Things Pet Owners do That Vets Love - Part 3

  • Опубликовано: 8 июл 2024
  • Part 3 of the good stuff coming at ya! Poured some of the good Scotch for the good people! It really is the little things that bring us joy… but the best thing is snacks. Always snacks. They are always a hit…

Комментарии • 245

  • @caseymacmacl7463
    @caseymacmacl7463 2 месяца назад +584

    I once had a vet tell me that my cat had the best teeth he'd ever seen on a 10 year old cat and the daily brushing was really going well! Problem is that I wasn't brushing her teeth. He then asked if the toothbrushes were kept somewhere the cat could get to them. Yup. Turns out she'd been sharing our toothbrushes for years and none of us noticed! We left those toothbrushes where they were so she could keep brushing but we stored our new toothbrushes where she couldn't get them. Never a dull moment with cats around!🤣😺

    • @rizzwan-42069
      @rizzwan-42069 2 месяца назад +26


    • @bkitteh6295
      @bkitteh6295 2 месяца назад +78

      This is a great story (despite the yuck factor 😂), but I have so ,any questions. The biggest one is, after she 🐈‍⬛ found out that you KNEW she was using your toothbrushes and HEARD the vet say toothbrushing was a good idea, she CONTINUED to do it?
      At either of those points, our cats would've given us the big NOPE! 😾 and moved on to pooping just outside, rather than in, the litter box or eating spiders but leaving the legs & then throwing up the body. 🙄

    • @andiwindsparrow
      @andiwindsparrow 2 месяца назад +21

      Just laughed out loud and got a funny look from *my* cat!

    • @Killer_Turnip
      @Killer_Turnip 2 месяца назад +26

      That's hilarious, and good to know 😂 I'm hoping my cat never finds the toothbrushes. I used to groom her with one as a kitten and she loved teething on the bristles. If she finds a tooth or hair brush she'll gnaw on it now.

    • @caseymacmacl7463
      @caseymacmacl7463 2 месяца назад +35

      @@bkitteh6295 It's okay. The vet had a thick Quebcois (French) accent and Penny (my cat) doesn't speak French.🤣🤣

  • @commodorezelda
    @commodorezelda 2 месяца назад +206

    We had a client at our clinic say about her dog, "oh, I brush his teeth twice a day. I'm retired, so I have the time." I still think about that and mentally give her a round of applause.

    • @amandamaner2070
      @amandamaner2070 2 месяца назад +24

      Yesterday, I had a CAT owner tell me she had been brushing her cat's teeth daily after I had recommended it the year before. She also told me she had to wrap him tightly in a towel to do so which is probably why we couldn't draw blood on matrix Houdini while we attempted every Fear Free restraint in the book. The cat was like "I train for this every day, y'all aren't getting anything."

    • @danielleweber8914
      @danielleweber8914 2 месяца назад +3

      On a related note I had an assistant that would spend 3 hours a day brushing her cat and it had the shiniest most amazing coat.

    • @lilythearcticfox
      @lilythearcticfox Месяц назад

      @danielleweber8914 At first I thought you meant brushing the cats TEETH and I was worried because that is WAY too much.

  • @medusathedecepticon
    @medusathedecepticon 2 месяца назад +163

    Trying to brush a pet's teeth is really hard. Congratulations to anyone who succeeded

    • @caseymacmacl7463
      @caseymacmacl7463 2 месяца назад +23

      The trick is to start by putting some tuna juice or some Delectables Squeeze Ups on the brush and just letting the cat chew on it while you're holding the tooth brush. Gradually switch to a feline toothpaste but occasionally do a tuna juice or Squeeze Up to keep the cat interested. It's easier if you start them young but even adult cats can be toothbrush trained. 😃😸

    • @Killer_Turnip
      @Killer_Turnip 2 месяца назад +12

      @@caseymacmacl7463 that's a great idea! Will try it with my boy cat who just barely tolerates the teethbrushing, he'll do anything for a churu. The girl cat loves food (too much) and enjoyed licking up the Virbac poultry toothpaste first brush 😂

    • @noahsarkhive4482
      @noahsarkhive4482 2 месяца назад +9

      i found that it’s all about the right flavoured toothpaste (my dog gets one with mild beef flavour; it smells like mint but i guess it’s enough so he can taste it? he loves teeth brushing time just for the toothpaste flavour alone :”). )

    • @user-ml3hl6vr4t
      @user-ml3hl6vr4t 2 месяца назад +7

      Greenies treats help some with teeth. My dog loved them but made a sort of big mess with them. Block the doggie door and be resigned to combing that out of her ruff a few hours later.

    • @AdmiralStoicRum
      @AdmiralStoicRum 2 месяца назад +5

      With my dog i gently hold the lower palette under his tongue just behind his incisors he gets breaks and it all works out

  • @1901180108
    @1901180108 2 месяца назад +176

    I have guinea pigs. Prey animals like guinea pigs try to hide their symptoms when they're sick, so often weight loss is the first symptom that's observable. So the fact that I weigh my piggies weekly and bring their weight charts with me to appointments goes over really well with pretty much all the vets and vet techs I've met. One time the vet told me that the vet techs had been passing my charts around in the back because they thought the charts were so cool. 😆

    • @tanhayk416
      @tanhayk416 2 месяца назад +16

      Me too! I used to have an Excel file (with a graph and all) when I had my piggies! It was uber useful, especially when my oldest (who passed away at 8.5 years old) started slowly losing weight, but the rate showed it was merely an age thing.

