhelmed with stuff it is hard to find time to relax. I have to balance "oh, I have time off.. now I can "Catch up" with all the chores and tasks I have have had to do at home" ... with I just want to veg and do art and read a book. The TENSION is palpable. However, I do not have the luxury of taking a 2 week train trip.... I wish.
Lazy is probably not a “ proper term” here. You can be active but enjoy what you do.
Absolutely this. I’m a textbook workaholic and pushed thru the burnout for years until it finally broke my brain and cut my productivity in half. Making time to rest, I accomplish more in less time and enjoy it more. But it’s really tricky to force yourself to relax and get your mind off-task.
This lady is almost me. At least before getting sick. I’d have multiple jobs, was an opera singer, jazz artist who performed live, studio songwriter and studio background vocalist. Worked at a bank, created networking groups, helped two friends w their startups, 😂 and then at 26 preggers, I got preggers and was diagnosed with Lupus. Still stayed active until 2013 after a second baby and a PE. On medical leave now and considering going on SSI…
It took traveling out of the country to understand that a huge American value is hard work and staying busy till burn out.
She is right, completely right about this. But what is unfortunate, is there is a huge swath of people in this country that cannot afford to take the time off they so desperately need. I wish we could all be like this, but in reality, we can't.
Lazy when you can work and don't especially if you're not in a house wife/husband situation. Relax is the reward you get for working hard all day at the end of the day.
I think once people get perspective they will recognize what's important. I don't over work myself anymore because I'm not doing extra for my employer. I will put in extra for my family time and self care. I'm better for it
Now I have health issues and can't do what I used to. So this is GREAT to hear so I don't feel guilty !
Social media and wifi are main culprits stopping us from having a lazy time. We are unable to focus on our work even for an hour, and that makes us appear busy all the time becs we are dividing our time ... a distraction that Albert Einstein, Charles Dickens and others at that time did not have. Good lesson to follow
society today does not tolerate "doing nothing". Everyone I know has their weekends packed from start to finish....has their kids scheduled with things to do for the entire weekend without a break. with no down time for them to sit and daydream....and let their minds wander is unheard of today !!! I had downtime growing up. I looked forward to coming home from school....getting a snack.....unwinding at home.....daydreaming......and settling down. After a whole day in school with one thing after another......coming home and having quiet time was terrific. I looked forward to some peace and quiet. We had no computers....cell phones....cable TV....just landline phone and a bicycle to go out and look for friends to hang with..... Stores were CLOSED on Sunday. period. And life was good. No stress like today. People were kind and pleasant..... Everything is a competition today.....who does more and has more. Sitting home with nothing to do makes you a "loser" today. I am retired....( a few years ago) and had a hard time at first. I also felt I had to "DO things." I have a routine now.....but always make time for "ME." I like sitting TV or phone.....being outside with nature and I do believe that if more people went back to the "good old days" and just hang with friends at home ......most stress would go away. Where is it written our days have to be filled the entire time we are awake? If someone wants to label me as lazy....that's OK. Call it what you want. you know the expression....all work and no play.......
I’ve been practicing this for a few months and it’s been really good.
Unfortunately, in the American economy, a large percentage of people have to work themselves to death just to earn a “living,” and don’t simply have the choice of “being lazy.” Rent alone has increased exponentially while income has not. Like Bernie says: “It’s okay to Be Angry About Capitalism.”
It's because they buy expensive high tech cars they don't need.
They probably buying things to impress people they don’t even like.
How about starting a bookkeeping business? I will do this soon and replace my income in several months to quit my Walmart job. Then by next year, i will only be working 20 hours per week and making even more significant income. So I will reach the 4 hour work day per this video.
@@ljacobs357 so?
Ironically ameruca worked a 30 hr work week. 2 dem senators under fdr opted for 40 gross consunerism. Big big mistake.
sometimes i wonder, at my 9-6 office job, am i really incompetent or am i simply handling too many tasks 😢 i feel its the latter, even i feel like i have done a crime whenever i got ill. everything is too fast and no slowing down. population overall is still growing, competition has only become even tougher. instead of slowing down, i need to double the speed, and its awful 😢
I take a nap daily but I have to. Im disabled and body shuts down after 4 hrs up on my feet. Im losing weight and use to not be able to do 2 hrs. 220 now to 209.. Hope to be back to my 175 which is normal for me. I will do it.
You can do it! I don't know you but I'm proud of you. Keep going!
Unpopular opinion...I never understood why some ppl force the phrase, ' the early bird gets the worm.' I rather use that time to rest, get more sleep. I owe my health to the fact I allow myself to rest;sleep when things get to hectic and I'm overworked during the week.
We just go to bed earlier so we can get more done when it’s quiet and everyone else is sleeping. That’s all it means. It doesn’t work for everyone.
These are the stories sunday morning is best at. Do more
I love being lazy at home ❤ everyone tells me to get a life. I love my life as is. I'm a business owner and I spend my time between work and home. And I'm completely content.
Hard work pays off later. Laziness pays off now.