We didn’t use any of our newborn diapers or clothes with our baby who was born at 9lbs and 1oz. 😂 So sad. I would add one more thing that you don’t need that’s very specific to this time in our world. You do not need a mask for your baby! A friend of mine offered me one the other day, because she had found a cute pattern online. While I know her heart was just to be helpful, the AAP says no masks until age 2, because they are a suffocation risk. Babies’ airways are too small for them. I know the anxiety that comes from wanting to make sure your baby is safe, but please no masks!
My 7lb 4 oz baby was In newborn size diaper and clothes for at least 3 weeks. She was/is a looonnngg slim baby with a tiny waist 😂 we were not expecting it as I was a 9lb baby! I hadn’t bought any newborn sized clothes so the day we came home from the hospital we had to swing by carters 😂
@@stephmitch8023 same here! My baby was born three weeks ago, and I was told she was going to be almost 10lb. She was 7lbs. 9oz. We had three newborn outfits and one small pack of newborn diapers. We had to go buy some. She is still in newborn!
I’m in my 30s and currently pregnant. I started watching stuff like this when I was farrrrr younger and genuinely my accumulated knowledge over the years has genuinely helped. Enjoy and you’ll thank yourself in 10-20 years.
I cannot stress enough how you have made my pregnancy a breeze in such a worrying time with this pandemic... I now recommend you to everyone who tells me they are pregnant, keep it up! We love you 🎉
If you receive boxes of newborn sized diapers as gifts, leave them sealed and trade them for larger ones as you need to! Target allows size swaps if it's unopened! I got 4 boxes at my shower, but my son only needed about 2 sleeves/small packages of tiny diapers before he sized up. It was a life saver in the first 2 months or so to just get the size he needed as we ran out rather than wasting half a box! (Alternative if you can afford it: consider donating some of the unopen boxes to shelters or women's services in your area. Often they can swap for needed sizes as well.)
Thank you for promoting safe sleep and safe car seat use! There are so many people on social media and youtube that promote unsafe practices so this is very refreshing.
“If you’re sober enough to drive you’re sober enough to breastfeed” 🙌 I tell people this all the time and they look at me like I’m insane, like I’m just straight up giving my baby a beer.
I can't handle the idea of introducing alcohol into my system with any knowledge I'm still physically connected to my baby. Early on I had a dream I drank a cup of wine and it drowned my baby in wine by filling the amniotic fluid and even though I know it doesn't work that way, you have no idea how much that dream mortified me. The more I thought about it the more I realized I just want to offer my baby the best of what I can, and I just don't consider alcohol to be the best. That being said I used to drink quite a bit and I think this is also just me realizing I feel like I just need to cut it out for a bit. I don't feel like my body handles it well because I notice things like I get bad hangovers and it takes me forever to get over them and it doesn't even take that much so do so. I've tried hangover prevention and cures and nothing really helps, so for whatever reason I think I'm just kind of done with it. Temporarilly at least if not long term. I'm sure not everyone feels that way and I get what she's saying in the video, but I just feel like in my case it would be irresponsible to even try and test those boundaries.
Don’t forget, it also affects taste. You are what you eat. I’ve seen babies be fussy nursing post beer. May have been the problem, maybe not. Something to consider.
My mother in law kept warning me not to get newborn clothes or diapers, cause my husband never fit into them. Then our baby was born at 36 weeks and even the few newborn things we had were huge on her and we had to scramble to get more newborn and premie things. She’s 3 months now and just now moving to size 1 diapers. So, maybe make sure you have SOME newborn things just in case
I'm experiencing this dilemma right now. Everyone has been assuming that because my pregnant belly is really big that my baby MUST be close to 9lbs. I barely have ANYTHING in Newborn size. Everyone purchased 0 - 3 months and 3 - 6 month sized clothes. I'm 36 weeks and just had an ultrasound where my baby was measured to be around 5 lbs. His growth has been pretty steady and in the normal range. I'm short and tend to have a big round baby bump when pregnant (this is baby#2). He's scheduled to be born in about 3 days when I'll be at 37 weeks. I'm packing two newborn outfits and two 0 - 3 months sized outfits to choose from. I have a feeling that he'll come in weighing between 6 - 7lbs at the most. I'll come back and update on my baby's birth size to see if my family was right or if my guess was right. UPDATE: Baby was born at 6lbs 6oz. Had to buy Newborn size pampers after receiving all size 1 pampers. Also, had to purchase some Premie sized clothes. My family was shocked ...I told them he wasn't going to be big.
With newborns I never use baby wipes, as I just feel they’re cold and too artificial. I always use cotton wool dipped in warm water to clean their bottoms for the first few months. I also feel you can make a bag of cotton wool last longer that a pack of wipes.
I'm going to say having "just in case" formula is ok. At 4 weeks postpartum, I was EBF, but had no extra milk just yet because I'm making just enough. I had to go to the ER from a PP visit for complications. If my husband didn't have formula at home, my baby would have been without food for 6 hours because the carseat was in my car, with me at the ER and he was stuck at home. Emergency formula is ok!
I agree! I’d recommend the little 2 oz bottles where you just attach a nipple. We had like 4 of them on hand. It was nice when I went out for a little & baby got hungry sooner than we expected. Edit: Your hospital might be able to give you these sample for free. Or the formula coupons should make them dirt cheap. Like $1 for 4 of them.
I was in the same boat. I made exactly 2 oz at a time not a drop more. I was very glad to have it in the house. Baby girl quickly out paced me regardless of what I did.
I have to agree I think having just in case formula is a really good idea. Birth, breastfeeding and postpartum can be really different for everyone and you never know when you might need some. Even if it's just a little bit.
My daughter is four weeks old, and I had so much trouble breastfeeding in the beginning. She had trouble latching and I wasn't producing enough. I was crying almost every night because she was crying and so hungry. My husband encouraged a bottle of formula on nights I wasn't able to feed her a lot because my mental health was getting worse over time. I'm now exclusively breastfeeding her, and she's able to latch just fine. I'm so thankful my husband helped me through that because I would've given up and just went to formula.
1- Crib bumpers 2- Anything you add to the car seat that was not provided (car seat strap covers, headrest pillows etc.) 3- Whole kit, the whole system of bottles (if you are breastfeeding). Because you need to let the baby try different bottles. 4- Nipple shield 5- Backup or safety formula on hand (if you are breastfeeding) 6-Breast milk alcohol strips 7- Whole bunch of newborn diapers 8- Whole bunch of newborn clothes 9- PPTP (a little piece of fabric that you put over your baby's penis when you change the diaper) 10- Newborn mittens and newborn socks
I'm not pregnant, I had my baby almost 19 years ago but I was intrigued and oh my I find your voice and way of speaking so pleasing, honestly you should make information videos about everything, I would watch in an instant 😊
Companies selling things that aren't safe: Money. It is because they're abusing the market and they know 'cute' items will sell. Moms want all these cute things and forget about safety and protocols.... So they buy them. It's the same in every industry, pet industry is very similar! Thank you for another helpful video!
@@Nurse_zabe It is SO incredibly frustrating. But I think videos like yours help mamas snap out of the 'buy everything' trance and rethink what they really need for the babies. I'm sure a lot of people never thought of them as being hazardous to the safety of the item until someone like you mentions it, so THANK YOU!
@@AmyHoldaway27 They sell ALL KINDS of cages and fish tanks that are too small for anything to live in, they sell toys and chews that are totally unsafe, they sell foods that aren't appropriate for their "target" species. All because people want a little postage stamp princess castle hamster cage, or a cutesy little goldfish bowl, or whatever that sells well.
💯 agree on everything! NICU nurse for over 4 years and mom to two and third on the way. Car seat and crib safety proven to be so important! NOTHING in either but baby 👶🏼❤️. Also NICU tip for diaper changes regardless of gender is to put the new diaper under the old/dirty diaper so that you wipe down in to the dirty one and then pull it away leaving the new one already in place! Ta-Da! Clean changing pads for all!
I love you for mentioning the crib bumpers. Got a lot of flack from my mother for not using them with my son(who is 10 weeks today) because and I quote “I used them when you were a baby and you were fine.” She also questions where I’m getting my information when I tell her things like that aren’t safe... she also wanted me to let my kid sleep in his bouncer. :/ It just makes me sad when the older generation thinks we’re being too cautious because they trust their own experiences over any new information, no matter the evidence. Not saying all older generations do this, but it’s sad when they do. Also on a funnier note: I feel my son was the exception with newborn diapers. We went through so many in his 1st month. His poor Daddy was always going back to the store in the first weeks.
Yes, this can be frustrating. I think a lot of people feel attacked for doing something that was unsafe in the past. But if you didn’t know, how could you do the right thing? When you know better, you do better. 💗
Wait til you get into food! "When you were his age, you already had French fries". My son is 5 months old and my mom keeps telling me things I use to eat. We have just introduced soilds and he isn't quite ready for baby led-weaning. And that's totally fine!
My baby is 5 weeks and still in NB diapers. We hadn’t bought any because we were told the hospital would give us some (which they did) but it wasn’t enough. So we’ve had to go back to the store several times for more boxes! My MIL also bought bumpers for the crib at her house and we had to tell her not to use them. We sent her a link to the America Academy of Pediatrics as proof that we weren’t being over protective.
Omg I wouldn’t have been able to get through BFing without a nipple shield. It was a lifesaver. My nipples are inverted so this allowed me to feed my newborn. I breastfed for 2 years.
Same. I can only nurse with a shield on. Baby won’t stay latched for more than 2 minutes without one and gets frustrated but if I wear it, and I’m not joking, he can nurse for TWO HOURS straight. It’s crazy.
I used a nipple shield the first week or so because of latching issues (flat nipples) but consulted with a lactation spcecialist to help me get rid of the shield because it was way too easy for my baby to eat, she just pulled the shield full of milk quickly and then got a lot of milk for litlle effort and that affected my milk supply because my body thought it didn't need to make a lot of milk. So I stopped using the shield just cold turkey. The first few nursing sessions were a bit fussy but she got a good latch in a day, a day! And yes, she had to work a bit harder for milk but now at 5 weeks she nurses with ease. And by nursing, she also "fixed" my flat nipples. My point is, the shield is supposed to be a temporary help, not a permanent tool and everyone can nurse without it.
Same. My son refused to breastfeed without it til he was 3 months, then he was able to drop it (for which I was very thankful!) But for those 3 months it was essential. I wish I hadn't spent so much time stressing over using it and feeling like I was doing breastfeeding wrong.