    • @khills
      @khills 2 месяца назад +7

      We have a baby scale - actually the same brand our vet uses - and it comes with an app for people to track their baby’s weight. …so we do. Each of our fur baby’s has their own entry, and we weight them weekly during the Sunday Night Spa. And since we both have the app, we both always have access to the data, so either of us can handle an emergency vet visit.
      Cats are also not great at letting you know something is wrong (save our dog cat, she’s on top of it), and tracking weight has been a great way to keep an eye on things. For each cat we’ve worked out with our vet the fluctuations that’s normal, the ones that means call the vet ASAP, and the ones that mean emergency vet NOW. It’s a really great way to keep on top of things without hovering.

    • @TangledInRhyme
      @TangledInRhyme 2 месяца назад +5

      I have a kitchen scale that I use to weigh my birds 🦜

    • @kayesguineapigs
      @kayesguineapigs 2 месяца назад +1

      Bravo! If only more piggie owners were like you!

    • @liseturner1019
      @liseturner1019 2 месяца назад +4

      I have pet rats and I weigh them regularly for the same reason. Unfortunately, I fall down on the record keeping. I keep track in my head, but it's not perfect. That said, the vet always seems really happy that they're used to being weighed.

  • @I-zl9ng
    @I-zl9ng 2 месяца назад +84

    On the first one, the cat equivalent may be train your cat to be manipulated. Like, pet them everywhere, pick them up, clean the ears, open their mouths, play with their paws. If you reward them, they'll come to love it and see it as a game while making everything unbelievably easier when it comes to vet care. Downside is that one of my cats loves it that much that it's pretty much impossible to auscultate her because she purrs so damn loud and it's impossible to make her stop

    • @tb4546
      @tb4546 2 месяца назад +17

      We do this with our cats and it’s worked wonders at the vet!! Cat owners seeing this, please do it. If not for the vet’s ease and safety, then to keep your Kitty stress free at the office!

    • @youdidntseeanything8589
      @youdidntseeanything8589 2 месяца назад +7

      That is amazing advice, and super cute about the purring 😂❤

    • @alflyover4413
      @alflyover4413 2 месяца назад +11

      That was one of my cats at her first vet appointment. The vet tech put the stethoscope on her ribs and laughed, "She's purring so loud I can't hear her heart!"

    • @gyppygirl2021
      @gyppygirl2021 2 месяца назад +5

      Probably the funniest veterinary issue. XD

    • @stinew358
      @stinew358 2 месяца назад +9

      I have always carried my cats around and played with them (looking in their ears, wiping them down if they need it, clean their paws, gently clip their nails, inspect them). They love it because they're used to me handling them and giving them plenty of affection, play, and lap time. You have to ham it up for a while after you give them something unpleasant, but they learn that you mean well

  • @ndawn90
    @ndawn90 2 месяца назад +114

    As a human medicine worker, I can 1000% relate to shoving snacks down your gullet as fast as humanly possible to 1) Get some calories in fast before you have to run off to the next crisis, and 2) Actually get to eat some of the snacks before everyone else comes in and eats it all!! 😂

  • @user-mi8xf8tq1z
    @user-mi8xf8tq1z 2 месяца назад +104

    This is so true!! My new vet clinic was surprised and impressed when I gave them detailed information on my dogs symptoms and her medical records file. Towards the end of the appointment they realised I’m a doctor and they were like “no wonder why”!!
    But seriously, I wish more pet owners realised this and kept proper records. It helps the vets so much!

    • @saddlerrye6725
      @saddlerrye6725 2 месяца назад +9

      Wait, people don't bring medical records to the vet? Why the heck not? It's not just for fun that humans have whole ass files in the medical system.

    • @sturmovik1274
      @sturmovik1274 2 месяца назад +4

      Future trucker here. When I do get into the industry I'm going to adopt a dog as a long-distance co-pilot... and you bet I'll have its complete medical history with me all the time.

    • @m0L3ify
      @m0L3ify 5 дней назад

      @@sturmovik1274 Those are going to be some fun adventures! 🐕

  • @RebelMuse
    @RebelMuse Месяц назад +14

    A short-ish story that make our vets very happy.
    Many years past, my family and I had a vacation to Italy planned. We were really excited about it as we love to travel and there are so many amazing things to see there.
    Cut to our dog's routine vet check-up. She was a long-haired dapple dachshund and our first doxy lived to be 18. This girl was only 10 and developing cataracts.
    We cancelled the trip to pay for her surgery. There way just no way we were going to let her suffer or go blind when she could potentially live another half of her life with that condition. She lived to be 16 and even as she developed a few issues later in life, her eyes were pristine until the end.
    We never made it to Italy and we regret nothing.

  • @whisper_dvm5157
    @whisper_dvm5157 2 месяца назад +71

    Oathbringer being 1200 pages was an inspired choice 😂

    • @elissahunt
      @elissahunt 2 месяца назад +4

      I love that it was obviously a well-read copy, not just a prop.

