Did Pope Francis Just Lie To Billions of Christians?

  • Опубликовано: 21 май 2024
  • Did Pope Francis Just Lie To Billions of Christians?
    Check out more amazing content here: faithandtrust.org
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    On Sunday, Pope Francis may have done a disservice to billions of Christians by asserting that people's hearts are inherently good.
    Is that true? What does the Bible say about human nature (i.e., the heart)? What did Jesus say... And did the Pope just make a statement that directly contradicted Him?
    You'll see two different videos... One is Pope Francis in his own words. Another is by Ray Comfort who uses the 10 Commandments and people's own words to demonstrate that they are not good.
    By his words, the Pope, who may have had good intentions, may have fallen into the trap of pluralism and relativism. What are the consequences of his statement and what is the proper response?
    Let's dive in...

Комментарии • 142

  • @robbyrockets1
    @robbyrockets1 Месяц назад +6

    Yes the Pope did call Jesus Christ a liar. He needs to repent, but I'm sure he'll try to say he was misunderstood because the church teaches that the Pope is infallible. There is One Christ, and His name isn't Mary, or Pope Francis, His name is Jesus.
    And there is one Gospel, and it's not the Gospel the Catholic church teaches, at least in recent years.

  • @specialcombatdefensivetact1784
    @specialcombatdefensivetact1784 Месяц назад +12

    That's what the devil says, you are good, you have nothing to be sorry for, and you don't need Christ's continued forgiveness. Did God really say you need to repent? Did Christ really say you need to take up your cross daily? That's the devil talking. Unfortunately, you hear this preaching in many Protestant venues.

    • @jeremiahahemba
      @jeremiahahemba Месяц назад

      The thing is that everything was created good. But it is by choice that people become good or evil.

    • @brattyyoung1917
      @brattyyoung1917 Месяц назад +1

      Yes!! It is in scripture to repent..Yes! He did say pick up your cross daily and follow me....He suffered and died for your salvation/but you need to embrace it..

  • @stevewagner7507
    @stevewagner7507 Месяц назад +9

    So, no need for Jesus anymore? Why is he a priest, let alone pope?

  • @anitaslater488
    @anitaslater488 Месяц назад +3

    It’s Jesus only. No one else, no man’s tradition, no Mary worship. No confession because Jesus and him alone forgives sin. He is our great mediator In heaven on our behalf. If you don’t believe what I wrote, try reading a Bible.

  • @TheCatholicRemedy
    @TheCatholicRemedy Месяц назад +15

    we are all inherently good because we are created in the image of God. We corrupt that goodness through sin.

    • @cibulancemudd9548
      @cibulancemudd9548 Месяц назад +1

      Sorry but the bible says different, and I think that takes president over fallible man.

    • @jamesbunyard4460
      @jamesbunyard4460 Месяц назад +5

      Yes, but if you are Catholic then you believe that original sin corrupts us all from conception. Which means we are not inherently good. If we were inherently good then it would be possible for someone to live a perfect life and thus we wouldn’t need Jesus Christ as a perfect sacrifice. Jesus says “Only The Father is good.”

    • @swoosh1mil
      @swoosh1mil Месяц назад

      @@cibulancemudd9548 Bible book of Genesis says God looked upon all He created and said it is good. So, it’s not an either/or but a both/and…
      Man by creation is good, but at the moment of each conception has been tainted by sin and therefore has a propensity for evil.

    • @Bilfford
      @Bilfford Месяц назад

      Do you have kids? Anyone who has ever raised a child should know that we are inherently bad.

    • @swoosh1mil
      @swoosh1mil Месяц назад

      @@Bilfford MAT 18: 1-5 At that time the disciples approached Jesus and said, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” He called a child over, placed it in their midst, and said, “Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever receives one child such as this in my name receives me.
      I guess Jesus doesn’t agree with you. I’ll stick with what Jesus says.

  • @AttackCop
    @AttackCop Месяц назад +3

    I would not follow the Pope. This guy has been a disaster. Since day one. I called him out when he told the little boy his atheist father was in Heaven. I took much flake. Some Catholics tried to threaten me, and that went as far as shit flying.