So annoyed by her comment on nipple shields. My baby girl is 6 weeks old and just now can start to latch without it because of flat nipples. I wouldn’t have been able to breastfeed at all without it. Definitely some misinformation, and discouraging a new mom who is doing whatever they can to feed their baby is ridiculous.
Yes, y’all! Nipple shields can be great and save a breastfeeding relationship, but they are not needed by all women or even all women with flat nipples. Hence their inclusion in this video.
I almost didn’t watch because most videos like this are about certain brands of strollers, boppys etc but I love how you manage to share unique content that’s useful, educational and often times things I’d never think of ! 💖
Just have to say, I NEEDED a nipple shield for my baby, and I desperately wish it had been given/suggested to me earlier than when it was. It would have saved me so much mental anguish from not being able to nurse my baby. It also made transfer from nipple to bottle sooo simple.
Nipple shields can definitely save a breastfeeding relationship. But not every mom needs one. They also come in different sizes and proper fitting and education are essential.
I use nipple shields too..I’d rather do that and keep feeding my baby than want to give up because it hurts too much or is too stressful. Maybe eventually I can stop using it!
I had no idea nipple shields were a thing until like day three in the hospitals when the lactation consultant grabbed one for me. Game changing for us. But yeah, don’t get why it’s something people would get before they need it, as it was an extra hassle
One clever thing my inlaws did with bumper pads when my sister in law's daughter started walking was they wrapped it around their coffee table that had some rough edges and metal ornate legs.
I tried bumpers with my first and the biggest lesson was the world doesnt have bumpers. Lil bumps along the way teaches children to be cautious. Always under supervision and guarding them from a big injury but allowing them the explorer and learn from their environment.
Hi Nurse Zabe, I'm a highschool student and I want to be a labor and delivery nurse or midwife. I love watching your videos, they are so informative and helpful. I was wondering where you attended school after highschool, the degrees you have, and how many years they took to achieve. thanks so much, it's so nice of you to make these videos.
My daughter was a preemie so, after the hospital did her car seat test, they used like 3 receiving blankets rolled them up and showed me how to make sure my daughter isn't slumped down in her seat.
That’s why we didn’t buy the car seat until after our daughter was born. Some companies over here in Germany lend you a seat two weeks before your due date and then after your baby is born you take the baby, the car seat and your car there and they will find the seat that is best suited for your baby, your car and yourself. We were expecting a big baby. But then our daughter ended up being eight weeks premature and left the hospital after five weeks. We got a modular car seat especially suited for preemies (Pixel by Avionaut. It is a Polish company so I’m not sure if you can get it in North America). The seat was perfect and she did not slump down at all - on top of that it is super light weight. She sat in there more securely than most full term babies. So I recommend not to buy a car seat before your baby is born if there is the opportunity to take one home before your due date and then exchange it once the baby is born.
Due in 5 weeks, these lists are so helpful! It’s hard for me to know exactly what I will need, but I love hearing that most of the expensive, short-term stuff is unnecessary. We’re trying to buy as little as possible.
I would like to thank you for making videos. Almost nine months ago I went into labor 5 weeks early as scary as it was I had an idea of what to expect and tips for what was going to happen. I still watch and send the videos to friends I know that are expecting. Thank you for taking your extra time to help others. ❤️
I'm ftm 4 weeks pp and my partner just asked me why I'm watching this as I've watched 10000s of vids 😅.. My response was it's never a bad thing to learn, learn and learn some more! Plus your videos are not only educational but relaxed and like a friend is chatting to me 😅 Also you are looking fabulous! I hope you are doing well 💙
Thanks for making this video! I'm due with my first baby in a month, and with this COVID stuff going on we can't attend parenting classes. So your videos have helped a lot with preparing! I had no idea about the infant car seat straps; someone bought us those at our baby shower and I thought they were adorable and handy, but I will definitely refrain from using them.
Same! I’m due early September. Ask your hospital if they’re offering online classes! Ours did and they aren’t necessarily as comprehensive but they are very helpful
Honestly I still think it's worth having some backup formula for emergency kinda situations. When I was born they discovered that my mum couldn't breastfeed but she was pushed to keep trying. They got me home at a few days old and I still hadn't been able to feed properly. Then I started pissing crystals basically so dad had to run out at 3 am to find a gas station with formula. It'd worry me to not have just a small amount home in case I need it.
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!! You are the first RUclipsr I’ve seen speak up about safe sleep and safe, evidence based baby care!! I plan on making some videos about this soon, since October is pregnancy/Infant loss awareness month.
Thank you your knowledge ♡ I am due December 4th with my first baby and am not feeling as overwhelmed when I watch your videos ♡ this pandemic is such a hassle for information.
One thing I expected you to mention is dock-a-tots/other similar products. It seems that every time I see them, they’re being used in a crib or bassinet for sleep time, but they’re definitely not safe for that.
I actually talked about these in my first video, the dock-a-tot and such things are OK for supervised time, but definitely not OK for sleep and not OK to put in the crib. The dock-a-tot, in my personal opinion, is way too expensive for what it is actually safe to be used for.
@@caitlinm8502 What??? Really???? You can buy them in Canada though....Also, buying a dock a tot is usually a sign of having "money" since they are so expensive. Its so dumb
Thank you for mentioning the crib bumpers!! My sister tried to convince me I should get the mesh ones because we are going to use the crib right away and baby could get stuck. I was like girl, those are not safe and could cause the baby to get stuck even more! I think another completely unnecessary item is a wipe warmer. No need for warm wipes, and I don’t know this for sure but I would suspect it to be easier for bacteria to grow/get on the wipes and then on your precious little ones bum.
Most people probably won't have to deal with this issue. My daughter came home with a feeding tube and the gloves really helped reduce the number of times she pulled it out.
Same here! And my son was a preemie and the nicu didn’t have any mittens that fit him. So they used some baby socks and the little wristbands with his name on them to keep them on his hands! 😂
Currently 26 weeks along with my first baby! So thankful to have your recommendations! I love how you mentioned that putting the cute straps and non-manufacture body supports onto car seats just adds an unknown variable to car seats! I never thought of this before. THANK YOU!
When my son was born, I was very fortunate in that he would take anything I was willing to give him. Breast, bottle (3 different nipple shapes), spoon, syringe, milk on a finger, squirt it into his mouth from a distance (accidentally), he didn’t care. He sucked so hard, he prolapsed my left nipple! The hospital I was at were against pacifiers until breast feeding was well established, but by day two, after he prolapsed me, they said “yeah, go ahead, he’s already taken several different delivery methods without nipple confusion, he’ll be fine.”
Really enjoyed your evidence based approach to things. And that you acknowledge that there are times when shields etc are appropriate and will potentially salvage feeding in the short term but that you also need to get someone to help you with the *whys* of pain/cracks/bleeding/poor transfer etc. because this long term will be the key to being able to make informed decisions going forward.
Your hair looks amazing in this video. Love it! I am not pregnant not trying at the moment. We are waiting for after our wedding which was put on hold due to COVID. But so looking forward to becoming a mom in the future. I look forward to your videos to prep myself as much as possible and become educated. Thank you!!!
Yessss!!!! yes on the nipple shield!! As an IBCLC I always say the same thing, No need to buy it ahead of time. It can be determined after your baby arrives if you need one. YAAAAAS on the "back up formula" too. Thank you for the awesome information and for giving such good advice to families. Your channel is awesome.
I’d say backup formula is good during a pandemic... you don’t want to be stuck trying to go to the store at 3 am or whatever it is with a newborn baby if you don’t have a spouse or help. Buying ahead of time probably is a better idea. Or even getting little samples in the mail.
Imon i didn’t say there was a shortage. Just bringing a newborn to a store is a risk to their health if you have to go and get something last minute in the middle of the night (I’ve been there). If you plan ahead you can order for pickup or get it in the mail to be better prepared and not have to bring a baby in a germ infested grocery store.
We kept some in case something happened to me and I couldn’t feed him. (I exclusively nursed, so we hardly had extra milk in the fridge unless I knew I was going to be away for a few hours).
Thank you so much for making this! 17 weeks pregnant first time mom. Was gifted crib bumpers and while they're cute, had no idea they're not safe! Just going to put them on the outside of the crib (completely out of reach) as a safe decoration.
Bless you for presenting the positives about nipple shields! I was given one in the hospital because of nipple inversion (which I now think might have been from an epidural after watching another one of your videos!) and got so much backlash from my daughter’s pediatrician.
Your channel is really saving me, I’m pregnant with my first baby and no one in my family has young kids so everything is totally brand new to me. I’ve learned so much from your videos thank you! ❤️❤️❤️
Lisa Aube I’m glad she made that comment!! I’m currently 33weeks with my first and its a boy. We decided on not circumcising and I had no idea about this fact either. Just one more reason to support our decision.
Same! My six-week-old isn't circumcised and he's only peed once during a diaper change (and we've changed a LOT of diapers). I was wondering why other people made such a fuss about boys peeing during diaper changes...!
I did not circumcise my son when he was born, and he only peed on me once or twice! So glad to see women changing the "norm" and keeping their little boys intact! No shade to anyone who does though!♥️
Crib bumpers have actually been banned in the state of Maryland for many years due to the risk to babies health and safety. Unfortunately, many people care more about the "aesthetic" of the baby's room then the actual safety.
I’m glad they’re banned there! Geez, those things are hella ugly anyway, so not sure why they’d want that for the aesthetic in the first place (not that it would be important anyway) 😅
I don't even have kids yet and i am not even pregnant. But my fiancé and i are trying to conceive. And all your videos are so helpful. I've been binge watching them. So that i am prepared when the time comes.
I feel really bad! The first thing I got was mittens for my baby (he hasn’t been born yet) and one of the first gifts I’ve received from the registry. When would it be okay to use them (without bothering them)?
2 mins into the video, and I want to thank you so much for clearing up my doubts about crib bumpers! I was so confused about why every picture of cribs online shows bumpers.
I appreciate this video, there's just too many products out there it's kinda overwhelming. It's good to hear your explanation on why you think those products are not necessary, if people choose to buy it, it's their preference.
All great advice as usual! The only advice that didn’t work for us was the newborn sizes. We didn’t buy any newborn size diapers but ended up using 4 boxes of newborns before she could comfortably wear size 1 even though she was full term.
