As always, thank you for taking the time to keep people informed. Getting real tired of the rush to market, fix it along the way approach manufacturers have been taking (not just SA).
It’s been like this in the video game industry for a decade now, so the problem you’re rightly addressing is endemic to the economy as a whole. I’m sure in new apartment construction it’s the same (once it becomes someone else’s problem to repair things when the units are already being rented).
Thanks for the SA-35 update. I was intrigued when the SA-35 came out, especially since Browning stopped production. I went to a couple local gun shops and asked if they had any I could look at, and neither did. This was late 2021. I have 2, Browning HP's that I have sent to your team for upgrades and I am very happy with the work your team did. Depending on how the SA-35 progresses, I may add one to my collection, and if I do, I'll be sending it to you to work your magic.
Mark, as always, another excellent detailed review. I'm sure I'm not alone in my appreciation of an engineer who speaks in English to us non-technicals in the audience. I am currently waiting for the 30-day California holding period to end for the purchase of a consigned SA*35 (Born March 2023, Ser#18,xxx). Just in case it turns out that there are issues with the gun, is there a BHSprings service/repair package that will remedy all the issues of the SA*35?
@@sig7798 I had the slide completely debarred and a new extractor with appropriate spring and a fast system so which comes with a complete spring replacement and tuned to about 4-41/2 lb trigger. I can’t remember exactly the cost but it was extremely reasonable. The performance of the pistol speaks for itself. Call BH and ask for John Zelisky. They are knowledgeable and SUPER to deal with.
@@williambarnette1049 I sent mine back to Springfield back in July. I had problems right out of the box. The SA is back at my FFL but I am out of the country for the last few months. And I hope next week to pick it up. My FFL told me there is a full report on what SA did to include putting 70rds threw it with no issue. Well will see.......... More to follow
@@williambarnette1049Hi Bill. I picked up the SA35. The documentation that accompanied the pistol was a packing list that indicated repair and test complete. Tuned Extractor, safety checked and tested 75 rounds. Nothing of what physical repair was performed, parts replaced etc. I called Springfield and customer services to understand what was done and could he explain what tuned the extractor meant and customer service danced like stepping on hot rocks anyway after about 15 min of discussion customer service said a repair tech will be calling me. So I will wait another day then I will call back. Now for the meat. I went to the range yesterday and test fired slow and rapid fire 50 rds of Federal 115grn followed by 50rds 115grn of my hand loads and did not have a single issue!! I plan on doing the same today but putting more rds threw the pistol. Part of my testing today will include accuracy as yesterday my focus was just putting rounds down range to see if the original issue would repeat itself. So as of this writing i'm good. Hope I feel the same later today
I got my sa35 a couple weeks ago. 97** serial number range. The only upgrade I did was a bh solutions sear lever with spring. Almost to 500 rds. No issues yet. Didn't notice sharp edges and haven't had the dreaded failure to feed /eject.
I just picked the SA 35 up yesterday (19 July) and went to the range and I had failure to feed right out of the box on the secon round. In total I had 3 failures to feed shooting a box of 50 rds of Federal ammo. Worst performance out of any handgun I have owned. Going back to Springfield!!
mine works great, you must have had a defective gun. im over 600 rounds in on mine and not one single failure. however i have noticed that it is very hard to rack the slide when it gets hot from shooting due to expansion however it doesnt seem to effect the performance.
@@YblockEnthusiast Many, many complaints regarding the extractor issue with the SA-35 might be with the earlier first production SNs...... When I first call SA they stated they do not track issues by SN or Lots. My SN is 4 digit which most likely fits into a low SN category. Anyway see my correspondence with Bill Barnette. With regard to you comment about racking the slide when hot, I did not have any issues with that when I test fired mine yesterday and I was slamming lead down range. So not sure what your issue might be.
Does this mean that for the most recent guns that the prior issues have all been addressed by the factory? If that is so then it would mean that just this issue of extractor clearances remains to be resolved? Thanks.
Thanks for working on my SA-35. the HP9000 range SA is mine. I shoot IDPA and USPA. I would love to run a session with Bill. I am in Huntsville AL. Usually shoot a CZ Chezmate or a Stacatto XC, but I have always wanted to run a HP.
@@williambarnette1049 MY EDC is a 1980's vintage BHP, that I had upgraded at BH Spring Solutions. I have been a BHP fan for many, many years. The BHP ergonomics are a perfect fit for me and as accurate as I need it to be. My friends would ask me, 'if you can have only one gun, which would it be?" Hands down, my BHP.