  • @jillferrier8715
    @jillferrier8715 Месяц назад

    I grew up in a Methodist Camp Meeting. I’ve attended services at many theologies. Jewish Baptist Methodist Catholic presbyterian and Anglican. I’ve never heard take up your cross daily. I’ve never been taught I was bad. I was taught to strive to love forgiveness grace goodness and the difficulties of being teathered to earth. The sins of the fathers weigh heavier on some than others but I was taught we must walk with God and because of His Son we can do this.
    Peace be with you.

  • @Dah_J
    @Dah_J Месяц назад +2

    I’ve always heard that one of the fundamentals of Catholicism is apostolic succession. This doesn’t look like it to me. He’s preaching a false gospel. Sure we’re all human and we all sin and get our theology wrong at times, but this is something you can’t get wrong as a leader of the entire Catholic Church. I already wasn’t catholic, but this gives me even more reason to stay away from Catholicism.

  • @TheElizabethashby
    @TheElizabethashby Месяц назад +7


  • @aerogers4117
    @aerogers4117 Месяц назад +7

    If the heart of man is inherently good, why do infants need to be baptized to remove original sin?

    • @user-ss4xt1ui1g
      @user-ss4xt1ui1g Месяц назад +3

      This is an Augustinian innovation. St John Chrysostom called the notion of original sin as absurd. Christ said that for one to enter into the kingdom of Heaven one has to be like a child. Children are innocent. We have a fallen nature due to the ancestoral sin of Adam that made us mortal and two gave us an inclination to sin. Children are baptized into the Church to get the grace that Christ offers. This is following Christ's commandment of allowing the children near.

    • @HB_IE52829
      @HB_IE52829 Месяц назад

      @@user-ss4xt1ui1g That is not right, because Jesus Christ is the only way and that alone means that absolutely nobody can enter heaven, but through Him and His sacrifice on the cross, cleansed by His blood. There is no exception. And Mat18 also does not mean that children are without sin. The sin has been committed, there is no doubt about that. We are not in the garden anymore but a fallen world and every single one of us, also new born are sinners. How Christ manages those who can not make such a decision like accepting Him - thats a different question and actually nobody can for sure answer that. But He is righteous... Mat18 means that you need to become like a child, you need to submit like a child submits to his parents, that you want to learn, like a child wants to learn from the parents. The beauty of a little child is its unconsciousness, humility, simplicity, and faith.
      Hope that helps!
      But I think you should read Chysostom again. He says declares that original sin results simply in the liabilities of death and suffering. He did not call is absurd.
      Further, Augustine lived before Chysostom, hence is usually considered as a more reliable scholar, but honestly, I think personally that every new topic and doctrine after about 300ad becomes an opinion, if not backed by scripture or early apostolic church fathers. At some point its not tradition anymore.

    • @travonjackson3170
      @travonjackson3170 Месяц назад +2

      Because RCs are silly

    • @anitaslater488
      @anitaslater488 Месяц назад +1

      If you read about John the Baptist, he never baptized babies. They can not make a decision to be baptized. That baptism mentality is a misunderstanding of God’s word. It’s man’s ignorance of the word that makes people make up their own traditions. It’s not if God.

    • @user-ss4xt1ui1g
      @user-ss4xt1ui1g Месяц назад

      @anitaslater488 Orthodoxy is not made up by sinful man, but the God-man Jesus Christ. Jesus said let the children come to Him, thus the Church baptizes infants on that understanding.

  • @Dah_J
    @Dah_J Месяц назад +1

    I’d have to disagree on the part about Ray Comfort. You can tell people a million times that God loves them and if you just believe in Jesus, you’ll go to heaven. We’re so afraid to offend people nowadays that we leave out the part about our sin separating us from God.
    What Ray comfort does is really important because it shows peoples need for a savior. Because there’s no need for Jesus if nobody sinned against God. Ray shows people that they’ve sinned against God and that actually separates them from God and that’s why they need a savior.
    And ultimately you’ll never be saved if you don’t acknowledge your sin and turn from it. And how can you turn from your sin it if you don’t know you’re a sinner. That’s Rays whole point
    People hear Christians say all the time “Jesus loves you” and “Jesus died for you”, but ultimately those things mean nothing unless you understand that you’ve violated a perfectly holy God and deserve punishment, but God provided a way for you to still be redeemed.