But the good thing is, stores are still open once the baby is born. You can ask your husband to buy some newborn diapers on his way to pick you up at the hospital. It’s lot better than stocking up on them and then eventually not needing them.
I love your videos I learn a lot. I’m 3 months postpartum and I’m discovering so many changes like post partum hair loss. Could you make a videos about changes to your body postpartum?
From my mother in laws recommendation, I bought very few newborn size clothes but my daughter was tiny! 2.59kg, she is now 7w 2d and still in newborn clothes. We had to go buy premmie (5x0 sizes) for her. Still in newborn nappies as well. Every baby is different.
I would like your viewpoint on the mittens bc after watching this video (even though I loved it, I feel really bad! The first thing I got was mittens for my baby (he hasn’t been born yet) and one of the first gifts I’ve received from the registry. When would it be okay to use them (without bothering them)?
Nurse Zabe, thank you so much for the video! I realize that you are a champion for exclusive breastfeeding, and that’s great. It’s a great option. As someone who tried and tried, it’s incredibly frustrating to hear you say that having formula on hand is not needed or a good idea. When my baby girl was loosing weight and unhappy and miserable that in turn spiked my post partem depression and I was close to harming us both because I was getting no sleep AND was so so stressed. I understand that baby’s are OK to loose some weight at birth. But what we don’t ever talk about is how much that can traumatize a new mom while everyone is telling her “this is all normal” she might be nodding her head but in reality it’s not normal to feel that stressed and out of control. I really would like to see more moms sent home with formula so that they can get bigger stretches of sleep and really enjoy being a new mom. I feel so often that I didn’t get enjoy the first month of my kiddos life because I was engrossed in how tiny and unhealthy she looked because we were never encouraged to try formula so we could get some rest and she could go to bed happy and full just once. Stress does not help your milk supply, nor does having chunks of your nipple come off in your bra from trying so hard. I just really wish we could acknowledge that sometimes it’s not about what’s “best for the baby”, what’s best for the baby is to have a happy, mentally secure mom who feels empowered and getting sleep. If we had been offered and encouraged to use formula sooner I think my mental health would have been much better. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I love your videos, I just thought my experience was worth sharing.
Thank you for sharing this mama! Breastfeeding looks different for every mom. Formula is a viable option for baby to grow. But when mom's goal is to exclusively breastfeed having formula around is not recommended. It sounds you could have benefited from having more breastfeeding support and guidance and from working one-one with a lactation consultant (IBCLC) to better support your individual goal. As a lactation consultant, I always want to know what is mom's feeding goal and what is her plan to follow once at home. If baby is not growing and thriving on mom's milk because of breastfeeding difficulties, there are other options available (effective breastfeeding, expressing mom's milk, donor's milk or formula IF medically indicated). The bottom line is baby needs to be fed. Sending love and light. All the best to you! :)
Thank you for sharing your heart and your story. I’m sure it wasn’t easy and I appreciate the feedback. Maintaining your mental health is always more important than exclusive breastfeeding. And no one should be telling you that bleeding nipples is normal either. I hear what you’re saying, what many of you have said and I’m going to make a video on formula as one of my next few. 💗
I don't think a lot of people know it's not safe to add 'extras' to car seats! I certainly didn't with my first and added a head bumper and shoulder pads because it came without. Thankfully my second baby's seat came with them. 👍🏼
Yes, it’s super confusing since they are easily available in the store. Always check the manual to see what add-ons, if any, are ok. Babies are honestly fine without the extra padding if the car seat comes without. 😊
Our awesome NICU nurse educated us in this during discharge. I hadn't know that either! Thankfully I hadn't even thought about buying extras for the carseat.
I am only 7 weeks into my first pregnancy. I’m so glad I found this channel. I will definitely be binging for the next 7 months! Thanks so much. This info is so good to have for clueless new moms like me!
That was such an interesting point you made about circumcision. I was always of the mindset that my husband would decide if our baby would be circumcised or not. Well I am 39 weeks pregnant with a baby boy and we decided not to circumcise (my husband was very quick to say no to that lol). This will just be an added bonus that I hadn't considered. Thank you also for bringing up the unsafe things. I am a professional infant caregiver and I feel I'm always butting heads with parents on why we aren't allowed to use certain products at our center. (bumpers, sleeping in swings or car seats, bottle warmers, amber teething necklaces, they have to sleep on their back, etc.)
I cannot believe that circumcision is something a majority of people have in the USA. For religious reasons, fine. But anything else its just unnecessary genital mutilation. In the UK only jewish boys are circumcised. No medical reason for it unlike what you may have been told
@@KT-mj9kf Oh believe me I'm aware that there is no medical reason for it. And while more people are becoming aware of that fact it is still largely prevalent. I gave birth to my healthy boy and I was asked multiple times while at the hospital whether or not we were circumcising. And I've been asked at every pediatrician appointment whether or not he was circumcised at the beginning of the visit. It is just assumed that one will circumcise their son. Hopefully this will start to change.
I love this video and as a soon to be mom of 2, I agree with almost everything. The only thing I don't necessarily agree on is that you even need ANY bottles if you're planning on breastfeeding exclusively. Of course if you're using a pump, you will have bottles that the milk goes into while pumping but the baby doesn't have to drink out of those. You can spoon or cup feed your baby from day one. We had to do it when she was first born because she'd be super fussy when hungry and wouldn't latch until she had calmed down a bit, so the IBCLC at the hospital showed me how to do it. But she never even once had milk from a bottle. It wasn't necessary because I was always there to breastfeed her or my partner fed her from a cup when I couldn't be there. I know that many IBCLCs advise against using bottles (or dummies) with breastfed babies to avoid nipple confusion, at least where I live and I just never had a need for them either. My daughter also never had a dummy and she doesn't suck on her thumb or fingers either which is what I heard as a main argument for the dummy, when we decided against using one.
I exclusively breastfed and I’ve had CPS visits because of an open case against my baby’s dad (my ex) since my baby was born. and they had to make sure I had formula and diapers even though I was nursing. So I’m glad I had the formula the hospital sent me home with. So having back up formula isn’t a bad thing lol
What a joke. Are they completely uneducated? My word. I have had 5 children and never had formula in the house. That has nothing to do with your ability as a parent. Wow.
I didn't buy ANY newborn stuff because both my boyfriend and I were big babies and didn't wear newborn clothes. Joke was on me, she is just about 4 weeks old now and still in newborn diapers and clothes. Lol
Great video! A lactation consultant gave me several nipple shields to help nurse my 32 weeker twins nurse in the NICU. She said it helped them work less to eat (preemies are weak at first), but as you said, once it was time to get rid of that nipple shield -- good riddance! I understand it was necessary in my case but unless they're necessary, it's only more work for the mom!
Yes! I don’t know how crib bumpers are still around! So unnecessary and unsafe. Have you seen those crazy mesh baby hammocks for the crib? Those things freak me out a bit, lol!
Your hair looks lovely in this video. Can you do a video on the first few days home with a newborn? How it typically goes. We are ftp and have never been around babies. Due in a few weeks. Thank you.
I don’t! Honestly this is a great video idea, but I think it’s tough because I don’t actually have a newborn and things kind of all blur together. I’ll try to think what I can add to one. I’m sure there a ton of DITL with a newborn on RUclips!
Buy a nipple shield just in case! The 4th day of my baby's life my nipples were bleeding n cracked! My little one had a tongue tie but lactation never checked n just told me to keep trying n put nipple cream on n change position! Not every lactation consultant is a good one!!!!! There is no way to know if your baby has a tongue tie until they are here but would have loved to have the shield before my nipples where bleeding n scabbing! If you end up not needing it. Return it but I would suggest buying it just to have on hand
That sounds like a horrible experience. I'm so sorry. You should've reported that lactation "consultant" because she clearly was NOT doing her job and I wonder how many other parents have suffered because of her lack of professionalism and care.
I didn’t stock up on anything newborn and baby boy stayed a peanut until he was well over a month old. So needless to say, we had to constantly buy newborn diapers and got A LOT of use out of our newborn clothing we did have. Another bummer is that when he was born, we were only a month into the pandemic and so the lactation consultants at the hospital were very hands off. We got very little help and the first thing they did is threw a nipple shield at me without any explanation. Little did I know it’s because I have flat nipples. So as a desperate first time mom, I used it and here we are at 3 months old now trying to ween off of it.
Aw, little peanuts are so fun and sweet too. And weaning of the nipple shield now is great! They certainly have their place and can be helpful. I’m sorry you didn’t get more explanation I hope weaning goes well!
I had a very similar experience! My little girl was in "Up to one month" clothes until she was 8 weeks, and we had almost zero help with breastfeeding. The only time anyone actually helped was when her tounge tie was cut 🙈 she has only been seen once by a doctor and once by a qualified midwife since the day she was born :(
I love how informative and specific this video is!! Thanks so much, I was well aware of the crib bumpers but completely unaware of the dangers of the car seat insert! So thanks so much for that! Also I found a great & inexpensive way to try different bottles is to utilize free baby box’s/baby registry gift bags. I have received quite a few different types of bottles/nipples to try. Although I do plan on exclusively breastfeeding, I am a first time mom and I did go ahead and order a breast pump through my insurance just so I can be as prepared as possible to meet my baby’s specific wants and needs.
I stayed on top of my my sons nails and made sure they were short enough but he still would scratch himself and make himself bleed! Baby mittens can be ok!
@@katrienvdk Ok just so you know, I'll invite you over to the hospital so you can shorten my NEWBORN BABIES NAILS...YOU CANNOT CUT NAILS 5 MIN AFTER THEY POP OUT OF THE VAG...YET THEY CAN ALREADY SCRATCH THEMSELVES WITH THOSE NON-EXISTENT NAILS. Are you dumb or dumber???? WOW 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️
I've been bingeing your videos these past few weeks! My due date is Saturday. I have a feeling I wont go in by then 😩 Learned so much from your videos. Going to ask for a membrane sweep at my appointment on Monday! (Learned that from your induction video) Hope it helps!
I’m so glad I came across your channel!! I am finishing up my 1st trimester and all the information out there is so overwhelming. Love the tips from your video and am excited for my first pregnancy :)
Your videos have been so helpful. I'm due in 7 weeks with my 1st and these videos have just been a treasure trove of useful information. So thank you. Thank you for having this channel and helping us.