Mine is hp87xx and still has the sharp edge on all location you mentioned plus inside trigger guard. Reliability doesn't know because I only shot 20 rounds of variant cartridge with no failure(124 gr. fmj, 115 gr. hp, 60 gr. arx. Unknow winchester bullet but I think it is 115 gr. fmj).
What I get out of the update is that the extractor problem is worse, since the slide can no longer take stock extractors. Stock extractors now have to be machined to fit. Is SA is milling the extractor channel deeper by the ejection port and shallower by the spring?
Maybe you could send Hickok 45 a hi power that your shop performed the works on . He's got a lot of subscribers and would be a good way to promote you business
I know you've done a pretty extensive breakdown of the Tisas HP on your site but could we ever hope see a video breakdown like this and the Girsan on the Tisas?
WELL ..took mine out (SA 35) and fired it today complete nightmare from the very first magazine every other round did not eject once mag was finally emptied put in new clip could not rack back into firing had to release slide lock manually trigger was still doing the sticky blank spot thing tried 3 kinds of ammo shot about 75-90 rnds and failure to eject spent casing was at least 30% i lost count to be going in and im not even cleaning it either.if they could care less why should i bite me S.A clean it yourself or dont ..BTW the serial no.on this is almost 14000 so that blows the early serial no. theory to hell ..
Mine is just under 4k S/N. I bought it this April, '22. After the first magazine fired, ( with out issue ) every magazine fired afterwards had issues, ( dead trigger during reset, failures to extract, ) with multiple types of factory FMJ and several different magazines. I gave up at around 150 rounds fired. I cleaned her back up, contacted SA and sent it back under an RMA. After just under two months there at SA, I should have it back this week. They listed that the extractor and barrel were replaced. The next chance I get to hit the range, I'll see how it turns out this second time around.
As always, thank you for taking the time to keep people informed. Getting real tired of the rush to market, fix it along the way approach manufacturers have been taking (not just SA).
It’s been like this in the video game industry for a decade now, so the problem you’re rightly addressing is endemic to the economy as a whole.
I’m sure in new apartment construction it’s the same (once it becomes someone else’s problem to repair things when the units are already being rented).
Thanks for the SA-35 update. I was intrigued when the SA-35 came out, especially since Browning stopped production. I went to a couple local gun shops and asked if they had any I could look at, and neither did. This was late 2021. I have 2, Browning HP's that I have sent to your team for upgrades and I am very happy with the work your team did. Depending on how the SA-35 progresses, I may add one to my collection, and if I do, I'll be sending it to you to work your magic.
Mark, as always, another excellent detailed review. I'm sure I'm not alone in my appreciation of an engineer who speaks in English to us non-technicals in the audience. I am currently waiting for the 30-day California holding period to end for the purchase of a consigned SA*35 (Born March 2023, Ser#18,xxx). Just in case it turns out that there are issues with the gun, is there a BHSprings service/repair package that will remedy all the issues of the SA*35?
I believe that you make the finest Hi Powers going. Absolutely amazing how the SA 35 performs.
Bill How much did it cost to go through BH and what all did you have done?
@@sig7798 I had the slide completely debarred and a new extractor with appropriate spring and a fast system so which comes with a complete spring replacement and tuned to about 4-41/2 lb trigger. I can’t remember exactly the cost but it was extremely reasonable. The performance of the pistol speaks for itself. Call BH and ask for John Zelisky. They are knowledgeable and SUPER to deal with.
@@williambarnette1049 I sent mine back to Springfield back in July. I had problems right out of the box. The SA is back at my FFL but I am out of the country for the last few months. And I hope next week to pick it up. My FFL told me there is a full report on what SA did to include putting 70rds threw it with no issue. Well will see.......... More to follow
@@sig7798 keep me informed
@@williambarnette1049Hi Bill. I picked up the SA35. The documentation that accompanied the pistol was a packing list that indicated repair and test complete. Tuned Extractor, safety checked and tested 75 rounds. Nothing of what physical repair was performed, parts replaced etc. I called Springfield and customer services to understand what was done and could he explain what tuned the extractor meant and customer service danced like stepping on hot rocks anyway after about 15 min of discussion customer service said a repair tech will be calling me. So I will wait another day then I will call back.
Now for the meat. I went to the range yesterday and test fired slow and rapid fire 50 rds of Federal 115grn followed by 50rds 115grn of my hand loads and did not have a single issue!! I plan on doing the same today but putting more rds threw the pistol.
Part of my testing today will include accuracy as yesterday my focus was just putting rounds down range to see if the original issue would repeat itself.
So as of this writing i'm good. Hope I feel the same later today
I got my sa35 a couple weeks ago. 97** serial number range. The only upgrade I did was a bh solutions sear lever with spring. Almost to 500 rds. No issues yet. Didn't notice sharp edges and haven't had the dreaded failure to feed /eject.
