I’ve oped this for three hours straight. With jeans and a belt. I’ve also added a custom bracket on the back to hold a microwave transmitter for broadcast trucks.
Just ordered my float yesterday, super pumped to learn everything I can. I appreciate y’all taking the time to make this, definitely help level set those expectations. Y’all are awesome 😎 🤘
What is the mounting bracket + handle set up here at 14:17? I'm looking to do something like this with my red dsmc3 monitor + komodo x, where I can install a follow focus. thanks!!
Regarding the continued presence of shaky or jittery footage (when using the Tilta Float), are there any reviews or comments about using Canon lenses that have "in-lens" stabilization to reduce shaky or jittery footage when paired with the Tilta Float and/or DJI RS Pro Gimbals?
Great review thank you it really helped me make a decision, I have been considering the Float for events and wedding shoots. I had a 6hr wedding shoot on Saturday and at the end of the day I decided its time to get the float because my arms and shoulders where killing me.
If I was in your place I would fix the batteries to & balance it my camera... May be it would avoid the shaking of camera too much we will get a smooth feel... It's just an opinion... Thanks but bro's you have done a very good setup... In near future I am planning to buy it with your's setup... Amazing work...
Hey man, great content! Do you think The battery pendulum is a best solution than the regular metal plate pendulum? If i use some more heavy vmount battteries on the diy pendulum, does it still work great?
Good Question! I don't think using heavier or lighter Vmount batteries will make a difference. The main reason I like the battery pendulum method is the greater shift in weight when I go from high to low. Once my float is balanced it will stay perfectly in high, low, and horizontal position on its own. I never found the stock pendulum heavy enough to anchor it all 3 of those positions.
Amazing work!!! Really appreciated your review!
Your pendulum idea on the batteries is fantastic. I am totally doing that.
I’ve oped this for three hours straight. With jeans and a belt. I’ve also added a custom bracket on the back to hold a microwave transmitter for broadcast trucks.
I love this please do more of these especially ones out in the field!
Thanks for these videos on the Tilta Float. Can you do a video about modding the vest back support?
Love what you guys are doing. Keep up the great work and thank you for sharing your wisdom with so many!!!
Just ordered my float yesterday, super pumped to learn everything I can. I appreciate y’all taking the time to make this, definitely help level set those expectations. Y’all are awesome 😎 🤘
Thanks guys, I Just ordered the float as I shoot a lot of weddings and have a shoulder injury. I'm hoping this will help.
I am considering getting it too and this video is a blessing. Thanks!
Great coverage! Thanks for including details about your mods, as the clips you showed have several different variations.
What is the mounting bracket + handle set up here at 14:17? I'm looking to do something like this with my red dsmc3 monitor + komodo x, where I can install a follow focus. thanks!!
Hi nice video. Is this also be used as a steadycam insterad of dual grip and can I use zhyun crane 3s with this system. Thank you
Thanks for the great video! Really considering the Tilta Float system.
Realistic review... thanks!
Regarding the continued presence of shaky or jittery footage (when using the Tilta Float), are there any reviews or comments about using Canon lenses that have "in-lens" stabilization to reduce shaky or jittery footage when paired with the Tilta Float and/or DJI RS Pro Gimbals?
Great review thank you it really helped me make a decision, I have been considering the Float for events and wedding shoots. I had a 6hr wedding shoot on Saturday and at the end of the day I decided its time to get the float because my arms and shoulders where killing me.
Oh I've been there! Happy you found the video helpful!
whats the Tilta vest you have? it doesnt seem standard - looks like an upgrade of some sort?
Does it work for crane 4?
If I was in your place I would fix the batteries to & balance it my camera... May be it would avoid the shaking of camera too much we will get a smooth feel... It's just an opinion... Thanks but bro's you have done a very good setup... In near future I am planning to buy it with your's setup... Amazing work...
Hey man, great content! Do you think The battery pendulum is a best solution than the regular metal plate pendulum? If i use some more heavy vmount battteries on the diy pendulum, does it still work great?
Good Question! I don't think using heavier or lighter Vmount batteries will make a difference. The main reason I like the battery pendulum method is the greater shift in weight when I go from high to low. Once my float is balanced it will stay perfectly in high, low, and horizontal position on its own. I never found the stock pendulum heavy enough to anchor it all 3 of those positions.
@@digitalfeast May I ask where you've bought this new pendulum? Looking for it online but can't seem to find it.
It's a shame the price of it increased by 300 EUR for NO REASON here in Europe...
Camera Rigging Mods 🤌🤯!Thanks