With my first we had the expensive Dr Brown bottles. With my second and my current baby, parent choice all the way! My babies preferred the cheaper and I did not have a problem with that haha
This is not my first rodeo, but having your videos to keep me in the right mental space as I approach week 41 is absolutely incredible. Thank you so much for these videos as well as your open-minded and considerate passion for all things baby and mama. My husband watches your videos and he's like "How is there another person on the planet as picky and as opinionated as you AND they agree with you?!" Some kindred spirit stuff right there, for sure. Congrats on your pregnancy, thank you again!
Typically, Montessori babies are moved to the floor bed at around 2-4 months old. They spend the first months sleeping in a Moses basket adjusting to life outside of the womb, after that they are weaned onto the crib mattress on the floor. The crib mattress should be placed away from walls on both sides and only covered with a fitted sheet. If you have wood floors I recommend a short haired rug on both sides to act as a cushion for when the baby first begins to become mobile, although be careful of longer haired rugs such as lambs wool as they pose a strangulation hazard. The bedroom must reflect the Montessori principal of the “prepared environment” meaning that every cord has a cord cover on it, every outlet has plug covers, every piece of furniture is anchored, and every toy is safe. Although it is not considered “Montessori” to offer the infant a pacifier I do recommend one until the first year due to the reduced risk of SIDS, Maria was a doctor after all. If you wish to use a floor bed frame, I would recommend the Sprout Kids floor bed as it is one of the safest on the market.
Omg those baby tee pee 🤣 I remember getting those for my first baby. I didn’t use them. If your scared of being pooped or peed on you might want to re think being a mama! It’s just part of it.
I mean I don’t ever want to be peed on. But more my issue with pee is that it gets all over their outfit and blankets and then we have to change everything. With or without the peepee teepee 😩
We just keep a tiny baby washcloth on the changing table to throw on his penis for changing lol And it's great to use to pat him dry before applying rash cream.
One thing I bought a few of and never ended up needing were fancy baby towels. Lol they’re so small and my babes liked using the bigger towels so they were all cozy while being taken out of the bath!
Could you possibly do a video on circumcising? My husband and I are split on this subject and there is so much data out there on it, I’d love an informed real opinion!
I think in a previous video she has said she will not do a video on this. She has said simply, she is not a fan and doesn't wish to talk about it further.
She definitely has talked about circumcising before, but I don't think it was a whole video. She is the first one who got me thinking about not circumcising our son!
Nipple shields were a lifesaver for me to get my little one to latch!!! I struggled for days and was ready to give up on trying to breastfeed when a midwife suggested that I give nipple shields a try to help with the latch. I came across them whilst I was pregnant, but thought it was only for sore nipples, so I didn’t bother buying it beforehand. Had no idea it could help with the latch!
Also, my daughter was born at 37 weeks at 5lbs 10oz, which was much smaller than expected and she stayed in newborn diapers for 3 months and could fit into newborn clothes until 3 1/2 months soooo I think it totally just depends! Most of the clothes we got were hand me downs and luckily we had plenty of newborn clothes, otherwise we would’ve had to have gone out and bought a ton of new outfits for her
Thank you so much for calling out unsafe baby products! It's unbelievable some of these are mass market available and can be so confusing for new parents. Especially mesh crib bumpers...they are not as much of a suffocation risk but are still an entrapment risk.Thanks for helping keep babies safe!
My son never pee’d on me and he isn’t circumcised. I was given pee pee tee pees and we didn’t use them 😂 Also, Babylist sells a bottle combination box with several different types for about $30 if you want to try a few.
Love that info on Babylist! I cut, for time, the part of the video where I suggested someone should have a bottle kit with different samples to try and then a gift card to get a full system, kind of like the Sephora perfume kit 😂
I remember when I just give birth to my first 2 1/2 years ago. I really wanted to breastfeed and took no back ups with me (formula). The midwife that was helping me breastfeed was horrible. He was latching and then didn't. Found it a bit difficult on the first night. So she give up and got a bottle from their fridge. All night she kept having a go at me saying "the NHS pays for this" "you should have bought ur own". All night long I kept having that. My intention was to breastfeed only but because of her I ended up bottle feeding and feeling guilty for using their milk FOR ONE NIGHT. I'm due in 7 weeks n hope the same midwife isn't their. I want to breast feed this time. But now I've bought bottles and back up feed just because of the first experience.
That's crazy! My hospital actually gave me free formula to take home with me. My pediatrician also gave me free formula all the time. The hospitals and doctors get LOADS of free samples from companies. Maybe things are different there (I'm in US) but that's still incredibly rude and unprofessional!
A similar thing happened to me. I intended on breastfeeding but the ward was no busy that none of the nurses/midwives had any time for us. I was in hospital for 2 days unexpectedly and didn't bring bottles or formula. One nurse made me feel really stupid for not bringing them and huffed and puffed about getting my baby some formula from their supply 😔. I'm pregnant again and hoping for a homebirth for a more relaxed environment with everything to hand.
As always - great information! And for anyone who thinks they'll have a low supply and keeps formula around for that reason: a true low supply is rare. I am feeding off one breast (Poland's Syndrome) and I supplemented at first because I didn't know. My 2 month old is exclusively breastfed now. If you've had surgeries, have Poland's, had cancer - it can definitely be done. Just don't fall into the top-up trap. If you really feel the need to supplement because of weight gain/jaundice (my main reasoning), consider an SNS and donor milk instead. Also, keep working through any pain to find a solution - see a good IBCLC.
We didn’t use any of our newborn diapers or clothes with our baby who was born at 9lbs and 1oz. 😂 So sad. I would add one more thing that you don’t need that’s very specific to this time in our world. You do not need a mask for your baby! A friend of mine offered me one the other day, because she had found a cute pattern online. While I know her heart was just to be helpful, the AAP says no masks until age 2, because they are a suffocation risk. Babies’ airways are too small for them. I know the
anxiety that comes from wanting to make sure your baby is safe, but please no masks!
OH MY GOSH, YES, NO MASKS FOR BABIES!!! That is such a great point. 💗
This comment should be pinned !
My 7lb 4 oz baby was In newborn size diaper and clothes for at least 3 weeks. She was/is a looonnngg slim baby with a tiny waist 😂 we were not expecting it as I was a 9lb baby! I hadn’t bought any newborn sized clothes so the day we came home from the hospital we had to swing by carters 😂
I just had my baby last Monday & she was 9lbs 1oz 😊 Shes still in newborn sizes though
@@stephmitch8023 same here! My baby was born three weeks ago, and I was told she was going to be almost 10lb. She was 7lbs. 9oz. We had three newborn outfits and one small pack of newborn diapers. We had to go buy some. She is still in newborn!
am i pregnant? no. do i have any children? no. am i a teenager with no boyfriend that just watched this video in its entirety? yes.
Honestly... Same
Look at you guys prepping for the future 😉
I’m in my 30s and currently pregnant. I started watching stuff like this when I was farrrrr younger and genuinely my accumulated knowledge over the years has genuinely helped. Enjoy and you’ll thank yourself in 10-20 years.
I cannot stress enough how you have made my pregnancy a breeze in such a worrying time with this pandemic... I now recommend you to everyone who tells me they are pregnant, keep it up! We love you 🎉
Aw, you are too sweet. Happy to help! 💗💗
Congratulations on becoming a mother and bundle of love! Wishing you a beautiful birth.
I'm so distracted by how much she reminds me of drew Barrymore I don't even know what to not use yet lol
I thought the same exact thing when i first started to watch her
Lol you nailed it!
Her face is similar & she has that cute lisp that Drew has 🥰
If you receive boxes of newborn sized diapers as gifts, leave them sealed and trade them for larger ones as you need to! Target allows size swaps if it's unopened! I got 4 boxes at my shower, but my son only needed about 2 sleeves/small packages of tiny diapers before he sized up. It was a life saver in the first 2 months or so to just get the size he needed as we ran out rather than wasting half a box!
(Alternative if you can afford it: consider donating some of the unopen boxes to shelters or women's services in your area. Often they can swap for needed sizes as well.)
Love both of these ideas!
Thank you for promoting safe sleep and safe car seat use! There are so many people on social media and youtube that promote unsafe practices so this is very refreshing.
My due date is tomorrow! All of these tips are wonderful, especially since I’ll be a first time mommy!. Super informative, thank you!
Good luck and Congrats!!!!!!❤️
Congratulations and praying for a safe, easy, happy delivery for you & baby!
Omg good luck honey ❤ wish you and your baby the best 💕❣💗💝
You’re so welcome! Congrats in advance 💗💗
Congratulations and Blessings 🌠
"you look stunning today."
me touches my unbrushed hair.... "do you think so?"
Me on the toilet "ah. Thank you"
Me, 28 weeks preggo, still in my pj's laying on the couch with all my titties out "aw thanks girl!!!" 😂💀
“If you’re sober enough to drive you’re sober enough to breastfeed” 🙌 I tell people this all the time and they look at me like I’m insane, like I’m just straight up giving my baby a beer.
They don’t realize kidneys are still working 😂
Family members are still even surprised when I say yes to alcohol and this is baby #2!😂
I can't handle the idea of introducing alcohol into my system with any knowledge I'm still physically connected to my baby. Early on I had a dream I drank a cup of wine and it drowned my baby in wine by filling the amniotic fluid and even though I know it doesn't work that way, you have no idea how much that dream mortified me. The more I thought about it the more I realized I just want to offer my baby the best of what I can, and I just don't consider alcohol to be the best. That being said I used to drink quite a bit and I think this is also just me realizing I feel like I just need to cut it out for a bit. I don't feel like my body handles it well because I notice things like I get bad hangovers and it takes me forever to get over them and it doesn't even take that much so do so. I've tried hangover prevention and cures and nothing really helps, so for whatever reason I think I'm just kind of done with it. Temporarilly at least if not long term.
I'm sure not everyone feels that way and I get what she's saying in the video, but I just feel like in my case it would be irresponsible to even try and test those boundaries.
Don’t forget, it also affects taste. You are what you eat. I’ve seen babies be fussy nursing post beer. May have been the problem, maybe not. Something to consider.
I think that's because most people say they are sober enough to drive when they clearly are not 🤣
I want to add something to the car seat theme: don’t put them in there with snowsuits oder thick jackets! The straps can’t get tight enough.