And thanks for all the vids.helped with installing all the parts I've been buying from you guys.
I just picked the SA 35 up yesterday (19 July) and went to the range and I had failure to feed right out of the box on the secon round. In total I had 3 failures to feed shooting a box of 50 rds of Federal ammo. Worst performance out of any handgun I have owned. Going back to Springfield!!
mine works great, you must have had a defective gun. im over 600 rounds in on mine and not one single failure. however i have noticed that it is very hard to rack the slide when it gets hot from shooting due to expansion however it doesnt seem to effect the performance.
@@YblockEnthusiast Many, many complaints regarding the extractor issue with the SA-35 might be with the earlier first production SNs...... When I first call SA they stated they do not track issues by SN or Lots. My SN is 4 digit which most likely fits into a low SN category. Anyway see my correspondence with Bill Barnette.
With regard to you comment about racking the slide when hot, I did not have any issues with that when I test fired mine yesterday and I was slamming lead down range. So not sure what your issue might be.
Does this mean that for the most recent guns that the prior issues have all been addressed by the factory? If that is so then it would mean that just this issue of extractor clearances remains to be resolved? Thanks.
Thanks for working on my SA-35. the HP9000 range SA is mine. I shoot IDPA and USPA. I would love to run a session with Bill. I am in Huntsville AL. Usually shoot a CZ Chezmate or a Stacatto XC, but I have always wanted to run a HP.
Interesting. Unless I misunderstood your post, I was under the impression that BHP's were not allowed in IDPA, I'm not familiar with USPA.
@@johnbrossack3791 no it’s certainly allowed in ESP category. Just like any single action 9mm
@@williambarnette1049 Thank you, appreciate the update.
@@johnbrossack3791 absolutely my pleasure I wish more people would shoot them I have carried, taught and shot competition with them for a long time.
@@williambarnette1049 MY EDC is a 1980's vintage BHP, that I had upgraded at BH Spring Solutions. I have been a BHP fan for many, many years. The BHP ergonomics are a perfect fit for me and as accurate as I need it to be. My friends would ask me, 'if you can have only one gun, which would it be?" Hands down, my BHP.
Mine is hp87xx and still has the sharp edge on all location you mentioned plus inside trigger guard. Reliability doesn't know because I only shot 20 rounds of variant cartridge with no failure(124 gr. fmj, 115 gr. hp, 60 gr. arx. Unknow winchester bullet but I think it is 115 gr. fmj).
What I get out of the update is that the extractor problem is worse, since the slide can no longer take stock extractors. Stock extractors now have to be machined to fit. Is SA is milling the extractor channel deeper by the ejection port and shallower by the spring?
Maybe you could send Hickok 45 a hi power that your shop performed the works on . He's got a lot of subscribers and would be a good way to promote you business
I know you've done a pretty extensive breakdown of the Tisas HP on your site but could we ever hope see a video breakdown like this and the Girsan on the Tisas?
Why never had an interest to develop a .45ACP version of the hi-power ?
WELL ..took mine out (SA 35) and fired it today complete nightmare from the very first magazine every other round did not eject
once mag was finally emptied put in new clip could not rack back into firing had to release slide lock manually
trigger was still doing the sticky blank spot thing tried 3 kinds of ammo shot about 75-90 rnds and failure to eject spent casing
was at least 30% i lost count to be going in and im not even cleaning it either.if they could care less why should i
bite me S.A clean it yourself or dont ..BTW the serial no.on this is almost 14000 so that blows the early serial no. theory to hell ..
Mark, is the problem with the extractor slot on the SA-35 that it’s cut too shallow to provide a deep enough bite on the case rim?
Yesterday I shot the SA-35 better than the HK P30. Then I listened to this video and checked my serial number. It is under 2000! Rats!
Mine is just under 4k S/N.
I bought it this April, '22. After the first magazine fired, ( with out issue ) every magazine fired afterwards had issues, ( dead trigger during reset, failures to extract, ) with multiple types of factory FMJ and several different magazines. I gave up at around 150 rounds fired.
I cleaned her back up, contacted SA and sent it back under an RMA. After just under two months there at SA, I should have it back this week. They listed that the extractor and barrel were replaced.
The next chance I get to hit the range, I'll see how it turns out this second time around.
Why didn't they just pay you for an improved extractor and spring kit design and pay you a consulting fee for your expertise!
Get the point already. You ramble on too much and talk as slow as that guy was shooting. Thumbs down.
Serial number 22,492 has resolved the extractor issue .. just fyi