    • @XxSeparatexEntity
      @XxSeparatexEntity 2 месяца назад +2

      Life before death, Radiant!

  • @Cassiopea525
    @Cassiopea525 2 месяца назад +53

    Just yesterday I dropped off a card with some $$$ for the vet tech who is laid up unable to work for the last month after a heart problem. Gotta help with those medical bills for the nice guy!

  • @loorthedarkelf8353
    @loorthedarkelf8353 2 месяца назад +32

    As a pet parent with two FIV positive cats, thus making my relationship with their vet even more important for their long term health, I'm taking all of this advice to heart. My vet works hard for my kitties, and I wanna make her job easier whenever I can.

  • @NinjaFlibble
    @NinjaFlibble 2 месяца назад +18

    To be fair, it's not always easy to come prepared to an emergency vet. Last time I had to go to one, my sister and I were out of the house in barely more time than it took to stuff her cat in a carrier.
    Also, it's not always easy to do something to pass the time when you're stressed about "is my pet going to be coming home alive?" 😅 not trying to be an ass, but I have trouble focusing when I'm worried. Doesn't mean I'm out there bugging the doctor every five minutes, but it will feel like five minutes is five hours.

  • @Agniakachan
    @Agniakachan 2 месяца назад +25

    Knitting as a hobby solves all my problems with waiting. Always in my bag.

  • @lisanidog8178
    @lisanidog8178 2 месяца назад +9

    I admire Vets so much. They’re so smart. For my first cat my first Vet cracked me up. When he was done, he said to dad who took me as I had no car, “you can take your grand daughter home now.” It cracked me up because my parents used to call my first cat their grand daughter, my second cat their grand son. Had they been alive to meet my dog and cat 3, and my two cats now, they would’ve been called a grand daughter and grand son. I just had never heard a Vet say that.

  • @gb1reinwald
    @gb1reinwald 2 месяца назад +40

    I think my vet appreciated the detailed description of the changes in my cat's behaviour. I also kept a folder with all the hardcopies of medical instructions, lab results and diagnosis reports. It also contained her vaccination passport (and her chip registration information). She was really appreciative of the medication I brought her after my cat died. It was expensive and my cat had not used it up in her last days, so it could go to other cats struggling with similar issues. This was animal-only medication, so no other uses for it available anyways.

    • @sturmovik1274
      @sturmovik1274 2 месяца назад +2

      As a vet says, an animal can't describe its symptoms. Only its owner can do that, and only its owner knows what is a subtle change from normal for that individual.

    • @KariN-or3sc
      @KariN-or3sc 2 месяца назад +1

      I tried to give back medicine for this purpose after the loss of a pet, and they couldn’t take them back, even to donate. The only thing they could take was an unopened and still sealed box of syringes. But said it was against the law to do it w meds of any kind, even non controlled meds. 🤷🏼‍♀️

    • @gb1reinwald
      @gb1reinwald 2 месяца назад +1

      @@KariN-or3scI was worried about that, too. I don't know what the vet did with the meds, but she was grateful. Even when she cannot give them to other patients of hers at her clinic, I know that she helps out in an animal shelter for cats only and she might have had use for them there. They were perfectly fine, partly even bought directly from her. But I was prepared when asking her to be told that she cannot accept opened medicine.

  • @MahiMahi-yu5jo
    @MahiMahi-yu5jo 2 месяца назад +9

    When a pet is named Sukuna, go straight for the muzzle. Don't questiin anything 😅

  • @sagewyn8659
    @sagewyn8659 2 месяца назад +45

    I love our vets. I annually bring them our homemade pumpkin pie moonshine.

    • @bkitteh6295
      @bkitteh6295 2 месяца назад +9

      Where is your vet's office? I'm going to apply immediately!

    • @chrisgreek4285
      @chrisgreek4285 2 месяца назад +5

      I bet you rarely wait at the Vet’s office! (I’m just kidding - Vets are treated like hmmmmm, I seriously was about to say dogs. sheesh).

    • @bkitteh6295
      @bkitteh6295 2 месяца назад

      @@chrisgreek4285 😁

  • @vannarooski8730
    @vannarooski8730 2 месяца назад +18

    Should give out the vibrating drink coasters that let you know when it’s your time if you want to go wait out in the parking lot and put the book on the chair to mark your seat 😂😊

    • @B2WM
      @B2WM 2 месяца назад +3

      After the pandemic started, my vet lets us wait in the car - we just call when we get there and a tech walks us to the room once it's ready. Numbered parking spots to make it easier to find the right car.

  • @scriptorpaulina
    @scriptorpaulina 2 месяца назад +43

    -Dude has a dog named Sukuna
    -dog bites everyone
    Story checks out

    • @AliceSakihara
      @AliceSakihara 2 месяца назад +1

      I need to ask if you named him after Sukuna from JJK, or if that's just a really coincidental self fulfilling prophecy lmao

    • @CasualFanGirl-ff3fh
      @CasualFanGirl-ff3fh 2 месяца назад +1

      There's truly no escape from the lobotomy for us JJK fans😂

  • @paigegnau7304
    @paigegnau7304 2 месяца назад +48

    Two of these things are surely loved by human doctors as well.