My mother in law kept warning me not to get newborn clothes or diapers, cause my husband never fit into them. Then our baby was born at 36 weeks and even the few newborn things we had were huge on her and we had to scramble to get more newborn and premie things. She’s 3 months now and just now moving to size 1 diapers. So, maybe make sure you have SOME newborn things just in case
Yes! Some are great! Just not a whole wardrobe full. 😊
I'm experiencing this dilemma right now. Everyone has been assuming that because my pregnant belly is really big that my baby MUST be close to 9lbs. I barely have ANYTHING in Newborn size. Everyone purchased 0 - 3 months and 3 - 6 month sized clothes. I'm 36 weeks and just had an ultrasound where my baby was measured to be around 5 lbs. His growth has been pretty steady and in the normal range. I'm short and tend to have a big round baby bump when pregnant (this is baby#2). He's scheduled to be born in about 3 days when I'll be at 37 weeks. I'm packing two newborn outfits and two 0 - 3 months sized outfits to choose from. I have a feeling that he'll come in weighing between 6 - 7lbs at the most. I'll come back and update on my baby's birth size to see if my family was right or if my guess was right.
UPDATE: Baby was born at 6lbs 6oz. Had to buy Newborn size pampers after receiving all size 1 pampers. Also, had to purchase some Premie sized clothes. My family was shocked ...I told them he wasn't going to be big.
@@TamTam-qe1hr Congratulations!!❤
Same, I have small babies, 6 lb range post term. I'll go through a whole big box of newborn diapers but my sister's babies don't fit newborn at all.
Agreed always have a few newborn items
With newborns I never use baby wipes, as I just feel they’re cold and too artificial.
I always use cotton wool dipped in warm water to clean their bottoms for the first few months. I also feel you can make a bag of cotton wool last longer that a pack of wipes.
When I'm buying gifts for friends' babies, I always buy outfits in 3-6, or 6-9 months sizes for exactly the reason you mentioned.
Yep, better to buy too big than too small. Even if the baby is very small or a preemie, they'll eventually fit into the clothes that are too big!
I'm going to say having "just in case" formula is ok. At 4 weeks postpartum, I was EBF, but had no extra milk just yet because I'm making just enough. I had to go to the ER from a PP visit for complications. If my husband didn't have formula at home, my baby would have been without food for 6 hours because the carseat was in my car, with me at the ER and he was stuck at home. Emergency formula is ok!
That’s a great point. Glad he was able to feed your little one. 💗
Same situation at 5 days PP!
I agree! I’d recommend the little 2 oz bottles where you just attach a nipple. We had like 4 of them on hand. It was nice when I went out for a little & baby got hungry sooner than we expected.
Edit: Your hospital might be able to give you these sample for free. Or the formula coupons should make them dirt cheap. Like $1 for 4 of them.
I was in the same boat. I made exactly 2 oz at a time not a drop more. I was very glad to have it in the house. Baby girl quickly out paced me regardless of what I did.
I have to agree I think having just in case formula is a really good idea. Birth, breastfeeding and postpartum can be really different for everyone and you never know when you might need some. Even if it's just a little bit.
My daughter is four weeks old, and I had so much trouble breastfeeding in the beginning. She had trouble latching and I wasn't producing enough. I was crying almost every night because she was crying and so hungry. My husband encouraged a bottle of formula on nights I wasn't able to feed her a lot because my mental health was getting worse over time. I'm now exclusively breastfeeding her, and she's able to latch just fine. I'm so thankful my husband helped me through that because I would've given up and just went to formula.
1- Crib bumpers
2- Anything you add to the car seat that was not provided (car seat strap covers, headrest pillows etc.)
3- Whole kit, the whole system of bottles (if you are breastfeeding). Because you need to let the baby try different bottles.
4- Nipple shield
5- Backup or safety formula on hand (if you are breastfeeding)
6-Breast milk alcohol strips
7- Whole bunch of newborn diapers
8- Whole bunch of newborn clothes
9- PPTP (a little piece of fabric that you put over your baby's penis when you change the diaper)
10- Newborn mittens and newborn socks
Thank you!
You are a star 💫😘
The pptp saves my life. I loved those!
you are the real MVP
Thank you so much
I'm not pregnant, I had my baby almost 19 years ago but I was intrigued and oh my I find your voice and way of speaking so pleasing, honestly you should make information videos about everything, I would watch in an instant 😊
Companies selling things that aren't safe: Money. It is because they're abusing the market and they know 'cute' items will sell. Moms want all these cute things and forget about safety and protocols.... So they buy them. It's the same in every industry, pet industry is very similar! Thank you for another helpful video!
Ugh, that’s frustrating and true 😩
@@Nurse_zabe It is SO incredibly frustrating. But I think videos like yours help mamas snap out of the 'buy everything' trance and rethink what they really need for the babies. I'm sure a lot of people never thought of them as being hazardous to the safety of the item until someone like you mentions it, so THANK YOU!
For real with the pet industry! At least the baby industry has a little bit of regulation- there's just NONE in the pet industry in the US!
@@Cabbage-dk6nu what do they do in the pet industry? 😨
@@AmyHoldaway27 They sell ALL KINDS of cages and fish tanks that are too small for anything to live in, they sell toys and chews that are totally unsafe, they sell foods that aren't appropriate for their "target" species. All because people want a little postage stamp princess castle hamster cage, or a cutesy little goldfish bowl, or whatever that sells well.
💯 agree on everything! NICU nurse for over 4 years and mom to two and third on the way. Car seat and crib safety proven to be so important! NOTHING in either but baby 👶🏼❤️. Also NICU tip for diaper changes regardless of gender is to put the new diaper under the old/dirty diaper so that you wipe down in to the dirty one and then pull it away leaving the new one already in place! Ta-Da! Clean changing pads for all!
Love that tip!
I love you for mentioning the crib bumpers. Got a lot of flack from my mother for not using them with my son(who is 10 weeks today) because and I quote “I used them when you were a baby and you were fine.” She also questions where I’m getting my information when I tell her things like that aren’t safe... she also wanted me to let my kid sleep in his bouncer. :/ It just makes me sad when the older generation thinks we’re being too cautious because they trust their own experiences over any new information, no matter the evidence. Not saying all older generations do this, but it’s sad when they do. Also on a funnier note: I feel my son was the exception with newborn diapers. We went through so many in his 1st month. His poor Daddy was always going back to the store in the first weeks.
Yes, this can be frustrating. I think a lot of people feel attacked for doing something that was unsafe in the past. But if you didn’t know, how could you do the right thing? When you know better, you do better. 💗
Wait til you get into food! "When you were his age, you already had French fries". My son is 5 months old and my mom keeps telling me things I use to eat. We have just introduced soilds and he isn't quite ready for baby led-weaning. And that's totally fine!
My baby is 5 weeks and still in NB diapers. We hadn’t bought any because we were told the hospital would give us some (which they did) but it wasn’t enough. So we’ve had to go back to the store several times for more boxes!
My MIL also bought bumpers for the crib at her house and we had to tell her not to use them. We sent her a link to the America Academy of Pediatrics as proof that we weren’t being over protective.
Oh the lovely “well I did this when you were a baby and you are fine” 😞
My mom is the same way, so you are not alone mama!
Omg I wouldn’t have been able to get through BFing without a nipple shield. It was a lifesaver. My nipples are inverted so this allowed me to feed my newborn. I breastfed for 2 years.
Same. I can only nurse with a shield on. Baby won’t stay latched for more than 2 minutes without one and gets frustrated but if I wear it, and I’m not joking, he can nurse for TWO HOURS straight. It’s crazy.
I used a nipple shield the first week or so because of latching issues (flat nipples) but consulted with a lactation spcecialist to help me get rid of the shield because it was way too easy for my baby to eat, she just pulled the shield full of milk quickly and then got a lot of milk for litlle effort and that affected my milk supply because my body thought it didn't need to make a lot of milk. So I stopped using the shield just cold turkey. The first few nursing sessions were a bit fussy but she got a good latch in a day, a day! And yes, she had to work a bit harder for milk but now at 5 weeks she nurses with ease. And by nursing, she also "fixed" my flat nipples. My point is, the shield is supposed to be a temporary help, not a permanent tool and everyone can nurse without it.
Same. My son refused to breastfeed without it til he was 3 months, then he was able to drop it (for which I was very thankful!) But for those 3 months it was essential. I wish I hadn't spent so much time stressing over using it and feeling like I was doing breastfeeding wrong.
So annoyed by her comment on nipple shields. My baby girl is 6 weeks old and just now can start to latch without it because of flat nipples. I wouldn’t have been able to breastfeed at all without it. Definitely some misinformation, and discouraging a new mom who is doing whatever they can to feed their baby is ridiculous.
Yes, y’all! Nipple shields can be great and save a breastfeeding relationship, but they are not needed by all women or even all women with flat nipples. Hence their inclusion in this video.
I almost didn’t watch because most videos like this are about certain brands of strollers, boppys etc but I love how you manage to share unique content that’s useful, educational and often times things I’d never think of ! 💖
I agree! :)
Just have to say, I NEEDED a nipple shield for my baby, and I desperately wish it had been given/suggested to me earlier than when it was. It would have saved me so much mental anguish from not being able to nurse my baby. It also made transfer from nipple to bottle sooo simple.
Sometimes they are totally a great tool! Just not needed for every mama. I’m glad they helped you. 💗
Nipple shields can definitely save a breastfeeding relationship. But not every mom needs one. They also come in different sizes and proper fitting and education are essential.
I use nipple shields too..I’d rather do that and keep feeding my baby than want to give up because it hurts too much or is too stressful. Maybe eventually I can stop using it!
They helped me too!
I had no idea nipple shields were a thing until like day three in the hospitals when the lactation consultant grabbed one for me. Game changing for us. But yeah, don’t get why it’s something people would get before they need it, as it was an extra hassle
I just got a job in OB as a new nurse after struggling thru 6 months of med surg 😂😅 I CANT WAIT.
Congratulations! I know the feeling. :)
One clever thing my inlaws did with bumper pads when my sister in law's daughter started walking was they wrapped it around their coffee table that had some rough edges and metal ornate legs.
I tried bumpers with my first and the biggest lesson was the world doesnt have bumpers. Lil bumps along the way teaches children to be cautious. Always under supervision and guarding them from a big injury but allowing them the explorer and learn from their environment.
Hi Nurse Zabe, I'm a highschool student and I want to be a labor and delivery nurse or midwife. I love watching your videos, they are so informative and helpful. I was wondering where you attended school after highschool, the degrees you have, and how many years they took to achieve. thanks so much, it's so nice of you to make these videos.