  • @manlybuilder6245
    @manlybuilder6245 Месяц назад +8

    This is stupid, we are the greatest of God's creations, and God saw all he had made and saw that it was GOOD. We are made in God's image and likeness, how is that not good. Would God love us if were weren't good? Would God die for us if were were not good? You are confusing the message of God's pure goodness and our brokenness but underneath the sin were are still God's creation, which is inherently good.

    • @midwestbjh8635
      @midwestbjh8635 Месяц назад +3

      Ever since Adam and Eve sinned in the garden, we inherited the sin nature. Did you not see the scriptures he quoted @ 3:41? May I also add Psalms 14:3 and 1John 1:8-10. Thats why we need Jesus Christ as Lord and savior.

    • @brucebarber4104
      @brucebarber4104 Месяц назад


    • @emmanuelakpobolokemi7663
      @emmanuelakpobolokemi7663 Месяц назад +1

      You got it wrong. The goodness here is not the goodness of our nature that is off course distorted due to sin, but the goodness of the heart. The human heart is not fundamentally good. There is so much wickedness in the world because the human heart is desperately wicked, as both experience and the Judeo-Christian revelation attests to. Our hope therefore can only be centered and rooted primarily in the divine goodness and providential care of God.

  • @travonjackson3170
    @travonjackson3170 Месяц назад +1

    Funny that they say the point of the Pope is to bring clarity...

  • @dameanvil
    @dameanvil Месяц назад +1

    He cannot lie, he is the word of the Catholic god. So much for the quality of the catholic believer.

  • @Kathi-tv2sd
    @Kathi-tv2sd Месяц назад

    God wrote the laws on our heart - but we need to guard our heart - we are easily deceived by feelings - but we are not slaves to our feelings - greater is a man who can control himself than a man who controls a whole city

  • @marcodavalos8931
    @marcodavalos8931 Месяц назад +10

    Pope infalibility is only when he speaks ex cathedra is preserved from the possibility of error on doctrine "initially given to the apostolic Church and handed down in Scripture and tradition".

    • @FaithandTrustinChrist
      @FaithandTrustinChrist  Месяц назад +3

      Either way, neither Scripture not tradition before 1054 gave anyone infallibility. All bishops were equal throughout the church and the Bishop of Rome was no exception. It was a new doctrine that didn't exist for the 1st 1,000 years of the Church. This doctrine was not handed down to anyone from the Apostle's or early church fathers in the 1st or 2nd century, or later. ~ Don

    • @BFMC169DeadBroke
      @BFMC169DeadBroke Месяц назад

      The heart of the people are good? That’s why it seems to me that the whole world especially The USA seems to be under Gods judgement and the current administration is leading the way straight to hell. I am praying for everyone right now because none of us are good! Jesus Christ is the only one whom is worthy!

    • @BFMC169DeadBroke
      @BFMC169DeadBroke Месяц назад +1

      I am glad to see a Catholic ( I am assuming because of his attire) is standing up against what the Pope had said.

    • @FaithandTrustinChrist
      @FaithandTrustinChrist  Месяц назад +3

      @@BFMC169DeadBroke Thank you for your comment. I appreciate your kind words. I am not Roman Catholic. I'm American Orthodox. Hope that clarifies. :) ~ Don

    • @technicalboy1816
      @technicalboy1816 Месяц назад

      @@BFMC169DeadBroke He is not a catholic. They are Church of America, dressing like Catholic priests and hiding their church name!

  • @doveleboeuf6625
    @doveleboeuf6625 Месяц назад

    Rsy should've told them they needed to repent for they're sins and live a good life from then, a clean life!! Being born again in Christ!!

  • @elisemchenry6765
    @elisemchenry6765 Месяц назад

    The pope's heart is desiving, and he doesn't know it.

  • @jillferrier8715
    @jillferrier8715 Месяц назад

    I pose a question. What if a person who has done horrific things is neurologically impaired? What if they are schizophrenic or have a cluster B personality disorder? If they don’t want to be bad and are wired wrong what then?