    • @scriptorpaulina
      @scriptorpaulina 2 месяца назад +4

      My human doctors would certainly love it if I didn’t have oral thrush…

    • @JRWIFAN
      @JRWIFAN 2 месяца назад

      Human doctors want you to muzzle aggressive patients before they're brought in?/j

    • @davidc5278
      @davidc5278 2 месяца назад +8

      Muzzling agressive patients?

    • @rebeccab1527
      @rebeccab1527 2 месяца назад +1

      ​@@davidc5278 they would if they could! 😂

    • @katyasehryn8810
      @katyasehryn8810 2 месяца назад

      ​@@rebeccab1527 they SHOULD!!!

  • @cavy5300
    @cavy5300 2 месяца назад +6

    I can relate to the cell phone part. I love when you are checking someone out and they pause or end there conversation.

    • @sturmovik1274
      @sturmovik1274 2 месяца назад +3

      Can't believe some people would be so disrespectful of their animals as to continue a phone conversation during a vet consult. That's basically openly saying that you're not engaged in your pet's welfare.

  • @ikari66662
    @ikari66662 2 месяца назад +13

    I take notes at human and pet appointments, but I always feel like the docs are judging me in the beginning because I do it on my phone and send it out in a relevant notes group chat... but they're usually impressed when I can tell them what they said or did and when

    • @genericname8727
      @genericname8727 2 месяца назад +9

      Probably good to let them know you’re taking notes too

  • @kimberlypatton205
    @kimberlypatton205 2 месяца назад +2

    I adore this vet!

  • @realtyinsidertv5845
    @realtyinsidertv5845 Месяц назад

    I feel like being a pet owner nowadays is like having a preschooler and we gift the the groomers, vet and everyone else who take care of our babies like we do preschool teachers 😊

  • @liseturner1019
    @liseturner1019 2 месяца назад +1

    I brought snacks for the vet staff when I had one of my rats put to sleep. She'd been sick for a while and they'd been absolutely awesome. I think the receptionist nearly cried.
    I have pet rats and they tend to be more scared than aggressive. I really love the fact that my vet listens and tries to adapt to their unique handling preferences. Up to and including doing part or all of the exam with the rat sitting on my shoulder. Or on the other extreme, I had a rat who would fully cooperate with the vet on anything, provided she got 30 seconds of solid cuddling first.

  • @JonahIronstone
    @JonahIronstone 2 месяца назад +1

    Vets are amazing people. I salute you all! Without you, half our family wouldn't have medical care. Thank you for all you do.
    Around the middle of the pandemic, I was calling the vet to make an appointment for our elderly Manx (now deceased; brain tumours suck). We were chatting briefly about non-critter things, and it came up that I was making cookies for my coach. The vet tech I was talking with sighed wistfully. "That's so sweet! I wish someone would bring me cookies." Next time we went to pick up cat meds, I dropped off a big box of home-made cookies for her. She was over the moon.
    That reminds me... Time to find out if our new vet and her staff have any food allergies. They're due a batch of cookies for taking such good care of our rats.

  • @brucekirk5081
    @brucekirk5081 5 дней назад

    I grew up with beef cattle so large animal vets were always around. Doc Leeman was one special vet, that guy was genius with cattle and horses but was also a master with small animals. If there was ever a "doctor doolittle" he was it. He could do more for a dog or cat on the tailgate of his pickup than most could in a fully equipped clinic and the awesome part was that the dog or cat in question would happily go along with whatever he wanted.

  • @kathleendenney779
    @kathleendenney779 2 месяца назад +2

    I have the sweetest cat that was a bottle baby. Our vet gave him to us when he was 3 weeks old because I knew how to care for him and we had a cat going through liver failure at the time. He's great, until other people are near him. He only like HIS people, thank you. This is despite us having friends over to socialize him. So he gets 300 mg of Gab about 2 hours prior to his appointments and then I bring a large towel with a hole cut in it and I then move the hole wherever our vet needs it to be. Keeps the pointy ends mostly contained for everyone else's safety. I'll also pay for him to be in the happy gas box at the drop of a hat. My ickle demonkins has yet to injure anyone there, although he is spoken about in hushed whispers.

  • @errantwinds-up8uu
    @errantwinds-up8uu 2 месяца назад +1

    Last "customer" came prepared with a Brandon Sanderson book, so she wins especially.

  • @roxyru
    @roxyru Месяц назад

    I’ve had many ill pets, and I’ve learned a lot of good pet guardianship habits and etiquette at the animal hospital. Never complain about the wait times in the ER. Often your pet isn’t as critical as the other emergency cases, and be thankful for that. Also, have immense kindness and compassion to everyone that works there, vet med is so hard and often involves daily heartbreak. We value our vets, vet techs and staff. Thank you for all that you guys do ❤❤❤❤

  • @jcortese3300
    @jcortese3300 2 месяца назад +3

    I like how we're all watching this dude pickle his liver in slow motion ...

  • @blackbearcj5819
    @blackbearcj5819 Месяц назад +1

    I love these videos. Taking notes on things I may not have thought of to make things easier for my sweet little baby.