Hi! I have a video all about this, check it out: ruclips.net/video/Tmm731LhWCA/видео.html
Find a community college with a nurse program!!
My daughter was a preemie so, after the hospital did her car seat test, they used like 3 receiving blankets rolled them up and showed me how to make sure my daughter isn't slumped down in her seat.
Yup! That’s what we do so it doesn’t affect the actual fit of the car seat 😊
That’s why we didn’t buy the car seat until after our daughter was born. Some companies over here in Germany lend you a seat two weeks before your due date and then after your baby is born you take the baby, the car seat and your car there and they will find the seat that is best suited for your baby, your car and yourself. We were expecting a big baby. But then our daughter ended up being eight weeks premature and left the hospital after five weeks. We got a modular car seat especially suited for preemies (Pixel by Avionaut. It is a Polish company so I’m not sure if you can get it in North America). The seat was perfect and she did not slump down at all - on top of that it is super light weight. She sat in there more securely than most full term babies.
So I recommend not to buy a car seat before your baby is born if there is the opportunity to take one home before your due date and then exchange it once the baby is born.
Due in 5 weeks, these lists are so helpful! It’s hard for me to know exactly what I will need, but I love hearing that most of the expensive, short-term stuff is unnecessary. We’re trying to buy as little as possible.
Yes, you really need very little for babies, but everything is marketed and priced to think it is a necessity.
I would like to thank you for making videos. Almost nine months ago I went into labor 5 weeks early as scary as it was I had an idea of what to expect and tips for what was going to happen.
I still watch and send the videos to friends I know that are expecting.
Thank you for taking your extra time to help others.
You’re so welcome! Thankful you had some info and tools to help you with your surprising early delivery. 💗💗
I'm ftm 4 weeks pp and my partner just asked me why I'm watching this as I've watched 10000s of vids 😅.. My response was it's never a bad thing to learn, learn and learn some more! Plus your videos are not only educational but relaxed and like a friend is chatting to me 😅
Also you are looking fabulous! I hope you are doing well 💙
Aw, thanks! And agreed, you can never be too prepared! 💗
Thanks for making this video! I'm due with my first baby in a month, and with this COVID stuff going on we can't attend parenting classes. So your videos have helped a lot with preparing! I had no idea about the infant car seat straps; someone bought us those at our baby shower and I thought they were adorable and handy, but I will definitely refrain from using them.
They are so cute, it’s a shame they are unsafe 😩
Same! I’m due early September. Ask your hospital if they’re offering online classes! Ours did and they aren’t necessarily as comprehensive but they are very helpful
I feel like you saved me during my pregnancy with your videos. I wish you were everyone’s nurse. 🥺
Honestly I still think it's worth having some backup formula for emergency kinda situations. When I was born they discovered that my mum couldn't breastfeed but she was pushed to keep trying. They got me home at a few days old and I still hadn't been able to feed properly. Then I started pissing crystals basically so dad had to run out at 3 am to find a gas station with formula. It'd worry me to not have just a small amount home in case I need it.
I have a sample can of formula just in case. Mostly just in case something happens to mess
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!! You are the first RUclipsr I’ve seen speak up about safe sleep and safe, evidence based baby care!! I plan on making some videos about this soon, since October is pregnancy/Infant loss awareness month.
I can tell you’re an intact friendly labor and delivery nurse and I LOVE IT!!!
I agree!♥️
Thank you your knowledge ♡ I am due December 4th with my first baby and am not feeling as overwhelmed when I watch your videos ♡ this pandemic is such a hassle for information.
One thing I expected you to mention is dock-a-tots/other similar products. It seems that every time I see them, they’re being used in a crib or bassinet for sleep time, but they’re definitely not safe for that.
Right? I live in Canada and they are literally banned here.
Very true!
I actually talked about these in my first video, the dock-a-tot and such things are OK for supervised time, but definitely not OK for sleep and not OK to put in the crib. The dock-a-tot, in my personal opinion, is way too expensive for what it is actually safe to be used for.
Forgot you mentioned it in your first video, but glad you did! I wish they would stop being advertised/recommended as a place for baby to sleep
@@caitlinm8502 What??? Really???? You can buy them in Canada though....Also, buying a dock a tot is usually a sign of having "money" since they are so expensive. Its so dumb
Thank you for mentioning the crib bumpers!! My sister tried to convince me I should get the mesh ones because we are going to use the crib right away and baby could get stuck. I was like girl, those are not safe and could cause the baby to get stuck even more! I think another completely unnecessary item is a wipe warmer. No need for warm wipes, and I don’t know this for sure but I would suspect it to be easier for bacteria to grow/get on the wipes and then on your precious little ones bum.
Didnt even think about bacteria with a wipe warmer. 🤢 I wonder if there’s been any research on that.
@@Nurse_zabe I have heard this comment on a bunch of review/regret videos...as well as drying out being an issue.
All you need to do is warm it up in your hand for a second. I got one with my 5th baby. I barely used it at all.
Most people probably won't have to deal with this issue. My daughter came home with a feeding tube and the gloves really helped reduce the number of times she pulled it out.
Oh great point! Sweet little bub loved exploring with her hands a little too much. 💗
Same here! And my son was a preemie and the nicu didn’t have any mittens that fit him. So they used some baby socks and the little wristbands with his name on them to keep them on his hands! 😂
@@Nurse_zabe You were right though their face is the first thing they go to when upset. Those tubes are a great temptation for them. :)
Currently 26 weeks along with my first baby! So thankful to have your recommendations! I love how you mentioned that putting the cute straps and non-manufacture body supports onto car seats just adds an unknown variable to car seats! I never thought of this before. THANK YOU!
When my son was born, I was very fortunate in that he would take anything I was willing to give him. Breast, bottle (3 different nipple shapes), spoon, syringe, milk on a finger, squirt it into his mouth from a distance (accidentally), he didn’t care. He sucked so hard, he prolapsed my left nipple! The hospital I was at were against pacifiers until breast feeding was well established, but by day two, after he prolapsed me, they said “yeah, go ahead, he’s already taken several different delivery methods without nipple confusion, he’ll be fine.”
Really enjoyed your evidence based approach to things. And that you acknowledge that there are times when shields etc are appropriate and will potentially salvage feeding in the short term but that you also need to get someone to help you with the *whys* of pain/cracks/bleeding/poor transfer etc. because this long term will be the key to being able to make informed decisions going forward.
Yes! Getting to the bottom of breastfeeding struggles is so important for long term breastfeeding goals to be met. 💗
Your hair looks amazing in this video. Love it! I am not pregnant not trying at the moment. We are waiting for after our wedding which was put on hold due to COVID. But so looking forward to becoming a mom in the future. I look forward to your videos to prep myself as much as possible and become educated. Thank you!!!
Aw, thanks! And I’m so sorry your wedding was postponed. Unfortunately that’s happened to so many 2020 brides. 😢
Yessss!!!! yes on the nipple shield!! As an IBCLC I always say the same thing, No need to buy it ahead of time. It can be determined after your baby arrives if you need one. YAAAAAS on the "back up formula" too. Thank you for the awesome information and for giving such good advice to families. Your channel is awesome.
I’d say backup formula is good during a pandemic... you don’t want to be stuck trying to go to the store at 3 am or whatever it is with a newborn baby if you don’t have a spouse or help. Buying ahead of time probably is a better idea. Or even getting little samples in the mail.
There are limitations at most stores on how much baby formula you can buy so there is far from a shortage. They're all well stocked these days.
Imon i didn’t say there was a shortage. Just bringing a newborn to a store is a risk to their health if you have to go and get something last minute in the middle of the night (I’ve been there). If you plan ahead you can order for pickup or get it in the mail to be better prepared and not have to bring a baby in a germ infested grocery store.
We kept some in case something happened to me and I couldn’t feed him. (I exclusively nursed, so we hardly had extra milk in the fridge unless I knew I was going to be away for a few hours).
@@laurenstanderfer7214 lol, you make it sound as if they baby would be licking the counters.
Thank you so much for making this! 17 weeks pregnant first time mom. Was gifted crib bumpers and while they're cute, had no idea they're not safe! Just going to put them on the outside of the crib (completely out of reach) as a safe decoration.
Bless you for presenting the positives about nipple shields! I was given one in the hospital because of nipple inversion (which I now think might have been from an epidural after watching another one of your videos!) and got so much backlash from my daughter’s pediatrician.
They definitely have their time and place with supervision from an IBCLC. 💗
Your channel is really saving me, I’m pregnant with my first baby and no one in my family has young kids so everything is totally brand new to me. I’ve learned so much from your videos thank you! ❤️❤️❤️
That is so interesting about not circumcising, I had no idea! My boys aren’t circumcised and I was rarely peed on.
Lisa Aube I’m glad she made that comment!! I’m currently 33weeks with my first and its a boy. We decided on not circumcising and I had no idea about this fact either. Just one more reason to support our decision.
Same! My six-week-old isn't circumcised and he's only peed once during a diaper change (and we've changed a LOT of diapers). I was wondering why other people made such a fuss about boys peeing during diaper changes...!
I did not circumcise my son when he was born, and he only peed on me once or twice! So glad to see women changing the "norm" and keeping their little boys intact! No shade to anyone who does though!♥️
My uncircumcised baby boy peed on me more than my circumcised baby boy. 🤷♀️
Side note, my daughter peed on me wayyy more than my boys. I don't even know how she managed it!! 😂😂
Im expecting my first baby and during the pandemic its been way more stressful. Im so glad i found your videos, theyve been so helpful!
Crib bumpers have actually been banned in the state of Maryland for many years due to the risk to babies health and safety. Unfortunately, many people care more about the "aesthetic" of the baby's room then the actual safety.
That’s good to know! And I honestly hope people are just unaware of the danger 😩
Yet they’re still available in stores in SOMD 👎🏻
I’m glad they’re banned there! Geez, those things are hella ugly anyway, so not sure why they’d want that for the aesthetic in the first place (not that it would be important anyway) 😅
I don't even have kids yet and i am not even pregnant. But my fiancé and i are trying to conceive. And all your videos are so helpful. I've been binge watching them. So that i am prepared when the time comes.
Thanks for the tip on mittens! I haven't thought of them that way and I will definitely consider keeping them off unless really necessary
I feel really bad! The first thing I got was mittens for my baby (he hasn’t been born yet) and one of the first gifts I’ve received from the registry. When would it be okay to use them (without bothering them)?