  • @matthewvandeventer3632
    @matthewvandeventer3632 Месяц назад

    If people are not fundamentally good and god created people, then what does that make god?

  • @irmaruiter5170
    @irmaruiter5170 Месяц назад

    Sir, you don't understand papal infallibility. Infallibility is only invoked when the Pope is teaching "ex-cathedra" - that is, when he is officially teaching dogma from the chair of Peter. Infallibility refers to the theological concept that the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church as founded by the One Who Is Truth Himself, Jesus Christ, is not only free from error, but also free from the possibility of error when clearly defining a matter of faith or morals. It belongs not just to the Pope but to the whole College of Bishops when teaching dogma. It does not mean that he is infallible when expressing personal opinions, as he did in this interview, nor does it mean that the Pope is free from sin.

  • @Lonect7
    @Lonect7 Месяц назад

    The Bible also has several figures who were called "righteous" or "blameless" such as Abraham, Job, David, and Zechariah, and the Bible has several accounts of sins that these men have committed in the Bible. This appears to be in direct contrast to Mark 10:18 where Jesus says that "no one is good except God alone," as quoted in this video. These men also contrast with Romans 3:10-12, which says that "...None is righteous, no, not one; no one understands, no one seeks for God. All have turned aside, together they have gone wrong; no one does good, not even one."
    Ironically, the truth behind this "discrepancy" can be found in that very quote from Jeramiah, and this truth was expressed by Pope Francis. In Jeremiah, the heart is described at "sick," but for that to be true, the heart must have a natural state of wellness. That same principle is what the pope was describing; we are fundamentally good, but we are also corrupted by sin, as the pope said when he called himself and everyone else sinners.

  • @user-kd8uq2yl5d
    @user-kd8uq2yl5d Месяц назад +1

    A description of the Antichrist in the Bible:
    "Let no one deceive you in any way. For unless the apostasy comes first and the lawless one is revealed, the one doomed to perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god and object of worship, so as to seat himself in the temple of God, claiming that he is a god - do you not recall that while I was still with you I told you these things? And now you know what is restraining, that he may be revealed in his time. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. But the one who restrains is to do so only for the present, until he is removed from the scene. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord [Jesus] will kill with the breath of his mouth and render powerless by the manifestation of his coming, the one whose coming springs from the power of Satan in every mighty deed and in signs and wonders that lie, and in every wicked deceit for those who are perishing because they have not accepted the love of truth so that they may be saved."
    (2 Thessalonians, 2:3-10 in the Catholic Bible)

  • @botsterfilion7718
    @botsterfilion7718 Месяц назад +1


  • @keld101
    @keld101 Месяц назад

    I don't sense much love in this. What denomination is this? Jesus was sickened by the sight of sin, But he still loved far more than you. People are not machines that change overnight Because they know what's good for them. Yes the sobering truth is helpful but only if it is accompanied by love.

  • @razielkain12dj40
    @razielkain12dj40 Месяц назад +2

    All people are fundamentally good... Men have sin and wickedness in their hearts, but there are those who act upon those sinfull desires and those who don't, regardless of how strong their temptations get. So on that small explanation I understand what the Pope says.. if people didn't have sin then everyone would be good.. but because we all have sin we have the capability to be good, so we are inherently good because God wills it to be so..now as to the Papal Infallibility is just basically that when he has to teach the doctrine and tradition of the apostles he cannot be in error. Also that authority comes from Jesus he gave authority to Peter..

    • @razielkain12dj40
      @razielkain12dj40 Месяц назад +1

      And please if don't you understand the pope's answer then why not go to Rome and actually ask him...

    • @soldierofmary984
      @soldierofmary984 Месяц назад

      ​@@razielkain12dj40 because people are making money out of Pope slander. It's now a business for them.