  • @AmandaTikkanen
    @AmandaTikkanen Месяц назад

    A month ago I had to take my girl in for an emergency c-section. I swear the tech lit up when I gave her the detailed time stamped list of how the labor was progressing (and stalled) along with how much calcium she'd been given and when.
    My good friend (who is a repro vet several states away) told me that list was a huge help and helped fast track getting my girl into surgery (mom and all five babies made it and are doing great).

  • @undefinederror40404
    @undefinederror40404 2 месяца назад +6

    Sadly we only learned about brushing their teeth too late. Despite the teeth cleaning and removal procedure, and after the procedure consistent brushing, her teeth keep deteriorating now..
    So whenever I meet someone new with dogs/cats I bring it up in some way, just in case they haven't heard about brushing their pet's teeth yet so they get a hint to do it if they don't yet.

  • @AliceSakihara
    @AliceSakihara 2 месяца назад +2

    Can I just say I love the recurring theme of: Snacks. Food. Feed us, please.
    Because same.

  • @DottyGale8
    @DottyGale8 2 месяца назад +4

    That is so me with hummus! 😄 Finger getting the last bit and everything!

  • @michael--a--sometimes
    @michael--a--sometimes 23 дня назад

    Not taking notes myself but I do say I love that our vet is taking her time explaining in detail what all the numbers and other stuff mean when we brought our kitties in.
    I actually switched vets because the first one I had just did the job and was like yeah she needs this and here's the check, see ya.

  • @crystalfarmer4074
    @crystalfarmer4074 2 месяца назад +1

    Yes please bring all the snacks and sweets to the vet office!

  • @tuvelat7302
    @tuvelat7302 Месяц назад

    My dog was having a weird problem going on several weeks and we were bouncing between vets trying to get answers. When I brought in a timeline with the recent history prior to her troubles and the progression of them, the vet was absolutely floored. The dog rallied, though we never did figure out what was wrong. We had her for a few more years.

  • @jordansdevil
    @jordansdevil Месяц назад

    We always ask to record the conversation when we are at the vet just so we can go back if we missed anything when discussing health concerns. Much easier then taking notes on the doctors time.

  • @tintinstrick
    @tintinstrick 2 месяца назад +1

    I feel less weird now about having to scramble to put my book down when the vet came in the room last time I was at the ER 😅

  • @VeraFran
    @VeraFran 2 месяца назад

    My cat is not very fond of new people, obviously, but he loves his vet who he sees once a year for his check up unless he gets ill. He becomes the most mellow animal on Earth in her presence.

  • @FULD72
    @FULD72 2 месяца назад +10

    I brought donuts to my groomers every week when they brushed my dogs teeth. I so respect how they care for my fellas. ❤

  • @gustofthewinddance
    @gustofthewinddance 2 месяца назад +3

    I laughed at every name of the imaginary pets in your videos. And yes Sukuna indeed needs some muzzles!

  • @sammisergeant4284
    @sammisergeant4284 2 месяца назад

    BRANDON SANDERSOOONNNNNNN!!! 😆 I'll keep this all in mind for future vet visits.

  • @dennisdawson9896
    @dennisdawson9896 Месяц назад

    We love our vets. They have helped our boys and girls through some tough times. My boy was diagnosed with hemangiosarcoma, no cure but dr. Smith helped us all with his diagnosis and passing. The staff gave me brochures and a phone number to a person to help me after his passing.
    They have seen us through many elderly dogs passing and many newborn puppies!

  • @alyoola
    @alyoola 2 месяца назад +1

    According to our vet, our 16yo dog has the best teeth in the clinic. The reason? He's lived his whole life on a sugarcane farm, chewing on cane fibers that are basically just like toothbrush bristles.

  • @vatazes
    @vatazes 2 месяца назад +3

    Having so many animals, I prefer to stay organized, take notes, have a travel buddy system for the cats (keeps the stress levels down), and with our Malamute, the techs and vet know that if the muzzle is needed, I have no problem with them putting it on her, and if they don't feel comfortable doing it, I will. If I am in the room, my dog won't act out. When I am not, she will, but it's typical Malamute shenanigans, and not everyone is comfortable with it, which I am fine with it. I'd rather her be muzzled and everyone be safe, than something happen where we have blood everywhere, and my dog refusing to go to the vet ever again.

    • @dayeti6794
      @dayeti6794 2 месяца назад +1

      Is the travel buddy another cat or person?

    • @vatazes
      @vatazes 2 месяца назад +2

      @dayeti6794 the travel buddy is another cat. We used to have an even number of cats, so it worked out great when we took them all in. Since we lost our Moma of the bunch, our ginger boy has had to rely on me, which he is fine with. He is still in his carrier, but always where he can see me.