2 mins into the video, and I want to thank you so much for clearing up my doubts about crib bumpers! I was so confused about why every picture of cribs online shows bumpers.
Oh my goodness, I need to seriously readjust my registry i had alot of these things on there!! 🤦🏻♀️
Yay! Glad this helped you make some changes. When you know better, you do better 💗
If you had nipple shields on there, often hospitals will provide them as well. I needed them for tounge tie and the lactation consultant gave me a few
I appreciate this video, there's just too many products out there it's kinda overwhelming. It's good to hear your explanation on why you think those products are not necessary, if people choose to buy it, it's their preference.
All great advice as usual! The only advice that didn’t work for us was the newborn sizes. We didn’t buy any newborn size diapers but ended up using 4 boxes of newborns before she could comfortably wear size 1 even though she was full term.
Aw, sweet little peanut. 💗
But the good thing is, stores are still open once the baby is born. You can ask your husband to buy some newborn diapers on his way to pick you up at the hospital. It’s lot better than stocking up on them and then eventually not needing them.
We were the same way! Baby came after due date, was 8lbs 11oz and two weeks later still using newborn and probably still will for a little bit
Omg!! I did not even THINK about what you said about car seats!! I am definitely reading the manual and seeing what should go in the car seat!
I love your videos I learn a lot. I’m 3 months postpartum and I’m discovering so many changes like post partum hair loss. Could you make a videos about changes to your body postpartum?
From my mother in laws recommendation, I bought very few newborn size clothes but my daughter was tiny! 2.59kg, she is now 7w 2d and still in newborn clothes. We had to go buy premmie (5x0 sizes) for her. Still in newborn nappies as well. Every baby is different.
I disagree on the mittens and nipple shield, but about the other stuff you made some good points.
I would like your viewpoint on the mittens bc after watching this video (even though I loved it, I feel really bad! The first thing I got was mittens for my baby (he hasn’t been born yet) and one of the first gifts I’ve received from the registry. When would it be okay to use them (without bothering them)?
Nurse Zabe, thank you so much for the video! I realize that you are a champion for exclusive breastfeeding, and that’s great. It’s a great option. As someone who tried and tried, it’s incredibly frustrating to hear you say that having formula on hand is not needed or a good idea. When my baby girl was loosing weight and unhappy and miserable that in turn spiked my post partem depression and I was close to harming us both because I was getting no sleep AND was so so stressed. I understand that baby’s are OK to loose some weight at birth. But what we don’t ever talk about is how much that can traumatize a new mom while everyone is telling her “this is all normal” she might be nodding her head but in reality it’s not normal to feel that stressed and out of control. I really would like to see more moms sent home with formula so that they can get bigger stretches of sleep and really enjoy being a new mom. I feel so often that I didn’t get enjoy the first month of my kiddos life because I was engrossed in how tiny and unhealthy she looked because we were never encouraged to try formula so we could get some rest and she could go to bed happy and full just once. Stress does not help your milk supply, nor does having chunks of your nipple come off in your bra from trying so hard. I just really wish we could acknowledge that sometimes it’s not about what’s “best for the baby”, what’s best for the baby is to have a happy, mentally secure mom who feels empowered and getting sleep. If we had been offered and encouraged to use formula sooner I think my mental health would have been much better. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I love your videos, I just thought my experience was worth sharing.
Thank you for sharing this mama! Breastfeeding looks different for every mom. Formula is a viable option for baby to grow. But when mom's goal is to exclusively breastfeed having formula around is not recommended. It sounds you could have benefited from having more breastfeeding support and guidance and from working one-one with a lactation consultant (IBCLC) to better support your individual goal. As a lactation consultant, I always want to know what is mom's feeding goal and what is her plan to follow once at home. If baby is not growing and thriving on mom's milk because of breastfeeding difficulties, there are other options available (effective breastfeeding, expressing mom's milk, donor's milk or formula IF medically indicated). The bottom line is baby needs to be fed. Sending love and light. All the best to you! :)
Thank you for sharing your heart and your story. I’m sure it wasn’t easy and I appreciate the feedback. Maintaining your mental health is always more important than exclusive breastfeeding. And no one should be telling you that bleeding nipples is normal either. I hear what you’re saying, what many of you have said and I’m going to make a video on formula as one of my next few. 💗
I don't think a lot of people know it's not safe to add 'extras' to car seats! I certainly didn't with my first and added a head bumper and shoulder pads because it came without. Thankfully my second baby's seat came with them. 👍🏼
Yes, it’s super confusing since they are easily available in the store. Always check the manual to see what add-ons, if any, are ok. Babies are honestly fine without the extra padding if the car seat comes without. 😊
Our awesome NICU nurse educated us in this during discharge. I hadn't know that either! Thankfully I hadn't even thought about buying extras for the carseat.
What brand did you use that came with it?
Evenflo Urbini Omni Plus Travel System with LiteMax Infant Car Seat
I get SO freaked out by his head flopping around 😬his head is flopped over at like a 45 degree angle
I am only 7 weeks into my first pregnancy. I’m so glad I found this channel. I will definitely be binging for the next 7 months! Thanks so much. This info is so good to have for clueless new moms like me!
That was such an interesting point you made about circumcision. I was always of the mindset that my husband would decide if our baby would be circumcised or not. Well I am 39 weeks pregnant with a baby boy and we decided not to circumcise (my husband was very quick to say no to that lol). This will just be an added bonus that I hadn't considered. Thank you also for bringing up the unsafe things. I am a professional infant caregiver and I feel I'm always butting heads with parents on why we aren't allowed to use certain products at our center. (bumpers, sleeping in swings or car seats, bottle warmers, amber teething necklaces, they have to sleep on their back, etc.)
I cannot believe that circumcision is something a majority of people have in the USA. For religious reasons, fine. But anything else its just unnecessary genital mutilation. In the UK only jewish boys are circumcised. No medical reason for it unlike what you may have been told
@@KT-mj9kf Oh believe me I'm aware that there is no medical reason for it. And while more people are becoming aware of that fact it is still largely prevalent. I gave birth to my healthy boy and I was asked multiple times while at the hospital whether or not we were circumcising. And I've been asked at every pediatrician appointment whether or not he was circumcised at the beginning of the visit. It is just assumed that one will circumcise their son. Hopefully this will start to change.
I love this video and as a soon to be mom of 2, I agree with almost everything.
The only thing I don't necessarily agree on is that you even need ANY bottles if you're planning on breastfeeding exclusively. Of course if you're using a pump, you will have bottles that the milk goes into while pumping but the baby doesn't have to drink out of those. You can spoon or cup feed your baby from day one. We had to do it when she was first born because she'd be super fussy when hungry and wouldn't latch until she had calmed down a bit, so the IBCLC at the hospital showed me how to do it.
But she never even once had milk from a bottle. It wasn't necessary because I was always there to breastfeed her or my partner fed her from a cup when I couldn't be there. I know that many IBCLCs advise against using bottles (or dummies) with breastfed babies to avoid nipple confusion, at least where I live and I just never had a need for them either. My daughter also never had a dummy and she doesn't suck on her thumb or fingers either which is what I heard as a main argument for the dummy, when we decided against using one.
I exclusively breastfed and I’ve had CPS visits because of an open case against my baby’s dad (my ex) since my baby was born. and they had to make sure I had formula and diapers even though I was nursing. So I’m glad I had the formula the hospital sent me home with. So having back up formula isn’t a bad thing lol
What a joke. Are they completely uneducated? My word. I have had 5 children and never had formula in the house. That has nothing to do with your ability as a parent. Wow.
Thank you for using your space to speak on safe car seat use. As a CPST I wish more hospitals trained staff in basics of car seat safety.
I didn't buy ANY newborn stuff because both my boyfriend and I were big babies and didn't wear newborn clothes. Joke was on me, she is just about 4 weeks old now and still in newborn diapers and clothes. Lol
😂😂😂😂 Little rascal
Same thing happened to me. My son was 6lbs and was in newborn size well over a month, but then he got CHUNKY lol
My daughter was 5lb13oz and was in them for a while too lol my husband and I were both small babies though
lol same for me, I had to go out and buy preemie clothes and he was full term just small
Great decision mama! My son went straight to 0-3 mos clothes. Congratulations!
Great video! A lactation consultant gave me several nipple shields to help nurse my 32 weeker twins nurse in the NICU. She said it helped them work less to eat (preemies are weak at first), but as you said, once it was time to get rid of that nipple shield -- good riddance! I understand it was necessary in my case but unless they're necessary, it's only more work for the mom!
Yes! I don’t know how crib bumpers are still around! So unnecessary and unsafe.
Have you seen those crazy mesh baby hammocks for the crib? Those things freak me out a bit, lol!
I haven’t, but just hearing about them raised my blood pressure by 20 points. 😬
I just want to publicly say, I freakin LOVE your opinionated, informative, professional advice! You’re a God send. Bless you! 😊
Your hair looks lovely in this video. Can you do a video on the first few days home with a newborn? How it typically goes. We are ftp and have never been around babies. Due in a few weeks. Thank you.
I don’t! Honestly this is a great video idea, but I think it’s tough because I don’t actually have a newborn and things kind of all blur together. I’ll try to think what I can add to one. I’m sure there a ton of DITL with a newborn on RUclips!
Buy a nipple shield just in case! The 4th day of my baby's life my nipples were bleeding n cracked! My little one had a tongue tie but lactation never checked n just told me to keep trying n put nipple cream on n change position! Not every lactation consultant is a good one!!!!! There is no way to know if your baby has a tongue tie until they are here but would have loved to have the shield before my nipples where bleeding n scabbing! If you end up not needing it. Return it but I would suggest buying it just to have on hand
That sounds like a horrible experience. I'm so sorry. You should've reported that lactation "consultant" because she clearly was NOT doing her job and I wonder how many other parents have suffered because of her lack of professionalism and care.
I didn’t stock up on anything newborn and baby boy stayed a peanut until he was well over a month old. So needless to say, we had to constantly buy newborn diapers and got A LOT of use out of our newborn clothing we did have. Another bummer is that when he was born, we were only a month into the pandemic and so the lactation consultants at the hospital were very hands off. We got very little help and the first thing they did is threw a nipple shield at me without any explanation. Little did I know it’s because I have flat nipples. So as a desperate first time mom, I used it and here we are at 3 months old now trying to ween off of it.
Aw, little peanuts are so fun and sweet too. And weaning of the nipple shield now is great! They certainly have their place and can be helpful. I’m sorry you didn’t get more explanation I hope weaning goes well!