    • @susanburrows810
      @susanburrows810 Месяц назад +2

      Do NOT put your faith and trust in a MAN, except the man AND GOD Christ Jesus

  • @crushtheserpent
    @crushtheserpent Месяц назад

    According to the Catholic Church's teachings, people are fundamentally good, as they are created in the image and likeness of God. However, this fundamental goodness has been affected by original sin and its consequences.
    The International Theological Commission states that "the image of God in the human person, although often concealed and twisted in history as a result of original sin and its effects, has never been completely eradicated or destroyed." The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith affirms that "what is human is not only received and respected by faith, but is also purified, elevated and perfected" through Christ's Incarnation.
    The Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church explains that the Church "sees in men and women, in every person, the living image of God himself" and that this image "finds, and must always find anew, an ever deeper and fuller unfolding of itself in the mystery of Christ." Pope John Paul II further emphasises that the Church must proclaim "the reality of creation as it is renewed by the redemption and by the uplifting - effected in Baptism - of each individual person."
    While sin has twisted and concealed the fundamental goodness of human nature, the Catechism of the Catholic Church affirms that through grace, people can grow in virtue, avoid sin, and entrust themselves to God's mercy when they do sin, ultimately attaining "the perfection of charity."
    In summary, the Catholic Church teaches that people are fundamentally good, as they are created in God's image, but this goodness has been affected by sin. Through Christ's redemption and the grace of the sacraments, however, this fundamental goodness can be purified, elevated, and perfected.

  • @user-ls2nb5iw1x
    @user-ls2nb5iw1x Месяц назад

    John 14: 6

  • @menoftheclothKTOG
    @menoftheclothKTOG Месяц назад +2

    How can you have a platform like this, sit in front of what looks like educational achievements, wear a collar, yet be so utterly uninformed.

    • @tomgunn8004
      @tomgunn8004 Месяц назад

      Leave the Catholic ''church'' while you still have time!

    • @menoftheclothKTOG
      @menoftheclothKTOG Месяц назад

      @@tomgunn8004 You confuse the doctrine of infallibility with impeccability. Ignor the clear teaching, in the same interview, that we are all sinners, including himself. Sure he could have chosen not to say "fundamentally", and so just emphasized that all are made in the image of God, but it's an interview with off the cuff answers and we shouldn't expect every phrase to include all the theological qualifiers we might give in a well planned letter. It is exactly this kind of uncharitable, hasty, lazy, inaccurate argumentation that led away from reformed theology and led me to the charitable, rational, biblical, and extremely thorough doctrinal framers that backs the 2000 yr old Catholic church. I pray your bandwagoning doesn't forever blind you from the truth that our Lord would have you come to know and thereby walk so much closer with him and his body.

  • @chriscron5253
    @chriscron5253 Месяц назад +1

    God’s Word makes it very clear if man is ‘good’ and if not good, how to be saved from damnation. So let’s cast aside anyone’s thoughts or opinions and let God Himself answer these questions…
    Romans 3:23 - All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
    Romans 6:23 - The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
    Romans 5:8 - God proves his own love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
    Romans 10:9-10 - If you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. One believes with the heart, resulting in righteousness, and one confesses with the mouth, resulting in salvation.
    Romans 10:13 - Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.

  • @Noel-lk3vr
    @Noel-lk3vr Месяц назад

    Let your yes be yes and no be No (yes)

  • @HB_IE52829
    @HB_IE52829 Месяц назад +1

    God is The Truth. Since God has a will that is expressed by his word (John 1:1) also His word is The Truth and we find that in the everlasting gospel. It is everlasting because there is nothing you could add or remove and it would still be that ultimate truth or the one who created everything. Otherwise there would be a new version of His word aka The Truth and Him which has a start and an older one that has an end. That is not everlasting.
    Hence, everything that WE add or remove in our doing is a sin and that is not the truth and also not what God defines as "good" because "good" means "without sin" aka according to Gods word. God has no contradiction in Himself...
    So we are by definition sinful in our own behavior and not good because of everything we add or remove from His word. Thats why the Bible says that we need to be reborn in Christ (John3:3, 2Cor5:17). Whats why we need to deny ourselves and follow Him (Mat16:24-26). We need to give ourselves up because it is not good and that evil needs to die aka end.
    In the end, we need to do His word by our own will, but His word is the expression of His will. Hence, in the end, there will be nothing left of us and the good thing is - we understand that this is the only way. God died for us on the cross - we die to be reborn in Him. We will do His will because of our own will and decision to die and give Him the chance to dwell in us.
    And thats is the Doctrine of Gods Glory: That men and women, by their own free will, understand that there is nothing true and righteous and good and worthy etc. but God Himself and a creation with a free will can understand that! Many might not accept that and reject it instead. But thats how salvation works. It is finished... His last words on the cross. Saved by His blood to pay the price. you can accept it and live with God forever, or you reject God and live without God forever. There is nothing more and the decision is yours.