    • @dayeti6794
      @dayeti6794 2 месяца назад +1

      @@vatazes I’m sorry for your loss of your Moma. Sounds like your ginger boy is lucky to have you.❤️

  • @user-kh7so2zv5o
    @user-kh7so2zv5o 2 месяца назад

    Number 4 would most definitely be me as well as asking for advice for taking better care

  • @soulfuryblogs
    @soulfuryblogs 2 месяца назад

    I made the vet happy when I remembered my pups vaccination card, so I can keep it all documented and know it’s up to date. Surprisingly I remembered to bring it as I have a terrible memory. Now I go to the vet once a month to get his worming tablets xD

  • @t-and-p
    @t-and-p 2 месяца назад

    When it comes to brushing teggies (apologies for the essay, but hope it helps!):
    We take in older rescue dogs (fostering and adopting), who often have dental issues, and we've found six things absolutely key to getting them into a dental routine later in life:
    1) Personalise it. Find out what they like and try and incorporate it into the regime. A big one for us was finding a toothpaste they liked the taste of. Made it so much easier! One of our dogs used to insist on going into the bathroom and brushing her teeth when my son brushed his. Sounds daft, but if it works, go with it!
    2) Something is better than nothing. Not every dog is going to let you brush, but if you approach the issue differently, you can still solve the problem. The main point is to remove food debris (according to my vet, anyway!). So, for a few of our dogs, we've done this by giving them a bowl with two different shaped kibble after their wet food. This helped scrape most of the wet food remnants off and clean the teeth.
    There are loads of different options out there. One of our dogs used to use a bendy tendon chew and would thoroughly brush her own teeth with it. If your dog loves the dental chews, use them. If your dog is toy obsessed, look at the toys with bristles, as they'll help. If your dog is a chewer, look at the dental options for toys, as well as treats. The number of "almost as good as brushing" options are only limited by your imagination.
    3) Build it up slowly. Rome wasn't built in a day. We went through a few different style brushes until we found one our current dog would tolerate (a kid's one). We started off letting her sniff it, then eat a treat off it, then lick flavoured toothpaste off it, then it had to touch her gums before she could lick the toothpaste off, and then we just increased until we could brush her teeth.
    4) Routine. Our dog who brushed her teeth with my son... That became a huge part of her "bedtime routine". After trying this with lots of dogs, if you stick to a routine, they fight you less over it! 😂 Sometimes, they even nag you to do it (if you're really lucky!).
    5) Rewards. Y'know how you bribe a kid to do stuff by promising them the things they love? Works on dogs, too! 😎 I had a hospice foster placement who was 19 (I know....). Teeth were awful, but she adored her food, and so keeping those teeth usable became a quality of life issue. We gave her one of her fave treats just before we began and, if she let us brush them all, she got an extra shoulder massage & I made sure she had her favourite toy (she would have got both anyway, but shhh! 😂 Giving them to her straight after brushing her teeth made her feel like she'd earned them). Also, it creates a positive association - they won't think you're satan with a brush if they associate teeth brushing with nice things 👍
    6) Strategic timing. To make it as worthwhile as possible, do whatever you're doing just before bed. This is because you're stopping the food sitting on the teeth for the longest period you can, so it'll help the teeth far more than if you do it just before dinner, for example, where anything you clean off will be immediately replaced by different food.
    Apologies for the epic novel, but am sharing in the hope it helps someone. We've acquired this knowledge over years now, from the vet, kind people sharing, and learning the hard way - so I hope it makes it a bit easier for someone else 💖🐾
    Good luck, lovely people! 🍀💕

  • @Killer_Turnip
    @Killer_Turnip 2 месяца назад +19

    Thanks for the reminder to brush my cats' teeth, just did it. Theyre less than a year old so I dont do it often...especially since the lil dude has an existential crisis afterward.

    • @sturmovik1274
      @sturmovik1274 2 месяца назад +1

      Did he draw blood?

    • @Killer_Turnip
      @Killer_Turnip 2 месяца назад

      @@sturmovik1274 😂 No, his eyes just go wide and he stares blankly at the ground like it's the worst thing to ever happen to him. It cracks me up.

    • @sturmovik1274
      @sturmovik1274 2 месяца назад +1

      "Mommy/Daddy, how could you?"@@Killer_Turnip

    • @christabelle__
      @christabelle__ 2 месяца назад

      Hey, keep it up! I wasn't aware I needed to for years, and at 15? My boy is too old to start now :/

  • @michaelap8563
    @michaelap8563 2 месяца назад

    We had once a pretty uncomfortable encounter at the vet. We were getting our dog neutered and he was always okay, never aggresive, played with the other dogs / people and even tried to get the vet to play with him, very fond of cuddles and pets. But when he woke up after he was neutered the vet came for us and asked us to hold him down because everyone was affraid of him. One member of the staff told us that in her life she never saw a more aggresive dog. I was about 13 at the time and I was terrified. They let us borrow a muzzle but we couldn't put it on him, my mom held him and I tried to put it on but he almost bit me multiple times. It took about 40 minutes for him to calm down and then he was back to his sweet self wanting to play with the staff.

  • @JGFurgie
    @JGFurgie 2 месяца назад

    Totally taking notes for the next visit

  • @elizabeth3405
    @elizabeth3405 2 месяца назад +10

    Someone needs to do the “human” version where they see their physician or go to scheduled appointments and actually show up when instructed and be fully prepared! You make me laugh and thank you so much for the smiles ~ a fur mommy who works with goofy humans 😂😂😂

  • @atimidbirb
    @atimidbirb 2 месяца назад

    I am taking detailed notes for my next visit

  • @MasonSheffield
    @MasonSheffield 2 месяца назад +4

    I thought I really liked you, but I knew I did when I saw you read Stormlight.