We are the same! We had barely any newborn clothes/diapers and our peanut is a month old and still in newborn clothes so we had to buy more.
I had a very similar experience! My little girl was in "Up to one month" clothes until she was 8 weeks, and we had almost zero help with breastfeeding. The only time anyone actually helped was when her tounge tie was cut 🙈 she has only been seen once by a doctor and once by a qualified midwife since the day she was born :(
I love how informative and specific this video is!! Thanks so much, I was well aware of the crib bumpers but completely unaware of the dangers of the car seat insert! So thanks so much for that!
Also I found a great & inexpensive way to try different bottles is to utilize free baby box’s/baby registry gift bags. I have received quite a few different types of bottles/nipples to try. Although I do plan on exclusively breastfeeding, I am a first time mom and I did go ahead and order a breast pump through my insurance just so I can be as prepared as possible to meet my baby’s specific wants and needs.
That’s a great tip to get free bottles!
Another reason not to use baby mittens: it can mask early hunger signals!
Yes! 1000000%
Baby mittens are so babies dont scratch themselves
love_nyc_ you can just, you know, take care of their nails and shorten them?
I stayed on top of my my sons nails and made sure they were short enough but he still would scratch himself and make himself bleed! Baby mittens can be ok!
@@katrienvdk Ok just so you know, I'll invite you over to the hospital so you can shorten my NEWBORN BABIES NAILS...YOU CANNOT CUT NAILS 5 MIN AFTER THEY POP OUT OF THE VAG...YET THEY CAN ALREADY SCRATCH THEMSELVES WITH THOSE NON-EXISTENT NAILS. Are you dumb or dumber???? WOW 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️
Thank you for giving such a great information to the new mommies, these things are never told by any of the doctors or midwifes
I’m due December but learning ❤️❤️
Never to early to learn! 💗
I’m due in January, me too! Trying to be prepared 😜
So thankful you are talking about Safe Sleep! We are so thankful we learned about it before we had our baby.
It is so important! 💗
Love love these videos I'm learning so much from them. Can you make a car seat video about dos and dont. I'm due in September. Thanks
I certainly can! 💗
I second this!! I’m due in October and completely freaked out about car seats (and bassinets vs cribs) and would love to watch your tips on it!!!
Nurse Zabe you are truly a RUclips gem!!!
Thank you for these supplemental videos
I've been bingeing your videos these past few weeks! My due date is Saturday. I have a feeling I wont go in by then 😩 Learned so much from your videos. Going to ask for a membrane sweep at my appointment on Monday! (Learned that from your induction video) Hope it helps!
Yay! Good luck!
I’m so glad I came across your channel!! I am finishing up my 1st trimester and all the information out there is so overwhelming. Love the tips from your video and am excited for my first pregnancy :)
I used the baby socks on my kids hands only when they were chilly. The socks stayed on their hands much better like when they were in a swing.
I'm planning on doing that!
Me too, totally worked - way more helpful!
Your videos have been so helpful. I'm due in 7 weeks with my 1st and these videos have just been a treasure trove of useful information. So thank you. Thank you for having this channel and helping us.
You’re so welcome! Congrats on entering the final stretch of you pregnancy! 💗
I got crap for my 1st son using parent choice bottles because they were "cheap bottles" thats what he liked and only ones he would use
I wish my son liked those but that's the only brand so far that he absolutely refuses
With my first we had the expensive Dr Brown bottles. With my second and my current baby, parent choice all the way! My babies preferred the cheaper and I did not have a problem with that haha
I’ve heard lots of mamas love those bottles. You gotta do what works for your little! 💗
I like those bottles! I still use one for my 2.5 year old as a water bottle. Doesn’t leak when on it’s side or upside down!
Mine wasn't picky she used every bottle I had lmao I had six different kinds
This is not my first rodeo, but having your videos to keep me in the right mental space as I approach week 41 is absolutely incredible. Thank you so much for these videos as well as your open-minded and considerate passion for all things baby and mama. My husband watches your videos and he's like "How is there another person on the planet as picky and as opinionated as you AND they agree with you?!" Some kindred spirit stuff right there, for sure. Congrats on your pregnancy, thank you again!
Do you have any thoughts on Montessori floor beds for infants? Also, loved your "Brad Mondo" intro 😂❤️
Seconding this! I’m curious about your thoughts on babies sleeping alone on the floor and at what age you recommend starting it.
My son never tried to climb out of his crib, but when began to climb well, somewhere near 2.5, we moved to the floor.
Typically, Montessori babies are moved to the floor bed at around 2-4 months old. They spend the first months sleeping in a Moses basket adjusting to life outside of the womb, after that they are weaned onto the crib mattress on the floor. The crib mattress should be placed away from walls on both sides and only covered with a fitted sheet. If you have wood floors I recommend a short haired rug on both sides to act as a cushion for when the baby first begins to become mobile, although be careful of longer haired rugs such as lambs wool as they pose a strangulation hazard. The bedroom must reflect the Montessori principal of the “prepared environment” meaning that every cord has a cord cover on it, every outlet has plug covers, every piece of furniture is anchored, and every toy is safe. Although it is not considered “Montessori” to offer the infant a pacifier I do recommend one until the first year due to the reduced risk of SIDS, Maria was a doctor after all. If you wish to use a floor bed frame, I would recommend the Sprout Kids floor bed as it is one of the safest on the market.
@@birdie8663 oh thank you, that was so helpful!
@@aliesefitch1099 you are very welcome!
I’ve really enjoyed watching your videos through my pregnancy. Now that I’m ready to have my baby anytime now this has been so so very helpful💕🙏🏽
Omg those baby tee pee 🤣 I remember getting those for my first baby. I didn’t use them. If your scared of being pooped or peed on you might want to re think being a mama! It’s just part of it.
I mean I don’t ever want to be peed on. But more my issue with pee is that it gets all over their outfit and blankets and then we have to change everything. With or without the peepee teepee 😩
We just keep a tiny baby washcloth on the changing table to throw on his penis for changing lol And it's great to use to pat him dry before applying rash cream.
petuniaink great idea, especially because most parents already have those cloths so it’ll help save money, and can be washed easier. Thank you!
I just want my bed peed on less
One thing I bought a few of and never ended up needing were fancy baby towels. Lol they’re so small and my babes liked using the bigger towels so they were all cozy while being taken out of the bath!
Could you possibly do a video on circumcising? My husband and I are split on this subject and there is so much data out there on it, I’d love an informed real opinion!
Yes me too! I’m due in November with a boy and I’m so on the fence about circumcising 😫
I think in a previous video she has said she will not do a video on this. She has said simply, she is not a fan and doesn't wish to talk about it further.
She definitely has talked about circumcising before, but I don't think it was a whole video. She is the first one who got me thinking about not circumcising our son!
So I don’t have a video specifically about circumcision, but I discuss it here: ruclips.net/video/B4-Kgn5o0Tk/видео.html
Nurse Zabe thank you!!
Nipple shields were a lifesaver for me to get my little one to latch!!! I struggled for days and was ready to give up on trying to breastfeed when a midwife suggested that I give nipple shields a try to help with the latch. I came across them whilst I was pregnant, but thought it was only for sore nipples, so I didn’t bother buying it beforehand. Had no idea it could help with the latch!
Also, my daughter was born at 37 weeks at 5lbs 10oz, which was much smaller than expected and she stayed in newborn diapers for 3 months and could fit into newborn clothes until 3 1/2 months soooo I think it totally just depends! Most of the clothes we got were hand me downs and luckily we had plenty of newborn clothes, otherwise we would’ve had to have gone out and bought a ton of new outfits for her
Thank you so much for calling out unsafe baby products! It's unbelievable some of these are mass market available and can be so confusing for new parents. Especially mesh crib bumpers...they are not as much of a suffocation risk but are still an entrapment risk.Thanks for helping keep babies safe!
My son never pee’d on me and he isn’t circumcised. I was given pee pee tee pees and we didn’t use them 😂
Also, Babylist sells a bottle combination box with several different types for about $30 if you want to try a few.
Love that info on Babylist! I cut, for time, the part of the video where I suggested someone should have a bottle kit with different samples to try and then a gift card to get a full system, kind of like the Sephora perfume kit 😂
This is the gift I give all new mothers.
My kid peed on the cat when he got home for the first time 😂 the relationship between him and the cat never really got better
My husband and I love Babylist! It's been really helpful to us as first time dads considering we dont have anyone who knows this stuff in our life.
I’m glad you said about the aftermarket car seat products. 👍
I remember when I just give birth to my first 2 1/2 years ago. I really wanted to breastfeed and took no back ups with me (formula). The midwife that was helping me breastfeed was horrible. He was latching and then didn't. Found it a bit difficult on the first night. So she give up and got a bottle from their fridge.
All night she kept having a go at me saying "the NHS pays for this" "you should have bought ur own". All night long I kept having that. My intention was to breastfeed only but because of her I ended up bottle feeding and feeling guilty for using their milk FOR ONE NIGHT.
I'm due in 7 weeks n hope the same midwife isn't their. I want to breast feed this time. But now I've bought bottles and back up feed just because of the first experience.
That's crazy! My hospital actually gave me free formula to take home with me. My pediatrician also gave me free formula all the time. The hospitals and doctors get LOADS of free samples from companies. Maybe things are different there (I'm in US) but that's still incredibly rude and unprofessional!
@@Ashley-vz1yq Yeh it was ridiculous. Made me feel really guilty for "sponging of the the NHS".
A similar thing happened to me. I intended on breastfeeding but the ward was no busy that none of the nurses/midwives had any time for us. I was in hospital for 2 days unexpectedly and didn't bring bottles or formula. One nurse made me feel really stupid for not bringing them and huffed and puffed about getting my baby some formula from their supply 😔. I'm pregnant again and hoping for a homebirth for a more relaxed environment with everything to hand.
As always - great information!
And for anyone who thinks they'll have a low supply and keeps formula around for that reason: a true low supply is rare. I am feeding off one breast (Poland's Syndrome) and I supplemented at first because I didn't know. My 2 month old is exclusively breastfed now. If you've had surgeries, have Poland's, had cancer - it can definitely be done. Just don't fall into the top-up trap. If you really feel the need to supplement because of weight gain/jaundice (my main reasoning), consider an SNS and donor milk instead. Also, keep working through any pain to find a solution - see a good IBCLC.