  • @specialcombatdefensivetact1784
    @specialcombatdefensivetact1784 Месяц назад +6

    There is none good, no not one!

    • @randycarson9812
      @randycarson9812 Месяц назад

      Some are Righteous
      “But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord. . . . Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his generation” (Gen. 6:8-9).
      "In the time of Herod king of Judea there was a priest named Zechariah, who belonged to the priestly division of Abijah; his wife Elizabeth was also a descendant of Aaron. 6 Both of them were righteous in the sight of God, observing all the Lord’s commands and decrees blamelessly." (Lk 1:5-6)
      “I myself am convinced, my brothers and sisters, that you yourselves are full of goodness, filled with knowledge and competent to instruct one another.” (Romans 15:14)

  • @travonjackson3170
    @travonjackson3170 Месяц назад +1


  • @vitoriaday727
    @vitoriaday727 Месяц назад

    ThT,s not the first time he this bad pope call jesus a liar we should ...we the cth...take him out ...new conclave

  • @user-jo7no1cw4s
    @user-jo7no1cw4s Месяц назад

    Forgive me if this is ignorant but why do you continue to wear the priest stuff and call yourself catholic if the Pope is saying stuff like that? Can't you follow Jesus and teach the gospel without the identity of Orthodoxy or Catholicism? I don't think I understand how much of Catholicism is tied to the Pope but I always assumed it was a lot. I would cut all ties with the Catholic church if I was in it and saw that 60 minute video.

    • @FaithandTrustinChrist
      @FaithandTrustinChrist  Месяц назад

      I’m not Roman Catholic nor Eastern Orthodox. I’m American Orthodox which is very different. Nonetheless, I wear the shirt as a sign of respect for the ministry. Additionally, to be Roman Catholic is to follow the Pope. They are inseparable from each other. ~ Don

    • @user-jo7no1cw4s
      @user-jo7no1cw4s Месяц назад +1

      @@FaithandTrustinChrist Ah I see! I apologize for making an uninformed conclusion about you. Thank you so much for taking the time to respond to me! Great video!

  • @keithwiebe1787
    @keithwiebe1787 Месяц назад

    The pope ,you or I dont determine whether we're inherently good or evil. Only the Pope, you or I can ask for forgiveness when we hurt others and get on with life.

  • @user-dn7yp9lz9f
    @user-dn7yp9lz9f Месяц назад

    GOOD job sir ! -
    how can we have common easter with the pope?? since 1051 their dogma is changed.
    before that they were orthodox! the pope(s) refuse to abandon their new found dogma s and come back to orthodoxy - like what they used to be! --
    again good job!

  • @christinaoreilly7939
    @christinaoreilly7939 Месяц назад

    No, we are born with a sin nature if we did not, we would not need a saviour. No amount of works will save us because we cannot compete with Jesus' goodness and perfection. It is "for by grace you have been saved through faith; and this is not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not works, should any man boast" Ep 2:8 He needs to go he is an Antipope of the highest order.

  • @jillferrier8715
    @jillferrier8715 Месяц назад

    Do you believe the individual word of the Bible or the lessons and heart of the Bible. Pope bashing is not good. Leaders are meant to hear the heart teachings of the Bible so you can teach Gods message. Division in religious teachings is destructive.

  • @peace1108
    @peace1108 Месяц назад +2

    We are in the middle of May. Some Cardinals ask Francis to step down because he is in error 25 times He needs prayers and sacrifices for a conversion. One can say he's the Pope, but a bad one. The Catholic Church has had bad Popes before.

    • @user-tv6vv5rb8v
      @user-tv6vv5rb8v Месяц назад

      I say he is an antipope. A lot of really sketchy things happened when pope Benedict resigned and with the new conclave.