  • @christinekng7435
    @christinekng7435 2 месяца назад

    My vet loves that I am able to follow basic instructions. She recently joked that she wants to put my food allergic dog and me in the waiting room as a good example for when the pet owners who can't wrap their heads around "You feed this and NOTHING else." come in with their itchy pets. It must be frustrating.

  • @catreader9733
    @catreader9733 2 месяца назад +1

    Took our two senior cats in for their annual checkup today. I was able to describe their litter box habits and appearance of feces, and their water intake. Vet was grateful and impressed. I cannot brush their teeth, unfortunately. We cover that well enough with a dental cleaning prescription food, however, that their teeth still look good more than seven years since their one and only office cleaning. The wonderful vet suggested a calming medication for the one cat before future visit. He behaves well, but the vet would prefer to stress him less. I will be taking a people treat in to the practice next week.

  • @Neli42
    @Neli42 2 месяца назад +2

    Extra props for the Sanderfan drop. ❤

  • @AndaraBledin
    @AndaraBledin Месяц назад

    I've never understood stressing over wait times. The wait is going to be what the wait is, and the more fuss you kick up, the longer you make it. Just bring a distraction and settle in.

  • @gamingnerdgirlz
    @gamingnerdgirlz 2 месяца назад

    so bring snacks and take interest. good. everyone loves snacks.

  • @beakboop
    @beakboop 2 месяца назад

    I literally just put down Oathbringer to go to bed... The first video I watch just casually flashes the same book 😂

  • @user-kh7so2zv5o
    @user-kh7so2zv5o 2 месяца назад

    Just so people know, nuzzles don't only stop bites but also from animals eating dangerous things outside. My dog reeeealy likes bright colored rocks 😅

  • @lisayeah6708
    @lisayeah6708 2 месяца назад +13

    You deserve more subscribers. Too funny!!!

  • @lenakataeva7525
    @lenakataeva7525 2 месяца назад +3

    Storm light archive sounds like he is prepared for waiting for hours 😅

  • @daniellegerber3908
    @daniellegerber3908 2 дня назад

    Brandon Sanderson. An excellent choice.

  • @aetherfloats
    @aetherfloats 2 месяца назад

    Always bring a book or an activity to the ER juuuust in case! It's the same in human ERs haha

  • @HelenCamile63
    @HelenCamile63 2 месяца назад +1

    I’ve always fed the vet techs. ❤❤❤

  • @nailsofinterest
    @nailsofinterest 13 дней назад

    😅" just swooning over here"

  • @michaelaevans1187
    @michaelaevans1187 2 месяца назад +1

    OATHBRINGER!!! I freaking love Brandon Sanderson

  • @heahterranier6926
    @heahterranier6926 2 месяца назад +1

    We drive almost 2 hours back to our old city to keep our long-time vet, so we never arrive without homemade snacks or bring them dessert from our favorite restaurant!

  • @sersastark
    @sersastark 2 месяца назад +1

    I charge my phone as best i can so I'm properly entertained when at the er for my baby boys. Lol

  • @lisanidog8178
    @lisanidog8178 2 месяца назад

    People bring snacks to their Vets as appreciation? Wow! I just say a thanks.

  • @pamelabell2216
    @pamelabell2216 Месяц назад

    Oathbringer! Brandon Sanderson!!!! Wooot

  • @EdonClark
    @EdonClark 20 дней назад

    I gotta remember to ask my cats vet about dental care.

  • @silver_the_rowlet2521
    @silver_the_rowlet2521 2 месяца назад +2

    After I got my lil guy when he was a pup, I ALWAYS came with his favorite treats! I fed him his good stuff the entire time, every time I took him to the vet. The techs even brought him a licky mat when they had to give him shots. Treats and good things were all he needed to know about the vet.

  • @user-hj6bb7qm9r
    @user-hj6bb7qm9r 2 месяца назад +1

    😅 witty facts.

  • @hallaloth3112
    @hallaloth3112 2 месяца назад

    Bold choice to have any of the Stormlight Archive in paperback. I have the first one in paperback before I knew what I was getting into. . .the rest are all hardcover.

  • @Nikkimommyof4
    @Nikkimommyof4 2 месяца назад

    I didn't realize not a lot of people give thank you gifts to their vets and staff members. I usually do this around every quarter because my dog goes there three days a week for daycare. They also groom her too so she's there pretty much all the time. I can't imagine having my dog and not having this team in my life. Of course I'm going to thank them for helping me take care of my doggo.

  • @rexv5109
    @rexv5109 2 месяца назад

    My vets got a chocolate cake last week when my cat had her arthritis injection since she'd (the cat, to be clear) turned 16 earlier in the week. We've been so lucky with this practice the last ten years, and especially their head vets - one of them came in half an hour before closing time on 23 December last year, and cried with me while we put my beautiful 18 year old void boi to sleep. I would do anything within my power for these people.

  • @KerryLuckett
    @KerryLuckett 2 месяца назад +1

    Okay, I subscribed. I kept getting your videos in my suggestions, and I have to admit, I am surrounded by negligent dog owners. I kind of want there to be a license to own a pet in my city (speaks to the tiny tyrant in me). Thanks for making these.😊

  • @Franimus
    @Franimus Месяц назад

    Great book!!!

  • @NessieFromTheLoch
    @NessieFromTheLoch 2 месяца назад +1

    wait I'm ALLOWED to take notes?! I never do because I don't want the vet to think I'm rude and not listening 😭

  • @Celeste-in-Oz
    @Celeste-in-Oz 2 месяца назад +3

    All these years I’ve been visiting vets, I never thought of writing notes! What a great idea 💡

  • @susanearhart7585
    @susanearhart7585 2 месяца назад

    I love the music!

  • @deannastone9377
    @deannastone9377 2 месяца назад


  • @TheMarionetteKitty
    @TheMarionetteKitty Месяц назад

    You should rename this to "Unicorn Owners" because I've honestly only seen the one that brings us food. One year, an owner brought us, no joke, an entire platter of shrimp cocktail for Christmas for seeing his pet on a holiday. And too many owners roll up to the ER with an aggressive dog, wait until it tries to bite the tech before they say, "Oh, he bites" or wait until the end of the exam to say, "Wow, he usually bites when you try to do that."

  • @ashleyder9164
    @ashleyder9164 2 месяца назад

    Brandon Sanderson, good choice 😊

  • @twistedbambi2370
    @twistedbambi2370 2 месяца назад

    I brush my puppers teeth basically every night and he still gets tartar build up so he needs to have bi-annual cleanings 😖

  • @o0Jahzara0o
    @o0Jahzara0o 2 месяца назад

    Have a vet appt today. Thanks to this video, I'll be bringing a notepad. :)

  • @darkermatter125.35
    @darkermatter125.35 2 месяца назад

    My pittie is terrified of other dogs. At the vet, I always have another person come with. I tell the front desk I am there and that she has a problem with other pets. THEN I go outside and get her with her muzzle on, or wait for a call saying it is ok for me to come in. I always take notes before I arrive so I remember all of her symptoms, and I can remember all of the instructions during the vet visit because my dog isn't bothered by the vet, she likes the extra petting. I will take notes in my phone in the car and file the paper records after the visit. I make sure she has a bath before (if possible, depends on pain level/health problem), and she is treated for fleas and vaccinated, for a worst case scenario. She used to be much better with tooth brushing, now not so much, so she gets chews for it, and i keep her ears very clean so she has never had an ear infection. I nursed her back to health when she was 8 weeks, I lost my job a week after getting her, and every dog owner that saw her said she was going to die. She has been through a lot of trauma, I am less financially stable because I am disabled, she had a very dangerous form of cancer and it might be coming back, but I will starve to afford her and stay awake until 5 am to make sure she is as comfortable as possible going out as possible. She is having trouble eating because one of my roommates became a domestic abuser, so I have been swotching up her food and adding salmon and eggs and things. She got sick of rice. She also needs bottled water because tap water puts stress on her kidneys, and I have a bunch of supplements, and things for her to chew to work out some stress.
    Never thought about bringing snacks though, I need to try that! Don't know what would be ideal though, I don't want someone left out.

  • @kaimatus843
    @kaimatus843 2 месяца назад

    Got that Brandon Sanderson

  • @blinkingbat7447
    @blinkingbat7447 2 месяца назад

    Y'know, I think I'm gonna bake some fudge brownies for next visit. I had to put my cat down last month and got pretty emotional, I hope they'll appreciate it

  • @emsies8116
    @emsies8116 2 месяца назад

    I love all the anime pet names he sneaks into the videos xD

  • @m.c.p.2066
    @m.c.p.2066 2 месяца назад

    As a vet, I concur! Also following recommendations, having insurance, keeping weight down, on preventatives as directed, UTD on vax, and trazodone/gabapentin before appts as recommended……..

  • @JakNekon
    @JakNekon 2 месяца назад


  • @akwyld2545
    @akwyld2545 2 месяца назад

    me n my older sis and, try and brush her dog's teeth at least once a week (he loves the taste of the paste, but hates the brushing process), as well as his regular dental sticks.... we try and go for the minty flavoured.

  • @Zarga8
    @Zarga8 2 месяца назад +5

    I took notes for my cat’s vet visits. I never did bring snacks, it didn’t occur to me.

  • @Callidus7SSM
    @Callidus7SSM 2 месяца назад

    I will never understand not being prepared to wait. When I tripped over my Timmothy I was so scared that I’d broken his leg. It all happened so fast, he darted under my foot as I took a step and then flopped on his side, I’ll never know how I managed to fall to the side instead of stepping on his ribs. (so I wasn’t sure at the time if I’d actually made contact with him or not)
    But when we got to the emergency pet hospital we had to wait a bit, which made sense, all the regular vets were closed. As worried as I was, it never crossed my mind to make a fuss about the wait time.
    He was perfectly fine, btw. A strained muscle that they gave him some kitty asprin for. I think my sprained ankle I didn’t feel until we got home and the adrenaline wore off might have actually been worse, lol. I’ll take me getting hurt over my baby any day.