  • @currutia0001
    @currutia0001 Месяц назад +1

    Why did you call Ray's messages incomplete? Is it because you wanted to say what he says next? What is incomplete is the video you presented. I encourage you to watch the full video and many other videos from Ray. But I'll give you something... you seem to be a catholic preast. If you are, then you are finally a preast that I have seen who uses common sense and accepts that the Pope is miss leading the catholic church. Thanks you for speaking truth, for emphasizing that a relationship with Jesus is crucial for salvation. If that's how you teach at your congratulation I applause you 👏

    • @FaithandTrustinChrist
      @FaithandTrustinChrist  Месяц назад

      I think you misunderstood the context of saying Ray's salvation message was incomplete. His position is a legal construct. It's not wrong, just incomplete. The other side of it is that salvation is restorative. It's not a get out of jail free card. It's so much more than that. Jesus did what the Law of Moses (Torah) could not. He reestablished a relationship with us because He loved us, which is what God has always wanted all the way back to the beginning of Genesis. In the new covenant, we are partakers in His divine nature (2 Peter 1:3-4). In many circles today, we don't stress this, or least not strongly enough in my view. That's all I was trying to say.
      Thank you for you comment. I appreciate it. And no, I'm not a Roman Catholic priest. ~ Don

  • @TheElizabethashby
    @TheElizabethashby Месяц назад +2


  • @heleneroodt9225
    @heleneroodt9225 Месяц назад +4

    This pope is a wolf in sheepskin.

  • @tomgunn8004
    @tomgunn8004 Месяц назад +1

    Leave the Catholic ''church'' while you still have time!

  • @AndrewPurdum
    @AndrewPurdum Месяц назад


  • @menoftheclothKTOG
    @menoftheclothKTOG Месяц назад

    You don't understand the doctrine of infallibility. Start with the basic understanding of a teaching and do the 5min of elementary level homework before proclaiming to know where said teaching has failed.

  • @velkyn1
    @velkyn1 Месяц назад

    curious how christians claim each other are lying and not one of them can show that their version is the right one. They are quite the circular firing squad, each accusing the other.

    • @technicalboy1816
      @technicalboy1816 Месяц назад +2

      I think 2000 years, the oldest institution in the world can claim this authority mate

    • @jamesbunyard4460
      @jamesbunyard4460 Месяц назад +1

      All Christians agree this is blasphemy. Those who don’t see are misguided. That is why he quotes scripture and doesn’t just condemn the Pope. Christianity of all forms is about a relationship with Jesus Christ and Christians will always see from different perspectives beased on where they are in their walk. The more you walk with Christ the more you wish to be just like him. We all have the same end goal we are just in different legs of the race.

    • @technicalboy1816
      @technicalboy1816 Месяц назад

      @jamesbunyard4460 keep telling yourself that flowery nonsense. This is exactly why you need the church, because you can make it up to satisfy you weaknesses a d not have to deal with them! Oh, we are all on the same path, as long as we believe we will be saved... NO. Jesus said to them, “Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day.
      “Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.
      You do not eat of the flesh nor drink HIS blood. And ask yourself, are you doing his will in your life, instead of exercising your own? I am just as guilty in all these things but I do not try to soften or excuse them.

    • @jamesbunyard4460
      @jamesbunyard4460 Месяц назад

      @@technicalboy1816 my friend. Why do you resort to personal attacks when talking about The Word. I never said that we could conform to the world. The question was, why do Christians always argue and claim the other is wrong. I simply pointed out that the path towards salvation is a long one.
      When we accept Jesus as Lord we begin the process of sanctification, but we are not inherently good. Our values and our beliefs distort God’s word, but as we strive to become more like Christ all those preferences are thrown out the window. The point I was making was not that we can distort religion with worldy views, but that; as we all walk the same path certain believers will have different perspectives because of where they are in their walk. Whether they are misinformed or altogether malicious, the enemy uses it to attack the unity of The Church.

    • @velkyn1
      @velkyn1 Месяц назад

      @@technicalboy1816 Oh dear, an appeal to tradition logical fallacy. Curious how these cults all make the same claims, again, they are the oldest, they are the only ones like the "original" Christians, etc. And not one of you can support that claim. The RCC and orthodox both claim "oldest" and funny how even they can't do what their jesus promises to true followers. They are frauds per their own magic books.

  • @cbmace6096
    @cbmace6096 Месяц назад

    You have a very poor understanding of papal infallibility (3:20 mark). This is an interview. The pope nowhere invoked papal infallibility... and, besides that, it is rarely done. Please review that topic. You are misleading people.

  • @MB-nx9tq
    @MB-nx9tq Месяц назад

    The problem is that the Bible is in error.

  • @user-jx7tm9px2j
    @user-jx7tm9px2j Месяц назад

    All fail and need Jesús and His redemtion Gift not the pope's wisdom or his own beleifs, not following any denominación that does not worship only Jesús.✝️

  • @jillferrier8715
    @jillferrier8715 Месяц назад

    I grew up in a Methodist Camp Meeting. I’ve attended services at many theologies. Jewish Baptist Methodist Catholic presbyterian and Anglican. I’ve never heard take up your cross daily. I’ve never been taught I was bad. I was taught to strive to love forgiveness grace goodness and the difficulties of being teathered to earth. The sins of the fathers weigh heavier on some than others but I was taught we must walk with God and because of His Son we can do this.
    Peace be with you.

  • @dcfitz36
    @dcfitz36 Месяц назад


  • @peace1108
    @peace1108 Месяц назад

    We are in the middle of May. Some Cardinals ask Francis to step down because he is in error 25 times He needs prayers and sacrifices for a conversion. One can say he's the Pope, but a bad one. The Catholic Church has had bad Popes before.

  • @peace1108
    @peace1108 Месяц назад

    We are in the middle of May. Some Cardinals ask Francis to step down because he is in error 25 times He needs prayers and sacrifices for a conversion. One can say he's the Pope, but a bad one. The Catholic Church has had bad Popes before.

  • @peace1108
    @peace1108 Месяц назад

    We are in the middle of May. Some Cardinals ask Francis to step down because he is in error 25 times He needs prayers and sacrifices for a conversion. One can say he's the Pope, but a bad one. The Catholic Church has had bad Popes before.

  • @peace1108
    @peace1108 Месяц назад

    We are in the middle of May. Some Cardinals ask Francis to step down because he is in error 25 times He needs prayers and sacrifices for a conversion. One can say he's the Pope, but a bad one. The Catholic Church has had bad Popes before.

  • @peace1108
    @peace1108 Месяц назад

    We are in the middle of May. Some Cardinals ask Francis to step down because he is in error 25 times He needs prayers and sacrifices for a conversion. One can say he's the Pope, but a bad one. The Catholic Church has had bad Popes before.

  • @peace1108
    @peace1108 Месяц назад

    We are in the middle of May. Some Cardinals ask Francis to step down because he is in error 25 times He needs prayers and sacrifices for a conversion. One can say he's the Pope, but a bad one. The Catholic Church has had bad Popes before.

  • @peace1108
    @peace1108 Месяц назад

    We are in the middle of May. Some Cardinals ask Francis to step down because he is in error 25 times He needs prayers and sacrifices for a conversion. One can say he's the Pope, but a bad one. The Catholic Church has had bad Popes before.

  • @peace1108
    @peace1108 Месяц назад

    We are in the middle of May. Some Cardinals ask Francis to step down because he is in error 25 times He needs prayers and sacrifices for a conversion. One can say he's the Pope, but a bad one. The Catholic Church has had bad Popes before.

  • @peace1108
    @peace1108 Месяц назад

    We are in the middle of May. Some Cardinals ask Francis to step down because he is in error 25 times He needs prayers and sacrifices for a conversion. One can say he's the Pope, but a bad one. The Catholic Church has had bad Popes before.

  • @peace1108
    @peace1108 Месяц назад

    We are in the middle of May. Some Cardinals ask Francis to step down because he is in error 25 times He needs prayers and sacrifices for a conversion. One can say he's the Pope, but a bad one. The Catholic Church has had bad Popes before.